Nguyen CV
Nguyen CV
Nguyen CV
I. EDUCATION University Of Central Florida Master of Science in Nursing Nurse Educator Track Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Graduate: May 2011 2006-2011 Orlando, Florida 2013-Present
II. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Winter Park Florida Hospital Registered Nurse for Labor/ Delivery
Provide direct care to obstetrical patients of high risk antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum. Provide nursing assistance in the operating room and recovery room for obstetrical patients. Clinical nurse perform multiple specialty roles including: triage, circulating, scrub and inpatient labor. 2011- 2012
Registered Nurse for a medical/surgical PCU III. LICENSURE/CERTIFICATIONS Registered Nurse RN 9327769 Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Florida Board of Nursing 2011-Current American Heart Association 2011-Current Advanced Fetal Assessment and Monitoring Florida Hospital Provided direct patient care to the adult-gerontology population Specialized in critical care needs of patient with all multisystem involvement. Participated in code team and skills fair.
Vy T.Nguyen * [email protected]*3219870800
2012-Current AWHONN Intermediate Fetal Monitoring
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IV. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Guest Speaker for Child Birth Classes Florida Hospital, 2013
Provided power-point lecture to assist women and their families to discover and use strategies to facilitate natural, safe, and healthy pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and early parenting. Smoking Cessation Program Bithlo Community, 2011
Discussed and demonstrated the importance of smoking cessation. Provided additional resources and support group referral.
V. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Association of Womens Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Nurse Practice Council Committee Florida Hospital 2011-Current 2012-Current
Vy T.Nguyen * [email protected]*3219870800
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Inpatient Obstetrical Nursing (RNC-OB). National Certification Corporation. In the process of preparation for national exam. Anticipated completion date: August 2014 Advanced Breastfeeding Training, 6 Hours. Florida Hospital, August 2013 Fetal Scalp Electrode and Intrauterine Pressure Catheter Training, 3 Hours. Florida Hospital, August 2013 Basic Breastfeeding Training, 6 Hours. Florida Hospital, December 2012 Advanced Fetal Monitoring and Assessment, 12 CME Hours. Course Server Online, December 2012 Perinatal Nurse Internship Program (PNIP), 432 Hours. July 2012 Critical Care Nurse Internship Program (CCNIP), 432 Hours. July 2011
VII. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Give Kids the World Volunteer Orlando, Florida 2010- 2011
Assisted the village by maintaining operation and participated in entertainment program. Provided excellent service to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. United Cerebral Palsy Orlando, Florida
Volunteer 2011- 2012 Assisted the teachers to provide the best educational outcomes for students with disabilities.