End Term E Mination: N: A e A L Est o S S e C Ceg Ve
End Term E Mination: N: A e A L Est o S S e C Ceg Ve
End Term E Mination: N: A e A L Est o S S e C Ceg Ve
Paper Code: BBA B&/) TTM 203 Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Note: Attempt all questions as per internal choice given. Explain briefly (any three) of the following: (a) Occupational structure of India (b) Parallel economy (c) Foreign exchange management act (d) TRIMS
Explain the features of an under developed economy. How far are these features present in the Indian economy? (8,7) Or Distinguish between economic development and economic growth. Is an increase in real per capita income a good measure of economic development? (10,5) Examine the primary objectives of economic planning in India. How far have these been achieved? (8,7) Or Discuss the nature, magnitude and causes of unemployment problem in India. What measures will you suggest to generate employment opportunities in rural areas? (10,5) Explain the causes and remedial measures for adverse balance of payments in India. Discuss the important features of the export-import policy of India. (5,5,5) Or Explain the foreign exchange reserves position in India since 1991. What is the role of export promotion and import substitution since liberalization of Indian Economy. (5,10) Foreign direct investment (FDI) is increasingly important in economic development because of its close links in trade, financial flows and technology transfer". Explain this statement and examine the policy of the government regarding promoting foreign capital in India. (15) Or What are the objectives of WTO? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages for India.