Energy, Plants & Man
Energy, Plants & Man
Energy, Plants & Man
ISBN 1 870232 05 4
David Alan Walker, Ph.D., D.Sc., FRS was formerly director of The Robert Hill Institute and is
now Emeritus Professor of Photosynthesis in the University of Sheffield and a member of
‘The Cross Keys’ Literary and Philosophical Society.
His filial collaborator, Richard Walker, M.A., one-time tenor saxophonist with ‘The Potato
Five’ now lectures in Higher Education and otherwise continues to endure a precarious
existence pitched between art, music and contemplation of the universe.
Friday, January 26, 2001
ISBN 1 870 232 05 4
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Sooner have this book on paper?
2.1 The Sun 26
2.2 The Nature of Light 26
2.3 The Energy Content of Light 29
2.4 A Word About Units 31
2.5 Light Intensity 32
2.6 The Availability of Solar Energy 34
2.7 Light as an Energy Carrier 35
2.8 Getting Excited 36
2.9 A Rich and Ambiguous Signal 38
2.10 Quenching Analysis 40
5.1 Photosynthetic carbon assimilation 86
5.2 The Calvin Cycle 88
5.3 End Product and Autocatalysis 92
5.4 The Reduction of PGA 93
5.5 Energy Inputs 95
5.6 Stoichiometries 95
5.7 Oxygenation 98
5.8 Virtue or Necessity? 98
5.9 A Necessary Evil 99
5.10 All is not lost 101
5.11 C4 Plants 103
5.12 Greenhouses within Plants 104
6.10 The Need for Dissipation 146
6.11 Acid Bath Technology 148
6.12 The Governor 149
6.13 Summary 150
9.7 Looking at Alternatives 235
9.8 Ocean Energy 236
9.9 Gone with theWind 238
9.10 Let the Sun Shine In 239
9.11 Photovoltaics 239
9.12 Hot Rocks 241
9.13 The Rain Forests 242
9.14 Biofuels 244
9.15 Hydrogen Power 247
9.16 Epilogue 249
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Fig. 6.1 Cycling of metabolites 125
6.2 Photosynthetically active radiation 132
6.3 Land areas needed to feed one person 133
6.4 Rate of photosynthesis 139
6.5 A degree of photoinhibition 140
6.6 The Z-Scheme 144
6.7 Roofs and ceilings 145
6.8 Rate v PFD in sun and shade leaves 147
Chapter 7
Fig. 7.1 Radiation and atmosphere 153
Chapter 8
Fig. 8.1 Global warming 182
8.2 Increases in sea level 182
8.3 Tentative time scale 186
8.4 Photosynthesis and atmosphere 187
8.5 Effects of ultra violet 191
8.6 The Yo-Yo in action 193
8.7 Greenhouse gases 194
8.8 Effect of carbon dioxide on photosynthesis 209
8.9 Effect of carbon dioxide 210
8.10 Rate as a function of PFD 211
8.11 Temperature and carbon dioxide 212
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Table 1.1 Chemical composition of leaves 19
Chapter 2
Table 2.1 Energy content of monochromatic, visible light 30
2.2 Global irradiance expressed in several ways 34
Chapter 5
Table 5.1 Energy costs of C3, C4 and CAM 116
Chapter 6
Table 6.1 A loaf of bread, a jug of wine.. 124
6.2 Potatoes made of oil 134
6.3 Conversion of light energy to chemical energy 142
Chapter 7
Table 7.1 Per capita carbon dioxide emissions 162
7.2 Heating caused by greenhouse gases 165
7.3 Past and projected greenhouse gas concentrations 169
7.4 Carbon dioxide emission from fossil fuels 170
7.5 Atmospheric lifetimes of CFCs 174
Chapter 8
Table 8.1 Geological time scale 184
8.2 Chemical composition of the atmosphere 186
8.3 Carbon dioxide in atmosphere, biosphere and ocean 198
Chapter 9
Table 9.1 Renewable Resources 235
9.2 Wind energy produced in 1985, by location 238
9.3 Hydrothermal electric power plants 241
The first edition of “Energy, Plants and Man” was published in 1979. At that
time, the title seemed unexceptionable but, lest some might find it offensive now,
may I emphasise that “Man” is used simply as the name of the species (Homo
sapiens) and, like “ape”, “sheep”, “holly” or “ivy” carries no connotations of sex.
The 1979 edition was a mere 36 pages long and was then intended simply as
an introduction to some aspects of environmental biology. In compiling a second
edition it became impossible to ignore contemporary interest in the environment,
pollution, the Greenhouse Effect, the possibility of global warming and the
consequences of ever-increasing populations; hence the greatly increased length. I
also found it impossible to be dispassionate or purely objective about these matters
which have as much to do with economics and politics as with plants, biochemistry,
or physics. I wish to make it clear therefore that, while the underlying “facts” are
as sound and as objective as I could make them, the responsibility for the
accompanying opinions are mine alone and would not necessarily be shared by
others in the Robert Hill Institute, the University of Sheffield, or by any of the grant
awarding agencies that have supported my work in the past.
All scientific books or papers are distillations of ideas which spring from
experiment and experience, from colleagues past and present, and from the relevant
scientific literature (see page 254 et seq). Long, long ago Charles Constable
encouraged me to believe that one day, I might be capable of writing if I kept on
trying. Meirion Thomas warned me about dispossessed gerunds and he and Robert
Hill were my principal scientific guides and mentors. A year with Harry Beevers at
‘Old Purdue’ was an immensely valuable part of my scientific apprenticeship.
Charles Whittingham gave me my first job. To mention everyone else by name that
I am indebted to would be a bit like compiling a list of wedding guests - so easy
to dismay or neglect by omission. I feel sure, therefore that all of those who have
worked in my laboratory and all of those in whose laboratories I have worked,
particularly in Australia, Germany and the United States, will understand if I simply
thank them collectively; their work and mine is inextricably entwined but the
responsibility for all errors, omissions and misconceptions remains mine.
Illustrations for the front cover and title pages include materials from a variety
of sources including Leonardo da Vinci and a number of ‘copyright free’ woodcuts
from Victorian magazines. The images of skeletons on page 1 are based on original
work by W. E. Le Gros Clarke.
Richard Walker
David Walker, Ph.D., D.Sc. FRS was formerly Director of the Robert Hill Institute
and Professor of Photosynthesis in the University of Sheffield. He is perhaps best
known for his work on isolated chloroplasts, the role of inorganic phosphate in
photosynthetic carbon assimilation and the development of apparatus for measuring
photosynthetic oxygen evolution.
Human predictions about the human condition have a way of turning out
wrong. Only a short time ago, or so it seems, the pundits predicted standing room
only in the western world by the year 2001. Now, although populations in many
countries continue to increase at alarming rates, relative stability has been achieved
in others in which contraception and social and economic pressures have combined
to limit the size of families. In the United States, during the early days of the space
age, it was predicted that, if Higher Education continued to expand at the going rate,
the day would not be far removed when every man, woman, child and dog would
become a Doctor of Philosophy. The fallacy of such dire prediction is self-evident
and the underlying tendencies often self-correcting. In the United Kingdom, for
example, the current destruction of the university system has progressed so far and
so fast that PhD’s may soon become an endangered species. Even so, those who may
have some knowledge of the environment, or feeling for the environment, should not
shrink from prediction or at least from providing a basis of fundamental knowledge
which might help those who would like to curb the worst excesses of environmental
exploitation. What follows is an excursion into that unsafe ground.
diminishing supply. At present, energy usage and carbon dioxide emissions are
closely related. No doubt there are still large reserves to be discovered but oil and
coal are finite. Accurate estimates are virtually impossible because there are so many
imponderables but, if we were to continue as we are at present, oil might be good
for another 50-100 years and coal for another 300-500. Long before that the nature
of current usage will be vastly changed by rising prices. Even in the U.K. (a country
notorious for the way in which it has squandered its coal and its oil) insulated lofts
and double glazing are now more of a norm than an oddity. Energy-efficient light
bulbs are not yet given away by public utilities, as they are in the United States, but
at least they have started to appear in British shops. In the next century the burning
of oil and coal for heating may come to be regarded in much the same way as burning
paper money.
“Certainly unsafe......”
The main trouble with nuclear fission is that it produces radioactive products,
terribly dangerous to life, which do not decay and cannot be destroyed. All that is
possible is to attempt to contain them and, unless we are indifferent to the problems
of our descendants, this means containing them for “ever”. At the time of writing,
the city of New York is reported to have started to create a pyramid of rubbish which,
if ever completed, would be higher than existing skyscrapers. This is a strategy born
of desperation while measures are sought to recycle 50% of new rubbish and to find
more acceptable means of disposal. No one of sound mind (apart from the nuclear
electrical generating industry and politicians more concerned with nuclear status than
human life on earth) could even contemplate creating, quite unnecessarily, nuclear
rubbish dumps infinitely less attractive than mere mountains of garbage. In the
United Kingdom plutonium has already been detected in houses in the vicinity of the
nuclear reprocessing plant at Sellafield. This single installation has also made the
Irish Sea the most polluted in the world. Sheep farmers in Wales and reindeer herders
in Lapland, are still unable to sell their animals for human consumption as a
consequence of the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl. (There is also evidence that
the scale and extent of Chernobyl fall-out was not recognised quickly enough in the
U.K. to prevent children from drinking dangerously contaminated milk.) In what was
the Soviet Union itself, where this single disaster is said to have cost $3.5 billion,
it is no longer believed that nuclear generation of electricity can be regarded as a
safe process and some such installations are being decommissioned both there and
in the United States. Conversely, Electricity Generators in the U.K. have sought, by
sustained advertisement, to persuade public opinion that there is no viable
alternative, prompting the conclusion that if they really had such a good product to
sell they might not need to protest so much. Those who believe in nuclear fission
quite properly point to the appalling past record of human death and misery in coal-
mining and comparable industries but there is no longer any doubt that nuclear
disaster can occur. When it does occur, radioactive fall-out can reach out and damage
human life and welfare well beyond national boundaries and on a scale which
boggles imagination. It is also patently facile to suggest, as some have done, that
Chernobyl was a product of inadequate technology or that it could never happen
again. Nothing devised by man, or operated by man, has ever proved entirely safe
in the long term. Today the problems are also compounded by international
terrorism. Recent wars in the Middle East and the gratuitous murder of innocent
travellers have underlined the fact that no nation will shrink from unleashing
horrendous techniques if desperate and convinced that it has right on its side. There
are also many more mundane considerations. Uranium reserves, like fossil fuels, are
finite and fast breeder reactions bring new problems in their wake. Real costs are
rarely taken into account. Quite apart from the need to secure nuclear plant from
terrorist attack and the insoluble problem of safe disposal of radioactive waste, there
is the price of insurance against accident and of decommissioning once reactors have
become obsolete or unreliable. As it continued to be de-commissioned, the
installation at Three-Mile-Island, in the United States, still consumed dollars much
more efficiently than it ever generated electricity. It has been claimed that safe long-
term storage of nuclear waste in the United Kingdom could cost as much as the
Channel Tunnel. The British Government, intent on the “privatisation” of electricity
generation finally had to concede, in the face of simple arithmetic produced by
would-be investors, what the scientific community and the independent press had
recognised or suspected all along, that the cost of decommissioning nuclear plants
would be so immense that no one would want to buy it.
Solar energy and the forces of wind, wave and tide seem much better bets.
Although frequently derided and undervalued by the pro-nuclear energy lobby, there
is no real doubt that these will come to make increasingly important contributions
over the next two or three decades. Equally, there is little doubt that they would
already be playing a much more significant role had not politicians the world over
been seduced into diverting vast resources into nuclear fission (£17 billion on nuclear
research alone in the U.K.) or determined to represent factories producing plutonium
for bombs as electricity generating stations. It would be optimistic to suppose that
the world will not experience considerable problems in meeting its energy
requirements during the rest of this century but equally pessimistic to dismiss the
possibility of new solutions. For example, solar photovoltaic (amorphous silica)
generation of electricity, is already practicable, fast becoming cheaper and, at about
30% efficiency, would not call for inconceivably large areas of global surface
(according to George Porter about 50 million hectares, or roughly twice the area of
the United Kingdom, in order to provide existing world populations of 3-4 billion
with 5 kW per head). Electrolysis of water would, in turn, produce a fuel (hydrogen)
which, if ways can be found to safely contain its formidable reactivity with oxygen,
could power surface vehicles, aircraft and the like. In the U.K., one hydro-electric
facility, utilising the tidal energy of the Severn Bore could generate more electricity,
ad infinitum, than the combined nuclear stations in Britain (about 10-15% of total
What is now manifestly clear is that the world should make much better use
of the energy that it already has at its disposal. At least one authority in the field
of energy conservation believes that present use of fossil fuels and electricity could
be cut by 75% if rapidly developing techniques in energy saving were fully and
properly utilised and that this could be achieved not only without detriment to world
economies but with actual benefit. Mankind lived in equilibrium with the
environment when populations were a fraction of what they are now and expansion
only became possible as fossil fuels were used on an increasingly large scale.
Advocating a downward adjustment of population size may seem unethical or simply
unlikely to succeed but there is no doubt that such a decrease would ease the current
problems and there is every likelihood that a decrease will occur by famine,
pestilence or major global disaster if it can not be achieved by consent.
Even if the energy problem is solved, there will still be an increasing shortage
of cheap organic carbon during a period in which oil and coal reserves decline and
prices increase correspondingly. At present we use oil and coal not only as fuels but
also for almost every conceivable material purpose. We live in a world of metal and
plastic which is fashioned out of, or with the help of, the organic carbon of which
these fossils are comprised. Now they are plentiful but, once they become scarce,
we shall be obliged to fall back on contemporary photosynthesis to provide us with
our needs. Past photosynthesis locked atmospheric carbon dioxide in oil and coal
and, as shortages make these increasingly expensive, we shall come to rely more and
more on products of contemporary photosynthesis such as wood. (Already the more
far-seeing are turning to the fermentation of plant materials as a source of alcoholic
fuels although it should be noted that while alcohol is a feasible alternative to
gasoline in some places (as in Brazil) it is unlikely to provide a global solution
because of the implications for land use and the high energy costs of distillation.)
At first glance, the possibility of a real shortage of organic carbon seems ludicrous
in the extreme. Annual photosynthetic carbon assimilation (the conversion of carbon
dioxide into organic carbon by plants in the light) is of the order of 100,000 million
tons of carbon dioxide fixed - much greater than all the oil, coal and minerals used
every year. On the other hand a large proportion of this carbon enters products which
are presently inaccessible or unused by man. Even the desirable commodities, such
Famine in Ethiopia and elsewhere should remind us all that total food reserves
are only about 40% of annual world consumption and that even this slender margin
only exists because of the achievement of agricultural science. More people probably
owe their lives to the introduction of new varieties of crop species and to the effect
of selective herbicides on grain production than to the availability of antibiotics.
However, even where famine on a major scale has become a thing of the past (as
on the Indian sub-continent), it has only been prevented by major energy inputs in
the form of chemical fertilisers and is still only too readily brought back by sustained
doubling is much less certain. There is every prospect that world temperatures will
increase by 2 or 3 degrees. It is much more difficult to predict what will follow
because of the uncertainties relating to ocean currents and such notoriously fragile
aspects of world ecology as the Arctic tundra. At worst, such temperature rises could
change the world out of all recognition, as melting ice caps raise the level of the
oceans and inundate the great cities built at sea level. At best it could unite world
opinion behind measures to protect the environment. At its most facile, it could
become yet another excuse to promote nuclear fission as a source of power.
Before Queen Victoria came to the British Throne in the last century, the
people of London used to bathe naked in Hyde Park because it seemed obviously
sensible to undress before going into water. More recently, this has been regarded
as improper, and (for bathing in public) people have worn correspondingly more or
less clothing, according to the perceived morality of the day and the place. At one
time there was thought to be an irreducible minimum called the “bikini”. This was
derived from the atom “test” in which a nuclear bomb was exploded on the Bikini
Atoll in the Pacific. The connexion between the event and the garment is that the
atom was also once regarded as the irreducible minimum. Dalton’s atomic theory of
1803 proposed that all matter is composed of small indestructible particles, or atoms,
which cannot be further divided by ordinary chemical means.
[Elements, the ninety odd chemical “entities” from which all other substances
are formed, contain atoms which are characteristic of that particular element
and are alike in all respects. Compounds, formed from the combination of two
or more elements, are composed of molecules. These, in turn, are comprised
of atoms joined together by various sorts of chemical bonds.]
As the world now knows to its cost, the atom is not indivisible but is itself
composed of elementary, or fundamental, particles such as electrons, protons and
neutrons. Hydrogen is the smallest, lightest and simplest atom. It can be regarded,
for our present purpose, as a nucleus carrying a positive electrical charge (a proton
or hydrogen ion, H+) with a negatively charged particle, or electron, circling around
it. In general, the atomic nucleus is much larger than the electrons associated with
it and comprises more than 99.95% of the mass of an element. In the case of
hydrogen, the proton and electron, taken together, are a bit like the earth with a
single, orbiting, satellite or an Olympic athlete swinging “the hammer” at the end
of a chain. Energy in the form of rocket fuel, is needed to lift a satellite into orbit
and, the more distant the orbit, the more energy is required. Similarly, the electron
may be considered to circle the nucleus at a specific energy level. More energy would
be required to lift it further from the nucleus and energy would be released if it
dropped to a lower level. In certain circumstances, electrons can also move between
atoms and between molecules.
The space satellite circling the earth is prevented from leaving its orbit by
gravitational force, the athlete’s hammer by its chain.
The electrons circling the atomic nucleus are similarly maintained in orbit by
the electrical attraction between positive and negative charges. In a metal conductor,
electrons can separate from their parent atoms and move freely through the metal,
while the atoms which have temporarily lost their electrons, now positively charged,
remain in a fixed position. If such a conductor, (e.g. a copper wire) is used to connect
a “source” of electrons to a “sink” for electrons (as in joining the positive and
negative terminals of a battery) electrons will flow from (negative) source to
(positive) sink. The conductor will offer resistance to this flow of electrons as they
collide with stationary atoms in the metal. In such a collision, the electron will
transfer the kinetic energy (which it had acquired from the electrical field established
by the potential difference between source and sink) to the vibrational energy of the
atom. For this reason, conductors tend to become hot as electrons flow through them
as in “electric fires” or heating elements. The thinner the conductor or wire, the
greater the frequency of collision and the greater the internal generation of heat. All
such objects can lose heat by radiation of electromagnetic energy (which moves
through space at the speed of light). If the radiation is at wavelengths (see Section
2.2) which can be perceived by the human eye it is referred to as “visible light”. We
can “create” light in this way if we pass electrons from a source (the negative
terminal of a battery), through the very thin wire (filament) in an electric light and
back to a sink (the positive terminal of the battery). Chemical reactions in the battery
maintain the electron flow. This is an example of energy transduction, the conversion
of chemical energy into light and heat. Plants, as we shall see, can do the converse
and convert light-energy into both electrical energy and chemical energy. In
molecules, the orbiting electrons are shared by two or more atomic nuclei. As a result
of this sharing process, the molecular orbitals are smaller than the combined atomic
orbitals. Accordingly, molecular orbitals are at a lower energy level than
corresponding atomic orbitals, just as it would require a smaller expenditure of
energy to put a satellite into a close orbit, about the earth, rather than a more distant
one. For this reason, the formation of chemical bonds between atoms is always
accompanied by an energy loss. Similarly, an energy input is always required if a
chemical bond is to be broken.
[Four protons (i.e. four H+ or hydrogen ions) fuse to produce one molecule
of helium. The fusion of one gram of hydrogen ions produces about as much
energy as burning 16 million grams of oil.]
The energy produced by nuclear fusion fuels the furnaces of the sun and a
fraction is transmitted to the earth as light (Chapter 2). It is intercepted by leaves and
converted, by them, first into electrical energy and then into chemical energy. Apart
from nuclear fission and ocean tides this is the source of virtually all energy on earth.
Electron Transfer
Man has been rejoicing in the energy released as heat and light in this and similar
reactions since the beginning of time. It is not difficult to believe that those of us
who live in cold climates prefer “open” fires to “central” heating because the warmth
and flames and sound and smell of burning wood evokes some distant race memory.
But, you might well ask, where in this particular process (i.e. burning carbon, as in
Equation 1.1), can we see evidence of electron transport? Before we attempt to
answer this question, let us first examine some other examples of oxidation and
the major end-products of photosynthesis is, in fact, “ordinary” sugar (or sucrose,
which contains 12 atoms of carbon) but the first formed products include more
simple sugars containing 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 carbon compounds. (Section 5.2)
Some biological oxidations also involve direct addition of oxygen but, more
often, oxidation of a metabolite (a compound undergoing metabolism, such as a
sugar) occurs mainly by removal of hydrogens. If we represent such a metabolite by
MH2 we can write an equation
MH 2 + A → AH 2 + M Eqn. 1.2
In this equation MH2 donates hydrogens to an acceptor (A). The donor, MH2,
becomes oxidised to give M. The acceptor, A, becomes reduced to AH2. Because
hydrogen is composed of a proton (i.e. a hydrogen ion, H+) and an electron, e-
transfer of hydrogens also always involves transfer of electrons.
H ⇔ H+ + e- Eqn. 1.3
(atom) (proton) (electron)
Hydrogen Transfer
(because a hydrogen atom contains an electron) but electrons can also be transferred
by themselves i.e. without an accompanying hydrogen ion, or proton (H+). Both in
respiration and in photosynthesis, cytochromes of different sorts are important
electron carriers (constituents of the electron transport chain. Cytochromes are a type
of protein which contain iron (Fe) in the heart of their molecular structure. This iron
can be represented as Fe++ (in its reduced or ferrous state) and by Fe+++ (in its
oxidised or ferric state). The increase in the number of positive signs (in this case
from two to three) indicates the loss of one electron just as it does in H+ (a hydrogen
atom which has lost an electron and therefore a negative charge). When a reduced
cytochrome (Cyt Fe++) is oxidised to Cyt Fe+++, only electrons are transferred and
the reduced electron acceptor can be written A- to indicate that it is now the proud
possessor of an electron carrying a negative charge.
As it happens, electron acceptors are particular about what they will, or will
not, accept. Some, like cytochromes, will only accept and donate electrons. Others,
like quinones (which are also important electron carriers) like to have both an
electron and a proton; i.e. they are electron carriers only in the sense that they are
hydrogen carriers and because accepting a hydrogen necessarily involves the
acceptance of an electron. All of this may seem somewhat complicated but we need
to understand it if we are to understand the basis of conserving energy in a chemical
form. If a cytochrome is offered a hydrogen (H ⇔ H+ + e-) by a quinone (or a
“quinol” as a “quinone” is more properly called when it is in the reduced state) it
can only accept the electron (e-) which is a constituent of that hydrogen atom. The
proton (H+) is left behind in solution and the solution, therefore, becomes more acid
because of the consequent increase in its hydrogen ion concentration (see Section
1.7). Conversely, if the cytochrome seeks, in turn, to offer its newly acquired electron
to yet another acceptor which is only prepared to accept hydrogens, a proton must
be taken up from solution along with each electron accepted. When such acceptors
are contained within a membrane this can result in protons being “moved” from one
side of the membrane to the other during electron transport. As we shall see later
(Section 4.7), this is the essence of Mitchell’s Chemiosmotic Hypothesis which
offers an explanation for the way in which proton gradients are established across
membranes and how these gradients are then used in the synthesis of ATP (a so-
called “high energy” compound).
2H 2 O 2A [CH 2O ] 2A 2H 2 O
+ H O +
+ +
O2 2AH 2 CO2 2AH 2 O2
[Some texts prefer to use C6H 12O 6 rather than CH2O to represent a
carbohydrate but, while compounds with this formula actually exist, and
CH2O is just a symbol, there is little point in thinking about the fate of six
carbons when one will suffice. Moreover, using C6H12O6 could imply that
glucose (which is one of several compounds with this empirical formula) was
the immediate end-product of photosynthesis whereas, in reality, it is not
(Section 5.2)].
2H + + 2e - + 1
2 O2 ⇔ H2O Eqn. 1.5
Man also sometimes burns CH2O in his fires, furnaces and engines to meet
his other energy requirements but, more usually, burns fossilised products of
photosynthesis such as coal or hydrocarbons (C-H compounds) which are more
reduced than carbohydrates.
All living organisms respire but only green plants can utilise light energy to
split water and reduce carbon dioxide. Green plants make their own CH2O; animals
obtain it by eating plants or other animals. Compounds other than CH2O are made
in photosynthesis and consumed in respiration but the underlying principle is the
same i.e. light energy is used to split H-O bonds and the restitution of these bonds
releases energy for other processes.
When we look about us, much of what we see, other than stone and water,
is either a photosynthetic product or something derived from photosynthetic
products. This is obviously true of all living organisms, such as wood and natural
fibres. In addition, coal, oil and natural gas (fossil fuels) were formed by
photosynthesis in the past and metal, brick, glass and ceramics all require the
expenditure of large quantities of fossil fuels to produce them. In processes such as
smelting, fossil fuels may also serve as reducing agents (i.e. compounds which are
ready to donate electrons or, in this instance, to accept oxygens).
Even soil owes its present form and structure to the action of living organisms and
one-fifth of the atmosphere is composed of oxygen released from water during
photosynthesis (Section 8.3). The atmosphere is also the immediate source of organic
carbon which is all derived from carbon dioxide. Although these facts are
commonplace, many believe that the green plant obtains its nutriment from the soil.
This belief seems entirely reasonable at first glance, and, in everyday life, we accept
it without too much thought because we are used to gardeners who talk about
“feeding” plants and to the extensive use of fertilisers. However, the fallacy of this
supposition was demonstrated as long ago as the seventeenth century by Van
Helmont who grew a willow in a tub of weighed soil. After watering for five years,
the willow weighed 164 lbs more and the soil only 2 ounces less. Being an honest
man, Van Helmont attributed the loss of 2 oounces to experimental error and very
sensibly concluded that the tree had grown solely at the expense of the rain-water
used for watering.
“But that Experiment of his which I was mentioning to You, he fayes, was this. He
took 200 pound of Earth dry’d in an Oven, and having put it into an Earthen Veffel
and moiften’d it with Raine water he planted in it the Trunk of a VVillow tree of five
pound VVeight; this he VVatered, as need required, with Rain or with Difftill’d
VVater; and to keep the Neighbouring Earth from getting into the Veffel, he
employed a plate of Iron tinn’d over and perforated with many holes. Five years
being efflux’d, he took out the Tree and weighed’ it, and (with computing the leaves
that fell during four Autumnes) he found it to weigh 169 pounds and about three
Ounces. And Having again Dry’d the Earth it grew in, he found it want of its Former
VVeight of 200 Pound, about a couple of Ounces; fo that of 164 pound of the Roots,
VVood, and Bark, which Confituted the Tree, feem to have Sprung from the VVater”.
- a contemporary account of Van Helmont’s experiment (from Robert Boyle, “The Sceptical Chemist”)
Despite what he said, Van Helmont was probably a better experimentalist than he
imagined, and today’s interpretation would be that the willow derived most of its
nutriment from the air, as carbon dioxide, and some essential minerals from the soil
The actual mineral requirement varies with the plant or crop but it is often less than
5% of the dry weight (Table 1.1). This is not to say that fertilisers are unimportant
On the contrary, they are essential but they are not “nutriment”, in the fullest sense
of the word, any more than salt would be regarded as food in human diet. They
become parts of a plant but are not a source of energy. Indeed large amounts of
energy (in the form of fossil fuels) are used in modern agriculture to produce
fertilisers (Table 6.2).
Table 1.1
Fresh Weight
H2O Usually greater than 90%
Dry Weight
C About 45%
O About 45%
H About 5%
N Often 1-3%
and Trace Elements
(Together with N) Usually 1-5%
otherwise be too low to support extensive growth. Fixed nitrogen is also lost to the
atmosphere by bacterial action. Genetic engineering may conceivably extend
nitrogen-fixing ability to species which lack it at present. This in the absence of
unforeseen hazards, could constitute a major agricultural advance but it would
involve expenditure of metabolic energy by the plant.
Carbon dioxide comprises only a little more than 0.03% (300 parts per
million) of the normal atmosphere. Said quickly, this sounds small but, on sober
reflection, it is remarkably small. There are more people with red hair per head of
the average population than molecules of carbon dioxide in the normal atmosphere.
This has many implications, including the fact that much of the available carbon
dioxide is constantly recycled and much of it must have completed many cycles
already. Plants fix carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. Plants, animals, microbes and
people return it to the atmosphere through respiration or (in the fullness of time) by
more permanent means.
In medieval times uptake and release of carbon dioxide was in some sort of
balance just as large areas of untouched forest are now. In the last 200 years the huge
explosion in the size of human population has only been made possible by a
corresponding acceleration in the utilisation of fossil fuels (Chapter 8).
1.7 An Analogy
s evolved at one electrode and oxygen at the other. This “electrolysis” (electrical-
splitting) of water is complicated in detail but relatively simple in principle. Water
dissociates spontaneously to give very small quantities of hydrogen ions (H+) and
hydroxyl ions (OH-)
H - O - H ⇔ H + + OH - Eqn. 1.7
The H-O bonds in water are ordinary “covalent” bonds in which H and O each share
a pair of electrons. On dissociation, both electrons stay with the hydroxyl ion
(OH-). In consequence this gains a negative charge (becoming OH- rather than OH)
whereas the hydrogen atom (H) loses its electron and is left as a proton or hydrogen
ion (H+). Although this process occurs spontaneously it proceeds only to a very small
extent before reaching equilibrium (when only one out of 10 million molecules has
[This incidentally, is related to the fact that pure water has a pH of 7.0. The
symbol “p” means “negative logarithm of” so that, if the hydrogen ion
concentration is 1 in 10 million, i.e. if the logarithm of the hydrogen ion
concentration is -7, then the negative logarithm will be +7. In theory the pH
of water should therefore be 7. In practice it is frequently more acid because
of dissolved carbon dioxide and other factors.. It should also be noted that
both the nature of the ions which are formed and the mechanism of
electrolysis are both more complicated than the simplified version given here
but the basic principles are essentially the same.]
The passage of the electric current (a stream of electrons) through the external
circuit (Fig. 1.2) leads to an accumulation of electrons at one electrode (the cathode
In the system illustrated in Fig. 1.2 the conventional battery has been replaced
by a photoelectric cell. On illumination, the current for electrolysis is generated by
the solar cell in an excitation process which is basically similar to the light excitation
of chlorophyll (Section 3.1). Thus light energy is converted into electrical energy and
this in turn is used to break H-O bonds. If the gases which are evolved from the
electrodes are collected in a single vessel and a spark is passed, the H-O bonds are
re-established with explosive violence, as the energy which has been trickled in from
the photoelectric cell is instantly released.
In respiration (Fig. 1.1), H-O bonds are re-established and therefore energy
is made available once again. Respiration does not proceed with explosive violence
because hydrogen is not reunited with the oxygen in one step. Instead the energy is
released, piecemeal, as hydrogen is transported to oxygen via a long sequence of
intermediate carriers.
“A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the
standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have, with
considerable gusto, been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists.
Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them
could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was
also negative. Yet, I was asking something which is about the scientific equivalent
of : - “Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s ?”’....C. P. Snow.
As stated above these “laws” are more than a little daunting and, to mean
anything at all, would propel us immediately into even less user-friendly concepts
like “entropy”.
or entropic doom. Only within a crystal at absolute zero does order reign
supreme in the absence of thermal movement. Fleetingly, living organisms
can reverse the general trend towards the random state by becoming more
organised at the expense of their surroundings.]
It has been claimed that many of the world’s energy problems might be solved
if physicists on earth could copy the nuclear fusion processes which occur in the sun
(although there are those who would agree that a furnace of this type is best operated
at a safe distance and that 90 million miles could be just about right). The incredibly
high temperatures (many millions of degrees Celsius) within the sun, permit
hydrogen ions to fuse. Helium is produced and vast quantities of energy (Section
9.4) are released as electromagnetic radiation. Some of this radiation travels through
space, from sun to Earth. It is the source of most of Man’s energy. That part which
can be detected by the human eye is called “visible light” and it is light within this
range of wavelengths which is utilised by green plants in photosynthesis.
photochemical equivalence, i.e. that one quantum (or particle or corpuscle) of light
(i.e., one photon if we are talking about visible light) brings about one photochemical
event in any light-driven reaction.
[As we shall see later, 8 photons are needed to bring about the photosynthetic
transport of hydrogen from water to NADP (Chapters 4 & 6) but this is
because this process requires the movement of 4 electrons in 2 consecutive
steps each requiring 1 photon per electron].
-5 -5
4x10 7x10
-12 -10 -7 -6 -3 3
l(cm) 10 10 10 10 10 10
Cosmic Gamma X-rays U.V. Infra- Radio
Fig. 2.1 Electromagnetic radiation. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)
accounts for only a very narrow waveband. Note that values are expressed in metres
(e.g. 4 × 10-5 m = 400 nm)
Relative visibility
Fig. 2.2 What Man sees and what the green plant uses. By definition “visible” light
is that perceived by the human eye (wavelengths between about 400 and 700 nm, with a
perception maximum at about 555 nm). The green plant also uses light within this
wavelength range but chlorophyll (shaded area) absorbs best in the blue and the red.
Waves of the same height will deliver more energy if they arrive more
frequently. In the same way the energy content of photons is related to the frequency
(and therefore the colour) of light at a given intensity. Blue light at 450 nm packs
more energy per photon than red light at 650 nm. A quantum of ultra-violet radiation
carries more energy than a quantum of infra-red.
The relationship between wavelength (λ) frequency (υ) and speed of light (c)
may be expressed as follows:
_ +
Fig. 2.3 Light as a waveform. The wavelength is the distance between peaks, the
height of the waves (the amplitude) is a measure of intensity.
These days (see Section 2.4) the wavelength of light is usually measured in
nanometers (nm) in accordance with the Système Internationale d’Unitès (S.I.). The
micrometres (1 µm = 10-6 m)
nanometres (1 nm = 10-9 m)
and so on. Before S.I. was established, a thousandth part of a millimetre was
sometimes referred to as a micron and the terms mµ (millimicron) and nm
(nanometre) are therefore synonymous. Physicists also used “Angstroms” (1/10 of
a millimicron) so that:-
1 mµ = 1 nm = 10 Å Eqn. 2.3
To add to the multiplicity of units, the speed of light (c) was usually expressed in
cm per second. In vacuum, c = 3 × 1010 cm/sec and, since 1 cm = 107 nm, this nice
round number unfortunately becomes 3 × 1017 nm/sec.
E = hc / λ Eqn. 2.5
“Plank’s Constant”
The value of Planck’s Constant (h) is 6.6 × 10-27 erg seconds so that, for red light
at 680 nm (which is most effective in photosynthesis),
1017 nm 1
E = 6.6 × 10 -27 erg.sec × 3 × ×
sec 680 nm
= 2. 9 × 10 -12 ergs Eqn. 2.6
There are 107 ergs to the joule and 4.184 joules to the calorie so that this becomes
2. 9 × 10 -12
calories Eqn. 2.7
4.184 × 10 7
= 0.69 × 10 -19 calories
2. 9 × 10 -12
joules Eqn. 2.8
10 7
= 2. 9 × 10 -19 joules
Clearly the energy content of a single photon is very small and it is usually put on
a more convenient basis by the simple expedient of multiplying by Avogadro’s
number (6.023 × 1023), which is similarly used to convert the weight of single atoms
into grams, e.g. the mass of 6.023 × 1023 hydrogen atoms = 1 g). Thus the energy
content of Avogadro’s number (1 quantum mole) of photons (at 680 nm) is
For some purposes it is useful (e.g. Fig. 4.2) to convert ergs to electron volts (by
dividing by a factor of 1.6 × 10-12). Then we then find that 1 photon (at 680 nm)
can accelerate 1 electron through a potential of 1.8 volts i.e.
2. 9 × 10 -12 2. 9
= = 1.8 eV Eqn. 2.11
1.6 × 10 -12 1.6
In Section 2.3 we have arrived at values for the energy content of light "divers weights and divers measures,
expressed in calories and joules. We now have an immediate problem from which both of them alike are abomination
there is no escape and one which will come back to plague us again and again (see, to the Lord" ...Proverbs 20.10
for example, section 2.5). In the beginning, Man related his measurements to things
that he had around him like hands and feet, the length of his stride (a yard), the
distance between outstretched hands (a fathom), how much he could lift (a
hundredweight) and so on. He also used other objects of fixed dimensions (such as
the seed from the carob tree which almost invariably weighs 200 mg or one “carat”
- as used by goldsmiths). As he became more sophisticated, of course, Man’s units
became correspondingly more sophisticated and, in many respects, a mess.
written with a capital 'C', the Calorie = 1 Kcalorie = 4.18 Kjoules. The calorie with
a small 'c' is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 ml of water
1°C (strictly speaking from 14.5°C to 15.5°C). So, for example, if we are told that
the calorific content of 1 mole (180 g) of glucose is 672 Calories (= 672 Kcal) this
means that if we were able to ignite a pile of glucose weighing 180 g under a large
beaker containing 10 litres of water (in such a way that we captured all of the heat
released) we could expect a temperature rise of about 67°C (0.1°C per Kcal per 10
litres). This may seem like an excuse for introducing yet more tedious arithmetic but
the intention is simply to give some feeling for the size and meaning of the units
involved. We would all know that “a drop” of water is about 1millilitre (1ml) in
volume and that if our immediate surroundings increased in temperature by 1°C we
would scarcely notice the difference. This in turn gives us some idea of the size of
a calorie as a measure of energy. The joule is also a familiar thing if we take it as
the energy produced per second by the application of a power equal to 1 watt. For
example, an electric light rated in terms of energy at 100 watts, will produce 100
joules of energy (in this case a mixture of light energy and heat energy) every second
that it is switched on. As we have seen in Section 2.3, 1 joule = 107 ergs and this
is a way of relating energy to mechanical work. The International Joule is the work
expended per second by a current of one International Ampere flowing through a
resistance of one International Ohm. These sorts of considerations allow us to start
to relate the energy that Man needs for his metabolism and all other purposes to the
sources of such energy (Chapter 6).
In the absence of units that we can all easily understand and relate to we find
ourselves in immediate difficulties. You might suppose, for example, that a second
is about the interval between the digits 1, 2 , 3, 4 .... and so on, counted in a measured
way. For many purposes such a definition would be hopelessly inadequate but, if we
came face to face with the most precise definition (below), we might find ourselves
in difficulty.
In Section 2.3 we calculated the energy content (one Einstein) of one quantum
U.K. mole (Avogadro’s number of photons) of red light at 680 nm; a wavelength which
is particularly effective in photosynthesis. Shorter wavelengths have a higher energy
content. Sunlight does not contain all the colours in the same proportions and the
1 metre corresponding calorific value for the intensity maximum (sometimes put at 575 nm)
is about 50 Kcal (209 Kjoules). Similarly the energy delivered to the earth’s surface
depends upon the quantity of light (intensity) as well as its quality (wavelength).
≡ 100 W
100W For some purposes, “light intensity” is still measured in foot candles or some
similar unit. As the name implies, this is the light given out by one standard candle
and perceived at a distance of one foot. A standard candle emits 4π lumens (1 candle
power) and if placed at the centre of a sphere of 1 foot radius produces a luminous
flux, at its surface, equal to 1 lumen/sq.ft. If the radius is increased to 1 metre the
The mean annual irradiance for same light is spread more thinly, the flux decreasing according to the square of the
the U.K. is about 100W/m2 distance. Since there are 3.2808 feet to the metre and since 3.2808 squared = 10.8
it follows that one foot candle (1 lumen/sq.ft.) = 10.8 lux or metre candles (1 lumen/
sq. metre). The human eye is a very good device for comparing the intensity of weak
light sources, but very poor for determining absolute intensity values. This is because
the iris diaphragm closes in bright light, so protecting the retina. Accordingly we tend
to over-estimate the intensity of light if we enter a well-lit room from a dark night. 23
0.5 x 6 x 10
The light intensity in such a room is unlikely to be more than 200 ft candles, whereas
in full sunlight it may be as much as 10,000 ft candles (100,000 lux). For accurate
measurement the human eye (or instruments such as photographic “light meters”
which were designed to mimic its performance) have been replaced by instruments “Half an Avogadro Pair"
which record the incident radiation in units such as photons per sq. metre per sec.
[It is not strictly correct to describe light energy arriving at a surface in terms
of ‘light intensity’. Intensity is a property of the radiating source e.g. a
standard candle emits a flux of 1 candle power or 4π lumens. The
corresponding measure of flux density or light received is 1 lumen/ft2].
At the present time, relatively new instrumentation is fast displacing the need
to cling to these old units, themselves a product of out-moded measuring procedures.
Many contemporary light meters are, in fact, photon (Section 2.2) counters and give
values of light “intensity” expressed as “photon flux density” (PFD), i.e. the number
of photons which strike a unit area per unit time. For biological purposes, this area
is often taken to be one metre and the time one second. It is also convenient (for
reasons which will become clear in Chapter 6) to express the number of photons as
µmole quanta or µmole photons.
The relationship between some of the units which are still used, or have been
used, is given in Table 2.2 (overleaf) but it should be appreciated that it is often not
possible to give precise equivalents because “white” light from the sun does not have
Full sunlight (Global Irradiance) expressed in several ways.
This table shows the approximate equivalence between full sunlight (expressed, at left, as
illuminance) and the energy content of its photosynthetically active component, (right)
assuming a mean wavelength of 575 nm.
precisely the same spectral composition as light from a traditional tungsten source
(bulb, globe), or a fluorescent tube or a quartz-halogen lamp (typical of modern
motor vehicles). Accordingly, these sources do not deliver the same energy at
intensities which would be judged to be equal by some of the procedures which have
been employed in the past. Precise evaluation is only possible for “monochromatic”
light or when instruments are used (e.g. “spectroradiometers”) which, in effect, count
how many photons are delivered over the whole spectrum of wavelengths emitted
by a particular source.
More solar energy reaches the earth than might be imagined by those who live
in a cold climate. At noon, on a clear day at the equator, each square metre of the
sea’s surface may be rated (according to the energy it receives) at 1 kW. Clearly this
value will fall as the sun goes down or as the distance from the equator is increased.
However, if averaged over 24 hours/day and 365 days/year it is surprisingly
independent of latitude and cloud cover. Thus the mean annual irradiance in the Red
Sea area is about 300 W/square metre, but the corresponding values for Australia and
the USA are as high as 200 W/m2 and 185 W/m2 respectively and even, in the UK,
the average is about 105.
( +
( ( (
( ( ( ( (
+ +
- ( ( ( (
) ( (
( (
( (
This analogy, drawn by Rod Clayton, is both useful and easy to understand
in terms of a not uncommon human experience. To set a tuning fork “humming” we
must strike it. A second tuning fork, set next to it, will then begin to hum. So long
as we continue to strike the first, the second will continue to vibrate. In the sun we
have dipoles induced to oscillate by nuclear fusion of protons. These oscillating
dipoles radiate electromagnetic energy. Such energy (at wavelengths in the red and
the blue which chlorophyll molecules can absorb) set dipoles in oscillation within
the light-harvesting antennae of a plant's photosystems (Section 3.3). Energy transfer
between sun and plant has been accomplished.
