Biology of Kundalini - Jana Dixon
Biology of Kundalini - Jana Dixon
Biology of Kundalini - Jana Dixon
Exploring the Fire of Life
Jana Dixon
Dedicated to Mr. Universal and my friends in the fame. Many thanks to all
the fabulous people that have contributed to this book knowingly or unknowingly.
May your light shine eternally into the deepest night. Special thanks to New
Zealand for being the most magnifcent and mystical country in the world, and for
giving me such an appreciation for beauty, science and the mystery.
Because of the urgent need, this book has been bestowed on the world
many decades before the extensive lab research needed to solidify a true science
of kundalini. I wish to make it clear that I am not a spiritual teacher and make
no claims to any degree of enlightenment. Nor am I a medical doctor. The only
authority I have comes from my own experience, gnosis and research. Nothing
contained in this book should be construed, nor is intended to be used for medical
diagnosis or treatment. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in
seeking it because of something you have read in BOK.
This alchemical symbol describes the Chemical Wedding or the Sacred
Marriage of the charge, poles, hemispheres and sexes. The triangle represents
ascending male/yang/positive force and the circle symbolizes the encompassing
female/yin/negative. The Caduceus represents the dance of the two polar forces in
the spiral movement of all energy and matter through spacetime, in generating the
evolutionary process of the Universe. The fre symbolizes the zero point plenum
from which Kundalini, Matter and Spirit emerge. The prana, Ether or ferment that
is both the Source, Cause and fnal Omega.
taBle oF contents
Part iPreliminaries
Preface ................................................................................................................1
Introduction .......................................................................................................3
My Story ............................................................................................................7
Initiation ..........................................................................................................14
Preparation .......................................................................................................22
Conscious Incarnation ......................................................................................28
Part iisYmPtomoloGY
Sense of Self .....................................................................................................33
Symptoms List .................................................................................................37
Exploring the Symptoms ..................................................................................39
Immune System and Transmutation .................................................................49
Lysosomes-Becoming Unglued .........................................................................53
Kundalini in Diaphragm and Throat ................................................................55
Heart Expansions .............................................................................................58
A Tolerance for Bliss .........................................................................................64
Inner-conjunction ............................................................................................69
Part iiicYcles oF aWaKeninG
Cosmic Infuences ............................................................................................75
Age and Kundalini ...........................................................................................82
Phases of Kundalini ..........................................................................................84
Down is Up ......................................................................................................86
Shock of Awakening .........................................................................................90
Ego Death ........................................................................................................93
Die-offs ............................................................................................................97
Depression .....................................................................................................105
No Problem....................................................................................................110
Burnout or Redemption .................................................................................113
Evolution is Not an Illness ..............................................................................116
Dropping the Pain-body .................................................................................118
Mathematics of Awakening ............................................................................122
Part iVPHYsioloGY oF KUnDalini
The Nervous System ......................................................................................125
Kundalini Gland ............................................................................................143
Hormones ......................................................................................................146
Healthy Hormonal Foundation ......................................................................155
Nitric Oxide ...................................................................................................160
Histamine ......................................................................................................169
Heat ...............................................................................................................178
Thyroid ..........................................................................................................184
Autolysis-Self Digestion ..................................................................................188
Kindling Effect ...............................................................................................194
Bliss ................................................................................................................205
The Crystal Palace ..........................................................................................215
The Amrita-Heart Connection .......................................................................226
Downside of Bliss ...........................................................................................229
High Pressure Symptoms ................................................................................240
Magnesium ....................................................................................................247
Part VmecHanism oF KUnDalini
Zero to 3 Years ...............................................................................................251
Polyvagal Theory ............................................................................................256
Crisis Management ........................................................................................261
Kundalini and Schizophrenia .........................................................................264
Archetypal Matrix ..........................................................................................269
Therapeutic Facilitation .................................................................................277
Part Vimeta~PHYsics
Superfuidity ..................................................................................................285
Electromagnetics ............................................................................................287
Bio-Lightning Effect .......................................................................................291
Light ..............................................................................................................297
Prana ..............................................................................................................299
Time ..............................................................................................................302
Biological Relation to Zero-Point ...................................................................311
The Keystone~Biophotons .............................................................................321
Part ViimeaninG
Meaning of Kundalini ....................................................................................341
Relationship ...................................................................................................346
Projection .......................................................................................................353
Supra-sex ........................................................................................................358
Tantric Union ................................................................................................362
Creativity and Kundalini ................................................................................368
Pitfalls on the Path .........................................................................................374
Part ViiiKUnDalini Practices
Kundalini Skills List .......................................................................................381
Inner Arts Practice ..........................................................................................402
Cardio Muscular Release ................................................................................410
Psychospacial Mediation .................................................................................412
Neuroemotional Reprogramming ...................................................................414
Psychosomatic Release ....................................................................................417
Pot of Gold ....................................................................................................419
Primal Release Pose ........................................................................................421
Welcoming Belonging Therapy ......................................................................423
Conscious Embodiment Practice ....................................................................424
Part iXmetaBolics oF lonGeVitY
Anti-aging ......................................................................................................425
Free Radicals and Kundalini ...........................................................................439
Blood Sugar and Glycation .............................................................................445
Silicon ............................................................................................................452
Mucopolysaccharides ......................................................................................462
Dirt~The Elixir of Life ...................................................................................467
Remineralization ............................................................................................472
Eicosanoids ....................................................................................................476
Liver Detoxifcation .......................................................................................483
Growth Hormone ..........................................................................................488
Part XProtocol
Higher Homeostasis .......................................................................................490
Kundalini and Diet ........................................................................................494
The Provita Plan.............................................................................................501
Pain ................................................................................................................504
Turning It Off ................................................................................................507
Superfood Smoothie .......................................................................................508
Supplements For Awakening ..........................................................................513
Five Formulas For Kundalini ..........................................................................516
Supplement List .............................................................................................519
Herb List ........................................................................................................540
More Supplement Suggestions ........................................................................557
End Rap .........................................................................................................568
BiBlioGraPHY .........................................................................................571
resoUrces ................................................................................................577
KUNDALINI - (Sanskrit kund, to burn; kunda, to coil or to spiral) so-
called because it is believed to lie like a serpent in the root chakra at the
base of the spine. Kundalini is a psycho-spiritual energy, the energy of the
consciousness; a concentrated feld of intelligent, cosmic, invisible energy,
intrinsic and vital to life. Reputedly beginning in the base of the spine when
a man or woman begins to evolve as wisdom/Presence is earned through
spiritual surrender. Kundalini has been described as liquid fre and liquid
light and is an aspect of Shakti, the divine female energy and consort of Shiva.
The ultimate outcome of kundalini is the union of Will (shakti-kundalini),
Knowledge (prana-kundalini) and Action (para-kundalini). The inner fre is
the most potent of all forces, for it knows no limits and penetrates the fabric
of space, matter and time.
The aim of this book is to suggest a preliminary protocol to support the fre
of kundalini, allowing for permanent gains in transformation. To do this we
must prevent ego blowback and prevent neurodegeneration, thereby reducing the
biological depression that often happens after an awakening. As the science of
kundalini progresses such a protocol for adaptation or higher homeostasis will be
greatly refned and expanded. Till then, please be aware dear reader that this is an
experimental book. The medical research that will give us the defnitive answers
to the secrets of metamorphosis has yet to be done. In the past we have had no
scientifc understanding as to what was actually happening during kundalini and
so the alchemy of spirit was shrouded in mystery and superstition. Now in with
modern science we can begin to understand what is really going on, and thus build
an alchemical science like never before. There is an urgent need to understand
the evolutionary process of transmutation, for our human survival might indeed
necessitate it.
The Biology of Kundalini will hopefully change the way we look at spiritual
evolution, medicine and ourselves. With this book I offer a theory of the biology of
kundalini, which explains many of the symptoms, suggests a protocol of adaptation,
and encourages research into a new branch of medicine...Evolutionary Medicine.
It is part self-help book and part notes for students, scientists and medical minds
with an interest in the alchemy of consciousness. It also honors the often diffcult
process of spiritual crisis in a way that hopefully will reduce the suffering for those
undergoing the Great Transformation, and for those around them watching
the miracle. This information will be invaluable for anyone going through an
awakening, for their family and for therapists both medical and psychological.
BOK is laid out in spiral fashion so that subjects will be picked up again further
down the path at a deeper level, after interlocking material on related subjects. If
you are a doctor or kundalini researcher, you may want to download BOK from so that you can do word searches and connect up the loops of the spiral
in your own documents. I recommend you pass over areas you fnd dry on the frst
couple of readings. If the subject of metamorphosis in anyway inspires you then
eventually even the dry areas will become juicy.
It is very important to grasp the distinction between damage (pathology and
disease) and the transformative process of metamorphosis. Certain phases of
metamorphosis include cellular necrosis and catabolic breakdown, for the new
cannot grow without the removal of the old. Kundalini with its amplifed metabolism
and nerve activity and increased oxidation, will eventually tend to down-regulate
neurotransmitter and hormonal receptors, as well as rewiring the nervous system.
However even if we are in the between-slump, when the hyper-functioning has
backed off, but our receptors have not yet regrown, we cannot really consider
kundalini as being brain damaging. We must see all phases of metamorphosis as
necessary allostatic changes in the transformation of our organism and the human
collective. Once we drop our pathologizing and bring compassion to the whole of
it, we prevent the secondary-backlash chemistry that causes regression and hence
get to keep the gains made through heightened kundalini.
I dont recommend that anyone pursue the raising of kundalini energy itself.
Instead I recommend detoxifcation, supernutrition, nerve and body strengthening,
plus self-discovered spiritual practices and soulful adventures. I recommend
following your Muse, developing your creative genius and working on giving your
greatest gift for the widest distribution. If you do these things then an awakening
is very likely to occur. If you dont do these things then you will not be prepared
for a kundalini awakening and will have no use for it and so it will probably not
serve you or anyone else. Therefore I dont tell people directly how to raise their
kundalini, but encrypted throughout BOK are ways that you can use to aliven the
spirit within.
BOK is for the solutions-orientated original thinker, who cherishes inner
authority and the sense of the living Spirit. The living Spirit is untamed, cannot be
defned, or encased within any book, creed or teaching, nor entombed within any
system, nor encrusted with dogma. Remember this, and you will not be burdened
with the weight of your own belief system. Only the living Spirit itself contains
the juice, and the living Spirit is always new. Writing this book has been
the most incredible ride...the information arises on a wave of energy and bliss.
When I am hot on the kundalini trail spiritual Presence is heightened, the muse
is tangibly potent and the pieces of the puzzle formulate themselves around the
pull of the Holy Spirit. I have attempted in BOK to make what was unconscious,
conscious and what was subrational, rational. The species work we need to do
now is in emotional authenticity, shadow projection and building up the visionary
neurology. These I will go into in more detail in BOK-2.
Future books associated with this work include Raw Weight Loss and
Detoxification, BOK -2 which has more of the alchemy, physics and sociology of
kundalini, Cosmic Influences on the Earthly Realm and Solaris: Vision of a Future
Throughout this book the term kundalini awakening is used interchangeably
with metamorphosis, spiritual alchemy, spiritual acceleration, the inner marriage,
the sacred marriage, The Passion and even The Great Bliss. The energy of
kundalini could be variously called prana, chi, mana, star-fre. Also around the
world it is referred to as ka, ichor, inua, sila, manetuwak, oloddumare, qi, Tao,
ki, aether, archeus, etheric energy, vital life-essence, vital energy or life force, and
quintessence. Baron Carl von Reichenbach called it the odic force (od), Paracelsus
- archaeus, Wilhelm Reich - orgone, Ken Wilber - Spiritual Eros, Henri Bergson
- lan vital, Tielhard de Chardin - radial energy and Freud - libido and it is also
synonymous with Sheldrakes morphogenetic felds.
Whether it be from a spontaneous awakening, the result of spiritual practice
(sadhana) or through Shaktipat from a Guru, metamorphosis tends to be such an
overwhelming cataclysmic process that the more knowledge and tools for the road
we have the better. Transformation is not comfortable, but it can be paced. To
surrender to our own evolution, is to strengthen us to endure the all-consuming
fame of spirit. My aim in writing this book is to help others in facilitating their
own chemistry through a sustained awakening, rather than have it go wildly
up and down in raw reactivity. For in my experience after a full-on six month
kundalini peak it takes about fve years to recover, but the more we know about
the neurological activity of kundalini, the higher the potential spiritual gains and
the faster the recovery.
One can see in each of us going through this phenomena, that it is transpersonal,
archetypal and trans-anthropomorphic. Though in its insidious omnipresence it
is intensely personal and specifc, especially crafted to our own unique needs and
condition, for it is a consummate perfect storm of the Self. Kundalini works with
whatever we have built ourselves to be. Whatever our encrustations and blocks,
the fre in perfect equanimity uses everything good and bad to fuel the fame of
You can look at kundalini through quantum, subatomic, atomic, molecular,
cellular, organ, organism, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, mystical, mythic,
sociological and species evolutionary lensfor it encompasses all of these. Just
because our reality has a material component however, is not to dismiss the sublime
beauty and signifcance of our subjective experience of the Divine. Kundalini is very
specifc and unique chemistry, that uses every facet of our biology, and affects our
entire being. To me kundalini is a friend, a lover, a guide, a teacher, a taskmaster,
a spirit and the presence of the Holy Ghost. As I became familiar with kundalini I
noticed that any genuine insight or creative urge, simultaneous arises on a fux of
kundalini. Thus I really have to say that kundalini is none other than spirit itself,
manifesting on every level. In fact any meaningful psychic, relational, mental or
spiritual event is simultaneous with a fux in kundalini.
The fre of Transmutation feels like desire, it feels like passion, the ULTIMATE
passion. So we have to distinguish between life-destructive desires that reduce the
fre of Transmutation and the GREAT Passion itself. The paradoxes involved with
kundalini abound. The more we do to open ourselves up, the hotter the fame
becomes. But if we try to stem the fame then we regress and damage ourselves.
It really is a case of how much bliss we can stand and how fast can we process
our emerging Self, which is largely determined by how fast and thoroughly we
can unload our baggage and past self. The increasing sense of being at home and
being Alive makes metamorphosis seem inevitable. As the awakening speeds our
incarnation, a feeling of objective conscience (baraka) and gratitude arises as a
powerful urge to go-with the force of evolution. For the spiritual drive of Eros
is our own deepest source and condition of being that we share with all Life.
If we do not listen and surrender to this feeling of right-will, we will resort to
sense gratifcation and self-destruction in an effort to avoid our Self and abdicate
our lives.
Kundalini awakening can leave us totally incapacitated at times, or permanently
damaged as far as our adaptability to this culture. Even Muktananda complained
that he feared he would not be able to look after himself after he had experienced
samadhi a couple of times. The Guru ashram system is great in this way, in that
it insures those that are completely lost to kundalini, will be looked after. Not so
in Western society however, the initiate is more likely to be misunderstood, taken
advantage of or locked up. Thus the more we know about the kundalini process,
the better adapted we can be to the evolutionary force while still surviving in the
Western way of life.
Metamorphosis must surely be the most amazing and misunderstood phenomena
on earth. My main intent while writing this book was to dispel misinformation,
myths, fear, resistance and superstition with regards to this most mysterious of all
life processes. So many things have to be right for a successful kundalini awakening;
going it alone is hard; being insulted and attacked by spiritual Nazis (formalists) for
expressing ones experience--these make it harder. The experience of persecution
is a common one, and the individual learns to not take it personally, and this too
becomes part of the courageous growth of the Self, while we live in a society that
is largely ignorant of and fearful of metamorphosis. Compassion and joy gets you
safely through any social ignorance.
The path of fre compared to the stoic path of many traditions might seem
unruly and unsure, but the heart can understand kundalini better than the mind
can. The heart just knows! My work is entirely bent on helping to alleviate ignorance
on this matter, to reduce the compounded suffering humanity has undergone in
the name of evolution. If one is already in total upheaval with kundalini its just
not advantageous to have ones community responding in devalidation, fear and
rejection to ones metamorphic altered states. Thus the initiate has to be twice as
strongboth to endure the fre, and to endure the social backlash.
In life we get remarkable opportunities but without knowledge, strength and
determination we can make a mess of the greatest gifts nature offers us such as
sex, youth, brains, talent and kundalini awakenings. With a kundalini awakening
we are given the possibility of unwinding the bodymind that has been largely
conditioned by others, in order to be remade by a will larger than our own, and
far larger than the social will. Kundalini takes us on a Kosmic adventure to the
essential core of consciousness in life. I wonder how illumed life would be if all
stops where pulled out, and we could handle the full charge of what could only be
called extreme lifestyle.
Metamorphosis is perhaps the most complicated thing humans can investigate.
Scientifc investigation doesnt destroy the mystery, it is just one of the languages
we use to describe it. In fact scientifc understanding increases the depth and span
of the mystery taking it to new heights. There is nothing romantic about being
in the depths of total upheaval and not knowing what the heck is going on at
the cellular and chemical level. Beyond the veil of material reality, inconceivably
mystery is at play, working tirelessly for the greater good.
All biological processes from the very beginnings of life go toward creating this
awesome chemistry change...a huge jump to the next level beyond the normal-
human function. Transmutation doesnt accidentally just happen, it is the
ultimate outcome of all life. All life in all its trillions and trillions of atomic and
molecular transactions over the last 4 billion years is an inevitable chain of events
autopoietically undertaken by a hylozoic universe, to ultimately lead up to the
transmuting human bodymind. We are the Universe becoming aware, that we are
the Universe becoming aware of itself. I cant even express how awesome it is that
this alchemical chemistry is an a priori attractorit is the kundalini passion, the
muse itself that is driving me to reveal itself. Kundalini and spiritual evolution is
the tangible manifestation of the great drive toward divinity that every atom of the
universe has secretly been engaged in from the beginning.
Since it is completely natural, like child bearing or falling in love, my mind
just boggles at this zenith chemistry and its unity with the Entire Chain of Being.
Transmutation is a priori evolutionary drivethis was the goal all along. If not,
then how could the ultimate chemistry just happen in everyday classical biology.
Surely this nexus must have been the carrot drawing life through its infnite choices.
The clockwork precision of the creative universe has got to be admired. Kundalini
uses all chemicals and systems in the is a form of ultimate chemistry
which life has been working toward for eons. Either it will drive us mad, or we will
be saved from ourselves.
The way that we have built our bodies in the West, with dough bodies of
starch, sugar and stimulants means that we do not have the mineral base, energy
reserves, protein strength and cellular integrity to withstand intense kundalini.
With feeble structural integrity, instead of steady sustained evolution, we tend to
blow up like a ton of dynamite. Since increasingly more people will be exposed
to kundalini energy through Eastern practices and the stress of increased survival
pressures, it means we will have increasing numbers of individuals popping
in bodies and lives that could be severely damaged by the full evolutionary of
consciousness. The Eastern teachers and traditions cannot help us in the West
with this problem, for our biophysical, mental and social make up is quite different
to what has historically been the case in the East. The medical industry in its
present form cannot help us. They will attempt to suppress the symptoms with
mY storY
My story starts in rural New Zealand at the age of 16, when infamed with the
heat of Eros and the Muse, I drew pictures of this curiously beautiful man with
a conical spiral hat on his head. I knew the pictures I drew were of a new type of
human I called the Universal Man, who would be born out of the old. Even back
then I was aspiring to the mystic civilization.
In July 1988 at the age of 27 after two years sailing through the pacifc and
living in Hawaii, I went back to Auckland and took a job as a picture framer and
went on a raw diet. Six months later due to various stresses and along with an
unconscious biological intuition of my fathers immanent death, I had my frst
kundalini awakening. Though at the time I knew nothing of kundalini, I just
assumed I had been struck by lightning from God so to speak. There was a
nervous condition fall-out from my frst awakening that lasted until I left New
Zealand for California eight months after my fathers death. But basically I could
not adjust to unadjustable conditions, for my consciousness was emerging from its
repressive mechanisms and it needed space.
No obvious kundalini activity occurred for almost ten years after that frst blast.
My book writing escapade started in 1993 and most of my energy went into that;
I was resolving my past and attempting to heal myself and my family through my
writing. Then in 1996 I saw a face in a book catalog that looked curiously like my
Universal Man. So I got the book, read the frst sentence and started laughing.
Yep, this was him alright. I proceeded to read his books, revving up my neurons
and exploring his worldview.
The Universal Man then started to show up in my deepest most meaningful
dreams. The frst dream I had on a visit to Hawaii, which refected on the core
nature of my potential for relationship. In this frst dream I learnt that fear of
intimacy and fear of rejection are the same thing, and that the resolution of this
constitutes the success or failure of all relationship, including that which we have
with our own soul. I cant say I would have gotten such a clear picture of the
cause and resolution of the separate-self-sense and its self-alienating mechanism, if
I had not had that frst dream of Universal Man. I had this dream 3 years prior to
meeting my initiator and it did not prevent me from playing out an excruciating
drama of separation as I came up against my own barriers to intimacy.
As an archetypal infuence on my psyche Mr. Universal touched my core wiring
for bonding, and basically revealed to me a hole in my primary matrix. Since I
had not bonded well with my family in infancy, this fueled an irreconcilable sense
of separation I carried with me throughout life. Richard Alan Miller points out that
individuals with a high natural endorphin level fail to bond well, due to a decreased
desire and need to bond. Some factors that would increase endorphin neurology
in a fetus and infant are, the stress and workload of the mother, inharmonious
and patriarchal marriages, solar max, war, poverty, poor nutrition of the mother
and addiction in the family. All givens come with a pro and a con however, so
such a circumstance need not be all bad. Such individuals are more likely to be
unconvinced by consensus reality, not dependent on relationship, exhibit an
expanded range of consciousness and unique creativity.
At sunset I would meditate on a ledge of some vertical red rocks, while facing
toward the sun. I also ran in the hills, and hung on a bar from my hips. I was
intuitively drawn to do nude sun meditations and put sun-heated rocks on my
body to relieve energy blocks and muscular contractions. Afterwards I would
jump into a cold stream to try to awake up from the bliss and right-brain trance
I was inmy goal after all in moving to Colorado was to wake up. I did these
practices nearly every day for the frst few months in an attempt to handle the
chemistry I was experiencing and intuitively I knew I was preparing myself to meet
Mr. Universal.
Of course all my efforts to handle the energy only served to propagate and
exaggerate the awakening I was about to have. Ten days into July things started
to get really strange. The left side of my head and brain had become signifcantly
numb with a vice-like cramp and I had shifted even further into a more right-
brained elemental consciousness. I thought I had just pinched a nerve while using
the hot rocks, as I had used one as a pillow. But no, this left-brain freeze was
accompanied by the classic kundalini symptomsleft foot tingle, ecstasy, heart
expansions, along with a full body rise in temperature and a permanent blissful
sexual heat.
One morning three days after this strange left-brain freeze began I woke up at
11.00 am, whereas normally I awoke at 6.00 am. This holy exquisite day that I
had awoken to was like no other. Everything was scintillating with white light, and
there was celestial music playing in my head as I wandered through the afternoon
in a very right-brained state. That evening I was to attend a book talk by a spiritual
teacher and I told some friends on a web forum that I would give them a review
of this authors talk. It was early as I entered the room where the authors talk was
to be held. Mr. Universal was there on the stage with his back to me. He turned
around like a panther with a smile on his face like he knew I had walked into the
room. You can imagine the shock, seeing him live after 24 years and me being in
this utterly weird right-brain condition that I had no control over and which was
somehow related to him. Note that this is indeed July that I am seeing him like
the Full Moon had told me.
That night Mr. Universal was cameraman at his friends book talk. Alarmingly
he proceeds to set up his camera not four feet from where I was seated. Whereupon
I respond with a series of panic attacks and with each wave he sensed my panic
and backed away from me. I had just read in this authors book that energy applied
to counter something sets up an opposite effect, like being in the zero-gravity of space
and punching forward while being bodily forced backwards. Having read this I
was trying to digest the panic by moving into it without trying to counter it,
as each wave washed over me. New activity began in my prefrontal lobes from
the frst instant of being in Mr. Universals presence. My prefrontals had never
responded to anyone else like this, nor ever will again.
The following evening was the introduction of the weekend workshop that was
to follow the authors book talk. So I trot along thinking I will see Mr. Universal
Man and sure enough he was there playing cameraman again. I sat in a row of chairs
and began talking to the guy beside me. Next thing I know someone pounced
their fngers on my back. I assume someone wants me to shift along so I scuffed
my chair and peered back to see that it was Mr. Universal that had pounced. His
fngers had penetrated my fesh with such love that I thought Christ himself had
touched me. For days after there were little spirals of zingy energy going off at the
back of my heart where he had touched.
There was a Shaktipat effect from Mr. Universals spontaneous touch, however
I had been heating up for 4 years prior to that and was already in full peak chemistry
during the time I was in his presence. His work and presence was the catalyst for the
entire 11 year awakening and the touch was just one extra ingredient in propelling
a full mature peak. We not only affect each other via kundalini when we are in
each others presence, we also affect those we are close to across the globe, as well as
the entire noosphere. If one was to view spirituality from an ethical viewpoint, this
is the moral imperative to get our act together. Our affect on others is much more
pronounced when we are going through intense kundalini.
During the workshop, while in the Universal Mans presence, the acceleration
phase of the alchemy proceeded. The main component of this was gratitude
awesome gratitude for the privilege of being in his presence. Nearly everyone going
through kundalini awakenings feels a sublime sense of gratitude as a result of the
hormonal changes that occur, but mine was specifcally focused on gratitude for
being around Mr. Universal. It was like my entire life had come to a head.
While in his presence it was a trial to just be in my body as my digestive system
was purging and every pain, numbness and deadness within me was presenting
itself to my awareness. It felt also like my feld had expanded and all my spiritual
pores had opened up. My pelvis felt like it was expanding in the way that it does
in the frst few weeks of pregnancy and I sensed there was a spiral cord of energy
descending into the ground from my pelvis. This was probably due to the great
increase in histamine and consequent increase in Nitric Oxide, which facilitated
the dilation of the uterus just as it does during pregnancy. This is an example
of extreme chemistry sparked off by the hyper activated sympathetic nervous
system and uniquely amplifed hormone profle.
Partly because I was preoccupied by these unusual symptoms, I never got to greet
the Universal man in the normal way. Had I done so I probably would not have
experienced such extreme alchemical phenomena. Due to the utter frustration of
having such an unearthly attraction aborted, and my separate-self-sense challenged
to the limit of endurance, all that energy went into igniting my metamorphic
fame. I suspect that had there been even a simple Hello on the social level, that
this tension of non-reconciliation would have been substantially reduced and the
energy turned into something of a less archetypal nature. However, because of
my limitations at the time a full-on kundalini awakening was all I could handle.
During the workshop there were some subtle interaction, visions and insights, but
mostly I was going through unconscious metabolic preparation to plunge into the
most extreme experience of my life.
After leaving the workshop on Sunday evening I went to bed and the great
winding up from being in Mr. Universals presence let go into the most ecstatic
holy experience of my life. This was the Sex with Eros phenomena that I talk
about later in Exploring the Symptoms. The spontaneous ecstasy was not just like
an amplifed version of normal-sex. I actually felt like I was divine, like I was a
Goddesswhich I wont even attempt to describe.
From this pivotal opening, in which I was probably my most expanded or
realized, the next morning I awoke to fnd that I had fipped into its opposite. My
physiology had hyperboled into a massive autonomic shock that I call the White
shock. This contraction, I theorized years after the fact, is essential to reset the
bodys metabolism and organ function into the main climax phase of the alchemy.
The endocrine system, nervous system, immune system, viscera and the energy
generating processes in the mitochondria are reset through this extreme expansion
and contraction.
With the help of a Hakomi session to help put myself back in my body the
extreme autonomic shock gradually subsided over about 3 days. Then I went
into about a 6 month period of the main transmutation phase, with symptoms
gradually reducing over the next four years. The main phase cycled through a
series of symptoms including: the suspension of the use of my left-brain, two Die-
offs, heart-exploding expansions, gravity warping effects, intense grounding, bliss
and heat. My huge heart at this time had a contagious effect on the hearts of
others I was in contact with, so they somewhat participated in my transmutation,
and complained about being too opened in my presence. I discovered I had
bio-telepathic navigation to whereabouts of Mr. Universal and the sense of being
atomically pulled toward him. I also spotted him around town a couple of times by
unconsciously following my body bliss signals which directed me to go buy some
bananas. It happened four times. I would be off looking for bananas and there he
would be right in my banana-seeking path. Mr. Universal being a slightly more
edifying version of a banana fx. High stress, you see, increases potassium loss from
the kidneys and bananas are high in potassium. Potassium is needed to keep the
cellular potassium/sodium pump going; if there is inadequate potassium, sodium
enters the cell and sodium is an enzyme inhibitor. (See The Ammonia Hypothesis
for more on this.)
During the two weeks after the workshop I wrote a few pieces in an automatic
fow of the Muse on the reconciliation of the sexes, global initiations and a
model for global spirituality. I also went through a chakra awakening where I
spontaneously created a poem on the reconciliation of the sexes from each of my
chakras, starting at my solar plexus and moving up one chakra each day. This
chakra voicing experience is an inherent method of karmic blow off to free the
bodymind of tensions, allowing the yin/yang currents to marry on more sublime
levels on route to the Self. The voice of reconciliation arising from deep within,
creating a Grand Symphony of union to promote harmony between the sexes, poles,
charges and hemispheres. The chakra voicing practice bought my awakening to
a head, resulting in my achieving my Self on my birthday in a Silver Cord inner-
conjunction. After this 30 minute spinal zap, I looked in the mirror and looking
back at me was an otherworldly being with bright blue luminous eyes shining with
an inner light. I didnt know myself, yet I was more myself.
we might project onto a living being in our waking lives and thus we fall in love
with this person. We tend to lose the power present in the internal archetype as we
project that power onto a mere worldly version. The awesome energies and extra
sensory phenomena of such a transference occur because this process is causal, and
breaks through the veil that separates the conscious mind from the subconscious
and superconscious. Our work of transformation is to consciously integrate the
archetypal soul within ourselves in order to use its powers in the world. I think
enlightenment is the process of the realization of our imperfection and the ability to
act anyways with anything and all that we have got. (See Exploring the Symptoms
for more detail.)
The risen lifeforce of kundalini creates an amplifcation and heightened
sensitivity to both our interiors and our external world. Thus we have no choice
but to face into our condition because to avoid doing so is tantamount to spiritual
suicide. The bliss and Grace of kundalini make it almost impossible to deny love-
consciousness and forfeit our existence as Spirit.
To this day I fnd myself trying to get a handle on that Shakti and make it mine.
But I cant possess itI can only be possessed by it. 87, Joseph Chilton Pearce, The
Biology of Transcendence
The more we learn the more we know our ignorance and
thus humility and awe define the mystic soul.
Spiritual initiation is an event in Eros, and like love cannot
be conjured or contrived. It either happens or it doesnt.
Kundalini is operating in all of us to a degree, occasionally however it sparks
up into what is known as a kundalini awakening, transmutation, metamorphosis,
transfguration, spiritual alchemy or spiritual awakening. In this book you will see
me call this initiation popping. People pop to various degrees. Some fzzle like
soda, without the cork popping drama of champagne. Others pop spontaneously
at 17 years like Ramana Maharishi without any prior spiritual practice. He just
read a book on the lives of the saints and so identifed with them that he practically
instantly became one. His experience of going into death, was his ego recognizing
its own demise as the Atman arose within. Gobi Krishnas initiation was through
meditation. Philip St. Romain was sparked off through prayer. Meher Baba
awakened when he was hit on the head with a stone as a boy. Joseph Chilton Pearce
popped in his 60s by Shaktipat from Muktananda. Some spend all their energies
in resistance, preventing themselves from the Ego-death of popping at all and so
never really come ALIVE and live. As Sir Francis Bacon says, I do not believe that
any man fears to be dead, but only the stroke of death.
The kundalini probably follows the 7 year growth cycles that Joseph Chilton
Pearce pointed out. Know that there is a lot of subterranean activity going on below
the level of conscious registration. For example we can be heating up for 2-3 years
without being aware that an awakening is on its way. I popped spontaneously at 28
and 40 years. If we are uninformed we will not even know a kundalini awakening
is upon us when it is blasting us full force to Kingdom Come. We will tend to
think it is external conditions that have propelled us into a psychic breakdown
or illness. We normally interpret these intense rapid initiations as some form of
outer infuence impacting on us, because of the sudden jump into a different
state-view which doesnt appear to be the familiar us. We are not normally aware
that we have an infnitude of windows of being that we can enter and see out of.
The myriad of factors that contribute to an awakening include: High altitude, air
and water quality, diet, exercise, stress, relationships, degree of being on purpose
and acts of generosity. Risk, adventure travel, exposure to the elements, novelty,
new experiences and environments, and the breakdown of habit and torpor. Various
elemental changes and shocks to the body like alternating hot and cold such as
saunas and cold showers, light and dark. Determination to adhere to soul rather
than social convention, genetics, and both the good and bad conditions of ones
upbringing (stressors and satiety). Other factors include latitude and longitude on
the earths sphere, seasons, sun and moon cycles. Chronological and biological
age, spiritual practice, having to use a new set of skills. The calling of the Muse
and the future time streamthat is the individual Eros, and perhaps the needs of
the human species as a wholeexpressed through the psychosomatic tension of
revelation, known in history as The Oracle.
It is the differential between the old and new growth that initiates the dissolution
of the old brain and resurrection of the new. So a rapid growth in cognition, change
itzhak Bentov is probably partly correct when he says that the syncopation
of the various oscillating systems in the body amplify energies and increase the
ionization of the cerebrospinal fuid, conveying a current/chargeknown as
kundalini. Itzhak Bentovs idea is that kundalini occurs through the micromotion
of the body. This model postulates that various body structures can potentially
oscillate in sympathetic resonance with each other leading to the production of
increased magnetic currents in the cerebral cortex. Bentov correlates this enhanced
electromagnetic action in the cortex with kundalini release. Bentov looks at the
body like a mechanical machine so his physics is surpassed by modern biophysics.
Nowadays we are more apt to look to quantum microtubules, neuron receptors and
neurochemistry for the cause, but the larger electromagnetic and resonant aspects
also come into play. The HeartMath Institute has done more recent research on
the oscillating frequencies of the heart and nervous system:
Giving birth and other stressful conditions in which will is overcome often
lead to a kundalini experience. The potent neurological and hormonal mix that is
pumped into the body during birthing activates kundalini. There is an increase in
oxytocin to create the contractions...both sides of the nervous system are activated...
release of mega opiates...DMT release...pressure of the baby in the pelvis...muscles
are charged by exertion...extra breathing increases blood oxygen...CSF ionized
by heightened condition of parasympathetic & sympathetic nervous systems...
liver releases glucose for exertion---all these and more is why kundalini sparks up
during birthing. Christina Grof mentioned that kundalini that had arisen during
the birthing of her child was stopped by an injection of morphine.
During the initiation stage of a full-on awakening we can assume that both
the thyroid and the parathyroid glands are hyperactive. Its interesting to note
that hyperparathyroidism increases the ionized calcium in the cerebrospinal fuid
causing psychotic symptoms. The parathyroid governs the extra-cellular calcium
levels. It could be a unique combination of oxygen intake, hormonal levels and
activation of the sympathetic nervous system that creates the initial spark of
kundalini up the spine.
Sudden stress or the relief of prolonged stress can bring on a kundalini
awakening. Whether it is the stress of recognition of the Self though contact with
a Guru or through fnding a true love. When the senses are heightened because
of stress, novelty, or fear, its much easier to become a mystic or feel ecstasy or fall
in love. Danger makes one receptive to romance. Danger is an aphrodisiac. P.166,
Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of Love. Stress, even the stress of new growth,
might be essential to trigger hypertonality of the sympathetic nervous system,
allowing kundalini to spark off. Post traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD) can
also be a preparatory factor to kundalini triggering. Because PTSD represents an
accumulation of the suspension of the arousal cycle. The pressure of the frozen
fght-or-fight response caught in the nervous system creates an ineffciency, which
the organism tries to eliminate through the complete discharge of the energy
in a kundalini awakening. Thereby allowing the nervous system to heal, grow
and mature.
In my experience the initial spark up the spine can occur out of the blue.
Kundalini can occur even quite late in life, but usually in someone who is already
psychically sensitive and mystically aware. Mine occurred in association with stress
and stress relief...longing and fulfllment. But we have to be on our edge, they dont
occur in dull, satiated and ordinary periods of ones life. My frst awakening arose
through stress, overt-generosity and biological precognition of my fathers eminent
deaththe second through my love for Mr. Universal and the muses insistence
that I write a book on metamorphosis. Though no matter what the trigger, the
awakening of kundalini seems as inevitable and natural as breathing. Its as though
an inexpressible question in us, an ineffable drive has been answered. The restless
search ends as we surrender to the maker and come home to our Self.
Since kundalini awakening is most often just something that happens, we dont
have a whole lot of say over how mature we are when it strikes. However by its
very extreme nature, kundalini will force greater maturity and lucid adjustment to
reality in order to survive. Along with the sense of danger inherent in the dissolving
of ones known self, there is also a buoyant faith that arises from being so lit with
Spirit and at one with the Universe.
Kundalini arousal and the ongoing development of the nervous system make us
more sensitive to the inner and outer worlds. The self-directed force of kundalini
purifes accumulated stress caused by our past habits and traumas. Friction and
diffculty during awakening occur not so much from the process itself but from
our conscious and unconscious interference with it due to not understanding what
is going on.
Kundalini burns off much of the primary reactivity imprinted from our family
of origin and early life experience. With kundalini the opportunity for change is
increased because our neurological slate is wiped relatively clean, but it depends on
our will, faith and environment as to how far we can grow. If we do not change our
habits to refect the Self s true interests, we will continue to rebuild the conditioned
reactive self we thought ourselves to be. We spend our entire lives thinking we are
an entity that was created by our parents and culture...but are we really that entity?
I mean they dont even know us, they only know their projections of us. The Grail
of course is the true Self that is beyond all such imposition.
Kundalini is the consciousness in matter becoming more conscious of itself;
therefore if one wants to evolve such an awakening is necessary. Or rather evolution
and awakening simply are and we surrender to this reality or fght it. Sometimes
we have a rocky time of it, because awakening is always moving through uncharted
territory and because we exist in a civilization still based on fbs, repression and
inertia. If we didnt get so contracted and arrested while formingthen the
kundalini would go through its cycles without freworks, because there would be
fewer boulders in the fow to create friction and damming of energy. Detoxifying
is always the frst thing to aim for in any spiritual endeavor and it is especially
important prior to kundalini awakening. In fact because it is so detoxifying,
switching to a raw diet will probably lead to a kundalini awakening if other things
are also in place.
I dont recommend drug use for triggering because kundalini is hard enough
to handle in itself, without trying to bring it on. Anything one does to detoxify,
enliven, exercise, strengthen, impassion and enthuse will bring on increased
kundalini. If you are interested in a more intimate relationship with your maker,
and desire to be overwhelmed in love with the Beloved...then kundalini is likely to
arise naturally from ones heart and spirit attuning actions. We are naturally told
what to do to come into alignment with our Self. The desire will and carry-through
just needs to be there, along with the faith to proceed despite all appearances and
Prior to the obvious activation of kundalini various strange symptoms can
occur years prior to the awakening itself. For example my left shin became really
sore for about a year prior to my 1988 awakening. I used to rub rosemary oil
into it to improve the nerve fow. Kundalini shows up mostly in the left side of
the body and you know it is obviously kundalini when you feel the tingle at the
bottom of the left foot. Although if one looks back one can see various warning
signs, often the initial blast of awakening happens out of the blue. That is we go
from the consensus worldview and material understanding of ourselves to a vastly
new universe in a matter of seconds as the energy shoots through the body like a
thousand suns. Another sign that an awakening is on the way is the front of the
neck around the thyroid might become painful for years prior to an awakening.
We can also experience years of painful contraction in the inner core as though a
rubber band was getting tighter and tighter within us.
The mind if healthy is a handy tool for integration of the transmutation. The
mind, if unhealthy or weak, is increasingly disturbed by the rising of kundalini
energy such that the individual becomes even less adapted to consensus reality.
Correct use of mind can perfect the body structures, open the heart, provide
a strong nervous system etc... and this will allow the awakening to proceed in a
healthy rather than pathological manner. The heightened psychic, insight, sensory
awareness of active kundalini can make one more sane in the cosmic or universal
sense than the consensus-trance of conventional reality, but more easily triggered
into dramatic action as well because everything in the psyche and soma is less
repressed...that is one becomes more Godlike and more elemental/archetypal also.
The barrier between material and spiritual becomes more permeable and the range
of our consciousness expands into regions we could only vaguely sense previously.
During heightened kundalini I have increased precognition and nonlocal
information is no longer surprising as it is frst nature to me now. I can
also turn on my stereo and start the CD in my sleep during high spiritual energy
periods, I did it recently when I was working on a piece of writing in my dream.
This spontaneous turning on of the CD player always happens at 3am, perhaps
because the bodys circuits must change from sleep cycle into wake cycle and the
fipping of the brain frequencies turns on the stereo. However, it doesnt happen
with light fxtures or other electric equipment as far as I know.
But I have learnt to not get overly emphatic about psychic level information.
For me it is just reaffrmation of the mysterious nature of the universe and
consciousness. It gives me great hope for the future of humanity, however I
tend to reduce it to being no more relevant than information received during
normal waking consciousness. The reason being that we cannot often act on our
psychic level information in a social world that is habituated to the lower levels of
connectivity and communication. Thus unless you actually live around peers that
are equally psychically alive, chances are you will have to keep your psychic life
under wraps. Thus until we all approach a similar level of consciousness there will
be a disconnect between worldsdue to this schism in states of consciousness.
Someone with active kundalini is more elemental and archetypal, however the
reduction in adaptive cognition can be so great that one cant drive a car in an urban
environment. There are periods when the cerebrocortex is greatly incapacitated
while the limbic and autonomic brains are hyper-activated. As the repressive
mechanism of the ego is reduced during the initial stages of awakening there is a
purging the primitive emotions of shame, guilt, fear, panic, paranoia, depression
and self-pity. In a hostile social environment these emotions could be catastrophic,
essentially completely paralyzing effective function and aging the individual into
an acute illness of bodymind. If this emotional cathartic development is suspended
and not able to run its course we could end up in the funny farm.
Katz (1973) writes of the !Kung people of the Kalahari Desert in Northwest
Botswana, Africa, who dance for many hours to heat up the n/um so that the !kia
state can be attained. He notes that the n/um is analogous to the kundalini state. !Kai
is the state of transcendence. It is more than a peak experience of going beyond the
ordinary self; !kia is like Satori, participation in eternity. Education for transcendence
teaches the adept the way to stir up the n/um and how the threshold of fear can be
crossed into the !kia state. The n/um is said to reside in the pit of the stomach. As it
warms up, it rises from the base of the spine to the skull where then !kia occurs!kia
is painful, fearful, and unpredictable each time it occurs. Lee Sannella, M.D.,
Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence, p14-15
Conditions that contribute to this kind of communal kundalini raising include
fasting, music, drumming and a fre. Such a rite is probably conducted around
full or new moon also. Like the Sundance of the American Indians where they
dance and chant for extended periods. The Kung use the energy in a holy way to
tap psychic information and precognition to enhance the welfare of the tribe. But
kundalini energy can also be used in a more prepersonal Bacchian sense as well,
for example Dionysian rites were frst mostly undertaken by women then at some
point in history the men also joined in. The women collectively gave themselves
over to kundalini trance, dancing, feasting and revelry under the moon. Similarly
a group of people can have an orgy and the energy can be somewhat evolutionary
wasted, or they can have a joint tantric ceremony that could greatly increase the
evolution of the group and community.
Why the increased numbers of people experiencing awakening? More people
pop as more people pop. As survival pressures rise, the increased stress chemistry
plays into creating the type of instability in which kundalini energy can ignite. Also
contributing to igniting the fame is our declining metabolic strength and inferior
processed diet, coupled with ever refning nervous systems as we encounter more
Following the way of Yoga a man must reach the state of Samadhi, that is, of ecstasy
or enlightenment, in which alone truth can be understood. 249, P.D. Ouspensky, A
New Model of the Universe, Dover, 1997
Perhaps the main caution that I have discovered through my own experience
and in my research, is that if you set your chemistry toward a hot-burn without
also providing the resources for structural strength, detoxifcation and oxidation-
infammation protection, then depending on your constitution, a kundalini
awakening could age the body faster, might lead to cancer and in extreme cases
may result in organ failure. This is why I stress the need for preparation, meta-
adaptation and most importantly to avoid the lust of chasing the dragon through
excessively stimulating substances, practices and experiences. There is a need for
each of us to modulate and moderate our fame according to our changing ability
for meta-adaptation within body, mind, soul and community.
Our modern cultural conditions such as sedentary lifestyle, removal from nature
and cooked-clogging diets are not conducive to kundalini fow or awakening. This
means when we do pop it tends to be explosive rather than an ongoing thread of
alchemy throughout our lifetime. Still I dont think it should be the aim of spiritual
practices like yoga and meditation to have a nice smooth calm awakening. Safe
growth is translation not transformation. It is the machination of the ego to want
to control the process of evolution, either through balance or through exaggeration
of the extremes. Spiritual practices however can tend to tame the egos resistance
to the process so that less friction and damage to the organism occurs, thereby
making the metamorphic process more thorough and enduring.
Funny thing was in 2000 on arriving in Boulder, I was heading for the major
blast and I was spontaneously doing a kundalini practice and I didnt know it at
the time. Some of the things I was doing daily were meditation on iron rocks at
sunset, alternatively jumping in a cold stream then putting hot rocks on my body,
juicing, running in the hills, and hanging. If I didnt do these things chances are
I would not have popped so richly. We have to prepare ourselves to meet the
Beloved. This is the essential work of elevating the vehicle to receive the Self.
It is the unusual nature and intensity of metamorphosis which forces respect,
awareness, awe and faith. Fear and panic is unavoidable with the hyperactivation
of the sympathetic nervous system and the unknown quality of what is happening
and where its going. But in the end passing through this fear leaves one with
such an altered physiology and deeper perspective that allows one distance from
the collective fear. Only then do we have any power to dispel consensus fear and
increase love in the world, for we become karma eating machines, offering cellular
forgiveness. This is the gift of bio-maturity that constitutes the Christ.
Whether rocky or calm one always has the awakening specifcally designed for
ones own needs. Each individual is different. Some nuts are harder to crack than
others and so take more force or unusual mechanisms to open. Kundalini herself
will guide the way if we listen intently to be informed from within and hold lightly
to our shoulds and known concepts. During Gobi Krishnas major cycle he was
having severe problems with extreme energy, aberrant mental states, heat, fear and
pain. Although there was very little help available for him (even in India at the
time), someone did tell him that if the energy goes up the right sympathetic trunk
(pingala) that his could result in the symptoms he was experiencing, and possibly
end in death. During the height of his suffering he had the intuition to concentrate
on directing the current up the central channel of the spine. After success at doing
this, his torturous symptoms abated and he entered a more gentle, blissful and
illuminated awakening, which lasted the rest of his life.
Those who have had a childhood of abuse, neglect of dysfunction, tend to
have more catastrophic awakenings because their systems are built for repression
and dissociation. This is not always the case but it is a pattern. One can imagine
that the more loving-touch and self-validation, the child receives the more
effciently wired their nervous system will be, and the fewer psycho-somatic and
emotional blocks they will have. But consciousness will out no matter what the
formative structure.
The nature of ones individual awakening not only depends on ones past
history it is also determined by ones future history. That is, what one is to become
and experience is already at play in ones present. In-forming us trans-temporally
in ways the rational mind cannot perceive. The tree is already inherent in the
seed. The future magnetically draws us toward it, almost as though the karma of
the future were enacting on the present. It seems like the more open, surrendered
and evolved one is, then the more challenge one is faced with in incarnating ones
soul. Because there is more at stake for the person of depth to be brought to their
creative climax, as the species evolves through the successful realization of these
outstanding individuals. So heres the rubthe more spiritual preparation one
does, the larger the fow of kundalini coursing through one. Traditional spiritual
practices were developed to both bring on an awakening, give one the strength and
skills for navigating the awakening and to substantiate the awakening in the life of
the individual and his/her relationship to the world.
Pranotthana is Sanskrit for intensifed, uplifted life-energy. I fnd it endlessly
ironic that the hardest thing we will ever have to face in life is the pranotthana
of our Self. Fortunately now with modern science we can largely understand the
unusual and disturbing symptoms, raise our homeostatic coping ability and avoid
a lot of the dangers posed by radically increased life force. Although they had
traditional medicines and intuitive wisdom, the amazing Realizers of the past did
not have the comfort of scientifc rationality by which to understand and accept
what was happening to them.
After several episodes of samadhi, Ramakrishna told his disciples that he
actually feared that he would no longer be able to look after himself. Because the
old has to die before the new emerges, there will always be this feeling of being
completely out of our depth during some leg of the journey. However through
rational understanding, self-inquiry and reassurance from the experience of others,
we can greatly reduce secondary stress, resistance and negative coping mechanisms,
such that we can learn to fow with the evolutionary force, rather than fght
against it.
Our attitude toward being out of our depth, and toward the death of the old
and how well we can accept the Great Unknown, will largely determine how well
we weather our kundalini journey. If we fght with kundalini it will harm us, but
if we learn the cosmic ways of metamorphosis and fall into sublime relationship
with it, trusting the very force of the power itself, it will transform our frog-self
into our Royal being.
The yogic traditions that were developed in response to the evolutionary urge include:
Raja YogaThe development of consciousness
Jnana YogaThe refnement of knowledge
Karma YogaThe science of right actions
Hatha YogaPower over the body
Bhakti Yoga Right spiritual action, devotion, surrender.
All of us need to develop and integrate these various sides of ourselves to support
a positive awakening, however we will likely be drawn more toward one or another
at various times of our lives. Of course this rounded development is none other
than taking care of the three domains of Being: I, We and It, which is outlined
throughout Ken Wilbers work. He gives integral Practice suggestions in Integral
Psychology on page 544; and One Taste page 130; and also in The Essential Ken
Wilber on page 105. The Integral Institute has put together a Integral Life Practice
Starter Kit to help with establishing ones own integral spiritual practice. Integral
Spirituality: The Role of Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World by Ken
Wilber, Aug 8, 2006. For a porthole into Wilber World go to: http://multiplex.
Integral lifestyle is essential to balance body, brain function, emotions, intellect
and spirit. If we do not apply ourselves to developing our lives integrally then
we tend to narrow our focus and become habitually lopsided real fast. Then any
self-realization our awakening has given us is undermined by the lack of balanced
foundation to our lives. The amplifed energies and awareness of awakening will
tend to exaggerate the insuffciencies in our lifestyle and being, making it easier to
see where we need to apply ourselves.
During a kundalini awakening we are at a lifetime peak in pituitary potency,
this raises our center of being to the psychic level, through which we have access
to a vastly higher vision and taste of reality. While at that level we cannot ft our
larger being down into the consensus fatland reality, thus when in this higher
operational mode we become acquainted with our essential aloneness. As well as the
endocrine glands, the spleen, liver, stomach-brain, and the heart-brain are radically
important to the metamorphic process. We can assume that over-utilization of
the reserves in liver and spleen, combined with exhaustion of neurotransmitters,
hormones, enzymes, plus the build up of metabolites are the main cause of the
classic burnout effects. After the 3 year peak is over the pituitary hormones drop
off and we can fall into a slump, losing our psychic abilities, inner-navigation,
motivation, attractiveness and attraction to others, purpose, meaning, drive, zest
etc... From the heights of Everest we may drop back down to crowd consciousness
and forget the power of our visions.
One thing we must be aware of during the height of our psychic peak is that
while in the exhaustion phase we may become less psychic than we were prior to
the awakening. As a culture when we learn to manage kundalini without excessive
organic damage, we should be able to grow in a fashion that prevents blowback
slumps in our functioning. We should anticipate and be psychologically prepared
for a loss of physic ability after the peak, so that we do not become soul-sick
from our apparent loss of depth. Integral practice prior to awakening will deepen
the integration and integrity of our hormonal base so that when an awakening
occurs we can use the peaking energies and hormones to productive effect, rather
than have them wasted in resistance, dysfunction and coping mechanisms. Integral
practice will permanently up our baseline pituitary hormone levels so that we do
not fall quite as low after an awakening.
To illustrate the need for preparation I will quote a very important passage from
Ouspenskys A New Model of the Universe.
Hatha yoga prepares the physical body of man to bear all the hardship connected
with the functioning in him of the higher psychic forces; higher consciousness,
will, intense emotions etc These forces do not function in ordinary man. Their
awakening and development produce a terrific strain and pressure on the physical
body. And if the body is not trained and prepared by special exercises, if it is in its
usual sickly condition, it is unable to withstand this pressure and cannot keep up with
the unusually intensive work of the organs of perception and consciousness, which
is inevitably connected with the development of the higher forces and possibilities
of man. In order to enable the heart, brain and nervous system (and also the other
organs the role of which in the psychic life of man is little, if at all, known to Western
science) to bear the pressure of new functions the whole body must be well balanced,
harmonized, purified, put in order and prepared for the new and tremendously hard
work that awaits it. 249
What is the motive of the need to kindle kundalini? I question the soundness of
trying to initiate kundalini via yoga practices. I think just to have a yoga/meditation
practice for its own sake is the correct way to go about it. In my experience
kundalini sparks up spontaneously in the course of ones life through the interplay
of stress/release, pain/pleasure, trauma/achievement. Going after kundalini is like
going after orgasm for its own sake, its masturbation. Saying that however, I think
that only the raising of kundalini (or various extreme life experiences that facilitate
neuronal dissolution and regrowth), can free us from the pain-body, neurosis,
trauma and the miasmas of past history that we have recorded in our tissues.
We can never know what kundalini is like until it sparks up and in our unbalanced
western bodies the fre is going to pretty much dismantle our existing life. You
have to be spiritually advanced or supported in order to keep up productivity and
function during the height of the fame. Everyone is going to get some downtime,
some crisis, some deaththis is unavoidable during a full-on awakening. Yet to
be afraid of kundalini only amplifes the dangers, for it is like being afraid of ones
own soul. Realizing that kundalini is the very process of incarnation itself, we
can devote the very best of ourselves to learning all we can, and respecting the
process with the same devotion we would apply to God. A triumphant, successful
kundalini awakening is reliant on our potential to surrender to illumination,
ourSelf and love.
The adventure of Self discovery takes us to our edge, puts us in various life
and death situations that quicken our spiritual metabolism. Through adventure
we evolve by facing challenge and so real life skills are learnt. We grow by living
out our heros journey. We discover the various characters, heroes and antiheros
within. How does spiritual practice ft into the Heros journey in the making of
soul? Spiritual practice wont make a soul, only the Heros journey will. However,
practice will prepare us and give us resources for the journey. At times a left-
brain methodical approach might be what is needed to build strength, energy and
hope. Kind of like, build ones inner resources and the journey will come! Spiritual
practice helps us maintain our core and ballast as we are going on our adventure,
but its not the adventure itself. Our adventure is nothing other than following
our Muse.
Of course its helpful to have a guide or friends on the path, but if one wants
to be an independent researcher one needs to do it alone, for the amount of
misinformation and distraction out there is infnite. Also, through having to guide
oneself, one fnds the inner guide whom is infnitely intelligent. If we feel the need
to rely on outside sources, we may remain dependent instead of discovering the
source within. The progression of maturity goes: dependentself-survivalself-
actualization. The more we fail and have to pull ourselves up, the further we get
in the process of self-actualization. The beauty of having a teacher or master is that
through state-resonance we can stabilize ourselves faster, and have less secondary
symptoms and fear. But for an investigator such as myself, I have to go it alone, its
my duty in consciousness, for only then can I bring new riches into the world.
meditation leads to a balancing of the neuronal activity of left/right hemispheres,
overall brain syncopation, balances the sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous
systems, and reduces the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline to provide a
deeper rest, relaxation and recovery period. The inhibiting neurotransmitter GABA
increases in the blood during meditation. Regular meditation will permanently
reduce the baseline activation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis. Some
of the factors that play into meditations benefcial effects are perhaps magnetization
of blood and economy of enzyme use. It probably leads to growth of neurons,
increased dendrite connections, regeneration of receptor sites, conservation of
neurotransmitters, plasticity of brain function, hence enhancing learning and
memory. Not to mention the optimization of the hormonal system through
maximizing the health of the pituitary gland. Also with increased ionization of the
cerebral spinal fuid, the action potentials of the nerves are stronger. Thus the body
is able to substantiate the structure of the Higher Self, essentially incarnating a
deeper more profound human experience. So this is like amplifying ones neurology
such that the governing host has more conscious control over the bodymind.
Only that which is made conscious can be dropped.
Our challenge is to recognize and develop the biological potential within. This is the
true goal of life. Joseph Chilton Pearce
Kundalini is the miracle of life itself quickened and amplifed. Metamorphosis
must be made increasingly conscious in order to reach and stabilize higher
homeostasis and meta-adaptation to spirit. Awakening or spiritual acceleration
demands conscious incarnation, for if the awakening of consciousness does not
become increasingly conscious several negative outcomes may occur:
If there is psychological or emotional resistance the body will not be able to
handle the charge leading to the breakdown of metabolism.
The infux of energy meeting resistance could generate more primitive
chemistry and madness.
There maybe a reduction in consciousness due to numbing and addictions as
the lower nature tries to control what is happening.
If we dont have a desire for lucidity, we could use the ecstasy for zoning out,
rather than breaking through to even greater lucidity.
The down cycles will be more extreme and recovery prolonged.
If we bite down against our own incarnation we could become spiritually
anxious, essentially losing trust in the benevolence of the Universe.
We respond to kundalini in the same way that we respond to life in general
depending on the set of our nervous system and our sincere desire for growth
and maturity.
The formula for kundalini is Flow X Energy Resistance. That is conductance
(Amps) times energy resources (Watts) divided by toxicity or inferior wiring.
The results of our awakening will be determined largely by our attitude,
intention and ability to allow. We fully manifest on planet earth to the degree
of our acceptance or rejection of our own incarnate being. This allowing of
Self will dictate the favor of both our life and our kundalini trip. To avoid
resistance and maladaptation the path of fre requires a certain strength. The key
to metamorphic mastery is to become superbly adapted to ones own incarnation.
Conscious incarnation is giving ourselves permission to show up, hence awakening
is a choice. Metamorphosis is a process of purifcation, and yet it is not a simple
detoxifcation that is occurring, but the ongoing refnement of life itself toward
the incarnation of a deeper Self. Evolution simply IS when we stop suppressing,
abusing and holding ourselves back from the fuid realization of our Being.
The inertia and resistance of past structure causes tension between what we
are now and that which is trying to manifest from beyond the veil. Due to this
disparity the pressures of birthing consciousness can be enormous, and there is the
tendency for the poor ego to be drawn all over the map while the deeper Self is
coming to light. Thus we need enormous faith, understanding and compassion in
order to ride the wave. It takes genius to ride the wave of emergence into the depths
of the unknown, in order to avoid being smashed under the tension-wave or vainly
try to save ourselves by crawling back up the beach. In order to move from a past
structure of consciousness to a new structure of consciousness the present one must
be perturbed or penetrated with greater energy of awareness. The peak experiences
of kundalini are such a perturbation of our former conditioning. Whether we
receive this perturbation through vibration (music/drum/dance/chanting), through
drugs, through stress, through romance, Guru devotion or through
is a door into our own deepest source and condition of Self. The peak experience of
kundalini awakening allows participation in the World-brain/Earth-soul, through
the disidentifcation with the ignoble conditioned stage.
The process of Awakening is the hardest thing in the world to do for the simple
reason that we must confront ourselves. Rather than attempting to formulate reasons
for our behavior and engagement of life, we have to come to clearly see we are not and
have not been Awake. Garwin Redman
Incarnation is the hardest task imposed on us, for the instinct is to back away
from the edge as the energy of consciousness touches our contraction. To the
degree that we retreat, our entire physiology and consciousness is diminished and
growth is suspended. The immune system, nervous system and mitochondria exist
in the matrix of our positive or negative assessment of our world and ourselves.
Our defensive resistance to negative experience and trauma tightens the rubber
band of the armoring making the symptoms of our contraction more obvious.
You might say rigid belief in the memory of our past-self is the only thing holding
us back from enlightenment. When we give ourselves permission to move beyond
who we have known ourselves to least then we are growing.
Repression does not simply make things go away but condemns them to
the shadow realms, where they incubate and infect the entirety of our lives with
disharmony. Numbness and unconsciousness produce ever-increasing dysfunction,
neurosis and removal from reality. Thus when our conditioning is penetrated
the symptoms are likely to be more extreme than it would be say if we come from
a very benign-loving history. The way we have each built our armor IS its own
particular re-solution. That is, our kundalini awakening will arise in direct relation
to the specifc armor/archetype that we have constructed. That is why life itself
is archetypical. Through Archetypal Sympathetic Resonance we are inevitably
drawn to the specifc Great Attractor that will break through our veil and touch
of our deepest level of existence. This is the humanizing process...The Great
Alchemy of Awaking Up!
Intimacy and consciousness are essentially the same thing. If you turn your
feeling-sense, emotion and thought toward coming forth to the nth degree
without hesitation or doubt, then you will automatically increase both the strength
and the number of mitochondria and immune cells. I am proposing a conscious
and intentioned incarnation as a form of mindfulness meditation in coordination
with breath. Imagine an embodiment practice or purposeful incarnation! Not just
as a visualization or affrmation, but as an allowing, a letting the universe permeate
ones being to the max. When you do this you can actually feel your cells respond.
With conscious incarnation we initiate ourselves through our individual cells.
Since kundalini is the universe becoming more conscious of itself, when the
miracle of metamorphosis happens to us we should learn to go-with it, not just
for our own salvation, but for the entire tree of life. Every time we resort to our
addictions to back down from the raw edge of our existence and full self-response-
ability, the more we interfere and resist the spiritual plan for humanity. In
metamorphosis, the body-soul does most of the work, including the transmutation
of elements. All we can really do is to get out of the way and just doing that
takes all our courage, all our intelligence and intuition and all our respect and
love. Evolution just Is. Half the battle would already be won if we just stopping
getting in our own way. To the extent that we choose energy increasing choices
in any situation is the extent to which we create our soul. In reference to Jung
now, this means embracing the tension of opposities...the marriage of matter and
spirit, form and Emptinessthe heart of the tantric tradition. Compassionately
embracing shadow and light and the up and the down of the Tao. To take the
brakes off. To stop hiding under our shell of conformity. To stop pretending we
are limited and defcient.
Self-abandonment is the primary trauma that we must learn to face into
to avoid abdicating from our own life. All we really want and need is our Self;
that is what we are longing for. TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY for ones condition
needs to really be grokked in order to move into the kind of sovereignty where
self-Self development is even possible. Otherwise everything else in the world
(according to our triggers) determines who we are. Love of course is the opposite
of abandonment. Self-responsibility, that is becoming responsive to Self is none
other than freedom, enlightenment sovereignty and Individuation.
Spiritual realization has a concurrent physical component...this must be fully
understood and allowed in order for spiritual substantiation. That is the body
must be allowed to transmute for incarnation to become Real. Our culture tends
to prevent physical spiritualization of the body and thus neither emotion, mind
nor spirit tends to grow. By understanding the changes to the nervous system,
metabolism, hormones and all facets of the bio-physics and chemistry of kundalini
we can work-with the changes to increase our adaptive and homeostatic abilities.
In this way as our life force and incarnation rises we can prepare to meet it, thus
sustain the evolutionary wave. Without conscious meta-adaptation we tend to
grow in fery spurts that generate burnout and take years of recovery. By being
unskilled at metamorphosis we spending so much of our energy and effort into
coping with the physical, emotional and mental effects of kundalini, that there is
little of us left to bring our true creative gifts of spiritual genius into the world.
Having foreknowledge or insight into this natural metabolic process can save years
of fear, regression, secondary fallout and inertial back stepping.
As with life in general, we can choose to be maladapted or proadapted to
kundalini. It takes more Heart, intelligence and discipline to be proadapted because
often the frst impulse to change is to seek comfort, and often the comfort we
choose is to numb-out through various life-negative means. We have free choice so
that even the evolutionary energy of kundalini itself can dumb us down and zonk
us out if we are not aware. Or we can use the metamorphic energy to awaken us
progressively into the Mystery and deepen our experience of life. Its our choice.
By searching within and learning how to be proadapted under circumstances that
have no precedent we become pioneers paving the way for the rest of humanity
to follow.
Integrating the huge energies of kundalini is very diffcult at times. We have
to both relax into allowing the dissolution of our former self, while building up
and supporting new neurological growth for a deeper and higher skill level. We
must not fear the temporary loss of our left-brain adaptive functions, while at the
same time exercising those functions in order to preserve the neurons for higher
brain capacities. We must progressively both let go and build. And the reason
why we must do this, is so that the gains we make during our period of spiritual
acceleration will not be lost, but will be preserved through our experience of the art
and science of Being. Integrating the energy therefore becomes our warriorship...
it is our growing edge. And as each of us does this, it becomes easier and easier for
all of humanity to hold and convey the full power of Spiritand to loosen the
hold of the Borg. The Borg is anti-individualisma menial, default, automatic
programming of consensus conformity, essentially created through splitting and
compartmentalizing the mind creating a schism between body, mind and soul.
This Thanatos means loss of differentiation and integrity of the individuals
allowing them to form a Borg (tumorous mass of anti-life preditorism).
Kundalini is not a snake coiled up and waiting...the awakening of kundalini
is a synergy and synthesis of body, mind and soul, which our dense culture tries
strenuously to avoid. Waking up to the sleep and the pain of deadness is hard
work, and then maintaining the momentum and trajectory so that one doesnt fall
back into the plenum of consensus trance is even harder. If you look at the absolute
great minds in history few of them were able to save themselves from the fury of
the ignorant crowd. Modern man has broken down the habitat of the natural man,
hooked humanity onto an IV of sugar water and now the sugar water is now seen
for what it is.
Now that our moral line is presenting itself to us more clearly through sheer
necessity, we can change over to a more profound sustainable culture. Those that
try to cling to the past will suffer, as will those who are simply without a muse-
vocation in the transformation to the new culture. The ensouled way of human
existence is forced on us from all sides, because the soporifc distraction of the
sugar water is no longer valid. The old system must be done away with if humanity
is to be permitted to grow towards a noble condition. If we are sick, we should
start defning our sickness, give a prognosis and work out the cure. It begins of
course with the rape and abuse of the earth herself, then we lose the strength and
humanizing that she can provide. But in particular there is the dumbing down of
the population with fuoride and aspartame and all the zillions of other chemicals
including the hormonal agricultural chemicals. No way can spirit survive the
onslaught of generations of such abuse.
We must get over our myopia of simply dealing with symptoms and get
quickly to the root-causes of things. We need origins-ology to become the
foundations of all sectors of human thought, as the frst and primary impulse
of the process of consciousness itself. This change from the degenerative to the
regenerative state is brought about individual by individual, ultimately resulting in
a regenerative or truly humane civilization that does not spread forth upon the face
of the earth trillions of tons of toxins and agricultural biocides. Once the collective
gets it together, the individual will have a chance of surviving in noble form to
reinstate the humanizing principal in Man.
In order to integrate the different branches of human investigation I have
proposed an overarching feld of study that I call the logos of original cause
If philosophy be the highest of the human sciences, then the highest of the
philosophies is the Logos of Original Cause. This iis I think the most important
branch of philosophy, which embraces all philosophies, arts, religions, sciences.
It is the pure transanthropomorphic witnessing at the Causal level, to reveal the
causes of things through the complex matrix of symptoms and facts. Since we
have barely risen out of problem consciousness we still have a civilization built
through attention to the symptoms of things. We havent yet developed the type of
solutions consciousness that naturally and instantly attempts to penetrate and deal
with causes. With a Logos of Original Cause we begin a new branch of philosophy
to facilitate causal thinking on all levels of society and in all realms. In this way our
ecology, industry, commerce, justice, medicine, education, politics and military all
become governed by the highest spiritual and moral imperatives.
With a science of assisted evolution we can start a new era of civilization and
begin to live as a global mystic society, illuminated and synchronized from within.
We need no longer pull on the reigns of inertia to hold ourselves back. We need no
longer cower in fear of the atomic force we embody. We can let that force run free
and we can grow to meet our souls needs. We can connect and know ourselves
as the Beloved. Allowing the full force of the bliss of the return itself to wake us up.
To do this we need kundalini coping skills and a faith born of the realization that
what this world really needs is a revolution of authentic spiritualityan ecstatic
wave of evolution that spreeds across the globe.
No matter how exultant our genius may soar into our
utopian future, or how sophisticated we appear, it is all
just idle braggadocio if our sympathetic nervous system
affords us no security.
Part ii
sense oF selF
During periods of accelerated spiritual growth when there is a rapid shift in the sense
of self the main adjustments we need to make are adaptation to the:
Loss of a rigid sense of the known
Loss of the sense of sure identity
The sense of infnity, space, groundlessness and emptiness
Loss of routine habits
Amplifcation of sensory acuity
Magnifcation of or loss of appetites
Increased psychic and subtle abilities
Greater range and depth of emotion and feeling
Changes in ones sense of energy and embodiment
Distortions in the sense of time
Kundalini threatens the safety focused conditioned self because there is no
place to hide from truth, for the brightening Eye of God is within us. Truth is
healing and healing is truth. Depending on how well we can let go of the past and
be restructured in the moment through cellular forgiveness, this determines our
ability to substantiate spiritual growth. However the irony is that, supersensory
ability withstanding, one has to become meta-adapted to a spiritually corrupt
worldthis is the challenge, to not react negatively to negativity, or in other words
to fear no evil. If we listen very carefully Kundalini teaches us how to do this, but
we have to be willing to experience earth shattering bliss and the full implications
of our higher purpose and place in the whole. We must be willing to fully feel the
call to spiritual action!
Unfortunately kundalini has been associated with symbols such as the serpent
and so non-awakeners might relegate it to the mere physical domain. But one
is never so close to Spirit than during a kundalini awakening. Kundalini is an
amplifcation of Spirit in fesh. This is one of the reasons why post-awakening
life seems so lack luster for the tide of Spirit has nearly returned to the socially
conditioned acceptable level. And the individual still feels the echo of the calling
to a sense of humanity that is beyond our wildest dreams, but there is nowhere to
put this in our consensus fallen world. On feeling the depths of ones fear and
helplessness there is less need to prevent these in others, one realizes that its all
good and its all ok.
To the degree that we get rid of the parasite of the defense system (the safety
addicted conditioned self ) that we created from day zero, this is the degree to
which we can access our higher self. Kundalini is involuntary parasite killing, for
it dissolves our pupal defense strategy, yet it doesnt automatically mean that we
suddenly have the skills to deal with our world in a higher fashion, we essentially
have to grow those through deeper insight.
To not be identified with our egoity is not about existing in some impersonal state
bereft of idiosyncrasy and individuality, but rather is about being present both as our
unique somebody-ness and as self-transcending Being. Even at the same time. The
point is not to negate or minimize our selfhood - which is less a noun than a verb
(selfing) - but to permit it such rich transparency relative to our fundamental nature
that it cannot help but colorfully and fittingly represent us, however superficially.
However, when we let I do the driving, we usually end up wandering like hungry
ghosts through the I-gotta-be-me malls of distorted or overfed desire, shopping until
were broke, sated, or diverted elsewhere. Even so, its crucial to not prematurely
cease such wanderings. Its so easy - as when we are in the spineless throes of spiritual
correctness - to make an ideal out of being good or spiritual and a villain or
scapegoat out of our darker impulses. To transcend yourself, be yourself. Robert
Augustus Masters, Darkness Shining Wild, p. 179
We can endure anything if there is a goal and a reason. This belief in a larger
purpose is the most important factor in people keeping it together under crisis. In
the dissolution of the ego, bliss too is sensed as a kind of hell. Kundalini awakenings
are the burning away of the pain-body and the creation of a new template. What we
do with that template constitutes our spiritual attainment or not. With kundalini
we get a second birth, a second chance. But without skillful means, we could very
well just create another pain-body in replace of the old.
During the fux of kundalini the Presence (witness) rises up and the little
ego would like to pop in and give running commentary, explanations and inane
musings. And we notice the drop in energy as we put on the conditioned self s
cloak for a sentence or two, just to see if our old self is still there, and we feel
the loss of the Beloved that we are, when we stoop down that way. We cant get
rid of thought, getting rid of thought is not what is called for. Its becoming an
observer of ones thought, master of ones thought, and pointing ones thought
in a larger direction than self-defense and ego-survival that is really the key to
spiritual attainment.
The spiritual gains of equanimity, detachment and disidentifcation resulting
from a kundalini awakening, comes about through years of being strung all over
the emotional map, having ones archetypal images and psychic material blown
up billboard size and in ones face. By having our interiors so radically heightened
and exposed and having to live intimately with our projections, obsessions and
demons. After about 3 years of this, when the chemistry starts backing off, the
suspicious, mythic, grasping bodymind is clearly transparent to us.
Repetitive or overwhelming circumstances and conditions create cumulative
resonance that increases in magnitude until the entire organism is in sympathetic
resonance and the barriers to unity are penetrated so to speak. The increased charge
and particular frequency of neural fring opens up unique neural thresholds in
crucial parts of the brain. As the contagion of kundalini builds it pulls all bodymind
systems into its service.
Sympathetic resonance of oscillating systems is something that occurs in the
higher energy states...the EMF of the heart must pull the other organs into phase
lock. Phase lock is defnitely a necessity for the massive chemistry of the inner-
conjunction and this is subjectively felt as an uncommon Absolute Unity. This
unifed sense of self is quite alien to our usual divided self. Thus the highly amplifed
sexual chemistry fuels the Awakening, creating an anabolic energy-building
condition that brings things to a crescendo and propels all kinds of alchemical
events and radical far-out states and experiences, including increased PSI and time
anomalies. All this leads to its opposite in a catabolic breakdown, depression, Die-
off of tissue and restructuring of the body and brain. Fortunately for us the whole
thing is governed by massive endorphins, which makes the highs and lows of the
second birth endurable and creates a cellular equanimity.
The depersonalization effect of kundalini is interesting and is one of the
hardest things to adjust to. Try to use this loss of self-centrism to your advantage by
noticing that you have different and deeper capacities within this new vast gentle
consciousness. Dont fght it in an effort to maintain your old self, just fall deeper
into spacemind and follow its dictates. Drawing information from your dream
life, feeling into your extra sensory abilities, obeying your bodys rhythms and
basically using this new you to full effect. Dont think that this depersonalization
is wrong so much as just a different realm of experience beyond the known. The
old you was the pupae, but this new you is the butterfy, so now you need to learn
how to fy rather than crawl. To proactively adjust to spacemind you have to let go
of the need to control, while becoming increasingly more mindful and focused
toward inspired action...thereby falling in sync with Kairos or Gods time.
As we metamorphosize we must embody changes in our sense of time,
priorities, social sensitivity and meaning. Thus we require a different skill base,
different metaphors, different ideas, and different goals. We can start by expanding
our language to describe our lived experience...perhaps leaning toward visionaries
and poets for inspiration and stability in this unprecedented state of formlessness.
Remember the butterfy you is vastly more sensitive and wise and its needs must
be respected, for consequences become immediately apparent. So your relationship
to yourself must become more responsive to the new needs belonging to this
transformed person you have become. Dont get depressed just because everything
has permanently changed. Instead, fnd out the best way to live within this
enigmatic experience of the spacious self...and more alive you will become as the
After a catastrophic awakening we are often faced with the challenge of
depersonalization and anhedonia. Your sense of aliveness will return when you
build up your nerve sheaths with nonGM lecithin, B complex, nutritional yeast,
fsh oil, silicon and increase the raw greens in your diet. Cut back on cooked
carbohydrates and all sugar; instead try to eat your carbohydrates in sprouted raw
form or fruit. This will reduce the spaced out feeling. Do the grounding techniques
in the Kundalini Skills List and the inner-contact practices in the Inner Arts. You
may need to fnd a Tai Chi or martial arts teacher to help you focus on energy
circulation and breathing into your experience.
cHanGes in selF-orientation
DissolUtion: Mental confusion. Diffculty concentrating. Old anchors and
safety nets no longer hold. Freefall in surreal limbo. Disorientation in sense of self.
Sense of fading, of not really being here. Loss of coordination and motor control
during the shock and inner-conjunctions. Loss of affective memory, a fattening
of memory. Loss of egoic self-continuity and focus. Preoccupation with symbols,
archetypes and myth. Panic in those with no meditation experience who feel they
need to control rather than surrender. Emotional outbursts, rapid mood swings,
unprovoked episodes of grief, fear, rage or depression, all within a background of
bliss. Desire for quiet, meditation, baths and solitude in nature. The symptoms
and experience of kundalini are also so preoccupying as to make all else disappear
in ones perception. Leading up and during the peak there is a sense of ones
life coming to a nexus; a convergence of dream and daily experience by breaking
through of the walls of ones conscious I to experience more of the sub and super
conscious levels as well.
sUBstantiation: Eventual loss of cyclic reactive mental patterns that dissolve
along with the body armor. That is the mind becomes more silent. The body
holds less tension and is calm and relaxed. Loss of compulsive and self destructive
habits. After the blocks are cleared and the structures changed to convey more
prana fow there is a permanent equanimity of the transcendental state. Less
ambivalence, distance from decisions, more centered. More single-mindedness
of purpose. Clearer, deeper perception of reality. Distance from symbols, myths,
stories and superstitions. Increased ability to embrace paradox, opposites, marriage
of the concrete with abstraction. Able to unify focal and peripheral perception;
that is merging of left and right-brain consciousness which integrates the body-
mind-spirit. Increased fullness, integration and wholeness. Increased autonomy
and uniqueness, lack of desire to ft in. Sensation of seeing with an inner
eye. More spontaneity, openness and non-attachment to experience. Increased
gratitude and appreciation. Increased detachment, objectivity and transcendence.
Increased empathy, diplomacy and sensitivity, yet less sentimentality. Impervious
to enculturation, manipulation, coercion. Establishment of true moral intuition
rather than mere abeyance to law. Ability to love, improved relationships. Oneness
with the world. Detachment, objective witnessing, separation from thought and
emotion. Loss of hunger sense due to pervasive endorphins and perhaps due to
more gluconeogenesis.
In this yoga of awakening both the good and the bad of
life are turned into the service of emergence.
sYmPtoms list
The spontaneous symptoms of kundalini awakening can be roughly arranged
into the various practices of yoga. Yoga practice or Sadhana, is essentially the
speeding up of the fow of consciousness.
KriYa YoGa
Muscle twitching, cramps or spasms, shaking, trembling, limpness, rigid-
contraction, facial contortions. Itching, vibrating, pricking, tingling, effervescent
bubbles of bliss. Tingling/throbbing in left foot and leg is one of the main signs that
kundalini is active. Hot or cold changes in body temperature. Shooting currents
of energy or heat. Zigzag or double helix of energy up the spine. Prana fow in the
central nervous system. Pulsating sensation in the sacrum. Involuntary laughing or
crying, deep sighs. Abdomen may fatten toward the spine. Contraction of visceral
organs. The anus contracts and is drawn up (bandhas). Bad digestion; purging or
constipation. False pregnancy feeling as energy pools in the belly. Chin may press
down against the neck (neck lock posture). Eyeballs roll upwards or rotate. Eyelids
may not open despite effort to open them. Left eyelid fickers, then towards the end
of the awakening the right eye may ficker. Tongue rises to the roof of the mouth
or stretches back. Repetitive popping sensation in the sinus above the palette. Body
may twist in all directions. Body may bend forward or back, or roll around on the
foor. Spontaneous yoga asanas and mudrus. Breathing constriction, heaviness or
contraction of diaphragm. Unusual breathing patterns, tendency to belly breathe,
emphatic out-breath. Racing heart, expansion pains in heart. Feeling of levitation
or intensifed gravity, radical grounding and associated lethargy, chronic fatigue.
Body sense might expand to feel huge or small. Strange aches and head pressures,
headaches. Clenching jaw. Yawning, excessive sleep. Inability to sleep during
hyperactivation and high blood pressure; Hyperactivity, need to constantly walk or
exercise. Dry throat, great thirst. Feeling headlessness, mindless, giddy, heaviness
of head like one is wearing a helmet. Build up of pressure at the head, neck, throat,
spine, thorax and eyes. Paralysis during Samadhi or hypnogogic states. Numbness
and pain in limbs, especially the left foot and leg. Numbness on the left scalp and
down into left face, with drooping of the left eyelid. Years of pain in the throat
(thyroid) or in the left foot or shin prior to the awakening. Loss of strength in the
arms during rapture and heart expansions. Heat, sweat. Psychokinetic interference
with electrical equipment, ability to spontaneously draw a bolt of lightning from
a light bulb, or to autoelectrocute oneself with ones own energy while asleep.
Spontaneously turning on electrical equipment, dim or blow out street lamps,
cause pigeons to crash into car windscreen.
laYa YoGa
Inner visions and lights, fames, geometric shapes. Visions of deities, or saints.
Dream-scenes. Inner sounds, celestial music, bird sounds, animal sounds. Rhythmic
clicks/pops inside the neck moving up into head. Occasional popping in the joints
of the skull bones. Buzzing or humming in the ears. Inner voices. Spontaneous
neurons in the pons (a medullar structure) become active after a period of non-
REM sleep (slow-wave, synchronized sleep).
Sleep paralysis is an evolutionarily old function to keep animals still while
they are sleeping and prevent them falling off cliffs, trees or attracting predators.
Certainly it must have emerged simultaneous with REM dream state to prevent
motor response to dream imagery. The most obvious neurotransmitter agents
to sleep paralysis would be inhibitors GABA and glycine, but it probably more
complex than that. Those that become aware of being paralyzed descend to Theta
of hypnogogic states without going through the normal phases that kick in the
loss of consciousness, so they are conscious while paralyzed, usually with amazing
visions to account for their journey. The lucid perception of sleep paralysis can
give one the sensation of compression on the chest and suffocation as energy is
removed from the diaphragm. It is the sympathetic side of the nervous system that
stimulates breathing activity and thereby raises blood oxygen.
Besides Robert Scaers idea of the dorsal vagus complex causing freeze paralysis
another possible cause of paralysis during extreme spiritual energy states could be
the hyperactivation of the limbic system and brainstem and its consequent effects
on incapacitating the motor-sensory cortex. Rhawn Joseph at
says that freezing is brought about by both the overload/overwhelm of the motor
and frontal lobes and the consequent burnout of dopamine and serotonin in these
areas. Freezing is a life preserving reaction in nature that is apparently mediated by
the amygdala and striatum. He writes the amygdala under conditions of extreme
fear and arousal, can induce catatonic-like frozen panic statesresulting in a
inability to initiate a voluntary movement, and the Will to move or vocalize
maybe completely negated. Given the extensive interconnections of the medial
frontal lobes, corpus and limbic striatum with amygdala, it appears that when
exceedingly aroused or emotionally stressed, the amygdala is able to inhibit (by
over activation) the frontal-striatal motor centers. When this occurs, the organism
may fall and cease to move, blink or even breathe, thus appear to be dead and in a
state of rigor mortis.
Rawl Joseph suggests the numbing during the fear response is caused by a
massive secretion of opiates within the amygdala and basal ganglia, while the
rigidity and loss of Will is a consequence hyper-amygdala infuences on the medial
frontal lobe and corpus and limbic striatum. The amygdala is able to induce these
catatonic states, via interconnections with the basal ganglia, brainstem, as well as
the medial frontal lobes. Under extremely stressful conditions the striatal, frontal
lobe and amygdala, are simultaneously undergoing dopamine depletion, which
in turn results in hyperactivation of these areas. In the Eastern traditions there
is a catatonic deathlike state called nirodha meaning prior to the arising of
ignorance and volitional impulse. Like deep Samadhi, Nirodha is a very high
non-meditative meditative state. During Nirodha there is no time sense, heartbeat
and metabolism are slow and practically cease so very little energy is burned, and
body temperature drops well below normal. In fact this spiritual catatonia is so
deathlike that there is the danger of being mistaken as dead and so buried alive. It
understood the presence of increased nitric oxide during kundalini and started
reading about the freeze response. I realized that the paralysis, the left-brain freeze
and red eye lid were not accompanied by the contraction of tissues but by their
dilation, even if the numbing pressurized clamping effect feels like a contraction.
And that the paralysis during the inner-conjunction may not be due to the over
stimulation of the motor-sensory cortex, but due to the freeze response that
operates on the brainstem and the dorsal vagus complex.
The neurological cause of the numbness in either of the hemispheres is probably
rather simply explained. Since most of the electrical activity in kundalini is
experienced on the left body and left-brain I assume that the numbing of the scalp
of the left side of the head is simply the result of massive beta endorphin (opiate)
production in an effort to inhibit the excessive nerve fring in the left side of the
brain. This left-brain clamp/crab gives new meaning to the term numb-skull.
Doing mathematics in the head is almost impossible. One has to watch out that
one doesnt do silly things, or rather one watches oneself do silly things. The
effect of having the left-brain function suspended results in the body-soul claiming
its own time and space for metamorphosis to occur. The ego and ones life becomes
subordinate to the metamorphic crisis as it totally takes over ones existence. With
these awesome forces the ego soon learns that it is not in the drivers seat, that it is
kundalini that is living us. The numbing effect of the left-brain freeze can reach such
acute proportions that I was reduced to a radically right-brained consciousness
on the day that I met Mr. Universal. On that day my left-brain freeze reached its
zenith and right-brain consciousness became more prominent in general during
the entire period of the awakening.
The night after leaving my initiators presence I had the most ecstatic divine
experience of my life. I had lapsed into a paralyzed, rapturous trance as soon as
I had gone to bed. Although time is incalculable during such events, it seemed
like for perhaps half an hour or more a blissful electric penis was entering me
while ecstatic energy poured upwards through every cell of my body. I call this
experience sex with eros. It wasnt anything I did and it only happened once,
sex on that level is not sex, its some kind of God communion activity of the cells. I
felt like Jesus Christ after the frst awakening in 1988, but with this Sex-with-Eros
thing, I was God his-very-self and she was a woman. Thus I like to say that Sex
with Eros was the best sex I NEVER had!
Sex with Eros involves spontaneous prolonged full body orgasm during an
inner-conjunction, without a partner or any stimulation. However orgasm in
no way describes the sense of divinity and absolute unity that occurs. I think this
is what mythic traditions might have interpreted as having sex with the Gods, or
with angels. It might even correspond to the idea of being impregnated by God
and consequently the virgin birth. Stimulation of these contractions is probably
due to a combination of vasopressin, oxytocin, prostaglandins, nitric oxide and
histamine; within the context of generally upgraded sex hormones that occurs
during the heating and peak kundalini stages.
As night follows day, the morning after this complete opening I woke to fnd
myself in its opposite. A massive autonomic shock that I call the White shock.
This involved an involuntary contraction of my entire body. The skin turns white
as adrenaline causes blood to leave the surface tissues and into the vasodilation
of the skeletal muscles to be ready for action. My face was white and my hair
stuck out like I had been electrocuted and my intestines, liver, spleen and other
viscera curled up and were fercely contracted for days. Motor control was greatly
impaired and the freeze response, endorphin numbing, (and possible nitric oxide
damage) leaves us with the dissociated feeling of not being in our body. In fact
I was so disembodied that morning that I had a Hakomi session (body-centered
psychotherapy) to try and put myself back in my body. The Hakomi exercises
worked to a degree, at least to help me feel less like a car crash victim or dissociated
robot. After any such autonomic shock it is imperative to shake, dance, run, to push
against walls with arms, back and legs and make expressive noises to eliminate the
stored tension of the freeze response from the body. Dr. Robert Scaers book The
Trauma Spectrum is a great source of information on the freeze response, trauma
and PTSD. Dr. Robert Scaer.
(There is more information on the White Shock in the Nitric Oxide section)
After this radical expansion and contraction the full confagration of kundalini
heat came on, along with intense heart pressure and mystic ecstasies. My left-brain
continued to be so contracted that my left scalp, extending into the face and neck
was radically numb. The numbness becoming more prominent when the fow of
kundalini increased during its monthly progressions. I didnt experience a lot of
pain but I did have discomfort and intolerance for the overpowering intensity of
the energy. Of course going with it rather than resisting or running from it is the
answer. To breathe into it and raise the energy up, without fear.
Philip St. Romain in Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality, says that his
kundalini symptoms of the crab, the pincers and the sword on his head, became
more painful when he deviated from spiritual alignment into various things like
TV, reading, writing, certain foods etc...This pain kept him on track to more fully
enter his surrender. Philip St. Romain attributed great signifcance in the tucking
in of the chin to facilitate the free fow of energy between the body and the head,
and thought his symptom of the Crab was due to not practicing this neck-lock
posture during prayer. He assumed the Crab effect was the result of pressurized
cerebrospinal fuid in the ventricles. Since the left-brain freeze always occurs along
with radical heart expansion, the numbness might be related to the vasodilators:
histamine, nitric oxide, serotonin and acetylcholine. But whatever it is it must be
pretty substantial chemistry to exist for more than 3 years at varying intensity. As I
mentioned, since the left eyelid was redder on looking toward the sun, suggesting
the vessels were dilated, this leads me to assume that the expanded state of the
heart and associated dilated blood vessels is a major contributor to the left-brain
freeze effect. Could the lowered blood pressure caused by the expanded vessels
create this numbness, and why only on the left side if the effect is neurotransmitter
based. The numbness actually occurs along with what feels like pretty intense head
pressures especially in the prefrontal lobes. The logical answer is that the numbness
is endorphin based, but there again why only on the left side of the brain.
being done, thus we can loose a lot of weight this way. People often report rapid
weight loss during their frst awakening especially when this radical shock is more
in effect than in latter awakenings. Remember this shock is autonomic, we have no
control over it, except perhaps if we are an advanced yogi. The brain is a hologram
of the body, so the condition of various tissues throughout the body is refected
in the nature of the brain. An occluded dead pelvis for instance would have its
corresponding occlusion and defciency in the brain structure and chemistry. Thus
when we have kundalini moving through the pelvis it is simultaneously moving
through a particular pathway in the brain. The end result of this chemistry seems
to be an unlocking of connective tissue, a loosening of the entire body armor and
reduction in the pain of the pain-body.
Kriyas are seizure type impulses related to certain neurotransmitters and areas
in the brain. Traditionally it was thought kriyas were purifying movements or
cleansing actions revealing blocks to the fow of kundalini. They say that yoga arose
through observing the various spontaneously arising positions (asanas) created by
kriyas. I think this might be partly the case...whether a voluntary complying with
the way the energy wants to go, or involuntary compulsory asanas. It was assumed
that kriyas, or the spontaneous convulsions and contorted movements produced
by kundalini are stress being released in order to unblock and restructure the tissue
to convey greater consciousness. However kriyas are best explained in terms of
neurochemistry such as the over excitation or disinhibition of the bodys glycine
and GABA-producing neurons in the brain centers that coordinate movement. So
that the nervous system is all go and the inhibiting off-switch is incapacitated.
I think they are probably convulsive discharges of the letting go of the freeze
response and from spontaneous fring through the motor areas in the brain. The
convulsions are more likely to be the result of kindling type brain chemistry that
perpetuates itself and slowly changes nerves, brain and cellsuntil the whole body
is transformed to a higher rev state.
Kriyas might be painful with the spontaneous contraction of muscles, not
everyone experiences kriyas though. Mostly kundalini is not associated with pain
because of the extreme levels of opiates produced. Traditionally the spinal knots
that kundalini penetrates are called grathis. In the East they say the root chakra,
heart and third eye charkas are the greatest obstacles to the rising of kundalini.
However, the process is not linear, it moves with the seasons, returning again and
again to the same spot to work at a deeper level each time.
During acutely active kundalini it feels like there is white light fowing inside
the body and illuminating the worlda pervading sense of white even though one
cannot actually see it as whiteits like we see white with our whole body. This
sense of whiteness maybe due to a general increase in nerve action potential and
the increased ionization of cerebrospinal fuid.
Visual acuity (transcendental vision) goes up in the heating and peak phases
of kundalini due to stimulation to the occipital lobe where the visual cortex lies,
and to increased pituitary hormones, nitric oxide, histamine, phenylethylamine,
dopamine, norephinephrine...and increased blood fow to the brain. Color is
more saturated due to the increased biophotons generated in the brain. Because
transcendental vision is very much like being on the drug Ecstasy, which is a
dopamine drug, I suspect that it is phenylethylamine and dopamine that gives
us the radical shift in vision as though every atom were scintillating and super-
aliveie: the eyes of love. Whatever the neurotransmitter mix one can assume that
increased energy passing through the optic center in the brain leads to scintillating
transcendental vision. Kundalini as a general rule is not hallucinogenic, although
there is a high level of opiates being produced. Entheogens (Theo=god or spirit,
Gen=creation) are substances which generate god or spirit within producing states
of shamanic ecstatic possession and transcendent and beatifc states of communion
with deity. Endogenous entheogens that the body produces are probably the agents
for visions and deep spiritual experiences. The visual experiences involved are more
dream-like than the extreme psychedelia inspired by drugs.
The increase in psi and telepathy is harder to explain but is probably
something equally as simple such as nonlocal primary perception or the increased
superconduction of consciousness. The EMF of the human body is greatly magnifed
during kundalini and the brain might be able to pick up the radio signal of a
signifcant other. The other alternative is that consciousness doesnt travel in any
kind of wave, but that it is a nonlocal phenomena; but I think we need new physics
to explain that one; especially as it relates to precognition. Psychic and bioenergetic
phenomena doesnt particularly mean anything other than the meaning we give
it. Psi, subtle and causal effects are simply a revelation or confrmation of the way
the universe is put together. However because it is extrasensory and transcends the
mind we tend to think that it is more important than the consensus reality that is
based on the cognitive interpretation of information from the fve senses.
Because material fatland is so painful in its superfciality, lack of meaning
and dire lack of connection, we are beset with a deep intrinsic need, desire and
passion for spiritual experience. Just because something is beyond the fve senses
we often think it has greater holy signifcance and we tend to be drawn hither
and tither by our spiritual ambition to get more God. Remember only 1%
of our consciousness is conscious....that means there is a lot going on we never
know about. The larger mind likes to remind us of its presence and so it feeds us
precognitive and psychic tidbits, synchronicity and psi information in dreams.
Such Siddhas dont really mean much other than their being an intrinsic examply
of kundalini energy and a reminder of the nonlocal and unusual properties of
consciousness itself. Like my ability to turn my stereo/radio/CD player on at 3 am
in the morning during particularly rarifed holy energy states of kundalini sleep. It
happened twice recently...but mostly in 2000, perhaps 10 times altogether. I think
it only happens in summer when bio-energy is higher, so there is no miscalculation
with daylight saving time. As metamorphosis proceeds the ultimate outcome
of kundalini awakenings is a reduction in background fear, body armor and
emotional volatility. The various symptoms are slightly different for each person,
but they dont mean anything in themselves, other than as signs that the bodymind
is transforming and fuller powers are being realized.
deal of blood circulates through the spleen, this organ serves as a reservoir for
blood in times of emergency.
You can experiment with this theory of metamorphic catabolic breakdown
by macrophages by eating something noxious to the body like processed cheese
or processed meats which will activate the immune system. If you eat enough of
the immune activator, within an hour you will notice that a small left-brain-freeze
(with numbness in the left eye-socket and forehead) will occur as the immune
system activates to deal with the offending substances. Note that I may have sensed
this only because I have been through major dissolution and have experienced
the left-brain freeze sensation before. I was able to distinguish the connection to
immune activation only because my metamorphic cycles had drastically waned
so did not confuse the temporary digestive-immune response with the general
metamorphic-immune activity. A person without awakened kundalini might not
be sensitive to the percipience of immune activation or left-brain freeze.
Although any number of factors can trigger the adrenocortical stress reaction,
the response itself is always the same. It involves the release from the adrenal glands of
specifc hormones, mainly the corticosterioids, which in turn mobilize the body against
invading germs or foreign proteins. Thus the stress response always activates the immune
system. 292, The Body Electric, Robert Becker M.D. and Gary Selden.
During a kundalini awakening the sympathetic nervous system and adrenals
are perpetually, chronically activated during the peak phase. With that general
activation, acute kundalini events are similar to the immediate threat response
and produce adrenalin and histamine; followed by cortisol release and immune
mobilization. Thus an awakening represents a hyper-activation of the self-defning
and self-preservation systems of the body. However, instead of an invasion by a
foreign pathogen or noxious substance, the body is simply dissolving and rebuilding
a new or more refned version of itself.
Macrophages can live up to 2-3 years and it is probably due to this that the
main awakening phase also corresponds to this duration. The macrophages that
were grown and activated during the metamorphic initiation chemistry probably
have a very different nature and purpose than those produced by the body under
normal chemistry. So when those specially activated metamorphic macrophages
die out, the main transmutation period also fnishes. We can assume that the
cyclic periodacy of metamorphosis is a refection of the growth and activity of the
immune cells involved. The cells are activated, grow, carry out their function and
die. In metamorphosis the immune system increasingly becomes a full-body brain,
generating peptides, catabolic enzymes, dissolving and transforming tissue. This
immune activation would explain some of the heat involved with kundalini and
many of the symptoms, especially those during the Die-offs.
One of the most extraordinary metamorphic phenomena is the sweating of
blood. This maybe explained by the catabolic enzymes (hyaluronidase, elastase
and collagenase) produced by the macrophages. If they act to make the vessel
walls more permeable during the height of an acute cycle then its conceivable that
blood could ooze out of the skin through the sweat glands. Skin, and blood vessel
walls are made from elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid after all and during a
certain phase of an awakening the tissues of the body could become so permeable
that red blood corpuscles could squeeze out of the capillaries. The base of each
sweat gland is surrounded by capillaries, and the capillary wall is only one cell
thick, composed largely of collagen and can be as little as 3-4 mm in diameter.
While red blood corpuscles are 7.5 thousandths of a mm, so one can see how
collagen dissolving enzymes could increase the permeability of the capillaries such
that red blood corpuscles could squeeze through the capillary walls surrounding
the sweat glands.
Tears of Blood and Bloody Sweat. During times of intense kundalini heat, when
emotions are being eliminated through tears, it is possible that blood vessels near the
surface of the skin and in the tear ducts would rupture, reddening the sweat and tears.
St. Lutgard, Blessed Christina, and several others are listed as recipients of this gift.
Christ at Gethsemane also experienced bloody sweat. P.112 Philip St. Romain,
Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality.
During an awakening we have the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous
system creating the physiology of stress and this increases the permeability of the
blood vessels. While there is also an increase in endorphins and NO which reduces
smooth muscle contraction, causing the smooth muscles in the arteries to dilate
and increase blood fow. The blood sweating phenomena is also undoubtedly due
to the increase in histamine release during extreme stress. Although increased
histamine is probably common throughout an awakening, and if there was also an
extreme threat to life then a greater amount of histamine might be released; creating
the bloody sweat of Jesus. Histamine produces larger pores in the blood vessels as
the frst step in launching an infammatory response. The increased blood vessel
porosity improves brain nutrition in times of emergency, when high performance
is imperative to survival. The release of histamine in the brain and the consequent
improvement of blood supply is probably one of the main reasons for the increased
sensory and extrasensory perception during kundalini. Brain nutrition and oxygen
supply would be greatly enhanced by the dilated and porous blood vessels, as part
of the fght-or-fight responses facilitation of alertness and readiness for action in
the face of danger.
Body elongation is another change the body can undergo during metamorphosis.
This no doubt is related to the permeability and relaxation of the connective
tissue brought about by these collagen and elastin splitting enzymes. Romain sites
Stephana Quinzani and St. Catherine of Siena as examples of body elongation. I
imagine that the connective tissue of the pupal body and the connective tissue of
the transmuted body are quite different in structure. The calibration of such subtle
changes might still be impossible to detect with our present science. One can
assume that the transmuted connective tissue has greater strength, while having
less molecular density. Perhaps even a change in composition. It is apparent that
the butterfuly self requires more space in the body and that body armor and the
associated neurotic egoism is the direct opposing force to our spiritual emergence.
lYsosomes-BecominG UnGlUeD
Lysosomes, sometimes called suicide bags, are acid-containing vesicles that
enable cells to digest unwanted material. These organelles digest the macromolecules
from phagocytosis (ingestion). They form the cells recycling process, where old
components such as worn out mitochondria are destroyed and replaced by new
ones, and receptor proteins are recycled. Other functions include digesting foreign
bacteria that invade a cell and helping repair damage to the plasma membrane by
serving as membrane patches to heal the wound in the cell membrane. Protein
processing in the lysosomal system is modulated heat-shock proteins (HSP). The
nervous system with its long-lived neurons, is vitally dependent on an effective
lysosomal waste disposal system. For unlike other cell types, the neurons cannot
divide to replace cells that have died through the accumulation of indigestible
material. So lysosomes are responsible for the breakdown of damaged cells and are
particularly prominent in nerve cells, as an effcient way of dealing with abnormal
proteins and recycling proteins.
Lysosomes contain about 40 different types of hydrolytic enzymes, which
are optimally active at low pH. The membrane surrounding a lysosome prevents
these digestive enzymes inside from destroying the cell. The products of metabolic
breakdown are acidic and this acid breaks the membranes of lysosomes spilling
hydrolytic enzymes into the area to digest the damaged cytoplasm. The release of
hydrolytic enzymes from lysosomes maybe a primary cause of neuronal damage.
Aged neurons have more diffculty processing proteins and reduced effciency
in the lysosome system maybe a factor in ageing and many diseases including
Alzheimers. Lysosomal activity is responsible for the accelerated rate of muscle
protein breakdown during and after exercise.
Lysosomes also are also responsible for cell-self-digestion during autophagic
cell death, a form of programmed self-destruction, or autolysis. As well as the clean
cellular recycling that occurs through apoptosis, there might be the occasional
catastrophic autolysis occurring during metamorphosis. As I mentioned before,
very infrequently there is sweating of blood during peak kundalini in some saints
such as Jesus, St. Lutgard and Blessed Christina. Besides the release of collagen
dissolving enzymes, this unusual bleeding could be brought about when the bodys
capacity for programmed cell death is overwhelmed and a more necrotic form of
cell death takes over. Due perhaps to a simultaneous activation of the HPA axis
from an acute shock, during a normal Die-off immune activation.
The perfect such example was when Jesus bled through his pores in the Garden
of Gethsemani, before being carted off for crucifxion. Under these psychosocial
circumstances he would have been peaking in metamorphosis and in supreme
autonomic shock. Bleeding from the pores could be explained by acute stress
producing free radical oxidation damage to the lysosomal sacs in his cells. This
punctured the lysosomal membranes releasing enzymes into the cell. Whereupon
they proceed to digest through that cell, and neighboring cells producing more free
radicals as they go. This combined with high blood pressure, and other normal
attributes of high stress such as increased heart rate and sweating, it is easy to see
how this phenomenon occurs. Both high free radical and high acid conditions
would tend to break the membranes of lysosomes spilling their catabolic enzymes
into the surrounding tissue.
A successfully adapted metamorphosis results in a subtler, more effcient body
and youthful appearance. If increased free radicals means that the collagen of the
body will invariably be attacked and cross-linked then why is it that kundalini
leads to a relaxing of the connective fbers of the body? The answer may come from
cancer research: An increase of free radicals could break down the barriers that hem
cancer cells in. In most areas of the body, cells and tissues are held together by collagen
a fbrous material made of protein. The University of Californias Bruce Ames theorizes
that free radicals and ROS could activate latent collagenasesenzymes that break
down collagen. As these enzymes dissolve the collagen glue, local cells and tissues would
separate. Cancer cells could escape and move easily to other areas of the body. 91 Hari
Sharma, M.D., Freedom From Disease. Note that in the above quote by Hari
Sharma the body becomes unglued under the infuence of increased free radicals
and collagen dissolving enzymes (collagenases). This undoubtedly would make the
blood-brain-barrier more porous, plus increase diffusion of chemicals between the
central nervous system, cerebrospinal fuid, lymph and the blood.
When faced with danger, after the initial fght-or-fight response of the HPA
axis backs off the immune system comes on with avengeance. The immune cells
spew free radicals into the surrounding tissue as well as using them internally in
their job as janitor. The immune cells engulf and digest inferior cells that cannot
cope with the increased free radical load. This removal of the weak and old makes
way for the new cells to be constructed at a higher energy level, using the building
blocks of the old cells. The butterfy is thus born from the gestating pupae.
The release of free radicals and collagenases (collagen digesting enzymes) from
macrophages and neutrophils can result in widespread cell damage, amounting
to pervasive cellular infammation. Also while fghting, the macrophage cells
release interleukin-1 which travels to the hypothalamus and increases the body
temperature, this mechanism for generating fever disables bacterial reproduction.
The increased heat helps to eliminate the bodys microbe population to free up
the immune system for the work of reconstruction. Eric Van Winkle (Toxic Mind
Theory-BOK2) says that these lysosome enzymes degrade proteins, nucleic acids,
mucopolysaccharides, fats and glycogen, but they do not degrade catecholamines,
serotonin, GABA and amino acids, and so during the detoxifcation crisis these
substances food the synapses. See more on how the body catabolically dissolves
and recycles itself in AutolysisSelf Digestion. There are some suggestions for the
blood sweating phenomena in High Pressure Symptoms.
is truly remarkable as is CMR. The Primal Release Pose and the Cardio-Muscular
Release technique will help take contraction out of the diaphragm and rewire the
vagus nerve/medulla area. To get that spontaneous Ahhh breath the Inner Arts
of the Pot of Gold and Opening the Mouth of God help to reset the nervous
systemit can take a full half hour of applied relaxation before you get a deep
spontaneous Ahhh breath. Besides these any emotional release work would help,
both cathartic and quiet; plus breathing techniques such as Holotropic breathing.
Also you could try what I call fying, which is to lie on your back on a bolster
about 8 thick put under the back of the chestput your arms out and relax your
breathing into the pose.
A consistent practice of singing, toning, chanting, mantra, humming and
growling will help to loosen the diaphragmand detoxify the central nervous
system. Doing these near a river or waterfall greatly amplifes the effect, and if you
are having persistent trouble with breathing, you might consider buying a negative
ion generator for your home. Running and other aerobic exercise will give you
more lung volume and give the diaphragm mechanism more energy to relax itself
with. But the most natural solution for me was long breathing-walks in nature,
preferably around fowing water. Also keeping adequately hydrated will relax the
diaphragm because then the diaphragm is not trying to conserve loss of water from
the lungs. If you are still having trouble breathing you might have hyper-histamine
levels so check out the antihistamine measures in the histamine section and adopt
a non-allergenic diet.
Our vegetative and social faculties are tied together through the old and new
vagus nerves. So retraining the vagus needs to incorporate a form of social-therapy
and what is social-therapy if not loving-relationship. Healthy relationship or
intimacy with others retrains the vagus. Thus some sort of social/relationship
training that helps us to form loving bonds with others will reform our social
wiring and permanently relax the breathing mechanism. Because we primates tend
to get more stressed out over relationships than anything else, learning how to
relate in a healthy manner is fundamental to good health and longevity. Healing is
growth beyond patterns of disease.
KUnDalini tHroUGH tHe tHroat
Kundalini opening up the throat area can be mighty uncomfortable. The Inner
Arts and Skills in this book will help. You can lessen the choking in the narrows by
doing CMR/Neuroemotional Reprogramming on your solar plexus, with plenty
of breathing into the belly (hara). Focus on making a jumper cable between your
third eye and the heart, you can do this with your hands during a CMR type
session. Opening the Mouth of God and The Pot of Gold will also facilitate the
opening of the throat area (see all these techniques in the Inner Arts section.) Also
tapping your thymus gland rhythmically throughout the day, and doing heart to
throat jumpercable with your hands also. Do plenty of stretching, singing and
toning. Group encounter or confessional groups similar to 12 step programs,
where each person gets to voice their say will help enormously. As the throat starts
to open there is a psychological need to de-repress ones vocal faculty and learn
to speak in the moment with greater truthfnding our true voice. Any kind of
physical exertion will also help. Try a ginger root tea with honey in it, for ginger
often causes throat contractions, so the forced stimulation might help you to move
through the phase faster. I neednt say that toning, singing mantra, growling and
any sound techniques are essential to releasing the throat. The Primal Release Pose
is very effective for releasing painful energy blocks in the diaphragm and throat.
As the Solar Heart frst starts its circuitry connections you can get pain in
the thyroid throat area for several years...breathing is the key to handling and
facilitating this. Use CMR on the area placing one hand on the right side of the
Heart and the other on the throat. Send consciousness into the area through the
brainstem and minds eye, with the breath slightly throaty while focusing on Joy
at the nostrils. Doing this will facilitate growth of the Solar Heart even if you do
not have the throat pain. Work on the solar plexus a little as well while doing
this throat work as you need to substantiate any healing or growth in other areas
through the enteric brain.
continuous BreathingA type of regenerating breath that is good for energy
integration during panic attacks, ecstasy and heart expansions is Fish Breathing.
The mouth is completely relaxed and open like a fsh; you breathe gently at medium
pace in and out of the mouth without a pause between in and out breath. This is
especially effective while walking. This continuous, non-pause breathing can be
done through the nose also when needing more focus and brain power during peak
kundalini activity. For maximum effectiveness make the in-breath nasally and the
out-breath throaty.
Books with exercises and practices include Allan Saltzmans two wonderful books
The Healing Way and The Belly and Its Power.
Mantak Chias Chi nei Tsang: Internal Organs Chi Massage.
Breathwalk: Breathing Your Way to a Revitalized Body, Mind and Spirit , Gurucharan
Singh Khalsa
Heart eXPansions
Thinking hard about subtle energy seems to lessen its influence while just being seems
to make its influence stronger. Paul Pearsall, The Hearts Code
I use the term heart expansion to describe the escalation of the kundalini heat
and associated Heart opening above the normal ecstasy of the initiated heart. For
me heart expansions last around 1-2 weeks and tend to coincide with new or full
moons, at any month of the year. They are defnitely more cosmically orchestrated
rather than socio-stimulated, as you will notice other people going into altered
states around the same time. To a large degree the movements of the sun, moon,
seasons, the bodies within solar system and the space/earth weather infuence our
social dynamics as well.
The heart then the nervous system are the frst things to form in a human
embryo. At 5-9 days the heart begins to form and the foundations for the fetal
brain, spinal cord, and entire nervous system are set in place. By 10 weeks the heart
is completely developedthe organism is developed within the feld of the heart.
As the dissolution progresses one can assume that the heart muscle itself is relaxed
and made more permeable to energy to the same degree that the neuromuscular-
skeletal system is decontracted. The heart being a holographic representation of
the entire neuromuscular-skeletal system. As the heart starts to experience this
new space it would go through contractions and expansions which in effect feel
like gravity warping and crushing.
about sixty to sixty-five percent of all the cells in the heart are neural cells
which are precisely the same as in the brain, functioning in precisely the same way,
monitoring and maintaining control of the entire mind/brain/body physical process as
well as direct unmediated connections between the heart and the emotional, cognitive
structures of the brain. Secondly, the heart is the major endocrine glandular structure
of the body, which Roget found to be producing the hormones that profoundly affect
the operations of body, brain, and mind. Thirdly, the heart produces two and a half
watts of electrical energy at each pulsation, creating an electromagnetic field identical
to the electromagnetic field around the earth. The electromagnetic field of the
heart surrounds the body from a distance of twelve to twenty-five feet outward and
encompasses power waves such as radio and light waves which comprise the principle
source of information upon which the body and brain build our neural conception
and perception of the world itself. Joseph Chilton Pearce
Joseph Chilton Pearce says that the EMF of the heart can be measured up to
15 feet from the body. Yet the immeasurable scalar-healing energy feld emerging
from the heart would perhaps also be formed in a torus shape (toroid is a doughnut-
shaped object), but this feld would be many times larger than the electromagnetic
feld itself. The metamorphic awakened heart is more sensitive and responsive to the
vibratory condition of the body and environment and the bodymind is dismantled
and rebuilt within this new greatly expanded and amplifed heart feld.
Heart expansion occurs along with intense love, bliss and weakness in the arms.
The heart expansions and grounding are also associated with fatigue because the
hearts feld becomes so huge seems like it pulls one into the ground. This grounding
is actually caused by temporary parasympathetic dominance which infates the
blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. The grounding can be so severe that it is
really diffcult to put one foot in front of the other in order to walk. This fatigue
is dealt with through grounding the entire spine by lying on ones back on grass.
Also by walking on grass, repolarizing around running water and in nature, eating
greens and avoiding stimulants. Whatever aids grounding and repolarization will
reduce the fatigue!
At this time one is intuitively called to spend as much time as possible outside
under the open sky and in nature because the electromagnetics of this event need
to occur in communion with the planetary feld and natures energy felds. Being
inside buildings at this time you will feel cut off for your true naturethe heart
expansions will demand that you be outside. The metamorph proceeds when we
are connected to the earths energy and the sun. You could say that we lose our
soul in buildings. After the body has grounded, the heart now freed, sours out
of the body as though painfully breaking through the chest. To relieve the pain
of expansion one needs to thump the thymus gland on the sternum like an ape,
and this relieves the pressure. The thymus gland under the sternum wakes up
signifcantly; this could be part of the huge expansion and energetics of the chest
that is felt during an awakening. I have yet to scientifcally verify this, but I am sure
that the thymus is retraining white blood cells in their transmutational function.
Entrainment represents the integration or harmonization of various oscillators,
creating a blending of various rhythms. The amplifed heart feld and the associated
heart-brain entrainment is probably the cause of the increase in ESP, insight,
higher states of awareness and supersensoral abilities that are prevalent at this time.
The amplifed heart and the opening of new areas of the brain, or the new synergy
of parts working in greater unison, leads to a melting of the former being and a
surrender to the bliss of transmutation.
