Lesson 2 Communities
Lesson 2 Communities
Lesson 2 Communities
Rev. 2013
Teacher Candidate: Deandrea Gibbs Lesson # 2 Subject/Grade: Social Studies/ 1st Date and Time of Lesson: Learning Objective: The students will be able to identify their place in the earth and expand their knowledge on their local community by illustrating their house, street, and town. Alignment with Standards: RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. SL.1.5 Add drawing or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: This lesson is integrated with arts and social studies. With the students learning about their community and the expansion of their community, this incorporates social studies. Also, with them being able to identify their place in the earth builds on their social studies skills. Another subject that is incorporated in this lesson is art because they will be illustrating their house, street, and town. Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Pre-Assessment- Ask students what a community is and what it consists of. During-Assessment- Students will participate in a brief discussion on the book. Post-Assessment- Students will construct their own Me on the MAP. This way I will be able to record if the students put the labels in order. Assessment for Objective 2 Use of Formative Assessment Their understanding about their place in the earth can assist in the later grades when they study maps.
The students will be able to identify their place in the earth and expand their knowledge on their local community by illustrating their house, street, and state.
Accommodations: Students will receive assistance if they have trouble spelling the labels (house, street, and town) and will also be assisted if they fail to understand what each concept means. Materials: Me on the MAP by: Joan Sweeney, Construction paper, crayons, plain white paper, string, Procedures:
1.) Ask the children about the community. a. Can you guys tell me what a community is? b. What are some things you see in your community? 2.) Tell the students that I will be talking to them about where they live and how it all fits together. 3.) Inform the students that I want them to listen to the reading because well be discussing sections of the book. 4.) Read the book to the students. 5.) Ask the students some questions throughout the book. a. What does your house look like?
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b. Does your street have a lot of houses? 6.) Have a brief discussion about the book. 7.) Explain the activity that they will be doing in relation to the book. a. Today you all will make a flipbook including yourself, your house, street, and town. 8.) Review the order of the book. a. Now lets make sure that we understand the order the book will be in. b. So what comes first? c. Refer back to the book if the children need assistance with the order. 9.) Provide the students with the example that I made for them. 10.) Pass out the flipbooks to each child. 11.) As students label and illustrate their pictures for the flipbook, walk around and see how each student is doing. 12.) Once students have completed this activity I will return the class back over to the cooperating teacher.
Activity Analysis:
Discussion of the book The discussion of the book supports the lesson objective because it is familiarizing the students about their surroundings and how there is much more to their community than what they see.
The flipbook The flipbook supports the lesson objective because the students are actually illustrating pictures and putting the labels (house, street, town, etc.) in order. This shows that they have a clear concept of where they belong and how each location relates to the other.
*Technology is not incorporated in this lesson because the children will be read a book and will be using their creative skills to illustrate which doesnt require the use of technology. * This lesson develops their understanding of their placement in the earth which is important for them to know for themselves and for the future when they reach higher-level grades. References: Common Core Standards
Rev. 2013
Points Grades Labels 2 2 Objective 5 5 Standard 5 5 DAP/CCC 5 5 Pre 7 6 During 7 6 Post 7 6 Accommodations 7 6 Materials 10 10 Procedures 15 14 Activity Analysis 15 14 Technology 5 5 References 5 5 Mechanics 5 5 Total 100 94