SAP CRM Service Billing Configurationbilling Configuration

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Billing Configuration

1.1.1 Replicating Service Characteristics Relevant to Controlling Use

The purpose of this activity is to replicate the characteristics of service processes (contracts, orders and confirmations) that you want to use for Controlling in the ERP system.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRM_SERVICE_CO_CHAR Customer Relationship Management Transactions Settings for Service Transactions Integration Replicate Service Characteristics Relevant to Controlling

2. Select the RFC destination of your replication target system (ERP system). 3. Mark the following objects to be replicated: Transaction Types Item Categories Organizational Units Service Types Valuation Types Product Categories

4. Choose Execute. Follow Controlling configuration as attached:-

controlling integration.doc

The characteristics of service processes (contracts, orders and confirmations) that you want to use for Controlling in the ERP system have been replicated.

1.1.2 Assigning Plant and Storage Location to Service Organizational Units Use
In this activity you define which plant and which storage location of this plant is assigned a combination of service organization, service team and service employee. The assignment applies to service processes in SAP CRM and is used to determine the correct plant and storage location when withdrawing or reserving spare part items.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO


Customer Relationship Management Master Data Organizational Management Cross-System Assignment of Organizational Units Assign Plant and Storage Location to Service Organizational Units

2. Choose New Entries 3. Maintain the values as shown in the following tables: Field name Service Organization Service Team Service Employee Plant Stor. Loc. User action and values O 50000635 * * <your plant> 6330 <your storage location> 10

4. Choose Save and select a customizing request if necessary. 5. Choose Back.

1.1.3 Service Process Controlling Integration Use

The purpose of this section is to describe the necessary settings for the controlling integration. For controlling integration to function, you must define the controlling scenario in the ERP system and assign this to a combination of service characteristics.

1.1.4 Checking Order Type for Internal Order (SAP ERP) Use
The purpose of this activity is to have an order type for the internal order needed. The Order Type is the Key SAP CO Customizing for CRM Integration. If the order type SAPS already exists, you can skip this section.

If order type SAPS needs to be created, an according number range needs to be created for the new order type before running this transaction. Do not change the Term SAPS, program logic is depending on this setting.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu KOT2_FUNCAREA Controlling Internal Orders Order Master Data Define Order Types

2. Check if order type SAPS CRM Service already exists (choose Position). If not, choose New Entries. 3. In the dialog box select order category 01 (Internal Order (Controlling)) 4. Enter the following values:

Order Type Order category Number range interval General parameters Settlement prof. Object class

SAPS Internal Order (Controlling) 500000 599999

CRM Service

90 (Not for Settlement) Production

Collective order without automatic goods movement Control indicators CO Partner Update Revenue postings Archiving Residence Time 1 Residence Time 2 Status management Release immediately 5. Save your entries. X 3 (Months) 24 (Months) Semi-active X

A new order type for internal orders SAPS has been created.

1.1.5 Creating a Billing Unit Use

The purpose of this activity is to create the billing unit(s) being assigned to sales orders via the respective sales organization when performing sales transactions.

You are logged on to the CRM WebClient with user power_user and password welcome.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation option: SAP CRM WebClient menu Master Data Create: Corporate Account

2. In the assignment block Account Details enter at least the following data: Field Name General Data Name 1 <description of the billing unit> Field Entry

Main Address and Communication Data Country IN

3. Press Enter. 4. In the assignment block Roles select the Role Billing Unit from the drop down list.

5. Save your entries and take a note of the number of the newly created Billing Unit: BP ID: 100000052

A billing organization unit has been created.

1.1.6 Assigning Billing Unit to Sales Organization Use

In this activity you define which billing unit is determined from the sales organization. This applies to sales transactions in CRM Online that are billed in CRM Online and then posted as billing documents in SAP ERP Financial Accounting (FI).

The respective sales organizations and billing units are already defined in the system.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Master Data Organizational Management Cross-System Assignment of Organizational Units Assign Billing Units to Sales Organizations

2. Choose New Entries (F5) and enter the following data: Field Name Sales Org. SOrg. Bill. Unit 100000052 Field Entry O 50000636

3. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).