The morphic feld around us that is generated at this time of transformation
is probably the largest it will ever be in our lifetime. This maybe a major factor
in outer body experiences and ESP. Extrasensory means that the senses are so
amplifed that it seems like ones consciousness is out there. Ones sense of self
is so radically different during kundalini I call it super-sensoral or experiencing
the supernal realm. There is such an unprecedented relaxation of heart, muscle
and nervous system that one no longer feels confned to the body, and ones feeling
self seems to extend beyond the body allowing us to feel others from a distance.
I could never fgure out if the remote sensing of special individuals in our home
range was due to these supernal senses or whether it was due to the amplifed
precognition of our own timeline. Perhaps it is a bit of both, having celestial
supersenses in both space and time.
In a healthy individual a delicate balance is achieved between vasoconstriction
by endothelin, calcitonin etc on the one hand and vasodilators nitric oxide,
prostacyclin etc on the other. These two modes of expansion and contraction
constitute the kundalini path as it hyperboles from one extreme to the othergiving
the expansion/contraction gravity warping effect. It is apparent that expansion
phases where there is an infux of spirit, a relaxation and euphoria are associated
with the circulation of vasodilators in the body. The dilation of the blood vessels
lowers blood pressure and this increases fatigueheart expansion and gravity
expansion periods are always associated with fatigue and the urge to go to ground.
Some of the agents that facilitate this vasodilation would be histamine, serotonin,
acetylcholine, nitric oxide and even endorphins themselves. Studies found that
arteries in an actively contracted state were dilated in a dose dependent manner
by enkephalins and morphine, due perhaps to the presence of opiate receptors
in the vessel walls. Another vasodilator is Adenosine, which plays an important
role in biochemical processes, such as energy transferas adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP)as well as in signal transduction as
cyclic adenosine monophosphate, cAMP. If energy production goes up in the
mitochondrias during kundalini, Adenosine might be an important promoter of
the expansion phase. When adenosine enters the circulation, it causes an increase
in coronary vasodilatation.
In order to bring the body back to equilibrium after the expansion phase
the sympathetic nervous system kicks in to bring about vasoconstriction. This
contraction phase is associated with gravity crushing, panic, hypervigilance, desire
for movement, and emotional stress. The agents of this phase include vasopressin,
adrenaline, the catecholamines: epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine;
antihistamines and caffeine. This serves to increase heart rate, blood pressure and
raise blood glucose. Endothelin is a vasoconstricting peptide that plays a key part in
vascular homeostasis. It is one of the strongest vasoconstrictors currently studied.
Found in smooth muscle and endothelial cells and is instrumental in increasing
the discharge of sodium through urine and the production of urine by the kidney.
It also stimulates Nitric oxide (NO) release to redilate vessels and mediate vascular
homeostasis. Overproduction of endothelin can cause lung artery hypertension.
Prostacyclin is a prostaglandin produced in the walls of blood vessels that acts as a
vasodilator and inhibits platelet aggregation. It is used in the treatment of primary
pulmonary hypertension.
Prostaglandins are another important factor in the regulation of vascular
homeostasis. Prostaglandins are a large group of fatty acids that regulate cellular
processes, where they are produced. They are not stored but are produced as
needed by cell membranes in virtually every body tissue. They may also act as
messengers for hormones, in that the hormone binds to the cell, increasing the
levels of prostaglandins, which activate a specifc cell process. They participate in
a wide range of body functions such as the contraction and relaxation of smooth
muscle, the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, control of blood pressure,
modulation of infammation, glandular secretion and Ca movement. One such
substance, which stimulates contraction of the uterus, is used clinically to induce
labor. Prostaglandins also control the substances involved in the transmission of
nerve impulses, participate in the bodys defenses against infection, and regulate
the rate of metabolism and cell growth in various tissues. Histamine stimulates
prostaglandin release, which increases vascular permeability, producing a range
of affects on brain function and metabolism. Several prostaglandins have been
shown to induce fever, possibly by participating in the temperature-regulating
mechanisms in the hypothalamus. The fact that aspirin and other nonsteroidal
anti-infammatory drugs have been shown to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis may
account for their usefulness in reducing fever and infammation.
PUll From sKeletal mUscles
With the heart expansion of February 2007s full moon, I realized I had not
built up my bodys nutrient resources enough. Thus the monthly heart expansions
were literally drawing amino acids (arginine, glutamine, taurine) and glucose
out of my skeletal muscles in order to feed the heart expansion. And because my
reserves are inadequate the rest of my frame goes into deprivation mode. Each
heart expansion period would be accompanied with painfully weak arms, a sense
of pain and weakness in the buttocks, fatigue and grounding.
I turned my awareness on the big-draw in my skeletal muscles and remembered
that this has been happening every full moon now for 6 months or so at least.
About 5 days prior to a heart expansion period there was a drain on nerve energy
resulting in ticks and pulsations of muscles. Then 3 days prior to full moon I can
feel the heart start to power up, with associated loss of strength from the arms and
gluts. Plus I can feel what probably amounts to amino acids being removed from
the skeletal muscles of the gluts, making them weak and sore. My theory is that the
body was harvesting the amino acid glutamine and arginine (and possibly taurine)
to convert to the neurotransmitter glutamate, glucose and nitric oxide in order to
fuel the heart expansion around the full moon.
March 2007 was a very parasympathetic opening didnt suck the
nutrients from my skeletal muscles so that meant the nutrient saturation with
my smoothies worked. However it blew my cardio system so wide open I had to
spend a day in bed, and have been on go-slow for 5 days. It made me realize I now
need to really build up the strength of my cardiovascular system with aerobics
(running) in order to withstand the fuxes and fows of the cosmos. A silicon
rich diet is important to endure heart expansions also both in improving nerve
transmission and increasing the elasticity and tone of the blood vessels. I also fnd
catnip tea useful for helping the mind to surrender, for psychological resistance to
the expansion will create a tension differential.
By the late July heart expansion I had saturated my reserves through nutrient
dense greens and superfood smoothies, so I only felt a little sleepiness rather than
fatigue with the heart expansion. There was no sense of drawing of nutrients
from the skeletal muscle. However, because the increased nutrition allows the
heart to sore higher, I found I needed to moan, groan and use panting breath to
accommodate the largeness of the heart. (A reminder that lying on the earth will
help you to endure the times when the heart is most intensely blown open.)
During the peak we tend to fip from one mode to its opposite, but after
many years there is not such an obvious fip into contraction after opening, for
you barely notice any descent within the background of permanent ecstasy and
heart expansion. I found that in the latter stages of the alchemy I do not go into
sympathetic drive for crucial scary or stimulating events, but into parasympathetic.
Parasympathetic overdrive involves: grounding, expanded blood vessels, great
weakness in the legs, slowness in moving and the heart feels like it is falling into
the ground. This happens automatically and the state will persist in directly in
relation to the subconscious charge generated by the stimulating or provocative
event or cosmic infuences (such as an eclipse, new moon and equinox occurring
This second half of 2007 I am going through mourning heart expansions...
where the heart is dropping into the enteric brain (solar plexus). It is delicious but
laced with deep sadness of helplessness over our current human predicament. In
the evening the expansion lifts to a more of the ecstatic side of the equation. At
night in bed my heart wanted to soar open to new heights, but each time it fexed
the guy downstairs would snore loudly. The opening heart loves whatever is there.
If there is grief, anger or fear there, the expanding heart melts sweetly into that.
The Heart (solar heart expansion) moves down into the solar plexus in the last few
months of the year coming up to winter solstice and the enteric brain tells it like it
is. The emotional solar plexus brain doesnt confabulate reality as the head can do,
but presents us with the raw reality of our inner existence.
Females tend to get weepy and whiney toward the end of a heart expansion
period. Heart expansions tend to blow your expansion adaptive functioning so
loss of left-brain faculties does produce depression. But there must be some specifc
chemistry with the aftermath of excessive heart opening, perhaps to do with serotonin
levels, the loss of dopamine and maybe reduction in norepinephrineand perhaps
after the long exposure to endorphins (amrita) a tolerance point is reached and the
neuron reuptake mechanism is overwhelmed with neurochemicals which creates
a temporary neurotoxicity. And this produces the lack of brain function and the
whining. Why females whine more than males I dont know. Males must have
different dopamine wiring, or be more effcient at clearing their brain chemicals.
Or perhaps they dont have heart expansions to quite the heart rendering level due
to less oxytocin. If large amounts of oxytocin are released during heart expansion,
as it is in childbirth, then any deprivation of cuddling and intimacy is going to
show up as a pretty major depression. I notice the parasympathetically expanded
heart does tie so intimately into the social arm wiring, that it is literally painful not
to hug someone. Or it could be that it is the serum estrogen and testosterone levels
which determine whether one whines after a heart expansion or not. Opening is
hard work, perhaps that is it, perhaps we just dont like to be opened beyond our
comfort level when our adaptive faculties have gone offine. Anyway the moral
of the story is that to follow your cycles in association with the annual/monthly
moon/sun cycles and prepare for heart expansions. To maintain meta-adaptation
and higher testosterone we need to be cardio-aerobically ft. Then the exhaustive/
depressive downside of a heart expansion will not be so extreme. You may not be
able to run during a heart expansion, but run on those days that your heart is more
normal, in order to condition both the heart itself and the brain toward more yang
chemistry and mastery.
As the Solar Heart grows, during a peak heart expansion you might notice waves
of intense physical heat coming off your heartalong with full-body heating.
Simultaneous with this heart-wave heat I also had intense heat arising from my
shoulder joints. That day I ate some cooked peanuts and the next morning my
shoulder joints were painful. So I recommend you stay clear away from cooked,
processed or damaged fats during the extreme heating periods of heart expansions,
or active kundalini in general. For these fats just add to the oxidative load and
contribute to infammationnot transformation. As a general rule the hotter the
kundalini heat we are experiencing, the more careful we have to be to not include
cooked carbohydrates or transfats in our diet, and to increase our antioxidant
Inner harmony requires a person to think with the heart as well as to feel with the
brain. Maria Szepes, The Magic of Everyday Life
That the ecstasy of incarnation is not solely for us gives a new spin on the
meaning of responsibility...responding to Spirit. Spirit keeps turning up the
volume on the bliss dial until we get it. That we are a vehicle for Spirit and
that Spirit is driven to merge with itself through amplifcation of its force. If the
work of Spirit is for the collective anyway, then at some point we should be able
to say Yea Spirit, bring it on, give me all youve got so I can spread it around!
You might fnd that dogs bark at your heart expansion energy, for it vicariously
infates their heart feld. Humans and all living creatures respond unconsciously to
a radically magnifed heart feld, sometimes not always positively.
Despite the fact that Divine Union is the reason and goal of all religions, even
so ecstasy is still apparently a dangerous subject when it comes to establishing
and maintaining the power differential in the workplace and community. For
ecstasy constitutes social emancipation and freedom from destructive social codes
and power structures (what I call Baboon Politics). Because it is not normal
for someone to be in radical ecstasy in a daily life setting, be careful who you tell.
Generally while we are actively sharing the pleasure of our ecstasy and Presence
with others we cannot let on. We cannot put a crack the cosmic egg of normality
and expect others to still participate...thus we must bridge worlds! Massaging others
while you are in radical heart expansion-ecstasy is generally not a good idea, for the
blood pressure is too low with the expansion of all the blood vessels and heart...
and there is no strength in the arms anyway, coupled with the slowing and fatigue
generated by this expansion period.
In Christian theology, Kenosis is the concept of the self-emptying of ones
own will and becoming entirely receptive to God and his perfect will. It is used
both as an explanation of the incarnation, and an indication of the nature of Gods
activity and condescension. It just might be that a female can be affected by a
spiritual male more so than the other way round. Perhaps because a females brain
is more functionally diffuse, with different areas able to take on the tasks of other
areas, while male brains are more specifc and localized. Since a females brain is
wired to go unconscious during sex, and since kundalini is similar to sex chemistry
but greatly magnifed, this means that a females awakening might biochemically
exhibit a more fundamental form of surrender which the male body is unlikely to
ever experience.
Bliss anD tHe relatiVe Domain
Society cannot allow ecstasy. Ecstasy is the greatest revolutionIf people become
ecstatic, the whole society will have to change, because this society is based on
misery.17, Osho, Body Mind Balancing
The bliss is a permanent background which is impervious to both suffering
and pleasure. The bliss is all pervasive. That is we can be in the worst physical
or emotional suffering and still be in radical bliss. Then on top of the bliss there
are emotions, desires, suffering, numbness, anhedonia and whatever our relative
response to life is at the time. I have humorously proposed a bliss scale from 1-
10. With 10 being when one is in a catatonic-like state due to extreme ecstasy.
I would say kundi-actives hang out between 8-10 on the bliss scale. Both the
bliss and ecstasy of kundalini are NOT a mood, but are the pervasive state of the
bodymind. Within this moods might occur such as happiness, depression, sadness,
anger, fear and all the other emotions, however they all occur within the context
of all pervasive ecstasy. Ecstasy is the normal state of a human when the light of
life is fowing through the cells. Bliss is the natural state. Thousands of years of
Western culture however prevents the full fow of light and ecstasy except in those
few who pop.
Desire to some extent is reduced once kundalini has been working on the body
for many years and a state of permanent bliss or ecstasy is reached...but desire is
not a problem unless you use it to destroy your life and which case it is
the lack of wisdom that is the problem not desire. The most useful thing about
moving between the grace of ecstasy and then coming down to mortal fesh again,
is that the contrast allows us to consciously work on the painbody. It is like being
plugged into the universe, having the plug pulled and then having to work to
replug oneself back in. In my experience destruction and creation happen in cycles,
but like the yin/yang symbol, each part of the hyperbolic curve of growth and
decay has a bit of the other side in it as the seed-form of the other. One example of
these cycles is that each period of ecstasy will result in a corresponding revelation in
the painbody, which must be entered into with the minds eye and heart in order
to stabilize and integrate the light into that area.
Thus the light seeks out and presents to conscious awareness that which is
holding back from full inclusion in the perfect communicationcommunion
of cells of the organism-total. We establish a condition of permanent ecstasy as
the light of Spirit increasingly transmutes the body removing all blockages and
defciencies to its perfect fow. We learn how to conserve Spirits energy and order
(syntropy) through abeyance to certain thoughts and behavior. Know that we can
never know the whole of reality in the moment, but reality unfolds like a Chinese
box with the internals becoming ever more fundamental and profound, revealing
ever deeper layers of conditioning and ignorance to be carted out of the way.
It is perfectly ironic that ecstasy becomes the hardest spiritual task. It gets
far easier in time as the nervous system and biology rewires, but you have to
be determined to get more lucid with it, rather than merely using it like an
anaesthetizing drug to avoid your existence. This is one of the reasons why being
Muse-driven is absolutely essential to the spiritual pathin fact being Muse
driven IS the spiritual path. Without somewhere specifc and substantial to put the
largeness and profundity of our emergence we are lost! As the heart-brain connection
becomes stabilized our periods of ecstasy no longer disrupt cognitive function, but
enhance it to the point where we can live in perpetual illumination, that is one
with the Muse. At this point it means we are basically an Adept...however living
up to that enormous Grace is the next challenge and doing something substantial
in the world other than mere theorizing.
(See Quantum Mind BOK-2 for more on handling ecstasy. The next book in my
kundalini series includes a Lightbody herbal formula for enabling the metabolism
of bliss without reduction in lucidity, thereby gaining spiritual mastery.)
As Kundalini moves up through the sushumna, She transforms the body and makes it
fit for spiritual sadhana; it is only after the body has been purified that the Shakti can
work with full force. P. 28 Swami Muktananda, Kundalini, The Secret of Life.
The inner-conjunction is the most intense kundalini experience when it feels
like thousands of volts are tearing through ones system. There are many ecstatic
experiences during a kundalini awakening, but the shooting up the spine and its
associated Silver Cord or Sex with Eros is the most extreme experience one
can endure energetically. I havent found a name for it in Western literature and
no corresponding Eastern name so I call it the inner-conjunction. I liken it to
10,000 orgasms pouring through every cell of ones body and gushing out the top
of the crown, threatening to explode ones head. I say that it is 10,000 orgs up the
spine to convey its huge quantum jump from the normal experience of our body.
Thus in this book you will see me refer to the charge of the Inner-conjunction as
10,000 orgs. But if someone did actually have the equivalent of 10,000 orgasms
all at once it would kill them instantly. The degree of ecstasy is inexpressible, other
than to say that every cell in the body is lit up with God...with bliss in the extreme.
Both males and females experience the inner-conjunction as the peak event of
an awakening or a lifetime. I have had 4 of spontaneous blast out of the
blue completely not knowing what it was, one dark night version corresponding
to this frst one. One Sex With Eros inner-conjunction with womb contractions as
well, and the last one included the silver cord.
The sex with eros event is an inner-conjunction that includes genital
contractions and spontaneous sexual ecstasy. Some people experience daily
spontaneous extreme orgastic activity either in the whole body or parts of the body.
Since inner-conjunctions are the most intense energetic kundalini experience,
having this energy activate the sex organs also makes for the most intense sexual
experience possible. But you must understand that because it is a spontaneous
event and is part of the entire body lighting up, such an event is not sexual in the
normal sense. Thus paradoxically the most extreme sexual experience possible to
humans is not even sexual and it is this realization that helps one to intuit the larger
purpose, meaning and direction of life beyond all our conditioned assumptions,
concepts and self-centric myopia.
Men and women experience these spontaneous superorgansms, but it might be
more frequent or intense in women, it is hard to say. This spontaneous inner sex
may be linked to the mythic ideas of the virgin birth, as well as showers of gold
from Zeus and having sex with Gods. In Eastern traditions the inner-conjunction
might be confused with men ejaculating up their spine. Obviously the men are not
actually ejaculating up the spine, though for some reason the Easterners interpret
the event as that. What they are experiencing is the inner-conjunction...others
might call this samadhi, although samadhi is usually associated with a lot of other
stuff which is not the inner-conjunction. (See Kundalini Gland for more on this)
The peak inner-conjunction of my lifetime happened during the transmutation
phase of my 2000 awakening, 12 days after the start of the peak-infux. This was
when enough purifcation had occurred such that the crown pole and the sacral
pole united in what felt like a sword or silver cord penetrating the center of the
spine. It is hard to say how long it lasted for time disappears; yogis work to prolong
the duration of this union. After my short union I felt more my Self and more
alien than I have ever been, and the irises in my eyes were shining bright blue with
an inner light. I have blue irises, which have normally more brown-grey in them.
But during ecstasy or inner-conjunctions there is more light photons coming
through the irises themselves, so they are lit up from the inside...making them
almost iridescent light the spice eyes in the movie Dune. It may be that
the color spectrum of the light that emerges from the eyes may indeed be blue.
The life-energy itself is said to be of a blue hue and ultra violet is given off by
dividing cells.
This peak inner-conjunction was the only one that I had looked in the mirror
within half an hour. It happened on my birthday when I was up the hill in nature,
lying on the ground putting sun-heated rocks on my body. During the previous
5 days I had run through a series of spontaneous chakra voicing poems on the
reconciliation of the sexesstarting at the power chakra (solar plexus) and moving
up the chakras one poem a day. This focus on the reconciliation of the sexes helped
to reconcile the positive/negative, left/right, male/female sides of myself to bring
on the peak inner-conjunction of my lifetime.
The principle charge of energy is experienced as the silver cord or Sutratma.
This main charge has been referred to as Excalibur as well, because it feels like a
solid metallic shaft descending into the crown at the same time as massive energy
is pouring up the body and out the top of the head. The body is paralyzed and
the spine stiffened throughout the experience and this paralysis might add to the
sensation of this main charge of energy actually being a solid object. Of all the
metamorphic events it is obvious to the experiencer that the Silver Cord is the
highest or most extreme.
Sutratma, the spiritual umbilical cord, or amrita nadi, begins at the crown
chakra. The Sushumna in the center of the spine is simply the extension of
sutratma. The thickness of the sutratma is said to be just a few centimeter in
diameter and varies in size according to the individuals obedience to the laws of
the Cosmos. Our life cord connection with the divine is determined our genius
for balancing the pairs of opposites in any transaction in Nature. The fundamental
tone or octave of love integrates the various dimensions of matter, mind and
spirit. By strengthening the Qi of the Silver Cord and the consequent generation
of amrita we achieve transcendental wisdom and the genius of the Muse through
Self-remembering. After a Silver Cord experience you will feel both the most
alien and the most your Self you have ever been.
As far as I know with kundalini orgastic activity there is no vocalization,
moaning, screaming or cooing in bliss as in normal relational sexual activity.
The word orgasm doesnt really relate to these full body inner-conjunctions of
absolute bliss, setting the body on fre with ecstasy that is experienced in every cell
of the body. Ones entire body is orgasmic with many times more energy than a
normal orgasm. In fact so much energy one may think the brain is about to fuse
depression chemistry if not spent in forms of exertion. Rage at the tiger, then sleep
like a baby so to speak.
Lee Sannella was an advocate of the detoxifcation model. In its rise, kundalini
causes the central nervous system to throw off stress. The stress points will usually cause
pain during meditation. When kundalini encounters these stress points or blocks, it begins
to act on its own volition, engaging in a self-directed, self-limited process of spreading
out through the entire physio-psychological system to remove these blocks. Once a block
is removed, kundalini fows freely through that point and continues its upward journey
until the next stress area is encountered. Further, the kundalini energy diffuses in this
journey, so that it maybe operating on several levels at once, removing several different
blocks. When the course is completed, the energy all becomes focused again at the top of
the head. The difference between this fnal state and the initial state is not simply that
kundalini is focused in a different place, but that in the meantime it has passed through
every part of the organism, removing blocks and awakening consciousness there. Thus,
the entire process of kundalini action can be seen as one of purifcation or balancing.
P.11 Lee Sannella, M.D. Kundalini, Psychosis or Transcendence.
The idea of blockages to the fow of kundalini can instead be interpreted as
insuffcient, immature and nascent tissue. Metamorphosis is a process of death,
reconstruction and upgrading to greater effciency at conveying energy and
consciousness. Since you can have the full charge of 10,000 orgs up the spine
with little could there be blockages. In reality there is ripeness,
fruition and the resistance to that! If the nerves are ready and resourceful and
person surrendered enough then the inner-conjunction will occur. The initiation
spark will be lit and the inner fre will begin its transformative work.
Awakening is all about increased fow...the higher the fow of consciousness,
the greater the stage/state. When there is a high degree of energy fowing in
the system, ie: when the cells are producing a lot of energy, and the nerves are
conveying high energy, there is concurrently a great deal of energy fowing in
the bodys electromagnetic feld (EMF). The EMF surrounds the body like an
egg, with one pole at the crown and the other at the base of the spine. One has
to consult Rawls and Daviss book Magnetism to get a more sophisticated version
of the confguration of the EMF, but for simplicities sake we can imagine it as an
egg. According to Bentov the two poles of the EMF egg fnd the shortest distance
between them and unite through the sushumna. Rawls and Davis 1974, say that
the line of force comes out of say the right side of the north pole, goes through
the equator and enters the left side of the south pole. Thus all lines of force in
these feld systems are in a fgure of 8. And they would spiral around also, giving
the appearance of spinning vortexes. Their poles are probably aligned positive-
negative on the axis of the spine.
The years of kundalini priming activity purifes and strengthens the organism to
allow this inner-conjunction to take place. Somehow the evolution of the nervous
system inexorably leads up to this climatic event and our ongoing evolution
requires it. The inner-conjunction occurs when the noise or diffusion of nerve
energy is temporarily suspended such that all the oscillating systems can entrain
and fall into sync. As everything from atom, to cell to organ organizes into a
perfect symphony of vibration, all energies are heightened and ordered to facilitate
the spark of amplifed-lasered prana/plasma through the center of the spinal cord
Its not as though the organism needs to be completely opened and stress
(noise) free in order for the two poles to conjunct, but there needs to be a suffcient
reprieve from stress, combined with suffcient charge built up, to surmount the
inertial forces accumulated in the system. Once the zap occurs the higher EMF sets
about dissolving whatever stress and disorganization are embodied in the organism
so that a greater current of energy is able to fow freely. This temporary reprieve
from stress (noise), plus excited charge is probably one of the main reasons why
fasting, raw diet, falling in love, being in the presence of a Guru or taking certain
drug trips can spark off a kundalini awakening.
In terms of harmonic vibration an inner conjunction is a phase locked
synchronized rebounding wave with no interference, creating the maximum
effcient fow of energy up the spine. The Ipsalu Formula: A Method for Tantra
Bliss by Bodhi Avinasha explains wave coherence and wave interference which
no doubt plays a part in the radical amplifcation and sympathetic resonance
of the bodys energy. Another possible explanation or component of the inner-
conjunction comes from the work of Michael Persinger on interhemispheral
penetration. Where a interhemispheral penetration of energy between the brain
hemispheres may amplify and change the felds and fow, whereby a charge is
released up the spinal cord. His work is found in the book Neurotheology and www.
tHe FUtUre oF inner-conJUnctions
There is probably no limit to detoxifying-strengthening-opening the body to
kundalini. My friend Willy who in his 40s gives himself daily inner-conjunctions
with the aid of his own binaural music. He is able to sustain an inner-conjunction
for several hours with no harmful effects and thereby keep his metamorphic
(spiritual/revelatory) chemistry moving along at a rapid rate of ascendancy. His
frequent inner-conjunctions are not debilitating perhaps because he auto-initiates
them with his music, and perhaps since he is a musician his system is already
detoxifed and integrated! What Willy has shown me is that if we cleanse and
strengthen our instrument with the music of kundalini and with careful use and
understanding of the energy, we can indeed transform ourselves and our lives.
There is no limit or lid on our potential with kundalini. Normally I would not
encourage others to escalate their kundalini, but to focus on strengthening the
organism toward the natural progression of awakening to greater cosmic-unity
(popping). Willys experience makes me realize that with continued alignment and
sympathetic resonance the nervous system can go into a permanent high rev state
without burnout or damage. This is I think the information we have been waiting
for, that the body can be aclimatized to ongoing radical chemistry.
Part 111
cYcles oF aWaKeninG
cosmic inFlUences
Kundalini is the unfolding of the coil of the cosmos
Kundalini is so interrelated (nottwo) with the rest of the cosmos that trying to
convey it in words and facts is very diffcult. One can never express the complexity
and interrelatedness of the exquisite sensible inevitable sequence of alchemical
events. The mysterious awe-inspiring thing is how the universe wakes itself up by
giving birth to the new out of the bones of the old. Ones entire being and life prior
to an awakening goes into the making and riding of the wave. The whole universe
is a kundalini machine winding us up to ever increasing sentience. With active
kundalini it is apparent that the body is a tuning fork for the entire planet (and
solar system). I can feel my kundalini responding the low pressures of hurricanes
in the Gulf of Mexico as bliss in the lungs and belly. On a subliminal level a
kundi-active will give a greater biological response to the long waves transmitted
through the earth from waves crashing on the shore during a hurricane and those
initiated from the build up of pressure before an earthquake. As the hurricanes
start forming in the Atlantic, the energy will move down into the lungs and belly,
and then in November down into the pelvis and through the jaw. I go into radical
ecstasy and kundi-heat for the 4-5 days in which a huge hurricane or cyclone is
occurring in other parts of the world such as the Caribbean or Bangladesh. I think
however that I may only register a signifcant charge from storms that are occurring
in the same hemisphere of the globe to me. This peak in ecstasy may be due to the
particular frequency of the subaudible sound of Schumann harmonic which must
affect everything from the atoms in the body to the resonance within the cavity of
the skull. The Schumann resonance is generated in the resonant cavity between the
earths surface and the ionosphere.
The same solar/lunar, climatic, ionic and atmospheric conditions that create
hurricane season also generates the blissful kundalini in the lungs and belly. This
hurricane bliss could partly be due to seismic waves caused by the hurricane.
These seismic waves created by a hurricane in the Atlantic pass through the entire
United States. Kundalini actives are supersensory and their enteric (stomach)
brain is particularly sensitive and active, thus it is easy to understand how seismic
waves coming through the ground would be registered physically, electrically and
atomically (quantum), and ionically. Seismic surface waves, which travel through
the Earths crust, were detected 30 hours before the hurricane made landfall, while
body waves, which bounce down into the mantle, arrived some 18 hours later. The
body waves had traveled down to 1100 kilometers inside the Earth, Gerstoft says. Hurricane Katrinas Waves Felt in California
Earthquakes are also easily detected in a body that is highly lit with kundalini.
A normal person would still be receiving and perhaps behaviorally responding to
these changes, but they just do not register it consciously because their sensitivity
and affects in the body is lower. Be aware also that with heightened kundalini you
will be able to pick up the long waves that proceed earthquakes and also feel the
pressure of the ionic changes in the atmosphere as a very heavy prefrontal lobe daze
coupled with adrenal activation, for up to 2-4 days preceding a major earthquake
within your hemisphere of the globe.
While Boulder CO, I felt the 6.5 Paso Robles Quake on 12/23/03 as a very
heavy prefrontal lobe daze, and noticed their was a Chinook positive ion-high
wind at the time. The positive ion-high wind over here in Colorado is signifed
by a special type of compact high-wind clouds and high pressure in the body.
I theorized the atmospheric positive ion sheet probably existed over California
and reached out to Colorado. During the day of the 2003 quake I did register
a signifcant adrenal danger fush, however I was in such bliss at the time that
the danger sense I felt to be not personally relevant. NOAA and the Russians
are collaborating on a satellite detection system of ionospheric changes related
to immanent earthquakes, and can predict a quake and anticipate its size 2 days
before it occurs.
The infuences on kundalini by geomagnetic stress of earthquake build up and
the weather, and space-weather can be explained by changes in the Schumann
resonance and ionosphere affecting the cells. Between the earths surface and
ionosphere, a resonating cavity is formed. Broadband electromagnetic impulses,
like those from lightning fashes, fll this cavity, and create globally the Schumann
resonances at frequencies 5 - 50 Hz. The base Schumann Resonance is 7.8Hz
quasi standing electromagnetic waves mainly traveling from West to East. There is
a +/- 0.5 Hertz daily variation which is a function of the height of the ionosphere,
which changes with solar activity. Obviously huge high or low pressure systems
would also alter the height of the ionosphere, pushing or pulling on it as if it were
the membrane of a balloon.
Through their own DC feld all living organisms are plugged into the
electromagnetic feld of the earth, which varies in response to the sun and moon.
Because someone with active kundalini has a heightened feld and superfuid
condition, magnetic storms on the sun and the sunspot cycle will affect them more
so than the average organism. The earths normal feld resonating at Alpha 10 Hz
normalizes our own feld and biorhythms, and we remain in sync with the planet
through her feld changes effecting a change in our own.
Changes in the earths feld affect the pineal glands production of melatonin and
serotonin, as well as changing acetylcholine levels in the brainstem. In this respect
not only do our normal biorhythms respond this way, but so too do our psychic
and spiritual capacities respond to changes in earths feld. Thus we are keyed into
a cosmic timing devise for the emergence of consciousness that is governed largely
by the movements of the earth, sun and moon. Researchers will fnd that kundalini
(and indeed normal physiology) follows the rhythm of the suns magnetic feld/
solar wind feld sector boundary. One effect of this is the alteration of intestinal
bacteria and pathogen count, and immune cell spectrum and number. The two
day turbulence during the move from one sector boundary to another will also
affect biology, consciousness and behavior.
Kundalini, like cell growth, health, intellect and consciousness itself, follows
cosmic cycles whose infuences include: oxygen consumption, pH, cell division
rate, senescence rates, membrane fuidity rates and uptake/elimination rates of
cells, precipitation rates of chemical reactions, the propensity to greater or lesser
colloidal suspension, focculation, growth-rates of pathogens, hormone output
and fertility rates. The solar-lunar impacts on changes of atmospheric ions affect
the polarization of cells and organisms, ionization and ion differential charge,
polarization and fring capacity of nerves, hormonal/neurotransmitter and receptor
changes. Cosmic infuences probably also affect the speed and spectrum of protein
and enzyme construction. Free radical and antioxidant changes would factor in all
of this. All these cosmic infuences boil down to our subjective experiencesuch
that we ARE the cosmos.
Humans (and perhaps all animals) have magnetic sensing material in the
ethmoid bone which is located in the sinus close to the pineal and pituitary glands.
The slight rotation of the magnetic crystals in response to external changes in
feld is picked up by nerve endings in the area. Robert Becker and Gary Selden
suggest this organ also transmits the biocycle timing cues from the earths feld
micropulsations to the pineal gland. You might detect a rapid change in feld
through the sensation in the area of the sinuses.
Perhaps one of the best texts on electromagnetic effects on life is still The Body
Electric by Robert O. Becker M.D., and Gary Selden. Chapter 14: Breathing With
The Earth covers the earths feld effect on life. This quote from P.249 is particularly
interesting: Recently a group under Indian biophysicist Sarada Subrahmanyam
reported that the human EEG not only responded to the micropulsations, but responded
differently depending on which way the subjects head was facing in relation to the
earths feld. Oddly enough, however, the head direction had no effect if the subject was
a yogi.
Presumably the yogis stabilized strengthened feld is less infuenced by the
interference patterns of external felds. This might hint at the difference between a
Yogi and an ordinary person undergoing a kundalini awakening. The Yogis mind
and structure is cohesive, aligned and his autonomic system is consciously directed.
The fact that a yogi is autonomous from the earths EMF probably shows that they
have changed their nerve response to the magnetic crystals in their forehead through
their own amplifed brain EMF. The practices of a yogithe breathing, fasting,
meditation and yoga would build a very different bodymind than the average gym
goer or householder. A yogi would have already cleared inferior cellular structure,
blockage, chemistry imbalances, have a strong neurotransmitter and hormone
profle, superior immune system and antioxidant system, because their bodies are
trained to convey higher energies and consciousness. Brain mapping would show
quite a different brain structure, and nervous system than the person who is not
trained in this way.
Changes in the solar cycle affect our biology and behavior. For example, around
solar max you will fnd more wars occurring around the world because the increased
solar wind creates more positive ions in the air, which in turn make the blood
and cell environment more acidic. Acidic pH leads to more aggression; that is a
defensive cellular response rather than a growing one. It is apparent from tracking
my metamorphic cycles that they power up during the gravitational highs of full
or new moon. Sometimes its the new moon when I am peaking other times it is
the full moon, depending on which has the highest tides. The higher the tide, the
greater the tidal infuence on the atmosphere as well and this translates into greater
ionic effects on lifeforms, so we cannot automatically say that it is a gravitational
trigger to metamorphosis or an ionic, for it is both. Full moon changes the surface
tension of the water in the body, thereby affecting the endocrine system.
Metamorphosis is also socially initiated as well, but even the cycle of spiritual
alchemy of the social/guru/romance effect is directly initiated and infuenced by
the solar/lunar cycles, gravitational, ionic, atmospheric, barometric and cosmic
wave infux. Also the sunspot cycle and the magnetic axis fips and the changes of
polarity in the eight day solar skirt sectors. The sun, moon, Jupiter and to a lesser
effect the other planets as well, all play into the progressive unfoldment of the
metamorphic butterfy, both individually and collectively.
Earths orbit is elliptical, or slightly oval-shaped. This means there is one
point in the orbit where Earth is closest to the Sun, and another where Earth
is farthest from the Sun. The closest point (perihelion) occurs in early January,
where Earth-Sun distance will be 147,093,602 km and Earth speeds up a bit in its
orbital progress. The far point (Aphelion) happens in early July, where when the
Earth-Sun distance will be 152,097,053 km and Earth moves slower than average
along its path. The passing of equinoxes and solstices has a huge impact on our
kundalini, consciousness, biology and magnetic infuences on life processes, health
and behavior.
There is a distinct seasonal progression of metamorphosis (love), which repeats
itself with precision year after year. July (summer) is the most energy-expansive
month of the year when the physical potency of Spirit is most noticeable. If you
are female you might even mistake Julys high vitalism for pregnancy, for there is
a sense of fullness and wholeness in the belly and there is a pressure of fullness in
the head and throat, while the heart seems more connected to everything. Also
there is a heaviness like being grounded, which makes walking slower. In high-
energy people you can actually see this July fullness in their face...they look like
they pregnant bursting with energy. Head pressure and the sound of pulsing or
ringing in the ears can get intense during the annual head popping months August
and September. There are things you can do for blood pressure and tinnitus, but
the best thing is long walks near moving water, and lying on the grass and staying
away from carbohydrates and dairy. Supplements for tinnitus, pressure and vertigo
are listed in the last section of BOK. October full moon, kundalini is in the lungs
and digestive system. This feels really blissful but makes a mess of ones digestion,
then in November full moon it moves down into the pelvis and through the jaw.
After winter solstice it will fip back up to a heart-brain connection, which is pure
liquid honey fre.
August 2006 was particularly drawing into the head, with amazing head
pressure, that translates into more breakdown during the back to soil phase of year
in Oct-Nov. Dont worry though the more you facilitate the Die-off period, the
more profound will be the rejuvenating effects next spring. The deeper the Die-off
means bigger spring regeneration, so expect a spiritual renaissance in April-May.
(April- May 2007, I had a very intense period of extended spacemind, high
blood pressure, ecstasy and revelation connected with the Keystone and Quantum
mind writing at the time)
It is interesting that toward November-December, after kundalini has passed
through its annual cycle: heartspleenpelvisdigestive system, then there
is some obvious kundi activity in the right-brain hemisphere and a noticeable
kundi-heat in the right side of the body. Thus the geomagnetic-gravity and light
spectrum infuence of winter solstice might alter the confguration of the NMDA
receptors to promote right-brain fring at this time. Thus in winter organisms
are generally more right-brain dominant than in summer. Perhaps because they
require more intuition and long range planning (future sight) to survive in winter,
while summer is time for building.
The initial cycles are apt to be of acute intensity in the peaks and valleys, with
a more lateral focus on the left side of the body as the Solar Heart establishes
itself. After several years the cycles occur without abatement but they are of lesser
(chronic) intensity, with smaller peaks and valleys and more balance between the
hemispheres of the brain and sides of the body. That is the male and female poles
within fnd deeper reconciliation in the lovemaking of the Soul with matter, as
the gross structures and blockages are cleared away, and the bodymind incarnates
more of its Superconducting-Soul template.
While we are lit and at our penultimate Self in the up-cycle we are essentially
pumped up as high as our organism can tolerate at the time. All the chemicals that
produce this state however create metabolites and so there is a down cycle that
corresponds to rest, recovery and repair. The ensuing depression and disenchantment
does have a subjective element (both individual and collective), but it is also very
much caused by the cascade of neurochemistry that has occurred. There is an
emotional component to this fip of having been in a high state of gratitude and
wonderment, then returned back to a state of normality or depression.
I have noticed on numerous occasions that kundalini just increases, amplifes,
deepens and often makes lucid whatever state or condition we are predisposed to
at the time, and this exaggeration may increase the propensity for am obvious
bipolar fip into its opposite. All chemistry is bipolar, we just are not usually
conscious of the cycles because we are embedded in the present-point of the
hyperbolic curve. Where we are on the rollercoaster depends on ones age, the
time of year, time of the month and countless other factors. But most of all it
depends on the prior chemistry and state that one goes into the peak event with.
That is it depends on what is up in the lived experience of the psyche-body-
soul. Because most of us is subterranean, there is always something that is trying
to emerge given enough energy, oxygen and attention to do so. There is endless
transconscious and preconscious material that is trying to flter into the conscious
arena should we let down our guard.
The perturbation of consciousness and infltration of unconscious material can
only work with the biochemistry and consciousness that we bring to it. Thus a
kundalini event or drug trip is a kind of Judgment Day and exploration of a vaster
consequence of our being than we normally have access to. Keep a spiritual diary
to document your kundalini phenomena, along with dreams so you can map out
your whole spiritual journey. If many people did this we would have lots of data
to work out the alchemy, as it occurs in a range of types. Also by doing this and
tying ones subjective experience into the monthly and annual cosmic cycles it
makes whatever stage we are at easier to handle when seen in the light of the larger
Electromagnetic infuences on the earths magnetosphere from the 22 year
sunspot cycle has a direct ubiquitous effect on life and the weather. The next
(2011) solar max cycle may be the most intense solar maximum in ffty years.
NCAR predicts it to be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one, with the
intensity of solar activity almost equivalent to that of the Solar Max of 1958. Bigger
sunspot cycles ramp up faster than smaller ones and lately the max has tended to
occur in two peaks. So for the coming cycle we can expect a larger peak in 2010
and then another slightly smaller peak 16 months later in 2012. Besides electrical
interference and amplifed storm activity, there will also be large numbers of people
going through kundalini awakenings during the coming solar max. During such
an exaggerated cycle it will be easier to correlate solar activity with its effects on
weather, kundalini and mood. For example due to greater storm and hurricane cells
we can expect frequent recurrent ecstasy and revelation periods. You can watch the
progress of solar activity at NASA and NCAR websites and
Check out the prediction graph at the bottom of the NASA page solarscience.msfc.
tHe annUal cosmic cYcle
Kundalini and the full spectrum of human existence and experience follows the
same annual cyclic pattern as plant growth through the seasons. A general monthly
outline is as follows:
seedJFMhead-heart, ethereal, abstract
leavesMAMheart-solar plexus, powering up, urgency, portent
FlowerJJAbelly-pelvis, highest heat and Heart, body physical illumination
FruitASOhead pressure-heart-lungs, revelatory chemistry
soilNDenergy to pelvis, Die-offs, descent to subconscious, opening up of
right hemisphere consciousness (perhapsdue to increased melatonin in winter)
This is a broad overview of the cosmic growth cycle which cannot refect the
infnite variables and complexity of human existence. (Southern Hemisphere people
are obviously switched with their fower period occurring in Jan-Feb.) The 22
year sunspot cycle probably follows a similar growth cycle from seed-leaves-fower-
fruit-soil. This is the fow of the Tao of life, it is a hyperbolic curve that spirals
through time. The astronomical infuences on cell development are instigated by
the solar/lunar infuences on the EMF of the earth. The sunspot cycle and the
moon have a greater infuence on health, fertility, consciousness and behavior than
any other cosmic infuence I think. The goal being to unify the gestalt of objective
and subjective, yin and yang, introversion and extraversion, cosmos and Self.
The Moon Phase concept is based on a four-fold division: instinct, emotion,
intellect and perception as in Carl Jungs four functions: sensing, feeling, thinking and
intuiting; or Max-Luschers four-color person: red, green, yellow and blue. An interesting
parallel appears when comparing the Moon Phases with Jungian psychology. Jung frst
defnes two attitudinal types: the extrovert and the introvert. The Moon Phase concept
also frst defnes a two-fold division: primary and antithetical: primary-objective and
antithetical-subjective. Marilyn Busteed and Dorothy Wergin, Phases of the Moon,
A Guide to Evolving Human Nature.
Cosmic Influences on Human Behavior, Michael Gauquelin (1985)
How Cosmic and Atmospheric Energies Influence Your Health, Michael Gauquelin
Cosmic Influences on Humans, Animals, and Plants, John T. Burns (He served as
the Executive Director of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles for five years).
Cosmosophy: Cosmic Influences on the Human Being, Rudolf Steiner
Cosmic Influences on Mind & IQ, S. S Chatterjee
Sun and Earth, Herbert Friedman, Scientific American Library, 1987.
Tutankhamun Prophecies, Maurice Cotterell, Appendix 1: The Sun
The Lunar Effect: The Moons Effect On Our Weather, Harry Alcock; Moana Press
Moon Rhythms in Naure: How Lunar Cycles Affect Living Organisms, Klaus-Peter
Endres et al
Phases of the Moon: A Guide to Evolving Human Nature, Marilyn Busteed and
Dorothy Wergin (Jungian)
Earthmind: Communicating With the Living World of Gaia, Paul Devereux, John
Steele, and David Kubrin, 1992.
Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger, Alick Bartholomew
and David Bellamy, 2005.
The Fields of Life: Our Links with the Universe, Dr. Harold Saxton Burr, 1973
Bio-Dynamic Book of Moons; and Weather and Cosmology, Dennis Klocek Sunspots and Human Behavior by
James Borges
PHases oF KUnDalini
Just like everything else in life kundalini cycles through a specifc fow of
chemistry. The general periods for a full-on awakening are 2 years priming, 6
month apex, 3 years peak, 5 years recovery, but awakenings come in all shapes
and sizes. The peak-apex of a mature awakening is usually around 6 months, the
awakening itself is usually around 3 years, then the assimilation phase is perhaps
around 5 years. These fgures are almost impossible to contrive because everyone
has an awakening specifc to themselves. Each stage has its particular sensations,
symptoms, emotions and thoughts. Broadly speaking the following outlines the
linear process. The kundalini process cycles through these phases again and again,
creating a hyperbolic wave of nested cycles.
PriminGTwo or more years of sexual heating, increased creative drive and
muse/PSIThyroid, sex hormone activation.
inFlUXOpening, Grace, ecstasy, electrical. Initial Inner-conjunction, Double
Helix of energy rising around the spineSex with Eros, Gods Lightning Bolt.
sHocKMajor septic shock from the nitric oxide of the infuxcontraction,
panic, sympathetic/adrenal hyper-activationWhite Shock.
transmUtationFires, Heart-expansions, grounding, gravity warping.
main inner-conJUnctionFull body orgasmic, massive energy up
spine, paralysisSilver Cord, Achieving Ones Self.
Die-oFFEgo inoperable, 3-7 days in bed, feels like body is eating itself,
catabolic breakdownDark Night, Death prior to Resurrection.
Heart-Brain sYncMature link; right orbiofrontal-limbic connection
activity and associated heart expansionPenis on the Brain, brain orgasms.
sUBstantiationRegrowth, building higher quality tissue, integration,
calm, wholeness, anabolicSpiritual Will.
All these cycles have to do with the mechanisms of biological transmutation,
but one can talk about it in terms of cell-life duration, homeostatic coping
ability, reserves of resources, physical-mental-emotional blockage and resistance,
conduciveness of ones environment and rest-recovery-repair. The question of
the down-cycles relationship to the up-cycle is a big one for kundalini and is
always fascinating to me. The intensity of the up-cycle is usually equivalent to the
intensity of the down. However once we understand the actual neuro-hormonal
chemistry better, we should be able to modulate both extremes. This might make
kundalini awakenings somewhat more functional and adaptable to everyday life.
Conscious navigation of the alchemy will not make awakenings less profound, but
with greater knowledge there will be less resistance, secondary defensive coping
strategies, story and terror, so the whole process should go more smoothly with less
stress and organic damage. Metamorphic chemistry takes over our life.
Whether parasympathetic relaxation or sympathetic excitation, these cycles
run on their own accord and demand adherence. But we do have to make sure that
we are indeed following signals and going-with the particular phase, not fghting
it. If its a grounding, relaxation, exhaustion phase then we must give in and not try
to overwork ourselves and prop ourselves up on stimulants. Similarly the excitation
phase will demand extra exercise, breathing, hot baths and time in nature. That is
we must have a sober and respectful adjustment to whatever reality is presenting to
us in order to work-with metamorphosis.
I surmise that the trajectory and duration of an awakening is determined by
all the body systems and conditions, coupled with ones life circumstances and
the specifc work that kundalini was doing in the body, plus the nature of ones
spiritual practice. By conditions I mean the strength, conductivity vs. friction and
reserves: strength of protein structures, strength and openness of cardiovascular
system, strength and development of the nervous system, immune strength,
degree of muscular spasticity, toxicity load, plaque/ama build up, liver effciency,
glycogen stores, antioxidant supplies, mineral and enzyme reserves, plus hormone
and neurotransmitter resources.
The phases of metamorphosis cycle round roughly in an annual cycle following
the seasons, and solar-lunar gravitational tides. Over the years the cycles DO get
easier, or we become more conscious in our embrace of them. Things tend to get
less electrically raw also with time and once we are over the peak years it gets
much easier. We learn to learn and our resistance gets slowly worn down by ecstasy.
We learn to fnd solutions and through meta-adaptation we can face-into kundalini
without fear. Consciousness ceases to be a problem. The more people that do
this, the more we awaken as a collective organism, and thus the less likely we are to
commit global suicide through heightened sense-ability.
Tao is All magical power
Beauty defned by contrast
Paradox and Polarity
Primordial Being and Non-being
Non-struggle action
With gratitude
No need to possess
Yin and Yang
Rest and motion
Contraction and expansion
Tao is dynamic
Continuously renewing and interweaving
Heaven and Earth
Born of the Continuum
Eternal Cosmic Organism
He who follows the Tao
Is one with the Tao
Tao is eternal
Elusive and intangible
Yet Tao is inexorable
DoWn is UP
Kundalini does not necessary move up the body, for it is all happening in
the brain...and felt in the body as a consequence. The brain and body are one.
The sensations and chemistry occurring in the body is also refected in the brain
and vice versa. One of the physical symptoms of kundalinithe double helix of
energy up the spinehas been stigmatized in myth as the serpent symbol. It is
unfortunate for this gets mixed up with the symbol of the biblical serpent and
then kundalini is relegated to the mere physical realm. In an ignorant and fearful
culture, kundalini is then something that is superstitiously desacralized. However
kundalini IS the sacred energy itself, that expands and deepens everything physical,
emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual. It cannot be relegated anyone domain
because it inhabits all domains. Kundalini is no different than Spirit.
The way Eastern language treats kundalini adds to the general mystifcation of
the process. Sanskrit is a metaphorical prescientifc language, that often confuses
more than it illuminates. There are no snakes in kundalini, no coiled thing.
There is no such thing as Nadis...the energy felds are just thatfelds, not discrete
lines of force. The ida and pingala can be seen as the left and right sympathetic
trunks that run either side of the spine. Sometimes a special event can occur where
energy can be felt to spiral around in a double helix from ganglion to ganglion
around the spine and up the sympathetic trunksgiving the sensation of two
entwined coiled snakes. We no longer need to use mythic snake metaphors or
imagine mysterious forces for which there is no scientifc correlate. Many earnest
people get rather knotted up about kundalini and are apt to insist that spiritual
practice is the be-all-and-end-all of spirituality, without considering the role of
Spirit in the process. Its Spirit that spiritualizes after all. Spirit shows us the way
from the inside out, at such speed, its all one can do to try and get out the way in
order to cope, adapt and live up to the demands of the alchemy.
Dont believe anyone that tells you awakening is a linear pathall laid out
with pretty chakra lights to lead the wayfollow the colors and you will get to
heaven, Shambhala or enlightenment. Reality is far different from this. Kundalini
fows up in order to fow down and down in order to fow up. One way of looking
at metamorphosis is the dance of two intertwined opposing forces of charges,
poles, sexes and hemispheres. At the central nervous system level the yang force
is the sympathetic on-switch, and the yin force is the parasympathetic off-switch.
Kundalini we could say is the rhythmic dance of these two forces taking us on a
hyperbolic tango up and down. If we dont know how to fow-with this polar dance,
we resist both the up and the down, resulting in the burnout of both sides of the
nervous system and we succumb to listlessness, depression and meaninglessness.
I dont follow the chakra system except in abstract theory, as a symbolic
metaphysical map of the phylogenic and ontogenic development of consciousness.
In reality kundalini operates simultaneously in all charkas to varying degrees. To
open up more of the higher areas the lower areas are simultaneously opened. In
order to open the lower areas, the higher areas are simultaneously opened. As we
evolve, the belly, solar plexus and pelvis become increasingly relaxed, more sensate
and therefore more immune to blind reactivity. We can then digest phenomena
in the hyper-relaxation of our inner-core and in this way we get off the wheel of
Samsaraor blind adherence to conditioned responses. Samsara literally means
wandering-on, (without conscious witness), while enlightenment or Moksha is
liberation from samsara. The liberating fres of kundalini in the belly, frees us
from our simian nature and culture. (Hara: The Vital Center of Man by Karlfried
Graf Drckheim)
Kundalini follows its own course through the body that is specifc to each
person, but it is defnitely not a linear path up the body. Except during the
conjunction experiences when enormous energy pours upwards through the body
with the force of a concord. Since my awakenings I am adverse to saying that the
lower plexuses (charkas) or centers open prior to the higher. In my experience
they all open simultaneous to varying degrees. And since the linear body is all
holographically represented in the brain, and its activity in the brain that is
expressed at various regions of the body, it is hard to say what is top and what is
tail. Thus kundalini moving upwards is a misnomerit doesnt start out at the
base of the spine and eventually reach the brain. It is happening in the brain
from the start. Even the activation of the root chakra, and the tingling in the
left foot is occurring in the brain. The brain is a hologram of the body and the
body is represented holographically in the brain. The body and brain are nottwo.
Whatever is going on in the body is simultaneously represented in the brain and
vice versa.
Kundalini moves hyperbolically through the cosmic cycles of sun and moon
round and round, up and down, down and up and basically all over the chakra
map. For example in childhood sexual development, there probably has to be a
certain level of development of the prefrontal lobes before the genitals become
energetically activated. The higher in-forms the lower. So say you want to work
on opening your sex center, well you dont do this directly, you work on the solar
plexus-(power) and heart-(love) centers. And if you want to evolve sex even further
you work on the throat-(honesty), third eye-(psychic) and crown-(integrated whole)
centers. Similarly if you want to open up the crown you need to simultaneously
work on freeing the pelvis to generate higher energy. There are the fundamentals
and the penultimate but its all basically just one fow of energy. Kink the hose at
any point and you interrupt the fow to all parts. Relax into the fow and you know
far more than if you try to put your experience into a neat little logical map.
We cannot divide and distinguish the difference in bodymind, subtle and
causal effects because they are part of the same thing. There are physical autonomic
body reactions such as panic states, grounding, heart expansions, heat, tingles
etc...and then there are the subjective experiences such as illumination, devotion,
insight, telepathy, precognition, visions, profound dreams, eurekas etc.. There are
lower periods say during a Die-off where cacophonous voices may occur without
higher-spiritual content (noise), and other periods where the energy is cycling at
much higher level in which the voices have something profoundly illuminating
to say. You can easily know the difference from the tangible power and Presence
contained within the inner communication.
Kundalini fows in different episodes; sometimes panic will force exercise and
breathing, sometimes bliss and grounding will force lying down. If we understand
the chemistries at play with the various autonomic (sympathetic/parasympathetic)
responses we are not confused, resistant or fearful over what is happening. With an
informed perspective we know beforehand that if we are down, we are going to go
up, and if we are up we are going to go down. Such knowledge breeds humility and
awe and guards against infation. We know how to work-with the on/off switches
and ups and downs, to not to suppress either, but to deepen into the energy of
each, in a conscious embrace of whatever is happening now.
The Perspective of Whole-Seeing and Farsight: The key to mastery of kundalini is
that when the bliss is acute it is imperative to draw energy up the spine or otherwise
we fnd ourselves trying to run from it and push it away. If we wimp out and try
to resist the bliss and push down the energy rather than embrace it, then this will
lead to inevitable compulsivity, addiction and regression. An immature default
rather than mastery and meta-adaptation. The radical amplifcation of normal
sensory and emotional perception and of consciousness itself will inevitably draw
us into fxation with whatever part of the hyperbolic curve of experience we might
be on at the time. However there is a vantage point from which Whole-Seeing
is made possible. From the minds eye we can view the changing phenomena
of kundalini without being carried away by it. The Minds Eye is the connective
current between the brainstem and the third eye. We obtain the seat of the
Minds Eye by the felt-sense of pulling energy up the body and into this inner
connection in the head. This done simultaneously with deep breathing to keep our
experience of kundalini conscious rather than being seduced by its ecstatic fres
into a narcotic sleep.
I also must relate the importance of the solar plexus in keeping the balance
between the two sides of the nervous system. We can prevent morbid overextension of
both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems by conscious breathing
into the largest plexus of the bodythe solar plexus. If we fnd ourselves in either
a high or a slump, then long walks while focusing on solar plexus breathing will
help to integrate and balance the energy. This continues to be important for years
after an awakening as an aid to integration and establishment of the spiritual will.
Without integration we may go through the entire ordeal of an awakening for no
beneft to ourselves or others and actually be worse off than we were before. The
Solar Plexus responds instantaneously to the brain. Every minute contraction and
expansion of the solar-center of Life is in obedience to the brain. The Solar Plexus
lies behind the pit of the stomach. It may be energized by practicing a drawing
in of the abdominal muscles. Draw the abdominal muscles inward and upward
several times at each exercise.
The closest parallel in normal human experience to mystic ecstasy of
kundalini activation is sex sensations. One could look at the spiral of the growth
in consciousness in terms of sex energy and its use, and see the pathological,
conservative, post conservative and enlightened uses of sex energy. The body is
a template of our conscious-proactive-love-Self-expansion VS. our unconscious-
After the frst major opening of the infux (Sex with Eros) I experienced a
corresponding major contraction. I call this particular contraction the White
shock because as blood leaves the skin surface the skin turns white. During this
event you feel rather like a robot for motor control is diminished and you are
dispossessed. That is you go into unavoidable shock. During the White Shock
with the meta-activation of the sympathetic nervous, the adrenals are highly active
and blood moves away from the body surface and is sent to the sketetal muscles.
Perhaps this is tied into the changes in the production of immune cells in the
bone marrow during metamorphosis. At this time the nervous system would be
fooding the body with a certain mix of neuropeptides that would signal the cells
to change from their normal function into the transmutation mode. The fact that
neuropeptides are the molecules of emotion, and that this alchemy occurs of its
own accord and there is nothing much we can do about it, helps explain why the
early stages of a sudden awakening can be so emotionally overwhelming.
The initiation of metamorphic chemistry activates the adrenals and sympathetic
nervous system, which is essentially the fght-or-fight response. So great is this
sympathetic activation during the initiation-infux stage that the digestive system
purges. Digestion is activated by parasympathic or the rest-relaxation side of the
nervous system and with the crisis instigated by the radical sympathetic activation
the body rapidly purges the intestinal tract so that more energy can be available
for strategic thinking for fght-or-fight. The purging is essential so that when the
white-shock phase hits the digestive system is relatively empty, for the intestines
and the visceral organs go into an intense contraction. Perhaps this contraction is
necessary in order to reset the function of the organs into the transmutation mode.
Note that while the body is purging it is best to avoid eating food. Instead a little
fruit or fresh squeezed vegetable juice should be fne, but only if the desire for it
is there.
During the White Shock of the 2000 awakening the autonomic shock my body
went into of its own accord was perhaps equivalent to seeing a nuclear blast occur
out of the blue. Many people would assume in experiencing this kind of autonomic
shock that they are going through a Dark Night of the Soul experience. For me
the White Shock proper occurred after the initial peak opening of the infux of
spirit, the shock being in direct proportion to the extent of the opening.
The White Shock is associated with the ignition phase while the Die-offs happen
after a certain time interval of transmutation has occurred. The Die-offs are quite
different in sensation and physiology to the White Shock experience. The White
Shock is a state of septic shock created by the NO, free radicals other metabolites
produced during the hyperactivation of the initiation. While the Die-off is an
elaborate catabolic process choreographed by hormones etcand involving the
immune cells cannibalizing body cells that cannot withstand the high oxidation
conditions. This Die-off phenomena is known in the spiritual traditions as The
Death and Resurrection.
To deal with the septic shock do gentle stretching and pushing exercises and
plenty of breathing. Get some form of bodywork or the comfort of another
human body to hug. Eat green vegetables and green drinks and avoid heavy foods
for a body in shock is not prepared to digest food. Supplement at least with B
Vitamins and antioxidants and drink plenty of water. Take frequent long baths in
Epsom salts in order to provide the magnesium that will help turn on the relaxing
parasympathetic nervous system and loosen the contraction of the intestines
allowing proper peristalsis. (For more on this subject see Sepsis of the White Shock
in the Nitric Oxide section.)
Where kundalini comes in is that besides enlightened child rearing, it is the one
thing that can transform the older regions of the brain and bring the individual
bodymind and soul into a sense of being that is no longer fxated on defending the
illusion of self and in preventing its own death. This is so because the mask of the
conditioned self is slowly burned away in the fre of kundalini and a new species
is born. A species that is at peace with its own death, because it dies every second
into the fre of ecstasy. A species that is at peace with its awesome sensitivity and
vulnerability because it is no longer running from these, but opening to them to
discover our true power in depth.
Kundalini provides a disruption and penetration of consensus reality and its
repressive mechanisms. The chemistry of awakening with its vividness, bliss and
Grace provides us with the spiritual resources to feel into our deadness, shutdown
and resistance. In this way Presence incarnates and flls in our removal from
existence making us fully whole and here (healed). In order to develop the post-
conventional mind with which to investigate and use kundalini effectively, we have
to be actively transmuting via kundalini itself. Through Gnostic recognition of
the innate order of the Universe we overcome the disharmony, dysfunction and
entropy in the human condition.
The brightening of the human soul and the overhaul of the physical body,
frees us from the conditioning of the past and are thus able to develop a post-
conventional mind. To simply engage the full spectrum of the consciousness that
is available to live our genius. The bliss of Kundalini IS the Grace, but
then the work involves the will to let go of the past habitual self. The work is to
put love-juice-consciousness into blockages to transform them, but also through
faith to treat the blockages as if they were not even there. Communal love and
peer-friendship (teleiophilia) acts to stabilize higher states into structures. Higher
structures of consciousness are discovered only via a leap of faith into the dark with
no knowledge of where we might land.
Kundalini represents a quickening of metabolism, a dissolving of the past
morphogenetic habits of form and mind. The reason why it appears that kundalini
burns away karma is that oneself and ones world has become more changable,
more plastic, exceptional, original, real and unique. With depth one is simply not
a victim of circumstance, but a conscious cocreative participant in the mystery. The
expansion of consciousness that arises as the elixir quickens the blood, constitutes
a spiritual healing that redeems body, mind and soul. This redemption involves a
cleansing, healing and renewal, not only of the life of the individual, but also of
their ancestoral line and the residual imprint of ancestral karma that is embedded
within the individuals psychosomatic makeup.
eGo DeatH
Ego is composed of a socialized set of arbitrary boundaries (limitations) that
altogether define a persons inner-identity. These inner-boundaries include values,
beliefs and understandings- in the sense that people tend to stand-under or within
these socially-enforced, self-imposed limitations. John Van Bortel
The myriad forms of dysfunction all derive from the separation between self-
awareness and awareness of the whole...a separation that the negative aspect of the ego
battles to maintain. John Pierrakos
The ego protects us from full knowledge of the shadow and to the extent that it
does this it also blocks us off from super-consciousness as well. The ego (functional
personality) disappears in extreme kundalini events because of the enormous
energy coursing through the hindbrain, sensory-motor cortex and limbic brain.
Normally in extreme fght-or-fight chemistry the prefrontal lobes are disengaged
in order to allow the more instinctive parts of the brain to deal with the danger.
During a spiritual emergency however, the stimulation to the nervous system is
internally generated. Often the autonomic shock involved in kundalini awakening
is many times greater than that which we could ever experience in the course of a
normal human life.
Just as a virgin only has a limited grasp of what it is to be human prior to
having sex, so too, those who have not experienced the ecstatic inner-conjunction
or a Dark Night, also have a limited perception of the height and depth of human
experience. These extreme events make the ego more sober, respectful and humble
because of this cellular reassessment of what it is to be human. This adjustment
is largely biochemical, involving the expulsion of stored tension-energy and
extensive reconstruction of neural hardware. And it is this chemical, energetic and
experiential reformation, which leads to what we know as Ego Death. Whereas it
really should be known as the expansion of the limited boundaries of the Ego to
encompass a larger felt-sense of what it is to be human.
What is Ego Death? Ego death represents the neurodetoxifcation of fossilized
repression, removing the friction and futile cycling of the nervous system, allowing
a higher pattern to form. With higher coherency and integration the neurotic
compartmentalized self is healed or made whole. (See Toxic Mind Theory,
BOK-2). Our self is composed of the parent-superego, adult-ego, child-id in ALL
STATES. That is waking, dreaming and deep sleep, plus altered states. To this
triad there is both the light and dark aspects: Eros (pro-life) and Thanatos (pro-
death). Coupled with the Unconscious, conscious and Supraconscious. All these
factors interact to create the subjective experience of our seat of self-Self. This is
determined by the karma of happenstance and our response to it. Once we are
able to stabilize our consciousness a beyond knee jerk reaction to environment, we
are capable of cultivating greater depth and coherency. As we increase our light,
that is increase our energy of consciousness, we embody more of the positive-
Eros qualities and our conscious bandwidth expands to encompass more of the
unconscious and superconscious. Ego death in this sense is simply loss of neurosis
via increased integration and coherency.
Eliade says on page 291 of Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, that both yoga and
alchemy are an experiment of soul; of austerely using the body as a laboratory
for purifcation toward the fnal transmutation or perfection. Perfection being to
decondition life, attain freedom, bliss, the deliverance from the laws of time or
immortalityie: enlightenment. Ego death refers to the death of our resistance
to enlightenment. To have mastered life is to realizeLife as Ego Deathis the
glorifcation of the Ego not the degradation of it.
The dissolution of kundalini lifts the repressive hold of the ego allowing us
to embrace a much wider sense of ourselves. Kundalini awakenings provide the
potential to get real beyond our conditioning and the social models within which
we have been sleeping. The dominant rule of the ego over the body, mind and
soul is the main problem we face individually and collectively. In alchemical
terms the red King must be boiled down and dissolved in the great womb-vessel
(regressed as the neurons dissolve themselves) in order for the wounded King
to be transformed into the Universal or Sacred King. This is the basic principle
of alchemical treatises referring to human transmutation. The greater the ego the
harder the fall because of the substantially stronger sense of self, so there is a need
for a greater force to perturb that stability in order for the ego-death and rebirth
to occur. A lesser man would not have to go through such an ordeal because it
doesnt take such force to reduce his brain to zero point. That is to dissolve it down
in the great vessel-womb of the void in order to be reshaped.
Ego-death does not mean the disintegration of the healthy ego, the ego we need in
order to function in daily life. What dies in this process is the part of us that holds on
to the illusion of control, the part of us that thinks we are running the show, that we
are in charge. What disintegrates is the false identity that operates as though we are
the center of the universe. Christina Grof
The fear of death arises because we have been programmed to believe we are an
object rather than a process. Then we have to invent mythologies like reincarnation,
heaven-hell and punishment-reward in order to reinforce our belief in continuation
of the object. However once we truly Grok that we are a process and death
is a continuation of the life process, then we no longer feel like it lies as a fnal
humiliation in a long gauntlet of humiliations to our rigid self-sense of being an
object. It then becomes a welcome reward for a life truly lived, rather than a death
we must constantly avoid. Perhaps the only struggle there is, is in giving up our
survivalist personality, and allowing this meltdown to occur, trusting that there is
a new world on the other side of the known.
One of the safety valves to ensure that only the truly awakened get the full
Siddha power, is that Awakening is an inexorable process of death. Without the
sadness and humility of having to edit out ones former self...the new cannot be
born. True power therefore, is in the death of the former self, thus the frst stages
of awakening correspond to the Kbler-ross stages of grieving:
1. Denial: This cant be happening!
2. Anger: Why me, why do I have to do all the work?
3. Bargaining: Just let me keep my pointless job, my car and a beer or two.
of scarcity and fear throughout all aspects of culture tries to impose its Will on us
in determining who we are and our usefulness to the collective (Borg). To emerge
from the gravity of this ancient unconscious form of control we need both clarity,
stamina and determination to break free from the clutches of these lower primate
dynamics. Only by living our genius in constant connection to the All can we
contribute anything of evolutionary transcendent value. And thereby be a secret
agent of change from the old power-war system to the new green-peace world.
Nonduality is Sahaj Samadhi, or the state of no-difference, in which all that arises
is recognized as a mere self-existing and self-radiant divine Being. Enlightenment
is the realization of the perfect transparency of the conditional world to its Source.
The whole play of existence appears merely as a veil, transparent to the inherent
self-light. Adi Da says the three stages of perfect practice entail:
1. The realization of the Witness.
2. The contemplation of Depth
3. Transcendence of the content of consciousness
Yet this is no negation or trivialization of the contents of consciousness, but a
distance and plasticity in relation to content, which allows the realization of the
highest energetic, coherent, syntropic, win-win outcome. There is the no-self, and
there is the Self and the Self is called to evolutionary-action. In this radical move
from the personal to the transpersonal there is a dismantling of the ego not the
glorifcation of the ego. Spirituality is the Realization of the Self as one with and
not separate from the Universal Organism.
Now if ego (separate-self-sense) is the tension between the poles of subject and
object, it is this pull-back into is this defensive perspective, which
contracts us from Infnity that constitutes our suffering. In the act of separation
the conditioned reactive self accumulates negative karma. Finishing with the
past means letting go of the egos defense from and attachment to, its endlessly
recycled conditioning.
This is key to the entirety of life: Garwin says that for every breakthrough there
is a corresponding breakdown of older circuits, that if re-entrained, are a root cause of
potential insanity. Arik Redman
The Gnani (the Enlightened) continually enjoys uninterrupted, transcendental
experience, keeping his inner attention always on the Source, in spite of the apparent
existence of the ego, which the ignorant imagine to be real. This apparent ego is
harmless; it is like the skeleton of a burnt rope--though it has form, it is of no use to
tie anything with. Sri Ramana Maharshi
Fabulous article on ego death: Death of the Ego, A Buddhist View, By David Loy
Books by David Loy: A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack and The Great
Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory
Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it
bears much fruit. John 12:24
When we deny the urge toward transformative death it can only manifest covertly
through unconscious projection. Uniting Sex, Self and Spirit, by Genia Pauli
Whoever has studied the history of magic knows very well that in all epochs it has been
said that all great initiates remain dead for three days and resurrect on the third day.
The best defnitions for stages of growth in consciousness that I have found are
Egg...Caterpillar...Pupae...Butterfy. This perfectly describes the stages, implications
and profundity of metamorphosis. As well as a rebirth, we also have to start seeing
metamorphosis as a process of progressive death...the caterpillar dies to its eggness,
the pupa dies to its caterpillarness, the butterfy dies to its pupaeness. My hope is
to clarify that dark nights, Die-offs and diffcult kundalini symptoms and phases
are NOT in any way karmic punishment, but simply the metamorphic alchemy
at work in a completely natural and wholesome way, to bring about a new truly
human species.
FoUr tYPes oF DoWn triP
There are four main types of down-cycle events in metamorphosis that need to
be clearly understood to prevent unnecessary suffering and secondary backlash:
liGHtninG: This is a terror event of intense energy pouring up the body
similar to a euphoric inner-conjunction, but in this case it is a dysphoric
inner-conjunction. Here it seems we descend deeply into our matter
and experience great fear with no apparent cause. This negative inner-
conjunction mostly occurs during ones frst awakening, as the polar fip to
the spontaneous bliss awakening in a neophyte-body that is unfamiliar with
such intensity of consciousness and energy.
sHocK: White Shock, or autonomic shock that occurs immediately
after mystic ecstasy or Sex with Eros. That is the contraction and toxic
overload after a signifcant opening to the extreme bliss of a euphoric inner-
conjunction event.
selF-DiGestion: Then there are the Die-offs which are a catabolic
breakdown of the former structures through apoptosis due to oxidation by
free radicals and then phagocytosis by the macrophages.
BUrnoUt: Lastly there is the exhaustion phase of the overall awakening
cycle where the bodys resources of neurotransmitters, hormones, and
nutrients have been used up in the climb to the heights of the awakening
peak. During exhaustion depression arises, yet there is permanent bliss giving
the sense of being dissociated from depression.
These four types of down-cycle could variously be associated with what the
mystics call the Dark Night of the Soul. They are unavoidable, as the living death
must occur for resurrection of the spiritual bodymind. All must enter the Dark
Night, perhaps many times during the cyclical process of evolution. He who is
not twice born will not ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The deeper one goes into a Die-off, the greater the resurrection. Similarly the
more one allows the infux of spirit phase during the heart expansion, the deeper
one goes into the Die-off. The Die-off is either acute or chronic depending on the
person and phase of awakening. It happens after the Infux of Spirit, as the fesh
transmutes there is a Die-off of the conventional conditioned structures. For every
infux of spirit, there is an accompanying catabolic breakdown of the former pupal
body or Die-off. Only those people that have the kundi fow up the spine, and
the experience of extreme bliss/infux or massive opening events are going to
Die-off. Die-offs are distinct periods of catabolic breakdown in which there is no
operative ego, other than that which is suffcient to drag one off to the bathroom
when appropriate.
By the Die-off I am not meaning a near death experience. It feels more like
a bacterial infection is consuming ones body, but there are no bacterial type
symptoms or smells. A Die-off is mostly blissful, but at points there can be extreme
pain as well. There is a hyper awareness of all the damaged parts of the body...its
like the damaged parts are being eaten. There is slight nausea, but its mostly a case
of not being able to get out of bed, for the three or more days. All one can do to
make it to the bathroom and drink water. This is the body bottoming out so its
not a highly conscious condition. One doesnt get subtle level insights, the mind is
in a mild hallucinated state and not available for normal egoic function. There is
internal music, voices, sounds and lights, coupled with a pervasive sense of Grace.
When the Die-off is over we feel a new lease on life, much more so than a simple
recovery from illness.
In the degree of holiness of experience I have found that a Die-off is the runner-
up to the Inner-conjunction. Mainly because it is the cessation of doing and the
enforced relinquishment of the dominance of the ego. Eventually this is willingly
chosen because any division between bodymind-soul becomes increasingly obvious
and painful. My intuition is that the ego cannot handle love, and in actuality the
ego loves fear. Eventually this is penetrated and seen as self-defeating. For the love
that we give is the love that we are, and the love that we are is that which we can
receive from others.
Die-offs can be acute where you are in bed for 3-6 days, or chronic - what I call
walking Die-offs, where you can still get around but you have the distinct sense of
being eaten from the inside out. During my two awakenings I had several walking
Die-offs and 3 acute Die-offs. The frst of my Dark Nights was the implosion
event several weeks after my spontaneous awakening in Dec 1988. This peak of the
down-cycle was one night of extreme panic; electrical and energetically intense as
the blissful spontaneous awakening had been. Similarly the energy was pouring up
my spine threatening to blow my head off, but I was in abject terror not bliss. This
Dark Night was accompanied by a walking Die-off, where there was an extended
period of catabolic breakdown of the body via the immune system but I was not
forced into bed rest.
The second Die-off was a month after attending an Alex Grey workshop in
November 1999...this was a 4 day somatic collapse and more emotional than
electrical and mostly spent in bed. It was accompanied by intense grounding,
fatigue and heart expansion. The third was November 2000 after 3 months of
the main infux phase of fre and heart expansion after being in my initiators
presence...and this was atomic and cellular, an almost complete collapse of normal
faculties for 6 days. The sensation of the body eating itself was so apparent in this
Die-off that it was this experience that made me realize the role of the immune
system in metamorphosis. Ego is suspended, there are mild hallucinations of voice
and image, often blissful and a holy sensation, sometimes incredibly painful as the
transmutation is working on a particularly congested or damaged part of the body.
For me this was the right side of my face and head which felt as though it was being
dissolved by acid for a day.
Seems to me that after experiences of radical expansion and extreme euphoria,
we tend to compare the difference between where we were in mystic revelry and
the condition most of us live init is then that extreme cathartic anguish occurs
as we mourn the sorry state of our collective human condition. This is one of the
hyperbolic curves that occur during the frst stages of the alchemy, especially if the
realization is around ones family situation. After time I suppose our compassion
takes on a lighter air as our own physicality loses its dross and heavy nature and our
faith becomes detached from worldly appearances. The evolution
of faith probably goes from blind faith, to informed faith, to unconditional faith.
But its doubtful that any of us can proceed in this development without periods
of the obscuring or loss of faith, for we have to die to our former stage of faith to
move onto the next.
Usually what bought us to this impass is the pull of the heart and psychic
intuition and profound spiritual illuminations. So to be plunged into space where
we can no longer rely on our conditioning, and Spiritual illumination seems to have
left us can constitute an extended period of dark night--usually about 5 years as the
body recovers from the extreme chemistry of the peak. This is the period in which
spiritual practice, sangha and listening to Spirit for understanding, meaning and
direction is most important. We feel as sense of loss during the exhaustion phase
when we have lost our magic and extrasensory abilities and are temporarily even
more mortal than we were prior to our awakening. We all have to come down.
This loss feels like losing oneself, ones lover, ones muse, ones God. The difference
is shocking and if we do not do the work to rejuice ourselves then life feels like its
not really worth living. What was given to us so abundantly by Grace, must now
be won by discipline, hard work and character development.
November-December is the most pronounced Die-off time in the Northern
Hemisphere. It has to do with the earths movement round the sun, ie: just prior
to solstice and the gravitational forces of the earth turning into the bend of the
elliptic and changing direction. However there is no Die-off during prior to the
summer solstice due to a hormonal mix based on growth rather than senescence.
The more thoroughly we Die-off the more refned our intellectual achievement
is the next yeararound Easter is my peak of the year for intellect, and again
in July with the maximum prana fow that happens then. If you fnd yourself
really peaking in energy and psi during July chances are you will have a Die-off in
November especially if it is triggered by a transcendental dream or signifcant event
in relationship.
The video The Naked Truth by Jordan Maxwell and The International
Research and Education Society on google video is exceptional. It shows the mythic
similarity of the worlds main religions and how the elements of the story are based
on sun worship and the suns progression through the zodiac. This is probably
the most healing and informative documentaries out there. They say that when
the traditions talk of a 3 day death/resurrection period, this is actually referring
to when the sun stays 3 days at the same point at the lowest part of the sundial
during winter solsticeie: the belly of the fsh of Jonah. It just so happens that
the metamorphic Die-off often constitutes 3 days also. The perennial story goes:
The son of the Sun-God, gave up his blood so that we sinners could be absolved of
our sins so we would no longer feel guilty...then with a free conscience this would
ensure that the sun (light) would indeed rise again tomorrow. Thus we keep the
sun, earth and planets in their orbits by sacrifcing the Golden Child.
assisteD Die-oFF
By understanding the Tao of energy we can see that the deeper one goes into
a Die-off, the greater the resurrection. Similarly the more one allows the infux
of spirit phase during the heart expansion, the deeper one goes into the Die-off.
If we voluntarily help to wipe the slate clean we naturally ascend to higher levels.
However if we adopt staunch adherence to our existing stage of consciousness we
grow no further. The secret to metamorphosis is that we can stimulate the up-
phase by going down frst, for the cycles follow each other as sure as night follows
day. Thus the body can be triggered and assisted into catabolic states through the
use of circumstance, conditions and herbs etc... however only if the cycle is ripe
with regards to the natural rhythms of the sun and moon. My theory is that you
can actually prompt an infux stage by putting oneself through a constructed
Die-off stage. The idea being that the more our cup is emptied the more that
spirit can enter and transmute us. This might be very useful for people in chronic
depression, or stuck in limbo etc...Instead of always trying to prop themselves up
and get higher, they should instead descend into a holy resting pupae condition
and then a natural resurgence of spirit will arise after they have emptied, that is
been purged of their former self.
For example time spent in a cave fasting...soaking in mud pools, in some sort
of pressure suit, buried in the sand, or in various forms of sensory deprivation and
stillness conditions could prepare the bodymind for the infux of providing
rest and repolarizing the nervous system. This is what I think the ancients knew
with their various cave-womb type rituals. The Die-off phase was traditionally
performed in a cave. Visit the interior of the earth; through purifcation thou will
fnd the hidden stone. Interesting that the Philosophers Stone (White Powder
of Gold/Iridium and Rhodium) is called the hidden stone, because monatomic
elements cannot be assayed for they do not form chemical or crystalline bonds
with other elements or even between each other, hence the name monatomic.
I feel that this Die-off phase can be enhanced if undergone in a cave in which
a pool/tub of volcanic hot clay becomes the bed in which the 3-5 day Die-off
occurs. Obviously the clay-pool would have to be heated either by natural thermal
means or some other means. The death position of feet crossed and hands crossed
over the chest also facilitates the process. I also think that the ideal Die-off cave
should have a spinal shower. The spinal shower...a 3wide column of warm water
that you let fall on head/neck/spine while sitting under it in trace state. The spinal
shower is the best form of psycho-somatic healing I have is the number
one nervous system therapy for rebirth and balance.
During my acute phase of heart expansion in 2000, I was called to be outside
walking around all day. This way in being exposed to the ground and the open
sky I felt my Soul/Muse to be more intensely with me, helping and guiding me
through the extreme chemistry. I followed my instinct in this, and perhaps the
ancients followed their instincts in being drawn into caves, as being more than mere
symbols of the womb, during their Die-off periods. It could be that melatonin and
the darkness is a prominent agent in the Die-off process.
Rock, whether it be through electromagnetics, gravitation, proximity to the
resonance of large masses of elements in crystalline bond, conveyance of earth
energy or what...has an effect of grounding. Such grounding is necessary for the
Solar Heart to open more fully. I have personal experience of mediating on iron
rich rock in vertical formations...not only did I reach a deeper state of connection
(satori) on the rocks, when I walked away from doing this one day, I had an episode
of such severe grounding, that I could barely walk along the ground. This ultra
grounding is associated with the increase in nitric oxide metabolism during peak-
conscious events and can accompany both the massive heart expansion stage and a
Die-off. Suggesting an extreme parasympathetic overdrive, low blood pressure and
autonomic fatigue.
To facilitate an inner-conjunction and higher revelatory states do hot rock
treatments on yourself in nature. As well as placing hot iron rich rocks on your
body, use one as a head rest as well. It may be that the magnetism in the rock may
infuence the electromagnetically sensitive hippocampus and facilitate an inner-
conjunction and visionary chemistrythereby producing the visionary frequencies
Theta and low Alpha and the chemistry of amrita-living water-DMT.
Being in a cave during the Die-off may facilitate such perfect grounding that
the catabolic cycle is magnifed and so the Heart expansion phase may occur with
less friction and with greater ease and intensity. I learnt to lie down with my spine
on the ground during the acute heart expansion for this ease the tension
from the Hearts extreme need for grounding. And of course to be horizontal
during periods when the blood vessels are blown wide open, and blood pressure is
low means that the brain still gets its adequate share of blood supply.
WHat to Do WHile DYinG
1. relax with the collapseAllow. Melt into the Unifed Field. Stop resistance,
without suppressing symptoms, running away or propping yourself up with
stimulants. Whatever you do, dont try to keep going like normal.
2. set environmentMake yourself comfortable, make a nest, play music, put
a fan on yourself, etc
3. antioxidantsA Die-off is a free radical storm so take mega doses of
antioxidants for protection: Vitamin C 8gm, Biofavonoids 6gm, Beta
Carotene, Vitamin E, Bs and fsh oil.
4. HydrationDrink around 5 qts of water a day, and take long baths daily to
rehydrate. The body has a huge demand for water during a Die-off.
5. FastGet someone to juice vegetables for you and drink water, herb tea and
broth, do not worry about eating for the duration of a Die-off. If you are in
the full on wammy Die-off, your immune system is essentially catabolically
using the body itself as food and all you can do is hangout in bed or under a
tree outside. Its best not to eat while the body is in this catabolic breakdown
mode, or digestion will draw energy away from the transmutation of the fesh
and your resurrection will not be as complete. You will create toxicity and
tissue damage if you work against the nature break-down cycle with food -
which is essential for building fesh.
6. let goGiving up is the frst stage of really living. Until we give up we have
been trying to live from the concept of self, instead of Selfthat is my will
not Thine. It is often the case with human action, that what we bring about
through our efforts, turns out the very opposite of what we intended, partly
because of our own internal blockages (ego). The Die-off is the most extreme
experience of nature stepping in to help us move beyond the known to the
vast reaches of mystic perception.
7. Feel GratitudeIt is a really cool relief when the only thing left to us is
surrender. That is why I love Die-off periods! They are so holy in their
unassailable consumption of one. At few other times in life, other than
perhaps death and child bearing, do we get to experience the full nature of
Necessity. The deeper our surrender to the living-death the more we can be
reborn anew.
8. succumb to necessitys GraceSince metamorphosis is a dissolving of the
former self, there are times when the individual will be in total meltdown
such as in the die-offs. Thus the necessity to surrender into the process.
Meltdown in this sense is essential, for its what is happening and one cant
fght it anyway, for even ones fght-faculties are melting.
9. empty to receiveSelf-dissolution is only half of the equation. Self-
dissolving is addictive and you can do it for lifetimes for there is great pleasure
of the blasting of the tower of Babel. However in order to be fully human,
and responding to the true call of evolution, you need to do the building and
action...that is the CREATIVE side of the equation as well. The dissolving is
only there to provide space for the NEW to manifest.
loneliness anD cellUlar Panic
Two University of Chicago psychologists, Louise Hawkley and John Cacioppo,
have been exploring the relationship between social isolation, loneliness, and
the physical deterioration and diseases of aging, right down to the cellular level.
Hawkley and Cacioppo took urine samples from both lonely and more contented
volunteers, and found that the lonely ones had more epinephrine hormone fowing
in their bodies. Epinephrine is one of the bodys fght-or-fight chemicals, and
high levels indicate that lonely people go through life in a heightened state of
arousal. As with blood pressure, this physiological toll of inner tension becomes
more apparent with aging. Since the bodys stress hormones are intricately involved
in fghting infammation and infection, it appears that loneliness contributes to the
wear and tear of aging through this pathway as well. Loneliness was found to affect
around 209 genes involved in the basic immune response to tissue damage and
the production of antibodies.
Research will have to be undertaken to see whether genuine alchemical dark
night experiences and the consequent acceptance of fundamental aloneness, reduces
the overproduction of epinephrine and the chronic state of sympathetic arousal
(unconscious panic) that is normally associated with a lonely life. This subliminal
fear that has always been with us even in the womb, so that we do not even register
we are in it neurosis, stress, narcissism or whatever. Society in the West and
war torn areas is generally in permanent state of unconscious panic. This spiritual
loneliness cannot really be resolved by others, for if you are already in permanent
unconscious panic, the company of others is just another terrible stress. It begins in
the womb and refects the cellular memory of the spiritual separation, anxiety and
disharmony, not only of the mother and the primary relationship of the parents,
but it refects the general quality of spiritual integration of the community, the
times and humanity as a whole. Because it has always been with us, you only get
to perceive this fundamental cellular anxiety and spiritual separation from Cosmos
when it stops. In the absence of the cellular fear, you realize you have been living
in a vice. For no other reason than we are collectively programming ourselves in
this way, and it takes shamanic drugs, falling in love, kundalini awakening or
samadhi experiences in order to realize that there is another way of being we have
not explored fact there are infnite ways of being yet to be explored.
Like a good self fagellating puritan, I personally feel more matured by my dark
night experiences, than my ecstatic peaks and revelations. I used to be plagued
by incredible loneliness from the moment I came into this world. Now I treasure
my aloneness almost more than life itself. But I am sure I would not have lost the
continual organic loneliness, if it wasnt for the absolute joy of encounter with
dark nights and Die-offs. Knowing that life doesnt really get worse than this,
and this down cycle is the most thrilling enjoyable ride into depths I could
possibly imagine. Because it is the conscious experience of that which was being
repressed from consciousness. Thus in a way identical to an inner-conjunction a
dark night is an ultimate homecoming. Because it is the conscious experience
of that which was being repressed from consciousness. Thus in a way identical to
an inner-conjunction, a dark night is an ultimate homecoming. We are in the end
only really lonely for our Self.
The Die-offs/dark nights are a biochemical process which secondarily brings
about the dissolution of the operational personality structure for a period of
time. The brain is undergoing such a catastrophic neurological meltdown and
renewal, that the ego personality and functionality is temporarily completely non
operational. Depending on ones inner resources at the time and whether one is
essentially imbued with a biological faith or has a tendency to fear, depression and
self-hatredthis will determine whether the incapacitation is navigated positively
or simply adds to the burden of an already diffcult life. The psychological-
emotional story one gives to interpret this autogenic biological event, is secondary
to the chemistry, and yet is absolutely key to whether one can use the down cycles
to further ones spiritual growth, or simply cause an escalation of our primary
Down cycles are an opportunity to stop and experience our depths. The more
we can quit our secondary meaning-making and turn toward our suffering, the
faster it transforms. As the wound of inchoate is flled with the energy of Spirit, the
more Presence we can bring to all our lifethe more we learn from our descent
and the faster we rise to the up-side of life again, having gained remarkable new
understanding from our journey into the cave. In an audio on Michael Browns
website he said that everything that was wrong with his life was due to the fact that
he was not here. In 1987 he developed an acutely painful neurological condition
called Hortons Syndrome and to deal with the pain of his condition he developed
a method of increasing Presence to overcome pain. His book that describes this
practice is The Presence Process: A healing Journey Into Present Moment Awareness.
He is especially fabulous on audio: A Walk Through the Presence Process. Brown,
Dark Night of the Soul by Jason Augustus Newcomb.
It is absolutely amazing that the most primitive functions
in the body turn themselves into the service of the highest
biological faculty of transmutation.
As kundalini moves through the miasmas (repressed, damaged, latent) areas in
the brain, we might feel the emotions connected with each developmental arrest.
The miasmas were created in stress and in stress they are transmuted. For every
up there is a down, so it is understandable that depression might result after the
over-stimulation of the brains pleasure centers and increase in endorphins, during
the bliss of kundalini. Depression could also result as the left-brain loses its normal
adaptive function during the frst few years of the major cycle. Loss of left-brain
prefrontal lobe function could lead to paranoia, frustration, self-pity and other
negative emotions.
There tends to be a psychological let down when the tide turns down into the
valley as the infux of spirit abates, and consciousness plunges deeply into matter.
This feels like a loss of Grace after the heady heights of the infux, but the valleys
are just as important as the mountain tops in the transformational process. Once
the kundalini storm is kindled eventually the body runs out of neurotransmitters
and their precursors and so the bodymind falls into depression. A normal diet
would not supply adequate nutrients to overcome the defciency, let alone a SAD
diet. Thus relief from depression would occur after enough time has passed after
the kundalini peak. A more rapid relief from kundalini created depression could
be assured by frst making sure ones diet is well supplied with nerve nutrients,
and by taking supplements during and after the awakening. (See Five Formulas For
With the increase in immune activity, higher metabolism and nerve function
during metamorphosis, one can assume that there is a greater free radical
production. This is probably half the reason why we feel fried after the infux.
The other major contributor to the down cycle is that the bodys resources for
making neurotransmitters and hormones becomes exhausted during the peak
activity of the infux stage. Plus all the metabolites that were created in the
frestorm need time to be converted and disposed of. In our cooked, demineralized
bodies this radical swinging of metamorphic cycles is inevitable. With knowledge
of the requirements of the process however, we can build the kind of integrity
and reserves into our bodyminds that will help to facilitate evolution. By avoiding
wasting so much time and energy in the down cycles, our spiritual birth will incur
less abortion and labor.
There are many undergoing this process who at times feel quite insane. When
they behave well and keep silent they may avoid being called schizophrenic, or being
hospitalized, or sedated. Nevertheless their isolation and sense of separation from others
may cause them such suffering. We must reach such people, their families, and society,
with information to help them recognize their condition as a blessing, not a curse.
Certainly we must no longer subject people, who might be in the midst of this rebirth
process, to drugs or shock therapies, approaches which are at opposite poles to creative
self-development. P.60, Lee Sannella, M.D. Kundalini, Psychosis or Transcendence?
I think it imperative to not treat kundalini-depression with antidepressants.
Herbs and supplements for depression are generally fne if you know what you are
doing. I dont generally recommend pharmaceutical antidepressants, but would
like to see a more nutritional approach to fxing what is obviously a metabolic
problem that is many generations in the making. I suspect that tranquilizers and
antidepressants will increase repression and prevent necessary tension and the fow
of consciousness-energy that transforms blockages (miasmas). The Guru Rawa
sensed that the nerves of a woman who had taken 6 types of tranquilizers and
antidepressants to be burned. If we detoxify, adopt a raw diet and do those
things that open us up to the fow of kundalini, then we establish a solid self of
deep peace, joy and equanimity usually within several years. This sense of coming
home to ourSelf is something that drugs, cooked food, and therapies can never
give us. Kundalini restructures us to a higher order, enabling us to live a spiritual
life in the material world. The Die-off s in particular should be regarded with awe
and gratitude as very good news. They dont last long and we do not transform
without them. The old must die for the new to be reborn. So the highs and lows
of the kundalini cycle should be celebrated equally.
Prescription psychoactive drugs (antidepressants and antipsychotics) can arrest
or completely abort a transformational process. This may sound desirable to those
who are having a hard time of it, but these drugs do not return one to normal;
instead, they tend to freeze the process in its present state. Worse, antidepressants can
trigger psychosis for those in a delicate psychospiritual state, and the neuroleptics
(antipsychotics) can cause tardive dyskinesia, a persistent and in many cases
irreversible pathological syndrome which resembles kriyas! Even so, some people are so
prone to severe depression or debilitating psychosis in the heightened states that they
cannot function without the temporary aid of these drugs. El Collie,
Instead of suppression and medication I suggest that the initiate get a daily dose of
nature, exercise, water therapy (eg: baths), bodywork, stretching, breathing, toning
and music etc... A long list of coping techniques are listed further on in Kundalini
Skills List. It is imperative that one adopts a diet that does not clog the liver, or
weigh down the digestive system or challenge the immune system. The body already
has more than enough to metabolize from the alchemy of transmutation itself, so
we should be very careful not to overburden it with even more work. Nutritional
supplementation should be given to the nervous system to feed neurotransmitters,
hormones and to balance and soothe the nerves. Adaptogens like ginseng, ashitaba,
neem, gotu kola, olive leaf and ginkgo are probably the most important herbs to
take for achieving a higher homeostasis of the nervous system and recovering from
depression and anhedonia (numbness). I recommend that both women and men
nightly massage their breasts before sleep to help maintain hormone levels and
prevent a slide into depression and numbness. This might even positively affect
growth hormone production.
Rehabilitation of the brain after an awakening takes physical activity and novel
environmental stimulation to encourage dendritic branching, neurotrophic growth
factors and increase plasticity i.e. where remaining cells take over from dead cells
to improve functional recovery. Exercise and movement therapy increases brain
vascularization, birth of new cells and synaptogenesis to establish new connections.
Note that anti-convulsant drugs can increase functional depression, and that if
antidepressants are used, instead of proactive healthy interventions such as new
activities and exercise, post awakening depression will be radically deepened and
extended. For establishing new growth in the substantiation phase we need an
appropriately enriched environment. That means people who care, and activities
one enjoys. Rememberspiritual acceleration necessitates conscious incarnation,
for if the awakening process does not become increasingly conscious negative
outcomes will occur.
Depression often sets in through an internal/external confict that remains
unresolved for an extended period of time. No matter what the original cause of
the confict, it eventually affects our decisions and every part of our life. Endurance
in the face of a stressor eventually leads to depression because no positive action has
been taken to change our attitude or circumstances. Consequently our chemistry
then mirrors the adverse conditions through the raising norepinephrine and
dopamine and lowering of serotonin. When low serotonin is maintained overtime,
we have the biochemical basis for chronic depression.
Depression and chronic anxiety are conditions appear more often in women
than in men. Research with PET scans show that women have a greater number of
the most common serotonin receptors than men. They also show that women have
lower levels of serotonin transporter (SERT), the monoamine transporter protein
that transports serotonin back into the nerve cells that secrete it. It is this protein
that common antidepressants (SSRIs) block. Also it was found that in women with
serious premenstrual mental symptoms their serotonin doesnt respond as fexibly
to the hormone swings of the menstrual cycle as that of symptom-free women.
It doesnt matter what age you live in, there is always going to be some
contemporary lion at your door. These days it just wears a different face than
it did 20 or 2000 years ago. The trick is to allow the lion to wake us up, rather
than make us numb or asleep. As soon as we defne one lion and deal with that,
there will be another lion around. The thing to stay focused on to help us remain
open and not dissociated is our contribution. To keep on defning and refning
what it is we are here for, might be the major panacea of all ages. Apparently
it is greater connection and Presence that wins the fght against depression, as
stated here by John Horgan: The researches reported in the April 1998 American
Journal of Psychiatry that intrinsic religiosity was the best predictor of recovery from
depression in both the treated and untreated groups. There is no evidence of
signifcant benefts from psychotherapy, drugs, or a combination of therapy. 121 The
Undiscovered Mind.
Drugs like Ecstasy might be good once or twice in our youth to give us a sense
of expanded perception beyond this facade we living in. Our culture can be so
miserable, people use drugs to get out of it not into it. Therefore the chances
of the drugs contributing to enlightenment are very slim unless the individual
already has a disciplined sense of their shamanic soul. Those people that try the
drug option would be better off to frst use raw food and fasting as a means to alter
their condition, for fasting is a sure fre way to tune in and not out. Fasting
is the most successful way of eliminating pain and dis-ease on all levels and to
promote greater communion with Self and God. Fasting itself is still not enough
however, for unless the rawfood component of the diet is increased, the biology is
so agitated that the soul cannot become coherent, and this physical disharmony
shows up as mental and emotional suffering...hence the desire for drugs to get
out of it. Drugs, by themselves, will never ever bring that which is incoherent
into the harmonious sympathetic resonance that constitutes the unifed, integral,
enlightening human being. See: The Fasting Path, The Way to Spiritual, Physical,
and Emotional Enlightenment, Stephen Harrod Buhner.
nerVe reGeneration
Recovering from depression, exhaustion or damage to the nervous system
involves a multiple pronged nutritional approach. Dr. Robert J. Marshall points
out that nearly all neurodegeneration occurs through excitotoxicity and the
immune systems use of free radicals, leading to infammation and chronic infection.
Neurodegeneration can escalate when nutritional reserves are inadequate to rapidly
reduce infection, which then results in DNA and nerve damage, as the immune
system generates free radicals as it tries to eliminate infected cells. We are familiar
with the idea of damage to nerves by free radicals, excitotoxicity and infammation.
But we are not as conversant with the effects of infection (viral/bacterial/fungal/
yeast) on the nerves via the immune response. This will be an area of great interest
to kundalini researchers and those with chronic K-symptoms, such as depression,
anhedonia, pain, fatigue or prolonged exhaustion phase.
Dr. Marshall has developed a neutraceutical protocol for preventing
neurodegeneration that includes 5 steps to health: First balance the pH, Balance
hormones, detoxifcation of heavy metals etc..., the resolution of infammation,
infection and autoimmune decline of nerve tissue, and the regeneration of nerves
and bodytotal.
infection: Any phytonutrient that has anti-viral properties is capable of
DNA repair, because viruses hijack the DNA of living cells and reprogram it
to replicate itself. Viral/bacterial overload and autoimmune damage to nervous
system can be reduced with antivirals such as: Echinacea, Pacifc Yew, Hyssop,
Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentate), Olive leaf, Licorice, Lomatium, Osha root
(Ligusticum), Astragalus, Elderberry, Huzhang [Polygonum cuspidatum],
Isatis root, Wild barley, Sutherlandia, St. Johns Wort, and the Ayurvedic herb
Soma latha. Also medicinal mushrooms including Coriolus versicolor, Reishi,
Krestin, Cordyceps, Maitake, Ganoderma Lucidum, Shiitake. These antivirals
have a direct antimutagen, anticancer effect through reducing DNA damage, anti-
oxidant, anti-infammatory, act as an immune stimulants, decreases anxiety and
irritability and elevate mood. elder fower blunts the sharp protrusions on the
crystalline coat of a virus, so that it cannot puncture cell walls.
nerve regrowth: Hericium mushroom extract supports nerve growth and
rejuvenation. Hachijo ahitabe increases production of NGF (nerve growth factor).
L-Carnosine powerful agent for nerve regrowth, extended life by 20% in research.
Nervonic acid found in Purpleblow Maple seed oil, deep sea fsh oil and Borage oil
increases myelination and nerve growth.
Dna repair: Aging can be largely attributed to the accumulation of DNA
damage. Damage to DNA mechanisms that synthesize proteins results in faulty
proteins, which accumulate to a level that causes fatal damage to cells, tissues and
organs. Colostrum is one of the most powerful, broad-based DNA repair agents;
Naringenin a favonoid in Grapefruit repairs DNA; Folic acid supplements boost
DNA repair, as does Fulvic acid; selenium is involved in DNA repair. DNA repair
is promoted by all favonoid rich plants including Moringa Oleifera, Cats claw,
Gingko and all colorful fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains, legumes, nuts, and teas.
Signifcantly lower levels of DNA breaks occur on a raw diet with a high ORAC
antioxidant capacity. For a great list of anticancer herbs that aid in DNA repair do
a web search on Sino-Vedic Anticancer Herbs.
For more details on The 5 Steps to Great Health or the Marshall Protocol for
Neurodegeneration email: [email protected] Robert J. Marshall, PhD, CCN, of
Round Rock, Texas. Premier Research Labs Also check out his
fabulous web article The Overlooked Role of Chronic Infection in Neurodegeneration
and Its Reversal Using Nutraceutical Agents.
More on nerve protection and regrowth in The Exhaustion Phase Protocol on
my website and in BOK-2. The Calm Formula in my Five Formulas section will
help with depression. I am really big on remineralizing-regenerating and building
up the immune system for enhancing mood and brain/nerve function. Removing
heavy metals is also very important for lifting mood and feeling-state as well. It
takes a lifestyle change toward greater health, aliveness and reason for living.
Depression-Free for Life: A Physicians All-Natural, 5 Step Plan,
Gabriel Cousens and Mark Mayell Mind Boosters
A Guide To Natural Supplements That Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood,
by Ray Sahelian.
Natural Highs: Supplements, Nutrition, and Mind-Body Techniques
to Help You Feel Good All the Time by Hyla Cass and Patrick Holford
Healing Anxiety and Depression by Daniel G. Amen PhD
Depression and the Body by Alexander Lowen
Stop Depression Now: SAM-e: The Breakthrough Supplement
that Works as Well as Prescription Drugs by Richard Brown and Carol Colman
Energy Tapping by Fred P. Gallo and Harry Vincenzi. How to rapidly eliminate
anxiety, depression, cravings and more using energy psychology
no ProBlem
All perception of lack is acknowledgement of inherent
I love dark nights in all their forms for there is such a collapse of the ego that it
gives us a rare spot of relief from our striving. In a Die-off or dark night seeking, the
search and hope cease. One could be in hell, but the relief of not being in striving
or hope is enormous. In this way death too must be the ultimate relief and release
from regret and confusion, for choice ceases. In this way a dark night is like living
through a death. Dark nights help us get in touch and accept our fundamental
aloneness and loneliness. No one can go with us into our Dark Night...and any
help just serves to distract us, and weakens the power of the alchemical event.
Coming out of a dark night we realize we dont actually need anyone anyways, so
infantile need is burnt off as the elemental self is accessed. Dark nights are possibly
essential to a mature sense of Self and mature relationship based on Being Values
rather than needs. As long as we dont get stuck in an extended depression, I think
dark nights are both essential to growth and provide the fastest growth curve.
Research will have to be undertaken to see whether genuine alchemical dark night
experiences and the consequent acceptance of fundamental aloneness, reduces the
overproduction of epinephrine (adrenalin) and the chronic state of sympathetic
arousal that are normally associated with an isolated lonely life.
A brilliant description of an extreme form of dark night is found in Robert
Augustus Masters book, Darkness Shining Wild, An Odyssey to the Heart of Hell
and Beyond. Here is what he says of the ego: Regardless of its appearances to the
contrary, egoity is little more than personifed separation trauma, made bearable by its
compensatory addictions and capacity for psychoemotional numbing and dissociation.
A cult of one. No wonder there can be such shock and dread at letting go of this
defensive position and why it can simultaneously be such a relief.
Dark Nights come of their own accord, I doubt anyone volunteers for them.
I would say that not everybody needs to experience demons, Die-offs and dark
nights. It just depends on our chemistry, armoring, programming, situation and
destined calling. But the standard shamanistic cycle is to rise to heaven, cavort
with angels then later to descend to hell. Yet sometimes we notice a descent prior
to an ascent. This hyperbolic fip can occur within hours, days or months. The
alchemical period for the major Die-off associated with ones lifetime kundalini
peak is probably around three months between the up-peak at summer solstice to
the down peak at fall equinox. Believe me you are not less of a person because you
didnt go down, for you may do so on another cycle or if your pace accelerates.
Going down is just as fascinating as going up, and requires equal mastery
to do it well.
Well after our dark nights and Die-offs are fnished we intuit the benefts of the
hell aspect of metamorphosis. We slowly become nondual about the diffculty of
the journey and the unsolvable paradoxes of human existence. If one is not afraid
of pain, loneliness, alienation, confusion, loss, being lost, grieving, shadow, lower
naturethen this allows for more Flow and speeds synchronicity, the Acausal
connecting principle. Synchronicity, the intimate dance between Self and All, lies
under all our reactivity to our perceived demons.
We have been trained in the black and white doctrine of either sickness or
health. Transmutation however teaches us the need to actually die in order to
transform. There is such Grace in the Die-offs if only we dont interpret them as
being a problem. This secondary layer of assuming the Die-off is wrong is the
main cause of our inertia to transmutation. If we take off the brakes and consciously
and piously surrender to a Die-off, then there is less chance of emotional, mental
and physical damage. With knowledge of the process we can proceed with less
friction and hell into the illuminated life. If the Die-off is supported and allowed
to run its full course then resurrection is able to proceed smoothly. If we resist the
Die-off, we interfere with the next stage of metamorphic growth and development
and cling to obsolete patterning.
A Die-off may feel like a depression because the cerebral cortex is not in normal
operating mode and the energies and functions of the body are drawn away from
egoic operation. Some people misinterpret the Die-off as depression, and this does
this holy event great injustice and people will start medicating and resisting the
Dark Night (Die-off ) rather than honoring and assisting it. Also the depression
of the existentialists is a malaise of the ego, not the actual ego-death associated
with a Die-off. Some people because the way their neurochemistry is primed will
always fip into a depression after the electrical initiation of the infux. This is
unfortunate...but we tend to make people this way with our unnatural diet and
removal from the strength of natures vital forces.
Compounded onto the primary incapacitation of the bodymind during a Die-
off, there might be a secondary depression or emotional sense of dark night
which comes about through a lack of understanding and acceptance of the Die-
off process. The ego essentially gets a shock over its loss of faculty, tenacity and
control. And considering the fragile nature of our modern bodies, this secondary
depression could last for an extended period due to our lack of understanding and
mistrust of metamorphosis.
If there is fear, ignorance, a severe reaction or psychotic reasoning around a
Die-off, there maybe an extended depression involved, which is in a way the ego
self trying to maintain the smallness of the id and prevent the limitless space
involved in stepping out of the cocoon. Its not a conscious decision to remain small,
it is just the rigidity and inertia of the unconscious that is entrenched in familiarity
and habit. Part of the resistance to growth is due to the lack of loving-telepathic
peer relationship that allows us to transmute naturally as nature intended in a
supportive environment. When society knows about the catabolic Die-off and can
appreciate it as necessary to growth, then it will be respected and revered and this
secondary fallout wont happen as much. It will be known to be a simple metabolic
process of the morphing individual, with little story and meaning attached to it,
other than we cannot grow one inch without it. A die-off will thus be interpreted
and treated as a holy event and put us in touch with the Mystery.
Be careful whom you tell about your condition, some can accept it openly
without fear, while others will be freaked out without any real reason to be, just
through shear ignorance. If you must mention your awakening experience to blind
conservatives, you could just simply describe it as a massive cosmic love affair or
something. People also get freaked out when you mention any strenuous effort
involved in your spiritual process; it is as though spiritual evolution was supposed
to be all light and easy going. Reality is often too much to bare for many still
programmed exclusively in the religious and economic myths.
With the Grail and the Amrita (Sang Raal) we are set free from our personal and
inherited past...but only if the personality is a willing participant in this liberation
from bondage. This willingness is refected in the nature of Percival and Galahad
whom both achieved the Grail by divine right of their goodness. Crossing the
threshold from one state to another is an advent of Grace. Perhaps it is the very
nature of state change that there can be no real preparation between here and there.
That the gift is actually in the non-preparedness itself...the tacit experience of
polarity between the was and the nothing. Grace you could say is when we are
born again through a window of amplifed spirit in which we are freed from the
weight of accumulated past. Grace is a sacred space of Being and the dropping of
our autistic sense of separation. The division between feeling, thought and action
keeps us foating in shallower realms unable to connect with our spiritual roots.
The resting-neutral state is the condition of receiving the ultimate power of
Self, in our ongoing understanding of the Solar Heart and Christ Consciousness.
We need to train our nervous system in the relaxation necessary to broach
thresholds with greater luminality through equanimity, ambiguity, openness, and
indeterminacy. The luminal state is a God intoxicated or One-inspired creative
trancethe Unitive experience. The unlimited creativity of nonlocalized mind.
Without this unitive connection to the primary mover Eros is thwarted on all
levels from atom to soul and the afficted state of war and decay rules in the place
where wisdom, nobility and royalty should. If each part, each individual fails to
fall into sync with the prime mover of the Unifed Field, then enlightened spiritual
community can arise and the Mystic Civilization bought about. The more we
make this process conscious, the less blowback need occur. Knowing that we are
all in this together and have a responsibility in the outcome makes incarnation a
whole lot easier.
Ultimately there are no obstacles anywhere, except in ourselves and everything is
meant for that perfection. P.197, Mother, Satprem.
Fear of Life by Alexander Lowen, M.D. Check out Michael Browns inspiring audio!
BUrnoUt or reDemPtion
A successful awakening results in redemption or mastery, while more likely
than not burnout or maladaptation is more likely to occur, because we are not
socialized in the alchemical tradition and our science is really lagging behind in this
most important area. During kundalini awakenings we are at hormonal lifetime
peak after which our hormonal potency will fall off comparatively. Spiritual
evolution is driven by sex hormonesthey propel one into a full-on awakening,
then depending on our knowledge, skill and discipline we either ride the wave or
get crushed by it. When we are peaking hormonally we are also peaking physically,
mentally and creatively. Our muse is Godlike, we are globally aware and globally
sexually active. That is we are responding sexually/psychically/spiritually to the
entire globe or polar partners in particular, regardless of whether relationship
occurs (see Supra-sex).
Besides nutritional supplementation, our hormonal potency and higher faculties
can be sustained after a peak, by camping out in nature and being around sexually
potent alpha types. Meditation and toning will help some, but hormones are very
much related to human relationship and adventure, so if one is not in relationship
and not engaging life as an adventure then we are hormonally deprived. Stress
reduces progesterone, thyroxine, testosterone and norepinephrine (NE) and this
in turn reduces neuroplasticity. neuroplasticity refers to the changes that occur in
the organization of the brain as a result of experience and in response to changes in
environment. Besides reducing fexibility and ability to learn the stress hormones
(corticosteroids) subject neurons to possible injury. Cortisol causes parasympathetic
nervous system to shut us down leading to ennui and depression. Repetitive stress
leads to a parasympathetic dominant learned helplessness which makes us less
capable of handling further threat or stress.
The nausea, dizziness seem to occur with extended sympathetic nervous system
activation, perhaps through an unbalance of neurotransmitters and the loss of
serotonin effectiveness in the enteric (stomach) brain, brain stem and cerebellum.
The principle function of the neurons of the raphe nuclei of the brainstem is to
release serotonin to the rest of the brain. Serotonin is implicated in the sensory
motor regulation of the cerebellum. Down regulation of the serotonergic system
after acute kundalini fow is probably due to the excessive opiate production and
the desensitization and internalization of serotonin receptors. In experiments
with rats neonatal cocaine exposure affects the serotonergic cerebellar system,
altering the standard development of Purkinje cells and possibly compromising
the motor function. Defciency in the utilization of serotonin (5-HT) is involved
in many problems, such as anorexia, depression, sleep disorders, panic disorder,
social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sweating, nausea, anxiety and
diarrhea. Hyperactive nerves, coupled with the inability to rest-relax-recover leads
to exhaustion, ineffciency and depression and ultimately to infammation of the
nerves, hypersensitivity and neurodegeneration.
Intense arousal and freeze events without a following discharge tend to
be accumulative, leading to dissociation, PTSD, hypervigilance, progressive
rewiring are a reduction in neurosis and paranoia, less energy waste in muscular
holding, more effcient neuron fring, less divisiveness between the body, mind
and soul, less body pain, reduction in emotional repression/explosion, increased
sensation and pleasure, and greater sense of unity with environment.
People often make the mistake of thinking that kundalini offers worldly
power...not necessarily so. As a dissolution it more often leaves one helpless in
the worldly domain of consensus fatland, learning how to tread new ground in
an unreal world. Also people misunderstand in thinking kundalini is cleansing
and detoxifying. Yet more than this it is a dissolution allowing the potential for
regrowth or elevated growth, ie: death and rebirth. But the outcome is very reliant
on the mindset, circumstances and social environment of the kundalini active
individual. If the seed falls on rocky groundwell you know the story.
As to living up to the potential of rebirth, that depends on how well the
individual is able to penetrate the stickiness of samsara. With kundalini everything
becomes more in ones face, so its a matter of progressive truthfulness, becoming
progressively honest with ones world until the world changes around one,
circumstances change, and with greater truth and alignment theres less division
between body, mind, soul and action. To eliminate negative interference patterns
we must become progressively truthful to align our actions with our highest values.
After the dissolution, training in mindfulness, transcendence, forgiveness and
authenticity are needed in order to substantiate higher spiritual gains in ones life.
Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More by
Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len. This book features the Hawaiian forgiveness
practice of Hooponopono. This karmic cleansing prayer is a simple process of
letting go of any toxic energies and the dysfunctional retaliatory nature of ego,
to allow a new space for the healing power of the Divine.
Spiritual evolution is the progressive assimilation of our
original Universal wild-divine nature.
due to kundalini working its way through deformations, it doesnt make sense to
reduce the fre. Instead as these blockages arise we should be aiding the fre in
its work through the miasmas. For example if angst (choking in the narrows) is
occurring in the throat, then toning, mantra, singing and humming greatly helps
to relieve the pain and pressure. Clarifying ones truth and relationships should be
done at this time. Writing poems from each of the charkas might help the fow of
energy through the body. Meditation should be shifted from the third eye to the
crown chakra. Gestalt and all forms of artistic expression will help the throat clear.
