Mun Constitution

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Wake Early College Model United Nations Constitution Executive Board Faculty Advisor Michael Citrini (Dean of Students)

Faculty Advisor Sue Nelson (English) Faculty Advisor Leah Tonissen (Social Studies) Head Delegate/Chair Andy Hoang (Student Leader) __________________
Article I: Name of Club and Sponsor This club shall be named Model United Nations or Model UN. The sponsors of the club are the faculty advisors. The faculty advisors may change each season and in extenuating circumstances, will change during the season. Article II: Purpose of Club This clubs purpose shall be to educate its members about the workings of the United Nations, including UN procedures, policies, powers, and agendas. It is imperative for adolescents to be more aware of global and local issues, government, policies, and topics. This club shall seek to encourage members to stay informed about events of international importance, in addition to fostering the ability to critically analyze those events from an international point of view. The team will also attend collegiate Model United Nations conferences around the area.

Article III: Constitutional Amendments This constitution shall be changed by a 2/3 vote by the members of the club. Every members vote counts equally. Votes of the sponsors and officers are counted equally to ensure that no person has greater influence and to eliminate any nonentities within the team.

Article IV: Meetings There shall be five types of meetings: each serving its individual purpose and time. A. Pulse + Lunch Meeting (PL Meeting): The team will have at least one PL meeting for all weeks with five complete school days. Additionally, during weeks of major tests, which include Final Exams, PL meetings are not required. Early releases, two-hour delays, holidays, snow closings, and teacher workdays during the week are instances when the guarantee of one PL meeting is negated. There may still be a PL meeting but it is not required by the Executive Board is host one nor it is required by the delegates to attend one. Additionally PL meetings are always welcome; however, it shall not be counted against any delegate who cannot attend multiple PL meetings within the same week (Sunday through Saturday) except during the two weeks leading up to a conference. It is at these meetings where a majority of work and progress will be made. B. Afterschool Meeting: The team will have afterschool meetings as needed. These will typically last for 90-120 minutes. It is at these meetings where a majority of work and progress will be made. In order to conduct an afterschool meeting, at least one sponsor must be present at all times. C. Northern Campus Meetings: NC Meetings are exclusive to students who are in their Junior, Senior, Super-Senior year. In order for an NC Meeting to be held, there must be at least one sponsor present at all times. NC Meetings can be held during the day, before school, and afterschool and it is up to the availability of the delegates and sponsor. NC Meetings are designed to be a way for upperclassmen to be involved in the team without having transportation being an obstacle. D. Executive Board Meeting: EBMs are exclusive to members of the Executive Board. These meetings should take place only when all members of the Board are available. There is no designated time period, time frame, or location for Board Meetings.

Article V: Membership Any student of Wake Early College may join the team (see below). Members are strongly encouraged to attend all meetings; however, concessions can be made, provided the sponsor and/or the officers receive prior notice. There shall be no dues for the club, but students are expected to cover their own expenses if they wish to attend collegiate Model United Nations Conferences. As part of the membership, the team may require each delegate to purchase team materials that can be in the form of a t-shirt, sweatshirt, book, and/or equipment. The perquisite shall not be more than $20. A normal member shall only be expelled with full approval from the officers and sponsor, or a majority by the club. Every student has the right to be a delegate, so long as the student does not have four or more clubs/teams prior to joining. Clubs listed here count towards the four club limit: HOSA, Yearbook (Counts as Two), Chess, Fitness, SGA, Key Club (Counts as Two), TRU, Acapella, Ladies in Leadership, and National Honors Society. Article VI: Disciplinary Action If any delegate or executive board member shows irresponsibility or disrespect to the team, disciplinary action may be taken. Defining irresponsibility or disrespect, it can include any of the following: 1. Missing or failure to attend more than half the required meetings. 2. Any school-related suspension 3. Lackluster interest in Model United Nations 4. Disrespecting a delegate, sponsor, or officer 5. Disrespecting anyone at a conference, including other countries. 6. Disciplinary Action not mentioned above may be given out on a case by base basis and will be reviewed by the Executive Board to determine the appropriate disciplinary action(s), if necessary.