So where do photons come in? The trouble was that the classical picture,
described above, is inadequate. It simply could not account for all of the known
observations. In an attempt to resolve these difficulties, Planck proposed (Section
E2 2.2) that energy could only be exchanged in discrete parcels (quanta). This made it
h u possible, amongst other things, to equate emission and absorption spectra (the
wavelengths at which substances may emit or absorb light) with definite energy
states of atoms. Absorption of a photon changes an atom, primarily by lifting an
outermost, or valence, electron from a “ground state” orbital to a higher “excited
state” orbital. The energy of the atom is thus increased by the energy (hυ) of the
E1 absorbed photon.
p of light [In terms of the classic theory the electromagnetic wave induces an oscillatory
h = E2 - E1 dipole in the atom, the tuning-fork begins to hum.]
He He He
S=0 S=0 S =1
Singlet Excited Excited
singlet triplet
If the electron drops directly back from the excited state to the ground state
a photon is emitted (see Section 2.9). The transition from ground state to excited state
(and vice versa) takes about 10-15 s. Electrons are like tiny spheres which spin on
their axes. If a pair of electrons that are normally together, spinning in opposite
What applies to atoms also applies to molecules but there is the added degree
of complexity brought about by the fact that there are now several nuclei involved
as well as the vibratory and rotating movements of these nuclei in relation to the mass
of the whole system which comprises the molecule. Accordingly, there are, in effect,
a number of “ground states” and a corresponding number of “excited states” . The
single sharp line of the atomic-absorption spectrum is replaced by a number of
closely adjacent lines, each a consequence of a transition from a ground state to an
excited state and each brought about by absorption of a photon with precisely the
right energy content to effect such a transition. The height of the line is governed
by the probability of the transition and the lines are usually too close to be resolved
so that a characteristic absorption band is observed rather than the well-defined line
of the atomic absorption spectrum which depends upon a single transition,
consequent upon the absorption of one photon, rather than multiple transitions
consequent upon absorption of a number of photons at different wavelengths.
} Excited
state (two)
} Excited
state (one)
u u hu
blue h red h fluorescence
} Ground state
Fig. 2.6 Excitation of chlorophyll by red and blue light. The parallel lines represent
energy sub-state or electronic orbitals. Thus the energy delivered by the absorption of
a blue photon (left) is sufficient to raise an electron to excited state ‘two’ from where
it rapidly returns by a process of radiationless de-excitation, ‘cascading’ through sub-
states, to excited state ‘one’. A photon of red light (centre) only has enough energy
to raise an electron to excited state ‘one’ but this excited state is sufficiently stable
to permit useful chemical work and is, in effect, the starting point of all other events
in photosynthesis. Particularly in organic solvents, excited state one can also dissipate
energy by re-emitting light as (deep red) fluorescence.
energy as heat, in small steps between excited substates prior to the abrupt drop from
an excited state to a ground state. Most molecules have two or more excited states
and therefore two or more peaks in their absorption spectra. The tails of these peaks
overlap, permitting easy thermal cascading (heat loss in dropping from one excited
substate to another). This occurs so rapidly (in about 10-12 secs) that there is no
opportunity for photochemistry or fluorescence.
[The excited states of molecules usually persist for for about 10-8 seconds, the
triplet state may have a lifetime of about 10-4 to 10-1 seconds.]
It is for this reason that chlorophyll looks green yet emits red fluorescence
when excited. Chlorophyll has two absorption maxima; (Figs. 2.2 and 3.1) one in
the blue, at about 420nm, (corresponding to excited state 2) and one in the red, at
about 680nm (corresponding to excited state 1). Because it absorbs red and blue
light, and reflects and transmits green light, chlorophyll (and leaves) look green when
illuminated in white light (which is, of course, a mixture of these dominant colours).
If a solution of chlorophyll (e.g. in alcohol or acetone) is viewed from the side,
however, (so that the retina of the observer is not flooded with green photons
transmitted through the solution) a deep red fluorescence is seen. This only emanates
from the red excited state because excited state 2 decays to excited state 1 by thermal
cascading (dissipation of excitation energy as heat in going from one substate to the
next) too quickly (10-12 sec) to allow fluorescence emission from the blue excited
state. Similarly, the red excited state is the starting point, the driving force, of the
chemistry of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis derives no benefit from the extra energy
of blue photons (Table 2.1) because of this rapid heat loss.
Whole books have been written about chlorophyll fluorescence. Emitted from
an illuminated chlorophyll solution, fluorescence is spectactular but otherwise not
very exciting. Emitted from a leaf, it gives what Lavorel and Etienne once described
as “a rich and ambiguous signal”. Chlorophyll fluorescence from leaves is a much
smaller fraction of the excitation energy than that emitted from solution. So small
a fraction indeed (about 3-5%) that it can only be detected by sensitive photodiodes,
protected in instruments, by optical filters and other devices which protect against
other wavelengths. Chlorophyll a fluoresces at about 685nm but, in leaves, the
emission may be shifted further into the red, to a secondary maximum at about
740nm, by re-absorption of fluorescence by chlorophyll.
It has long been proposed that there must be an inverse relationship between
chlorophyll a fluorescence emission from leaves and photosynthetic carbon
assimilation. Fluorescence it was argued must be an indicator of “gainful
employment”. If photosynthesis is driven by the red excited state of chlorophyll the
more excitation energy that is used for that purpose the less would be available for
dissipation as heat or as light. This concept also gains support from so called
“fluorescence induction” (the Kautsky effect). This effect is seen when leaves are
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Fig. 2.7 The Kautsky Effect. Photosynthetic carbon assimilation starts slowly when
a leaf in darkness is abruptly illuminated. During this induction period fluorescence
rises rapidly at first and then falls, sometimes displaying secondary peaks, to a quasi
steady-state level.
1 min CO2
Fig. 2.8 Complex fluorescence kinetics. The broken line is CO2 uptake and illustrates
the broadly inverse relationship between fluorescence and carbon assimilation. “E” is
defined by quenching-analysis (Section 2.10) and is the difference between maximal
and variable fluorescence.
short time after illumination and thereafter falls, albeit sometimes in a complex way,
through one or more secondary maxima, to a “steady-state” level much lower than
the initial maximum. This is precisely what would be expected if it were supposed
that the “dark biochemistry” took some time to get under way but that the
photochemical events started immediately. Moreover, it is known that the
10 Secs photochemical events do start immediately (for example the Hill reaction, described
in Section 4.1, in which chloroplasts reduce an artificial electron acceptor, starts at
maximal rates without discernible lag). The problem was that, in the words of
air air Lavorel and Etienne, fluorescence is such a “rich and ambiguous” signal. The
“richness” of the signal lies both in the complexity of the initial rise and the
-CO2 secondary kinetics, often seen, in the subsequent fall. The “ambiguity” resides in the
fact that, at one time, the complexity was such that it seemed to defy explanation
and the fact that some changes were exactly the converse of those which might have
been predicted. Perhaps the most important of these was the response (the “gas-
transient”, left) when carbon dioxide was abruptly removed from the atmosphere
surrounding the leaf. This was bound to result in a similarly abrupt cessation of
carbon assimilation. It would follow that there should be more excitation energy
available for dissipation and reasonable to suppose, therefore, that fluorescence
emission might increase. That, in fact, was observed but the abrupt rise in
fluorescence emission which followed removal of carbon dioxide was soon
overtaken by such a large decrease that, within a matter of seconds, the fluorescence
signal had fallen below the level seen during unimpeded photosynthesis. Similarly,
re-addition of carbon dioxide produced a downward excursion followed by a rise
which took the signal back to the original level.
Many of the ambiguities have now been explained in terms of two principal
“quenching mechanisms”. The term “quenching” is associated with work by Duysens
and Sweers who proposed, many years ago, that there was an electron acceptor
(associated with what is now described as photosystem II - Fig. 3.4) which would
accept electrons when in its oxidised state. They designated this acceptor “Q” for
“quencher” on the basis that, if excitation energy was used to lift electrons from
water to Q this excitation energy would not be available for dissipation as
fluorescence and, accordingly, fluorescence would be quenched. If, on the other
hand, Q was, for whatever reason, in a fully reduced state, all of the excitation at
that moment would be available for dissipation and that fraction dissipated as light
would increase the fluorescence signal. Quenching (qQ) associated with the oxidation
reduction status of Q (which, incidentally, turned out to be a quinone) is now
referred to as “photochemical quenching” (qP). This is seen as the explanation for
the initial rise in the fluorescence signal when CO2 is suddenly removed from a leaf.
Once reduced, Q (or more properly “QA”, as the reaction centre in photosytem II is
now called) normally passes electrons, via other electron carriers, to photosystem I
and finally to carbon dioxide via NADP (Sections 4.1 and 4.2). In the absence of
CO2, NADPH2 cannot be re-oxidised via this route (by CO2), fluorescence quenching
by oxidised QA “relaxes” and fluorescence emission rises. The second major
quenching mechanism (formerly qE for “energy quenching”), is now designated qNP,
for “non-photochemical quenching”). Precisely how this works is still not properly
understood but it is associated with the establishment of a proton gradient (∆pH)
across the thylakoid membrane (Chapters 3 and 4). This proton gradient normally
2H fp
Stroma reduc
QA x
2 Photons PQ shuttle 2 Photons
P680 cytf PC
H2 O 1_ + +
2 O2 + 2H 2H
Fig. 2.9 Organisation of electron carriers in the thylakoid membrane. Note the H
inward movement of protons from the stroma into the lumen of the thylakoid. The X
proton gradient, discharging through the ATPase (see right margin) drives ATP
formation from ADP and Pi. The nature of the carriers is considered in Section 3.9 Chloroplast
& 3.10.
discharges through the ATPase (Section 4.7), generating ATP from ADP and Pi. In PS I
the absence of carbon dioxide, ATP is not consumed in photosynthetic carbon PS II +
assimilation and ADP is therefore no longer available to discharge the proton H
gradient through the ATPase in this process. In these circumstances the un- Inside
thylakoid +
discharged proton gradient appears to switch dissipation of excitation energy from H
+ H
fluorescence into thermal channels with the result that fluorescence is quenched. +
This, in part, is the source of the decline in fluorescence which pushes the H
fluorescence signal from the initial maximum (seen on the removal of CO2) to a Fo
value even lower than before. When CO2 is returned to the atmosphere surrounding CF1
the leaf the converse sequence of events occurs. QA- can become re-oxidised in the
presence of CO2 so that its fluorescence quenching is re-imposed. ATP is consumed
in carbon assimilation making ADP available to discharge the proton gradient. As ADP + Pi + ATP
the proton gradient falls, some dissipation of excitation switches back, from thermal
channels, into fluorescence.
Major advances in the resolution of the fluorescence signal into its separate
components and consequent understanding of the underlying trends has followed the
introduction of “light-doubling” and the development of sophisticated apparatus by
Schreiber and his colleagues. “Light-doubling” was introduced by Baker and
developed by Horton and others. Saturating flashes of light were used in this
Fm :
{ } }
qE (Fv )m
q (Fv )m
(Fv )m
} qQ (Fv )m
Fo :
} Fv
(Fv) s
saturating 20 s
measuring actinic
beam beam
"The changing of bodies into light and light into bodies is very
comfortable to the source of Nature, which seems delighted
with the transmutation” ..... Isaac Newton.
CH 3
C C CH 2
CH 2
2 Isoprene
Chl a
663 4
Chl b
Chl a 10
80% acetone
Chl b 40
400 450 500 550 600 650
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 3.1 Absorption spectra of chlorophylls in acetone. The absorption in the blue
(left) and the red (right) leaves the “window” in the green which gives chlorophyll its
characteristic colour when viewed in white light. Note that the peaks are shifted
towards longer wavelengths when the pigments are associated with proteins in a leaf.
Chlorophylls are the first step in energy transduction. Excited by blue or red
wavelengths of light, they initiate electron transport. The conversion of light energy
to electrical energy is analogous to the reaction in man-made photoreceptors such as
amorphous silica cells which generate electric currents when illuminated (c.f. Fig.
1.2). Each photon of red light which is absorbed by a chlorophyll molecule raises
an electron from a ground state to an excited state and all of the available energy
is transferred in this process. This excitation brings about an oxidation. Electron
transport (Section 1.2) is initiated, as the electron is lifted into a higher orbit and a
positively charged “hole” is created. Absorption of blue light causes even greater
excitation (because of the higher energy content of the blue quantum) but the
elevated electron then falls back into the “red orbit” too quickly to permit useful
chemical work. Thus, whatever the quality of the light absorbed, the electron reaches
the same energy level more or less immediately after excitation and all subsequent
events derive from this common starting point (excited state I).
rather than an intermittent basis. They also contrived to vary the chlorophyll content
of the Chlorella by growing it under different light intensities. To their complete
surprise, they found that saturation was effected when the number of photons
supplied in a flash were sufficient to excite only about one out of every 2,500
molecules of chlorophyll in the sample being examined. They confessed that they
were really unable to account for this result (which obviously implied that, at least
in this situation, most of the chlorophyll was superfluous). It fell to Gaffron and
Wohl to propose the concept of the “photosynthetic unit” as a way of explaining both
Emerson and Arnold’s findings and their own work (on varieties of plants, relatively
deficient in chlorophyll, which were still able to achieve good rates of photosynthesis
but only at high light intensities). The idea was that there might be photosynthetic
units (assemblies of chlorophylls) in which most of the molecules were not directly
concerned in the evolution of oxygen but in capturing and transferring energy to
those few which were. Bearing in mind the quantum requirement of 8, there could,
for example, be 8 such units each containing a reaction centre associated with about
300 molecules of “antenna” chlorophyll, concerned solely with light-harvesting.
P700 P680
(120 chl a) (60 chl a)
Fig. 3.2 A photosynthetic unit. The “cores” of PSI (left) and PSII (right) are
represented by the inner circles; light-harvesting complex, LHC. The areas correspond
to relative proportions of each chlorophyll-protein complex (after Jan Anderson).
then x must be 12.5 (µmoles of O2.m-2.s-1). For a 100 leaf this would give
us 0.125 (12.5 × 100/10,000) µmoles of O2 per second. If 8 photons are needed to
co-operate in order to produce 1 µmole of O2, 0.125 µmoles of O2 per second
requires 1 µmole (0.125 × 8) photons per second. This fits our arithmetic. Our
circular argument is sound. The leaf is receiving photons at the rate needed to evolve
( (
( ( (
It must be borne in mind that this earlier work pre-dated the Z-scheme
(Section 4.3) and work on chlorophyll-protein complexes (Section 3.3) and that
much still remains to be done in assigning function to structures known to be present
but not yet properly understood. For this reason the “photosynthetic unit” has meant,
and will continue to mean, rather different things to different people. For the present
we will take the simplest view that the reaction centres (Sections 3.7 and 3.8) of
photosystems I and II are located in one such unit (Fig 3.2) comprising about 400
molecules of chlorophyll, most of which are incorporated into the antennae.
L * R → LR * Eqn. 3.1
where “L” and “R” stand for “left” and “right”, respectively, in order to avoid
confusion between transfer from primary donors to primary acceptors (Section 1.2)
and the asterisk indicates the particle which is transferred. In LHC, this particle is
an exciton. Once the exciton has reached the reaction centre of PSII (Section 3.7)
“L” represents the primary donor (in its first excited single state), “R” is the primary
acceptor and the particle which is transferred is an electron starting on its journey
through PSII, via PSI, to NADP and carbon dioxide.
Within the antenna, excitons (Section 3.3) migrate “downhill” from carotenoids
and chlorophyll b at the periphery, via chlorophyll a, to the reaction centre which
constitutes a trap from which there is no escape. Chlorophyll b absorbs photons of
higher energy (shorter wavelength) than chlorophyll a which, in turn, has absorption
maxima at wavelengths lower than that of the reaction centre itself (Section 3.7).
There are, however, a number of forms of chlorophyll a (which cannot, at present,
be separated from the leaf but the presence of which can be inferred from computer
analyses of absorption spectra) and if these were structurally arranged in such a way
(Fig. 4.2) that the longer wavelength (lower energy) forms were arrayed about the
reaction centre it would decrease the number of hops which an exciton would make
by a factor of ten, compared with a purely “random walk” (or random hop). Whether
or not such structural organisation exists, exciton transfer is very rapid and very
efficient (the overall state of excitation of chlorophyll molecules within a
photosynthetic unit lasts less than 1 nanosecond and the observed quantum efficiency
at this primary level is close to 100%).
47 43
kD Fe kD
32 kD 32 kD
D2 D1
b 559 P680
33kD Ca 23
- kD
2H2O 16kD
O2 + 4H
Fig. 3.4 Photosystem II. Diagrammatic representation of PSII and its associated
components as a light-harvesting complex in the thylakoid membrane (Courtesy of Jim
Barber). The water-splitting side gives rise to powerful oxidising species which are
harboured in the D1 polypeptide which binds QB (Photoinhibition [Section 5.9]
involves damage to this QB binding protein).
one for each photosystem; that these have absorption maxima at 680 nm (PSII) and
700 nm (PSI); that they constitute traps for the excitons which migrate through the
light-harvesting antennae (Section 3.3) and that they are the sites at which light-
driven electron transport commences, in PSII, and is boosted (by PSI) as electrons
travel onwards to NADP.
+Pi I
Cyt B
Cyt f P700
P680 Pc
Y O2
2H2O 4H
The reaction centre in PSII accepts electrons from the water-splitting oxygen-
evolving complex and uses light energy to raise them to a higher energy level from
which they can run downhill though a series of electron acceptors to PSI which, with
the help of longer wavelength photons, kicks them further upwards en route to
ferredoxin and NADP (Section 4.2).
The primary electron donor in the PSII reaction centre is pigment 680 (P680),
a special form of chlorophyll a with an absorption maximum, as the name implies,
at 680 nm. Upon excitation of P680, an electron is passed uphill, via an intermediary
acceptor, phaeophytin, to the primary acceptor QA (see e.g. Fig. 2.9). QA is a
covalently bound form of plastoquinone. Electrons pass from QA to QB, a diffusible
form of plastoquinone, and then out of PSII, down a thermochemical (energy)
gradient to PSI and beyond.
To some, “Beyond PSI” is not over the hill but almost beyond the pale.
In a sense, they are right. It is possible, as Arnon and Whatley showed in their classic
experiment (Section 4.8) to divide photosynthesis into a light part and a dark part.
It is possible to get isolated chloroplasts to generate assimilatory power (ATP,
NADPH2), in the light and then encourage them to use this to “fix” a little CO2 in
the dark. In actuality, in vivo, the early photochemical events are closely linked to
reactions which can be regarded as part of the “dark biochemistry”. Some of these
do not even occur in the chloroplast. Sucrose synthesis, for example, occurs in the
cytosol but it utilises triose phosphate which is synthesised in the chloroplast and
returns inorganic phosphate (via the phosphate translocator - Section 4.11) to the
chloroplast in order that the synthesis of triose phosphate from CO2 and inorganic
phosphate might continue. If the inorganic phosphate content of the cytosol is
manipulated experimentally, say by feeding phosphate through the cut petiole of a
leaf, early photochemical events, such as fluorescence emission from chlorophyll a
in PSII (Section 3.7) is affected within minutes. Similarly, some of the enzymes
involved in the “dark biochemistry” are only “switched on” in the light. All of this
reminds us that, while we can divide photosynthesis into photochemistry and “dark
biochemistry”, the latter actually occurs in the light and any separation of these two
aspects is simply a matter of convenience which has little basis in reality. Having
said that, if we seek to make such a division at all, PSI is where we would do it.
All of the photosynthetic pigments and their associated proteins, the two
photosystems, the electron carriers and the ATPsynthase (Fig. 2.9 and section 4.7),
are located in the thylakoid membranes. Beyond PSI is the “dark biochemistry” of
carbon assimilation. Of course, there is the problem of where the thylakoid ends and
where the stroma begins but this is perhaps not of vast importance in the present
context and we shall note it, as best we can, as we continue.
One thing worth remembering about chloroplasts is that there are an awful lot
of them and they are very small. They are about the same size and shape as
cyanobacteria (Section 8.3) and red blood corpuscles (but then it may not help to
know that something is the size of a plover’s egg unless you have one in your hand).
Rabinowitch tells us that chloroplasts are flattened ellipsoides about 5 microns (5µ
= 5 µm = 5000 nm) long but that might not help a lot either. Nor might it help, too
much, to know that 5 µm (5000 nm) is about ten times the wavelength of green light
or about as long as 50,000 molecules of water laid end to end. Perhaps, we can begin
to get an idea of size and number if we remember that, in a leaf as big as your hand
(which tells you immediately that this is a very approximate figure), there are about
Fig. 3.6 Three dimensional view of the interior of the spongy mesophyll of a leaf (after
Troughton & Donaldson). To illustrate the open nature of the structure of this tissue which facilitates gaseous exchange.
Carbon dioxide, entering the leaf via the stomatal apertures diffuses freely through the cavernous inter-cellular spaces and
dissolves readily in the thin film of water which always bathes these surfaces. The outline of the chloroplasts lying immediately
beneath the cell walls (see also Fig. 3.11 and 3.12) gives these surfaces a patterned appearance and the fact that the
chloroplasts are distributed in this way within the cells maximises both light interception and transport of CO2. The thin
film of water is constantly replenished by the transpiration stream which conveys water and mineral ions from the roots,
via the vascular tissues of the leaves. Transpiration itself, in which water evaporates within the leaf and diffuses as a vapour
through the stomata, is regulated by the size of the stomatal aperture but there is an obvious trade-off between limitation
of water loss and restriction of carbon dioxide entry.
54 54
} Palisade
} Spongy
Figure 3.7. Cross section of a C3 leaf. (After Sachs) Shows location of chloroplasts
(black bodies lining periphery of palisade and mesophyll cells - see also Fig. 3.12).
This section is through a mid-rib in which the main vascular tissue (responsible for
supply of water and mineral salts and removal of sugar etc.) is embedded. Some leaves
have more than one layer of palisade cells; all have a spongy mesophyll layer with
spaces between the cells which permit free circulation of air, so that CO2 (entering via
the stomata) can be fixed in carbon assimilation. In starch forming C3 leaves, all of
the chloroplasts will come to contain starch grains after illumination.
What you do is this. First find a leaf. In principle any leaf will do but some
do not make starch and others are not too easy to handle. Molisch, who started all
this, used Tropaeolum (which gardeners, for some reason, usually call Nasturtium).
Geranium (which gardeners ought to call Pelargonium) is better. The first trick is
to get rid of all its starch. In the leaf, as you recall, starch (a polysaccharide made
up of “glucose” units) is present only in the chloroplasts where it is presumed to
represent photosynthetic product in excess of that which could be used by the rest
of the plant in daylight hours. Certainly in a healthy leaf, in its prime, much of this
starch is “mobilised” (i.e. converted to simpler molecules such as triose phosphates
and glucose) by night and transported out of the chloroplast. So if we put a
“geranium” in the dark for 48 hours (72 hours may do it grievous bodily harm) we
can expect to find it free of starch. Accordingly, if we remove the chlorophyll from
the leaf (so that it now looks pale cream in colour) and stain for starch we will not
find any. How to remove the chlorophyll? Chlorophyll, as you recall, can be
dissolved in organic solvents but leaves are full of water and solvents such as petrol
(petrol ether) do not mix with water and are messy and dangerous things to handle.
Acetone is fine but it has an awful smell and, in the normal way of things, is far
too dangerous to use (because of flash ignition of acetone vapour). Ethanol is
charming but you may have problems with the law, customs and excise, or whatever.
If in doubt settle for methanol (methylated spirit) containing 10 to 20% water. Kill
the leaf by dipping briefly in near-boiling water. Transfer to warm methanol in a
beaker and heat carefully (best over a hot plate and in a fume cupboard or hood to
avoid fire risk or, failing this, support the beaker over a container of hot water in
a well ventilated space). Once the chlorophyll has been leached from the leaf (it takes
about 15 minutes and it may help to use more than one lot of methanol) rinse it well
in water and add a few drops of iodine solution (0.2 g. iodine + 5 g. potassium iodide
in 100 ml of water). Nothing will happen, except that, if you add too much iodine
the leaf will lose its pleasant cream colour and become pale brown. But this, of
course, is the equivalent of attempting to take a photograph with the lens cover in
place. Before proceeding to extraction and staining you must first make your picture.
The easiest, and least satisfactory, thing to do is to obscure part of the leaf with a
piece of card and put the geranium, pot and all, into bright sunlight for half an hour
or so. Subsequent killing, extraction and staining will produce a black image against
a cream background - cream where the card has stopped the light getting to the leaf.
“Real” pictures of good quality can be achieved by obscuring part of the leaf with
a photographic negative and illuminating overnight with a 100 W lamp at a distance
of a foot or so above a trough of water to filter out heat. If you want to be really
fancy, project an image on to a de-starched leaf using a slide-projector and a lens
(to keep the image small). In this case it is important to hold the leaf between glass
to prevent it moving and, ideally, to place black cloth soaked in bicarbonate solution
behind the leaf to provide it with plentiful CO2 and diminish the possibility of light
being reflected back into the leaf from the surface of the glass. These devices are
all intended to shorten the illumination time to 15-20 minutes and keep the leaf
perfectly still during this period. (Even the fathers of modern photography could not
get good images if their subjects moved during exposure of the film).
Figures 3.8-3.9 are examples of what is possible. This is how to smuggle the
plans out of the country as an image, created in starch within a leaf, now dried and
slipped innocuously between the pages of a book, waiting to be mounted and stained
with iodine. All very well, you might think, but where is its relevance to the subject
of this book? I have included them for several reasons. The first is that I needed a
schematic diagram of chloroplast structure and what nicer way than to persuade
chloroplasts to make me one? The second to re-create the original observation by
Sachs in the last century that starch was only found in illuminated chloroplasts and
that these must therefore be the organelles responsible for photosynthesis. The third
to give a glimpse of chloroplasts at work because they, after all, are what we depend
on for our energy and our existence and here is visual evidence of transduction of
light energy to chemical energy in the form of CH2O. The fourth to show that even
plant biochemistry can be beautiful.
The successive enlargements of the starch picture in Figs. 3.9 to 3.10 illustrate
the degree of resolution which can be attained in this way given the immense number
of chloroplasts in a leaf. In the highest magnification the outlines of stomatal
apertures (through which CO2 enters the leaf) can be seen because starch in stomata
is not mobilised in darkness like that in the mesophyll and palisade tissues and is
therefore stained by iodine regardless of prior illumination, or the lack of it.
Fig. 3.10 Starch Pictures. Successive enlargements of Fig. 3.9. In the lower of these it is just possible to see the
starch grains in the guard cells of the stomata. These cells do not lose their starch entirely in the dark and therefore appear
as small dots (arrowed), providing a convenient scale by which the definition of the picture can be judged. It will be seen that
the much larger black, circular, machine-made areas used by the draughtsman in the diagram of the chloroplast are reproduced
with remarkable precision. There is no discernible formation of starch in the darkened areas, even in the immediate vicinity
of the illuminated cells.
As the diagram within the leaf (Figs. 3.9 and 3.10) indicates, the basic
structure of the chloroplast is very simple. The detailed structure is, on the other
hand, extremely complex and still far from being fully elucidated or properly
understood. That there is still so much to learn is not for want of effort or interest
but it should be appreciated that, even in regard to the overall structure, we are
talking about an object so small that we can comfortably accommodate as many
chloroplasts as there are people in the world within the confines of a leaf of average
size. When it comes down to detail we are essentially talking about molecular
structure and very complex molecules at that. These, apart from those already
touched upon in other sections of this chapter and elsewhere are largely beyond the
scope of this book. For present purposes, Fig. 3.10 will suffice to define the major
compartments. First of all there are the outer envelopes. The first of these is freely
permeable and, in the words of the song, can be regarded as “the skin, that keeps
the rest in” although there is reason to believe that there are one or two bits and
pieces of importance between the two envelopes. The inner envelope is certainly
extremely important in function because it houses “the phosphate translocator”.
(Section 4.11). This works like a door guarded by a demon which only allows certain
molecules to pass through and then only in exchange for other molecules which pass
out. This is the principal channel of export of photosynthetic products from the
chloroplast to the cytosol (the compartment of the cell within which other organelles
such as nucleus, mitochondria, etc., are located). Triose phosphate produced by
operation of the Calvin Cycle (Chapter 5) is exported from the chloroplast via this
route in exchange (Fig. 3.11) for inorganic phosphate (Pi). Much of the triose
phosphate is used in the synthesis of sucrose in the cytosol, prior to movement of
this sucrose to other parts of the plant. Sucrose synthesis from triose phosphate
involves release of inorganic phosphate so there is a constant cycling of Pi between
chloroplast and cell brought about in this way.
Within the inner membrane there is the stroma. This can be thought of as a
protein gel containing the enzymes of the Calvin Cycle; inorganic molecules like Pi
and dissolved carbon dioxide and oxygen; ions like K+, Na+, Mg++ and Cl- etc. The
largest single constituent is RUBISCO, the carboxylating enzyme (section 5.2),
which is present in astonishingly large quantities. Lying in the stroma is the thylakoid
compartment. The name is from the Greek and derived from its perceived similarity
to baggy trousers, traditionally worn in some areas of the Mediterranean. There is
probably only one thylakoid compartment within each chloroplast but it is very
difficult to be sure because this sac is often folded repeatedly upon itself (Fig 3.14)
to form stacks of “grana” (so called because they look like “grains” when viewed
alone in the light microscope). The thylakoid membranes are green, unlike the
chloroplast envelopes which are yellow. They house the chlorophylls, some
carotenoids, and the electron carriers (such as plastoquinone, cytochromes,
plastocyanin and ferredoxin - section 3.9) all embedded in a protein-lipid matrix. The
degree of organisation within the thylakoid membranes is immense including, as it
does, the light-harvesting complexes, reaction centres, etc., and the ATPsynthase
which is concerned in ATP synthesis (Section 4.7). During electron transport,
protons are moved from the stromal space, which therefore becomes more alkaline,
into the thylakoid space which becomes more acid. The discharge of protons through
the ATPsynthase drives ATP formation so that the whole system is roughly
analogous to a hydroelectric system in which electricity is “stored” by night by
pumping water into a reservoir from which it is discharged the next day through an
electricity generating turbine. In photosynthesis, light energy generates the electrical
Fig. 3.12 Electron micrograph showing chloroplasts lying in a thin film of cytoplasm against the walls of spongy
mesophyll cells. For the location of these cells see Fig. 3.7. The centre of each cell is occupied by a large central vacuole. The spaces
between cells facilitate gaseous exchange. - Courtesy of A.
D. Greenwood
Fig. 3.13 Enlargement of Fig. 3.12. Showing thylakoid membranes within chloroplasts
embedded in cytosol surrounding the large central vacuole and bounded, in turn, by the mesophyll
cell wall. - Courtesy of A.
D. Greenwood
Fig. 3.14 Further enlargement of thylakoid membranes. Showing stacking (so called "grana", because of their granular
appearance under the light microscope) of thylakoid membranes (c.f. figs. 3.3 and 3.5). - Courtesy of A. D. Greenwood
energy which pumps the protons from the stroma to the thylakoid compartment. As
the protons discharge through the ATPsynthase, energy is conserved in a chemical
form as ADP is joined to Pi to give ATP (section 4.7).
3.14 Summary
In this chapter we have examined the physical basis of light-harvesting and
the transfer of electrons from water to NADP. We have seen that chlorophyll and
other photosynthetic pigments are located in thylakoid membranes lying in the
stroma of the chloroplast. Chlorophyll is green because it absorbs red and blue
photons whilst transmitting and reflecting green photons. Absorption of photons
causes chlorophylls to become excited and “excitons” migrate down antennae
(lightharvesting chlorophyll protein complexes) to the reaction centres of photosystems
I and II. Excitation of P680 and P700, in the reaction centres of PSII and PSI
respectively, initiates electron transport. Electrons are raised to a higher energy level
thereby creating the “holes” which accept electrons from water. From QA the primary
electron acceptor in PSII, electrons run “downhill” through a series of electron carri-
ers including plastoquinone (PQ), plastocyanin (PC) and the cyto chrome b/| com-
plex, to P700 in the reaction centre of PSI. Here further excitation by incoming photons
boosts electrons on their way to the primary acceptor (A) of PSI, ferredoxin, NADP
and eventually to carbon dioxide. Back at PSII, electrons released from water fill the
“holes” created by excitation of P680 and oxygen is evolved. Four photons, acting
consecutively in each of the two photosystems, combine to evolve one molecule of
oxygen and reduce two molecules of NADP. The very last components of the electron
transport chain are located in the stroma of the chloroplast, the protein gel of enzymes
in which the thylakoid membranes are embedded. As such, NADP and ferredoxin lie
at the boundary between the photochemical events and the socalled “dark biochemis-
try” of the Calvin Cycle (Chapter 5). The entire process, for which these components
are responsible, is one of energy transduction in which light energy is converted first
into electrical energy (electron transport) and then into chemical energy (energy rich
compounds such as ATP and NADPH2).
Traditionally, the overall equation for photosynthesis has often been written as :-
_ 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O → C 6 H12 O 6 + 6O 2 Eqn. 4.1
There is nothing wrong with this equation to the extent that it succeeds in
summarising most of the essential features of photosynthesis - the utilisation of light
energy i.e. hv Section 2.3), the release of oxygen and the formation of a carbohydrate
(C6H12O6) from carbon dioxide. In other regards it is misleading. For example, the
first real “product” of photosynthesis is not a free hexose sugar, as C6H12O6 implies,
but rather a triose phosphate (i.e. a sugar containing three atoms of carbon, rather
than six, joined to a terminal phosphate group - Section 5.2).
Although sugars such as glucose and fructose (both of which have the same
empirical formula, C6H12O6) may eventually appear in plant leaves as a result of
photosynthesis they are not formed directly from carbon dioxide and are not even
particularly important compounds in leaf metabolism. Many, but not all, leaves
accumulate polysaccharides, such as starch, which are multiples of C6H12O6 units.
These are mainly temporary storage materials rather than immediate products. For
the moment, therefore, we can simplify equation 4.1 by substituting CH2O for
C6H12O6 while remembering that CH2O is merely a convenient short-hand way of
describing a carbohydrate (all carbohydrates, i.e. hydrated carbon, contain CHOH
groups). Our simplified equation therefore becomes:-
CO 2 + H 2 O → CH2 O + O 2 Eqn. 4.2
But even this equation, like equation 4.1, disguises some important underlying facts.
One is that, equation 4.2, as written, is energetically unfavourable. In order to
proceed it must consume “assimilatory power” (Section 4.8) in the form of ATP and
NADPH2. Another is that, if H2O is added to C to give CH2O, it looks as though
the oxygen evolved is derived from the carbon dioxide and, in such a case, (no matter
how the equation is juggled) part at least of the evolved oxygen would have to be
derived from that source. However, at Cambridge in the 1930’s, Robert Hill
succeeded in isolating active chloroplasts from green leaves and showed that these
green organelles (Section 3.13) would evolve oxygen when illuminated in the
presence of an artificial electron acceptor (Section 1.2). No carbon dioxide was
involved in the Hill reaction, which can be written, as follows, if the acceptor (the
Hill oxidant) is represented by “A”:-
2H 2 O + 2A → 2AH 2 + O 2 Eqn. 4.3
In short, it was clear that, at least in these circumstances, the oxygen resulted from
the photolysis (light-splitting) of water.
The overall equations for photosynthesis, and for the Hill reaction, can be
made compatible by using “AH2” to represent the hydrogen donor required for the
reduction of carbon dioxide:-
CO 2 + 2AH 2 → CH2 O + 2A + H 2 O Eqn. 4.4
If equations 4.3 and 4.4 are now added together, and the A’s cancelled, we get:-
2H 2 O + CO 2 → CH2 O + O 2 + H 2 O Eqn. 4.5
If we go one step further, and cancel one molecule of water at either side of the
equation, we would be back to equation 4.2. However, if we leave equation 4.5
unchanged, we have an equation which is essentially the same as equation 4.2 but
which does not insist that some of the oxygen evolved must come from the carbon
dioxide. Moreover, if we bear in mind the derivation of equation 4.5, it tells us that
photosynthesis involves the reduction and reoxidation of some substance, A, an
electron carrier. In the plant, the real compound “A” is a coenzyme (a non-protein
molecule) which works in conjunction with an enzyme (i.e. a protein catalyst). The
particular coenzyme concerned is called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (NADP). It is, in this sense, the natural Hill oxidant or hydrogen acceptor
(c.f. Section 1.2 Eqn. 1.2). Like other compounds which function in oxidation/
reduction reactions it also functions as a hydrogen donor, in this instance passing
hydrogens to carbon dioxide.
HC +
CH O O and, indeed, you may sometimes find it written just like that. Striving for too much
CH2 O P O P O CH2 simplicity can bedevil understanding, however, and (having read and digested
O O Section 1.2) you should not feel too uncomfortable with the fact that hydrogen
transfer always involves electron transfer (because H ⇔ H+ + e-), and that some
oxidants (acceptors) can accept hydrogens whereas others can only accept electrons.
Not to be outdone, NADP can accept both. Accordingly, if we wish to represent the
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduction of NADP more accurately we should write :-
NADP + H 2 O → NADPH - + H + + 1
2 O2 Eqn. 4.7
indicating that the NADP molecule has been able to accept one hydrogen and one
electron rather than two hydrogens, as equation 4.6 would imply. When acceptors
leave hydrogen ions (H+) behind in solution, as NADP has done in equation 4.7, there
NH 2
are two additional consequences. One is that these acceptors become negatively
H2 + H
+ N C charged (having acquired an e-) and the other is that the surrounding solution
CH becomes more acid because its hydrogen ion concentration has increased (i.e. its pH
C C CONH 2 N N has decreased). As discussed in Section 1.7, water spontaneously dissociates, to a
C CH O O small extent, into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-).
H H OH OH H H H 2 O ⇔ H + + OH - Eqn. 4.8
OH OH OH OPO OH2 [There are 10-7 gram ions of H+ and OH- in water which is neutral (i.e. neither
+ acid nor alkaline) but it is more convenient to express the hydrogen ion
(proton) concentration [H+], as its negative logarithm (p), so that [H+] × 10-7
becomes pH 7. Accordingly, we can arrive at a pH scale, or measure of
acidity, which ranges from zero (most acid) to 14 (most alkaline) and reflects
the extent to which acids give rise to H+ ions. If hydrogen ions (protons) are
formed as the result of a reaction such as that described by Eqn. 3.7, the pH
will fall (say from 7 to 6); i.e. the solution will become more acid.]
All of this is mentioned again here for two reasons. One is to explain why,
if we wish to represent the reduced form of NADP as accurately as possible, in an
abbreviated way, we should write NADPH- + H+ rather than NADPH2 (even though
we shall continue to use NADPH2, or even NADPH, in this text where it is most
appropriate to do so). The other is that, although photosynthetic electron transport
involves a number of electron carriers, only some, like NADP, will also accept
protons. This, as we shall see (Section 4.4), generates a change (∆) in pH. This is
important, because the ∆pH so generated, drives the formation of ATP (adenosine
triphosphate) from ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and Pi (inorganic phosphate).
Together, ATP and NADPH2 constitute “assimilatory power” (Section 4.8) i.e., so-
called high energy compounds which are consumed in the assimilation of carbon
dioxide. They are, in effect, the first stable chemical entities in the transduction of
light energy, via electrical energy to chemical energy in the photosynthetic process.
As such, they occur in chloroplasts in relatively small quantities and are utilised
(Section 4.9) as rapidly as they are generated (Section 4.7). Sucrose, the major end-
product of photosynthesis, is also a “high energy” compound in the sense that it
yields a lot of heat if burned in a calorimeter and generates many molecules of ATP
etc., if consumed in respiration but it serves a very different function (transport and
storage of carbon and energy) and, as such, is accumulated in large quantities in
Following excitation of chlorophyll by light (Chapter 3), the first steps in the
conversion of electrical to chemical energy involve the generation of “assimilatory
power” (Section 4.8). This is accomplished by the operation of the Z scheme of Hill
and Bendall (through which electrons follow a Z-shaped path, through two
photosystems and a connecting bridge). This process may be compared to the
unlikely sequence of events depicted in Fig. 4.1.
In this scheme, the man on the extreme left delivers energy in the form of a
hammer-blow. This projects a ball upwards into the hands of the second man who
drops it down a steep incline. As it runs downhill it drives a wheel (in the bridge
between the two platforms). On the right, the process is repeated except that the final
catcher then throws the ball into a net. In the Z-scheme proper (Fig. 4.2), the
hammer-blows are photons delivering energy to chlorophyll molecules in
photosystems II and I respectively (the physical nature of the two photosystems is
discussed in Chapter 3). The ball is an electron. Each electron therefore requires the
expenditure of two photons (two quanta of energy) to lift it, from ground level, into
the net (NADP). The passage of electrons down the thermochemical (energy)
gradient drives the wheel (the ATP-generator). Each NADP accepts two electrons.
Four photons are therefore required to bring about the reduction of one molecule of
b 650
a 663
h I 20
Zero Plastoquinone
a 669
a 673 (<730 nm)
+200 a 677
a 684
+ a 677
h II
Z (<700 nm)
+800 H2O 80
a6 0
_1 P680
2 O2
Fig. 4.2 The Z-scheme . This is both an energy diagram and a map of electron flow.
Redox potentials (left) are like football league tables or tennis “seeds”. Under given
conditions, a team at the top of the league is likely to beat a team below it. Similarly,
compounds with negative redox potentials are able to reduce compounds with more
positive potentials. Thus, the transfer of electrons from water to NADP (involving the
co-operation of two photosystems) leads to the creation of a hydrogen donor
(NADPH2) used to reduce CO2 to CH2O. The energy needed to drive this electron
transfer (right) is seen to be about 26 Kcal (109 Kjoules) per electron (on a molar
basis) and enters through the two photosystems. Two light-harvesting antennae
(Section 3.3) of chlorophyll molecules funnel photons into P680 and P700 in PSII and
PSI respectively (Sections 3.7, 3.8 and 6.6). Other letters (e.g. PQ, for plastoquinone)
mark the probable position in the energy diagram of various carriers through which
electrons are passed on their way from water to NADP. Each photon (quantum)
entering each photosystem can lift one electron to a higher (more reducing) level so
that, in order to transfer 2 electrons from H2O to NADP, 4 photons are required. Since
4 electrons are transferred for each molecule of O2 released (2H2O + 2NADP →
2NADPH2 + O2) the whole sequence has to occur twice and the quantum requirement
thus becomes 8 per O2. Some of the energy released as electrons flow “downhill”
across the “bridge” between the two photosystems is conserved as chemical energy
in the form of ATP (Section 4.7).
In vivo the donor is H2O and the acceptor NADP but, in experiments with
isolated chloroplast, both artificial donors and acceptors are sometimes used.
_1 O + H O Catalase
2 2 2 H2O2 O2
Cyt b 6
ADP + Pi
H2O _1 O
2 2
Fig. 4.3 Possible routes of electron transport. A, cyclic; B, pseudocyclic (Mehler
reaction) and C, non-cyclic or linear. See Fig. 3.5 for details of structure. The
hydrogen peroxide produced in the Mehler reaction can be broken down, by catalase
(in the cytosol) or further reduced.
but there is continuing uncertainty about the precise stoichiometry of this reaction,
i.e. whether or not, in all circumstances, there is only one molecule of ATP generated
per molecule of NADP reduced. The Calvin cycle consumes 1.5 molecules of ATP
for every one molecule of NADPH2 and, even though it is possible that additional
ATP is generated by cyclic electron transport (Section 4.5) to make up any shortfall,
it seems likely that linear electron transport may be responsible for most of the ATP
required in carbon assimilation.
+ H2O2
Q -
ADP + Pi H2O + _12 O2
_1 O + 2H+
2 2
Fig. 4.4 Pseudocyclic electron transport (Mehler reaction). Although, in the
presence of catalase, there is no oxygen evolution, this is not a true cycle (c.f. Fig.