Spontaneous music, drumming and dance are especially helpful in clearing the
throat chakra.
And as with any kundalini diffculty, the digestive system should be thoroughly
cleansed whenever an obstinate symptom arises. A juice fast of moderate duration
is an ideal frst line of approach in dealing with any miasma that is up for us.
Fasting will generally increase metamorphosis and speed evolution; but do not
water fast during kundalini for the liver needs all the glutathione it can get. There
are solutions to every problem whether it be excessive sex energy, headaches, heat,
confusion, radical heart pressure, pain or numbness in the tissues.
Generally the line of approach for diffculties should go something like this:
1. Inquire internally as to the nature of the problem
2. Stop the bad habits (samskaras)
3. Detoxifcation and juice fasting
4. Increase energy and breathing
5. Calm and soothe energy, toning, yoga, meditation
6. Strengthen tissues nutritionally
7. Exercise tissues physically (O2)
8. Use light, sound, touch, vibration, nature and inquiry-meditation
9. Focus, concentrate, refne, strengthen use of the area
10. Integrate the part more fully into the whole
We dont discard the lower as we ascend Maslows pyramid, as we ascend there
is a refnement of the lower levels. The self-actualized body is different than
a pupal body. One needs less food, of a higher quality after metamorphosis has
progressed. Also consider that sex, relationships, work, nature appreciation, child
rearing, dharma, muse and everything is refned and changes as we move up the
pyramid. Its a matter of quality not quantity. The quality or depth of our
world changes as we ascend.
If the resistant egos addictive-substance suppression of the liver is lifted, the
liver awakens to its full function. Then the right side of the body and the right-
brain comes out its subservience and latency. Normally in this culture our liver
and right-brain are greatly repressed in order that we may avoid our ESP, truth,
creativity, emotion and intuition. The lifting of this repression would be tangibly
felt as energy-bliss-awareness rising through the right side of the body. A sign that
this transformation is occurring would be the radical relaxation of the right neck
and shoulder, with obvious changes to the personality and adaptive functioning
including increased emotion and psychic abilities.
more mature spiritual condition. As Osho says in Body Mind Balancing: Man
is unhealthy and pathological because society has crippled him in many ways. You are
not allowed to love totally, you are not allowed to be angry; you are not allowed to be
yourself. A thousand and one limitations are enforced.
Families and communities that will not allow you to show up; where each is
a rote-learned cog in the commercial machinethis is not a society and one is not
a citizen, but a subject. This is the roots of the painbody (armoring) and fascism
that Riechian Charles Konia calls the emotional plague. Charles Konia M.D.
has a new book called The Emotional Plaque: The Root of Human Evil. This book
explores the disease of destructive human behavior involving peoples emotional
lives, that can be spread from person to person with all the characteristics of an
infectious disease. Amoring is essentially the absence of Presence.
The pain-body can be seen as an energy feld of cellular memory, whose prime
directive is the generation and accumulation of pain and the continuation of
perceptive flters that generate suffering. When disease, dysfunction, imbalance
or lack of peace occurs at any level, you can be sure that the imbalance of the
undigested trauma stays with us, usurping our positive emotional states. The pain-
body represents the sum of the pain of the past that still lives on in our mind and
body and is playing an active role in perpetuating its own existence. But the pain-
body is not so much an entity as it is an energetic standing pattern or habitual
dissonant state. Stopping the processing of stress mid cycle means distress becomes
internalized. The accumulated pain comprises of a negative energy feld of stagnant
lifeforce that causes cellular dysfunction, toxicity and vulnerability to infection and
disease. The areas of stagnant energy contain unhealthy electromagnetic felds that
literally split and subdivide the bodys energy feld into separate compartments with
reduced communication between them. Through the law of emotional resonance
the pain-body attracts more distressing circumstances into our experience. Thus
a defensive or angry stance toward our experience keeps us locked in a standing
pattern of the negative emotions that self-perpetuate the pain-body cycle. This
ongoing generation of emotional toxicity prevents the experience of peace,
connection, cohesion and the coherence of spiritual stabilization. Thus the egos
attachment to the painbody must be released for the spiritual life to emerge.
Releasing the negative emotional feld involves the felt-sense acknowledgement,
acceptance and allowance of feelings, without reactivity or judgment as to whether
they are good or bad. Thus liberation from the pain-body is a type of equanimous
reality therapyaddressing the truth of the accumulation within us of all the
negative experience, resistance and disappointment we have had. Unconsciously,
through the lack of objective understanding and mindfulness, we get used to the
perceptive flters that cause our suffering. It is this unconscious pain-flter that
must be loved to a higher order of frequency, health and unifcation. Transforming
the stagnant negative energy feld that holds our cells captive, by feeling into the
dark void of the wound and flling it with warmth and light. When we fully accept
the reality of now, it passes through us and doesnt get stuck as karmic residue in
our tissues.
matHematics oF aWaKeninG
1. caUsation: First there is prenatal and birth experience and development,
which forms the original archetypal karmic template.
2. reGUlaton: Second there is orbitofrontal connection to the limbic
system built through affect-regulation (bonding) with the primary caregiver.
3. aDaPtation: (Family) Then there is years of socio-emotional
development built in direct response and adaptation to the Causation and
Regulation stages.
4. inDiViDUation: Differential in growth promotes a psychosomatic
tension between the old patterning and the new, which is felt as yearning
and seeking.
5. QUest: This tension forces the individual to go on a (Heros) spiritual
journey to fnd the limbic Attractors that trigger dissolution/reconstruction
in order to resolve the tension.
6. PertUrBation: Then there has to be a disinhibition or letting go of
the general adaptation patterns. The psychic tension itself can trigger this
penetration of repressive mechanisms. Other triggers includeromantic
love, proximity to or shaktipat from a Guru, drugs, acute shock, spiritual
7. aWaKeninG: A fowering of consequences occurs in a massive cataclysmic
release of the tension stored in the growth differential, as the Universe Being
emerges from the conditioned cocoon.
8. DissolUtion: Followed by dissolution of former structures and
patternsmeltdown, collapse, crisis, Dark Nights, Die-offs. The various
kinds of dark night have their own specifc chemistry that is in perfect
correspondence to the up-cycle chemistry.
9. reFormation: New contemporary networks are built and substantiated
with use, showing greater phylogenic and ontogenic integration between the
parts. With the restructuring of the primary matrix the tension of energy
differential disappears leading to non-seeking and equanimity.
10. realiZation: Transcendence of inner outer animalistic and worldly
pulls and pushes means that energy and consciousness is available for higher
dharmic persuits. The genius of the individual and their artistry of life
comes to the fore and is manifest.
Having died to our former nature through the initiation unity, or the Rite of
the Center...there is a reanimation of the senses and a cleansing of perception. The
vasanas or woeful memories of the collective unconscious are burnt off in purifying
fres of kundalini. Freeing us from the emotional pain of Karmas, thereby allowing
a Kosmic lucidity or transcendental perception. This scintillating transcendental
perception is simply the true state of our Being that we are collectively blocking
with our separation and ignore-ance.
Spirit moving through its symbolic and material accumulations lives out a
dramatic journey as an expression of the layers, strengths and weaknesses within
us. The interrelationship of the aspects of ourselves, in our environment and
in concert with cosmic unfolding, constitutes a kind of spiritual mathematics.
Mathematics: the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between fgures
and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. The Mathematics
of awakening is the heros journey.
How forcefully one pops depends on how far the prenatal and birth experience
was resolved through the following affect regulation (primary bonding), and the
degree of growth differential (contained as stored tension). If both CAUSATION
AND REGULATON phases are traumatizing, then the lack of orbitofrontal-
limbic control will bring on an earlier awakening of a more catastrophic nature. If
birth was diffcult yet the REGULATION phase was satisfed, then the awakening
will be later in life, but maybe equally catastrophic because the original trauma was
more hidden by completed prefrontal-limbic regulation. Such a person, because
they are well socio-emotionally adjusted may not be aware of the cataclysmic
energies held within the somatic memory of the birth trauma. So that when it is
unleashed it is a complete surprise and the well formed ego is blown to smithereens
by the emergent birthing throws of the infant within.
The thing with fetal life and birth is that it is pre-meaning. From the perspective
of the subject being born, no amount of cognitive understanding will reconcile
such an extreme experience...that is moving from an aquatic being into an air
breathing being through a very tight passage, with a very real danger of dying.
Nature herself makes anesthetizing chemicals to protect the mother and child
during such an prerational ordeal. But if anesthetics (ether, morphine) are taken,
both mother and child are prevented from expressing their protest and so this
irrational screaming protest is held within the tissues for the rest of their lives. If
that protest response emerges later in life then everything that person has built
themselves to be is undone through temporary regressive chemistry, in order that
the protest response be liberated AS the state and form in which the trauma was
registered. Thus it is necessary for all flters and repressions to be suspended so that
the aquatic-infant can express its outrage. A natural protest response withheld in a
mother is likely to turn into chronic postpartum depression.
In his book The Hero With A Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell called the heros
journey a monomyth, suggesting the ubiquitous nature of the overall pattern
of the alchemical path of transformation. The fundamental structure of this
monomyth involves inevitable states and reoccurring themes that correspond to
the death-rebirth process of becoming a shaman.
1. The CallThe herald to challenge and adventure.
2. The TestEncountering dangers and trials, passing through thresholds.
3. RedemptionThe hero must sacrifce his ego to achieve the higher goal
4. The ReturnBack to the ordinary world, bridging the divine and human.
5. ResolutionThe hero bestows his hard won boon to improve the world.
The Kundalini creates the universe out of Her own being, and it is She Herself
who becomes this universe. She becomes all the elements of the universe and
enters into all the different forms that we see around us. She becomes the sun, the
moon, the stars and fre to illuminate the cosmos which She creates. She becomes
the prana, the vital force, to keep all creatures, including humans and birds,
alive; it is She who, to quench our thirst, becomes water. To satisfy our hunger,
She becomes food. Whatever we see or dont see, whatever exists, right from the
earth to the sky is...nothing but Kundalini. It is that supreme energy which moves
and animates all creatures, from the elephant to the tiniest ant. She enters each
and every creature and thing that She creates, yet never loses Her identity or Her
immaculate purity. Swami Muktananda, Kundalini: The Secret of Life.
Part 1V
PHYsioloGY oF KUnDalini
tHe nerVoUs sYstem
More than half of the estimated 100,000 genes in human DNA seem to be
dedicated to building and maintaining the nervous system. Within the brain,
the autonomic nervous system regulates and adjusts baseline body function and
responds to external stimuli. It consists of two mutually inhibitory subsystems:
those nerves which activate tissues the sympathetic or arousal system, and
those which slow structures down for rest and repairthe parasympathetic or
quiescent system. The sympathetic is ergotropic that is releases energy, and the
parasympathetic is trophotropic, that is conserving energy. The two sides of our
autonomic system refect the two main processes in life growth or protection.
These two mechanisms cannot operate optimally at the same time. Consider that
our nervous system is either wired for eating (parasympathetic) or for running
away from being eaten ourselves (sympathetic). So the two systems generally act in
opposition to each other; yet where dual control of an organ exists, both systems
operate simultaneously although one maybe operating at a higher level of activity
than the other.
Energy expended in fueling defense takes it way from the process of growth. The
consequent inhibition of growth reduces energy generation. The Hypothalamus-
Pituitary-Adrenal Axis mobilizes defense against threat and when it is not activated
growth fourishes. Hence chronic stress is enervating and debilitating. Thus we can
see that children who grow up in stressful homes are deprived in cellular nutrition
and growth, in cellular energy generation itself and consequently in mental-
emotional-social development. Adrenal hormones constrict blood fow to the
forebrain and stress hormones repress the prefrontal cortex activity, thus diverting
energy and consciousness to the hind-brain survival faculties. The hyperactivity of
the HPA axis and sympathetic nervous system is perhaps one of the reasons why
high kundalini activity can make us dumb, that and the excessive production of
opiates of course.
The arousal system is the source of our fght-or-fight response, and is
connected to the adrenal glands, the amygdala. The dominant (analytical) mind is
connected to the arousal system and reaches into our left cerebral hemisphere. It
is sometimes called the ergotropic system because it releases energy in the body
to react to the environment. The sympathetic system comprises of paravertebral
sympathetic trunks which run up the front side of the spine from the cranial base
to the coccyx. Sympathetic nerves run mostly from the thoracic and lumbar region
and are longer and less direct than the parasympathetic nerves thus their effect
is more diffuse. Instead of separate ganglion for each vertebrae certain segments
collect together to form a single large ganglion eg: the cervical ganglion in the neck
and the stellate ganglion in the upper thoracic region. Connected to the ganglion
are plexus that pass to the organs. The cardiac plexus via the stellate ganglion
supplies the heart and lungs. The solar plexus is connected with the lower thoracic
spinal nerves and supplies sympathetic fbers to the stomach, intestines, adrenals
and other viscera. The heart is supplied by sympathetic nerves arising mainly in the
neck, because the heart develops initially in the cervical region and later migrates
into the thorax taking its nerves down with it.
The neurotransmitter of the preganglionic sympathetic neurons is acetylcholine
(ACh). It stimulates action potentials in the postganglionic neurons, affecting
their targets through adrenergic receptors. The neurotransmitter released by
the postganglionic neurons is noradrenaline (also called norepinephrine). The
action of noradrenaline on a particular gland or muscle is excitatory is some cases,
inhibitory in others. (At excitatory terminals, ATP maybe released along with
The release of noradrenaline stimulates heartbeat, raises blood pressure, dilates
the pupils, dilates the trachea and bronchi, stimulates the conversion of liver
glycogen into glucose, shunts blood away from the skin and viscera to the skeletal
muscles, brain, and heart, inhibits peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract, inhibits
contraction of the bladder and rectum and inhibits the immune system to save
energy. Stimulation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system
prepares the body for fght-or-fight. This emergency response is controlled by the
hypothalamus and amygdala through the HPA axis. Activation of the sympathetic
system is quite general because a single preganglionic neuron usually synapses with
many postganglionic neurons; the release of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla
into the blood ensures that all the cells of the body will be exposed to sympathetic
stimulation even if no postganglionic neurons reach them directly.
One important exception to the activating response of the sympathetic
system is that the alimentary adrenergic nerves inhibit the activity of the
gastrointestinal tract while activity in the cholinergic (parasympathetic) supply
results in activation of the gastric and intestinal systems. This is because during
the adrenaline induced fght-or-fight response or during demanding activity,
the blood and energy is needed by the brain and muscles, leaving digestive and
eliminative functions until times of rest and relaxation. Hormones produced by
the outer region of the adrenal cortex regulate the bodys metabolism, blood
composition, and even body shape. The inner region produces hormones that are
the bodys frst line of defense against stress, whether it be physical or emotional.
This inner region of the adrenals is called the adrenal medulla and is considered to
be part of the sympathetic nervous system. Adrenaline and norepinephrine act as
neurotransmitters when they are released by neurons, and as hormones when they
are produced by suprarenal glands.
The parasympathetic or reposing side of the autonomic nervous system promotes
relaxation, sleep, growth and repair. It is sometimes called the trophotropic
system because it conserves energy. It includes the endocrine glands, parts of the
hypothalamus and the thalamus, and reaches into the right cerebral hemisphere.
Thus the non-dominant, holistic mind is connected with the quiescent system and
involves the hypothalamus and hippocampus. After the activity of sympathetic
stimulation the parasympathetic system reverses the changes when the danger is
over and returns the body functions to normal.
The main nerves of the parasympathetic system are the tenth cranial nerves,
the vagus nerves. They originate in the medulla oblongata with separate branches
going to the heart and respiratory system, and there are branches throughout
the abdomen after passing through the oesophageal opening of the diaphragm.
Other preganglionic parasympathetic neurons also extend from the brain as well
as from the sacral end of the spinal cord. The ganglia of this system are located
near the structures to be innervated or actually in the walls of the organ, therefore
the postganglionic fbers are much shorter than those of the sympathetic system.
This is one of the reasons why sympathetic effects are usually more diffuse than
parasympathetic effects. The sacral parasympathetic fbers supply the rectum,
bladder and reproductive organs; and nerves from the two lowest ganglia enter the
kundalini gland. Cranial fbers run with the vagus nerve supplying enervation to
the heart, stomach and small intestines. True parasympathetic nerves are all motor.
Sensory nerves within the parasympathetic system are general visceral sensory
nerves that simply run with the parasympathetic fbers and are not strictly part of
the system. There is not parasympathetic supply to the limbs or gonads.
acetylcholine (ach) is the neurotransmitter at all the pre- and many of the
postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic system. However, some of the
postganglionic neurons release nitric oxide (NO) as their neurotransmitter. In the
parasympathetic nervous system, the postganglionic neurons ACh is received by
muscarinic ACh receptors. Acetylcholine (ACh) opens cation channels for Na+
and Ca+ to fow into and K+ to fow out of a cell. ACh is an example of a direct
messenger. Parasympathetic stimulation causes the heartbeat to slow, lowers blood
pressure constricts pupils and changes the lens for near vision, increases blood fow
to the skin and viscera, stimulates glands to secrete saliva and mucus, stimulates gut
peristalsis. Contracts the bladder and uterus, causes erection of penis and clitoris,
Plexus are complex webs of nerves and ganglia that affect the internal organs,
particularly by controlling arterial blood fow, hence oxygen and nutrient supply.
The location of the plexus are associated with the chakra system. The cervical
plexus contains nerves mainly connected to the skin and muscles of the head and
neck, but it also contains the phrenic nerve which runs to the diaphragm. The
cardiac plexus directly affects the heart and lungs. The solar plexus is the largest in
the body. It is involved in the fight or fight activation of the redirection of blood
from the digestive organs to the brain and muscles. The solar plexus stimulates the
production of adrenaline and activates the kidneys. The pelvic plexus has lumbar
and sacral spinal connections and is concerned with elimination and sexuality.
Kundalini can be felt as bliss, tingle and heat moving through these plexus at
various times.
neuron membrane to become depolarized and fre off an electrical signal. In this way
the endorphin system of nerves acts to inhibit other neuronal systems in the brain.
The effect of opiates is to inhibit the reaction of tissue to electrical stimulation.
Without this inhibitory action to slow down neuron fring, the racing electric
activity would result in convulsions and death. Endorphins slow breathing, reduce
blood pressure and decrease sensitivity to pain. Endorphins reduce smooth muscle
contraction, thus causing the smooth muscles in the arteries to dilate increasing
blood fow. Hypoxia or low oxygen creates acidosis stress which increases beta-
endorphins as part of the parasympathetic response to achieve balance.
long-term potentiation (ltP) is the long-lasting strengthening of the
connection between two nerve cells. Like corticosteroids, enkephalins abolish
LTP and theta activity, disrupt learning and memory, and induce hippocampal
seizure activity without convulsions, which is accompanied by abnormal, high
voltage EEG paroxysmal waves which can last from 15 to 30 minutes. Enkephalins
can also trigger hyperactivation of hippocampal pyramidal cellsneurons which
normally display synaptic growth and dendritic proliferation in response to new
learning. Enkephalins can also alter the pre- and post-synaptic substrates, thereby
injuring hippocampal neurons and producing a hippocampal amnesia as well as a
state dependent memory loss.
myelination of the nerves proceeds from the bottom to the top, back to
front and from left to right. Kundalini generally also follows this path of fow
and development over the period of an awakening. We tend to get right body
and right-brain kundalini effects occurring in December and towards the end of
ones awakening. Myelin is a fatty substance that includes acetylcholine. When we
overwork the other neurotransmitters we burn out our acetylcholine as well. Since
the myelin sheath is what facilitates speed in the transmission of a nerve impulse,
the impairment of our myelin slows down our brainthis is obviously a major
contributor to the spiritual burn-out effect from excessive nerve activity during an
Kundalini awakening is a method that the body uses to promote new growth,
because after myelination fnishes its harder to change or evolve the nervous
system. Kundalini is so outrageously pervasive that I am sure that not only is there
a lot of neurons dying off, there is also demyelination and remyelination that
occurs. Research will probably prove that there are major changes in the pattern
of myelination resulting from a kundalini awakening, and the function we are left
with in the end is a result of these changes. This serves as a good case for AQAL
developmental practices and experiences during an awakening because if we fail
to use it, we lose it. In other words substantiation equals agency, praxis or use.
Glial cells
Glial cells perform a variety of functions in the central nervous system
and make up 50% of CNS by volume, and 95-98% by numbers. Neurons
are the active or functional cells of the nervous system and carry electrical
signals. Glial cells are small supporting cells that do not carry electrical signals.
In support of neurons glial cells offer:
nourishmentGlial cells attach neurons to blood vessels and supply nutrients
and oxygen to neurons, maintain ionic balance and help control the chemical
composition of fuid surrounding neurons. The L-arginine for NO production is
mainly supplied mainly from glial cells. They produce cerebrospinal fuid!
insulationGlia produce the fatty insulating myelin sheath around axons to
insulate one neuron from another, to form a matrix surrounding neurons and
hold them in place, this matrix serves to isolate synapses limiting the dispersion of
transmitter substances released.
PhagocyctosisGlia act as scavengers, removing debris after injury or neuronal
death and to destroy and remove the carcasses of dead neurons. Phagocytosis
occurs when an astrocyte contacts a piece of neural debris with its processes (arm
of the astrocyte) and then pushes itself against the debris eventually engulfng and
digesting it.
GlycoysisAerobic glycolysis in the CNS involves interactions between
neurons and astrocytes. The entrance of glucose into the central nervous system
from the capillaries occurs primarily through astrocytes. Astrocytes are strategically
placed between capillaries and neurons and play an essential role in neuronal
energy metabolism and brain glycogen is localized in astrocytes in brain tissue.
Astrocytes provide nourishment to neurons by receiving glucose from capillaries,
Astrocytes frst metabolize glucose to its metabolic intermediate lactate and secrete
lactate, releasing it into the extra cellular fuid surrounding the neurons. The
neurons receive the lactate from the extra cellular fuid and transport it to their
mitochondria to use as a primary substrate for oxidative metabolism to create
energy. In this process astrocytes store a small amount of glycogen, which stays on
reserve for times when the metabolic rate of neurons in the area is especially high.
Neuronal activity regulates the rate of aerobic glycolysis by a mechanism
involving glutamate release from neurons and glutamate uptake into astrocytes.
Glutamate is the primary neurotransmitter released by excitatory synapses in the
CNS. Glutamate is taken up by astrocytes by a Na+ cotransporter. Na+ infux into
astrocytes stimulates the astrocytic sodium pump which produces ADP. Increased
levels of astrocytic ADP will stimulate glycolysis and lactate transport into neurons.
Lactate uptake by neurons will stimulate neuronal oxidative ATP production.
Glucose can be incorporated into lipids, proteins, and glycogen, and it is also
the precursor of certain neurotransmitters such as g-aminobutyric acid (GABA),
glutamate, and acetylcholine.
schwann cells support the peripheral nervous system, while the central nervous
system is supported by glial cells. As the peripheral nerves form, the Schwann cells
migrate peripherally from the spinal ganglia, parallel to the axons, and encase them
with their cytoplasm. The myelin sheath is created by a synthesis and wrapping
of Schwann cell plasma membrane around the axon. During the breakdown of
damaged axons Schwann cells participate in myelin phagocytosis prior to the
recruitment of macrophages. They produce heat shock protein, only when they
have transformed into these myelin-eating cells from myelinating cells. I am
convinced that during the Die-off some axons do die and Schwann cells would
change to their phagocytic mode in order to absorb the dead axons. Research
might fnd that whole neurons Die-off at this time, rather than just certain dendrite
tHe enteric Brain
The stomach or enteric brain comprises of 100 million nerves - more than
the spinal cord. These solar plexus nerves in the enteric brain surround the
esophagus, stomach and intestines. Like the brain in the head it has sensory and
motor neurons, information processing circuits, and the glial cells. It also uses
the major neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, nitric oxide and
norepinephrine. The gut can upset the head-brain just as the head-brain can upset
the gut. Both the brain in the head and the enteric brain originate from a structure
called the neural crest, which appears and divides during fetal development. One
section turns into the central nervous system. Another piece migrates to become
the enteric nervous system; it is only later that these two systems are connected via
the vagus nerve. The enteric brain is stimulated by stress chemicals and fear also
causes the vagus nerve to turn up the volume on serotonin circuits in the gut.
When we eat pressure receptors in the guts lining are stimulated and serotonin is
released, starting the refexive motion of peristalsis.
The gut plexus contains glial cells that nourish neurons, mast cells involved in
immune responses, and a blood brain barrier that protects important neurons.
The mast cells secrete histamine, prostaglandins, cytokines and other agents that
produce infammation as protective precaution; the gut is thus infamed to prime
it for surveillance. HPA axis (fght-or-fight) hyperactivation during the peak
kundalini phase may cause infammation in the digestive system through the stress
chemical stimulation of mast cells to produce infammatory agents. Adding to
the infammation, the alerted immune system would liberally release free radicals
also. Thus we see the need to reduce stress during active kundalini and to adopt a
regular stress relief practice, to calm the vagus nerve and reduce infammation of
the digestive system. The Inner Arts and Kundalini Skills mentioned in this book
will do thisas will most of the regular spiritual practices. Merely being distracted,
dissociated, medicated, in denial or using addiction to avoid hyperarousal or the
acute stress response, will not make it go away. Suppression of the ongoing crisis
of hyperactivation of the autonomic brain (brain stem), might lead ultimately to
serious imbalance or disease. While mastery of the situation through proactive
facing the challenge of metamorphic agitation of the nervous system, prevents
physical, mental and spiritual degeneration.
Glutamate is a major excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter accounting for an
estimated 40% of all nerve signals in the human brain, and involved in phenomena
such as neural development, learning, and memory formation. Glutamate is
ordinarily released under close cellular biochemical control and re-uptake, for in
excess amounts it is an intense excitant of nerve cells and potentially toxic. The
the left is more kundi-excitable, active, analytic, logic, language, focus, decision
oriented. The right represents a more parasympathetic nature, involved in emotion
and memory.
The overall excited condition of kundalini arousal is probably mainly carried
both on norepinephrine nerves and via glutamate receptors. Nitric Oxide and
Ca2+ levels being the rate mediating factors in the maintenance of the charge
through the glutamate system. After the body recycling periods of the Die-offs are
fnished, the slow depletion of arginine will reduce NO and Growth Hormone
productionthus reducing both hyperneural activity and regeneration of tissue
and the awakening will very gradually come to a close. For reduced concentrations
of NO will down regulate the NMDA receptors reducing the excitation of the
neurons. Also since calcium resources of the body would be used to buffer the acidic
products from the increased metabolic rate, calcium availability might eventually
become a limiting factor bringing the hyper-excitation of neurons to an end. Since
glutamate can be made from any sugar, carbohydrates or even from proteins or fats,
it is always somewhat readily available as an excitatory neurotransmitter. However
since a low-glycemic diet does reduce kundalini and seizures, it is apparent that
glutamate levels are also a mediating factor in the fring rate of neurons.
GlUtamate toXicitY
Glutamate neurotoxicity can cause neuronal cell death. Reactive oxygen species
are mediators of delayed neuronal degeneration caused by activation of ionotropic
glutamate receptors. Oxidative stress was also shown to precipitate programmed
cell death or apoptosis. The lineage between these two phenomena relate to the facts
that the mitochondria are the source of 80% or more of the oxyradicals generated
in the neuron and that Ca2+ deregulation causes excessive activation of glutamate
ionotropic receptors, disrupting the mitochondrial electron transport system.
The immediate effect of glutamate on neurons is its role in activating glutamate
receptors, (NMDA is a methylated derivative of aspartate). The stimulation of
NMDA receptors may promote benefcial changes in the brain, whereas over
stimulation can cause nerve cell damage or cell death during seizure, trauma
and stroke. When neurons are damaged, glutamate pours out, builds up in the
synapses, and kills them by overexciting them, enlarging the area of brain damage.
Both oxygen deprivation and over excitation of neurons can create an abnormal
buildup of glutamate that kills neurons by over stimulating them.
Glutamate works by attaching to N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) receptors,
proteins on the cell surface. The action of NMDA receptors appears particularly
important because they have the special ability to let large amounts of calcium
into neurons. When the brain suffers an injury such as a stroke, neurons release
glutamate onto nearby neurons which become excited, causing excess calcium
release to activate enzymes which eventually leads to destruction of the cell.
Because of their gatekeeper role, NMDA receptors are important targets for
developing therapies to reduce glutamate action. Drugs that block these proteins,
called NMDA receptor blockers, can prevent glutamate from harming neurons
and stop the enhanced glutamate excitatory activity typically seen in epilepsy.
by all the chemical stimulants. I was thinking that during the peak when the
sympathetic NS is fred up and endorphins are blasting full bore the brain would
exhibit over-activated conditions similar to a drug addicts brain. Perhaps in
kundalini initiates the glutamate receptors also retreat into the cell, thus adding to
the burn out and lengthy recovery period after the peak. One of the problems in
addiction is that neurons in some parts of the brain lose glutamate receptors from the
cell surface, and those receptors are important for communication between neurons. The
researchers have sidestepped this problem by crafting a peptide that mimics a portion of
the tail of the glutamate receptor and, once inside a neuron, serves as a decoy to prevent
the loss of glutamate receptors.
In the body there are at least 50 known neurotransmitters which convey a rich
selection of possible messages between neurons, and many of these neurotransmitters
have over a dozen different types of receptors. Neurotransmitters, the brains
messenger molecules come in two forms, monoamines and neuropeptides.
1. small-molecule neurotransmittersthe key monoamines are:
serotonin is made from the amino acid Tryptophan. It calms, elevates pain
threshold, promotes sleep and feeling of well being, reduces aggression and
compulsive behavior.
Dopamine is made from the amino acids Phenylalanine and Tyrosine. It increases
feelings of well-being, alertness, sexual excitement and aggression; and reduces
compulsive behavior.
norepinephrine is made from Dopamine it also increases well being and reduces
GaBa is made from the amino acid Glutamic acid (Glutamine or Glucose). It
reduces anxiety, elevates the pain threshold reduces the blood pressure and heart
rate and reduces compulsive behavior.
As well as glutamate, aspartate, glycine, biogenic amines, ATP & NO, histamine
and prostaglandins.
2. neUroPePtiDes:
Amino Acids made in cell body and transported to synaptic terminals. They
share opiate receptors and regulate pain (analgesics) and pleasure. Neuropeptides
are manufactured in the endoplasmic reticulum and are called opioid peptides
because they behave in the brain like opiates such as morphine. Their functions
include regulating immune response, raising pain threshold stimulating feeling of
well being, regulating sexual activity, promoting emotional balance and enhancing
learning. As well as reducing compulsive behavior. There are three groups of
neuropeptidesEndorphins, Enkephalins and Dynorphins and substance P (pain)
The thing to keep in mind is that excessive use of the on-switch neurotransmitters
burns out the off-switch neurotransmitters. While peaking we are so neuro-
hormonally pumped up that we do not actually feel the true consequences of the
free radical damage until after the hormones and neurotransmitters run out. When
one is pumped up on Spirit you simply cant imagine that burnout and damage
will occur. It is apparent that kundalini cycles through the various nerve/receptor
systems at different times refecting both lunar and seasonal rhythms.
During the peak it is probably focused more on the norepinephrine nerves,
moving frst through the limbic system and then through the norepinephrine net
that traces through the cortex. Epinephrine (adrenaline) and the closely related
norepinephrine are the chief neurotransmitters at the post ganglion terminations
of the sympathetic nerves. Norepinephrine is made from dopamine which in turn
is derived from the amino acids Phenylalanine and Tyrosine. It increases feelings
of well-being, alertness, sexual excitement and aggression; and reduces compulsive
When it moves through the digestive system it is probably focused on the
serotonin system. When in a collapse phase such as a Die-off or exhaustion
then GABA, acetylcholine and serotonin would be more prominent during this
parasympathetic dominant phase. GABA is most common inhibitory transmitter
in a third of all synapses. ACh (acetylcholine) inhibits the heart via the vagus.
Opiate and endocannaboid receptors and nerve centers are highly active during all
kundalini activity even in the exhaustion phase. Acetylcholine is generally associated
with the parasympathetic effects, however it is thought that acetylcholine is
probably the chief neurotransmitter for the preganglionic fbers of both systems.
Contenders for the neuro-excitatory substances involved in kundalini include
the primary excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate in combo with Nitric Oxide
and histamine, prostaglandins even the bodys fuel molecule ATP. When ATP
is split apart a great deal of energy is released to power the cell. This involves the
conversion of ATP into its stepped down product cAMP. Then cAMP activates
a protein called Kinase which makes the neuron membrane more excitable.
Thus the whole neuron becomes less inhibited and more easily turned on by
neurotransmitters ftting into the receptor sites.
Each person is different of course and will exhibit either dopamine, serotonin,
GABA or acetylcholine dominance, and so the ability to withstand a kundalini
awakening differs as does their experience of the awakening itself. There are infnite
factors involved in how readily we will be depleted of neurochemicals, hormones
and other bodymind resources during the exhaustion phase: season/sunlight hours,
emotional resourcefulness, heredity, trauma history, infancy-conditioning, diet-
supplements-antioxidants, emotional processing ability, life circumstances, social
community, intimate companionship, life purpose-vocation, education level,
urban or rural, latitude, exercised or sedentary, life habits-samskarasand much
The effectiveness of our spiritual practices obviously has a profound impact
both on the awakening of kundalini and the rate that resources are depleted. While
meditation makes the awakening of kundalini more likely to happen it also eases
its passage and reduces the depletion-crash effect, by making the HPA axis less
volatile. It does this by synchronizing neural nets to fre in more in sync thereby
reducing energy wastage and improving nervous effciency. It also stabilizes and
amplifes the hormone production of the pituitary gland and reduces the spiking of
the sympathetic fght fight response. Because various brain areas are neurologically
enrichened by meditation there is also more prefrontal control over the limbic
system. Meditation makes up for some of the defcits we may have in our primary
matrix neuron growth.
The central functions of norepinephrine (ne) are: regulation of alertness and
of the wakefulness/sleep cycle, maintenance of attention, memory and learning,
cerebral plasticity and neuro-protection. Norepinephrine (NE) stimulates neural
growth, signifcantly infuences neuronal maturation and promotes neural
plasticity and synaptic development during the early stages of fetal and infant
development. NE is neuroprotective and when its depleted, neurons are exposed
to the debilitating effects of enkephalins and stress hormones released during the
fght-or-fight response. In the infant NE may destabilize in response to even
mild stress such as temporary separation from the mother. Consequently wildly
fuctuating NE levels can lead to atrophied neural growth and aberrant neural
networks (neuronal pools). These dysfunctional, deprivation and stress induced
aberrant networks are especially pronounced within the amygdala, septal nuclei,
and the hippocampus, and can lead to the propensity toward abnormal seizure-
like activity, such as kindling. Neurons in the CNS are organized into defnite
patterns called neuronal pools; each pool differs from all others and has its own
role in regulating homeostasis. A neuronal pool may contain thousands or even
millions of neurons.
As well as abnormal growth of nerves unbalanced neurotransmitter levels can
lead to inferior fring patterns. Stress induced depletion of NE coupled with excessive
secretion of corticosteroids and enkephalins can hyperactivate hippocampal
pyramidal neurons and eliminate hippocampal theta and long term potentiation,
thereby interfering with learning and memory. Depletion of neurotransmitters is
countered by the use of Monoamine oxidase inhibitors. These relieve depression
by preventing the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) from breaking down the
neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine in the brain. As you
can imagine with such exaggerated activation of the adrenal/dopamine/cortisol
systems we need to focus on building up our serotonin, GABA and acetylcholine
systems, which get burnt out during the hyper-phase.
Current research on depression indicates increased deep limbic system activity
and shut down in the prefrontal cortex, especially on the left side. In depression, the
most important pathways are those of the serotonergic and noradrenergic neurons
projecting to the prefrontal cortex, from the raphe nucleus and locus coeruleus,
respectively. Extracellular Dopamine in the prefrontal cortex, as well as in the other
cortices, may depend on Noradrenaline rather than Dopamine innervation and
activity. High dopamine is involved in forebrain functions of thinking, planning,
of Na+ outside than inside and higher [K+] inside than outside, but overall there is
more Na+ outside than K+ inside. This makes the inside of nerve cells negatively
charged and the outside positively charged.
The insulating capacity of the cell membrane allows for the production of
an electrical or chemical concentration difference or gradient from one side of
the membrane to the other. Current in the body is the fow of ions toward their
opposite charge. Cations (+ ions) fow toward a negative charge, and anions (-
ions) fow toward a positive charge. Ions will fow down either their concentration
or electrical gradients. Both types of gradients provide potential energy to power
the movement of ions (charged particles) and thus produce an electrical current.
An electrochemical gradient combines the effects of an electrical difference with a
concentration difference.
ion channels: There are two basic types of ion channels by which ions fow
through cell membranes, leakage channels and gated channels.
1. Passive Leakage channels (nongated) do not require energy and fow rate and
directions is determined by electrical or concentration gradient direction and
size. Leakage channels are more open to K+2 than to Na+. Since the electrical
and concentration electrochemical gradients go up during kundalini we can
assume that Leakage channels become more permeable.
2. Active Gated channels require ATP energy and open and close in response
to some sort of stimulus such as voltage changes; specifc chemical stimulus
eg: neurotransmitters, ions, or hormones; and mechanical pressure. We can
also expect gated channels to be more active during kundalini for voltage,
chemical and mechanical reasons.
synaptic transmission occurs frst with an action potential arriving at presynaptic
membrane. A depolarizing phase then opens Na+ and Ca+2 channels and Ca+2
fows into synaptic terminal. The increase of intracellular Ca+2 produces exocytosis
of synaptic vesicles, releasing transmitter into synaptic cleft. Then Ca+2 is removed
from the cell by mitochondrial uptake with a Ca+2 pump. The transmitter then
diffuses across cleft to postsynaptic membrane and binds to membrane receptors.
excitatory neurotransmitters are those that can depolarize or make less negative
the postsynaptic neurons membrane, bringing the membrane potential closer
to threshold, (ie: a depolarizing postsynaptic potential.) Although a single
excitatory postsynaptic potential normally does not initiate a nerve impulse, the
postsynaptic neuron does become more excitable (sensitized). Thus it is already
partially depolarized and more likely to reach threshold when the next excitatory
postsynaptic potential occurs.
inhibitory neurotransmitters hyperpolarize the membrane of the postsynaptic
neuron, making the inside more negative and generation of a nerve impulse more
diffcult, (ie: inhibitory postsynaptic potential). A hyperpolarizing potential can
decrease the excitability of a resting neuron or counteract the effects of an excitatory
postsynaptic potential.
synaptic Potentiation sensitization occurs as repeated release of neurotransmitter
makes the postsynaptic cell more sensitive to neurotransmitters producing larger
excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Thus repeated use of a synapse makes it more
effcient thus contributing to conditioning and learning. Synaptic potentiation
may also be produced by back propagating action potentials from the cell body
to the dendrites. Synaptic sensitivity is also increased by NMDA (N-methyl-D-
aspartate) receptors in the postsynaptic membrane that increase Ca+2 entry. Elsewhere
I mentioned that Isao Ito found more of a specifc type of NMDA receptor on
the tip of neurons in the right hemisphere of mice and in the left hemisphere these
where on the base of the neurons.
stress resPonse cYcle
Wilhelm Reich observed that life has a four beat bioenergetic formula: tension
Kundalini occurs in nested cycles that follow the basic stress response pattern
that Hans Selye outlined in the 1950s. First there is adaptation a person
intermittently secretes slightly higher levels of the fght-or-fight hormones in
response to a slightly higher level of stress. Secondly alarm, begins when the
stress is constant enough, or great enough, to cause sustained excessive levels of
certain adrenal hormones. Lastly exhaustion, sets in as the bodys ability to cope
with the stress becomes depleted. But we now know that rather than the stress-
response hormones and transmitters running out during the exhaustion phase.
It is the stress response itself that is damaging, because the body spends so many
resources on stress adaptation that it causes the allostatic economy of the body to
become bankrupt.
During an awakening all the neurotransmitters and hormones move through the
phases of:
1.adaptation: HEATINGhomeostatic balance, strengthening and
preparation. Building of hormonal and neurological resources.
2.alarm: PEAKsimilar to immediate threat response; heightened use of
both on/off facilitating an expanded state of being. Adrenalin and histamine
3.exhaustion: BURNOUTdepletion of resources for dealing with metabolites
and free radical damage and production of hormones and neurotransmitters.
As adrenal levels plummet this adrenal exhaustion sometimes accompanies, or
is mistaken for low thyroid. Prolonged release of high cortisol leads to adrenal
exhaustion. Decline in the immune system.
4.recovery: SUBSTANTIATIONrepair and building up resources again
once the hypertonality has died down. Growth on a new level refecting the
psychosomatic space that has been created from the Die-off and self-digestion.
Adrenal hormones constrict blood fow to the forebrain and stress hormones
repress the prefrontal cortex activity diverting energy and consciousness to the
hindbrain and survival faculties. Besides stress being enervating, prolonged
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical activation also makes us dumber. (See
General Adaptation Syndrome)
The longer you stay in protection, the more you compromise your growth. 147,
Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief.
General aDaPtation sYnDrome
The hypothalamus, though only about the size of a pea, is the director of
chemistry in the body. After having received input from the body it then transmits
instructions to the pituitary to release its various hormones. The hypothalamus
responds to stress by initiating the stress-hormone cascade starting with the
corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) followed by adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) release, and fnally glucocorticoid production. A variety of
stressors, both physical and psychological, cause the neurosecretory cells within
the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to secrete corticotropin-releasing
hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) into the microportal circulatory
system of the pituitary stalk. Cells in the hypothalamus which secrete CRH
have synapses which make contact with blood vessels in the hypothalamus that
transport CRH to the anterior pituitary where it stimulates the release of ACTH.
ACTH stimulates the hypothalamus (HPA axis) to immediately activate the
adrenal glands. From the adrenal glands the hormones epinephrine (adrenaline)
norepinephrine (noradrenalin) are secreted which vasodilate arterioles of the
skeletal muscles to prepare them for action, but cause vasoconstriction elsewhere.
This produces quicker heart rate, higher blood pressure, more frequent breathing.
Cortisol and cortisone suppress the immune system in an effort to conserve energy
for fght-or-fight. These glucocorticoids promote conversion of protein and lipids
to carbohydrates replenishing energy reserves in the body. Cortisol feeds back to
the hypothalamus to control release of CRH. There is a circadian (daily) rhythm
in ACTH secretion and cortisol levels which is higher in the morning and cortisol
is secreted in several pulses during the day.
During stress the thyroid gland is stimulated by the thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) to secrete thyroxine to increase metabolism. Gonadotrophins are secreted
which stimulate the reproductive glands to produce less hormones. The quantity
of each kind of hormones the pituitary will secrete depends on the power of the
stressor. The more life threatening the brain perceives the stressor to be, the more
the pituitary is stimulated. The pituitary responsiveness in hypothyroidism causes
adrenal dysfunction directly and results in hypersecretion of ACTH mediated by
increases in synthesis of CRH and Vasopressin in the hypothalamus.
The majority of people respond to stressors with activation of the sympathetic
system. When our HPA axis is chronically fred up, the stress hormones inhibit
and cell division and growth in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Thus
our brain areas for rational thinking and memory atrophy and shrink leading to
KUnDalini GlanD
The Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine is where kundalini is supposed
to lie coiled awaiting to rise. Several factors led the ancients to this symbolic idea of
the coiled serpent. First when kundalini does rise one of the initial pathways it takes
seems to be around the spine between the two sympathetic trunks. The discharge
of a double helix of energy can be felt rising up around the spine. Some people such
as Gobi Krishna, call this a zigzag. For it appears that energy is fowing backwards
and forwards up the ladder of the spine from ganglia to ganglia. I experienced this
during a hypnogogic vision around the time of my 1988 awakening. I imagine that
energy is transmitted in this double helix fashion at the beginning of an awakening
prior to the inner-conjunction through the sushumna nadi or central channel of
the spine.
Although the traditions are focused on it, there is obviously no such thing as
ejaculating up the spine. But the nerve energy is perhaps turned to fow its power
back through the nerves to the spine. This is done by yogis through the inner
kinesthetic sensing, directing the eye of the mind, and breathing. This redirection
of nerve fow might be how the yogis prevent ejaculation while still having orgasm.
It might feel as though there is ejaculation up the spine because the kundalini
gland (coccygeal body) at the base of the coccyx is composed of smooth muscle
and can pulsate like an ejaculation. Thus to a man it might appear that he is
ejaculating up his spine. I have noticed a sense of throbbing (pumping sensation)
at the coccyx that occurs at the start of an increase in kundalini fow.
The coccygeal body is an irregular, oval-shaped gland between the rectal wall
and the tip of the tailbone or coccyx. This is known in Tantra as the Kundalini
gland. During active kundalini one can often feel a pulsation in the sacrum, I
suspect that this rhythmic movement might be the kundalini gland becoming
The coccygeal gland is fed by sympathetic (adrenergic) from the frst two
ganglion and by parasympathetic (cholinergic) nerves; and by the median sacral
artery and vein, directly infuencing the nervous system via chemical messages
arising from the blood. It is several millimeters in diameter and is composted
of epithelioid cells and smooth muscle cells. A study suggests its possible blood
forming function and an immune-modulatory activity by the regulation of the
sympathetic nervous system through noradrenergic control. Removal of this gland
creates nervous derangement.
Because it is nexus of all the various bodymind systems: hormonal, blood,
sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and the immune system, the kundalini
gland is key to the homeostasis of the body and to shifting metabolism over to the
metamorphic state. Further study could lead science to discover that the kundalini
awakening could be initiated or maintained by stimulation of the coccygeal body
and the subsequent increase in the noradrenergic mechanism of the SNS. If further
studies confrm the possible involvement of the coccygeal body in the regulation
of sexuality, this may explain the immunosuppressive status related to the sexual
repression as previously suggested by Wilhelm reich.
Yoga has devised a wide variety of techniques to irritate and awaken this gland
into activity: Including Mula Bandha (Root lock-contracting perineum and lower
abdomen), Asvini Mudra (contracting the pubococcygeus muscle of perineum,
as in Kegel exercises), Tada Mudra(knocking the buttocks upon the ground,
sending rhythmic shock waves rippling up the spine) and rolling on a cotton ball
placed under the tip of the tail bone. (Found in Ecstasy Through Tantra, by Dr
John Mumford).
A study of anatomy defes the traditional idea of ejaculation of sexual juices
up the spine, however the Nitric oxide and other neurotransmitters that are used
in sex would be directly involved in an inner-conjunction event. In fact the sex
chemistry involved in an inner-conjunction is many times greater than that which
facilitates sex itself. Although the entire body is fooded with sex and growth
hormones during the peak in which spinal inner-conjunctions occur and this
serves to rev up metabolism in which the energy can build to these intense phase
lock situations...I still cannot see how sexual juices can enter into the cerebrospinal
fuid. Instead I see the spinal fuid becoming supercharged with glutamate, Ca2+
and other ions along with Nitric oxide driving the maximum nerve activity. The
fuid thus is superfuid and supercharged, and doesnt necessarily shoot up the
spine, even though it feels like the force of 10,000 orgasms is blasting directly
up the spine. However, the liquid probably does fow a little faster during the
inner-conjunction event due to the increased electromagnetic feld, and increased
cilli movement of the tissue that moves cerebrospinal fuid (CSF) along (which is
excited by the extra nutrition, and ions of fuid and nerve energy at the time.)
Hence the intense upward pressure of an inner-conjunction is not caused by
any fast moving ejaculation of liquid within the spine, so much as by increase
energy in the nerves. For CSF is moved via hydrostatic pressure and cilli and is
reputed to take 24 hours for a full cycle and is completely changed every 6-7 hours.
Thus I see the amrita ejaculation of the fuid down the back of the throat more as
a brain-ejaculation (see...Amrita Heart Connection)...rather than fuid that comes
directly from the sex organs.
carotiD GlanDs
During the start of a four year period of intense transformation Jiddu
Krishnamurti noticed a lump in the middle of the nape of his neck that seemed
to be a painfully contracted muscle about the size of a marble. During a 3 day
period of radical metamorphic trance the pain literally threw him about the room
for several hours each night, after which he would recover, only to have it happen
again at 6 p.m. the next night.
Jiddus countryman U.G. Krishnamurti talks about a cobra-like effect of the
neck puffng out during acute prana fow (hence the ancient Egyptian symbol).
The carotid glands are a reddish-brown oval body, in the top of the neck just
below the ears. It is similar in structure to the kundalini gland (coccygeal gland).
It is known that oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations represent the main
stimulus for the carotid body. Carbon monoxide as a gaseous neurotransmitter
Metamorphic hormonal secretions are felt as ever more
poignant longings and gratitudes.
The fre of kundalini is a circuitous contagion of cause and effect. Increased
sex hormone levels intensifes kundalini and increased kundalini upregulates both
the level of sex hormones and receptor sensitivity to them. This circle of cause
and effect is the basis of metamorphosis and spiritual birth. The metamorphic
hormone cycle probably follows a similar sequence to that of romantic love. Dr.
Helen Fisher who wrote The Anatomy of Love, says that testosterone might be
the main active agent occurring during infatuation, then the stimulants dopamine
and norepinephrine coupled with low levels of serotonin during the romantic/
obsessive phase and then oxytocin and vasopressin during the attachment, calm
and peace of long term relationship. Similarly I think that testosterone might
be the predominant agent during the priming phase of kundalini awakening
when sexual heat is stimulated regardless of ones social context. Then during the
infux, shock and transmutation phases the activating hormones dopamine and
norepinephrine are probably predominant. Finally things settle down during the
substantiation phase with vasopressin and oxytocin giving one a sense of deep
peace and Connection. Fisher says that orgasm is associated with higher levels of
vasopressin and oxytocin and a successful metamorphosis stabilizes bliss such that
one could liken the state to a permanent brain orgasm. There is more information
on the fascinating subject of the chemistry of love in Diane Ackermans book A
Natural History of Love.
All the hormones are amplifed during metamorphosis. From some of the
symptoms we can work out which ones are dominant at each stage. Track your
symptoms on a calendar, because they will fall in with your hormone cycles, and
the seasonal-month of the year. That way each month and year you will know
what to expect. The monthly and annual kundalini cycle in males will track closely
with testosterone and with females it follows the estrogen cycle. As I have said the
solar and lunar passage throughout the year is a huge factor in kundalini fow and
development, but so is large weather systems. The seasonal effect on kundalini
cycles is very apparent and easily explained. One of the factors in seasonal variability
is the increased secretion of melatonin in winter maybe what reduces kundalini at
this time, by down-regulating the production of sex hormones. Conversely the
maximum light hours of July could be why July is max-kundalini month, because
of the consequent reduced melatonin and increased sex hormones.
testosterone must increase in both men and women during the mystic/sexual
heating period in the beginning, and during the infux. Sex hormones probably
start falling off during the burnout/fall/substantiation and recovery period. More
testosterone is produced during puberty, when in love, through exercise, during
war to powerful stimulate cells, prepare for action and make the mind alert and
enterprising. So often do people relate a period of intense sexual activation at the
new follicle begins to develop in one of the ovaries. After menstruation ceases,
the follicle continues to develop, secreting an increasing amount of estrogen as
it does so. The estrogen level reaches its peak just prior to ovulation at around
8-10 days, then it drops off for ovulation, and picks up at a lower level, (along
with progesterone) for the building of the uterus wall. Estrogen has been shown
to increase seizures (kindling), and progesterone to decrease them; and both seem
also to modulate bipolar mood states. The estrogen peak of the menses cycles
effect on kundalini might not be apparent during the peak of the awakening,
for it would be hidden amongst the intensity of the various symptoms; but it
appears to be a very regular phenomena during the quiet substantiation stage for
the years following an awakening. There is a nice chart showing the estrogen and
progesterone levels during the 28 day cycle:
Protection from Estrogen
Estrogens (estradiol and estrone) are produced by the aromatization of
testosterone in the fat cells, skin, bone and other tissues. Since testosterone changes
into estrogen one thing I focused on was to make sure the diet included substances
that sop up the extra estrogen so it didnt cause cancer. Increased free radicals plus
increased hormones and a preoccupied immune system is a dangerous combo so
during a kundalini awakening both men and women should consider taking herbs
to protect ourselves from excess estrogen. High levels of estrogens may displace
tryptophan from albumin; albumin is the most abundant protein in the body.
Artifcial steroid hormones may facilitate the growth of certain cancers, and
we can maintain youthful hormone levels without them. The effect of meditation
on the pituitary gland is one such way, and exercise will increase testosterone.
To facilitate the Heating phase of awakening we can constructively manage our
testosterone metabolism by taking herbs to unbind the blood testosterone, free up
receptors, increase testosterone production and aid in estrogen elimination.
It is also most helpful to include a cleansing program to detoxify the tissues
thus diminishing resistance to whatever circulating thyroid hormone is present.
Women who are estrogen dominant have poor thyroid effciency because estrogen
increases thyroxine-binding globulinthe transport system for both T3 and
T4, and globulin-bound thyroid is inactive. The more thyroid hormones are
globulin-bound, the less of the active form is available. Adequate amounts of
natural progesterone reduce estrogen dominance and consequently, increase the
biologically active form of thyroid hormones. For many women, using natural
progesterone along with committing to a healthy diet, using nutritional support,
reducing stress and adding exercise is most effective. Saw palmetto has anti-estrogenic
and anti-androgenic effects in addition to anti-infammatory properties. sells an antiestrogen formula to inhibit the
conversion of testosterone to estrogen and DHT. It contains DIM, chrysin, nettle
root and Bioperine. Other antiestrogen products include: quercetin, chasteberry,
Saw Palmetto, methoxy isofavone and calcium D-glucarate.
Avena Sativa or oat green juice frees globulin bound (useless) testosterone
making it bioavailable and preventing it from turning into DHT. The percentage
of testosterone held by globulin increases with age. Those taking oat grass juice
report higher free testosterone levels and an increase in strength, and libido in both
males and females. Works especially well with higher potency Tribulus. Oat-grass
juice is both a sex enhancer and helps recovery from nicotine addiction. helping to
increase endurance, mental processing and anaerobic work capacity. Avena Sativa,
Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root are a good combo for freeing serum testosterone
for women and men.
Nutritional Infuence on Estrogen Metabolism by Douglas C. Hall, M.D. Applied
Nutritional Science Reports, 2001
lUteiniZinG Hormone
Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are called
gonadotropins because stimulate the gonadsin males, the testes, and in females,
the ovaries. These two hormones secreted from cells in the anterior pituitary are
essential for reproduction. In women, LH helps regulate the menstrual cycle and
egg production (ovulation); in men, LH stimulates the production of testosterone,
which plays a role in sperm production. Womens LH levels normally vary with
the phase of the menstrual cycle, rapidly increasing just before ovulation occurs.
This LH surge could be why kundalini increases at this time in women. Mens
LH levels normally remain constant. The principle regulator of LH and FSH
secretion is gonadotropin-releasing hormone or GnRH. GnRH is a ten amino acid
peptide that is synthesized and secreted from hypothalamic neurons and activates
gonadotropic cells of the pituitary. Nitric oxide stimulates gonadotrophin in the
Hypothalamus so the increase in sex hormones during awakening might be due
to the general dys-inhibition of the pituitary and the sensitization of hormone
Black cohosh preparations are used in the treatment of menopause to improve
symptoms such as hot fashes, depression and sleep disturbance. German researchers
found that black cohosh produced an effect on serum concentrations of pituitary
hormone levels, including a signifcant and selective reduction of luteinizing
hormone (LH) (while not signifcantly effecting levels of prolactin and follicle
stimulating hormone). Hot fashes have been linked to a signifcant spike in the
release of luteinizing hormone.
The love peptide oxytocin (OT) is released into the blood stream in from the
posterior pituitary in response to a variety of stimuli such as suckling, childbirth,
or certain kinds of stress. Oxytocinergic neurons display widespread projections
throughout the central nervous system, and in peripheral tissues such as the uterus,
placenta, amnion, corpus luteum, testis, and heart. OT receptors have also been
identifed in other tissues, including the kidney, thymus, pancreas, and even fat
cells. It is interesting that (in rats at least) the amygdala contains receptors for
vasopressin whose activation increases aggressiveness and other signs of the fght-
or-fight response and oxytocin whose activation lessens the signs of stress.
During kundalini awakenings there are some liberal squirtings of oxytocin with
very interesting somatic/emotional consequences. Before any inner-conjunction
and samadhi there must be a fair amount of this chemical in order to calm one
prior to the paralysis of the event. Along with all the bliss chemicals there must
be oxytocin as well. Oxytocin is considered the hormone of bonding and trust. It
has been labeled the cuddle hormone, increases during nursing, and skyrockets in
men and women during orgasms. OT exerts potent antistress effects that modulate
the neuroendocrine refexes to the establishment of complex social and bonding
behaviors related to the reproduction and care of the offspring.
The oxytocin system is strongly regulated by gonadal and adrenal steroids. Before
the onset of labor, uterine sensitivity to OT markedly increases concomitant with a
strong upregulation of OT receptors. The many other reproductive roles oxytocin
plays include: stimulation of uterine smooth muscle contraction during labor and
milk ejection during lactation, milk let-down refex, estrous cycle length, follicle
luteinization in the ovary, and ovarian steroidogenesis, spontaneous erections, and
Oxytocin is undoubtedly elevated during some of the peak experiences of
kundalini infux such as: the inner-conjunction/samadhi/silver cord, and mystic
sexual ecstasies and when the helix-cord of energy goes down to the ground from
the pelvis. Also during the false pregnancy events when kundalini is working on
the belly. Oxytocin stimulates contractions of the uterus at the time of birth, so it
is probably dominant during mystical ecstasy (Sex with Eros). Oxytocin is higher
in women, and gives uterine contractions this is perhaps why females have more
spontaneous orgasms than men. Oxytocin and testosterone in differing quantities
are used by both the male and female body. Estrogen seems to enhance the effect
of oxytocin, while testosterone seems to reduce its effects. Because oxytocin is
one of the main chemicals involved in the actual initiation of kundalini there is
great spiritual incentive for upgrading our ability for compassionate action. This
explains why compassion, generosity, and caring action for others is essential to
the spiritual path for its the very stones on the path. No walking of compassion,
generosity and caring means no spiritual path period.
Cortisol is synthesized from cholesterol and acts through specifc intracellular
receptors to affect numerous physiologic systems including immune function,
glucose counter regulation, vascular tone, and bone metabolism. The stress hormone
cortisol is released to generate energy during times of stress along with the hormones
epinephrine and norepinephrine that constitute the fght-or-fight response to
a perceived threat. Following the stressful or threatening event, epinephrine and
norepinephrine levels return to normal while cortisol levels can remain elevated for
a longer time period. In fact, cortisol levels can remain persistently elevated in the
body when a person is subjected to chronic stress.
correcting both high and low cortisol levels. DHEA can also be used to alleviate
the symptoms of excess cortisol or hyperadaptosis. DHEA can improve glucose
tolerance, convert excess body fat to lean muscle mass, alleviate depression, increase
energy and decrease pain in chronic fatigue and fbromyalgia patients, decrease
joint pain and fatigue in infammatory and autoimmune diseases, improve mental
clarity and enhance overall immune function.
The telomere caps at the ends of chromosomes determine how long we will
live. Current thinking is that every time a cell divides its telomere caps get shorter.
Once the telomeres get short enough cells have a hard time dividing and perhaps
become senescent. It has been found that chronic stress appears to speed up this
process. When cortisol is present for long periods of time and in excess quantities,
it becomes extremely toxic and can do extensive damage to the immune system.
It can also diminish muscle mass, and lead to shrinkage of our vital organs and
thinning of the skin. Our brain cells, or neurons, are extremely sensitive to the
effects of cortisol, which in excess can cause brain cells to die. Magnolia Bark Extract
lowers the stress response, anxiety and depressionalmost immediately, without
side effects. Magnolia Extract promotes enhanced survival and growth of injured
brain cells, counteracts adrenal fatigue, reduces infammation and pain, protects
against seizures, acts as an antidote for pesticide poisoning and plays a signifcant
role in alleviating asthma. relora is a new, non sedative herbal stress relief formula
derived from Magnolia offcinalis and Phellodenron amurense extracts. It blocks
the major age-accelerating hormone cortisol, improves mood, reduces nervous
tension and is non habit forming.
Relora: The Natural Breakthrough to Losing Stress-Related Fat and Wrinkles
by James B. Lavalle.
Hormonal Balance: Understanding Hormones, Weight, and Your Metabolism
by Scott Isaacs
Total Renewal: 7 Key Steps to Resilience, Vitality, and Long-Term Health
by Frank Lipman M.D.
seems to control sexual behavior through its activity in the brain. Increase ACh
levels, and sexual activity goes up (granted the availability of partners that is).
ACh is involved in the build-up toward orgasm and the urethral and vaginal
contractions that occur during orgasm as well as orgasm intensity and duration.
Acetylcholine is also the primary chemical the body uses to transmit signals from
nerves to skeletal muscles, so this chemical is needed for muscular control and
proper muscle tone, and will enhance energy and stamina. Supplemental choline
is taken along with vitamin B5, for the manufacture of more ACh in the body.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)enhances endurance through
helping to create ACh from choline and its role in the energy-
producing Krebs Cycle, which is vital for all living cells.
BlacK coHosH (Cimicifuga racemosa)acts at the hypothalamic and
pituitary level, resulting in a decrease in Luteinizing Hormone (LH). LH in women
promotes estrogen and progesterone secretion, and maintains ovarian tissues. In
men, LH stimulates Leydig cells in the testes to secrete testosterone. With aging
LH levels normally rise with age in both men and women as hypothalamic estrogen
receptors become less sensitive to feedback inhibition. Black cohosh suppresses
LH to more youthful levels, perhaps by improving estrogen and progesterone
receptor sensitivity. Black Cohosh targets serotonin receptors which are used to
regulate body temperature, so might be useful during the peak heat of kundalini.
catUaBa BarK (Anemopegma mirandum)is considered a central nervous
system stimulant with aphrodisiac properties. The bark is commonly used for
sexual impotency, agitation, nervousness, nerve pain and weakness, poor memory
or forgetfulness, general exhaustion and fatigue, insomnia related to hypertension,
agitation, and poor memory, hypochondria, and pain related to the central
nervous system (such as sciatica and neuralgia). Catuaba has a dopamine-mediated
antidepressant-like effect. In Brazil it is regarded as an aphrodisiac with proven
effcacy and, in addition to treating impotence and enhancing male sexual
performance by increasing the brains sensitivity to dopamine, making the sex act
more pleasurable, as well as by vasodilation, enhancing erectile strength. It also has
antiseptic, antiviral properties, the extract of which may prevent HIV.
cHaste BerrY (Vitex agnus castus)helps to restore youthful gonadotropin
levels in both sexes by acting at the hypothalamic level to increase secretion of LH
and decreasing FSH, also causes a relative increase in progesterone and a relative
decrease in estrogens.
cHrYsin extracted from Passifora coerulea a member of the passionfower family.
This inhibits the production of the enzyme aromatase which prevents the conversion
of testosterone to estrogen. Chrysin possesses potent anti-infammation - able to
suppress liposacharide-induced COX-2 protein and has anti-oxidation properties.
Chrysin is able to stimulate nitric oxide release from endothelial cells leading to
vascular cGMP accumulation and subsequent endothelium dependent vascular
cniDiUm seeDs (Cnidium monnieri)are used in classical traditional
Chinese medicine as an antibacterial, antifungal, and astringent. For antiaging,
Tongkat Ali, has become popular for its alleged testosterone-enhancing properties,
libido enhancer and to treat various sexual dysfunctions. In Southeast Asia it is used
as a post partum medication, as well as for its anticancer, antimalarial, antipyretic,
antiulcer, cytotoxic and aphrodisiac properties. Its anabolic, androgenic properties
improve muscle size and strength and enhance sports performance. Since the bodys
natural testosterone promotes protein synthesis and positive nitrogen balance,
the benefts for training and workout, are muscle cell growth and increased body
strength as well as faster recuperation and recovery from muscular stress.
reD FloWer (Flos Catharmi)Activates blood circulation to genitals, removes
blood stasis and relieves pain.
rHiZoma cUcUrmae lonGaeHelps to eliminate blood stasis, promote
the fow of energy to genital area and relieves pain.
roU conG ronG (Herba Cistanches)One of the most popular and potent
tonic herbs that enhances sexual function, treats impotence and strengthens the
back and knees.
sUma (Pfaffa paniculata)Suma root is an adaptogen, general tonic, aphrodisiac,
a calming agent, and is used to treat ulcers. Suma is employed as a cellular
oxygenator and taken to stimulate appetite and circulation, increase estrogen
production, balance blood sugar levels, enhance the immune system, strengthen
the muscular system, and enhance memory. It supports hormonal balance, reduces
infammation, inhibits cancer and leukemia cells, enhances immunity and raises
libido. One reason for its many normalizing and rejuvenating effects may be its
ability to increase oxygenation and energy effciency at the cellular level.
YoHimBe (Corynanthe yohimbe)is supposed to be the most effective herb for
erections, however it is equivalent to 20 cups of coffee so it will trash your nerves.
Heart palpitations and excitation with insomnia for up to 30 hours can happen
after ingesting even a small amount of yohimbine (the alkaloid extract of yohimbe).
Note that yohimbe does not increase testosterone and most yohimbe supplements
contain none of the active ingredient yohimbine.
Other supplements for sex function include:
Ashwagandha, Dong Quai, Damiana, Dodder Seed, FoTi, Gotu kola, Licorice
root, Maca, Oat Grass Juice, Passion fower, Rehmannia, Rhodiola, Sarsaparilla,
Saw palmetto, Royal Jelly, Wild Yam. Fish oil (Omega 3) increases NO, papaya
increases Arginine. DHEA, Histidine, Vitamin B-6, Niacin, zinc, selenium,
magnesium, boron.
Hot Plants, Natures Proven Sex Boosters for Men and Women by Chris Kilham
The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs by Richard Alan Miller
Natural Sex Boosters by Dr. Ray Sahelian
nitric oXiDe
Nitric oxide is one of the key factors in promoting the maximum peak of
kundalini and spiritual experience, and in the dissolution of the bodymind. Nitric
Oxide (NO) is associated with the main excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate
and the generation of action potentials in the nerves. NO and glutamate act as
excitatory neurotransmitters, used when high levels of activity are needed, such as
during HPA axis activation or sexual arousal. It appears that nitric oxide is a factor
present at the very cusp of our existence, both birth, death and resurrection. NO
seems to play a part in extreme readiness chemistry, thus it might be implicated
in the four great F-Responses: Fuck, Freeze, Fight-or-fight. Thus nitric oxide
is part of the bodys oxygen delivery system. Nitric oxide enriched hemoglobin
delivers more oxygen to the tissues without boosting heart rate or constricting
vessels. Hemoglobin senses oxygen levels and releases oxygen and nitric oxide when
oxygen levels are low. This property of nitric oxide and hemoglobin is now being
used to deliver increased oxygen to cancer tumors, which are always anaerobic
and hypoxic. Arginine is being researched as a possible cancer cure through its
infuence on Nitric oxide chemistry.
Nitric oxide is a recently discovered and highly unorthodox messenger
molecule. NO is a labile, free radical gas, although in most biological situations
NO is in solution. The discovery of NO as a neurotransmitter has radically altered
our thinking about synaptic transmission. NO is not stored in synaptic vesicles,
instead it is synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS) from its precursor
L-arginine. There are three forms of nitric oxide synthase enzyme: a neuronal
type called nNOS, an epithelial type called eNOS, and an inducible form called
In the central nervous system, nitric oxide is produced enzymatically in
postsynaptic structures in response to activation of excitatory amino acid receptors.
It then diffuses out to act on neighboring cellular elements, probably presynaptic
nerve endings and astrocyte (glial) processes. Being of such a small size NO is freely
diffusible across membranes. That is it does not react with receptors but diffuses
into adjacent cells. Because it is so liable NO cannot be stored by conventional
means nor inactivated after synaptic release. Its local biosynthesis constitutes the
only means for regulating NO levels, hence NOS is one of the most regulated
enzymes in biology. Thus the compartmentalization of NOS appears to be crucial
for its functionality by providing local NO levels.
The molecule possesses a small dipole moment because of the similar
electronegativity of oxygen and nitrogen, making it essentially hydrophobic, that
is it is not soluble in water. Its reactivity is due to the unpaired electron in the outer
valence orbital of its oxygen constituent. NO is not to be confused with laughing
gas or Nitrous Oxide for NO has one extra electron than Nitrous oxide and turns
to nitrogen dioxide on contact with oxygen. NO is a short-lived chemical transmitter,
that is almost nonreactive as a free radical compared to other oxygen radicals. Indeed,
NO decays within 6-10 seconds after its synthesis as it interacts with oxygen and
superoxide and quickly turned into nitrates and nitrites, or is quickly bound by the
iron in hemoglobin and binds with the iron in enzymes also.
In the body, nitric oxide is synthesized from arginine and oxygen by the
enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and requires the presence of calcium for its
production. NOS synthesizes NO depending on the availability of L-arginine,
which is supplied mainly from glial cells. The uptake of arginine into neurons is
controlled by non-NMDA glutamate receptors. Studies demonstrate that white
matter glial cells exhibit a large repertoire of neurotransmitter responses linked
to Ca++ signaling and that these receptor systems are differentially distributed on
sub-populations of glial cells.
NOS is mainly found in the hypothalamus which is the controller of enzyme
excretion, and controls the release of oxytocin and vasopressin. In the adrenal
gland, NOS is highly concentrated in a web of neurons in the adrenal glands
that stimulate adrenaline release. NOS is prominent in fbers and terminals in
the posterior pituitary gland but its function has not yet been established. It
is also found in the intestine, cerebral cortex, and the endothelial layer of the
blood vessels. NO participates in the release of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH) from the hypothalamus. Oxytocin stimulates the release of luteinizing
hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) by releasing nitric oxide.
The sleep hormone melatonin reduces NOS activity in the hypothalamus of
rats. Research has shown that people who have heart attacks have low melatonin
levels, perhaps this means higher cortisol levels which plays into heart disease.
Melatonin might be able to be used to reduce the intensity of kundalini activity by
helping to prevent hyperadrenalism. Besides being an anti-oxidant, melatonin has
also been shown to be important for the function of the immune system and also
indications that melatonin reduces infammation by suppressing COX-2. Thus
cherries may be good for your heart as they contain high levels of melatonin.
NO has many roles in the cardiovascular system as it is a blood vessel dilator,
it thins the blood, reduces platelet stickiness, is involved in blood coagulation and
wound healing and is associated with the hearts function. The endothelium (inner
lining) of blood vessels uses nitric oxide to signal the surrounding smooth muscle to
relax, thus dilating the artery and increasing blood fow. Bluegreen Algae (spirulina)
helps to correct all the mechanisms of heart disease. Specifcally, it improves the
Nitrous Oxide Synthase (NOS) pathway of infammation, reducing infammation
and oxidization of the arteries. A dysfunctional NOS is one of the most important
issues behind arterial endothelial infammation. A lack of the amino acid L-Arginine
has been associated with signifcant infammation/oxidation of the cell membranes
lining arteries. Marine phytoplankton is high in amino acids including L-Arginine,
and has been found to be critical to maintain a healthy NOS and endothelium.
When NO is formed by vascular endothelium, it rapidly diffuses into the blood
where it binds to hemoglobin and subsequently broken down. It also diffuses into
the vascular smooth muscle cells adjacent to the endothelium where it binds to and
activates guanylyl cyclase. This enzyme catalyzes the dephosphorylation of GTP to
cGMP, which serves as a second messenger for many important cellular functions,
particularly for signalling smooth muscle relaxation.
The hormone/chemical transmitter histamine is a biogenic monoamine similar
to serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Chemically histamine is 2-(4-
imidazolyl)ethylamine and has the formula C5H9N3. It is found in plant and
animal tissue and released from mast cells as part of an allergic reaction. Use of
histamine in the body is not solely involved in allergic infammatory response.
It is released in allergic reactions and causes widening of capillaries, decreased
blood pressure, increased release of gastric juice, fuid leakage forming itchy skin
and hives, and tightening of smooth muscles of the bronchial tube and uterus.
It stimulates gastric secretion and causes dilation of capillaries, constriction of
bronchial smooth muscle, and decreased blood pressure and plays a role in the
movement (chemotaxis) of white blood cells. It is hydrophilic and once formed is
either stored or rapidly inactivated.
Most tissue histamine is found in granules in mast cells or basophils and its release
is immunologic in function. Mast cells are especially numerous at sites of potential
injury such as the nose, mouth, and feet, internal body surfaces and blood vessels.
Basophils represent only 1% of circulating leukocytes. Like mast cells basophils
store histamine, they tend to appear in specifc kinds of infammatory reactions,
particularly those that cause allergic symptoms. Non-mast cell histamine is found
in several tissues, including the brain, where it functions in both neurotransmission
and regulation of brain blood fow and vascular permeability effects. Another
important site of histamine storage and release is the enterochromaffn-like (ECL)
cell of the stomach. ECL cells are a distinctive type of neuroendocrine cell underlying
the epithelium in the gastric mucosa, most prevalent in the acid-secreting regions
of the stomach. Together, histamine and gastrin are primary positive regulators of
hydrochloric acid secretion from the parietal cell.
The four types of histamine receptors each have a different mode of action:
H1 histamine receptorfound on smooth muscle, endothelium, and central
nervous system tissue; causes vasodilation, bronchoconstriction, smooth muscle
activation, and separation of endothelial cells (hives/bleeding from the pores), and
pain and itching due to insect stings; the primary receptors involved in allergic
symptoms and motion sickness. Initiates release of intracellular stores of Ca2+ and
opens voltage gated calcium channels.
H2 histamine receptorlocated on parietal cells, which primarily regulate
gastric acid secretion. It is a potent stimulant of cAMP production. It instigates
the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores and increases the intracellular Ca2+
H3 histamine receptorThe H3 receptor has been shown to presynaptically
inhibit the release of a number of other neurotransmitters including dopamine,
GABA, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. It leads to inhibition of the
formation of cAMP.
H4 histamine receptorFound primarily in bone marrow and white blood cells.
It is also expressed in the colon, liver, lung, small intestine, spleen, testes, thymus,
tonsils, and trachea. H4 Receptors mediate movement and calcium mobilization
of Mast Cells.
Histamine produces larger pores in the blood vessel walls as the frst step in
launching an infammatory response. The increased blood vessel porosity improves
brain nutrition in times of emergency, when high performance is needed for
survival. The release of histamine in the brain and the consequent improvement
of blood supply is probably one of the main reasons for the increased sensory
and extrasensory perception during kundalini. Brain nutrition and oxygen supply
would be greatly enhanced by the dilated and porous blood vessels, opening up
latent capacities. The release of histamine in the brain, even by itself, would lead to
some expansion of consciousness, but it is just one factor among many that occur
during peak events. Histamine release during peak events would synergize and
amplify the effects of all other hormonal, neurochemical and nutritional agents.
Histamine release is probably most signifcant during the periods of panic
attack when hypervigilance is at its peak. Histamine contributes to hypervigilance,
because histaminergic cells in the brain promote the most wakeful fring pattern.
In fact a sudden rush of histamine in the brain could contribute to a schizophrenic
episode. Histamine also features in the panic events by causing a closing of the
airways in the lungs. When released in the lungs, histamine causes the airways to
swell shut in an attempt to close the door on offending allergens and keep them
out. Thus panic attack periods during kundalini are known for the sense of weight
or contraction on the lungs. As a consequence the sense of suffocation and lack of
oxygen will force the individual out of the house for long walks accompanied by
deep breathing.
HeatResearch on the ability to withstand heat stress identifed histamine
receptors as contributing to increased blood fow during heat stress, but only the
H1 receptor was involved in skin blood fow changes.
sleepIt has been shown that histaminergic cells have the most wakeful fring
pattern of any neuronal type. They fre rapidly during waking, and completely
stop fring during sleep. The cell bodies of neurons which release histamine as
a neurotransmitter are found in the posterior hypothalamus. From here, these
histaminergic neurons project throughout the brain, to the cortex through the
medial forebrain bundle. Antihistamines, that is substances that block the H1
histamine receptors improve sleep. Likewise, destruction of histamine releasing
neurons, or inhibition of histamine synthesis leads to an inability to maintain
vigilance. Finally, H3 receptor antagonists (which stimulate histamine release)
increase wakefulness.
sexIn sexual arousal Histamine is released from mast cells in the genitals, and
histamine release in the sex fush in women. The female orgasm can be facilitated
by supplemental folic acid along with niacin, which will increase histamine release.
Conversely, men with high histamine levels may suffer from premature ejaculations
through amplifed sensitivity.
could lead to the overworking and depletion of the pancreas. Thus the exhaustion
phase would include a reduction in digestive fre and assimilation, coupled with
vulnerability of the GI Tract to allergens and pathogens. One way to avoid this
is to take papaya or bromelain tablets with meals throughout active kundalini in
order to conserve the bodys own enzymes and insure adequate digestion. Also take
teas of chamomile, valerian, skullcap and wild yam half an hour prior to mealtime
to stimulate stomach acid.
Central to the perturbation of normal consciousness, kundalini awakenings are
characteristically noted for alterations in the brains fltering system, leading to
expansion in the range and depth of consciousness, sensory perception and extra-
sensory perception. Histamine stimulates prostaglandin release which increases
vascular permeability, thus expanding the capacities of consciousness. Histamine
is involved in balancing the electrical activity of the nucleus accumbens, which is
an area of the brain responsible for behavioral responses, fltering incoming sensory
information, and communicating with the hypothalamus and amygdala. From the
following one can see clearly what type of kundalini trip one is programmed to
go on depending on whether ones physiology leans toward high histamine or low
histamine. Abnormal histamine levels are found in both schizophrenia and bipolar
Histadelia (High Histamine): It is estimated that 15-20 % of people with
schizophrenia have high whole blood histamine levels and are under-methylated.
High histamine individuals are more Yang, and typically have a history of
seasonal allergies, hyperactivity, compulsions, obsessions, inner tensions, blank
mind episodes, phobias, chronic depression, perfectionism, high libido, sparse
body hair, and delusional thinking rather than hallucinations. Physical signs can
include little tolerance for pain, rapid metabolism, lean build, profuse sweating,
seasonal allergies, and frequent colds. This condition is characterized by low levels
of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, high serum histamine and elevated
basophils (ie: the white blood cells that release histamine and other infammatory
agents). High histamine individuals have increased folic acid; folic acid is used
along with B-12 in the production of histamine. So those with high histamine
levels need to avoid taking folic acid and B-12. About 35% of bipolar patients
have high histamine levels. To reduce histamine take quercetin, nettle leaf and
bromelain. Vitamin C inhibits the release of histamine from mast cells, and
quercetin blocks histamine receptors, and favonoids in general reduce histamine
release and activity which protects and calms the nerve cells.
Histapenia (low Histamine): It is found that 30-40 % of people with schizophrenia
have low whole blood histamine levels and are over-methylated. People with
low histamine are more Yin tend toward more severe thought disorder and
hallucinations, paranoid thoughts, despair, depression, low libido, anxiety, nervous
legs, grandiosity with less pronounced obsessions. These individuals often have a
multitude of food allergies and environmental allergies but they do not typically
have seasonal allergies. Histapenia is characterized by low blood zinc, elevated
levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, low serum histamine, and low
basophils. Those with histapenia have excess copper, which is a brain stimulant
and destroys histamine; causing brain dopamine levels to rise; copper then oxidizes
catecholamines such as dopamine thus propagating neurotoxin formation. This
causes paranoia and hallucinations in younger individuals, but depression may
predominate in the older ones. Excess copper can destroy histamine and provoke
allergies, especially if zinc is low as zinc is required for histamine storage. With
copper toxicity consider adding zinc, molybdenum, and Vitamin C. About 25%
of bipolar patients have low histamine levels.
I think during our primate origins we probably ate large quantities of vegetation
laden with sulfur compounds. These would help reduce infammation in the GI
tract from excess histamine production and the extra sulfur would help the liver
to reduce the poisoning effect of the natural endogenic herbicide and pesticide
chemicals in the plants. Perhaps someone of low histamine levels should avoid
overdoing sulfur containing foods since sulfur lowers histamine levels in the body.
Carl Pfeiffers book Mental Illness: The Nutrition Connection, will aid you in
changing your histamine metabolism if you feel the need.
nitric oXiDe anD Histamine
One reason why histamine is a key agent in kundalini physiology is that it is
intimately involved with Nitric Oxide. Histamine level changes underlie many
kundalini symptoms and experiences, amplifying and augmenting any existing
chemistry. The key factor to note is that histamine up-regulates the generation of
nitric oxide, while nitric oxide down-regulates the release of histamine. As we have
read in the Nitric Oxide section, NO is an essential component the body uses in
many functions including neurotransmission and vasodilation. However in excess
it is also a potent nitrogen free radical with the capacity to kill neurons and cells in
general. Studies of asthma and other infammatory disorders have all demonstrated
elevated levels of nitric oxide and type II nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Nitric
oxide can act as an anti-infammatory under normal health conditions, but when
overproduced it can have the opposite effect and cause more infammation to an
already infamed area.
NO might serve a protective role in down-regulating histamine release from
mast cells. Stimulation of H1 receptors increases eNOS transcription, and this
may become harmful in conditions of high oxidative stress when eNOS produces
reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the expense of NO. We know that certain kundalini
events, such as a Die-off, involve highly oxidative conditions. NO can act as an
anti-infammatory under normal conditions, but can lead to infammation when
over produced. The trouble starts when nitric oxide encounters the superoxide
free radical and becomes the dangerous chemical peroxynitrite (ONOO), which
destroys antioxidants like glutathione, vitamin E and common favonoids, and
damages proteins in the body. Wheatgrass juice is known to be extremely high in
the bodys natural antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (S.O.D.) which will mop up
the freeradicals thereby preventing them from reacting with NO to form the even
more pernicious peroxynitrite.
Through tapas (heat) the ascetic becomes clairvoyant and
even incarnates the Gods.
By discovering why kundalini fow through the nerves creates heat we can
begin to work out just how the function of the nervous system is altered during
transmutation. The heat from kundalini is not caused by friction as kundalini
moves through blockages, as is traditionally thought. Kundalini is purifying in
that it uses whatever state of perfection or dross it fnds, but purifcation is not
its purpose or goal. Kundalini is the fre of transmutation and the heat from the
nervous system we experience is the heat of transmutation. We cannot yet however
say exactly what transmutation is.
Kundalini heat is generated by the nervous system. It is felt mostly in the
pelvis, and up the spine, especially on the left side of the body, but the entire body
temperature is raised a little as well. The majority of the heat produced during
kundalini occurs in the sacral and lumbar spine, and I assume that there is more
gray matter of the spinal column in these areas than elsewhere in the nervous
system. Gray matter of course has larger numbers of mitochondria, organelles that
produce both energy (ATP) and heat. To fnd the cause of heat we might focus on
the activity of the mitochondria of the cell bodies of the neurons, especially in the
gray matter of the spinal cord and in the brain itself.
Action potentials along nerves cause heat but the signifcant heat generated
by kundalini is not just an increase in action potentials, it is a different type of
expression of nerve energy altogether. This altered nerve energy generation and
action potential generates heat, bliss, tingles and the other kundalini symptoms.
The pelvic and spinal nerve heat is always associated with bliss and heart
expansion. When there is heat there is bliss. The heat is most pronounced in
the pelvic bowl (kunda). One plausible theory to the generation of the nerve-
heat is free radical damage the cell membrane of the mitochondrias in the nerve-
bodies leading to less ATP being converted from glucose and more heat being
generated...thus ineffcient glycolysis might generate the nerve heat. This is
the most straightforward theory since free radicals go up during kundalini, the
oxidation to the membranes would interfere with the electron-transport-system
of ATP conversion. The heat would continue as long as the bodys antioxidant
capacity is overwhelmed by the concentration of free radicals. Such radicals might
include those of Nitric Oxide and its nitrogen metabolites. Since Nitric Oxide is a
vasodilator and the heat always occurs along with heart expansion and bliss, it just
might be that a combination of glutamine and nitric oxide is the cause of the heat
by creating mitochondria membrane damage and sloppy glycolysis.
Ineffcient glycolysis and lower cellular energy would mean the cell has a greater
demand for glucose to burn. When a neuron doesnt get adequate glucose, or when
ATP production falls it switches to glutamate excitation. Thus for the duration of
a kundalini awakening we maybe experiencing sloppy glycolysis, cellular glucose
hunger, coupled with glutamate excitation. This along with extra free radical and
metabolite production and the consequences of increased cell death and recycling
of tissues goes along way to explaining the symptoms and sensations of awakening;
and the cyclical nature of detoxifcation, dissolution and resurrection.
The heat generated by kundalini alters the spectrum of hormones, enzymes,
neurotransmitters, receptors, gene expression and protein synthesis. Thus there is
a kindled fre aspect to the process, in that an increase in transmutation occurs,
which in turn perpetuates the heat, which furthers an increase in transmutation.
The heat and oxidative stress could help to prune the neurons, for restructuring
and maturation of the nervous system. The extra heat shock proteins increase the
rate of self-organization and offer protection from oxidation.
Kundalini heat is not like hot fushes, it sticks around for months or years,
coming and going a little with the annual solar and lunar cycle and changes in
the weather. Kundalini itself is triggered by hormonal changes but it doesnt have
the temporary biorhythmic periodacy of a hot fush. Some people sweat with
kundalini, but I dont. The heat is not produced through increased blood fow to
the skin surface, although sometimes there is fushing of the skin. Its very much a
nerve-heat, although some people probably do go through heat-fush type periods
associated with sex hormone release in the initial stages of kundalini.
otHer PossiBle mecHanisms For KUnDalini Heat
Over excitation of the nerves by having excess glutamate in the synapses or
overactive receptors picking up too much glutamate and thereby overexciting
the cell.
Stressed/overexcited nerves may stimulate histamine and prostaglandin
release in the surrounding tissue. Although because there are no allergenic
or immune reactions associated with the nerve heating itself, I assume that
release of these stress hormones is not the cause of the heat.
Oxidation by free radicals: a scary thought which I dont like to think about.
Can free radicals produce the kind of excessive heat that Kundalini in the
spine produces?
Free radical threat to myelination of fbers producing release of histamine and
acetylcholine in order to stimulate remyelination.
Microwave generation by activated spine. According to research scalar waves
are capable of acting on living organisms at a sub-atomic level.
Increased nerve fow increases the bodys electromagnetic feld and this may
facilitate cellular changes that generate more nerve heat. I dont know whether
simply increasing the fow of ions into and out of the neuron as occurs in the
action potential would create heat.
Another theory which I cant fnd yet in any medical literature is that
normally astrocytes (glial cells) do the frst part of glycolysis and feed the
neurons lactate for a more rapid conversion to ATP, but during the hyper-
adrenalized state of kundalini there might be such a demand for energy by
the nerves that the conversion enzymes are insuffcient so the astrocytes give
the neurons glucose instead. Thus another fueling mechanism is set up where
the frst part of glycolysis (conversion to lactate) is aborted or not complete in
the astrocycles and this could mean that glycolysis in the neurons themselves
might be less effcient since they normally do not perform the entire
glycolysis process, and this ineffciency would result in less ATP and more
heat. But since the body is in hyperfuel mode there is more glucose available
to the outcome would be both more energy (ATP) generated,
increased fring of action potentials, plus increased heat due to the ineffcient
conversion to ATP.
Compounds with thermogenic activity are substances which foster the
production of heat relative to the production of ATP. The main thermogenic
compound is the thyroid hormone, thyroxin (T4). Thyroxin has the ability
uncouple oxidative phosphorylation (less ATP production and more heat
production) by enhancing the activity of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
and malic enzyme.
Kundalini heat is not exclusively caused by thermogenesis in brown fat,
because otherwise the heat would be centered between the shoulder blades
and around the kidneys etc Although the extra adrenaline of sympathetic
activation will increase brown fat energy production and increase lipolysis
one of the reasons we lose weight during our frst awakening.
DHEA enhances the activity of three thermogenic enzymes: glycerol-3-
phosphate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme and fatty acetyl CoA oxidase.
Mitochondria are the organelles sometimes called the powerhouses of the
cell, where oxygen respiration occurs. As the energy powerhouses of the eukaryotic
cell mitochondria dutifully serve as the effcient source of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) for cell function. ATP is an energy-rich molecule used throughout cells for
a variety of processes, and is largely produced in mitochondria by the breakdown
of energy-rich nutrients such as glucose. Mitochondria are responsible for creating
more than 90% of the energy needed by the body to sustain life and support
growth. ATP is the energy currency of the cell and is used to drive all energy
requiring reactions including the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It
also causes muscles to contract and nerves to conduct.
Mitochondria are found in high concentrations in high-energy producing
organssuch as the nerves, heart, liver, adrenals, GI tract, brain, muscles and
endocrine glands. Although some ATP is produced directly in a chemical reaction,
most ATP is synthesized by electron transport in the mitochondrion.
Nerve cells obtain ATP only through glucose catabolism in the presence of
oxygen. The mitochondria in the brain and the rest of the CNS uses glucose as
its fuel, the rest of the bodys mitochondria can use either glucose or fatty acids
for energy. The brain uses 25% of the energy of the body but constitutes only
2% of the mass. The production of energy from glucose and fatty acids occurs at
the cellular level with glycolysis (glucose metabolism) occurring in the cytosol of
the cell, while fatty acid oxidation in the mitochondria of the cell and most cells
involved with fatty acid metabolism are in the liver.
When a cells need for energy production increases, a mitochondria can simply
pinch into two. The two halves increase in size, thereby increasing the ability to
produce ATP. The dependence of cells on the energy provided by mitochondrial
oxidative metabolism of glucose, especially through critical organs such as the
heart and brain, is underlined by the fatal consequences when toxins interfere
with the mitochondrial electron transport system. If the mitochondrial theory of
aging is correct, then the root cause of aging is damage to mitochondrial DNA by
free radical leakage from adjacent cellular-respiratory proteins. The high oxidant
exposure of mitochondrial DNA, and its poor ability to repair itself are thought
to make it most susceptible to such accumulated damage. Mitochondrial damage
would then lead to a loss of energy, reducing the nutrition and detoxifcation of
the cell.
There are three interlinked energy production cycles:
1. The glycolytic (sugar burning).
2. The Krebs citric acid cycles
(aminos and fats are burned through the Krebs cycle).
3. The electron transport side chain.
The electron sparks released from the step by step slow burning that
occurs in the Krebs cycle provide the fuel used by the electron transport side
chain to generate much of the ATP bioenergy that literally powers our life. Heat
is produced in all animals by the breakdown of ATP and as a by-product of other
biochemical reactions. In brown fat cells, a special protein called uncoupling
protein is produced. This protein disrupts the creation of the proton gradient by
making the inner mitochondrial membrane leaky. As a result, the cells make less
ATP and release more energy in the form of heat. Similar uncoupling proteins
are found in skeletal muscle. In this way brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle
produces abundant heat by uncoupling the production of ATP from the electron
transport chain.
Any food not utilized for energy is subsequently stored for use later, and mostly
as fat since it is the most effcient energy storage form at 9 kcal/gm. ATP, while
a good energy packet, is not a good fuel storage molecule, as it is used quickly
after being formed. Better storage forms of energy are glycogen and triglycerides.
Glycogen is broken down to glucose and triglycerides are broken down to fatty
acids, both of which are readily utilized for energy. The synthesis of triglycerides
requires glycerol (from carbohydrates), fatty acids and energy from ATP. Co-
enzyme A, derived from pantothenic acid (B5) activates the fatty acids and
glucose in the Krebs Cycle performed within the mitochondria. The Krebs cycle is
a system of removing H
from foodstuffs which are then combusted to water and
the free energy obtained is used to form the higher energy compound ATP.
oxidative phosphorylation: In the inner membrane of the mitochondria
are large molecules capable of rapidly alternating oxidation and reductionthe
electron transport system. Mitochondria take in small organic molecules-like
pyruvate (formed by the partial breakdown of sugars) or fatty acids (formed by
the partial breakdown of fats) and break them down. acetyl coa, an essential
substrate for energy production, is an end product of both glycolysis and fatty
acid metabolism. Acetyl CoA, as a substrate in the Krebs cycle, produces NADH,
NADPH and FADH2, which are reducing agents that supply hydrogen atoms
or electrons in chemical reactions and are used for ATP production in the
mitochondria via a process called oxidative phosphorylation.
NADH is the reduced (electron-energy rich) coenzyme form of vitamin B3.
NADH is involved in all of these different cycles, as well as in the conversion of the
glycolytic cycle end product pyruvate into the beginning fuel of the Krebs citric
acid cycle. The energy from the broken chemical bonds is carried by the reducing
agents (electron donors NADH and FADH2) to the electron transport chain.
Electrons are passed from one protein to another in the electron transport chain,
releasing energy at each step. Some of the proteins in the electron transport chain
use this energy to pump protons (H+) across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
This creates an electrochemical gradient, or potential. The energy contained in this
gradient is used by an enzyme called ATP-synthetase to produce ATP.
thermogenic utilization of naDH: The oxidation of fatty acids also produces
NADH and FADH2. Each mole of NADH produces 3 ATPs within the confnes
of the mitochondria. NADH is also produced in the cytosol cell medium (outside
of the mitochondria) but needs to be transported into the mitochondria in order
to be converted to energy. This transport mechanism is called the glycerol-3-
phosphate shuttle and requires the enzyme glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
to catalyze the reaction. This shuttle requires energy and the end result is that
cytosolic NADH is only able to produce 2 ATPs per mole and the rest of the
energy is released as heat.
Another possible source of metabolic heat is generated in the reaction which
converts malic acid (a Krebs cycle intermediate) to pyruvate and NADPH. This
conversion occurs in the cell cytosol and requires an enzyme called malic enzyme.
This reaction is important since it not only produces cytosolic NADPH but also
produces heat.
Heat sHocK Proteins
Heat shock proteins (HSPs), or stress proteins, are a group of proteins that are
present in all cells in all life forms. They are induced when a cell undergoes various
types of environmental stress like heat, cold, oxygen deprivation, poisons or signals
from nerves or hormones. These heat shock proteins are sometimes called molecular
chaperones, because they protect and usher other protein molecules around in the
cell. They play an essential role in regulating normal protein equilibrium, that is the
balance between synthesis and degradation. Research has demonstrated that prior
heat shock protects the nervous system at the functional level of neurotransmission
and that specifc stress-induced heat shock proteins are created tailored to elements
of the synapse. This might suggest that the heat of kundalini actually protects
synapses whose functionality must be preserved during stressful conditions to
prevent breakdown of communication in the nervous system.
The heating of the nervous system by kundalini could increase the production
of heat shock proteins which would protect the nerves and protein synthesis. Heat
shock proteins are also present in cells under perfectly normal conditions. They act
like chaperones, making sure that the cells proteins are in the right shape and in
the right place at the right time. They also shuttle proteins from one compartment
to another inside the cell, and transport old proteins to garbage disposals systems
inside the cell. Cells produce high levels of chaperones only briefy, even if stressful
conditions persist, because too much HSP can straightjacket the cell into necrosis
or cell death.
Inside the cell, heat shock proteins take the peptides and hand them over to
another group of molecules. These other molecules take the abnormal peptides that
are found only in sick cells and move them from inside the cell to outside on the
cells surface to help the immune system recognize diseased cells. These abnormal
peptides are called antigens a term that describes any substance capable of
triggering an immune response.
As cells age, the heat shock response doesnt function properly, just when it needs
to be most effcient, but inducing extra heat shock protein has a neuroprotective
effect. Stimulation of various repair pathways by mild stress has signifcant
effects on delaying the onset of various age-associated alterations in cells, tissues
and organisms. Spice and herbs contain phenolic substances which have potent
antioxidant and chemopreventive properties. In particular, curcumin, a powerful
antioxidant derived from turmeric, is a strong inducer of the heat shock response.
Oxidative stress has been implicated in mechanisms leading to neuronal cell
injury in various pathological states of the brain. Brain seizures start cascades of
cell death as the nerve cells in that area release toxic chemicals, including oxygen
radicals and excitatory amino acids such as glutamate. Seizures no doubt induce
a heat shock response to protect neurons from glutamate-induced excitotoxicity.
Studies show protection due to heat shock requires new protein synthesis, since
it did not occur when protein or RNA synthesis inhibitors were added.
aUtolYsisselF DiGestion
Upgraded cognition will tend to cascade down and cause a revolution in the
limbic and autonomic system. This is perhaps why signifcant growth is followed
by a period of regression. I use the word dissolution instead of regression, because
it is a contemporary temporary disorganization/breakdown of patterns of function,
to make way for a higher, more complex patterning to form. If there is one thing I
am hoping to install in the Global Brain, its the idea that metamorphosis is a very
real and common process that is occurring within us humans. The most obvious
examples of this are the huge losses of neurons during various growth periods in
childhood and the Die-offs in kundalini awakenings.
Culturally we should become sensitive to the idea of metamorphosis occurring
in all our growth and learning developmental processes. We need a trans-temporal,
non-linear, hyperbolic-curve perception of the evolution of life processes. We
could go so far as to say that development itself IS metamorphosis. The pay off
from doing so is to have a more humane, realistic and healthy approach to illness
in general. By treating ourselves with greater insight, knowledge and compassion
during our periods of dissolution, then we will evolve faster with less secondary
psychosomatic damage. We must give great attention and understanding to the
impact of secondary fallout from our mismanagement of natural organic processes
of evolution itself. So just how does the body eat itself in order to restructure its
tissues and functions?
cell DeatH anD Die-oFFs
apoptosis is word of Greek origin, meaning falling off or dropping off.
Apoptosis is the word used in science to describe controlled programmed cell death.
Cell death plays a considerable role during physiological processes of multicellular
organisms, particularly during embryogenesis and metamorphosis. For example
in the development of the brain, half of the neurons that are initially created will
later die in successive stages as the adult brain is formed. In the adult human body
several hundred thousand cells are produced every second by mitosis, and a similar
number die by apoptosis for the maintenance of homeostasis and for specifc tasks
such as the regulation of immune cell selection and activity.
Apoptosis proceeds thus: the cell shrinks, shows deformation and looses
contact with neighboring cells. Its chromatin condenses and marginates at the
nuclear membrane, the plasma membrane undergoes blobbing or budding, and
fnally the cell is fragmented into compact membrane-enclosed structures, called
apoptotic bodies which contain the contents of the cell. These apoptotic bodies
are then engulfed by macrophages and thus are removed from the tissue without
causing an infammatory response, or damage to surrounding tissue. Apoptosis
is programmed and tidy compared to the messy mode of necrotic cell-death,
in which the cells suffer a major insult, resulting in a loss of membrane integrity,
swelling and rupture of the cells. During necrosis, the cellular contents are released
uncontrolled into the cells environment damaging nearby cells and producing a
strong infammatory response.
Other than infection the two main modes of cell death are apoptosis
(programmed) or necrosis (uncontrolled traumatic). Since a metamorphic Die-
off is certainly not an infection and does not appear to create infammation
in the tissues, it is apparent that the catabolic breakdown during a Die-off is
orchestrated by apoptosis. With the cells being recycled through phagocyctosis by
the macrophages and turned into building blocks for the regenerating body. As I
have said elsewhere the main phase of this self digesting event is three days in
which bed rest is imperative. Since the HPA axis reduces immunity to conserve
energy for fght-or-fight, Die-offs occur months after the hyperaroused peak, after
the intense activity of the HPA axis has dropped off somewhat. As soon as there
is adequate energy for immune activation made available a Die-off will occur. The
intervening period refects the intensity of the hyperaroused nervous system. That
is if the hyperactivation is extreme the Die-off might come 6 months after the
infux-peak, or 3 months after a less intense arousal. For example for a full-on
awakening following the normal annual cycle the peak HPA activation occurs in
July and the corresponding Die-off occurs in November.
It appears that the key player in switching into this Die-off mode is the
mitochondria of our cells. In fact we must look to mitochondria as being the
chief orchestrators of the entire kundalini alchemy. Mitochondria play a central
role in apoptosis by amplifying and mediating extrinsic apoptotic pathways, and
in the integration and propagation of death signals originating from inside the cell
such as DNA damage, oxidative stress, starvation. Apoptosis is most often induced
through the disruption of the mitochondrial inner transmembrane potential
and through a sudden increase in the permeability of the inner mitochondrial
membrane. This causes an infux of water by osmosis into the mitochondria with
the eventual rupture of the outer mitochondrial membrane, resulting in the release
of pro-apoptotic proteins from the mitochondrial intermembrane space into the
cytoplasm. Proteins released start a apoptotic cascade, ATP synthesis is stopped
and free radical generation exceeds the cells antioxidant capacities leading to the
oxidation of lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
The apoptosis signaling pathways in viable cells are kept in an inactive state and
are only turned on in response to a death stimulus. It is thought that all cells of a
multicellular animal might be intrinsically programmed to self-destruct and would
die instantaneously unless cell death is continuously repressed by survival signals
from growth factors, antioxidants, hormones, nutrients. These anti-apoptotic
regulatory molecules keep in check the activation of pro-apoptotic factors. During
a Die-off however the pro-apoptotic factors become dominant and an exquisite
cascade of cell death and self-digestion is set in motion.
Free radicals are generated in the mitochondrial electron transport system.
Mitochondria are the source of 80% or more of the oxyradicals generated in the
neuron. Reactive oxygen species were shown to cause neuronal degeneration by
activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors. Ca2+ deregulation causes excessive
activation of glutamate ionotropic receptors, disrupting the mitochondrial electron
transport system. Mitochondrial glutathione peroxidase (GSH) depletion
and subsequent oxidant induced loss of mitochondrial function was shown to
precipitate programmed cell death or apoptosis, since GSH is the major defense
against the endogenously produced free radicals. seizures/kindling may result
from glutathione peroxidase defciency. Selenium is necessary to the formation of
GSH, and so selenium defciency maybe an important factor in the promotion of
seizures and subsequent neuronal damage.
The 5-carbon sugar D-ribose is an energy producing ATP substrate formed
in the body from glucose. Ribose is a component of RNA and DNA and also
necessary for the manufacture of ATP. Mitochondria utilize two methods for
building or conserving cyclic nucleotides like ATP, ADP, and AMP. The longer
pathway where ATP is made from scratch, starting with ribose, and there is the
faster salvage pathway, in which the mitochondria pick up the pieces of ATP
metabolites to form new ATP. Ribose enables cells to quickly and effciently recycle
the end products formed by the breakdown of ATP to form new ATP molecules.
There are no foods able to provide enough ribose to rapidly restore ribose levels,
should the need arise during exercising, working, or during a heart attack, stroke
or kundalini. So D-Ribose maybe an essential supplement to take especially during
the down-cycles to prevent enervation and excessive apoptosis.
creatine is synthesized in the body from three amino acids: glycine, arginine,
and methionine. It is involved in energy metabolism as a muscle fuel through its
role of regenerating ATP from ADP. Creatine phosphate serves as a reservoir of
high-energy phosphate bonds required to rephosphorylate ADP into ATP. The
resynthesize ATP at required rate improves endurance and available energy during
exercise or excessive expenditure like kundalini awakenings. To prevent fatigue and
excessive catabolic breakdown from lack of ATP production ribose and creatine
should be taken around the clock during awakening.
Aging appears to be in good part due to the oxidants produced as by-products
of normal metabolism by mitochondria. Age related decline in the function of
mitochondria is relieved by the supplementation of alpha lipoic acid and l-
carnitine. Research found that the enzyme carnitine acetyltransferase is less active
in old rats. Supplementation with a combination of acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha-
lipoic acid restored the enzymes activity nearly to that found in young rats. The
acetyl-L-carnitine protects the enzyme and the higher levels are enabling the protein
to work, while alpha-lipoic acid reduces free radicals. The two together reverse the
effects of aging on mitochondria. Carnitine also helps protect the mitochondria
membranes and assists in the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria. Since
the mitochondrion provide the energy source (ATP) for cell function, through
mitochondrial oxidative metabolism of glucose, interference with the mitochondrial
electron transport system can have fatal consequences to the cell. The high free
radical load during metamorphosis may put such a high demand on the bodys
glutathione production that there is insuffcient to protect against apoptosis. Alpha
Lipoic Acid maybe more effective than NAC in preventing apoptosis.
Charged phospholipids in the cell membranes play a crucial role in apoptosis.
There is increasing evidence that the arrangement of polar lipids in the membrane
shown that they retain salt and fuid only during their depressed phase. The manic
(up) phase however is accompanied by increased urea in the urine, probably due
to the breakdown of cells that could not handle the reduction in ATP, the increase
in Ca 2+, and the excess glutamate stimulation.
Glutamate is the most prominent neurotransmitter in the body, being present in
over 50% of nervous tissue. The primary glutamate receptor is specifcally sensitive
to N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA), which causes direct action of the receptors
ion channel, to drive the neuron to depolarize. Depolarization triggers the fring,
or action potential of the neuron, therefore NMDA is excitatory. Hyperactivation
of glutamate receptors causes neuron programmed cell death or apoptosis through
the oxidative stress of free radicals. This is because mitochondria are the source of
80% or more of the oxyradicals generated in the neuron and Ca2+ dysregulation
causes excessive activation of glutamate ionotropic receptors, disrupting the
mitochondrial electron transport system. Glutamate concentrations in the brain
and CSF are higher in some seizure patients.
For more info read Dr. Ward Deans papers on Mitochondrial Restoration and
Mitochondrial Theories of Aging at
isolated environment, the limbic system neurons will atrophy and the septal
nuclei, amygdala and hippocampus may develop seizure-like activity, referred
to as kindling. Trauma affects our capacity for cortical control over the limbic
system to regulate bodily homeostasis. This includes unusual patterns of cortisol,
norepinephrine, and dopamine metabolite excretion; the role of serotonergic and
opioid systems (arousal and numbing); receptor modifcation by processes such
as kindling; and involvement of central pathways involved in the integration of
perception, memory and arousal.
Kindling can start only in the limbic brain where it progresses from the
amygdala, then to the amygdala on the other side of the brain, to the hippocampus,
to the occipital cortex, and fnally to the frontal cortex. In fetal brain development
the limbic or emotional brain predates the development of the cortex or seat
of intelligence. The brains limbic system modulates emotions and memory
organization systems, balance, gastrointestinal motility, the autonomic nervous
system, and the auditory and visual integration of stimuli.
While kindling was originally thought to be a model of epilepsy, John Gaito
of York University has reported that a different mechanism is apparently involved
since the amino acid, taurine, which suppresses epileptic seizures in laboratory
animals, does not prevent phenomena caused by kindling. Also, kindling apparently
causes permanent changes in the neural circuitry.
Kundalini has elements similar to the kindling phenomena, and yet runs
through a very complicated sequence of events. The article: Kindling, once
epilepsy model, may relate to kundalini, Brain/ Mind Bulletin, Vol. 2, No.7,
February 21, 1977; pp. 1-2.) reports on the convulsion-like phenomenon called
kundalini. At the Max Planck Institute in Germany, subjects reported electrical
sensations, tingling, inner lights, even convulsions usually followed over a period
of time by a moderation of symptoms and apparent alterations in the central
nervous system. This article says that the kundalini phenomena typically occurs
after a period of meditation in a setting that is non-threatening. This report suggests
that while meditating, the individual tries to arrest all thought or cortical activity,
thus allowing the evolutionary more primitive areas of the brain to assert itself.
The Kindling Model is one of the current interpretations of PTSD. The scientists
concluded that those who experienced the kundalini phenomenon were actually
re-experiencing primal pain laid down before the brain has completely developed
(See Toxic Mind Theory).
Periods of cycling may begin with an environmental stressor, but if the
cycles continue or occur unchecked, the brain becomes kindled or sensitized.
With repetitive use pathways inside the central nervous system are reinforced so
to speakand future more frequent episodes of depression, hypomania, or mania
will occur by themselves independent of an outside stimulus. Thus, to put it
simply, brain cells that have once been involved in an seizure episode are more
likely to do so again, and more cells will become sensitized over time. Goddard
demonstrated that it was possible to induce kindling chemically as well through
repeated small exposures to inhaled toxins; or single overwhelming exposures of
chemical, visual, auditory, electrical stimulation. It has been shown that substances
such as cocaine and alcohol have their own kindling effects which can contribute
to bipolar kindling.
As a result of many studies involving the kindling model, many researchers
now believe that kindling contributes to both rapid mood cycling and treatment-
resistant bipolar disorder. This kindling model also is consistent with cases where
cycling began with defnite mood triggers, stressful or exciting events, and later
became spontaneous. Researchers concluded that there was a need for early and
aggressive treatment of bipolar disorder, to prevent the brain from becoming more
and more sensitized and going into rapid cycling or manic depression.
A seizure is a sudden involuntary alteration in perception or behavior caused
by an abnormal synchronized discharge of cortical neurons in the central nervous
system. epilepsy, on the other hand, refers to chronic recurrent seizures from a
primary underlying brain abnormality. Seizures can be attributed to a number
of causes including metabolic abnormalities, infections, nutritional defciencies,
or trauma. Emotional stress and sleep deprivation also increase the frequency of
seizures, but most seizures occur due to unknown reasons. Seizures can be broadly
classifed into two major categories: partial, involving onset from a discrete area of
the brain that may or may not secondarily generalize to the rest of the brain, and
primary generalized, involving simultaneous onset from both hemispheres.
What is really interesting is that pulsed repetitions of telepathic senders have
also been shown to increase the reception of telepathic messages. Thus the kindling
effect apparently applies to the paranormal channel as well as to more orthodox
transmission channels.
DisinHiBition oF inHiBition
The two primary regions of the brain that are involved in epilepsy are the
cerebral neocortex and the hippocampus. In the neocortex, excitatory synapses are
made primarily on the dendritic spines and shaft. The release of neurotransmitters
at these sites gives rise to excitatory postsynaptic potentials. The inhibitory synapses
are more prominent on the soma or proximal dendrites, and give rise to inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials. Abnormal neuronal excitation is thought to occur as a
result of disruption of the depolarization and repolarization mechanisms of the
cell. Aberrant neuronal networks develop abnormal synchronization resulting in
the propagation of an epileptic seizure.
The primary excitatory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system are the
amino acids glutamate and aspartate. The primary inhibitory neurotransmitters
in the central nervous system are gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine.
Excitatory neurotransmitters usually act by opening Na+ or Ca2+ channels,
whereas inhibitory neurotransmitters usually open K+ or Cl- channels. Glial are
mainly responsible for K+ reuptake.
It seems that one of the mechanisms of kundalini maybe the overstimulation
of the neuro-inhibitory glycine and GABA receptors in the spine and brainstem,
during the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This dis-inhibition
means the hyper-charge is allowed to continue like wildfre because the off
switch has essentially been rendered ineffective. Simply upping ones glycine
intake doesnt return neuron inhibition back to normal. Kundalini abates when
the glycine receptors themselves become operational again, once the hyper-charge
of kundalini up the spine reduces, perhaps when the fre runs out of fuel. Thus
kundalini awakening ends when the charge reduces and the glycine receptors
are once more fully receptive and able to do their neuro-inhibiting job.
Compounding this, it might be that when the free radical load goes up with
the onset of kundalini, glycine is pulled from all readily available sources in order
to make the antioxidant Glutathione (ie: glycine + glutamic acid + cysteine). The
cerebrospinal fuid (CSF) would be one of those sources since it contains 100mg
of glycine for 100ml of fuid. This reduction in CSF-glycine would further reduce
the inhibition of nerve fring up the spine. The wild fre would thus burn until it
burns itself out.
Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system especially
in the spinal cord. When glycine receptors are activated, chloride ions enter the
neuron and the cell membrane undergoes hyperpolarization, which inhibits the
neuron. In seizures the brain naturally accumulates more glycine at the seizure site
in order to protect itself by inhibiting neuron fring.
It maybe that during the inner-conjunction the kundalini ignition up the spine
is so intense that the inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine may have failed to stop
the cascade of electro-chemical reactions that constitutes the awakening. The force
of the kundalini cascade may overwhelm the normal nerve inhibition of glycine
by rendering the glycine receptors useless or disinhibited. The poison strychnine
causes convulsions for this reason. B-alanine and taurine also activate glycine
receptors but with lower inhibitory capacity.
In the brain, glutamine is precursor to glutamate is an on-switch
neurotransmitter, it is also the precursor to GABA which is an off-switch
neurotransmitter. Lower GABA correspond to increased seizures and epilepsy. Anti-
seizure medications work by increasing levels of the inhibitory neurotransmitter
GABA in the temporal lobes, calming neuronal activity and inhibit nerve cells
from over fring or fring erratically. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) is the rate
limiting enzyme responsible for conversion of glutamate to gamma-aminobutyric
acid (GABA) regulating levels of glutamate and GABA in the mammalian brain.
GABA can be taken as a supplement (L-Glutamine), produces a calming effect
on people who struggle with temporal lobe symptoms like temper, irritability,
and anxiety. Many people with temporal lobe problems also suffer from memory
problems, which can be helped with Phosphatidyl Serine (PS), Gingko Biloba and
Vitamin E. Brain GABA levels depend on both zinc and vitamin B6. Consequently,
zinc defciency may increase the risk of seizures by reducing brain GABA.
Glutamate concentrations in the brain are higher in some seizure patients, and
these concentrations can increase to potentially neurotoxic concentrations during
seizures causing cell death. One study showed that with a higher dose of B6 (10 mg/
kg), the CSF glutamic acid was normalized. It was concluded that the optimal dose
of B6 for epileptics should be the dose that normalizes CSF glutamate levels, not
just the control of seizures. Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter
in the brain thus it inevitably plays a role in the initiation and spread of seizure
activity. The process of kindling limbic seizures in rodents by repeated electrical
stimulation is dependent on activation of N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA)
receptors. The function of these receptors is enhanced in the hippocampus of
kindled rats and in the cerebral cortex of patients with focal epilepsy.
