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Question 1

20 out of 20 points

When you code a DELETE statement for one or more rows, the _________________ clause specifies which row or rows are to be deleted. [Blank1] Answer Specified Answer for: Blank1 WHERE

Question 2
0 out of 20 points

Assuming that all of the table and column names are spelled correctly, whats wrong with the INSERT statement that follows?
INSERT INTO invoices (vendor_id, invoice_number, invoice_total, payment_total, credit_total, terms_id, invoice_date, invoice_due_date) VALUES (97, '456789', 8344.50, 0, 0, 1, '31-AUG-08')

Answer Selected Answer:

3. There are too few items in the VALUES list.

20 out of 20 points

Question 3

Write the code for a DELETE statement that deletes every row in the Invoices_Copy table: _______________________________________________________________ [Blank1] Answer Specified Answer for: Blank1 DELETE FROM Invoices_Copy

Question 4
20 out of 20 points

You can use the AS keyword with the CREATE TABLE statement to create a copy of a table from a ____________________ statement. [Blank1] Answer Specified Answer for: Blank1 SELECT

Question 5
20 out of 20 points

Which of the following statements best describes what this INSERT statement does?
INSERT INTO invoices_copy SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE terms_id = 1

Answer Selected Answer: 2. Adds all of the rows in the Invoices table that have 1 in the terms_id column to the Invoices_Copy table.

Question 1
20 out of 20 points

You can use the AS keyword with the CREATE TABLE statement to create a copy of a table from a ____________________ statement. [Blank1] Answer Specified Answer for: Blank1 SELECT

Question 2
20 out of 20 points

If you code a column list in an INSERT statement that includes a column thats defined with a default value, you can insert the default value for that column by coding the ____________________ keyword in the VALUES clause of the INSERT statement. [Blank1] Answer Specified Answer for: Blank1 DEFAULT

Question 3
20 out of 20 points

When you code a DELETE statement for one or more rows, the _________________ clause specifies which row or rows are to be deleted. [Blank1] Answer Specified Answer for: Blank1 WHERE

Question 4
20 out of 20 points

Which of the following statements best describes what this INSERT statement does?
INSERT INTO invoices_copy SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE terms_id = 1

Answer Selected Answer:


1. Adds all of the rows in the Invoices table that have 1 in the terms_id column to the Invoices_Copy table.
20 out of 20 points

Question 5

To insert several rows into a table with an INSERT statement, you code a/an ___________________________ in place of the VALUES clause. [Blank1] Answer Specified Answer for: Blank1 subquery

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