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If you go to China you must visit the great Wall of China.

It is one of the most important tourist

attractions in the country, and in 1987 it was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. It is also a
wonderful experience to walk along the Wall and feel the history and amazing atmosphere of
the place.

The Wall is over 8,500 km long, and goes from the east to the west of China. The first parts
were built over 2,000 years ago by the Ming Emperors, in order to protect the central regions
of the country from being attacked. All along the Wall special buildings called beacon towers
were constructed. When some parts of China were attacked by enemies, fires were lit in them
so that people on other towers could see them and send warnings to the army.

Nowadays some of the sections are in ruins, but other parts have been repaired. The most
famous section is called Badaling. It is near Beijing, so it is convenient and there is a cable car
to transport visitors, but bear in mind that it is often full of tourists. It is safe to walk at
Badaling, but you should take strong shoes and walk carefully. The best time to visit is in spring
or autumn, so that you can enjoy mild weather and fantastic views. It will be an unforgettable
If you go to Peru you mustnt miss visit Chan Chan, in Trujillo. It is one of the most important
tourist attractions in the country, and on 28 November 1986 it was listed as a UNESCO world
heritage site. It is also a wonderful experience to walk along the his Ciudadelas and feel the
history and amazing atmosphere of the place.

Chan Chan, is the largest pre-Columbian city in the Americas, and the largest adobe city in the
world, spanned 20 km and had a dense urban center of 6 km which contained extravagant
ciudadelas. This city is believed to have been constructed around 850 AD by the Chim, in
order to protect the central regions of the city from being attacked by the Inca Empire. All
along the Chan Chan exist special buildings called "Ciudadelas". Them which housed
ceremonial rooms, burial chambers, temples, reservoirs and residences for the Chim kings.

The most famous section is called The Tschudi Complex, named after a Swiss naturalist, is the
only section of Chan Chan thats partially restored. It is possible that other parts will open in
the future. The site museum contains exhibits explaining Chan Chan and the Chim culture,
this area are fascinating, as visitors can only visit a tiny portion of the site.

Some recommendations for tourists is to wear light clothing, sun block and sunglasses.Combis
to Chan Chan leave Trujillo every few minutes, passing the corners of Espaa and Ejrcito. It is
possible to visit the citadel of Chan Chan throughout the year because in this area the rains are
scarce, so that you can enjoy mild weather and fantastic views. It will be an unforgettable trip.

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