It is probable that the adrenocorticotrophin releasing hormone system in the
central nervous system is mainly distributed in the limbic system, and glutamate
might be one of the trigger factors to induce excessive stress response in the
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. Acute mania is accompanied by elevated
glutamate/glutamine levels within the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Glutamate
and aspartate NMDA receptor antagonists are one potential mechanism for
Psychosis could result from AMPA receptor activation caused by over activity
of the glutamatergic system, due to reduced GABAergic inhibitory control.
Expression of messenger RNA for the GABA synthesizing enzyme in the prefrontal
cortex and the number of GABAergic neurons in the hippocampus are reduced in
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. GABAa receptor drugs, which activate Cl-
, appear more effective as anticonvulsants than GABAb receptor agents, which
activate K+. Apparent the GABAa receptor is involved in epilepsy due to its role
in the synchronization or desynchronization of thalamus-cortical pathways. The
oscillatory and burst-fring of these circuits is attributed to neurons in the thalamus
and leads to synchronization and desynchronization of the EEG.
Dr. Stephen Lasley found that brains of rats that are genetically prone to
seizures also have reduced levels of taurine as well as increased levels of aspartate.
Therefore, I believe that avoidance of aspartame should be a key element in an
anti-seizure diet. Also, taurine, in doses of 1-3 grams per day maybe helpful.
enerGY Generation
If kundalini starts and you really dont want it then cut all carbohydrates from
your diet for 2 weeks, and this should suspend the rapid cascade of change. If
stopping the consumption of carbohydrates stops or lessens the progression of
kundalini metabolism, this then points to the mechanism of kundalini itself. It
is therefore apparent that kundalini is fueled it seems by the burning of glucose
glycolysis and less so or not at all by ketosis or the burning of fat. Glucose
is taken up by glial cells and metabolized by glycolysis to lactate and pyruvate,
which are then released as substrates for oxidative phosphorylation in the neurons.
Within the brain, glycogen is primarily stored in glial cells, Glycogen stores in the
brain are low compared to liver and muscle however the glycogen turnover is very
Glycolysis is the conversion of glucose to pyruvate and lactate resulting in
the net production of only 2 mol of ATP. Pyruvate can enter the Krebs cycle
and produce 30 mol of ATP via the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation
animal studies the highest concentrations of anandamide were found not in the
brain, but in the uterus just before embryo implantation. Anandamides play a
survival role for young mammals in their instinctive suckling behavior and lack of
anandamide levels can cause spontaneous abortions in mammals.
There are important functional relationships between endogenous
cannabinoid and opioid systems. Levels of the endogenous opiate anandamide
in the hypothalamus regulate compulsivity and appetite initiation. Research
found endocannabinoids are involved in retrograde synaptic inhibition in the
hippocampus, in long-term potentiation and memory, in the development of opiate
dependence, and in the control of appetite and food intake. They also suggested
the existence of as yet unidentifed cannabinoid receptors in the cardiovascular and
central nervous systems and in macrophage-mediated helper T cell activation.
A decrease in GABA inhibition both facilitates the induction of long-term
potentiation (ltP), and promotes the hyperexcitability of epileptic seizure.
Scientists investigated how the nervous system maintains its discriminating control
on GABAs inhibitory effect, in order to promote memory by LTP and prevent
seizure. They found that pyramidal cells, the ones towards which inhibition is
directed, may regulate their own state of inhibition by sending a signal backwards
across the synaptic junctions (retrograde synaptic inhibition) and thereby causing
the inhibitory interneurons to stop releasing GABA temporarily. This signal
from the pyramidal cell to the interneuron is the endocannabinoid molecule
The cerebellum is a brain structure vital to many functions including learning
and memory. These functions are controlled by ion channels in the Purkinje cells
of the cerebellar cortex. This is a specifc type of nerve cell with more branches than
any other kind of nerve cell, which carries information output by the cerebellum
and possess a great deal of control over the refnement of motor activities. It was
found that Purkinje cells release endogenous cannabinoids in response to elevated
calcium, thereby inhibiting presynaptic calcium entry and suppressing transmitter
These endogenous cannabinoids mediate retrograde signals from postsynaptic
neurons to presynaptic terminals in the CNS. Endocannabinoids can be released
from postsynaptic neurons following depolarization-induced elevation of
intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The released endocannabinoids act retrogradely
onto presynaptic cannabinoid CB1 receptors and suppress inhibitory or excitatory
neurotransmitter release. This type of modulation has been termed depolarization-
induced suppression of inhibition (DSI) or depolarization-induced suppression of
excitation (DSE).
The endocannabinoid-mediated retrograde modulation is an important and
widespread mechanism for the regulation of synaptic transmission in the CNS.
Endocannabinoid release and resultant retrograde suppression of transmitter
release are also triggered by activation of certain glutamate receptors (mGluRs) or
acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) in the postsynaptic neurons. This pathway can
work independently or cooperatively of the depolarization-induced mechanism. It
is shown that DSI is enhanced signifcantly when these glutamate and acetylcholine
receptors are activated simultaneously, and that this enhancement is much greater
than expected and cannot be attributed to mere increases in Ca2+.
Nerve cells communicate by releasing special key molecules that are intercepted
by other nerve cells downstream. When the key molecule at right locks into the
receptor on the surface of a nerve cell, it opens a door in the membrane that allows
chloride ions to food into the cell. This equalizes charges inside and outside the
cell and prevents the cell from fring. The keys must be removed again from the
lock somehow, or the nerve cell will be permanently prevented from fring. Certain
enzymes are produced that remove (by degrading and destroying) the keys after a
certain amount of time, so that the nerve cell can go back to work.
Drugs that have a powerful effect on the central nervous system often mimic
natural molecular keys. For example, morphine is a potent painkiller that was found
to lock into an opiate receptor present on nerve cells and blocks enkephalins out.
The bodys key removing enzymes cant pry it from the receptors. The endogenous
equivalent to morphine are enkephalins. Although morphine is just a forgery of
enkephalins, its much more powerful (and more addictive) than the enkephalins
because the key-removing enzymes cant pry it from the receptors.
Christina Grof had an experience of morphine stopping kundalini during
childbirth. During the birth of my frst child, for which I had prepared with the Lamaze
method of breathing (very much like yogic pranayama), this enormous spiritual force was
released in me. Of course, I didnt understand it and was given morphine to stop it as soon
as the baby was born.... Then the same thing happened when my second child was born.
This all led to more and more experiences. I threw myself into yoga, although still not
acknowledging it as a spiritual tool. My meeting with Swami Muktananda really blew
the lid off everything. He served as a catalyst to awaken what I had been resisting, which
was kundalini (the universal life force). I felt something snap inside me. A powerful force
was unleashed in my body, and I began to shake uncontrollably. Electrical tremors ran
from my toes and legs through my spine to the top of my head, where brilliant mosaics
of white light exploded. A new, involuntary breathing rhythm overrode my practiced
Lamaze pattern. I was excited and terrifed. As soon as my son Nathaniel was born,
I was given two shots of morphine, which returned me to normal. I felt fearful, and
very embarrassed that I had cost control of myself. A more powerful version of the same
thing happened two years later, when I delivered my daughter Sarah. Christina Grof
Increase in vasopressin during the heart expansions and inner-conjunctions
might be one of the factors involved in cortical shutdown during extreme kundalini
events. Vasopressin (VP) is a peptide neurotransmitter in the limbic system
synthesized in the medial amygdaloid nucleus in the presence of sex steroids,
transported to other limbic structures such as the hippocampus and septum
and secreted there by a calcium-dependent process. Its excitatory action on the
Also nerve impulses from the eyes and ears pass through the colliculi with the
pineal directly overhead separated by CSF. Thus secretions from the pineal would
have a direct impact on the colliculi. The colliculus is part of the brain that sits
below the thalamus and surrounds the pineal gland. It is involved in the generation
of eye movements and hand-eye coordination. The colliculus receives visual, as
well as auditory inputs, and its deeper layers are connected to many sensorymotor
areas of the brain. The colliculus as a whole is thought to help orient the head and
eyes toward something seen or heard.
During initiation of the Crystal Palace hormones including oxytocin and
vasopressin are released from the pituitary into the blood stream to facilitate the
metamorphic birth. The fact that the nerves and blood vessels that feed the eyes
and middle ear pass through the cavernous sinus either side of the sphenoid sinus
leads us to speculate on the mechanisms behind both Celestial Music that is heard
when the Crystal Place is lit up, and changes in the eyes such as light emerging
from them, changes of consciousness seen in the eyes and faculty of transcendental
vision itself.
When the Crystal Chamber is lit transcendental vision occurs. transcendental
vision probably occurs due to increased kundalini fow raising dopamine and
phenylethylamine etc... All kind of changes happen in the retinas and occipital lobes,
including increased ATP production acting as a neurotransmitter and histamine
increasing blood fow in the brain, and increase in nitric oxide metabolism. The
end result being that one has an increase in visual acuity, inner visions, inner lights,
seeing auras and vivid dreams. Dreams do not trigger awakening so much as are
co-emergent with them. Because of the malleable nature of the psyche while we
sleep we tend to have more spiritual initiatory and growth chemistry while we sleep
than we do in our waking experience. Having a dream life that is precognitively
intimately tied into waking life, is a very common phenomena with kundalini
awakening. In fact one is not really awakening or really alive without this merging
of levels phenomena. If you try the drug Ecstasy you are likely to see auras, and have
transcendental vision so there must be some similarity in the chemical mechanism
between Ecstasy and kundalini. (See Superfuidity)
Here is a description of the release of amrita during sex while undergoing a
kundalini awakening initiated by LSD: During continued sexual activity, at the
minutes just prior to orgasm, I became aware that there was a fuid being secreted from
the upper, forward part of my throat/nasal cavity, roughly at the height of the nose
(amrita). It seemed closely related to the extended sublimation of semen, which I had
been practicing for some time. Mahan Atma
I suspect that amrita is a mixture of endogenous cannaboids, enkephalins,
glutamate, oxytocin and vasopressin and Ca2+ ions and polarized water that have
been generated by glial and neurons, accumulated in the cerebrospinal fuid and
collect in the ventricle underneath the pineal gland (possibly fnding its way to the
sphenoid sinus under the pituitary). At a point of maximum excitation, very much
like an orgasm, this fuid is excreted out from the sinuses and into the back of the
throat. In a similar fashion amrita is excreted out of the G-Spot area of women
during sex. It would be interesting to compare the chemical constituents of these
two forms of amrita.
In order to be extruded from the brain during what amounts to a brain orgasm,
the likely properties of Amrita are: Small molecular size, lipid soluble, hydrogen
bonding increasing the H+ positive charge, affnity for carrier mechanisms,
produced in high concentration during maximum excitation. The amrita is forced
out of the brain at the peak of ecstatic charge, not for any purpose in itself perhaps,
but because there is simply too high a hydraulic and ionic pressure within the
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CFS) that it is forced out of the ventricles, and into the
sphenoid sinus. In the joint Samadhi of tantric union however this secretion would
act to bond the individuals in an indescribable union of mind, body and soul. (We
need an anatomist to tell us whether in extremely altered conditions whether a
transfer of CFS from the ventricles to the sphenoid sinus is possible.)
Factors of kundalini and tantric initiation that might infuence the effux of
a potent secretion of CFS that has been altered through hyperactivation of the
pineal and pituitary and other circumventricular organs include: Increase in
temperature, release of histamine which increases the pore space between cells in the
vessel membranes and possibly increasing the permeability between ventricles and
sinuses. A higher concentration of ions in the CSF increases the electrochemical
gradient with the membrane of the opposite charge increasing diffusion. Ionized
water molecules with changes in the bonding angles. Increased cerebral blood-
fow, blood pressure and oxygen content of the blood, from HPA axis activation
and increased breathing. Increased production of CSF itself creating greater
hydraulic pressure. Facilitated diffusion through a change in transporter molecule
in the membrane by specifc amino acid, peptide or opiate. The negatively
charged membrane surface maybe triggered into absorptive-mediated transport by
electrostatic interaction with positively charged substance (Ca 2+ or H+).
As far as the primary active ingredient of amrita goes besides the opiates
which give a profound analgesic effect, the wakefulness chemical is probably
a tryptamine, phenethylamine or phenylethylamine, a chemical related to
amphetamines and raises blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Research will
probably fnd that many secretions from about fve different organs including the
pineal and pituitary may contribute to the mixture. That is the production of
amrita maybe a joint effort of the circumventricular organs secreting into the CFS.
High levels of opiates, oxytocin, vasopressin, phenethylamine, phenylethylamine
and tryptamine would render the individual into an extreme heart expanding
unitive experience, ie: Samadhi or Cosmic Consciousness. One becomes lucid
within the dream of life and life is revealed to be a dream.
I hypothesize that performing various breathing techniques, while concentrating
on the third eye (pineal pseudo-location), will inevitably and imperceptibly stimulate
the pineal to produce less melatonin and serotonin, which in turn brings about a change
in consciousness, creating naturally the dynamic somatics of a truly religio-spiritual
experience. Russ McClay, The Pineal Gland, LSD and Serotonin.
The pineal produces melatonin and serotonin. The amino acid percursor of
serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is tryptophan. Adequate levels of vitamin
B6 are necessary for the synthesis of serotonin. Within the pineal gland, serotonin
is acetylated and then methylated to yield melatonin. The highest density of
melatonin receptors are found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus,
the anterior pituitary and the retina. Melatonin is a hormone that communicates
information about light and entrains biological rhythms including sleep-wake
cycles and reproduction. The light-transducing ability of the pineal gland is why
some call it the third eye. Melatonin inhibits the secretion of the gonadotropic
hormones luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone from the anterior
pituitary. Much of this inhibitory effect seems due to inhibition of gonadotropin-
releasing hormone from the hypothalamus.
As well as melatonin the pineal secretes other neuroactive peptides. Melatonin
has the same indole structure as LSD but neither melatonin nor LSD is the
psychoactive substance in amrita. More likely it is some form of tryptamine that the
body produces, perhaps similar to 5-MeO/DMT. Or it could be a phenethylamine
similar to Mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine). Mescaline made from the
peyote cactus is one of the oldest psychedelics known to man and is used in spiritual
ceremonies. Curiously it can produce a bright internal light. Phenethylamine is
a natural compound biosynthesized from the amino acid phenylalanine that is
believed to function as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter.
tryptamine is a naturally occurring compound found in both the animal and
plant kingdoms and is an endogenous component of the human brain. The amino
acid phenylalanine is the precursor for phenethylamine and the essential amino-
acid tryptophan is the precursor for tryptamine, which is slightly psychedelic.
Tryptophan when administered with methionine (another amino-acid known to
methylate things) it produces methylated tryptamines, the two best studied being
N-methyltryptamine (NMT) and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Tryptamine
and LSD have a common mode of action. Our bodies can convert the amino acid
phenylalanine to tyrosine and phenylethylamine (PEA). Tyrosine is also a precursor
to the excitatory neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine.
Endogenous Dimethyltryptamine (Dmt), the naturally occurring chemical
cousin of serotonin, is a widespread and essential brain neurotransmitter. Rick
Strassman proposed that the pineal gland is responsible for manufacture of DMT.
The pineal gland has the highest levels of serotonin, as serotonin is the precursor
to melatonin. Melatonin is the primary pineal hormone, but Strassman thinks
that the gland also creates DMT. Because it possesses the highest levels of the necessary
enzymes and precursors, the pineal gland is the most reasonable place for DMT
formation to occur. P. 67 He says DMT maybe released during dreams, near-death,
death, birth, and during meditation and mystical experiences.
DMT increases all pituitary hormones and beta-endorphins, vasopressin,
prolactin, Growth Hormone, and corticotrophin (cortisol). It is proposed that
DMT induced surge of beta-endorphins creates euphoria. Serotonin receptors are
activated by DMT and Serotonin receptors regulate heart rate, blood pressure,
body temperature, pupil diameter. Apparently DMT is a small molecule not much
larger than glucose and Strassman says that it is like brain food that is rapidly
transported across the BBB.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctors Revolutionary Research into the Biology of
Near-Death and Mystical Experiences by Rick Strassman MD.
cirUmVentricUlar orGans
The term circumventricular organs refers to the highly-vascularized,
specialized tissues distributed principally along the midline of the ventricular system
from the forebrain to the hindbrain, bordering the 3rd and 4th ventricles. The
CVOs include the pineal gland, median eminence, neurohypophysis (posterior
pituitary), subfornical organ, area postrema, subcommissural organ, organum
vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, and the choroid plexus. The intermediate
and neural lobes of the pituitary are sometimes included and note the posterior
pituitary releases neurohormones like oxytocin and vasopressin into the blood.
The subcommissural organ contacts the third ventricle covering the posterior
commissure. It comprises a complex of neurosecretory ependymal cells known
to secrete various glycoproteins into the CSF. The functional signifcance of
these glycoproteins has not yet been determined. Except for the SCO all the
circumventricular organs lack a blood-brain barrier and are recognized as important
sites for communicating with the CSF, and between the brain and peripheral organs
via blood-borne products. They have a high capillary density and it is through the
CVOs that the brain is able to monitor the makeup of the blood. They all contact
the cerebrospinal fuid of the ventricles or subarachnoid space. These organs have
common morphological and endocrine-like characteristics that distinguish them
from the rest of the nervous system and neural connections with strategic nuclei
establishing circuitry for communications throughout the neuraxis.
The amrita secretions of the circumventricular glands are collected and released
into the body through the third ventricle of the brain, which represents the Holy
Grail. The quest for the Grail is the lifetime search for ones immortal nature
not for living eternally, but for living the eternal Presence Now! To drink from
the Grail is to enter the state of primordial, transcendental vision. Although the
myth of eternal youth is a hopeful exaggeration, the permeation of the blood with
amrita does support the growth of a superior body of vitality and strength. Aging
is slowed and the natural body (adhibhautikadeha) is slowly transformed into the
divine body (adhidaivikadeha).
cereBrosPinal FlUiD
Ventricles are hollow cavities within the brain that produce cerebrospinal
fuid (CSF) from their lining, known as the choroid plexus. The choroid plexus
consists of many capillaries, separated from the subarachnoid space by pia mater
and choroid ependymal cells. Liquid flters through these cells from blood to
become CSF. There is also much active transport of substances into, and out of,
of the CSF as its made. CSF normally contains no red or white blood cells and
little protein; all constituents of CSF are reabsorbed, including small molecules,
proteins and microorganisms. There is a higher concentration of most molecules
in the brain than in the CSF, this creates a chemical gradient between the two
compartments. CSF allows for distribution of neuroactive substances, and is the
sink that collects wastes produced by the brain: the main ones being C02, lactate
and excess hydrogen ions (H+). It also serves as a heat sink.
The specifc gravity of the cerebrospinal fuid is 1.003, as compared to 1.028
for the blood-plasma. Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF is higher in salt and lower in
protein than blood plasma. CSF is a clear, colorless gel containing small amounts
of protein, glucose, potassium, silica and relatively large amounts of sodium
chloride. CFS passes through ventricles and into the fourth ventricle from which
it escapes into the subarachnoid space through the median and lateral apertures.
From there it circulates via hydrostatic pressure through the subarachnoid cisterns
at the base of the brain, and then is directed up over the hemispheres and down
around the spinal cord, fowing down to about the second sacral vertebrae. After
it is reabsorbed into venus sinus blood via arachnoid villi; note that arachnoid villi
become hypertrophied and calcifed with age (arachnoid granulations). Arachnoid
villi are small protrusions of the arachnoid (the thin second layer covering the
brain) through the dura (the thick outer layer). They protrude into the venous
sinuses of the brain, and allow cerebrospinal fuid (CSF) to exit the brain, and
enter the blood stream. The arachnoid villi act as one-way valves. Normally the
pressure of the CSF is higher than that of the venous system, so CSF fows through
the villi and granulations into the blood. It has been suggested that the endothelial
cells of the venous sinus create vacuoles of CSF, which move through the cell and
out into the blood.
The CSF is moved under the infuence of hydrostatic pressure generated
by its continuous production and its circulation allows for homeostasis of the
environment that surrounds the brain. CSF movement allows arterial expansion
and contraction by acting like a spring, which prevents wide changes in intracranial
blood fow. It is expected that the brain tissue and the CSF would have the same
hydrostatic pressure in any part of the brain. The cerebrospinal fuid flls the cavity
of the ventricles and the subarachnoid spaces. The subarachnoid space extends
caudally around the spinal cord and ends in lumbar-sacral dural sac where it
surrounds the cauda equina. The lining of the tube is composed of ependymal cells
and cili, the beating of which is required for normal CSF fow. Cilliated cells are
common throughout the respiratory and genital tracts and also in the tympani-the
cartilaginous and bony margins of auditory tube, Eustachian tube connecting the
back of the nose to the middle ear and ventricals of the brain.
The fuid is made at the rate of 21ml/hr is completely changed every 6-7 hours.
It is believed that CSF takes one to two hours to reach the basal cisterns, 3 to 4
hours to reach the sylvian fssure and 10 to 12 hours to spread over the cerebral
subarachnoid space. By 24 hours it started to be cleared into the superior sagittal
sinus. As much as the brain tissue is protected by a blood brain barrier from changes
outside the central nervous system, the CSF has the same protection and does
or mysterium coniunctionis, is none other than the play of yin and yang
represented in the Tao. The goal of the Great Opus of both East and West was the
integration of the Whole Human with the unus mundus or the world in which
all is onethe Eternal Ground of Being. Such merger of the personal will with
the transpersonal or Universal Will meant the embodiment of the impulses of
Spirit in ones daily lifethat is Divine Illumination. To this end the caelum, lapis,
ambrosia or amrita, which connotes the sublimated quintessence extracted from
the body, the unconscious and the world, was achieved through various alchemical
operations (eg: mortifcation, coagulatio, sublimatio, coniuncto).
the elixir of life was manufactured to the greatest degree in the Crystal
Palaceand the product of this process of crystallization of primal Spirit through
the circulation and lasering of the Light was referred to as the Golden Flower, or
the Golden Ball. But after this generation at the third eye the Divine Infux must
then be drawn down into the lower abdomen (lower tan tien) if the fruit of the
Golden Flower is to be made. If the Golden Flower is not thus brought down
into the abdomen, then a true integration of the Self with the unus mundus is
forfeited along with the synchronicity, self-reliance and affrmative action needed
for constructive change. That is the individual is still a Wounded King rather
than a Universal King.
Only when the Elixir Pearl forms in the crystal palace can the holy embryo
then be formed in the belly. The fnal stage is Samadhi or satori, that is the union
with the unus mundus. Where the embryo that was formed in the lower Tan Tien
now emerges through the crown of the head and leaps into the great emptiness.
The fnal stages require the practitioner to help the primal spirit emerge from the fetus
and leap into the great emptiness through the heavenly gate at the top of the head (the
sahasrara chakra). 151, Walter Odajnyk, Gathering the Light.
The book Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy: Transforming Your Body, Mind, and
Spirit by Eric Steven Yudelove must be one of the very best available descriptions
of cultivating energy and the Elixir. Strangely this book with its emphasis on the
practice of Bone marrow Breathing is tied into histamine and water regulation
and the immune system. If there were two books I would recommend for anyone
actually undergoing a full kundalini awakening it would be this Taoist energy
practice book by Yudelove and F. Batmanghelidjs book Your Bodys Many Cries
For Water.
In Yoga and Ayurveda Dr. David Frawley says that the Vedic Hindus referred to
soma as the healing pranic essence of various plants. The soma plants were frst
crushed then mixed or cooked with milk, ghee, honey, yogurt, barley or sugarcane
juice. These preparations were sometimes mixed with metals like gold. Soma
in a sense was used to quicken Prana. Soma, the elixir that was said to be the
earthly precursor to Amrita or the Elixir of the Gods was made from the bitter
Milk Weed, according to Julius Evola in The Yoga of Power. The reputed origin of
the famous soma is asclepias acida not the common milkweed, Asclepia aecidum.
This drink provided the intoxication necessary to enter a luminal state to pass
through the threshold to higher states of consciousness. Granted that there was
a preparatory cleansing and the drink was taken as a sacrament in ritual setting.
The preparation of A. acida from which the intoxicating milky juice is squeezed,
is a very old, sacred ceremony. Soma was said to be a medicine which gives health,
long life and removes death. In Hindu mythology, the Indian Bacchus Soma is a
regular name for the moon, which is regarded as being drunk by the gods and so
wanes, until flled up again by the Sun.
liVinG Water anD PrecoGnitiVe cHemistrY
Note that in the movie Minority Report the precogs live in a pool of water
with brain chemicals in it for amplifying precognition. Precognitive and revelatory
chemistry can really blow-out ones brain. I found that taking plenty of baths
during periods of hyper-noetic revelatory conditions is essential, perhaps due to
extra water absorbed by the body to help process the radical chemistry of these
altered states. Or the bath might serve other normative regulatory functions as
well such as increasing parasympathetic rest and recovery; and the release of water
holding for emergency. Anyway the insight the makers of Minority Report had to
put those precogs in neuroactive water was a stroke of genius.
Baths are essential both for generating revelatory chemistry and for metabolizing
and integrating this extreme chemistry as well. The effectiveness of baths is partly
due to the increased levels of water in the blood through absorption by the
skin. Partly due to the antigravity, foating effects reducing metabolic work of
merely existing in the body, conserving energy for the acute coherency needed for
revelation. Also the body can relax into a theta state which produces serotonin...
and this allows greater communication between the stomach brain and head brain,
between the two hemispheres of the brain, and also amplifes communication
within the hierarchical strata between the brainstem, limbic brain and neocortex.
Thus we see that it is complete relaxation that promotes greater coherency and
synchronization of consciousness between body, mind and spirit, which allows us
to delve into deeper visionary states and the deeper layers of human experience.
Channeling involves tapping into our own latent potentials for knowledge
and genius. One gets out of the way of oneself not through declaring the Muse
to be an alien from another planet, but by honoring oneself as a vehicle for that
which transcends us. When we get into very high-energy states, information
seems to come together in ways that we only had feeting glimpses of before.
These revelatory states have specifc chemistry...tryptamines, DMT, and opioids
which put the brain into conditions where time is penetrated and doubt removed.
Remote viewing occurs in this way through the chemistry of coherency, as does
prophesy, artistic vision, divination of music, the high art of philosophy, invention,
telepathy and even navigation for sexual and creative relationship.
In the Jungian reading of the alchemical tradition, the philosophers stone is
understood as the water from which all comes and in which all is contained. Solutio
is to turn a solid into a liquid, back to the prima material. Solve et cogulato dissolve
the current limited sense of oneself and re-form it with an expanded sense of selfis the
purpose of meditation in what is called an alchemical retreat process: dissolving allows
the death of unwanted aspects of the ego and is followed by regeneration. 81, The
Divining Heart, Patricia C. and Richard D. Wright
for throughout that day my prefrontals were very heavy and stoned. Strangely
that afternoon I thought I walked right by Mr. Universal sitting outside a coffee
shop. Then that night and for at least 7 nights after that I experienced an ecstatic
trance that I call a Heart Nova. This is when amrita entering the blood and lymph
makes a sublimely coherent and profound link between head and heart. Thus the
mechanism of increased heart-brain entrainment is not a mere neural connection,
but is also facilitated by an exquisite feedback relationship between the circulatory
systems and the nervous system.
If you get my drift that copious amrita fowing from the CNS and impacting
the physical the MAIN PHASE of a spiritual awakening, then you will
see that the term Heart Nova is an apt description of this cumulative event. At
the time of my peak 2 years prior to my Heart Nova event, I was calling this
subterranean intuition of the Heart Nova...a Global Nova...not knowing what
I was really talking about for it hadnt happened yet; but the energy of future
events always promotes an felt-sense intuition of what is in store. Thus we might
use archetypal symbols or irrational terms to try and describe the direction and
process that is unfolding within us. Only well after the fact do we understand the
full meaning of this unfathomable submerged language that is bubbling up from
the infnite depths of our being. I am convinced that the effect of this amrita-
modifed blood on the heart is what is historically called the solar Heart. It is also
undoubtedly the specifc alchemy behind spiritual sovereignty or the growth of the
soul of the individual.
Here is a similar intuition of the Heart Nova from the Adi Da camp:
Consciousness has traditionally been understood to have three basic states, or
avasthas in Sanskrit. These are the states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.
In chapter forty-three of The Dawn Horse Testament Avatar Adi Da Samraj
says that:
The left side of the heart is the seat of the waking state, and bodily experience.
The middle of the heart is the seat of the dreaming state, and all that is the
deeper psyche or subtle dimension and higher mind. (Mind)
The right side of the heart is the seat of the deep sleep state, and the seat of
the sovereign Self. (Soul)
Da says that in the sixth stage of life, the right side of the heart becomes
awakened as the root-origin of attention, and the seat of the Witness-Position
of Consciousness. He says that at the culmination of the ascending process, the
Spirit-Energy comes to rest, in the right side of the heart. Substantiation or the
Solar Heart would be Das seventh stage of life where the Spirit-Current rises again
in the regeneration of amrita nadi, from the right side of the heart to the matrix
above the head. In this process he says the body itself is infused with the Divine
Spirit-Current in the Circle of the body-mind. Thus, the right side of the Heart is
abidingly substantiated as the root-organ of Divine Self-Realization that is the
Amrita Nadi.
I dont know how much this description of Adi Da Samraj is traditionally inspired,
but it exactly corresponds to my present understanding of the connection between
amrita, cerebrospinal fuid and the heart. Note the words Divine Spirit-Current
in the Circle of the body-mind refers to the self-reinforcing feedback relationship
between the coherent nervous system, which produces amrita, that induces the
organs to further enhance the nervous systems production of amrita, creating a
profound corroboration of body and mind. Resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle
of bliss generation, that will only be interupted through extreme dissonance in
environment or living habits.
Let me tell you how freaky Spirit is. Saniel Bonder is an ex devotee of Adi Da
whose Waking Down Workshop I attended in 2000. During that weekend I did
Cardiomuscular Release (CMR) on Saniels wife Linda. As soon as I had gone into
position 2, (where her head was turned to the right, and I have one hand on the
right side of her heart and one hand on her origin of the sternocleidomastoid on
the neck under her ear) her heart went into an immediate Nova. I could feel the
bliss through my hands and the intensity of it gave me such a shock that I pulled
my hands away and exclaimed Ah! You feel so beautiful. From this it is apparent
that amrita affects the heart as soon as it reaches the right chamber, and also no
doubt when it returns from its journey from the lungs back to the left side of the
heart. The mere turning of the head aids in the draining of amrita in the blood and
lymph and its most powerful impact is to propel the heart into an Nova of bliss. I
must point out that Linda was already in a superfuid state prior to my doing CMR
on her; she was the most physically opened individual I have ever worked on.
The CMR just provided a releasing mechanism for a surge of amrita and the heart
responded in an explosion of ecstasy.
Kundalini is Gods narcotic
Usually in life our animal heritage drives us after this or that need or want, and
our emotions go up or down depending on the quality of our perceived quality
satisfaction level. But when endorphins are permanently gumming up the works
we are not particularly driven anywhere, and our value system becomes more
abstract and divorced from happenstance and phenomena. Its as though we were
permanently bathing in the exquisite turquoise lagoonwe are completely wet.
We want to get even more wet so we can feel something, but we cant get more
wet than we already are. If we are already in background pleasure and bliss, how
can we experience the pleasures of life? Our emotional landscape is reduced to a
tropical island of perpetual sunny days in which nothing really happens. Bliss can
be depressing when nothing touches us, even depression. With a perpetual tropical
buzz going on we do not even register that we are depressed.
If everything is blissful then nothing is particularly pleasurable and so to actually
experience pleasure while in a perpetual pleasurable state we have to become
deeply mindful of the nuances, favor and qualities of our experience. We must
hone our sensory and perceptive senses to delve into far greater subtleties. With
an even emotional playing feld we lose both passion, motivation and navigation.
It appears that a sustained high level of endorphins causes ones affect to become
somewhat fat. In my experience years of high endorphin levels creates a slow
decline in passion and we then have to do something extreme that will counteract
the eternal buzz, and bring more excitement to our nervous system. One thing
I have noticed with my steady decline in passion is that I can no longer readily
conjure feelings-thoughts-images of inner worlds, future visions and potentials like
I used to when my soul felt more alive, though I still have a vivid dream life it too
lacks potency and purpose. Even food looses its vivid quality as one of lifes simple
pleasures and the intensity and sensation of sex and touch is mutedeven orgasms
are rather fat except on special moon cycles.
During the awakening itself we tend toward a more amplifed response
to attraction and aversion...and so after being pulled around so obviously here
and there for many years we tend to gravitate to the middle and gain distance
from external and internal phenomena. In this way equanimity is born from the
exaggerated consciousness, sentience and sensation of kundalini. This amplifcation
of being coupled with the background endorphins that make both pleasure and
pain less distinct gives us equanimity.
Unless this later stage of awakening is undertaken with eyes wide open the
chances are that this ambivalence-chemistry will become a pathological state with
symptoms including: detachment, apathy, disinterest, dispassion, disregard, dull
affect, emotionlessness, noncommittal, heedlessness, indifference, insensitivity,
lassitude, lethargy, listlessness, passivity, stoicism, unconcern, unimpressed,
unresponsiveness, lack of dedication and zest. So we could call this condition of
the chemical neutering of our libido a pseudo-equanimity. Its a wonder anyone
ever gets enlightened, there are all these pseudo states that one has to experience,
learn about and transcend through enlightened application frst.
Hence the paradox here is that too much bliss creates anhedonia. anhedonia
that is the absence of pleasure or the loss of the ability to experience it. Another less
known term is acedia, which is a sense of indifference created by the loss of feeling
and a gradual closing down and withdrawal from the world. With anhedonia and
acedia we avoid risk and stimulation and cut ourselves off from anything that might
trigger or stimulate us. In time we will fnd the correct language and metaphors
for the subtle nuance of this post-awakening lull, to distinguish it from our normal
ideas on depression and anhedonia. The post-kundalini slump is not really clinical
anhedonia because there is still diffuse pleasure and permanent background bliss,
but there is also the inability to suffer. Lifes peaks and valleys have been bulldozed
down into the horizontal plane of endless nothingnessand where does one fnd
meaning without the value discrimination of passion and emotion?
The kundi-blues is not really depression in the normal sense, it more like a
vacuum of meaningful circumstance, a spiritual catatonia. This must be a very
common condition of the kundalini exhaustion phase. And if one tries to create
meaningful circumstance in the world with other human beings it often becomes
some kind of comical or traumatic farce. Without meaning of course there is no
motivation, and our sense of meaning is determined by our passionso when
passion goes, so does meaning in any real sense of the word.
I went through years of apathy and loss of proactive-drive related to coming
down from the extremes of kundalini. As I have said before it is paradoxical that
this condition is related to an excess of endorphins and a permanent background
of bliss. It is as if it were a biochemical existential malaise that leads to this loss
of the sense of self and brings about a crisis of meaning. Since there is a loss of
meaning at this time we can assume that the brain areas and neurochemicals that
are hypofunctioning, are those that are involved in the phenomena of meaning
making. When this neurology and hormonal underfunctioning is returned to
normal our sense of meaning and self will return.
Of course a metabolic slump and loss of meaning is not a given after the
honeymoon of a kundalini peak, it just depends on things like ones emotional
constitution, how one frames the experience and the quality of ones support.
Basically to move out of this biochemical existential hole it takes a resensitizing via
whatever means that excites youit could be a change in your environment, a new
romantic love, travel, sailing across the ocean and or fasting. To reestablish quality
of life it is essential to break out of this anhedonia for if there is little pleasure in
things, there is little drive and will to live. While in the middle of it there seems no
way out, but there is and eventually things swing around the other way to a new
zest and appreciation of life.
In Transpersonal Knowing: Exploring the Horizon of Consciousness by Tobin
Hart, Peter L. Nelson, and Kaisa Puhakka say that much of human consciousness
is transitioning through a signifcant epistemic shift: that is our knowing is
becoming increasingly aware of its own process. Moving out of the existential
vacuum, created by the death of the ego and the extinguishing of the painbodys
life, cannot be done using the convention means through which we have lived up
till now. Hence we need to reinvent ourselves beyond circumstance and culture,
and fgure out ways of cultivating change. But before we do that we need to taste
the limbos more deeply, to keep doing what we are doing until we hit saturation
point. To go directly into the Spiritual Catatonia instead of trying to run away
from it.
And, rather than trying to manipulate your way into increased passion, put some
energy into directly facing the very deadness, stuckness, or pain that your desire for
more passion is an escape from. Instead of trying to generate passion, make room
for it to emerge. If you want to invite even more passion, get more vulnerable, more
transparent, more open to all that constitutes you. Robert Augustus Masters.
To get out of the intermediate state of purgatorythe strange limbos between
heaven and hellwe essentially have to move beyond the life of the mind and
body, while putting them to even greater and deeper use. To transcend spiritual
catatonia we must learn to create a life of the soul, and for this we need to use the
Imagination. In Facing the World With Soul: The Reimagination of Modern Life,
Robert Sardello talks of the making of the world by bringing attention to it and
insists on consistently exercising the activity of imagination. With imagination we
can avoid being locked into our view of ourselves and society to live out a life of
the soul: turned on, enthusiastic, curious and intentionally interested.
The Sacred Marriage is not transcendent of emotion it IS the full exploration
and illumination of emotion. Anhedonia is the opposite of thiswhen the inner
kinesthetic, felt-sense is anaesthetized, resulting in a loss of meaning-association,
personal-affect, and loss of purposeful relationship with oneself and others. The
extreme amplifcation of the emotional biochemistry during the peak of an
awakening often or invariably leads to a down cycle of the loss of feeling, emotion
and sensation. If we are not aware that this is an inevitable swing of chemistry,
we will lump secondary depression through distress over our condition onto the
already defated chemistry. Those that didnt have fuid emotional wiring through
a healthy bond with a happy emotionally fuent mother in childhood, are likely to
have a harder time dealing both with the emotional infation of the peak, and the
emotional defation of the valley. Even the anhedonia (loss of pleasure) associated
with the numbness of endorphins is a stage, through which emerges even greater
riches, transcendental vision and insights. The thing is to recognize, accept and
explore whatever state or condition we fnd ourselves in and this helps us move
onto the next thing. (See Dealing With Torpor in the Skills section.)
loss oF creatiVe liBiDo
Ive learned that real intuition requires skills and attitudes that are more demanding
than those of the mind; it demands some concrete object, image or ritual procedure,
and it doesnt act in a vacuum. It presents no sure knowledge, but rather offers
information that is poetic in nature, and often ambiguous, ambivalent, paradoxical
and elusive. Its answers to our problems are neither immediate nor fully conclusive,
but rather take time to unfold and may never stand fully revealed. Thomas Moore
The life of the creator or artist is perhaps the hardest to undertake because you
have to keep true to yourself, when as a culture we are encouraged to betray our
soul for survival. To be a true artist demands that we do what it takes to keep our
soul alive. It is also a practice in personal sovereignty and self-expression beyond
the cultural wave, but through the cultural tide. Of course the illumination of
true art runs off the libido, but if the culture at large is operating at a lower-
spectrum libido level due to chronic ongoing stress and sense of hopelessness, then
the hormonal juices necessary for genuine art do not fow. As soon as things turn
around though, they turn around in the collective psyche and so all the artist will
undergo a revolutionary renaissance overnight.
The thing is many of us including me are waiting for the renaissance to
arrive, hanging out for creative potency and purpose. But that kind of on-hold
behavior of waiting for Grace to magically arrive is why we are in this imagination-
desert in the frst place. If we all did the work of calling in grace and illuminating
our own lives with the Presence of spirit, then it is this action that will bring on the
change we so seek in the collective psyche...and we can all get juiced up together,
excited, inspired, divining and Alive. If we fail to light our own creative fre we are
complicit in the problem instead of being part of the solution.
Libido is life energy, desire, the source of human striving. I think creative-
libido or creative-potency are apt terms to describe the sex hormone basis to
consciousness. Potency correlates with the idea of energy, potential, ability,
effectiveness, effciency, validity and zeal. It is really the zest or will for Life. Here are
some synonyms for the fertility aspect of the word potency: abundance, copiousness,
fecundity, fruitfulness, luxuriance, plentifulness, pregnancy, productivity, prolifc,
puberty, readiness, richness and virility.
Since ACTH release is increased by stress, and ACTH production correlates
with increased b-endorphin production, and increased b-endorphin decreases
GnRH and then LH, and decreased LH correlates with decreased fertility, stress
via increased b-endorphin production contributes to infertility in both men and
The above is one of the main chemical pathways by which stress chemistry can
produce a loss of fertile artistic imagination and creative zeal. There are probably
many reasons for artistic impotence...even including prolonged stress hormone
release contributing to the loss of synapses and dendrites in the prefrontal lobes,
hippocampus and hypothalamus. Since art is one of the main stress relief
mechanisms in culture, this drying up of our creative juices means that we fall
into a perpetual feedback loop of lack of imagination, which produces stress which
produces lack of imagination etc...and if we do this collectively it is very hard to get
genuinely inspired by the inferior impotent quality of the spiritual artifacts of
others in order to break the impotency cycle.
It is clear that perpetual stress and its effects on the body, mind and behavior
create a vicious cycle of perpetual stress. By destroying the neurological hardware
for visionary and psychic foresight and illumination, stress neuters our potential
for an inspired life and right livelihood. This brain damage produced by stress
chemistry is one of the primary reasons for the poverty trap as well. In this way
we are then likely to be caught in a trap of perpetual stress because we then have
to survive in a servile, subsistence or fatland-conformist waythat is stressful,
thus locking us into an endless recurring feedback loop of stress, impotency
and poverty.
Perpetual stress is like a tiger that wont go away but that prowls around us 24X7
even if we are not consciously aware of it, we are always on alert for that tiger. To
break out of the quicksand of the stress trap we need to do something different
what Dr. Richard OConnor calls an adaptive spiral. That is a progressive path
in which the changes we make in how we think, feel, act and treat ourselves all
reinforce each other to catalyze lasting change. So instead of being caught up in
the stress trap, we can learn to generate an abiding recurrent creative potency cycle
John Pierrakos says that zest for life (Eros, libido) is rekindled through self-
revelation as we disclose ever deeper truths about ourselves, we open our body,
mind and soul to the divine. He says that everything we need for pleasure and
fulfllment resides in the core of our being and as we activate the core we bring
out the higher self. Meditation, especially sunlight meditation lights up the crystal
chamber, or central hormonal activation center in the brain. Hence it is only
logical that meditation should increase creative libido and artistic potency through
stimulating and balancing hormonal health. Even eight weeks of regular meditation
builds up the prefrontal cortex, especially on the left side, thus increasing our
potential for happiness.
Since it is stress and danger that often produce great artistic advances, it cannot
be simply stress itself that produces a decline in the productivity of the musebut
perhaps it is the unrelenting aspect of it, the fact that we do not undergo the rest
and recovery phase of the stress cycle to a signifcant degree. The ongoing slow
ebb of our creative juices with little recharging and regeneration is perhaps the
culprit in the demise of imagination in modern man by producing a somewhat
permanently creatively neutered society and a perpetual creative-impotency-loop.
I am not referring to the sporadic triggering of stress response cycle, but a permanent
stress chemistry feedback cycle that atrophies neurons and organs and perpetuates itself
through its debilitating effects on behavior, enjoyment, relationship and circumstance.
I think to a certain degree our entire western culture is suffering from chronic ongoing
stresssuch that we do not even recognize that we are stressed because that is who we
are, and we feel things are under control as long as we can keep up with our various
addictions (i.e.: negative stress management techniques).
The stress factor of relationship tends to have more immunosuppressing power
than non-relational stressors. So if we have a community, society or culture that is in
chronic perpetual stress, then the stressed relationships will reinforce this condition.
Whereas in healthy mammalian collective life, relationship is a major source of
stress relief. What this means in terms of integral art is that the reduction the sex
hormone production, coupled with damage to the hippocampus (memory/symbol)
and the hypothalamus (emotional-governance) will mean that ones consciousness
is cut-off from the Muse/Eros itself or is operating at a mere fraction of its potential.
Coupled with that when the stress hormones cause damage to the prefrontal lobes
it means even less communication with the limbic-emotional brain and motor
coordinationthis interferes with the transfer/translation of the artistic impulse
and with the dexterity and ability to execute the art itself. Thus the perpetually
stressed brain is not Integral its divided and the only art that can come from this
is copied material, symbol juggling, realist, and prefrontal cleverness dressed up as
cool. It is not real art in terms of being relevant to cultural progressbut it is a
sign of the deprived state of our contemporary cerebral condition.
Kundalini with its amplifed metabolism and nerve activity, and increased
oxidation, will tend to down-regulate neural and hormonal receptors and rewire
the nervous system. However even if we are in the between-slump, when the
hyper-functioning has backed off, but our receptors have not yet regrown, we
cannot really consider kundalini as being brain damaging. We must see all phases
of metamorphosis as necessary allostatic changes in the transformation of our
organism and the human collective. The atrophying effects on synapses, dendrites
and receptors of prolonged perpetual stress chemistry on the body, coupled with
excessive perpetual endorphin production is probably why we tend to loose our
psychic powers that were so very vivid and pronounced during the peak. Fasting
may be one of the main methods for us to recover our higher capacities. Since
the senses go dead in anhedonia it makes sense that we can help cut through
this condition through applied sensory deprivation and sensory maximization
Undoing Depression by Richard OConnor (1999) and Undoing Perpetual Stress:
The Missing Connection Between Depression, Anxiety and 21st Century Illness
Robert Sapolskys book Why Zebras Dont Get Ulcers, Third Edition (2004). is I
think the best book to understand the subject of stress-damage.
For receptor recovery see Ward Deans articles Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging
Chapter 7: Restoring Receptor Sensitivity Parts 1-V at
Also for receptor recovery see Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging in this book, and
Choline, Hyperzine in the Supplements List for dendrite regrowth. And Receptor
Recovery plus Nerve Regrowth in the Exhaustion Phase BOK-2.
I wrote elsewhere in the book that fasting during an awakening is not a good
idea because of kundalinis huge energy demand, and because the tissues need
protection by plentiful antioxidants. Releasing toxins into the system when the
immune system is already compromised, and when ones antioxidant reserves are
already being used to the full is not a good idea. However fasting after an awakening,
especially at some point during the exhaustion phase might be absolutely essential
to reestablish physiological function and hence higher emotional, mental and
behavioral performance. To overcome anhedonia, acedia and a general dissociation
from life we may need to do an extensive fast or series of fasts to reinstate our
neurotransmitter and hormone receptors.
Prolonged exposure of receptors to hormones leads to down regulation of
receptors. This decrease in the number of gonadotropin receptors in the plasma
membrane of ovary or corpus luteum cells can result from either an internalization
(endocytosis) of existing receptors, a decrease in their rate of synthesis or both.
MBC 3320 Pituitary hormones II
Formerly medicine was based on the concept of homeostasis: the maintenance
of the internal physiological environment of an organism within tolerable limits of
a set-point. Now however, evidence shows that the parameters of physiological
regulation of the set point are not constant and the new concept of allostasis
is emerging. allostasis is a term used to describe the idea of viability through
change and explains how regulatory events maintain organismic viability, or
not, in diverse contexts with varying set-points of bodily needs and competing
motivations. With allostasis the body adapts to changing circumstance through
the activation of neural, hormonal, or immunological mechanisms.
In understanding the phenomena of allostasis the basic concepts of physiological
homeostatic protection are integrated with damaging effects of the mediators
of stress and adaptation disorders like depression, stress, anxiety and addiction.
The key point in the evolution of the theory of adaptation from homeostasis to
allostasis suggests the goal of regulation is not constancy, but rather ftness under
natural selection to promote effciency, prevent errors and minimize costs. Find
more reading on allostasis in Allostasis, Homeostasis, and the Costs of Physiological
Adaptation, Edited by Jay Schulkin, Georgetown University, Washington DC
If we did not gain complete equilibrium between the intensity of the kundalini
alchemy and our bodys allostatic ability to respond to the rapid changes, then
chances are we have some rehabilitation work to do to reestablish the potency
of our messengers and receptors. Besides the sex hormones we need to revive the
insulin receptors so that our metabolism supports allostatic effciency, for the
radical metabolism of the awakening may have produced insulin resistance and
possible atrophy of the pancreas. Fasting will allow greater effciency in metabolism,
minimize error, dysfunction, fall-out, malformation and reduce the costs of ones
physiology. Fasting will also allow the bodys negative feedback mechanisms to be
better heard and thus bring about a strong allostatic effciency.
I assume that fasting coupled with supplementation for receptor repair will
help reverse the internalization (endocytosis) of receptors, that is receptors that
have retreated into the cell membrane and become non-operational. To regrow
the dendrites of nerves in atrophied areas of the brain we will also need nutritional,
behavioral and social attention in order to regenerate nerves and brain areas to
full capacity. Satisfying social interaction and especially intimacy, positive genuine
communion of spirit may also be essential to pulling an individual out of inner/
outer desensitization (dissociation) and back into engagement with the world.
Since digestion itself can take up to 23% of our energy and generates toxins and
free radicals, it makes sense to stop eating during certain periods of profound healing
to provide energy and conditions for deep detoxifcation. With detoxifcation
space and resources are made available for metamorphic transformation of
tissues (transmogrifcation). Fasting may also be necessary to give the digestive
system a break in order to heal. I myself got irritable bowel syndrome one year
into my awakening and I never did anything about it until 5 years later when the
pain had become so bad I decided enough was enough and I needed to fast in order
to heal.
If you have the irritable bowel/candida complex and have even a mild sugar
addiction (be it fruit or any other sugar/carbo), you might fnd that using the Master
Cleanser on your fast makes you feel raw, edgy and interferes with intelligence.
Even just one tablespoon of maple syrup/day in the Master Cleanser will create
problems because it is a refned sugar and people with sugar addiction and irritable
bowel are likely to be glucose intolerant. If you want to use the Master Cleanser
then just use a fresh squeezed orange instead of lemon and this will provide enough
sugar to leave the maple syrup out.
Fasting is very important, for discovering how we have built ourselves and
why; nothing brings us faster to the basement of our psyche than fasting and
the skins of the onion peel away. Fasting brings us rapidly to the heart of our
psychological issues especially regarding abandonment vs. nurturing and the
degree to which we love ourselves and have been loved. The ultimate book that
covers these fundamental food issues in association with fasting is The Fasting
Path by Stephen Harrod Buhner. Deep fasting puts the body into a state that is
normally only experienced during sleep, one in which the liver and other detoxifcation
systems can focus exclusively on detoxifcation, repair, and regeneration. 66, Stephen
Harrod Buhner
Necrosis and detoxifcation is an essential part of growth and the main thing
we have to purge is relationships, plus ideas and behaviors that we have picked up
from others. Thus time in the metaphorical desert is essential. How can we be our
Self if everyone is still telling us who we are? During the germinating time of
Spirit we must care for our psychological space as though we were pregnant with a
new lifefor that is indeed the case.
Be wary of consuming too much of seemingly healthy fruits like Wolf Berries
(Goji or Lycium), for these are pretty high in sugar, and the more high glycemic
foods you eat the more muscle and nerve pain you will feel. Also because many
of us have candida and disrupted intestinal fora, the toxins produced by these
pathogens when we feed them with this sugar also causes us pain. Olive Leaf and
Neem Leaf will reduce nerve and muscle pain...they work as a broad spectrum cure-
all that will address everything from pathogens, detoxifcation, to nerve coatings.
RAW and GREEN is the secret of Life! For detoxifcation think GREEN. Grow
wheatgrass if you are really serious, otherwise explore the realm of green salads
or even dried cereal powders and bluegreen algae. The key to health is nutrient
density and the foods most dense in nutrients are raw greensmix greens with
buckwheat goop and some Thai coconut meat and you have got a winning raw soup
combination. Kale being the most nutrient dense food, then collards and spinach.
Spirulina, green magma and kelp provide the minerals for taking toxins out of
the body and to remineralize. Are there any local herbs like burdock, dandelion,
plantain, nettle and echinacea that you could grind up and put into capsules or
make into tea for baths?
Although juice fasting is necessary before and after a water fast, it is through
prolonged water fasting that we can really make physical and spiritual gains.
Contrary to popular belief water fasting is actually easier than juice fasting because
once the bodys energy metabolism changes over to burning fat (ketosis) then the
appetite generator shuts off. Defnitely to break the exhaustion phase and reset
the bodys homeostats, to increase vitality, motivation, navigation ability, psychic
abilities and sensory awareness nothing beats a water fast of 21 days or more.
Perferably with complete rest, and camping out in nature.
[The body] is the first and best friend that the Universe has given to us, and it is
through the body, not in spite of the body, that we find the luminous and the ineffable
that our souls need to be whole. 107, Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Fasting Path.
The Tao of Detox: The Secrets of Yang-Sheng Dao, Daniel Reed
HiGH PressUre sYmPtoms
Occasionally HPA axis activation, high blood pressure and infammation align
to create some of the more extreme kundalini symptoms such as the sweating
of blood or temporary loss of eyesight. I assume headaches and loss of eyesight
during kundalini are largely due to high blood pressure, which occurs during
acute stages of sympathetic nervous system activation. Kidney cells produce
the enzyme renin, which causes a cascade that eventually results in hypertension
caused by the peptide angiotensin. Studies found that people with hypertension
or non-insulin dependent diabetes had higher levels of intracellular calcium and
lower levels of intracellular magnesium. Excess calcium in the cells and depleted
magnesium is associated with insulin resistance, resulting in obesity, diabetes,
arteriosclerosis, hypertension and aging. Low magnesium can result in opening of
calcium channels, increased intracellular calcium, glutamate release, and increased
extracellular potassium. High blood sugar increases serum alderhyde levels, which
raises blood pressure. Vitamin B6 lowers aldehyde levels, thus is an effective anti-
sweating BloodIncreased histamine is probably common throughout an
awakening, but if there is also a threat to life or massive stressor, then a greater
amount of histamine might be suddenly released. This could contribute to the
kundalini symptom of sweating blood, such as when Jesus was in the Garden of
Gethsemane on the night prior to His crucifxion. Undoubtedly this phenomenon
is due to the increased release of histamine and prostaglandins and leukotrienes
during extreme stress. This condition known as hematidrosis, occurs during great
emotional stress when the tiny capillaries in the sweat glands can rupture due to
high blood pressure and infammatory agents thus mixing blood with perspiration.
If ongoing bleeding is a problem you may need to increase the integrity of your
collagen structures with silicon (Biosil), Vitamin C, zinc, hyaluronic acid and
the amino acid lysine. Collagen is strong white fber network held together with
macropolysaccharides, which constitutes the connective tissue that holds our
bodies together. Vitamin C is essential to the manufacture of collagen, blood
vessels would be better protected if an abundant environmental supply of this
vitamin were available in the circulating fuids that bathe the tissue cells.
If you are bleeding from the skin during kundalini your histamine levels are
too high. Or you may have a hypersensitivity to histamine, which makes your
blood vessel walls more permeable. Probably you were exposed to an allergen
from food, environment or infection, which added to an already hyperhistamine
condition. The biofavonoid quercetin is an antihistamine, with twelve times more
antioxidant power than Vitamin E. The following substances increase bleeding
risk: Danshen, Devils claw, Dong quai, Papain, Vitamin E.
Adrenaline (Epinephrine) is the only chemical that can quickly eliminate
histamine. To aid your adrenals I suggest that you gently tap your adrenal glands
with your fsts for 10 minutes. Then tap your thymus between your breasts for
another 10 minutes. An increase in water intake will reduce histamine levels, so sip
regularly on water up to 4-5 quarts a day. Take a warm bath and soak a long time
but make sure it is not a steaming hot bath. As well as using Biosil in your drinking
water, make a strong infusion of horsetail and cornsilk to apply topically to provide
the silica to strengthen the skins collagen. Vitamin K, found in dark green leafy
vegetables and cabbage is necessary for normal clotting of blood. Vitamin K plays
a critical role in maintaining healthy bone density by facilitating the transport
of calcium from the bloodstream into the bone. It is also required by calcium-
regulating proteins in the arteries to prevent arteriosclerosis. Vitamin K Sources:
Green tea, cheese, yogurt, liver, meat, fsh liver oils, egg yolk, blackstrap molasses,
oats, soybeans, alfalfa, cabbage, caulifower, spinach, tomatoes. Bacteria in the
intestines also make Vitamin K.
Partial loss of eyesightcan also occur with a hyperactivated sympathetic
nervous systempossibly due to high blood pressure. Sometimes the light from
kundalini fows through the optic nerve making everything refracting beams of
light, especially the computer screen. It is like the eyes cannot see for being blinded
by the light. Dont worry about the loss of eyesight, focus on changing your life to
reduce stressors and actively cultivate stress reduction to bring down your blood
HeadachesDuring the fght-or-fight response when the body is preparing
for danger, it holds onto its fuid content by reducing urination in case of injury
or starvation/thirst. I think what is occurring with head pressure is a hypertensive,
high blood pressure situation that is fueled by stress hormone activation, causing the
release of vasopressin and histamine and the retention of salt, in an effort to retain
water. Of course the distress caused by the high blood pressure and headaches, just
feeds back into keeping the stress hormones pumping and so the cycle continues
until some radical life change occurs which allows you to de-stress and come out
of hyperdrive. This phenomenon is very common to kundalini especially in the
peak phase when our nervous system is volatile and fuctuating wildly. You will
notice that your high-pressure periods follow a lunar and annual cycle. To get rid
of hypertensive headaches and head pressure there are several things you can do.
First increase your water intake (and start making bioactive water) to insure you do
not get such a high release of renin, histamine, vasopressin and angiotensin, which
increase the blood pressure. (See Fire and Water BOK-2)
Vasoactive aminesVasoactive monoamine may be involved in migraine
headache. These nitrogen containing substances that dilate blood vessels, include
histamine and serotonin, which are strongly vasoactive; and tyramine and dopamine
which are also quite vasoactive. Amines are normally rapidly deaminated after they
enter the body by monoamine oxidase (MAO), which is present in many tissues.
This mitochondrial enzyme catalyses oxidative deamination of almost all vasoactive
amines and so normal consumption of dietary amines is not normally a threat. But
as little as 20g of tyramine containing cheese can cause a life threatening rise in
blood pressure when MAO has been inhibited. Mood elevating Ginkgo Biloba
increases the brain uptake of serotonin. Serotonin (5-HT) is a vasodilator, therefore
a defciency of serotonin decreases blood fow due to relative vasoconstriction.
says that a combination of the medicinal mushroom Cordyceps sinensis and shark
cartilage gives signifcant improvement in blood pressure.
Anti-Hypertension Protocol Using Shark Cartilage and Cordyceps Sinensis, Nelson
Kraucak, MD, ABFP
reDUcinG eXcess Histamine
Histamine is known to worsen asthma and eczema and to cause headaches,
stimulate gastric secretion and cause dilation of capillaries, constriction of bronchial
smooth muscle and decreased blood pressure.
skin infammationMix 1 tsp caster oil with tea tree oil and rub this into
your skin this will reduce histamine induced skin infammation. For acne, hives,
eczema induced by infammatory cytokines and histamine I suggest zinc tablets
and topical sea buckthorn oil. Horsetail is the ultimate herb for healing any kind
of skin condition whether it be acne, eczema, chapping or burns. Biofavonoids,
the natural pigments in fruits and vegetables reduce histamine production.
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins are a class of favonoid antioxidant complexes
found in Grapeseed and sea buckthorn oil which also reduce histamine. Purchased
Topical antihistamines include the oils of caraway, cardamom, chamomile,
clove and lemon balm. Frankincense essential oil is also good to apply topically as
an anti-infammatory agent, which doesnt burn the skin like teatree oil can. You
can also apply harp seal oil to skin infammation as it is a great source of Omega 3
long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (DHA, EPA, DPA), Squalene and Vitamin
E. You might also try mixing fresh wheatgrass juice with bentonite or pascalite clay
and making a face pack of this...leaving it on the skin for about 40 minutes.
sulfur sensitivityAsthmatics sometimes have a sulfte sensitivity because
of an enzyme defciency of sulfte oxidase, that normally helps break down sulfur
dioxide. Occasional patients exposed to sulftes, will experienced symptoms similar
to anaphylaxis with fushing, fast heartbeat, wheezing, hives, dizziness, stomach
upset and diarrhea, collapse, tingling or diffculty swallowing. A sulfur sensitivity
usually results in either a true allergic reaction or respiratory discomfort, not a
headache; a headache say from drinking red wine is actually attributed to the
tannin in the wine, not the sulfur dioxide.
Anti-histamine substances which naturally reduce infammation and associated
symptoms include: Vitamin C, vitamin E, sulfur, pancreatic enzymes, alpha lipoic
acid, glucosamine sulfate, proanthocyanidins and NAC. Fish oil-Omega 3 and
GLA omega-6 fatty acid from evening primrose and borage oils. SAMe (S-adenosyl-
L-methionine) has been shown to reduce infammation. Dr. Batmanghelidj says
that salt is the best antihistamine there is.
msm(Methylsulfonylmethane) is a sulfur-based compound that blocks cell
receptor sites for histamine, lowering histamine levels, reducing allergy-induced
symptoms, which may contribute to infammation. Sulfur is a component of
amino acids (methionine cysteine, taurine), some vitamins (e.g. B1, biotin),
hormones (insulin), coenzymes (coenzyme A), and antioxidants (glutathione, N-
acetylcysteine, alpha-lipoic acid). Because sulfur is necessary to build disulfde
bonds, which hold together tissue, it forms part of the bodys physical structure,
including protein, collagen, glucosamine, skin, and nails. With adequate MSM
cells become more permeable, enabling detoxifcation of any undesirable foreign
particles. If you body is sulfur defcient, the cell walls become hard and stiff,
hindering the fow of fuid through the cell walls. Thus MSM softens the cell
walls, allowing allergens, foreign proteins, and any free-radicals to be moved out
of your system.
Zincstabilizes the cell membranes and inhibits the formation of free radicals.
Zinc also strengthens the integrity of blood vessel walls by reducing the membrane
permeability and stopping bleeding. Zinc has an inhibitory effect on the release of
histamine from mast cells due to its stabilizing effect of the mast cell membrane.
Bromelain (quercetin) reduces histamine. Vitamin C also helps reduce histamine
release. Selenium reduces immunoglobulin action on mast cells and, therefore,
also reducing histamine.
resveratrol is a phytoalexin found in the skin and seeds of red grapes, is an
antioxidant, antimutagenic, antiviral and anti-infammatory. It is also a powerful
phytoestrogen that can help maintain normal estrogen activity. Resveratrol is also
found in raspberries, mulberries, peanuts, blueberries, bilberries, and cranberries,
Scots pine and eastern white pine, and the roots of Japanese knotweed (hu
More antihistamines: Alternate chamomile tea with peppermint tea but
do not drink any caffeine or this will contract your blood vessels and raise your
blood pressure. Nettle Tea (Urtica) are extremely helpful, especially if you have
the high histamine levels indicated by sensitive skin and frequent prickly heat
type symptoms. Nettles reduce histamine levels and act as a blood tonic. If you
have dandelion in your garden, slowly chew on one dandelion leaf an hour for
stimulation of diuresis (urine fow).
Other antihistamine herbs include wild oregano, rue, basil, echinacea, fennel,
fg, ginkgo, grapefruit, passionfower, tarragon, tumeric, skullcap, berberine, thyme
and yarrow, papaya, amaranth seeds and ginger. The combination of quercetin and
bromelain helps maintain the proper functioning of the bodys histamine response.
Frankincense (Boswellia) inhibits pro-infammatory mediators in the body, and
maybe helpful for ulcerative colitis. However the tree resins will tend to increase
blood pressure and need to be avoided during hyper-sympathetic activation.
ProHistamine FooDs:
Histamine occurs in food as a result of microbial enzymes converting the
amino acid histidine (present in all proteins) to histamine. Thus foods containing
histamine include aged protein containing foods and fermented foods such
as fermented cheeses (e.g. Camembert, Brie, Gruyere, Cheddar, Roquefort,
Parmesan). The foods most commonly reported to induce a histamine reaction
(hives, allergies, headaches) are shellfsh, fsh, egg, chicken, processed meats, milk,
nuts, chocolate, berries, tomatoes, wheat, strawberries, pineapple, brewers yeast,
tomato, spinach, red wine (especially Chianti), beer, fermented soy products and
all fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut. Folic Acid, Niacin and B12 are used
to make histamine. If you are sensitive to these foods you may have a panic attack
or dizziness attack around two days after consuming them when water is extracted
as the feces pass through the colon.
The average American consumes only 40% of the recommended daily allowance
of magnesium, thus apparently 90-95% of the population is magnesium defcient.
Because of the processing and refning of foods and insuffcient remineralization
of soils magnesium defciency is becoming common. Cancer rates increase in areas
where food grows on less favorable soil, lacking in magnesium. RDA for Calcium
over 18 years is 800mg-1500mg and for Magnesium is 300-400mg. Magnesium
is an essential mineral that activates over 300 different biochemical reactions. The
chief function of magnesium is to activate certain enzymes, especially those related
to carbohydrate metabolism. Another role is to maintain the electrical potential
across nerve and muscle membranes. It is essential for proper heartbeat and nerve
Magnesium is required to regulate calcium, potassium or sodium. Calcium
needs magnesium in order to assimilate into the body. However, when too much
calcium is consumed, it will pull magnesium out of the body parts in order to
assimilate. If the level of magnesium is not maintained the excess calcium may
become a toxin, resulting in arthritic calcium deposits on joints. Magnesium is
a natural calcium channel blocker to protect the body from getting too much
calcium. Magnesium does not build up in the body but the excess is eliminated
while excess calcium builds up. Taking equal amounts of magnesium supplement
as calcium has been used to slowly remove arthritic deposits and bone spurs. Spurs
form at joints in calcium defcient conditions. When the calcium is being leached,
it forms an eruption. This eruption is the bone spur. By allowing elimination of
uric acid, ammonia and acid toxins, and relaxing muscles Magnesium is a major
pain relief mineral. Magnesium increases the solubility of calcium, phosphate and
possibly oxalate thereby helping to prevent and eliminate stones in the body.
This mineral imbalance of excess calcium and a defciency of magnesium in
the cell is a sign of aging and degenerative disease. A British researcher found that
80% of fatigue patients lack magnesium. Fatigue can lead to a cycle of addiction
to addictive stimulants in an attempt to gain more energy. You need to ingest
levels above the governments recommended daily intake 400mgs of water-soluble
magnesium a day or energy production is inhibited, resulting in fatigue and
weakness. Magnesium is essential to regulating potassium levels and functioning
of the adrenal glands, which are both important to maintaining high energy levels.
An energy crisis in the cell through the lack of ATP generation occurs in the
presence of excess glucocorticoids, prostaglandins and cytosolic calcium, cAMP.
Permeability of the cell wall due to the membrane hardening effect of oxidation
reduces the assimilation of nutrients, and wastes are not as easily excreted. Then
cells no longer function or communicate well with other cells and cell-systems.
Aging is associated with cellular dehydration causing a disintegration of the cell
framework. Remember 60% of cell water is bound to molecules within the cell
forming the cell structure and integrity. Dehydration creates increased cytosolic
calcium turnover for cation regulation. Since the active transport of cations
requires energy, histamine also liberates energy for this function. The conversion
of the energy fuel ATP to its spent cAMP produces both energy and Ca2+ release.
Dehydration increases acidity and oxidation reducing receptor sensitivity, cell
membrane permeability, and the generation of ATP in mitochondria.
Magnesium is called the anti-stress mineral as it aids in calming nerves,
relieving tension and relaxing muscles. Cortisol production makes you put
on visceral fat and magnesium lowers cortisol levelsthus it can contribute to
reduced silent infammation. Magnesium also helps your body convert fatty acids
into the anti-infammatory prostaglandins. A new study showed that adults who
consume less than the recommended amount of magnesium are almost twice as
likely to have chronic infammation. Infammation plays a role in the development
of atherosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimers disease and the aging process in general.
Daily oral magnesium therapy can prevent subsequent heart attacks and improve
quality of life in people with stable coronary artery disease. In an article at Bill
Sardis website The Mineral That Could Have Saved 4 Million Women, he says
that Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) is remarkably effective at reducing the risk
of life-threatening seizures (eclampsia) due to the high blood pressure associated
with pregnancy. This is very important to know for kundalini actives whom may
go through intense periods of hypertension, seizure, convulsion, insomnia, muscle
spasms and irregular heartbeat. Also if you are ingesting tree resins or tree bark you
may need to increase your magnesium and water intake to avoid increased blood
pressure, heart palpitations and hypertension-insomnia.
Magnesium is effective at lowering high blood pressure. People with
hypertension or non-insulin dependent diabetes have higher levels of intracellular
calcium and lower levels of intracellular magnesium. Excess calcium in the cells
and depleted magnesium is associated with insulin resistance, resulting in obesity,
diabetes, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and aging. Low magnesium can result in
opening of calcium channels, increased intracellular calcium, glutamate release.
Asthma, headaches, migraines, seizures, depression, fbromyalgia, anxiety, ADD,
arthritis and kidney stones get worse when insuffcient magnesium is consumed.
Higher intake of magnesium appears to improve glucose and insulin homeostasis.
Magnesium has been found to improve insulins response to dietary sugar and
improve the action of insulin in regulating blood sugar levels.
Magnesium supplementation during kundalini awakenings is imperative due
to the long periods of HPA-axis hyperactivation and increased utilization of fat
stores. Ketosis is the toxic waste products from fat mobilization, which raises
blood acidity and causes the body to lose vital alkaline minerals such as potassium,
calcium and magnesium. Plus magnesium will help deal with the ammonia
from the breakdown of protein during catabolysis, because Magnesium activates
glutamine synthetase, a key enzyme that helps cells dispose of ammonia.
Excesses of nutrients that interfere with the absorption or increase the excretion
of magnesium-such as fat, phosphate, sugar, and vitamin D-can contribute to long-
lasting relative magnesium defciency. magnesium Depletors include: coffee,
sugar, mental stress, alcohol, sodas, fuoride, high sodium diet, tobacco, medical
drugs, birth control pills, high perspiration, low thyroid, diabetes, diuretics,
chronic pain, a high carbohydrate diet, a high calcium diet.
Ideally supplementation should be in Ionic Liquid Magnesium form, for
water-borne magnesium is more readily absorbed by the gut than is food-borne
magnesium. Magnesium supplements that are not water soluble or available in
ionic form it will literally pass through the digestive track. Ionic Liquid Magnesium
can be made by dissolving in water any soluble magnesium salt such as Magnesium
citrate (10% Mg), Magnesium glycinate (15% Mg), or Magnesium malate (15%
Mg). Even prolonged soaking in Epsom salts increases blood magnesium. If you
have painfully tight neck and shoulders, make up a concentrated foot bath of
Epsom salts in a container with a lid and soak your feet for 5 minutes a day. Two
teaspoons of NOW 2:1 Cal/Mag powder provides 100% RDA of magnesium.
You can put say teaspoon Cal/Mag into your Superfood smoothie. Calcium can
cause constipation, so it is necessary to take magnesium along with it. Too much
magnesium may make it diffcult for the body to absorb calcium. A quarter to a
half a teaspoon of Magnesium citrate prior to bed with glass of water, is a way of
getting magnesium while avoiding constipation.
Magnesium ions (Mg2+) are absorbed 30-40% through the intestines, and
the rest of the ions remain in the colon causing water to be drawn into the colon,
softening of the stool. This osmotically mediated water retention subsequently
stimulates gastrointestinal motility (peristalsis). In addition, magnesium ions may
also stimulate the activity of nitric oxide (NO) synthase, which promotes colonic
secretion. Furthermore, Mg2+ ions somehow cause the release of CCK, which
causes intraluminal accumulation of water, electrolytes and intestinal motility. If
the colon is doing its work well, it means that detoxifcation at the cellular level
can also be expedited, thus the importance of magnesium in regulating the fows
of the cells and body-total. To rectify the aging and disease process we need to
increase the integrity of our cell membranes and receptors, and reverse magnesium
defciency and overcome cellular dehydration. Thus we need fsh oil and other fat-
soluble antioxidants to build and preserve cell membranes.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organic sulfur compound which softens
cell walls so it may help reverse the effects of membrane hardening due to oxidation.
It makes the walls of individual cells more permeable. This means that the cells
can more easily get rid of toxins, and the cell can also absorb nutrients more easily.
This characteristic of increasing permeability of cells explains its ability to relieve
pain. Infammation of joints is often also caused by toxic accumulationMSM
is a powerful detoxifer. The amino acid creatine increases the water retention of
the cells. We can add small amount of MSM and Magnesium citrate along with
the Himalayan Salt to our drinking water. Also we must adopt a magnesium rich
raw diet, because magnesium is generally lost in cooking.
The main thing to remember is that green vegetables are good sources of
magnesium because the center of the chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium.
Half a cup of spinach is 80 milligrams of Mg. Other magnesium foods include
almonds, brazil nuts, wheatgerm, wheat bran, seeds, millet, seafood, fruit (especially
the skins) and hard water. Raw cacao (chocolate powder) contains the highest
magnesium of any common food. Besides lowering blood pressure and increasing
blood supply to the brain, cacao also alieviates depression by increasing serotonin,
and it is a powerful antioxidant. David Wolfes Natures First Law Raw Organic
Chocolate Powder is the best on the market because it is cold-pressed to make
sure the processing occurs at a low enough temperature to keep taste and nutrition
at an optimum!
sprouting and GrowingI am a big advocate of adding the minerals to our
sprout/wheatgrass system to maximize assimilation, with the least amount of stress
on the kidneys. We might focus on increasing the Magnesium in our food growing
arena because the chlorophyll of plant protoplasm has magnesium that is the
most readily available to the body. For gardening the most common magnesium
fertilizer is dolomite lime that provides both Ca and Mg and neutralizes soil
acidity. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is also a Mg fertilizer but tends to acidify
the soil. Researchers show that phosphorus (P) is crucial for Mg uptake by roots,
and even if roots can absorb the Mg from the soil, it is not carried to the higher
plant-parts if the plants are defcient in P; so you might want to add some rock
phosphate to your soil. Organic banana skins and potash can be added to the
compost for potassium. In Search of the Worlds Best Water,
by Bill Sardi The Miracle of Magnesium, Carolyn Dean Great Information on Magnesium
Part V
mecHanism oF KUnDalini
Zero to 3 Years
The primary matrix of brain development from zero to 3 years has a huge impact
on our entire lives. allan schore suggests that the core of our sense of self lies in
the patterns of emotional response (affect regulation) experienced in infancy and
that this regulatory capacity is responsible for the maintenance of the continuity
of the sense of self. Once laid down in the frst few years of life, this original non-
verbal, prerational stream of emotion resulting from the infant-caretaker bond
continues throughout our life to be the primary unconscious motivator in our
relationships, having profound impact on our self-esteem and ability for intimacy,
trusting and bonding.
It is the experiences of early childhood that create the foundational organization of
neural systems that will be used for a lifetimeWhile many more well-controlled studies
are needed, it is likely that certain brainstem catecholamine systems, for example, the
locus coeruleus nora adrenergic, the limbic areas, the amygdala, and the neuroendocrine
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and cortical systems involved in regulating stress
and arousal, maybe altered in traumatized children. Dr. Bruce Perry
Allan Schore stresses the role of the attachment processes in the infant-caregiver
interactions in determining the neurological bridge between emotion and reason
built as the infant develops. The physical and social context provided by the
caregiver to the infant is an essential substratum of the assembly of the brains
primary matrix (zero-3 years). Schore states both the obvious and the ineffable
when he says that a brain can only develop in the context of another brain and if
isolated would become very atypical.
Lack of loving emotional regulation in the infant from insuffcient mother-
child bonding reduces the lush development of the connections between the right
orbital complex and the limbic brain (Scaer) and interferes the perfection of the
pleasure circuitry between the cerebellum and prefrontal lobes (Prescott). These
attenuated neural networks mean that kindling in the amygdala and temporal
lobes is more likely to occur since the control of emotion by the cortex is not as
impactful as it would be in a brain that is developed under loving primal mothering.
The result being that those who experienced neglect, trauma, abandonment
in dysfunctional homes as a child are more likely to get epilepsy, seizures and
kundalini awakenings.
Timing is everything. Bonding experiences lead to healthy attachments and healthy
attachment capabilities when they are provided in the earliest years of life. During
the frst three years of life, the human brain develops to 90 percent of adult size and
puts in place the majority of systems and structures that will be responsible for all
future emotional, behavioral, social, and physiological functioning during the rest of
life. There are critical periods during which bonding experiences must be present for
the brain systems responsible for attachment to develop normally. These critical periods
appear to be in the frst year of life, and are related to the capacity of the infant and
caregiver to develop a positive interactive relationship. Dr. Bruce Perry
Myelination of the smart vagus occurs throughout the frst year after birth,
thus the neurology that governs ones potential for bonding, communication
and relationship is determined by the quality of mother-infant interactions. The
growth of the babys brain literally requires interaction with the brain of a caregiver
the context of a positive relationship. When this need is thwarted dysfunction
expresses itself primarily in the sphere of relationships, and this sphere is anchored
in the function of the right-brain. Maturation of the adaptive right-brains
regulatory capacity is experience dependent, and this experience is embedded
in the attachment relationship between infant and primary caregiver. The early
right-brain capacities are not only central to the origin of the sense of self, they are
required for the ongoing development of the self over the lifespan.
The nervous system of newborns lack the ability to buffer sensory signals, thus
over-stimulation of any kind will be experienced as pain; and stress hormones
further increase the perception of pain. High stress from abuse and neglect is
toxic to the infants brain, and neglect maybe even more detrimental than abuse.
Because a brain grows in association with another brain, caregiver induced trauma
is more harmful than any other stressor. Relational trauma in infancy interferes
with the maturation of the brains coping systems, and has an enduring negative
impact on developmental processes.
Since limbic regulation between parent and child directs neurological
development, social contact is necessary for evolving behaviors to assemble into
a functioning animal. Without parental guidance, neurochemical disjunctions
accumulate and budding behaviors coagulate into a mess with scant resemblance
to a healthy coherent organism and functional self. Thomas Lewis in A General
Theory of Love, says that rhesus monkeys reared in isolation, having been deprived
of early limbic regulation, become irretrievably neurologically disorganized and
lose the ability to modulate aggression, which prevents social cohabitation. He
points out that attachment IS physiology!
The development of infant-attachment and healthy socio-emotional
functioning depends on the presence of consistent, responsive, attuned, and
nurturing caregivers whose central task is to keep the child safe. Because the
mammalian nervous system cannot self assemble an initial optimal relational
environment is needed for proper cognitive and emotional brain development. To
establish a coherent and cohesive neural structure the mammalian nervous system
requires interactive coordination through synchronization with Attractor Figures.
Nature appears to have built our abstract and rational apparatus not just on top
of that of biological affect regulation but also from it and with it. Our rationality is
favored inextricably with the patterns of our emotions. Thus rationality results from
the seamless combined efforts of the neocortex and the older brain core. Alan Schore
The adaptive capacity to cope with change and stress is a right-brain function,
which is built up over time. The early postnatal period represents a crucial period
When our HPA axis is permanently fred up, the stress hormones inhibit and
cell division and growth in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Thus our brain
areas for rational thinking and memory atrophy and shrink leading to withdrawal
and depression. The big picture view of this shows an organism in defensive retreat
from life such that it reduces its organs of conscious perception and memory.
Modern life, with the Tiger permanently at our backs is depressing and repressing
us into living on the surface of our cognitive capacities. This hypertonality of
the autonomic nervous system constitutes what Wilhelm Reich called armoring
with infnite implications to the quality of the individuals life, and to our collective
culture as a whole. We know that neurotic armoring impairs both biological
regulation and integrative intelligence, and so the self in this circumstance has
less cognition of its various intelligences and cannot draw from the full depth of
evolutionary heritage.
Because sustained hypervigilance is so stressful, wasteful, enervating and
toxic, not to mention brain damaging, I believe kundalini is natures method
of giving us a second chance. It is my opinion that kundalini awakens in an
attempt to throw off this truncated wiring to allow the organism to become more
contemporarily responsive to its current environment, and to mature in a fashion
that is transcendent of its circumstances of origin. As such a kundalini awakening
constitutes an amazing act of Grace by the universe for the redemption of individual
lives. However in societies where kundalini is actively cultivated such as the Kung!,
or Eastern Cultures or Shamanistic lineage the potential for triggering kundalini is
obviously not determined by childhood malformation of the brain. The anomalies,
paradoxes and contradictions of kundalini can all be explained by the complexity
of the phenomena and the human organism and its function in general.
Considering that our frst few years of life are as radical dependents, if we not
given adequate heart-eye engagement at this point I think that a hole in the self
develops which makes us play out codependent, addictive, power games later on.
When the primary matrix is left wanting then we beget a society of two years olds,
having two years olds ad infnitum. People normally look at the symptoms (excess
weight, ADD, alcoholism, codependency etc...) without addressing the cause.
Much better to go directly to the original wiring that was abused or deprived
and address that. For example I see the main causes of obesity to be lack of breast
feeding and primal mothering messing up the pleasure centers in the limbic brain.
Coupled with urban living and TV-sedentariness. Dismantling the autonomic
pain-machine can take a long time. Witnessing it is good, but kundalini, raw diet,
breathing, exercise, intimacy etc... make the pain-body go away. I dont have much
pain-body left myself, but I would like to live a lifestyle that is essentially an anti-
pain-body lifestyle. Everything good must come out of that, and nothing good
would come out of driving ones organism like an old mule day after day without
giving it what it needs.
A lot of the damage that fetuses and infants undergo is not through human
evil but through deprivation out the ignorance of timing and development needs.
That is why I think a serious extended educational program via TV is essential,
for the general population will not get conscious child raising of their own accord,
PolYVaGal tHeorY
The researchers at Howard Hughes medical Institute, led by Bruce Lahn have
found evidence that the pressure of natural selection has lead to dramatic changes
in two genes known to control brain size in humans. Brain size or intelligence is
naturally selected for in evolution for obvious survival reasons, and larger brains
require more oxygen. Although the brain represents only 2% of the body weight,
it receives 15% of the cardiac output, 20% of total body oxygen consumption,
and 25% of total body glucose utilization. The larger the brain, the greater the
demand of oxygen and hence the more sophisticated the nervous system needed
to provide that oxygenthe evolutionary payoff for larger brain size of course
being survival. As a natural extension of mammalian evolution we can see that the
human neocortex was an inevitable consequence of evolutionary pressure.
According to the Poly-Vagal Theory during evolution the mammalian nervous
system developed two vagal systems. Built onto the relic of amphibians and reptiles
is an evolutionary modifcation unique to mammals. Looking at the history of
evolution Poly-Vagal Theory notes the importance of the need for oxygen in
evolving the mammalian nervous system. During evolution as the mammalian
nervous system got more complex than its amphibian and reptilian brothers, there
was a greater demand for oxygen. Porges says that it was this need for extra oxygen
that may have provided the evolutionary pressure leading to the development of the
highly adaptive and sophisticated autonomic nervous system found in mammals;
and that behaviors such as orienting, attention, emotion and stress are by-products
of the evolutionary pressure to optimize oxygen resources. The Polyvagal Theory
addresses the relative roles of the vagus nerve in energy conservation and survival.
In Stephen Porgess Polyvagal Theory he uses the term Polyvagal to distinguish between
the two main branches of the vagus nerve:
1: the Vegetative Vagusoriginates in the dorsal motor nucleus (DMNX),
descends visceral efferent fbers regulating smooth and cardiac muscle and is
associated with passive refexive regulation of visceral functions: peristalsis of the
GI tract, sweating, lungs, diaphragm, stomach. At the heart it is connected to
stretch receptors of the aortic arch and chemoreceptors of the aortic bodies and
is responsible for heart rate, dilation of blood vessels and blood pressure. The
output from the dorsal motor nucleus does not convey a respiratory rhythm.
The most primitive function of the vagal complex is the freeze response, which
is dependent on the unmyelinated vagus that is part of the reptilian system.
2: the smart Vaguswhich originates in the medullary source of the nucleus
ambiguus (NA), serving efferent fbers regulating the somatic muscles of
speech and eating: the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus. The ventral vagal
complex (including NA) related to processes associated with attention, motion,
emotion and communication. The functional output of the NA-vagus on the
heart is part of a common neuronal network producing a cardiorespiratory
rhythm. The most evolutionary recent componentthe communication
system functions through the new-mammalian or myelinated vagus that
regulates the heart and the bronchi to promote calm and self-soothing states.
In mammals the two vagal systems are neuroanatomically distinct, have different
origins, and are programmed with different response strategies and may respond
in a contradictory manner. Thus Porges attributes various medical disorders to
competition between DMNX and NA originating fbers. The different vagi may
have oppositional outputs to the same target organ. The vagus is a complex of neural
pathways originating in several areas of the brainstem. The vagus nerve consists
of afferent and efferent parasympathetic (acetylcholine) fbers that run from the
brainstem (medulla oblongata) down to the traverse colon and urinary organs;
providing both motor and sensory parasympathetic activation for everything from
the neck to the G spot. Efferent fbers originate primarily in two medullary nuclei
(NA, DMNX). The vagus is not solely an efferent or motor pathway, at least 80%
of the vagal fbers are afferent; that is they conduct impulses from the periphery of
the body to the brainstem.
According to the Polyvagal Theory the growth of the autonomic nervous system
evolves through three stages:
1. FreezeFirst a primitive unmyelinated visceral vagus that fosters digestion
and responds to threat by depressing metabolic activity eg: freeze response.
2. Fight-or-fightThe mobilization or fght-or-fight is dependent on the
functioning of the sympathetic nervous system; increasing metabolic output
and inhibiting the visceral vagus to foster mobilization behaviors necessary for
3. communicationThe third stage, the mammalian myelinated vagus,
can rapidly regulate cardiac output to align with the environment and is
associated with cranial nerves that regulate sociability via facial expression and
Stephen Porges points out the phylogentic hierarchy of response to challenge: The
hierarchy emphasizes that the newer circuits inhibit the older ones. We use the newest
circuit to promote calm states, to self-soothe and engage. When this doesnt work, we use
the sympathetic-adrenal system to mobilize for fight and fight behaviors. And when
that doesnt work, we use a very old vagal system, the freeze or shutdown system.
Stephen Porges suggests that the true freeze response is dangerous to mammals.
For example, high tone in the dorsal motor nucleus vagal system maybe lethal
in mammals through an overdose of the immobility response overdose. Whereas
high tone from the NA-vagal system maybe benefcial in adaptive signifcance of
mammalian affective processes including courting, sexual arousal, copulation, and
the establishment of enduring social bonds. In the development of enduring pair-
bounds the mammalian vagus communicates safety and trust, via oxytocin and
vasopressin, between the hypothalamus and the medullary source nuclei of the
viscera vagus.
Porges suggests that we use our higher cognitive processes to calm the stress
response and establish effective connections with others by using our facial muscles,
making eye contact, modulating our voice and listening to others. In this way we
increase the infuence of the myelinated vagus, which calms us and turns off the
stress response and makes us more metabolically effcient. He says the social neural
circuit supports our health through its calming infuences on the heart and lungs
and its reduction of HPA axis activation.
The vagus is asymmetrical with the left and right sides performing different
tasks, with the right vagus most active in the regulation of the heart. Primary
emotions are related to autonomic functioning since they are often survival related,
they must be integrated into the regulation of the heart and lungs. emotions have
a right limbic bias, as does the brainstem medullary structures controlling visceral
function. Only when the environment is perceived as safe is there cortical
regulation of the visceral pathways, because while under threat, cortical control
of brainstem structures would compromise the individuals ability to mobilize.
Therefore when stressed or in danger, cortical control of brainstem is inhibited
and the brainstem structures are disinhibited to allow the sympathetic nervous
system to effciently increase metabolic output.
Stimulation of the ascending fbers of the vagus releases norepinephrine into
the amygdala strengthening memory storage in regions of the brain that regulate
arousal, memory and feeling responses to emotionally laden stimuli. These
ascending fbers is how the peripheral epinephrine from the adrenals released into
the blood during the fght-or-fight response activates the release of norepinephrine
in the limbic system sharpening memory of the events. Since the adrenal hormone
epinephrine cannot cross the blood brain barrier it activates the vagus nerve, which
in turn stimulates neurons in the brainstem known as the Nucleus of the Solitary
Tract (NTS). This third medullary nucleus, located near DMNX, is the terminus of
many of the afferent pathways traveling through the vagus from peripheral organs.
Vagus afferent sensory fbers carrying information to the brain from the head,
neck, thorax, and abdomen relay information to the NTS. These NTS neurons
release norepinephrine into the memory processing areas such as the amygdala
and hippocampus to activate long term memory storage of emotionally laden
events. This explains why vagus nerve stimulation was found to improve memory
consolidation of recent events. Researchers found that by microinjecting the NTS
with either GABA agonists or glutamate antagonists, they thereby increased GABA
or decreased glutamate in the NTS and this blocked seizures.
stephen W. Porges, Ph.D. found that he could improve autism by stimulating
the newer structures and prompting the social engagement system with the use of
acoustic sessions using frequencies associated with the human voice. Check out
Stephen Porgess fabulous papers on the web.
ViVa la VaGUs
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is now being used for depression, seizures
and eating disorders. Although the precise mode of action of VNS is not known,
researchers suggest that VNS increases seizure threshold by causing widespread
release of GABA and Glycine in the brain. Reported changes in blood fow in
the cerebellum, thalamus and cortex might activate inhibitory structures in the
brain reducing seizure kindling. One VNS study showed mean seizure frequency
We do not have metamorphosis, metamorphosis has us. It is Kundalini
itself that is the Guru and teacher, question and the answer. You make way for
Kundalini, you get out of the road, you stop resisting, you learn to ride the power...
but the idea of controlling it is naive. In pure Necessity, kundalini will only take you
through events and intensity essential to the development of the Self. Kundalini
is a runaway train that one spontaneously has to learn how to drive. However the
more one learns how to drive the train the faster it goes. But if one defaults and
resists learning how to drive the train, it ends up derailing in a crash. Friction and
diffculty occur not so much from the process itself but from our conscious and
unconscious interference with it due to not understanding what is going on or
where we are going.
Because metamorphosis assumes precedence over all other life processes it will
continue by drawing energy from other functions. This loss of normal function
could pose as a crisis for those whose circumstances cannot accommodate such a
shift. A steady increase in the diffculty of meaningful work is perhaps one of the
most essential components of navigating the storm of awakening successfully and
re-integrating oneself into purposeful relationship to the world. The fact that we
are most often forced to make a living is a saving grace to those recovering from
kundalini for it forces us out in relation to the world. Studies show that doing
complex work as a main occupation lowers our risk of Alzheimers disease. The
researchers theorize that performing complex tasks may have an exercise-like effect
that builds up the cognitive reserve in the brain. This is reinforcement for the old
axiom what you dont use you lose.
If we have had a trauma background there will be a need to do more orbitofrontal-
limbic neural networking by engaging in such activities such as bonding, playing
with kids, animals, martial arts and coordination, motor skills, sensory stimulation
work etc.... BEFORE you do any primal therapy and de-repression work. Normally
emotional regulation and the orbitofrontal-limbic link are built within the course
of healthy family life. But if there was abuse or defciency in this you must build
up your container yourself as an adult. Then you can go do peyote, rebirthing,
holotropic breathing and other primal therapies. First build then regress, build,
regress and then all that terror (protest-despair) contained in your original wiring
will be released in a manageable fashion. If you do the primal therapies without
doing the orbitofrontal work as well, (when normal consciousness is perturbed by
whatever means) your limbic brain and brainstem will just take over and act out,
for they are trying to purge your original traumatic memory.
Because the activity of the limbic brain and brainstem is greatly activated
during Kundalini awakening, this offers the perfect opportunity for old neurology
to take wholesale control over your normal cognitive functions in order to
express its protest. It does this because our normal repressive mechanisms are
usually very strong and keep it down. The stronger your repressive mechanism
(despair-freeze) the more powerful the force below needs to be to knock it out of
commission in order for it to be heard. And one way or another that traumatized
infant and child WILL be heard. Perhaps you could fnd some compassionate,
creative, playful and safe ways for the child to be heard, without having to give
your life over to that infant to do so. That is to consciously go towards the child
with open arms, rather than locking it up in the dungeon and treating it like a
dragon. You know how when you stop running from the demons in your dreams,
they turn out to be allies.
If you are in complete biological crisis you may need a temporary surrogate
mother or father fgure to help you to learn to self-regulate your autonomic nervous
system. Any compassionate person with a reasonably well-developed, coherent
nervous system and vast understanding can serve as a ballast. By undergoing the
crisis in emotional tandem you will probably avoid things escalating to madness,
prevent brain damage through panic and avoid becoming prone to seizure. If you
are in crisis go immediately to the foundations of biological existence and pay close
attention to things like the following:
BioloGical imPeratiVes to selF/UniVerse UniFication
These factors need to be available on a daily basis
At least a half hour a day of unfltered sunlight on the entire body.
Natural light source throughout the day.
Exposure to the energy felds and emissions of trees and plants.
At least half hour of lying and sitting on the ground/grass.
Negative ion rich air from fowing water sources.
Bioactive vortexed solar/lunar negative-charged drinking water.
Raw-remineralized, colorful, varied biodynamically grown food.
Aerobic and strengthening exercise in nature.
Sun meditation on setting and/or rising sun.
Freedom from pollution, noise, traffc vibration.
Freedom from electronic EMFs, Xrays, artifcial lights.
Any deprivation of these conditions will mean suboptimum biology for spiritual
realization and chronic deprivation leads to breakdown of the organism and
following generations. Stay focused on something to look forward to, something
you want to do, build the image of that up in your mind, write it out and start
making plans. As soon as you engage yourself into some future fun thing, your
body-mind-spirit will come together. Your energies cannot ascend coherently
unless you are using active imagination in all fve senses to visualize where you
want to go, who you want to be, and what you want to do. Kundalini does us,
we do not do it...the more we realize this, the further along we get with it.
Dont panic, the energy of your state will tell you exactly what to do if
you listen deeper and deeper. Long walks in nature will dissipate the most
tenacious panic attacks.
Drink two glasses of water and lie on the grass under a tree. Breathing
harmony, order, peace through the heart and into your solar plexus.
Focus on something specifc to look forward to, something you want to do,
even if it is just daydreaming, in order to move your body-mind-spirit into
coherent clarity.
Try and get some sun on your naked body about half an hour a day
sunbathing either early or late in the day would be ideal.
Get someone to massage you regularly, or massage and stretch yourself and
take long Epsom salt baths.
Do the Inner Arts and especially the Pot of Gold, dropping further into the
felt-sense intelligence of the body. Placing what you think is the antidote state
or emotions into your organs.
Play soothing music such as Byron Metcalf s Wachumas Wave, Steve Roach,
Deuter, Amethystium, Enya, Liquid Mind, Evanescence. Hearts of Space
Responsibility is the ability to respond to openness and sensitivity
to the Real. One of the most useful psychology books is Reality Therapy, A New
Approach to Psychiatry by Dr. William Glasser. You might fnd relief in the idea
of increasing ones sense of responsibility as being central to improving mental-
emotional health and the potential for happiness in life. Glasser says that we are
irresponsible and behave badly not because we are mentally ill, but that we are
mentally ill because we are irresponsible. He also wrote The Identity Society and
Choice Theory.
Magic individuals who create their own destiny and are masters of their fate draw
from the strength of the positive current. The Magic of Everyday Life, Maria
Szepes. Perhaps my very favorite book.
Thriving in Transition: Effective Living in Times of Change, Marcia Perkins-Reed
Oshos lateral mind and all embracing permission are the perfect antidote to the
punitive spirituality and repressive social structures of Western society. Thus Oshos
spoken voice and writing is very reassuring to anyone in crisis mode. Especially his
Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic, and Body Mind Balancing
insPirinG meDia: When in crisis seek out good news Positive Psychology lectures by Tal-Ben Shacher. Interviews with inspirational people John-Michael Dumais www. Jeffery Mishloves inspiring series Progressive podcast programs John-Michael Dumais audio
present. This creates an entirely new consciousness that has never occurred in ones
history, yet may have features similar to infantile being. This loss of the sense of the
known self (ego) is standard procedure in many of the extreme kundalini events
and in the overall metamorphic process itself. Contributing to this perturbation
of consensus-adaptive consciousness is both the extreme amplifcation and
expansion of consciousness during peak events and the consequent damage done
by neurotransmitters, free radicals and metabolites. The higher we climb above
the norm, the further we thus fall into the downside of these acute neurological
events. This is the shamanic journey into the heavens and then into the hell realms.
Both extra-normal conditions could be classed as regression by an ignorant observer;
but both high and low are equally part of the path toward the emergence of the life
of the Soul. There must indeed be a suspension or cataclysmic breakthrough of the
norm for the infnitely larger souls life to be born. So rather than regression in
the service of the ego, we could more aptly state that during a kundalini awakening
we undergo suspension of the ego in the service of the soul.
For those that are breaking out of consensus mind and who are leaning toward
infation or the schizophrenic end of the scale, this vulnerable condition is NOT
the time to be intensive meditation, shadow work or primal processing. For
these people stabilizing and structure building is needed more than uncovering
therapies as the interpenetration of the levels of consciousness proceeds. Humor,
because of its trickster element is a great tool for establishing rationality, because
laughter builds up the prefrontal lobes. The practices for the periods of unstable
integration between the levels of consciousness should be of an embodiment and
boundary building natureof self-defnition through internal exploration via neo-
shamanistic practices of a self-originating nature. The work of Miguel Ruiz, Byron
Katie and Alberto Villoldo would be valuable at this stage to establish the self/
other boundary and build up the core-self.
Therapists attending to people undergoing kundalini awakenings could beneft
from reading Ken Wilbers writings on schizophrenia such as Chapter 17 of The
Atman Project entitled Schizophrenia or Mysticism. He says that in his opinion
the perturbation or derepressive mechanism of a schizophrenic break comprises
of a dual process, whereby the conditioned self begins to regress to lower levels of
consciousness, while simultaneously being fooded by aspects of higher subtle
realms. That is as he drops into the lower submergent subconscious the higher
emergent superconscious invades him. Wilber stresses that there is both a disabling
of the adaptive functions and cohesiveness of the ego structure, as well as an
infux of the spiritual dimension. Perhaps the rationality and ego structure of the
schizophrenic is not developed or strong enough to fully integrate this bidirectional
expansion of consciousness.
I think that awakening from normal consciousness runs on a scale between
schizophrenia and mysticism and each of us has a gravity to a particular point on
that scale. But throughout the duration of an awakening we may sometimes be
closer to the schizophrenic end of the scale and sometimes closer to the Mystic
end of the scale depending on how stable and adaptable the rational faculty is at
the time.
Some of the chemistry could be similar between kundalini and various mental
illnesses, because of kundalinis perturbing revelatory quality, nothing is left unseen
and unfelt within one...there is no where to hide. The former repressive hold of the
ego is released by the dissolution and so the psychic tension is let whatever
form we have stored within us. Relationships are particularly good at triggering
kundalini awakenings because our brains primary matrix is constructed in
relationship to our primary caregiver in infancythus relationship later in life
can trigger the release of incredible psychic forces bound up in such complexes as
avoidance/attraction, double-bind, relentless dilemma, rejection and abandonment.
Complexes, are webs of associations created by intense or repeated activation of
an archetype. Psychic storms based on these kinds of primary archetypal patterns
build slowly over the course of a life, underneath the repressive lid of our egos
coping mechanisms and defenses.
One wonders what is left after all our compensations and camoufages are
penetrated; is there a life at all if we are not doing all this secondary work of trying
to prop ourselves up, defend ourselves or kill ourselves? But unless things build up
to popping point, unless kundalini sparks up, we will remain in the clutches of
the vice that we built to protect ourselves from the reality we were born into. The
ego will not voluntarily go into that hole in our primary matrix...spirit however
willingly goes there in equanimous embrace to fnd light in the dark. Kundalini is
a spiritual force that arises spontaneously to save ourSelf from our self.
If you are intent on cultivating kundalini and you have experienced abuse,
neglect or abandonment in childhood, or exhibit borderline personality disorder
or PTSD symptoms, it would be advisable to frst work on removing body armor,
undergo structure building for the identity, and group gestalt and relationship
work. If you have any form of unstable psycho-emotional condition, symptoms
will inevitably be exaggerated during a kundalini awakening. One reason could
be due to reduced central serotonergic neurotransmission which may inhibit the
prefrontal lobes from acting to damp the activity in the limbic brain, reducing
the ability to suppress negative emotion, plus the impact of our conditioning is
reduced during kundalini resulting in less psychological structure.
If you are congenitally schizophrenic, or interpret events in a mythic or highly
personal way then it is best to steer clear of trying to raise kundalini, because the
self is just not strong enough to ride out the dissolution of self and the intensity of
archetypical psychic contents that arise during an awakening. Kundalini is a radical
amplifcation of our subjective eye and subjective experience that is why those
with unstable neurology can be driven over the deep end. I think this is probably
what happens in the majority of mental breakdowns. Under kundalinis insidious
power even the strongest brains can fall into morbid-grandiose-hypersubjectivity
and think that the universe is made for them and that they control the weather
and the stars.
I think this state of pathological grandiose infation is the fate of many
a Guru and rather than true transcendence it represents infantile fusion and
indissociation, that is magically and mythically charged (e.g. the purple and
red in spiral dynamics). Indissociation is the term used by the Swiss psychologist
arcHetYPal matriX
The Dreamer who dreams our dreams knows far more of us than we know of it.
R.D. Laing
There are common themes in the symbols and archetypes that arise during
the energy fux of both kundalini and schizophrenia. As these images arise
biochemically within us they themselves become the resonant flter via which
we fnd synchronous information and events in the outer world to reinforce the
energetic power of the archetype we are preoccupied with. This process of alchemy
via correspondence between the inner and outer worlds is highly geared into the
visual cortex. We project our interiors and this adds fuel to the heat of our internal
fame. During high kundalini fow and in dreaming the repressive mechanism of
the prefrontal cortex (Superego) is reduced and we have more access to potent
dream visuals, visions and the full spectrum of psychic supersensesincluding
precognition (temporal penetration) and bio-telepathic-navigation (nonlocality/
spatial penetration).
Dreams are refections of the archetypal psyche. We cannot fail to notice that
our dream life is inclusive but transcendent of who we are as conditioned beings.
Dreams offer us a deeper human experience and understanding than we can arrive
at during our waking state. They have originality, depth, genius, profundity and
transpersonal meaning way beyond anything arrived at via the intellect. Dreams
impact us at a species level to affect alchemical transformation via emotional-cellular
retuning and processing. Since dreams are our greatest teacher, that means that the
archetypal layers of the psyche are actually superior to the intellect and the rational,
associative mind is a mere student or tool of this mind beyond the mind which is
inconceivably vast and unfathomable. If we were exposed to the full impact of this
greater mind without our normal restrictive flters we would probably never return
to the limited state that we call sanity. Because the complexity, interrelatedness,
exquisite beauty, portent and love of the archetypal realm of the Gods would be
such a shock to our habituated dissociation.
sYmBols oF tHe collectiVe Dream
Positive ImagesCenter, return to beginnings, lost paradise, logos of origins,
the egg, new society, new humanity, New Jerusalem, new earth, new birth, Divine
child, Mary and child, sacred marriage, androgyne, apotheosis as God or Goddess,
king or queen, deity or saint, hero or heroine, messiah, one chosen for leadership.
Quadrate fourfold structure to the World, law of One, play of the opposites.
Negative ImagesFire, the snake, chaos, lost, no nurture, decay,
dismemberment, death, dissolution in the Void, dangerous abyss, falling, cosmic
confict, Armageddon, world domination, triumph of the Antichrist, evil ruler,
threat of the opposite, supremacy of the opposite sex, fool, clown, ghost, witch,
puny outsider, stranger danger, UFOs, alien invasion, abduction, stuck, suffocation,
possession, malevolent entities.
These various symbols also arise in the collective daily consciousness as impulses
of joint active imaginationthere is indeed probably a progressive spiral pattern
to the successive emergence of these various inspirational symbols above and
beyond the interference of media. They are contagious chemical, quantum, and
visionary impulses that arise during certain periods, as nested archetypal memes
arising spontaneously from the Void impacting us all. They are probably keyed
into cosmic and annual solar/lunar cycles also. It is through the madness of this
kind of collective waking-dream that events like the holocaust or wars in general
are undertaken.
We can run into trouble with patterns of cyclic metabolic disturbance if the
interpretation the subjective experience of our awakening remains in the mythic-
archetypal realm, by being possessed by the fgments of our alchemical imagination.
With the perturbation of consensus mind and the sometimes instantaneous
new levels of sensing and consciousness, we must then learn to recognize this
newfound awareness in rational, Higher-Self accepting terms. To avoid spiraling
into prolonged metabolic and cognitive chaos we must accept these new levels of
awareness and physiological condition as coming from us and not from an alien
entity or God. That is we must claim responsibility for our Self as it incarnates
at an accelerated pace and not project the cause of our condition onto external
people, entities or events, thereby giving away our power.
Schizophrenia, in a way, is the inability to awaken to the dream through
wholesale embeddedness in the content of the symbolic nature of the mind itself.
We are not really rational (sane) until we can rise above and witness our own
mental content objectively and disembed from our archetypal matrix. Mind
content seeks loving self recognition, thus if we apply meta-consciousness to our
thought processes and say something like I see you to acknowledge our thinking
(states), then we have more self-determination over our sense of well-being. This is
what Michael Brown does in the Presence Process. If you look at relationships in
terms of their archetypal meaning and in the context of the Heros Journey, you
can generally work out what needs to be done to gain mastery in the situation.
How is the way you use your mind going to serve yourself AS the world?
As an integrated human we can still have our story, but we must keep it in
its place by running it through a progressively rational interpretation. For it is this
rationalizing process that integrates the archetypal imaginal world (reptilian/old
mammalian brain) into the 21st Century prefrontal lobes. In schizophrenia the
individual has no objective distance between him and the objects or contents in
his mind and by being perpetually and totally engrossed in the internal drama his
biochemistry spirals out of control leading to catabolic breakdown of tissues and
affecting long term cellular and neurological processes and structures.
Chronic illness can occur due to the presence of self-generated biotoxins
which the body is unable to eliminate. These biotoxins can be cause and effect
in cyclic periods of mental illness as well as physical disorder. Endogenous toxins
are produced like ammonia, methylmalonic acid, free radicals; and an acid pH
generates a different kind of metabolism. Studies in rats show that all catecholamines
(excitatory neurotransmitters) including norepinephrine (NE), dopamine, and
epinephrine, are toxic to neurons as well as glial cells. Plus neuron excitotoxicity
also occurs with excess glutamate and nitric oxide. Biochemists and physiologists
are now recognizing that these regulators or products of their metabolism as
potential endogenous toxins. Other potential endogenous neurotoxins include:
tetraisoquinolines, beta-carbolines, methylimidazoles, tryptamines, and biotoxins
produced by intestinal bacteria and these are just a few.
Certain levels of these compounds exists in a healthy organism, but when they
are over produced they can generate pathogenic toxic products under the action
of certain conditions such as mental disorder, stress, infection, alcohol or exposure
to drugs or exotoxins and pollutants. Using our mind in ways that perpetuate
metabolic toxicity creates enterometabolic disorders which have a relationship
to infammation, musculoskeletal pain and degeneration, suppressed immunity,
autoimmune disorders and lowered fertility. Using our mind in healthy ways lowers
the bodys burden of metabolic toxins, which in turn reduces the infammatory
(See Toxic Brain Syndrome and The Ammonia Hypothesis in BOK-2) The connection between
pathogens, biotoxins and infammatory and immune disorders.
arcHetYPal FiXation
If we lack powerful connection to our Muses higher art and purpose, this
can lead to the energy of awakening remaining in the symbolic phantoms of our
archetypal matrix. The elevated energetic activation of the autonomic-medulla and
emotional-limbic brain can hold us captive, running out their own dramas. In a
sense these captivating fgments are not us, but programs entered into us via our
origins and our position in the collective unconscious. If we can objectively gain
distance from the content of our mind and emotions, we can then be still enough
for our higher purpose and spiritual vocation to emerge from the maelstrom.
Human life is all symbols. Its all just plastic mind-stuff. We live in a mind soup of
psychoconfabulation. The art to life is to disembed from the symbols of mind-stuff
so that we can use them, instead of being used by them. Archetypal fxation is a
major roadblock to transpersonal growth.
Because there is an amplifcation of our archetypal matrix when we are running
high kundalini, we need to develop greater myth witnessing skills and become a
more conscious observer of our movie, and therefore be a more conscious director.
You can fesh out the nature of your specifc archetypal matrix by looking into the
dynamics of your parents, your family role, fairytales you were attracted to as a
child, favorite icons, Theocosm of the Gods, angels, deities, the Tarot arcana and
your dreams. By doing this you can more clearly see the reason for the dramas,
people and situations you attract while in your peak kundalini energy and more
resourcefully deal with the sociobiological aspects of your awakening.
The mystic is an occultist who has dis-identifed from form and symbolism.
The mind you see is an archetypal imagery device, but the mystic is identifed
with the process or context of consciousness not its contents. The mystic sees
through the archetypal forms of reality to the process of life itself. The content of
the mind is entirely a refection of how the mind works. The purifcation process
of kundalini reveals this how of the mind and in this we are released from its
My interpretation of archetypes is mostly through going through my own
amplifed archetypal matrix during the second awakening, and through the mystical
dissection of my dream life. I am the worlds foremost advocate of consciously
working with the archetypal matrix and not being unconsciously embedded in
it. In this way we rise above problems of projection, myopia, lack of farsight and
interpersonal problems that hold us back from our growing edge. This present
hydrocarbon civilization is coming to an end through its own undoing because
it lacks the ability of farsight. The systemic and interconnecting problems, the
solutions which just create more problems...these are generated from a culture
that is not set on a strong foundation of logic, of causal origins, universal morality,
farsight and long range planning. Without the humanizing principle of farsight,
humanity can only be predatory, parasitic and pathological.A great book on how
archetypes play into spiritual alchemy is Tarot and Individuation: A Jungian Study
of Correspondences with Cabala, Alchemy, and the Chakras by Irene Gad.
arcHetYPal ValiDation
Validation allows completion of archetypal pattern cycles, because you cant
complete what you negate. So we must honor the symbolic nature of the mind and
work with its story making functions to our best advantage, to arrive at mythic
resolutions to our life-themes. However subjective fxation on archetypal symbols
and patterns themselves, amounts to a stagnation of the fow in the alchemical
psyche and the cessation of growth toward spiritual maturity and deeper humanity.
Thus we must embrace and validate in order to complete.
For the initiate there is a lot of support out there nowadays, through various
kundalini institutes and Spiritual Emergence Network SEN in various countries.
The psychotherapy industry is slowing addressing the issue of spiritual awakening.
But there is a danger that because psychotherapists are trained in pathology not
human excellence and evolution, that they will treat kundalini as though it is a
disease. Believe me when one is studying pathology one takes on a bit of the stigma
and paranoia of the pathology. While individuals in the throes of an awakening
are as sensitive and vulnerable as they will ever be, great care should be taken to
reassure them and not drive their chemistry into a paranoiac downward spiral.
Also the energy and cyclic fow of the awakening should be honored, if the process
is countermanded, contested and stopped this can cause grave danger to the
The archetypical content should be respected and perhaps seen through
various lenses, but it should never be dismissed as delusion or mere projection. If
this happens then the whole cascade of chemistry that packs enormous energies
and psychic forces can be prematurely defated and then it turns into a self-
destructive bomb in the bodymind of the awakener. Consequently this can lead to
such a devastating production of free radicals and catabolic agents that the mind
reality and so spontaneously grow an ever new reality. As Jacques Derrida says,
In order to authentic, ones belief in God must be subjected to absolute doubt. Thus
we grow a core self and self-esteem that is not based on idealism and fear, but
generated from a union with truth itself. The word Satnam means that Gods
Name is Truth. Shaping our fate is a constant battle with determinism. Our only
chance to liberate ourselves exists in the penetrating the truth of our present reality,
recognizing it, taking action, struggling to attain.
You can get to the heart of your archetypal matrix (life-story) and your stance
in the world by fguring out what your primary desire and primary aversion is.
Your entire experience, both internal and external, will be a refection of these two
opposing aspects. Once these are brought to the forefront of the mind, you can
then learn to befriend them, stop resisting them and creating more playful space
and a laissez faire attitude around them. Also be aware that we tend to turn into
that which we resist, so you will have to accept and love through that hardness
in you that has developed around your primary desire and aversion. Through
emerging from embeddeness in ones archetypal matrix, the dream of our waking
life and the waking of our dream life are revealed.
Trials of the Visionary Mind: Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process; by
John Weir Perry
The Living Labyrinth: Exploring Universal Themes in Myths, Dreams, and the
Symbolism of Waking Life, Jeremy Taylor
Also Volume 5 of Carl Jungs Collected Works: Symbols of Transformation.
The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience, by Ralph Metzner
The Myth of Meaning in the Work of C.G. Jung by Aniela Jaffe
Ego And Archetype by Edward F. Edinger Pantheon:Archetypal Patterns in
Nature and Man by Richard Alan Miller
The matrix is becoming cognizant of itself
Past present future as one
Threads interwoven throughout eons
Inevitabilities and synchronicities
Moving to loves beat
Allowing the unfolding of the hidden
The vague horizon beacons
Drawing us forth to the precipice
Lemmings to the opium ocean
Awakening in the dream
tHeraPeUtic Facilitation
Primal tHeraPY
Primal Therapy covers the basic needs aspect of developmentif such needs
go unmet pain is laid down in the brain and pathologies develop. Work on the
primary matrix of our initial neural development always has to be returned to prior
to any signifcant movement ahead in development. As such one cannot even really
say that it is regressive; it is more like overhauling and shoring up our foundations.
