Signs of Death
Signs of Death
Signs of Death
It includes
Temporary suspension of heart beat and respiratory rate. The vital functions get so low that they cannot be observed
through clinical examination. Involuntary causes: 1. Drowning 2. General anesthesia 3. Electrocution 4. Heat stroke 5. Mesemeric tone 6. Prolonged illness 7. Deep shock Voluntarily yogis can lead themselves to suspended animation.
4. 5.
Cooling of body Changes in skin Changes in eyes Postmortem lividity Changes in muscles
heat loss gets lost. Heat production ceases while heat loss continues. This results in cooling of the body. Tells about the time elapsed since death. Body temperature is measured by chemical thermometer(thanatometer). Temperature is checked in following places: 1. Rectum 2. Liver 3. Nostrils and auditary meatus
temperature. The rate of cooling is not uniform. In first 2 hours, the average rate of fall of temperature is half of the temperature between body and the surroundings. In next 2 hours, the temperature falls at half of the initial rate. In subsequent hours, the rate of fall of temperature is quarter of initial rate. Example: Body temp: 38 C Room temp:20 Initial loss: 38-22=16/2=8C After 2 hrs: 8/2=4C In next hours: 8/4=2C
increases. This increase in temperature is known as postmortem caloricity. These conditions include: 1. Sunstroke and pontine hemorrhage 2. Tetanus and strychhnine poisoning 3. Acute bacterial and viral infections. Rate of cooling is modified by following conditions: 1. Age and condition of the body 2. Mode of death 3. Surroundings 4. Environmental temperature
The clear glistening appearance of cornea is lost. Cornea becomes dry, cloudy and opaque. Corneal reflex is lost. Light reflex is abolished. Intraocular tension falls. Eyes becomes flaccid.
even if the eyes remain open. There are areas of brownish black discolouration. The potassium content of viterous humour rises readily.
Loses elasticity
Lips tend to darken.
1-3 hrs
A series of mottled patches on dependant parts. Patches increase in size and coalasce.
distended toneless capillaries and small veins. Change in position before the fixation of lividity results in disapperance of patches. However change in position after fixation of lividity cause no effect on pattern of lividity. It is due to two reasons. 1. The blood cannot flow easily from distended toneless capillaries. 2. The tissues are already stained with hemoglobin.
put pressure on a part of body by thumb. If thumb blanches the area, then lividity is not fixed but thumb doesnot blanch the area, the lividity is fixed.
drowning In moving water
direct contact with the surface on which body is lying. Reason: compression of blood vessels by weight and pressure of the body. Misinterpretation areas of contact flattening can lead to serious errors.
Poison Carbon monoxide Cyanide Chlorates Phosphorus Nitrates Hydrogen sulphide opiates
Colour Cherry red Pink Chocolate brown Dark brown Red brown Bluish green Black
feature cause site margins colour swelling abrasion Microscopic appearance incision
lividity Engorgement of vessels Dependant parts Clearly defined uniform absent absent Blood components present in vessels, no inflammation Shows few oozing points
Bruise Vascular rupture Anywhere Irregular Variegated Present Present Blood components outside vessels, inflammation present Shows extravasated blood
Postmortem lividity Irregular, only in dependant parts Normal appearance of non dependant parts Hollow viscus show alternate stained and unstained areas
Congestion due to disease Involves the whole organ Pathological changes in organ evident Hollow viscus show uniform staining on stretching
Sign of death 2. Position of body at time of death 3. Time since death 4. Cause of death