Learning Styles Hatchet Activity
Learning Styles Hatchet Activity
Learning Styles Hatchet Activity
14 Multiple Intelligence Activities for Hatchet Verbal/Linguistic Menu Pretend you are a newspaper reporter. Write the news article about Brians adventure, as you would want it to appear in his hometown newspaper Pretend you are a television news reporter. Conduct an interview of Brian, his mother, and father on Good Morning America the morning after Brian has been rescued. Pretend you are Brian. Write a series of journal entries as he survives his ordeal. This needs a beginning, middle, and end. Logical/Mathematical Menu Create a timeline of the important events during the course of this story. You may include the day number and pictures. Make a strategy game that includes Brians problems, feelings, and solutions. Make a chart that includes facts you have learned about the following categories: Dangers in the woods, edible food in the woods, Animal facts, Airplane and flying facts and information, and any other categories you would like to add. Bodily/Kinesthetic Menu Create a movement or sequence of movements in dance form to explain Brians adventure. Make a model of the area that Brian lived in for nearly three months. Include items and areas that were important to his survival. Design a new product that would have helped Brian be rescued sooner or to have survived more comfortably. Visual/Spatial Menu Design a poster or mural of Brians new home and neighborhood during his ordeal. Create a piece of art that demonstrates Brians feelings while he is lost. Illustrate, draw, paint, sketch or sculpt your favorite scene or event in the book. Rhythmic/Musical Menu Write and perform song lyrics to Yankee Doodle that helps others to understand the plot of the book. If you have a better tune to use, see Mrs. M. or Mrs. S. Make an instrument that Brian could have made in the woods and demonstrate how to use it. Sing a rap or song that explains Brians problem in the book. Interpersonal Menu Create a list of rules to help Brian survive in the woods. Retell the story from the mooses point of view. Work in a group to write and perform the conversations that might have occurred when Brian and his parents are back together, sitting at breakfast on the day of his return. Intrapersonal Menu Describe and list the qualities a person must possess in order to survive a situation similar to Brians. Which of these do you possess? What experience have you had in your life that could be compared to Brians life? Explain the situation and describe your feelings about it. Write a journal entry about the most difficult time you have had in your life. Naturalistic Menu How did Brians appearance in the woods affect the cycle or balance of nature in the woods? You may share this in either picture or written form. Research the area in which Brian was stranded and share information about the climate, animals, plants, and environment with the rest of us.