Here's What You're Asked To Do:: United Kingdom England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

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Heres what youre asked to do: Read the information. Write the names of the UK countries.

Complete the name of the flags. Colour the Union Jack combining the colours of the three flags.

N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 2

S_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Cross of ______________

Cross of ______________

1 )(E"#N$ 3

E _ _ _ _ _ _

3 4

W_ _ _ _

Cross of ______________

EN!"#N$ S%&'"#N$ W#"ES N&('HE(N )(E"#N$

The Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is the British flag. It is made up of three flags:

The cross of The cross of The cross of Ireland #a

t. !eorge for "ngland #a t. %ndre& for


cross on a white ground$

cotland #a

diagonal white cross on a blue ield$

t. 'atrick for (orthern

diagonal red cross on a white ground$

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