Interpretation: VIII-77-76

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Question 3: UG-39(b) and UG-39(d) give different methods of providing for the total cross sectional area of reinforcement

in flat heads. Which is the required calculation? Reply 3: The vessel designer has the option of using either UG-39(b) or (d) for such a calculation, depending on which is most advantageous to him.

Interpretation: VIII-77-76 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1; UW-2 Date Issued: August 25, 1977 File: BC77-398 Question: What are the specific substances considered lethal under the service restrictions of UW-2 of Section VIII, Division 1? Reply: Section VIII, Division 1 provides a definition of lethal substance in the footnotes of UW2. A list of lethal substances is not provided since the responsibility for the determination of whether a substance is lethal as defined by Section VIII, Division 1 rests with the user and/or his designated agent. If such a substance is determined as lethal, the vessel Manufacturer shall be advised.

Interpretation: VIII-77-77 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1; UW-51 Date Issued: August 25, 1977 File: BC77-395 Question: Will the issue of the 1977 Edition of Section VIII, Division 1 affect the qualification of Level III Radiographers qualified under the provisions of UW-51 by a Manufacturer's written statement based on experience? Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-77-78 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1; Impact Tests of Weld Metals Date Issued: August 30, 1977 File: BC77-475 Question: Are impact tests required for weldments made with carbon steel base metal and E6013 electrodes below -20F? Reply: in UG-84. The requirements for impact testing of weldments are given in UCS-66 and particularly

Interpretation: VIII-77-79 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1; Material Certification Date Issued: August 31, 1977 File: BC77-401

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