PC ++ Important Questions
PC ++ Important Questions
PC ++ Important Questions
Unit I
1. Explain basic structure of C++ program with Examples.
2. What is the need of data types in C++? Describe different data types along
with their representations and size in C++.
3. Discuss different string handling functions available in C++.
4. Explain briefly about the arrays ? Write an example for Multidimensional
Unit II
1.Explain in detail about the Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
2.Is it possible for a non member function to access the private members of
a class? Explain with proper example your validation.
3.Write a program to read two numbers from the keyword and display large
no. on the screen.
4. Make a class Student. The Student class has data members such a sroll
number, name, branch. Create a class called Exam that has data members
roll number and six subject marks. Derive the result class from Student and
Exam it has own data members such a total mark, and result. Write a C++
program to model the relationships.
5. Describe Operator overloading -- unary and Binary operators.
6. Write C++ program to accept item details (imo, Iname, Iprice) of five items.
Display item name with the highest price using classes and objects.
7. Explain the concept of Constructors and Destructors with suitable
8. Explain Friend Function and Friend class in detail.
9. Explain This Pointer in Detail
10. Explain encapsulation in the context of Object Oriented programming.
State the advantages of encapsulation.
11. Distinguish between early binding and late binding with example
Unit III
Unit IV
1. Define a Divide By Zero definition and use it to throw exceptions on
attempts to divide by zero.
2. Explain the process of open, read, write and close files.
3. Explain in detail about the file stream with example
4. Give syntax of and explain various functions related to ifstream and
ofstream classes: seekp(), getline(),hide(),tail().
5. What is exception handling? Explain types of exception handling and
explain suitable example.
Unit V
1. Write a program to swap two integers using function template
2. Discuss in detail about the Standard Template library and Standard
Library container classes
3. Implement different types of templates in C++ with example.
4. Explain in detail about the class and Function templates with example
5. What is a function template? Elucidate with suitable example.