Genre Analysis 2
Genre Analysis 2
Genre Analysis 2
Inphinite S Saddler
In the discourse community of nursing, providing patient care is extremely important to the profession. Throughout the analysis we look at reoccurring situation in the nursing community, such as, safe nursing staff, gender discrimination, and advances in healthcare in nursing through journals, which are used as intercommunication among the discourse community. These situations has developed a genre in the longstanding community, and has been expressed and communicated to other nurses through journals.
The format of most nursing journals, includes a bolded title as first item on the page, then followed by the author with their degree next to their name. Also, before the article starts there is a belief summary about the article and the goals of the article. In the nursing profession the title or subject of the article is the central item. The title is what will attract a nurse to the article, although in other science professions journals are read based on who the author is. The degree followed by the authors name is a credential that they are educated about this topic and have experience in nursing. Of my three articles, every author use to being a working staff nurse. I think that means that nurses want to read about individuals who have been in their shoes. Finally, there is usually so type of introduction which is common in science related journals. These journals are not physically appealing and will only attract you if it is your nursing or something
Saddler 2 you interested in pursuing. All were four to eight pages long not including the extensive annotated bibliography. Nurses communicate with sharing similar experiences, or how to be a better nurse and this is why nurses read the journals. The structure helps them figure out before they read it, if this article will help improve them or a problem they already found a solution to.
Occurring to Amy Devitt , Genre is a dynamic response to and construction of recurring situation, one that changes historically and in different social groups, that adapts and grows as the social context changes, (Devitt 580). The foundation of nursing is the patient and it has been that way, since the professor came into existence. Ask any nurse or nursing student what is theyre main focus, and they will all include patient care. Think about it, the first medical professional you usually encounter at a hospital is a nurse. When you want an update or need help, who comes and assist you? Either an RN or lower ranking nurse, usually a LPN or CNA. (An LPN is a licensed practical nurse is an equivalent to an associate degree, and a CNA is a certified nursing assistant usually is done at a technical school and completed in a year). Nurses are the backbone of hospitals; they are the first face that you see and the last when you leave a floor. Their job is centered on making you healthier and comfortable while you are sick. They are always more nurses in a hospital than any other staff members and most likely a shortage of them employed at a hospital. This can cause a stressful environment when you are one person trying to assist four to six individuals. Numerous articles I saw topics were about: Dealing with Stress on the job, coping with a patient death, Stress among Nurses, and The unbearable patient. These journals sites and writers know that stress can influence and effect the goal of
Saddler 3 offering superior patient care, so that is why there were so many articles about how to deal with pressure. Errors can be made when a person is stressed out. To summarize the main goals of a nurse is: continually learning new policies and innovations in the medical field, providing proper patient care, and coping with the stress of the job.
Nursing is in my blood. My mom is a nurse; I am in school to be a nurse as well as my sister. I have never once seen a male charge nurse, which is a nursing supervisor and help RNs assist patients. If you ever had a complaint at a hospital, the person you spoke with was probably a charge nurse. The journal was about gender discrimination in nursing, it examined the lack of men in the nursing profession and nurse management positions. It found that men often do not want to enter into nursing field because it as seen as a women profession, or they want a more high ranking job. Nursing has always been looked at as a female role, while a doctor was looked at as a male role.
This article supported that gender bias and role stereotyping do still exist in educational programs. This article first presented the idea of few men entering the nursing profession or leaving soon after becoming a nurse. Then it cited references to authors who reported that there are gender bias against men in nursing, furthermore explored legal studies were male nurses felt that they were stereotyped in nursing or while on a job. Finally it offered ways to provide an equal opportunity work environment. These authors were completely honest about the stereotypes in their profession, while most occupations would try to hide their barriers to enter.
Saddler 4 Nursing is a predominantly female profession and most patients feel comfortable with a woman nurse, although a study showed women would not mind being examined by a male. Men in nursing do not have the same biological makeup as a woman, but I do not think that means that they cannot be a compassionate and caring nurse. Nursing is not the right profession for everyone. You have to be dedicated to helping others, having a positive attitude, and most importantly good communicate skills. Those three foundations are what really matters when becoming a nurse, as the nursing profession look to improving their barriers to enter other medical fields will do the same.
This literature review was ten pages long and gave an introductory paragraph of the topic and goals of the journal. The journal was easy to read and did not include medical jargon. The topic of discrimination in nursing is a distraction from the discourse community from accomplishing the goals of the genre, so the journal was written to refocus that genre goals on the patient. Once this obstacle is overcame they can concentration on providing good patient care and encouraging each other through the hardship of the jobs. Whether a patient is male or female should not matter to the nursing community, if a nurse is passionate about helping others, improving their skills, and providing proper care to all their patients then they are actively engaged in the genre.
End of life care is just as important has preparing the patient to leave the hospital. The reality of life is that at one point everyone dies. The nursing staff of a hospital carries the
Saddler 5 reasonability of providing the patient with the end of life care that they wish. The article opened with an introduction about the lack of proper education about AHCD. The article did not explain what AHCD is; due to this is a journal for individuals of the nursing profession. An advanced health care directive is written instructions to communicate the care & treatment you want if you can no longer make health care decisions. This document is extremely important if patient is in a position that they are unable to speak for themselves. The article reviewed a study performed in upstate New York about patients and nurses not understanding the AHCD form. The majority of the sample of nurses answered questions on the form wrong. This study shows that if they did not know how to answer the questions, then they could not help the patient answer the form. Also not only did they show inadequate knowledge about AHCD, they also did not always respect the wishes of the patient that filled out the AHCD. The conclusion was drawn to further educate nursing about the practices of AHCD through a supplementation course and incorporate it into nursing school programs. Nurses are bond ethically and required by law to respect a patient afterlife wishes and be knowledgeable. If a nurse failed to not comply they could face liability claims for medical battery.