I like to think of it as contemporary dissolution to provide the space for new
patterns of growth. The old must be released for the new to be born.
The memory of birth represents an important reservoir of diffcult emotions and
physical sensations that can contribute later in life to the development of various
forms of emotional and psychosomatic disorders. Reliving and integrating pre- and
perinatal traumas can have very benefcial effects; it can result in healing and profound
psychospiritual transformationAnd a diffcult birth and poor postnatal circumstances
can constitute a profound trauma that colors the entire life history of the individual.
Stan Grof
The only contraindication for conducting primal therapy during kundalini
awakenings is to not do so during either radical high or low events. Besides chemical
and diet intervention there are many behavioral activities one can undertake to
increase neural detoxifcation and speed recovery such as: any exercise, hanging,
alternating hot and cold, dancing, breathing, singing, toning, drumming, spinal
shower, hydrotherapy, cathartic emoting, gestalt and voice dialogue role playing,
rebirthing, bodywork, tantric sex and enjoyable social events. I would like to add
shopping, but I think this errs on the side of being just a temporary fx.
Someone who has been bound in chains their whole life can never know what it
is to experience psychosomatic freedom, and such freedom must be reached before
forgiveness or en-lightenment is possible. The deprived child doesnt know what
is it is missing, it only knows there is pain. Arthur Janov a leading proponent of
Primal Theory says that repression of pain is the hidden force behind illness and
that feeling this pain is the end of suffering. This primal work always has to be
returned to prior to any signifcant movement ahead in development. As such one
cannot even really say that it is regressiveI like to think of it as contemporary
dissolution to provide the space for new patterns of growth. The old must die for
the new to be born.
Dr. Arthur Janov believes that repressed pain splits the self into two warring
factions, which represent the neurotic or divided self; creating the menial mind
of compartmentalized man. On the inside is the real but hidden self loaded with
needs and pain that are repressed and on the outside is the unreal coping self
that attempts to deal with the outside world by trying to fulfll unmet needs with
neurotic habits or behaviors such as obsessions or addictions. Primal pain is the
result of needs and feelings that have gone unfulflled in early life. Trauma, neglect
or feeling unloved as a child are examples of such pain. Because the child is ill
equipped to deal with such pain it is anaesthetized, repressed and stored away.
It is this stored pain that makes us lose access to our feelings and become numb
and neurotic.
Janov found that even though it is not felt, a biologically charged memory
still remains in the system, reverberating on lower brain levels and arising as a
set of diffcult symptoms whenever stressors are encountered. He found that
irrespective of whether the pain is manifest in the body or in the mind, the person
is not himself; there is a dissociation and dis-integration which is global. Both
emotional and physical pain deform cells and cause alterations which show up in
body function, body structure, health, personality and behavior. The subliminal
memory of pain shapes our interests, values, motivations and ideas. Janov found
with Primal Therapy that by reliving these traumas, patients can return back to
early events and know how they formed certain behavior and symptoms. Having
addressed the reality of the pain and released the charge individuals where better
able to move beyond their wounds and integrate their true self. Dr. Arthur Janovs
new book Primal Healing. And Why You Get SickHow You Get Well by Dr.
Arthur Janov, and reviews some of the basic theory behind Primal Therapy. www.
HolotroPic BreatHWorK
Holotropic Breathwork is likely to offer a similar perturbation of the
compartmentalized-neurotic ego that drugs like ibogaine would, plus raise energy,
and metabolism necessary for neural restructuring to resolve the hypertonality of the
vagus and Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. I am not saying that breathing is a
form of drug, but that a benign intervention such applied breathing is likely to heal
the cerebellum area and reset/rewire the vagus breathing neurology. Pranayamic
breathing is one of the main keys to successful navigation and integration of a
kundalini awakening, and also key to purposefully bringing on increased kundalini
if so desired. (See Polyvagal Theory)
Our experiences with Holotropic Breathwork have validated the concept of
spiritual emergency both theoretically and practically. They have confrmed that
the phenomena that occur spontaneously during transformative crisises are normal
constituents of the human psyche and not artifcial products of some exotic pathological
process. The spectrum of holotropic experiences is practically identical with that of
spiritual emergencies; the fact that such simple means as an increased rate of breathing
can induce them certainly takes away much of their pathological sting. And indirectly,
the therapeutic and transformative potential of Holotropic Breathwork is in full accord
with the with the assumption that the same is true for most spiritual emergences. 263,
Christina Grof and Stanislav Grof, MD, The Stormy Search For The Self.
Stan and Christina Grof have a lifetime of research into the therapeutic,
transformative, and evolutionary potential of kundalini and spontaneous episodes
of non-ordinary states of consciousness or spiritual emergencies. With the current
global spiritual crisis we are in a dramatic race for time with nothing less at stake
than the survival of humanity and life on earth. Grof states in his speech that if a
suffcient number of people undergoes a process of genuine inner psychospiritual
off chemistry to normal faster than toning, probably due to increased oxygen,
plus the extra movement of CSF and increased glandular and ionic infuence on
this fuid that baths the central nervous system. Coupled with the sound vibration
entraining brain syncopation between the hemispheres and various regions of the
Garwin Redman says that the more the heart is put into the toning the better
the results, thus Intention while toning magnifes its effect. Its putting the
heart into the sound that really wipes the slate clean, although sometimes its hard
to put the heart into it, or stay conscious while toning depending on how off
(discordant) we are when we do it. Persistence will bear fruit because toning is
one of the fastest ways of recovering deep alignment. Toning is also a signifcant
way to stabilize our courage and heart opening and overcome the magnetism of
Thanatos and addiction. One can just imagine that the sound vibration is acting to
clear metabolic detritus out of the synapses, increasing syncopation of neurons and
tuning the brain to optimum functioning. Toning allows the brain to let go and
the heart to entrain the brain in its frequency. (See Vibrational Universe p.290)
Lack of inner division creates the Nectar of Grace as a consequent of sympathetic
resonance of syncopated nerve activity. When the brain is undivided it no longer
goes through its cycles of neurotoxic build up, one is thus able to transcend ones
reptilian reactivity to society and the world is made sweet around one. Any real
transformation or evolution is a leap in the dark. On Whole-Seeing, the unifed
mind can see things whole and we no longer fear the Unknown. According to Hans
Jenny toning the vowel sounds of ancient languages such as Hebrew, Sanskrit,
Egyptian, Tibetan and Chinese may have a greater effect. Its not the words, but
the intent, vibration, coherence or degree of sympathetic resonance created in the
body via the use of sounds.
soUnD tecHnoloGY
Because of the power of brainwave technology to change brainwave frequency,
increase synchronization and decrease hemispheric lateralization, there is great
potential with sound to facilitate stabilization during an awakening and bring
about a more speedy and enduring higher homeostasis. With such binaural beat
sound programs as Holosync, Brainsync and Hemi-sync we might be able to bring
about even greater benefts than a radical kundalini crisis, without the crisis.
With such sound technology new neural pathways are developed which facilitate
the awakened mind state. That is similar degrees of Beta, Alpha, Theta and
Delta occurring simultaneously and in relative balance between the left and right
We produce less of the hormone precursor DHEA as we age, and DHEA acts as
a buffer against stress-related hormones such as cortisol. Research at Centerpointe
Holosync found that their binaural brain wave technology reduces cortisol, while
increasing both DHEA and melatonin. As the brain waves slow to delta, alpha
and theta the hemispheres synchronize and the brain balances, resulting in whole-
brain functioning. Whole-brain functioning is associated with increased creativity,
insight, gnosis, learning ability, problem solving ability, memory and vision.
Whole-brain functioning is the opposite of stress. See Quantum Mind BOK-2
for more on this.
Since the chemistry created by such brain tuning reduces cortisol, increases
DHEA and increases melatonin, it is apparent that use of such sound programs
during kundalini could act as a buffer to reduce the intensity of the extreme highs
and lows. It seems to me that the ecstatic peaks would be more grounded in
everyday consciousness (Beta) and with a more stable Hypothalamus-Pituitary-
Adrenal Axis we would not have to endure extreme versions of panic or Dark Night
experiences. Plus use of the Alpha-Theta band that gives us the increased psychic
activity during the peak, would continue its presence after an awakening, so we
will not have to endure the feeling of falling from Grace. Plus Delta frequency
associated with deep dreamless sleep, witnessing and unity consciousness would
remain somewhat consistent throughout and thus the intensity of the exhaustion
phase may be reduced, with its alienation, separation and depression that often
arises on the defation or down-cycle of an awakening. Using Beta wave may
help reduce certain kundalini symptoms such as confusion, lack of attention and
inability to spiritually navigate.
The greater the lateralization in the brain, the greater the feelings of separation
and the greater the feelings of separation, the greater the fear, stress, anxiety, and
isolation. Bill Harris. Thresholds of the Mind.
GAMMA 40 HZ, BETA 14 - 40 HZ, ALPHA 8 - 14 HZ, THETA 4 - 8 HZ,
DELTA 0.5 - 3 HZ
In Eric Bravermans book The Edge Effect, he has developed protocols for
balancing the four main brain neurotransmitters largely by nutrition, behavioral
and lifestyle changes. Balancing the brain thus affects practically everything in
human life: aging, intelligence, behavior, relationship, physical health, spiritual
attainment and creative output. With Bravermans model we can see that our
personality is determined by our balance of the four neurotransmitters which
dictates the speed, voltage, rhythm-(calmness) and harmony of our brain. Going
with Bravermans model of the four quadrants of the brain relating to the four
Serotonin---Occipital lobe---Delta---Increased harmony
GABA---Temporal lobes---Theta---Increased calmness, rhythm
Acetylcholine---Parental lobe---Alpha-Beta---Increased brain speed
Dopamine---Frontal lobe---Beta-Gamma---Increased voltage
The drug Ecstasy is a Dopamine drug known for its pronounced heart-brain
effects and increased visual acuity (transcendental vision). Dopamine is associated
with gamma wave. Dopamine is a reward chemical associated with pleasure,
movement, appetite and motivation. Dr. Daniel Amen says ADHD and ADD
is mainly a dopamine defciency problem. Dopamine is related to Gamma, and
Gamma 40Hz--60Hz is the binding frequency that helps to synchronize the whole
brain. I do know that Beta-wave is used to treat ADHD, and that fetus and babies
have lots of theta wave. Obesity is also linked to defciency of dopamine due to
lower levels of dopamine D2 receptors.
In the book SQ, Spiritual Intelligence by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall they
talk about gamma-wave (40Hz) as being the binding resonance that coordinates
the different receptor/thinking functions of the brain, producing a cohesive picture
of reality. Researchers have found that schizophrenics lack this gamma range
from 30 to 100 brain waves per second-that healthy brain cells use to exchange
information about the environment and form mental impressions. The people
at say that gamma 120-500Hz is related to PSI, elemental
transmutation and transmutation.
Research shows that monks in active-compassion show high gamma in their
left prefrontal lobe produced by Heart-Brain synchronization. Richard Davidson,
neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin, has found that Tibetan monks who are
advanced meditators produce high-frequency gamma waves in their left prefrontal
cortex when focused on unconditional compassion and readiness to help living
beings. Previous research by Davidson showed the left prefrontal cortex as a region
associated with happiness and positive thoughts and emotions. Whereas the right
prefrontal is associated with threat response, negative emotions and anxiety. There
was much greater activation of fast-moving and unusually powerful gamma waves
and the movement of the waves through the brain had greater organization and
phase-coherence. These intense gamma waves have been associated with knitting
together disparate brain circuits and so are connected to higher mental activity and
heightened awareness. It is not surprising that it was the advanced monks who had
spent the most years meditating who had the highest levels of gamma waves and
phase-synchronization even when not meditating.
epsilon and HypnogogiaThe lowest frequency brainwaves so far discovered
are Epsilon measured at 0.5Hz or below. I suspect that Epsilon represents the
state of hypnogogia and gnosis. The wave works with a carrier Theta Wave to
promote healing and shamanic trance states, OBEs; it coordinates left and right-
brain activity, produces nirvana, samadhi and gnosis or spiritual insight. In the
epsilon state self-centric awareness disappears, body sensation is reduced, with
sensory impressions diminishing as you descend to deeper levels. In general, the
deeper your brainwaves, the greater your psychic abilities will be. Psychic data
gathered in epsilon tends to be correct, allowing high quality psychic performance
levels. Delta and Epsilon states are used when you need high-level information
or wish to effect things via the Law of Attraction. While the majority of daily
living must still be done in higher brainwave states. Ten seconds of delta waves in
the temporal lobes of a Transcendental meditator correlated with the meditators
peak experience. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson. The Theta, Epsilon and
Lambda meditation CDs are in the Meditation section of his product list. Also
check out the NASA sounds of the planet CDs in the ambient sound selection.
Part Vi
sUPerFlUiDitY anD KUnDalini
In my opinion kundalini awakenings are associated with a tumescence of the
blueprint of the bodymind. Within this amplifed morphogenic feld the cells set
about changing and reorganizing themselves to convey the upsurge of consciousness
or Spirit. During this period of increased spiritual feld there is greater vibration,
rhythm, correspondence and communication between atoms, cells and organs.
This is tacitly undeniable to anyone going through a kundalini awakening through
an amplifed sense of aliveness, feeling and senses. In fact it is this intensifcation
of sensation and function coupled with the abrupt breakthrough into expanded
states of awareness that is most disturbing about the experience of kundalini, for
we are so used to living in the half-death of collective conditioned fog. This higher
integration is concurrent with increased psychic, extrasensory abilities, such that
as we integrate our internal organism, we delve more deeply into the collective
interiors of the human race and the globe. Through the elevation of the personal
we access the transpersonal and tune into the Global Brain.
A good word to describe this amplifed of being during metamorphosis is
superfuid. We can assume that cell membranes become more permeable, including
the blood brain barrier. Polarities become more pronounced, increasing the ion
exchange and current fow between them. The felds of the organs, plexuses, brain
and the body must be greatly expanded and magnifed. There must be increased
nutrient and waste product exchange coupled with greatly increased enzymatic
action and oxygen usage. ATP and glucose metabolism must be at an all time high,
as on every level we become more alive and awake.
The cavity within the center of the spinal column itself both makes and contains
cerebrospinal fuid. The super-charged body and expanded heart-feld must act like
a cyclotron (particle accelerator) on the spine. The cerebrospinal fuid probably
becomes supercharged with ions and laden with neuropeptides, during activated
periods, cumulating in a crescendo with inner-conjunctions. At the height of the
awakening I imagine that the cerebrospinal fuid becomes laden with amrita, or
nectar of the Gods, that is saturated with ions, endorphins, glutamate, NO and
various neurotransmitters.
Along with circulation of this fuid up the spine and around the brain cavities,
the increased permeability between the cerebrospinal fuid and the blood following
histamine release, could allow the elixir to fow within the bloodstream as well.
After it bathes the brain and spine CSF is reabsorbed into venus sinus blood via
arachnoid villi projecting into the superior sagittal sinus. This amrita in the blood
then would hyper-relax the entire bodymind and thereby energy is conserved and
accumulated for the inner-conjunction. Supplanting the normal laborious fow
of energy through nervous tissue this spark, reminiscent of lightning, zaps many
volts through the organism. Like lightning the spark could comprise of wave pulses
of energy between the positive and negative poles, but moving so fast as to be
perceived as one ongoing current.
Changing the voltage across a neuron membrane opens channels that allow
various kinds of ions (including calcium ions) to enter and leave the neuron. The
membranes conductivity to ions is voltage dependent. The movement of ions
(which constitutes an electric current) then causes further changes in the membrane
and so onthus perpetuating a superfuid, supercharged state. With kundalini it
feels like ones atoms are spinning faster and the body is more spacious.
There are references in the texts, especially those on Tantric Kriya Yoga on
the magnetizing and ionizing of the cerebrospinal fuid (CSF). This ionized fuid
then awakens and transforms the brain and broadens the range of conscious and
sensory perception. Apparently even breathing ionizes the CSF. According to
Ipsalu Tantric Kriya Yoga a technique called the cobra Breath pulls magnetic
energy into the spine, ionizing the spinal fuid and allowing the kundalini to rise,
bathing the brain in magnetized fuid and transforming consciousness. Check out for more information on this. All breathing, chanting and
toning techniques will aid in elevating and integrating consciousness through
increased ionization and energy, thereby deepening and expanding levels of
Besides changes in the cell receptors other changes in the cell membranes would
fuel the confagration of superfuidity. Changes in the bio-chemical and EMF
environment of the cell, along with increased temperature, hydrostatic pressure and
osmotic pressure would lead to changes in the lipid composition and permeability
of the cell membrane. This change in the cell membrane would in turn contribute
to an upsurge in the rate/activity of cellular energy generation and metabolism.
Thus creating a feedback relationship that would maintain hyperactivation until
the resources necessary to perpetuate this contagion are depleted. If however
lifestyle is such to maintain high cellular energy levels without damage to the cells
themselves, then the alchemy of transmutation could proceed at a quickened pace
indefnitely. By feeding the life harmonicwe feed our Spiritual attainment.
The radionics genius George Lakhovsky (1925) says that the amplitude of cell
oscillations must reach a certain value for the organism to be able to repulse the
destructive vibrations of pathogens. He proposed a universal law of healing which
states that healing is achieved by reinforcing the healthy oscillations of the cells,
rather than attacking the pathogens themselves. In Lakhovskys words ...the cell,
essential organic unit in all living beings, is nothing but an electromagnetic resonator,
capable of emitting and absorbing radiations of very high frequency.The medicine
of the future, and indeed all aspects of culture (technology, housing, transport,
energy, agriculture etc...) will be primarily focused on generating the most
biophilic vibrations and conditions. If we create a biophilic culture we eliminate
the conditions that breed disease, crime and this way we free up our minds,
hearts and resources to build a sane global village that enhances and liberates the
spiritual potential of each individual.
electromaGnetics oF KUnDalini
If you wish to understand the secrets of the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and
vibration. Nikola Tesla
The bodys EMF requires ions in the air through which to fow. The higher the
ion count the higher the fow in the EMF. The higher the EMF fow, the higher the
energy generation of the cells and the higher the energy of the nerves, which means
a correspondingly higher EMF fow as well. The EMF or nadi egg comprises the
sum total of the bodys energy generation and conductivity. This explains why we
are automatically more connected, awake, intelligent and spiritual in high negative
ion environments. That is around moving water, in forests, in the country, the
mountains and in sunlight. Our EMF has more of a medium in which to fow
and this ups all the energy exchanges in the bodymind. Modern cities, deserts
and much of our technology, transportation and architecture are anti-evolutionary
for this reason, for they lower the ion count of the air and increase the % of
positive ions we are exposed to. (see The Ion Effect by Fred Soyka and my book on
regeneration for more ion info).
Remember that the heart cells are the frst cells to form in the embryo, so the
body grows and is organized in the heart feld. The heart has a much larger EMF
than the brain, so one can imagine that during metamorphic heart expansions the
heart has a radically increased feld. This increased heart feld would reorganize the
matter and energy in the body (transfguration). Key to the transmutational ability
of kundalini is that DNA is EMF sensitive, as is RNA and protein synthesis in
general. EMFs induce cell differentiation and morphogenesis.
Blood moves through the heart and vessels in a vortex-fow. Joseph Chilton
Pearce in Biology of Transformation p.57, mentions that inserting a single ion into
such a vortex will create a powerful electromagnetic feld. During kundalini the
blood and cerebrospinal fuid are laden with extra ions, thus these ions in the fow
of blood would increase the EMF of the heart and blood vessels. This increase
in the heart EMF of the expanded heartfeld is most certainly involved in the
increased supersensory, telepathic and empathetic awareness that occurs with
awakening. The stabilization of this increased heart EMF propagates substantiated
evolutionary and transmutational changes in the bodymind, for the body grows
within the feld of the heart.
The crown and root poles meet in the inner-conjunction through a rhythmic
attunement of all the oscillating systems at a certain frequency, and perhaps in
a certain sequence of frequencies. All complex electric systems in the body have
their own feld systems because a current creates a magnetic feld. So that means
that nerves, ganglia, plexes and the brain itself all have their own feld systems
that combine into the meta-feld system of the body. The power of the inner-
conjunction literally pulls all of the oscillating systems into sync, thus feeding its
own fame. Normal waking consciousness and ego activity prevents the syncopation
needed to let all the bodymind systems fall into this higher alignment.
As the vibratory systems go into sympathetic resonance, the heightened felds
restructure matter to accommodate the increased feld. The more this occurs the
more the heightened spin and vibration is stabilized thus we achieve stages, rather
than passing states. This process of feld amplifcation and matter restructuring is
known as eating ones soul. Other terms for it are metamorphosis, transmutation,
substantiation, and transfguration. We know something is going on in the
subatomic/atomic realms and at the cellular level but we dont yet know what this
alchemy is.
Since during peak kundalini awakening the body is digesting itself to provide
the energy for transformation and to rebuild the organismthere is energy available
for the transmutation of elements. Normal level nervous system operation and
gastrointestinal tract digestion would not provide either the quantity or quality
of energy needed for this process. But at a certain point of readiness the body just
naturally falls into the groove, the fame ignites and we become a transmutation
Robert Becker found that altered states produce measurable electrical changes
in the body; and he discovered that voltage patterns in the life-feld changes with
the change of a single gene. Our mental states affect all our cells and through
EMF changes, no doubt affect gene expression. Becker and others found that
most cells in the body act as semi conductors, carrying weak electric currents over
long distances as well as within the cells themselves. Another interesting fnding
Dr. Becker made was that disintegrating tissue has a positive electrical charge and
regenerating tissue has a negative charge.
tHe ViBrational UniVerse
From the quantum perspective the universe is a meshwork of interconnecting
interference patterns of energy felds. Because our own energy feld is amplifed
during kundalini we have a far greater sensitivity to the vibrational universe. Energy
waves are a more effective and effcient method of information transmission than
the locks and keys of physical matter. After all radiant energy travels at the speed
of light. The energy ocean both informs and creates our physical matrix. Some
of waves that affect life include, light, sound, radio, microwave, extremely low
frequency waves, gravity waves, scalar and cosmic rays.
In Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton says that receptors read vibrational energy
felds such as light, sound and radio frequencies, and if the receptor is attuned
to the particular frequency it can alter the proteins and change the shape of the
receptor. This is one of the ways our cells are impacted by the vibrational Universe.
Thought waves and emotional waves being of obvious importance in the feld
effect on biology. We are immersed in living felds of vibrational information.
Specifc frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA
and protein syntheses, alter protein shame and function, and control gene regulation,
cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis (the process by which cells assemble
into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, nerve growth and function. 111, Bruce
Lipton, Biology of Belief.
Considering that the bodys energy feld, and the heart in particular is greatly
enhanced by the extra nerve fow and metabolism of kundalini we can assume
that there is increased informational communication via energy waves and the
alteration of receptors and all body processes. This amplifed energy feld effect is
the foundation of the metamorphic process. And because there is a self-reinforcing
feedback loop between the generation of increased feld and the supernal alteration
of body tissue, this is why full-on awakenings last for such an extended period.
The sensory organ that perceives soul is the heart. The heart sense works by
aesthesis, or by breathing in. Thus the term aesthesis is similar, if not identical to
Robert Heinleins word Grok. That is, the direct perception and understanding
of the world via Whole-Seeing. That is, when the heart entrains the brain we
become sensitive to Depth or the spiritual dimension. aisthesis is gnosis of The
Good, The True and The Beautiful through the empathetic direct perception of
the heart. Only the Heart can grok the ineffable through direct perception.
The Nondual Jung termed Pleroma, where nothingness is the same as
fullnessan Absolute in which there is no division between subject and object.
Jung intuited this nondual Pleroma to be a collective transpersonal reservoir, an
ocean of collective unconscious. From this omnipotent universal Pleroma our
individual psyches coalesce around attractor archetypes. In this sense Jung
was approaching the Buddhist axiom: Emptiness is Form, Form is Emptiness.
Although we only vaguely know what we are talking about, today we refer to this
storehouse of consciousness as the Universal Mind or Global Brain.
The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic feld of the body, and this feld
becomes more coherent as consciousness shifts from the brain to the heart. This coherence
signifcantly contributes to the informational exchange that occurs during contact
between different electromagnetic felds. The more coherent the feld the more potent
the information exchange. 108, Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Secret Teachings of
Plants, the Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature;
During heart entrainment when the brain wave patterns are embedded
within the larger feld of the heart, information processing is very different. With
entrainment the heart and brain oscillating together. When neurons in the brain
entrain to the heart, their fring timing alters, and this timing of neuronal fring
conveys several times more information than the fring count. Hippocampal activity
increases signifcantly when the heart becomes the dominant oscillator. Increased
demand on hippocampal function from feeling the world through heart-centered
cognition stimulates stem cells to form new neurons in the hippocampus. Heart
coherence also reduces cortisol production thus enhancing hippocampal activity
as well as boosting the immune system. With heart entrainment, brain chatter is
reduced and there is more connection between brain and body.
However when the brain becomes the dominant organ and the heart is entrained
to the brain, the heart begins to lose its coherence. The more the heart entrains
to the brain and the longer it does so, makes the heart less sensitive, less variable,
more dissociated and basically less intelligent as an organ of gnosis. The focus
of consciousness in the brain leads to an increased disconnection between brain
and body. Since the hearts entrainment of the brain gives us the widest range of
consciousness, sensitivity and health it is obviously supposed to be the dominant
oscillator. It is after all the seat of the soul and the organ for Whole-seeing.
Spooky Action at a Distance
The maintenance of connection and coherence between separate objects at a
distance is perhaps the most profound phenomena discovered by science. David
Bohm called it quantum interconnectedness or non-local correlation. It is becoming
apparent that the nonlocal nature of the Universe itself is the causal mechanism
behind ESP, primary perception and instantaneous empathetic communication
in life. Because of their supersensoral abilities, kundalini actives would make ideal
participants in telepathic communication studies. We all are a tuning fork for the
cosmos... it is just that with the amplifed feld and energy of K...and the fact
that the tissues are opened, resonant and receptive, we pick up everything to a far
greater degree, especially during the peak.
Investigation of the nonlocal nature of consciousness is the most intriguing and
perhaps the most sacred subject in science. Back in 1957 physicist John Wheeler
suggested that the mechanism of PSI lies in the geometry of spacetime itself, not
in electromagnetic felds. In his view chemistry and physics that is matter, charge
and electromagnetism are merely the bending of space! He called his theory of the
systematical identifcation of matter with space, Geometrodynamics. Wheeler
however abandoned his theory in the early 1970s when Geometrodynamics failed
to explain some important physical phenomena, such as the existence of fermions
or that of gravitational singularities. In 1979 Wheeler spoke to the American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), asking them to expel
parapsychology, which he deemed to not be a proper science. But with the new work
of Nassim Haramein we may yet see how aspects of Wheelers Geometrodynamics
Theory and the spacetime foundations of Psi could be accepted as the next great
paradigm in science, philosophy and theology.
Nassim Haramein is a brilliant contemporary physicist working on a geometric
model of the Grand Unifed Theory. Along with E. A. Rauscher, Ph.D., Haramein
set out to fnd the fundamental forces necessary for spin and claim to have
bridged the macro and the micro by adding spin to the Theory of Relativity. They
say space-time curvature generates gravity as a density increase in the presence of
matter-energy. With the torque force of the curvature of space increasing as density
increases. Thus spin comes from a change in the density or gradient in the geometry
of spacetime. If we could more fully understand how consciousness is tied into the
fabric of the Universe, the human species could be transformed by this knowledge.
Delving directly into the mysterious force that we have intuited as God, Allah or
Buddha, we could develop technologies of soul which would unveil the mind-
blowing enigma of life and consciousness. Through this ultimate investigation we
would realize greater respect for the earth, all that is living and ourselves.
Limitless Mind, A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness by
Russell Targ. Beyond the event Horizon book by Nassim
Haramein coming out this year. Also see DVD.
Bio-liGHtninG eFFect
This is a preliminary piece on the strange phenomena of human lightning that
is associated with kundalini energy.
Louis: A few days ago at about 5AM, while in my bed, lightning struck my right
hand. It was the most pain Ive felt all at once, truly like lightning. It wasnt from the
sky and it wasnt of God. This was not Love. When this thing hit me I immediately got
to my feet, reeling, and fung myself out of my room crashing hard into the door-frame,
cutting myself and smashing into the walls and a chair fghting with everything in me
for my soul. I swear to you this is how it felt. I was overcome by a malevolent spirit that
meant to harm me. I think for a few minutes I was dead, not alive because when I tried
to feel my heart there was nothing beating in my chest. I went to the hospital just to be
sure there was nothing wrong with the body and of course they said youre fne.
There was no appliance to electrocute me in my room and I have caps on the
outlets. I have been happy lately, really happy, and Im not on any drugs either. Im
very skeptical and nothing like this has ever happened. At frst I thought it was I who
had crossed some line with God, and I got zapped, but now I think it wasnt anything
I did. God doesnt do THAT.
Kundalini shows up in the weirdest of ways and human lightning is one of the
strangest. What must have happened to Louis is his body built up a charge, static
electricity is actually composed of separated opposite charges. The polarity in his
arm might have switched over at 5 am as the pituitary gland proceeded to set the
body for the waking state. The ions in the air in his bedroom must have provided
the means for the Zap, as the charge was trying to ground itself. So he was rather
like his own thunderstorm.
When these massive events happen we invariably think that it is some outside
entity, because we are so habituated to being our normal everyday self. No way are
we prepared to suddenly be awoken and struck by God, or anything else to such
a degree. When I had my frst spontaneous 10,000 orgs up the spine I thought I
had been struck by Godthere was no precedentI immediately entered a new
universe so to speak. The white-shock effect to part or all of the body, is the result
of self-electrocution. It is I think for want of a better name septic shock. My
whole body was in that state the morning I woke up from Sex with Eros.
When Louis when to the hospital and was asked for his address he couldnt
remember it, so that might be the left-brain that carried most of the charge from the
shock to the right arm. However loss of left-brain (directionality) would probably
occur with any kind of electrical shock. We might be able to tell which hemisphere
took the charge by looking at the size of the pupils are they the same size when in
the same light. Left-brain dominance is generally reduced during an awakening,
thus we feel a new Presence (the right-brain consciousness) with its heightened
emotional, sensoral and supersensory awareness. Over stimulation of the left-brain
to the point of incapacitation, thus permits a disinhibition of the right-brain.
I offered the following advise to Louis to help him recover from the event:
Rehabilitation will come a little faster if you do hand scrunches with a hand
squeezer. Push your arm against a wall or both arms against a doorframe...also put
your arm alternatively into hot and cold, but not too extreme. Get some Epsom
salts for your bath for the magnesium to relax those shocked muscles...and eat a big
green salad or wheatgrass every day till symptoms disappear. Take some lecithin
and Vitamin B complex. You may also might need to do some bilateral therapies
such as walking, swimming, dancing, tossing a ball from hand to hand, and boxing
perhaps, to help your rehab your right-brain.
Get some bodywork ASAP, and do some hot-tubing/water therapy if possible.
I recommend that you go bare foot as much as possible, especially outside at this
volatile time of year (midsummer) when the air is charged with electricity right
across the United States. Go lie on the grass once a day for 1/2 an hour and put
all parts of your arm on the grass. And drink lots of water to facilitate metabolic
recuperation. One of the possible causes of the shock might have been too many
H+ ions in the body (acid) due to dehydration. To avoid shocking yourself again
I would suggest either getting a negative ion generator or an indoor waterfall for
your bedroom and change all your surfaces over to natural products...cotton, wool,
wood, wool carpet etc... Put some leafy potted plants in your room also.
The phenomena of getting shocked by self-lightning is bioelectricity
bioelectromagnetism to be exact. Biophysics in itself is what is interesting, more
so than our symbolic/mythic interpretations. However it is good to see if and how
our brain is wired for victimhood under extreme conditions. To gain distance
we need to see that psychic and bioenergetic phenomena doesnt actually mean
anything other than the meaning we give it.
We have to understand the power of spontaneous alchemical imagination in
both creating and interpreting these extra-normal events and for this we need
a thorough grasp of Jungian archetype and projection.
Dreams, visions, lightning Zaps and visitations by apparent entities occur
simultaneous with peak alchemical events and cannot be phenomenally
separated from the event. Thus a chicken and egg situation occurs...and the
question arises of whether the dream/vision/zap creates the chemistry or does
the chemistry create the dream/vision/zap?
These events usually occur in the service of greater integration. If there is a lot
of damage/defciency in the limbic brain and brainstem then the archetypal
imagery, and entity-sensation will likely be scary, as the charge works through
the fear-response areas.
These events are real in of themselves, and the way to deal with them is to go
through them. That is to treat the apparition, feeling or archetypal-mythic
complex as if it were true and play in a gestalt manner with the drama of
it, as if in a Greek play. In this way the chemistry is resolved and the nervous
system is grown and stabilized.
While I say to play with it as if it were true if you really believe in the reality
of the scary entity without prefrontal-lobe detachment as well, then you may
propel yourself into a perpetual stress response which will be very hard to get
out of, and will ultimately lead to neuron damage and depression.
would like to meet the physicist that could explain that one. The highly energized
body must exhibit an opposite current and electromagnetic feld powerful enough
to cause the current to alter its course and to leave the wire flament and arc out
through the air.
A charged atom is called an ion. An atom that looses electrons has more
positive charges (protons) than negative charges (electrons), thus it becomes a
positively charged ion. Conversely an atom that gains electrons has more negative
than positive particles, that is if it picks up extra electrons it is a negatively charged
ion. Opposite or different charges (a positive and a negative) will attract, or pull
towards each other, while ions of the same charge will repel. The triboelectric effect
is a type of contact electrifcation in which certain materials become electrically
charged through friction. The amount of charge generated by the triboelectric
effect depends on the area of contact, the speed of separation (friction), relative
humidity, and other factors. During the summer when the air is more humid, the
water in the air helps electrons move off us more quickly, so we do not build up as
much electrostatic charge.
static electricity is defned as an electrical charge caused by an imbalance of
electrons on the surface of a material. This imbalance of electrons produces an
electric feld that can be measured and that can infuence other objects at a distance.
Once the charge is created on a material, it becomes an electrostatic charge
which may be transferred from the material, creating an electrostatic discharge
event. electrostatic discharge (ESD) is defned as the transfer of charge between
bodies of different electrical potentials. The most spectacular form of ESD is the
spark, which occurs when a strong electric feld creates an ionized conductive
channel in air. Electrostatic discharge lightning can cause minor discomfort to
people, severe damage to electronic equipment, and fres and explosions if the air
contains combustible gases or particles.
The best known example of a spark is a lightning strike. The earth is positively
charged and the bottom of a cloud is negatively charged. When the EMF of the
cloud is at a certain threshold, a bolt of lightning occurs. The spark is triggered
when the electric feld strength exceeds a certain threshold value in the air, causing
a rapid increase in the number of ions in the air (electrical breakdown), and
these free ions temporarily cause the air to become a conductor. Scientists dont
know what causes the air, which is normally an insulator, to collapse in electrical
breakdown and carry the charge of a lightning bolt.
The main effects produced by electric current are magnetism, heating, and
voltage drop across resistive conductors. Any fow of electrons sets up a combined
electric and magnetic feld around the current, which in turn affects other electrons
nearby. Electrons and protons carry electric charges of equal strength. When
electrons move away from an area, it becomes positively charged, and the area to
which they move becomes negatively charged. Direct current is a more or less even
fow, as opposed to the instantaneous discharge of static electricity as sparks or
lightning, or the alternate currents that power most our appliances. If there is no
conductor the electric potential between two objects can build until a violent burst
of current equalizes the charges, such as when bio-lightning strikes.
The biophysicist Fritz Popp has pointed to the conditions which must be fulfilled
such that all these complex processes occur in a controlled way. There must be an
intimate coupling of cell-to-cell-communication, which, according to his calculations,
can only be possible when the key control processes occur at the speed of light. Any
other means of information transmission, including biomolecules, chemical
messengers, and so forth, would not be sufficient. They would be too slow to guarantee
the integrity of the organism. Wolfgang Lillge, M.D., Vernadskys Method:
Biophysics And the Life Process
During certain phases of metamorphosis the entire skin of the body radiates,
it seems to shine with an inner light. Some of the causes of light emerging from
the skin of those illuminated with kundalini is the UV from extra cell division,
microwaves from tissue under stress, more electrons transmitted through proteins
resulting in photon emission and an increase in scalar waves due to the higher
morphogenic feld/EMF.
Directly following an Inner-conjunction the body looks like it has been fried
or electrocuted; probably due to the fact that NO is a free radical gas. The body
is so electrically charged that ones hair sticks out. Plus the irises of the eyes are
lit from within by an internal light. It might be due to extra cGMP from the
radical NO metabolism of the inner-conjunction, for cGMP is involved in retinal
phototransduction. This is perhaps due to free electrons or photons generated
within super-charged proteins (*see quote by Stuart Hameroff ). This heightened
fow of electrons through the interiors of protein molecules could be the source
behind the luminous glow (aura, halo, aureola) of spiritually lit individuals. When
kundalini and bliss is up, there will always be an associated glow to the skin.
According to the biophoton theory, biophoton light is stored in the cells of the
organism - more precisely, in the DNA molecules of their nuclei - and a dynamic web
of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA may connect cell organelles, cells,
tissues, and organs within the body and serve as the organisms main communication
network and as the principal regulating instance for all life processes. Marco Bischof,
Biophotons: The Light In Our Cells,
The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton feld are
closely related to its base in the properties of the physical vacuum and indicate
its possible role as an interface to the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and
consciousness. The enlightened one inhering in the Heart, sees the light of the mind
merged in the light of the Heart, like the light of the moon in the daylight. Ramana
Maharshi. Ramana says...enlightenment is the merging of the light of the heart
and brain...this is when the protein molecules are lit with energy, ie: with electrons
being conveyed through the central channel of the protein...the whole body
thus becomes a radiant quantum sun. Hence the shine of people in the height
of metamorphosis...the hyper-merger of the heart-brain, stomach-brain and the
head-brain is just symptomatic of the whole bodymind going into this synergistic,
amplifed communication, superconductivity, bliss buzz we call enlightenment.
According to Hameroff we produce light and are lit up like a light bulb. The
following quote by Stuart Hameroff is key to the whole metamorphic process, and
the reason why people going through certain stages of metamorphosis shine light.
As Conrad describes it, proteins and nucleic acids are extremely complicated
nonlinear systems, each with tens of thousands of electrons, protons and neutrons
(Conrad, 1996). Some intra-protein electrons are very delocalized and are now known
to tunnel long distances through hydrogen bond pathways. Electron delocalization
also occurs in surface electrons (which cannot closely follow any specifc nuclei) and in
aromatic (electron resonance) ring structures in amino acids tyrosine, phenylalanine,
tryptophan and histidine. These comprise water-free hydrophobic pockets within
protein interiors, precisely where general anesthetics act (apparently by limiting
electron delocalizability). Conrad observes that signifcantly delocalized electrons
which accelerate relative to their nuclei must then absorb and emit photons whose
frequencies cannot be precisely accounted for by the rotational and vibrational
transitions of the nuclei. Conrads model of quantum protein computing argues that
superposition of electron states contributes to interference effects that jiggle the nuclei,
in particular the hydrogen bonds, and thereby open up new pathways of conformational
self-organization. Parallelism of the electronic wave function is thereby converted
to a speedup of protein conformational dynamical function. Stuart Hameroff
At any rate, living cells produce coherent light with a laser like activity. This
coherence serves as a control for the metabolism of the cells, regulates growth, and
fixes the reproduction rate. Further, the cell exhibits superconductive behavior. Popp
found that a living organism in fact possesses a living aura, a virtual electromagnetic
field that pervades the entire organism with a virtual photonic flux. In this field,
virtual photons are stored. The field continually receives inputs (virtuals) from
the environment and is continually outputting biophotons, particularly in the
near ultraviolet. This field, in which all cells are bathed and with which they all
continually intercommunicate, tends to stabilize and cohere the organism.
Tom Bearden
Fire, the inner fre, is the most potent of all forces, for it overcometh all things and
penetrates all things of the Earth. 14, Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean by
The Secret of Light by Walter Russell
The Electric Nature of the Universe by Walter Russell Walter Russells correspondence course
The Healing Fire of Heaven by Joseph Michael Levry
As the nadis become flled with prana, the body becomes rejuvenated from
within. It becomes strong and frm, with all the suppleness of a child. P.28, Swami
Muktananda, Kundalini, The Secret of Life.
Prana is a Sanskrit word literally meaning life force the invisible bio-energy or
vital energy that keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. Prana
is similar if not identical to Wilhelm Reichs orgone energy, which he believed to
be in constant motion, nonentropic and responsible for the creation of matter, and
serves as a medium for electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena. There are
many terms for subtle energy, including Od, orgone, scalar waves and tachyon and
etheric energy. In various places around the world the life force has been called:
JapanKi, ChinaQi or Chi, GreecePneuma, PolynesianMana, Hebrew
Ruah, EgyptKa, HindusPrana, DruidsNwyvre, North AfricanBaraka,
Pueblo IndiansPo-wa-ha, IroquoisOrenda, and to the SiouxWaken or
In Hinduism, Prana is the infnite energy of which matter is born. Also
interpreted as the vital, life-sustaining force of both the individual body and the
universe. The word frst arose in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly,
physical realm, sustaining the body and is the mother of thought and thus also of the
mind. Prana, as the fuel for all energy and motion, is said to be what distinguishes
a living body from a dead one. In the Yogic tradition a period of increased Prana
is known as Pranotthana, this refers to a kundalini awakening.
Prana suffuses all living form but is not itself the Atma or individual soul.
According to the Eastern worldview prana is understood to fow through a network
of channels or meridians, called nadis. The three main channels are: the ida, the
pingala, and the sushumna. The ida and pingala channels are said to correlate with
left and right uni-nostril breathing. The control of Prana is achieved (initially)
from the control of ones breathing (Pranayama). In yoga, pranayama techniques
are used to control the movement of these vital energies within the body, which is
said to lead to the increased vitality of the practitioner. Self or Atman is the eternal
center of consciousness, which was never born and never dies. It is the deepest
light shines through the koshas, and takes on their colorings. Prana constitutes
the second sheath (kosha). Kundalini is energy but it has an impact on and is
generated by (cause and effect of ) all the koshas:
1. Annamaya Kosha Physical (Gross Body)
2. Pranamaya Kosha Energy (Vital Air Sheath)
3. Manomaya Kosha -Mind (Mental Sheath)
4. Vigyanamaya Kosha - Wisdom (Intellectual Sheath)
5. Anandmaya Kosha Bliss (Causal Sheath)
In his book Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, Mircea Eliade said that in the
Shamanistic, Hindu and Buddhist traditions there is emphasis on generating the
inner fre by various meansone of the most typical yogic-tantric techniques
consists of producing mystical inner heat. One of the ways this is achieved is
through both breathing (pranayama) and the suspension of breath (kumbhaka).
Another is through meditation on the very nature of the fre. By insight
meditation on glowing coals and seeking deeper meaning of fre on the physical,
astral and causal planesone gets the sense that ones own internal fre is not
separate from the manifest fre of the universe. The ancients knew that life itself is a
process of burning or of oxidation. Through fre meditation the aspirant gains lucid
penetration into the essence of fre beyond symbols, imagination and associations.
We would call this the breakthrough epiphany of going from doing/thinking to
Eliade talks about Tapas (heat or ardor) through which the acetic becomes
clairvoyant and even incarnates the Gods; for when the small self is transcended we
see with the Eye of the Universe. Eliade tells us that Kundalini moves in the central
channel of the spine (sushumna) by the force aroused by the mind, the prana is draw
upward through the sushumna as a needle draws a thread. Kundalini is awakened
by yoga positions and breath withholding until the prana becomes absorbed in the
Void (Sunya); that is in mahasukha, the Great Bliss which destroys all sins. The
Mahayana Buddhist scripture, The Heart Sutra, explains that all things are sunya
or Emptiness because they are unborn, uncreated, unproduced, not annihilated,
not impure, and not pure, not increasing and not decreasing.
Obviously here the Hindus and Buddhists are not saying that energy (prana)
is absorbed back into the vacuum (Void), but that consciousness enters absolute
Unity Beingotherwise known as Samadhi. Atoms in a high spin state do change
their relationship to spacetime and zero point energy, so there is probably some
profound quantum changes at this most extreme of all bio-conditions. Other
meanings for samadhi are: union, totality, Absolute Unitive Being, meditative
absorption or enstasis and conjunction; subject and object become One. There is
an excellent article by Michael Comans on Samadhi here:
The one thing that does have to be elaborated is the difference between the
physical Void and subjective Emptiness...while they are metaphorically similar they
are not the same thing. And yet the highest states of consciousness may indeed be
drawing on zero point energy. When in Samadhi one is not contacting the zero
point energy void so much as transcending thought because a brain so lit up with
energy is not capable of thinking...with the thinking mind gone, then the Witness
comes to the fore, and one realizes that there is Consciousness Without Thought.
This consciousness of course is unbounded, infnitely spacious, completely without
identifcation and encompasses total freedom, and so is spoken of as Emptiness.
However while in Samadhi or inner-conjunction ones physical form is in its
highest rev state and has a different orientation and interaction with the physical
Void/Zero point energy. The quantum realm cannot be denied in any kundalini
theory, and we can say things for sure like proteins are rapidly ordered by quantum
tunneling processes. It is apparent that the physical world is the encrustation of
quantum reality. And so we can say that we are going back to our SOURCE
within during inner-conjunctions/Samadhi. We are in a sense experiencing as far
as the human organism is possible to experience both the impact of the physical
Void and subjective Emptiness.
Prana (coherent superconducted light) is the contagious energy of the living
creatrix intelligence of the Universe. If a Meisner feld is created by high level of
coherency (superconductivity) in a yogis body, this would explain the phenomena
of levitation by monks. It also explains why advanced meditators have greater
immunity to external EMFs. Around the superconductor a Meisner feld is formed.
The Meisner feld has no north or south pole; its just a feld, but its unique in magnetism
in that it has no north or south pole. The size of the magnetic feld is proportional to
the amount of light that is fowing within the superconductor.
If an atom loses or gains electrons, it becomes ionized, or charged. Electrons do
not stay in excited ionized states for very long, so they soon return to their ground
states, emitting a photon with the same energy as the one that was absorbed. In
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder
say that the Russians describe the aura or energy body as some sort of elementary
plasma-like constellation made of ionized, excited electrons, protons and possibly other
particles But at the same time, this energy body is not just particles. It is not a
chaotic system. Its a whole unifed organism in itself. As Mary Coddinton mentions
in Seekers of the Healing Energy, the Russians call the subtle body the biological
plasma body, or bioplasma for short, and they say that this energy permeates all
Prana might also be connected with the Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic
Elements ORMUS. Eventually we will probably fnd that the way in which
life uses exotic m-state elements is intimately tied to kundalini, higher states of
consciousness and spiritual experience. The study of m-state physics in biology
may reveal a mechanism of biological interaction with zero point energy. This, if
nothing else, will be an interesting metaphoric correlate to Unity Consciousness. M-state, Transition Group
Moray King thinks that zero-point energy is not a passive system, but actually
is a manifestation of an energy fux passing through our space at right angles from
higher dimensions. An interesting analogue to the gravity warping sensation of
peak kundalini is Tom Beardens idea that violation of local energy conservation
by a powerful free energy device can produce a local curvature of spacetime in and
around the operating device. This spacetime curvature alters the local rate of fow
of time, thus affecting the mind, thoughts and memories.
There is only one creative energylogoswhich manifests itself from its lower form
sexual energyto the supreme spiritual or divine power. Richard Alan Miller
Terrence McKenna said that time is composed of elements, nested fractal
elements and that synchronicity is the fractal nesting of interior and exterior events.
Perturb our present point awareness and depth of consciousness percolates to the
surface. Or deeper layers of consciousness percolate to the surface and perturb our
present point awareness. This loosens our sense of linear time. Through Kundalini
with its expansion of consciousness and increase in communication between the
brain hemispheres, our life comes to a conjuncture. The time current from the past
and the future seem to collide in an experience that is out of time. In Kundalini
our awareness and senses are greatly expanded. Our emotions and experiences are
more extreme than we could possibly imagine. It truly is the realm of miracles,
when our life reaches that critical apex where the past and the future touch infnity.
They say on a quantum level time runs in both directions, but this experience of
the nexus of our lives cannot be expressed in words.
A kundalini awakening is an endogenous, automatic, autopoietic cascade of
happenstance and chemistry. It is a pre-destined Great Attractor that our lives
inevitably lead up to and are resolved away from. As such it is a huge blip on the
radar screen of our life. With heightened kundalini something strange happens
to time...this ineffable sense of timelessness, or the penetration of the illusion of
time, is the nexus of ones archetypal psyche. The depth-psi mind is trans-space
and operates in multi-layered metaphor that extends into our linear mind
through time like the progressive opening of Russian nesting dolls.
With spiritual acceleration our sense of self expands along the umbilical cord
of Cosmic Consciousness, through which inapprehensible Timelessness is sensed.
The Ever Present Witness at the ground of Being shines brighter encompassing
both more of the past, present and future. It is this that gives us the sense of
Timelessness. The inner alchemical marriage seems to expand our Present Point
of Awareness to encompass the tacit sense of our Total Life. In the Absolute sense
our entire life occurs in this instant and throughout Eternity. We are not aliens lost
in the unknown, we are the Absolute unfolding Universe. Time and Timelessness,
relative and Absolute are one in this great passion, as we awaken to the Great Spirit
Heightened kundalini gives us a translinear experience of time, through which
we realize and build our transrational faculties. With the heightened sensibilities
of kundalini we learn that our body-soul knows what is coming up in future
time even when we do not consciously know. Whatever stage of the alchemy we
are experiencing now is because in the future there will be this next inevitable
sequence of the alchemy arising. At all times our physiology is preparing for the
next event. Whatever is happening now is due to that which is preordained to
happen in the future.
Throughout the awakening ego-function is less solid and there is a dissolving of
the sense of I. This conserves the energy that would have gone into daily life for
the metamorphic chemistry itself. Perhaps our ego becomes more indeterminate
because our normal conscious range is amended with extra bandwidths from the
subconscious and transconscious. Until we have integrated these new levels we
feel somewhat like a fsh out of water, and at the same time never more ourSelves.
While the ego structure is less solid it is also more reactiveand this serves to
speed processing, detoxifcation and conscious recognition of things we normally
would be oblivious to.
The ego completely disappears during states of extreme kundalini, but then
it comes back hours or days after. What is really interesting is that when the ego
does disappear and only witness remains, we are paralyzed and we lose our sense
of time. Ekhart Tolle said when you negate ego you negate time. Perhaps there is
a pre-egoic uroboric loss of time, and a trans-egoic Cosmic loss of time. Pre-egoic
time loss constitutes oblivion and trans-egoic is nirvana; different brain chemistry
on the one hand leading to a diminishment of consciousness and on the other an
expansion of consciousness. To be conscious is not to be in time. T.S. Elliot
If we consciously incarnate or witness our Presence Now then the psychological
need for external security lessens. Fear for our security is related to past memory
and future time. The time-bound ego is simply one that has not adequately delved
into states of trans-egoic loss of time and come back to loosen its obsession with
the past and future. The quality of a human life is refected in how deeply Infnity
is experienced Now.
Fasting increases depth penetration of consciousness, by increasing the
perception of conscious-bites/second, this slows our subjective experience of time.
This increase in conscious-bites/second is what makes reality more vivid with
kundalini, drugs, or falling in love etc... Basically fasting reduces the noise...
one can talk about chemical interference of toxins and metabolites, but really it
is also evident on the quantum level, with reduction in quantum interference.
Whenever lan vital rises we register more conscious-bites per second.
Movies seem continuous, but they are actually sequences of frames. The notion
of consciousness as a sequence of discrete moments is consistent with Buddhist reports
which counted events occurring at around twenty millisecond intervals. Thats actually
close to the 40 Hz activity which Crick and Koch (1989) portray as the neural correlate
of consciousness. The frequency of conscious events could determine subjective sense of
time. For great athletes like Michael Jordan, time slows down. To him, the other players
are in slow motion. Michael may just be having more conscious events per second than
the rest of us. Stuart Hameroff
One of the best books out there on the perception of time and precognition is
An Arrow Through Chaos: How we see into the Future by David Loye.
Some wise person once said that Isnt synchronicity just increased conscious
awareness? Enjoy synchronicity while its happening because the intensity of it
will come and go, and other forms of weirdness may arise. For example when a
friend was visiting for the frst week we saw nothing but paradox
we coined the term God-Damn-Paradox. Synchronicity does make life seem like
a drug trip some days.
How to make sure ones actions are correct? To a certain extent we only know if
we have acted correctly in hindsight. If you are in the fow with your brakes off your
actions will be correct to the circumstances. Our primary programming can show
its head and interfere with our ability to get into fow...but if we are observant we
can catch these neurotic ticks, and work to do better at staying in fow next time.
Keeping the body pumped up energetically with wheatgrass/spirulina and opened
up with hot/cold water and yoga, and the brain pliable with meditation/toning
and we are more likely to be openly responding to fow in the moment.
Also with synchronicity the little-mind that normally associated with ourselves,
seems to make all these apparent mistakes, which it turns out that Bigmind is
making...and which turn out to be the correct moves. That is as we start to
operate from the larger mind, we start to see the insuffciency and fnitude of the
habituated mind...and yet we are not quite at the point where we can claim this
larger consciousness as us, but it feels like a holy visitor showing us around and
making our usual self look like a fool or very inept and limited. This is the main
function of dreams and psi activity I a stage leap into deeper dimensions
of ourselves and the Kosmos. Psi and dreams seem mostly to occur to show us that
a profoundly deeper experience of reality is possible.
There are temporal distortions related to longing and search mode. As consciousness
brightens we feel things are speeding up because we gain a greater perception of
the inertia (grossness and resistance) we still embody, which is now being brought
to awareness. We have the sense of waiting or urgency because we are not
registering the patience (non push/pull) that you can only get with Presence.
Deprivation mode is simply a lack of Presence, and so Presence is the only thing
that satisfes. Presence is a prior necessity to success in life. The more work we do
to clear out the bugs in our emotional and rational processes that weigh us down
and keep our inertial gravitation around the conventional-conditioned consensus
mind...the more we stabilize this higher level where both timelessness and nonlocal
consciousness, dream and awaking seem to be interpenetrated. The more people in
a community that are acting in fow, the more synchronicity happens. You might
want to start documenting the synchronicities and formulating theories on time
and nonlocal consciousness.
As the potential for enlightenment is infnite there must always be an interference
pattern on the sector boundary in moving from a former state/stage to a new
and higher state/stage. When we are not used to witnessing this shift it would
appear frst as disorientation. But as we get used to moving into deeper layers, it
would be felt more as a reorientation and then a proorientation and eventually
a prioriorientation. Essentially following the path of Self remembrance, an
anamnesis that is the Passion of the Muse. The tension of transformation is the
proprioception of moving from acceleration to synchronization, synchronicity or
The idea of Kairos or Gods Time is perfectly explained by this quote by Jose
Arguelles in The Mayan Factor. A resonant frequency juncture can be defned as
the synchronization of two or more tonal spectrums which join momentary need with
universal purpose. 56
As a deeper state of witnessing occurs it is centered in consciousness itself,
not in the objects or contents of consciousness. When we are no longer identifed
with our thoughts or objects in the phenomenal world, we are essentially free
to consciously choose between them, rather be determined BY them. At that
point we start to get into Brezneys pronoia...where we observe the universe is
conspiring in every way to aid and support our awakening and wellbeing. As we
learn to obey Spiritual Eros and the Grain of the Kosmos we are graced with the
fruits of conscious development that are patterned into the fabric of the Universe
itself. We learn more fully to obey through our pleasure/pain circuitry by which
Kosmic-Nature has built us. Timelessness, or synchronization with Gods time is
the ultimate pleasure.
In Kairos or Gods time, the Omega is the ground out of which Chronos
arises. That is infnity and timelessness ARE the womb out of which temporal
unfolding emerges. The Omega is not over the event horizon, off in an infnity
that can never be reached. This Omega is the omniscience, The Unifed Field, the
fecund plenumor infnite potentiality. Since mind exists in a temporal world,
we tend to banish the Omega beyond the threshold of conscious into never-never
land. But the Omega is closer than our noseThe Omega is US.
This Omega, this enlightenment is the Fourth State! However, this Fourth
State is spiritual lucidity or Awakeness or Muse-embodiment itself, it is not
really a state, but the ground of all states. Integral-Integrity or enlightenment
is the Witness within all states of Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep. I like to say
that it is integration (communication/communion) between the hierarchy in the
brain (sub, conscious, trans) from the reptilian/old mammalian/neocortex and the
two hemispheres of the brain. The sacred marriage of the sexes, poles, charges,
and hemispheres. You could also say that Enlightenment is the Kosmos perfectly
ovemaking itself. To achieve this we simply stop our resistance and dissonance
and get into sync with the largest possible destiny...that of the Universe in the
Brain Frequencies and Predetermination
In considering light to be a means of information transfer in the body, we
must consider sound as a cellular communications device also. A team of Danish
physicists including Thomas Heimburg consider the idea of nerve impulse
transmission by electricity to be incorrect because nerves do not generate heat.
These researchers theorize that is more likely to be a sound pulse or soliton that
can propagate without losing strength or spreading out, due to the gel like medium
of the nerve sheaths. semi rigid gel at physiological temperatures.
Myelin is an electrically insulating phospholipid layer, composed of about
80% lipid fat and about 20% protein. that surrounds the axons of many neurons.
Oligodendrocytes are glial cells that form the myelination of axons in the central
nervous system, while Schwann cells myelinate neurons in the peripheral system.
The nervous system of mammals depends crucially on the myelin sheath for
insulation as it results in decreased ion leakage and lower capacitance of the cell
membrane and faster impulse speed.
mUsic oF tHe eartHs sPHere
My observations of Monatomics is that is causes a deep cellular theta state to be acquired
by the cells themselves allowing the feld singularities to pulse unobstructed, giving the
DNA a pure signal around which to further organize itself around the sine wave of
consciousness itself. Many benefts health-wise accrue from this harmonic. One doesnt
need monatomics persay, but they are a wonderful tool of centering. The Source may
be acquired multiple ways. The Sound Current is my preferred method of connection
wit the Divine or Source. Its benefts accrue and amplify. I am of steady faith in this.
Garwin Redman
The word Hypnogogia is composed of hypnos (sleep) and agogos (conduit).
During the twilight of hypnogogia with our critical reason suspended our
subconscious is very easily affected. Hence theta states usefulness for telepathy,
channeling, clairvoyance, astral projections and hypnosis. Also for suggestion, mind
control, seduction and political control. The setting of intention and the receiving
of resolution and answers apparently occurs in theta brainwave frequency 4Hz
to 8 Hz.
Generally human cells oscillate and resonate at 7.83 Hz with the Schumann
Resonance of the Earths EMF, in mid-range alpha and theta at 6-10 Hz. There are
daily changes in the Earth-ionosphere cavity resonance due to variability of the solar
short wave radiation, which ionizes the atmosphere at 90-100 km height. Theta
brainwaves are active during dream sleep, deep meditation, trance, hypnagogia
and are particularly strong during peak experiences, gnosis and creative-artistic
reverie. Theta brainwaves engage inner and intuitive subconscious, where you hold
memories, sensations, secrets and emotions. Prior to and during hypnagogia the
sleep hormone melatonin is released causing the body organs to slow down and
our state to become groggy.
ecstasy occurs in theta at 3-6 cycles per second and low alpha at 6-8 cps.
This activates the limbic brains serotonergic circuits to the lower brain, resulting
in synchronous brain wave discharges through the nerves linking the hierarchical
strata of the brain. These strongly coherent frequencies synchronize the frontal
areas of the brain, integrating nonverbal information into the frontal cortex
thus producing insight, intuition and ESP. Telepathy or ESP are accessed in theta
due to increased interhemispheric penetration between the sides of the brain and
hierarchical strata communication via serotonergic nerves. theta wave links us
both into the Earths resonant frequency and the deeper layers of the psyche.
Greater synchronization and coherency within the brain makes for Whole
Brain thinking. This revelatory chemistry and its higher information fow arises
in hypnognia or Theta wavethrough synchronization of the enteric and head
brains via the Schumann resonance. I notice I go into ecstasy and revelatory
chemistry during hurricanes in other parts of the globe and during high pressures
and storms. The stomachs serotonergic nerves are stimulated producing a bubbly
bliss in the region, and the jaw becomes red hot as kundalini moves through it
as well. Thus we can see that Theta wave will simultaneously relax the jaw and
increase creativity, which it does. This means that Theta wave binaural CDs such
as Kelly Howells Secret meditation should relax the jaw and be useful for people
with TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint). Indeed this CD does relax the jaw and
the solar plexus and stomach; from this we may also deduce that alpha/theta wave
may enhance digestion and prevent ulcers. We see later on in Biological Relation
to Zero Point that ingestion of m-state monatomic elements also produces the
Whole Brain state of 4 quadrant synchronization in the brain and an increase in
Alpha and Theta wave. So M-state elements could be used as a means of enhancing
creativity, improving digestion and healing TMJ. On occasion an extreme
version of enteric serotonergic activation acts to disrupt digestion by fermenting
the stomach contents, however under more normal less intense circumstances,
digestion would be enhanced by initiation of parasympathetic dominance and the
nitric oxide dilation of the digestive blood supply.
Ecstasy represents heightened coherent communication between the cells
(cellular communion) plus entrainment with the Schumann Resonance of
the Earth (Earth communion). Thus cellular and Earth communion result in
maximizing sense of well-being and intuitive geniuswe thus live and express
Earth-soul or Cosmic Consciousness. Shamanic practices tend to produce a
theta wave synchronization across brain systems, which heightens the adaptive-
integrative mode, resulting in higher socioemotional intelligence. Research shows
that drumming induces relaxation, enhanced theta-wave production and brain-
wave synchronization. Serotonin, is crucial to feelings of well-being. Social status
also plays a part in our digestive health and sense of well-being, for there is some
evidence of high serotonin levels in leaders and Type A personalities.
The Pineal Gland is affected by changes in the Earths magnetic feld thereby
regulating our hormone production. The pineal gland produces the sleep hormone
melatonin in the presence of a negative magnetic feld, enhancing deep restorative
sleep. Melatonin (antioxidant, anti-aging and cancer suppressor) is not produced
in the absence of the Schumann Resonance and its production is diminished in
the presence of electromagnetic pollution. Melatonin seems to have a very close
link with the Optimum Biological Frequency Resonance. Also since melatonin
is not produced in the presence of light, remember to turn your lights off in your
bedroom at night, and dont sleep around electrical equipment. Us moderns
with out artifcial lighting, might be depriving ourselves of the optimal dosage of
melatonin for health and longevity, by staying up all hours. Supplementation with
melatonin is used for sleep disturbances, seasonal affective disorder, neuroendocrine
disorder and cancer therapy. Vitamin D slows the age related decline of melatonin.
Melatonin is a potent antioxidant, it also stimulates the main antioxidant enzyme
of the body, glutathione peroxidase.
The Schumann waves are not present all the time, but have to be excited
to be observed. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere,
particularly during times of intense lightning activity. They occur at several
frequencies, specifcally 7.8 (strongest), 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 (weakest) Hertz,
with a daily variation of about 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earths
electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same.
The Schumann resonance changes along with the solar sunspot cycle as the Earths
ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity.
The Schumann Resonance is detected by human brains and is used to
synchronize diurnal and ELF brain rhythms. This is the key element in why
sunspot numbers are correlated with serious human health effects. The Schumann
Resonance intensity is highly correlated with solar activity and the electron
concentrations in the lowest layers of the ionosphere. Higher or lower solar activity
moves the Schumann Resonance frequency outside the normal homeostatic range
and through the Melatonin mechanism, this causes health problems and enhanced
death rates in human populations. The sunspot number emerges as the strongest
factor in determining death rates in those mortalities associated with Melatonin
reduction, including cancer, cardiac and neurological mortality.
Serotonin, the immediate precursor of melatonin in the tryptophan metabolic
pathway in the pineal gland. The effect of stimulating the right-brain, or the
left side of the body, causes an increase in theta brainwaves, in most individuals.
lower brainwaves, such as theta brainwaves, tend to cause the release of serotonin
(calming). While stimulation of the left-brain and right side of the body increases
beta wave and dopamine (stimulating). Interhemispheric integration refers to
the communication between the left and right cerebral hemispheres. To function
effciently, we need to integrate information from various specialized centers to
coordinate a planned response. Thus the brain must be well differentiated, and
integrated. Without the theta of REM sleep we become increasingly unstable and
About 95 percent of the bodys serotonin is to be found in the stomach or
enteric brain. The gut wall has at least seven types of serotonin receptors that
facilitate the digestive process. Serotonin also acts as a go-between, keeping the
brain in the head up to date with what is happening in the brain in the stomach.
Such communication is mostly one way, with 90 percent traveling from the gut
to the head. Serotonin is perhaps the major neurotransmitter responsible for
communication between the enteric and the head brain. Information from our
enteric brain, gut intuition, is no doubt re-collected via the serotonin, relaxation,
meditation and contemplation of the theta brainwave state. Thus we might say
that gnosis is a two-brain phenomena working in sync.
The twilight zone of hypnogogia produces brief, feeting visions, feelings
that the bed is moving, rocking, foating or sinking, electric buzzing sensations
and inner voices. Typically meditation promotes a slowing down of the brain
waves to alpha, with intermittent theta waveswhich usually appear only during
light sleep. During meditation released tensions increase skin resistance, lower
blood lactate, reduce heart rate and slow down breathing. Taken as a whole, the
entire metabolism slows down, with the person remaining in a state of peaceful
Kenneth Blum et al proposed that serotonin is the neurotransmitter which
initiates the reward cascade. The reward cascade begins in the hypothalamus,
which is a principle site for emotion and reward. Neurons in the hypothalamus
release serotonin (5HT) which activates the opioid enkephalin. The hypothalamus
controls the border zone between the conscious and supra-conscious levels of
awareness. The biochemical process through which this is accomplished involves
serotonin, one of the two primary hormones released by the pineal gland. As
levels of serotonin to the hypothalamus are increased, certain neurons fre more
easily, enabling sensory information that was previously being processed at a supra-
conscious level to be shifted into the domain of our conscious awareness.
Studies on the phenomena of memory, emotion, plasticity, sleep, meditation
and hypnosis all draw connections between theta waves. At the localized level,
theta wave seems to be involved in short-term memoryindividual memories are
refreshed in gamma (40Hz) while the whole salient refresh cycle occurs in theta
(6Hz). The links between theta frequency memory, emotion and local neural
plasticity point to why hypnogogic visualizations in theta involve such intense
subjectivity and create a lasting vivid impression. Indeed theta phenomenology
can create lasting changes in the brain, spiritual perception and our sense of self
tuned as it were to the music of the Earths sphere.
mozarts brain must have been quite different from the ordinary humanoid.
How many of us can say that we receive instantaneously whole symphonies and
operas in our head. Therefore one would assume that Mozart had a great deal of
Theta wave as a normal living state. Thus producing the kind of wholism and
synthesis of consciousness known to all geniuses. Remember that focused (digital)
remembering of individual facets of consciousness are refreshed in gamma (40Hz)
while the whole salient refresh cycle occurs in theta (6Hz). Theta therefore must
represent a large component of what I call the Quantum-mind. Which is a
gestalt of gnosis comprised of the entirety of a theory, idea or art form, which then
needs to be unpacked temporally with the digital focused mind.
To feel into and connect with the future sense, the cells have to be made more
effcient and cohesive. It is like the global brain or noosphere is syncing faster than
ever, one has to increasingly get out of the way (theta brainwave) in order to keep up.
It is an interesting concept to contemplate is the slower your brainwaves the faster
your consciousness...consider millisecond dreams that seem to last hours. The slow
wave packs more consciousness bites per second. Modern humans think that you
go faster by stimulation, actually you just fry your nerves. After a prolonged period
of Beta state the ratio between potassium and sodium is out of balance, creating
mental fatigue. Theta state resets the sodium & potassium ratios in the brain cells.
The sodium & potassium levels are involved in the osmotic process that transports
chemicals into and out of your brain cells. A brief period of 5-15 minutes of Theta
restores the ratio to normal resulting in mental recharging.
The Guru principle relies on theta trance in order to establish a cohesive
sangha. Osho had a permanent strong theta wave thing going, I mean look at those
eyes, either that or he smoked a lot of weed. Listening to CDs of his voice would
thus be a great vehicle for stabilizing theta. I got my frst real taste of stabilized
Spacemind or Quantum mind while listening to Osho in the bath. Studies at the
Center for Neuroacoustic Research have revealed ultra-slow frequencies patterns
below the traditionally accepted lowest Delta rhythms of 0.5 Hz. These ultra slow
frequencies of one quarter cycle per second, one frequency per 10 seconds, per
one minute, or even longer have been called Epsilon. Epsilon states seem to be
associated with very high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-
level inspiration states, spiritual insight and out-of-body experiences. Dr. Jeffrey
Thompson has investigated the left/right hemispheric synchronization of Eureka
consciousness and surmised that the extremely slow Epsilon brainwave patterns
might have extremely fast HyperGamma/ Lambda brainwave patterns modulating
within them - just as the HyperGamma/Lambda (200 Hz) brainwave patterns are
riding on a super slow Epsilon modulation.
In the book Song Of The Spine, Dr. Wieder on the neurobiological basis of
vibrational healing describes how sound creates form. She says each bone of
the spine has its own tone and frequency, and that applying specifc vibrational
frequencies to the vertebrae generates a sympathetic vibratory resonance that
activate harmonics which maintain health. Joachim-Ernst Berendt also tells us the
foundations of all form is sound: The science of harmonics knows that any form of
organic lifea fsh, a fower, a leaf, a fruit, a beetle, any creature at allis sound, that
in fact even the most beautiful forms of the inorganic world, the crystals, are sound.
80, The World is Sound: Nada Brama
Overtoning: The Complete Guide to Healing with the Human Voice by Wayne Perry
Deep Listeners: Music, Emotion, and Trancing by Judith Becker Dr. Jeffrey Thompson. Theta, Epsilon CDs
Kelly Howells The Secret CD provides remarkable Theta balancing of the head
and enteric brains, and dropping of jaw tension if the CD is used regularly. Also
try herAwakening Kundalini for integration and energy circulation.
BioloGical relation
to Zero Point enerGY
The elixir of life, the universal medicine, The Philosophers Stone possesses corpus,
anima, spiritus and supernal powers.
At the ground of Spirit there is Sunyata, Emptiness, Void, Absolute Unity
Being. At the ground of matter there is the Quantum Field, or Void, Vacuum,
Zero point Energy. The emptiness of empty space is in fact not empty, but
a great ocean of seething energy. Tom Bearden refers to this ocean of energy as
being of the time domain. Energy out of timetime itself he says is actually
compressed energy; and it is energy which is compressed by exactly the same factor
by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared!
We live in a vital, pulsing, living, breathing, bioenergetic cosmos, and life is
everywhere. Patterns of life are riding in the light from the distant stars, from our sun,
in the neutrino fux from the cosmos, in the graviton fux from the cosmos, in cosmic
rays, etc. And so it is small wonder that living cells that form, reproduce themselves,
and die can be induced in the proper primordial soup of nutrients when that soup of
matrix forms and chemicals is bathed in ultraviolet light (one of the magic windows
which contains a greatly enhanced transmission factor for bioenergy, hyperspatial energy,
life energy), and stimulated by electrical spark discharges. Tom Bearden, Excalibur
Briefng, Bioenergy Collectors
David Hudson was one of the frst to rediscover monatomic white powder of
gold or m-state elements in the current era. In the late 1970s the Arizona farmer
David Hudson found some strange materials during gold mining on his land.
Over the following decade Hudson dedicated himself to fguring out how to obtain
and work with these strange materials. When the substance was given to people to
ingest, he said it propelled the individuals into a kundalini awakening and Christ
Consciousness, when they took it as an sacramental initiation after preparing the
body with fasting. Through analysis of the brains of cows and pigs, it is likely
that 5% of our nervous system is composed of monatomic elements. Over 5% of
the brain tissue by dry matter weight was Rhodium and Iridium. But no one knows
it, because it cant be directly measured. The elements are fowing the light of life in
your body.
David Hudson called the strange materials Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic
Elements or ORMEs and monatomic elements in a high-spin or m-state. These
ORMUS elements are stealth elements that scientifc instruments cannot detect,
yet can be seen, felt and used for regeneration of cells and DNA repair. They
are abundant in seawater, dirt, rock, plants, fresh water, and the air. Monatomic
elements can be uptaken from food, especially from plant material grown in
certain volcanic areas. ORMUS applied to crops yields greatly increased health,
nutrition, pest resistance and the food holds up longer in storage after harvest. In
fact ORMUS and orgone could be the same thing as the fructigenic energies of
nature that Viktor Schauberger talked about. Any plants fed ORMUS uptake the
elements and show remarkable quality improvement in size, taste, sugar content
and disease resistance.
The relative abundance of m-state elements makes them easy to extract and
concentrate using relatively simple chemical and mechanical methods (see Barry
Carters site for methods). Modern ORMUS researchers relate these strange
materials to ancient alchemy, Philosophers Stone, or the Elixir of Life. the Biblical
manna, shewbread, King Solomons gold and the Egyptian mfktz discussed in the
book Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark : Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of
Gold by Laurence Gardner. Shemanna or Firestone was a sacramental bread
use for spiritual initiation by the ancient Egyptian priesthood. It was made from
monatomic gold powder and frankincense, and was said to be food for the Ka or
lightbody. It is thought that ORMUS elements could be the connector between
matter and spirit.
The ORMUS elements are the palladium group precious metals (also known
as the transition or noble metals) in a natural non-metallic form. These deformed
nuclei in a high-spin state, M-State or ORMUS state atoms dont form metal-
metal bonds with their own kind. In this form they are called exotic matter and
exhibit strange properties, such as disappearing, levitation or passing through solid
objects, anomalous responses to gravity, superfuidity and tunneling through solid
objects. They can explode in a fash of white light in the sun, weigh more or less
depending on their temperature and can disappear into other dimensions. We can
humorously refer to the m in m-state, as mystery-state, whereas in actuality is
refers to monatomic. The understanding of exotic matter by Barry Carter and
his colleagues starts with Hudsons theory but is more comprehensive. He says,
In order for these atoms to be superconductors in the m-state, they must be at least
diatoms and since they are superconductors, they can be manipulated by magnetic
felds. As yet we do not know if the ORMUS elements are monatomic or not. We also
do not know if they are in a high spin state. You can read more about ORMUS at
Barrys website.
In the monatomic state an atom oscillates in 2 dimensions not 3, weighs only
56% of its normal weight and does not ionically bond with the surrounding
atomshence the term mono-atomic. In a monatomic state an atom is larger
ie: it has more space between the particles. In a high spin state the atom interacts
with the zero point and space-time differently. (Investigation of this monatomic
phenomena maybe the key to The Grand Unifed Theory.) According to
monatomic theory these atoms in a high spin state are used by life to superconduct
consciousness and energy. Superconductors and lasers are the best known examples
of quantum coherencecommunication between atom and atom proceeds via
state resonance. Quantum coherent properties have been observed in biological
systems and in fact that quantum coherence in the microtubules of every cell may
be the key to consciousness itself. The soul-feld runs on these m-state atoms,
maintaining the intelligence and integrity of everything we are and ties us into the
All. Monatomic science could lead us into a new understanding of Enlightenment
and a reassessment of our highest spiritual capacities. Bearden says that bioenergy
propagates along superluminal deBroglie waves, moving much faster than light.
Monatomic superconduction might also be the key to precognition, and our
Overmind, are what will save us from our present human created chaos, thus both
ORMUS and kundalini awakening are vitally important to the survival of the a
noble humanity and well-being of the living world.
M-State and the Future of Humankind
Looking into David Hudsons work I came up with the wild idea that the
increased heart feld and EMF of the nervous system during the peak kundalini,
might act like a biological synchrotron to actually change certain elements in the
central nervous system into their high spin monatomic state. It maybe that during
heightened activation the body can transmute certain palladium group elements
such as iridium and rhodium into their high spin state by adding energy in the
form of photons to the atoms. Thus through the transmutation of these elements
the body makes its own monatomic atoms on which the causal and subtle felds
of the organism are organized. Matti Pitkanen says there is evidence for nuclear
transmutations in living matter and that cold nuclear reactions occur also in living
cell and produce metabolic energy. Transmutation is occurring subatomically with
the transmutation of elements.
Increased causal level hardware is laid down in the high power monatomic
matrix and consequently we amplifying our own soula transmutation of spirit.
The fne network of these high spin atoms throughout the central nervous system
acts to superconduct energy and consciousness. The causal nervous system is such
that the working parts (the high spin atoms) do not need to touch, but communicate
instantaneously through sympathetic resonance of quantum coherence, with space
being no obstacleie: they superconduct energy and consciousness. According to
this theory it is through this high spin atomic nervous system that we achieve cosmic
consciousness, Christ-Buddha mind and all ESP and spiritual phenomena. NASA
and the biophysicist Mae-Wan Ho suggest that life superconducts consciousness,
and yet its not known yet exactly how this is done.
The study of the ORMUS elements promises to change what we know in every
scientifc feld including meteorology, astrophysics, quantum physics, chemistry,
medicine, psychology, parapsychology, geology and all aspects of technology. Barry
Carter. More information on brain coherence and ORMUS at Barry Carters site
under Coherence.
Sun meditation will tend to activate the heart, one reason being that the
body hungers for natural radiation. But by Solar Heart I am referring to heart-
entrainment...where the Heart wakes up and synchronizes the entire cells and
atoms of the body. The Solar Heart is really the only thing that spiritualizes.
It is the transducer that catalyzes transmutation. Whole-brain synchronization is
probably associated with the Solar Heart.
M-state elements like acemannan and Etherium Gold produce increased
alpha and theta brainwaves and hemispheric synchronizationboth left and right
and front and back of the brain fall into sync. In fact these materials tend to
increase psi, super-senses and consciousness in a similar fashion to kundalini itself,
so perhaps they might be used to generate a perpetual awakening. Delta wave
(deep sleep) indicates that the pineal gland has become active. It takes years of
meditation to maintain delta (with Gamma wave prefrontal spikes) in the waking
state. But apparently m-state materials can create this meditative brain-state within
10 minutes of taking them. Barry Carter suggests that m-state elements may be
the most important substance and means by which we can transform as a species.
Possibly m-state elements might make us more real and enlightened, or they could
just generate even greater spiritual hubris. Whatever means of spiritualization we
use, it is only as good as the purity of our heart and our intention. Barry Carters website is the main hub for learning
about ORMUS. In fact serious kundalini researchers might like to start here. Matti Pitkanen, TGD and Quantum Biology,
Exotic atoms and a mechanism for superconductivity in biosystems. David Hudson Lectures Tom Bearden,
Excalibur Briefng Rhett Savage, The Quantum Brain
PHYsics oF conscioUsness
Laszlo proposes that it is scalar waves that encode the information of space and time
into a timeless, spaceless quantum shorthand of interference patterns. In Laszlos model,
this bottom-rung level of the Zero Point Fieldthe mother of all feldsprovides the
ultimate holographic blueprint of the world for all time, past and future. It is this that
we tap into when we see the past or future. 174, The Field, Lynne Mc Taggart.
Glen rein, a biophysicist at the Institute of HeartMath, California, has
been working on detecting subtle energies he calls non-Herzian or scalar energy.
scalar waves (non-Hertizian or Teslas Radiant Energy waves) are hyperspatial
vortex ring in structure arising from abruptly bucking magnetic felds wound into
a caduceus (biflar) coil. Scalar energy or healing energy has been shown to be
not part of the electromagnetic spectrum as we understand it. He found that by
exposing neurons in a petri dish to healing energy this caused them to fre at
their synapses. That is action potentials passed along the nerves from one nerve to
another when they were exposed to the scalar energy. This leads one to presuppose
that if the energy of nerve transmission is increased during an awakening that this
would create a feld in which extra nerve energy would be naturally kindled. Thus
explaining the phenomena of both romantic love and shaktipat, and why we feel
elevated and sparked in the presence of individuals of genius.
scalar waves might be the point of fundamental intersection where matter and
consciousness can infuence each other. Their effect is independent of distance and
time and is 3-5 times stronger than that of electromagnetic felds. They are prior to,
that is more fundamental than magnetic felds and they transmit information, not
energy. The transmission of scalar information creates consciousness feldswhich
are probably Rupert Sheldrakes Morphogenic Fields. They cannot be detected by
the usual instruments for measuring electric and magnetic felds, which work by
interacting with electron fow and energy transmission. For this reason they are
still considered theoretical.
Kundalini energy may have scalar wave origins, for there is no doubt that
kundalini and healing energy are one and the same. According to Robert Jacobs
scalar waves are capable of acting on living organisms at a sub-atomic level, and
certain frequencies of scalar have been shown to destroy viruses and bacteria. The
work of Cleve Backster on the primary perception of cells might be attributed to
scalar waves. And since telepathic messages between organisms seem to be able
to pass through lead enclosures, such ESP may not be communicated on the
electromagnetic scale, but through scalar waves. Scalar waves propagate at faster-
than-light speed except when transmitting scalar information on electromagnetic
carrier waves. If something travels faster than light, it means that it can penetrate
any matter as though it wasnt there. Therefore scalar waves pervade all matter and
cannot be shielded against by Faraday cages.
Quantum mechanics shows that every point in the vacuum possesses an infnite
amount of energy, unmanifest, unformed energy. Dean Brown, Cosmic Law,
Patterns in the Universe.
The vacuum is in fact not empty, but is a vast ocean of scalar energies (as
opposed to vector energies) that underlies all physical reality. The scalar energy
ocean is sometimes called zero point energythe all-pervading energy that flls
the fabric of space. The term Zero point refers to zero degrees Kelvin and it
means the energy is not thermal in nature. Quantum electrodynamics theorizes
that all particles are intertwined in a vacuum polarization interaction with zero
point energy. Ordinary electromagnetic waves are called transverse electromagnetic
waves, to distinguish them from the new scalar longitudinal electromagnetic
waves. Strangely these scalar waves do not actually exist in our material world,
but exist only in the vacuum of empty space, or the time domain. Tom Bearden
refers to this ocean of energy as being of the domain of Energy out of time.
The vacuum is flled with ghost particles and phantom felds that rapidly wink
in and out of existence. Under certain circumstances however, these virtual particles
and felds can become real. Though it sounds more like mysticism than science,
it is said that the vacuum is a universal feld of information or consciousness. It
forms the matrix of all manifestation, like an ocean out of which matter arises and
then disappears into once again. We must remember that this vacuum of space we
speak of exists all throughout everything even our bodies. So the Gateway to the
Void is accessed at every point in the universe. Could Kundalini be the channel
that connects the unmanifest void, with the manifest world of subatomics, atoms,
molecules and cells? Could kundalini be the cellular expression of energy generated
from the vacuum? Perhaps this is why kundalini exhibits such pronounced psychic
and trans-temporal effects.
The substructure of matter probably contains energies that are as far beyond
nuclear energies as known nuclear energies are beyond chemical energies[zero point]
energy provides a constant background which is not available at our level under present
Opposing magnetic felds have been associated with ball lightening production. Tesla
launched freballs from his large coils when the oscillations were phased to create opposing
magnetic felds. Perhaps the most effcient coiled structure to create such opposing felds
is the caduceus wound coil. Here the double helix symmetry of the windings allows for
perfect opposition of not only the magnetic felds but their higher order time derivatives
as well. Could then opposing magnetic pulses maximize their stress on the fabric of
space causing a hyperspatial involution that orthorotates the zero point energy fux.
Abrupt opposing magnetic transients could be important for ball lighting creation.
Moray B. King, Tapping the Zero point Energy, 2000
Zero point energy machines could be developed on the biological model of the
caduceus coil and central ion/plasma channel. Then our energy generation could
actually enhance human spiritual evolution rather than harming ourselves and the
planet as it does now. Similarly if we construct superconducting solar architecture
with a monatomic lattice in manmade stone, then the energy emanating from
this energy generator will also enhance the consciousness of life around it. In
our understanding of sacred architecture we need to deeply reacquaint ourselves
with the consciousness basis to manifestation. As Astrophysicist Sir James Jeans
wrote that the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great
David Loye author of The Sphinx and the Rainbow suggested that all material
form is simply coagulated energy. Thus it appears that the fundamental creating
and animating force of Eros in the universe is prior to matter and is in the process
of constantly creating and transforming matter. To give you a sense of the space
from which matter emerges I would like to turn you onto the mystical writings of
John Worrell Keely (1827-1898) reveling in the glories of the primordial ground.
He calls the Void or Zero point energy the Neutral Center.
There is a celestial mind-force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of
which everything is composedEvery molecule, every mass, every moving body in
space, every solar system, every stellar system, EVERY ROTATORY SYSTEM, is built
about A NEUTRAL CENTER. It is the indestructible unit around which all that
we recognize as matter is built. Immovable itself, it moves all things. Indestructible
itself throughout infnity of time, it creates all things. It produced and preserves the
incalculable energy of motion of the entire Universe. It bears the unthinkable burden
of the mass of the Universe. It is the most wonderful thing Man has discovered in the
Universe since he discovered fre.
The sympathetic conditions that we call mind are no more immaterial in their
character than light or electricity. The substance of the brain is molecular, while the
substance of the mind that permeates the brain is inter-etheric and is the element by
which the brain is impregnated, exciting it into action and controlling physical motion.
In order to trace the successive triple impulses, taking the introductory one of sympathetic
negative outreach, towards the cerebral neutrals, which awaken the latent element to
action, we fnd that mind maybe considered a specifc order of inter atomic motion
sympathetically infuenced by the celestial fow and that it becomes when thus excited by
this medium a part and parcel of the celestial itself. More information on Keely, Dale
Pond and others is at Sympathetic Vibratory Physics!
tHe KeYstone~BioPHotons
All living organisms emit certain electro-magnetic waves called biophotons.
The spontaneous radiation of coherent biophotons by DNA has been revealed
earlier by Gurvich (1977) and Popp (2000). The Ka, or lightbody, is the biophotonic
radiation of the DNA and protein structures. The biophotons themselves may be
the product of the DNAs orientation to zero point energy (ZPE). For all we
know DNA might be a crystalline transducer of ZPE. John Worrell Keely said
that Ether (ZPE) is the densest medium; that matter is bubbles in the ether that
fip in and out of materiality at 4 quadrillion times a second. Apart from energy
a photon has zero rest mass, therefore, it travels (in vacuum) at the speed of light,
carries momentum and has a polarization and both wave and particle properties.
Sound and light, or phonons and photons, comprise an elaborate communication
network that extends out into the EMF of the body and throughout the cellular
and subcellular levels.
The coherency of intact healthy DNA and proteins might mean less photons
escape during their quantum tunneling through the molecule. Health represents
a harmonious sympathetic resonance with the Zero Point Energy, more energy
conservation and less biophoton emission. The equilibrium condition or health
vibration exhibits more synergy rather than entropy within the healthy DNA
structure, which represents vibrational harmonic attunement with the Mind of
Godthat is the frequency of the universe. The EMF and Schumann resonance
of the Earth resonates with our DNA; so if humans mess with the ionosphere and
the vibratory energy of the planet, we directly interfere with our DNA. Biophotons
from other organisms in our environment would also affect our DNA health and
expression, thus it pays to live in an organically rich and healthy ecosystem. The
possibility of genetic information exchange between different organisms by means
of polarized EM waves, may drastically change our current paradigm of genetics
and biological evolution.
A dynamic web of light and sound is perpetually being released and absorbed by
the DNA, may connect all cells and serve as the primary means of communication
in the body, regulating all life processes. Thus the biophoton and phonon emissions
from the DNA may be an instantaneous communication device and that is prior
to all other metabolism. Bio-radiation might activate is the short-lived hormone
like messenger molecules eicosanoids and prostaglandins which in turn generate
all metabolism. This theory has profound implications for kundalini, because we
all know that active kundalini means an increase in bio-light. Thus we can play
around with the idea of activated DNA giving off increased biophotons and how
alchemical transmutation of the fesh might proceed from the physics of coherent
biophoton radiation to biochemistry. The transmuting body has a higher rate of
cell growth and division and so photon emissions are higher. Yet unlike illness or
cancer this higher frequency of emissions is likely to be more coherent and exhibit
a particular morphic resonance.
We can intuitively get the sense that cellular ecstasy represents heightened
coherent communication between the cells (cellular communion), through the
levels by the cells ability to metabolize light. The metabolic marker for this light
transmission is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In normal biochemistry 1 kilogram
of ATP is manufactured per hour as the bodyminds energy currency. It could
be that the extra kundalini biophoton generation triggers more ATP generation
in the mitochondria, which in turn increases the biophoton generation. As more
light is carried in the system the morphogenic feld amplifes, producing greater
information exchange and thus the metamorphosing body dismantles, detoxifes,
restructures and establishes metabolism and consciousness at a higher frequency
rate. Light being the means and the goal of this processthe body structure can
be analogist to a crystallization seeded around the biophotons emanating from the
A new type of anti-aging therapy called Quantum Refex Analysis is a cellular
resonance nutritional therapy born out of quantum physics. This new paradigm
in quantum bio-energetics involves restoring quantum coherence to the bodys
biofeld. The biophotonic feld around each molecule creates a body of light
which surrounds all living substances. Incoherent interference felds may be
produced by anything that disrupts the normal fow of bio-energy in the body,
suppressing the bodys biofeld and physiology. Due to decades of research by Dr.
Fritz-Albert Popp and others, has proven that the biofeld is pre-eminent over
the bodys biochemical processes. This explains why even extensive treatment
interventions at the biochemical level can often only provide minimal help for
chronically ill patients. According to Dr. Popp only nutrients derived from once
living sources (neutraceuticals) are capable of upgrading cellular DNA. Dr. Robert
J. Marshall and Premier Research Labs are world leaders in cell-resonant nutrition.
Energy Medicine: The Scientifc Basis by James L. Oschman and Candace Pert
Blueprint for Immortality by Harold S. Burr
A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine: Energy Healing and Spiritual
Transformation by Richard Gerber
Living Energies: Exposition of Concepts Viktor Schauberger by Callum Coats
Consciousness, Bioenergy and Healing: Self-Healing and Energy Medicine for the
21st Century by Dr Daniel J Benor
BioPHotons anD cancer
The German theoretical biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp discovered how cell
biophoton emissions relate to cell repair and cancer. In reading the scientifc
literature Popp came across information about a phenomenon called photorepair.
It is well known from biological laboratory experiments that if you blast a cell
with UV light so that 99 per cent of the cell, including its DNA, is destroyed, you
can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell
with the same wavelength at a much weaker intensity. Popp found that in every
instance the compounds that were carcinogenic took UV light, absorbed it and
changed its frequency. Each of the carcinogens reacted to the light of a specifc
wavelength380 manometers. Popp was struck by the fact that photorepair
works most effciently at 380 nm - the same frequency that the cancer-causing
compounds react to and scramble. He theorized that the body must produce light
at this frequency in order to facilitate photo repair. And a cancerous compound
must cause cancer because it permanently blocks this light and scrambles it, thereby
disrupting the photo repair mechanism.
Popp theorized that biophoton emissions allow the superconduction of
information to all parts of the body instantaneously. Cells or cellular systems
organize their mutual distance and orientation by means of the interference pattern
that is created after mutual emission and reemission of coherent biophotons.
He found DNA emits a consistent stream of coherent biophotons in the visible
bandwidth, from infrared to ultra violet, at around 100 units/second. The light
contained in protein and DNA structures must operate like a tuning fork to the
bodys organization and instantaneous communication. It would strike a particular
frequency and certain molecules would follow.
Popp contemplated light in nature, and how photosynthesis in plants must
take up photons and store them. Then when we consume this food the energy
of these photons dissipates and becomes distributed over the entire spectrum of
EM frequencies, from the lowest to the highest. This spectrum of light energy is
the driving force for all the molecules in our body. Photons switch on the bodys
processes like a conductor of a symphony. Popp found that particular molecules in
cells responded to certain frequencies, performing different functions and caused
a variety of frequencies in other molecules by sympathetic resonance. Biological
phenomena like intracellular and intercellular communication, cell growth and
differentiation, interactions among biological systems (like Gestaltbildung or
swarming), and microbial infections can be understood in terms of biophotons.
With these biophoton emissions being the one central orchestrator providing
an ideal transfer of information, coordination and communication across the
organismwhich only could occur in a holistic system. (reminiscent of Rupert
Sheldrakes morphogenic felds.)
Popp thought of biophoton emissions as a sort of correction by a living
system of Zero Point Field fuctuations. That living organisms emit photons in a
compensatory gesture to stop this disturbance of ZPE fuctuations and attempt a
sort of energy equilibrium. Any disturbance or nonequilibrium in the system
increased the production of photons. The healthiest body would have the lowest
light and be closest to a zero state, the most desirable state of maximum energy
effciency. The bodys communication system is thus a complex network of
resonance and frequency and we become ill when our waves get out of synch. Popp
found that cancer patients had lost their biorhythmic periodacy (circadian) of light
emissions, suggesting that the synchronization of their internal communication
was scrambled. The intensity of delayed luminescence of tumor tissue increases
in a nonlinear way with increasing cell population density, while that of normal
tissue, after having arrived at a defnite cell mass, decreases with increasing
cell density.
Popp found stress and ill health to increase the rate of biophoton emission
also and suggested it was an attempt to restore energy equilibrium with zero
point. The radionics genius Georges Lakhovsky in his book The Secret of Life
also relates how he discovered that cellular oscillation is maintained by cosmic
radiation and that disease was due to a dis-equilibrium of oscillation to an excess or
defciency of cellular radiation. Lakhovskys work is detailed in The Waves that Heal
by Mark Clement. Regarding biophotons and spiritual luminosity, researchers
found that extra biophotons are released from damaged, diseased or dying
lifeforms and they explained this as an attempt by the organism to heal itself. The
higher metabolism generated from this healing resulted in an observable increase
in biophoton emissions. Since the metamorphic biology of kundalini constitutes
greatly amplifed healing (wholing), this increased metabolism is the reason for the
brightening of the lightbody and the glow of transmuting individuals. (Hence the
Shining Ones). Until further research in energy medicine might prove differently,
we an assume that the increase in kundi-biophotons is due to the healing state
of metamorphosis.
The applied feld of Biophotonics provides a new powerful tool for assessing
the quality of food (like freshness and shelf life), microbial infections, toxicity and
environmental infuences and for substantiating medical diagnosis and success in
healing therapy. Popp established that the highest quality health in an organism or
in food has the lowest biophoton emissions and the most coherent intensity of light.
The number of photons emitted seemed to be linked to the organisms evolutionary
complexity. Rudimentary animals and plants emit around 100 photons/cm2/sec
at a wavelength of 200-800 nm, corresponding to a very-high-frequency EM wave
well within the visible range, whereas humans emit only 10 photons/cm2/sec at
the same frequency. Popp discovered that photon wave resonance was used in
communication between organisms as well as within organisms. Two organisms
engaged in resonance absorption or photon sucking, as he called it, by exchanging
photons. Con-structural interference patterns or zones of constructive interference
in the intracellular space may be responsible for communication and organization
effects in and between living organisms, including cells in tissues. This means from
the energetic point of view that growth regulation and health originates from a
balance equation.
While normal tissue increases the degree of coherence of the biophoton feld
with increasing cell density, tumor tissue decreases the degree of coherence of
the biophoton feld. Tumor cells and unhealthy cells/organisms display a higher
emission rate than normal ones owing to their loss of coherence. The inhibition
of cell growth is strongly linked to the degree of the coherence of the feld.
Consequently, a defnite loss of coherence is a necessary and suffcient condition
of cancer development. Leading not only to quantitative, but also to qualitative
differences between normal cells and tumor cells without any exception.
Popps approach to cancer therapy involves stimulating the normal cells always
present in a tumor, to become activated to remove or suppress the tumor cells. Thus
instead of killing tumor cells (and the connected normal tissue), he stimulates the
normal tissue to overcome malignancy of the whole cell population. Popp showed
that cancer is a problem of energy distribution, transparency and coherence rather
than of a causal energy defciency. Thus cancer therapy must reinstate coherent
electromagnetic energy and repair the communication system between cells.
In studying plant extracts to fnd one that helped return cancerous tissues
photon emission back to normal Popp found that Mistletoe extract was the only
one which helped to resocialize the photon emission of tumor cells back to normal.
However he probably did not try exotic things like Neem, Agaricus mushrooms,
Graviola, Pau dArco and some of the recent phytoceuticals discovered in the
Amazon. The way healing might work is by having our proper light restored by
taking particular herb which attracts and then absorbs the abnormal oscillations,
allowing the body to return to normal health. Or a substance might resonate at
the perfect frequency to cancel out the frequency of the cancer cells causing their
apoptosis. Fritz-Albert Popps research leads us to the conclusion that perhaps the
best form of acute cancer therapy would involve light and sound radiation machines,
coupled with the energies of nature, to reinstate the photorepair mechanism of the
cells. This at least, while still a treatment and not a cure, would allow people the
time to change their lifestyle over to a more prolife permacultural modewhich
is the only solution to supra-generational disease.
If a particular human activity cannot produce lasting beneft within the individuals
life span, even less so can it do so as new generations come and go. Thomas Frydrych
Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies.
Richard Gerber
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne Mctaggart
The Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal,
Gary E. Schwartz, William L. Simon, and Richard Carmona
www.rense.comgeneral50/buiop.htm Biophotons and the Universal Light
Code, William F. Hamilton Popps basic theory of
cancer development and defense
The Greek word therapeuein (to heal), originally meant to serve the Gods.
Thus all healing is spiritual healing. Those who increase their soul voltage during
their lifetime get to experience heaven, not after they are dead, but while they
are living. A revolutionary new development in wave-genetics uses noninvasive
DNA activation with radio and light waves based on human language frequencies.
Human consciousness, specifcally unity consciousness or unconditional love, can
stimulate the genetic codeto reunify body, mind and spirit. Words are used
with intention to activate DNA and stimulate healing at the cellular level. The
Wave Genome theory is being developed by a group conducted by P.P. Gariaev
in Russia; they are experimented with repairing damage to chromosomes done by
Solar Heart in being a transducer for the Merkabah or lightbody. In the antiaging
section I mention that reducing calorie intake was the only effective method found
to repair DNA, perhaps because reduced food processing gives the body time to
develop greater coherency, plus there is less toxic interference patterns from the
byproducts of metabolism.
transposons or jumping genes are DNA sequences that can move around to
different positions within the cells genome, a process called transposition. In the
process, they can cause mutations and change the amount of DNA in the genome.
In what seems like future science, the Regenetics Method takes people through
stages of bio-spiritual enlightenment in which transposons are incrementally
stimulated in preparatory phasesculminating in a synchronized, non-random
transposition burst for which the individual is consciously prepared. Results are
said to include increased psychic activity, deepened connection to the Muse and
the ability to act in a more forthright fashion without fear.
Dr. Bill Deagle calls the DNAs laser radiation a phonon maser. The DNA
instructs the cell via phonon maser coherent sound waves; the cells then go on to create
us through a protein-assembly process known as transcription. P.P. Gariaev and
his group have demonstrated use of specially constructed He-Ne laser for creating
polarized radio wave radiation (RR), which can store correct genetic information
of the healthy donor sample and transfer that healthy bioelectromagnetic DNA
signature to the acceptor tissue.
Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction
patterns, frstly in the acoustic [sound] domain, secondly in the electromagnetic [light]
domain. Richard Alan Miller, The Holographic Concept of Reality appearing
in Psychoenergetic Systems, 1975.
Scientists have discovered that DNA emits and receives both phonons and
photons, or electromagnetic waves of sound and light and that the primary function
of DNA lies not in protein synthesis, but in the realm of bioacoustic and bioelectric
signaling. At the genetic level, sound gives rise to light and every biochemical
reaction is preceded by an electromagnetic signal, thus cells communicate both
electromagnetically and chemically.
The Consciousness torsion feld must have an effect on the nature of the spin
of particles, the torque of gravity and the balance equation of matter with regards
to ZPE. Thus consciousness will be included within future theories of everything,
especially perhaps with the work of Nassim Haramein on the Grand Unifed
Theory. Even as far back as the 1950s the Russian
scientist Nicolai Kozyrev demonstrated that Zero point itself, like time, fows as
sacred geometric spiral torsion energy that has been called phi, the Golden Mean,
and the Fibonacci sequence. (Both Walter Russell and Walter Schauberger put
light and sound into a Fibonacci sequence. Smells and the Elements can also be
classifed in the Golden Mean.)
You cannot separate consciousness and torsion wavesthey are the same thing.
When we use our minds to think, we are creating movements of electrical impulses in
the brain, and when any electrical energy moves, torsion waves are also createdIn
order for this vibration to occur, an atom must be constantly absorbing and radiating
aetheric energy at the same time. As this vibration continues, the atom will throw off
torsion waves into the surrounding aether. This means that every atom is a torsion
generator, and depending on its overall spin polarization, i.e. whether there is a
greater amount of right-handed or left-handed spin in its electron clouds, the object will
either generate left-handed or right-handed torsion waves. David Wilcock, Divine
Cosmos - Chapter 9: Harnessing Torsion Waves and Consciousness Watch for David Wilcocks Movie Convergence in
Others working on this new genetics include Stephen Lindsteadt, and Bruce
Lipton, Gregg Braden, Leonard Horowitz, Richard Alan Miller, Jeremy Narby,
Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin.
Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method by Sol Luckman Regenetics Method by Sol Luckman Hierarchy of condensed matter P.P. Gariaev, Wave Genetics
acciDent or DestinY
Accidents happen unexpectedly without deliberate plan or cause. It is the
social conformist that is created more by default or accident. Whereas the true
individual is self-created through meta-adaptation to inner and outer conditions.
Meta-adaptation is the creative transcendence of apparent present reality, that is
Mastery of circumstance. Autogenic morphogenesis occurs via proactive transition
through the cycle of Discontentment, Crisis, Shorting-out, Vision, Action and
Reevaluation. Thus the creation of the Universal Self is self-determined through
applied intent, vision and a priori state resonance with the desired outcome. In
essence the Self is master of time, space, light, sound and consciousness. Thus a
trinity is formed through coherent communication between the Self, Universal-
Spirit and the DNA.
Reality is a convergence of intention. According to Robert Gerard in Change your
DNA Change Your Life, imagination and intention are the two critical components
of consciousness, which can be actively used to promote gene expression for self-
empowerment and healing. When we raise our intent, by lasering and directing
consciousness to the highest energy levels (Gnostic), we enter into the creative
unifed state of conscious determinacy. With vision, intention and a priori state
generation we elevate ourselves beyond the mere reactivity of a socialized being.
Thus through sympathetic resonance with the Universal we gain the power of
absolute faith to effect change.
Researchers consider biophotons (electromagnetic waves) as a method of
communication between cells and organisms. Fritz Albert Popp even goes as far as
to say that consciousness could be the EMF comprised of the sum of the emissions
of biophotons. So in a sense you could say that it is the DNA that emanates both
Presence and potential for thought. Coherency of brainwaves and synchronization
of the hemispheres, provides depth or range of perspective or aperspectivism.
Thus the multidimensional property of the Witness. I like the idea that the
left-brain is a machine for measuring time, and the right-brain is a machine for
measuring spaceput them together an you can navigate spacetime as a whole
Genius is in the genes. Each person is a holographic-temporal-display of the
route their genes took from the very beginnings of life on earth. The ultimate
meaning of this is that the entire physiosphere, biosphere and noosphere, that
is the Kosmos itself, is one giant superorganism, which is glued together with
light. Light is the communicating vehicle of Spirit, a dynamic web of information
exchange within and between organism. Biophotons may be the agent that is
behind psi phenomena, primary perception and spiritual power. The causal nexus
state in which matter, energy and spirit come together to refect the greatest power
of Spirit, Heart-intelligence or depth or quality of consciousness. This essentially is
impeccability, energy effciency, no-resistance, integration, integrity or the Fourth
State. Order in the universe is this ability to stabilize higher energy. Synergy,
syntropy or creativity is to make a distinction, refnement or discernment resulting
in the increase of order, quality and depth. This is the true nature of spiritual
The space, emptiness and fuid fow created by the light of pure Presence,
accommodates everything without effort, integrating and substantiating with the
ground of being. The causal nexus state in which matter, energy and spirit become
amplifed through increased coherency is traditionally referred to as the merkabah.
This Star Tetrahedron, or energy feld analogous to a three dimensional Star of
David, which is allegedly the Chariot used by ascended masters to tune into
higher realms. Mer means Light. Ka means Spirit. Ba means Body. Merkabah
means the spirit-body surrounded by counter-rotating felds of light, or spirals
of energy as in the DNA, which transports spirit-body from one dimension to
another. The DNA possesses a biophoton vibratory infrastructure that parallels
the molecular structure.
To say that the outer-environment Total determines the inner-environment
Total, is in line with Bruce Liptons remarkable insights on gene expression being
determined by what occurs at the cell membrane. However we also have to take
into account that we are each unique fltering and selection systems, from our
DNA to our soul. That is, on all levels we flter and select and in this way we
determine our reality and our fate. Thus to expand on the statement that we are
a refection of the outer environment...we should add that we are the result of the
selective interpretation-uptake-response of our environment total. Determinacy is
the result of a prior predilection and capacity which refects our unique individual
being...thus we can change our destiny by changing the way that we flter, select,
incorporate and enact on our environment.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life! by Robert V. Gerard
The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention by
Dawson Church
Cell-Level Healing by Joyce Whiteley Hawkes
feld and brain-feld. Truth then becomes a higher frequency attraction which
leads to subtler more evolved forms of gene expression and consequent sense of
being and behavior. Luminality is the homecoming of the head brain into the
heart brain. The luminal sacred marriage involves the amplifcation of the play of
the poles, charges, hemispheres and sexesa quickening of the energy that drives
the Kosmos itself.
liVinG Water anD liQUiD crYstal
The cell is immortal; it is merely the fuid in which it foats that degenerates. Renew
this fuid at intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition, and as far as I
know, the pulsation of life will go on forever. Dr. Carrel
Viktor Schauberger studied the life-enhancing energy in nature, which
manifests in water or air as vortices and coined the term Living-water. Generally
Living-water is made in pristine, vital natural environments and has properties
that include dynamic vortex fows, aeration, ionic charge in relation to minerals in
it, solarized by sunlight, imbued with plant, soil and microbial components from
a vital catchment area, and magnetized by earth currents and rocks/river sand.
Schauberger said that water, a living, naturally spiraling substance can also die.
Viktor considered water at +4C (39F) to be an anomaly point where water was
its densest and heaviest, providing the greatest vitality and life-giving potential. If
Living-water is the only real healthy kind of water to drink, very few have access
to such water. Schauberger called water an emulsion when it is supercharged
with creative fructigenic energies. The more diverse the make up of the constituents
dissolved and suspended in water, the more complex the emulsion, the broader the range
of its properties. Alick Bartholomew, Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor
Schauberger. For more on the fructigenic energies of nature read Living Energies:
An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger by Callum
At 4C water molecules form into their longest chain state. Thus if the fow
remains ordered or laminar ionic charges have a chance to build up macroscopically
as the long molecules entrain. The entopic energy in the cosmos is balanced by
an absorbing, cosmic patternmaking force, which can been seen as information
ordering, or as life in the most general sense. Viktor Schauberger observed that
moving fuids can generate energy by reducing entropy. A natural watercourse
builds up an energy that fows within the stream in the opposite way and can be
seen as a channel of light within the stream. Recently a patent was granted for
a water treatment devise using a Schauberger type water vortex, which proved
that oxygen is incorporated into the water bonds and that the dielectric properties
of water are enhanced by vortexing and the structure itself levitates through
hydrodynamic electrogravitics! Plant growth increased when treated with this
living water showing that indeed the water had been charged with fructigenic
energies. See patent number 5611926 online.
One of the mechanisms by which the bodymind may go into its super-metabolic
kundalini-state is probably through the bodys higher EMF changing the nature
of the water in the tissues, making energy and element transfers super effcient.
The higher EMF of the metamorphosing body would increase the electrical zeta
potential of the bodys living-water, allowing greater colloidal suspension, polarity
differential and lowering surface tension. Living-water is wetter water. This means
greater cellular hydration and consequent increase in anabolic metabolic function,
including higher energy generation via ATP directly through the Krebs cycle
and also by increased hydroelectric power (if Dr. Batmanghelidjs idea of cellular
hydroelectric power generation is correct).
When the cells super-hydrate it triggers an anabolic or growth phase, triggered
by a positive hydrogen balance, protein synthesis and growth hormone. On
the other hand when cells are dehydrated they enter a catabolic phase, leading
to oxidation, infammation and premature aging. Living-water enables super-
hydration of the cells, bringing about cellular detox and to promoting balanced
pH. If you drink non-living water chances are your cells will not become fully
hydrated even if you drink the recommended daily amount. Each cell is a receiver
and transmitter of vibration, with its own characteristic frequency. Each cell in
the body receives vibrational energies from the earth and nature. Every atom,
molecule, or substance has its own unique oscillation pattern, or vibration, which
can be measured in electromagnetic wavelengths. It is the physical cluster structure
as well as the chemistry of a water that gives it its living-water capacity. The
geometric pattern of matter confers its energy frequencies and it is these EMF
frequencies that contribute to its life-giving potential.
Water is incredibly sensitive to minute environmental stimuli, as Italian scientist
Giorgio Piccardi discovered in the 1930s. Piccardi found that the rate of chemical
reactions taking place in water solutions could be mysteriously affected by cosmic
infuences, such as the lunar and sunspot cycles, solar eruptions, or sudden cosmic
ray showers. As Michel Gauquelin has put it, water is subject to major changes as a
result of even very low energy infuenceWater studied in the lab is sensitive to very
slight changes in electric or magnetic felds. Because water makes up so much of our
bodies, these subtle infuences must also occur within our own cells and tissues. 176,
Earthmind, Paul Devereux.
This means that the *structure of the water already contains these characteristic bio
length scales*. The *templates* (in very general sense) for microtubules, cell membranes,
epithelial sheets etc. are already present in the structure of water (and any liquid, although
water might have richest structures). For instance, In the Topological Geometrodynamics
(TGD) inspired explanation of sonoluminescence the regions emitting coherent light
in gas to liquid phase transition are of microtubular dimension. Matti Pitkanen.
(Sonoluminescence is the production of light from sound.)
All action in life is colloidal and enzymatic. 80% of the bodys weight is water
2/3 of which is found in the cells; water makes up 92% of the blood. Water is
the substrate in which the process of life occurs, hence life exhibits hydrophilic
(water-loving), colloidal (water suspending) properties. That bioactive molecules
are electromagnetically able to form a colloidal suspension in the water is the
foundations of life, and when hydrophilic colloids of the protoplasm precipitate
out of suspension this causes cell death.
Liquid crystals may fow like a liquid, but the molecules in the liquid are arranged
and/or oriented in a crystalline way. Liquid crystal substances are abundant in
living systems. In particular membranes and lipid cell membranes are a form of
liquid crystal. Their phospholipids molecules are perpendicular to the membrane
surface, yet the membrane exhibits elastic behavior. These lipids can inter-mingle
easily fipping from one side of the membrane to the other, but remain in the
membrane due to the high energy required to leave. These liquid crystal lipid
membrane also host protein receptors that freely foat inside, or partly outside, the
membrane. DNA and many polypeptides can also form liquid crystal phases.
Weak external magnetic felds or electromagnetic radiation can easily interact
with the endogenous electric feld to alter the alignment of molecules in a liquid
crystal on a global scale. It should be noted that the electro-static felds do not exist in
the absence of charges nor charges in the absence of felds. They are both fundamental
properties of matter. In living organisms it can be said that chemical components,
wherever they posses charges, cannot exist without felds nor can felds be found except
in the presence of charges. 67, Blueprint for Immortality, Harold Saxton Burr
Unlike liquids which have little or no molecular order, liquid crystals have an
orientational order, in that the molecules are aligned in some common direction(s),
rather like a crystal. But unlike solid crystals, liquid crystals are fexible, malleable,
and responsiveLiquid crystals typically undergo rapid changes in orientation or
phase transitions when exposed to electric (and magnetic) feldsthey have been found
to respond to visible light by undergoing structural transformations that make them
luminesce, i.e., to re-emit lightThe chemist George Gray, who has studied liquid
crystals for many years, refers to liquid crystals as tunable responsive system, and as
such, are ideal for making organisms. 173, Mae-Wan Ho, The Rainbow and the
In bulk water there are high-energy colloids that act as seeds charged to attract
freely roving water molecules. These colloid seeds form the nuclei of liquid crystal
microclusters; the charge of the colloid is made stable through the protection of a
coating such as gelatin, albumin or collagen. Large colloids tend to bounce around
and lose their charge but tiny ones retain their charge. Living organisms such as
the human body are made up of colloids and all their fows are based on electric
attractions. Blood cells have a protective coating of albumen which keeps them
charged, stable and uncoagulated. Wrong (especially cooked) foods destroy the
electric charges on the blood cells, which then coagulate, get sluggish, become
sticky and eventually die.
The cell membrane lipids and proteins are arranged in quasi liquid crystal
arrays, which are easily aligned with electric and magnetic felds. The dissonant
vibratory waves of negative thought, radioactivity and electromagnetic pollution
cause entropic disintegration of our pattern determination. DNA possesses a
vibratory structure (lightbody) that parallels its molecular structure. Thus it is
probable that one of the ways that DNA imparts design to protoplasm is through
its electromagnetic feld. Any external electromagnetic and radiation infuence
that is contrary to the life force will therefore interfere with the structure building
nature, some of the most rapid means of reinstating our ionic potentials are raw
green plant protoplasm, wheatgrass, kelp, clay and seaweed packs and the spinal
shower, Himalayan salt in drinking water.