4.3). Instead oxygen evolution is masked by equimolar oxygen consumption.
Nevertheless, electrons traverse both photosystems and are finally used to reduce
oxygen rather than NADP. The hydrogen peroxide may also undergo further reduction
to water.
H2O + O2 → H2O2 + 1
2 O2 Eqn. 4.10
but in fact, this involves linear electron transport. “Psuedo” is a good description
because the electron transport involved is actually linear, just as if NADP rather than
O2 was the acceptor.
The concept of a cycle in the Mehler reaction comes from the fact that if the
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) so generated is broken down as fast as it is formed by the
enzyme catalase (Eqn. 4.11):-
H2O2 → H2O + 1
2 O2 Eqn. 4.11
there is no net consumption of water or evolution of oxygen as the reaction runs its
course In such circumstances (Eqn. 4.10 and Eqn. 4.11) the oxygen released by
photolysis of water exactly balances that fraction of the oxygen reduced by electron
transfer (Eqn. 4.10) and subsequently released by “catalatic dismutation” of the
hydrogen peroxide so formed (Eqn. 4.11). Chloroplasts prepared for experiments by
normal procedures are usually contaminated by catalase and the Mehler reaction can
then only be followed, by measurement of O2 uptake, if cyanide or azide is added
in small amounts to inhibit the catalase. The Mehler reaction is readily demonstrated
in experiments with isolated chloroplasts. In vivo, hydrogen peroxide may also be
reduced to water.
The hydrolysis of one mole of ATP to ADP plus inorganic phosphate (Pi) is
accompanied by a release of energy (about 7 Kcal or 29 Kjoules) - see Eqn. 4.12.
Thus if ATP is consumed in a metabolic reaction (and ADP and Pi are released) it
can be regarded as having contributed about 7 Kcal of energy to that reaction. For
this reason ATP is frequently spoken of as an “energy donating” molecule.
Fig. 4.6 Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pi. (Where “A” is adenosine)
Confusion sometimes stems from the implication that energy is released when a
“high energy bond” (e.g. one joining ADP and Pi) is broken. This offends the
principle that bond dissociation always requires an energy input (Section 1.1). No
comfort can be immediately derived from a careful consideration of all the bonds
which are broken and re-formed during the hydrolytic process because at first glance
these are identical and no net gain or loss could be predicted. On this basis “what
is gained upon the roundabouts is lost upon the swings”. In fact, the bond values
depend not only on the atoms which they join, but also on the molecular environment
in which they exist. ATP is subject to internal stress (because of electrical charges
generated by ionisation and opposing resonance within the molecule) and may be
compared to bar magnets (with opposing poles) joined by pieces of string. Energy
would be needed to cut these bonds but the magnets would then spring apart, because
of the magnetic repulsion, producing a net energy gain. Pi is more stable as a separate
entity than as part of a molecule of ATP so that, even though equal numbers of O-
H and O-P bonds are broken and re-formed during hydrolysis, the new bonds are
stronger than the old and energy is released. Conversely an energy input is required
when ADP and Pi are condensed to give ATP and H2O.
ATP is, like NADP, another co-enzyme but one which is involved in
phosphate (Pi) transfer rather than hydrogen transfer. It can also be regarded as
energy “currency”, or a source of energy in metabolic reactions. If ATP is
energy is released for the reasons outlined in Section 4.6. Conversely, if ADP is
esterified (i.e. if Pi is joined to ADP in a reaction in which water is released,
As Fig. 4.7 shows, if chloroplasts are isolated from a leaf and illuminated
in the presence of NADP, electron transport occurs from H2O (which becomes
oxidised) to NADP (which becomes reduced). At the same time oxygen is released
and a proton gradient or ∆pH develops across the thylakoid membrane of the
chloroplast. This is largely a consequence of the fact that, when a molecule of
plastoquinone is offered an electron (e-) by excited chlorophyll it is simultaneously
obliged to take a convenient hydrogen ion (H+) to keep this electron company.
Moreover, it “picks up” (Section 1.2) this proton (H+) from the outside of the
thylakoid membrane in which it (plastoquinone) is located and then discharges a
proton to the inside of the thylakoid space as it passes the electron on to the next
carrier in the sequence. Accordingly, the space inside the membrane (the thylakoid
space) becomes more acid (because it contains more protons or hydrogen ions) and
the outside space (the stroma in Fig. 3.8b) becomes more alkaline (because it
contains fewer protons and, consequently, more hydroxyl ions - see Eqn. 4.8). As
this proton gradient builds up, it discharges through an ATPsynthase, an enzyme
which catalyses the esterification of ADP (Eqn. 4.13). No one quite knows how this
works but it is a bit like a head of water, built up behind a dam, discharging through
a turbine which generates electricity. The ∆pH is created by light-driven electron
transport and part of its energy is conserved as chemical energy, in the form of ATP,
_1 O + 2H+ metabolites
2 2 +
+ + +
2H2H PQ(H2 ) 2H 2H 2O
+ -
Thylakoid + - +
compartment H
Mg Mg
ADP + Pi
+ ATPase
Cl ATP Envelopes
Fig. 4.7 Generation of ATP. The pigments and electron transport chain are housed
in the thylakoid membrane which itself (see Chapter 3) lies within a protein gel (the
stroma) enclosed within the envelopes (the external boundary of the chloroplast). On
illumination, electrons from water are donated (top left) to chlorophyll in PSII excited
by the absorption of photons. The transfer of electrons to PSI via plastoquinone (PQ)
requires protons. These are taken up from the stroma and released into the thylakoid
compartment. The stromal pH rises and Mg2+ moves as a counter-ion. ATP is formed
as protons are discharged through the ATPsynthase. Electrons which have run “down”
the thermochemical gradient which bridges the two photosystems are finally boosted
“upwards” to NADP by light excitation of PSI. NADPH2 and ATP are utilised in CO2
fixation by the Calvin cycle in the stroma.
as the ∆pH discharges through the ATPsynthase. This concept is in accord with the
“chemiosmotic hypothesis” for which Peter Mitchell was awarded the Nobel prize.
Linear electron transport of 2 electrons from water to NADP is believed to generate
1.3 ATPs. This is consistent with an H+/2e ratio of 4 and an H+/ATP ratio of 3.
“Photophosphorylation” as it is called (i.e. light-driven ATP formation by
chloroplasts) was first demonstrated by Arnon and Whatley. They proposed several
varieties (see Sections 4.4 and 4.5). That which caused the greatest surprise to the
scientific community at the time was “non-cyclic photophosphorylation” i.e. ATP
formation associated with the linear transport (Section 4.4) of electrons from water
to NADP. At the time this seemed as unlikely then as an English tennis player
winning at Wimbledon or Margaret Thatcher being awarded an honorary degree by
the University of Oxford. A generation of biochemists had become accustomed to
the concept that oxidation (by molecular oxygen) of NADH2 generated in respiration,
led to the formation of ATP from ADP and Pi. Now they were suddenly and
unexpectedly asked to accept the fact that water could seemingly run up-hill as ATP
was generated during the reduction of NADP and the evolution (rather than the
uptake) of oxygen. Genius, it is sometimes said, is the recognition of the obvious
before it becomes obvious to everyone else. It was obvious to Robert Hill, but not
to a host of lesser mortals, that water could not run up-hill of its own accord but that
it could be lifted up-hill twice in succession and allowed to run “down-hill”, in
between, doing work as it did so. Hence the Z-scheme. Of course Hill did not get
there unaided and would no doubt have been the first to admit his debt to many other
contributions (of which that of Robert Emerson’s “enhancement” was perhaps the
most important and most relevant). Even so the concept of the Z-scheme (which
remarkably failed to impress the Nobel Prize Committee) pulled together all manner
of things which have, at least in this writer’s eyes, done more to advance our
understanding of the photochemical events of photosynthesis than anything else this
century. Amongst these is the simple notion that the reoxidation of QA by PSI is
equivalent to the “down-hill” passage of electrons which occurs when NADH2 is
oxidised in respiration. Arnon and Whatley’s non-cyclic photophosphorylation did
not, after all, fly in the face of thermodynamics. Once electrons had run “down-hill”
from the top of PSII to the bottom of PSI, generating a proton gradient en route, they
were lifted to the top of PSI, and hence to NADP, by light excitation of chlorophyll
essentially similar to that which had lifted them to the top of PSII in the first place.
Light excitation of chlorophyll is, in the end of course, responsible for all biological
“lifting”. How do you suppose NADH2 became reduced in the first place? Quite right,
by accepting electrons from the break-down products of sugars, or whatever, first
formed in photosynthesis. This is why “excited state one”, the red excited state of
chlorophyll is where it all starts. This winds the biological mainspring. This is the
point of transduction of light energy into electrical energy. The subsequent
conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy is all “down-hill” whether it
occurs in the plant or in the tissues of animals which have eaten plants.
Electron transport through the Z-scheme of the sort that we have so far
discussed is always associated with the generation of a proton gradient and this is
“coupled” to electron transport. The coupling may be “flexible” in the sense that
although a given proton gradient will only be able to drive a certain amount of ATP
formation it may give rise to less than the maximum. Experimentally, electron
transport may be uncoupled from ATP formation in various ways and electron
transport then runs faster, just as a locomotive uncoupled from the wagons of a train
could run faster. On the other hand, electron transport by isolated thylakoids also
runs faster when it is coupled to ATP formation (i.e. in the presence of ADP + Pi).
It is less easy to see, at first glance, why both coupling and uncoupling can accelerate
electron transport. The reason is, that as a proton gradient is established, it exerts a
“back-pressure” on electron transport. It becomes more difficult to release a proton
into a space already containing a large number of protons. Both ATP formation and
uncouplers discharge the proton gradient.
hu CO2
CH 2 O
h u
tedious repetition, it is probably worth noting once again that although the “dark
biochemistry” did not require light in this experiment (with isolated plastids in a test
tube) the corresponding process in leaves occurs in the light and indeed some of the
enzymes concerned are only fully operational when illuminated. In short, the “dark
biochemistry” (Chapter 5) actually occurs in the light and, in that respect, is just as
much a part of photosynthesis as the photochemical events which lead to the
generation of assimilatory power.
All plants consume ATP and NADPH2 in a process usually referred to as the
Calvin cycle. This will be described in more detail in Chapter 5. In outline, the cycle
can be divided into three parts; carboxylation, reduction and regeneration. A
“carboxylation” is the addition of carbon dioxide to a pre-existing acceptor in such
a way that a “carboxylic” acid is formed. This is then reduced (Section 1.2), to the
level of carbohydrate (CH2O) by hydrogens from NADPH2. Some molecules of this
newly formed product are used immediately to regenerate the carbon dioxide-
In all, there are 13 reactions in the Calvin cycle. Most occur three times in
order to produce one molecule of product (a triose, or 3-carbon, sugar) from three
molecules of carbon dioxide. This inevitably demands a somewhat complicated
reaction sequence but, at least in outline, its principal features are readily understood
(Fig. 4.9). In order to produce one molecule of triose phosphate from three molecules
of CO2 and one molecule of inorganic phosphate (Pi) the cycle must turn three times
and is therefore best written in triplicate (Fig. 5.2). To do this it requires nine
molecules of ATP and six molecules of NADPH2. All of the NADPH2 and six out
of the nine ATPs are consumed in the only reduction (Section 1.2) sequence in the
cycle - the conversion (Section 5.4) of PGA to triose phosphate. The remaining three
ATPs drive the last stage (Section 5.14, equation 5.12) in the regeneration of the
carbon dioxide-acceptor.
Fig. 4.9 The Calvin cycle in outline. Most of the assimilatory power (ATP +
NADPH2) is used in the reduction of the first formed product (PGA) of CO2 fixation
(Chapter 5), the remainder in the regeneration of the CO2-acceptor. Product not used
in regeneration is used in other metabolic processes such as starch and sucrose
synthesis (Section 4.10).
I know that I shall try the patience of some of my readers to the point of
exasperation unless I am able to offer them an occasional glimpse of the common
thread which strings this strange hotch-potch of subjects together. I hope, of course,
that each chapter will stand on its own feet just as I could reasonably claim that John
Steinbeck’s “Pastures of Heaven” makes good reading even if it is regarded as a
collection of short stories without a common factor. So I would be content with that
at least, but let me say that what I am attempting to do is to trace the conversion
of solar energy into chemical energy and that I hope finally to progress into ways
that Man uses, or misuses, that energy. So far, we have seen how light drives electron
transport and how electron transport produces the assimilatory power which, in turn,
drives carbon assimilation. (More properly ATP and NADPH2 are consumed by
carbon assimilation but that, you might reasonably complain, is a bit of academic
hair-splitting). In Chapter 5 we shall look into all of this in more detail but we might
begin to wonder where it all ends and certainly this part of the tale ends with triose
phosphate, sucrose and starch. These are the “end-products” of photosynthesis. More
about sucrose and starch later. For the moment let us just note that they are both
synthesised from triose phosphate (a 3-carbon sugar phosphate) and, since sucrose
contains two hexose (6 carbon) units, and since starch contains many hexose units,
they must be formed by a process of condensation which involves, at some stage,
the release of Pi. Starch, when it is made in a leaf, is a short-term (mostly overnight)
storage product and it is made in the chloroplast (hence starch pictures - Section
3.12). Sucrose, on the other hand, is made from triose phosphate in the cytosol (Fig.
4.10) and that brings us to a philosophical consideration of where photosynthesis
ends. We have concluded that the “dark biochemistry” starts at the “top” of PSI
(Section 3.10). We can similarly conclude that it finishes with sucrose, even though
the reactions which make sucrose from triose phosphate occur in the cytosol rather than in the chloroplast (Section
4.10). Certainly, if we do things to a leaf which affect this part of the “dark biochemistry” we can see an impact
on early photochemical events, like fluorescence, within seconds. That brings us to the question of how the triose
phosphate finds its way into the cytosol from the stroma.
Fig. 4.10 Starch and sucrose synthesis. Both starch and sucrose are made of 6-carbon units. In turn these
are synthesised from triose phosphate (TP). Starch is made in the stroma of the chloroplast, sucrose from TP
exported through the phosphate translocator in exchange for Pi. Release and recycling of inorganic phosphate
(Pi) during sucrose synthesis allow this process to continue.
Isolated chloroplasts have figured large in my own contributions to photosynthesis. As you already
know, (Section 4.1) Robert Hill’s famous chloroplasts would evolve O2 when supplied with an artificial
electron acceptor but would not fix CO2. Arnon and Whatley’s chloroplasts were good at making
“Assimilatory Power”. They also fixed 14CO2. (Fig. 4.3) but in such small amounts that it was stretching
credibility to assume that they were fully functional. My own involvement came from my association with
Robert Hill (my Ph.D. examiner) and my boss in my first job, Charles Whittingham. He suggested that
improved performance by chloroplasts would be a useful enterprise for a young man to embark upon.
Robin Hill (as ever) pointed me in the right direction and, to someone who had learned to prepare record-
breaking mitochondria in Harry Beevers’ laboratory at Old Purdue, it seemed to be no great problem. Of
course it was more difficult than it seemed. There were so many variables that a logical approach would
have taken too long and changing several factors at a time, although desperately unscientific, was the only
way forward. In the end it worked and although, to some extent, my
Fig. 4.11 The Pi Translocator. This is located in the inner envelope and permits a
strict stoichiometric exchange of external Pi with internal triosephosphate
(dihydroxyacetone phosphate or DHAP). Movements may occur in either direction
according to circumstance (after Heldt).
colleagues and I had some of our thunder stolen at the eleventh hour by Dick Jensen
in the United States (who used our techniques plus a magic component called
inorganic pyrophosphate) the first achievement of rates by isolated chloroplasts
similar to those attained by intact leaves was a matter for some rejoicing. Of course
when you have succeeded in isolating fully functional chloroplasts for the first time
there is then the problem of what to do with them. Happily the chloroplasts
h u
CO 2
themselves nudged us in the right direction. Firstly, they would not make sucrose,
which everyone at that time regarded as the end-product of photosynthesis. Secondly,
they responded very readily to PGA and triose phosphates (which were not supposed
to cross membranes) and finally they required Pi to function but were inhibited by
the same compound in fractionally larger amounts - an inhibition that was reversed
by triose phosphate and PGA. The reason for the failure to make sucrose was evident.
It had to be made somewhere else. The trouble was that the enzymes concerned in
sucrose synthesis were found in chloroplasts prepared by non-aqueous techniques
and it was a long time before these enzymes could be accepted as contamination from
the cytosol. The Pi requirement was easier to understand because there was a clear
requirement for one molecule of Pi and three molecules of CO2 in the synthesis of
one triose phosphate. The inhibition by larger concentrations of Pi and its reversal
by triosephosphate or PGA was perplexing but finally, in 1970, my colleagues Carl
Baldry, Chris Bucke, Bill Cockburn and myself were bold enough to come up with
the following
“if sugar phosphates are exported from the chloroplast there must be a
corresponding import of phosphate (in some form) if steady-state photosynthesis is
to be maintained. .... A direct obligatory exchange between orthophosphate (outside)
and sugar phosphate (inside) could account for the inhibition of photosynthesis by
orthophosphate and its reversal by sugar phosphates.”
a process which chloroplasts can achieve unaided for very long. This is why
photosynthesis will virtually cease in isolated chloroplasts as external Pi is consumed
and diminishes and why three molecules of O2 are then evolved for every Pi added.
This is why Pi, in relative excess, also inhibits. Clearly if too much triosephosphate
is pulled out of the chloroplasts because there is too much Pi competing for entry,
depletion of Calvin cycle intermediates will diminish replenishment of the CO2
acceptor. Competition is central to this last statement because if we regard the
translocator as a door controlled by a demon (Section 3.13), intent on regulating one-
to-one exchange, regulation will only be maintained if competitive pressures are
maintained. Thus Pi competes with C3 intermediates and vice versa. When internal
triose phosphate is in relative excess, and Pi is freely available externally, all is well
but this implies a fine balance between too little and too much cytosolic Pi.
All of this has implications for a complex system of regulation which is still
not fully understood. Relatively speaking, there is an immense pool of Pi within the
reservoir of the central vacuole but this is not free to enter the cytosol, otherwise
inhibition by excess Pi would rapidly follow. This leaves sucrose synthesis (from
triose phosphate in the cytosol) as the main mechanism for recycling Pi. Fine
regulation of enzymes concerned in sucrose synthesis, including the involvement of
an “effector” called fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, serves to allow sucrose synthesis to
proceed at a rate which matches the availability of triose phosphate for export.
Fig. 4.12 Absorption and action spectra compared. Solid line, absorption spectra
for Ulva. Broken line, relative photosynthetic rates for equal numbers of incident
quanta at each wavelength (after Haxo and Blinks).
and red photons, fewer green will be absorbed. Thus, photosynthesis in weak green
light will be slower than in red or blue light at equal photon flux densities. Fig. 4.13,
on the other hand, shows an action spectrum based on quantum yield (Section 6.6)
at different wavelengths. In other words, it compares effectiveness of red, blue and
green photons once absorbed. We might expect such an action spectrum to be a
horizontal line if photons were equally effective over the whole of the range of
Quantunm yield
wavelengths absorbed by chlorophyll since blue photons as well as red give rise to
“excited state I” (Section 2.8) and even those few green photons which are absorbed
will do the same. The fact that there is a big dip (Fig. 4.13) at about 450 nm may
be due to absorption of photons by carotenoids and inefficient transfer of excitation
energy to chlorophylls. Emerson was much more intrigued by the abrupt drop in
efficiency in red light at wavelengths above 700 nm. The absorption spectrum
indicates that there is still appreciable absorption of light at these wavelengths. The
red drop suggests that these long wave photons are not used to best effect. This led
Emerson to mix red light with weak blue light. Such mixtures supported more
photosynthesis than the sum of both applied singly and the “extra” photosynthesis
resulting from adding red light between (700 and 730 nm) to blue light is now known
as “enhancement”. We can now explain this in terms of the Z-scheme - a concept
which this observation did much to create. Excitation energy from short wave (higher
energy) red photons or blue photons can be readily transferred “down-hill” to
chlorophyll molecules in both photosystems but “up-hill” transfer of excitation
energy from red photons at 700 nm above is difficult. Accordingly, light at, say, 680
nm is more effective in operating both photosystems than light at 700 nm which
favours PSI. Similarly a mixture of both short and long wave photons is better than
either alone. Hence “enhancement” and the inference, that came to be drawn, that
two photosystems must be involved. All of this, of course, bears on Emerson’s long-
standing controversy with Warburg (Section 6.7) because a quantum efficiency of
8 is implicit in the Z-scheme which requires input of 4 photons in each of its two
photosystems in order to drive linear transport of electrons from water to NADP.
4.13 Summary
In concept, carbon assimilation, via the Calvin cycle, is simple. It involves the
addition of a molecule of carbon dioxide to an acceptor molecule. The newly formed
addition compound then undergoes a series of changes (Figs. 5.2 and 5.3) including
reduction, which are designed to form (and set aside) a product. At the same time,
the acceptor is regenerated so that the process might continue.
In actuality, the Calvin cycle, is rather more complicated than this but not as
complex as it is sometimes portrayed. The CO2 acceptor is a sugar phosphate,
containing five atoms of carbon (i.e. it is a pentose) In addition it contains two atoms
of phosphorous. It is called ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate.
[To a chemist this name indicates that the sugar is a ketose, like fructose
(containing a C=O group), rather than an aldose, like glucose (containing a
CHO group) - hence ribulose rather than ribose. The term 1,5-bisphosphate
means that there are two phosphate groups, one at either end of the molecule,
attached to carbons 1 and 5 respectively.) Reflection would also tell the
chemist that this is rather an unhappy structure, that it has been wound up by
its very nature into a rather unstable configuration and that (given an
opportunity, a catalyst, and a new partner) it would happily change into
something else.]
This then is the CO2 acceptor and, when offered carbon dioxide in the
presence of the enzyme RUBISCO, it happily embraces the carbon dioxide and
immediately splits into two new 3-carbon compounds. Thus, in arithmetical terms
we have:-
C5 + C1 → 2C3
Eqn. 5.1
(the acceptor) (the CO 2 ) (the product)
This is a process of “carboxylation” because the carbon dioxide joins to the acceptor (ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate or
RuBP for short) in such a way that a new carboxyl group is formed. Indeed, as a result of the addition of the carbon
dioxide and the splitting of the 6-carbon intermediate so formed into two C3 compounds, two new carboxyl groups
are produced, in the shape of two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate.
Fig. 5.1 Light and Dark Events in Photosynthesis The first product of photosynthetic carbon assimilation is 3-
phosphoglycerate (PGA) a three-carbon acid. This is converted to a corresponding three-carbon sugar phosphate called
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) in a reductive process which consumes two thirds of the ATP and all of the NADPH2
generated by the photochemistry. The rest of the ATP is utilised in the regeneration of the CO2 acceptor, ribulose 1,5-
bisphosphate (RuBP) in a process in which five 3-C compounds (triose phosphates) are rearranged to give three 5-C
carbon compounds (see text). The “assimilatory power” (ATP + NADPH2) generated by photochemical events in the light
is consumed in the “dark biochemistry” - so called because none of the biochemical reactions involved have an absolute
requirement for light even though, in a photosynthetic context, they normally occur only in the light. Triose phosphates
not used in regenerating the CO2-acceptor undergo subsequent transformations to starch, sucrose etc. (Section 5.3).
These newly formed molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA, or PGA, for short) are now reduced and it is at this
stage that all of the NADPH2 and most of the ATP which is consumed, by the Calvin cycle, is used. Once the PGA
has been reduced (to triose phosphate - i.e. to a sugar phosphate containing 3 carbons) the next trick is to generate
a 5-carbon acceptor molecule from 3-carbon precursor. Arithmetic demands that, if you wish to make 5-carbon
compounds from 3-carbon compounds without loss, you must convert five threes into three fives
5 C3 → 3 C5 Eqn. 5.2
and this is precisely what is achieved in the regenerative part of the cycle. In essence, therefore, we have
carboxylation, reduction and regeneration. The latter may seem a little involved at first because it involves two types
of reaction. The first joins (or condenses) two C3s to give one C6. This is a so-called aldol, condensation i.e.
aldehyde + alcohol. It is catalysed by an enzyme which is therefore called aldolase.
C3 + C3 → C6 Eqn. 5.3
The second type of reaction transfers a C2 fragment from the top of the C6 to a C3,
C6 + C3 → C4 + C5 Eqn. 5.4
and another aldol condensation, this time involving a 4-carbon sugar phosphate
C3 + C4 → C7 Eqn. 5.5
C3 + C7 → C5 + C5 Eqn. 5.6
As stated above, the principal function of this repeated sequence (of condensation
and transfer) is to rearrange five C3s to form three C5s.
5 5 5
4 5
3 3 3 3 3
Fig. 5.2 The Calvin Cycle in outline showing how three molecules of CO2 give rise
to one molecule of 3-carbon product and how five C3 molecules are rearranged to give
three C5 acceptors. The piece transferred is a 2-carbon ketose unit and the transfer
is catalysed by an enzyme therefore called transketolase.
In striving for simplicity, emphasis has been put on three prime features of
the Calvin cycle, i.e. carboxylation (of the acceptor), reduction (of the product) and
regeneration (of the acceptor). The complete sequence is, however, just a shade more
complex (Fig. 5.3) and includes aspects of equal importance.
As noted above, the second sequence of condensation and transfer (Fig. 5.3)
(again catalysed by aldolase and transketolase respectively) involves the addition of
a C3 or triosephosphate to the C4 molecule (erythrose 4-phosphate) created in the
first sequence. The alert reader will already have noted that whether we condense
two molecules of triosephosphate (two C3s), or one C3 and one C4, the end-product
Ru5P Ru5P
R5P Xu5P
3ATP 3H 2 O
H 2O
3ADP 3Pi
CO 2
6ATP 6H 2 O
F6P G6P G1P 6ADP 6Pi O2
starch 6DPGA +
H 2O 6NADPH + H 3O2
6NADP 6H 2 O
product 3CO 2 + 2H 2 O + Pi CH 2 OH.CO.CH 2 OPO(OH) 2 + 3O 2
Fig. 5.3 Calvin Cycle in more detail. (c.f. simplified version in Fig. 5.2) In this
version, the intermediates are named. Thus the triose phosphates are dihydroxyacetone
phosphate (DHAP) and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P). The tetrose phosphate is
erythrose 4-phosphate (E4P), the pentose monophosphates are xylulose 5-phosphate
(Xu5P), ribose 5-phoshate (R5P) and ribulose 5-phosphate (Ru5P); the hexose
monophosphates are fructose 6-phosphate (F6P) and glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) and
the heptose monophosphate is sedoheptulose 7-phosphate. Finally, the bisphosphates
are 1,3 diphosphoglycerate (DPGA) which is also more properly called glycerate 1,3-
bisphosphate (GBP), ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
(FBP) and sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate (SBP) respectively. All of the left-hand
side of the sequence is concerned with the regeneration of the CO2 acceptor as 5C3s
are converted to 3C5s. The reduction of the CO2 fixation product (PGA) occurs at
bottom right and is shown in still more detail in Fig. 5.4.
fructose 1, 6 - bisphosphate + H 2 O →
Eqn. 5.7
fructose 6 - phosphate + inorganic phosphate
sedoheptulose 1, 7 - bisphosphate + H 2 O →
Eqn. 5.8
sedoheptulose 7 - phosphate + inorganic phosphate
At first glance, these are relatively trivial reactions but they have an
importance in regulation and they also constitute two points in the cycle at which
inorganic phosphate (Pi) is released. A further six molecules of Pi are released in the
reduction of PGA to triose phosphate so that, in the Calvin cycle as formulated in
Fig. 5.3, eight molecules of Pi are released in all. Moreover, and this is of crucial
importance, only five of the six molecules of PGA created by the initial
carboxylation of three molecules of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate
are consumed in the regeneration of the acceptor (Eqn. 5.2). The remaining C3
constitutes product. (Figs. 5.1 & 5.2)
As already noted, the “dark biochemistry” of CO2 fixation owes its name to
a classic demonstration by Arnon, Whatley and others that isolated chloroplasts can
be made to generate ATP and NADPH2 in the light and that these two compounds
can then be consumed, in darkness, in biochemical reactions in which CO2 is
incorporated or “fixed”. This is not to say that the reaction of carbon fixation
normally occur in the dark. On the contrary CO2 fixation by the Calvin cycle is a
process which normally occurs in the light and many of the enzymes involved are
“light-activated” i.e. they work better in the light than in the dark because of
regulatory processes. Many of these are themselves reductive in nature and involve
ferredoxin, a compound reduced by photosystem I in the light (Chap 4).
What happens to the C3 product of the Calvin Cycle ? As we have seen, two
C3s can be condensed to give a C6 (a hexose). Similarly, after some alteration, two
C6s (essentially fructose and glucose) can be condensed to give the disaccharide
sucrose. This C12 compound, which we all know simply as “sugar”, is one of the
most important compounds in plant metabolism because it is a transport metabolite,
i.e. it is in this form that most of the carbon (in most plants) is transported from the
leaves to the stems, roots, flowers, fruits, storage organs and so on. At these sites
it is this compound which is then used to provide the organic carbon component of
all other plant products - amino acids, proteins, lipids (fats), structural materials such
as cellulose and lignin (wood) etc., etc.
This then, is what carbon dioxide fixation or carboxylation is all about. The
function of the Calvin cycle is to combine carbon dioxide with an acceptor molecule
to form a product and, at the same time, to regenerate the CO2-acceptor so that the
cycle might continue to turn. It will be evident, either immediately or on reflection,
that this is not enough. If the cycle only regenerated as much acceptor as it used there
would be no capacity for growth. The Calvin cycle is, and must be, “a breeder
reaction” with the capability of producing more CO2-acceptor than is present in the
first instance. This is called “autocatalysis” - a way of pulling yourself up by your
own bootstrings. It works very simply because the C3 compounds which go on to
form hexoses, sucrose or starch are precisely the same as those used to regenerate
the C5 CO2-acceptor (ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate). Of course the leaf can not get
something for nothing. If it deflects potential C3 product into C5 acceptor it will be
left with less to export from the chloroplast. Fortunately, “doubling up” is
arithmetically very sound (or equally disastrous depending on circumstance).
[There is the familiar fable of the king who sought to reward one of his
subjects by offering him half his kingdom. The man, no doubt a greedy
mathematician, asked instead that the king should give him a chess board with
one penny on the first square, two on the second and so on, thereby emptying
the Treasury. There is an equally “infallible” system” for betting on horses
- if you lose the first time simply put twice as much stake on a horse in the
next race and so on. Perhaps you will not tire of the arithmetic before I did
but even doubling up on the first 32 squares of the chessboard would increase
the original one unit stake by six orders of magnitude.]
The Calvin cycle can, if it deflects all of its products into new substrate,
double its RuBP for every 5 turns of the cycle. This is the basis of plant growth, and,
indirectly, the basis of all animal life. “All flesh is grass” and all plants depend upon
the autocatalytic aspect of the Calvin Cycle in order to grow.
Having looked at the cycle as a whole, we can now take a second look, in
more detail, at some of its salient features. Much attention was paid in Chapter 1 to
the nature of oxidation and reduction as the source of biological energy. The
reduction of PGA, the C3 compound formed from RuBP by carboxylation, is the
only reductive step in photosynthetic carbon assimilation. The hydrogen donor is
the NADPH2 formed as a result of linear transport of electrons from water (Chap 4)
so that, in effect, the hydrogen from water is passed, via NADP, to PGA in order
to produce a chemical compound which is basically a form of CH2O. The reduction
of PGA (Fig. 5.4) occurs in two stages. In the first stage PGA is phosphorylated at
the expense of ATP to give diphosphoglycerate or, more properly, glycerate 1,3-
bisphosphate (GBP)
It should be noted, in passing, that this reaction, like those catalysed by the
bisphosphatases, is one which releases Pi. In fact, since all six molecules of PGA
(produced by the carboxylation of three molecules of RuBP in Fig. 5.1) are reduced
to G3P, six molecules of Pi are released at this stage in the cycle. Together with one
Pi from each of the two bisphosphatase reactions, this makes a grand total of 8
Mg ++
CH 2 OPO(OH) 2 + ATP CH 2 OPO(OH) 2
CH 2 OPO(OH) 2 CH 2 OPO(OH) 2
Fig. 5.4 Reduction of PGA to triose phosphate (Equations 5.10 and 5.11 in more
detail). This reduction is also shown at the bottom right of Fig. 5.3.
molecules of Pi. On this basis we can start to see what goes in and out of the cycle,
in terms of energy and molecules and what additional implications should be
If we represent the Calvin cycle as we have in Figs. 5.2 and 5.3 we see that
3 molecules of RuBP are joined to 3 molecules of carbon dioxide to form 6
molecules of PGA, all of which are reduced to G3P. Of these, 5 are used to
regenerate the CO2-acceptor, RuBP (Eqn. 5.2) and, in this process, 3 molecules of
ATP are consumed in the final stages in which 3 molecules of ribulose 5-phosphate
(Ru5P) are converted to RuBP
prior to its reduction to G3P; a reaction (Eqn. 5.11) in which all six molecules of
NADPH2 are consumed.
[We can burn sucrose in a calorimeter and arrive at a precise value of the heat
released but fuel consumption by a vehicle is vastly influenced by the way
it is driven and by external conditions such as head winds. Similarly free
energy changes in metabolism depend on things like the prevailing Mg++
concentration etc.]
5.6 Stoichiometries
This is a difficult word to spell and indeed, one which is impossible to spell
to the universal satisfaction of scientific journals in both the U.K. and the United
States. Its meaning is less difficult. The stoichiometry of a reaction is simply the
numerical relationship between the number of molecules involved. For example, in
the reaction:-
A + B ⇔ C + D Eqn. 5.13
there is a one-to-one stoichiometry, i.e. one molecule of A reacts with one molecule
of B to give one of C and one of D. Conversely, two molecules of NADP are
involved when NADP serves as an oxidant in the Hill reaction in order to bring about
the release of one molecule of O2 from two molecules of water.
In Figs. 5.2 and 5.3 the overall stoichiometry is as follows. First of all, in order
to generate the necessary assimilatory power (6 molecules of NADPH2 + 9 molecules
of ATP) we have
remains invariable but how much ATP is formed by the discharge of a given number
of protons through the ATPsynthase might conceivably be as flexible, within limits,
as the amount of electricity generated by the discharge of water through a turbine.
We are no longer talking solely in terms of chemical stoichiometry but more in terms
of mechanical efficiency. Burning a litre of a given sample of petrol (gasoline) in
a calorimeter will produce a precise number of kilocalories. Burning the same fuel
in an internal combustion engine will produce a smaller amount of mechanical work
depending upon the efficiency of the engine and the nature of the coupling (the
transmission) between the engine and what is being driven by the engine. If we think
in terms of motor vehicles, the number of miles travelled per unit of fuel consumed
will also depend to some extent upon the driver, i.e. on the way in which the
operation of the machine is regulated. In biological situations, the efficiency of
energy transduction, will also vary, within thermodynamic limits, according to
regulatory mechanisms within the cell.
If we can accept that Eqn. 5.15 is both accurate in regard to its chemical
stoichiometry and reasonable in regard to how much ATP can be generated by the
linear transport of two electrons from water to NADP, we can proceed. As we see
in Eqn. 5.17,
the conversion of three molecules of carbon dioxide into one molecule of G3P
requires the utilisation of nine molecules of ATP and six of NADPH2. If we now
add Eqn. 5.15 and Eqn. 5.17 together, and cancel terms which appear on either side
of the new combined equation, we ought to arrive at the overall equation for
photosynthesis (Eqn. 5.22). In that equation, however, we have used CH2O to
described the product and the real product of the Calvin cycle is a triose phosphate
rather than a triose (C3H6O3). To make things balance, for the purpose of this
exercise, we therefore need to introduce a hypothetical hydrolysis of our triose
phosphate to yield free triose:-
Adding all three equations together (and cancelling) we would now arrive at
something quite unsatisfactory, i.e.
With a sigh of relief we can therefore add five molecules of water to the left hand
side of the combined equations so that, on cancelling, we now arrive at the more or
less respectable CH 2 OPO(OH) 2
although we should bear in mind that, while this is stoichiometrically correct, it HCOH
carries unfortunate implications (see 4.1) which can be avoided by adding a molecule
of water to both sides to give CH 2 OPO(OH) 2
2 x PGA
CO 2 + 2H 2 O → CH2 O + O 2 + H 2 O Eqn. 5.23
No doubt there will be those amongst my readers who find this playing about with
equations somewhat trying and perhaps out of place in a simple description of carbon
assimilation. If, however, we are to accept that photosynthetic carbon assimilation
is indeed brought about by the thirteen reactions of the Calvin cycle (not all of which
have been mentioned here), it is important that these partial reactions actually do
add up to the overall equation for photosynthesis. They do, i.e., if we were to repeat
this exercise in full detail (by adding up all the equations in Fig. 5.3) we would arrive
at precisely the same end point. We can, therefore, conclude that the Calvin cycle
is an adequate representation of this aspect of carbon assimilation and that the
arithmetic concerning its energy requirements (2 NADPH2 + 3 ATP per CO2 fixed,
as in Eqn. 5.17) is soundly based.
5.7 Oxygenation
The reason for the italics in the last sentence, on page 97, is that this is not,
by any means, the whole story. If, instead of having the situation in which
C5 + CO 2 → 2 × C3 Eqn. 5.24
we have
C5 + O 2 → C3 + C2 Eqn. 5.25
both the overall stoichiometry and the energy requirements become quite different.
When this happens a molecule of RuBP is consumed (by oxygenation) thereby
denying the possibility of carboxylation of this particular molecule and giving rise
to a C2 compound (phosphoglycolate) which is obviously not part of the Calvin cycle
as we have represented it in Figs. 5.2 and 5.3. For this reason we sometimes prefer
more complex figures (Fig. 5.5) which seek to illustrate both processes occurring
side by side.
Oxygenation is the first step in a very complex series of reactions which are
collectively referred to as “photorespiration” but, before we plunge headlong into this
morass, into this slough of despond, perhaps we can pause and ask what, in broad
terms, is happening. What now seems to be the most credible story is this. Before
the Proterozoic Era, the global atmosphere contained ample carbon dioxide but little
or no oxygen (Fig. 8.3). The evolution of green cyanobacteria and other plants
containing the Calvin Cycle, with RUBISCO at its heart, changed all this.
do their best by adjusting the inclination of their leaves in order to intercept less light. Failing
this, and failing safe dissipation of excitation energy, the initiation of electron transport which
is unable to bring about “useful” work (carbon assimilation) can result in destructive
photoinactivation of the photochemical apparatus. Heber argues that photorespiration serves a
useful function in these circumstances by allowing a degree of linear electron transport (Section
4.4) to NADP. This in turn generates a useful proton gradient and poises cyclic electron transport.
All of these combine, in ways not properly understood, to contain photoinhibitory damage.
“As early as 1972, Osmond and Bjorkman have suggested that photorespiration is involved
in the protection of the photosynthetic apparatus against photoinactivation. Light absorbed by
the pigment system of chloroplasts can give rise to the formation of highly reactive chemical
species, if its energy is not used to reduce NADP or to form a transthylakoid proton gradient.
Particularly under high intensity illumination, production of oxygen radicals and similarly
dangerous species needs to be checked in order to enable available scavenging and detoxification
mechanisms to protect the photosynthetic apparatus. For this reason, NADP needs to be
available as a highly competitive electron acceptor under all illumination conditions to prevent
or reduce the formation of oxygen radicals and singlet oxygen. In proper balance with NADPH,
it poises the electron transport chain so as to facilitate cyclic electron flow which increases the
transthylakoid proton gradient under high intensity illumination. The proton gradient has
different functions. It permits synthesis of ATP controls photosystem II activity and initiates
capable of rapidly degrading excess light energy into heat thereby contributing to protection
of the photosynthetic apparatus. Thus photorespiration is protective by permitting the formation
of a large proton gradient and by preventing the accumulation of NADPH particularly when
stomatal closure limits the diffusion of atmospheric carbon dioxide into leaves, as it regularly
does under water stress. There is the question how the increased proton gradient made possible
by photorespiratory carbon turnover controls photosystem II activity and facilitates non-
destructive dissipation of excess excitation energy. In this area, we know little
about molecular mechanisms. Future research will have to concentrate on this
aspect of photoprotection. So far, however, it is clear that photorespiration must be
considered, from a human point of view, as a necessary evil. The emphasis is on
‘necessary’. In C3 plants, photorespiration decreases productivity. This, however,
appears to be a small price if weighed against the protection it provides when plants
are exposed to excess irradiation particularly during periods of water stress” -Heber
2 × C2 → 1 × C3 + CO 2
Oddly enough, the conversion of two C2 compounds to one C3 and one CO2 is even
more complex than the conversion of five C3s to three C5s in the Calvin Cycle.
However, while the complete photorespiratory cycle starts and finishes in the
chloroplast, some of its reactions occur in other organelles and some of the
intermediates may be diverted into other metabolic pathways. One very important
aspect which should not be overlooked is that amino groups are first of all introduced
(in the conversion of glyoxylate to glycine) and then removed (in the conversion of
serine to hydroxypyruvate). These transaminations (catalysed by transaminases or
aminotransferases) simply involve transfer of amino groups in and out of the
pathway, but if you look carefully at Fig. 5.7 you will see that two amino groups
come in (as two glyoxylates becomes two glycines) but only one goes out (as one
serine becomes one hydroxypyruvate). CO2
5 5 5
4 5
3 3 3 3 3 ATP
Fig. 5.8 Maximal oxygenation of RuBP in the Calvin Cycle (c.f. Fig. 5.2 which
shows no oxygenation). The above situation occurs only at the carbon dioxide
compensation point (e.g if a leaf has been placed in a closed chamber and allowed
to photosynthesise until it can diminish the surrounding carbon dioxide no further).
C4 species can take the carbon dioxide concentration down to near zero but, because
of photorespiration, C3 species can only diminish the carbon dioxide to about 50 ppm.
At this point there is no net product, two out of every three molecules of RuBP are
oxygenated (because the carbon dioxide concentration is so low that it cannot offer
more competition) and release of newly fixed carbon dioxide from glycine (Fig. 5.7)
maintains the carbon dioxide concentration at this low steady-state level.
This leaves one amino group unaccounted for and, in fact, it is released as
free ammonia as two glycines become one serine. Accordingly, one molecule of
ammonia is released for every molecule of “re-formed” PGA which re-enters the
Calvin Cycle. The potential loss of ammonia from the leaf is an aspect of
photorespiration which is of considerable significance.
5.11 C4 Plants
C3 plants (such as wheat, potatoes and most other temperate crop species and
members of the native temperate flora) fix carbon dioxide in the light almost
exclusively by the unaided mechanism of the Calvin Cycle (Fig. 5.2, 5.3). They are
called “C3 plants” because the product first formed, by the carboxylation of ribulose
1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), is 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA), a molecule containing 3
atoms of carbon. There is, however, a second major category of higher plants (C4)
in which acids, containing 4 atoms of carbon are the initial products of carbon
dioxide fixation (Fig. 5.9). It should not be supposed that these plants (such as sugar
cane, maize and many sub-tropical grasses) somehow contrive to manage without the
Calvin cycle. On the contrary, they are also entirely dependent on it but they have
an extra piece of metabolic and structural machinery which makes them more
effective in certain circumstances.