This article showed that the nursing profession wants to ensure the proper care to patients not only for legal reasons but also to provide quality care to their patients. Some individuals find it hard to watch a patient die, because of religious beliefs. For example, individuals of the Amish community do not believe in blood transfusions. So if an Amish person needs a blood transfusion and turns it done, the nurse and doctor must respect that and let the person die. It is a nurses nature to want to do everything to save the patients life, but that is where AHCD comes in to fulfill the patients wishes. AHCD is about twenty years old, when it becomes older and when
Saddler 6 nurses are more informed about it, and it will lead to a more knowledgeable staff and better patient end of life care. The journal was around six pages and included a summary about the lack of knowledge about AHCD of upstate New York, thus providing information about what the journal would contain. The journal language contained words and subject matters someone who knows about the medical field would understand. The format of this journal was the same as the first journal, although this journal provided images and graph to support the claims of unknowledgeable nurses. The journal provides a reoccurring situation of advancement in patient care that nurses are lacking and is affecting patient care. This situation has been communicated through this journal to inform the nursing community that this is something they need to work on to improve to provide better patient care. This lack of knowledge about AHCD threatens to communicate the patient wishes and their confidence in the backbone of the hospital, both would compromise the goal of the genre.
As I mentioned before a nurses job is extremely stressful and havoc, this journal supported my claim. With budget cuts and nurse to patient ratios being increasing low in hospitals, this has caused stressful nurses and nurses to quit/leave at a faster ratio. In understaffed hospitals proper patient protocol and care can be overlooked and errors can be made. The article explored UTI (urinary tract infections), pneumonia and other common acute care errors that have been made because of limited number of nurses. The article found that the cost of hiring more
Saddler 7 nurse personnel is more cost effective than the errors of a limited staff, which can lead to legal issues. The journal says there is not a one size fits all solution to the short staffing of nursing.
Dealing with a limited staff of nurse and providing proper care is a new problem facing nursing today. This journal offers nurses a way to help them deal with a large number of patients. The structure of this journal did not include the credentials of the author, but did provide a summary of the journal. The journal could have been read by anyone with knowledge of basic medical illnesses, and available to the general public for free. This journal explored the major concern that is affecting nurses and healthcare, which is the understaffing of hospitals. A decline in nurses, directly correlates to decline in patient care. How can a nurse provide proper care, when they have thirty to sixty patients pay attention to? This situation which has been increasing in seriousness affect the goal of the genre, although this problem is caused by the government and privately owned clinics that care more about money than providing suitable patient care. To combat this issue nurses are encouraged to deal with stress and to encourage each other through difficult times.
The nursing profession is based on patient care and satisfaction. All the journals that I mentioned explored other issues but always came back to how to better the nursing profession and how to improve patient care. They are honest about their weaknesses as a genre and do not try to cover up the flaws. Unlike most science journals, nursing journals do not use medical terminology. Anyone that is not in the nursing profession could read them and get a basic
Saddler 8 understanding. I do not know any nurses that read nursing journals, including my mom. Most nursing journals are used in nursing schools, as supplement material to expose students to problems facing the nursing communities. Most nurses work off of experiences and on site experience is extremely important in landing a job after nursing school. Consequently, the journals are used in nursing schools to prepare students before clinicals, so they can do a good job and get recommendation letters. In addition, nursing is a more of a customer service medical profession then a science based. Unlike surgeons they do not need to learn multiple sutures or how to close a surgical wound. You do need to be knowledgeable about medical conditions, but as a general nurse having a positive attitude and a good communicate is very important too. In addition all the journals talked about the stress associated with being a nurse. I think that if any nurse do read these journals it is new nurses that do not know how to deal with the pressure of handling multiple patients.
The nursing journal are written in lamens terms and are written about reoccurring and new problems facing the community. As a genre, nursing journals are not effective in reaching many nurses but they do succeed in educating new nurses. Older nursing communicate with nurse who work on the job about issues on the job. Commonly nurses are good communicators and mandatory meetings are held every month. In strict hospitals, if you miss two meetings they will take away your vacation days. These strict punishments show that communication between members is extremely important. As a genre, I think that the nursing journals are not effective in reaching the common nurse. They are not used enough in the nursing community to help nurses that have graduated and working. They are other forms of communication that would be more helpful in reaching such a large community.
Saddler 9
Annotated Bibliography
Camphor, Shana. "Literature Review: Safe Nurse Staffing." Literature Review: Safe Nurse Staffing. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2013. <>. Devitt, A.J., (1993). Generalizing about Genre: New Conceptions of an Old Concept. College Composition and Communication, Vol. 44 (4) pp.575-584
Kouta, Christina, and Charis Kaite. Gender Discrimination and Nursing: A Literature Review 27.1 (2011): 59-63. Print.
Korning, Maureen. "Do Nurses Really Understand Advanced Health Care Directives?" Do Nurses Really Understand Advanced Health Care Directives? N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2013. <>.
Swales, John M. "2.2 Speech Communities and Discourse Communities." Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge [England: Cambridge UP, 1990. 23-24. Print