Summary (Industrial Robotics)
Summary (Industrial Robotics)
Summary (Industrial Robotics)
In This article we had talked about the Industrial Robotics under a title: Industrials robotics An eye for machine vision which means that this system help to develop the industrial world; and it can resolve a complex repetitive tasks without variation and with a high rates of success all that without getting tired or bored which led to high productivity. Machine visions systems are linked to powerful processing software and ensure a smooth production without intervention or supervision. Machine vision has a wide range of applications in this world such as: 2D Robot Vision: this is a classic vision using line scan or area scan cameras to capture images! that contain width and length! but no depth! and feed robotic handling system on its position! rotational orientation! and type! its can be used in automotive industry . Automated 3D position Detection: they detect the position of an ob"ect in three dimension using speciali#ed cameras and laser and also transit data to robot handling system! a common application of this vision is production of crankshaft castings in automotive industrial. Assembly Inspection: machine vision e$uipped with fast cameras and %&' illumination inspect continuously parts during assembly to verify if parts include screws! pins! fuses! and other electrical components and also for missing slots or holes and instruct robot to remove defect items in production line ! even with a huge variety of different parts! it(s take "ust a short time . Contour Inspection: Machine vision systems for contour inspection examine the profile of an ob"ect using high resolution cameras and )' sensors to ensure it is free from deviations wich affect the shape and also check length! width to ensure they are within set parameters. *harmaceutical companies use this vision to inspect in"ections needles because si#e of in"ections needles make inspect with a naked eye impossible. 3D Seam Inspection: machine vision system for weld inspection is important because poorly welded components break causing products to fail! in case of automobile and aeroplanes this often can cause a disaster consequence, the system builds 3 dimensions images o !elded seam sur ace, using this images a computer chec" and detect imper ections# +or conclusion Machine vision has developed significantly over the last ten years and is now essential to many industries.