This document contains exam questions for multiple subjects:
1) Capital Market and Financial Services - The questions cover topics like the capital market, primary and secondary markets, merchant banking, SEBI, and mutual funds.
2) Global Industrial Environment - The questions address topics such as sources of industrial finance, privatization, foreign capital, and industrial labor in India.
3) Business Administration Special Paper VII - The questions discuss change management, total quality management, cross-cultural management, turnaround management, and ERP.
This document contains exam questions for multiple subjects:
1) Capital Market and Financial Services - The questions cover topics like the capital market, primary and secondary markets, merchant banking, SEBI, and mutual funds.
2) Global Industrial Environment - The questions address topics such as sources of industrial finance, privatization, foreign capital, and industrial labor in India.
3) Business Administration Special Paper VII - The questions discuss change management, total quality management, cross-cultural management, turnaround management, and ERP.
This document contains exam questions for multiple subjects:
1) Capital Market and Financial Services - The questions cover topics like the capital market, primary and secondary markets, merchant banking, SEBI, and mutual funds.
2) Global Industrial Environment - The questions address topics such as sources of industrial finance, privatization, foreign capital, and industrial labor in India.
3) Business Administration Special Paper VII - The questions discuss change management, total quality management, cross-cultural management, turnaround management, and ERP.
This document contains exam questions for multiple subjects:
1) Capital Market and Financial Services - The questions cover topics like the capital market, primary and secondary markets, merchant banking, SEBI, and mutual funds.
2) Global Industrial Environment - The questions address topics such as sources of industrial finance, privatization, foreign capital, and industrial labor in India.
3) Business Administration Special Paper VII - The questions discuss change management, total quality management, cross-cultural management, turnaround management, and ERP.
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APRIL 2012
M. Com. ( Semester - IV ) (Compulsory) Examination - 2012
CAPITAL MARKET AND FINANCIAL SERVICES (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q.1) Explain the term Capital Market. State its characteristics. Analyse the functions of Capital Market. OR Q.1) (A) Describe in detail the Future Contract. (B) State Participants of Capital Market. Q.2) What is Primary Market ? State Participants of Primary Market. Describe in detail the functions of Primary Market. OR Q.2) Write notes : (a) Functions of Secondary Market (b) E-broking Q.3) What do you mean by Merchant Banking ? Analyse functions and various services rendered by Merchant Banker.
Q.3) (A) Describe Services of Portfolio Management.
(B) Explain Need of Credit Rating. Q.4) What is SEBI ? Describe in detail the background and functions of SEBI. OR Q.4) (A) Write a detail note on Indian Depository Receipts. (B) Explain the term External Commercial Borrowing. Q.5) Write short notes : (Any Four) (a) Types of Mutual Funds (b) Powers of SEBI (c) Advantages of Listing (d) Bombay Stock Exchange (e) Forward Contract (f) Credit Rating M. Com. ( Semester - IV ) (Compulsory) Examination - 2012 GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks. (3) Answers should be precise and to the point. Q.1) State and explain Internal Sources of Industrial Finance. OR Q.1) Review the Export - Import Policy since 1991. Q.2) Write short notes : (Any Two) (a) Globalisation (b) Foreign Direct Investment (c) Sericulture (d) Objectives of MNCs Q.3) Explain the concept, methods and impact of Privatisation on Indian Industry. OR Q.3) Review the importance and progress of Iron and Steel Industry in India. Q.4) Foreign Capital played important role in the Development of Indian Economy. Discuss. OR Q.4) What are the features of Industrial Labour in India ?
Q.5) Write short notes : (Any Two)
(a) Non-resident Investment (b) I.T. Industry (c) Need of Industrial Finance (d) Contract Labour
M. Com. ( Semester - IV ) Examination - 2012
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL PAPER - VII RECENT ADVANCES IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Group - D) (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) We live in the Age of Discontinuity. Discuss statement in the light of
External and Internal Forces for Change. OR Q.1) What do you mean by Management of Change ? What can be done to make the Change permanent ? Q.2) What is Total Quality Management ? Discuss the Traditional and Modern Approach to the Quality and explain the benefits of TQM. OR Q.2) State objections of Quality Control. Explain how it can be implemented in an organisation ? Q.3) Why is Cross-cultural Management important in Business ? Explain methods of Cross-culture Training. OR Q.3) Define Culture. Explain the five major dimensions in which Cultures differ according to Greet Hofstede. Q.4) Explain the connection between Industrial Sickness and Turnaround Management. When can we conclude that a business is sick ? OR Q.4) Explain Turnaround Situation and discuss the Revival Programme for a Sick Unit. Q.5) Write notes : (Any Two) (a) Application of ERP (b) DMAIC (c) Levels of Culture (d) Takeover Strategy (e) Types of Change