The streaming fow of protoplasm within the cell increases in velocity with the
increase in electromagnetic charge of the cells environment. Thus the motility of
cellular processes would be affected by changes in the bodys EMF, changes in the
ion (orgone) content of the air, gravimetric vibration from the moon and sun, and
solar wind changeswhich would in turn change the bodys EMF. To live in an
area that is rich in bio-enhancing electromagnetic chargesuch as near the ocean,
in rainforests, near pristine rivers and waterfallsis to enhance the very speed and
effciency of processes within the cells. This is no doubt one of the reasons why
our bodies feel better out of doors, and for extended space fight we are going to
have to model the starship on the EMFs of natural systems in order to maintain
the cellular integrity of the crew.
Radiation however is not all bad! In The Anti-Aging Pill Bill Sardi says that
low dose radiation such as from areas of high natural radiation, can actually enhance
health, in that it stimulates a novel DNA repair mechanism, consequently making
cells more resistant to radiation and may even prolong life. This conditioning
effect is called Hormesis, (from Greek hormin, meaning to excite) involves
positive biological responses to low level exposure to toxins and other stressors.
This is rather like homeopathics law of similars. The word homeopathy is
derived from the Greek words homoios (similar) and pathos (suffering or disease).
Resilience to radiation is of major importance to all lifeforms, especially
kundalini active ones. For when kundi-active we may not be more vulnerable to
EMF damage, but with the supersenses of awakened kundalini you will be much
more aware of such vibrational disturbance in the bodymind. There are many
products on the market that offer electrosmog protection, including a convenient
Teslar Watch. The scalar energy expert Dr. Glen Rein demonstrated the ability
of the Teslar watch to shield the body from harmful ELF felds. His results showed
lymphocyte (immune) cell proliferation increased 137 percent in the presence of
the Teslar watch and noradrenalin uptake was decreased by 19.5 percent in nerve
cells, thus acting as an anti-depressant. The Teslar chip emits a frequency of 7.83
Hertz known as the Schumann Resonance, creating a cocoon of EMF protection
and increasing coherency in the biofeld.
EMF exposure increases an infammatory compound that can increase the
excitoxicity of the nerves. EMF-Bioshield looks like one of the best external
protection out there for radiation protection from computer and TV screens is the
EMF-Bioshield system. They use the properties of electromagnetic resonance of
rare earth elements (atomic numbers 58 to 71) to produce counter-phase resonance,
which eliminates all harmful radiation effects on life. Radiation Health Foundation Bioshield 2000, Polarizers
Cross Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine, Robert
O. Becker, M.D.
Sunlight also acts to cleanse, reset and harmonize the effect of EMF-radiation
pollution on the body. Sunlight probably acts to increase the ionic charges and
microclustering of our body fuid and increases the electrical potential of cells
and molecules. Morning sunlight has the greatest therapeutic value, perhaps by
setting the days circadian rhythms and hormone production off to a good start. By
working with the natural rhythms, through early to bed, early to rise, we generate
the strongest metabolism for a long disease free life. In p. 37 Bioelectromagnetic
Healing by Tom Valone he says that photons from sunlight are absorbed and stored
to recharge the biophoton batteries in the DNA and that cells absorb photons and
transform their energy into the cell energy molecule ATP (p.54). Reflling our
energy batteries is just one aspect of the multiple benefts of sunlight on the body.
Beta-carotene (Vitamin A) rich skin is resistant to sunburn and wrinkling. It
takes several months on a high beta-carotene diet of green and orange fruits and
vegetables, to build up the carotenes in the skin. Then you can avoid aging while
still getting the plentiful sunlight you need for Vitamin D production, antibacterial
defense and immune enhancement. Back of vitamin D is a contributing factor
to cancer, osteoporosis and perhaps most degenerative diseases. By the age of 70
the skins ability to produce Vitamin D declines by 50-70%. If you have been in
metamorphosis for many years you may need to take Vitamin D during the winter
to stop your bones from crying out for sunlight. The discomfort and pain we feel
in the middle of the winter is often due to insuffcient Vitamin D and consequent
immune suppression. Sunlight supports blood and immune cell growth in the
bone marrow. When the blood and immune system is happy, we are happy.
Sunlight also increases the mood elevating serotonin hormone and sets the
body to produce healthy levels of melatonin at night. Low light levels during the
day produce too much melatonin when we need to be active and then artifcial
lighting at night reduces melatonin production. Cod liver oil contains vitamins
D and A which are benefcial for almost everyone from fall through late spring,
during the cloudy winter season when sun exposure is low. Aloe vera gel from the
living plant leaf applied to the skin prior to sunbathing will prevent sunburn.
The Healing Sun, Sunlight and Health in the 21
Century by Richard Hobday Topological Geometrodynamics. Motherload
juicy physics site! Matti has many papers that advanced researchers will need to
study to formulate a quantum understanding of kundalini. Please kind researchers
if you use Mattis work then donate him some money, as the Finnish government
do not yet look after their world class theoretical physicists. Viktor Schauberger and Living-water
For Bioenergetic Books: Go to the Life-Energy Science and Biological Mysteries
at for books by Reich, Schauberger, Burr,
Piccardi, Backster etc... Borderland Sciences Links
The Suns Role in Monotheism
The existence of nearly all life on earth is solar powered, fueled by light from
the sun. Autotrophs or plants collect sun energy directly and convert it into sugars,
which heterotrophs subsequently live on, releasing stored solar energy. Ever since
humans started to grow their own food, the sun became the major religious focus.
Solar metaphors abound in all the worlds religions. Akhenaten (Effective spirit of
Aten), was an Egyptian Pharaoh (1351 BC1334 BC) who attempted to change
the population over to the monotheistic worship of Aten. In an effort to dethrone
the many Gods Akhenaten declared that Aten was not merely the supreme god,
but the only god. And that he himself was the only intermediary between Aten
and his people. My interpretation is that Akhenaten was striving to promote
monotheism in an attempt to consolidate power in the monarchy and to diminish
the economic power that the nobility and priesthood had through their siphoning
wealth off the populous in religious payments made for ritualistic services to the
many gods. Akhenaten is also believed to have composed the Great Hymn to the
Aten, one of the most exquisite love songs to the universe ever created.
Hermetics is basically the yoga of the ascent of consciousness, which probably
stems back to ancient prehistory Egypt. Its founder is said to be Hermes
Trismegistus (Hermes the Thrice-Great), reputed to be a wise sage and Egyptian
priest, and who is commonly seen as synonymous with the Egyptian god Thoth.
The Emerald Tablet, attributed to Hermes, is an ancient text purporting to reveal the
secret of the primordial alchemical substance and its transmutations. In the book
Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean by Doreal, the tablets reveal that there are
10 Masters (charkas or Sefrot) which are both infnitesimal and also encompasses
infnity. According to Kabbalistic cosmology, these Ten Sefrot (Ten Numerations)
correspond to ten levels of creation or consciousness. These levels of creation are
seen as ten different ways of revealing God. The tablets expressed in this book by
Doreal are mostly focused on the frst 7 Masters [chakras], because he says humans
are not yet ready for the others. The Emerald Tablets are concerned with bringing
man out of darkness into, Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean by
Place in thy body a thought-formed picture.
Think of the numbers that lead thee to Life
Clear is the pathway to he who has wisdom
Open the door to the Kingdom of Light.
Pour forth thy fame as a Sun of the morning
Shut out the darkness and live in the day.
Take thee, O man, as part of thy being,
The Seven [chakras] who are but one not as they seem
Opened, O man! Have I my wisdom.
Follow the path in the way I have led
Masters of Wisdom
Sun of the Morning
Light and Life to the children of men
Part Vii
meaninG oF KUnDalini
Without the inner world the outer loses its meaning, and without the outer the inner
loses its substance. KD Laing
Perhaps our greatest fear is not of the dissolution of self, but of owning up to
Self. Often we have a radical opening, just to fnd ourselves fipping back in the
opposite direction. The ego and armor seem pull back ones closure around one
after a radical opening. Through witnessing the openings and the closures time and
time again we become aware that this vacillation is biochemically driven hyperbolic
curves. Ultimately though with the radical heart expansions and associated gravity
warping and acute sensory and psychic experience...we are essentially broken
open by love.
Achieving the Grail of the Soul requires the mind to surrender its frequencies
to entrainment with the Heart. One could say that the heart is the organ of
meaning and purpose. If the metamorphic process proceeds with adequate grace
and conditions are not too detrimental to the process then the Percival Heart
is born, or the Heart that is radiant irrespective of external conditions. In this
we learn to take such radical responsibility that we do not injure ourselves with
the world. Compassion is so fundamentally deep at this point that we have
transcended our reactive conditioning and the reptilian brain has less of an impact
on our functioning. At this point there is just One Love, and so the energy that is
usually wasted in ego-defnition and protection is now spent on a higher order of
We may back away from our fowering edge however, simply because we can,
and this return to a less mature state is taken for various reasons. But the major
insight to get is that we have to give ourselves permission to show up in our full
glory for the world is not going to invite us to must be self-initiated.
Thus we must become causal, through the Percival Heart is the Solar or Causal
Heart. If you can stop running from both the loss of meaning and the presence
of meaning then you are enlightened. The transpersonal is the glorifcation of the
personal and the amplifcation of the Self. Our inability to be causal and create
a life is a matter of responsibility. There are so many steps and things involved,
commitment to being here, being the frst I think. And knowing approximately
what one is doing here. But really a human life takes intimacy with others. If our
sense of failure is equal to our faith, this provides a wall of detachment removala
distraction from really being here.
What is the purpose of kundalini? Thats an interesting question that
subjectively changes over the course of ones awakening. You get to see through
the minds assumptions on the purpose of life, and Life and ones own lifefrom
both on-high and on-lowthat is from an angelic perspective of the peak and
from burnout hell. The capacity for choice is what life is all about. You could say
the meaning of Life is choice. Depending on how one navigates the awakening,
(whether one is burnt or well-cooked), this determines whether the ultimate
outcome is more creative or destructive. Usually its a mixture of both for the birth
of the new requires the death of the old.
Consider that while we are still preconventional and conventional (conditioned)
we are immersed in meaning that is imposed on us from the outside. There is
the existential crisis prior to becoming postconventional, after which meaning
is interiorized with the development of the stronger umbilical cord to the Self.
That is frst we are motivated from external authority, and then we become a
spiritually sovereign entity. There are infnite modes of interpreting the meaning
of kundalini...but when we are still operating from the conventional mind and
piloted by external authority/motivation (some might say the reactive mind) then
we will tend to interpret events as being caused by external circumstances...that
is our entire world is favored with the particular stage of the alchemical cascade.
Thus the world becomes a refection of our chemistry and vice versa.
Is kundalini independent of thought and is kundalini is trans-subjective?
There is the up-peak of the ecstasy infux and the terror down-peak where the
energy seems to penetrate the dark depths of ones being. These two phases are
both essential stages of the metamorphosis, and we do not have one without the
other. We interpret the physics and physiology of metamorphosis through the
conditioned lens of where we are at. The alchemy itself is transcendent of the
circumstantial reasons but we generally think we are experiencing such and such
because of so and so. Depending on what we are going through at the time we
will ascribe psychological meaning to the up swing and the down swing. Although
the chemistry itself has little to do with the content of the mind, even when the
chemistry itself seems propelled by our reasons for such ecstasy or terror. The
more holy the individual the deeper they go into their Matter of the underworld
during their down cycle, simply because they have surrendered and gone-with the
transmutational alchemy of the up cycle. Unless one has penetrated linear time
and can cognitively grasp the fact that something in the future causes a certain
chemistry to happen to us in the present...then we are stuck in the egos mythic
interpretation of events. Psychological meaning is the story that we create for
ourselves about who we are, what the world is, and our relationships. Its ones
life-myth; its a kind of Jungian level understanding of archetype, motif, gods and
goddesses and how these elements play on our chemistry through our personal
interpretive lens.
As the alchemy unveils, this symbolic map-making ability of our mind operates
at full bore in a valiant effort to digest and explain our experience. For a sense of
reality and grounding we look to our environment (projection) and use anything
as a metaphor for our inner experience. And believe me on kundalini we project
our interiors to epic proportions. Of course such sign and symbol making does
have a deep importance in the psyche and to the health of the soul and to the
richness of life experience. We can be so pulled around by our interiors that after
an awakening we see everything as symbolic and thus gain detachment from both
inner and outer phenomena. In its morbid expression this could be existential
meaninglessness, in its healthy expression it is Freedom.
Often during ones frst awakening the down cycle is as electrically energetically
powerful as the spontaneous explosion of energy up the spine. Its the same intensity
of energy up the body threatening to blow ones head off, however instead of
ecstasy one experiences great terror. Of course whatever rational faculty we have
going at that moment will ascribe a particular reason as to why we are in such
terror. The real reasons for us reaching such a crisis are deep in our biology and
unconscious. As we descend layers of meaning this propels the chemistry further in
our efforts to rationalize our terror. Such an event can lead to ongoing depression
beyond the initial blast up the spine itself, because our reasons can perpetuate
our dark night, and this can stretch on for years if we do not have the discipline
and insight to turn our chemistry back into an up swing. Going deeper into being
can kick up mud in our pond, but the lotus fower is just as beautiful all along.
Stressed about enlightenmentthought about changing your self-talk a little?
In the initial stages of transformation we might operate more from the deprivation
side of ourselves, to be intent on whipping ourselves into shape through guilt,
shame, self-loathing and fear. This approach is almost inevitable except in those
who have been uncommonly supported and unconditionally loved as a child. To
avoid the paradox of being stressed out by our drive to transform, we need to
observe this phenomena and change our self-talk. Instead of transformation, we
could use the word Enjoyment-Aliveness, for real transformation actually amounts
to this.
If we fnd that fagellating ourselves on the spiritual path then we can be sure
that the dominant fgures we have in place are the Superego-Parent and the Self-
Righteous-Teacher. When it comes to establishing your integral-lifestyle, this is
not going to get you anywhere. For true transformation is bought about via the
Child and the Sage...and neither of these will give you stress. If you sit intimately
with the disharmony and disillusionment that your transformation-drive sets up
you will be able to see and feel it as an object, then move around the edges of it
to the Child and Sage and allow them to heal you and make Whole. The Sage is
All-Knowing and the Child is All-Innocent. By relaxing into the not-knowing of
the Child this allows the Sage to be heard. But if you stay in the Parent-Teacher
mode, their voices are so strident, loud and overbearing that you lose touch with
the true agents of transformation.
Consider that it wasnt until the industrial age that humans became unbalanced
in their lifestyles. Village and tribal lifestyle was integral at the mythic level. We
now have to fnd out what it means to live a Whole-HUuman lifestyle in the
very unbalanced information age. Considering the vast resources at our disposal it
should be easy...but greater choice and information sometimes makes it harder to
focus, to choose and to commit. Thus we must draw on the Percival and Merlin
within us to fnd the path that is true to us beyond all outer appearances and
distractions. The heart and intuition will stabilize the incarnation of our Divine
Child and Sage.
Consider that life is exactly like surfng waves. There is a charge of life force that
arises with any new exciting event be it meeting a lover, or a Eureka discovery. But
if we fail to ride the energy of that charge we miss the wave and get ground into the
sand. Each time we do this aborted surfng trick we get further and further from
the life we want, and we get less and less excited about every new event. Thus if we
dont learn to surf properly we become generally apathetic or downright depressed,
so life is like surfng and opportunities are waves. If we do not learn how to handle
the energy of kundalini and use expanded consciousness effectively and creatively,
then it turns on us and we become listless, depressed and dysfunctional. Thus it
becomes obvious that we need to transcend our own and the collective shadow to
reintegrate ego into a higher mode and larger purpose. That is if we dont pick up
and constructively proceed with the light-sword, it will cut us to pieces. As Diana
Durham said in her great book, The Return of King Arthur, To ask the question we
have to dare to be who we really area truly terrifying thought.
All the empirical investigation and understanding in the world can never
really explain happenstance. Yet spirituality necessitates that our understanding
and maturation keep pace with unfolding reality. Thus we must hold the stance
of willingness to learn, while simultaneously being open to not knowing.
I see us progressively moving into an experiential transrational investigation of
manifestation by Games of Spirit. Consciously laid plots of scientifc inquiry into
the complexity of human nature and the universe. Thus we will be participating in
the evolution of God, as we investigate Gods existence. Not in an effort to prove
but to participate, reveal and cocreate.
Like a hurricane, a tornado, or an ice age, Metamorphosis is an inevitable
universal force that descends upon us from beyond our control and to which there
is very little we can do about to alter its path and effectsunless we establish
knowledge and mastery. Its not so much where we are on the spiral of development,
its the degree of information and contemplation we have given to our experiences
that denotes how we will relate it. Kundalini is a natural phenomena with infnite
perspectives, interpretations, implications, and explanations.
Evolution would have us evolve despite ourselves.
Union of souls
Entwine in divine dance
Galactic syzygy
To be more than either alone
Jointing fuels the heart
The gravity of love
Alchemical fre
Revealing and perfecting
Flowers conscious awakening
If kundalini is the energy of individuation, then how does kundalini apply in
relationship? During a kundalini awakening as more layers of our being are accessed
we are both more vulnerable, complex and sensitive. The energy of kundalini is
highly attractive and addictive and so we have to be careful not to draw unhealthy
relationships, like wasps around a honey pot. Its the kundalini energy itself that
is attractive, but its not always attractive. Kundalini energy is attractive to the
degree that bodies and hearts are open, and it pushes uncomfortably against
that which is not open. Those who are nervous, borderline, hypersensitive or
unbalanced would most often be made uncomfortable by contact with someone
with active kundalini. An aggressive person might be stimulated to be aggressive
within the heightened feld of a kundi-active, due to the their resistance to the
pressure on their heart to open. Perhaps as a general rule kundalini energy will
tend to stimulate the default emotional precondition of individuals exposed to it.
And during the Die-off, gravity crushing and panic phases kundalini is defnitely
not attractive to oneself or others.
During a kundalini awakening we are at a lifetime peak in pituitary potency, so
our center of being rises to the psychic level, and we have access to a vastly higher
vision and taste of reality. While at that level we cannot ft our larger being down
into the consensus fatland reality, so during an awakening we are more alone
than we will ever be in our lives, for no one can intimately tread the same territory
along side us. Beware of selling-out your values and truth for the comfort and
security of having someone around. Also during active kundalini, sex along with
all sense-perception and sensation, is greatly amplifed and this can interfere with
discretion and decision-making in relationships. With kundalini fow we are already
greatly in love, bliss and openness and likely to overlook warning signals, traits
and behaviors which normally we wouldnt tolerate in a partner. So it is a strange
condition of being in total readiness for relationship, and yet the stakes of setting
a foot wrong have never been so high. We will fall into whatever traps we have
prepared for ourselves by our nature. If you fnd yourself involved in relationship
diffculty, pull back and focus on your own creative output and integrating the
kundalini through exercise, energy work (Qi Gong etc) and nature. The potency
of kundalini greatly exaggerates relationship such that situations can become a
comedic parody of relating. The exaggeration means one cannot hide from the
potential for love, or ones need to betray that potential. All that is within oneself
becomes exposed at much greater speed and intensity. The derepression capacity
of kundalini is so great that the whole relationship has to be dedicated to the All or
both parties are screwed no matter what they do.
It is important to always seek a peer relationship and even more so during
awakening. Never fall into the trap of thinking you are doing someone a favor and
helping them to grow, heal or overcome neurosis by having sex with them during
active kundalini. Seek someone of equal or higher openness and intelligence, for
anything else will be degrading, wasteful and produce suffering. The neurotic that
you desire to help will not be able to grow at the same pace, nor commit to
conscious awakening and their rubber banding will be a severe waste of energy for
you at a time when you already have enough to deal with. By rubber banding I
mean the push-pull that goes on in someone who is divided in their being and their
intention, so that they cannot commit to relationship but fip around, one minute
for, one minute against. Push-pull relationships I advise to do it before a kundalini
awakening, or if it starts happening within a relationship while in kundalini, just
get out of the relationship fast. It boils down to whether a relationship is syntropic
and builds autonomy, soul, consciousness, energy and love or if its entropic and
interferes with the evolutionary expression of these. Since we are usually already out
of our depth and in crisis during kundalini, engaging in sum-negative relationships
with people who are not up to the task of truly loving us, is perhaps the most
dangerous and damaging thing we can do. For we just waste our time, energy and
spiritual attainment in low-grade human drama. Yet the potential for relationship-
growth during kundalini is never higher because of the exposure, vulnerability and
lifting of repressive prefrontal-lobe controls. The malleable conditions are fertile
for great social breakthrough and authentic intimacy beyond role playing.
To a large degree whether we enter a relationship or not is up to the universe. If
someone turns up in which attraction, communion and purpose are aligned then
we literally HAVE to go with it in order to live in truth. Spirit makes such things
happen, and we must obey spirit or move down the ladder of being. Many of us
are living such fctitious lives however that fnding something real between two
people is extremely uncommon...all the more reason why we are obligated toward
a relationship should one arise. But if a relationship is going to interfere with who
we are or where we are going on the soul level then it is best to avoid it. Since there
are very few people who have had awakened kundalini or are presently active, its
unlikely that we can pair up with someone based on this criteria. In my experience
it is best to avoid the person who has read all the books, knows the lingo and has a
spiritual practice, but is still deeply in schism, neurosis and narcissism. Instead it is
better to choose one who may have none of the trappings of the spiritual path, but
is united and grounded in their being, with an open heart and forthright energy.
Dont be distracted by appearances for in the trials of a kundalini crisis we
cannot afford the luxury of draining or twisted relationships. If the non-popped
partner considers him/herself to be a spiritual practitioner then eventually
narcissism, competition and jealousy will likely get the better of them and their
rubberbanding cocoon will snap back into place. Ultimately it takes someone who
is equally ready to open, for the degree of surrender necessary is perhaps absolute,
thus it is the openness or expansion capacity of your partners heart that is the
crucial factor. Because the supernal energies of kundalini will shake everything
within the couple, the ability for compassionate objective nonreactive witnessing
and shared communication is vital. As is an understanding of the process and
phases of alchemy between the sexes itself. The success of romantic relationship
during a kundalini awakening depends on the interrelationship of the capacity for
transcendent faith of the two individuals. The sheer intensity of kundalini forces
us to trust that which is beyond the known. It forces us to surrender to that which
seems infnitely larger than ourselves. It forces us be befriend ourselves and forces
us to love.
Spiritual practice doesnt necessary make one more spiritual, ie: post-
conventional. Individuals of a conventional level are unsuitable for they are too
rigid and will contest you at every turn as you Be and express information from
higher realities. There are many ways to develop a truly post conventional brain
including a kundalini awakening, good genetics and richly stimulating beginnings,
extreme experiences and adventurous lifestyle, crisis, shamanic drug use and spiritual
practice that involves the removal of the sense of specialness. As kundi-actives we
dont need the conventionally minded to ground us or bring us back down to
earth, for it is our job to bring heaven down to earth. We must have the open space
to learn inner-adaptation to the elevated energy and consciousness, as only this will
help us integrate larger/higher orders of our being. Fundamentally it is our job
not to succumb to consensus reality, but to bring the gifts of spirit down and to
illuminate the fatland material world. That is it is the lower material nature
that must be sacrifced to the higher, not the other way round. If our partner is not
thoroughly kundalini-informed, they may tend to pathologize our kundalini, or
seek to exploit it, either way this will be very degrading situation.
If a couple is in active kundalini and having regular sex, then it must be done
consciously, that is tantrically, or else they are likely to generate big trouble because
everything is so amplifed. Active kundalini really needs a 3rd stage relationship
(David Deida scale) or mature monogamy (Robert Augustus Masters), with
fuid honesty and eyes wide open. To preserve joint-spiritual ascendency you
have to watch out that the energy is not being used in a masturbatory, selfsh or
codependent fashion; egoically using kundalini energy, or be selling it for love.
That is we must wary of the egos attempts to barter kundalini energy for sex,
comfort, companionship and security, for this is a no win situation. Masturbatory-
egoic sex and relationship is driven by the older survival/defense parts of the brain
and is inspired by deprivation. While for transcendental sex and higher forms of
relationship one needs to already have a certain profciency at the basic needs level.
Survival stress focuses consciousness in older brain areas and tends to interfere with
higher cognition.
During awakening the changes and upheavals can be so great that it is essential
to look for the ultimate support within oneself. If you feel you need support
from sangha, Guru, mate, parents or doctor you will just run yourself ragged and
end up increasingly deprived. Isolation often leads to the evolutionary chemistry
of the mystics. The energy/awareness has to go somewhere, so it turns into the
inner fower. When we witness anything, be it loneliness, horniness, kundalini,
desire, pain, fear can be transmuted into its own satisfaction. But if we turn
our consciousness away from it and resist it or suppress it then it just persists in
an unconscious fashion to infest our behavior and destiny. To be touched with
affection we must frst touch with affection. The heart of the world grows thus. We
fll up from the inside out, after which we can shine our love on all creation.
Relationship boils down to personal responsibility. If we are dissociated from
ourselves and the world, its rather hard to make relationship happen. Being actively
on the path of ones life purpose is the opposite of dissociation. But we have to
learn to contain these global cosmic forces, carry out our Kosmic-quest and have a
personal life as well, because we can relationship bypass by both prepersonal and
transpersonal means. We can be so driven by transpersonal imperative that we miss
out on personal life possibility. That is the personal responsibility to accept life
and to fulfll ourselves within it. If we still feel dependent (fghting enmeshment
with parents or employers) then we are not yet in this personal responsible state.
The fundamental key is that we have to be sovereign before we can surrender
ourselves into accepting a accept life and fulfll ourselves and
our purpose within it. Thus paradoxically relationship requires sovereignty or
empowerment by Essence. We have to be boundaried before we can proactively
include another within our boundaries. But if we are dissociated, that isremoved
from Essence, this is the opposite of self responsiblity and self-knowledge. The
quality of our relationships throughout our life are determined by the quality of
human interaction we had in the development of our self-system in the frst few
years of our life. If we got inadequate heart-eye contact as an infant chances are we
may be cut off from Essence, dissociated (latent and repressed) from self and other
and prone to isolation.
For the creation of a benefcent human civilization we must evolve beyond the
security bound ego to the unconditionally loving soul. So focus must be shifted
from survival, to transmutation, without transmutation becoming yet another goal
of the security seeking ego. To do this we must achieve spiritual autonomy from
the world such that we can relax into unconditionally loving soul in the midst
of the chaos of the world. As the Global Brain awakens and connects there will
be such a foodtide of transpersonal alchemy that we will collectively gain the
skills and language needed to address it. Until then the pioneers will largely be
stumbling in the dark with barely a candle, other than the light in their own heart.
Relationships are so complex that there will always be an occasion to disprove all
our prior assumptions and theories.
The hardest won lesson I learnt from my awakening was: that there is a very
real danger that if we are already blissed out of our tree and intent on some heroic
journey, we can accidentally pass up on the lover of our dreams. Thus we must be
weary of the dangers of our infation and idealism, to be responsive to the inner call
to action when faced with a meaningful encounter. And even more importantly
if at all possible we must be aware of our degree of spiritual pride, and prejudice
which in the end does nothing but disrupt our lives and create misery, loneliness
and division. The spiritual ego can be our worst enemy, because hubris stops the
learning mind. Thus if our focus on spirituality makes us more arrogant than
humble, then we are actually better off without any focus on spirituality.
The main problem with prolonged removal from romantic relationship, is the
likelihood that we may the One because we are so used to holding nothing to us, so
no relationship feels like ours. A fabulous partner turns up and we marvel at his/
her beauty for someone else not us. That is we have turned a prepersonal situation
into transpersonal dissociation and forgotten the personal in between. Distracted
by our duties and survival strategies, the miracle of chance meeting then becomes a
one hour conversation instead of a lifetime of relationship. The degree to which we
have fought the pain of our loneliness rather than accepted it, is the degree to which
we have escaped into transpersonal amnesia, by which relationship is unlikely to
touch us even if it does arrive. Similarly if we have fought for the right to have
a relationship this resistance to feeds into our transpersonal removal...which as I
say becomes a prepersonal prison. We could call this phenomena, relationship
bypass, which can only interfere greatly with our soul development.
Metamorphosis, for all its fre and fash is completely useless if undergone at the
expense of genuine human relationships. That it is relationship, not enlightenment
that is important, and that enlightenment involves skillful relationship. Love and
human experience is more important than the pursuit of kundalini energy, spiritual
philosophies and enlightenment. If a spiritual partner arrives then sex might
become a natural part of that love, and the two of you can cultivate ways for sex
to not be depleting but regenerating. The upwelling of kundalini tends to reduce
suitable mates, but the chances of fnding a spiritual partnership are increasing
due to global communication means such as the internet. Finding someone who is
not in consensus trance and who will not attack the original thought and creativity
of our Muse, or be jealous of it, is the hardest task for someone looking for spiritual
partnership. Until we fnd such a person we are far better off alone putting our
energy and creativity into enjoying the freedom of our single life. Rather than have
chronic longing be a handicap for us, we have to learn to fnd ways to use our
energy that give positively to the world and also receive back in return.
The question of whether celibacy enhances or impedes spiritual development is
not black and white. Some sexual matches generate more energy through synergy,
while others dissipate and drain energy and consciousness. Thus being celibate is
no guarantee that you will have more energy available for metamorphosis. Chances
are that prolonged celibacy while dry up your hormones and you will become
spiritually desiccated. Celibacy can be just as damaging and wasteful as relationship.
Some traditions insist that celibacy is essential for spiritual transformation, but
you could just as easily say that intimate relationship is necessary to transform.
Relationship or celibacy undergone in an entropic or energy wasting fashion is
obviously counter to evolution. Over masturbation or excessive sexual intercourse
will tend to waste the neurotransmitters and energy necessary for transmutation.
Avoidance is not transcendence and that which is repressed cannot evolve. Rather
than make a career out of avoidance and join a monastery or nunnery, nowadays
we have modern psychology and relationship science to help us navigate these
murky waters...we have the technology! Church systems of the past played an
intrusive and usurping role in the sexuality of their fock. Take away sex, replace
it with a set of rules called God, promise rewards in heaven and you basically have
a stagnant, prepersonal slave pool to draw from and build great wealth and power
with. As Wilhelm Reich points out Sexual suppression becomes an essential tool of
economic enslavement.
Traditionally it was thought that sex was counter to spirituality because churches
and gurus wanted to control their focks through manipulating their sex drives. A
True love takes its own course through uncharted territory. It knows no fences, has no
barriers or boundaries. Its diffcult to defne, eludes modern measurement, and seems
scientifcally wooly. But I know true love exists. I just cant prove it. David Buss
There is an extremely volatile and complex human predicament involved
with activated kundalini, perhaps more so than any other aspect of the human
experience. Kundalini awakening presents us with the raw edge of our existence,
because it involves the radical amplifcation, derepression, nexus and shakeup of
ourselves in relation to our world! Due to the power of Limbic Attractors and
since the hormonal chemistry of kundalini awakening is the similar romantic love,
only tenfold, it is very easy to assume one is in love with the teacher, Guru or
person that provides the initiation stimulus. In fact this transference cannot be
gotten over until the kundalini awakening itself has abatedfor the heart, sex
and love sensations are synonymous with the inner image one has of the initiator
and probably wouldnt have occurred without psycho-spiritual attraction to him
or her. Transference is the tendency to respond to particular others as if they were
fgures from our past. Thus our Great Attractors are somehow the resolution in the
drama of our past history of desire, aversion and need.
Thomas Lewis et al say that through limbic resonance and regulation human
minds are joined together in a continuous exchange of infuential signals.
No individual can think his way around his own Attractors, since they are embedded
in the structure of thought. The limbic transmission of Attractors renders personal
identity partially malleableas our Attractors activate certain limbic pathways, and
the brains inexorable memory mechanism reinforces them. Who we are and who
we become depends, in part, on whom we love. 141 A General Theory of Love by
Thomas Lewis, M.D., Fari Amini, M.D., Richard Lannon, M.D.
If your kundalini awakening is in association with a Great Attractor or initiator
and think you are in love with this person, you probably are. But it is love at the
supra-sex level that is transcendent of normal sex. In supra-sex there is a radical
exaggeration of sexual chemistry as a furnace for the alchemy of transformation.
I suppose there have been plenty of people throughout history who have actually
had relationships in situations where supra-sex has arisen, but a relationship is not
necessary for the alchemy to proceed. If transference with a Limbic Attractor has
been the trigger the awakening will proceed without any further interaction. A
spark is all it takes to set your own chemistry rolling. I liken spiritual preceptors
(teachers) to being an antenna for soul/spirit and if you get around them your own
soul accelerates/amplifes, ones biology starts jumping around and new connections
are made. Being in Mr. Universals I experienced outrageous symptoms and a
radically altered sense of being, which I will never experience again. The work of
transference occurred on a biological and energetic level, and my body dissolved
itself at light-speed.
During a full-on awakening it is likely that you would project your awakened
Heart onto a spiritual leader as the sun and source of your own Self. Because we
are relational at our core, this projection inevitably happens until the kundalini
dies back down again; or until the rational mind has made peace with the sub and
transrational sides of existence and the Self moves to the forefront of ones being.
This is so because we are naturally lovers and there is a fundamental propensity
to love an object (Guru, teacher, lover) out there. Whereas indeed, it is merely
the awesome love of the Self illuminating ones mind and body. Because of its rare
and self-perpetuating (self-initiating and autopoietic) nature we must as a society
learn to distinguish the difference between personal-temporal-earthly relationship
and ephemeral-spiritual transpersonal chemistryand so clarify our thoughts
and emotions around these two very distinctly different phenomena. Creating a
language of the multifaceted nature of love.
The sociobiological evolution of the Global Brain may or may not have a
personal relationship component. Its cellular, energetic, subatomicand non-
local as well, although the effects are usually amplifed by proximity. Not everyone
is triggered by spiritual adepts, it depends on ripeness and how one is wired.
Females probably pop more so than males in the presence of male gurus, because
of the sexual polarity and the hormones being fundamental to the
alivening of kundalini. Even the ones that dont pop are changed but in a less
dramatic fashion when in the presence of evolved beings and Great Attractors. We
can of course pop without having any initiator or specifc cause and yet if we refect
we can see that our entire lives, the good and the bad and all that has happened
to us leads us to that inevitable threshold event, through the very nature of our
being alive.
You dont need a tantric partner to have kundalini experiences, you can open
purely from giving generously to life and following your Muse. If you commit to
the challenge of your spiritual journey, you will go through these types of initiation,
even if your eyes never fall on anyone that personally kicks you off. Metamorphosis
happens within an individual but it is larger than the life of the individual because
it is beyond the personalityit is a process of species emergence. If it happens in
association with another individual (say a guru) it might feel like the ultimate love
affair, but it is of the realm of the Gods, it is not a worldly phenomena, hence
cannot be taken personally. At frst we may interpret such love and bliss personally
and intimately identify with our heroic journey, but after many years we tend to
view it as a transpersonal force, more like an ocean in which we swim. Other people
who have not experienced this kind of thing, will however take it personallythey
will see our experience through the lens of ordinary sex and attraction. Thus
normal human jealousies, possessiveness, protection and envy emotions will be
lumped onto something that is essentially beyond all these personally inspired
What about the ultimate gamble of loving and fnding it unrequited? Loving
someone who doesnt love us back is not such a bad thing, if we are able to use
that love to grow and not react in self-destruction. The pain from such an event
can help us to open and be ready for a deeper love. To be more grateful when
love arises, in awe of the miracle and the precariousness and the rareness of it
all. Romantic longing for another is synonymous with longing for homecoming
with ones own Self. Unrequited love can result in metamorphic initiation, for
the energy that would have been used in relationship is then used in the opening
of the inner fower of Self. The perturbation of consciousness during a kundalini
awakening or when we are in love gives us greater access to the right-brain. When
the two hemispheres are in greater communicate a profound love is experienced.
The worry thoughts of the left-brain are met and subsided by the expansive right-
brain. Thus its like being in communion with the Beloved, for we are the Beloved.
Unrequited love and kundalini awakenings both eventually teach us that we ARE
the love we seek.
At there is a great article by Todd Murphy called The
Neurology of Romantic Love where he talks about Michael Persingers work on
sensed presence, romantic love, projection of the Beloved and brain science. Michael
Persingers take on romantic love and the hemispheres is essential to gain greater
insight as to what happens when we fall in love. Our self identity is mostly
centered in the left-linguistic brain, but we each have a silent Other in the right-
brain. Meeting another person who we resonate with sets off wakeful/relaxation
chemistry by which we have more access this silent Other in our feeling right-
brain. Hence the increase in telepathy and psi during romantic encounters of an
elevated kind. A triad emerges You, your left linguistic I and the other persons
left-brain identity, and the transconscious communication via the combination of
the two right-brain selves in sympathetic resonance. This inner marriage facilitates
meta-recognition, or the fully human human.
Perhaps one of the frst things that happens on the spiritual path is both a
sense of recognition and a sense of self-doubt. After spiritual initiation, the
observing eye of the mind is enlargened, we become more hip to both our glory
and our shit. Accepting that we all have an unconscious and dark side is a major
spiritual milestone. Perhaps idolatry stops the moment we marry our shadow, and
hence forgive the world. When this projection ceases perhaps we can truly love as
an adult instead of a child. Once we collectively get over the cup being half full,
and over original sin, and grok that nothing is broken, perhaps then we will give up
the doubt, greed, lust and fear that dissipates our energy and prevents Samadhi.
Relational Alchemy is simply the inner polytheistic pantheon theocosm at work.
The most obvious example of the way process operates is, the females submission
to the patriarchial image of the King. Here she projects her inner-King onto an
external male fgurethen the consequences of her volitional giving up of her own
King will be played out in her life and relationships, until she becomes conscious of
what she is doing and reowns or fnds for the frst time her own inner-King. This
alchemical archetypal process of psychic development often occurs through loss,
grief and reclaiming. Those that fail to make the last stage, remain psychological
and spiritual victims of their own inability to own all the aspects of their theocosm
(archetypal matrix). This projection without reclaiming constitutes a fundamental
failure of understanding how the psyche works and a blindness towards ones own
inner process.
Relational alchemical projection might be stronger in the female of the species
because they are biologically more focused on relationship and therefore more
at the mercy of the inner panoply of identitiesthe archetypal arcana. The wiring
of males towards objects rather than people allows them a biological distance
from this alchemical-projection process. They still do it to a degree, but it does
not consume the entirety of their body, mind and soul. Whereas with females it is
so insidiously overwhelming that it seems like the entire universe is conspiring to
produce this inner-cooking of the psyche through archetypal projection. Because
we are not very familiar with this process yet, females tend to lose their inner-King
many times over during their life to various external males and male icons. But
each time she tends to fnd her inner masculine after the illusion of the protector-
daddy-God is broken down and broken through. In this process she learns to love,
reclaim and inhabit all of her Self. It is this lack of aware Self-development that
relational alchemical projection overcomes if it is allowed to proceed naturally and
if the light of compassionate awareness is brought to it. If it is not seen through and
the polarization of self-other, inner-outer is not made conscious, then there simply
is no psychological or spiritual development. Relational alchemical projection
reveals the clockwork of the mind of Nature herself.
The marriage between the microcosm and the macrocosm produces an epic
drama in which propels the individual on their heros journey. The psychic heating
involved in discovering Great Attractors, people, events and objects which deeply
affect us is a self-fulflling prophecy; providing us exactly what we need to wake
up. This psychic cooking process will become increasingly apparent in the psyche
of humans as we enter a more global arena where there is more choice available
and more freedom to access those choices. The pace of change on the inner psychic
level and the outer experiential level can only accelerate geometrically.
Building the skills and knowledge to deal with these rapid successive jumps in
cognition and experience is the work of the present generations. Since this process
is happening to us all, it demands communal investigation and revelation. As time
and space become more transparent to consciousness and we connect up all over
the globe to share in this relational alchemy, each of us has a major contribution to
offer in this theocosmic unveiling. We all balance, provoke, trigger, facilitate and
promote the alchemy in each other through the sheer fact that we are alive, and
we are Spirit.
We must be very weary of dismissing this archetypal process, for to do so is
to dismiss the way that spirit really is, for some simplistic model. This issue is at
the heart of genuine spiritual emergence itself. It demands to be looked at with
reverence and honor not with base cynical materiality. We simply have to allow
for it, understand it and laugh at it. This process is vastly more strange, magical,
mysterious and mystical than any real life encounter or relationship could ever be.
It is part of the dream world of the inner humanizing process, that if treated with
understanding can bring meaning, quality and depth to our lived experiential lives.
The more we use mystical language to describe our inner world in our daily lives
the more we participate in a global psychic heating process.
This Overmind or the Mind of God is not a homogenized undifferentiated
Borg-like tumorous mass. For managed consent and excessive cooperation
prevents the fexibility and diversity necessary for the individuals spontaneous
response to the rhythms of the cosmos. Universal Mind allows for each cell, organ
or individual organism, indeed each particular thought to have a completely
unique expression. Indeed it is this very differentiation by which each part is
engaged in natural rhythms of exquisite coherence that bring the all the parts into
a collective Whole. Perfect coherence is the optimal state between chaos and order.
Pathology occurs when through defense, security or aggression, an unnatural order
is imposed by coercion or tyranny leaving the individual cell, organ or individual
unable to follow the dictates of the larger cosmic order of which they are made.
Unable to respond to the Mind of God or to fow in Gods Time (Kairos) the Part
then loses sync with the universal Wholeand disease results.
The Philosophers Gold in a sense is the search itself, for an ever purer
reception of what this omnipresent Overmind is telling us. The Sacred Science
is the revealed knowledge of liberation from suffering and mortality, and the
search for a real vision of the universe. That is the magic, that is the mystery
this Overmind as it unfolds in time comes from a source that is beyond Time
and is one with the matter of earth and the plasma of noosphere. This is Total
Consciousnessthe always already, the Eternal in time. It is the experience of
Spirit and the full ramifcations of that which constitutes the sole purpose in life.
The more purifed, alive, renatured and spiritualized is the bodymind, the more
receptive we are to the Real, the sacred call of the wild and our highest Nature. This
clarity and sensitivity allows us to fnd our soulmate and/or tune into our Dharma
and Global imperative.
For reading on projection and transference one of the most precise books is Jung
On Alchemy by Nathan Schwarz-Salant.
Projection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology: Refections of the Soul by Marie-
Louise von Franz
Jung on the alchemy of the sexes can be found in Jungs Collected Works...
Psychology and Alchemy... Vol 12; Alchemical Studies ...Vol 13; Mysterium
Conjunctionis ...Vol 14
Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall
harnessthe energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, man
will have discovered fre. Pierre Theilhard de Chardin
Both Jung and Sri Aurobindo believed that the soul is both individual and
universal and that the physical and psychic exist simultaneously. Supra-sex you
could say is the spiritual intercourse of the Global Brainthe communion of
the overmind or Superman (Aurobindo). This communion is superluminal,
nonlocal and probably involves instantaneous communication via scalar waves or
sympathetic resonance. Supra-sex is a mysterious subatomic force that spans the
globe. The experience of supra-sex makes it apparent to us irreverent humans that
we live in a spiritual universe, an intelligent universe, far more profound than we
could possibly imagine. There is nothing more powerful than the force of Supra-
sex. It is the force of evolution and consciousness itself, the energy at the ground of
manifestation. Future generations will know more about and honor it more deeply
than us, for slowly humanity is being awakened by this evolutionary force.
The spiritual journey is driven by sex hormones, as the principle drivers to
metamorphic alchemy and awakening. The urge to unite with God, and the urge
to merge with a beloved runs on the same biological equipment, it is just lived
at a different level of expression. Bliss is the energy of transcendence, and when
kundalini arises and the Heart opens it feels like a lover. For females it feels like
a male lover, for males it feels like a female lover. For this reason it is commonly
thought that the soul of each sex is the opposite gender. Hence the anima/animus
of Jungian philosophy.
The idea of Supermind (global brain) maybe as old as Plotinius, tho not
explicitly stated. A teacher of Aurobindo brought it to his attention and so seeded
Aurobindos sadhana. For information on Aurobindos take on the Supermind
check out the book: On the way to Supermanhood, by Satprem. The Supermind
is as vital as the body of man is vitalas the Earth herself is vital. Unfortunately
our modern world is flled with interference patterns to consciousness such as
electromagnetic felds, pollution and the destruction of nature itself leading to
the devitalizing the human organism. The Supermind is when ones subjectivity
exhibits a planetary empathy. So one has to be enlightened to reside in Supermind be both separate and not separate at the same time. Maps of
consciousness such as Spiral Dynamics maybe a ladder of objectivity, but no matter
how high ones eye, cognition is always subjective. That is Evolution = increasingly
objective subjectivity.
Spirit uses the sexual chemistry and apparatus in the metamorphic process, so
that even though the mystics may not be actually engaging in sex with another
human their systems are fully sexed, fully revved up and potent during the great
Passion of the alchemy. If this energy is simply masturbated away or spent on gross
level compulsive sex then the Great Passion will fall short of its mark. To be fully
sexually potent doesnt necessarily mean one is actually engaging or even interested
in sex, but that one is not repressing the full fow of Eros in the bodymind. At the
mystic level supra-sex transcends, includes and amplifes normal-sex. Supra-sex is
the total alchemy of transformation of which super-sex is a symptom or benefcial
side effect.
Kundalini operates on the bodys sexual system to radically heightened degrees:
in dreams that facilitate certain phases of the metamorphosis, in magnifed sensory
sensitivity, in heightened attraction or rather spiritualized attraction, higher sexual
energy and sex hormone production and vastly increased levels of opening. But
in fact kundalini simply uses the sexual system in the same way that it uses the
nervous system, the immune systems, the endocrine system, the lymphatic system
and the digestive systemto evolve the structures and systems of the bodymind.
This process is transpersonal and related to species survival and evolution.
The transpersonal nature of the Overmind or World Soul (Anima Mundi) is
recognized as one becomes a pawn in the hands of the Gods, with the ultimate
objective of evolving and connecting the individual neurons of the Global Brain.
The individual neurons being ourselves. This is why in 2000 I said, sex is not
sex. Supra-sex transcends, includes and amplifes normal-sex. The global brain
wakes up through sexual attraction, and nothing is more wakeful and enlightening
than the pull of supra-sex, and you dont even have to have sex for it to be so. It
is the trickster nature of the Universe. Remember sex is not sex, it is the energy
of the Universal existencesex IS the is all the play of the charges,
hemispheres, sexes and poles, and enlightenment proceeds via this cosmic
intercourse of the marriage of opposites.
Union beyond all states is basically nondual intuition, or being one with the
fow of Spiritual Eros. As far as action in the world goes, as long as we are an ego
acting for or on the world this is still not the highest dharma. Consider the concept
of relationship AS the Worldeven sex for worldcentric reasons. Coming from
this highest ethical level then there would not be internal divisions that would
prevent joint-nirvikalpa. This kind of relationship is perhaps the only kind of
relationship that is deeply satisfying in the soul-sense, and thus fundamentally
Real. Relationship AS the Universe.
Supra-sex is autopoietic and seems to be focused primarily on the spontaneous
transpersonal evolution of consciousness itself. Because it is the most extreme
experience of love and sex, we learn that human relationship is a subset of this
much larger transpersonal agenda of Nature. Supra-sex cannot be described in
words, for one can only know it by experience, thus I resort to Gurdjieffs idea of
supra-sex to help clarify the distinction that this is something so beyond our usual
concept and experience of sex that it defes both understanding and expression.
There is a great piece on sex in Chapter 12 Sex and Evolution in Ouspenskys A
New Model of the Universe. Here he described the three types of sex.
infra-sex: A non-understanding, terror and disgust of sex, arrested development
or degeneration, sex abnormalities, underdeveloped sex, all perversions, either
abnormal sex desires or abnormal sex abstinence, indifference to sex, exaggeration
leading to inner degeneration, wastes energy. Disharmony between sex and other
sides of life.
normal-sex: Contains no danger, sex harmonizes with all other functions
including emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Sex inwardly is completely justifed
in the normal man and this justifcation is based solely on the full coordination of
sex with other aspects of life. Builds energy, awareness and inspires.
supra-sex: The sex system is greatly magnifed and subsumed into spiritual alchemy,
such that normal sex eventually ceases. Supra-sex signifes the inner marriage or
metamorphosis and is intimately tied into ones life purpose and calling. The Muse
or Holy Spirit becomes prior to all else.
The frst sensations of mystical experiences intensify sex sensations but the further waves
of the light that a man begins to see completely absorb and cause to disappear those small
sparks of sensations which before seems to him a blaze of love and passion. Consequently
in true mysticism there is no sacrifce of feeling. Mystical sensations are sensations of the
same category as the sensations of love, only infnitely higher and more complex. Love,
sex, those are but a foretaste of mystical sensations. It is clear that the foretaste must
disappear when there comes that which has been anticipated. But it is equally clear that
struggle with the foretaste, the sacrifce of the foretaste, the giving up of the foretaste,
cannot bring nearer or hasten anything. 541,Ouspensky.
Ouspensky says that it is the cessation of transmutation that is the curtailment
of metamorphosis, which produces pre-normal sex characteristics (infra-sex) such
as suppression and pathologies of sex. He says that the degradation of sexual
attributes secondary characteristics points to a weakening of transmutation. Thus
it seems that sex must be healthily integrated into normal life so that evolution
to supra-sex or mystic life is possible. Ouspensky says that if transmutation is
possible, it is only possible by passing through normal-sex for none of the lower
infra-sex forms can evolve. And that through supra-sex, alchemical transmutation
is brought to a totally incomprehensible and unknown intensity, which creates a
new type of man. Behind all esoteric teachings lies the knowledge that we evolve
in consciousness through the higher-utilization of sex energy, which is normally
wasted unproductively in ordinary life. Both Ouspensky and Wilhelm Reich were
intuitively advocating the liberation of the evolutionary energy of mansupporters
therefore of the continued evolution of life on earth.
The Sacred Marriage is not a romantic fantasy, nor is it arrived at through
the direction of personal will. Rather it is prior existant, unadorned, uncorrupted
and uncontaminated. It is the cooking of spirit and matter that is occurring at
the elemental core of our being, despite our unconscious efforts to subvert the
process and waste the energy. Surrender to the complete satisfaction of the energy
(emotion) is to be in tune with cosmic design. For this we must cease subverting
and bleeding off our energy into the lesser drives of the needy, deprived self. The
person who speaks most clearly of the aborting and shunting of spirit into lesser
drives is Robert Augustus Masters...he has been talking of this since the 80s with
his book Way of the Lover: The Awakening and Embodiment of the Full Human.
The way we use our sex energy is a model for the way we do everything in life.
The sacred marriage occurs by dropping completely into the energy and emotion
tantric Union
Spiritual Eros is wild, it cannot be tamed, just as the truth
cannot be faked.
It is apparent that the separate-self-sense is a low energy condition and sex
sometimes raises our energy enough so that the veil of separation falls. Then it
is like looking at the world, or ones lover with the eyes of a child. Stepping into
cosmic levels of consciousness is to experience intense love, awe and gratitude,
coupled with the sense that I never knew it could be like this. There is tendency
to go unconscious and into the body and pleasure during sex, this is why Tantra is
so useful as a gate to remain in higher states. If you can remain conscious during
sex, then this helps us to maintain wakefulness/mindfulness generally in ones life.
nirvikalpa samadhi is the state of oneness with Atman (the Self or soul)
and is traditionally achieved through the advanced and prolonged practice. The
concept of arising at nirvikalpa through physical sexual union with another human
being is very interesting. In the book The Jewel in the Lotus: The Tantric Path
to Higher Consciousness by Sunyata Saraswati and Bodhi Avinasha, they say that
Tantric Kriya Yoga greatly accelerates spiritual alchemy such that it is possible to
experience illumination in one tantric ritual. If you and your partner make love
twice a day, doing the Cosmic Cobra Breath, you can have the experience of Ultimate
Universal Unity in a week. 29. You can fnd out more about Tantric Kriya Yoga at This might be the best resource for learning the technique
of entering joint Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
Once we have learnt to cope with kundalini on the survival level, we then need
to cultivate it and use it in the higher sphere of life to prevent the energy turning
on us in self-implosive decay. Although I have not experienced joint Samadhi
through tantra, I would like to mention it as an example of the higher dimensions
in which kundalini maybe followed and cultivated. The last third of Kundalini,
Energy of the Depths, by Lilian Silburn, gives an account of a tantric practice
drawn from Kashmir Shaivism scriptures. The sexual practice mentioned here is
not a lewd activity, a craving for enjoyment; it does not aim at pleasure or procreation,
but appears as a yoga, a discipline, a sacred act having for its goal the realization of
the essence of the Self, the identifcation with Siva; as such it is essentially ascribable to
heroic behavior. Silburn
The term sacrifce is used a lot in this book and this refers to stopping
the resistance and fear, or the complete surrender to love, such that the Heart
supercedes and pervades all else. We sacrifce all that keeps us from the open,
pure, immaculate Heart. This then increases coherency that ignites the Divine
Spark through phase singularity. Like the conductor of an orchestra, the heart
is the central oscillator, which is able to frequency tune ones own atomic system
and sync with another via sympathetic resonance. Apparently for two people to
enter turyatita (beyond all states) there must be a sacrifce of ego such that there
is no fear, doubt or wavering; and the two are able to completely identify with the
energy of the other, thereby producing boldness and power. In other words there
must be no egoic holding back, such resistance being antithetical to the sacrifce
of the lesser vehicle. Sacrifce, as we normally understand it, is not the best word
to use here. More precisely in this context sacrifce means the evolutionary force
of the universe that transcends and includes, i.e.: Spiritual Eros. So in sacrifce we
have gone beyond the preceding condition of beingwe have let go. Sacrifce
means you no longer identify merely with the ego-complex which contains the
somatic-mental-emotional defenses, armoring and safety-attachments.
Then through such sacrifce there is satisfaction leading to the cessation of
desire. But we do not transcend desire through negation or denial of desire; we
transcend desire through the most spiritualized satiety of that desire. By elevating
desire to an art form and thereby evolve desire. Satisfaction being essentially
the blooming out of consciousness leading to the mutual satiation of the other
chakras so that there is a mutual ignition of the heart charkas of the individuals.
This is how two hearts become entrained as one. The inertia generated by hunger
of the senses and the inability to transcend ones self-system means that this atomic
transducer of unifed hearts is not constructed, then its just normal sex of two
separate individuals getting off. So its by satisfaction or the satiation of the physical
senses and the consequent cessation of desire that this miracle of soul-union can
happen. Obviously there needs to be great courage to engage in such practice,
along with unwavering fortitude, implacability, faith beyond doubt and division.
The couple must have transcended the normal courting, winning over, fear and
material bargaining that normally constitutes relationship. We are talking about
something very rare indeed.
I know I said we engage in such practice to enter turyatita, and that one cannot
really enter the condition beyond all states. Rather I mean that everything else
drops away leaving the underlying absolute unity that is always there. In order to
achieve turyatita the two have to go beyond their own minds in a trans-egoic and
not a pre-egoic fashion. So we are talking about one of those transrational things
that cant really be explained with words. We can assume that there is an inborn
intuition toward this supreme union if the love is great enough and the couple is
competent in navigating their multilayered selves. Generally nirvikalpa is achieved
when awareness is withdrawn step by step from physical body, astral body, causal
body until self realization or oneness with God is achieved. In Silburns book
she points to the activated chakras being directed toward the heart chakra. I see
it more of an allowing of the Heart to predominate and entrain the rest of us
in its amplifed/spiritual feld. So in a sense it is when attention is drawn from
parts, activities and phenomena and there is a singular merging of the hearts.
Ultimately the third thing takes the couple over. The third thing being the
supra-consciousness that resides in the two hearts made one. So there is the need
to accept oneself as completely unknown and willing to be in-formed via this
new force of consciousness. Hence the term sacrifce. One could look at higher
consciousness as being the stabilization of love and care. Success in relationship is
the stabilization of love. Unless we come from such a harmonious family chances
are we will have to learn how to love. I think the instincts of how to love are always
there, but there is also an equal resistance in protection and coping patterns. So
love in all forms is a sacrifce of this secondary layer of protection.
I think that one would have to be already acclimatized to kundalini and ready to
work with it, this means that ego must be already somewhat compliant and positive,
ie: open. With Grace things dont have to be perfectly aligned, for the alignment
descends from on high, BUT we have to be able to let the lesser attributes and
states drop away. Perhaps the ultimate in rationality is the willingness to suspend
rationality, or to go-beyond-it, that is. Through this union we are using the
bodymind to transcend the bodymind. Kundalini, being the speed of spirit, makes
it feel like we are growing at great speed as a couple, but if the two are not similarly
activated the relationship will dissolve under the differential speeds. The individual
that is not in an awakening will strongly seek to revert to their habitual speed as
their inertial ego demands control. While the more activated partner will long for
someone similarly lit with a vast potential for opening. Thus to prevent disaster we
have to fnd a partner that is capable of matching our own expansiveness.
Inspired action, the spiritual drive of Eros is our own deepest Self, source and
condition. The unquestioned response to Spiritual Eros is freedom, whether it be
to produce a child, paint a painting, write a sonata, create an institute or fast. In
order for reception and abeyance of Eros however, the inner man must be alive
and not subdued by decades of unprocessed pain. What we normally assume as
freedom, the ability to choose, is not freedom at all. The texts say that those who
engage in the joint nirvikalpa practice will experience hell unless they have a teacher
- someone who has been there before, has a pure heart and is heroic. Perhaps work
on the shadow in relationship requires these three allies also. Hell could be seen as
the inability to live ones authentic Self. Freedom is the choiceless response to Eros
whereby all our holons sing in unison. Individuals have to stand on their own two
feet spiritually speaking. Sovereignty is the ticket to nirvikalpa, for one has to be
sovereign in order to sacrifce. Sovereignty could indeed BE sacrifce: an ongoing
daily stripping away of the lesser self. So in this sense sovereignty is synonymous
with bravery. This is perhaps why the individuation journey is called the Heros
Love is not for the faint of heart! Sovereignty is none other than the realization of
the Self or Soul. Why should this take heroism? Because it requires transcendence,
it requires faith and the ability to trust in the unknown and the unseen beyond
the veil of awareness and the event horizon. Bravery takes the post-linear skill of
humor. That is probably why the Fool is one of the most courageous and successful
of archetypesbecause he is light on his feet and dances with the opposites of
light and dark with equanimity. Rather than conservatism, reactionary or even
revolutionary, he is enjoying himself, simply playing the fool and dancing a tantric
jig between the forces of light and dark.
Because its the most differentiated (has the greatest depth) the spiritual level is
the hardest for a couple to meet in. The ability to relate on the spiritual level is part
faith, part grace, part piety and part courage. The homing beacon for truth has to
be stronger than the one for security. Or rather security is sort in spirit not mind
or matter. Consider also that the ego automatically resists and opposes, so if ones
partner is going in one direction, we may react and go in the opposite. Spiritual
couple is far greater and deeper than what can be achieved as single individualsif
the relationship is synergistic rather than entropic that is. Cosmic genius comes in
pairs of opposite poles and one can look at the fundamental design of the universe
to fgure out why that is. Orchestration of the alchemy between the sexes is arranged
in time and space by the Universe itself without our conscious knowledge. This
syzergy can be known to us precognitively however through dreams and intuition
from the deepest, highest place in us. We could say that Limbic Attractors operate
at the subatomic, quantum and telepathic level through the Unifed Field. When
we are talking of the Unifed Field which is prior to matter itself, the couple do
not vibe in sync with the entire Kosmos, they in fact vibe AS the entire Kosmos.
ie: Unity Consciousness.
For a tantric relationship with high level kama sutra both individuals need
to be both fully engaged and distanced. Through heightened alertness and calm
focus, which encourages a state of allowing, readiness and receptivity, by
reaching a state of emptiness and immersion in the moment. It helps to have
gone through radical kundalini awakening in order to pass beyond the mythic
and personal interpretations and all the gender programs and ego-needs. What
the couple is reaching for, or bringing into manifestation doesnt have a lot to
do with the world as is, for kosmic-sex involves the decimation of who we have
known ourselves to be. I am curious as to what a joint inner-conjunction event
between a couple would be like, since when going through extreme catastrophic
events by oneself, there is paralysis and ecstatic trance for the 1/2 hour or so. Also
such ultra tantra would need to occur on free persons not having
to rush off to obligations etc...which would break up the chemistry and recovery
periodaborting the alchemy. Plus the couple would need to be regenerated in
nature, supported by superfoods, green-food and water intake after a cosmic joint
event to help nervous system recovery. Thus when reaching for the Gods, you have
to be fully supported by Gaia.
I think that we as a species underplay and make petty the game of sexual
relationship, whereas its really an awesome cosmic dance and the basis of conscious
evolution itself. Perhaps we have not yet seen what it is to be human, and in love.
True Love is something that must be fought for with every breath one breathes.
It must be the ground of faith, and not be tainted with self-pity, doubt, regret,
insincerity, and self-contraction. One could say that the measure of ones capacity
for romantic love, is the same as ones capacity for God. Courtly love came into
being when people started to understand the enormous power of romantic love to
quicken and evolve spiritually. There is no greater force for evolution on earth than
the alchemy between the sexes. We should not be getting down on romantic
love, but looking into this awesome power that lies at the heart of us. Not so we
can harness this power for proft and gain, but so we can LIVE IT and realize the
deepest potential of our humanity. Full pituitary potency is essential to a sense of
soul and experience of the psychic domain, thus the synergy of relationships help
to prevent burn-out.
Spirituality is not separate from any part of life, for it is life. If our Spirituality
does not address and heal our wounds, what does? All of life is an opportunity for
spiritual awakening and our darkest depths hold the seeds of our greatest release
into the light. We create events to initiate this awakening and are drawn to people
and places that can initiate it. This call often defes all common sense and rational
understanding. The transrational is scary because it is far more Real and holy than
our safe, controlled, structured domesticated lives. Artists and mystics know of this
as a daily experience and more people will have to stand the heat of the Real as we
evolve as a species. The sexes/poles cause the meltdown and restructuring of each
other towards ever higher levels of sublime function. Thereby we can deepen into
the unseen unknown spiritual realm of existence beyond the veil of safe predictable
human meanderings. The Real is so real, the courage needed to be there is
uncommon, the depth and responsibility overpowering. Rebirth and restructuring
to the next higher level cannot occur without surrender to the Kosmic nature of
What Is. Thus we have to be willing to die to our former self continually.
Love, The Inner Connection by Carol Anthony is a true postconventional approach
to relationship based on the I Ching.
The best material on taking love and sex into the spiritual realm is the work of
Diana Richardson, The Heart of Tantric Sex, and Tantric Orgasm for Women.
Alchemy of Love Relationships, Joseph Michael Levry (Kabbalah and Kundalini)
Transformation Through Intimacy: The Journey Toward Mature Monogamy, Robert
Augustus Masters
Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body by Riane Eisler
The Ecstatic Wave is the flow between dissolution and
a subtle energy practice (meditation, martial arts) and the fact that I was primed
for the massive peak by a previous awakening in 1988. The trigger this time
however was not my fathers death and unresolved family issues, but devotion to
Mr. Universal. My 1988 awakening although extreme also did not incapacitate
me quite as much, so some of my best paintings come from that time. The 2000
awakening could have been equally as productive painting wise if I had thrown
myself into the visual arts, with a profound teacher or social support to ground
the energies.
Collectively we need to become so knowledgeable about Kundalini that we can
ride its power without frying our circuits and burning out. The methods we often
use to try and control it tend to be very damaging; such as eating heavy food,
lack of exercise, increased sex, tranquilizers. This is negative adaptation reduces
any potential evolution. My work is aiming for positive adaptation, where there
is an original trust in the alchemy itself. Through positive adaptation we fortify
the body while protecting it from the fre, facilitate the birthing process and using
the energy productively (focus). If coping with kundalini is successful we should
be able to endure a hot-burn without it detracting from our lives and remain at the
peak of our creative potentialriding the wave of spirit into a new world.
Life is like surfng and opportunities are waves we must catch for our own
evolutionary process. There is a charge of life force that arises with any new exciting
event, be it meeting a lover, or a Eureka-like discovery. But if we fail to ride the
energy of that charge we miss the wave and get ground into the quicksand. Each
time we do this aborted surfng trick we get further and further from the life we
want, and we get less and less excited with every new event. Having lost faith in
the process of spirit we become generally apathetic or downright depressed and
less like to catch the next wave that comes along.
inner voices increase when kundalini is fred up, you could say its our
supersensoral Self speaking to us. My higher voice doesnt say that much but
when it does, its on a transrational, gnostic, Christ-like level and the words seem
omnipotent and packed with authority. Some people are particularly wired more
for voice, others for visions, some for music. These illuminating intrusions are just
the higher operations of the mind that we normally do not have access to, due to
the strict repressive/fltering capacities of the ego. Increasingly humans will make
the barrier between this higher consciousness and our normal operating mode
more transparent. So that eventually as a species we will all be living at this higher
operating level. As we evolve higher hardware is forming and coming into focus. A
lot of people get confused and think that the voice of their deeper mind is another
entity like God, spirit guides, angels etcwhereas they are really just channeling
their emerging higher self. Some voices are from a consciousness way beyond our
normal operating mode, others stem more from a lower condition say of biological
distress when we have mis-eaten, are ill or going through a Die-off. You can easily
tell the difference by what is said and the energy packet and bliss level that comes
with the information. Visions seem to be the most life altering in physiology and
direction. They pack a more psychedelic punch to permanently alter physiology.
The perturbation of normal consciousness by kundalini means we are more
open to higher information from inner voices and visions. Perhaps due to increased
communication between the hemispheres that supersedes the modular parallelism
of the compartmentalized brainand the contrasting functions of the left and right
sides of the brain. Greater synchronization and coherency within the brain makes
for Whole-Brain thinking. This revelatory chemistry and its higher information
fow often arises in hypnognia or Theta wavethrough synchronization of the
enteric and head brains via the Schumann resonance. Because of the bliss, pituitary
potency and expanded whole-brain consciousness, kundalini comes with an
inherent grace and faith. The muse is naturally transpersonal and must be followed
and the energy used creatively or the negative resistant ego (pain-body) will hijack
the energy and use it for our self-destruction. What is not used for the light of Eros
turns into the darkness of Thanatos. The daemon that is not followed becomes a
demon that haunts us.
The Muse is our highest connection with Divinity. You will probably notice
that the Muse always manifests along with an intense sexual tension. Of course
there are infnite levels of the profundity to that which the Muse brings forth and
this is refected in the degree of spiritual presence of the particular eros heatwave
that arises as the Muse. These cycles of peak functioning are tied into the tides
and rhythms of the cosmos itself and the zeitgeist. Zeitgeist is a German expression
meaning the spirit of the age. Its literal translation is time (Zeit)-spirit (Geist). It
describes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era, which ultimately translates
into what we term The Global Brain, Overmind or world soul. The genius that
is bought forth in any age, is determined by the psychic-spiritual tensions of the
Necessity of the times. Thus we give birth to culture collectively, by bringing to
light that which is growing unseen in the soil of our communal dream.
The terms muse, music, mind, men, mental, amuse and museum are all related.
But by Muse we are not referring to simple associative thinking processes but
to Gnosiswhich is in a way knowledge of the mind of God. The conscious
content tends to arrive in our mind fully formed, and we simply transcribe it.
Like Mozarts music in which he heard an entire piece all in one instant then
wrote it down in linear time. Poetry can be like that alsoits all there beyond
the conscious horizon and just fows out onto the page. Since the Muse is greatly
amplifed during a kundalini awakening, we must learn how to ft genius level
gnosis into a fatland and subrational culture. The Gods may not get jealous, but
people surely do. So skillful means and timing are very important in expressing
and presenting the higher knowledge that maybe coming through us during
awakening. More often than not you will have to sit on your revelation, and
incubate it into a polished work of art or science which can readily be digested by
the people when the time is right.
People get into trouble by raising kundalini without frst building up the
bodys integrity and establishing the powers of inner-guidance. That is why I stress
establishing health, spiritual vocation and the inner voice of God (Muse), the
individual genius, as primary. Going after the gold without having a bag to carry
it in is frankly as waste of time. The worst thing about post-awakening life is that
we feel bereft of our muse having tasted it so acutelyif we have tasted what it is
to be a Godthen we must set about feeding the God in us in every respect. You
could say that spiritual growth is about getting out of the road and becoming a
conduit for the fow of the Muse. The creative tension builds and the Muse is a
heat-seeking-missile device that must be satisfed. That satisfaction does come in
a Eureka, a fnished painting, the end to a performance, an inner-conjunction or
an orgasm...then there is a lull, and then the creative tension of the Muse builds
again, on onto the next thing. Thus the authentic self rides a roller coaster ride of
accumulating facets of Self discovery, through the play of dynamic inner-outer
forces on all levels. Increasing satisfaction with the very nature of this hyperbolic
tension and release process of the Muse is the mark of someone who is both tuned
into their Self and tuned into the process of life itself.
Nature is perfect in her curves...the animating force of Divine Intelligence
builds toward a completion. The reward chemistry itself provides the high and
the period of coming down off of the reward chemistry provides the lull of
recuperation. If these cycles arent respected and you dive right into the next thing
before the cycle has completed then you are simply NOT following the force of
Divine Intelligence, but your own ego drives. In this way by not respecting the
curves of nature we cut ourselves off from our superhuman genius.
The only viable spiritual form in the Universal sense is the individual and his
Muse. The Muse is the animating force of Divine Intelligence.
The way through blockage, resistance and opposition is to raise your energy level
and presence till the miasma becomes transparent, disappears and can be released.
The Muse is more alive than any part of our life, for it is the seed and source of
life and the driving force of our existence. It is also nonlocal and transtemporal...
thus we might call it a hyperspace library with an omniscient librarian. The Muse
has superpowers at its disposal, and will use whatever tools we allow it to access. If
you let it the Muse will continue to help you clear all obstacles between you and
the optimum energy levels. Infuse the Muse (living spirit) into all your suspended,
stuck areas in order to become more intimate (present) with yourself and the
world. Know that you cannot change the world, but you can change yourself.
Spirituality in my mind is the transcendence of cultureit is an added dimension
beyond cultural conditioning, through the building of the personal umbilical to
the Divine/Cosmos, via the initiation of the solar heart. Spirituality is creative
redemption...that is reclaiming the universal self from the abuses, stigmas, power
trips, intimidations, seductions, manipulations and original sin of society at large.
That is self love!
I think the next big jump in cognition will come when large groups of people
have been through intense kundalini awakenings and have disembedded from the
culture and the archetypal nature of their own minds. With this internal distance
there is more forthright power and passion to bring the product of our Muse into
existence. Without this focus on genius then there is no added thing, no increase
in evolution for the whole of increase in sanity. Thus not only is
there a spiritual imperative, but there is a moral imperative to follow the inner
dictates of our higher-conscience, to get over ourselves and the culture at large.
Focusing on ones art or science and the timely revelations of genius, allows us
to give up the painful preoccupation with ourself. Yet as we turn away from the
existing culture we are apt to feeling like an unreconciled version of the Christ,
uninterested and unwilling to play the games of existing society, and yet not
established in a visionary lifestyle that is establishing the new culture. Yet we must
be true to ourselves for only real people can make a new culture, that is not more
of the same lies. Our personal contribution to the creation of a noble transcendent
culture involves discovering what are the most important needs and values for
enhancing personal and collective autonomy and fulfllment. Something you are
passionate about and enjoy doing. When one is true to the calling the consequences
cannot be predictable but when we obey a Global empathic directive, the results
will be intense as we are aligned with Necessity.
increasinG Vision, reVelation anD Psi
Windows for visionary chemistry and psi occur in association with the cosmic (sun-
moon) and weather cycles. The visionary, revelatory chemistry cycle is a subcycle
of kundalini, occurring at particularly potent, high-energy periods of transpersonal
cognition. There are certain things you can do to increase visionary consciousness
including: a raw-remineralized diet, fasting, exercise in nature, travel, new visual
stimulation, allowing the beauty of nature to food your being, intense bodywork
and yoga, hanging, regular periods of continuous breathing, toning, adventure
like sailing or mountain climbing, music and heart opening new romance. In fact
the same purifcation and enlivening practices one would use for raising kundalini
and embracing Reality, will simultaneously increase the potential for visionary
Also the door to Visioneering is opened by increasing ones felt-sense into
the emotional body via Focusing, Rosen, Presence Process, Holotropic breathing
etc... Along with this is the inevitable delving into your numbness and blockages;
that is your fears and unconscious triggers of your archetypal matrix and shadow.
Prolonged deep breathing in a foat tank or bath, while clearing the mind and
focusing all your energy and attention into the solar plexus (enteric brain), is a
method of raising signifcant revelatory chemistry and for metabolizing, integrating
and substantiating the chemistry and the visions, so they can be bought into
manifestation. These higher transpersonal, transrational layers of consciousness
remain impotent as long as we lack the strength of will, rational tenacity and heart
to bring them into existence. Only we can green light our own spiritual-creative
genius. And only in doing so can we raise the operative ego and body towards
the Divine. (BOK-2 includes a section on the tenets, how to and resources for
the Visioneers BathTake a long, tall bath, preferably at least an hour long.
Use Epsom salts in the bath, some essential oils, a candle, listen to heart stirring
music such as Aeterna by Constance Demby. Drink 1-2 qts of water during the
bath. Drop your tongue into your belly, do the inner smile and focus the minds
eye on your solar plexus. Put one hand over the right-side of the heart and the
other on your solar plexus, breath into your solar plexus, empty your mind, feel
into any pain or defcit you feel in your body. You will probably fnd the attention
needs to be shifted to the thyroid-throat area and the liver so put your hands over
these, put your attention there and breathe into these areas. The Visioneers bath
is useful both to increase the space and energy to invite visionary capacity, and for
metabolizing and adjusting to extreme revelatory chemistry, ecstasy and the bliss
of hurricane season.
Trust in Thyself
The reality of the universe is not confned to our limited human laws, which
in our hubris we think we can know as fact. The universe and nature is composed
of infnite laws of increasing subtly and complexity. And the sooner we humble
ourselves to realize this, the faster we will grow away from species suicide toward
an unimaginably exultant future. The only limit is our imagination!
Paolo Lugari the founder of Gaviotas, a 40 year old ecocommunity in Colombia
said that generally people have been hypnotized into thinking that a degree is more
important than knowledge, but if the child is raised to be creative, he doesnt
need a degree. He decried the fact that world has too many specialists and that
we need more generalists, who can see all the connections and possibilities. Paolo
complained that people dont learn how to think and that their curiosity is blunted.
He believes that students should be taught through a hands-on village-wide
apprenticeship in the carpentry shop, the factory, hydroponics, the tree nursery
and even the hospital. Paolo stressed that through an experiential education within
the community of the imagination (enlightened society), we teach our children
that the world is one big opportunity.
There is a time in every mans education when he arrives at the conviction that envy
is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse,
as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing
corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is
given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but
he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried...Trust
thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. The magnetism which all original
action exerts is explained when we inquire the reason of self-trust...We lie in the lap of
immense intelligence, which makes us receivers of its truth and organs of its activity.
ESSAY II Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the Worlds Most Creative People
by Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein
Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein,
Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi by Howard Gardner
The Seers Handbook: A Guide to Higher Perception by Dennis Klocek
Gaviotas, A Village to Reinvent the World, by Alan Weisman
as you engage yourself into some future fun thing, your body-mind-spirit will
come together. Your energies cannot ascend coherently unless you are using active
imagination in all fve senses to visualize where you want to go, who you want to
be, and what you want to do.
Problem mind
What you focus on grows. Gossiping or worrying about The Problem will
generally only perpetuate and increase the problem and cause some form of
shadowy backlash. Focusing on the problem to the exclusion of positive action,
is moral-masturbation. Problem consciousness is a kind of social conspiratorial
gossip, which holds energy down into our more primitive reptilian wiring. This
undermines our immune system and prevents the high-energy states that build
toward visionary chemistry. If we waste our energy in problem-gossip we lose the
window of opportunity for revelation and gnosis. If a negative issue needs to be
brought to the attention of others, try and use positive visionary solutions orientated
language to frame the problem. This empowers both you and the listener, creates
less resistance and speeds social change.
Fixation on internal Processes
Overly fascinated, morbidly curious, distracted by and absorbed in kundalini
symptoms, psychic phenomena and newfound spiritual powers (siddhas). This
compulsive obsession with symptoms and phenomena feeds infation and interferes
with relationships and functional utility. Possible secondary fear or depression
over the temporary loss of adaptive functions and left-brain sharpness. Inability
to disembed to perceive emotional storms as psychosomatic events of alchemical
cycles. Excessive reactivity to conditions both internal and external.
inability to Face the shadow
Freedom is only gained by facing the Shadow. Default states of fear, doubt,
cynicism, apathy etc...prevent the sanitizing atonement of facing of the Shadow.
This Shadow is infects and corrupts through an infectious bad-faith and negative
condemnation of the world. It is a low energy defense strategy. To gain power over
the Shadow it must be faced with an open heart that exposes the lower energies
without being dragged down to resonate in the Shadow frequencies. Call this
Spiritual Immunity...a priori incorruptible, perfect, sublime goodness, (ie: wisdom
or Horus) and knowledge that the light of Heart-intelligence wins supreme in
every battle no matter what the outcome.
chasing the Dragon
Blindly engaging in practices, stimulants, relationships and events with the aim of
rapidly increasing the intensity and speed of the trajectory of kundalini opening.
Thereby increasing the danger of more extreme peaks and valleys, which could
result in tissue damage, depression, regression and burnout. Self destructive use of
the alchemy for thrills, novelty and status. If you fnd yourself earnestly desiring
to be somewhere you are not spiritually, turn your attention onto your ambition
itself. Where does this spiritual lust come from and how are you creating inner-
violence and hurtfully rejecting your present self? The goal can only be as good as
the means.
spiritual lust
At the Unifed Field level evolution is occurring at faster than light speed. You
dont have to lust after Spirit, for you are It and God is evolving at faster than the
speed of light. Spiritual ambition in this context is a misunderstanding that blocks
the natural unfolding of Spirit. For the vibration of spiritual craving prevents the
realization of the a priori wholeness and limitless of Spirit. Spiritual craving is a
self-inficted deprivation statedrop it, and you are already home. Once there is a
marriage between the subconscious and conscious minds the tension and urgency
of spiritual lust disappears.
spiritual ego
Spirituality pursued as an end in itself is simply the unctuous spiritual ego at
workwhich is fundamentally an issue of bad self-esteem. If we were raised to
have good self-esteem, then spirituality just is and doesnt need to be chased after
like some lost thing that is forever over the event horizon. Hopefully humanity will
soon start operating from a mode of just dont break it and it will remain whole.
Then we can all stop wasting our time pursuing something that is already innately
ours. Wherein we can fnally get down to the business of living that which we ARE
without the need for permission, excuses or apologies.
inability to stop
In order to move faster, you have to slow down further...if you slow down enough
you can move as fast as the Universe...faster than light speed. With any degree of
urgency or tension however you will never melt into the Unifed Field enough to
marry the subconscious and conscious minds. This schism constitutes suffering,
dissonance, chaos and lack of progress (evolution). This division between the
inner Self and the outer conditioned personality leads to the homogenization of
humanity into a painful Borg-like conformity where one can only react and
learn to ft in through monkey see, monkey do.
infation~self engrandizement
Expanded psychic ability, high energy and siddhas infate the ego to feel overly
special, superior and unique. This feeds into the separate-self-senses illusion of an
independent existence and promotes selfshness or my enlightenment for me,
or my enlightenment is better than yours. World savior, grand mission, martyr,
new religions, global ideas, evangelical crusade. Visionary over-estimation of reality
and potential, generating the propensity to forcibly impose ones will on the world.
Reality moves at its pace not ours, if we try and urgently push our agenda it is
counterproductive, the world of human ego forcibly resists us.
Defation~self Diminishment
Self criticism is a reverse or negative egoism that generates paradoxical intent.
Paradoxical intent being a con-voluted self fulflling prophesy of reverse-will. Self-
doubt is a surefre way to abort the possibility of success. We thus generate the
level of success we feel we deserve by our degree of self-acceptance, degree we have
resolved the tension in our pain-body and the degree to which we can love through
the separation between inner and outer, self and other. The transparency to spirit
Part Viii
KUnDalini Practices
KUnDalini sKills list
With a kundalini self-care program we are literally capturing
the energies of nature and putting them into our cells!
Kundalini will permanently rewire the bodymind to release the stored tension
of the body armor of the dispossessed selffor all we do to our self in the form of
contraction, denial, negation, abuse, shaming, neglect in an attempt to avoid our
True Nature. Kundalini is not a walk in the park, transformation is not for the
weak and unstablewe must be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
prepared to handle the awesome force of kundalini. If there is a signifcant loosening
of the armor without sustained integral practice and intent, then the armor will
reinstate itself and rubber band back into place. The following tools of self-recovery
and coping are derived from spontaneous arising solutions stemming from many
years of processing kundalini, and merely hint at what is possible.
This list of meta-adaptation and mastery skills largely arose through shear
necessity, the energy presenting its own solution. My personal list is not meant
to disempower you from fnding your own answers, for I think each of us can
fnd whatever answers we need within ourselves. Since kundalini is the energy of
Individuation it is the source of creativity and gnosis, therefore to fnd ourSelf we
need not look beyond our Selves. A sovereignty that comes through another or
needs the confrmation of another is not much of sovereignty is it? Hence to thine
own Self be true. I think a combo of strengthening, stretching, shaking, aerobic,
listening, exploring, extending, feeling, fast and slow, grounding and vocalizing
practices to be the best. Whatever we are called to do by the energy itself, and
you will fnd that since kundalini is the force of nature, it literally commands you
to be out in nature.
Gratitudegets the whole ball moving to melt the fear and resistance to life that
has solidifed in the body. It also helps deal with the disorientation and vulnerability
inherent in opening oneself up to the world. We dont really know the meaning of
gratitude until we experience the amplifed love and heart expansion generated by
a kundalini awakening. Gratitude is the measure of our aliveness and the quality
of our Presencethe quality of our Presence, determines the quality of our life.
Gratitude is sure fre insurance against stress, hypertension and depression, and
it increases happiness and effcacy and synchronicity. With gratitude to move to
the beat of Kairos rather than Chronos. Existence is defned by our ability to
appreciate it.
Big Fun Practice Big Fun is the transcendent condition of metanoia. It is
actually disembedded from body, mind, circumstance and conditionsit is a priori
state or attitudeit is an unconditional perspective of sublime humor. Pursuit
of happiness should be our highest goal. Positive emotions widen our worldview
and expand our resourcefulness, while negative emotions narrow and constrict.
Happiness fres up the prefrontal lobes and so play naturally makes us more
creative. Novelty is a permutation that allows reconstruction and refnement. Thus
because it increases consciousness in stream of daily life Big Fun is our growing
edge and our highest practice! I want to distinguish between the normal way we
think of pleasure and fun and Big Fun. Big Fun is an upheaval of our comfort
zone, we are not just playing around, we are Really Playing in full originality and
resourcefulness. That is we are performing in perfect sync in the moment without
hesitancy, ego blockage or shades of depression that would pull us back from our
edge. Big Fun is life in the raw.
In Big Fun the content of our lives fnds a peaceful resting place in the
spaciousness of Big Mind and we have room to expand out to the totality of
our lives periscoped into the moment. It is not the normal myopic-fun we try
to have from a sense of deprivation with our addictions, substitute gratifcations,
entertainment, or social distractions. Big Fun is not of Thanatos, but of Eros so it
is not had by trying but by being. By alignment of body, mind and soul to live
the life of the Spirit. And since Spirit is already complete Big Fun is a liberating
radiance rather than a coying need.
Big Fun is transpersonalit is transcendent of work, duty, family and is a cathartic transmutation of daily life. It is the Grand Adventure...
the dance of the Muse in the Eternal. It is the integration of the soul in ones lived
experience, in the engagement of Kosmic Purpose...Big Fun is Nomind, Flow, I
and the Father are one, No-self; and the only thing standing in the way of Big
Fun is fear. The Big Fun prerogative is to express ever more genuine and higher
funto take fun where no man has gone beforeto bring serious fun into the lives
of others. To not just be pumped up on the hysterical pretend fun of Thanatos,
but to be engaged in the real thingSpiritual Fun (Eros). Big Fun is redemption,
release, relief, purifcation, rarefaction, rebirth, redemption, forgiveness, salvation,
sanctifcation, validation, absolution, atonement, transubstantiation, rebirth,
innovation and revolution.
Big Fun is the most strenuous practice demanding the most acute growth curve
and pious effort to remain on focus as to the next spontaneous Big Fun action.
Our experience will evolve over time to more genuine and deeper forms of Big
Fun. How does ones Big Fun fts into the larger scheme of things, will it be a force
for social change and transformation? How much Big Fun can I allow ourselves?
What are the consequences of Big Fun? What am I doing here if not to have Big
Fun? What is Big Fun in the 21st Century?
How to avoid a Kundalini awakeningEat a heavy cooked diet, do not
exercise or spend time in nature, waste your energy on alcohol and cigarettes,
do not meditate, avoid spiritually advanced people, do not get into stressful
or challenging situations, do not sail across the ocean or do anything remotely
adventurous, breath shallow, avoid music, dance, drumming and raw food. Do
not fall in love, and especially do not love any guru type. Do not feel any gratitude
or mystical feelings. Have no awe over creation, cultivate a mean, small and nasty
nature, do not use your intellect, and do not follow your muse or your heart.
solar Plexus BreathingBreathing and Toning are the number one kundalini
coping skills. We can prevent morbid overextension of both the on and off sides
of the nervous system by conscious breathing into the largest plexus of the body
the solar plexus. If we fnd ourselves either in a high or a slump then long walks
focused on such solar plexus breathing help to integrate and balance the energy.
This is the major way to cope with panic states, excess sex energy or excess energy
in general when the sympathetic nervous system is hyperactivated. But also solar
plexus breathing is especially important years after an awakening to aid in the
integration and establishment of the spiritual will and prevent a morbid hyper-
parasympathetic condition of stagnation and depression. The solar plexus is the
seat of shame and one of the greatest areas that propagate self-division.
rejuvenating BreathAs you exhale: First you tone Saah, this empties the
bottom of the lungs, then Huum, this empties the middle of the lungs, then
Ommm this empties the top of the lungs. And you carry the ommm up into the
head. Continuous Breathing or Fish Breathing is a type of regenerating breath that
is good for energy integration during panic attacks, ecstasy and heart expansions.
The mouth is completely relaxed and open like a fsh; you breathe gently at medium
pace in and out of the mouth without a pause between in and out breath. This
is especially effective while walking. This continuous, nonpause breathing can be
done through the nose also when needing more focus and brain power during peak
kundalini activity; make the in-breath nasally and the out-breath throaty. How to
deal with radical ecstasy I put at the end of the Heart Expansion section on my
site. You know the drill, water, toning, grounding, green, walking and breathing.
While on your breathing walks you can loosen up the spine by twisting the torso
in rhythm with your step, or alternatively walking like Charlie Chaplin to loosen
up the hips.
toningMantra is the main method of treating consciousness and is helpful for
healing all levels of the mind inner and outer. The sound and breath combination
help move cerebrospinal fuid which cleanses the brain and spine. Lie in a deep hot
bath and hum one tone on the expiration of one breath. You will notice that your
tone wavers, perhaps due to the spasticity of the diaphragm. If one continues using
this technique regularly perhaps with both higher and lower tones, the diaphragm
should strengthen and release its spasticity through the vibration. Joe Alexander
says toning works better than any other self-healing tool. I cannot stress enough
that toning and mantra are the most effective tools we have for integrating energy
during an awakening and helping the kundalini to clear through blockages. Thus
if you have any diffculty at all with kundalini I suggest half an hour of toning in
the morning and eveningkeep it simple, either Huuu, Mooo, Om or Eeee will
do, or whatever sound you are drawn to. While toning generate a feeling of love
and lightness in the heart! Toning helps to restore a harmonious higher frequency
to our psychesoma, in a similar way that vortexing water helps to clear it from the
memory of harmful pollutant frequencies.
syncopated toningOne day I found a neat affect when I was sitting down by
the river near a little waterfall/rapidsand started to Huuu. Then I toned vowel
sounds very loudand I noticed that when the tone is directed toward the rapids,
the air flled with the sound of the rapids creates an interference pattern with the
tone one is emitting and what ends up happening is a staccato vibration in the
diaphragm created by the interference pattern of the merging sounds. In this way
the effect of toning on the body is greatly amplifed when the tone is directed at
the noise of the falling water.
When each tone fnds Atonement with the river sound the staccato effect
is felt and heard. If the tone is slightly off in relationship to the river the
syncopation effect doesnt occur. However the sensitive body-voice naturally tunes
to the correct tonenature the great tuning fork. The syncopated toning I found
July 2002 when in extreme horniness with the kundalini...I went down to the
river to try and get some relief and found that staccato effect...I was so blown
away, I thought I had discovered a new law of the physical universe, of course this
distracted me from my oppressive sex energy. Once the diaphragm learns how
to do this you can retain the staccato ability even without using a river when the
kundalini light is highly active.
excess GroundingIn July 2000 my Christ Heart or the Solar Heart was coming
on daily as I walked outside and as it did I was being pulled into the earth with
such force that I found it hard to walk. To ease the grounding I learnt to lie fat
on the ground with my spine on the earththis greatly speeds up the grounding
process, so that when I stood up again I could walk around with ease. From
grounding in this way there was less pull on my heart but the heart expansions
would then break open my chest. To take the pressure off my heart I remembered
that apes beat rhythmically on their thymus when nervousthis thumping on
my chest helped to take the unbearable tension off my expanding heart. So when
the gravity warping and grounding pull come one with the Solar Heart frst lie
on the open ground for at least half an hour, then thump the sternum. Also a
repolarizing technique when one is radically being pulled into the ground, is to
sunbath exposing ones genitals to the sun.
increase GroundingFailure to ground involves a stressed or damaged nervous
system. Grounding reduces the dissonance and depolarization of the nerves and
reduces stress. We can reduce electric interference with electronic equipment by
increasing our grounding. The primary grounding procedure is to lie your spine
on the earth or rock for half an hour or more. Hang out at a negative ion rich
environment such as a stream or waterfall while you do this and you get bonus
points. The ultimate thing for removing extra static energy is the spinal shower, and
also Dr. Fred Bells Negative Ion Showers. Need I say that sex will also help reduce
the kundalinis interference with electronic equipment, but it can also increase
kundalini. Dancing and Reiki would be good. Put some more green plants around
your computer, and if you are still having problems you might want to invest in an
inexpensive negative ion generator for your computer room or an indoor waterfall.
Grounding exercises include lying on ones back and pushing ones feet against a
wall or tree. Standing in Haka position like a Maori, which is kind of like a gorilla
stance and stamping one leg at a time...actually doing the Haka itself with facial
expressions, vocals, hand and feet movements is a big the All Blacks
prior to a rugby game for how to do it. Of course there is the traditional method
of riding, gardening or farming. Drive around in cars less, and
spend more time outside of buildings in nature. Move to Hawaii or vacation there,
its the primary grounding place on the planet. Meditate at sunset on iron rich
rocks. Hug a tree, or go to sleep under trees. Any kind of body-work, swimming
or water therapy. Clay body pack. If you have synthetic carpet in your computer
room it might be best to tear it up and put something more natural down, either
a wool carpet or wood or something. Also for grounding get a kitty or dog to pet.
Main thing is do not go to space during a kundalini awakening, or you might crash
your spaceship.
animal YogaTo reinstate our connection with the planet and the deeper parts
of ourselves this practice of animal yoga is done in natural environmentsin your
back yard, a park or wilderness. First ground the body by lying on both your back
and your front on the grass for a while. Then using the nature around youthe
grass, the trees, the rocksput yourself into various animal postures while feel-
sensing yourself as that animal. Some possible animals to try are the dog, cat, frog,
rabbit, seal, monkey, turtle and bear. Use the full tactile impact of the environment
around you to get deeply into the various postures to become the spirit of the
animal. Because it is an attempt to more fully enter the electromagnetic sensorial
environment animal yoga is best done in the nude if possible. You will fnd this
deeply reviving, integrating and centering.
YogaThe evoking and yoking of Spirit via the Grand Alignment of body, mind
and soulis the source of our muse, our noble destiny, our soul-work (Dharma),
our security, our fnancial integrity/right livelihood, our spiritual worth/inherent
nobility and our happiness. Kundalini Yoga can rebalance the glandular system,
activate the brain, balance the body, release stress, unlock our creative potential
and increase intuitive powers and inner calm. Results can be immediate, long
lasting and cumulative, toward feeling more in control and able to deal with the
challenges of life. Kundalini Yoga can help to stimulate and assist the functions
of the lymph system, facilitate detoxifcation and support you while you move
through the different phases of an awakening. DVDs on kundalini yoga will be
vary helpful during an awakening for reassurance and for helping to clear blockages
and assist exploration, steady progress and greater clarity.
spinal rebirthingI had a dream that I did a technique on a young woman
who had been affection deprived in childhood. She crouched on the ground (in
a squat position on her feet with hands on the ground in front) and I put my
hands on either side of her spine at the back of her chest. She pressed up into my
hands, while I pressed down against her. Her spine cracked about 10 times. This is
perhaps one of the most effective means of releasing body armor.
the rocks at home. After the sun has heated the rocks put them over your body,
on your stomach, pelvis, chest, neck. You can hold them to your jaw, temple
and face or wherever there is congestion, pain and contraction. Lie and meditate
in the sun with the rocks on your body (rf: sun meditation). To move energy
through the pelvic area to counteract Western-numb-pelvis syndrome or sexual
abuse numbnesspile some rocks on your belly/pelvic area and masturbate gently
while trying not to tighten your stomach muscles. Orgasm is not important with
this exercise for the focus is on moving energy through the pelvis/stomach without
tightening muscles to force or control pleasure. This practice allows you to free
your sexuality and hence your Being from trauma, ego, deprivation-mode and
social conditioning. The wound will not disappear if you insist on operating out
of the wound.
rosenis a form of bodymind work which is essentially meeting contraction
with unconditionally loving hands and presence. This is excellent for addressing
the gross and current manifestations of primal contraction. No other bodywork
seems to get the individual to focus on the reality of their deep condition and to
face their truth beyond the strenuous ego-armor blocking that occurs. Rosen is the
lightest of bodywork, but it was more excruciating than Rolfng for me, because I
began to feel the pressure of my own internal contraction as prana (consciousness)
was allowed to move through the tissue. (kriyas).
BodyworkBecause of the restructuring that is going on in the sensorymotor
cortex, cerebellum and brainstem sensory-motor body-centered psychotherapies like
Hakomi and Rosen Method are particularly useful during kundalini awakenings.
Reading: Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method: The Integrated Use of
Mindfulness, Nonviolence and the Body by Ron Kurtz. For advanced practitioners:
The Sensitive Nervous System, by David S. Butler. If you need help in uncovering
and releasing the armor that is preventing a full experience of life, perhaps you
could fnd a Bioenergetic therapist in your area. Healing the numbness of the
abandoned/betrayed child requires actually touching the pain that brought on that
numbness and then flling that void with life, blood, love and spirit that we never
received. It maybe painful to do so, but ones closure needs to be touched and
transformed in order to come alive.
Belly loveDuring meditation if one turns the eyeballs directly down into
the cheek area the energy fow is directed down into the belly. The belly is then
nurtured with energy and a greater connection is achieved between the heart and
the belly increasing digestive health and emotional equilibrium and awareness.
The CMR jumper cable of one hand on the heart and the other on the belly will
help direct healing love into the area.
mindfulnessmust address our daily habitual responses, in a pervasive
contraction watch...The egos habits of mind rule the body so we must open
and reveal the mind, differentiate from the mind to free the body. Naming each
thought as it arises allows us to differentiate from the reticulating mind: defense,
justifcation, worry, blaming, avoidance etc
we can say to ourselves: You are so luscious, so beautiful, so sweet etc... Just as
though we were our own Beloved. This counteracts the social forces that would
seek to use us as an object for the machine. For a while it is counterintuitive
to do this, however, this is not self aggrandizement, but merely attending to the
needs of the bodymind to grow in an environment that is conducive to the fuid
circulation of fows, hormonal production and neuronal strength. Liberating our
soma in this way, we free up our lives for depth, precision and evolution. It must
be done to overcome the cold claws of Thanatos that attempts to make us infnitely
smaller than we really are.
Understanding cyclesPerhaps the most important aspect to grasp in navigating
the evolutionary energy, is that it is hyperbolic in nature, as is all nature. After the
grace of the infux of Light, the darkness is entered. After tasting the stars one
has to deal with the mud of ones existence and convert that mud into the lotus.
Spiritual mastery involves rising equally to the challenge of both the light and
the dark. After the light backs off there can be depression, achy body, sense of
emptiness and self-pity. And if you are not aware that this is all just shifting cycles
of chemistry there may be disillusionment, despair and self-hatred. Working with
the dark means breathing positivity into the feelings, rearranging beliefs to be more
empowering and giving the bodymind plenty of down time and resuscitation in
cultivating emotional equilibriumSince it is the degree of emotional tension
we hold which determines whether our emotional responses are healthy or hurtful to
us, we should cultivate emotional equilibrium. That is the absence of accumulated
emotional tension, so that we can experience equanimity. We reach this emotional
equilibrium by building energy reserves, while discharging tension. This is
accomplished by diet, fasting, sports, martial arts, intense vocalization, psycho-
drama, addressing relationship problems, meditation, toning etc. A state of high
emotional tension is a weak and vulnerable state in which learning and Being is
made impossible through discord.
Queen and KingI found that during meditation to direct ones eyeballs
and ones attention back into the brainstem that this profoundly increases ones
steadiness, centeredness and nobility. Brainstem mediation is good for centering,
soul recovery, boundary formation and general healing of the entire bodymind.
Perhaps it focuses consciousness in the occipital lobes which are serotonin based,
contributing to integration and harmony.
souls PostureIf one walks along unconsciously, usually the shoulders are a
little hunched and forward and the chin is out. It is exhausting to the bodymind
to be in this posture-state. When one remembers the Self pulls the shoulders down
and back, tucks in the chin (neck-lock-posture) and walks being pulled by an
imaginary string at the top of ones headone immediately enters the noble state.
It is effortless to walk in this fashion, there is infnite energy availableone just
needs to be mindful enough to catch oneself when one has slipped into the egos
walk. This shows how close the distance between hopeless-deprivation and faithful-
suffciency. The Self embodies the body differently than the ego does. Mindfulness
helps us build the bridge of ego-Self in all our thoughts and actions.
outside in natureIf you are working with your awakening you will probably
fnd that you are drawn to be outside in nature as much as possible during the day.
This is a compelling intuition which should be followed. Ones life feld is greatly
expanded while kundalini is active and being indoors, especially in steel framed
and concrete buildings, we notice that it feels like we are separate from ourselves
or cutoff when inside buildings. The energetic charge and metamorphic process
works more profoundly, deeply and with greater ease when the body is under an
open sky, in touch with the bare earth, around moving water and felds of green.
the earths natural feld is severely distorted or altogether eliminated while you
are inside. 198, Subtle Energy, John Davidson.
sex in natureGoing nude in nature really helps to empower our full senses/
sentience. The Kosmic human starts returning as soon as the body is placed
unclothed in a vibrant natural ecosystem. This has something to do with the
opening of the human energies fully to the larger energies of earth and Kosmos.
Also you might fnd that when you do go into nature thus, and try immediately to
have intercourse, the bodies are not receptive to sex in the normal self-indulgent
soft-bed style. The bodymind frst is engaged in integrating on a higher plane and
needs time for assimilation of this super-sensory or aboriginal human condition.
So one has to go into nature many times in the nude to elevate oneself to these
higher energies, to make them conscious and to experience what full sensory
intercourse is all about. Being so used to ego-driven usury sex, one has to wait for
natures timing of these higher experiences of autopoietic Soul-sex.
Handling increased sexual energyKundalini awakenings mean radically
amplifed sex energy, so how do we deal with this? This entire list of kundalini
skills will help strengthen our ability to handle sex energy. The irony is the more
one works on integrating ones sex/kundalini energy the more it can fow, but we
just become less wimpish about handling it. Once we turn toward it we can
ask it to show us what is to be done; we allow it to transmute us. Toning, the
microcosmic orbit, breathing and drawing the energy up the spine really helps...
toning can be a lifesaver both when we are under energized and over energized.
Note especially the need to ground your body through nature, lying on the ground,
jumping into streams etc... It is most important to ones energy toward some higher
creative project or to assist others. During the height of my 2000 awakening the
only way for me to integrate the sex energy was to walk for hours outside each day
for a period of 6 months or more. Normalization/integration of the excess energy
took about 5 hours walking in nature a day.
supra-sex meditationPerhaps the fastest method of accelerating metamorphic
alchemy, involves sensoral-imagining using the inner kinesthetic felt-sense of the
body to imagine one is having sex with a cosmic lover. This cosmic lover is the
soul making love to the body. This only really works when kundalini heat is
already highly active. I dont think there is any way faster of refning, defning,
integrating and transforming the bodymind over from its more gross form to its
illuminated form. The key point however is that Supra-sex Meditation doesnt
involve any touch, any normal sexual stimulation or any orgasmit doesnt even
necessarily involve visual fantasy. Go easy though, especially in the beginning you
need days, weeks or possibly even months of integration time after each session,
depending on how conducive your social environment is to you actually showing
up. I have done this a couple of times spontaneously and both times I woke up in
the morning, and my body looked alien to me, like it was somehow more formed
integrated and alive than I had previously known it to be. It is the sensation of
consciousness, that is the feeling of directed consciousness in the body which
transforms. Emotion far from being a primitive or lesser element of the Human is
the very force of atomic resonance, reconstruction and communication of matter-
energy-Spirit. Spiritual integrity entails an increase in listening to body, mind, soul
and earth via the evolution of Emotion itself. When we evolve to the subtle level
we speak with the e-motion of the Earth herself....God-Speak.
Working with excalibur, the silver cordStand tall with shoulders back ,
breathing slow and deep; chin up, stomach pulled in, pelvis tucked under, with
feet about a foot apart. Imagine a silver-white lightening rod extending through
your spine, shooting up into the sky from the crown of your head, and extending
deep into the ground from the coccyx. As you draw energy in to the Silver Cord
it begins to glow and pulsate, dispersing energy through your body. By plugging
oneself into the cosmos, this lightening rod connecting heaven and earth generates
energy that can be used for healing yourself or others.
left-brain Freeze I am still not clear as to what exactly the left-brain freeze is...
the numbness might even be caused by endorphins, I only usually get a noticeable
freeze during peak chemistry now, but it is there all the time to a degree. I will work
on the freeze symptom more in BOK 2 to try and come up with some answers...
it is a core symptom of the larger anhedonia - full body numbness problem that
develops during the down side of a huge awakening. But the left-brain freeze seems
to be so tenacious that our measures barely touch it. Until we know exactly what
it is we just have to experiment around with our methods of alleviation. Various
ways to deal with it include friction rubbing on the head and neck...bend over and
rapidly rub your fngers back and forth along the scalp and neck. Put an alternating
hot/cold shower on the area. Clearing the sinuses by pinching top of the nose and
deep breathing. Tapping the left face, using an electric massage tool. My left-brain
freeze seemed to be associated with the spleen and possibly through activation of
the special metamorphic activity of the immune system. So tapping and centering
love and breath in the spleen and thymus might facilitate the chemistry, even if it
doesnt alleviate the freeze symptom. Lymphatic massage of the belly and neck will
also assist the process, as will rebounding.
Try putting your feet in a footbath with 1/2 cup of baking soda once a week to
alkalize your blood, or fnd some good mineral pools in your area. Rub in to face
neck and even scalp a mixture of Rosemary essential oil, Beta Carotene (Dunaliella
Salina), Borage oil, Vitamin E. This might help with the dropping of the facial
muscles on the left side that can occur with the left-brain freeze, to help to reduce
the severity of this loss of muscle tone and nerve function. For me at least there
was a slight interference or loss of nerve function to the facial muscles which caused
a mild stroke like affect to the left side of my face. I suspect all the neurological
herbs will help, Vitamin C, Alpha lipoic acid and DMAE and Choline and B vits.
Lethicin, Omega 3s, fsh oil and greens should reduce nerve damage. I suspect that
acupuncture and acupressure massage will help maintain facial tone.
ecstasy meditationI found this meditation while developing a painting for
Michael DuBois, the webmaster for I was drawing an
image of a woman in ecstasy so I needed to put my face into ecstasy to get the
right position of the features and the lighting. So lying in bed I held up mirror
up to my face while attempting to put it into ecstasy. Needless to say that when
one does this the crystal chamber does light up, and the lesser mind is obliterated.
I found out that if one does this meditation prior to sleep using the mirror as
a biofeedback machine to ensure a perfect facial representation of ecstasy, that
sleep is much deeper. Also during the day as I was walking down the road, I
remembered the ecstasy meditation and could put myself in ecstasy on command.
Ultimately if done consistently it should change the facial features more toward
happiness, which will alter ones social relationships and personability. The Inner
Smile Meditation works in the same manner.
enduring ecstasyEcstasy can indeed make us dysfunctional especially if we
have PTSD from childhood. If our brain is geared toward anaesthetization through
massive endorphins and intense pleasure, this can interfere with productivity and
undermine basic drives, ambition and direction. We can however use the ecstasy
as a means to become increasing lucid instead of oblivious. The trick to enduring
ecstasy without being undone by it is to penetrate into the stillness with intent,
questions and goodwill. The ecstasy then becomes a means to not to avoid reality
but to directly perceive it with greater depth. Tolerating and allowing ecstasy is
perhaps the hardest spiritual task, for it requires us to let go of our known self and
The short list for tolerating ecstasy is to relax, belly-breathe, ground feet, focus
on the Hara, draw energy up the spine, prolonged toning and long walks. You also
have to stop trying to collect the kinesthetic sense in the head into a pinpoint of
concentration (digital mind) and to generate the sense of serenity in the temporal
lobes. The microcosmic orbit of circulating energy around the body, up the back
and down the front also helps. But most importantly you must not get upset
about the inability to focus on keeping all your ducks in a row. Baths, catnip tea
and extending the energy to others are some other tricks that help in enduring and
metabolizing extreme ecstasy.
HakaThe haka is a Maori war chant that precedes battle, in order to motivate
the warriors psychologically and to threaten the enemy. it is delivered with loud
shouting and forceful fexing arm movements, to invoke the god of war and to
discourage and frighten the enemy. It involves ferce facial expressions and grimaces,
poking out of the tongue, eye bulging, grunts and cries, waving of weapons and
rhythmic thumping of ones thighs, biceps and chest. The hands, arms, legs, feet,
voice, eyes, tongue and the body as a whole combine to express courage, annoyance
or aggression. The haka is an excellent kundalini tool, both for raising kundalini,
freeing its movement and for grounding and integrating the energy. It will also
enhance confdence and improve the immune, lymphatic and circulation systems
and clear the lungs. Also will also eliminated stagnant energy from the nervous
system and aids in the liberation of pent-up or repressed emotions. There are
plenty of version of the Haka on web videos.
self-care shortlist for Dealing with social stressThe way through blockage,
resistance and opposition is to raise your energy level and presence till the miasma
becomes transparent, disappears and can be released. Know that you cannot change
another, but you can change yourself. Light a candle, put on some music (Koyasan
- by Deuter) and take a long path with Epsom salts. Do this at least every second
day for a while. Drink extra water, with a pinch of Himalayan salt in it...up to
5 qts a day. Do stretching daily, do spinal rolling with the Fitball rollar (www. and hang if you can fnd something to hang on...lie on the
grass 1/2 hour a day doing breathing, take long walks in nature if
some feet stomping, wall pushing and do boxing motions coordinating the whole
body...check out the Haka war chant videos on the web. Beat on your chest like a
gorilla while making gorilla sounds. Social tension (especially shock) tends to get
caught in the glut muscles, so bend your knees stick your ass out and wiggle it
like a duck. It is the running impulse that is being fred up, so perhaps the best
thing would be to go for a run. Rolling on tennis balls on the foor also works for
the gluts. While slightly bent jump from foot to foot real fast as though you were
warming up for a game of sports. Focus on rooting your energy into the ground
through your feet, build the sense of a cord going through you and extending out
the top your head to infnity, and generate energy in your Hara. Also to work the
tension out the gluts lie on your back and push your legs against a wall or tree. Eat
extra greens and sprouts. Take 1/4 tsp of magnesium citrate with a large glass of
water prior to bed if you are constipated...which often happens when we are under
some form of persecution. Do drumming and go dancing, fnd someone to laugh
with, check out new environs, a new movie and get some positive stimulation. To
learn how social stress is the most pernicious and pervasive form of stress watch
Robert Sapolskys lecture on google video. He is also doing a documentary on
primate social dynamics with National Geographic.
social immunityIn rational mysticism, we do not sacrifce the best in us to
the worst in others. Instead we lead by example to show others how they too can
enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In her books Ayn Rand is talking about higher
selfshness in the effort to rise above mediocrity and degradation of the Self by a
caustic and ignorant social body. I call this social immunity. The way to approach
disharmonious harmful vibrations is to fully acknowledge them, but to not resonate
in their frequency. To do this you need a transpersonal, transanthropomorphic
scientifc viewpoint and to maintain that universal objectivity throughout all the
days of your life. It is rather hard to be reactive and get pulled into and bound up
to Mara (evil/desire/aversion) when you see and feel everything from a Universal
vibration. Rather than the simplistic notion of non-judgment, you clearly see the
devilish mechanism of the bite/trigger/dig, but you do not get sucked in to
believing that it has any relevance to you and where you are going.
You can work out what is happening, by looking at human affairs through
primate psychology dynamics and learning the neurochemistry involved. Simply
stating what people are doing to their face, is just likely to cause more trouble by
engaging the negative ego still further. Then by knowing the way human primate
dynamics work on the neurochemical level, you can use skillful means to get on
top. Such as using energy, consciousness, camoufage (clothing), the power of
the voice, exercise, nature and Presence in a non-reactive fashion. This way you
can take little notice of and do not dwell on the present machinations of human cut through it like a knife--as irrelevant data. A temporary dissonant
note in the almighty hum of the Universal song.
As we deal with the collective shadow in this fashion, this will allow for the
creation of new inner-human technologies to deal with madness, shadow and
repression. In dealing with the uninitiateddont let the narrow-minded arrogance
and tall poppy syndrome stop you from being all that you can be. The inertia of
conservatism comes about through lack of spiritual development/initiation...fear
of the unknown and consequent control and low self esteem. Just call the demon
by its true name and it will lose its fre power. The growing edge is to work out
what is triggering you in your daily interactions and what you can do to bring
more energy, love and awareness to the situation. Do some energy practices, insight
meditation and visualization around a successful outcome. Put a sign up on the
inside of the door so that you can establish a positive affrmative stance toward this
trigger every time you leave the house. That way you can maintain a strong vision,
energy, stance and game plan. The Way of Aikido by George Leonard.
Hara: The Vital Center in Man, by Karlfried Graf Von Durckheim.
Joy the secret WeaponJoy is the main secret weapon in dealing with social
aversion, because it opens up the throat chakra to allow positive self-expression
and prevents the cut-off of the brain and body (anaesthization) that occurs when
confronted with negative shadow. Always remember, to not become a victim,
generate a perpetual bubbling joy in the throat and general amusement about life.
Joy: The Surrender to the Body and to Life by Alexander Lowen
savasana, or the Death PoseDo we have to continually be confronted with
death in order to grow a higher relationship to it? Perhaps like life, mere exposure
does not invariably mean the evolution in depth...depth is found through the
desire for feeling into the fundamental ground of things. In this way the Death
Pose is really the maximum life pose, because it is the ceasing of the psycho-
somatic resistance to our existence. Best done lying in bed in the dead of the night,
you empty your mind and focus on dropping all holding such that one melts into
the Uni-feld. There is nothing there but the sense of infnite depth and unity, all
perception and sensation becoming one with the Unifed Field. There is nothing
holding us back from the Onein this there is ultimate security. Integritythat
is sincerity and authenticity arise in the absence of doing. It is the feeling, the
sympathetic resonance of cells melting into the Unifed Field that transforms us
and our world.
Vortex meditationSpiritual myths and laws (formop) are external training
in the ability to act automatically. But we need inner training on the ability to
act in Kairos...that is in sync with the Gods time. I found one method
we can do this, I call it Vortex Zero point Meditation! First you go watch some
Viktor Schauberger clips at google video and look for the upward twisting vortex
and imprint this image on your mind. Then while lying in bed, deeply rested,
visualize the upward pulling vortex arising from your third eye, as you draw up all
your bodys energies into it. You will fnd all thoughts and concerns disappear and
the body may go through a series of sudden falls into increasingly relaxed zones
as you do this powerful upward spinning tornado. Remember I said that toning
helps to restore a harmonious higher frequency to our psychesoma, in a similar
way that vortexing water helps to clear it from the memory of harmful polluting
frequencies. It is the movement feltsense of this vortex meditation that operates
in a similar fashion to wipe the slate clean allowing more synchronicity with the
spontaneous unfolding of reality. It also creates bubbles of joy in the throat and
jaw, which supports higher hormone regulation.
Galactic meditationImmature forms of will to power such as submission,
seduction, aggression or manipulation, are not going to evolve humanity beyond
the pathological hypermasculine. Thus we must generate more universal energy
states and higher forms of will to bring about necessary change. In the movement
toward a galactic species, we can use the sense of the body of the galaxy (Hathor)
the immense power, beauty and impartiality of the spiral arms of the milky wayto
align ourselves with the greatest depth of wisdom and substantial Presence within
(Horus). First get a felt-sense of the galaxy itself and your location in it. Then pull
your being into the galaxy itself and become the whole of it. Feeling the full force
of the majesty and pristine self-generated power in that. In merger with the larger
cosmos, you do not have to go in search of divine wisdom, for it will fnd you.
