Singing Rubric

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National Standard for Music Education #1: Singing alone and with others.

Criterion Pitch and Intonation Advanced (4) The students pitch is excellent throughout. Proficient (3) The students pitch is good, although there are a few minor discrepancies. The students rhythm is good. The beat is generally steady. Basic (2) The students pitch is generally satisfactory, but there are a few major discrepancies. Emerging (1) The students pitch is not yet at a satisfactory level, and there are several major discrepancies The students rhythm is not yet satisfactory and lacks precision. The beat is unsteady. The students timbre and diction are not yet at a satisfactory level. There is evidence of harshness or forced, pinched, or breathy timbre. Many of the words are difficult to understand. The student does not demonstrate an appropriate singing posture. The students breathing is inadequate to produce a healthy, resonant vocal tone. Score

Dan Mills Elementary Music Assessment Rubric

Rhythmic and Tempo

The students rhythm is excellent and the beat is steady throughout. The students timbre and diction are excellent throughout. The tone is open, resonant, and not forced. All vowels and consonants are clearly articulated. The students posture and position are excellent. The student sits or stands erect, with the head up and the mouth sufficiently open. The student breathes deeply and the tone is well supported.

Diction and Timbre (vocal quality)

Posture and breath

The students rhythm is generally satisfactory, though somewhat lacking in precision. The students timbre and The students timbre and diction are good. The diction are generally tone quality is good. satisfactory, though Most vowels are pure there is evidence of and most consonants are harshness or forced, clearly articulated. pinched, or breathy timbre. Some words are difficult to understand. The student sits or stands The student erect, with the head up demonstrates marginally and the mouth acceptable posture when sufficiently open. Breath singing. The students control and tone support breathing is not are good. sufficiently deep.

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