Jawaharlal Nehru was sworn in as India's first Prime Minister on August 15, 1947 by Lord Mountbatten. Nehru gave a famous speech known as the "tryst with destiny" speech on this occasion of India's independence. Photos show Nehru as a young man with his wife Kamala and daughter Indira Gandhi.
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Jawaharlal Nehru was sworn in as India's first Prime Minister on August 15, 1947 by Lord Mountbatten. Nehru gave a famous speech known as the "tryst with destiny" speech on this occasion of India's independence. Photos show Nehru as a young man with his wife Kamala and daughter Indira Gandhi.
Jawaharlal Nehru was sworn in as India's first Prime Minister on August 15, 1947 by Lord Mountbatten. Nehru gave a famous speech known as the "tryst with destiny" speech on this occasion of India's independence. Photos show Nehru as a young man with his wife Kamala and daughter Indira Gandhi.
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Jawaharlal Nehru was sworn in as India's first Prime Minister on August 15, 1947 by Lord Mountbatten. Nehru gave a famous speech known as the "tryst with destiny" speech on this occasion of India's independence. Photos show Nehru as a young man with his wife Kamala and daughter Indira Gandhi.
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Jawahar Lal nehru being sworn in as India's first Prime Minister by Lord Mountbatten on August 15, 1947