Just as the names of Benson and Calvin will always be associated with the
carboxylation of RuBP and the reaction which lead to the regeneration of RuBP, so
are the names Hatch, Slack and Kortschack linked to C4 photosynthesis. The first
observations were those of Kortschack, in Hawaii, although it should be noted that,
at about the same time, there was independent work (by Karpilov and his colleagues)
in the Soviet Union which was almost entirely overlooked in the West and which
did not lead, as did Kortschack’s, to final elucidation of the pathway involved.
Kortschack worked for the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association and, in the 1950’s,
attempted to repeat, with sugar cane, the same sort of experiments that Calvin and
his colleagues had carried out with Chlorella. To be precise, he exposed leaves of
sugar cane to radioactive CO2 (14CO2) for short periods of time in the light and then,
after extraction, ran two-dimensional paper chromatographs of the products of 14CO2
fixation. To his surprise, although 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA) appeared in a relatively
short time, the very first products were four-carbon acids (malate and aspartate).
These he correctly assumed to be both derived from a common four-carbon
precursor, oxaloacetate. News of this striking difference between the behaviour of
sugar cane, Chlorella, and those higher plants which Benson, Calvin, Gaffron and
others had worked on in the United States, soon travelled to the Colonial Sugar
Refining Company in Queensland, Australia where Hal Hatch and an English
colleague, Roger Slack, were persuaded, by Kortschack’s results, to look more
deeply into the underlying biochemistry. Over the next few years Hatch, Slack and
their colleague Hilary Johnson made a number of very important contributions which
led to the concept of “C4 photosynthesis”. As in the work by Benson and Calvin on
Chlorella, initial suggestions were made which subsequently proved to be untenable
but, by 1970, when a seminal conference on this subject was held in Canberra,
everything had more or less fallen into place and the main aspects of the C4 pathway
had been defined. One important technique employed by Hatch and Slack was the
“pulse-chase” experiment. This involved a brief exposure to 14CO2 followed by a
longer period of illumination in which the 14CO2 was flushed from the reaction
chamber and replaced by 12CO2 When this was done, radioactivity (which initially
appeared in malate and aspartate) soon left these compounds only to reappear in
substances, such as sucrose, which are regarded as typical end-products of
photosynthesis. Accordingly, it seems clear that the transient appearance of
radioactivity in malate and aspartate must involve a process of carboxylation,
decarboxylation and refixation. Hatch and Slack identified several enzymes of this
novel C4 pathway and provided preliminary evidence for the distribution of these
enzymes between different compartments in the leaf. They also showed that several
other species, such as maize, behaved in a broadly similar way to sugar cane.
atmospheric carbon dioxide still lies well within the linear part of the relationship.
In other words if, in an experiment, we double the concentration of carbon dioxide
surrounding a plant we might expect something like a doubling in the rate of
photosynthesis. Indeed, if we were to carry out such an experiment with a C3 plant
this is what we would observe (Fig. 8.8). If, on the other hand, we used a C4 plant
we would find very little response to augmented carbon dioxide (i.e. to increases in
carbon dioxide above the ambient concentration of about 350 ppm - Fig. 8.8). For
many years, tomato and cucumber growers in Western Europe have used carbon
dioxide enrichment to increase the productivity of these glasshouse crops. C4 plants,
it turns out, had the idea first in the sense that they have their own internal carbon
dioxide-enriched greenhouses in which C3 photosynthesis can proceed at an
enhanced rate. As we have already noted, C4 photosynthesis is not an alternative to
C3 photosynthesis but rather an addition to it. What is added is, in effect, a carbon
In C4 plants, this enzyme with its extremely high affinity for carbon dioxide,is
situated in an outer (mesophyll) compartment of the leaf (Fig. 5.10). Now we can
begin to see how the whole thing functions and how the whole system depends on
enzymes with different characteristics housed in different compartments. PEP
carboxylase captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the outer, or mesophyll,
compartment of the leaf. The immediate end product of this carboxylation
(oxaloacetate) gives rise to malate and aspartate. Either, or both, of these acids are
translocated into an inner compartment of the leaf where they are decarboxylated.
The inner, or bundle-sheath compartment (the carbon dioxide enriched greenhouse),
is not readily permeable to carbon dioxide. The internal carbon dioxide concentration
is therefore increased, thus facilitating RuBP carboxylation and the reactions of the
Calvin cycle (Figs. 5.2, 5.3).
It will have become readily obvious that this is a book which takes a great
many liberties with style and form and opinion. It will, therefore, come as no surprise
that it can also be blatantly self-indulgent so, if you wish to avoid an exercise in
personal nostalgia (intertwined with a little of the history of Crassulacean Acid
Metabolism), now is the time to skip quickly to the next section where you will find
the substance of that aspect of photosynthesis. Otherwise, you will have to endure
the fact that I am entirely incapable of writing about this particular subject without
going back to my youth and, what is worse, sharing it with you.
Dear Sir,
I have seen this plant but once in this country, and that was at Mr. Loddiges’,
at Hackney, about twelve o’clock in the day-time, when I found it quite tasteless. The
distance of that place from my habitation has hitherto prevented me from attending
“Der Kaktusliebhaber”
to it at an earlier hour in the morning, I have, however, but little doubt it will be
- with acknowledgements to Spitzweg
found as acid as I have described it to be in India.
I need scarcely observe, that the acidity which these leaves possess in the
morning cannot be ascribed to anything else than to the oxygen which the plant has
absorbed during the darkness of the night, or which has been transferred from other
constituent principles of the plant during that period. I think it has been absorbed,
as it is so loosely united at its base, that even the light of day has an immediate effect
of disengaging it again.
I beg leave to further observe, that the plant above treated of is, in my opinion,
truly a species of Cotyledon, with which it perfectly agrees, in habit and generic
characters; the only difference being in the number of the parts of fructification
which in Cotyledon calycina are one-fifth less than in the other species of the genus,
a difference, however, that according to the principles of the Linnean System, does
not form a sufficient grounds for separation.
Benjamin Heyne
And then there was the eminent French scientist, de Saussure, who once
uttered the immortal words “l’acide carbonique, est elle essentielle pour la
vegetation? “ Here was a plant physiologist whose phenomenal contributions have
been sadly neglected. His studies of respiratory quotients (mass of carbon dioxide
evolved divided by mass of oxygen taken up) are far too many to consider here even
though they were immensely informative. (Try asking how a castor bean can respire
vigorously for many days without losing weight). In 1804 de Saussure referred
briefly to an experiment in which he
LIGHT DARK LIGHT DARK “placed raquettes of the cactus Opuntia in CO2 enriched atmospheres and
found that CO2 and oxygen were absorbed simultaneously”
The implication, with hindsight, being that respiration occurred as usual but that, not
STARCH only was the CO2 so produced not released but, together with CO2 absorbed from
the environment, was incorporated into some metabolite (the amounts too large to
be accounted for by solution in the abundant sap within the leaves). Imagine
Thomas’s chagrin in 1947 when he first came across de Saussure’s observations in
an obscure journal having himself independently re-discovered CAM some 143 years
later. It was a measure of his stature that he was quick to acknowledge de Saussure’s
prior work as soon as he was aware of it. Nevertheless, it was Thomas and his
colleagues, not de Saussure who, as I have already noted, firmly established the
TOTAL ORGANIC formation of malic acid from carbon dioxide by night and “de-acidification” by day.
In Thomas’s own words:-
“The experimental methods were not so refined as those which could be used now;
but there was a general agreement in the pattern of the results obtained, by Beevers
in the late spring and summer of 1946 for Bryophyllum and Kalanchoë leaves and,
later, by Ranson during several CAM seasons for succulent organs of these and other
genera of the Crassulaceae and of genera, including the cactus Opuntia, belonging
to other families”
It was also Thomas who gave me, as a late-comer to his team in the early
1950’s, the task of finding, if I could, the enzyme responsible for acid formation.
This, I might add, at a time when Ochoa’s malic enzyme (Eqn. 5.30) was the only
known enzyme which might conceivably fix carbon dioxide. Moreover it was in a
laboratory with no experience of enzymology, no spectrophotometer, no cold room,
no refrigerated centrifuge and a pH meter which put pH measurement into the same
class as finding water with a forked hazel twig. Here, when I needed NADP (or TPN
as it was then called) I could not buy it from SIGMA (a supplier of fine biochemicals
of great renown) but went instead to the local abattoir in search of freshly killed pig
hearts and embarked on a long and arduous process of extraction; bucket
biochemistry at its most basic. Thomas, of course, said that it was most unlikely that
I would ever find anything and even told me that he had a more mundane problem
in reserve, to give me when I admitted defeat. But luck was on my side. Some time
later Axelrod and Bandurski described an enzyme, from wheatgerm, which they
called PEP carboxylase. It seemed an ideal candidate for the task of fixing carbon
dioxide in CAM and, buoyed up by what I had learned by then at Harry Beever’s
elbow in far off Indiana, I set about fishing it out of Kalanchoë. In the end, I
succeeded but that, like “How the Elephant got his Trunk”, is quite another story.
Fig. 5.11 Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) was a term first employed by the
late Meirion Thomas, in whose Newcastle laboratory much of the early work on this
type of photosynthesis was done. CAM is typical of (but not restricted to) the family
Crassulaceae and it involves the accumulation of malic acid - hence the name. Like
C4 photosynthesis, it involves preliminary fixation of CO2 by PEP carboxylase,
subsequent decarboxylation of malic acid and refixation of CO2. Indeed C4
photosynthesis was once flippantly referred to as “CAM mit Kranz” and, however
inadequate this description, it does remind us of the fact that in C4 photosynthesis
preliminary fixation and refixation occur in separate compartments whereas, in CAM,
these processes are separated in time. CAM is basically an adaptation to water
shortage. CAM plants conserve H2O by keeping their stomata closed by day, when
high temperatures normally bring about high water loss by transpiration. Behind
closed stomata the Calvin Cycle proceeds happily in a CO2 enriched atmosphere
produced by decarboxylation of malic acid (itself resulting from carboxylation of PEP
during the preceding night when the stomata were open). Many CAM plants show
a degree of succulence, related to the storage of malic acid which is a necessary feature
of this process. Opening of stomata by night and closure by day is the converse of
the stomatal behaviour of C3 species.
It was once said, half jokingly and half seriously, that C4 photosynthesis was
“CAM mit Kranz” . Certainly it cannot be disputed that C4 and CAM have some
features in common but it should be noted that CAM plants lack the “Kranz
anatomy” (Fig. 5.10) which is as much a part of C4 photosynthesis as the metabolic
processes that go on within their mesophyll and bundle-sheath compartments. What
might be regarded as the closest and most important common feature is that both C4
and CAM plants join carbon dioxide to phosphoenolpyruvate (to form oxaloacetate)
prior to decarboxylation and refixation of CO2 in the Calvin Cycle. But, as we shall
see, there are all-important differences in the time and place in which these processes
occur. This first carboxylation, or pre-fixation step, is catalysed by PEP carboxylase
[It should, perhaps, be noted again here (c.f. Section 1.1) that energy is always
required to break bonds and released when bonds are formed. A carboxylation
involves joining carbon dioxide to an existing molecule. This implies bond
formation but other bonds have to be broken in this process which requires
a net energy input of about 6 or 7 Kcal - roughly equivalent to the free energy
of hydrolysis of ATP to ADP. The fact that PEP like RuBP has been
previously “wound up” (energetically) into an “uncomfortable” configuration
ensures that it welcomes the opportunity to slip into something more
comfortable. This sort of metabolic device ensures that reactions of this sort
go to completion in the desired direction and that, for substrates to be
carboxylated, the low carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere offers
no impediment. PEP carboxylase also has a very high affinity for carbon
dioxide so both the ability of the catalyst to work well in low carbon dioxide
concentrations and the favourable equilibrium position combine to favour
effective carboxylation.]
Although malic acid and aspartic acid are the most important contributors to
“dark acidification” and although malic acid predominates and accumulates in large
quantities in the vacuoles of CAM plants during the period of darkness, it should not
be supposed that these are the only metabolites derived from PEP. All are important
compounds in so-called “intermediary metabolism” sometimes lying at, or near,
metabolic cross-roads which lead in many other directions. Similarly, not all CAM
plants are the same and, for example, isocitric acid, almost invariably a product of
dark fixation, occurs in relatively large quantities in some species.
Whatever the precise mixture of acids which results from dark acidification
we can, because of easy inter-changeability, regard the accumulated acid as being
predominantly malate, (as it so often is) and ascribe to it the function of a temporary
carbon dioxide storage product. We must not forget that, as a consequence of
forming malate from PEP (Eqn. 5.26 and 5.27) the leaf has not yet made a permanent
gain or acquisition. The substrate (PEP) is derived from starch or sucrose by
glycolysis (the same sequence of reactions which most living organisms, including
other plants and Man, employ in “dark respiration” prior to the “Krebs Cycle” which
is responsible for the closing stages). In other words, PEP formation is a “catabolic”
(breaking down) rather than an “anabolic” (building up) process. In the normal
course of events, most of the PEP which is formed during dark respiration (by
organisms other than CAM plants) is consumed, via the Krebs Cycle, giving rise to
other building materials and to ATP.
It is clear then, that in CAM plants as well as C4 plants, the substrate (PEP)
for the initial carboxylation is formed at the expense of previously formed
photosynthetic products. In C4 metabolism the PEP is carboxylated in an outer
compartment of the leaf (the mesophyll); it is spatially separated from the
carboxylation catalysed by RUBISCO which is responsible for the net gain in carbon
just as it is in C3 and C4 species. In CAM the two carboxylations are separated in
time rather than in space as they are in C4 species. PEP is carboxylated during
darkness, malate accumulates in the vacuole. During this period the stomata
(“pores”) which allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf are open, the converse of the
behaviour of C3 stomata which open by day and close by night. CAM plants are able
to conserve water in this way because loss of water vapour through open stomata
occurs under conditions in which evaporation, and therefore transpiration, is
minimal. If C3 stomata behaved in this way they would not only diminish
transpiration loss but also succeed in bringing photosynthesis to a halt because of
daytime closure. CAM plants, on the other hand, can happily photosynthesise in a
carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere behind closed stomata as malate is
decarboxylated (Eqn. 5.30) to pyruvate and carbon dioxide. At this stage it is the
conventional Calvin Cycle which takes over and it is this “normal” photosynthetic
process which allows CAM plants to accumulate organic carbon (including the starch
which will give rise to PEP) so that the whole cycle can be repeated during the
following night.
CAM plants are not generally noted for high rates of photosynthesis although
there are some (e.g. pineapple) which are obviously a commercial proposition.
Mostly they occupy arid parts of the environment (such as walls and outcrops of
stone in otherwise favourable environments which are untenable for most species)
or deserts. Cacti are some of the more spectacular CAM species. Many CAM plants
are “succulents” i.e. they have fleshy leaves or stems but there are those which are
not succulent and if the degree of succulence can be manipulated by growing plants
under different conditions it can also be shown that this does not necessarily affect
their CAM function. Succulence, in fact, appears to be more directly related to water
storage than to CAM metabolism as such, although it may facilitate malate
accumulation. There are also some “facultative” CAM species such as
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum which behaves like a C3 plant if well watered and
like a CAM plant if kept dry.
the name but there are many CAM species (most notably members of the
Cactaceae) which belong to a range of families including those which are
predominantly comprised of C3 species.]
“In 1804 De Saussure reported that, even in the absence of an external supply
of carbon dioxide, illuminated branches of Opuntia can produce oxygen. He
suggested that the plant itself, by consuming its own substance, gives off carbon
dioxide, which is then used in carbon assimilation” ....Thomas (1949)
This really says it all and, in retrospect, it is remarkable that it took so long
to arrive at our present understanding of CAM i.e. that daytime photosynthesis,
behind closed stomata in a CO2-enriched atmosphere (which largely precludes
photorespiration) supplies the plant with its requirements for organic carbon and
leads to starch accumulation. At night, starch breakdown leads to the formation of
a CO2-acceptor (PEP) and carboxylation of this acceptor to the formation of malate,
which accumulates. By day, in turn, the malate is broken down and CO2 released for
All three products of this decarboxylation are then available for re-assimilation. The
CO2 of course, is used in photosynthesis but there is still uncertainty about the
precise fate, or site of utilisation, of the other two. Some CAM plants use a separate
means of decarboxylation. Here the key enzyme is PEP carboxykinase which
catalyses the reaction:-
Such a route offers the advantage that, unlike the pyruvate formed in reaction 5.30,
PEP can be readily converted back into starch by reversal of glycolysis. On the other
hand reaction 5.31 brings its own problems because the OAA formed from malate
by malic dehydrogenase is produced in a reaction with an equilibrium position which
greatly favours oxaloacetate reduction rather than malate oxidation:-
malate + NAD ←
oxaloacetate + NADH 2 Eqn. 5.32
and, as in the Krebs cycle, this reaction has to be pulled in the direction written above
(Eqn. 5.32) by very efficient removal of its end-products. Moreover, some fairly
sophisticated, but yet ill-defined, control mechanisms must exist to prevent futile
cycling because, if PEP produced by reaction 5.31 were accessible to PEP
carboxylase in an active state, it would be promptly reconverted to oxaloacetate
rather than re-assimilated to starch.
Table 5.1 Energy costs of C3, C4 and CAM (after Anderson & Beardall).
C3 3 2
C4 4/5* 2
CAM 5.5/6.5* 2
as the Spanish Moss (CAM) which grows happily on telephone wires in equatorial
America. Similarly Death Valley California (notoriously as hot and dry as might be
imagined) has, as we would expect, its fair share of C4 and CAM species but it also
has specialised C3s which do just as well. Adaptation to an environment is not simply
a matter of the underlying biochemistry. There are endless additional factors to be
taken into account, anatomical as well as physiological and biochemical. Many of
these (including water loss and the ability to resist desiccation) are only marginally
related to carbon assimilation. The stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), for example, may
owe part of its success to its ability to deter predation but it also has a remarkable
facility for consuming nitrogen, mobilising leaf nitrogen and storing it during
senescence, rather than losing it to the environment by decay.
So, the extent to which a reaction will go, and the direction in which it will
go, are primarily a matter of thermodynamics. A freely reversible reaction is
associated with a relatively small, negative or positive change in free energy. One
which exhibits a large decrease in free energy will go virtually to completion when
circumstances (e.g. the presence of the appropriate enzyme) will permit it to occur.
One with a large positive free energy change will not occur at all, unless pushed from
behind and pulled from in front in such a way that the equilibrium position is
displaced by continuous replenishment of substrates and removal of end-products.
Reaction rates, on the other hand, are largely determined by enzymes. Thus if we
start with a situation in which a freely reversible reaction has scarcely begun, or a
reaction which would go largely to completion because of its very favourable
equilibrium position, the rate is determined by the amount of enzyme present and
how much it likes its substrate. Accordingly if we plot rate against substrate
concentration we get, at the outset, a linear relationship. Twice as much substrate
gives twice the rate, so does twice as much enzyme. However, at a low substrate
concentration, an enzyme with a high affinity for its substrate will catalyse a reaction 1E
faster than one with a low affinity (clearly one with no affinity at all would not 2 (1E )
V max
accelerate the basic, uncatalysed, rate). Affinities can be measured and expressed in
terms of the amount of substrate which permits an enzyme to work at half its 1/V
maximum rate. Maximum rates are hard to measure because, as the substrate
concentration is increased, a law of diminishing returns causes departure from 1 (1E ) 2E
linearity (of the rate v substrate relationship) so that doubling the substrate no longer V max
doubles the rate. Indeed, plots of rate v substrate classically define a rectangular
hyperbola in which maximum rate requires infinitely high substrate. Using low 1 (2E )
V max
mathematical cunning, however, such a hyperbolic relationship can be converted into
a straight line by plotting 1/Rate against 1/substrate concentration. At infinitely high
substrate concentration (i.e. when 1/substrate concentration equals zero) the intercept -1/km 1/km 1/[S]
on the vertical axis of such a plot is the maximum rate and the (negative) intercept
on the horizontal axis is the substrate concentration (Ks) which gives half this rate.
Where does all this take us? At its simplest it gives us a characteristic by
which to judge an enzyme. One which requires a small concentration of substrate
to work at half its maximum rate is deemed to have a high affinity for its substrate.
Herein, lies a story. When RUBISCO was described and finally characterised it
apparently required 5% CO2 to work at half its top speed. In the absence of a CO2
concentrating mechanism, this was evidently a nonsense because atmospheric CO2
is about 0.035% and, if it is to diffuse into a chloroplast along a diffusion gradient,
the concentration at the enzyme surface would be even less. So there was a great
mystery, only to be resolved when fully functional chloroplasts were isolated and
the enzyme in them (unlike that somehow changed by purification) was found to
have an appropriately high affinity for CO2. PEP carboxylase, unlike RUBISCO, was
never a mystery in this regard although it had such a high affinity for bicarbonate
(which it utilises rather than dissolved CO2) that this was difficult to measure
precisely. All of this led to a degree of confusion. Thus C4 species were thought,
by some, to have an advantage because CO2 in their leaves was first fixed by an
enzyme (PEP carboxylase) with a higher affinity than RUBISCO. In fact the relative
affinities of these two enzymes are so similar as to be unimportant. The advantage
of having PEP carboxylase catalyse CO2 fixation in the cytosol of C4 plants resides
in the fact that, unlike RUBISCO, PEP carboxylase is not subjected to competition
by oxygen (Section 5.7). Then, as we have seen, decarboxylation of malate within
the inner, bundle-sheath compartment, allows RUBISCO to operate in a CO2
enriched environment which ensures that CO2 mostly wins the competition with
oxygen. Despite the marvellous intricacies of C4 photosynthesis it must be
remembered that, in the end, the Calvin cycle fulfils the same vital role that it does
in C3 and CAM. Ultimately PEP is derived from the Calvin Cycle and this cycle,
and only this cycle, has the autocatalytic ability to function as a breeder reaction
producing more potential substrate than it uses. Without this unique ability, plants, V max (2E )
and therefore most living organisms, would have no capacity for growth.
5.18 Summary
V max (2E ) V max (1E )
Carbon dioxide is assimilated by green plants in a process (the Calvin Cycle) 2
in which assimilatory power (ATP and NADPH2), generated by photosynthetic
electron transport, is consumed. Carbon dioxide is joined to a pre-existing acceptor V max (1E )
containing 5 atoms of carbon (ribulose bisphosphate) in such a way that two
molecules of product (3-phosphoglycerate), each containing 3 atoms of carbon are
formed. Other reactions in the Calvin Cycle are concerned with the reduction of 3-
phosphoglycerate (PGA) to triose phosphate and the regeneration of three molecules Km [S]
of the acceptor (RuBP) from five molecules of triose phosphate. For every three turns
of the Calvin Cycle one molecule of triose phosphate is produced which is not
needed for regeneration of the acceptor. This constitutes product and it may be stored
within the chloroplast as starch or transported to the cytosol in exchange for
inorganic phosphate. In the cytosol it is made into sucrose for transport to other parts
of the plant or consumed, directly or indirectly, in other metabolic processes such
as respiration.
It must be remembered that all plants ultimately depend upon the Calvin
Cycle which is the only metabolic sequence which has an in-built autocatalytic
function which can convert product (triose phosphate) into new acceptor (RuBP) and
therefore permit growth. C4 photosynthesis and CAM are “additions” to the Calvin
Cycle, not substitutes for it.
In the proceeding chapters we have seen that Man’s existence derives from
nuclear fusion in the sun. Electromagnetic radiation from this source, which arrives
at the Earth’s surface as visible light, is transduced, by photosynthesis, first into
electrical and then into chemical energy. Apart from some bacteria, all other living
organisms then utilise plants as their source of energy. Those Eskimos who still live
in the old ways are probably the most carnivorous human race and the Gauchos who
used to follow vast herds of cattle across the South American Pampas must have been
a close second. Even so, the ultimate dependence on plants is obvious. The cattle
literally grazed on grass and the Gauchos ate the cattle. The food chain which ends
with the Eskimos is larger and more tenuous but it still starts with plants in the shape
of marine phytoplankton.
If we wish to pursue this theme of energy, plants and Man we now need to
consider some related matters and questions. If we are so dependent on plants, and
because there are so many of us and we are increasing our numbers at such an
alarming rate (by about a third of a million a day), it would seem sensible to see how
many plants we need and how we are changing the environment in which we, and
they, must exist.
To start with we will attempt to arrive at some idea of how much food we
require and then we will try to grapple with the even more difficult problem of how
much land we must have in order to maintain existing populations. It will be
immediately evident that these are not matters which can be considered in a purely
scientific way. Many have little choice about what they eat but, in the West, there
is no longer the dependence on staple items of the sort which caused famine in
Ireland when the potato crop failed. Moreover, some farmers in the UK are currently
being paid to “set-aside” land (i.e. to take it out of crop-production) rather than add
to the “food mountains” which accumulate in consequence of the “European
Common Agricultural Policy”. Years ago, ships sailed into Odessa to load grain. In
order to avert famine in 1992, the West is air-lifting food into what was the Soviet
Union and what is still, by far, the largest land area (2/5 of the Earth’s land surface)
in the world; an area still fully capable of growing grain for export. Such famine was
once a normal feature of life on the Indian sub-continent. Now regular, famine of
an extensive and disastrous nature has been “permanently” averted by investing huge
amounts of energy in the synthesis of nitrogenous fertilizers. A desert in Central
China, which once advanced, year by year, is now retreating in an equally relentless
fashion for the simple reason that the farmers on its fringes have been permitted to
sell their crops for personal profit. (Conversely, the same search for profit was a
major factor in creating the dust bowl in Oklahoma in the 1930s). The Chinese also
soon hope to have many millions of additional refrigerators (for which they have
insufficient electricity) and which, because of CFCs, will add to world-wide damage
to the environment (Chapter 7 and 8). At the same time they ask, with some
justification, why they should forego modest luxury while the West is so clearly
reluctant to give up anything. In short, Man’s energy requirements do not stop with
food and Man’s energy “production” is as much a matter of economics and politics
as it is of science.
Where in all of this might we begin? Let us first consider a few basic facts
about our metabolic requirements.
Peanuts are reputedly the cheapest way of fending off starvation in the United
States and no one raised on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches - surely the most
awful mixture known to man, would find this too great a hardship. The British and
Australians, more accustomed to eating autolysed yeast in the form of marmite and
vegemite respectively, could only look on and marvel. If they choose to do so, or
are obliged to do so, most adults, can survive indefinitely on a totally vegetable diet.
In terms of efficiency, such a short food-chain is more effective than a long one.
Some of us would feel deprived if we were never to eat another steak but, if we were
solely concerned with not going hungry, we would be better advised to sow and eat
wheat than to raise cows. In a year, a bull might easily eat as much as 10 people
and would not, once finally slaughtered, provide food for 10 people for more than
a fraction of a bull’s life-span. An Eskimo, eating seals, will be dependent on
immensely more photosynthesis than someone eating rice, because, along the way,
the marine phytoplankton (on which he ultimately depends) might have had to
provide the energy and substance for any number of species, each eaten by the next
one in line. At every stage energy would be dissipated in movement etc., and lost
in the conversion of food to muscle, bone, or whatever. For these reasons it is very
difficult to say how many plants the Eskimo must have working on his behalf (Kelly
suggests a conversion efficiency of as little as 0.1%) but let us see what we can do
with land-based vegetarians.
How many plants, then, must a person eat in order to maintain himself or
herself in good health? Clearly the question can only be answered in general terms
because cabbages are less nutritious than peanuts and a large man engaged in heavy
manual work in a cold climate will use substantially more energy than a small
woman sun-bathing on a beach.
Table 6.1
(Note that the “Calorie” of diet fame, i.e., Calorie with a capital C, is one thousand
calories or one “kilocalorie” (Kcal))
Table 6.1, then, has to do with the man sitting behind the desk or “sitting on
the Clapham omnibus”. In that sense it is entirely realistic but, in other regards, it
is an academic exercise for the obvious reason that, while the Gaucho might have
been moderately happy on a couple of pounds of beef a day, few could even
contemplate eating 53 pounds of lettuce. Although a diet of gin and lettuce has been
suggested as one of the more pleasant ways of losing weight, there are obvious
practical difficulties in attempting this, just as there are in foregoing all solid food
CO 2
_ +
CH 2 O
Fig. 6.1 Cycling of metabolites between plants and Man (after Laetsch). Carbon
dioxide released by animal (and plant) respiration is reduced to CH 2 O in
photosynthesising leaves using hydrogens (H+ + e-) from water. Oxygen released in
this process is made available for respiration. CH2O is transported from potato leaves,
as sucrose, to the underground tubers, where it is stored as starch. Digestive
breakdown of foodstuffs, such as starch (into simpler molecules) initially releases little
energy but in its final stages, recombination of hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) releases
the energy used in movement, to maintain body heat and function and to support the
synthesis of new molecules and body tissues.
in favour of beer. The potato, on the other hand, is quite a different matter (Section
6.5 and 6.6) because, some years ago, a Danish keep-fit enthusiast lived for a year
on nothing but potatoes. He even drank expressed potato juice. At the end of this
period he was neither fatter nor thinner and judged to be as fit as when he started.
This is because the potato, totally unadulterated, really does constitute a complete
diet. In broad terms, the potato might be 75% water and 23% starch, but hidden in
these rough proportions there is, as in any living tissue, a significant quantity of
protein and amino acids (“all proteins are but permutations and combinations of
some twenty constituent amino acids”). Indeed, it may come as surprise to some, who
regard potatoes as nothing but a mass of starch, to learn that they were once regarded
as an important source of protein used in commerce.
“The subject is well worth attention because the raw materials would be
cheap compared with eggs, blood or fish-roes” ....R. Haldane, 1885 (in a procedure
for extracting albumin, a protein, from potatoes)
soul food
No one, for choice, is likely to opt for potatoes as sole food but it simplifies
the arithmetic enormously, whilst retaining credibility. In past “Imperial” parlance,
half a stone (seven pounds or 3 Kg) of potatoes a day is all that it is needed to keep
body and soul together, indefinitely. This will allow us to turn to the question of how
large an area we need in order to grow a year’s supply of potatoes. The short answer
is something like 100 square metres but that statement patently requires qualification
and it also takes us into all sorts of other matters, including the efficiency of the
potato plant (i.e. the efficiency of photosynthesis -Section 6.7). In the end, all of this
has to do with energy transduction - light energy into plant material, plant material
into metabolic and non-metabolic energy. In order to put energy transduction on to
a quantitative basis we must needs have a little aside about units (c.f. Section 2.4)
but even at this stage we ought to take into account that what Man needs, in the way
of his metabolic energy requirements, is usually the least of his problems. There are
those of us (like the Eskimos, the Gauchos, the Pigmies of Equatorial Africa) who,
certainly once upon a time, had no need, or scarcely opportunity, to burn plant
material. If there are still such peoples (who get by on what they eat uncooked) they
must be very few and far between. As we progress (geographically) from Africa
northwards and westwards the additional energy requirement continues to increase
until, in North America, energy is used for almost every conceivable purpose and
even for some manipulations which are best overlooked in polite society. For this
reason the demand for non-metabolic energy rises from zero, in very primitive
societies, to about 10 kilowatts per capita in very sophisticated societies. Given
“Third World” aspirations, we ought perhaps to talk in terms of a requirement for
one to ten kilowatts. Man’s metabolic requirements on the other hand are two orders
of magnitude lower, at about 100 watts. This follows from the fact that:-
During the last war, obesity was not a problem in Europe just as it is not a
problem today in most of the “Third World”. By the 50s, however, food that was
now more than adequate, together with increasing affluence, led to an increasing pre-
occupation with diet. At least in the UK this opened the flood-gates to a never ending
spate of pronouncements about “fattening foods”. Most of these took great liberties
with thermodynamics. Notable at this time was the remarkable notion that obesity
derived from eating “starchy” foods. Steaks were in. Potatoes were out. There was
also the idea, still favoured to this day, that there are some amongst us who eat almost
nothing and become immense and others who eat everything and stay lean.
The underlying biochemical fallacy in all of this is that there are a very small
number of metabolites, such as acetyl coenzyme A, which lie at the junction between
carbon, nitrogen and lipid metabolism. True, there are some things eaten which are
excreted but, whether we are talking about lipids (fats), proteins or carbohydrates we
are talking, by and large, about strings of carbons with various other bits and pieces
attached. Apart from oxygen, these bits and pieces rarely contribute much to the mass
or energy content of these compounds. Living organisms contain a lot of water, a
lot of carbon, quite a bit of oxygen but not much of anything else; even though the
relatively minor constituents such as nitrogen are absolutely essential. So we have
substances which are more oxidised and less oxidised (Section 1.2). Those which are
less oxidised are relatively energy rich because they release more energy when they
are “burned” in the body. Thus olive oil is highly reduced and packs a great many
calories per gram (like peanuts). A potato on the other hand contains a lot of water
and its dry matter, mostly starch, is much more oxidised than olive oil. Meat is also
largely composed of water and the oxidation status of what is left (mostly protein)
lies somewhere between starch and oil. This sort of consideration is the basis of why
some foods have a high calorific value and some a low value. It is also why we get
fat or stay thin. Our bodily functions require energy. If we supply more energy than
is needed, the thrifty body stores some substance away for a rainy day and we put
on weight. “Ah yes”, you might say, “but isn’t it easier for the body to make fat from
fat?” Broadly speaking the answer is “not really”. Food is digested in the alimentary
tract. Digestion involves breakdown (of starch, proteins and fats) to small molecules
which can be taken up in the blood stream. These small molecules (sugars, amino
acids, small-chain fatty acids etc.) are either oxidised to CO2 and H2O (with the
associated excretion via the kidneys of unusable nitrogen etc.) or resynthesised into
body tissues and storage products such as glycogen (animal starch) and fats. Some
amino acids derived from digested protein can be used more or less unchanged and
proteins are a necessary part of diet because they are the source of nitrogen (and
sulphur) used in new protein synthesis but, by and large, the body can convert
proteins into fat as readily as it can convert starch into fat or ingested fat into body
fat. This was nicely summarised by Hans Krebs who was awarded the Nobel Prize
for his work on the “tricarboxylic acid cycle” or “Krebs cycle” as it is so often called.
production. In Phase II the diversity of small molecules produced in the first phase
-three or more different hexoses, glycerol, about twenty amino acids and a number
of fatty acids - are incompletely burned, the end-product being, apart from carbon
dioxide, one of three substances: acetic acid in the form of acetyl coenzyme A, a-
ketoglutarate, or oxaloacetate. The first of these three constitutes the greater
amount: two thirds of the carbon of carbohydrate and of glycerol, all carbon atoms
of the common fatty acids and approximately half the carbon skeleton of amino acids
yield acetyl coenzyme A. α-ketoglutarate acid arises from glutamic acid, histidine,
arginine, citrulline, ornithine and part of the benzene ring of tyrosine and
phenylalanine. The details of the pathways cannot be discussed here in full, but one
matter of principle should be emphasised: the number of steps which living matter
employs in order to reduce a great variety of different substances to three basis units
is astonishingly small and could certainly not be equalled with the tools at present
available to the organic chemist.
The three end-products of the second phase are metabolically closely inter-related.
They take part in the Phase III of energy production: the tricarboxylic acid cycle,
the common “terminal” pathway of oxidation of all foodstuffs.
Here, indeed, we have the final putting together again (unlike Humpty
Dumpty) of the H-O bonds broken by the photolytic process in the early stages of
photosynthesis (Chapter 1).
And what about these fat people who eat like birds? To put it starkly, there
were no fat prisoners in Belsen. Some people have a propensity to become more fat
than others but this, is largely because they have a tendency to eat more and exercise
less. If they are not ill, people have a body temperature of 36.9 °C. Hot bodies radiate
more heat than cold bodies but the possibility that one sedentary human can loose
much more energy, as heat, than another, is obviously limited in normal human
society. If we were to walk naked in the cold we could eat more without getting fat
but we don’t. In all of these matters, as Einstein has told us, energy and mass are
interchangeable. The only way that we can dissipate energy, other than by radiation
or by work, is by using it in bodily functions. At rest, people of equal size use very
similar amounts of energy for this purpose. When not at rest it is a matter of how
much mechanical work they are engaged in. Of course, in this sense, work has to
be carefully defined. Some can sit with very little movement. Others, lean and active,
never seem to be at rest, even when relaxing.
every evening in front of a television. Such an individual would stay thin only by
engaging in very hard labour for long periods, or perhaps in activities which might
invite very hard labour for long periods.
Having now at least a rough idea of how much energy Man needs, and how
much he would currently like to have at his disposal for non-metabolic uses, we can
go on to ask how much energy there is available (as light) and how effectively plants
can transduce light energy into the chemical forms of energy (food) which we can
utilise. But before we go any further into this we should define a few more units
(please also refer to Sections 2.4 and 2.5)
In the U.K. at least, school children are no longer expected to be familiar with
traditional units of length such as rods, poles, perches, chains etc. Even hands and
feet are becoming unfashionable despite the fact that we always carry these about
our person. However, in the United States and Britain, and some other English
speaking countries, correspondingly archaic units of area are still in every day use
(see also Chapter 2). The most persistent of these is the “acre”, an area of 4,840
square yards. Anyone who has not even given this a second thought may be startled,
on reflection, to find that 4,840 does not have a square root in whole numbers. In
( other words, we have here a measurement of area which is a rectangle rather than
a square. This is because the acre derives from the British feudal system in which
ten acre fields were divided into 10 rectangular strips each 22 yards wide and 220
yards long. These relate in turn, of course, to the mile (one eightieth and one eighth
of a mile respectively). More than that, the width of the single acre strip is the length
of a cricket wicket and, therefore, more or less guaranteed to persist into the
foreseeable future. The French, who are demonstrably more practical and less
romantic than the English, use the “are” rather than the “acre”. The “are” is ten times
ten metres and the term “hectare” (100 ares or ten thousand square metres) is now
widely used as a measurement of area in the metric system. One hectare is
100 m
hectare approximately two and a half (2.471) acres and one acre about two fifths (0.467) of
a hectare.
acre 220 yds
10 m In passing, since we will soon be considering mass as well as area, we ought
_ +
to take a quick look at the ton. In the British or Imperial system the ton is 2,240 lbs
are 10 m
) (each lb equalling 453.59 grammes). In the United States, there is also the short ton,
equal to 2,000 lbs. Happily the metric ton or “tonne” is not too different from either.
The tonne is 1,000 kilograms (equals 1.1023 short, American, tons and 0.9842 long,
Imperial, tons). In considering plant yields we can regard all of these as
approximately equivalent and acres and tons (or hectares and tonnes) are convenient
units when we are considering crops. Light, on the other hand, is best expressed as
µmole quanta.m-2.s-1 and this is consistent with modern instrumentation. In terms of
Man’s energy requirements, however, it is easier to think of light-energy delivered
in watts per square metre. Once we are aware of how much light energy arrives each
day at the surface of the Earth and we know how much of this energy can be
_ + converted, by plants into food, we can begin to calculate how many plants each of
22 yds
us needs to have photosynthesising, desperately, on our behalf.
Irradiance (w/m 2 /nm)
“lux et veritas”
Until quite recently, light (i.e “light intensity”) was measured in foot candles
or the metric equivalent (metre candles or “lux”). As the name implies, this is the
light given out by one standard candle and perceived at a distance of one foot. A
standard candle emits 4π lumens (1 candle power) and, if placed at the centre of a
sphere of 1 foot radius, produces a luminous flux at its surface equal to 1 lumen/
sq. ft. If the radius is increased to 1 metre the same light is spread more thinly, the
flux decreasing according to the square of the distance. Since there are 3.2808 feet
to the metre and since 3.2808 squared = 10.8 it follows that one foot candle (1 lumen/
sq. ft.) = 10.8 lux or metre candles (1 lumen/sq. metre).
The human eye is a very good device for comparing the intensity of weak
light sources, but very poor for determining absolute intensity values. This is because
the iris diaphragm closes in bright light, so protecting the retina. Accordingly we tend
to overestimate the intensity of light if we enter a well-lit room on a dark night. The
light intensity in such a room is unlikely to be more than 200 ft. candles, whereas
in full sunlight it may be as much as 10,000. For accurate measurements, the human
eye was replaced by instruments such as photographic light meters. A contemporary
A calorific requirement of 2,400 Kcal/day (100 Kcal/ hr), can be met by about
7 lb of potatoes a day or approximately one ton/year (7 lb x 365 = 2,555 lb). It is
not difficult to grow 12 tons of potatoes to the acre in the UK and the highest reported
yield (in exceptional agricultural practice) was 88 tonnes/hectare (about 36 tons/
acre). So, in the U.K., it has proved possible to grow enough potatoes on 1/36 part
of an acre (i.e. on 6 x 22 yds or approximately 112 square metres) to feed one person
for one year (Fig. 6.3). Turning to the unexceptional, it was not unusual for an Irish
farmer and his wife, to raise a family of five and maintain several milking cows and
a couple of horses, on a thirty acre farm as recently as the early 1960s.
x4 +
x1 +
x2 possible
_ _ _
_ 10m +
Fig. 6.3 Land areas needed to feed one person. Theoretically 20 sq metres would
be sufficient to grow 1.2 tons of potatoes. Best recorded crop would have called for
an area of about 110 sq. metres and 300-400 sq. metres would be required in practice.
There are 14 million acres of arable land in England and Wales alone and
even at the very modest yield of 10 tons of potatoes/acre this would support a
population of 140 million. (The present population is nearer 60 million). This
disregards many more millions of acres which could be used for sheep-rearing etc.
The principal reason that the UK is not currently self-sufficient (despite the fact that
it already produces enough grain to meet the calorific requirement of its entire
population) is that most people prefer to get their calories second-hand. A man is
rated at about 100 watts, a cow at about 1 KW. Feeding grain to beef cattle may lead
to something more palatable than bread alone but it is hardly the best way to use
declining energy resources. Cattle, sheep and pigs require about 7 calories of plant
product for every calorie of meat and fat they produce.
Countries like the United States have much higher populations than the U.K.
but, proportionately, much more land per head of population. The United States is,
therefore, still capable of producing much more grain than it requires for domestic
use, although this is largely attributable to mechanisation and the development, in
the 1950’s of selective herbicides which did so much to free the prairie wheat fields
of weeds. The fact that the erstwhile Soviet Union failed to emulate the United States
in this regard is more a matter of inadequate harvesting, storing and distribution than
a basic inability to grow more. This, in turn, is largely attributable to political
No matter how we look at this subject we come back to two simple and
irrefutable facts. The first is that, if we take a small densely populated island in the
northern hemisphere, much of it bleak moorland, unsuitable for growing arable
crops, and subjected to relatively cold winters, we find that it is still capable of
growing enough food to support 2 or 3 times its present population. The second, and
more sobering thought, is that this is only made possible by the extensive use of fossil
fuels. If the U.K. had to depend for all of its energy on renewable biomass, the
feasible population would fall, by two orders of magnitude, from round about 150
- 200 million to 2 or 3 million (Section 8.11). This, of course, is in accord with
population levels before the industrial revolution and the wide-spread use of fossil
While there is no doubt that even a tiny and highly populated country, like the U.K.,
could readily maintain itself on potatoes and sheep, it is equally true that much
Assume that daily calorific requirement of 2400 Kcal (for a sedentary male) is met
by 7.5 lbs of potatoes, then 12 tons would feed 10 people for 1 year (7.5 × 356 × 10
= 27.375 lb = 12 tons)
This balance sheet shows that, although an acre of potatoes can feed 10 people for one
year, most of the energy (about 60%) comes from the sun via fossil fuels rather than
by direct utilisation of sunlight.
Considerations of this sort highlight the dilemma which man must face as his
stocks of fossil fuels decline. It is no longer enough to seek the best possible yield.
