Contoh Surat

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,s:n:::, [Street Address, City, ST ZIP Code] Te$ [Te$ep&one] -a: [-a:] [E)ai$] [8e,site]

CLICK HERE TO SELECT A DATE [Recipient Name] [Recipient Street Address, City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient], If yo !re ready to "rite, # st c$ic% &ere and 'o to it( Or, if yo "ant to c sto)i*e t&e $oo% of yo r $etter, yo can do t&at in a$)ost no ti)e+ On t&e Desi'n ta, of t&e ri,,on, c&ec% o t t&e T&e)es, Co$ors, and -onts 'a$$eries to" different $oo%s fro) a .ariety of c&oices/ T&en # st c$ic% to app$y one yo $i%e/ Ha.e co)pany0,randed co$ors and fonts1 2o pro,$e)/ 3o can add yo r o"n co),ination/ To add yo r o"n $o'o # st ri'&t0c$ic% t&e p$ace&o$der $o'o, and t&en c$ic% C&an'e Pict re/ If yo $o.e t&e $oo% 4and "&o "o $dn!t15, see ot&er te)p$ates nder -i$e, 2e" t&at coordinate "it& t&is $etter, inc$ din' a r6s )6 and a report/ So, yo can 7 ic%$y create a professiona$, ,randed $oo% for yo r doc )ents/

8ar) re'ards,


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