Question Bank C++

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Question Bank Unit I

Q1 What do you mean by object oriented approach? Discuss the characteristics of object oriented approach. Also discuss its needs and advantages. Q2 What is a userdefined data type? Explain in detail with examples. Q3 What do you mean by a function prototype? Discuss the various ways by which we can pass parameters to functions. Q4 Explain in detail: Inline functions Recursive functions Q5 Write a program to explain the concept of a function with default arguments. Q6 Discuss reference variables with respect to functions Q7 Discuss the new and delete operators in c++.

Unit 2
Q1 What do you mean by a class and an object? How do you define a class and its members? Explain with the help of a program. Q2 What are the different ways of defining a function for a class? Explain with a program Q3 What is a constructor?Define the different types of constructors available with an example. Q4 Explain the concept of the following: Function Overloading Constructor overloading Q5 State the differences between a constructor and a destructor. Also explain the order of calling of constructors and destructors with an example.

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