It is also necessary to attempt to achieve the maximum net energy gain. In many
circumstances this may be synonymous with ‘best financial return’ but normal
market forces may be distorted by subsidies and intervention of a political or social
nature. Such problems have created the simultaneous existence of European “food
mountains” and starving Ethiopians.
At this stage we might wish to determine how efficiently plants convert light
energy into chemical energy and even ponder the possibility of improvement. If we
know how much light energy is put in and how much chemical energy we get out
we have a measure of how well a plant can convert one form of energy into another.
Of course there are plants and plants and, if we are not careful we could get into some
rather uncertain ground. It could be a bit like asking what time a man might take
to run a mile. In my youth there were two barrel chested Swedes called Arne
Anderson and Gundar Hague who, if my memory is not at fault, took the time for
the mile down to about 4 minutes 6 seconds. Four minutes seemed unattainable until
Roger Bannister achieved the impossible and, thereafter, sub four minute miles
became unremarkable, even commonplace. That is not to say there is no limit to how
fast a man might run over a given distance. Some gifted human physiologist might
come up, if pressed, with a realistic estimate. We could ourselves, remembering that
10 seconds is a very good time for 100 yds (and that there are 1,760 yds in a mile),
declare it unlikely that anyone will ever run the longer distance without flagging and
thereby suggest that anything close to 3 minutes is unlikely in the extreme. If we
apply the same sort of crude arithmetic to plants we would probably settle for
something like 10% (conversion of light energy to chemical energy) as the equivalent
of the three minute mile and something closer to 5% for a reasonably safe bet
(perhaps equivalent to a slightly lower time for the mile than our best runners can
manage now).
Let us have a look at this in more detail and examine some of its many
implications. It is after all an important subject - one on which lives may ultimately
In Chapter 2 we invoked a hypothetical carbohydrate with a formula CH2O.
There are a number of real carbohydrates with the formula C6H12O6 and if these are
burned in a calorimeter they release about 672 Kcal (2,822 Kjoules). Clearly we
cannot get out more heat than it cost (in terms of light energy) to join together six
molecules of carbon dioxide (to form C6H12O6) in the first place. On this basis, to
form CH2O from one CO2 must have cost at least 672/6 = 112 Kcal (470 Kjoules).
In Section 2.3, moreover, we learned that red light (at 680 nm) had an energy content
of about 42 Kcal (175 Kjoules) per quantum mole (Avogadro’s number of photons).
So, if we only had this crude energy balance sheet to contend with, we could make
one mole of CH2O at the expense of only three quantum moles (3 x 42 Kcal) of light
energy. One thing is certain; there is no way that we could get under two quanta of
red light per molecule without breaking the laws of thermodynamics and they are
notoriously difficult to break. Similarly nothing that we know, at least when we get
into the chemical end of things, seems to work without some frictional losses, so four
photons (per molecule of CH2O formed, carbon dioxide fixed, or oxygen evolved)
might seem more realistic.
in this problem.
As you know I found a requirement of 4 quanta in 1923 and the same
requirement in 1945 when I repeated my experiments considering all the objections
of Dr. Emerson. The university of Illinois invited me to decide here in Urbana which
value is the right one, 4 or 12 quanta.
The first thing I did here was a to simplify the procedure. I devised a chemical
radiometer for the visible part of the spectrum so that it is now possible to measure
quanta intensities manometrically (photo-oxidation of thiourea sensitized by
chlorophyll or porphyrin, dissolved in pyridin. This quantum yield is under suitable
conditions one).
The determination of the yield in photosynthesis is now extremely simple.
First you give in two vessels the same amounts of cells, but different volumes of acid
culture medium and measure the pressure changes in both vessels, in dark and light.
Thus you get for every period the oxygen development and CO2 absorption or the
Then you put in the same light beam in the same position the radiometer
vessel (of the same dimensions), and measure the oxygen consumption in light for
the same time.
A few days ago I got cells to measure the yield in this way and I found, in
the presence of two impartial observers, 4 quanta per molecule oxygen. Proceeding
in exact [sic] the same way the next day two assistants of Dr. Emerson found for a
different culture about 20 quanta per molecule of oxygen. So I came to the conclusion
that the Chlorella cultures of Dr. Emerson are not suitable or at least unequal and
I declared here that I could continue the experiments only if I had the control over
the cultures of the chlorella.
This is a long story. If here in the US you wish to decide the problem finally
it seems to me necessary that I show in an impartial institute how to get four quanta,
being able of course to cultivate the chlorella myself. If on the other hand I go now
back to my institute in Dahlem and repeat it there I have no opportunity to show the
yield to other people and the situation remains as it is.
Is there a possibility to do these experiments in your institute or in the institute
of the Eastman Company? I have here a lecture at January 19 and would then be
free for about two months. The trouble is that I must be paid because it is not possible
to change german money in dollars.
It would not be advisable to ask Dr. Emerson about this plan, But Dr. Tippo,
the head of the department of Botany in Urbana is acquainted with the problem and
the situation.
I have manometers and vessels and a prisma to produce red light. The
required intensities are 0,3 to 3,0 micromoles of quanta per 10 minutes, (630 to 660
nm) or better if possible monochromatic red light.
Do not answer this letter if you see no possibilities.
I am yours sincerely
Otto Warburg.
Dear Mr Steward,
that Burk had no time for discussion of results with scientific colleagues, but had
plenty of time to spill a big story for newspapers reporters.
As I may have suggested in my last letter to you, we are now pretty sure that the
major cause of error in the Burk-Warburg work is their assumption (stated in
Science Sept. 2nd and reiterated in the Meyerhof Festschrift of Biochemica et
Biophysica Acta) that there was no “Physical lag” in their manometric system. On
the basis of this unsupported assertion (which we find to be strictly contrary to fact),
they based most of their photosynthesis measurements on 10-minute exposures to
light, alternated with 10-minute intervals of either darkness or unmeasured light.
This does not lead to correct values of photosynthesis in either phosphate or
carbonate buffers. However, there are additional factors in their work which are still
obscure, and we shall not be satisfied until we can give a quantitative explanation
of all the major inconsistencies. We do make progress toward this objective, but it’s
disappointingly slow.
Yes, Burk gives one this impression that he is making an intentional effort to confuse
issues, rather than to clarify them. I’m inclined to agree that an ethical problem is
involved, as well as a question of scientific fact. I’ll appreciate advice on how to deal
with the ethical issue, but I’m inclined to let it go until we have settled the facts.
Robert Emerson.
[The Z-scheme (Section 4.3), of course, demands 8 photons but, at that time,
it was still to be proposed and authenticated].
The answer is really quite simple. Given the techniques available it was
extraordinarily difficult to measure either the light absorbed or the oxygen evolved.
It should also be borne in mind that the highest yields only occur in low light, i.e.,
when the changes to be measured were at their smallest. Moreover, photosynthetic
organisms respire like any others. How to make an appropriate allowance for dark
respiration, relatively large in relation to photosynthesis in these circumstances,
could pose problems. In the long-run everything gradually happened together.
Techniques improved, the Z-scheme was proposed and relentlessly authenticated,
four photons (per carbon dioxide fixed) became untenable. These days the actual
quantum requirement for leaves, following work by Demmig and Bjorkman, is put
at about 9 and many species, provided that they are in good conditions and not
stressed give values close to this figure. Why 9 and not 8? A quantum requirement
of 8 (i.e. a quantum yield of 1 ÷ 8 = 0.125 molecules of carbon dioxide or oxygen
per photon) is probably the real underlying value because that is what the Z-scheme
demands and the Z-scheme has become increasingly unassailable. The rest is down
to measurement again. These are still very difficult to get exactly right and are biased
to more (rather than to less) because it is not yet possible, in a leaf, to measure
photosynthesis per se without inputs from other associated processes (e.g. sucrose
synthesis). Also many sorts of stress will increase the apparent quantum requirement
a little. Real stress such as photoinhibition (Sections 5.9 and 6.9) can increase it a
lot. In short, hydrogen transport from water to NADP (Chapter 4) cannot be easily
measured in leaves without inadvertently measuring a few energy requiring reactions
mmole .s
Fig. 6.4 Rate of photosynthesis as a function of light intensity (PFD). At first the
rate increases, with increasing light (PAR), in a linear fashion. At relatively low PFDs
(about one twentieth of full sunlight - see Table 2.2) the relationship departs from
linearity because of metabolic constraints. The maximum (quantum) efficiency is
calculated from the initial slope. In this light-limited region the theoretical maximum
is 0.125 molecules of O2 evolved (or CO2 fixed) per photon (a quantum requirement
of 8). At a PFD of 400 µmole quanta.m-2.s-1 (PAR), equivalent to one fifth full
sunlight, the rate of photosynthesis is already close to its maximum. This particular
figure was derived from computerised measurements undertaken with a Hansatech
“leaf-disc electrode”
[In the rate v PFD plot the initial slope is a measure of quantum requirement.
Thus for a PFD of 80 and a rate of 0.76 the quantum yield would be 80/0.76
= 9.3]
Let us look again at the overall efficiency of energy transduction with this in
mind. For a value of 112 Kcal (for CH2O) we would have, for electron transport from
water, through the Z-scheme, to CO2:-
× 100 = 33%
8 × 42
i.e. 8 photons, each worth 42 Kcal (175 Kjoules) would be consumed and a product
worth 112 Kcal (468 Kjoules), when burnt in the calorimeter, would be produced.
Here, you might suppose we are being generous in the extreme so let us see if, and
how, we might come nearer to reality. First of all, even very modest photoinhibitory
stress (Fig. 6.5) may decrease the initial slope of the rate v PFD relationship to an
extent equivalent to a quantum requirement of 12. These values relate to red light
and saturating CO2 and if we put a value of 112 Kcals/mole on CH2O and 42 Kcals/
mole photons on red light at 680 nm, the efficiency of conversion (light-energy into
chemical energy) becomes:-
× 100% = 22%
12 × 42
But only half of sun-light is photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and 50 Kcal
per quantum mole a more realistic value than 42, given the spectral composition (Fig.
6.2) of sun-light. (On sunny days we have blue skies rather than red, and blue light
carries more energy per photon than red). On this basis the above arithmetic would
112 1
× × 100% = 9%
12 × 50 2
anyway because of the energy costs of their CO2 pumps (Table 5.1). To what extent
photorespiration decreases net carbon assimilation is arguable but few would
question an additional correction factor of 0.6 to take care of photorespiratory and
respiratory losses. In addition, leaves reflect and transmit light (mostly green), which
is therefore not used in photosynthesis, and absorb light in ways which also make
no contribution to carbon assimilation. A further correction of at least 0.85 must be
invoked to cover these losses. These two additional corrections take us down to a
final round figure of 4.5%.
This estimate (4.5%) is absolute tops. The correction factors put into the
arithmetic are, to be frank, educated guesses at best. Moreover, in the field, maximal
quantum yields, are rarely approached. At high light intensities (high PFDs) the
quantum efficiency (Section 6.6) falls, particularly in C3 crops (such as wheat,
barley, rice, sugar-beet and potatoes) rather than in C4 crops (such as sugar-cane,
maize, sorghum etc). Nevertheless there are rare, highly favourable, circumstances
in which stands of natural vegetation (Section 6.8) come close to our calculated
maximum, allowing us to conclude that 4.5% is not a complete nonsense. For
example, Cooper notes that a closed canopy of Pennisetum typhoides grown in
Katherine, W. Australia, with a daily solar energy input of 5,100 Kcal/sq.metre
(PAR), showed a daily dry weight increase of 54g/sq.metre (some 4.5% efficiency).
However, it should not be forgotten that Pennisetum typhoides is a C4 species and,
as such, much less readily light-saturated than most C3 species.
Although the various losses listed above diminish the return from a theoretical
33% to a practical 4.5% the farmer would be delighted if he could approach the
maximum of 4.5% even on rare occasions. This is because the crop in the field is
much less efficient than the plant in the laboratory and the estimates based on high
quantum yields only apply to light-limiting conditions. The average C3 crop species
will photosynthesise at near maximum rates at about one fifth of full sunlight (Fig.
6.4). Thus, at PFDs above about 800 µmole quanta.m-2.s-1, most of the incident light
has to be dissipated, as heat, (Section 6.9) rather than utilised in carbon assimilation.
In most types of agricultural practice, the crop does not cover the available ground
throughout the growing season and obviously irradiation of bare earth adds little to
the balance sheet, apart from soil warming. Conversely, as the season advances
efficiency will be diminished as the upper leaves begin to form an unbroken canopy
which shades those leaves below it. In areas removed from the equator or at high
altitudes, there will be periods when the temperature is too low to support appreciable
photosynthesis, and at temperatures above 30°C, photorespiratory losses will become
increasingly important. Water shortage will limit growth as will deficiencies in
essential and trace elements. Indeed, availability of water is often the most important
limitation in agriculture. Carbon dioxide, at about 0.03%, i.e. 300 parts per million
(ppm), will frequently be a limiting factor (particularly in C3 species which may
photosynthesise two or three times more rapidly in augmented CO 2) and this
limitation may be aggravated locally, by active photosynthesis in still atmospheres.
Photorespiration will take its toll. To all of these must be added the usual agricultural
hazards such as disease, damage and loss. These will frequently combine to decrease
yields to much less than 1%.
The maximal dry weight yield can be calculated for any country at any level
of efficiency. For example, the UK receives sunlight at 100 joules/sq. metre/sec. on
a continuous basis. At 4.2 joules/cal this equals about 24 cals/sq. metre/sec.
Five per cent of this value is 4.3 Kcal and, at 4.25 Kcal/g dry weight, it may be
calculated that:-
Dry weight measurement of a total potato crop (including leaves and roots)
has been only rarely attempted. However, values obtained by Lorenz put the total
dry weight at a little less than one quarter of the fresh weight of the tubers and this
would suggest a maximum dry weight yield of approximately 9 tons/acre (22 tonnes/
hectare). This is equivalent to 25% of the theoretical maximum, or 1.25% conversion
of light energy to chemical energy. The average potato crop is perhaps one third of
the maximum. These values would have to be recalculated for each crop to be
considered but the values cited in table 6.3 could be taken as a first approximation.
Table 6.3
It will be seen that in this Table there is a four fold difference between “possible” and
“feasible” whereas in Fig. 6.3 the difference is 5.5. It should be noted that this discrepancy
relates only to the nature of the crop and to the assumptions made about its calorific content
and fresh weight/dry weight ratio.
As light increases in brightness, i.e. as the rate at which photons strike a leaf
increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases. Accordingly, if we plot rates of
photosynthesis against light intensity (or more properly, photon flux density or PFD)
we get straight lines at low intensities (e.g. Fig. 6.5) which reflects this direct
relationship between (quantum yield) the arrival of photons at the leaf surface and
the photosynthetic output. At higher PFDs however, this linear relationship is lost
(Fig. 6.7). This initial slope (the roof) gives way to a curve which gradually
approaches a new, biological, limitation (the ceiling). This is analogous to a man
frying eggs. At first the rate at which he can fry eggs will be limited, in part, by the
rate at which he is handed eggs to fry but, very soon, the biological limitations of
his handling capacity will dictate how many he can fry. He will soon have reached
his own biological ceiling.
As well as horizontal ceilings, most houses have pitched roofs. The ceiling
is biological and variable and has to do with the ability of the leaf to utilise incoming
photons. The maximum slope or pitch of the roof (quantum yield) is a
thermodynamic constraint, governed by the light energy required to evolve one
molecule of oxygen or reduce one molecule of carbon dioxide. Each photon entering
each photosystem (Fig. 6.6) raises one electron to a higher energy level. Since there
are two photosystems, and since four electrons must be transferred in order to satisfy
the equation:-
this means that eight photons are required per molecule of oxygen evolved or carbon
dioxide fixed.
consumption is plotted against the speed of the vehicle (left). The initial, linear, part
of the rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution v PFD plot allows us to derive
photosynthetic efficiency in a similar way but, in terms of µmoles of oxygen evolved
per µmole of photons used rather than miles per gallon or kilometres per litre.
60 Surprisingly, many diverse species display very similar photon requirements if they
Rate (m.p.h.)
e- e- e- e-
CO 2
( ( ( (
( ( ( (
photon e- CH 2 O
4 photons
+ H2O
4 photons
e- e- e- e-
2 H 2O
e- e- e- e- 8 photons
( ( ( (
O 2 + 4H
( 2H 2 O + CO2 + CH 2 O + O2 + H 2 O)
Fig. 6.6. The Z-Scheme. Yet another version of Hill & Bendall’s classic
representation of electron transport (c.f. Fig. 4.2). This time stripped of detail to
emphasise the manner in which 8 photons combine to transport 4 electrons from H2O
to CH2O. Protons (H+) separated from hydrogens (H = H+ + e-) at the beginning of
this process, as water is split (releasing O2) in photosystem II, are restored to CH2O
(via NADP) after electrons have passed through PSI. In leaves, a small fraction of
excitation energy is dissipated as fluorescence emission from PSII (left). As the light
intensity increases, an increasing amount of excitation energy is dissipated as heat
(Section 6.2) and the quantum yield (0.125 molecules of O2 per photon at maximum)
falls accordingly.
that one can convert 10% more of its photosynthetic product into new leaves than
the other. The new leaves would also photosynthesise and as arithmetic will show,
within 8 weeks, the plant with the leaning to investment would have grown to twice
the size of the other. In this instance the ability to convert more photosynthetic
product into new photosynthetic machinery could be much more important than
modest differences in photosynthetic rate. Thus increased productivity might be
found more readily, in improved regulation of metabolism and development, than in
faster photosynthesis. This is not to say that there is no room for improvement. Many
years ago, a famous Cambridge biologist called Blackman took the view that the roof
gave way to the ceiling abruptly rather than in a continuous curve (Fig. 6.7) as
limitation by light gave way to limitation by the ability of the leaf to utilise light
effectively. Contemporary measurement (particularly when it is based on
illumination from above) does not often show such an abrupt change, not least
because there are usually several layers of photosynthetic tissue within a leaf, each
layer with somewhat different characteristics and each lower layer inevitably
receiving less light than the leaf-surface. Nevertheless, the extent to which the rate
Fig. 6.7 Roofs and Ceilings. The initial slope of the rate v. PFD relationship (i.e. the
quantum yield) is a thermodynamic constraint unlikely to be steepened. The ceiling
is determined by enzymic complement and regulation and might well be raised by
genetic manipulation.
v PFD relationship (the continuous curve in Fig. 6.7) can approach the
thermodynamic and biological constraint of the perfect Blackman relationship (roof
plus ceiling) may well prove to be an important indicator in the assessment of plant
performance. Molecular biologists have acquired a magic wand in the sense that, at
least in principle, they are now able to create entirely new plants; to move parts of
metabolic machinery from one plant to another or to introduce new completely novel
features. Their problem is that they need guidance about what to do. It may prove
less advantageous to raise the maximum rate of photosynthesis than to seek to ensure
that they function as close to existing roofs and ceilings for as much of the time as
possible. Resistance to environmental stress and speed of recovery from stresses such
as photoinhibition could be crucial in this regard. These are features of a plant which
an experienced plant breeder now recognises intuitively when he or she talks about
“vigour”. It is these that give some species, such as barley, the versatility to grow
in widely different environments. As the breeders traditional skills are replaced by
the new wonders of genetic engineering, “vigour” and “versatility” will need to be
quantified and assessed. Such assessment will undoubtedly involve the application
of new techniques to the evaluation of the old Blackman concept of roofs and
ceilings and the extent to which crop species will be able to approach these limits.
Plants are rarely able to move out of the sun and yet are quite unable to use
all of the light-energy that may arrive at their leaves. This is particularly true of
circumstances in which carbon assimilation is constrained by other factors, such as
low temperatures or drought which may induce stomatal closure and consequential
CO2 deficiency. There is, therefore, a need for safe dissipation of excess excitation
energy. To an extent, modest reversible photoinhibition i.e. damage caused by light
to the photochemical apparatus (Fig. 6.5), may constitute a safety mechanism but
clearly irreversible photoinhibition would serve no useful purpose. Recent research
indicates that there are additional safety valves that dissipate excess excitation energy
as heat (rather than fluorescence or carbon assimilation). In some circumstances
reduction of O2 (the Mehler reaction - See Fig. 4.3) may be involved.
If not stressed, most species photosynthesize in low light, at close to the same
rate but the linear relationship between PFD and rate is lost progressively more
quickly by leaves grown in shade than by leaves grown in full sunlight (Fig. 6.8).
At first sight, this may seem to be more of a problem for shade leaves than for sun
leaves in the sense that they can usually (but not invariably) utilize only a much
smaller fraction of full sunlight than their sun counterparts. In Fig. 6.8 the
percentages of incident red light used by shade and sun Helionia (in the range of 0-
800 µmole quanta.m-2.s-1, and assuming a quantum efficiency of 9) were about 20%
and 40% respectively. In full sunlight (2,000 µmole quanta.m-2.s-1 in the 400-700 nm
PAR range capable of being absorbed by chlorophyll) these values for
100 1,000
Fig. 6.8 Rate v PFD in sun and shade leaves Above. Comparison of the rates of
photosynthesis displayed by sun and shade leaves of Helionia over a photon flux
density range of 0 to 1000 µmoles quanta/sq. metre/sec. Below. Detail of above
emphasising the fact that the initial slope (and therefore the quantum yield and
requirement) are the same in a sun and shade leaf. The fact that the latter had a lower
light compensation point (LCP), i.e. the light intensity at which photosynthetic oxygen
evolution and dark respiratory oxygen uptake are in balance, results from the lower
rate of dark respiration (DR) shown by the shade leaf. [Data from 10th UNEP/UWI
Training Course on “Photosynthesis & Productivity in a Changing Environment”
(Barbados, 1991)]
and PSI and beyond PSI. Moreover, all of these sites of pH-related regulation tend
to interact with one another to a small or larger extent. For example the relatively
alkaline environment of the stroma (pH 8.5 or thereabouts) favours carbon
assimilation and therefore ATP consumption. ATP consumption regenerates ADP
which, in the presence of Pi, discharges the proton gradient through the
ATPsynthase. For this reason, removal of CO2 from the atmosphere surrounding a
leaf causes an almost immediate increase in ∆pH In turn, increased ∆pH regulates
electron transport. As just noted, one site of regulation lies between PSII and the cyt
b/ƒ complex but, within PSII, there are all manner of additional possibilities, with
∆pH seen as the common feature.
Plants cannot take shelter from too much sun by seeking the shelter of a
nearby tree. Only a few have the capability of rapid leaf movement. At a maximal
quantum efficiency of 0.125, temperate C3 species may utilize more than 80% of the
red light that they are offered in the 0-800 µmole quanta.m-2.s-1 range. The fact that
this value may fall below 20% in shade species or shaded leaves is a matter of
photosynthetic capacity (enzyme complement) not efficiency. Whether shade or sun,
there is a clear need to dissipate the excess excitation energy safely. Safe dissipation
can be visualised as analogous to the mechanical “governor” beloved of Victorian
engineers. Here a revolving shaft developed centrifugal force in two masses of steel
or iron spinning about a centre, opposite to one another. The greater the energy input,
the further the two masses would swing apart and, in so doing, would increasingly
disengage the driving force from the machinery being driven. The objective was
protection. The machinery had a capacity for work which could not be exceeded
without damage. The governor ensured that this safe limit could not be exceeded.
In photosynthesis, electron transport creates a ∆pH which discharges through an
ATPsynthase to form ATP from ADP and Pi. If these components are not recycled
6.13 Summary
All metabolic energy and much of Man’s fuels are derived from
photosynthesis. Photosynthesis involves the utilisation of light energy in breaking H-
O bonds; energy is derived from the products of photosynthesis when these H-O
bonds are re-established by respiration or burning. Within chloroplasts the
transduction of light-energy into electrical energy and then into chemical energy can
proceed at the remarkably high efficiency of 33% but the optimal conditions
necessary for maximal efficiency do not obtain in nature and a variety of factors
(including photorespiration, dark respiration, incomplete interception of light and
decreased efficiency at high light intensities) combine to decrease the maximum
efficiency of conversion to about 5% in leaves. Even for standing crops, or swards
of natural vegetation, 4.5% is only rarely approached. In general agricultural practice
the figure is well below 1%. Even so, large human populations could be maintained
by modern agriculture - populations much larger than currently exist. Such intensive
agriculture is, however, only made possible by investing very large amounts of fossil
fuels into fertilisers, herbicides, machinery, transport etc.) so that, in the end, modern
agricultural practice constitutes a very inefficient way of converting the products of
primaeval photosynthesis into contemporary photosynthetic products. Primitive
agricultural practice is not necessarily less energy-intensive and is certainly much
less productive.
In the present context, the most important “take home lesson” from all of this
is that the “civilised” world we see about us has been made possible by long past
photosynthesis. In the first instance this gave us the air we breathe and the food we
eat but, since the Industrial Revolution and the advent of modern agricultural
practice, it is the extensive use of fossil fuels that has permitted the relentless and
continuing expansion of world population. In the remaining chapters we will
examine the consequences of this in more detail. For the moment we can simply
conclude that present trends cannot be sustained indefinitely on the present basis.
Increasingly, fossil fuels will become too scarce and therefore too expensive to use
widely in the manner that we use them now and sole dependence on contemporary
photosynthesis would demand ten-fold reduction in population. In the short term our
insistence on returning carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in quantities which it took
millennia of photosynthesis to remove will, in itself, have major impact on our
“The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds the
pessimist fears this is true” ....James Branch Cabell
The story of Noah and the Ark exemplifies some aspects of human thought
and emotion which must always have been with us. There are those who tend, like
the grasshopper, to live for the day. There are others, perhaps more pessimistic, or
better informed or (like Noah) with inside information, These have always viewed
the future with a certain amount of gloom. Given the fact that, during this century,
there have been two world wars, major attempts at genocide and many “minor” wars
(including the most awful, between Iran and Iraq, in which casualties have still been
counted in millions rather than in thousands) it is difficult to deny that human
pessimism has been entirely misplaced. Until the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq the
prospect of future world war and nuclear holocaust seemed mercifully more unlikely
than at any time in the recent past. Even so, if we were now to suppose that someone
could wave a magic wand, that Arab would embrace Jew, that the Ayatollahs would
be kind to Salman Rushdie, that India would warm to Pakistan and that the Irish
Republican Army and the Basque Separatists would forgive and forget, it would still
be difficult to find grounds for endless optimism about the future of the human
condition. Yet even the most cautious and guarded expression of concern is still
likely, in some quarters, to be dismissed in the same way as Noah’s forebodings
about the forthcoming flood. Scepticism, of course, is at the heart of good science
and there are endless examples of well based predictions which have been made to
seem almost ludicrous by subsequent events. In many Western countries, for
example, population doubling once seemed inevitable by the end of this century.
Now better contraception, economic pressures, and changed social attitudes (all
closely interrelated) have combined to keep young women at work longer before they
start families. This, in turn, has decreased the number of children per family and there
is now even concern, in countries like Germany, about a future in which there might
be too few young people to sustain the older part of the population in comfortable
The “greenhouse effect” (or more properly the “enhanced greenhouse effect”)
is central to contemporary relationships between plants, Man’s energy requirements
and his environment. It is also central to the whole concept, now slowly but surely
Absorption %
H 2 O (Rotation)
40 O2
20 O3 B
O2 O2 O2 O2 O3 O3 O2 O2 H 2 O H 2 O CO2 HDO H 2 O O2 N 2O
N 2O N 2O CO2
H 2O H 2O
CH 4
H 2O CO2 CFCl 2
CH 4
Fig. 7.1 Percentage of radiation passing from the top of the atmosphere to the
surface. Note the weak absorption of the solar spectrum (between 0.3 and 1.0 mm)
[from MacCracken and Luther, 1985].
being rejected, that Man could do what he wished with “his” planet without eventual
and possibly painful consequences.
This is primarily because the glass permits sunlight to enter reasonably well but at
the same time diminishes the heat loss which would otherwise occur by free
circulation of air and by convection. The analogy between such greenhouses and the
natural “greenhouse effect” (which makes life on Earth possible to Man, by raising
the mean global temperature from -18°C to +15°C) also relates to warming by the
sun and prevention of cooling but there the similarity ends. Instead of glass we have
gases. These gases do not interfere with cooling air movements, like the glass in a
man-made greenhouse, but they do decrease the rate at which heat is lost by radiation
until the temperature increases (on average by 33°C). Clearly, a new balance between
heat gain and heat loss will have to be struck because, if it were not, the world would
get hotter and hotter. Similarly, it is evident that, although the greenhouse effect
currently results in a mean global temperature of 15°C, it is very variable in its effect.
These variations contribute to the complexities of climate.
100 8 17 6 9 40 20
ATMOSPHERE Backscattered
Net emission
by air
water vapour Emission
Absorbed by CO 2 , O 3 by clouds
water vapour, 19 Reflected absorption
dust,3 O by clouds by clouds,
water vapour,
CO2 , O 3
106 Latent
heat flux
Absorbed by Reflected
clouds Sensible
by surface LONGWAVE heat flux
40 115 100 7 24
Fig. 7.2 The atmospheric heat balance. The units are percentages of incoming solar
radiation. The solar fluxes are shown on the left, and the longwave (thermal infra-red)
fluxes are on the right (after MacCracken and Luther, 1985).
Those of us who live in temperate climates are very conscious of winter frosts
and their association with clear nights. The famous Scottish phrase “Its a braw,
bricht, moonlit nicht the nicht” usually presages frost. There are such things as
freezing fogs but, by and large, we know that if the stars sparkle in the winter night
it is likely to get a great deal colder than if there is thick cloud. In such circumstances,
we go to bed beneath some thick cover or blanket which ensures that we do not lose
body heat to our immediate environment. Clouds of water vapour in our skies serve
much the same purpose. Indeed, most of the natural greenhouse effect is attributable
to water vapour and, in northern climates, we are only too well aware of the
immediate chill that we can experience when the sun goes behind a cloud. In such
circumstances it is primarily incoming solar radiation which is being excluded but
water vapour is even more effective in diminishing the loss of heat to space. Even
deserts, which become exceptionally hot as the sun beats down from a cloudless sky,
can become uncomfortably cold by night without a blanket of water vapour to slow
re-radiation of heat. Although water vapour is immensely important in this regard
it does not act unaided. As we shall see in Section 7.5 - 7.8 its work is supported
by other greenhouse gases of which the most important, and contentious, is carbon
Like most aspects of science the greenhouse effect is a great deal more
complex in detail than it is in principle but, at its simplest, the story goes like this.
Electromagnetic radiation from the sun (Section 2.2) penetrates the Earth’s
atmosphere. Some is reflected back into space from clouds of water vapour and some
from the ice caps and other snow-covered and reflecting areas. Water vapour and
other greenhouse gases are not, however, very effective absorbers of solar radiation
out to space
back to space
back to
back to surface
Fig. 7.3 The greenhouse effect. Simplified version of Figure 7.2. Some incoming
solar radiation is reflected back into space by clouds, some is absorbed by the
atmosphere, and some (mostly visible light) reaches the Earth’s surface. In turn, the
Earth radiates heat as infra-red. Some of this is again absorbed by the atmosphere
which then radiates part of it back to Earth and part of it back into space. This raises
the current global mean surface temperature from about -18°C (the estimated steady-
state temperature at which heat input and heat lost would come into balance in the
absence of an atmosphere) to 15°C.
and accordingly much of the sun’s radiation penetrates to the Earth’s surface. This
is particularly true of electromagnetic radiation in the visible and photosynthetically
active band (400-700 nm). Radiation which is absorbed by the planet and its
atmosphere is also continuously re-radiated, by night and by day, in the long wave
(infra-red) part of the spectrum. If we heat an iron in a fire it becomes “red hot”,
i.e. it emits red light in the 650-700 nm part of the spectrum. At the same time it
emits infra-red radiation (at wavelengths longer than 700 nm which we cannot see)
and any object, at any normal temperature, can lose heat by radiation in this way.
Part of this long-wave radiation is intercepted by water vapour, carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases. These re-radiate energy in all directions thereby deflecting
some heat which would otherwise be lost, back towards the Earth’s surface. Water,
and water vapour, absorb radiation very effectively throughout much of the long-
wave spectrum (the simplest way of cooling light from a tungsten source such as a
conventional electric light is to pass it through a reasonably deep layer of water).
There is, however, a major “window” between 8,000 to 12,000 nm (8-12 µm) in
which both water and carbon dioxide absorb poorly and in which some other gases
like methane (Section 7.6) and ozone (Section 7.9) absorb strongly.
In the presence of an atmosphere (Fig. 7.3), much of the loss of long wave
radiation from a planet occurs above its surface. A planet, like Mars, with a “thin”
atmosphere radiates most of its heat from near its surface and one, like Venus, with
a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere and a strong greenhouse effect, radiates most
infra-red from well above its surface. The mean radiating height for Earth is currently
5.5 km and if greenhouse gases continue to accumulate this height will increase. The
effective radiating temperature of the planet will remain unchanged at -18°C (255K)
but the temperature of the troposphere (Fig. 7.14) and the temperature of the surface
(which are tightly coupled) will rise.
comparable branch of science and a proposal which sought to question any of the
current dogma would undoubtedly have as much chance as one which embraced it
without reservation. So far as science itself is concerned, there is no doubt that there
have been scientific hoaxes and that falsification of results is not totally unknown
but it would be very difficult to argue that these have ever significantly changed our
perception of things. Scientists as individuals are presumably neither better nor worse
than business men, politicians, poets or market gardeners. Moreover, cheating at
science is a particularly pointless thing to do - almost on a par with cheating at
patience. In the long term, truth will out, exaggerated claims will be questioned,
charlatans will be discredited. It is very hard, therefore, to give credence to this
particular conspiracy theory; almost impossible to believe that there is a dedicated
band of greenhouse freaks, indifferent to scientific reality or moral considerations.
This is not to say that there is no room for real doubt, uncertainty, or a need to
question simple lack of understanding. It cannot be said too often, or too clearly, that
the only present certainty is that CO2 has increased and will continue to increase in
the immediate future. What impact that will have, immediately passes into the realm
of well-informed guesswork or mere speculation. It has already been noted that the
whole concept of global warming, consequent upon Man’s activities, is based on the
enhanced greenhouse effect and that if it were not for the underlying or natural
greenhouse effect the mean global temperature would be -18°C rather than +15°C.
However, Richard Lindzen, writing with all the authority of a professor of
meteorology at M.I.T., points out that this concept is “seriously incomplete” and that
“if it were a true representation of the actual greenhouse effect, the Earth would be
95°C rather than the 33°C warmer than it would be in the absence of greenhouse
gases. The reason why 77% of the actual greenhouse effect is absent is simply that
the Earth’s surface does not cool primarily by radiation: it cools mainly by
evaporation. Heat in the form of either sensible heat or latent heat (available for
release when water vapour condenses into rain) is bodily carried away from the
surface by air motions associated with turbulence, cumulonimbus towers, and
larger-scale meteorological systems. It is deposited at higher latitudes and altitudes
where there is much less greenhouse gas to inhibit cooling to space.”
Lindzen also points out that it could easily be inferred, from some contemporary
accounts, that current atmospheric water vapour provides 60-70% of greenhouse
warming and carbon dioxide 25%. In fact, he says, over 97% of the greenhouse effect
on Earth is due to water vapour and stratiform clouds so that all other greenhouse
gases play a “truly minor role”. Remarks such as these are particularly telling and
carry much more weight than thoughts of greenhouse conspiracies. They should
remind us all to approach this subject in the same way as did Robert Boyle when
he wrote “The Sceptical Chemist”. We must respect Lindzen’s caustic candour when
he says (of “Climate Change: The PIPCC Scientific Assessment”)
“we really have two distinct documents: a Policymakers Summary which suggests
that we are certain that serious climatic consequences will result from increasing
levels of so-called greenhouse gases, and a lengthy report which finds no evidence
for this certainty.”
CO 2 (parts per million)
58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82
But, if the doubts and uncertainties are so manifestly many, why should we be
concerned at all? One obvious, and by no means trivial reason, is that it always helps
to be as well-informed as possible about any matter which has become the subject
of public debate and which we ourselves might be able to influence for better or
worse. Another is more fundamental. We know that, whatever else happens, CO2 and
methane will continue to rise because of Man’s activities. We know that these
increases will change our environment just as destroying rainforests, killing whales,
over-fishing or merely creating rubbish and sewage will change our environment. We
might then reasonably ask if we ought to contemplate continuing doing these things
at present rates without at least examining the possible consequences. Biologists, and
infra-red radiation from the earth’s surface than did carbon dioxide alone, in pre-
industrial days. As a result of Man’s activities, carbon dioxide is produced on a
massive scale (5.6 billion tonnes of carbon, in 1987) mostly by burning fossil fuels,
of which, in the immediate future, natural gas will continue to be the most important.
In Section 4.1 we have seen that plants use the energy from the sun to
incorporate carbon dioxide into carbohydrates (CH2O) and that both plants and
animals consume CH2O (and derivatives of CH2O) in respiration, a process which
leads to the release of energy and the return of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
(Section 1.3). Fossil fuels can be regarded as photosynthetic products which have
been stored for millions of years and which have been modified, as a result of
pressure etc., during storage, into oil, natural gas and coal. Moreover, when fossil
11% 20%
15% 25%
1986 2010
fashion, and the formation of new C-O and H-O bonds leads to the release of carbon
dioxide and H2O. Respiration itself contributes to the return of carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere but respiration is of no real consequence in this regard because it only
returns to the atmosphere, carbon dioxide newly removed by photosynthesis (Section
1.3). Plants, animals, and “primitive” Man lived (and still live) in balance with their
environment because they cannot continue to release more carbon dioxide than
photosynthesis has recently fixed. Even when stretches of forest were cleared, by
burning, in the dawn of agriculture, the scale was small and the rate of progress so
150 Gas
100 Coal
Wood &
1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
Hydroelectric 19%
Nuclear 17%
Other 2%
slow that the impact on the atmosphere was trivial. Currently, burning of tropical rain
forests is making a major contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide because the
scale is so immense and it is all being done so quickly.
In the same way, if contemporary Man could rely entirely on biomass and
renewable resources for both his metabolic and his other energy requirements, he
would constitute no threat to the atmosphere. This is seen very easily if we bear in
mind that it makes little difference to metabolic energy whether a man is rich or poor,
fat or thin, greedy or abstemious. He can not increase his own personal energy rating
much above 100W unless he does a great deal of physical work. (Even then we are
talking about, say, 300W whereas the rest of us, in relative sedentary occupations,
will use only about as much as a 100W electric lamp, burning continuously.)
Conversely, if we are relatively rich or profligate or simply live in a Western country
with a high standard of living and have been brought up to take cheap energy for
granted, our expenditure on food, transport and industry and what we use to warm,
cool and light our houses, may add up to 10 kW or more per head. This could be
a hundred times as much as we “spend” metabolically. Food, (Chapter 6) figures
large in these considerations because it is quite impossible, at present, to sustain
present populations without recourse to fossil fuels. We depend as much on past
Table 7.1
1950 1988
* from fossil fuel consumption, cement manufacture and gas flaring (the two latter collectively
contributed less than 4% of the total in 1988) - Source Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis
Centre, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.
200 Solids
150 Cement
Million Metric Tons C
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Metric Tons C per Person
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Fig. 7.10 CO2 emissions from the United Kingdom. [From “Trends ’90. A
Compendium of Data on Global Change”. The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis
Centre, Oak Ridge Nat. Lab. Data, Greg Marland.]
C + O 2 → CO 2 Eqn. 7.1
S + O 2 → SO 2 Eqn. 7.2
200 Solids
150 Cement
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Metric Tons C per Person
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Fig. 7.11 CO2 emissions from India [From “Trends ’90. A Compendium of Data
on Global Change”. The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, Oak Ridge Nat
Lab. Data, Greg Marland.]
Methane (i.e. “natural” gas - Section 7.6) is better in some regards because,
as equation 7.3 shows,
CH 4 + 3O 2 → CO 2 + 2H 2 O Eqn. 7.3
its combustion involves the formation of twice as many H-O bonds as C-O bonds.
The former, while contributing energy (Table 7.3) only add water vapour (rather than
carbon dioxide) to the atmosphere. (Given the amount of water vapour already in the
troposphere (Fig. 7.15) and the factors which affect its equilibrium with land and
oceans, this may seem to be of no consequence, but, in fact, methane oxidation can
adversely effect stratospheric water vapour thereby reinforcing direct radiative
effects (Section 7.6).
Although a shift from coal and oil to natural gas is not, therefore, an entirely
unmixed blessing the relevant records give some indication of what might be
achieved by intelligent application of appropriate energy policies (Chapter 9). Global
emission of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels, cement production, gas-flaring etc.
were 5.65 billion (5.65 x 109) tonnes of carbon in 1987, just over 1.1 tonnes of carbon
for every person on Earth. Citizens of the United States were the most profligate in
this regard, accounting for 22% of the total or about 5 tonnes of carbon per person.
Inhabitants of the United Kingdom are not a lot better but, strangely enough, they
have not become worse since 1950 (Table 7.1). During the last forty years or so per
capita emissions from the U.K. have remained more or less constant. This is not the
result of any conscious effort. On the contrary, past indifference and lack of
Table 7.2
Heating Caused by Greenhouses Gases
The main absorption bands and band strengths (a measure of the probability of a molecule
absorbing a photon at the band wavelength) are shown for the less abundant gases. (see
also section 7.7)
recognition of the consequences of carbon dioxide emissions has given way in the
last decade to the philosophy of “market forces” and a government with a desperately
poor record in regard to promotion of energy conservation. Why then have outputs
of carbon dioxide per person remained constant and total emissions only 10.5%
higher in 1988, “by far the smallest increase among the top twenty nations”. Britain,
once third among the major, carbon dioxide emitting, nations has slipped to seventh
place without even trying. It is perhaps not entirely coincidental that the largest
sustained decline of 19% occurred between 1979 and 1984, the first five years of
office of the present Conservative government. “Market Forces” undoubtedly played
a part because, as oil became more expensive, natural gas (which now accounts for
20% of the carbon dioxide emitted from the U.K.) became more attractive. At the
same time, the massive decline in heavy manufacturing industry (particularly steel
and shipbuilding which uses large quantities of steel) must, to a large extent, have
offset the seemingly relentless rise in road-transport. Moreover, mindful of the
miner’s strike which ended a previous Conservative government, Margaret Thatcher
and her colleagues were determined to ensure that the U.K. became less dependent
on coal. It is obviously difficult to assess which of these many factors was most
telling. Different political persuasions would undoubtedly influence interpretations.
Nevertheless the record is indisputable. Whether or not the economy of the U.K. is
materially better or worse than it was twenty or forty years ago is a matter for
argument but there is no doubt that Britain’s carbon dioxide emissions have remained
relatively stable during a period (Fig. 7.10) in which global emissions and emission
from some broadly comparable countries has increased substantially (Table 7.1). In
experimental terms it seems clear that national policies have had a material influence
on the extent of carbon dioxide emissions and that wholehearted adoption of better
policies (Chapter 9) and in particular policies of conservation could lead to
substantial decreases in emissions, despite increases in population. Similar trends are
evident in Table 7.1. The growth in emissions from third world countries (see also
Fig. 7.11) is inevitable, at least in the short term, but there are remarkable differences
between western and eastern block countries (e.g. East and West Germany, Romania
and Spain) and European countries (e.g. France, Germany and the U.K.) with broadly
similar populations and standards of living.
