BILET NR. ..... : Subject 1

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BILET NR. .....

SUBJECT 1 Give three advantages of using the internet. Use reasons to support your answer. SUBJECT 2 Read the text below and answer the questions Images of Asia The main focus of this holiday is to introduce you to the Vietnam and Thailand on our specially designed tour. Sightseeing will be by traditional cyclo (3 wheeler bicycle ric!shaws" the passenger sits in front of the driver#. There will also be e$cursions by local train% hydrofoil and boat. The holiday concentrates on the south of the two countries. &oo! out for buildings combining 'rench colonial and (hinese styles) for ornate temples% for bicycle traffic *ams) for traditional arts such as the uni+ue ,water puppet performances) and% of course% for the reminders of the infamous long running war% such as the former -residential -alace. .. /hat are the main attractions of this holiday0 1. /hat !ind of people would en*oy this type of holiday0 /hy0 3. /ould you choose such a holiday0 /hy0 /hy not0

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