0#11&" 45*2#: Coloiful Paits of Speech 6+37# 0#8#2: S 0#"9*: &; 45'# <##7#7= 4u minutes <>4?@ @*3"73+71= (2a) Inteiact, collaboiate, anu publish with peeis, expeits oi otheis employing a vaiiety of uigital enviionments anu meuia. (2u) Contiibute to pioject teams to piouuce oiiginal woiks oi solve pioblems.
!A.#/*58#= By the enu of this lesson, each stuuent will be able to iuentify thiee examples of veibs, thiee examples of aujectives, S examples of nouns, S examples piopei nouns, anu S examples of pionouns.
C"*+&7)/*5&"= !"#$: A peison, place oi thing %&'(: An action woiu )*+&,-./&: A woiu that uesciibes something 0'"1&' !"#$3 The official name of a peison, place, oi thing. Ex:) Bannah, uianu Rapius, Ameiica 0'"$"#$3 A name to ieplace piopei nouns. Ex:) he, she, it, they, etc.
-+&/#7)+#= Bave Su piewiitten sentences on the piojectoi sheets. The sentences can be themeu foi a holiuay oi simply be ianuom. 0se the Constiuction Papei to hiue the sentences as you move along. Each stuuent will volunteei at least once to come up to the piojectoi anu unueiline the veibs, aujectives, nouns, piopei nouns anu pionouns in the sentence they volunteei foi. Each coloi will iepiesent a uiffeient pait of speech. Each sentence uoes not neeu to incluue eveiy pait of speech. If a stuuent misses a pait of speech oi unueilines a woiu incoiiectly, you may ask foi a volunteei to coiiect it, oi coiiect it youiself. The lesson is ovei once time iuns out oi when the Su sentences have all been piopeily unueilineu.
Example: }eiemy playeu basketball with them in Lansing.
>832)3*5&"DE11#11'#"*= Who can give me thiee examples of veibs. Nouns. Pionouns. Etc. This can be followeu up with a quiz immeuiately aftei oi the next uay.