7.6 Methane
CH 4 Concentrations (ppBv)
1700 1800 1900 2000
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990
acceleration at the turn of the present century such that atmospheric methane has
approximately doubled over the last 200 years. This is very strong circumstantial
evidence that this part of the increase in methane concentration is “anthropogenic”
(i.e. that it is a consequence of Man’s activities). This is based on the striking
correlation between the growth in methane concentrations and the growth in human
population. Only a little methane is generated by geological activity:-
So where is the methane coming from? Possibly as much as 30% derives from
incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. Decaying plants and animals make a
contribution. The release of methane from garbage in “land-fills” can constitute a real
fire risk. Methane is “marsh gas”. The old legend of will-o’-the-wisp came from the
spontaneous ignition of methane, flickering over bogs and marshes. It has even been
l<1000 A
l<3000 A
> A
Solar UV: 2000 <
Stratopause )
Troposphere )
0 500 1000
Fig. 7.14 Divisions of the Atmosphere. The atmosphere can be divided into
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere, separated by tropopause,
stratopause and mesopause respectively. The high temperature regions of the
atmosphere result from the absorption of solar radiation in certain wavelength ranges,
as shown on the right. (from Goody & Walker, 1972).
known for British students of botany, engaged in peat borings in the middle of raised
bogs in the pouring rain, to be cautioned against smoking for fear of igniting some
vast conflagration. This, of course, was always as unlikely as the possibility that
these wetlands, now rapidly diminishing as the result of draining, might be largely
responsible for increasing the methane in the atmosphere. There is, however, one
such source of methane which will, quite clearly, have increased in parallel with
increases in world population. Rice production in the paddy fields of South East Asia
has undoubtedly contributed to increasing methane production.
Coal mines and oil wells have made their own contribution, both in regard
to methane inadvertently released as a result of these operations, or as a consequence
of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. It is possible to derive some estimate of
the amount of methane in the atmosphere produced in this way. These estimates are
based on C14 measurements (C14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon). Oil and coal
reserves contain very little C14 compared with methane released in other ways. Such
estimates put the current atmospheric methane derived from fossil fuels at about
30%. In the U.K. 29% of the methane released has been attributed to deep-mining
of coal but the uncertainties in this sort of attribution are underlined by the fact that
a very indefinite 10% is related to “gas leaks” (i.e. leaks from pipes which supply
“natural gas” for domestic and industrial use).
Table 7.3
[Cattle can become bloated if they are allowed to eat some plants such as
Lucerne, (Alfalfa, Medicago sativa). This is because chloroplast lipids in
these plants contribute to the formation of a stable foam which prevents the
release of methane to the atmosphere.]
Table 7.4
Coal 24
Oil 20
Natural gas 14
“Some of us fart a lot and some of us fart a little but, whatever anyone tells you,
there is no-one, not even the Queen, who doesn’t fart at all.”
CH 4 + 8 OH → CO 2 + 6H 2 O Eqn. 7.4
“If the current rate of increase is maintained, concentrations will reach 2.8 ppm in
the next 50 years contributing an additional 0.5 Wm-2 in radiative heating”.
7.7 Chlorofluoromethanes
Methane (Section 7.6) is bad enough but methane in disguise is even worse.
Methane is a simple molecule, one carbon joined to four hydrogens and, since each
of these can be substituted by other atoms, it is possible to come up with all manner
of related molecules like chloroform (CHCl3) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), once
used widely for removing stains from clothes and doing nasty things to people’s
livers if used unwisely. “Chlorinated fluorocarbons” (CFCs) belong to this family.
Chemically, CFC 11 is CFCl3 and CFC 12 is CF2Cl2.
CFCs are not only much nastier than methane itself because they absorb
infra-red in parts of the spectrum that other gases don’t reach but also because of
their notorious facility for destroying atmospheric ozone (Section 7.8), which would
otherwise prevent ultraviolet radiation (from the sun) reaching the Earth’s surface.
CFCs are released in relatively minute amounts from aerosols, air-conditioners and
refrigerators and in somewhat larger amounts from commercial installations
producing frozen foods and plastic foams. CFCs are very stable, inert molecules
which makes them ideal for this purpose but it also endows them with an
unparalleled facility for conveying chlorine from the Earth’s surface to the
stratosphere. Many other organic molecules are susceptible to the near ultraviolet
radiation which reaches the troposphere (Fig. 7.14) but CFCs are virtually
untouched. Indeed, when James Lovelock first sampled atmospheric CFCs in 1971,
he found that a substantial fraction of the CFCs manufactured at that time had
accumulated in the troposphere, impervious to breakdown by near ultraviolet light.
In the stratosphere on the other hand, far ultraviolet light degrades CFCs, releasing
chlorine which can react with ozone to give the free radical, chloric oxide.
“Rowland and Molina estimated that CFCs would have lifetimes of between 40 and
150 years before being decomposed in the stratosphere. Once that happens, each
atom of chlorine could destroy, through its chain reactions, as many as a hundred
thousand molecules of ozone. They estimated that, if the current rate of production
of CFCs continued, half a million tons of chlorine would be released annually into
the stratosphere and this would double the rate of ozone decomposition that occurs
naturally. The net result was likely to be a depletion of ozone by between 7 and 13%.
Chlorine might eventually take over the chemical control of the stratosphere with
very serious consequences on animal and plant life. Finally if this were not enough
to be worrying about, the effects were already ordained in some degree by the long
lifetime of the CFCs already released” ...George Porter.
Once it became clear how dangerous CFCs could be, there followed a huge
argument in the United States involving the CFC industry, the National Academy,
a Congressional enquiry and the Environmental Protection Agency, (which put a
price tag of $1.5 billion and 9000 jobs on banning CFCs). When the National
Academy concluded that the threat was real but distant, “Yale Scientific” said
“The EPA now has the proof. There is no imminent danger to the ozone layer by
CFCs. These losses will never be recouped”, and went on “We must distinguish
between scientists who present science as science and those scientists who promote
science policy decisions as scientific gospel”
“no imminent danger”
In 1985 the whole picture changed dramatically. Farman, of the British
Antarctic Survey, reported a seasonal loss of ozone over Halley Bay in the Antarctic.
a grave warning, though it was still unproven that the culprits were CFCS. But that
evidence was soon to come. The British findings were confirmed in August of that
year by reassessment of data from NASA’s Nimbus 7 satellite. This had been taking
measurements of ozone over Antarctica since 1978 - so why hadn’t they reported the
same low values? Because the computer had been told to reject exceptionally low
ozone values which were not expected. When the data were reprocessed with a less
intelligent computer they confirmed the measurements of the British team. In August
and September 1987 a large airborne American experimental campaign overflew
Antarctica and measured the concentrations of several trace gases up to altitudes
of 18 km. The results were as convincing as we are ever likely to be blessed with.
The free radical, C1O, appeared rapidly and abundantly in the late August and this
was followed by a dramatic fall of ozone in mid-September, which showed an inverse
correlation even in the smallest details. All other gases such as the nitrogen oxides
and even water, H2O, decreased with ozone; only C1O increased. The ‘smoking gun’
had at last been found and all the fingerprints were in place” ....George Porter
There are obvious lessons to be learned from the CFC story in regard to the
Greenhouse effect and global warming. Science itself, however, has to do with
“truth” and its elucidation. Of course, there are scientists who, like cabinet officers,
have been “economical with the truth” Some are given to exaggeration, others
blatantly dishonest. On the whole, however, a scientist embarked on a dishonest
approach to his subject would be like a tennis player who hit every ball out of court.
The whole exercise would be self-defeating and, in the end, such a scientist would
inevitably be discredited. Although this is manifestly self-evident, scientists who
warn about the dangers of radioactivity, or of pollution, or of inadequate hygiene,
etc., etc., are frequently attacked and denigrated by those who earn money or political
advantage by exploitation of the environment. Scientists are not infallible but “Yale
Scientific” (above) ought to have paid more heed to scientists engaged in pure
research than to the manufacturers of CFCs or aerosol valves. Attitudes similar to
those of “Yale Scientific” still abound (Section 7.4). Time, of course, will tell who
is right but, in the meantime, it might be wiser to emulate Noah than to heed
conspiracy theories put about by those with vested interests intent on becoming rich
or famous at the expense of the environment.
The world’s chemical companies may have done much to improve our lives
but they have not been renowned for being friendly to the environment. Much
attention has been given recently to the impact of antiquated chemical plant on what,
until recently, was East Germany. Refurbishing that out-moded economy has already
cost many million DM and will certainly cost many millions more. Much of this will
be spent on cleaning up an environmental mess of a sort which would only be
tolerated by a totalitarian regime, No doubt the record is better in the West but not
so much better that it could be regarded as a course for rejoicing. Similarly there has
been a sorry record (of drugs, pesticides and herbicides which have killed and
deformed) to put along side those which have done what was intended of them
without damage. If we were to take a totally cynical point of view we could say that
industry can no longer, in a environmentally aware world, get away with so much
nor afford to totally disregard public opinion in its pursuit of profit. If we take a more
generous view, we should applaud the present attempts to present a kinder face. In
this context attempts to produce alternatives, less damaging to the environment than
CFCs, should be applauded even if the applause is muted by the likelihood that the
alternatives might not have all the virtues which are claimed for them.
CFCs are nasty because they contain halogens (chlorine fluorine or bromine).
For example CFC 12, widely used in refrigeration, releases chlorine in sunlight at
an altitude of 20-40 km and this promptly set about tearing holes in the ozone layer.
Moreover CFCs are stable in the lower atmosphere and are eminently suitable for
carrying the halogens to the stratosphere where they do so much harm. Currently
Table 7.5
Average values
CFC 11 75 1
CFC 12 120 1
CFC 113 100 0.8
CFC 114 270 0.8
CFC 115 550 0.4
HFA 22 20 0.05
HFA 123 2 0.02
HFA 124 7 0.02
HFA 125 22 0
HFA 134a 19 0
HFA 141b 10 0.1
HFA 142b 27 0.06
HFA 143a 50 0
HFA 152a 2 0
CCl4 62 1.2
CH3CCl3 6.5 0.15
Estimates of lifetimes of HFAs and CFCs. This table also shows ozone depletion
potentials, defined as the potential ozone depletion arising from one tonne of the
compound compared to that of one tonne of CFC 11, over the whole of their
atmospheric lifetimes. Compounds of the methane (CH4), ethane (CH3 -CH3) series are
called “alkanes” or “saturated hydrocarbons” (because all of the carbon valencies are
saturated with hydrogen). Hence the term HFAs includes both HFCs and HCFCs
(fluorocarbons containing no chlorine or chlorine respectively). For example HFA
134a is CH3CH2F and HFA 123 (a possible substitute for CFC 11) is CH3CHClF.
7.9 Ozone
Other 13%
Nitrous Oxide 6%
Methane 18%
Anderson has recently shown that pea plants (Pisium sativum), grown in augmented
UV-B, can be damaged, photosynthetically, in several ways including adverse effects
on ATPsynthase and RUBISCO activity (Sections 4.7 & 5.2). Plants acclimatised to
high altitude growth appear to be afforded added protection by increased
concentration of phenolic compounds called flavonoids which, even in plants not
adapted to high UV-B, absorb all but a few per cent of incident ultraviolet at these
wavelengths. Caldwell, however, has drawn attention to the fact that whereas a 16%
decrease in stratospheric ozone would only increase the total UV at the Earth’s
surface by 1%, the damage to DNA would increase by nearly 50% and lower the
viability of pollen, less protected against UV than other plant cells. Kelly, who has
addressed some of these problems, points out that the known susceptibility of marine
phytoplankton to UV may be less of a problem than this might imply, because lethal
amounts of UV already penetrate the first 5 metres of ocean and a 20% increase in
UV would increase this depth from 5 to 6 metres without major attenuation of
photosynthetically active light.
“ A further, perhaps even more serious, consequence arises from the possible
link between oceanic photosynthesis and world climate. The phytoplankton of the
ocean fix about 30 billion tonnes of carbon per year. This takes place in the upper,
well-illuminated, mixed layer, but about 5 billion tonnes of this carbon, in the form
of zooplankton faecal pellets and aggregations of senescent cells, sinks down through
the thermocline to the deep sea. This loss, and the accompanying loss due to
precipitation of calcium carbonate derived ultimately from weathering of silicate
rocks, is made good by outgassing of CO2 from the Earth in volcanoes and soda
springs, and exchange of this atmospheric CO2 with the surface layer of the sea.
Normally a dynamic equilibrium between these processes exists, maintaining an
approximately constant steady-state level of atmospheric CO2. If, however, by
destroying the ozone layer and increasing UV-B flux into the ocean, we substantially
decrease oceanic photosynthesis, then we shall diminish one of the major sinks for
atmospheric CO2, and so in the long run may exacerbate atmospheric carbon dioxide
increase and its associated global climatic effects”.
In a way, ozone behaves a bit like clouds in the sky which reflect incoming
solar radiation into space. In addition, (Table 7.2) acting in the same way as water
vapour, tropospheric ozone (about 10% of the total ozone) absorbs long-wave
emissions from Earth into space and re-emits part of what it absorbs back towards
Earth. The lifetime of tropospheric ozone is relatively short but a 25% increase of
ozone throughout the troposphere would contribute about 0.2 Wm-2 to greenhouse
warming (c.f. Table 7.2).
[It is important to remember that heat and temperature are not the same. An
ocean of water at 12°C contains a great deal more heat than a cupful at 90°C.
Greenhouse warming tendencies (Table 7.2) can be calculated with some
certainty but it does not necessarily follow (Section 7.9) that increases in
greenhouse warming will give rise to an increase in surface temperatures.
Changes in amounts of specific greenhouse gases may enhance or ameliorate
positive and negative feedback mechanisms (for example, by affecting clouds
and precipitation). The thermal inertia of the oceans also slows down the rate
at which the temperature of the land surface and the atmosphere might
otherwise rise.]
fertilizers, from burning and refining fossil fuels and from forest clearing. Although
the use of nitrogenous fertilization does not constitute a major contribution to global
warming it exemplifies the dilemma facing the Third World. In the European
Community the continuing, largely unrestricted, use of nitrogenous fertilizers does
little more than to increase agricultural surpluses, profits, pollution and political
arguments. In the Indian subcontinent it has averted or diminished the inevitability
of famine but, at the same time, it contributes to greenhouse warming many times
over because of the utilisation of fossil fuels in its manufacture, the release of N2O
in its use, and the inevitable increases in anthropogenic related greenhouse gases
associated with increases in population (from about one third of a billion in the last
century to about a billion in this).
NH 4
H 2O
} NO2
Fig. 7.16 Laughing gas from leaky pipes. This is a concept of Mary K. Firestone
elaborated by Oliver C. Zafiriou. Three metabolically discrete types of bacteria are
Solar involved in nitrification and denitrification. Nitrification is a process in which ammonia
(NH4+) is oxidised to nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-). Denitrification consumes nitrate
Incoming Reflected Longwave and releases N2 back to the atmosphere. Here some of the processes involved are
represented as pipes which permit multiple pathways through which nitrous oxide (N2O,
laughing gas) and other oxides of nitrogen can be taken up and released.
7.11 Summary
(a) No atmosphere
“today’s activities are propelling the planet over a period of a few decades
towards a climate that will be warmer than any experienced since the last
glaciation. Unless actions are initiated soon, to slow the rate of greenhouse
gas build-up, national economies and natural ecosystems are likely to suffer
severe consequences from this rapid alteration of the global climate”.
One of the few things that we can be reasonably certain about is that there
will be no significant decrease in emissions of greenhouse gases in the immediate
future. It is conceivable, but most unlikely, that current rates of emission might be
markedly diminished by immediate and concerted political action like the Montreal
Protocol, which seeks to put an end to the use of CFCs. On the other hand, as we
shall see, there is massive uncertainty about what might happen (and when) if we
continue to introduce greenhouse gases endlessly into the atmosphere at the going
rate. Moreover, there is no firm evidence that the increases in carbon dioxide, which
have undoubtedly occurred in the last century, have led to a detectable increase in
global temperatures. There seems to be an increase in air and sea temperatures (Fig.
8.1) but the maximum predicted increases are small, past measurements often
inaccurate, records poor, and fluctuations, brought about by other factors, very large.
It is, perhaps, unlikely that we shall see oxen roasted whole over bonfires on the
frozen Thames next winter but there are many still living who can remember the
been beyond the wit of governments to do a great deal about their national
economies. In addition, we shall not simply see events unfold without political
response. At present, global warming is regarded as matter for concern rather than
of impending disaster. If perceptions swing towards the latter then there would be
Fig. 8.1 Global Warming 1860-1990 Measured as deviations from the average
between 1940-1960. A rising trend can be discerned despite major short term fluctua-
tions but it should be noted that the total change of about 0.5 degrees Celsius is small
and the possibility of error, particularly in old measurements, is large. (from CRU, East
Frost Pond,
Fig. 8.2 Increases in sea level. The rising trend of global sea level appears to follow
Maine, USA global warming (Fig. 8.1) but again the increase is small and the possibility of error
NATURE - VOL 347 - 11 OCTOBER 1990 is large. (from James Hansen/CISS)
There are other uncertainties of much greater global importance. One is the
arctic tundra. This vast wilderness is largely comprised of a few millimetres of
vegetation overlying a metre or so of peat that has built up over millennia. Below
the peat there is ice, in places 5,000 m deep, depressing the earths crust by its massive
weight. This fascinating ecosystem is immense and extremely fragile. Drive across
it, in a tracked vehicle, and the tracks do not mend as they would on grass or
moorland or in forest. Instead, they persist and deepen. In twenty years time the
tracks will have become a chain of lakes. If global warming were to tip this volatile
system, from its present state into instability, the consequences could be incalculable.
Inevitably, what we can learn from the past is limited. Some contemporary
politicians are quick to claim that peace in the world (by which they mean lack of
armed conflict between the “major powers”) has been maintained for the last forty
years by the threat of nuclear holocaust. Scientists, on the other hand, might question
such a conclusion in the absence of the control experiment. Paleo-ecology, like
history, is not open to experiment. We must distance ourselves from the concept that
too much can be gleaned from climatic history by way of using warmer climates in
the past as analogues for a future warmer world. Such “paleo-analogues” are “beset
with apparently insuperable problems” and these problems are made immediately
obvious if we are reminded, for example, that during the late Tertiary period (Table
8.1), some three to four million years ago, the Himalayas were about 3 km lower,
the Atlantic and Pacific were connected at low latitude, and substantial evolution of
organisms was still to occur. Accordingly, even though the late Tertiary was about
as warm as the world might be expected to become in the next century, it hardly
constitutes a credible analogue. Similarly, although the last interglacial period
(125,000 years ago) and the mid post-glacial period (6,000 years ago) were also
warmer, (at higher latitudes in the northern hemisphere) than today, they were
periods of greater net solar radiation, distributed in an uneven, seasonal and
latitudinal manner quite unlike the evenly distributed effects of greenhouse gases.
On the other hand, the most recent paleoclimates can provide valuable
indications of the sensitivity of global climate to changes (other than changes in
greenhouse gases) and these can contribute both to the validation of global
circulation models and the mechanisms of climate change. In this context it is
arresting to learn, or to be reminded, that the most rapid change in climate
comparable to that predicted for the next century, which occurred 10 to 15 thousand
years ago, was no more than 2.5°C warming per millennia. In other words, warming
then was at least ten times slower than that envisaged for the next century. This
brings us to an important conclusion. The paleo-ecological record shows that (within
the last 12,000 years) forest trees, beetles, vertebrates and aquatic plants have
migrated across the continents in response to deglaciation and subsequent rises in
temperature during the post-glacial period. The most rapid rates of migration have
occurred, during the last two millennia, at rates of hundreds of metres per year. In
weighing this evidence it seems most unlikely that migration could occur at an order
of magnitude faster than this. Moreover, any migration which could occur would be
handicapped by barriers constituted by agricultural landscapes. Given the existence
of these barriers it is difficult to envisage migration of woodlands at a rate of 20-
30 m a month. Certainly migration of trees across Western Europe or N. America
2000 million
2500 million
Archean 3000 million
2.5 - 4.5 + 3500 million Oldest dated rocks
years ago 4000 million
4500 million Formation of the Earth
at 200 or 300 metres a month is unthinkable. The implications are immense and they
can be spelled out in some detail. Many ecosystems are likely to disappear and be
replaced by quite different ones. Some species will face almost certain extinction.
Conservation by Man will face entirely new challenges including artificial transport
of species unable to migrate with sufficient rapidity to ensure survival. At the
extremes there is the prospect of autocatalytic effects, the triggering of methane
“initially from the peatlands of the tundras and by melting of the permafrost,
and subsequently by decomposition of the vast deposits of methane hydrates”.
“And God said “let there be light” and there was light” ...Genesis
Throughout this book we have been pursuing a constant theme. By and large,
Man is totally dependent on plants. Contemporary photosynthesis provides us with
food and firewood; past photosynthesis with fossil fuels. Utilisation of fossil fuels
on a large scale has changed the face of the world out of all recognition in a
remarkably short time. Look at the New York skyline from the sea and contemplate
what changes have been wrought in 300 years. Do the same from North Point
(Sydney), shrinking the elapsed time from 300 to 200 years. Go on to Hong Kong
and Singapore, marvelling and wondering all the while; marvelling at what Man can
create out of nothing in next to no time, wondering where it will all end. Clearly,
it cannot continue at this pace for long. The fossil fuels that have made it all possible
will soon be gone, other resources are fast diminishing, a finite space for agriculture
cannot support an infinitely large population. Pollution not only threatens habitats it
already shortens our lives. We can’t win, we can’t break even and we can’t stay out
of the game.
Table 8.2
Red Beds
Aerobic respiration
and nitrification
organic carbon
Banded iron formations
atmosphere and
Bacterial photosynthesis
Nitrogen fixation
Earth accretes
Fig. 8.3 Tentative time scale for the evolution of metabolism and of atmospheric
To put some of these things in proportion and in context we might just take
a brief peep at the past to see where it all began. Present estimates put the formation
of the Earth’s crust at about 4,000 million years ago. Microbial life is very hard to
date but it must have appeared well before the Cambrian Era, 570 million years ago,
when fossil shells started to appear in the geological record (Table 8.1). The earliest
“micro-fossils”, which look very much like modern bacteria and blue green algae,
are now thought to have originated about 3,500 million years ago. By the
Carboniferous Period, which began about 350 million years ago, large trees (like
Lepidodendron, long since extinct) were piling up the coal deposits which have
1 N2
CO 2
Atmospheric partial pressures (bar)
(scale unknown)
Abiotic synthesis;
assimilate H 2
assimilate H 2
No life
played such a key role in Man’s recent history. Only a handful of present day plants
like the horse tails (species of Equisetum) and the maiden hair tree (Ginkgo biloba)
have survived to the present day. Reptiles and insects abounded but mammals and
dinosaurs had yet to appear (180-200 million years ago). Flowering plants and
modern conifers did not arise until the dinosaurs were on their way out (63-130
million years ago). The first primate appeared 60-63 million years ago and the first
true humans only in the last 2 million years or so. Millions of years are hard to
envisage for organisms with the classic life expectancy of three score years and ten,
particularly when there are many occasions when an hour can seem like an eternity,
so here is another way of establishing a time scale.
“Imagine that all of time, from the moment when the earth’s crust first formed
right down to this moment, is compressed into one calendar year. Here is
what geologic time looks like on this calendar. The earth’s crust begins to
form on January 1; the oldest rocks known date from about the middle of
March. In May the first living things appear in the sea. By late November land
plants and animals have appeared, and in early December, the vast swamps
that formed the Pennsylvanian coal deposits have appeared, flourished, and
disappeared after four days. By mid-December dinosaurs have begun to roam
the earth; by December 26, just as the Rocky Mountains begin to rise up in
the American West, they become extinct. In the evening of December 31, the
first humanlike creatures have begun to appear. One minute and fifteen
seconds before midnight on December 31, the glaciers of the last great Ice
Age begin to retreat in America and Northern Europe. The Roman Empire
rises, flourishes for five seconds, and disappears in the waning seconds of our
year. Three seconds before midnight, Columbus discovers America.” ...Laetsch
What is the relevance of all of this to our main theme? First of all there is
the obvious point which should give us all pause for thought. On a geological time
scale, Man is a very recent event. We have been around, if you like, for only a few
hours on December the 31st. Even then it is only in the last second that there has
been the explosion in number which has taken population from a few million to 3,000
million now and probably over 4,000 million by the end of the century. That, and
all that goes with it, has only been made possible by events which took about 4-5
days early in December (i.e., 75 millions years or so in the Carboniferous Period).
resulted form “degassing” (a release of gases from the earth’s interior) a process
which continues today from volcanoes which release a great deal of water and carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. Most of this may have occurred within 100 million
years of the earth’s formation. It has been suggested, by various authors, that:-
(a) “the water vapour and carbon dioxide contents of the primitive
atmosphere were about equal to their present values after an initial
accumulation period. Once water had started to condense and carbonate
(b) “that the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has never differed
markedly from present-day conditions”
(c) “that the ocean carbon dioxide content has probably been close to
constant for the last 3 billion years.”
but if impressions of constancy can be inferred from such statements they are not
universally agreed (Section 8.4). There is no suggestion of course, that oxygen has
remained constant since the “beginning”. Some oxygen would have been formed by
photo-dissociation of water but is not known whether this was as little as 0.001%
of present atmospheric levels (PAL) or as high as 0.25 PAL. What does seem clear
is that major changes commenced some 2,000 million years ago with the evolution
of oxygenic photosynthesis (i.e. oxygen producing photosynthesis) by organisms
capable of bringing about the photolysis of water. The organisms primarily
responsible were blue-green algae (the cyanobacteria) and it was almost certainly the
blue greens and other marine algae which increased atmospheric oxygen to
something like its present levels.
The increase in oxygen during the evolution of the atmosphere may have been
complete before evolving life colonised the land masses from the oceans. Oxygen,
of course, is required for respiration but the crucial aspect of increasing partial
pressures of oxygen in the atmosphere was a concomitant accumulation of ozone in
the stratosphere. Ozone is formed in the stratosphere, and above, by the photo-
dissociation of oxygen
O 2 + hv → O + O Eqn. 8.1
O2 + O → O3 Eqn. 8.2
The total organic carbon content of the biosphere is about twenty times
greater than that in the atmosphere (approximately 3% in living organisms, 25% in
dead organic matter and 70% as coal and oil). This is still about 30 times less than
would have been needed to account for 21% O2 in the atmosphere. Moreover, oxygen
is consumed in the oxidation of reducing materials when sedimentary rocks become
1.0 10
Solar spectrum 13
10 10
at Earth´s surface
-2 12
Relative Biological Sensitivity
10 10
Photons / cm · sec / nm
Erythema 10
-4 10 2
10 10
-5 9
10 DNA 10
-6 8
10 10
260 280 300 320 340 360
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 8.5 Effects of ultraviolet light on DNA. The solid curve is the biological sensitivity
spectrum for DNA, and the dashed curve is a typical Earth-surface solar UV spectrum.
The response of human skin to sunlight (“sunburn”) is shown as the curve labelled
organic carbon of biogenic origin in the latter had already accumulated there some
3000 million years ago. This is in accord with the fossil record because it would have
given the cyanobacteria (etc.) about 500 million years to bring this about. Even so
the oxygen content of the atmosphere did not arise to something like its present level
until about 2,000 million years ago, presumably because photosynthetically produced
oxygen was first used to oxidise iron, etc., in sea water.
we come to consider the sort of fluctuation which may have occurred during the
Phanerozoic (changes in oxygen from about 0.25 to 1.5 present levels and tenfold
changes in carbon dioxide) we can scarcely discount the importance of the changes
in carbon dioxide which would, in otherwise stable environments, have profound
effects on present day organisms, quite apart from the indirect effects of carbon
dioxide on global temperature.
Figure 8.6 comes from a book by the Russian scientists, Budyko, Ronov and
Yanshin. It shows massive oscillations in oxygen and carbon dioxide during a period
in which there were correspondingly large changes in living organisms. These
authors consider the possibility of a cause and effect relationship and pay homage
to the French scientist, Geoffrey St Hilaire, who wrote (in 1883)
dioxide enriched greenhouse. The C4 syndrome (Section 5.11) may well have
evolved more than once since the Cretaceous but the conventional wisdom is to
perceive it as a response to low carbon dioxide concentrations. According to this
view RUBISCO (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, Section 5.2) is an enzyme
which evolved when carbon dioxide was more plentiful and oxygen less plentiful
than at present. In such circumstances it did a better job than now, untroubled (in
its work of carboxylation) by competing oxygenation at present levels. As the carbon
0 0
500 400 300 200 100 0
Fig. 8.6 The Yo-Yo in action. Changes in relative mass of carbon dioxide (mc) and
oxygen (mo) during the Phanerozoic (After Budyko, Ronov and Yanshin).
dioxide fell and as oxygen rose, the task of RUBISCO became harder and harder.
The C4 syndrome is seen as an evolutionary response to this situation as internal
carbon dioxide-enrichment re-established, in some respects, a working atmosphere
nearer to that enjoyed by the first photosynthesising organisms. Such propositions
are not, of course, open to verification but reference to Fig. 8.6 (itself no more
certain) gives credence to this concept in the sense that, at about the right time, it
looks as though there could have been relatively abrupt decreases in carbon dioxide
from concentrations an order of magnitude higher than those which exist now.
Although there are major differences in scale between present and past
changes, both in regard to carbon dioxide concentrations and time, contemporary
changes still suffice to remind us how much life depends on climate and how much
climate depends on carbon dioxide. It was Arrhenius who, in 1908, came to the
conclusion that the oceans would be unable to absorb all of the carbon dioxide
emitted by industrial processes as fast as it was produced and that, in consequence,
global temperatures would rise and photosynthesis would flourish.
[In an early paper, entitled “On the influence of carbonic acid in the air on
the temperature of the ground” (Philos. Mag 41, 237-276, 1896) Arrhenius
credits Fourier with the first recognition, in 1827, of the possibility that rising
carbon dioxide might bring increasing temperatures in its wake.]
Depth (m)
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
CH 4 (p.p.b.v.)
2 400
-2 temperature
carbon dioxide
CO 2 (p.p.m.v.)
0 40 80 120 160
Age (Kyr bp)
Fig. 8.7 Greenhouse gases and surface temperature. Changes in methane (top),
temperature (middle) and carbon dioxide (bottom) over the last 160,000 years. Based on
Vostock ice-core records. [After Chappellaz, Barnola, Raynaud, Korotkevich and Lorius
(1990)]. An age of (e.g.) 80K yr BP means 80,000 years before the present time.
Figure 8.7 shows the Yo-Yo working like crazy in the relatively recent past
(the last 160,000 years). It illustrates fluctuations in methane, carbon dioxide and
temperature. The latter is based on deuterium content which is regarded as a good
indicator of past temperatures in central Antarctica. It depends on the principle that
heavy molecules of water (i.e. those containing deuterium) form snow more readily
than those containing hydrogen alone. In this way the amount of “heavy hydrogen”
(deuterium) in snow reflects the temperature at which it was formed.
Figure 8.7 is the work of Chappellaz et al. on the Vostock ice core (c.f. Fig.
8.1) and, although its important conclusions cannot be considered here at length, we
may note immediately that two main glacial/interglacial transitions (at 150 - 133
Kiloyears before present and 18 - 9 Kyr BP) occurred during this period and, in both
cases, the methane content rose from the lowest to the highest values recorded.
Carbon dioxide taken from the same ice core behaved in the same way i.e. the highest
and lowest values for both carbon dioxide and methane coincided with the warmest
and coldest temperatures respectively, although there were important differences in
profile which indicate that the carbon dioxide changes might have been driven by
oceanic changes and the changes in methane by factors affecting continental sources.
So what are we to make of this, particularly when we are aware that contemporary
methane is already much higher, and increasing much faster (and exponentially),
than before? Chappellaz et al. conclude that the methane (in the absence of an
anthropogenic contribution) rose when the ice melted and it was released from wet-
lands, methane hydrates etc. Thus the methane followed the temperature changes
rather than causing them. On the other hand they point out the probability of positive
feedback mechanisms, including the formation of stratospheric water-vapour from
oxidation of methane (Eqn. 7.4).
“It has been estimated that a doubling of stratospheric H2O from 3 to 6 ppm
(by mass) results in a warming of 0.6°C at the Earth’s surface”.
“The combined climate forcing of carbon dioxide and methane (about 2.3°C)
can therefore explain ~50% (~10% for methane alone) of the glacial
interglacial warming!”
There is no implication here that methane, (or for that matter carbon dioxide),
initiated climate change, simply that once initiated for whatever reason, greenhouse
gases can (and have) reinforced it. It also behoves us to believe (or at least not to
dismiss) the possibility that the atmosphere may have been no less stable in the more
distant past than relatively recently. However, when we come back to the present and
we start to think once again in tens, rather than in thousands, of years it may not
matter, all that much, whether the chicken comes before the egg or vice versa. We
are currently engaged in a vast experiment in which we are set to double atmospheric
carbon dioxide within the life-time of our children. We have not embarked on this
because we are driven by scientific curiosity but by simple greed and ignorance.
Ignorance because, when the internal combustion engine and electricity generation
from fossil fuels first came on the scene, there seemed to be no good reason for not
using fossil fuels as fast as we could procure them (c.f. Section 9.2). Even twenty
years ago, there was more concern about what we all might do when the oil had gone
than for the consequences of burning it in so short a time. The consequences of greed
and selfishness are self-evident. I am no more willing than the next to forgo the
independence afforded by my car, to miss out on the pleasures of a full stomach, a
room that is neither too hot nor too cold. I wish to be able to travel swiftly, and in
comparative comfort, to Australia if it so suits me. I am very conscious, however,
that I do these things at some cost to my environment. Yet there are those (Section
9.5) who write, persuasively, that we can have our cake and eat it. Perhaps they are
wrong but one thing that is certain is that if the vast “cedar” forests of Australia had
not been felled to the last tree by the early settlers, these forests would still be
providing timber in large quantities. History is full of similar stories of plundered
resources and species driven to near, or complete, extinction (including the genocide
of Tasmanian man). Given a choice between conservation and terminal exploitation
there should hardly be need for prolonged debate. Add the bare possibility that the
consequences of exploitation could be incalculably nasty, even to politicians, and it
is hard to see why we should hesitate for a moment to endorse conservation.
In the words of the late lamented Professor Joad, it all depends what you mean
by “it”. For the sake of discussion we can consider a number of possibilities which,
although we can look at them separately are, in reality, inextricably linked. Firstly
there is the likelihood of continuing increases in greenhouse gases, secondly the
likelihood of global warming consequent upon the decreased emission of infra-red
radiation from earth to space and finally the possibility that global warming could
result in real, or near catastrophe.
“Nichts ist schwerer zu ertragen als eine Reihe von guten Tagen” ...German proverb
The Mauna Loa record (Fig. 7.4) shows that carbon dioxide continues to rise
inexorably and present extrapolation indicates doubling in the latter part of the next
century. There is little doubt that carbon dioxide will continue to be emitted, at
something like its present rate, in the immediate future. On the other hand, there is
no reason why it should continue to be released indefinitely at present rates
(Chapter 7) except for the fact that the history of human behaviour in this century
gives us no encouragement to believe that there will be the international political
accord, and determination, to put in train those measures which would slow carbon
dioxide emissions to a manageable rate. Whether or not carbon dioxide will continue
to accumulate in the atmosphere at present rates is quite another matter and one
which will be influenced (indirectly as well as directly), by the rates of emission and
the climatic consequences of emission.
CFCs (Section 7.7) are, in this context, quite remarkable because it is not as
though refrigeration did not exist before their invention and will not continue to exist
if the Montreal Protocol really succeeds in ending their use. For this reason it is not
entirely improper, as is sometimes suggested, for the West to attempt to persuade
“underdeveloped” countries not to use them. China is a nuclear power and has a
successful commercial satellite industry. With a population of 1,000 million its
brightest and best brains are unlikely to be inferior in quality or in number to those
in Europe or America. At the same time it has recently elected to build 100
refrigerator factories (60% or more of Beijing households now have refrigerators) but
based on such inadequate technology that their CFCs pose a problem (as does the
generation of sufficient electricity to operate them). This is a problem of social
mis-management and muddled thinking, rather than Western conservationists
seeking to deprive the Third World of artefacts that they themselves enjoy. It should
also be noted, in passing, that domestic refrigerators cause little problem while they
actually function and would, in theory at least, cause none if ways could be found
to safely decommission them. Conversely, a major contemporary concern relates to
the production of frozen foods and inadequate technology which allows the more or
less continuous release of CFCs, by leakage, during the operation of factories
concerned in their production.
Methane will almost certainly continue to rise at its present rate of increase
because much of it is so clearly anthropogenic in origin and mankind is unlikely to
eat less rice or methane-producing ruminants or mine less coal (Section 7.6) in the
immediate future. Moreover, methane is an increasingly popular fuel and some will
continue to be lost on its way to fires and furnaces. When finally burnt it will also
give rise to carbon dioxide.
“I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky” ... John Masefield
Carbon dioxide dissolves readily in water and can, according to the pH of the
solution and the presence of various other ions, enter into complex equilibria between
carbonic acid, bicarbonate and carbonate. Some carbonates (e.g. calcium carbonate)
are very insoluble, at least in waters of neutral and alkaline pH and are also used
in skeletal structures by a variety of marine organisms. Carbon dioxide is also taken
up, photosynthetically, by marine plants including microalgae which account for a
major fraction of global carbon dioxide fixation. The entire system is immensely
complex and still very poorly understood but some broad generalisations can be
made. The equilibrium, between newly generated atmospheric carbon dioxide and
oceanic surface carbon dioxide, takes less than a year to establish; that between the
surface waters (the top 70m) and the deep sea, about 1,000 years. The distribution
of carbon is thought to approximate to that in Table 8.3. This does not mean,
however, that carbon dioxide released from oxidation of fossil fuels will distribute
itself in these proportions. The equilibria between carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, etc.,
are such that only 9% of atmospheric carbon dioxide will enter the surface layers
of the oceans, the remaining 91% will remain in the air.
“in the absence of transfer to the deep sea, the ocean does not constitute a
significant sink for fossil fuel carbon dioxide”.
Transfer to deep waters does, of course, occur but the rate at which it occurs
is still very uncertain. On the basis of necessarily uncertain assumption it is believed
that about half of all of the man-made carbon dioxide now resides in the ocean. This
largely neglects the role of sedimentary marine phytoplankton and other marine
organisms which have directly or indirectly ingested photosynthetically fixed carbon
dioxide. As a result of death and decay of these organisms, soluble organic carbon
will be released, insoluble inorganic carbon will sediment. It should be borne in
mind, however, that (on a much larger timescale) sediments also affect the
complexities of CO2 → bicarbonate → carbonate equilibria. Dissolved carbon
dioxide penetrating deep waters should, within 100-200 years, decrease the pH and
bring largely insoluble carbonates into solution. This, in turn, would increase carbon
dioxide solubility. The rates at which this might occur are highly uncertain.
Sedimentary carbonates, for example, are often “surrounded by a matrix of silicate
detritus”. In all of these matters, and in others discussed in this chapter, we can begin
to understand what infinitely complicated systems are involved and how large are
the degrees of uncertainty about our influence upon our environment.
Recent ocean models from the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, based on
tritium measurements as indicators of the rapidity of mixing of surface and deep
waters, suggest that, if future carbon dioxide emissions could be abated, so that they
did not exceed present rates of output, uptake by the oceans could delay carbon
dioxide doubling for two or three centuries. It can also be argued that if all fossil
fuels reserves now known to be in existence were burned they would not double the
carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere over this period assuming that, as now,
only 50% of what is released would remain in the atmosphere. Of course, the
definition of a feasible reserve (i.e. one which could be recovered with due economy
and without unacceptable environmental impact) might easily change in a world
increasingly desperate for fuel but these arguments do at least underline the fact that
Table 8.3
Atmosphere 1.5%
Oceans 94.5%
Biosphere 4.0%
One of the many uncertainties about the greenhouse effect, perhaps the major
uncertainty, concerns the missing carbon dioxide. According to different estimates,
anything from 30-50% of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere simply
gets lost or, in other words, cannot be accounted for. Since most of the surface of
the globe is covered by oceans it is a good bet that this is where much of it must
finish up but how it gets there is quite another matter.
Table 8.4
Total %
Open ocean 42 24
Coastal 13 7
Terrestrial 118 69
Land plants are often light limited and many grow in shade environments. On
the other hand they do not, in general, suffer the constant attenuation of light, by
water, experienced by marine algae.
Although I do not usually get into this sort of thing (except in a perfectly
acceptable sort of way) I am told, on good authority, that Marks and Spencers now
sell knickers on plastic hangers. This scarcely merits surprise. The other day, in
pursuit of energy conservation, it took me a good ten minutes, a pair of pliers and
more patience than I normally carry around with me, to force entry into the plastic
container surrounding a time-switch. How things have changed. Screws and nails
were once dispensed by iron-mongers in paper bags (following weighing in brass
scoops which lasted for ever). Milk came in jugs (rather than fiendish micro-buckets
of plastic, pre-programmed or predestined to launch their contents over your best suit
or dress). Celery once came fresh from the earth. Am I the only one too shy to recruit
the aid of an air-hostess to help me fight my way into a plastic meal wrapped in a
plastic enclosure?
All of this is rubbish par excellence; refined trash that no one needs. This
brings us face to face with the starving in Ethiopia. Perhaps you might feel that I
exaggerate. But let me offer two examples from my own experience. Picture a scene
in Port Jefferson, Long Island. A lunch served on plates and serviced by cutlery
which would have won prizes for material and design in the United Kingdom of the
1950’s and which would still be prized possessions in many a Third World home.
What to do with these at the end of the meal? Commit them perhaps to some energy-
devouring washing machine? Not at all; “please put them in the garbage bag”. Is
this really less offensive than killing mink to wear as ornament? Of course not.
Picture the scene that meets the eye of the first-time visitor to India. What are
those tiny enclosures, wrought in hardened mud, designed to accommodate? Not
people, not people, not people? Go to the outskirts of Delhi and walk past the biggest,
nastiest, rubbish pile that you might imagine. What covers its smoking and steaming
surface? People? What are they doing there? They are living there, it is their home.
So there is rubbish and rubbish, garbage and garbage. Even the most modest
and environmentally conscious person that ever existed generates rubbish. Even
kings and presidents and priests must shit and eventually die. There are parts of what
we buy or acquire as food which we would rather not eat. Friendly wood-fires
produce carbon dioxide and a modest amount of ash. Clothes become rags. All of
this is acceptable on a small scale. An equilibrium is established with the
environment as organic materials are degraded by bacterial action, as iron rusts.
Translate this into the context of “civilised” Western Society. We are back to plastic
shrouds for everything from onions to hardware. We can drive past mountains of
rusting cars. We are dimly conscious of comparable mountains of CO2, of SO2, and
of NO2. We curse the necessity of disposing of an immensity of Sunday newsprint,
of beer cans and wine bottles. Some of us salve our consciences with trips to bottle
banks and by the encouragement we give to Boy Scouts to salvage waste paper. How
many of us take our bottles and cans back to the supermarket? How many of us
complain about plastic wrapped vegetables, plastic wrapped pills, plastic wrapped
contraceptives? Beaches thick with undegradable plastic flotsam and jetsam is
regarded as an inevitability; how sad.