Being receptive to the power and portent of the message, now that is the work!
What is the symbolic meaning of aligning with the Dark Mother (Hathor)
on the winter equinox of 2012; that is passing the ecliptic of the equatorial line
of the black hole at the galactic center. It is a reorientation away from myopic
slavery to materialism, an invitation to look out in awe at the depths of the
universe and participate in the galactic orgasm/organism. And through this shift
in focus, to move from the rigid formalism of the information age, and into the
spacious expansive, depths and luminal embrace of the wisdom age. Effortlessly in-
corporating multiple layers and modes of consciousness without denial, resistance
or hesitation (Horus). Do the Vortex meditation frst for this wipes the mind clean
for the Galactic Meditation. The Galactic Meditation is fundamental, in that it
allows a felt-sense of how you, your life and all existence is manifest out of the
creative crucible of the Galaxy. Thus in one sense it is building a deeper conscious
connection to the Source.
causal majesty meditationBefore you go to sleep imagine yourself as a
royal personage of the same sex. I chose Princess Grace because she represents the
most majestic female to me. The frst time I did thisas I became Grace I felt a
power-flled snake rising through the core with its head out of my forehead. I was
immediately fascinated that this sensation was portrayed in the imagery of the
Ancient Egyptianswhereas I thought that the symbol of the Uraeus was more
of a pictorial representation of kundalini, rather than an exact description of the
Royal Flow of Ki in the bodymind. The Uraeus was the image of the Egyptian
cobra (Naja haje), worn in the front of the kings headdress. The interesting thing
was the disparity I felt between my nascent body, and this causal fow...for the
snake was shaky and was drawing prana from an incoherent body source. Feeling
the potential of this, I realized that if I did the Causal Majesty Meditation often
enough, then the whole body would be naturally pulled into a stabilized higher
order of Grace (coherency). The Butterfy (Spirit) would essentially suck the life
completely out of the pupae of the nascent body bringing the whole into complete
causal integration.
Dr. Sara Lazar at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston found
that meditation actually increases the thickness of the cortex in areas involved
in attention and sensory processing, such as the prefrontal cortex and the right
anterior insula. This growth of the cortex is not due to the growth of new neurons,
but results from wider blood vessels, more supporting structures such as glia and
astrocytes, and increased branching and connections.
Further reading on skills for awakeningBooks with useful exercises and
coping/developmental strategies:
Pharmacy For The Soul: A Comprehensive Collection of Meditations, Relaxation
and Awareness Exercises & Other Practices for Physical and Emotional Well-Being,
Mending The Past And Healing The Future With Soul Retrieval, Alberto Villoldo.
Human Technology: A Toolkit For Authentic Living by Ilchi Lee and his Brain
Respiration Self-Training CD.
The Great Stillness: The Water Method of Taoist Meditation Series 1-2, by Bruce
Kumar Frantzis
Lifting The Veil, Practical Kabbalah with Kundalini Yoga by Joseph Michael Levry
The Divine Doctor, Healing Beyond Medicine by Joseph Michael Levry
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life! by Robert V. Gerard
inner arts Practice
There is as much potential to journey into the infinite depths
of our internal space as there is to explore outer space.
The interior self is the new infnite frontier. The Inner Arts arose from my own
practice over the years...they came of their own accord from within, starting with
CMR in 1997. This information arrived not so much from listening as receiving;
that is reception and acquiescence, i.e.: Grace; which I suppose is spiritual insight
or gnosis. Life/suffering makes spiritual insights like the Inner Arts emerge when
they are most needed. Thus we see the play between suffering and light, the
checkerboard of existence. The Inner Arts ends with The Pot of Gold, which is
actually the beginning, but right now willed-ecstasy is what people need to access
their amrita for de-stressing.
The Inner Arts are a tool we can use for inner exploration and self-
communion as well as for relieving stress/trauma and removing blocks/voids
from the bodymind. If undertaken as a daily practice the Inner Arts are some
of the deepest and fastest spiritual-healing work there is to embody the Self.
The 3 STEPSCardiomuscular Release (CMR), Psychospacial meditation
(PSM), Neuroemotional Reprogramming (NER). are preliminary training for a
much deeper JOURNEYPsychoSomatic Release (PSR). Inner Arts practice is
realignment therapy for freedom from bodymind holding. It works to achieve
Ground zero of emotional neutrality and equanimity, it also removes discordant
static charge and consequently frees the evolutionary impulse from the inertia of
the past.
The experience of fnding Psychospacial Meditation taught me that peace
resides in the enteric brain (i.e.: solar plexus). From that I realized that our true
power and empowerment arises from building and substantiating that belly peace
by entraining the brain, heart and enteric brain in sympathetic resonance. It was
then apparent that it was receptivity or biological worthiness, which was the
major key to establishing both the Peace of Power and the Power of Peace through
the incarnation of Presence! Biological worthiness is the measure of our degree of
incarnation. That is how much we are keyed into our Self and the All and this is
also refected in how deeply we are aligned with the life-will or the death-will.
Bliss is simply Eros or the evolutionary catalyst of the Life-will.
Pride arises from a deep sense or organic unworthiness, and it is this false pride
that generates poverty mentality by creating arrogant, superior and self-righteous
states in which learning and receptivity are diminished. This prideful unworthiness
represents an inertial force by which we are stuck in the past, entrenched in
Matter and cannot awake fully to Spirit in the present moment. Thus obstructing
and curtailing the full fow of the light of Spirit throughout the bodymind in
its connection to the All. It is this unresponsiveness to Spirit that is the core of
our resistance to enlightenment and our rejection of the natural abundance of
Since Bliss is the felt-sensation of love, and we are love, the craving for Bliss
might be the re-cognition that there is something, either a block or void, in the
way to being fully integrated as love. Craving for Bliss is simply craving for more
Presence. This craving is a good thing because if we listen to our heart it shows
us the way to the realization of the full Flow of Light. Freedom or Bliss is making
that which is unconscious conscious by bringing light to it. The unwillingness to
enter a wider feld of consciousness through the illumination of Matter with Spirit
and to radiate it out to infnity, is our only hindrance to happiness. The pursuit of
happiness is uncovering the a priori happiness of the bliss of being alive and simply
breathing. Just as a muscle or body area will never loose its pain and numbness
unless the minds eye is infused into it, and a relationship fourishes to the degree
that love is extended.
Rumi said: Longing is the core of mystery. Longing itself brings the cure. Longing
of the heart is the key to the Mystery and the answer to the question of life.
However we are not taught to go into it and inquire into it, and thereby realize
a greater life. We are taught to subdue it with lesser energies and lesser matters,
and cut it off before its greater realization. In families where Spirit is not realized,
we are programmed by a sense of biologically inherited unworthiness to subvert
and undermine the urge of the divine light itself. Thus the living death of not
knowing our Self.
The intent and focus of consciousness alters the quantum feld of consciousness.
Ecstasy is the beginning of the Great Way through communion with the Self
and unity with the Cosmosbliss is the result of unifying the Universe with
consciousnessto make sacred, holy or whole. Wherever we place our focused
awareness there is a simultaneous fow of life force to that area of our body, feld
or environment. Coherent thought and feeling activate energy vortexes within us
that effect energy, geometry, harmonics and warping at the quantum feld level.
Eros, love or gratitude and appreciation create coherent resonance which increases
energy fow and integration throughout the bodymind and by which we enter
communion with the omnipresent All.
Power is the ability to remain in context no matter what the subject or object, Garwin
stePs to FreeDom
1cmrThus as a sequence of practices frst we need to establish cardio
muscular release in order to remove nerve static, turn down the sympathetic
nervous system, focus and entrain consciousness and build the inner felt-sense to
generate familiarity with the heart-brain.
2PsmPsychospacial meditation gives us a tangible grasp of the minds eye
which we focus on a series of gateways that open up communication between the
head-brain and the enteric/solar plexus brain. Dropping bodymind and bringing
organism to Ground Zero or Peacegiving us the ability to remain in context
(unconditional/nonduality/equanimity) no matter what the subject or object.
3nerneuroemotional reprogramming eliminates blocks/voids to
empowerment by Presence through infusing the body with Universal-unconditional
value-qualities; thereby changing cell and neuron growth, raising vibratory
resonance and possibly changing gene expression. Also heals GI tract.
4.PsrPsychosomatic release is a journey of a priori transformation to the
Always Already whole body-mind-soul. Blood, oxygen, immunity, nerve energy,
prana and life follow consciousness...This psychosomatic release work is a body-
meditation that uses the focused awareness principle...progressing through all
holding areas in the body, allowing the light of life to integrate and unify body, mind
and soul. This is a melting process of pushing warmth, feeling and consciousness
into the numbness of blockages of holding. You can use any value-feeling word
for attitudinal breathing at any block you might come across...some blocked areas
might tell you what they are about if you inquire as you work on them.
5Pot of GoldEcstasy is the evolutionary catalyst and the secret of the nottwo
of Matter and Spirit. The more you do the preparatory 3 steps and the journey
the more you unblock and build self-communication, the greater the amount of
amrita elixir you are able to generate in the Pot of Gold. When you are profcient
in the Inner Arts you can use the Pot of Gold anytime to gain greater peace, love,
equanimity and Unity.
GroUnD Zero
Negative emotions such as anger, frustration jealousy or divisiveness are
associated with an erratic, disordered, incoherent pattern in the hearts rhythms
and consequently throughout the body via the hearts EMF, superconduction of
consciousness and by metabolic chemistry. Positive emotions give rise to a mode
that HeartMath Institute calls psychophysiological coherence.
It is essential to allow the organism to reach Ground Zero long enough and
deep enough to be structured in a trans-anthropomorphic mode. That is only in
the resting neutral state of Ground Zero can a Universal patterning come into effect
to slowly transmute the human into the God. Thus we see that the acceptance of
our Divinity is a receptive act that frst requires an active emptying, surrender and
letting go of that which we currently are. apocatastasis means the reconstitution
or restitution and restoration to the original or primordial condition through the
realization of potential. Apocatastasis occurs when a soul, which is Divine Light
trapped in Matter, frees itself by attaining special knowledge or gnosis to rejoin the
Unifed Field or Absolute Reality (God).
the neutral resting state, or Absolute Peace is where the ego-mind-defense-
associative-meaning making brain is offine and the bodys reality can be fully
palpated, that is tacitly felt without flter or explanation. Once the mind has let
go of its tyranny over the body, we can listen to the pain and abandonment of our
organs and nervous system and then we can program higher frequency vibratory
states into them. When consciously and lovingly acknowledged our abdicated lost
parts come back into the orderly fold to greater coherence. An ecstatic reconstitution
of our lost and broken parts occurs bringing restitution and restoration to the
original or primordial condition of our Divine Self. Without the knowledge for
doing this inner work of reconciliation with our abandoned cut off parts, we tend
to run around like headless chickens looking for this Lover, Guru or that healer to
make it all better for us.
Actually with the Inner Arts letting go and diving into the abyss is easy. You
build higher neuronal, biochemical and vibratory structures FIRST, laying the
pathway for universal being, then the maladaptive (ego) patterns drop away
because you no longer have any use for them. Through cultivation of Absolute
Qualities we build the Universal or nondual bodymind through which enlightened
experience is possible. Perturbation of the conditioned mind allows the change
in perspective necessary for Grokking to occur. Grokking of course is nondual
consciousness. But nondual Witnessing doesnt mean we sit back and observe the
world as though it was a bad soap operarather it is the basis of right action
through a transpersonal vantage point.
Basically what yogis do when they transcend the world of form is to put all
sticking points of identifcation into Emptiness, by voiding the body chemistry in
bliss-meditation. The natural opioids wipe out the emotional memory associated
with the sticking point so that the individual is not caught up in the vortex of
preoccupation with thought or emotion around the sticking point. Thus we
can maintain our transcendence...that is to fow like a river over and around
happenstance, without being forever caught up in back eddies. The Inner Arts are
the practice of habitually cultivating Emptiness or Ground Zero.
What we call mass would seem to be nothing but an appearance, and all inertia to be
of electromagnetic origin. Henri Poincar, Science and Method.
sUGGestions on PracticinG tHe inner arts
Stress is the resistance to the stretch necessary to grow.
Through this practice we can train ourselves to be open (vulnerable) and hence
spiritual, by opening up communication channels within the body and emotional-
limbic brain. Increasing coherency between the left and right-brain, thereby
unifying our feeling, sensing, thinking and intuition. By using these techniques we
should notice an increase in intuition, no-mind and whole-consciousnessplus
freedom from worry and the incessant badgering of the left-brains analysis. Our
critic and judge that is invested in keeping our painbody and armor in a defensive
holding pattern, is dissolved during this transformational work, thereby releasing
us from our limitations, allowing us to embrace life anew. If any fear arises during
this process focus the minds eye on the brainstem while doing attitudinal breathing
for peacepeace into the heart on the in-breath, then down into the solar plexus
with the out-breath.
You might like to begin your Inner Arts session with hanging, primal release
pose and 20 minutes of nude sunbathing or sun meditation for optimum effects.
Also a wheatgrass shot prior to Inner Arts and a super-smoothie after will synergize
the results. Inner Arts work best on an empty stomach, but the energy boost
of something like wheatgrass juice would be benefcial. Toning and meditation-
pulling energy up the spine, and do toning while you do the Inner Arts greatly
amplifes the effect. Freely allow huff breaths and emotions to occur if they arise.
You can also listen to meditation tapes like Kelly Howells Destiny, or Secret
while you do CMR. Listening to tapes might help you drop ego-recriminations
and disbelief faster if you are having trouble quieting the mind.
Stress is suffering and suffering is stress. Any of the Inner Arts allow you to
detoxify from the days stress, and in cultivating universal-value feeling-qualities
the petty mind is readily dropped because the body is trained to appreciate the
sensation of being free from the defense-recriminations mind and lower emotional
states. When we do not accumulate our emotional tone day after day, this allows
more of a clean slate each morning, so we can be new and fexible with each
unique day. Thus it will probably cultivate genuine equanimity over the course
of years. I reached pseudo-equanimity with the bliss chemistry, but it was more
of a repression of response due to the neuroinhibiting effect of endorphins than
anything. Dissociation is not a true dropping and takes enormous
energy and focus to drop what is not Self.
The three steps of CMR, PSM, and NER entrain the brain to the heart and
synchronize the heart, cranial, and solar plexus brains. cardio muscular release
(CMR) gives us a tangible grasp on our inner feeling sense, and reduces nerve
scatter, establishes communication with the heart, conscious belly breathing
and an attitude of self-respect/listening. Then when the nerve energy is well
organized and readily employable it is then we can take this Presence on into
Psychospacial Meditation and Neuroemotional Reprogramming. Because CMR
readily establishes a conscious felt-sense of Presence it is very important to include
in the development of the Inner Arts. You need to frst gain some profciency
in Cardio Muscular Release (CMR), then you need to build up your ability for
Psychospacial Meditation in order to train the minds eye to open the gates to the
enteric gain conscious purchase on this area...that is to palpate it with the
minds eye and bring it into conscious awareness. After which you can run through
the Neuroemotional holding positions in sequence.
How one approaches this practice depends on ones discipline and time
allowance. Obviously the more Presence you put into it the more you get out
of it, for this is work. Sometimes late at night in bed I dont have the Presence
to do the full sequence systematically but potter around between CMR and
Neuroemotional holding positions as my body demands. It is perhaps best to set
some time aside during the day for the 3 step process and go through everything
systematically, then during the downtime prior to sleep or frst waking up you can
just do a more spontaneous version.
Neuroemotional Reprogramming (NER) is the focused building of subtle
communication within the nervous system via the generation of plasma balls of
feeling-tone associated with higher archetypal qualities of being. This process
involves a coordination mind, body and soul in a concerted YES to life by
reprogramming tissue from its resistant defensive posture of ancestral, collective
and individual trauma...into its Universal condition prior to and transcendent
of the shutdown, limitation and maladaptive patterns of survival that warp and
diminish our ongoing incarnation. Thus NER is for the purpose of transcending
the narrow refexive conditioning (armor) we have build up through our social
environment and habitual thought order to experience a vaster,
limitless sense of being, extra-dimensional cognition and full spectrum feeling-
tone. That is we get to experience Presence. Each of us has different holding
patterns, blocks and numb voids built up from our past.
With NER I have given a general template of the sequence of holding places and
archetypal-values to work with. I suggest one would start out with this sequence
(which to me at least seems a universal template) and then move on to feel-sense
what is needed your own particular case relative to the way your neuroemotional
matrix has been built up over your life. Once you have learnt the form, self-inquiry
is the next step in using these techniques. I suggest you locate sticking points
and question them to see if a meaning-cause arises(worry, envy, hatred, greed,
sadness etc). Start a conversation with these blocks/voids by sensing what they
have to teach and asking them how they are to be dissolved.
The Inner Arts combine to help us get more in touch with our inner kinesthetic
will. Only consciousness that is self-willed into felt-sense cognition is effective
in building the interior-selfthus we must do our own work if we are to have
an internal life of the soul. Because we still live in a culture of fear, the Western
world has yet to fully grok that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. We generally
have an outer persona to deal with the world and an anesthetized interior; thus the
epidemic of low self esteem, biological unworthiness and powerlessness which is
just now becoming more recognized.
One simple way of recognizing emotional health is that ALIVENESS increases.
To become more of a mystic, that is a sovereign spirit, instead of a victim, seeker or
follower and to deprogram from the automaton, disingenuous, rote, reactive and
assumptive strategies of our Western conditioning, I suggest a Suf-like Pathless
Path training. Chances are we need the reinforcement of the extra-dimensional
cognition of the Suf tradition to embrace the full spontaneous nature of Spirit, and
help prevent the regression and reversion to prior-mechanical thought processes
once the peak of our awakening has subsided.
Intellectually grasping an idea is very different from experiencing the living
reality. Many of us have grown up in a culture than denies the reality of the felt-
sensation of this energy world. It is a world much larger and deeper than intellect
can penetrate. Because we have not built the cognitive senses and language for this
deeper world, and were often punished if we admitted the reality of this energy-
world, we basically were cut off from both our inner shaman and our inner priest.
The Inner Arts help us to get in-touch with the FEELING reality of the energy
world by relaxing our guard and building inner communication hardware.
While there is some structure involved in training for this FEELING of energetic
reality of the bodymind, what emerges is the larger WILL beyond the intellect,
which has a priori consciousness that is wholistic and far more cognizant of
Reality than mere intellect. It is the Genius that lies behind intelligence; it is the
source of the mind and all else besides. Thus with these practices we have tangible
and immediate recognition of the WILL within us that is being suppressed by the
alienated and dissociated personality...bringing us back into a sense of Presence,
integrity and wholeness which should have been ours from birth...had we been
born in a more enlightened society. Through such training we can more fully
become the multidimensional being that we always intuited that we were, but
could never fully realize.
The dropping of the mask of conditioned consciousness is achieved not by
the negation of thought and emotion but by the development of them. These
practices are not for making men or women more emotional, but of amplifying
the perception of the energy world that is already there; note that emotion here
means felt-sense of the energy world. Like fipping the switch to an innate sensory
intelligence that we have been conditioned out of during our socialization,
while having our emotional wiring laid down in conditions of untruth, double
bind, callousness and avoidance of psychic information. I suggest there is almost
unlimited capacity to awaken to a vast inherent intelligence and sensitivity to inner
and outer environment that has been knocked out of us...and which we have been
collectively denying is even there.
By rejecting, repressing and cutting off disowned parts of ourselves and our
diffcult emotions we lose access to the opposite empowering qualities of the
emotions we deny or fail to integratethus if we repress fear we lose access to
our courage; if we repress anger we lose access to focused loving action. It is
obvious that that which is repressed cannot grow, therefore emotional-spiritual
development is held back through this emotional retardation. Since emotion is
the go between mind and matter...having the emotional body retarded in this
fashion is holding back the entirety of human evolution. We reclaim Presence
(whole consciousness) through derepression. Thus we must learn to be our own
Good-mother, holding ourselves in unconditional embrace, in order to build the
neurology for transcendent emotional regulation, i.e.: equilibrium, equanimity
and Presence.
As we set about generating the noble, Universal qualities within our bodymind,
especially worthiness and gratitude...what happens is the primary wound of
separation and shame is healed. You become whole, autonomous and plugged
back into the cosmos via your own umbilical. No longer reliant on others to
feel connected. The old shame, punishment/reward authoritarian projection
mechanism that makes us go search for a Good Mother or Father, or Bad ones
for that matter, no longer exists. The whole ball game of mythic, seeking and
deprivation spirituality collapses and any attention given to that will only hold one
back from the sovereign growth of spirit. Both the need for a healer, teacher, Guru
and lover pass away when we grok or listen to our Self and directly give our Self
what it is we really needour own Presence!
Best way to go about laying out a life system practice for yourself is to lie down
on your back in a quiet place, see what hurts, is defcient or is blocked and ask
how to fx it. Then come up with various solutions...and do them. Then start the
process over and over again...that way you are spontaneously responding to the
loudest most immediate needs. You could go your whole life in this manner, and
this would be your integral life practice. Take notes and map out your journey so
that if stuff comes up again you will know what you did last time that occurred.
It naturally follows that raising the vibratory resonance causes ones worldview
to become more Suf-like, because the rigidity that unconscious fear produces is
lifted. By entering states of ecstasy that we are propelled into being as little children
within the Kingdom of Bliss.
If the heart becomes heavy, connection lost and you feel hopelessly awash in the
conficting aspects of destiny...wash your heart in the fuorescent river of love that
fows Eternally. Loosing your smallness in limitless largess, to revel in all powerful
expansion fooding over the horizon in all directions.
The greatest sin is to be unconscious. Carl Jung
carDio mUscUlar release (cmr)
In 1997 I was massaging people in California and I found many would come to
me with scattered brains. I asked myself how to get rid of brain scatter, because my
brain would start resonating with their brains and it was just real irritating to work
on scatterbrained people. A month went by and while in bed one night I did a
three-step jumper-cable holding technique on myself. As soon as I did it, I realized
I had discovered what I was looking fora technique to get rid of brain scatter I
called Cardio Muscular Release (CMR). CMR works on increasing the conscious
and vibratory connection between the heart and the sympathetic trunk running
either side of the spine on the neck and thorax. It is the only thing I have found to
get rid of brain scatter and to unlock the neck and shoulders from the inside out.
The heart is a hologram for the entire neuro-musculature of the body. CMR
is a neurological jumper-cable technique using the heart as a holographic key
to unlock the muscles of the neck and shoulders and to take the static off the
nervous system. It entrains and relaxes the heart, breathing, metabolism and brain,
unlocking the neuromuscular system from the inside out; as such it is way more
effective, profound and lasting than massage. CMR is a simple technique that
opens the neck/shoulders/heart and turns off the fght-or-fight and removes static
from the central nervous system so current/consciousness can fow with less friction
and greater effciency.
CMR is very useful to move through any fear or resistance as our contraction
becomes tangibly felt and we progressively melt into a deeper sentient experience
of our existence. Car crash victims and others with PTSD will fnd this technique
invaluable for getting relief from an overactive sympathetic nervous system
(HPA axis). This technique can be self-administered and is useful for improving
concentration, to take the static off the nervous system, prior to meditation,
headaches, processing emotions, insomnia, and to relieve muscle pain and tension.
It can be used before or after any stressful event to enable us to transcend anxious
emotions and thoughts. When insomnia occurs CMR can be used to reduce fear,
pain and tension so that sleep naturally comes on. The effects are accumulative
over time and will permanently rewire the nervous system from more primitive
reptilian function toward a more spiritual and less reactive condition. Done as a
daily practice it is both preventative and restorative.
Because CMR acts on the nerves themselves it unlocks tension in the muscular-
skeletal system changing the chemistry of spasticity, and associated neurosis and
anxiety, even in the interior muscles right next to the bones. I suspect that as in
meditation, blood lactate levels in the muscles, which is associated with anxiety,
are reduced by CMR. The chemistry of fight or fght that remains locked in the
muscles in this age of stress, when the lion just wont go away, is changed on a
fundamental level by the repolarization of the nerves of the heart and muscle. The
core of our tension is held in the deep skeletal muscles, but these deeper muscles do
not have pain nerves, so any pain that is felt is the result of spasm being transmitted
to the surface muscles. Once the cage of contraction is reduced with CMR greater
energy fow, feeling and awareness are experienced in the body. Tension is in effect
the body trying to hold the emotion of consciousness back from awareness. Thus
release of this tension works in the reverse to allow what was unconscious to be felt
consciously, allowing Presence to infltrate the body.
The heart is divided into three sections: left-top=1, right-top=2, bottom=3.
There are three holding positions on the left side of the body then the three are
mirrored on the right side.
Position 1: The three middle fngers of the left hand are placed along side left of
the spine on the back of the neck; the right hand is placed on the left of the heart.
Hold 5 minutes breathing gently into the belly.
Position 2: The head is turned to the right, and the right hand reaches behind the
neck and holds the left neck at the point where the sternocloidomastoid muscles
joins the skull just under the left ear. Left hand is on the right-side of the heart at
the middle of the chest. Hold 5 minutes, continuing to belly breathe.
Position 3: The left hand reaches up over the shoulder and down the back and the
fngers poke into the muscles alongside the spine between the scapulars. The right
hand is on the bottom of the heart. Hold 5 minutes, deep breathing; slide left hand
slowly up the back over the course of the 5 minutes.
Repeat in mirror fashion on the other side of the body. Note all positions must
be held for a full release to occur, otherwise one will still feel some disconnection
and static. The key is to remain present and sensitive throughout the process. If
you feel you need longer than a half hour practice either hold each position longer,
or cycle a second time round. Meditation and toning done along with CMR offers
a synergistic effect.
PsYcHosPacial meDitation
If one focuses the Minds-Eye:
1. clarityoccurs as a single-point in front of the two eyes.
2. maturityis at the top of the forehead.
3. serenityis at the temporal lobes above the ears.
4. Joyis found by focusing the minds-eye at the nostrils and following the
breath there.
5. Happiness(the absence of closure and sadness) is found by focusing at
the crown of the head and this lifts sadness in the lungs/throat/diaphragm.
I found that once I had cycled through the various focus points a couple
of times I could do clarity, maturity, serenity and joy all at the same time;
this then translates as peace. After running through the full sequence then a
painful knot of need is felt in the solar plexus.
6. nondual peaceThis knot in the solar plexus (hole of non-being) is then
dissolved by focusing the minds-eye on the brainstem and flling it with love.
The knot of need/control in the solar plexus is accessed and dissolved by frst
passing through clarity/maturity/serenity/joy/happiness and then fnally this
control-knot is touched and healed through the brainstem. So perhaps fnal
letting go of our unenlightenment is done in this way. When we are talking of
resistance, division, judging, distancing etc... we are probably talking about the
need to control. So this is the tension that prevents Unity Consciousness and
at-one-ment with our environment.
Interestingly the knot of pain in the solar plexus was not observable until I had
done all the other focus points and past through the portals so to speak. However
this knot must have subliminally always been there as a permanent ongoing pain.
I theorize that if one clears the larger-noisier emotions out the way, the fner more
nuanced emotions can be felt and ones inner life should be deepened and refned,
becoming ever more precise in communicating subtle emotional resonances. Asnd
as we descend into the depths of our being we touch ever more causal layers of our
function, which have more profound and far reaching effects on our well-being.
neUroemotional reProGramminG
Neuroemotional Reprogramming (NER) is allowing, resetting and fne tuning
the bodys vibrational resonance, in order to grow the neurochemistry and neurons
(dendrites) for the Universal bodymind. NER enhances the embodiment or
incarnation of transcendental spiritual qualities/states such as peace, empowerment,
worthiness, gratitude, trust, faith, reverence and equanimity. In the stepped down
nature of our daily lives we often do not get to experience the conditions needed to
spontaneously generate these higher vibrational states. Therefore we need a daily
practice whereby our bodymind becomes trained and accustomed to generating
these frequencies. With this meditative therapy not only do we make up for the
absence of emotional and spiritual nourishment during our developmental years,
but after our NER conditioning is stabilized to higher emotional resonance, we
fnd that our lives change in direct correspondence to the new resonant frequencies
we embody. We thus radiate higher spiritual dominion both in our own behavior,
thought, attractiveness, and in our energetic infuence over the behavior and
responses of others that come in contact with us.
So few of us were given a sense of self-worth and spiritual validation as
a child that we live with a subliminal wrenching wound which we try and fll
up by many different inferior tactics. NER takes us directly to Ground Zero,
where we can be organically receptive to reconstruction into a higher estate.
We stop fdgeting with our wound and open to the dominion of the Christ/
Buddha within. Neuroemotional reprogramming is simply addressing the void
in our socioemotional make up and building up our neurological structures to
facilitate a deeper more meaningful life. Through transcendental training via
NER we grow the neuro-anatomy or esoteric anatomy for increasingly universal
boundaries. Thus we take on more of a species or global Being, and waste far
less energy indulging in, enforcing and defending our smallness. Modern man
doesnt know it yet, but emotional development is the key to enlightened life and
to enlightenment, because that is where we are most lacking.
We cannot expect to fnd, nor will we be given our higher spiritual qualities
from the outside world. We must look within for the qualities of Clarity, Maturity,
Serenity, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Empowerment, Worthiness, Gratitude, Faith,
Trust, Reverence and Equanimity. These are aspects of the Absolute that we
are attempting to integrate, they are not Relative or related to the conditioned
worldly realm. These inner qualities cannot be derived by external means. If
we do not fnd these qualities by internal means then the social world will seem
indeed to be constantly undermining us, because we are expecting it to give us
these qualities, and of course it never will...humanity has not yet reached the point
of social reinforcement of Divinity as a daily occurrence.
If we did not grow up in ideal social conditions we have to grow the wiring for
these Universal value qualities. If as a baby we were not given a sense of welcome,
worth and value our spirit shied away from incarnating. Without biological self-
worth we have no biological trust, and without trust we cannot establish biological
faith. Without biological faith we cannot maintain a sustained sense of unity with
all creation or Godwith this emotional reprogramming method we fnd the
void and invite in healing Presence. In the externalized, usury world of material
capitalism that exemplifes our current era, chances are our parents didnt even have
the self-esteem or deep spiritual value qualities to give to us. So we cannot really
blame them for not giving us that which they did not even have for themselves. It
is after all the pain of this Self betrayal that propels us forth on the heros journey
of Self discovery. Thus humanity proceeds in awakening both from that love which
it receives which gives us strength and encouragement and from that which it still
lacks which drives our journey toward health and wholeness.
ner Practice
Empowerment, dropping of the painbody and peace are a self-esteem
phenomena. It is in the embodiment of biological self-esteem that our true self
worth lies. Dropping of the bodymind is synonymous with receptivity and
this in turn is synonymous with worthiness. Essentially this is done by being at
Absolute Peace (Ground Zero) long and deep enough to let the life within us fow
and grow. Affrming ourselves we green light our bodymind beyond the need for
armoring ourselves against the sense of unworthiness.
WorthinessMake a J around the heart with your hands by putting the left
hand at the top of your heart with fngers resting on the clavicle and the right hand
at the bottom of the heart under the breast, with thumb extended up between the
breasts. Hold this position while breathing worthiness in through the heart and
out into the solar plexus. Since worthiness is primary to NER there is two holding
positions, the second involves keeping one hand on the right side of the heart, while
the other hand is moved down onto the spleen at the bottom of the left ribcage
continue the same worthiness breathing down into the spleen area. Worthiness-
receptivity gives one the correct stance (Kokoro-gamae) to be empowered to act in
ways that build self-esteem. Worthiness represents a cellular level of receptivity
to life (a biological YES) without which we cannot fully incarnate, nor can we
maintain a strong immune system, good health or Self-actualize.
PsYcHosomatic release
An advanced decontraction journey for dropping the painbody
By the minds eye I mean the kinesthetic felt-sense and directional focus of the
brain. This feels like a connection between the third eye region and the brainstem
through which you can point your consciousness. While directing the minds
eye, the closed eyes point in the direction you are focusing on. Thus you can
even look out through the back of the eyeballs and down into the brainstem,
or in any other direction of focused intent. Following is the full version of the
Psychosomatic Release, however as a shorter daily practice you might simply track
the blockages through the neck-shoulders and torso, then the thyroid, jaw and
pulling the tension out of the head via dropping the tongue into the belly. You can
turn on your anti-stress, parasympathetic nervous system any time during the day
by dropping your tongue into your belly and deep breathing.
Lying on the back:
1. Feel the most prominent area of holding in the bodyperhaps it is the right
neck and shoulder. Put your hands on this area and focus your minds eye
into it. Go deeper into the felt-sense of the area melting it with the power
of your minds eye. Dropping into an infnite void and then dropping some
more, bringing the minds eye back to the spot if you drift off for a while.
Progressively dropping consciousness into an area will repolarize the nerves,
relax the muscles and bring new life and blood to an area, essentially making
it more conscious. You can readily feel the shift in charge when the body
reclaims an area and it starts to let go. The contracted body part will not let
go of its accord unless it is made conscious through focused awareness. Use
whatever visualizations you need such as imagining melting butter or seeing
gentle waves lapping the sand to melt into an area.
2. Shift focus of the melting onto the next area of holding such as the liver by
putting one hand on the right side of the heart and other on the liver. After
that the next areas of holding might be the solar plexus and then the bottom
of the belly. Progressively melt each area as it arises in awareness with
breath, the minds eye, visualizations and your hands.
3. Once you are done with the side of the body with the most apparent
holding move over to the other side and run through areas moving down
the body eg: the left neck and shoulder, then down into the spleen, solar
plexus and belly.
Lying on the side:
4. Hold the sternocleidomastoid area under the ear on the side that is down
and the clavicle of the topside gently pushing the clavicle down
toward the feet.
5. Push the top of the lungs by pressing down under the clavicles and
hold to melt.
6. Hold to melt the jaw on the bottom side while working the scapula topside.
7. Thumb push slowly up ridge of shoulder girdle.
On back Again:
8. Place hands lightly on/over the thyroid at the front of the neck and melt
this area with the minds eye, drop your tongue progressively releasing
tension as you do this.
9. Tap the thymus gland which lies under the sternum for a few minutes with
your fngertips to stimulate the immune system.
10. With the body released you might fnd that pressure/pain in the head is
feltdrop the tongue into the belly drawing down the braincontinue to
pull the brain down into the belly by the tongue for at least 5 minutes until
head pressure is released.
11. Cup the bottom of the ribcage with the fngers and push ribs into the
diaphragmbreath into the pressure for about 5-10 breaths.
12. Reach under the mid back and press fngers into and melt the adrenals
and then the lower back, moving down to work into the sacrum. Melt any
tension, holding in these areas with the minds eye, warmth, breathing and
visualizationprogressively bringing the whole bodymind into the void till
it is free of static charge and holding.
oPeninG tHe moUtH oF GoD
The Mouth of God or the Bindu Center can be assisted to open to the
spiritual inspiration of the Flute of the Gods, the cosmic mantra or logos. This
area, known as the Jade Pillow by the Chinese, lies at the base of the skull above
the frst cervical (neck) vertebra. It is part of a pump that draws spinal fuid and
chi energy upwards. While lying your the the back of the neck, in the
dip where the spine meets the cranium place the tips of your three middle fngers
and with the other hand press the third eye regionwhile toning Huuu with
the mouth slightly open for more resonance...and meditating by pulling energy
up the spine. Amplify the effect by adding the inner smile to assist in opening
the Mouth of Godtdo this by smiling and extending the energy-sense of the
smile up into the jaw and past the ears around to the Mouth of God. It helps to
wiggle your ears while you are doing this. This is the fastest way yet I have found
to work on detoxifying and integrating this region, allowing a more perfect fow
of ecstatic energy into and through the brain. It might help those with kundalini
symptoms that seem to be blocked in the neck region and for those who have
excessive ongoing energy in the brain.
3. Enforced Spasm: Then lie fat on your back, holding the muscles of the
small of the back, either side of the spine with the fngers splade out. After
a minute these muscles will spasm after having been over extended in the
pose position. Press into the spasm with fngers and breathe into the belly
until it subsides. The more one does the exercise the less spasms will occur.
If spasms are too much to handle, lift knees to relax spine and press into
spasms with fsts.
4. Integration: To fnish roll back and forth to loosen up spine again.
This technique provides a gentle cathartic release of the charge from the muscles.
The discharge is interesting its like a rolling wave of energy-emotion coming from
the diaphragm, often associated with a contemporary thought of sadness or self
pity, however the thought is only what the psyche is using as a vehicle for the
discharge to happen. The charge comes from the diaphragm, through the throat
and exits the head. The more this is done, the more the diaphragm and psoas
muscle is released and this straightens the spine and softens the belly allowing full
The PRP releases chronic contraction in the lumbar muscles...the innermost
layer of these being the psoas. This contraction and release allows more space inside,
and more conductivity through the pelvis and into the legs, better grounding and
more connection between the top half and the lower half of the body. Both the
psoas and the diaphragm have origin points at the 12th thorasic vertibrae. By
removing chronic internal holding it frees up the region of the Gate of Life at the
12th Thorasic, allowing for healthier function of the adrenal glands and kidneys.
Regular practice of this pose lowers the stress threshold and reduces the propensity
to emotional triggering and cortisol production.
This pose is excellent for emotional release and getting stuff to the surface.
So we could call this pose the upside-down insight-out pose. Some people call it
the upsidedown foetus.
This pose is ideal for contemplating ones Fundamental
Doubt over whether the Universe is indeed supportive of
Part iX
metaBolics oF lonGeVitY
Longevity/spirituality = nutrition divided by calories + cleansing-repair-regeneration
Aging and disease are associated with the following interrelated factors:
Oxidation damage to cell membranes; Resulting in disruption of fow into and
out of the cell; Imbalance of excess calcium and a defciency of magnesium inside
the cell; Cellular dehydration-insuffcient water for cell processes, structure and
energy; Receptor desensitization and insulin resistance; ATP generation is reduced
producing a cellular energy crisis.
Basically an antiradiation, antiinfammation, antiaging and the kundalini
meta-adaptation diet and lifestyle is one and the same thing. Metamorphosis is
dangerous to those that do not understand nature and the life of the cell, in that
we are dealing with the welfare of our cells within a high radiation condition. To
fully protect the body from the quickening of life processes and the radiation,
oxidation, glycation, detoxifcation, catabolysis associated with kundalini we need
adopt an antiaging program that includes: Water and fat-soluble antioxidants,
antiradiation herbs, The Lightbody Formula, Bioactive water (left-spin, North-
pole, negatively charged, alkaline), an antiinfammation-Raw-remineralized diet
and supplements.
calorie restriction Diet
The aging process involves incremental damage to cells through oxidation,
coupled with the accumulation of toxins from metabolism, food and environment.
Fasting and calorie restriction (reducing Calories by 40%, especially carbohydrates)
is the most profound method of reducing the aging process. One per cent of the
oxygen we consume turns into reactive oxygen species (ROS or free radicals). Over
a year a human body makes 1.7 kilograms of ROS. The gastrointestinal tract,
especially the stomach with its highly acidic environment, is constantly generating
reactive oxygen species from food. An antioxidant is a reducing agent, which can
react with oxygen in the water to produce hydrogen peroxide.
Harvard University researchers found a link between aging and two human
genes that seem to play a role in the longevity of the cells that compose our bodies.
Weve found a gatekeeper of cell survival and potentially the aging process itself,
said David Sinclair, a Harvard molecular geneticist and lead author of the paper. In
2003, he made headlines after fnding that resveratrol, an antioxidant compound
in red wine, could lengthen the life span of yeast cells by up to 80 percent. Sinclair
sees a link between resveratrol and calorie restriction in that both seem to activate
the SIRT1 gene that produces one of a class of enzymes known as sirtuins, which
help cells protect themselves against DNA damage and cell death
As well as lowering free radical production, calorie restriction reduces the body
temperature, slows metabolic rate, lowers insulin levels and eases the decline in
DHEA. Raw food might operate in a similar fashion to calorie restriction, because
raw food does not kick in the activation of white blood cells (leukocyctosis) of
the immune system in the GI tract. Thus a life of raw food and the consequent
reduction in body temperature via reduction of the infammatory immune
response, contributes to longevity.
Reducing calorie intake was the only reliable method found to repair DNA.
With an excess of food the increase in oxidation to the mitochondria reduces ATP
production which impairs cell effciency and promotes aging. Also mitochondrial
DNA lacks the protective protein shield that prevents DNA damagethis is known
as the Mitochondrial Theory of Aging. With a combination of fewer calories plus
higher nutrient density, it is easier for the body to run through all its cycles with
greater effciency. If we start up the digestive process several times a day, every day
of our lives, then the body doesnt have time for cleansing/repair/regeneration.
So organs congest, plaques are laid, enzyme systems get exhausted, and metabolism
and DNA repair is interfered with.
If we load our system with food day after day, then our body is so preoccupied
with digestion/elimination that it doesnt have the energy, enzymes and immunity
for higher functions such as building the spiritual body, and for higher thinking,
psychic and visionary capacities. Such unceasing digestion therefore reduces the
amount of light/love fow through the tissues. We become largely a digestive
animal, with little contact with our psychic, subtle and spiritual life. The spiritual
benefts of fasting and the calorie restriction diet arise because conductivity of
nerve energy and biophoton coherency goes up. Cell membrane fuidity increases
because the cells are no longer coated with junk increasing the availability of
receptors for hormones and neurotransmitters. The cells are better informed
so metabolism improves and they can detoxify themselves properly so there are
less stored poisons. This means that metabolism in general can occur at optimum
effciency thus increasing the conductivity of the Light of spiritual Presence.
In considering the need for maximum nutrition with minimal digestion, it
becomes apparent that recreational eating is counterproductive and will set us back
spiritually and energetically. In the philosophy of the calorie restriction system,
we need to refne our diet so that we are only eating the most vital, nutritious
food, specifc to the real needs of our body. This system is focused foremost on
effciency, and thereby getting the digestive process out of the way so that higher
life processes and experiences can be explored unencumbered.
Calorie restriction is not undertaken in a deprivational fashion, but simply
through a hypersensitivity to reality, i.e.: Love! The more perfect the fow of
light/love through our tissues, the more spiritual-intuition and intelligence we
embody, and the more awareness we can apply to including and transcending
our digestive function. We tend to use food for self-repression without even
knowing it. When we stop doing this we quickly become reacquainted with all
our repressed urges and unease: loneliness, horniness, sadness, confusion and other
uncomfortable emotions. The calorie restriction diet should enable us to plum the
depths of our incarnation in a geometrically accelerating fashion without holding
ourselves back.
Fasting cleans and clears all body tissues including synapses, liver and blood
which allows greater conductivity of energy and nutrients. In an article on fasting
in Alternative Medicine Sept04 it says that the mild stress imposed by fasting
fortifes the body to stave off degenerative diseases. The continual low-grade stress
of calorie reduction seems to make the cells stronger by kicking in a gene repair
mechanism. Members of the Calorie Restriction Society typically eat between
1100-1950 calories a day, whereas the average Western diet is around 2763 per
day. Some eat once a day, others eat once every other day. According to Jack Tips
the main meal should be in the morning between 9-11am.
Hunger increases blood fow in the hypothalamus and other limbic areas. Mark
Mattson of the National Institute on Aging says that he believes that the mild stress
of fasting increases protein synthesis in the brain, inducing increased growth of new
nerve cells, as well as shielding the cells from oxidative damage. So fasting increases
brain function, offers nerve protection. With a calorie restricted diet there is going
to be less oxidation in the body in general. The calorie restriction diet does have
spiritual effects in its highest aspect, but people usually adopt calorie restriction
for longevity frst, then health benefts second. This diet system started when
research found that rats live 30 percent longer on reduced calorie diets. The key
point is though is that they still get maximum nutrition through nutrient dense
supplements. High nutrient-density is key for you wont get results out of simply
dropping calorie intake. More information on calorie restriction can be found in
Roy Walfords book Beyond the 120-Year Diet: How to Double Your Vital Years.
Man either builds himself or destroys himself by the manner in which he lives Every
normal habit indulged to satiety and every abnormal habit produces disease. Here is the
origin of every so-called disease. The end is chronic disease and premature death. Until
we learn to recognize the fact that symptoms are the result of toxic saturation and learn
the source of the intoxication, we are left with nothing we can do for the sick except
provide a brief and questionable palliation. Herbert Shelton, Fasting Can Save Your
Life. P.111
The Fasting Path by Stephen Harrod Buhner is one of the best books I have
encountered on the spirituality of diet. As I get older I fnd less enthusiasm for
disciplines like fasting...but this book perhaps more than any other gives inspiration,
with a sensitizing injection of spiritual intention.
Heavy metalsCalorie restriction also reduces the accumulation of the
metallic mineral oxidizing agents such as iron, copper, cadmium, lead, manganese
and arseniclowering the accumulation of toxins in the cells improves the cells
ability to repair DNA. Thus calorie restriction helps maintain DNA integrity. In
Bill Sardis book The Antiaging Pill, he writes that women have half the rate of
diabetes, heart disease, cancer and infections because they have half the iron levels
compared to males. If men are meat eaters, they might be able to add more years
to their life by doing periodic iron chelation with IP6 to lower their iron levels.
Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6) is a phosphorylated form of inositol commonly
found in fber-rich plant foods like rice bran. IP6 may support the cells natural
defense against damaging hydroxyl free radicals by chelating with reactive iron.
IP6 is an effcient mineral chelator and therefore should be taken only on an empty
stomach (1 to 6 X 500 mg capsules per day for 1-2 months with water). You can
also add rice bran itself into your daily diet. super sprinkle: Get some raw rice
bran and wheatgerm from a reputable source that you can tell has been refrigerated
and is still fresh, and mix these together with fresh ground faxseed and keep in the can use this as a sprinkle over your food or in smoothies etc... They are
tastier together than by themselves. (See more on rice bran in the Herb List).
Note that Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases iron assimilation, while
biofavonoids such as quercetin protect against the negative effects of insurgent
iron in the system. When supplemental Vitamin C is taken along with iron
enriched foods, the iron can cause the oxidation of the Vitamin C, forming
dehydroascorbic acid, a free radical pro-oxidant that is dangerous to neurons.
Vitamin C combined with vitamin E, work together synergistically to reduce
lipid peroxidation in the brain. CoQ10 and niacinimide (B3) also work together
to protect against mitochondrial toxicity from heavy metals. Alpha Lipoic Acid
(ALA) and Dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) is capable of regenerating the Vitamin
C molecule, which along with Tumeric can provide the broadest spectrum of
antioxidant neuron protection. Salicin from White Willow bark increases the
production of ferritin, an iron-binding protein that prevents iron from inducing
free radical oxidation. Ferritin is the form in which iron is stored in the liver and
other tissues. Use calcium buffered Vitamin C as heavy metals acidify the body
so it draws calcium from the bones to help restore the proper blood pH. Further,
toxic metals set up conditions that lead to infammation in arterial walls and tissues,
causing more calcium to be drawn to the area as a buffer.
chelation Foods that remove heavy metals include: Ashitaba, Green tea,
Cilantro and Parsley, Nettle, Ginkgo, Aloe gel, Olive leaf, Water melon juice,
Banana stem juice, juice of whole pumpkin with skin and seeds, and sulfur foods
and supplements. chelation supplements that help remove heavy metals include:
Folic acid, Selenium & Vitamin E, Silicon, Pycnogenol, Quercetin, N-acetyl
cysteine, L-Carnosine, Vitamin C and Magnesium. Kelp contains a powerful
chelating agent called Mannitol. (See Dirt~The Elixir of Life for information on
using humic acids to remove heavy metals.) Spirulina or chlorella are needed to
bind up the liberated mercury and carry it out of the body.
Medically chelation is done to reduce calcium plaques on arterial walls using
a synthetic amino acid, eDta (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid). Oral chelation
works best through the synergistic effect of combining EDTA with numerous natural
chelating agents, such as activated Clays (Zeolite and Fulvic acid), biofavonoids,
Vitamin C and Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chlorella, Cilantro, Hawthorn berry, Cayenne,
CoQ10, Garlic, Grapeseed extract, L-cysteine, L-glutathione, Vitamin Bs and
E, Methionine, Lysine, Proline, L-taurine, Selenium, Sodium alginate, and Zinc
gluconate. L-lysine is an amino acid involved in the structural repair of damaged
blood vessels. It has a benefcial effect on lead toxicity and high blood pressure.
Plant-based enzymes (bromelain, lipase, catalase) to ensure optimal utilization of
all of the above nutrients.
United States. Wines produced from these muscadine grapes may contain more
than 40 mg/L of this phytochemical, while ordinary red wine contains between
0.2 and 5.8 mg/L.
The resveratrol content of a wine is related to the length of time the grape
skins are present during the fermentation process. So non-fermented grape juice
and cider made from grapes is not a signifcant source of resveratrol. If you are
anticipating getting your resveratrol from red wine, be aware this favonoid is
oxidized by exposure to air, so only freshly opened bottles of red wine offer a good
dose of the enzyme. Cooking also reduces the resveratrol by half.
Highest resveratrol levels are found in dark purple grapes from humid,
cooler, high altitude areas, in wines made by traditional methods. Resveratrol is
highest in pinot noir wines from Portugal, France, Italy, Mendoza-Argentina and
Marlborough-New Zealand Pinot Noirs. The Italian island of Sardinia produces
wine with the highest resveratrol levels in the world and this region is known for
its centenarians. On this isle there is less mortality of the elderly due to circulatory
diseases and cancer. In 1997 there were more than 220 centenarians; that is twice
the average for western countries and with a higher ratio of males over 100 years
than elsewhere also.
Muscadines also contain ellagic acid, a natural organic compound thought to
inhibit the start of cancer caused by certain chemicals. An enzyme called CYP1B1
found in many cancer cells converts resveratrol into a chemical called piceatannol
that kills cancer cells. Resveratrol has many anti-cancer effects including preventing
DNA mutations, it is more protective of DNA than vitamin C, plus it arrests tumor
cell replication and induces cancer cell death by apoptosis. Resveratrol directly
induces apoptosis of the cancer cell through depolarization of mitochondria and
activation of the intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. It also lowers levels
of the enzyme aromatase that converts testosterone to estrogen. One appealing
characteristic of resveratrols anti-cancer potential is its minimal toxicity to blood-
forming cells. Resveratrol may reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer; male
mice fed resveratrol showed an 87 percent reduction in their prostate tumor risk.
Also pterostilbene, a compound found in berries and grapes, strongly suppresses a
type of an enzyme that activates cancer-causing processes.
Men tend to accumulate more iron in their tissues which can cause free radical
damage in the mitochondria...this is thought to be one of the main reasons
females tend to live longer. Resveratrol and Quercetin are potent iron and copper
binders, serving to reduce the accumulation of these rusting elements in the
mitochondria. Greater than 90% of free radical oxidation damage occurs within
the energy generating centers, the mitochondria.
Wine and supplements made from purple grapes are used for cardiovascular
health, clear arteries of cholesterol, lower platelet aggregation, relax arteries and
regulate nitric oxide. Besides fghting free radical damage and lipid oxidation, it
also helps joint pain, bones, headaches, fatigue, menopause, lowering blood sugar
and aids digestion. And protects neurons from oxygen damage during a stroke,
retards age related loss of mental faculties, improves endurance, performance and
recovery, and reduces damage from toxins and radiation.
A study in rats showed that resveratrol is absorbed in the gut and has a high
affnity for the heart and liver. Critics say that most of the resveratrol is broken down
in the digestive system, but antiaging scientists say that reservatrol works better in
low concentrations anyway. Quercetin, a companion antioxidant to resveratrol in
red wine protects it from being broken down in the liver and signifcantly improves
the bioavailability of resveratrol. In fact the other antioxidants quercetin and
epicatechin, also found in red wine may be even more effective than resveratrol.
Quercitin is found in highest amounts in onions, apples, berries, green tea, grapes,
red wine, chamomile, pollen, olives, fenugreek, lettuce and ginkgo.
Resveratrol is also found in raspberries, mulberries, plums, peanuts, including
blueberries, bilberries, and cranberries, some pines, such as Scots pine and eastern
white pine, eucalyptus, spruce, yucca root and lily. Remember that antioxidant
substances are in highest concentrations in the skins and seeds of plants. Resveratrol
is commercially harvested from the roots and stalks of Polygonum cuspidatum
(Japanese knotweed) otherwise known as Hu zhang in China where it is used to
treat arterial endothelial damage. He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiforum) or Fo-ti
is a relative of Hu zhang with similar antioxidant properties, taken for vitality and
virility. The knotweeds should not be taken by people with kidney stones because
they contain oxalic acid. Resveratrol oxidizes easily and so most supplements other
than wine itself will not be bioactive, except the supplement produced by Bill Sardi
under the Lonevinex brand that uses special processing conditions.
I think the message to take home is to not be so squeamish about drinking wine,
and to have some sense that if you drink the right kind of wine, in moderation,
there may be some longevity benefts to proven by the Sardinians. Stabilized supplement of resveratrol, www.askbillsardi.comBill Sardi Highest concentration of resveratrol Muscadine Wineries Purple Power - Muscadine Grape Skin Powder
acai Berries
So we have got the grape down, but apparently the acai berry rules the
phytochemical world, with even more potent in phytochemicals than grape is the
acai berry (Euterpe oleracea). This dark purple Amazonian palm berry boasts the
highest known ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) antioxidant value
ever reported for any fruit or vegetable to date. The acai palm grows in the rain
forests of Brazil and the Amazon. The fruit is harvested in the wild by local farmers
and then quickly frozen to preserve its nutritional value, for the high fat content
of Acai berries makes them go rancid within a day of being picked. Buy as freeze-
dried pulp and skin powder or frozen Acai berry pulp for smoothies.
The acai berry contains 7.59% protein and 44% fber, as well as healthy
omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. Nearly 1/3 of the Acai berry is fat - with 74% of
that being essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9. There are also
many other vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, E, and C, minerals such as Phosphorus,
Calcium, and Potassium. Acai berries can contain over 30 times the anthocyanin
red pigment of red wine. Anthocyanin, a natural antioxidant have been shown to
reduce pain and infammation, prevent capillary fragility, thin the blood, stimulate
the release of vasodilators, lower blood pressure, reduce clotting and improve blood
supply to the nervous system, reduces infammation, and stabilizes collagen and
may beneft the retina. Twelve other favonoid-like compounds were found in acai
including resveratrol, although at low levels of 1.1 microgram per gram. Acai was
found to have higher slow-acting antioxidant components, suggesting a more
sustained antioxidant effect.
Other high ORAC scoring foods include cacao, cherries, prunes, raisins,
blueberries, blackcurrants, kale, spinach, spices, Camu camu, Acerola, Amla,
Aronia, Pomegranate, Bilberry, Mulberry, Jaboticaba, Black Sapote and the
guava genus. sell powders by the pound of Camu Camu, Acerola berry, Acai
berry and Rosehip.
Pine BarK eXtract
Pycnogenol is a natural plant product made from the bark of the European coastal
pine, Pinus Maritima; used for peak performance and against all disease, illness and
infrmity. Pycnogenol is the most effcient natural free radical scavenger known; it
is 50 times more antioxidant power than vitamin C or E and is said to be is one of
the main 21st century anti-aging substances. Pycnogenol contains 85% to 95% of
a biofavonoid call proanthocyanidin. These proanthocyanidins make Pycnogenol
the most powerful natural free radical scavenger, antioxidant anti-infammatory and
anti-mutagen yet discovered. Being water soluble it is absorbed almost instantly and
it passes the blood brain barrier to protect the brain cells. Antioxidant protection
to the brain and central nervous system is a vital consideration in kundalini.
Proanthocyanidins act within the cell membrane where they can neutralize both
water and fat-soluble free radicals. Pycnogenol has the unique ability to bond to
collagen fbers, repairing damage, protects collagen and elastin from destructive
enzymes, prevents infammation, and improves microcirculation and maintains
vascular integrity. It lowers the activity of the immune cell trigger for infammation.
Pycnogenol balances stress hormones, which lowers adrenaline and dopamine,
resulting in a decrease of ADHD.
GraPe seeD eXtract
Proanthocyanidins are also found in Grape Seeds. In fact Grape Seed Extract
contains 92-95% proanthocyanidins. The binding of grape seed extract
to phosphatidycholine enhances its biological activity further, making it
three times more effective than pine bark. Research is fnding that grape
seed extract inhibits cancer growth and causes apoptosis of cancer cells.
You take 160 mg of Pine Bark Extract or Grape Seed Extract for ten days at frst
to reach tissue saturation. Then the dosage can be cut back to about 50 to 60
mgs per day. Pine Bark and Grape Seed are nontoxic and support the bodys own
antioxidant system.
bowel disease. Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland, creating damaging effects
such as early puberty, lowered melatonin, porous bones and teeth, bone cancer and
feeble mindedness. The toxic effect of fuoride ion plays a key role in acute Mg
defciency. Fluoride Magnesium Interaction
Cysteine is a naturally occurring, sulfur-containing amino acid that is a
building block to most proteins, including the antioxidant glutathione (L-cysteine,
L-glutamate and glycine). Due to the ability to undergo redox reactions, cysteine
has antioxidant properties. Cysteine is best taken as Cystine, rather than N-
acetylcysteine (NAC). Organic sulfur phytochemicals from plants in the onion and
cabbage family offer phytochelation properties that remove heavy metals and other
toxins from the body. Phytochelatins are peptides - short chains of amino acids
are synthesized from glutathione. Phytochelatins are small, cysteine-rich peptides
capable of binding heavy metal ions. They trap, or chelate, heavy metal ions to
form an inactive complex. Phytochelatins are more effective than glutathione and
citrate at protecting the plant from heavy metals. I havent found reference to it
yet, but it makes sense that the phytochelatins from raw fruits and vegetables are
the ultimate chelators of toxins in the human body as well. Dietary detox measures
should include sulfur-rich foods; kale, cabbage, garlic, beans and egg yolk.
Echinacea and Dandelion are immunomodulators that help diminish acute
allergic hypersensitivity. Echinacea modulates the expression of pro-infammatory
cytokines by acting on cannabinoid receptors on the surface of immune cells,
and lessening the production of NF-kappaB and therefore the transcription and
expression of infammatory proteins. Echinacea suppress IL-2 production, a pro-
infammatory cell-to-cell signaling molecule. Ginger is a natural cox-2 inhibitor.
neUroenDocrine tHeorY oF aGinG
The Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging frst proposed in the 1960s by Prof.
Vladimir Dilman, along with Dr. Ward Dean. This theory is central to meta-
adaptation to kundalini and specifcally how we might protect receptors, and
recover receptor sensitivity and numbers after an awakening. The Neuroendocrine
Theory of Aging is outlined in Ward Deans articles at in the Research
The central thesis of the Neuroendocrine Theory is that the aging process is caused
by an age-related loss of central (hypothalamic) and peripheral receptor sensitivity
to inhibition by hormones and other signaling substances. This loss of hypothalamic
sensitivity results in a progressive shifting of homeostasisthe bodys regulatory system
for maintaining internal balanceand altered levels of hormones, neurotransmitters,
and cell signalers. These metabolic shifts are believed to cause aging and the diseases of
aging. Ward Dean M.D.
By restoring hypothalamic and peripheral receptor sensitivity to more youthful
levels, this positively impacts the four principle homeostats, increasing overall
adaptogenesis and reducing aging. The four principle homeostats are: Energy,
Adaptive (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis), Reproductive and Immune.
Dilman believed that the level of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine,
Die-offs however should not be prevented because they are needed to dissolve
the present structure to make way for the new. Thus the Die-off is an essential
part of the process, however we do not have to be set back and regress if we know
how to successfully work with these changes. If we have adequate mineral, enzyme
and antioxidant reserves we will be able to weather the catabolic stages without
complete collapse and damage due to secondary backlash. Once we intimately
know the process of biological transmutation we can achieve a greater adaptation
and higher-homeostasis, to achieve a higher level of resurrection.
Free radical interference with the ability of mitochondria to produce energy is
no doubt implicated in various periods of intense fatigue that often accompany
kundalini awakening. This might be one of the many processes occurring during
the Die-off period, when free radical overload is at max. The fatigue periods could
also be brought on by free radical interference with nerve transmission itself. For
serious fatigue situations try B-complex vitamins, alpha-lipoic acid, Co Q10 or
idebenone and magnesium along with NADH. Although Idebenone has a very
similar in chemical make-up to CoQ10, its longer chain organic structure gives
it extra powerful anti-oxidant properties making it a more effective free radical
quencher resulting in less cell and tissue damage. It also offers protection against
excitatory amino acid neurotoxicity, so could be valuable during peak kundalini
events and phases.
When there is inadequate exogenous and indigenous antioxidants cellular
decay and aging occurs. In fact the decline in faculty that occurs with age is largely
because free radicals interfere with the messages transmitted by neurotransmitters,
thus affecting refexes, organ regulation, muscle contractions, blood fow, memory
and learning ability. This is why the concentration of vitamin C in the central
nervous system, the brain and spinal cord, is 50 times greater than in other tissues
of the body.
Despite their destructive power, the body in fact uses free radicals for useful
purposes. Their killing power is used by the white blood cells to destroy invading
organisms. Ironically it is the free radicals that the macrophages use in their
fght against arterial cholesterol which kills them and turns them to foam cells
thus producing arteriosclerosis. Free radicals also play a role in the synthesis of
major biomoleculesproteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids and in the
detoxifcation of chemicals inside organelles in the interior of cells. Plus free radical
reactions play a role in the generation of cellular energy in the mitochondria. So
you see that free radicals are indispensable to life, but they need to be managed so
that their usefulness outweighs their destructiveness.
Billions of free radicals are being produced in the body at any time. Our
environment, personality, attitude, state of mind and susceptibility to stress can
actually contribute to our level of oxidative damage. For example each molecule
of adrenaline produces two oxygen radicals as it metabolizes in the body, therefore
too much stress can increase our oxidation damage and overwork our immune
system. Stress also increases our endorphin production which in turn suppresses
our nervous, immune and hormonal systems. Cortisol also increases our free radical
load and reduces our resistance to oxidation.
One of the best ways we can counter and overcome the stress in our lives is
through regular exercise. However not all exercise is good for fghting the free
radical war. In fact excessive exercise for which the body is not prepared can cause
extensive oxidative damage. Free radical production goes up during exhausting,
high intensity workouts and such free radical activity is associated with oxidative
damage in the muscles, liver, blood and other tissues. Hence at the heaviest
training levels there is increased susceptibility to cancer, heart attacks, arthritis,
cataracts, premature aging and decreased immunity. Some of the reasons why
there is increased free radical damage during exercise are: the consumption of
oxygen goes up 10-20 times, there is an increased output of Superoxide radicals by
mitochondria, there is oxygen deprivation from the increased demand by tissues
and the bodys antioxidant defenses are over burdened. There is an increase in free
radical production in both excess oxygen and lack of oxygen conditions.
Regular lower intensity exercise minimizes the production of free radicals while
strengthening the indigenous antioxidants, enzymes and proteins. But without
regular exercise the bodys internal defenses against free radicals (SOD, GSH,
Catalase) may become too fragile for the antioxidants in our food and supplements
to have their full affect. Sedentary people are twice as likely to get cancer and heart
disease as active individuals. Trained muscles are resistant to oxidative damage
because of the increased supply of the bodys own antioxidants. Regular training
prepares the bodymind to better handle unexpected physical and emotional stresses
and strains. That is, exercise builds up our resistance to free radical damage from all
stressors and reduces the production of stress chemicals. Fast walking at the pace of
12-15 minutes per mile is ideal for returning optimum endurance benefts, without
creating excess free radicals and damaging tissues. Fast walking can be as effective
as jogging without the risk of injury. To strengthen our endogenous free radical
defenses we need to do at least 30 continuous minutes of brisk walking three times
a week. Besides this we also need to do some weight bearing strengthening exercise
and some stretching as well. By maintaining strength and subtly we prevent the
aches, pains and free radicals that come from physical stress to an unconditioned
Free radicals do most of their damage to the outer layer of the cell, the cell
membrane, because free radicals are drawn to areas that have the greatest density
of molecules, hence the richest source of electrons. As the cell membrane has the
greatest concentration of molecules, it is the primary target of free radical attack.
Since the outer portion of the cell is mostly fat, we need fat-soluble antioxidants
to protect our cell membranes. So along with stable (non-reactive) fat intake
you will also need to have a good supply of fat-soluble antioxidants to protect
the cell membranes such as Vitamin C Ester, Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE, Fish
Oil, Vitamin E Tocotrienol, CoQ10, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Glutathione, NADH,
Pycnogenol, Propolis.
Free radical damage to the cell membranes causes dehydration of the interior of
the cells and edema or fuid collecting outside of the cells. Once the cell membrane
becomes damaged by free radicals, it becomes unable to let nutrients in and wastes
during Krebs cycle oxidation and shuttles them to the electron transport side
chain energy production cycle. Whether it is produced internally within the cell or
enters the body from a dietary supplement, NADH will trigger increased cellular
energy production. Energy is stored in the NADH molecule, and when it reacts
with oxygen, energy is produced in the form of ATP. One NADH molecule leads
to the formation of three ATP molecules. In addition NADH creates more energy
when it reacts with oxygen and water forming nicotinamide (also known as vitamin
B3) and ADP.
Free radicals interfere with cellular energy production by destroying enzymes
and mitochondria. NADH is a high-energy hydrogen that occurs naturally in all
our cells. NADH transfers the Hydrogen to oxidized (or damaged) glutathione
to restore normal glutathione, and it can regenerate other important antioxidants
as well. In the nucleus of the cell there is only one compound that can activate
the nucleus DNA repair system: that compound is NADH. The better the DNA
repair system functions the better our protection from chronic diseases such as
cancer, arthritis, arteriosclerosis and immunodefciencies.
The brain must produce and use 20% of the bodys total ATP production in
order to maintain normal function; depression refects a lowering of the brains
energy status. Through its multiple roles in producing ATP energy, NADH
energizes the brain thereby reducing depression, seizure and psychosis. Besides
increasing brain energy NADH also increases the neurotransmitters dopamine
and noradrenaline, which along with serotonin are frequently diminished during
depression (brain cells use dopamine to make noradrenaline). And since NADHs
spares tryptophan, more tryptophan is available for conversion to serotonin. For
depression take NADH along with DL Phenylalinine, tyrosine and tryptophan or
5-HTP. NADH can also be made from the amino acid L-Tryptophan using 60mg
tryptophan for 1mg B3. Tryptophan being the precursor to serotonin.
NADH can be made in the liver and other cells from vitamin B3, so rather
than the expensive activated form you could take 50-100mg of vitamin B3 per
day (in your B complex) and 750 mg ribose. NADH is involved in three energy
production cycles, and helps your body to oxidize (burn) all foods including
carbohydrate, fats, and amino acids to produce ATP energy. The increased energy
supply renews tired muscles and sparks nerve cells to give you physical strength and
mental focus, it also enhances mood due to its important role in the development
of dopamine and serotonin. Letting go of the past and trans-forming requires an
increase in energy to move through and beyond interference patterns and reinstate
the harmonious vibratory pattern of health. The energy of healers reduces the
activity of the enzyme that changes NADH to NAD. Thus making more
NADH available for ATP production in the mitochondria and more energy
available for change.
Freedom From Disease, How to Control Free Radicals A Major Cause of Aging and
Disease by Hari Sharma
Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and
Memory by Dharma Singh Khalsa and Cameron Stauth
exposure to high serum sugar cannot conduct energy and information (biophonons
and biophotons) to the degree that intact protein can and cannot repair itself as a
well, nor ft neatly into the jigsaw of life. Not to mention that some of the bodys
own antioxidants are proteins, thus the body is able to maintain its integrity when
blood sugar level is kept to the optimal level.
In his book The Quantum Brain Jeffrey Satinover states that the reason proteins
can arrange themselves so fast is that the electrons quantum tunnel. Quantum
tunneling is when a particle travels faster than the speed of light through another
particle. That is one instant an electron is here, then it simultaneously turns up
somewhere else. Quantum tunneling is observed in water and DNA as well as
in protein. (Also the tendency of water to form hydrogen bonded networks is
also important in the self-assembly of complex proteins.) The movement and 3D
arrangement of protein molecules are the basis of life, and these movements are
generated by quantum processes. Satinover says that these quantum effects are
intrinsic, impossible according to classic physics and almost certainly necessary
for life to be possible at all. Intact protein can superconduct consciousness more
coherently, permitting increased depth of spiritual consciousness. We could say
that such a persons spirit was stabilized in the material realm. Our bodies are
actually superconducting instruments of spirit.
insulin is the hormonal key that enables sugar to leave the blood stream and
enter the cells where it is broken down to provide energy. Hypoglycemia or low
blood sugar results from too much simple carbohydrate such as sugar, honey
or molasses in the diet. Because these simply sugars cause the pancreas to over
react and put out too much insulin which in turn makes the blood sugar drop
precipitately. If the diet is also high in fat hypoglycemia can develop into diabetes.
Insulin is anabolic, that is it builds tissue; it promotes fat storage by facilitating
the uptake of fatty acids by fat cells, and reduces lipid oxidation in muscle tissue.
When we eat carbohydrates, blood glucose (sugar) levels increase. Since the blood
can only safely hold about a teaspoon of glucose, insulin is released to lower blood
glucose by storing a small amount in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Once
glycogen stores are flled the sugar is turned into triglycerides for fat storage.
Because an overweight persons muscles are insensitive to insulin (insulin resistant)
they reject the glucose circulating in the blood. This glucose then fnds its way into
fat cells and becomes triglyceride (fatty acids). Ironically the person with the least
need for stored fat accumulates it the fastest. Low fat diets improve the insulin
mechanism. For every fat cell you produce and fll up, the body has to produce
more insulin in an effort to keep the fat cells nourished. Besides preventing the
mobilization of stored fat, blood sugar spiking and excess insulin also prevents
the release of Growth Hormone, and as we know plentiful Growth Hormone
keeps us slim. Several studies have shown that thyroid hormone is associated with
glucose intolerance resulting from decreased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.
This defect in insulin secretion is believed to result from an increase in the rate
of apoptosis (programmed cell death) of pancreatic beta cells as a direct effect of
thyroid hormone excess due to stress.
Members of the calorie restriction society who restrict their daily intake to
1100-1950 calories had insulin levels that were 65% below average. Meaning their
risk of diabetes was almost nill and insulin resistance and glycation damage must be
radically reduced compared to the average person. By eating a nutrient dense diet
while reducing calories they expect to live 120 years. One of the main reasons why
restricted calorie intake works to promote life span is that it reduces the amount of
blood glucose which lowers glycation damage and insulin resistance.
Researchers found that chromium picolinate supplements can produce an
equally extended life span without such dietary restrictions. With age insulin
resistance increases, and glucose tolerance declines, but Chromium picolinate
lowers both glucose and insulin thereby increasing lifespan. Chromium picolinate
can reduce blood glucose levels by 25% and glycation by 60%. Chromium
picolinate helps the body metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins and might be
an excellent addition to metamorphic supplementation to reduce the sugar craving
that can result from the body burning huge amounts of energy during kundalini.
Supplementing with chromium also reduces the carbohydrate craving associated
with depression. Chromium also aids in cortisol receptor sensitivity, lowering
the cortisol levels in the blood and reducing the effects of stress. Chromium,
manganese and B vitamins are important in blood sugar regulation. Brewers yeast,
alfalfa, whole grains, liver and Spirulina are good sources of these nutrients. Only
the picolinate form of chromium supplement is absorbed well by the body. Like
chromium Vanadyl sulfate also enhances the actions of insulin and improves
glucose tolerance by restoring muscle and hypothalamic receptor sensitivity to
insulin and improves blood sugar control by enhancing skeletal muscle insulin
alpha lipoic acid is a unique antioxidant because it prevents glycation and
may even reverse the attachment of sugar to collagen by allowing better metabolism
of sugar in the cell, preventing its buildup and also by allowing the bodys natural
repair mechanisms to work better. In other words, it prevents the accelerated aging
of collagen by protecting it from sugars toxic effects. In fact, when alpha lipoic
acid is taken orally, it protects all of the proteins in our body from glycation and
helps cells take up sugar and use it for fuel much more effciently. That explains
why alpha lipoic acid is extremely effective with the symptoms of diabetes. Insulin
resistance has also been associated with people diagnosed with depression. The
antioxidant alpha lipoic acid has been shown to increase insulin receptor sensitivity
and is used to treat people with diabetes and depression.
During the duration of acute kundalini sugars and carbohydrates should be
generally avoided except sprouted seeds and grains, vegetables and even our fruit
intake should be restricted to no more than 10% of our diet. High glycemic
vegetables like corn, potatoes, beets and carrots need to be carefully restricted
also. If our diet has historically consisted of a lot of simple sugars and starches
then 1 piece of fruit a day is about all the sugar we should allow ourselves, so we
can rebuild strong protein with greens and keep a healthy free radical/antioxidant
balance. Note that for epilepsy it is recommended to have a diet high in fats and
low in carbohydrates.
the awakening will proceed. Free radical damage to the nerves is caused when
blood sugar is poorly regulated. Stevia might be a useful addition to a kundalini
diet if one has a craving for carbohydrates and sugars. AGEs are inhibited by
glutathione, carnosine, tumeric, green tea and SOD. Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
can be increased through the probiotic Bifdo bacteria and foods rich in chlorophyll
and carotenes. Green juices including parsley increase the bodys antioxidant
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).
Sulfur containing vegetables such as alfalfa, asparagus, cabbage family, mustard
greens, garlic and fruits such as fgs, papaya and pineapple prevents the glycation
of the blood. Zinc is essential for DNA synthesis, SOD and insulin production,
because of increased cell growth and immune function during metamorphosis
the demand for zinc must go up. Zinc is key in the entire hormonal system and
immune system. 15 milligrams per day is recommended; sources include grains,
brewers yeast, wheat germ, seafood and kelp.
The Glycemic index of fruits: Apple 38, Banana 55, Cantaloupe 65, Cherries
22, Grapefruit 25, Grapes 46, Kiwi 52, Mango 55, Orange 44, Papaya 58, Pear
38, Pineapple 66, Plum 39, Watermelon 103.
Vegetables: Beets 69, Broccoli 10, Cabbage 10, Carrots 49, Corn 55, Green
Peas 48, Lettuce 10, Mushrooms 10, Onions 10, Parsnips 97, Potato (baked)
93, Potato (mashed, Potato (new) 62, Potato (french fries) 75, Red Peppers 10,
Pumpkin 75, Sweet Potato 54.
For stabilizing both low and high blood sugar: Onions, Garlic, Oats, Barley,
Sunfower seeds, Cashews, Olive oil, Celery, Spinach, Carrot, Broccoli, Caulifower,
Blueberries, Cranberry, Burdock root, Nettles, Horseradish, Mugwort, Suma and
To reduce sugar cravings: And raise blood sugar levels and cure mental fatigue
take Glutamine and Cofactors: Folic acid, B
, and vitamin C. Skullcap tea taken
throughout the day will stop the craving for sugar. Another sugar craving cure is 1
tablespoon of faxseed oil, take with Magnesium, Zinc, B
, B
, C and Chromium
insUlin resistance
Cells become insulin resistant as a protective measure against the toxic effects of
high insulin. They down-regulate their receptor activity and number of receptors
so that they dont have to be continually subjected to excessive stimuli. The liver
becomes resistant frst, followed by the muscle tissue and lastly the fats With down
regulation of insulin receptors normal amounts of insulin are inadequate to produce
a normal insulin response from fat cells-(elevates free fatty acids in the blood),
muscle cells (reduces glucose uptake) and liver cells (reduces glucose storage).
Insulin resistance is associated with fatigue, foggy brain, obesity, fatty liver, type 2
diabetes, heart disease, retention of sodium, fuid retention, high blood pressure,
depression and increase in cancer growth. Longevity scientists consider insulin
resistance caused by over consumption of carbohydrates/sugars as a major cause
of aging itself. When a diet is high in fat some of the receptor sites for insulin
become coated with an impermeable layer of fat thereby rendering insulin less
effective. In this way fat people become insensitive to their own insulin and so
they secrete abnormally high levels. Blood sugar levels then accumulate leading
to hyperglycemia or diabetes. Hyperglycemic fasting-levels of blood glucose are
around 126 mg/dL and hypoglycemic levels are at 70 mg/dL. After years of excess
carbohydrate intake, blood glucose levels tend to increase as insulin becomes less
and less effective at bringing them down. This insulin resistance is evident in
hyperglycemic, pre-diabetic symptoms, and is so prevalent in our culture that it
is taken as a normal sign of aging, however, insulin resistance is not found in
cultures eating little starch and sugar.
Insulin resistance includes the production of antibodies against insulin
that lead to reduce glucose below norm and decreased sensitivity of the insulin
receptors, so that sugar remains in the blood for a longer period of time. During
advanced hyperglycemia pancreatic B-cells are unable to produce adequate insulin
to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Blood sugar spiking with high glycemic
carbohydrates can severely damage tissues and turn the body toward insulin
resistance and down-regulate other receptors as well. Excess calcium inside the cells
and depleted magnesium is associated with insulin resistance. Fiber consumption
is inversely correlated to insulin resistance; to counter the aging effect of insulin
resistance our fber intake needs to be at least 25 gr. each day. Blood sugar spiking
must be avoided with the maintenance of a low glycemic diet and exercise leads to a
more effcient use of insulin. N-acetylcysteine and taurine prevent hyperglycemia-
induced insulin resistance possibly through preventing oxidative stress.
Insulin resistance occurs as cells become less responsive to insulin, and this
results in higher blood sugar. Thus the pancreas is forced to over produce insulin in
an effort to lower the blood sugar and get the glucose into the cells. This condition
of excess insulin coupled with insulin resistance leads to increased storage of body
fat or obesity. Damage to receptors and cell membranes occurs from the increased
oxidation by the high blood sugar condition and high transfats. Transfats have
the same chemical signature as omega 3 & 6, so the body uses them for the same
purpose. But because they are structurally straight rather than bent they make the
cell membrane rigid rather than porous. This contributes to many health problems
including insulin resistance and type 2-diabetes. It also decreases osmosis, excytosis
and endocytosis and reduces cell signaling and cell recognition. Increased levels of
insulin are very infammatory to blood vessel endothelium. Also, higher levels of
insulin reduce the livers ability to keep cholesterol from becoming oxidized.
Besides being covered by fatty plaque, insulin receptor desensitization also
occurs through damage to the endothelial cell membranes by silent infammation
(oxidation). Confrming this idea, studies show that insulin resistance can
be markedly dropped by consuming DHA-omega 3 (fsh oil). Raised levels of
insulin from eating too many high glycemic carbohydrates stimulates the enzyme
that changes the fatty acids to the infammatory agent, arachidonic acid (AA).
The arachidonic acid pathway constitutes one of the main mechanisms for the
A silicon rich diet protects against aging and degenerative
diseases including cancer, arthritis and osteoporosis.
Silicon (Si) is a non-metallic hexagonal shaped element, with atomic number
14 in the periodic table. The element Silicon rapidly oxidizes to form silica or
sand. SiO2 arranges itself into the highly ordered spiral confguration of quartz
crystal. By mass, silicon makes up 25.7% of the Earths crust and is the second most
abundant element on Earth, after oxygen. It is found as biogenic silica in plants,
animals and in most living organisms. It is present in the cell walls of various plants
(including edible ones) to strengthen their structural integrity. Bird feathers are
composed of 70% silicon. The silicon in tissues is usually bonded to glycoproteins
such as cartilage, whereas the silicon in the blood is almost entirely found as either
free orthosilicic acid or linked to small compounds.
This trace element really helps to bind protein molecules together in the blood
vessels and connective tissues. Collagen is the body glue that holds our skin and
muscle tissues together and silicon a component of collagen. Collagen protein
comprises the connective tissue of the trachea, the aorta, skin, bone, hair, nails,
cartilage and ligaments. Silicon is found in almost all body tissue and has numerous
functions, not all structural, including assisting removing mercury from the body.
Silicon is involved the water binding and protein swelling necessary for all plasma
life processes. aging involves dehydration of the cells and consequent desiccation
and denaturing of protein through disruption in osmotic exchanges. In that silicon
works to prevent dehydration it helps prevent aging.
Silicon is converted in the body to orologosilicate salt and incorporated into
the colloidal structure of the connective tissue. Silicon plays an essential role in the
synthesis of collagen, the most abundant protein found in the body. The bulk of
connective tissue in the body is greater than regular cellular substance, in all tissue
except fatty tissue. Because it has so much connective tissue 2% of muscle tissue
is composed of silicon. Collagen fbers are constructed from chains consisting
predominantly of the amino acids glycine and proline woven together to form
fbers. These strands are the primary structural proteins of the body, whether they
be thin layers forming the skin, rope-like tendons, or the collagen fbers shaped
into the scaffolding of the bones. Both carbon and silicon are semi-conductors,
readily either donating or sharing their four outer electrons. Silicon and carbon
have very similar bonding properties, as illustrated by the fact that they appear in
the same column of the periodic table. They both form 109.5 degree bonds in a
tetrahedral confguration. Silica may have played a part in the origins of life.
A curious fact is that terrestrial life-forms utilize exclusively right-handed carbohydrates
and left-handed amino acids. One theory to account for this is that the frst prebiotic
carbon compounds formed in a pool of primordial soup on a silica surface having a
certain handedness. This handedness of the silicon compound determined the preferred
handedness of the carbon compounds now found in terrestrial life.
greatly improve eyesight, and the strength of the nerves in resilience to kundalini
light fow.
Keeping the spine open and fexible is essential to full utilization of the brains
capacities. Loosening the spine and joints to improve fexibility really helps to get
the juices fowing. Body armor is the physical correlation to neurosis. The faccid,
static body is a sign by nature that this person is too old and decrepit for sex and
reproduction and so the pituitary hormones obey our sedentary behavior and go
into decline. Our spiritual awakening, our intelligence and quality of life depend
directly on our sex hormone production as the basis of our mind and body. The
spine will dothe heart will dothe head will do.
The whole of yoga tries in many ways to make your spine alive, brilliant, flled with
light, young and fresh. Osho, Meditation: The First and Last Freedom
Chronic muscular contraction wastes huge amounts of energy, energy which otherwise
could be channeled into the raising of kundalini. When there is not a strong fow of
nerve energy up the spine our higher centers cannot be adequately energetically fed and
our autonomic systems are lax. The stronger the kundalini energy up the spine the more
of our soul we experience. Phoenix Rising, Jana Dixon
silicon DefciencyHigh silicon increases the rate of healing and prevents against
aging, cancer, other degenerative and infectious diseases. Silicon defciency could
show up as a weakness of connective tissue; poor hair, nails, skin and brittle bones;
lymphatic and immune weakness, susceptibility to infection, hemorrhoids, ulcers
and cancer; sluggish circulatory system and heart disease, gastrointestinal, kidney
and bladder disorders, and a general low rate of healing. Psycho-emotionally
silicon defciency shows up as insecurity, neurosis, excessive moralizing, rigid
conventionalism, gullibility and inability to think outside the box. Also head
congestion symptoms like headaches, tinnitus, vertigo, poor eyesight, seizure and
sinus infection related to sluggish blood and lymph systems coupled with high
blood pressure and carbo-craving. All skin conditions are improved with silicon
supplementation including, eczema, acne, wrinkles and age spots. Silica helps to
re-mineralize the skin, and it also has a softening effect. Silica can improve the
appearance of the skin, hair, and nails by its strengthening, hydrating action on
connective tissue.
Kundalini ProtectionAfter 10 years of kundalini I found that I had burned
through my collagen and so my skin and muscle was sagging. To rebuild my
reserves I take 4 drops of Biosil a day in my drinking water, and a daily intake
of 1 tsp of horsetail powder in capsules and about 1 tsp of cornsilk powder in
a smoothie, along with oatstraw-horsetail sun tea. I am focusing on silicon as a
means of avoiding cellular infammation due to oxidation, coagulation, focculation
and glycation of the tissues, caused by the high metabolism (radiation) and extra
nerve energy of kundalini. The colloidal matrix of our body is the ground of
our structure. The thickened nature of the bodys colloidal matrix on a cooked
food diet is apparent in the thicker saliva, phlegm, ama, plaques, sluggish blood
and lymph etcThis thickening of fuids would reduce both detoxifcation and
nutrient assimilation by the cells, slow metabolism and reduce energy effciency.
Silicon pumps up cells and holds water in the tissues allowing a more perfect
electrolyte, hydroelectric, colloidal environment for metabolic processes.
nervesSilicon is also a component of myelin nerve sheaths, which protects and
insulates the nerve fbers. The gel-like nature of cerebrospinal fuid is largely due
to the high content of colloidal silicon in it. Supplementing with silicon increases
brain activity, concentration and reduces stress and depression. Since there is a
lot more activity in the brain and nervous system during a kundalini awakening
it stands to reason we need a high silicon diet to maximize the effectiveness of our
cerebrospinal fuid and nerve sheaths. Also during an awakening we need extra
silicon for collagen as our connective tissue undergoes a renewal and lengthen
process as the body armor gives way to the spiritualized body.
cancer and Zeta PotentialSince silicon increases the zeta potential of the
bodys colloidal capacity, boosts the immune system and oxygenates the tissues it is
a major ally in cancer prevention and cure. Silicon regenerates the white blood cells
of those with cancer and instigates normal protein synthesis, as well as stopping
the growth of malignant tumors. The largest concentration of lymph nodes in
the body is in the abdomen, neck, groin and armpits. Connective tissue plays a
signifcant role in the lymphatic and immune systems. Supplementation increases
the reticular-endothelial connective tissue thereby increasing lymphocytes and
phagocytes. Silicon concentrates in the lymph nodes and has a positive, broad
spectrum effect on the immune system; and strengthening the connective tissue
of the lymphatic system contributes to the healing of practically all illness and dis-
ease. In cancer cells a swelling of the mitochondria and cells occurs. Silicon helps
to restore normal protein synthesis as a consequence of normalizing alkalinity,
oxygenation, hydration, and zeta potential.
Gi tractMucus possesses its slimy properties because it is a solution of
mucopolysaccharide and you will fnd rapid repair of the mucus membranes with a
high silicon diet. Silicon also reinstates correct motility, permeability and slickness
of the GI tract and protects against growth of bad bacteria, candida and parasites.
Preventing mucus lining infammation has a benefcial effect on energy generation
and metabolism as well as taking the stress of the immune system. Silicon has a
soothing and disinfecting action on the GI tract, absorbing gases and toxins and
calming infammation. It is also a disinfectant for the bladder and kidney and
prevents kidney stones.
cardiosystemSilicon rejuvenates vascular walls increasing the protective lining
of the arteries, improving their structural integrity, elasticity and permeability.
Silicon may be useful in reducing blood fats & cholesterol and in preventing lesion
of the vessel walls and the laying down of plaques. Thus as blood fow increases
blood pressure is lowered, and this lessens symptoms of headache, head congestion,
tinnitus, vertigo, insomnia and heart palpitations etc Plus silicon helps to keep
the blood plasma alkaline so that cells and cholesterol do not lose their negative
charge and stick to vessel walls. Also by building up the collagen in the smooth
muscle layer of the walls of the arteries, they become resilience to free radical
damage. In heart disease the muscle walls of arteries are damaged by free radicals
and calcium is laid down on this oxidation damage, then cholesterol builds up on
the calcium blocking the arteries.
radiation ProtectionBecause silicon is super-hydrophilic (water-loving) and
strongly attracts water molecules, it helps to maintain the colloidal matrix and
electrolytic potentials of the body fuids. Therefore there is a good chance that
it will prevent the depolarization, precipitation, focculation and coagulation
caused by radiation of all forms. Including that caused by computers, TV screens
and the sun. Also Himalayan salt, by providing the nano minerals for strong
electrolyte charges also aids in protecting the body fuids from precipitation due
to electrosmog and radiation exposure. A strong ionic zetapotential is necessary to
keep the electrical voltage gradients, osmotic pressures and capillary force intact.
This coupled with adequate hydration ensures the correct structure building
intelligence of the proteins, enzymes, DNA and all molecular construction.
albuminSerum albumin is the most abundant blood plasma protein, is produced
in the liver and normally constitutes about 60% of plasma protein. It is essential
for maintaining the osmotic pressure needed for proper distribution of body fuids
between intravascular compartments and body tissues. Serum silicon might be only
weakly bound to carrier or storage proteins such as albumin. Albumin is negatively
charged; the net charge of albumin is defned as its own charge plus the charge of all
bound ions. Albumin is the principle serum transport protein to which drugs and
hormones bind, and it contains a large number of multiple fatty acid binding sites
for metals. In order to be conveyed around the body the minerals in life are held
in colloidal bonds (chelated) with hydrophilic substances such as gelatin, albumin,
collagen and mucopolysaccharides. In their chelated bonds minerals have 98%
assimilation capacity by the body. Despite the low total protein concentration, the
level of albumin (60% of total CSF protein) and immunoglobin is very high in
cerebrospinal fuid.
Biosil (Si[OH]4), a stabilized concentrated orthosilicic acid is 20,000 times
more soluble than the silica (SiO2) found in horsetail and colloidal gels and
2.5 times more bioavailable than other forms of silicon! Biosil is sold by Jarrow
Formulas in capsule and liquid form. It is likely that food fber does not contribute
signifcantly to the bioavailable pool of silicic acid in the intestinal tract and may
even interfere with the absorption of free silicic acid. Over a wide range of dietary
intakes, serum silicon levels are maintained within a narrow range because of a very
effcient kidney clearance system. Therefore Biosil might be a good way to go to
build up silicon reserves in the body as well as taking the dietary supplementary
sources in herbs, teas and silicon rich foods. For one of the cheapest sources of Biosil.
Bamboo leaves are utilized as a source of favonoids (e.g., vitexin and orientin),
used as antioxidants. The favonoids may reduce infammation, promote circulation,
inhibit allergy reactions and for treatment of some chronic ailments, including
diabetes. Bamboo stem shavings are used for stomach heat syndromes that produce
incorrect fow of Qi, commonly causing nausea and loss of appetite, as well as
symptoms of hiccups, vomiting, irritability and insomnia. Bamboo shavings are
still used today in the treatment of epilepsy and other convulsive disorders. No
doubt bamboo leaf and shavings can be used to make a great sun-tea.
Horsetail (sHaVeGrass)
After bamboo sap, the two richest sources of organic silicon in the plant
kingdom are Dulse and Horsetail. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a descendant
of ancient plants that grew as tall as trees during the carboniferous period of three
hundred million years ago and members of this family gave rise to many of our
coal deposits. For both ORMUS and silicon we might be able to use swamp plants
such as horsetail and calamus, if they have been wildcrafted from vital wilderness
areas. Growing everywhere but Australasia, horsetail is a wetlands plant that is
traditionally used for its silicon, for no other herb is so rich in silicon. Horsetail
has the ability to accumulate gold in its tissues as well as cadmium, copper, lead
and zinc.
The Chinese use horsetail to cool fevers and as a remedy for eye infammations,
dysentery, fu, swellings, osteoporosis, sprains, dislocated joints, pulled hamstrings
or torn ligaments and hemorrhoids, benign enlargement of the prostate gland and
also for kidney stones. Horsetails, both feld and swamp versions, contains the
enzyme thaiminase, which is a bone marrow toxin that can rob the body of the
vitamin B complex. But the enzyme is destroyed by heat or thorough drying, so
cooking the plant will remove the thiaminase. But you can use the dried horsetail
(course ground in a coffee grinder) for making sun tea and you can take the dried
horsetail as a brewed tea as well. Use the older rushes for teas, the younger more
acidic ones for topical infusions and capsules. Keep a bottle in the fridge to spike
your drinking water with. Horsetial harvested in winter has high levels of sugar in
it which act as a freeze retardant, keeping the plant alive over winter.
To make an infusion collect some of the young shoots of horsetail. Chop up
into 1/2 cm chunks and put in a small amount of water over a low heat, without
even simmering, for 1.5 hours. Cool the mixture, strain and apply to the hair and
scalp with your hands. It heals and fattens out the cuticle structure making hair
strong, shiny and more youthful. You can also apply this tea to your skin as well
with a small mister bottle. You can use this strong infusion to spray onto hair,
skin and plants, but run it through a coffee flter or tissue frst in order to prevent
blocking up your spray bottle. Horsetail is the ultimate herb for healing any kind
of skin condition whether it be acne, eczema, chapping, fungi or bacterial infection
or burns.
Horsetail solution increases the elasticity, smoothness, healing rate, dermal
thickness and water holding capacity of the skin. As with the hair, it gives the
skin a smooth youthful sheen. As well as giving instant results in reducing the
appearance of ageing, I intuit that it will make the collagen-based tissues of the
body more resistant to environmental forces and aging in general. My sense is
that it helps return integrity and strength to the cell structure and shores them
up against damage by oxidation, free radicals, UV rays, drying and weather. By
holding water in the skin and maintaining structural integrity silicon helps to
prevent the oils in these tissues from being turned into free-radical transfats, thus
reducing infammation, glycation and oxidation of the tissues. Silicon application
to the skin will also prevent fungal and bacterial and viral infection through its
disinfectant action and strengthening of collagen.
You can make silicon rich capsules containing powdered cornsilk, dulse,
horsetail, combined with papaya enzymes for increasing the absorption of silicon
into the body. Or you can make a soup stock base out of horsetail along with
cornsilk and dulse fakes for irritable nerves. As a mouthwash horsetail (or silica
gel) can be used for mouth ulcers, bleeding gums and sore throats. Use as a footbath
for feet problems.
Cornsilk contains high amounts of silicon, and moderate amounts of potassium,
calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. It is also an excellent source of
B vitamins and PABA, chlorophyll, resin and mucilage. It contains maizenic acid,
which acts as a diuretic reducing fuid retention in the body, thus is used for
bladder infections, edema, heart trouble, high blood pressure. It is also a wonderful
remedy for acute infammation and irritation of the genito-urinary system, such
as cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis and is used for urinary stones, gravel, hepatitis,
albuminuria and kidney disorders. Corn silk clears toxins, catarrh, deposits and
irritants out of the kidneys and bladder, and has a gentle antiseptic and healing
action. By aiding elimination of toxins and wastes from the body corn silk may
relieve gout and arthritis. Corn silks healing and soothing properties are helpful
for relieving skin irritation and infammation and for healing wounds and ulcers.
Cornsilk also contains Vitamin K which controls bleeding and thus for the normal
clotting of blood.
Banana stem JUice
Banana stem juice contains silica, potassium, soda, lime, magnesia, alumina,
chlorine, sulfuric anhydride, carbon anhydride, polysaccarides, polyphenols,
phytoalexins, sterols and sterolins. The gallic acid in the juice is an antibacterial,
antifungal and antioxidant. Musa stem juice is also anti-infammatory, anti-ulcer
and anticancer; inhibiting cancer cell development. It is given to young infants
and is a well-known remedy for snakebites to fush out poison. It improves the
functional effciency of kidney and liver and heals hemorrhoids. Banana stem juice
has been found to be of great help in the treatment for the removal of stones in the
kidney, gall bladder, and prostate. It clears the excretion organs in the abdominal
region of toxins and helps to eliminate them in the form of urine. Juice from the
stem is used as a scalp application for thinning hair. I once ate the meat of an
animal that had banana stem regularly in its diet and it was the most juicy, tender,
feshy meat ever.
cereal sUn tea
The immune supporting action of cereal sun tea is what gives it the power to
generate the sense of well-being and reduces appetite! You can make a silicon rich
sun tea from the ripe ears of oat, barley, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, chickweed
and wheat, or indeed with many wild grasses. Cereal-ear sun tea seems to be even
more energizing and fortifying than wheatgrass itself, stabilizing both mind and
body and eliminating hunger. You get an immediate sense of wellbeing through
the boost to the immune system with silicon, B17 and other factors. It will also
provide you with the cancer fghting agent Beta-glucan. Beta-glucan, the water-
soluble polysaccharide commercially derived from the cell wall of yeast. Beta-glucan
is a natural gum polysaccharide which has anti-tumor and immune effects. Beta-
glucans acts as a free radical scavenger and macrophage stimulator of phagocytosis,
and increases interleukin production. Beta-glucans are most abundant in barley
and oats and also in the bran of other cereal grains buckwheat, wheat, rice and
rye and indeed in wild grasses. As well as the seed heads you can also use chopped
dried or green cereal straw for sun tea. Add some chopped horsetail to your cereal
straw mix, but use the older reeds of horsetail because the younger ones have an
acid taste that is not good for teas, but is great for pills or topical infusions for
the skin. If you dont have any cereals growing around, then soak some unhulled
cereal berries for 2 hours, throw away the soak water and add these to your sun
tea jar along with the straw. Lemon grass, bamboo shavings, bark of banana stem
and the bark of sugar cane also make great silicon rice sun teas. There is a high
deposition of silicon in the hemicellulose and pectin-rich layers of the cell walls of
the outer layer of sugar cane stems, so this might be a fne source for nutritional
silicon. Solarizing water increases the hydrogen perioxide in the water, which may
contribute to the removal of heavy metals from the body. During winter, to make
sure your herbs are still well brewed in the cold, bring the tea water to the boil frst
before placing your sun tea in front of a sunny window. To grow cereal grasses for
sun tea, throw some kamut, wheat, barley, oat and birdseed around the garden
in spring.
otHer silicon soUrces
Plants absorb orthosilicic acid from the soil and convert it into polymerized
silicon for mechanical and structural support. As the silicon from plant extracts
cannot be readily absorbed through the stomach wall, the bioavailability of these
products requires healthy levels of stomach acid in order to produce soluble
orthosilicic acid. Silicon rich foods include: Bamboo sap, algae, onions, beets,
bean sprouts. Silicon is found at high levels in grains such as oats, barley, millet
and rice. Good food sources of silicon include the parts of food which are often
discarded e.g., fruit and vegetable peel, cucumber skins, husks and the stringy
parts of mango, celery, asparagus, rhubarb, green leafy vegetables, beets, parsnips,
apples, strawberries, grapes, raw almonds, raw sunfower seeds raw faxseed. Besides
cornsilk and horsetail other herbal sources of Silicon include: Alfalfa, bilberry, birch,
black cohosh, black walnut, burdock, caraway, celery, chaparral, chickweed, couch
grass, dulse, echinacea, eyebright, feverfew, gentian, ginger, ginseng, oatstraw,
oregon grape, parsley, peppermint, lemon grass, licorice, Nettle, sarsaparilla, rose
hips, sage, shave grass, stevia, thyme, Uva ursi.
silicon in HorticUltUre
Diatoms are algae and phytoplankton with an ornate cell wall made of biosilica
(hydrated SiO), frst appearing around the early Jurassic Period. It was diatoms
in the ocean, through their production of oxygen that went on to make earth
habitable for other lifeforms. After just several hours of silica deprivation diatoms
cease photosynthesis, protein synthesis and their metabolism comes to a halt. Levels
of selenium greatly affect the production of biosilica in sponges and diatoms. Silica
has an affnity for water, and diatomaceous earth, which is the remains of the silica
rich diatom algae, holds more moisture in the soil than any other silica clay soil
In horticulture the use of Pyrophyllite clay as a soil amendment was found
to reduce fungal infections due to the increased available silicic acid. For plant
protection a fungicide spray preparation can be made from fnely powdered
hydrated silica or hydrated silicic acid. There are products on the market like
Prosilicate. Using Prosilicate reduces disease and insect problems, increases stem
strength and leaf positioning, improves photosynthesis, and increases heat and
drought resistance. Colloidal silicic acid solution is also used as an environmentally
friendly wood preservative.
It is interesting that scientists are using the plant disease causing fungus
Fusarium oxysporum, in a bioleaching process for synthesizing silica in nanoparticle
size. I assume that it is nano-silica
produced by microbe decomposers in the soil which gives living-water its structural
levity properties. Viktor Schauberger considered silicates essential to healthy water.
He surmised that it is the fne dispersion of minerals and silicate in the fow of
water which gave it the levitational energy (electrical potential) necessary for
trout or salmon to jump up high waterfalls. Nanosilicon probably facilitates the
microcrystalline structures in living-water allowing greater oxygen carrying capacity
and may be a factor in sonoluminessence. The Browns Cell and Joe Cell researchers
need to experiment with adding nanosilicon to their electrolysis systems.
We have established that silicon is also essential to the mucopolysaccharide
structure and hydration of collagen. Thus silicon can be seen as the Keystone to
the bodys architecture. Silicon builds connective tissue in synergy with boron,
calcium, magnesium, potassium, and ascorbic acid. Silicon works with these
elements to support bones, arteries, connective tissue, healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Bone can not re-mineralize and repair itself if enough Silica is not present.
Trace Minerals in Food by Kenneth Thomas Smith, p-392-398
Nature As Teacher: How I Discovered New Principles in the Working of Nature by
Viktor Schauberger
Silicon contributes to strong mucopolysaccharide metabolism, preventing dehydration
of cells and consequent aging.
Mucopolysaccharides are built of a series of simple sugars, or polysaccharides,
which form a chemical bond with water. They contain hexosamine (six carbon
aminosugars) and sometimes proteins, composing a gel-like substance found
in body cells, mucus secretions and synovial fuids. Mucopolysaccharides are
gummy, viscous, and sticky, and mucus-like and function to glue cells together,
lubricate joints, build connective tissues and are found in blood group substances.
Mucopolysaccharides are no longer produced in the body after puberty and must
be received from nutrition.
Silicon is frmly bound to the polysaccharide matrix of mucopolysaccharides
such as hyaluronic acid, chondroitin, dermatan, keratan and heparan at around
57-191 ppm. Thus silicon is a component of the hydrated network of collagen and
elastin that make up the fbrous material of connective tissue. While hyaluronic
acids forming the vitreous humor of the eye and keratan from cornea were Si-free.
Large amounts of bound Si are also present in the soluble dietary fber pectin
(2580 ppm); pectin helps to bind cells together and regulates water in plants. Also
high in silicon is alginic acid, a gum found in the cell walls of seaweed - Si at 451
Strong alkali and acid solutions hydrolyze the Si-polysaccharide bond, creating
dialyzable silicate. But enzymatic hydrolysis of hyaluronic acid or pectin does not
liberate silicic acid, but instead leads to polysaccharides of a lower molecular weight
still containing the bound Si. It is concluded that Si is present as a silanolate,
(ether or ester-like) derivative of silicic acid, playing a role in the formation of
structural bridges in the organization of mucopolysaccharides. Thus, Si may function
as a biological cross-linking agent and contribute to architecture and resilience of
connective tissue.
Silicon is the element that forms the architectural bridge between the
mucopolysaccharide molecules of the glue that holds the body together. Thus
silicon has a role in bridging individual mucopolysaccharide polymers to form
three-dimensional networks. Silicon helps stabilize these mucopolysaccharide
networks, to attract and hold water in the joints thereby providing the cushioning
effect of cartilage improving the load bearing capacity of joints and the hydration
of connective tissue. Bound silicon can increase the resistance to tissue degradation
by mechanical stresses, heat, or enzymes.
HYalUronic aciDchondroitin and hyaluronic acid are mucopoly-
saccharide components of the collagen structure that forms and holds the body
together. Connective tissue forms an extensive compartment in the body and can
be considered as the glue that holds the body together. It ranges in consistency
from the gel-like softness of areolar connective tissue of the lungs, to the hardness of
bone, adipose tissue, cartilage, lymphatic tissue and even blood is also a connective
tissue. The protein Hyaluronic acid (Sodium Hyaluronate), is a mucopolysaccharide
Collagen fbers are made from protein and have large amounts of the two
amino acids hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline. Vitamin C, Lysine and Proline are
needed to build strong collagen to protect against the spread of cancer. Dr. Matthias
Rath advocates increased consumption of the amino acid lysine as a companion
nutrient with vitamin C. Lysine has the effect of blocking the enzymes that dissolve
collagen. Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Rath developed a formula to clear arterial
plaque and maintain the cartilage in arterial walls. The three ingredients of their
formula are vitamin C, plus the amino acids lysine and proline. www.stopping- This combined with the cancer cure program proposed by
Dr. William Donald Kelley represent the most advanced (successful) anticancer
amino aciDs in collaGenlysine: The amino acid lysine inhibits
the hyaluronidase enzyme that cancer uses to break down collagen in order to
spread. High lysine foods include: sprouted legumes - especially peanuts, beans,
buckwheat, the cabbage family, brewers yeast, wheat germ, chicken, kefr, dairy
and seafood. Raw Sprouts contain lysine, and especially Buckwheat greens and
sprouted buckwheat seeds contains substantial amounts of lysine, taurine, calcium,
vitamin E, the entire B vitamin complex, and it is especially noted for its high
laetrile (vitamin B17) content. Proline: Foods high in proline include cottage
cheese, egg whites, yogurt, cabbage, bamboo sprouts, wheatgerm, gelatin and
meats, although abstinence from meat is advised during cancer. Other foods that
support collagen include garlic and two sulfur-containing nutrients - the amino
acid taurine and the alpha lipoic acid. The catechins found in green tea have been
shown to help prevent breakdown of collagen and anthocyanidins found in deep-
colored, red-blue berries and fruits.
cHonDroitinChondroitin is an acidic mucopolysaccharide with a high
retention of moisture and lubrication. Chondroitin sulfate is an important structural
component of cartilage and provides much of its resistance to compression.
Chondroitin sulfate is a major component of the connective tissue (extracellular
matrix), and is important in maintaining the structural integrity of the tissue.
Chondroitin exists in gooey foods such as natto (fermented soy beans), yamaimo,
okra, shark fn, turtle. Yamaimo is a Japanese mountain yam that the Japanese peel
and grate or julienne for salads. They are about two to three feet long and the fesh
is very sticky and glutinous.
aloe Gel eXtractFresh Aloe Vera gel is a good source of mucopoly-
saccharides. This large sugar molecule includes monosaccharides such as glucose,
galactose, fucose and mannose. Clinical studies have shown that there are special
mannose receptors within the gastrointestinal wall and that these receptors engulf
these large mucopolysaccharides without breaking them into smaller pieces.
These large molecules then act to balance and stimulate the immune system.
Aloe gel is anti-infammatory and heals the digestive system lining and can help
to cure irritable bowel symptoms. Without good digestion, the body lacks the
energy needed for metabolism, assimilation and detoxifcation. The Mucilaginous
Polysaccharide found in Aloe Vera both takes the stress of the immune system
by healing the GI tract lining and also directly stimulates immune activity. Use
more of the gel than the whole leaf, which has irritating alkaloids in the green
skin. Many proteins at the cell surface are decorated with carbohydrates such as
L-fucose. Oligosaccharides have been implicated in the strengthening of neural
connections, a process believed to underlie learning and memory. L-fucose plays a
fundamental role in nerve cell communication and long-term memory storage.
PectinAdding apple pectin powder to your smoothie will slow down the
sugar uptake as pectin has the ability to regulate blood glucose levels, and has an
anti-infammatory effect in the bowel. Other attributes of pectin is its ability to
decrease the bodys fat absorption, thus lowering cholesterol levels. It enhances cell
uniformity thus reducing the occurrence of malignancy. Because it contains large
amounts of silicon it helps to return synovial and other connective tissue to their
previously smooth, elastic, lubricated condition. If your digestion is weak then
Pectin/Bromelain Capsules with each complex meal might be good to build up
the mucopolysaccharides and fber in the digestive system. Citrus pectin capsules
might be particularly good for cancer.
BUcKWHeat GooPHulled buckwheat gives off a thick gel after it is soaked
and starts sprouting. I started to drink the goop in my water and to mix it into
my carrot and wheatgrass juice. On doing so I noticed that my own assimilation
capacity strengthened. This leads me to the assumption that this mucigel aids in the
colloidal homogenization of the food in the stomach and intestines and probably
enhances the capacity for the villi to extract large molecules by increasing the
phagocytosis, that is the endocytosis of the leukocytes and the other mechanisms
of assimilation. I am a big fan of using the goop in smoothies and raw soups. Grow
your buckwheat in a colander in the fridge and use fltered water to rinse the seeds,
and save the resulting goop for internal use and for topical use as a skin softener
and hair conditioner. It is also great in the compost or on the garden to improve
the soil grain, moisture holding capacity and mineral uptake of plants. If you live
in a dry region you should eating buckwheat sprouts by the ton and use the goop
to reduce the water demands of your garden.
GlUcomannanGlucomannan is a dietary fber, forming a soft gel with
water and is considered a bulk-forming laxative. It is the main polysaccharide
obtained from the tubers of the Amorphophallus konjac plant, a member of the
family Araceae. This soluble fber has a extraordinarily high water holding capacity,
absorbing up to 200 times its weight in water. Of all known dietary fbers, it is the
highest molecular weight, extraordinary water-holding capacity and is the most
viscous. Human pancreatic and salivary amylase cannot split the beta-1,4 linkages,
and hence glucomannan reaches the colon without being broken down and is
then fermented by the intestinal bacteria. Glucomannan lowers cholesterol, lowers
systolic blood pressure. reduces blood sugar, slows glucose absorption, lowers
the Glycemic index and promotes regular bowel movements. A combination of
glucomannan and plant sterols substantially improves plasma LDL cholesterol
Since relatively strong acidic and alkaline groups may occur within the humic
molecule, this results in a dipolar ionic structure similar to that of proteins. Like
proteins humic molecules are capable of catalyzing chemical reactions, although
with much lower effciency than certain specifc proteins. Certain parts of the
humic molecule is hydrophilic, while other areas are lypophilic (fat-loving), capable
of binding materials that are insoluble in water. This soap-like property of humic
molecules permits the binding of water-insoluble materials. Similarly to other
macromolecules, the humic molecules are capable of forming colloidal solutions.
In this way both water soluble and insoluble nutrients are made available to the
roots of plants. Like clay, humus is a colloidal substance, and increases the soils
cation exchange capacity, hence its ability to store nutrients by chelation, thus
preventing leaching.
As an anticancer agent humic acids may act extracellularly by preventing
the formation of mutagenic compounds that would affect the DNA of the cell,
through binding to and inactivating the mutagen. It has been found that the
ability of humic acid to adsorb mutagens increases with the molecular weight of
humic acid. Humic acids bond with metal ions, and form complexes with amino
acids, peptides, carbohydrates and steroids. This chemical-structural property of
humic acids may also be responsible for some of the effects occurring in tissues;
including the elimination of heavy metals, anti-mutagenic effects, antioxidant and
anticoagulant activity. The cation exchange capacity and ligand formation ability
of humic substances may partially explain why humic acids can bind and release
ions of lower atomic mass while binding heavier ions with a higher atomic mass.
It is known that lead and cadmium are among those bivalent ions that are most
likely to be bound to the humic acid molecule. It binds to metals and body toxins,
removing them from the system.
Fulvic acid helps fght cancer in many ways, by improving the electrolyte
environment, cell hydration and as a super antioxidant and heavy metal detoxifer.
Because of its speed of operation Fulvic acid must radically alter the electrolyte,
ionic properties of the body fuids allowing the immune cells to detect the cancer/
candida as a foreign invader. Organic fulvic acid electrolytes charge, recharge and
restore the ionic potential that is or once was normal to the cell, and in doing so,
balances and supercharges cellular life. As the most powerful, natural electrolyte
known, fulvic acid restores electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins
and can eliminate food poisoning within minutes. Fulvic acids are vital in
bringing substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals into soluble solution and
transporting nutrients into the cells. Fulvic acid is a powerful natural antioxidant
that can eradicate any form of free-radical. It can act as an acceptor or as a donor in
the creation of electrochemical balance. If it encounters free radicals with unpaired
positive electrons, it supplies an equal and opposite negative charge to neutralize
the bad effects of the free radicals. Likewise, if the free radicals carry a negative
charge, the fulvic acid molecule can supply positive unpaired electrons to nullify
that charge. Fulvic acid plays the role as a bi-directional super antioxidant.
Chlorination By-Products
Companies that make these products must use non-chlorinated water, for
the combination of chlorine with humic acids can create a toxin in the body.
Water treatment facilities remove the organic compounds like humic and fulvic
acid because the chlorination of drinking water can result in the formation of
disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids,
compounds that are linked to increased rates of bladder, kidney and stomach
cancer. It has the same dangerous results when chlorine comes in direct contact
with many of the extremely valuable phytochemicals contained in fresh fruits,
vegetables, and herbal extracts. Because of the carcinogenic compounds created
by chlorines interaction with organic molecules, it is best to use fltered water that
has been standing 24 hours and exposed to sunlight. To avoid the production of
these chlorine-organic matter by products, water treatment plants frst remove the
organic matter (humic acid) from the water prior to chlorination.
Unfortunately some municipal water treatments are using chloromines rather
than chlorine. Many municipalities use chloramines, often on the back end of the
treatment plant (after fltration), and ClO2 or Cl2 etc as a pre-oxidant on the front
end. Chloramine will not simply outgas the way chlorine does, even exposed to
sun and plentiful oxygen, Chloramine-T could still last for as long as a week. To
counter this add a pinch of Himalayan Salt and MSM (sodium and sulfur) to the
water before leaving it to stand, to turn the chlorine to harmless chloride ions.
We might consider going this extra step before we make our sun tea with plant
matter which is naturally rich in humic acids. Fulvic acid and colloidal minerals
are natural chelators; detoxifying the body, the liver, and the digestive tract, by
attaching to toxic buildup, including heavy metals, and chlorination by-products,
where they disarm, neutralize, and remove them as waste products.
nano FlUVic aciDNano Miracle Bion Advanced Omega (Fulvic Acid)
from make a virtually 100% Fulvic acid product from organic
shale millions of years old. Oil shales are ancient sediment deposits of marine
and terrestrial organisms that once inhabited lakes, marine basins and coastal
swamp, that have been compacted under geological pressure. The consumption of
Humic Acid increases energy, improves mood and initiates a wholesale cleansing
of accumulated toxins and poisons, including heavy metals, parasites, and fungi.