Article VII: Dues There shall not be dues for the club. Delegates are responsible for covering all costs for attending Conferences. AS a result, attending conferences are not required by WECHS MUN. Article VIII: Officers and Duties There shall be two officers for the club, the Head Delegate/Chair and Vice Chair. The Head Delegate is announced prior to the start of the season and is typically the lead student with the most experience. The Head Delegate is also known as the Chair. The Chairs duties at meetings include the following: ensuring delegates are acting appropriately, moderate the discussion, take care of the rules and procedures of the council, and act as a role model and sponsor liaison for the delegates. The Vice Chair is an elected official by simple majority. Anyone can be nominated. The sponsors will select the top two nominees and the two will run against each other. Nominees will be discussed and chosen by the sponsors based on the criteria listed below. The winner, as stated previously, will be voted by a simple majority (Majority plus one). Anyone can nominate someone for vice chair, including him/herself. In order to be nominated, the student must have participated in a MUN Conference prior. Typically, nominees are delegates who have the most experience, most appearances at a MUN Conference, and have done well at those conferences. The duties of the Vice Chair including the following: assisting the Chair, moderating meetings and councils, discussing with the sponsors, and being a student leader in and out of conferences. Officer Criteria The below are required criteria in order for a delegate to become a nominee for Vice Chair. If one or more of the below are not met, then the delegate is ineligible to become a nominee for Vice Chair. 1. Delegate was on the WECHS Model United Nations Team for one complete year prior to being nominated. 2. Delegate has attended at least one Model UN Conference prior to being nominated. 3. Delegate has no prior school suspensions.

The below are required criteria in order for a delegate to be eligible to be the Head Delegate or Chair of the team. If one or more of the below are not met, then the delegate is ineligible to become a nominee for Head Delegate or Chair. 1. Delegate was on the WECHS MUN Team for one complete year prior to the submission of running. 2. Delegate has attended at least two Model UN Conferences prior to the submission of running. 3. Delegate has no prior school suspensions 4. Delegate held an Executive Board Position prior to submission of running. If no candidate or delegate can meet the requirements above, criteria #2 and #4 will be relaxed to allow more eligible candidates. For the first year, 2013-2014, these criteria will not be enforced. Article IX: Activities, Projects and Community Service The club shall meet to discuss and debate international issues, simulating the United Nations by formulating probably solutions and examining international viewpoints. The club may hold a mock United Nations conference within the club. The clubs major activities shall be attending Model United Nations conference, most likely the ones at Appalachian State University and Duke University. If needed, some club members will participate in community service such as Campus Beautification Day and plan on participating in the wider school culture. Model United Nations will also be in charge of directing two school wide community events: one in each semester. Some examples are the following: International Day, United Nations Conference, World Peace Awareness Week, Spirit & Week. Team Vocabulary Dias: Group of Delegates working on a similar topic: security council, economics, human rights council, world trade council, world food program, UN Environmental Program, etc. Majority: two-thirds of the delegates. Simple Majority: Half the amount of voters plus one. Wake Early College Model United Nations has a Society Partnership with Wake Early College Science Olympiad, WECHS Debate, & Wake Early College Muslim Student Association for the 2013-2014 season. This constitution was drafted by Andy Hoang.

Signatures Faculty Advisor Michael Citrini: ______________________________________ Faculty Advisor Sue Nelson: _________________________________________ Faculty Advisor Leah Tonissen: ______________________________________ Head Delegate/Chair Andy Hoang: ___________________________________ Founder Andy Hoang: _____________________________________________ The Constitution of the Wake Early College Model United Nations Club was signed and made the abiding rules and principles to run by on the ___ of ______________, ________. May this Constitution be the cornerstone and foundation for a just and fair club to be for years to come.

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