And yet there is a gleam on the horizon. Inevitably, since we are all human
and equally culpable, it is not lack of concern or high principles but often necessity
which causes us to make our contribution to the rubbish mountain. Given a chance
we don’t wish to share the fate of the garbage pile dwellers of Delhi. Self-interest
beckons us in other directions. Slowly the penny drops. Loading garbage into skips
and hawking it round the world suddenly seems a facile solution. Giving it to the
British, a nation currently prepared (at a price) to take anything from dioxins to other
people’s used plutonium, suddenly seems just a shade immoral - one jot removed
from selling it to Third-World countries, desperate to earn any sort of living.
is not to generate rubbish in the first place, whether it is waste carbon dioxide or
sewage. Immediately we must recognise degrees of realism. We cannot avoid
producing rubbish or waste entirely but we can embrace the principle that the polluter
must pay. It is a simple matter to make bottles, cans and used automobiles into
objects of desire for those who would wrest a living from recycling rubbish (is it any
surprise that waste vendors and recyclers are often amongst the most affluent
members of society?). Smaller vehicles using lead-free petrol can be encouraged by
governments, if they so wish. Collecting waste paper and reprocessing it is unlikely
to be without environmental impact in its own right but it certainly has the edge on
using trees for this purpose.
Steps in this direction will have little real impact but they are helpful because
they diminish the sense of real frustration that many of us feel when confronted with
these problems. They also encourage thought and awareness. It is better to conserve
energy than to build new electricity-generating plant or nuclear power stations. It is
better to insulate buildings than to erode their fabric with acid rain. It is clearly better
to avoid creating “unnecessary” garbage. We are left with what is “necessary” The
only really effective way of dealing with that problem (Sections 8.10 & 8.11) is the
ultimate Green solution of making fewer people.
foolish or simply a waste of time, given the uncertainties involved. There are,
however, related questions and facts which warrant consideration. First we might ask
why there should be any doubt that things should not go on indefinitely as they do
now. Common sense would tell us that continuing expansion is impossible. Everyone
has heard of, or might be convinced by, the intrinsic truth of the story in which a
pair of rabbits were put down on a tiny, uninhabited, but well vegetated tropical
island. Some years later, passing sailors found the island, stripped of much of the
vegetation and littered with the bones of hundreds of rabbits. Certainly it is self-
evident that life of any form depends upon the consumption of resources and if
resources are not renewable (or consumed faster than they can be renewed) there is
no possibility of a continuously expanding population. Conversely, if we look at the
population of the U.K. in the Middle Ages we find that although it was tiny by
comparison with the present, it was almost entirely self-sufficient and in equilibrium
with its environment. It had no need to import food, goods or materials from abroad.
It did not need to consume fossil fuels, the native forests could provide wood or
charcoal to meet every need. Pollution of the environment undoubtedly occurred but
not at rates that were too large to be accommodated by natural processes of decay
and erosion. That is not the present situation. We are now using irreplaceable
reserves (most obviously fossil fuels but there are others) and putting them back into
our environment, but changed in such a way that our environment itself is being
changed in ways which are not consistent with life as we would prefer to see it. Ask
a physicist or the man in the street what have been the most important scientific
advances in the last half century. The answers might range from nuclear fission to
television. Ask a biologist the same question and he might say antibiotics, selective
herbicides and the contraceptive pill but he would also undoubtedly identify the work
by Watson and Crick, which established the chemical basis of heredity, as the
discovery most likely to change life as we now know it. All of these things would
have been largely inconceivable to someone attempting to predict the future a
century ago. Moreover, the rate of advance of modern science is such that it is almost
inevitable that presently inconceivable discoveries will be made in the next century.
The optimists take refuge in this, believing that new ways (the “technical fix”) will
be found to cope with present problems. There is obviously some room for optimism
but, this is not to say that we should do nothing now and simply trust that our unborn
children will come up with hitherto undreamed of solutions. The following, based
on facts and reasoning set out as far as possible in the preceding chapters of this
book, should give us pause for thought.
It is implicit in any consideration of the facts that the greenhouse effect results
from Man’s activities and that one certain way of bringing Man back into equilibrium
with his environment would be to reduce populations to a very much lower level.
A controlled decrease in population is not by any means the worst scenario that can
be envisaged. Populations in the western world which threatened to double within
the last half of the present century have already stabilised and there is little to choose
between stability and gradual decline. Stability was not brought about by coercion
or regulation but by the contraceptive pill, medical advances, economics and
changing social attitudes which have encouraged young women to pursue careers
rather than procreation. If every “married” couple produced only two children,
populations would eventually fall for the simple reason that disease, disaster or
famine would ensure that not every child would survive to procreate in turn. It is not
difficult to imagine many societies in which a combination of economics, self-
interest, and changed ethics could not combine to make families of more than two
[We might also be reminded of the science fiction story about the man who
asked why an alien race was rapidly colonising the entire known universe. He
was told that it was a matter of ever-increasing population combined with the
political undesirability of controlling procreation. The man replied that if the
aliens were unable to control their breeding, someone or something might
have to do it for them. In this parable we could just as well envisage our
environment as the instrument which might control our breeding. If we
continue not only to use our non-renewable resources in a profligate manner
but also to use them in a way in which they will affect and diminish our
environment there is every prospect that our environment will turn on us and
declare itself unable to sustain existing levels of population.]
No one knows what will happen if we get it wrong. Do not, dear reader, be
persuaded otherwise. Not so long ago, Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of
England. (I say England, advisedly, because the Scots took a somewhat different
view even if they had to go along with the rest). She had ruled England for one fifth
of my lifetime and, if there is one thing which can be said with present certainty,
she would have liked to continue to do so for a few years more, just as I yearned
to see what life would be like with someone else at the helm. When she came to
power, inflation in the UK was a little over 10% and she consistently made the
reduction of inflation her principal aim. At the end of her term of office, inflation
was slightly greater than when she took over. Why do I say this? Well, of course,
it is not that I feel a deep affection for Maggie but I do not doubt that she would
have dearly liked to see us down to 1% inflation or that she had access to a great
deal of well informed economic advice. It is quite simply that economics is an
inexact science, entirely comparable to biology.
[In my youth I was obliged to spend two years of my life as a radar mechanic
in the “Fleet Air Arm” (Naval Aviation). I was “called up” (“drafted”) for the
period of “Hostilities Only” although, in December 1946, hostilities had long
ceased. Resenting this loss, of what might have been the best two years of
my life, I consoled myself with the thought that if I had been marginally older
it might have been six rather that two and I might never have returned to
civilian life at all. Struggling with such thoughts I was amazed to discover
that (in the Navy’s view) biologists made better radar mechanics than
physicists. The former viewed radar as they might regard living organisms,
wayward and devoid of rationality. The physicists (raised on the behaviour
of “ideal gases”) were so disappointed by the failure of radar to obey some
of the “rules” that they retreated into frustration and despair. Perhaps
economists would make good biologists and vice versa.]
So no-one, knows what will happen. All we can do is to make some very poor
guesses about what might happen. Maybe existing “evidence” is inadequate and
suspect but, if we were in a poker game, we would have to settle for the probability
of elevation in mean global temperatures by as much as 2 or 3 degrees in our
collective life times. On this basis, climates will become even less predictable (even
given better technology and computers) than it is at present. The UK used to have
“weather” whereas continents, like America (North & South), Europe and Australia
had “climate”. England, it seems, may soon export its weather, as well as its language
to the world. Everything will become very unsettled.
Have you been to the Maldives? Flying in from Europe you see a
representative sample of the 12,000 islands. Some of these are little more than sand
spits, most of them uninhabited, few populated, none more than two metres above
the sea. The first nation in the world to disappear if the waters rise. Maldives are
about as near as we can get to the romantic concept of desert islands.
“with oval basins of coral-rock just lipping the surface of the sea,
and each containing a lake of clear water” .....Charles Darwin
There are those, quite literally, which resemble the cartoon drawings that we
all know so well. So they are very beautiful and great places for a pleasant holiday.
It would be sad to see them go but, in global terms, would it matter all that much?
Perhaps not (it all depends whether or not you take John Donne’s view of life or if
you would regret the casual destruction of one of the numerous paintings, by Monet,
of the bridge over his pond). On the other hand, if you happen to be a native of
Amsterdam, New York, London, Boston, San Francisco, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore,
Hong Kong or Shanghai you might feel some concern because, in the words of Tom
“the bomb that falls on you, will kill your friends and neighbours too”
In other words what is bad news for the Maldives is bad news for many of
the principal ports and centres of population in the world. So if the waters do rise
we can wave goodbye to the low lying areas of many major cities and to large areas
of very productive agricultural land. But, will it happen? We are back to “we don’t
know but it is possible”. If we return, for the moment, to politics we immediately
find this weird ambivalence in thinking. The United Kingdom has spent, and is
spending (despite the demise of a supposedly aggressive Soviet Union) vast amounts
of money on “an independent nuclear deterrent”. How much it has spent is hard to
say because realistic estimates would have to take into account the disguised
expenditure on establishments which were ostensibly concerned with the nuclear
generation of electricity and, in reality, with the production of plutonium for bombs.
But let us not get into arguments about whether or not this policy is laudable or
ludicrous. Let us simply assume that it has worked. Why then are we not prepared
to spend a fraction of this sum on energy conservation, knowing that what we spend
in this way could slow global warming (however marginally) and would almost
certainly make good economic sense and might even stave off global disaster?
One thing that we can be reasonably certain about, once we start to talk about
spending money or cutting down on wasteful and damaging use of fossil fuels is that,
if we are to do it at all, we had better start soon. London has recently spent a lot
of money on a barrier across the Thames which was designed to hold back the waters
when rare combinations of high-tides and on-shore winds combined to inundate large
areas of the city. Flood Street, in fashionable Chelsea earned its name the hard way.
It has all happened before.
For the moment the threat has receded but, as the sea levels rise, it will return.
Since one in four of those living in England have their homes within 25 miles of
Flood Street there is little doubt that money will be found but don’t count on dry
feet if you live near the Wash or in other low lying areas like Hull, New Holland
and many parts of East Anglia.
Of all the many intrinsic uncertainties of the greenhouse effect this is one of
the largest, not least because it is equally to the point to ask how plants will influence
the greenhouse effect. As we have seen (Section 8.6), about half of the carbon
dioxide released to the atmosphere gets lost. If it does not remain in the atmosphere
it can only go into the oceans or the land masses and there is no doubt that
photosynthesis by phytoplankton and land plants makes the major contribution to
carbon dioxide uptake.
[In figure 7.4, for example, the annual “zig-zags” in the Mauna Loa graph of
atmospheric carbon dioxide are mostly attributable to diminished
photosynthesis by land plants in northern hemisphere winters. The tropical
forests of the southern hemisphere are essentially evergreen and temperatures
in these forests are such that there is no comparable decrease in winter
photosynthesis as there is in the coniferous forests of the north.]
1% O2
50 21% O 2
Chenopodium album (C3)
Amaranthus retroflexus (C4)
photosynthesis, µmol, CO 2 m s-1
growers who burned propane in greenhouses (for heating) and found it led to better
yields than other forms of heating which did not generate carbon dioxide in the same
space as the growing plants.
per truss and their size and quality) but there is no doubt that it works in the sense
that it changes the nature of the crop for the better. In modern commercial practice
it can make the difference between profit and loss.
[In this regard, C3 species provided with additional carbon dioxide will, in
general, respond to changes in their immediate environments, such as
increases in light intensity and temperature, much as though they were C4
plants (Chapter 5). In other words, if they are provided with sufficient carbon
dioxide to suppress photorespiration and enhance photosynthesis, C3 species
will do what C4 species accomplish unaided by virtue of a combination of
leaf structure, biochemistry and internal transport.]
Quantum yield, CO2 per mol photons
Normal O2
30° C
0 200 400 600 800 1000
CO 2 , ppm
Fig. 8.9 Effect of carbon dioxide on quantum yield in C3 and C4 species. [After
Osmond, Bjorkman and Anderson (1980).]
the past and in the absence of experience, led to the erroneous idea that (putting to
one side debates about cost-effectiveness which have more to do with market forces
than plant physiology) carbon dioxide enrichment only helps under otherwise
favourable conditions. More importantly in the present context, it has added to
uncertainties about the consequences (for photosynthesis) of growing plants in high
carbon dioxide as compared with briefly exposing (to high carbon dioxide) plants
C4 plant
with 300 ppm CO2
C3 plant
with 600 ppm CO2
Rate of CO2 Fixation
C3 plant
with 300 ppm CO2
Fig. 8.10 Rate as a function of PFD: the effect of CO2 concentration. A C3 plant
behaves more like a C4 plant if the carbon dioxide concentration is doubled.
grown in normal atmospheres. It has been suggested that while tomatoes and
cucumbers undoubtedly do better when grown in carbon dioxide-enriched
atmospheres the same may not apply to other species which nevertheless show
increased rates of photosynthesis if grown in air and assayed in high carbon dioxide.
There may be some truth in the proposition. Plants are notoriously conservative.
Spinach grown in water culture is more susceptible to wilting at high temperatures
and in high light than if grown in pots, exposed to periodic drying, in an otherwise
identical environment. It is as though a plant with its roots permanently in water gets
the message not to make more roots than it needs. This, of course, can take us into
the dangerous realms of teleology and gardener’s folklore but that is not to say that
such aspects of growth and form are no less real because they are poorly understood.
It is not inconceivable, and there is ample evidence to support this supposition, that
a plant which finds itself in high carbon dioxide will not put so much of its resources
into manufacturing the machinery for carbon dioxide assimilation as it would in
normal air. At the same time, like Robert Boyle, we must remain properly sceptical.
In the Robert Hill Institute in Sheffield, where we have long experience and a vested
interest in growing good plants for experiments, we grow the best spinach in the U.K.
Our spinach photosynthesises better than our maize. Conversely, our maize, grown
at moderate temperatures and often inadequate light, compares poorly with maize
grown in the field at the Maize Research Institute near Belgrade. When plants are
grown in high carbon dioxide for experimental purposes it is therefore, important to
(A) T.oblongifolia C4
330 ppm
Ratio of Photosynthesis, µmol CO 2 m-2s-1
L.divaricata C3
6 (B) L.divaricata C3
1000 ppm
T.oblongifolia C4
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Leaf Temperature, °C
ask if they have been inadvertently subjected to constraints which might have been
less important in air-levels of carbon dioxide. Nitrogen supply, for example, is
immensely important in this regard and can have major impacts on the amounts of
RUBISCO in the leaf. All we can reasonably say at present is that we do not have
enough facts to go on. It may be unwise to suppose that a plant grown and assayed
in high carbon dioxide will show the same increased rate of photosynthesis as one
grown in air and assayed in high carbon dioxide. It would be equally unwise to
dismiss the vast experience of commercial growers of tomatoes and cucumbers or
to suppose that only some species such as these would do better as atmospheric
carbon dioxide rises. The likelihood, if not the certainty, is that photosynthesis in
general will increase as atmospheric carbon dioxide increases and that the potential
for increases will be amplified by higher temperatures and better water use efficiency
(Section 8.15).
Given two plants with identical rates of photosynthesis in saturating light but
with different rates in low light (because of differences in quantum efficiency) it is
self-evident that the more efficient leaves would accomplish most photosynthesis.
Meaningful conclusions can only be drawn in such circumstances if really accurate
measurements have been made of the low rates of photosynthesis which obtain in
low light. Until relatively recently, the ability of most laboratories to make such
measurements has been seriously curtailed by inadequate techniques. Once again the
need for caution is apparent.
C4 plants use fewer molecules of water per molecule of carbon dioxide fixed
than do C3 species (Chapter 5). It seems probable that, in high carbon dioxide, both
C3 and C4 will be advantaged in regard to water loss.
What, you might ask, are the principles involved? C4 plants you might recall,
often do well in semi-arid conditions because they first fix carbon dioxide in an outer
compartment (the mesophyll) in a reaction catalysed by PEP carboxylase. This
enzyme has a high affinity (Section 5.17) for carbon dioxide like RUBISCO which,
in C4 species, does its work in its own carbon dioxide-enriched “greenhouse” (the
inner, bundle-sheath compartment). Because PEP is not subject to oxygenation, PEP
carboxylase works better than RUBISCO in very low concentrations of carbon
dioxide and therefore, if the stomata (“pores”) in C4 leaves are barely open (the
smaller the aperture the lower the diffusive loss of water vapour), PEP carboxylase
can still function well and maintain a steep diffusion gradient (for carbon dioxide)
between the mesophyll compartment and the external atmosphere. Obviously, C3
species do not have this advantage and are less well placed than C4 species to cope
with the inescapable fact that stomata must be opened to permit carbon dioxide entry
and that water is lost through open stomata. If external carbon dioxide is increased
then, of course, any diffusive barrier imposed by stomata which are partly closed (to
prevent water loss) will be less advantageous. Here again, the situation is probably
no way near as simple as indicated above. It used to be believed that photosynthesis
was very dependent on stomatal movement in the sense that if stomata tended to
close (in response to a water deficit or incipient wilting) the rate of photosynthesis
would decrease in a commensurate fashion. This is still not questioned but, since the
work of Cowan, Farquhar and others, it seems likely that, at least in some
[It should be noted that a number of other factors can be involved in stomatal
opening such as the plant hormone, abscisic acid. Actively photosynthesising
chloroplasts may also communicate with the cytosol and other cellular
compartments and organelles both by demanding inorganic phosphate and
affecting the release of inorganic phosphate from triose phosphate during
cytosol sucrose synthesis. - Figs 4.10 and 4.11.]
“sophisticated signalling”
8.16 Summary
must nevertheless accept that they do not get it wrong on purpose. In democracies,
at least, getting it right would presumably give them a marginally better chance of
staying in power even though we are all so prejudiced that politicians can seemingly
make the most fearful mess of things before the electors have had enough.
So what has this to do with the contents of this chapter? Let me come clean.
Having looked at the climatological evidence as a biologist (i.e. as a lay scientist in
this regard). I simply cannot say with any sort of authority, that the world will grow
warmer and that unpleasant consequences will follow. If I had spent my life working
in climatology rather than photosynthesis, I suspect that I would feel equally
uncertain. On balance, I think that there are very good reasons for supposing that
warming might occur and that, if it does, we might wish that this had not happened.
There my uncertainty ends because I can see no early end to Man’s determination
to liberate, from fossil fuels, all of the carbon dioxide which was once put there by
primeval photosynthesis. To the question “does it matter” I am bound as, a biologist,
to lament the irretrievable loss of any natural resource, (living or mineral) because
the world, as we know it, exists best in some sort of slowly changing equilibrium.
Of course it has never been stable but it is clear that biological organisms, including
Man, can accommodate to almost unthinkable change provided that change is
reasonably slow. Of all of the present uncertainties, the fate of the “missing” CO2
is one of the most perplexing. If so much of what is being released gets “lost” there
is obvious hope that given a lot more time we could lose a lot more - a sort of cosmic
“kick it around until you lose it”
What CFCs have done to the ozone layer will very probably have dire
biological consequences quite apart from any impact on global warming. Ultraviolet
radiation does nasty things to eyes and to skin and most importantly to DNA, the
very heart of the biological blue-print. Even so, growing political awareness and
realism may soon preclude their production and much of the damage that they have
done to the atmosphere will repair itself, given time. Fossil fuels, on the other hand
will not replace themselves, (once burned) on any sort of timescale that it is
imaginable to Man. This issue is inescapably linked to what has already been
discussed in chapter 7 and will be returned to in chapter 9. Man is totally dependent
on photosynthesis. Contemporary photosynthesis of the sort most important to Man
(sophisticated agriculture) is totally dependent on fossil fuels, an inefficient way of
converting oil into crops. There is a sad contradiction, not immediately evident to
an observer admiring a field of wheat, that the food industry is responsible for
releasing more CO2 than it takes out of the atmosphere, and adds more than a little
methane (via cattle and rice production) as a bonus. In my childhood the textbooks
stated, with colonial certainty, that London was the largest city in the world, with
a population of 8 million. Since then despite its own growth it has been overtaken
by Tokyo and Mexico City, and who knows where, but it is still a large centre of
population by any standards. At current rates the net increase in world population
is sufficient to produce a new London every month. Once mature, the populations
of these new ‘Londons’ embark on procreation. The rate of increase accelerates,
fossil fuels are used at an increasing rate, CO2 builds up. So this much, at least, is
very clear. This phase of world history cannot last. Moreover it is most unlikely to
come to an end in a painless manner. It may be in Man’s power to put the cork back
into the CFC bottle but there is no possibility of governments stopping CO2 release
or population increase. If left unchecked these will sooner or later stop themselves.
Fossil fuels will be spent and, even if alternative energy sources are exploited to the
full, any biological population has an upper sustainable level. What does lie within
Man’s province, as a supposedly sentient animal, is his ability to recognise the
problems as real and pressing and to do everything possible to make the last years
of the great fossil fuel bonfire as painless as possible.
The reader who has read this far will be one who has not wearied of a single
recurring theme - i.e. where do we get the energy which we need for our metabolism
and all additional aspects of “civilised” life, what role plants play (or have played)
in this process, and what are the implications for the future. Chapters 8 and 9 carry
the stark message that mankind cannot continue, into the foreseeable future, as it is
at present. Small populations of mammals can live in reasonable equilibrium with
their environment. Large populations create difficulties for themselves. Vast
populations, increasing in an exponential fashion, cannot be sustained. Malthus had
it right. People consume energy and create pollution. At present, most of our energy
derives from past photosynthesis. It cannot even be argued that most of our metabolic
energy comes from contemporary photosynthesis. Certainly contemporary
photosynthesis provides virtually all of our food, whether we eat plants, or animals
that eat plants, or both. But modern civilisation is mostly dependent on farming and
modern farming is mostly dependent on past photosynthesis in the form of fossil
fuels. Ergo, as fossil fuels are depleted, it will become increasingly necessary to look
for alternatives. This is the subject of this chapter but it is evident at the outset that
prevention is better than cure. “What can’t be cured must be endured” but it is
scarcely sensible to continue to add recklessly to mounting problems while
simultaneously striving to solve them. Inevitably, if we wish to address these matters
at all, we enter immediately into politics, economics, sociology and even into
religion. Naturally, I have strong convictions of my own but my purpose in writing
is not to proclaim my own values or remedies but rather to examine consequences.
If there are those who believe that there are circumstances in which the use of nuclear
weapons or germ warfare would be justified, that it is better to be “dead than red”,
that blasphemy should be punishable by death, that the clear and obvious rights of
the unborn child and of animals transcend the rights of society as a whole, that there
are political causes which justify the use of Semtex to blow apart people who only
happen to be involved by virtue of birth, accident or religion, I know very well that
no words of mine would ever give them even pause for thought. Nevertheless, there
is now some awareness, once scarcely apparent in anything other than some of the
most primitive societies, that living in harmony with the environment has potential
advantages for us all. Those already wholly or partly convinced of this might find
some profit in what follows because it is very evident that these areas of knowledge
and understanding are strewn with all manner of misinformation and economies with
the truth. Everyone knows, of course, that “truth” like “beauty” lies, at least to some
extent, in the eyes of the beholder but if “a fact” is unpalatable it is often better to
seek to challenge it, or refute it, than to be unaware of it. It is also easier to condemn
perceived ills than to offer remedies.
I am no better placed than any other scientist to offer remedies. It is easy, for
example, to say that we should all use trains and other forms of public transport
rather than our own motor vehicles but I would not wish to do that myself, I am well
aware that, despite its awful penalties, personal road transport is an aspect of
civilisation which is extraordinarily liberating and one which is now virtually
essential in Western rural communities. So there will always be a balance between
what is desirable and what is feasible, what we can do voluntarily to make things
less difficult for ourselves and our children and what is likely to happen if we allow
matters to take their own course, indifferent to the consequences. All I seek to do,
in this chapter, is to discuss some of the problems and some of the alternatives in
the belief that it is better to debate them than to stick our heads firmly in the sand
and hope that they will go away or that we can safely entrust all decisions to
politicians and bequeath all consequences to our children. At the very moment of
writing, George Bush has stated publicly and proudly, that he will not attend The
Rio de Janeiro “Earth Summit’ on the environment if, by so doing, there is any
possibility that he will be obliged to “harm” the United States economy by limiting
carbon dioxide emissions. In consequence the European Community Commissioner
for the environment will also stay away, now believing that there is no real point in
going, his Indian counterpart suggests that the Rio conference will be little more than
a lovefest for ecologists, others that it will be “a monumental fiasco.” Evidently we
can not look to governments for a lead until disaster is almost upon us. In the present
context all politicians have a limited life. Understandably, tomorrow’s elections
mean more to today’s politicians than what is going to happen to the unborn. Urban
deprivation is all around us now but here again the tendency is for the politicians
to fiddle as Los Angeles burns and for the rest of us, if we are able, to distance
ourselves as far as possible from the ghettos and to build bigger and better stockades.
“The biggest threat we face is our own success as a species” ....C. Tickell
world’s deserts. Can we find hope in the rampaging destruction of the rain-forests,
the past decimation of bison and the present slaughtering of dolphins and whales,
the extinction of more animal and plant species than many of us have ever seen?
Suddenly the prospect of a future race of garbage dwellers becomes no less realistic
than the possibility of nuclear winter. We can already find parallels between the
garbage dwellers of Delhi and the conditions in which some people live in London
and New York. The more affluent in these cities can literally live above the mess
and enjoy a life-style which might have been envied by ancient kings and emperors.
At the same time, we have seen that affluence depends on energy and that energy
in the form of fossil fuels is not a renewable resource. Our renewable resources will
only remain renewable if we can somehow continue to avoid Man’s pillage of our
Why then do we choose to continue to procreate like the rabbits on the island?
Sex, of course, is only marginally less of a driving force than food. Prolonged
starvation of the sort experienced by the inmates of concentration camps or
castaways in lifeboats eventually eliminates strong sexual desire and may even
inhibit reproductive function as it does in anorexic women. On the other hand, whole
races of people who are either chronically under-nourished or who experience
intermittent starvation (or both) are often amongst the most prolific. Perhaps it is all
down to the “selfish gene” and there is some deep biological tendency in people, as
in plants, to flower when stressed or when facing elimination but, in many societies,
there is the simple but painful fact that children hold the only promise of survival
for parents; particularly ageing parents. In the West, life may be very difficult for
those who must rely entirely on what the State provides but in some Third World
countries only the charity of relations, friends or neighbours lies between the aged
(or incapacitated) and death by starvation. In primitive rural communities, what
wealth there is often resides in the number of hands available to work the land. None
of this accounts, of course, for the fact that when Victorian Britain was at the height
of its wealth and power it was not unknown for women to give birth to more than
twenty children and large families were as common amongst the affluent as amongst
the poor. Nor does it account for the prevalence of families of four children in
wealthy middle class families in the United States in the 1950’s. So perhaps we all
tend to seek our own immortality in our children or are moved by deep seated
emotions which are not met by sex without issue. Religion cannot be dismissed as
entirely irrelevant in this context. Where it sets its face entirely against contraception
or abortion and finds no favour in sex which is not intended to induce pregnancy,
it is not going to help to solve problems of over-population. This, no doubt, is why
the Archbishop of Canterbury recently said that the Roman Catholic Church should
reconsider its attitude to contraception. Some would argue that Catholic countries are
no more prolific than non-Catholic countries, that the forces that encourage large
families are many and varied and there are some rules that are more honoured in the
spirit than in the observance. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that, if the Catholic
Church were to set its stamp of approval on contraception, it would encourage
population control measures in those countries in which it has a major influence on
of deaths. Despite the enormity of this problem we are not going to be overwhelmed
by it, this year or next. The world could, and will, find space for an extra New York
next year, the year after, and for many years to come. Moreover, given modern
technology, and despite dwindling oil reserves, it will be able to feed most of these
extra mouths well into the next century. That much seems certain but it is equally
certain that such a path cannot be followed indefinitely. The smallest constraint is
space in which to live. Not all of Earth’s surface is very hospitable, indeed much
of it is extremely hostile but there is still lots of it. Race and religion are much bigger
factors. Despite the demise of what was the Soviet Union there are many Russian
Jews who are prepared to exchange the vast expanses of their native country for the
tinyness and dangers of Israel. All over the world there are populations which would
apparently prefer to engage in mayhem than to exist in peaceful coexistence with
others. The motto “what we have, we hold” could be aptly applied to 99% of the
worlds population. Already, the European Community reacts fearfully to the prospect
of increased migration from the east and the south. Space for effective agriculture
is also not limitless. Arithmetic in Chapter 6 led to the conclusion that 300 to 400
square meters were needed to supply each person with a modest sufficiency of
potatoes. Meat eaters would need a great deal more. Multiply this space requirement
by 13 million per annum and it points, once again, to an eventual (and perhaps not
too distant) limitation. Pollution may seem trivial by comparison. It is not. True we
all produce some excrement and many of us a great deal of garbage. This can do
all manner of nasty things to our environment and is not to be lightly brushed aside
but it pales into insignificance by its potential threat to our atmosphere. The impact
of CFCs on the ozone layer (Sections 7.7 to 7.9) is no longer dismissed, even by the
chemical companies which produce them. Rising carbon dioxide is very real even
though there are immense uncertainties about consequences. At worst, this sort of
pollution, by affecting agriculture, climate and sea levels could drastically affect
living space and food supplies.
All of these possibilities must be taken seriously but, in the end, it is energy
which is the greatest constraint of all. Contemporary agriculture is a relatively
inefficient way of converting oil into potatoes. Whether or not the line is drawn at
the farm gate, or at the supermarket door, there is no way in which people can be
fed without the use of large amounts of fossil fuels (Table 6.2). Moreover intensive
agriculture brings related problems in its wake. A decade ago much of the
agricultural research in the Netherlands was focused on agricultural pollution rather
than production. The Dutch are clean and tidy people living in a small densely
populated country. Nevertheless they earn a lot of money from the tomatoes, cheeses
etc., that they sell to their neighbours. No self-respecting Dutchman likes to live
down-wind from a pig-farm. Spreading pig shit on fields may be economically and
even ecologically sound but, like so many other things, we would prefer it not to be
done in our back yard. There are arguments about how great is the impact of manure
and fertilisers on our drinking water but there is no doubt that the provision of clean
and acceptable drinking water is a major problem world wide and that all manner
of things, including pesticides, can find there way into areas where they are neither
desirable or welcome. There are innumerable lakes, once teeming with fish, now
green and stinking because of algal blooms made possible by phosphates and nitrates
draining into them as a result of human activities. Methane released by grazing
herbivores (page 169) is not entirely a laughing matter and even something as
seemingly innocuous as growing rice can do substantial harm once it is on a large
enough scale. The CFCs released from factories producing frozen foods are much
greater in volume than those released from domestic refrigeration although these can
also be justifiably regarded as part of the whole process that brings food to the table.
In the end, however, it is CO2 (by its effect on the atmosphere) which looms largest
in regard to agricultural pollution just as it does in regard to industrial pollution.
Geologically speaking we are actively engaged in putting CO2, fixed into plant
products by millennia of primeval photosynthesis, back into the atmosphere in a very
short time. Clearly we cannot continue to do this indefinitely. Sooner or later there
will be no more such CO2 to return. Nor, by implication, will there be any more coal
or oil; at least none that we can afford to burn.
[Hubbert has calculated that Man will utilise 80% of the entire fossil fuels
accumulated by 600 million years of photosynthesis in a mere 300 years.]
At this point, the agriculture, presumably needed to feed much larger populations
than at present, will need an alternative source of energy. True, we could go back
to horses and peasant labour. We could leave the combined harvesters rusting in the
fields and use animal manure rather than artificial fertilisers. We could abandon
selective herbicides and pesticides. Perhaps, in the end, the world would be a happier
place. It was once written that the English country gentleman of the eighteenth and
early nineteenth centuries led the best life ever so far experienced by mankind. The
poorer workers on his estates might not have thought themselves so well blessed but
a modern and more equitable rural society could still have much to recommend it,
particularly if it proved feasible to retain some aspects of contemporary technology
and medicine. What is quite certain, however, is that such a population would not
be large. Living in equilibrium with the environment is as feasible now as it was
before oil was thought of but only on the basis of the small population (an order of
magnitude smaller than present population) that contemporary photosynthesis
supported in the past. It is difficult, of course, to imagine a world in which oil is not
consumed in vast quantities in internal combustion engines but edifying to look at
how this has changed in a relatively short time. When oil was re-discovered in the
UK. in the early part of the last century it was actually exported to the United States
for use in cooking and lighting.
The author of the above entry in the Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1885, not
knowing about the forthcoming impact of motor vehicles and aircraft on life in the
Twentieth century, struggled with prediction:-
“Looking towards the past, it may be said that petroleum has attained
universal diffusion as a lighting agent; it is fast displacing animal and
vegetable oils as a lubricator in all classes of bearings, from railroad-axles
to mule-spindles, and also where other oils are liable to spontaneous
combustion; it is very largely used as fuel for stoves, both for heating and
cooking; it is very successfully used for steam purposes when other fuel is
scarce and petroleum plentiful; it is likely to be used for production of pure
iron for special purposes; and it has become a necessity to the apothecary
as petroleum ointment. Looking towards the future, what assurance have we
that these varied wants, the creation of a quarter of a century, will be
satisfied? While it is not probable that the deposits of petroleum in the crust
of the earth are being practically increased at the present time, there is
reason to believe that the supply is ample for an indefinite period. Yet the fact
is worthy of serious consideration that the production of petroleum as at
present conducted is everywhere wasteful in the extreme.”
He was right about the wastefulness but if he had looked into a better crystal
ball he might not have wished to use the term “indefinite” except in its sense of
“uncertain”. Of course, prediction is a fools game. Who in the heyday of the English
country gentleman could have foreseen radio, television, telephones, cars, word-
processors, commonplace travel by air, let alone genetic engineering and all that is
implied by that? So there may be a future “technical fix”, quite unimaginable now,
which would not (like nuclear fission and nuclear fusion - Section 9.4) create more
problems than it would solve. All that can be said is that if there is to be such a
technical fix it is not on the horizon now and that all existing alternatives, however
desirable, would require some drastic downturn in the number of people that the
planet could support. At the end of the day we are back to the laws of
thermodynamics. These cannot be repealed or circumvented. There is a universal
tendency for entropy (i.e. disorder) to increase. Living creatures are the only things
which can reverse this tendency for a while. They can only reverse it, building order
out of chaos, by utilising energy. Putting aside a few specialised bacteria, the source
of that energy is (and always has been) nuclear fusion of protons in the sun. The
process of energy transduction has been photosynthetic. Life, as we know it, is based
as much on past photosynthesis as on present photosynthesis. The more of us there
are, the quicker we will exhaust the products of past photosynthesis and the more
strain we put on contemporary photosynthesis.
“Whats to do about it? Lets put out the lights and go to sleep”
In the circumstances this might not be the best remedy but restriction of
family by decree, in the manner tried by the Chinese, would not be widely welcomed
however well intentioned. Similarly, the Indian attempt to reward vasectomy with
transistor radios, while understandable, is hardly laudable. We can really only hope
for changes in society, such as provision in old age, which will make more than two
children per “family” seem socially, morally and financially less desirable than the
alternatives. In the West it ought not to be beyond the wit of politicians to arrive at
taxing policies which help those on low incomes but do not, at the same time, offer
financial rewards to those on high incomes who choose to have large families. Much
of this could be less painful and less intolerable to some religious convictions than
might be imagined. In the U.K. and Germany, populations are more or less stable,
certainly not expanding in the way they were thirty years ago. Easier contraception
and the availability of abortion on demand may have played some part in this but
the situation has not been materially different in Ireland where such steps are
frowned upon or even not permitted by the nation’s constitution. It is economic and
social considerations which have been more important. Western women now
frequently wish to work outside their homes as well as having children. Usually they
are encouraged to do so by their male partners. Many more, who do not work from
choice, do so because it is the only way in which they can afford the things that they
would like to buy for themselves and their families. For reasons such as these,
families are postponed and the biological constraints on the age of child-bearing
diminishes numbers. In countries like the U.K. large families are no longer regarded
as “normal” or desirable. In such societies, having only two children is not regarded
as a disaster. Some couples do not wish to have children or are not able to have two
or even one. This is a prescription for stable or declining populations. It seems
preferable to the converse in which an uncomfortably large population would
become limited by factors quite outside its control.
important first step is implicit in the above quotation. If we are running into debt,
there are really only two things that we can do about it - acquire more money or
spend less. There is always the possibility that we can improve our financial
resources by earning more, by robbing a bank, by successful gambling or by
stumbling on hidden treasure. Mankind as a whole has often been well-served by
those who have produced great works of literature, or whatever, because they needed
the money. As a general rule, however, the course of action which most recommends
itself in the short term is to spend less on those things which offer no future return
or amelioration of our debts. There seems to be a natural law which ensures that if
you put your last pound, dollar, rouble or deutschemark on to a horse it will almost
inevitably fall at the first fence. Robbing banks or old ladies has little to recommend
it and chancing on nuggets of gold is a fairly infrequent occurrence. These facts are
self-evident but past energy policies have rarely been better based. The first response
to an energy shortage has been to seek more energy rather than to use less. The
acquisition of more has often had consequences much worse than languishing in jail
for theft. The concept that someone, somewhere, will come up with some totally new
technological fix in the future is like counting on winning a lottery; it happens but
don’t hold your breath.
Imagine an immense stone wall in the North East of England, an area not
noted for the clemency of its climate. Along the wall, having obviously once grown
in profusion, the remains of peach trees. How could that possibly have been
achieved? The answer lies on the other side of the wall which turns out to be hollow
and constructed out of fire brick. Every few metres along the wall, a blackened
aperture; running alongside the wall, the railway line that brought the coal wagons
to feed the fires. The owner of the wall was a very wealthy man, the owner of the
nearby coal mine. His answer to British winters was to heat his whole environment.
This is not a course of action which is open to us all and it would, of course, have
made its own minor contribution to the social deprivation of nineteenth century
miners, to increasing carbon dioxide and to the pollution which was already changing
the British landscape.
had a point even if his own solutions were perhaps not eminently practical at that
time. Today, in many respects, the “need” for urbanisation has gone. We no longer
have to think of cottage industries only in terms of Harris Tweed. Human ingenuity
is such that we can probably continue to squander our resources and pollute our
planet for decades, or even centuries, to come but we cannot do these things
indefinitely. If Man (with anything like the attributes which we currently admire in
ourselves, or envy in others) is to continue into the future he will have to cry a halt
to endless expansion, despoliation and pollution.
The twentieth century has seen all manner of political, religious and social
orthodoxies challenged. On the other hand there has been scarcely any erosion of the
very similar factors in these categories which divide people on the basis of culture,
colour, language and religion. These, in turn, are exacerbated by pressures of
population, opportunity and economics. Those members of the Muslim community
of the United Kingdom who currently call for the death of Salman Rushdie cannot
comprehend why a supposedly tolerant British population is so slow to understand
why the “Satanic Verses” causes devout Muslims so much offence, why the British
are seemingly so indifferent to blasphemy (in either a Muslim or a Christian context)
and, at the same time, so deeply dismayed by the Muslim reaction. Nor would better
understanding or education help. One person’s tastes in food, the climate which he
or she enjoys, or the values which he or she esteems, may be anathema to another.
Even within families there are aspects of behaviour which no amount of love,
tolerance, or understanding can accommodate. Such problems are mostly solved by
a degree of separation. Offence only follows when people of different tastes, cultures
or patterns of behaviour are thrown together, not from choice but because of
economics. What the Muslims of Pakistan do in Pakistan is of little concern to the
British in Britain, or vice versa. Aggravation only follows economically propelled
association. Energy, economics and population levels are clearly inter-related. The
world is large enough to support many hundreds of millions of people living in
equilibrium with their environment and almost any number of groups with widely
disparate beliefs and requirements. It is equally clear that its resources are not large
enough to maintain indefinitely the present rate at which energy is being used. It is
threatened by effects, on the environment, of energy use. In turn, the rate at which
energy is being used is directly related to global population and to the competition
between different populations for available energy and energy-related sources. To
propose much smaller communities, capable of freely using much larger amounts of
renewable energy and sufficiently isolated from one another to cause little real
offence might seem a naive, simplistic and hopelessly optimistic solution for existing
strife. The cynical and pessimistic alternative (continuing population growth,
feckless squandering of resources and ever increasing pollution) would seem to offer
little prospect of a world worth living in. Perhaps the real future will be somewhere
between these extremes. The following sections consider some of the options that
still remain open to us.
“For the first decade of British nuclear activities, uranium was not a fuel and
reactors were not for generating electricity. That was all to come later. In the
1940s and early 1950s uranium was bomb-material, and reactors were a way
to turn uranium into a better bomb-material” ....Walter C Patterson.
be proclaimed as “green”. Beneath the evident sophistry there is a real point. Nuclear
electrical generation does not normally discharge carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
(although there have been some inadvertent releases of radioactive carbon dioxide).
It is, therefore, reasonable to ask how much carbon dioxide emission could be spared.
Fortunately, the arithmetic is simple. Nuclear plants currently provide about 7% of
the U.K.’s primary energy.
[Primary energy is the sum of all fuel inputs used in producing the energy
purchased by final users. It is normally based on a fossil fuel equivalent. Thus,
in 1991, U.K. primary energy was equivalent to 203 million tonnes of oil and
nuclear power is put at 7% of this on the basis that British nuclear electrical
output would have consumed about 14 million tonnes of oil if it had been
produced by conventional power stations.]
By the turn of the century, given the real probability of more of the older,
ageing, nuclear installations being closed, on grounds of safety and economy, it could
be as little as 3%. It is just conceivable that, despite public opposition, despite an
infirm economy and a diminished manufacturing capacity, the U.K. might find it
possible to increase its nuclear capacity again by the year 2010. At present, about
one third of U.K. carbon dioxide emission is directly attributable to generation of
electricity (as it is in the United States) so, at the most, nuclear generation could save
an output of carbon dioxide equivalent to about 6%. Doubling present nuclear
generation would, therefore, save further carbon dioxide release by the same order
of magnitude. A saving of 5 or 6% (say 25 million tons of carbon dioxide per annum
is not inconsiderable but neither is it a lot (global carbon dioxide emission is about
5000 million tons per annum) The same sort of arithmetic can be applied pro rata
to other countries, some like France and Taiwan with relatively large investment in
nuclear power, others like the United States where development is currently stagnant
or like Sweden where it is to be phased out. In total it seems unlikely that, in the
foreseeable future, switching from fossil fuels to nuclear power would have anything
other than a relatively modest impact on atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.
It can also be argued that, since nuclear energy is so much more costly than energy
conservation, it would, for given expenditure, displace much less coal, gas, or oil-
fired electricity generation plant and thereby actually contribute to carbon dioxide
emissions and global warming rather than the converse.
E = mc 2
(where E is the energy, m is the mass and c is the velocity of light) we can calculate
that although 0.7% of the mass of 4 protons is a very small number indeed it still
represents an awful lot of energy, relatively speaking. Thus, if we do our arithmetic
on the basis of one gram of hydrogen (i.e. Avogadro’s number of hydrogen atoms)
we get:-
E = (1 x 0. 07) x (2. 99 x 1010 )2 = 6.39 x 1018 ergs
= 6.39 x 1011 joules
If, on the other hand, we wished to produce that amount of energy by oxidation we
would need to burn 4,580 Kg of hydrogen or 15,270 Kg of fuel oil. Such figures
suggest that we would be on to a good thing with fusion but the practical problems
are immense. First of all we have to learn how it is done. Despite occasional bouts
of optimism we have not yet discovered how to create conditions on Earth which
would allow this process to proceed and give rise to more energy than it consumes.