A billing unit has been assigned to each relevant sales organization.

1.1.7 Assigning Billing Unit to Service and Sales Organization Use

The purpose of this activity is to define for service and sales transactions which billing units are found from the appropriate service/sales organizations.

The respective service and sales organizations and billing units are already defined in the system.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Master Data Organizational Management Cross-System Assignment of Organizational Units Assign Billing Units to Service/Sales Organizations

2. Choose New Entries (F5) and enter the following data: Field Name ServiceOrg ServiceOrg Sales Org. SOrg. Bill. Unit Field Entry <ID of BP_SERVICE> O 50000635 BP_SERVICE <ID of BP_SALES> O 50000622 BP_SALES <ID of BP Billing Unit> 8000000273

3. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).

A billing unit has been assigned to each relevant service and sales organization.

1.1.8 Assigning Company Code to Billing Unit Use

The purpose of this activity is to define which company code is determined from the respective billing unit. This applies to sales transactions and service transactions in CRM Online that are invoiced via CRM Online, and posted as billing documents in SAP ERP Financial Accounting (FI).

Company Code 0201 has been replicated and a new billing unit has been created.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO


Customer Relationship Management Master Data Organizational Management Cross-System Assignment of Organizational Units Assign Company Codes to Billing Units

2. Choose New Entries (F5) and select the following values (using the input help): Field Name Bill. Unit CoCode Field Entry <ID of BP Billing Unit> 100000052 <your company code> (e.g., 0201)

3. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).

1.1.9 Assigning Business Area to Service and Sales Organization Use

In this activity you define which business areas are determined from which service organization, sales organization, distribution channel, and division combinations. This applies to CRM service transactions that are invoiced via CRM Online and posted as invoices in ERP FI. The input help for business areas offers the business areas in the ERP system that is assigned to the CRM Online application. If you have the SAP system number displayed bottom right in your SAP window you see the number of the SAP system there when you use the input help for business areas.

The respective service and sales organizations and billing units are already defined in the system.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Master Data Organizational Management Cross-System Assignment of Organizational Units Assign Business Areas to Service/Sales Organizational Units

2. Choose New Entries (F5) and enter the following data: Field Name ServiceOrg ServiceOrg Sales Org. SOrg. DChan Field Entry <ID of BP_SERVICE> BP_SERVICE <ID of BP_SALES> BP_SALES <your distribution channel> (e.g., 10)

Field Name Division Bus. area

Field Entry * <your business area> (e.g., 0001)

3. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).

A billing unit has been assigned to each relevant service and sales organization.

1.1.10 Define Billing relevance of Item Category

Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Billing Define Billing relevance of Item Category

1.1.11 Define Billing Types

Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Billing Define Billing Types Chose CRMB

Choose new Entry and create ZF2D

1.1.12 Item Category Customizing

Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Billing Item Category Customization Chose CRMB

Choose new Entry and create ZSDB

1.1.13 Item Category Customizing

Transaction code SPRO


Customer Relationship Management Billing Item Category Determination Assign Item Categories CRMB

Choose new Entry and create

1.1.14 Accounting Integration

Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Billing Integration Transfer of billing documents to Accounting Transfer to Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) and Accounts Payable (FI-AP) Assign Tax Transaction Key

Choose new Entry and create

1.1.15 Assign Tax Code

Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Billing Integration Transfer of billing documents to Accounting Transfer to Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) and Accounts Payable (FI-AP) Assign Tax Codes

1.1.16 Assign Revenue Accounts for Service Processes

Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Billing Integration Transfer of billing documents to Accounting Transfer to Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) and Accounts Payable (FI-AP) Assign Revenue Accounts for Service Processes

1.1.17 Assign Document Types

Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management Billing Integration Transfer of billing documents to Accounting Transfer to Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) and Accounts Payable (FI-AP) Assign Document Types

Choose ZF2D

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