Ang Vs American Steamship Case Digest
Ang Vs American Steamship Case Digest
Ang Vs American Steamship Case Digest
American Steamship Agencies (19 SCRA 631) Facts: Yau Yue Commercial Bank of Hongkong agreed to sell 140 packages of galvanized steel durzinc sheets to Herminio Teves for $3 !4"#$ %$ &aid agreement 'as su()ect to the follo'ing terms* the purchase price should (e covered (+ a (ank draft 'hich should (e paid (+ Teves in e,change for the deliver+ to him of the (ill of lading to (e deposited 'ith honking and &hanghai Bank of -anila. that Teves 'ould present said (ill of lading to carrier/s agent! 0merican &teamship 0gencies 'hich 'ould then issue the 1permit to deliver imported articles2 to (e presented to the Bureau of customs to o(tain the release of the articles$ Yau Yue shipped the articles a(oard &$&$ Tensai -aru o'ned (+ 3issho &hipping Co$! of 'hich the 0merican &hipping is the agent in the 4hilippines$ 5hen the 0rticles arrived in manila! Honkong &hanghai/s Bank notified Teves of the arrival of the goods and re6uested for the pa+ment of the demand draft$ Teves! ho'ever! failed to pa+ the demand draft$ &o! the (ank returned the (ill of lading and the demand draft to Yau Yue 'hich endorsed the (ill of lading to 7omingo 0ng$ 7espite his non8pa+ment! Teves 'as a(le to o(tain a (ank guarantee in favor of the 0merican &teamship 0gencies! the carrier/s agent$ Thus! Teves succeeded in securing a 1 permit to deliver imported articles2 from the carrier/s agent! 'hich he presented to the Bureau of Customs! that released the said articles to him$ &u(se6uentl+! 7omingo 0ng claimed the articles from 0merican &teamship! (+ presenting the indorsed (ill of lading! (ut he 'as informed that it had delivered the articles to Teves$ 0ng filed a complaint in the Court of 9irst :nstance of -anila against 0merican shipping agencies! for having 'rongfull+ delivered the goods$ The 0merican &teamship filed for a motion to dismiss! citing the carriage of ;oods (+ &ea 0ct! section 3 paragraph 4! 'hich states* in an+ event! the carrier and the ship shall (e discharged from all lia(ilit+ in respect to loss or damage unless suit is (rought 'ithin one +ear! after deliver+ of goods or the date 'hen the goods should have (een delivered$ Thus! the lo'er court dismissed the action! on the ground of prescription$ Issue: 5hether or not the Carriage of ;oods (+ &ea 0ct &ection 3! 4aragraph 4! applies to the case at (ar< Hel : The provision of the la' speaks of 1loss or damage2$ But there 'as no damage caused to the goods 'hich 'ere delivered intact to Herminio Teves$ 0s defined (+ the Civil Code and as applied to section 3! paragraph 4! of the Carriage of ;oods (+ sea 0ct! 1loss2 contemplates a situation 'here no deliver+ at all 'as made (+ the shipper of the goods (ecause the same had perished! gone out of commerce! or disappeared that their e,istence is unkno'n or the+ cannot (e recovered$ :t does not include a situation 'here there 'as indeed deliver+! (ut deliver+ to the 'rong person$ The applica(le rule on prescription is that found in the Civil Code! either* ten +ears for (reach of contract or four +ears for 6uasi8delict$ :n either case! the plaintiff/s cause of action has not +et prescri(ed$ Thus! the case is remanded to the court a 6uo for further proceedings$