As a pure scientist, I applaud fundamental research of any sort. As a tax payer and
a biologist, seeking support for research, I must always question costs. It may be
parochial to suggest that the money spent on Concorde would have benefited the
travelling public more if it had been spent, instead, on the London underground
system but it could scarcely be denied that if the billions which have gone into the
research and development of nuclear (fission) electricity had been invested in
renewable energy technology the world would be a better place. We need to be as
financially circumspect in regard to fusion as we should have been about fission even
if we take the view that fission always had more to do with power politics than the
generation of electricity. Then there is the question of pollution. If there were no
other feasible alternatives we might have to regard fission as something worthy of
consideration despite all of its associated risks and the remorseless accumulation of
toxic products which cannot be made safe, or stored in a cheap and safe manner. It
is tempting to think that nuclear fusion would not bring comparable problems in its
train but fusion also produces radioactive materials because of the need to contain
neutrons (page 4). On a site 90 million miles from Earth, fusion is fine. Nearer home
it must, in the light of the fission story, be viewed with considerable suspicion.
It will have already become clear, from what I have written elsewhere in this
book, that I am not wildly enthusiastic about nuclear power. To be blunt, I regard
it as dangerous and expensive lunacy and I take some comfort in the fact that this
view is widely endorsed by many others in the scientific community, even though
there are those who still see no practical alternatives. Lest my view of the nuclear
industry immediately casts me in the role of a muddled thinker, with all of the
characteristics which that industry loves to attribute to its critics, may I restrict
myself to a mere two quotations in my support.
Sir Brian Flowers chairing a Royal Commission on “Nuclear Power and the
Environment” said:-
“We believe that nobody should rely for something as basic as energy on a
process that produces in quantity a product as dangerous as plutonium ... We
believe that security arrangements adequate for a fully-developed
international plutonium economy would have implications for our society
which have not so far been taken into account by the government in deciding
whether or not to adopt that form of economy” ....Sir Brian Flowers.
and in 1976, Gerald Ford then President of the United States said:-
But it was left to Tony Benn, himself extremely honest about his own basic
understanding of the underlying science, to put the politicians’ dilemma in a way
which carries a message for us all.
“There is another set of factors to which reference has been made in public
debate: I would describe them as domestic political factors arising out of two
considerations. One is the problem of security and the risk of terrorism and
the second arises from what happens when you have policies so complex that
the democratic process finds it hard to come to terms with the choices that
have to be made. Certainly as a Minister with these responsibilities...
...I have always found nuclear policy the most difficult because Ministers are
not experts, they are not scientists, they are not engineers, they are not
qualified to assess in any way the technical decisions that had to be made.,
And, yet whether you look at it in terms of the environment or safety or energy
policy, it is essential that nuclear policy be preserved within the democratic
framework of control and not subcontracted off to those whose only claim to
reaching decisions might rest upon their technical qualifications. I think it
would be very frightening indeed if we were to say that our fuel policy
required us to adopt a technique of production like nuclear power which in
its turn required the decisions to be taken from the process of government
answerable to Parliament and the public, and put into the hands of those
whose special qualifications for deciding them would rest upon their technical
knowledge”. ....Anthony Wedgewood Benn
look to a future if it can produce coal at the same price as imported coal. Why, it
is asked, should the rest of British industry be asked to pay more for electricity, to
stop British Coal going into terminal decline? As a political philosophy based on
“market forces” this argument is hard to fault. Where market forces go out of the
window is the fact that all British consumers pay a higher price than they need for
their electricity because the distributors are obliged, by law, to buy electricity (from
nuclear generators) which is twice as expensive, per unit (5.5 to 7.5/pKWh), as
anything derived from coal. (3-4p/KWh for new coal-fired plant with flue gas
To authorities like Professor John Surrey (of the Science Policy Research Unit
of the University of Sussex) a nuclear revival seems remote, only to be contemplated
if circumstances altered such that nuclear power became much cheaper than the
“Given the public disquiet expressed over problems at the back end of the fuel
cycle, chiefly over reprocessing at Sellafield and the long-term storage of
radioactive wastes, there are certain other preconditions if nuclear ordering
is to be revived and accepted by the public. The first is clearly the absence
of a further major nuclear accident as at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl,
which might well lead to a moratorium on existing as well as new nuclear
create upheaval and strain further the resources of the nuclear plant industry
which has no orders after Sizewell.
Only good fortune prevented Sellafield going the way of Three Mile Island
and Chernobyl. It persists as a major threat to the environment. Nuclear energy is
not the answer to our problems. There are , of course, still those who take a different
view. Dr. Robert Hawley is one. According to “The Observer” of May 17, 1992, he
“I think if the public were better informed people would be less misguided.
It is really a question of getting people to listen to the facts. The simple, plain
fact is that if you go back to the electricity side and took all the
environmentalists’ objections on board, we would be sitting here in the dark”
Who, might we ask is Dr. Robert Hawley? There are no prizes for correctly guessing
that, at least in May 1992, he was the newly appointed chief executive of “Nuclear
“full practical use, in existing buildings and equipment, of the best electricity-
saving technologies already on the market would save about three-fourths of
all electricity now used, at an average cost certainly below 1c/kW.h-1 and
probably around 0.6c/kW.h-1 much less than the cost of just running a coal
or nuclear power station, even if building it cost nothing; and ” -
“full practical use of the best demonstrated oil and gas saving
technologies (many already on the market and the rest ready for production
within 4-5 years) would save about three-fourths of all oil now used, at an
average cost well below $10/bbl and probably nearer $5-6/barrel less than
the typical cost of just finding new domestic oil.”
“most of the best electricity saving technologies on the U.S. market today
were not available a year ago and the same was true a year ago” - i.e. that
the pace of technical innovation in energy conservation is manifestly rapid”.
“An 18 watt compact fluorescence lamp, producing the same light as a 75-
watt incandescent lamp for ~ 13 times as long, will over its lifetime save about
one-ten-millionth as much electricity as a huge (1,000-megawatt) power
station generates in a year. A single such lamp will thus
Since the lamp’s typical retail price is only $15-18, and its real resource cost
is about a half or third of that, its use generates for society, at least tens of
dollars of net wealth, not counting its avoided environmental costs.”
This message has already been taken to heart by a number of electricity utilities in
the United States. For example:-
“In a $215-million plant that is the first of its kind, Boston Edison, one of
New Englands largest utility companies, will at least temporarily forestall the
need for new power plants by paying instead for an array of energy
The plan is expected to reduce the demand for electricity in the Boston area
by a thousand million kilowatt hours over the next five years, roughly
equivalent to the amount of power generated by a small 120-MW power plant.
It is particularly notable for its timing, announced shortly after the Seabrook
nuclear power plant in neighbouring New Hampshire was cleared finally for
its full-power licence after a gruelling and costly decade-long ordeal (see
Nature 344, 96; 8 March 1990).
During the next five years, the utility expects to save two dollars’ worth of
electricity for every dollar invested. In an innovative economic incentive
system, the utility will be allowed to retain a portion of this expected $400
million in energy savings as profit in addition to recouping its costs. The rest
of the savings will be passed on to customers. With such a market incentive,
conservation becomes equally if not more profitable for the utility as the
construction of new generating capacity.
Although conservation plans are not new, observers say that the Boston
Edison announcement marks a trend towards a distinctly new movement on
the part of electric utilities towards conservation. The intense opposition to
the Seabrook nuclear power plant may be an extreme case, but is indicative
of the difficulty of bringing any new power plants on line.”
....Seth Shulman (“Nature”, 282, 344, 1990).
The implication of what is set out in the preceding section is that not only
is energy conservation a feasible and laudable strategy but that it might, unaided,
solve the greenhouse problem entirely. There are, of course, as many uncertainties
in this approach as in any other, not least the fact that
“people and nations are unlikely to behave wisely (until) they have exhausted
all other alternatives”.
Even so, it is both possible and informative to make educated guesses. These put
possible future increases in saving efficiency based on existing technology at
somewhere between 4 and 10 times those achieved in 1973. The more optimistic of
these give considerable food for thought. One German study, for example, envisages
a world of 8 billion people in 2080 “uniformly industrialised to the level of the
Federal Republic of Germany in 1973” (at this time the FDR was one of the most
heavily industrialised and energy-efficient countries in the world). Such uniform
industrialisation would imply a 5-fold global increase in economic activity and a 10-
fold increase in under-developed countries (i.e. the scenario is not one which is
unrealistic about the natural aspirations of the third world). Nevertheless, if such a
world had fully embraced the use of energy saving technologies already available in
1980 it would, in 2080, need only about one third of the energy actually used by the
real world a century before, in 1980. Moreover, most areas of the world would be
virtually able to meet all of their energy requirements from renewable sources. In
Lovin’s words there would be “no energy problem - even on economic growth
assumption that most would consider implausibly high”. Such a world would use 4
or 5 times less energy (than conventional projectives would allow), cost much less,
stretch oil and gas for centuries, dispense with reliance on both the Middle East and
the atom and by 2030 have “attained” a carbon dioxide level barely above today’s
and rising by 5ppm every three decades or so, making this part (~40%) of future
global warming virtually vanish. Many other problems would also disappear such as
those associated with the million bombs worth of plutonium it is proposed to extract
annually and put into global commerce.
Table 9.1
Renewable Resources
Solar Geothermal
Photovoltaics Hydrothermal
Biomass Geopressured
Ethanol Ocean
Gasification Tidal
Liquefaction Wave
The Department of Energy, might have added that most of the above drawbacks
would pale into insignificance compared with the drawbacks of conventional sources
but it does make a valid point. Nevertheless, despite the very real disadvantages of
some renewable resources (Table 9.1) they are renewable and, collectively, offer real
hope for the future.
At present the most important renewable resource is wood (Section 9.14) still
very widely used for cooking, heating and construction, and as newsprint. But, if we
are to look to the future, water has considerable potential. If, as a citizen of the U.K.,
you visit the capital of Australia it comes as a shock to discover how little the people
of Canberra pay for their electricity; that it is still possible to generate large amounts
of electricity by conventional methods (water running down-hill, or from the base
of dams, through turbines) in drought conditions in a country in which it might be
more realistic to talk of the number of acres per sheep rather than the number of
sheep per acre. In any country, with reasonable rainfall over hills, electricity can be
generated in this fashion. In addition many countries are blessed with waves and
tides. Let us take one very pertinent example. There are many sites in Great Britain
which would lend themselves, admirably, to the harnessing of tidal power.
Paramount amongst these is the Severn Estuary. Arguably this could displace nuclear
power entirely in the U.K. if this declined by the year 2000 to the 6.0 GW capacity
suggested by John Surrey. The Severn Barrage Development Project proposes 216
turbo generators each rated at 40 MV giving a total installed capacity of 8640 MW
(8.6 GW). The direct capital costs are approximately £1/Watt (i.e. about £8 billion
at 1988 prices - substantially less than the cost of the British “independent” nuclear
deterrent). This includes the initial cost of construction and the length of the
construction period before power is generated. Once up and running, the operating
costs would be low, no CO2 would be released into the atmosphere, there would be
no accumulation of radioactive or chemical waste. That is not to say that there would
be no environmental costs although present studies suggest that the estuary would
support more birds and fish, in total, than at present even though some species might
be adversely affected. Some 200,000 man-years of work would be involved in the
construction of the barrage and the turbines and, although the arithmetic is clearly
simplistic, it is worth noting that the present cost to the U.K. taxpayer of 200,000
man years of “idleness” (i.e. unemployment benefit etc.) is approximately £1.8
billion. Thirteen additional sites in England have been identified as having potential
for tidal barrage schemes. It is not difficult, on this basis, to conclude that the
argument that there is no practical alternative to nuclear power cannot be sustained
or that renewable resources could not eventually displace fossil fuels. Sadly, the
decisions involved do not rest only on feasibility, cost and environmental
“friendliness”. Possibly the greatest obstacle in the U.K. is still the strength of the
nuclear lobby. For example, Britain is exceptionally well endowed with ocean waves.
There are sites off the Western Isles which compare favourably with any in the world
and the total potential has been put at about 40% (about 80 million tonnes of coal
equivalent a year) of the U.K.’s primary energy requirement. Despite this vast
potential of inexhaustible energy
“the Department of Energy concluded that large scale offshore wave energy
was unlikely to be economic in the U.K. for the foreseeable future”
and therefore suspended its research and development programme in this field after
spending less than £20 million (about six orders of magnitude less than that expended
on nuclear research). There have even been suggestions that some of those concerned
in decision making have been economical with the truth when weighing the relative
merits of wave and nuclear power. The “Salter Duck” ( a moored device with a row
of beaks which bobbed up and down and used internal hydraulic devices to capture
energy and generate electricity) was held to be a dead duck on the basis of cost but
newer, cheaper, versions still continue to offer real promise. In Britain, all that
remains is a number of tiny, individual devices for powering navigational aids (such
as tethered buoys) and a 180 KW prototype of a “Shoreline Rock Gully System” on
Islay (better known for its whisky). This involves a “Wells Turbine” in which the
rise and fall of waves drives air through a device which revolves in the same
direction regardless of the direction in which the air flows. A larger (2GW) off-shore
machine was deemed to have poorer economic prospects than other alternative
generating technologies. Evidently the engineering problems are formidable but,
given the success of oil companies in exploiting North Sea reserves it is difficult to
believe that a potentially larger, renewable, energy supply did not warrant further
development. In the United States there is continuing interest in a pneumatic wave
energy conversion (PWEC) system which works by alternately compressing and
expanding air and passing it through a unidirectional rotor. A possibility that 90%
of a wave’s energy could be extracted by judiciously placed sub-surface vertical flaps
is also being investigated.
Go past Hollywood and away from Los Angeles towards Riverside and
beyond. In the deserts there are wind-farms, not very pretty but effective. By the end
of 1985 more than one gigawatt (GW) of wind capacity had been installed in the
United States, nearly 99% of it (some 13,000 machines) taking advantage of the
strong summer winds in California which represent 2.5% of installed capacity and
producing 1% of demand. In Denmark, second only to the United States but still way
Table 9.2
“if predicted costs can be achieved in principle it is possible that by the year
2025 on shore window power could be supplying 10% of the countries
electricity needs and perhaps as much as 20% in the longer term”
....U.K. Department of Energy.
The cost of electricity generated by wind turbines is similar to that from coal-
fired power stations (i.e. half that of nuclear power). While the impact of wind farms
on the environment shrinks into insignificance when compared with conventional or
nuclear powered plant and coal mines, there is no doubt that they are noisy (audible
up to 2000 metres downwind) and visually intrusive. There is radio and television
interference extending up to 3 km or more from the largest turbines.
We have all heard of surfaces which become so hot in the sun that can be used
to fry eggs. Dudley Moore, on film, has graphically illustrated the problems of
applying tender feet to hot sand. Along these lines, solar energy is widely used in
“passive” applications (particularly in countries with ample insulation) such as
heating domestic hot water and swimming pools. The best commercial hot water
system operates with an annual solar conversion efficiency of 40%. Typical solar
water heaters in the United States comprise 5-6 m2 of collector area, and cost the
user from $3000-5000 (1987 prices) installed and meet up to 80% of annual energy
needs for this purpose. Solar cooling can be based on conventional closed cycle
refrigeration techniques in which the high temperature needed to drive the cycle,
more usually provided by electricity or gas, is replaced by solar energy. There are
also systems based on open cycle evaporative cooling (i.e. ones in which the latent
heat of evaporation causes cooling and solar energy is then used to dry or regenerate
the desiccant). Simple but very effective evaporative cooling for glasshouses is based
on water trickling over large porous surfaces (bales of straw, bark from trees,
plastics) through which air is drawn by extractor fans at the other side of the house.
9.11 Photovoltaics
[“A peak watt (Wp) is the power generated on a clear day when the sun’s rays
strike perpendicular to the cell”.]
Present day photovoltaic cells were largely a by-product of space research and
large arrays of solar cells are used to power satellites. On Earth they are increasingly
used in circumstances in which there is a need (in the absence of mains electricity)
Electron flow
direction of
Fig. 9.1 A photovoltaic cell. (After McNelis, Derrick & Starr). The principle is similar
to the generation of electron transport in photosynthesis (Section 2.8). Incident photons
liberate (negatively charged) electrons thereby creating positively charged holes which
constitute a sink. Thus an electric current is created, carrying electrons to fill the holes.
“It is likely that a 15% efficiency for amorphous silicon (asi) thin-film
cells can be reached fairly soon which would assure the viability of
amorphous silicon for power applications in addition to its widespread use
in consumer speciality products.” ...OECD International Energy Agency.
Seek to order a Bourbon or a Scotch in a bar in the United States and you
might well be asked if you want it “on the rocks” or “straight up” (i.e. with or without
ice). But there are hot rocks as well.
“Geothermal energy derives from the heat flowing outwards from the interior
of the earth, due to the cooling of the core and in some places the decay of
long-lived radioactive isotopes of uranium, thorium and potassium. It can be
tapped from aquifers - underground deposits of hot water in porous rocks -
and from hot dry rocks “ ....U.K. Dept of Energy.
The Romans were into this with avidity, possibly learning from the Greeks,
certainly combining (in Britain) their sybaritic pleasure in bathing with the
availability of the warm aquifers which have kept the spa at Bath busy ever since.
Go to Yellowstone National Park in California and admire the geysers like “old
faithful” which erupt periodically on time and throw jets of hot water many feet into
the air. Go to Rotorua in New Zealand and see the spot where an erratic geyser
terminally despatched a group of tourists some years ago. Marvel at jets of steam
emerging from Maori graves or from lawns or flower beds. There, as in Iceland and
elsewhere, this steam and hot water is put to use (Table 9.3) and indeed, in Rotorua,
its unrestricted use is no longer allowed by the local inhabitants because such tapping
has diminished and even threatened the continuing existence of the more lucrative
tourist industry which it has attracted. All of these, like volcanoes, remind us that
the centre of the earth is still extremely hot and that exploitation of such heat
constitutes a source of power.
Table 9.3
Hydrothermal Electric Power Plants
[Data for 1985 after Ronald DiPippo, Geothermal Electric Power-Scale of the World,
International Symposium on Geothermal Energy.]
feasible that there are, in addition to all of the plant products (like rubber) which are
currently known to be of value to Man, others which could play a vital role in some
not yet imaginable future technology - provided that, at this future time, they still
Pacific yews, once felled and burned to near extinction simply to provide
logging companies access to Giant Redwoods have been found to contain a chemical
regarded as a most important agent in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer.
Drugs from plants are currently worth $40 million a year. Moreover, Man does not
live by bread (or rubber) alone. Happily, there is now a large body of public opinion
which believes that it is at least as important to cherish our natural environment and
conserve it as it is to maintain artefacts of our own history and culture. Properly
“managed” rain forest could not only give those who live there a better economic
return than forest either totally untouched or totally destroyed but could make its own
contribution to the sparing of the greenhouse effect. Fully mature forest does not do
this. It is in near equilibrium with its environment, producing as much carbon dioxide
and methane by respiration and decay as it fixes or withdraws from the atmosphere,
in photosynthesis. Young, actively growing forest, on the other hand, consumes more
carbon dioxide than it releases and this is equally true of northern, temperate and
continental forests. Of course, if an existing forest is burnt, this releases carbon
dioxide to the atmosphere in the same way as the burning of fossil fuels but forests,
in themselves, are not the answer to the Greenhouse Effect. They fix enormous
quantities of carbon dioxide, so much that northern forests are largely responsible
for the annual “teeth” that are seen in the remorselessly rising carbon dioxide curve
(Fig. 7.4) - i.e. the difference in the rate of photosynthesis between summer and
winter, even in northern, evergreen, forests is sufficiently large to be detected in the
annual records of carbon dioxide accumulation. On the other hand, mature forests
produce equally large quantities of carbon dioxide.
It is clear then
(a) that burning forests adds to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
(b) that mature, stable forests are more or less in balance, consuming about as
much carbon dioxide as they release, and
(c) that only actively growing forests (i.e. newly established forests or forests in
which orderly felling of old wood permits active regeneration of new) act as
substantial sinks for carbon dioxide.
Japan makes one of the world’s largest contribution to the destruction of rain
forests and uses much of the hardwood that it imports to make plywood cases to
contain concrete poured into buildings during their construction. These plywood
boxes are then stripped away and burned. Wood is preferred for this purpose only
because it is cheap. Moreover, it is “cheaper” to destroy irreplaceable rain forests for
this purpose than it is to use freely replaceable softwood. In the United States, which
has a better record than most in some respects, President Bush calls upon scientists
to provide more and better facts on global warming before seeking to make a real
impact on his country’s contribution (about one fifth of world totals) to carbon
dioxide emissions. All of these and countless other arguments or evaluation of costs
miss the point. We have to do what is “spherically sensible” (Section 9.5) because
it is “globally sensible”. It is worth doing because it will bring benefit in its own
right. Burning rain forests is one of the largest contemporary contributions to global
catastrophe but, irrespective of this, the rainforests should be preserved because they
are home to an immense number of species including Man. As areas of great natural
Even at a purely material level they could, if properly managed, continue to provide
resources and a livelihood for their native human populations ad infinitum. Similarly,
a major acceleration of energy conservation in the United States would, at least in
the eyes of some economists (Section 9.5) make that nation even wealthier and more
competitive than it is at present. A diminution in smog would be as welcome to the
inhabitants of Los Angeles as would the prospect of relatively stable sea-levels to
the inhabitants of the Maldives. There is nothing wrong with the accountants’
approach, provided that we remember that accountants know the cost of everything
but the value of nothing. We must all pay our bills but it is perfectly proper to insist
that accountancy includes accountability. Saving money by energy conservation is
laudable because everyone is likely to benefit in the long term. Saving money by
fouling up our environment is unacceptable. Saving money in the short term, by
exporting our CO2, SO2, plutonium, dioxins, into someone else’s environment, is
9.14 Biofuels
As a small boy it was my task to procure the family firewood. I scoured local
shops for surplus wooden crates and chopped them into neat bundles of sticks. These
were used with newspaper to pass the flames to the coal which was burned on open
fires as the sole source of warmth and hot water. We all bathed once a week, not
because we were basically unclean but because our hot water was strictly limited by
rationing or hard economics. Had I known it, I was doing much the same task, at
that time, as many in the Third World (where firewood is still immensely important
for cooking and heating) continue to do on a daily basis.
Now, in partial retirement, the wheel has come full circle and, in a rural
retreat, my wife and I rely on wood-burning stoves for warmth and hot water. A
hectare of adjacent woodland will make us more or less self-sufficient in this regard.
In the northern hemisphere, at least, wood warms four times (i.e. in felling, leading,
chopping and burning) and happily it does nothing, whenever it is used, to adversely
influence the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, provided that any generation of people
burns only that which it grows or allows to grow. Only actively growing forests
remove more CO2 from the atmosphere than they return. Only burning vast areas of
forest increases atmospheric CO2 and, in this regard, there is a clear comparison with
burning fossil fuels. Both return, in short measure, CO2 removed from the
atmosphere over long periods. Burning the products of contemporary photosynthesis
is simply a part of a re-cycling process. As David Hall and his colleagues have
pointed out, a gigajoule of biomass substituted for coal would reduce CO2 emissions
by the carbon content of 1 GJ of coal (about 0.025 tonnes) and that, since biomass
with a heating value of 20 GJ per tonne is 50% carbon, growing 1 GJ of biomass
would sequester 0.025 tonnes of carbon. Moreover,
“biomass can play a larger role in global warming when used to displace
fossil fuel than when used for sequestration because land can be used
indefinitely in displacing fossil CO2 whereas removal ceases at forest
maturity in the “sequestration” strategy” ....D. O. Hall
[The “sequestration strategy” is the concept of growing trees, not to use, but
as living repositories for CO2. Actively growing trees abstract much more
CO2 from the atmosphere than they return. Mature trees do not. In the short
term, therefore, massive planting of trees would tend to offset rising CO2 to
some extent. In the longer term a new equilibrium would be established.
Using biomass, as suggested by Hall, is a better strategy.]
Even dung can play a role. The new visitor to India is surprised that sacred
cows do not bring clouds of flies in their wake. Rather climate and poverty combine
to ensure that cow “pats” are dried, often in neat and characteristic designs, on every
available wall and surface and then used to heat cooking-pots. The women and
children most exposed to the secondary products of this combustion in enclosed
spaces do not benefit from this experience but otherwise it is an ecologically sound
practice. Much research into more sophisticated systems is being undertaken
elsewhere. Sweden does not squander its forest wastes and has looked seriously at
the selection of fast growing willow varieties which could be coppiced for fuel and
building. Even the feasibility of burning sawdust in a vehicle’s engine has been
contemplated. Yields of 25 dry tonnes per hectare have been achieved without
nitrogen fertiliser, in Hawaii, by interplanting eucalyptes with nitrogen fixing Albizia
When bent on procuring firewood as a child I might well have chanted a little
doggerel which included the immortal condemnation “my mother doesn’t like her,
because she comes from Byker” but Byker is now one of the jewels in the crown
of the U.K. Department of Energy’s scheme for developing biofuel technologies. A
mile or two from the spot where a sad figure, contemplating execution, once wrote
altogether better words (about taking the high road or the low road to Scotland), the
Byker Reclamation Plant, produces densified RDF (refuse derived fuel) which can
have a gross calorific content equal to about 60% of that of British coal.
Straw is also something to be conjured with. It suffers from the fact that it
is very light compared with coal or even with wood, a drawback that it shares with
many other forms of biomass which might otherwise be used more widely as fuel.
The problem with lack of density has to do with difficulties in transport in the first
place and problems with burning in the second. Oil, by comparison, does not contain
water which must be transported willy nilly (thereby adding to costs) and feeding
oil from a container into a furnace involves little more than a pipe and a valve. On
the other hand straw contains a great deal less water than many forms of biomass
and lends itself to use on the farms on which it is produced, thereby solving the
additional problem of how else to dispose of it.
“Of the straw produced in the U.K. each year, some seven million tonnes,
with an energy content of 3.6 Mtce, finds no saleable outlet and is largely
burnt in the field. However straw could be put to cost-effective use as a fuel
on the farm , in local industry and in rural institutions. Already some 170,000
tonnes a year are used on farms and this could rise to around 800,000 tonnes
by the year 2000.” ...U.K. Department of Energy
We are all too aware of biogas (c.f. Section 7.6). Apart from the traces of
extremely poisonous hydrogen sulphide which, when present, can give it such an
unpleasant odour, biogas is usually a mixture of methane and CO2 so that burning
it is ecologically desirable in that methane, once burnt, becomes CO2 which is less
damaging than methane itself in terms of greenhouse effect. In the U.K. a great deal
of garbage goes into holes in the ground (“landfill”) where it generates methane by
bacterial action. Demonstrations have established the credibility of landfill gas as a
practical energy source equivalent to 120,000 tonnes of coal a year. This is expected
to rise quickly to about 400,000 tce/yr.
has been used as animal feed and for other purposes (some too extraordinary to be
discussed in polite society) the principal by-product is clean water. This, of course
can be immensely valuable particularly in arid environments. So is the general
principle of yet again making a virtue out of a necessity.
Ethanol it would seem at first sight, has even more going for it than straw,
refuse or dung. Certainly Omar Khayam echoed a fairly common sentiment when
he wrote
The density and calorific content of ethanol (24 GJm-3) is less than that of
petroleum (39 GJm-3) because ethanol is more oxidised. It burns well and modified
engines running on ethanol can develop 20% more power and less polluting exhaust
gases. There, regrettably, the advantages stop because fermentation ceases at
relatively low alcohol concentration as the yeasts succumb to drunken stupor and
give up the ghost. Thereafter there is a need for distillation and this, involving (as
it does) a change from liquid to gas-phase requires very considerable energy inputs.
Certainly if arithmetic takes every aspect of the overall process into account it is clear
that ethanol production cannot constitute net energy gain. In the special
circumstances of places like Brazil this hardly matters. There are billions of acres
on which sugar cane will grow happily, like a weed, and the cane residues left after
sugar extraction make an excellent fuel which can be utilised in distillation plants.
Conversely in a country like Scotland (in which there are not too many arable acres
or warm days) barley, a C3 species, grows much less rapidly than does C4 sugar-
cane in subtropical climates. The products of distillation are then best stored for a
while in oak casks and finally savoured in front of a log fire.
“I believe that water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and
oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an
inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not
capable. I believe then that when the deposits of coal are exhausted, we shall
heat and warm ourselves with water. Water will be the coal of the future.”
....Jules Verne
The fact that it takes energy to split hydrogen-oxygen (H-O) bonds and that
energy is released when H-O bonds are re-formed, has also been a central theme of
this book. Most of Man’s energy is still derived (indirectly from nuclear fusion in
the sun) by re-joining hydrogens and oxygens separated during primordial
photosynthesis. In some regards gaseous hydrogen (H2) is an ideal fuel. Its
2H 2 + O 2 → 2H 2 O Eqn. 9.1
releases much energy and the combustion product (H2O) is good enough to drink
(indeed it was drunk by cosmonauts). The trick, of course, is to produce hydrogen
in the first place. If we suppose that, by whatever future, unthought of, technical fix,
or by judicious use of renewable resources, we have succeeded in generating enough
electrical energy to maintain large populations in the manner to which they have
become accustomed, we would still have a need for a fuel as convenient as petrol
(gasoline). It is conceivable that improvement to batteries will soon make electrically
powered vehicles more of a practical proposition than they are at present but long
distance road haulage, tractors, combine-harvesters, ships and aircraft will seemingly
need some appropriate petroleum product, or equivalent, into the foreseeable future.
In many respects hydrogen would be better than hydrocarbon fuels. Apart from the
fact that it would not give rise to pollutants in the form of oxides of carbon, sulphur
and nitrogen, it produces 2.8 times as much energy per gm as hydrocarbons and the
propulsive efficiency of hydrogen-burning jet engine is significantly higher because
of the lower molecular weight of the exhaust products (18 g for water as against
44 g for the CO2 which is also produces by burning hydrocarbons). Against this there
is the fact that liquid hydrogen occupies ten times as much space as conventional
aviation fuels and, it is argued, can only be feasibly carried in refrigerated tanks.
9.16 Epilogue
“When the Earth’s last picture is painted and the tubes are twisted and dried”
....Rudyard Kipling
In 1939 it was still true to say that “the sun never set on the British Empire”
and although, as a consequence of the first world war and its aftermath, Imperial
Britain was not even then the country of vast wealth and industrial innovation that
it had been in Queen Victoria’s day, it was still a major power. After the (1939-45)
war, Britain was devastated and impoverished but certainly not in worse state than
Germany and Japan. Today, despite the supposed advantage of North Sea Oil,
Britain’s economy is still a matter for major concern whereas that of Germany is
strong and that of Japan has come to dominate the world. Without detracting from
Germany’s famous flair for organisation and thoroughness, or the fabled Japanese
work ethic, it is evident that there must have been other factors which led these two
“vanquished” countries to prosper while Britain has merely muddled through to its
present economically vulnerable situation. The reasons are complex and hardly
capable of analysis (certainly not as an aside, in what is primarily a biological text)
but they cannot be ignored entirely because they illustrate, and are central to, the
contribution which politics might make to the environment in the next half century.
(It is worth noting immediately in this context that most of our present world leaders
will be dead in 50 years time and that, in Western democracies there are few
politicians who can look beyond the next election let alone the next 5 or 10 years).
world communism. Moreover, they were bound, by treaty, to strictly limit their
expenditure on conventional arms and totally forbidden to make or acquire their own
nuclear weapons. Conversely, Britain and France were encouraged, by reparations,
to persist with old technologies and anxious, because of their reluctance to lose
world-power status, and the widely accepted concept of Soviet Imperialism, to invest
heavily in “defence”. Most of all there was the concept of nuclear deterrence, still
claimed by those who favour it (but in the obvious absence of the “control”
experiment) to have kept the peace in Europe for the past 40 years. Whether nuclear
missiles have kept the peace or have been a threat to peace is a matter for argument
and future historians but there are few historians, even now, who can regard the
“independent” nuclear weapons of Britain and France as anything other than attempts
by these nations to maintain a major role in world affairs. The economic price of
these status symbols has been, and continues to be immense. Germany, so long a
symbol of economic stability and power, now struggles with the huge burden of
integration but the price, as a proportion of gross national product, is certainly much
less than that of the United Kingdom’s ill-advised marriage to nuclear fission and
By now, the reason for this excursion into history, economics and politics will
have become self-evident. It is intended simply to illustrate the fact that, within
recent history, putting aside the influence of world figures like Hitler, it has been
possible for governments to have a profound impact on economics (itself an issue
central to energy and hence to the future of the environment). In addition, even
though governments and elected representatives would be expected to be primarily
driven by self-interest and material well-being, there is absolutely no guarantee that
their interests will not be subordinated to what might be most charitably described
as matters of great principle. It is such matters that led to the recent awful conflicts
in the Middle East, the intervention by the United States in Vietnam and any number
of relatively minor conflicts. It is against this background that we can not count upon
our elected representatives to do what is eminently logical in the face of the vast
consequence of carbon dioxide increase. It is one thing to sign the Montreal Protocol
on CFCs because the political kudos is considerable and the economic cost relatively
trivial. It is quite another to contemplate action which would involve the deflection
of substantial funds from an area of perceived orthodoxy (such as defence, or nuclear
power) into the maintenance of the environment. Those who support or advocate
such change are immediately classified as ill-informed or unworldly. For example
in the U.K. the whole tenor of advertisement by the pro-nuclear lobby has been to
dismiss alternative approaches as unrealistic, ill-conceived, ill-informed or eccentric.
Immensely expensive demonstrations have been mounted to show that trains
carrying containers of nuclear waste could crash at high speed without spillage, that
the excessive changes within reactors could be accommodated without the prospect
of a second Chernobyl, and so on.
So latter day Noahs must expect questioning and virulent attack not only by
those with vested interests but even by the innocent (who prefer not to think about
the future in the way that most of us prefer not to dwell upon the likely time and
manner of our departure from the land of the living). None of this means that so-
called “Green” politics are absurd or unworldly. None of us need to have sleepless
nights about the eventual failure of nuclear fusion in the sun. It is far too distant in
time to concern us but the decline in fossil fuel reserves and associated rise in
population and in atmospheric CO2 and methane is here and now. If what is written
here serves any useful purpose at all, it might convince some that these processes
cannot and will not continue indefinitely. In fact, no scientific argument should be
necessary. Expansion within a finite space is necessarily limited. Man cannot
continue to exist as Man except in equilibrium with the environment. At present we
are very far from equilibrium and curving away from it rather than towards it.
Personally, I take the optimistic view that Man will survive. In view of what is
already possible in the realms of genetic engineering, the likelihood that Homo
sapiens will survive, as such, is quite another matter. When we considered the laws
of thermodynamics, back in Section 1.9, we learned that we can’t win. There is a
universal tendency towards disorder (increased entropy) which is only fleetingly
reserved by living organisms. As Glasby has also emphasised, both an increase in
world population and a corresponding increase in economic activity inevitably means
increased environmental degradation and pollution (i.e. increased disorder). However
smart we are we can’t get round the laws of thermodynamics. Not surprisingly this
is a bitter pill to swallow. We cling desperately to the view that we can have our
cake and eat it. Those who enjoy life in the relatively wealthy parts of the northern
hemisphere and have any feeling at all for those in the poorer parts of the southern
hemisphere are glad to accept the concept that the “under-developed” should
develop. Those in the Third World demand this as of right. No doubt they should.
No doubt the rich should help the poor if only out of self interest. The rich and the
poor make uncomfortable neighbours and it is facile to suppose that the juxtaposition
of wealth and poverty does not affect us all adversely. But it should be clearly
recognised that if some genial entity waved a magic wand and embarked us on a
master plan which would make us all as affluent as the average citizen of the United
States by the end of the next century, we would sink beneath the weight of our own
iniquities long before that happy day. Two to three hundred million people
consuming fossil fuels and producing CO2 at rates near to those that currently obtain
in North America have already created problems which will be solved only if there
is a major, rapid and concerted response by the international community. There is
simply no possibility that 10,000 million people (a figure fast being approached)
could use and pollute, at the same rate as these chosen few, without inviting
catastrophe. Mankind can only survive if the peoples of the Earth contrive to live
in equilibrium with their environment. At present the environment staggers under the
impact of a relatively small number of major exploiters and polluters. A better life
for all is not compatible with the sustained and universal growth which is central to
most political thought. The gulf between North and South will continue to widen.
The present trickle of economic migrants will become a flood. Starvation, pestilence,
pandemics and war will surely follow. Most of us have been acutely conscious,
during our lives, of the threat of nuclear holocaust. As that dark and dire possibility
apparently recedes we must become aware of an equally bleak future if we fail to
limit population growth. It is already too late to avoid calamity but we might still
spare ourselves total catastrophe. We all know that we will die. However, we also
like to think that, with the help of modern technology and a degree of good fortune,
we might manage a little more than the proverbial three score years and ten. While
we are here, most of us see some sense in making the best of what the world has
to offer and would take comfort in the thought that, in so doing, our children might
be assured of an environment that they could find joy in. If the worst is to be avoided,
now is the time to strive towards equilibrium rather than to accelerate our movement
away from it.
Finally, at the end of this tale, I wish to return, very briefly, to the question
of obesity and diet (page 127 et seq.) because our attitudes to these encapsulate many
of our responses to much greater problems. In the richer countries there are large
numbers of people who would like to weigh less. Avoiding excess weight is a
complicated matter. Volumes have been written about diet but we are no nearer
solving this problem than solving unemployment, destitution, crime or preventing
fearful acts of war. We still yearn for some technical fix and prefer not to believe
that body fat only accumulates when calorific input exceeds calorific output. But, in
the end, even though we may hate the thought we come up against the laws of
thermodynamics. Energy and mass are one, there is no escape. Our attitude to our
planet is similar to our attitude to our bodies. We abuse both, careless of the
consequences. We prefer not to think about what we are doing at all or to heap scorn
on those who have the temerity to urge moderation. The latter is as it should be.
Scepticism is to be applauded. No one can look into the future and the way ahead
is littered with the remains of discredited predictions. Nevertheless we must
recognise and accept the bottom line drawn by thermodynamics. My position in this
is simple yet I fear that a casual reader might conclude that my Malthusian stance
implies that I see over-population as the cause of all evil. I do not. I need to look
no further than my own country. During a relatively short period, biologically
speaking, the population of the British Isles has not merely doubled it has increased
thirty fold. Everyone knows that this increase was made possible by the Industrial
Revolution (i.e. by technology). Putting aside the (not unrelated) fact that more have
died in warfare during this period than the total original population it is self evident
that there have been immense benefits. We live longer, we are well fed, we are spared
a great deal of pain and suffering. We have leisure. While we have undoubtedly
changed our environment out of all recognition we still live in a green and pleasant
land. Moreover, for many years now, our population has been stable. So why do I
conclude that the rest of the world cannot do the same? Why should it not continue
to increase (as it most certainly will), stabilise sometime in the middle of the next
century (at somewhere between 8 and 12 billion), and then live happily ever after.
Perhaps it will. At this moment we could feed probably 20 billion if we put our minds
to it. We will not run out minerals in the foreseeable future. There will still be oil
in the ground when we have ceased to use it. But, there’s the rub. The oil will be
there because it has become too expensive to extract. There may well be vast reserves
of oil and coal still to be discovered but the future is infinite and reserves of fossil
fuels are finite. What is worse, as we return all of this fixed carbon to the atmosphere
in a perilously short time we clearly risk major adverse effects on our environment.
We must then ask “for what?” It can be successfully argued that there is no past
correlation between increasing population and decreasing human welfare. On the
contrary, better times have come with more people. That the two have gone hand
in hand in the past, however, does not mean for one moment that they will continue
to go hand in hand in the changed circumstances of the future. Nor can it be
reasonably argued that the present exponential increase in population and its
associated pollution will make it easier to solve the inevitable problems that are
following in its wake. If earth science is right and fossil fuels are fast diminishing,
despite the fact that we currently float in a pool of oil, it is the decline in fossil fuels
which will first threaten increasing starvation. As we have seen, we eat the products
of past photosynthesis as we eat the products of contemporary photosynthesis and,
if that is to reflect the pattern of future agriculture, the two will decline together.
O.K., so we may come up with alternatives to oil, coal and gas and everything will
be fine again. All that CO2 and methane that we have blown off in the meantime
may not be so bad anyway and who cares if we never get to see a whale or a rain
forest? Such questions scarcely deserve answers. Instead we might reasonably pose
others. Much has been made in these pages of renewable, alternative energy sources.
Given the inevitability of short term increases in population, can it be doubted that
new and alternative technologies would not benefit from a longer period of
development? As we go through the looking glass into the future will we not have
to run to keep in the same place? Come what may, what is left of our flora (and its
dependent fauna) will have to cope with high CO2, and the distinct possibility of
significant changes in climate. Can it be maintained that a longer period of adaptation
to these changed circumstances would not be desirable? And, in the end, (why beat
about the bush) would not life be altogether sweeter if we could once again walk
through relatively safe and pleasant city streets rather than perilously and nervously
riding the subway from one foul patch to another?
All of this is mentioned here for two reasons. One is the hope that this book
may be read by prospective researchers who have yet to put pen to paper and should
be warned of what fate awaits them if they do. The second is to explain to a reader,
who has no intention of engaging in such matters, what policy has been adopted in
this book. It will be immediately obvious that although many names are mentioned
in the text there are very few specific citations such as:-
Citations of this sort have not been made frequently because, if this is to be
done at all, it should be done properly and the work involved in checking every
reference is so immense that it would have added at least one more year to the writing
of the book and might even have tipped the author into an early grave. There is also
the still unsolved problem of how to insert lots of reference into a text without
making it unpleasant to read. Not every reader wants chapter and verse for every
statement and to have almost every sentence peppered with unasked for references
can be a pain. At the same time most readers might wish to read other related works
and some, out of interest or proper scepticism, might wish to know where the author
got his “facts”. What I have done is to offer some sort of compromise. Naturally,
like all compromises, what follows is far from perfect.
“Photosynthesis” by D.O. Hall and K.K. Rao. Published by Edward Arnold, London
is an excellent, and comprehensive, introductory text and
“Light and Living Matter” by R.C. Clayton, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New
York (1970)
Even if it is slightly dated and out of print (but still obtainable through any
good library), it will not be too hard to guess why
This is authoritative and well presented. For every last thing you might wish
to know about photosynthesis, the key to the older literature is the monumental:-
Of the many volumes of this, 5 (1977), 6 (1979), 12A (1981), 12B (1982) and 19
(1986) are the most immediately relevant.
is a delight.
“Hothouse Earth -The Greenhouse Effect and Gaia”- by John Gribbin, Bantam
Press, London, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland. (1990)
is gripping and very readable (even if you might not care to embrace the Gaia bit).
To get into the hard stuff, the most recent comprehensive source of information
undoubtedly lies in the three volumes of:-
Like any multi-author work, some chapters are better than others but that by
Lovins (“Energy, people and industrialisation” Vol 1, pp. 301-326), is one of the
most electrifying, significant and philosphically amusing articles that I have ever
read. For this compelling reason I have drawn from it extensively in Chapter 9.
If rising carbon dioxide happens to by your forte, then the font of all
knowledge is:-
“Trends ‘9O” A Compendium of Data on Global Change from the Carbon Dioxide
Information Analysis Centre of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Tennessee Ed.
by T. A. Boden, Paul Kanciruk and M. P. Farell.
This invaluable work is sponsored by the United States Department of Energy but
be warned that it is what the title suggests and not light reading. Finally if we turn
to renewable resources, the U.K. Department of Energy publishes excellent and well
presented information (in colour) on this subject which is intended for the public at
large. These come from the:-
I also gladly acknowledge the use that I have made of the following books
“Energy and Food Production” by G. Leach, IPC Science and Technology Press
“Planets and Their Atmospheres - Origin and Evolution” John S. Lewis and Ronald
G. Prinn. Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, San Diego, San Francisco, New York,
London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo, San Paulo (1984).
“The Energy Fix” A. Porter, M. Spence and RR. Thompson, Pluto Press, London,
Sydney, Dover-New Hampshire (1986).