Other effects include decreased appetite, deeper sleep, pain reduction, antioxidant,
immune stimulator, stimulates metabolism, anti-aging and rejuvenation. Miracle
Bion fulvic acid has a pH of 7.4 to 8 and they dont use chlorinated water in the
manufacturing, because the combination of chlorine with Fulvic Acid can create
a toxin in the body. So do not drink chlorinated water with your humic acids, or
when using humate to water your plants. FulvaLife is another brand of 100% fulvic
which is made for human consumption. Shale derived colloidal minerals naturally
contain around 6% fulvic and humic acid thereby increasing the assimilation of
the minerals.
HUmiFUlVateMetal-X contains the active ingredient humic acid
(Humifulvate), which gets rid of heavy metal toxicity, while maintaining the
bodys level of the good minerals. Humifulvate is derived from a 10,000 year
old peat deposit in Hungry and is composed of humic and fulvic acids, along with
minor amounts of phenolic acid. Humifulvate is a negatively charged (anionic)
metal complexing ligand, which acts as ion exchanger, releasing metal ions of a low
atomic mass and chelating, or binding to heavy metals.
sHilaJitShilajit contains more than 85 minerals in Ionic form and 65-75%
Fulvic acid. In Shilajit (Rock Like in Sanskrit) is mineral rich pitch formed
from the remains of the plant life in the specifc climatic condition and altitude of
Himalayas. Ancient Chinese and Indian literature mentions Shilajit as the Amrita
or Elixir of Youth, as Gods gift and the nectar of longevity
DiatomaceoUs eartHDiatomaceous Earth (food grade) helps eliminate
candida, parasites, worms, yeast, fungi, and amoebas from the body. It helps detox
heavy metals and is able to absorb many times its own weight in toxins. Candida
is virtually present in every case of fbromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic
fatigue syndrome, hyper- or hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, cancer and diabetes.
DE has a drying effect on the body so drink extra water. Because of its small
particle size and porous nature, it has both an abrasive and absorptive quality.
Diatomaceous earth has a negative charge and bacteria has a positive charge,
wherein it is believed by some that food grade diatomaceous earth sweeps bacteria
out of the body by trapping it in its honeycomb shaped skeletal form. Humans - 1
heaping tablespoon daily
terramin~reD Desert claYI found the best clay for external and
internal use...a pinch of this can be added to your water prior to solarizing and
magnetizing. Pure Calcium Montmorillonite looks like best calcium/silica rich
clay to use. It has a pH of 8.3 so it is alkalinizing to the body. Montmorillonite
is extremely fne-grained and thin-layered, more so than other clay minerals.
The layers contain ions that are very loosely bound to one another and easily
exchangeable. It is shaped like a credit card, with negative charges on the fat
surface and positive charges on the edges. The strong negative charge gives a higher
exchange capacity with a powerful ability to absorb toxins such as mercury, lead,
pesticides, aluminum, arsenic, nicotine, copper, Radiation, chemicals, bacteria,
environmental pollutants and poisons. All toxins are positively charged. In nature,
opposites attract, thus the clay negative ions attract the toxins, which are positively
charged ions. The clay mineral spheres are formed from hydrothermal activity,
consistently hot temperatures and minimal rainfall provided by the desert location
near the border of Mexico.
ZeoliteClinoptilolite Zeolite is commonly used as a soil amendment and
fertilizer and taken internally for detoxifcation. Zeolites are found in nature,
formed by the fusion of glass-rich volcanic rocks and ash layers react with
Due primarily to agricultural soil depletion and processed food consumption,
mineral defciency is a large problem facing most people today. Even way back in
1936, U.S. Senate Document 264 stated, The alarming fact is that foods, fruits,
vegetables, and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer contain
necessary levels of essential minerals. These foods are starving us, no matter how much
we eat. This means unless we make an effort to remineralize, we are getting as
little as 15% of the minerals and nutrients that were once readily available in our
food sources.
The capacity to make enzymes and hydrochloric acid diminishes with age,
resulting in inferior digestion, absorption and elimination and producing a variety
of chronic disorders. By our 40s we only absorb 50% of the nutrients that we could
in our 20s. As well as a defciency in minerals and trace elements, it appears that
modern humans have gone terribly wrong in eliminating the wild foods from our
diet that are rich deposits of B17, silicon and other minerals and phytonutrients...
this combo and our mistreatment of water is the foundations of the ill health of
modern man I think. As apes we would have had a diet rich in silicon, B17, humic
acids from dirt and other raw phytonutrients, and we have become increasingly
deprived of these ever since we began agriculture, plant breeding and cooking
Silicon is needed to promote the formation of phagocytes and lymphocytes.
Colloidal silica gel also binds to bacteria, pathogens, ama and metabolic wastes,
aiding their elimination from the body...thereby giving the immune system less
work to do. Silica also acts as a transporter for calcium deposition in the bones...
and since the immune and blood cells are grown in the bone marrow, the stronger
and more electrically alive your bones are, the better your immune system is.
People are becoming so exhausted that they are bone tired. They need to build
up their mineral base with nutrient dense raw plant protoplasm, lie naked in the
sun on the living earth and frolic in nature. For once you are bone-tired you are
heading for major problems.
It is the mineral base that carries the light of life in the body. Industrially
farmed land is weak in minerals and the food is even weaker...The geomantic
earth energy is also generated, empowered and focused by its mineral content.
Because of this mineral depletion of the land, you now need to look to the sea and
ancient sea deposits for minerals (kelp powder, spirulina, Himalayan salt, zeolite).
Wheatgrass grown with kelp powder is I think one of the best ways to get colloidal
minerals readily absorbed and incorporated into body tissues.
The soul, lightbody or rainbow body runs on the electromagnetic felds of
the minerals and especially the m-state metals in the body. DNA molecules are
like little crystal transducers of this energy that generate the form of the body
through the genes and through the biophoton feld that the DNA emits. The way
to get the DNA to heal and maintain its structure is to slowly build up the mineral
base of the tissues with radically nutrient dense foods...such as greens, cress, grass-
juices and sea products. It is imperative that biodynamic/permaculture farming
methods are used, that focus intensively on building up the soil nutrient density
via ecologically sound means. If you dont have any land to grow food, then set up
a highly conscious sprouting system with a powerful composting routine. Because
it is easy to get an excess and unbalance of minerals through manmade mineral
supplementation, it is best to start thinking in terms of putting the nutrients
into the soil and rebuilding the entire ecosystem...even if only on your balcony
sprouting system. And using combinations of minerals found in nature that are
already balanced and chelated (kelp and spirulina).
Once the tissues are loaded with minerals this keeps the souls morphogenic
EMF strong enough to keep the DNA in perfect alignment, thereby eliminating
the danger of getting cancer. The more perfect the mineral saturation the stronger
soul and spiritual Presence an individual has, for they are no longer some fckle
wofty ghost, cut off from the earth and cosmos. Their strong energetic signature ties
them more fully into the energy felds and information of the planet and cosmos.
Thus their presence can be felt at great distances and their psychic presence can be
heard or felt anywhere on the globe. The coherency and power of their form, being
a stronger transmitter for sending and receiving telepathic signals.
It is the density and perfection of the mineral body that contributes most
intensely to the radiant quality of animal magnetism and spiritual magnetism.
This is so because the light of life needs a perfectly aligned and coherent liquid
crystal body in order to shine with greater force. Genes and personality aside, it
is the power inherent in the synchronic wave radiation or sympathetic resonance
through the mineral body of the individual, which gives them greater Presence of
consciousness and power of heart consciousness. It is this sympathetic resonance
or love that we are attracted to in others.
I have a friend in Kona Hawaii who has remineralized his land with rock dust
and green crops for 30 years. When you put his food on your tongue there is
an immediate electrical jolt which lights up the brain. His foods full mineral
content makes it more electrically potent with life force...and you realize like
never before, Oh so THIS is what food is supposed to be! The food in stores is
literally more expensive to the body than the good you get out of it and then we
have to prop ourselves up on stimulants in order to get energy.
Degenerative disease is a depletion and toxicity problem. If all degenerative
disease are caused by mineral depletion, lack of enzymes and phytonutrients then
we need to remineralize from various sources with the best the sea and land can
offer. In looking for a mineral supplement we need to consider that it be plant
derived, chelated, colloidal, balanced, and without much sodium chloride (salt)
because we already get enough. For every gram of sodium chloride that your body
cannot get rid of, your body uses 23 times the amount of cell water to neutralize
the salt.
The term chelate originates from a Greek word that means claw, and refers
to the process of complexing a metallic mineral with an amino acid. Most metal
complexes in nature are bound in some form of chelate ring, e.g. with humic acid
or a protein. These metal chelates are relevant to the mobilization of metals in the
soil, the uptake and the assimilation of metals into plants and microbes. New
generations of mineral supplements are arriving on the market that are using nano
ecstasY anD neUroinHiBition
Because of the ubiquitous, body-wide cellular ecstasy that kundalini
produces I am playing with the idea that the pervasive cellular bliss could be due
to anandamide, an opioid neuroinhibitor produced from the arachidonic acid in
the fat of cell membranes. Levels of arachidonic acid must be increased by the extra
free radicals produced during kundalini awakeningfrom the extra biophoton
production, increased stress glucocorticoids, the increased metabolism, apoptosis,
catabolism of tissues and liberation of extra toxin stores especially from fat cells
being used up in the energy generation method of catabolic-gluconeogenesis.
The picture that is arising is that the bliss of kundalini is associated with the
neuroinhibiting opioids systems (endorphin, enkephalin, dynorphin). And that the
increase in light, free radical generation, and catabolic energy generation of lipolysis
and gluconeogenesis actually produce infammatory agents like arachidonic acid and
excitatory neurochemicals that keep the hyperactivation of the HPA axis at high
rev in a snowball feedback mechanism. Kundalini thus represent a self-consuming,
self-confagration that results in a renewal of tissues using the building blocks of
the old. (Lipolysis is breakdown of fat stored in fat cells and gluconeogenesis glucose
from non-sugar carbon substrates like pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and amino acids-
alanine and glutamine).
To help compensate for the excitotoxicity of glutamate and other activating
neurotransmitters (catecholamines) associated with kundalini activation, Robert
Sapolsky says that endogenous neuronal defenses include substances such as
adenosine, GABA and taurine. Other neuroinhibitors include the opiates Beta-
endorphin which has 40 times the inhibitory powers of morphine and Dynorphine.
Dynorphine is an endorphin the body makes that is 700 times more potent than
morphine. It is produced at death and will wipe out any conceivable sensation of
pain in the brain. Dynorphines are not produced only at death but is probably
produced along with DMT at birth, as well as other extreme events. The extreme
stress of battle also causes catecholamine and Dynorphine production in soldiers
and the analgesic effect of acupuncture is based on Dynorphine. Dynorphines
might also be produced during sex and most defnitely during inner conjunctions
as part of the chemistry of ecstatic paralysis.
The opioid precursor polypeptide Pro-opiomelanocortin (Pomc) is
synthesized by the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and brainstem. POMC can
be cleaved enzymatically into several peptides including adrenocorticotrophic
hormone (ACTH) and B-endorphin. Pro-opiomelanocortin might be one of the
main peptides involved in kundalini because it is produced in the right places
for the stimulation of overall activation and because it is a precursor to both
endorphins and stimulation of the HPA axis (sympathetic nervous system) via
ACTH. Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in the hypothalamus are direct
targets of the lipid regulating (adipostatic) hormone leptin and contribute to
energy homeostasis in regulating appetite and body weight.
an omega-6 fatty acid found mostly in vegetable oils. Dr. Barry Sears in his
infammation zone books says that bad eicosanoids which cause infammation,
are created from arachidonic acid when we consume high levels of Omega 6 linoleic
acid from vegetable oils such as corn, soy, saffower and sunfower. Omega-3 and
omega-6 fatty acids compete with each other to regulate metabolism in order to
maintain homeostatic balance.
The correct ratio of these fatty acids is important, for a grossly lop-sided ratio is
considered a major contributing factor to infammation and degenerative disease.
The optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the diet should be at 1:1. Whereas
the average ratio in the diet is more likely to be 20:1 to 50:1. Flax seeds ratio of
Omega 6:3 is 0.3:1. Hempseed oil contains a 3:1 ratio of omega 6:3 fatty acids.
The ratio for omega 6:3 in fsh oil is 2-3:1. Other Omega 6:3 ratios include canola,
2:1. walnut, 5:1. soybean, 7:1. corn, 58:1. saffower, 365:1. Contrary to popular
belief, olive oil is a very poor source of EFAs. Ground fax seed contains Omega
3s but does not actually contain any DHA or EPA at all. Instead it contains ALA,
which your body then has to convert to DHA and EPA.
The best dietary sources of EFAs are fresh nuts, seeds, fatty fsh and unrefned
whole grains. Fatty fsh, such as mackerel, herrings, sardines, trout and salmon,
are rich in two different kinds of omega-3 fats eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Dr. Mercola recommend both the Fresh Shores
Antarctic Krill Oil and the Carlsons brand of Krill Oil and cod liver oil. When
taking fsh oil supplements you need to prevent oxidation of these delicate fats in
the body by taking fat-soluble antioxidants like full-spectrum vitamin E.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a major fatty acid in sperm and brain
phospholipids, and especially in the retina. DHA is the most important fatty
acid in the human brain. Low levels of DHA cause reduction of brain serotonin
levels and have been associated with ADHD, Alzheimers disease and depression.
DHA constitutes 30-50% of the total fatty acid content of the brain, especially
prominent in the cell membranes. DHA is an omega-3 essential fatty acid which
cannot be manufactured in our body and must be obtained daily through our
diet. The body will convert a little of the vegetable oils to EPA but hardly any to
DHA which is what the body needs most of. The benefts of fsh oil are primarily
due to DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) which is part of the Omega 3 essential fatty
acids within fsh oil. It is more complex than EPA, but can be converted to EPA
should the body need it (it does this by dropping off two carbon bonds). However,
in contradiction to the endorsement of dietary DHA some leading experts believe
that dietary DHA may inhibit the benefcial actions of EPA (eicosapentaenoic
acid). And since the EPA in omega-3 is converted naturally by the body into
DHA, it is unnecessary to take extra DHA separately in supplement form. Fish
Oil usually contains about 12% DHA already. A tablespoon of Fish Oil contains
7.5 g of EPA and DHA. Fish oil taken for many months may cause a defciency
of vitamin E, so vitamin E is added to many commercial fsh oil products. Xtend-
Life Natural Products use Hoki, a deep sea fsh naturally high in DHA, from the
pristine Southern Ocean off the coast of New Zealand.
Dr. Sears says that fsh oil along with aspirin activates a powerful class of good
anti-infammatory eicosanoids called Lipoxins, which trigger the release of growth
hormone and promote the growth of new tissue. However excess or prolonged
aspirin intake is known to cause bleeding stomach ulcers, abdominal burning,
pain, cramping, nausea, gastritis, gastrointestinal bleeding and liver toxicity. As an
alternative to aspirin you can use White willow bark and Meadowsweet (Gravel
root), known for their pain-relieving, nervine and anti-infammatory effects. These
contains salicin, a chemical similar to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Use low doses
(60-120 mg salicin) of white willow and meadowsweet in your herb tea mix or
capsulated formulas; it is slower acting than aspirin but its effect lasts longer.
The bad prostaglandins that are responsible for pain and infammation
involve the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COK-2) in their synthesis; while good
prostaglandins use COK-1. Salicin acetylates the COX-2 enzyme, thereby
inhibiting the formation of infammatory prostaglandins. It also appears to
increase the production of ferritin, an iron-binding protein that prevents iron from
inducing free radical oxidation. White willow bark also increases norepinephrine
levels, which may stimulate fat burning metabolism, and lead to weight loss.
Omega 3 fsh oils exhibit profound anti-aging effects in combination with
calorie restriction. One reason being that calorie restriction increases CoQ10 which
may prevent oxidative damage to the mitochondria. Food energy is converted into
energy (ATP) for our body in the mitochondria with the aid of Coenzyme Q10.
It is found in highest concentration in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion
where it is an important part of the electron transport chain. CoQ10 serves as
an important antioxidant in both mitochondria and lipid membranes. Rice bran
contains CoQ10 and Ginkgo leaf works synergistically with CoQ10.
Common herbs and spices that halt the conversion to the bad eicosanoids
include: Angelica root, Dong quai, Ashitaba, Turmeric, Basil, Ginger, Cinnamon,
Rosemary, Cardamom, Cilantro, Cloves, Garlic, Parsley, Licorice, Neem,
Echinacea and Chamomile. Vitamins pro-A, A, C, E, B-2, B-3, B-6, pantothenic
acid, B-12 biotin and the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur and
zinc are all involved in essential fatty acid (EFA) metabolism. Sesame seed has
strong vitamin E activity, protects the liver from damage, normalizes blood fats
and blood pressure and regulates autoimmune function, by regulating eicosanoids
that cause infammation, clotting and other immune imbalances.
sacHa incHi oilSacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) is the superfood of the
ancient Incas. This oil from Peru is the most powerful Omega-3 source on the
planet. Sacha inchi contains more than 84% essential fatty acids: 48% Omega-
3, 35% Omega-6 fatty acids and 9% Omega 9. Sacha Inchi oil has a mild nutty
favor; almost like almonds and is the most easily digestible vegetable oil. We get
enough Omega 6 and 9 in our diet already, so it is the Omega 3 that is important.
Sacha inchi oil is an antioxidant, anti-infammatory, reinforces the immunological
system, regulates blood glucose, is antidiabetic and reduces cholesterol, is
anticarcinogenic, helps to regulate blood pressure, and clears up eczemas, psoriasis,
acne, diabetes. Sacha Inchi seed oil, while lacking in DHA/EPA, is a substantial
source of Linolenic acids omega 3 and 6.
inFlammatorY cascaDe
The frst chemical released during the infammatory cascade which activates
the immune system is histamine. Histamine release is activated by bacterial
toxins, heat, UV radiation, trauma, and proteolytic enzymes from invading cells,
damaged cells or allergens. Then prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and then cytokines
are released to activate the white blood cellsmacrophages and basophils, which
produce free radicals during their attack. Histamine stimulates prostaglandin release
which increases vascular permeability. Then leukotrienes further increase vascular
permeability promoting swelling (edema) caused by the local accumulation of fuids,
this creates pain and restricted mobility due to the swelling. The infammatory
cascade is mediated by proinfammatory cytokines which are macrophage-derived,
immunoregulatory peptides that target organ receptors in response to injury
or infection. Cytokines complete the infammatory process by bringing active
leukocytes to the injury site.
After proinfammation, during the healing and repair phase, frst cortisol is
released to stop the production of proinfammatory bad eicosanoids; however
cortisol also shuts down the good eicosanoids. Glucocorticoids are considered
as key modulators of glycogen homeostasis in peripheral tissues. Cortisol
stimulates several processes that collectively serve to increase and maintain normal
concentrations of glucose in blood. Cortisol also increases insulin resistance,
impairs immunity and damages neurons in the hippocampus (learning, memory).
The macrophages then eat up the dead cells to make way for the regeneration of
damaged tissue.
A high glycemic carbohydrate diet increases insulin production, which in turn
promotes increased arachidonic acid (aa). This encourages the body to store
away AA in fat deposits to keep infammation under control. As adipose tissues
flls with AA there is an over production of pro-infammatory eicosanoids in the
fat cells, which generate systemic silent infammationpromoting the production
of infammatory cytokines like Tumor Necrosis Factor and Interleukin-6 and
essentially mounting an infammatory response to infection even when there
isnt one.
Visceral fat is found deep in the abdomen packed in between internal organs.
The more of this belly fat we have the higher our silent infammation, which in
turn increases our insulin resistance leading to the susceptibility to type-2 diabetes.
Insulin resistance appears to be mediated by Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)high
dose fsh oil decreases TNF, lowering insulin resistance and insulin levels, and this
allows the fat stores to be utilized for energy rather than in generating obesity. Thus
the key point in Dr. Sears program is that to lose weight and reverse diabetes you
have to reduce your silent infammation. In fact silent infammation plays into
all degenerative disease; for example high blood glucose feeds cancer cells while
an excess of insulin encourages them to divide, so taking fsh oil to reduce silent
infammation and to promote the production of good eicosanoids is one of the
most effective means of preventing and reversing cancer.
liVer DetoXiFication
There are over 500 functions performed by the liver, and strong liver is essential
to disease prevention. The liver plays a critical role in detoxifying and removing
fat-soluble poisons absorbed by the gut and in the blood, converting them into
water soluble form that the kidneys can eliminate. Kundalini can be associated
with immune and digestive diffculties for many reasons. The actual restructuring
of the body during Metamorphosis is largely an immune activity, and occurs
under radical sympathetic/adrenal activation. Extra hormones (stress, sex, growth,
thyroid) are in circulation and need to be sopped up and conjugated by the liver.
Thus the liver has a lot more work to do with recycling the broken-down cells, and
from the disrupted digestion, thinning gut lining and reticulation of toxins from
badly digested food. The liver is also a site for candida attack, which could be a
problem when the immune system is preoccupied with transmutation.
Because of the loss of glutamate from the small intestine during kundalini
awakening, and the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous system there
is an increased likelihood of leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome and
enterohepatic circulation of toxins from the colon back into the bloodstream. The
S shaped sigmoid colon is the last part of the colon, before reaching the rectum.
By the time stool gets to this part of the colon, most nutrients have been absorbed
into the bloodstream. Enterohepatic circulation serves as an effcient mechanism
for the conservation of bile salts and certain hormones. Because the stool contains
products of putrefaction at this point, there exists a special circulatory system, a
direct communication of veins called the enterohepatic circulation, between the
sigmoid colon and the liver. This system of veins carries rectal/sigmoid toxins
directly to the liver for detoxifcation, rather than circulating them through the rest
of the body and all of its vital organs including the brain.
Have you ever felt ill just prior having a bowel movement, this is due of the toxic
quality of the material and enterohepatic circulation. When toxins are caught up
in this cycle, their biological half-lives and effects on the liver maybe signifcantly
increased. To help the liver conjugate (detoxify) these toxins we need adequate
supplies of antioxidants and conjugating agents. During kundalini awakenings in
particular, we need more glutathione and sulfur amino acids (cysteine) because of
the disruption to digestion and the extra load on the immune system and liver.
Adequate fber in the diet helps prevent enterohepatic circulation of toxins back
into the system.
The Chinese use Bupleurum and Rehmannia for a deep liver detoxifcation
formula, which reduces the size of swollen lymph glands, is antiseizure and for a
variety of toxic conditions including excellent skin clearing effects. Other herbs that
support the liver include: Aloe extract, Barberry, Burdock root, Chicory, Cleavers,
Dong quai, Dandelion root, curcumin (tumeric), Schizandra berry, Stillingia root,
Milk thistle seeds, Yarrow, Yellow Dock, Parsley, Pau de Arco, Gentian. Ashitaba,
like most blood purifers, stimulates liver function and helps remove heavy metals
such as mercury, lead etc. Lecithin is the main component of liver cells and helps to
eliminate fats from the liver. B6 helps the liver to detoxify and relieves depression
and pain. L-carnitine feeds the heart oxygen and energy and protects the body
from ketosis during catabolic breakdown of tissues.
The liver detoxifies substances in two steps:
PHase 1. oXiDation
The liver is chief detoxifer of externally derived toxins, and is the main storage
organ for glutathione prior to exportation to the other organs. Glutathione
depletion contributes to liver injury, and to increased the morbidity related to an
under functioning liver. An under functioning liver is more susceptible to toxic
risk and injury, while altering fundamental liver cell functions. Factors that deplete
the liver resources of glutathione can decrease conjugation ability and increase
damage done by toxins. The defciency of glutathione caused by one toxin may
render the liver more vulnerable to other toxins. Glutathione is most concentrated
in the liver, where the cytochrome P-450 enzymes convert metabolic waste and
toxins to more water-soluble GSH conjugates in order to facilitate their excretion.
Some leave the body via bile and out through the colon, others are carried to
the kidneys and excreted through urine. Many carcinogens, heavy metals, drug
metabolites and endotoxins are disposed of in this way.
The P450 system seems geared primarily to effect homeostatic control over
circulating steroid hormones and other endogenous, fat-soluble substances.
Cytochrome P450 reactions themselves generate free radicals and this can cause
secondary damage to cells. Therefore an adequate supply of key antioxidants is
essential to prevent tissue damage. Antioxidants such as Glutathione, superoxide
dismutase and additional nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin E, zinc, selenium
and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). Other nutrient co-factors required for phase 1
reactions include ribofavin, niacin, magnesium, iron and certain phytonutrients
such as indoles from cruciferous vegetables and quercetin. The metabolites from
this detoxifcation process are often potentially more harmful than their original
toxic compounds so its important that these toxic compounds not be allowed to
build up. This is where Phase II of liver detoxifcation comes in.
PHase 11. conJUGation
Conjugation is the neutralization of free radicals by the livers antioxidant
enzymes through the donation of a small molecule, so they can be safely escorted
out of the body in bile and urine. Phase II also removes the oxidized wastes created
in step one, and heavy metals. In Phase II glutathione conjugation is the primary
pathway for these intermediate metabolites. Glutathione is the bodys most
powerful antioxidant and is the most abundant antioxidant in the liver and also
the main detoxifying agent in the body. Increased exposure to toxins as well as
a poor dietary supply of glutathione can soon lead to glutathione depletion and
increased damage from these highly reactive intermediates.
Glutathione is crucial for step two conjugation. If the body doesnt have
enough of the amino acids and cofactors needed to produce glutathione then toxins
accumulate in fatty tissues, the brain and nerve sheaths. Glutathione plays a role in
nutrient metabolism, and regulation of cellular events (including gene expression,
DNA and protein synthesis and cell growth. Glutathione is also required in many
of the intricate steps needed to carry out an immune response. For example, it
is needed for the lymphocytes to multiply in order to develop a strong immune
response, and for killer lymphocytes to be able to kill undesirable cells such as
cancer cells or virus infected cells.
Glutathione is especially important during a kundalini awakening with the
activation of the immune system and excessive free radical production. Thus it is
vital to supplement with the four components that produce glutathione: selenium,
cysteine, glutamine and tryptophan. With depleted glutathione reserves, the
liver cannot effectively process and detoxify metabolites and toxins. Stress and
metamorphosis increases the production of hormones (adrenaline, estrogen and
testosterone) that are later broken down by the liver through a sulfation process.
If our glutathione levels are low we dont have adequate sulfur containing cysteine
for sulfation.
l-Glutamine stimulates the liver to build up large amounts of glutathione,
while glutathione that is sold as a dietary supplement is mostly destroyed during
digestion and therefore is of little use. But L-Glutamine, can be used with Alpha
Lipoic Acid and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) to raise Glutathione levels. Cysteine has
a sulfur-containing portion which gives glutathione its biochemical activity. Heat
or mechanical stress etc., easily split the stable form of the amino acid cystine
found in foods into cysteine, where upon digestion destroys it, thus raw unprocessed
foods or special food supplements high in bioactive cystine provide the best source
of this vital amino acid. Since cysteine itself is toxic, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
is usually used. Other sulfur containing substances include taurine, alpha lipoic
acid, glutathione, MSM and garlic. These are helpful for protection against heavy
metals in general and specifcally useful in mercury removal. Glutamine plays a
chief role in ammonia detoxifcation as well as helping to maintain the integrity of
the mucus of the gastrointestinal tract
Supplementing with Vitamins C & E, B Vitamins, Beta Carotene, Glycine,
Glutamine and NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Pycnogenol, and vitamin B12
will ensure adequate antioxidants for sulfation and detoxifcation. Selenium works
synergistically with Vitamin E to increase Glutathione activity and to remove
mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic. The richest food source of selenium is
Ashitabaso the body can produce glutathione. Nutritional yeast delivers reduced
(GSH) Glutathione together with B2 so the body can produce Glutathione
reductase. Foods containing Glutathione include: Avocado, Asparagus, Broccoli,
Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Squash, Orange, Potato, Strawberries, Tomato,
Watermelon, Wheatgrass. Foods containing cysteine include: Barley, Garlic,
Yogurt, Kefr, Cottage cheese, Tofu, Beans, Chickpeas, Oatmeal, Lentils, Eggs,
Poultry, Red peppers, Brussel sprouts, Oats, and Wheat germ.
A number of foods stimulate glutathione production in the body even though
the plants themselves dont have a lot of the amino acid in them. These glutathione
stimulating substances include the cabbage family, spinach, watermelon, cinnamon,
cardamom and cantaloupe, with parsley being the most effective. A potato soup
with yogurt, heaps of chopped garlic and parsley, and light-miso mixed in at the last
minute, might be the idea kundalini food for comfort and nutrition. Dont forget
the chopped garlic, nutmeg, ground black pepper and the mashed avocado on top
for garnish. Red beets are very cleansing and have a specifc action on the liver.
Chlorophyll helps liver detox, and reduces carcinogen binding to DNA. Other
nutrients which play vital roles in the Phase II liver detoxifcation include amino
acids glycine, cysteine, methionine, taurine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid.
calcium D-Glucarate is a phytonutrient found in many fruits and vegetables
that helps remove fat soluble toxins, estrogens and other excess steroid hormones.
As we age and become overly exposed to toxins, a dangerous enzyme is produced
by certain bacteria that reside in the gut, called beta-glucuronidase. When levels of
beta-glucuronidase become too high, it reverses the glucuronidation process and
releases the toxins or carcinogens back into the bloodstream. D-Glucarate has been
shown to inhibit beta-glucuronidase, thus prevents the recycling of carcinogenic
metabolites. D-glucarate works by supporting detoxifcation and removal of
dangerous chemicals, and also by protecting against the mutating effects of these
carcinogens on cellular DNA. The beta-glucuronidase enzyme is associated with
an increase in the number of estrogen receptors. D-glucarate has been shown to
lower estrogen receptors and reduce tumor growth.
silymarin or Milk Thistle Extract is also recommended throughout
metamorphosis as there is an infammatory cascade that occurs from accumulation
of exotoxins and endotoxins that result in the production of alarm messenger
substances called leucotrienes. These messengers in turn activate white cells such
as the macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils to release free radicals. These
oxidants in turn attack connective tissue and the hyaluronic acid joint lubrication,
resulting in infammation or irritation that in the long term produces degeneration.
Alan H. Pressman says evidence points to degenerative joint diseases like arthritis
being associated with a permeable gut and poor liver detoxifcation. Herbs such
as Milk Thistle can be taken to lessen the damage to the liver from toxins cycling
between the GI tract and the liver.
Dr. Alan Pressman in The Gsh Phenomenon: Natures Most Powerful Antioxidant
& Healing Agent says that for liver detoxifcation fasting cant help. When we fast
the cytochrome P-450 enzyme activity drops sharply reducing Step One-oxidation
of toxins. Plus antioxidant supplies are reduced when fasting, increasing oxidation
damage from free roaming toxins and free radicals. So it seems that fasting is
not recommended during kundalini awakenings, for the body is already greatly
challenged by free radicals and cell breakdown. Even during a Die-off when food
cannot be readily eaten it would be best to take antioxidant supplements and juices
of those foods containing glutathione and cysteine.
During an awakening you might want to check out Alan H. Pressmans books:
Physicians Guides to Healing: Treating Digestive Conditions and Glutathione: The
Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.
Hormone conJUGation
Sex and stress hormones increase during the kundalini peak so care must be
taken to support their production, and excretion from the body. Then during the
exhaustion phase our hormones and neurotransmitters can become depleted and
receptors resistant, leading to a hypotonic depressive state.
Estrogen is excreted from the body via methylation, glucuronidation and
sulfation. Estrogen that is already detoxifed can be deconjugated by gut
bacterial and can reticulate (enterohepatic recirculation) from the colon back to
the liver increasing the risk of various cancers. calcium d-glucarate is known to
decrease the amounts of an enzyme that is believed to be associated with certain
cancers particularly cancers of the breast, colon and prostate. Additionally,
glucaric acid interferes with the reabsorption of estrogen from the gastrointestinal
tract, resulting in more estrogen is eliminated. The cabbage family (cruciferous)
vegetables especially broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and antioxidants like rosemary and
alpha lipoic acid, help to bind the estrogens in a safe pathway so they can be safely
removed from the body. Other substances that prevent genotoxic effects of estrogen
metabolites are: Probiotics, anti-estrogenic phytoestrogen lignans from faxseed,
seaweed, broccoli, and berries. The bran layer of beans, seeds and grains. Tumeric,
kudzu, alfalfa, clover, Green teas, B Vitamins, Vitamins A, C, E, fenugreek, licorice
root, black cohosh, wild yam, fennel and anise and black cohosh. Green tea helps
to block estrogen at tumor sites.
Benefcial modulation of estrogen metabolism can be accomplished through
dietary and lifestyle modifcations such as increasing fber and reducing fat,
increasing phytoestrogen intake, losing weight, and increasing exercise. In addition,
many nutrients effectively reduce estrogen load by supporting the preferred
pathways of estrogen metabolism and detoxifcation. These include isofavones,
indole-3-carbinol, B vitamins, magnesium, limonene, calcium D-glucarate, and
antioxidants. The infuences of these nutrients on estrogen metabolism may have
profound signifcance for diseases and conditions in which estrogen plays a role.
Yucca extract eliminates DHT, a byproduct of testosterone and it is good for
treating Addisons disease, arthritis and just about everything else.
Plant sterols (phytosterols) are natural phytonutrients and hormone modulators,
found in plants and converted during the normal digestive process into hormones.
Researchers have discovered that phytosterols may help manipulate the hormonal
environment in a favorable way, and by doing so, may help prevent hormone related
cancerous changes in cells. These plant lipid-like compounds are present at low
levels in grains, fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils, and are benefcial in lowering
cholesterol levels. Because cholesterol and phytosterol molecules are similar, the
human body cant tell the difference. Phytosterols compete with cholesterol for
absorption in the small intestine, however, phytosterols themselves are not absorbed
by the human body. The combination of phytosterols and omega-3 fatty acids and
niacin is a potential strategy to promote cardiovascular health. Saw palmetto has a
high concentration of phytosterols, as does rice bran,
GroWtH Hormone
Growth hormone (GH) is a pituitary youth hormone that stimulates the
Thymus gland improving the immune system. The Thymus gland is the master
programmer of the T-cells educating them to kill specifc enemies. One of the
leading factors in immune system decline is the reduced rate of GH as we age.
The Thymus gland is affected by this GH reduction and thus T cells decline in
number. An alert T cell system is necessary for the prevention of cancer and plaque
formation in the arteries.
Growth hormone is released during the frst few hours of sleep, during fasting,
in higher temperatures such as a sauna, during physical trauma and intense exercise.
GH is anabolic, causing the body to go into a positive nitrogen balance, building
muscle tissue, promoting healing and increasing tendon, ligament and bone
strength. GH increases fat burning for energy thus sparing protein and glucose.
GH stimulates protein production and causes fat cells to release fatty acids and the
liver to increase the rate of fat burning. By increasing the oxidation of fatty acids
and reducing the size of fat cells GH can reduce body fat without lowering caloric
intake. GH slowly decreases after the teen years resulting in increased body fat and
decreased muscle mass and lowered immune response as we age. Since teenagers
have a high production of GH they can remain thin while eating all they want.
l-ornithine HCl is about twice as potent for releasing GH as L-Arginine, usually
requiring a dose from 3-10 grams.
The website has a technique for increasing GH and
protein synthesis without stimulating unnecessary cell division which could cause
cancer. 500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine with 30-100mg Ornithine HCl at bedtime at
least 3 hours after last meal. Then 4-6 hours after a large meal a small amount of
plant polyphenols such as grape or green tea are taken. They say that enhancing
GH alone is dangerous and thus the polyphenol/biofavonoids MUST also be
taken to provide cancer protection. This protocol to increase protein synthesis
while reducing cell division might be just what is needed after the catabolic
phase of metamorphosis to help promote protein synthesis, rebuild the body
and prevent oxidative damage. Considering that Glutathione, one of the bodys
main antioxidants is a protein, it might be vitally important to up GH during
the burnout and recovery phase of metamorphosis. This website advocates that
the best way to protect yourself is to eat only a single meal a day and then use the
biofavonoid/polyphenols to prevent cell division after 4-6 hours of promoting
protein synthesis.
insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are often associated with obesity,
and obesity impairs growth hormone (GH) secretion. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
is the enzyme that primarily controls the accumulation of fat in adipose tissue.
Insulin is the hormone with the greatest ability to stimulate this enzyme, while
epinephrine, testosterone and estrogen down regulate LPL. GH promotes lipolysis
or the mobilization of fatty acids so that they can potentially be used as fuel and
GH also appears to directly stimulate the oxidation of fats, perhaps by upregulating
key mitochondrial enzymes involved in fat oxidation.
a raw-food diet then the physical, mental and spiritual growth that we have been
suppressing with a cooked food diet, rapidly springs forth. A kundalini awakening
is very likely under these circumstances. To navigate this crisis of awakening we
must understand that we are not only emerging from our own self-suppression,
but also from the collective species-wide suppression of our Human nature. I
propose we look into how we are creating our bodies from birth. Are we creating
bodies that can really handle the extreme force of evolution when it hits us?
To evolve as a species, my experience has shown me what we must build up
our bodies to endure metamorphosis, so that we can support the alchemy, grow
our spiritual bodies. Once we know exactly what is going on with our physiology,
and why we are having the symptoms we are having, then we can relax and
do what is needed to FORWARD our alchemy even in the midst of the most
intense kundalini fux. Going-with kundalini therefore takes a very high degree of
knowledge, sophistication, higher purpose, determination, force of personality and
self-respect. It is so easy to just backslide and become a spiritual wreck, rather than
cultivate the experience into a trans-egoic art form. If we are indeed the growing
edge of humanity, then we have a responsibility to secure the metamorphic ground
we have won and not regress out of fear of claiming our divine nature.
The ability to withstand and co-operate with metamorphosis has got to do
with the strength of the protein structures of the body, blood sugar levels, and
quantum tunneling of electrons within the protein structures. If we had a less
catastrophic (slow burn) awakening in a well-resourced body, we would be able to
keep up our neurotransmitter/hormone supply and there would not be this wild
swing of supreme height and plummeting fall. It is vitally important to support the
hormonal, neurotransmitter and immune system to prevent bio-freak outthat is
the hyper-activation of the stress hormones and sympathetic nervous system and
the catastrophic overwhelm of all body systems.
It is very important to realize that even though there is massive free radical
production with the rising of kundalini, and there is cell die-off because of this,
the body uses this recycling mechanism to restructure itself. So the temporary
loss of functions should not be seen as pathological, but should be celebrated as
as a natural part of the Metamorphic process. This non-pathological stance is
extremely vital to grasp. This death and resurrection process may seem like an
illness to the conventional mindset, but we must learn to see the Whole of itthe
Die-offs, the loss of cortical function, the pain, the blisswe must see all of it in
the larger picture of the evolution of humanity as a whole. It may appear like I
am contradicting myself creating a protocol to prevent severe free radical damage,
supporting hormones and neurotransmitters...why not let the body completely
exhaust itself and cannibalize itself...doesnt that mean greater evolution? No, the
dissolution occurs only in the service of greater order.
We must simultaneously preserve the new order while supporting the old to
fall away; to naturally detoxfy without impinging on the transmutational process
and regeneration. For example I was losing my collagen with the kundalini, but
now I am really working up this collagen strengthening angle, because this is the
key to both anti-aging, bone strength cancer prevention, radiation resistance and
strong immune protection from pandemics. The bottom line is to treat the body
as a whole, protect your membranes, build your enzyme and mineral resources,
repair your receptors, keep your blood non acidic and get plenty of raw plant
protoplasm into your system. Then you have the potential to stabilize a higher
In the back of my mind was always the concept of could you create a product that
was designed for the whole body, for every body system, that was reasonably priced.
Herbal Tonic Therapies by Daniel B. Mowrey.
Kundalini is an amplifcation of metabolism so all the normal process of
oxidation, infammation, glycation and mineral exhaustion are increased, thus
we need a Superfood diet. After 10 years of awakening I realized I had lost the
nutritional reserves necessary to fuel metamorphosis. For an extended period I
noticed that around full moon my arms would get weak, my glut muscles sore and
I would be hit by fatigue. Because the heart was literally pulling amino acids out
of my skeletal muscles in order to feed its expansion. So I decided to start using
smoothies to build up skeletal muscle reserves of glucose, and protein (amino acids
- arginine and glutamine etc). Food sources of the amino acid arginine include
spinach, spirulina, sesame, sunfower, nuts, chocolate (raw cacao), alfalfa, wolfberry,
and papaya. Food sources of glutamine include cabbage, beets, beef, chicken, fsh,
beans, and dairy products. Since cooking tends to destroy much of the glutamine
in foods, raw spinach and parsley are better food sources. Glutamine is muscle
building (anabolic); the higher the level of free glutamine inside ones muscle, the
faster the muscle grows, because water, ions and amino acids enter the cell under
conditions of high serum glutamine.
Fruits and vegetables may be a better source of antioxidants than supplements,
since the antioxidant compounds are bound into tough, fbrous material they
hang around in the stomach and colon, where they can neutralize free radicals.
Just because a food with a certain compound in it is benefcial, it does not mean
a nutraceutical of the same compound is. I tend to be adverse to high tech
expensive supplementation because it is not a cosmically sustainable approach, it
breeds narcissism and can inhibit the resourcefulness necessary to plant ones own
superfoods. Since there are over a thousand known phytochemicals it doesnt serve
to get myopically focused on one (such as resveratrol) and break your bank on that,
when you would be better off creating a berry cocktail, eating raw diet of fruits and
vegetables and harvesting phytochemically rich foods from the wild. During an
awakening (and during pregnancy) it is important to add herbs and foods collected
from the wild to our diet. If you are lucky you can get most of your phytochemical
superfood needs by harvesting wild foods from nature.
The term biophilia means love of life or living systems. It was frst coined
by Erich Fromm to describe the instinctive orientation of being attracted to all that
is alive and vital.
additional bulk makes stools softer and easier to pass. People with very sensitive
intestines may need to temporarily juice or blend their vegetables into raw soups
until their GI Tract becomes stronger. Shutting down the digestive system for
a few days of fasting gives the body a chance to rest and repair. Besides deep
breathing, you can use a didgeridoo or vibratory massager on the sacrum, lower
back, liver and the belly and this will relieve the pain.
DiGestion ProBlems
Digestive system problems are common with kundalini awakenings because the
energy and enzymes are being diverted away from the digestive system and into the
transmutation/substantiation process. So it is harmful and counterproductive to
overburden the digestive system during the years in which metamorphosis occurs.
Reasons for digestive disturbance during kundalini are:
Metamorphosis is largely an immune activity, thus the immune system is not
as available for digestion (leukocytosis). Immune system is compromised by
the stress hormones of the peak.
Kundalini initiates radical sympathetic/adrenal activation, while digestion is a
parasympathetic activity. Even hyper-parasympathetic phases upset digestion.
Extra stress hormones, and sex hormones and growth hormone are pumping
through and need to be conjugated by the liver.
The liver has a lot more work to do with recycling cells, and from the
disrupted digestion.
The demand for the antioxidant Glutathione steals glutamine from the small
intestine thus thinning the GI tract.
Overworked immune system allows candida yeast over-growth that can cause
irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut.
Direct blissful fow of kundalini through the neurons of the GI tract creates
fermentation. This is probably due to activation of the histaminergic and
serotonergic activation of GI tract nerves.
Kundalini may also alter friendly bacteria populations due to pH and EMF
Changes in nitric oxide production may interfere with peristalsis and gastric
The huge demand for enzymes during kundalini no doubt reduces the
enzymes resources available for digestion and allergen control.
Occasionally kundalini energy moves directly through the digestive neurology
causing digestion to becomes gurgley and bubbly with fermentation. I fnd this
happens around the full moons of September and October. When there is bliss in
the lungs and digestive system and your lips start tingling during an awakening its
best to just revert to fresh squeezed juice. Any food you eat while kundalini moves
through the digestive system will just ferment and wont actually provide you with
nutrition. Once the food is fermented it will require extra resources and energy
to protect the body from toxicity and eliminate the useless food. Antiseptic and
antibiotic herbs and spices like those listed for candida in the More Supplement
Suggestions section at the end of this book will help reduce the fermentation and
toxic load. This condition of kundifed digestive system only lasts about a week so
its the perfect time to go on a juice fast.
White blood cells have the most enzymes of any cells and if one eats cooked
food leukocytosis occurs. That is white blood cells rush to the digestive system
to protect, clean up and digest the heat-damaged molecules. Thus leukocytosis
takes energy and enzymes away from the metamorphic process and so evolutionary
progress is disrupted by eating heavy cooked food during active kundalini. (Note
that white blood cells leave the blood stream and enter the body only through
veins, not through arteries.)
Stimulating the immune system with every cooked meal means that there is less
cleanup, repair and regeneration going on. Most peoples bodies dont even clean
up between meals let alone repair and regenerate. But one of the main problems
with cooked food is the radical overworking of the poor liver, kidneys, gall bladder,
pancreas etc... Its just a lot of extra work for nothingwhereas that energy
would have gone into the development of the spiritual body. Raw food however
and especially sprouts provide adequate enzymes to ensure proper digestion while
supporting the metamorphic process itself.
Although adopting a largely raw diet will tend to bring on a kundalini awakening,
converting to such a diet while in the process of an awakening might cause digestive
disruption if a lot of bulky fbrous material is eaten when the digestive system is
not used to such cellulose intake. By use of raw juices, raw soups, wheat grass and
careful use of high antioxidant fruits, we can avoid the problems that chowing
through pounds of vegetables and unsoaked nuts and seeds will inevitably create.
The fact that the digestive system is already compromised by the kundalini itself
means that we have to be twice as mindful and intelligent about our diet.
Adopting a raw diet often brings on a kundalini awakening through the
derepression of vital energy and improved integrity/integration of tissues. Whereas
the cooked diet usually usurps most our energy in the digestion and detoxifcation
processes, and so we have little energy and materials for repair, optimization and
for building the spiritual-body. When we go raw this suppression is lifted and
nature suddenly brings us up to the speed of our more Universal Self. Since we
often use food as an escape mechanism to reduce the vividness of reality, returning
suddenly to our full physical and spiritual senses can be extremely disorientating. It
can take many years to integrate greater aliveness and to embody our full Presence
and full senses. Because a kundalini awakening is already destabilizing I would not
advise people to suddenly adopt a 100% raw diet during a full-on awakeningthe
adjustment would be too great for most people and negative coping mechanisms
or digestive imbalances might result.
Metamorphosis must indeed be the highest energy function in human
experience. Because metamorphosis demands energy and enzymes and because the
bodys elimination channels must be free to enable a high degree of detoxifcation
during the changes, it is advisable to not weigh the body down with a lot of heavy
and proactive aggression which would diffuse the traumatic charge and prevent
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with its hypertonality of the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous systems. PTSD whether it be from a traumatic event
or a dysfunctional family of origins leads to inevitable problems with digestion by
causing the ongoing hypertonality of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic
sides of the nervous systemwhich is a permanent subtle fght-or-fight/freeze.
Ways to remedy this include yoga, meditation, breathing, toning, discharging
the freeze through dance, aerobic exercise, shaking, vocalizing, pushing limbs and
back against walls etc... This will help stabilize blood sugar, stop cravings, lift
depression and reduce pain. But we have to work at it daily in order to reset our
nervous system, and thereby prevent secondary complications like chronic fatigue
syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, diabetes, hyper/hypoglycemia,
obesity-insulin resistance-lack of growth hormone production, fbromyalgia,
cystitis, yeast infection, ADD, sleep disorders, allergies, asthma, psoriasis.
I would say that if you simply cannot endure kundalini, and cant fnd the
methods to work-with and work-through the current symptoms, then a more solid
diet is an answer. Providing one is still eating that which is slightly more complex,
but not clogging and toxifying. Sugar will increase adrenaline and cortisol at a
time when these are already high. It will degrade protein strength, compromise the
immune system and increase pathogen growth. avoid sugar at all costs or your
kundalini will burn too hot, leading fragile nerves, emotional weakness, instability,
light headedness, rapid burnout of neurotransmitters and oxidation damage to
tissues, candida, as well as build up of metabolic toxins and fermentation in the
intestines. A sugar-carbohydrate quota of two pieces of fruit a day should be ok
for most people.
According to Stanford University Professor Reaven, best results are attained
with a diet with 40% of fats, 40% low glycemic carbohydrates, and 20% of proteins.
Fiber intake needs to be at least 25 gr. each day, fber consumption is inversely
correlated to insulin resistance. It is best to split food consumption to several small
meals a day to avoid hypoglycemia and hyperglycemic peaks. Avoid foods with high
glycemic index such as: potatoes, carrots, bananas, grapes, pineapple, watermelon,
melon, refned rice, cookies, honey, jams, refned cereals, sugars and all foods rich
in carbohydrates and poor in fbers. In the cooking process of carbohydrates the
sugars caramelize with the proteins (glycation) and make the food diffcult for the
body to work with. You will notice that you can eat higher glycemic foods like
dried fruit with little problem if it is not cooked; however, cook any carbohydrate
and it tends to put the poor body to sleep, mess with clear thinking and generally
create havoc in the bodymind.
constipationDuring kundalini we have to be conscious of preserving our
intestinal lining because sympathetic activation can lower immunity and peristalsis
and there is the potential for the intestinal lining to become more porous during
the intense changes going on with metamorphosis. I tend to think colonics damage
the colon, and allow toxins to enter the bloodstream. Instead of a colonic during
the intestinal-contraction phase, or the constipation that sometimes comes with
the heating of the body it is best to just drink more water...around 5 quarts a
day with 3 drops of Himalayan Salt in it. Eat juicy fruits and vegetables, celery,
cucumber and watermelon for the duration of any period of hyper-sympathetic
stimulation especially if you have high blood pressure or pressure in the head.
Massaging the solar plexus, sacrum and belly with 1 teaspoon of caster oil will
help release the intestines. Tap the kidneys/adrenals, spleen, liver and belly with
light rhythmic thumps, or use an electric massage tool. Also go for at least an
hours walk, preferably in nature, (and especially down by a river or the ocean) and
do deep breathing into the solar plexus as you walk...also rebounding, growling,
humming and toning with a focus on the belly will help. Take tsp magnesium
citrate in a glass of water prior to bed.
enzymesAll the work in the body is done by enzymes and during kundalini
there is a huge increase in work being done in the body than during normal
metabolism. So supplementation with plant-based enzymes is essential during an
awakening to build enzyme reserves, to aid digestion, and to prevent the toxicity
and infammation that leads to leaky gut. To help digestion and help prevent wear
and tear on the digestive tract you can put Papain (papaya) and/or Bromelain
(pineapple) enzyme powder in a saltshaker and sprinkle this on your meals. These
powders can be bought inexpensively by the pound from
If you continue to eat meat and complex cooked meals during an awakening
you might need to supplement with extra enzymes, to make sure your system has
enough enzymes for adequate digestion and cancer prevention. Proteolytic enzymes
(or proteases) refer to the various enzymes that digest, that is break down protein
into smaller units. These enzymes include the pancreatic proteases chymotrypsin,
pepsin and trypsin. Pepsin is a digestive protease enzyme released by the chief cells
in the stomach that work to degrade food proteins into peptides. The enzyme
Pepsin needs a strong acidic environment such as stomach acid (pH of 3) in order
to breakdown protein. Fruit acids can break down pepsin, so you shouldnt mix
fruit and proteins together, for that reason. Peptides may be further digested by
other proteases (in the duodenum) and eventually absorbed by the body. Pepsin
is stored as pepsinogen and is only released when needed; it does not digest the
bodys own proteins in the stomachs lining. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid
converts pepsinogen to pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down protein. As people age,
hydrochloric acid secretion may be reduced, resulting in decreased levels of pepsin,
which impairs digestion. Betaine hydrochloride can be used as a supplemental
source of hydrochloric acid, which is utilized by the stomach to produce pepsin.
Aloe gel inhibits the activity of pepsin until in the presence of protein, apparently
this is helpful to avoid ulcers. For improved digestion mix bromelain (pineapple
enzyme), papain (papaya enzyme) powders together and put in a saltshaker to
sprinkle on your meals. Bitter herbs also aid in bile fow and our diet is normally
lacking in these bitter plants.
Read Mark Rojeks excellent articles:
Food Enzymes for Health Longevity, Dr. Edward Howell
BalanceD KUnDalini Diet
Only overburden the digestive system during kundalini if you are not interested
in spiritually transforming. For those not ready to adopt a raw diet, a combination
of the anti-infammatory Zone Diet plus the timing and principles of the Provita
Plan will provide a great basis for balanced nutrition. But even for rawfoodists
to adopt the principles of these diets would be advantageous, as active kundalini
necessitates optimum nutrition and a balanced diet is all the more important. You
can do much of it in the city, but harvesting wild plants from the local environs is
the premo way to build up your nutrient and mineral base; such as adding spring
dandelions to salads or carrot juice..
The Rave Diet people at recommend a 100% plant based
diet with only 10% calories from fat. This is the ultimate disease prevention diet
that strengthens the immune system and lengthens lifespan. Whereas animal based
diets are proinfammatory due to increased Arachidonic Acid, they raise serum
estrogen and testosterone increasing the risk of cancer and have cholesterol levels
thereby blocking receptors. There is no problem with getting adequate protein
on this diet. According to growing methods the protein ratio of spinach is 30%,
brussel sprouts are 19%, boiled green beans 13%, romaine lettuce 18%, raw
cabbage 15%, raw Spanish peanuts 16%, almonds 13%, quinoa 12%, buckwheat
13%, kidney beans 24%, sprouted soybeans 26%, tofu 38%, sprouted alfalfa 34%,
Swiss chard 23%, wheat grass juice 27%, and mushrooms 37%.
The China Study is THE nutrition book of the century if people really want
to get serious. The RDA for protein is 10% of the calories of the diet, which is
equivalent to 50-60 grams. T. Colin Campbell, PhD, in his book The China Study
said that his research proved that when rats were given only 5% protein (milk
protein-casein), cancer initiation and growth was greatly reduced or suspended.
He also found plant protein did not promote cancer growth even when fed at
higher levels (20%). Thus he concludes that it is animal protein in the diet that
feeds cancer growth irrespective of the dosage of initial carcinogen exposure.
Mail order food companies like Jaffe Brothers are really worthwhile using
because most of the nuts, grains and seeds in the stores are old and rancid. When
you by pumpkin seeds from Jaffe Bros they are as green as wheatgrass. There is no
point in eating OLD food. They also have the cheapest apricot seeds.
I highly recommend Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine and Conscious Eating by
Gabriel Cousens , and his Spiritual Nutrition.
The Bible Prescription for Health and Longevity by Bill Sardi on the Essene
Food As Medicine: How to Use Diet, Vitamins, Juices, and Herbs for a Healthier,
Happier, and Longer Life by Dharma Singh Khalsa
tHe ProVita Plan
After many years of researching nutrition, I fnally found a low stress eating plan
for sensitive conditions like kundalini awakenings, and for life in general. It works
with the bodys pH biorhythms for the best utilization of proteins, carbohydrates
and fats, while producing the least amount of toxins and free radicals and wasting
the least amount of energy.
The system is laid out in Dr. Jack Tips, book The ProVita Plan, Your Foundation
For Optimal Nutrition. Following Stu Wheelrights 5+5 meal plan, it is essentially
focused on eating protein and vegetables for breakfast (preferably between 7-9am)
when the bodys pH is in an acid cycle. This leaves the body ample time for protein
digestion, utilization during the day when we are moving around so lymph can
bring amino acids to the tissues for building. Then overnight the body is cleansed
more thoroughly and sleep is better, because the body is not made acid by protein
intake later in the day.
The ProVita way is to not eat protein after 2pm and to not eat it with
carbohydrates. The carbohydrate portion of the diet is eaten later in the day as it
produces serotonin, which tends to make us sleepy anyways. Some people have
their evening meal as just fruit salad, which is after all the most cleansing and easily
digested thing to eat before night. Instead protein is eaten along with vegetables in
a 5+5 fashion. One cooked protein source and 4 raw proteins are eaten along with
one cooked green vegetable and 4 raw vegetables.
The point about timing the major meal is quite simple. Protein foods are best introduced
to the body early in the day, so they become available when we want to be active and
productive. Carbohydrates and alkaline foods are best eaten in the meal preceding sleep,
because they are more sedative in their effect. These foods also support the cleansing of
the acidic metabolic wastes during sleep. Jack Tips, The ProVita Plan, p.174
It takes approximately 8 hours for proteins to be digested, assimilated,
humanized by the liver and made available to the cells, provided that the liver
is healthy. So exercise is best taken 8 hours after the protein breakfast meal. The
lymphathics can then deliver proteins to the cells during the building cycle, which
lasts till around midnight, and then the body switches to cleansing cycle. Proteins
eaten later in the day interfere with the cleansing cycle, create hypoxia during
sleep, have missed out on the building cycle and become toxic wastes which the
body has to expend a lot of energy and resources in order to get rid of. Then with
the extra toxic load the body tends to want to continue cleansing till 11am the next
day to cleanup the residue from yesterdays maldigestion.
The 8-hour metabolic cycles proceed as follows:
7am3pm: Process nutrients (eat, digest)
3pm11pm: Use nutrients (build, exercise)
11pm7 am: Cleanse cellular wastes (rest)
The Pro-Vita system builds strong protein metabolism, strong adrenals, avoids
blood sugar fuctuations and makes for a higher energy, more productivity and
positive emotions. Eating carbohydrates for breakfast works against the bodys
natural pH cycle exhausts the adrenals and sets one up for energy crashes,
addictions and lowered immunity. Carbohydrates provide quick superfcial energy
but because they create weak tissue integrity they do not build vibrant health.
This weak tissue is exactly what you dont want when kundalini fres mega-
volts through your system. So it stands to reason that we should work with nature
and eat a protein breakfast so that it is ready for the anabolic-building phase,
and consume carbohydrates later in the day. Doing this one thing we can master
a kundalini awakening so much easier. Ideally we should aim for strong tissue
integrity prior to awakening kundalini, but if its already awakened the need for
disciplined, mindful attention to building integrity is vital to our survival and
preservation of health and spiritual welfare.
If we work in accord with these natural cycles. Nature rewards us with better health
and longevity. If, in contrast, we fght or live in confict with our natural cycles, then
dispassionate nature allows only the survival of the fttest. Jack Tips, The ProVita
Plan, p.110
ProVita sUmmarY
Our diet should give us more physical and essential energy than we had before
Because we live on the energy in our food, the ionization of food is an
important factor. High quality growing method, and freshness from the feld
is vitally important for this reason.
How we transform our food into energy determines the quality of our energy.
Eat protein early in the day, in small portions, with a variety of vegetables,
with a small amount of high quality oil, without carbohydrates or liquids and
do not snack of protein.
Protein digesting enzymes are available in the morning. If protein is eaten
later in the day the enzymes have to be constructed which deprives other
enzymatic functions.
Protein toxicity must be cleansed through the bowel, lymphathics, liver and
kidneys causing a lot of stress on the body.
Proteins generate an acid feld, and if eaten late in the day acid pH interferes
with the sleep cycle, depriving the brain of oxygen and causing tossing and
70% of the bodys dry weight is protein. Proteins in addition to providing
energy, build tissue and healthy immune system, while carbohydrates do not
build and refned sugars destroy.
Use low-stress proteins, that is those with short chains of molecules that are
easy to digest. (High-stress proteins include meats, cooked cheese, unsoaked
nuts, peanuts, unfermented soy beans).
Low-stress proteins include: soft cooked eggs, feta cheese, raw milk cottage
cheese, miso, tofu, tempeh, slow cooked (ie: without boiling) sprouted wild
rice, slow cooked sprouted beans, shellfsh, scallops, shrimp, fsh, soaked
blended nuts, blue-green algae, sea vegetables, sprouts, green-coconut milk,
organic beef and chicken.
Quinoa has excellent reserves of protein, and like the other non-grains
buckwheat and amaranth, is not missing the amino acid lysine, so the protein
is more complete. Quinoa offers more iron than other grains and contains
high levels of potassium and ribofavin, as well as other B vitamins: B6,
niacin, and thiamin. It is also a good source of magnesium, zinc, copper, and
manganese, and has some folate (folic acid).
Prepare proteins in ways that makes them easier to digest such as fermenting,
marinating, slow/light cooking, steaming and poaching as opposed to frying.
65%-75% of the Pro-Vita system is vegetables, yet it is crucial to focus on
the proper administration of protein as the difference between sickness and
Vegetables assist with protein digestion/assimilation/elimination. They add
enzyme-rich bulk to buffer the concentrated acid-producing proteins. Act
as an intestinal broom and prevent putrefaction. At least 65% of vegetables
should be raw to conserve enzymes.
For proper cellular metabolism we require the correct fuel, correct pH, the
correct oxidation rate and the clean removal of metabolic wastes.
Excessive amounts of animal or vegetable protein are destructive to the body,
affect pH and ultimately lead to disease.
Protein toxicity occurs from eating unbalanced, heavy proteins, at the wrong
time, with the wrong combinations of food and with low lymph movement
from lack of exercise.
Dietary stress weakens the gastrointestinal mucosa, inhibits the livers
function, clogs the lymphatic system, taxes the kidneys and damages the heart
and brain.
pH is perhaps the most important biological factor, because all process in the
body are pH specifc. pH deviations mean we may not get nutrition from
food due to dormant enzymes that need a certain pH in which to work.
At 7.46 pH the blood is able to transport the most amount of oxygen and
carry off the most amount of metabolic wastes. pH governs the oxygen supply
to determine the rate of metabolism.
Insulin functions best at a certain pH range 7.79-8.02. Insulin controls how
much glucose enters the cells and thus regulates the fuel supply and metabolic
Essential fatty acids, active in metabolism and protein building, are derived
mostly from seeds and nuts. Expeller pressed faxseed oil like Barleans is also
added to the diet around 2 Tbs per day.
Those undergoing a radical awakening may need two other books by Jack Tips also:
The Next Step To Greater EnergyA Unique Perspective on Bioenergy, Addictions
and Transformation. Your LiverYour Lifeline! PassionPlay, Manifest your dreams
with the 7-minute mirror technique this is the very best manifestation book out
Everything in the universe runs in cycles, for it is a polar universe, so everything
spins in spirals from pole to pole. Kundalini follows the cosmic cycles of the seasons
and gravitational tide of sun and moon, and is infuenced by the sunspot cycle and
weather. And yet even though it is cyclic, if the awakening is a permanent rising
of life energy, the blissful heat of kundalini will stay with us for life. Especially if
you are a raw-foodist and generally look after your health - the fre of life will be
a constant companion. It rises up occasionally to greater intensity as the Muse
impresses us with in-spiration, then it slowly backs down allowing us time to rest
and recuperate. Inspiration, expiration is the breathing of consciousness as it unfolds
into temporal existence. Its part of the humor of the Tao that excess endorphins
leads to depression and anhedonia. Eventually, however, the chemistry will clear
itself if you are aware of the cyclic nature of the metabolic process and dont get
depressed about being depressed. Part of the down cycle of extreme ecstasy is to
feel pain and discomfort in the body. During the down cycles you might fnd pain
relief with willow bark and meadowsweet if you still have pain.
Alkalinize, remineralize, oxygenate, exercise, water, sunlight, negative ion
sources-natural moving water, ocean water, bright green-redorange natural raw
foodsthese will reduce pain. Your pain is not just due to your injures and insults,
but also dehydration, diet and the slow depletion of energy (enzymes) and resources
(minerals, hormones, neurotransmitters) in dealing with your life-conditions. For
an experiment try to cut all grains and sugar from the diet, and only have about 1
cup of sweet fruit or sweet vegetables (corn, carrot, beets) per day. If you do this
along with radically increasing your raw greens intake your pain levels will drop
within days.
Sugar makes the nerves more sensitive to pain and dismantles protein structures
in the body; it also encourages yeast which produces toxins that increase pain. You
will fnd pain and depression will lift by dropping the majority of carbohydrates
from your diet. Grains are for the birds not for apes like us humans, they should
only be used for occasional use like once or twice a month at that. Also try to
use easily digestible dairy such as yogurt and feta so you dont deplete the bodys
enzyme supply.
Calcium is the major mineral for pain and damage control in the body
and it is especially necessary during the catabolic breakdown of tissues during
metamorphosis. Save your egg shells, grind them and put the powder in your
potting mix for growing sprouts. I eat mostly green buckwheat sprouts and wheat
grass for juice, other sprouts dont interest me much. An increase in calcium/
magnesium in the blood will reduce painSilicon also reduces pain by improving
connective tissue strength, repairing the lining of the GI tract and improving the
insulating layer of the nerves. Silicon is transmuted into calcium in the body,
silicon rich herbs are: Nettle, Oat straw, Horsetail, Eyebright, Cornsilk, Comfrey,
Lemon grass, Ginger.
In my experience Olive Leaf helps to build cell membranes and the myelin
sheath of nerves protecting against infammation (free radicals) and so reduces
pain and the raw-nerve exposure feeling of the body. Try to grow olive trees
wherever you go, dry the leaves, grind, sift and put into capsules. Ginkgo, Gotu
kola, Ginseng, Echinacea and Golden seal should also be grown.
Milk thistle will help the liver to detoxify, once the liver is healed this helps all
tissues to reinstate their integrity. A happy liver is a pain free body. By boosting
both zinc and selenium this will increase free radical (antioxidant) protection
thereby reduce pain. By aiding the adrenal glands licorice will also reduce pain,
as will Gingko by improving circulation and oxygen supply. White willow (Salix
Alba) is the original source of aspirin. The bark of white willow has a longer half-
life in the body than aspirin does and doesnt create heartburn or stomach ulcers.
Willow Bark, Meadowsweet and Feverfew is a common mixture used by arthritis
suffers. Get some pure real rosemary oil and rub into your neck, shoulders, spine,
feet and calves. Grow rosemary and capsulate it also, and use it as a tea or in food,
its a major antioxidant and nerve protector.
Papaya/banana smoothies also reduce pain in my experience, perhaps due to
Beta Carotene and enzymatic energy lift. I have a feeling that papaya leaf/seeds will
also reduce pain. The papain enzyme found in papaya can readily digest protein
in either and acid, alkaline or neutral medium. Both fat, carbohydrate and protein
digestion is helped by papaya. Papain is also a powerful mucus solvent that helps
to cleanse the intestinal walls and tissues of waste matter. Papain has the ability
to breakdown proteins and converts some of it into Arginine which increases
Growth Hormone Release. Plant enzymes powders of papain and bromelain can
be bought n bulk from to sprinkle over meals and add to smoothies
etcthey are good to take with any food or supplement to improve digestion and
Anything GREEN reduces pain by increasing oxygen and by alkalinizing,
remineralizing and detoxifying. Raw cabbage reduces pain very effectively by
helping the liver, it can be added to daily vegetable juice intake. Anything that
buffers and alkalinizes acids/toxins/free radicals will reduce pain. The ionic effect of
clay does this, either taken internally or as a clay mask, body-pack, or bath. Baths
made from a tea of ginger root, peppermint (is cooling and boosts energy), catnip,
chamomile, borage, comfrey, basil etc.will reduce pain. Also 1 Tablespoon of
Caster oil added to the bath helps the body to gently detoxify and leads to a feeling
of expansion. Mineral salts from thermal areas or Himalayan salt added to the bath
will also reduce pain and provide energy. Epsom salts and Baking Soda, 1 cup of
each in a bath will rapidly relieve pain.
Happiness and Painkiller tea: White Willow Bark, Peppermint, Catnip, Lemon
balm, Plantain, Magnolia bark, Meadowsweet, Nettle, Horsetail, Peppermint,
Tulsi (Indian basil), Ashitaba, Passionfower, California poppy.
otHer HerBs For Pain: Aloe extract, Gentian, Bitter melon, Nutmeg, Saw-
wort, Grapeseed, Bamboo sap, Codonopsis, Saffron, Clove, Pomegranate, Juniper,
Kava Kava, Sheeps Sorrel, Olive Leaf, Valerian root, Wild Yam, Garlic, Lemon
balm, Catnip, Chaparral, Chamomile, Yucca root, Borage, California poppy,
Mullen, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm, White Oak Bark, Licorice, Peppermint.
Cardamom, Dong quai and Angelica have warming, blood and chi moving
properties. Chi made with Pau dArco, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cardamom and clove
chi is good for arthritis type pains, giving a warming grounding feeling. Feverfew
might be useful to counter the effect of excessive opiate production, dizziness,
brain and nerve pressure from an overactive nervous system. It is bitter so needs to
be capsulated. Meadowsweet normalizes acid levels in the stomach.
sPiceY DiGestiVe tea
This is an incredible tea to help all those with nausea, pain, digestive, coldness
or circulation conditions and kundalini. If you want orange peel you might have
to make and dry your own. You can also grind this tea fne and chug a teaspoon of
the powder in a shot glass of apple juice to help reduce GI pain and infammation,
increase digestive fre and prevent nausea and dizziness.
Bulk Recipe for Digestive Tea:
6 oz Dried Ginger Root
4 oz Slippery Elm
4 oz Flax Seed
2 oz Cinnamon
4 oz Rose Hips
2 oz Chamomile
1 oz Clove
1 oz Cardamom
Optional: Small amount of dried orange peel.
Grind any of these that are not already powder in a coffee grinder and combine
the powders. Note that herbs and spices are more potent if you buy them as cut
or seed and grind them yourself. Keep in a jar in the fridge. In a saucepan heat
water and 1 tsp of tea mixture per serving at a low temperature for 15-30 minutes.
Then add apple juice to taste and heat to drinking temperature. You can use the
mixture twice, making a less strong tea the second time so just add less liquid.
This tea in combination with taking a papaya enzyme tablet with every meal and
bentonite clay in the evening will greatly reduce weakness and nausea derived from
disrupted digestion/elimination. Good for pregnancy morning sickness also. If you
are kundalini active you might want to keep your apple juice intake to a bare
minimum due to the sugarI got a debilitating left-brain spazz going the day after
I took 6 oz of apple juice in this tea. Raw apples do not give this effect, it is just
the fact that the apple juice is cookedhence the sugar is pasteurized or altered
from its natural state. Rawfoodists and kundi-actives can get around this by adding
some raw, fresh apple juice to the already made tea to sweeten it if desired.
tUrninG it oFF
I started out looking for a way to stop or reduce kundalini nutritionally, because
it is maladaptive to survival in our current society. But if one uses glycine, taurine
and GABA (neuro-inhibiting amino acids) this just makes one nauseous, heavy,
dull headed and stoned, which adds, to the already overwhelming symptoms of
kundalini. So it appears that rather than the counter-attack of directly taking
neuro-inhibitor amino acids, a better approach would be to support the existing
neurochemistry, aim for maximum free radical protection and do a variety of
relaxing practices to bring the parasympathetic into balance with the sympathetic
nervous system.
Since kundalini is the energy of evolution, turning it off is counterproductive.
However if someone is maladapted to it and cant fnd adequate coping mechanisms,
or raise higher homeostasis to balance the degree of spiritual acceleration, some
things that might be used to reduce kundalini are:
The primary way to reduce kundalini symptoms is to halt the intake of all
carbohydrates except green and non-starchy vegetables. This means stopping
all sugars including fruit and grains.
The serotonin precursor L-trytophan (5-HTP) might reduce kundalini
awakenings, but both sleep and relaxed states dont seem to inhibit kundalini
Increasing carbohydrate intake in an effort to increase the neuro-inhibitor
serotonin, will not reduce but will amplify kundalini.
Research needs to be done with the hormones relaxin and melatonin to see
how they affect the manic or hyper stages of Kundalini.
GABA is an antianxiety amino acid can be purchased from and also is made in the body from the amino
acid Glutamine.
Glycine and taurine might be used to stop kundalini however it appears that
simply taking things that increase the nerve off-switches may produce nausea,
dull headedness and head pain rather than turning off kundi.
Tyrosine, Vipocetine/hydergine, glycine and taurine might contribute to
Supplements that seem to help limbic hyperactivity are DL-phenylalanine
(DLPA), L-tyrosine, and S-Adenosyl-Methionine (SAMe).
The herbs feverfew, kava kava and valerian might have neuro-inhibiting
potential during the hyperactive phases of kundalini.
MorphineChristina Grof said the morphine turned off her childbirth kundi
Lithium Orotate might be considered under medical supervision in
circumstances of extreme maladaption to kundalini. Lithium is stored in the
pituitary, ovaries, thyroid and adrenal glands. It may play a role in fertility
and in cellular uptake of glucose. Lithium therapy may induce indigestion,
weight gain, water retention (oedema not treatable with diuretics).
There is a good chance that since lysine blocks NMDA glutamate receptors it
might reduce nerve excitation.
sUPerFooD smootHies
For a kundalini active even a normal vegetarian raw diet is inadequateit
takes superfoods to keep up with the kundalini fre and to build the Spiritual
Body. Smoothies are a great way to get maximum nutrition for the least amount
of metabolic effort.
smootHie Base miX
1 lb Raw Cacao Powder, 1 lb Maca root, 1 lb Spirulina, 1 lb Goji Berry Powder,
4oz non-GM Lecithin granules, 4oz Rosehip powder, 4oz Slippery Elm powder,
4oz Olive Leaf powder, 4oz Alfalfa leaf powder, 4oz Moringa Oleifera leaf powder,
4 oz Nettle leaf powder, 4oz Chamomile powder, 4oz Corn Silk Powder, 2oz
Apple Pectin Powder, 4oz Papain Powder, 4 oz Bromelain Powder, 1 oz Kelp
Other things you might add to the smoothie base include Orange zest powder,
Wild fower-Bee pollen, rice bran, wheatgerm, raw Carob powder and a touch
of Cayenne pepper. Another exciting addition to your smoothie base is Lucuma
Powder. This exotic Peruvian fruit has strong fragrance and a full-bodied maple
like favor and is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fber, vitamins and minerals,
including high levels of beta-carotene, niacin and iron. Purple Power Muscadine
Grape Skin Powder is high in antioxidants including resveratrol and quercetin.
Use a coffee grinder to grind anything that is not powder. Mix all the ingredients
together and keep in a container in the fridge.
Protein For YoUr smootHie
The word protein comes from the Greek prota meaning of primary importance.
Proteins are linear polymers built from various proportions of the 22 different L--
amino acids. Eight of these amino acids are classifed as essential because our bodies
cannot synthesize them, so they must be obtained in the daily diet. Complete
proteins contain all the essential amino acids. Proteins are the chief actors within
the cell, carrying out duties specifed by the genes. Our bodies recycle approximately
80% of our protein; cooked protein is denatured and largely unusable. Enzymes
are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. For digesting protein the enzymes
from vegetarian sources (papain, bromelain) are more effective than from animal
sources; raw kiwifruit is also rich in the protein-dissolving enzyme actinidin.
inferior manufactured Proteins
I found that when I used soy powder and whey powder (even the low heat
variety) that I would wake up with a dull headache in the back of the neck and
feel congested. Dr. John Ray found that synthetic amino acid formulations
(containing L-form amino acids) tend to be associated with regression of the iris
fbers, indicating a decrease of vitality in the body tissues. He also found that many
of the body-building protein powders (whey and fractionated egg-white) seem to
produce lymphatic congestion, indicating congestion of the intracellular spaces
with undigested material. There is evidence that hydrolyzed protein fragments
(peptides) cross the small intestine and reach peripheral tissue via the circulation. If
denatured manufactured proteins are largely unusable, fragments of them will end
up clogging the lymphatic system. Soy-based protein concentrates are also advised
against as they contain antinutrients and goitrogens. Soy also contains Trypsin
inhibitors that interfere with protein digestion, not to mention the phytoestrogens
that stimulate cancer growth.
More reasons why not to include dairy and soy products in your diet and
smoothies. We have heard that most adults cannot digest the lactose in dairy, but
perhaps you have not yet heard about Insulin-like Growth Factor. Insulin-like
Growth Factor stimulates weight gain and contributes to cancer development,
faster growth and earlier agingand it is found in high amounts in dairybecause
milk is meant for stimulating the fast growth of young animals. But it is even higher
in soy according to John McDougall, MD. Also carbohydrates/sugar increase
cancer rates because high blood sugar and insulin levels result in an elevation of
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, which raises the risk of cancer. www.drmcdougall.
so how do we get our protein?
Following are some raw protein suggestions that you can add to your smoothie
instead of using manufactured protein powders. To gain maximum beneft while
eliminating the enzyme inhibitors, it is best to either soak and/or sprout nuts and
seeds prior to grinding for your smoothie. One way you can do this is to put 14
cup (one smoothie worth) of your seed/nut mix in a yogurt container with lots
of little holes poked in the bottom. Put this inside another yogurt container and
cover the seeds and nuts with water. I usually only soak my seeds and nuts for
about 4 hours. Then throw out the soak water and grow on in the fridge for a day
or two. A blender grinds the plant protein mix up perfectly, thus this seed/nut
mixture is ideal in a smoothie to provide adequate protein, without the morning
neck headache and lymphatic congestion of the manufactured protein powders.
Protein suggestions
Following is a list of the protein contained in 100g:
Cashews-17.2g, Almonds-16.9g, Apricot kernels-27.5g, Peanuts-24.3g, Pine nuts-
14g, Pistachios-19.3g, Pumpkin seeds-29g, Sesame seeds-26.4g, Sunfower seeds-
24g, Flax seeds-25-30 g, Hemp seed-33g, Goji berries-15g, Maca root-10g, Carob-
18.g, Raw Cacao 17.8g, Spirulina-70g, Alfalfa leaf-20g and Alfalfa sprouts-35g.
Buckwheat seed-11.36g; Free amino acid contents in buckwheat sprouts are almost
four-times higher than those of buckwheat seeds. Wheatgerm-23g protein. Sweet
nutty favored raw Mesquite powder-1117g protein. Acai Berries-7g, Lucuma-
12.5g. You can also add a fresh raw organic egg to your smoothie for protein.
nutritional Yeast is 55% protein, contains B12, 1-3 glucans and glutathione.
Nutritional yeast is the most concentrated source of nutrition of any known
food, resembling the composition the normal cells of the human body. It is the
very best iron food there is, having more of this vital factor than any other food,
including liver. It sounds good in theory, but we must remember that it is a highly
processed product that is made from yeast grown on non organic sugar beets and
cane molasses, then pasteurized and dehydrated. Thus it is not exactly raw nor
fresh and may be a neurotoxin and kidney irritant. If you take nutritional yeast be
observant as to its effects. You can get a B vitamin boost via the use of freshly made
cereal-ear sun tea.
maKinG tHe smootHie
To make a smoothie start out with a handful of sprouted buckwheat seeds and
your soaked protein seed-nut mix in the blender with a small amount of chilled
water. Other liquids you can use are buckwheat goop (made in a colander system
in the fridge), herb tea, banana stem juice or coconut waterbut make sure they
are cold as warm smoothies are not as appetizing. Then add more liquid and fruit
such as Goji berries (wolfberries), banana, pineapple, papaya, mango, orange, fresh
orange zest and berries. Leave the skins on mango, the white rind on oranges, but
remove the skin from papaya. Then add about cup of your Smoothie Base Mix
and blend. Acai berry can be purchased in the frozen berry section at Wild Oats
or Wholefoods. It tastes a little like fatty unsweetened chocolate, and presents the
ultimate fnal note to a superfood smoothiehowever you do have to make sure
the other fruit you use, such as banana and orange, have a high sugar content.
If you need extra sweetener use Yacon root syrup and pour into a large glass
and suck slowly through a straw. Yacon root syrup is an alternative glucose free
sweetener and prebiotic with few calories, it has a unique fructooligosacaride (FOS)
carbohydrate composition. Like mesquite, the sweetness in yacon root comes from
fructose, which the body can process without insulin, thereby stabilizing blood
sugar level. You want to make sure you are not taking in excessive additional sugar
and carbohydrates in your diet when you do the smoothies, because they are so
readily available to the body.
Avoid candida by stopping any processed sugar or cooked carbohydrates;
make raw fruit your only sugar and no more than 3 pieces a day. During the peak
especially we have to stay away from sugar, aspartame and cooked carbohydrates
to prevent immune suppression and excitotoxic nerve damage. Thus even fruit
should be used in moderation to avoid candida and over excitation of the nervous
system by excess glutamate. But usually we can easily handle one large smoothie
a day...with say one orange, one banana and 1 tbsp of wolfberries as the sugar
Adding apple pectin powder to your smoothie will slow down the sugar
uptake, thus pectin has the ability to regulate blood glucose levels, and has an
anti-infammatory effect in the bowel. Another attribute of pectin is its ability
to decrease the bodys fat absorption, thus lowering cholesterol levels; enhances
cell uniformity, reducing the occurrence of malignancy. Because it contains large
amounts of silicon it helps to return synovial and other connective tissue to their
previously smooth, elastic, lubricated condition. However if you like to drink
more than one large smoothie a day, you need to add less pectin powder, because
it swells in the intestines like nothing else.
The adjustment to daily smoothies only takes a few days of dizziness and a
gurgley tummy. Drinking ginger root tea might set the dizziness problem straight.
Also to avoid initial dizziness you might need to balance the extra detoxifcation
and super-nutrition of the smoothie with more greens and bitters. Perhaps fnding
local wild plants like dandelion leaves or watercress to put into your salads. If you
are not doing fresh wheatgrass juice shots, then you may want to add dried green
powder such as Barley greens to the smoothie base. One smoothie in the morning
and one salad in the afternoon/evening is all the food I can handle.
If you feel your energy is too sympathetically activated (eg: palpitations, heat,
sweating, tingles, high blood pressure, insomnia etc...) then put some kava kava,
valerian leaf, chamomile, raspberry leaf powders into your smoothie base mix. This
way you can take your superfood smoothie and your calming agents at the same
time. When our sympathetic nervous system is activated there are periods in our
awaking when our immune system is weaker, making us vulnerable to yeast and
urinary tract infections etc You might want to add D-mannose to your smoothie
base or add a couple of teaspoons of D-Mannose powder to your smoothie if
you are going through radical kundalini events, especially when there is a lot of
pressure or electrical activity going on in the head. D-Mannose helps to provide
the neurons with extra energy and thereby reduces neuron death from excitotoxic
damage by inadequate reuptake of the neurotransmitter glutamate and calcium.
D-Mannose is a sugar that is used to alleviate urinary tract infections by binding to
and eliminating bacteria. If you have a urinary tract infection dont drink cranberry
juice as it has too high a sugar content...go buy some D-Mannose powder from
a health food store...and put it into your smoothie. Fortunately D-Mannose does
not raise blood sugar or cause yeast infection.
WHY raW cHocolate PoWDer
Cacao or raw chocolate powder contains favanols that increase blood fow
to the brain for a two to three-hour period and may hold promise for treating
some vascular impairments and cognitive function. The increase in brain blood
supply should improve nutrition to the brain and consequent cognitive function.
The favonols in chocolate help the body to produce nitric oxide, a compound
essential for proper cardiac function, muscle building and sexuality. Over 955
ORAC Units (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of antioxidants are found
in each gram of raw organic cacao powder! Compared with goji (wolfberries),
another high antioxidant food which have only 253 ORAC Units per gram. Raw
cacao improves the bodys ability to metabolize sugar. It also contains Arginine,
Tryptophan, phenylethylamine (PEA), and the most magnesium of any common
food. As well as the mood enhancing PEA, cacao also increases serotonin, making
raw cacao a fabulous natural antidepressant.
The best quality raw chocolate powder is produced by David Wolfes Natures
First Law and Wilderness Family Naturals as they make sure the processing
temperature never gets high enough to destroy the nutrients and create bitterness.
smootHie resoUrces Natures First Law-The best quality Raw Cacao! Raw Cacao Mesquite, Lucuma, Yacon syrup Wolfberry or Lycium Fruit (Goji) $5.95/lb) Spirulina powder 1 lb $12.00 Kelp powder Purple Power - Muscadine Grape Skin Powder a great bulk herb company with a fantastic supply of
various supplements and herbs including apple pectin, papain powder, bromelain
powder and most of the herbs you need for the smoothie base mix, except for the
low-heat manufactured raw cacao powder.
Read articles by Mark Rojek on Enzyme Nutrition Therapy on the web. Great article on the necessity for raw
single vitamin or mineral can throw us out of balance. To avoid this it is best to base
our nutritional program a good multivitamin and mineral. If you are not already
making a multimineral you might consider taking one for the minerals like zinc
and selenium necessary to protect tissues during these high-pressure times. Zinc
is involved in over 200 brain enzyme interactions. Other ways of remineralizing
include adding ionic minerals (sea solids) into our drinking water and kelp
powder. Some minerals are more easily absorbed when chelated to an amino acids.
A high performance bodybuilding multivitamin may be suitable considering that
kundalini awakenings demand the type of extra nutrition perhaps of a professional
athlete or body builder. says that Universal Animal Pak is
the number one best selling supplement program for body builders. Dont just take
extra of a cheaper multi-formula or you may overdo certain elements. Make sure
you dont overdo the RDA, for example Zinc would be 12 mg for females, 15 mg
for males, and a maximum of 200 mcg selenium per day. A safe dose of Calcium
is about 1 gm a day.
taYlorinG sUPPlements to metamorPHosis
To make your own protocol select only those that seem right for you according
to your stage and symptoms. The hotter your kundalini is, the more antioxidants
you will need to take. To create more specialized neurological formulas for kundalini
awakenings, research will have to be done. Different stages of metamorphosis require
slight changes, and each type of awakening requires a different protocol, not to
mention individual differences in physiology. You dont need to go overboard and
include a multitude of substances in your kundalini adaptation program. Even
if you only use kelp, ginseng, gotu kola, olive leaf, echinacea and ginkgo, these
few herbs will greatly ease and facilitate the alchemy. Whatever you do, always
look back to basics of green juices, kelp, spirulina, fsh oil and wheatgrass as the
foundation to whatever other supplementation you might like to add.
The Five Formulas for Kundalini are only a preliminary set of formulas I
devised for myself, which others will improve upon with research. I can suggest a
broad outline for how these formulas maybe used during a kundalini awakening.
For a full-on awakening I recommend a protocol that covers the essential areas to
facilitate higher homeostasis: remineralization, antioxidants, collagen protection,
conjugation of toxins and metabolites, adaptogenic support and nervous system
The Calm Formula #1 is taken on an empty stomach frst thing in the morning
to support the neurotransmitters, taken with tsp of the Antioxidant Formula #2.
In fact you can just divide the antioxidant formula in half and put half in with the
Calm #1 and half in with the Nootropic #3. Take the Nootropics at a convenient
time for you in the morning, but not later in the day or it might keep you awake.
Nutritional Herbal Formula #4 is largely of adaptogenic herbs and supplements
that are too bitter to be taken uncapsulated. Cleansing Formula #5 is support,
buffering and mildly cleansing herbs to betaken in the evening. Note there is some
repetition due to the fact that the formulas are built to stand on their own; you
may want to eliminate the repetitions in your own program.
I recommend Calm Formula #1 for periods of acute stress or the peak stage
of kundalini to reduce the over stimulation of the nervous system with associated
panic and anxiety attacks. However after a period of time, I found it necessary to
adopt the nootropic formula to recover the functional edge of the brain. The Calm
Formula #1 doesnt make one more intelligent just less anxious, disturbed and
panicky. It probably takes the edge of both the ecstatic highs and the terrifc lows. I
only took this formula for one year during the peak to reduce panic attacks.
The main precaution with taking supplements during kundalini is to avoid
taking stimulants during the peak or hyper phase. So until we know more about
the chemistry of the acute phase of kundalini, it might be best to avoid stimulating
nootropics during the 6 month peak. Formula #1 and protective nootropics can be
taken at any time along with the antioxidants and herbs. With this caution in mind
I suggest that the nootropic formula #3 be taken once kundalini hyperactivity is
backing off and you are staring to head into the down cycle. It is also good to not
take the nootropics on your weekend and down time.
If we reduce things that stimulate adrenaline and stress hormone production
like caffeine and sugar we can remain on a more even keel during the peak and
reduce the severity of the burnout during the down cycle. Depending on ones
prior condition and adaptation capacity, I would say that fve years after a full-
on awakening you could probably cut back to just a multivitamin-mineral, B-
complex and herbs. I myself am attempting to stop using manmade supplements
and concentrate mainly on superfoods and herbs. I have no negative side effects
from taking these formulas as they are, but I had to eliminate taurine, glycine,
and tyrosine out of my formula cause they made me dozy, stoned and nauseous;
somehow interfering with prefrontal lobe function. I am not sure exactly which
one was the culprit, but getting rid of all of them solved the problem.
It cannot be stressed enough that diet, exercise and integral spiritual practice
is the foundation of our ability to use these times of spiritual acceleration to our
advantagethat is to skillfully ride the wave. Besides supplements I recommend
practices and experiences to boost mood, brain function, interest and involvement.
During an awakening, sensory and motor stimulation is of prime importance, as is
communitywe can think of the entire phenomenal world as our pharmacy.
You might want to use readymade herb formulas such as these www.tibetanherbs.
com/herbalsupplements.html You can buy most of the supplements from BAC or
WARNING; The enzyme monamine oxidase breaks down certain
neurotransmitters, while MAO inhibitors reduce this oxidation, thereby increasing
the concentration of these substances in the brain. Those who are bipolar, have
epilepsy or depression or are taking antidepressant Monoamine Oxidase (MAO)
inhibitors, or anticonvulsants need to consult their doctor before establishing a
kundalini supplement protocol. If you are taking MAO inhibitors you can cause
a severe drop in blood pressure if you take sedatives, tranquilizers, antihistamines,
narcotics or alcohol. Passionfower and St Johns Wort are MAO inhibitors.
When you start taking nootropics you might feel a little kick as your brain
starts to power up. This will give you more energy to ride the waves, however if it
is choppy water, you will feel the waves more. Many of us are used to zoning out
and going numb rather than powering up to meet the storm...heck if we blah-out
enough we dont even realize we are in shark infested storm waters. Thus until you
stabilize with the supplements at a higher order of performance it is best to take
plenty of nature walks and grass lying time for the frst few weeks. To learn more
about nootropics go to The Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute website at and follow Ward Dean M.D. and his smart drug books and articles
It appears with nootropics that you need to balance them with increased greens,
fsh oil, spirulina and other superfoods...for you cant wring more water out of a
dried up sponge. Meaning that we have to think of detox, remineralization and
building high integrity of resources and structures before we try and get more juice
and effciency out of our cognitive machine. When stimulating the nervous system
with aphrodisiacs, nootropics or entheogens we also need to keep up blood sugar
by not spiking it with sudden sugar intakes or high doses of caffeine. To prevent
swings in our blood sugar during heightened chemistry of any kind, we can eat
Sunfower Seeds throughout the day and pop a couple of spirulina tabs every hour.
Sunfower seeds are high in lecithin.
4. HerBal sUPPort FormUla:
Adaptogens for hormones, liver, free radical protection and increasing energy.
Put powders in 000 capsules and take 3-6 daily. Store the bulk of your formula in
the fridge until capsulated.
Alpha lipoic acid, Ashitaba, Beta carotene-mixed carotenoids, Dong quai, Echinacea,
Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng), Ginger, Ginkgo, Gotu kola, Grape seed extract,
Graviola, Horsetail, Kelp, Licorice, Moringa oleifera leaf, Neem leaf, Nettle leaf,
Olive leaf, Pine bark extract, Raw propolis powder, Rosemary, Rhodiola rosea,
Spirulina, Tumeric, Wild Yam root.
*Alpha lipoic acid and Beta carotene are added to this formula because they are too
unpalatable to be taken in water with formula 2. Also take 2 Tablespoons Ground
Flax seed or fax seed oil, hemp seed and/or fsh oil for EFAs; but these can be
added to your Superfood Smoothie.
5. cleansinG HerB FormUla:
To assist with the buffering and removal of metabolites without using any
harsh colon-type cleansers. Take 1 tsp per day in a shot glass of water. Or mix into
your herbal support formula along with spirulina, kelp powder and keep in the
fridge until you capsulate them.
Amla powder, Barberry root, Buckthorn bark, Burdock root and seed, Camu camu
powder, Cardamon, Citrus peel powder, Clove, Corn silk, Dandelion root, Devils
claw, Licorice root. Nettle leaf, Plantain leaf, Red Clover, Rosehips, Saw-wort
(Saussurea), Slippery Elm, Triphala, Wild oregano, Yarrow, Yellow dock root, Yucca
root. Milk Thistle seed, Schizandra berry, gentian for the liver. Pomegranate peel
powder if you can make it yourself.
These formulas should reduce the digestive stress that occurs with kundalini,
but if one still has digestive problems consider taking slippery elm, chamomile,
marshmallow, faxseed tea, cinnamon, garlic, grapefruit seed extract. (See more
digestive aids listed at the end of this book).
Included in the companion book BOK-2, is the Lightbody Formula which
helps prevent runaway necrosis. This formula is for increasing ecstasy endurance,
lucidity and assisting the body in its resistance to the oxidation and coagulation of
tissue (ie: the blackening in alchemical terms.)
Web Herb Suppliers:
A great basic overview of supplements is Bill Sardis The New Truth About Vitamins
and Minerals. I really enjoy Sardis progressive and penetrating works.
sUPPlement list
alPHa liPoic aciDAlpha lipoic acid is a completely natural molecule
that exists deep inside every cell of our bodiesan essential component of the
energy-producing part of a cell. It quickly enters the cell and protects it against
free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid is both water and fat-soluble, and so can fght free
radicals in any part of a cell and even in the space between cells and even protects
the DNA.
The antioxidant alpha lipoic acid helps to block such damage and it may
improve the glucose lowering action of insulin. By improving the regulation of
blood sugar glycation is reduced and our protein structures maintained. Alpha
lipoic acid increases blood fow to the nerves and improves the transmission of
nerve impulses. Many of the diffcult symptoms of kundalini can be improved
by the use of Alpha lipoic acid, especially during the acute phase to avoid nerve
damage, fatigue, infammation, numbness, tingling by supporting nerve growth
and liver function. This powerful antioxidant will help with heart strength,
liver toxicity, boost the immune system preserve brain cells, and help in energy
production. Alpha Lipoic Acid improves nerve blood fow, reduces oxidative
stress, and improves nerve conduction. It signifcantly lowers blood sugar levels
while increasing glycogen storage in muscles and liver. The brain is especially
susceptible to radical attack and crosslinking due to its high phospholipid content,
high energy metabolism and high oxygen usage. This is likely a huge factor in all
mental dysfunction including ADD, Alzheimers, senility, depression and stress.
For not only are the neurons impaired, their ability to produce neurotransmitters
and convey messages is diminished.
Alpha lipoic acid also regenerates the levels of vitamin C and E, glutathione
and coenzyme Q10. Alpha lipoic is vital for converting glutathione back and forth
from its oxidized to its reduced form. Besides its antioxidant function alpha lipoic
acid is the frst coenzyme necessary in the conversion of glucose to ATP, and helps
cells take up sugar and use it for fuel much more effciently. Since alpha lipoic acid
is found naturally in the mitochondria it can determine the rate of metabolism. A
higher energy level allows the cell to take in more nutrients, remove wastes, and
replace damaged components. Thereby Alpha lipoic counters aging by increasing
energy production, allowing the cell to uptake, detoxify and heal more effciently.
Plus it also helps prevent against insulin resistance and blood sugar regulation,
which also contributes to its anti-aging effects.
The Acetyl L-carnitine combined with Alpha Lipoic Acid protects both the
membranes and DNA of the mitochondria, and this is extra important during
kundalini. Suggested dose is 200 mg ALA and 500 mg acetyl-L-carnitine.
Considering the breakdown and reconstitution of cells during metamorphosis one
can assume that heavy metals, such as mercury, lead and cadmium, are freed to
roam and create untold oxidative damage; taking alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine
(NAC) will help chelate these metals so they can be removed from the body. Alpha
Lipoic helps to chelate and detoxify mercury, lead and cadmium. Alpha Lipoic acid
in loose powder form is unpalatable, however it is toned down by mixing it into
your herb mix and chugging it in a shot of apple juice. Otherwise encapsulate it
yourself or buy it already encapsulated.
Beta caroteneBeta-carotene is a member of the carotenoids, which are
highly pigmented (red, orange, yellow), fat-soluble compounds. It is necessary for
the kundalini active to have a diet high in carotenoid rich fruits and vegetables
to protect against ones own internal radiation and hyper-metabolism. You can
get mixed carotenoids from sea algaes such as Dunaliella salina or spirulina. The
beta carotene in these algaes is ten times more concentrated than in carrots, and
the recommended dose of algae is 5 to 6 mg daily. Beta carotene can aid in the
prevention of arthritis, cataracts, cancer, damage from UV radiation, and macular
degeneration. Other carotenoids in foods include lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene.
Watermelon is a better source of lycopene than tomatoes. Lutein is concentrated
in kale, collard greens, spinach and other leafy green vegetables. Lutein is fully as or
even more important to health than beta carotene; we need perhaps twice as much
lutein as beta carotene to stay healthy.
Beta Carotene is converted to Vitamin A in the body and stored in the liver;
then zinc mobilizes vitamin A stores when needed. While excessive Vitamin A
intake can be toxic, high doses of Beta Carotene have never been found to cause
such toxicity. The carotene in leafy greens such as spinach or kale is converted
to vitamin A about twice as effciently as the carotene in carrots and other root
vegetables. The bioavailability of Beta Carotene from supplements is believed to be
much higher than from foods. Marigold fowers are a rich source of the carotenoid
lutein, which helps optimize the antioxidant health of the eyes. Lutein is one of
the two primary pigments found in high concentrations in the macula, the center
of the retina where color vision and central vision are produced. The macula is
yellow in color due to the presence of lutein and the other pigment zeaxanthin.
The body does not synthesize lutein so the eye gradually loses lutein with age.
Goji Berries (Wolfberries) contain more protein than whole wheat, more
beta-carotene than carrots and 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges.
Goji is the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods or plants on Earth!
B17 (laetrile)Two of the dietary factors signifcantly lacking due to our
agricultural and food prep practices are B17 and Silica. Our ancestors would have
had abundant B17, however as modern humans we normally get very little. The
hunting, gathering lifestyle of the Paleolithic era was ideal for building strength
and preserving genetic information. Then about 10,000 years ago we discovered
that cooking grains, beans and roots like potatoes destroyed the toxins in them
and made them edible. Thus agriculture began, we depleted soils, breed crops for
taste and convenience and fnally ended up with chemical agriculture and genetic
Vitamin B17 (Nitrilosides) occurs abundantly in nature but because of its bitter
taste humans have eliminated the bitter substances like B17 by selection and cross-
breeding. High concentrations of B-17 are obtained by eating the natural foods
in their raw or sprouting stage. Vitamin B-17 is readily available in the diet of
cultures such as the Eskimos, the Hunzas, the Abkasians and these tribes are cancer
free. The Hunza do not contract cancer as long as they adhere to their native diet
which is exceptionally high in both Apricots and Millet. We need a minimum daily
intake of 100 mg of vitamin B-17 (the equivalent of about seven apricots seeds) to
be resistant to cancer.
Dr Ernst Krebs found that when we ingest a suffcient amount of laetrile (the
natural form is hydrocynacic acid), this substance becomes selectively toxic to
cancer cells. Laetrile is the proprietary name for one nitriloside. nitrilosides or
B17 are non-toxic water-soluble, accessory food factors found in abundance in the
seeds of almost all fruits. This vitamin is characterized by a large group of sugary
compounds found in over 800 plants, many of which are edible.
B17 is found in plentiful supply within the kernels (seeds) of many non-citrus
fruits, such as cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums and apples. However it is within
apricot seed that the highest concentrations of B17 can be found, up to 2 to 2.5
percent by weight in most varieties. A 170-lb man, for example, might consume
17 apricot or peach kernels per day and receive a biologically reasonable amount
of Vitamin B-17. The best Price $10.35lb Apricot Kernels: organicfruitsandnuts.
com/. Particularly for those with cancer it is important to consume papaya and
pineapple fruit or enzymes, as the natural enzymes strip the coating on the cancer
cells, so that the B17 in the kernels can work. Vitamins A and E are also important
for enhancing the work of the kernels. A pancreatic enzyme supplement is also
Other foods that contain vitamin B-17 include: Beans and other legumes,
most berries, buckwheat, oats, barley and ancient grains, and wheat grass. Bamboo
shoots, sorghum, yew leaves. B17 is also found in grassessuggest making cereal
sun tea this way you get a dose of silica and B17You can make a silica laden sun
tea from the ripe ears of wheat, millet, buckwheat, oats, barley and rye; or indeed
with many wild grasses. Wheat-ear sun tea seems to be even more energizing and
fortifying than wheatgrass itself, stabilizing both mind and body and eliminating
hunger. Most grains are acid forming except millet and buckwheat which are
considered alkaline. Sprouted seeds and grains become more alkaline in the process
of sprouting.
BioFlaVonoiDsBiofavonoids might be one of the very best anti-oxidants to
reduce infammation and free radical damage. Infammation occurs when immune
cells such as neutrophils overproduce free radicals, causing damage to healthy cells
in the vicinity. Since the immune system during awakening is activated in a non-
ordinary fashion we need to modulate its aggression and promote balance. To
temper the fre so to speak. Biofavonoids inhibit free radical creation by reducing
the production of leukotrienesthe chemical messengers that summon white
blood cells. They also inhibit histamine production and are potent antimicrobial
and antiviral agents. Biofavonoids are anti-infammatory, the richest source of
biofavonoids is the inner skin of citrus fruits. Wolfberries, blueberries, bilberries,
cranberries, blue-green algae and other colorful plant material such as spinach
should be ingested during awakening for this purpose.
Pritikin the refned product can actually cause the same problems as other fats.
Manganese conserves acetylcholine. The adaptogenic herb Ashwagandha root
inhibits acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme which breaks down acetylcholine and
even promotes the formation of dendrites. Choline is a precursor to Betaine, an
osmolyte used by the kidney to control water balance. Symptoms for defciency
of the B vitamin Choline include kidney failure, high cholesterol and high blood
The omega-3 fatty acid Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fsh oil
also increases choline and acetylcholine levels in the brain. The lecithin extract
phosphatidyserine supports acetylcholine and improves motivation, imitative and
socialization. Brain cell survival is highly dependent on the availability of DHA to
facilitate the incorporation of phosphatidyserine into its membranes.
Another lecithin extract L-Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine (alpha-
GPc) sometimes called GPC (glycerophosphocholine) is a naturally occurring
phospholipid precursor and metabolite. It increases in endogenous human
Growth Hormone (hGH) secretion by the anterior pituitary in conjunction
with Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH. Alpha-GPC contributes
directly to improved mental focus and cognitive function through stimulation of
the enzymatic synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PC) in nerves, muscle cells and
all cell membranes, counteracting the age-related decrease in phospholipid (PC)
GPC acts as a precursor of acetylcholine (ACh) thus activates cholinergic
transmission which permits the development of more strength from workouts
and training programs, plus reducing levels of somatostatin in the hypothalamic-
pituitary axis. Elevations in blood and tissue levels of the essential nutrient,
choline, which supports improved lipotrophic functions in the liver. The fatty
liver condition normally associated with degenerative disease can be prevented
and possibly even eliminated with increased levels of choline. Alpha-GPC also
acts synergistically with endogenous or supplemental S-adenosyl-L-methionine
(SAMe) and folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 to facilitate methyl group
transfers in the brain and liver. GPC improves balance and coordination as a result
of normalized nerve transmission in the brain, and in cardiac, skeletal and smooth
Di-Methyl-Amino-Ethanol (Dmae) is a naturally occurring compound
that is present in signifcant amounts in fsh. DMAE promotes the formation of
acetylcholine, an important brain neurotransmitter, increasing memory, learning
and intelligence. Acetylcholine and its precursor choline are unable to cross the
blood-brain barrier very well. The body makes acetylcholine from choline as it
is needed. DMAE is basically a choline molecule with one methyl group missing
from the nitrogen. DMAE is more able to cross the blood-brain barrier than
choline. Once inside the brain, an enzyme performs a methylation that converts
DMAE into choline. So, taking DMAE increases the brains potential to make
neurotransmitters. (Use non GM sources of Lecithin that is kept refrigerated).
the blood/brain barrier where it stimulates the cholinergic nervous system. DMAE
actually intersperses and becomes part of the cell plasma membrane, making the
membrane is more able to resist stress and therefore is stabilized. DMAE also
gives some protection from free radicals and because it prevents the breakdown of
the cell plasma membrane it prevents the production of arachidonic acid and its
consequent infammation. DMAE also increases cognitive function.
As we age the chemicals and nutritional precursors that give tone to muscles
and skin, start to diminish as a result of years of free-radical damage. Once aging
begins, the amount of acetylcholine produced, as well as the effect of the chemical
on the muscle, is diminished. Increasing the levels of acetylcholine produces a
stronger muscle contraction and frmer skin.
Vitamin econsists of both tocopherols and tocotrienols. Much research
has focused on the tocopherols derived from corn, wheat and soybean. But the
tocotrienols (TRF) seem to have greater antioxidant properties. The best form of
TRF comes from rice bran oil, which is contained in the outer grain hull of rice.
Its properties inhibit the activity of HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme involved
in cholesterol biosynthesis, thus tocotrienol reduces cholesterol. TRF reacts with
liver enzymes in such a way that it clears toxic substances from the organ, and
reduces or stabilizes liver tumors. Thus long-term use of tocotrienol might reduce
overall cancer risk. The most effective dose is around 560 IU. However long term
use of high dose Vitamin E is not recommended, so adding rice bran as a general
component of your diet is advised. Consider putting it in your smoothies, cereals,
fber-clay drinks, sprinkled over meals or in cooking. Theraputic dose for the
kundalini peak of Vitamin E (from Mixed Tocopherols) is 800 IU. Begin with
100 IU of natural vitamin E, and slowly increase to 6-800 IU daily.
essential FattY aciDsGetting plenty of the essential fatty acids Omega-
3 and Omega-6 is essential during metamorphosis to help protect the nerve sheaths
and cell membranes from free radical damage. The average diet usually has an
excess of omega-6 compared to omega-3, due to excess consumption of Omega
6 linoleic acid from vegetable oils such as corn, soy, saffower and sunfower.
Omega-3 or EPA, (alpha linolenic acid)is found in fsh oils. The fsh with the
highest content of EPA are anchovy, salmon, herring then mackerel. Research has
shown that EPA has reduced triglycerides by 64% and cholesterol by 24% after
only one month on a diet high in fsh oil. Omega-3 stimulates endothelial-derived
nitric oxide and enhances the production of prostacyclin, a prostaglandin that
produces vasodilation and reduces the stickiness of platelets.
Omega-6 or GLA, (gamma linolenic acid)is found in Borage and Evening
Primrose oil. Cis-linolenic acid is converted to GLA in the body and is found in
saffower, sunfower and corn oils in the greatest quantity.
Essential fatty acids (EFA) are necessary for all metabolic functions and must
be included in the diet, as the body cannot manufacture them. In the body
essential fatty acids are converted into prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are cell
regulators that modify pituitary responses to hypothalamic hormones, including
as it moves up the food chain. Most animals make very little DHA metabolically.
The inclusion of plentiful DHA in the diet improves learning ability, whereas
defciencies of DHA are associated with defcits in learning. DHA is a major fatty
acid in sperm and brain phospholipids, especially in the retina. DHA is taken up
by the brain in preference to other fatty acids and the turnover of DHA in the
brain is very fast.
Dietary DHA can reduce the level of blood triglycerides in humans, which
may reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies show a reduced blood level of omega-
3 fatty acids in people with depression. It controls infammation and decreases
free radical induced levels of lipid peroxide in the hippocampus (learning and
memory). DHA also increases choline and acetylcholine levels in the brain. DHA
is needed to facilitate the incorporation of phosphatidyserine into the membranes
of brain cells. 1 tsp of codliver oil contains 400 IU of vitamin D, thus helping to
increase magnesium absorption.
Folic aciDFolic acid and folate are forms of the water-soluble Vitamin
B9. Folate is necessary for the production and maintenance of new cells. This is
especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth such as a
kundalini awakening. Folate is needed to replicate DNA. Thus folate defciency
hinders DNA synthesis and cell division, affecting the bone marrows ability
to make normal red blood cells and prevent anemia. Folate also helps prevent
mutation changes to DNA that may lead to cancer. Folic acid is needed to produce
choline for acetylcholine; short-term memory, mental agility and verbal fuency
were all found to be better among people who took 800 micrograms of folic acid
dailytwice the current RDA. Take a good B-complex vitamin to make sure you
get a daily supply of B12, B6, Folic acid and the other Bs. But get a B-complex
with non-fush niacin (Inositol Hexaniacinate), as niacin fushing combined with
kundalini is too extreme. Cobalt is needed to make vitamin B 12.
GlUtatHioneGlutathione (GSH) is a sulfhydryl antioxidant, antitoxin,
enzyme cofactor and is the major repair enzyme. Glutathione is one of the most
highly concentrated intracellular antioxidants found in animals, plants, and
microorganisms. Glutathione being water soluble is found mainly in the cell cytosol
and other aqueous phases of the living system. It plays an important role in cell
detoxifcation, DNA and protein synthesis, transport processes and in the removal
of oxidants. Mitochondria from most mammalian cells do not contain catalase
(the heart being an exception), implying that glutathione (GSH) in mitochondria
is a major defense against the potential toxic effects of endogenously produced
ROS in the electron transport system.
GSH depletion maybe the ultimate factor determining vulnerability to free
radical attack, cell death by oxidation and has been documented in many degenerative
conditions. Glutathione improves macrophage activity. It protects from and repairs
damage caused by free radicals and UV. It is good for cancer, allergies, cataracts,
arthritis and smokers. GSH has a potent electron-donating capacity and this is
reducing power is most expressed by GSH where its concentrations are highest, as
in the liver. Glutathione has the ability to make a toxic compound water-soluble so
it can be fushed out of the body via the kidneys. Also can inhibit the oxygenation
of arachidonic acid to infammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
The reducing power of GSH is a measure of its free radical scavenging, electron-
donating, and sulfhydryl-donating capacity. Reducing power is also the key to the
multiple actions of GSH at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels, and to its
effectiveness as a systemic antitoxin. The two water-phase antioxidants are tightly
linked: GSH can conserve Vitamin C, and conversely Vitamin C can conserve
GSH. Its full name is g-glutamylcysteinylglycine, meaning it is a combination
of Cysteine, Glutamic acid and Glycine. It maybe best taken in its component
parts as it is cheaper than buying Glutathione and is easier to assimilate. Of all the
oral GSH precursors probably the best is NAC (N-acetylcysteine). Glutathione
is found in citrus, strawberries, peaches, potatoes, squash, broccoli and tomatoes.
To reduce free radical damage thereby enhancing the immune system and
preventing allergic reactions and auto-immune diseases like arthritis take:
Aminos: Glycine, N-acetyl-Cysteine, Glutamine, Tryptophan with Cofactors:
Vitamin B complex, C, E and Selenium and this will increase your glutathione
GPc (glycerophosphocholine) Sometimes called L-Alpha Glycerylphosp
horylcholine (Alpha-GPC) is a naturally occurring phospholipid precursor and
metabolite derived from soy lecithin and found in plentiful supply in mothers
milk. It produces improved balance, coordination and muscle strength, improved
lipotrophic functions in the liver, increases in endogenous human Growth
Hormone (hGH) secretion and Improved mental focus and stimulation of
cognitive function. GPC consistently improved space-time orientation, degree of
consciousness, language, motor capacity, and overall quality of life. GPC is a
major cell-level protectant, through its pivotal roles in osmotic pressure regulation
and metabolic antitoxin. GPC is a major reservoir for cell membrane omega-3
phospholipids and helps keep choline and acetylcholine available to the tissues.
600 mg/day for maintenance.
GlUtamineAs well as cysteine it is recommended to take the other two aminos
that make up glutathione as supplemental glycine and glutamine. Both glutamate
and glutamine are forms of glutamic acid, the body easily converts the glutamine
to glutamic acid. Glutamic acid readily passes the blood brain barrier and is
considered a brain fuel. In the brain, glutamine is a substrate for the production
of both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters (glutamate and GABA).
Glutamine is also an important source of energy for the nervous system. Glutamic
acid and cysteine are necessary for glucose regulation, and can decrease cravings
for alcohol and sugar. If the brain is not receiving enough glucose, it compensates
by increasing glutamine metabolism for energy. Glutamine users often report more
energy, less fatigue and better mood. Taking glutamine during kundalini does not
appear to enfame kundalini fre, however any carbohydrate or sugar appears to
do so. Hence glutamine might be a safe brain fuel during kundalini while on a
ketogenic or low sugar diet.
Glutamine is the most abundant single amino acid in the blood and in the
muscle tissue comprising up to 60% of the amino acid pool in skeletal muscle;
and is manufactured and released primarily by the skeletal muscle. Because it is
important in the rapid growth of cells more is needed during stress or illness.
Glutamine is utilized as a source of energy and for nucleotide synthesis by all rapidly
dividing cells, such as the cells of the intestinal lining and certain immune cells
thus without suffcient glutamine, the intestines atrophy and the immune function
breaks down. Glutamine therapy was found to improve intestinal permeability in
AIDS patients.
Glutamine serves as a nitrogen donor and a carbon donor, and is thus an
important muscle-building amino acid. Glutamines unique structure, containing
two nitrogen side chains makes it responsible for 35% of the nitrogen that gets
into the muscle cell. It is anti-catabolic, meaning it regulates protein synthesis in
muscles, sparing muscle tissue and helps replenish muscle glycogen after exercise.
It is also involved in glycogen synthesis in the liver and is a building block of many
other amino acids. Glutamine can increase growth hormone levels by 43% thereby
slowing aging. It also improves lymphocyte proliferation. Further more it reduces
insulin resistance and high blood sugar which also counteracts aging. One study
actually showed that glutamine directly prevents the cortisol-induced degradation
of muscle contractile proteins. It can counteract some of the catabolic effects of
cortisol through enhancing protein synthesis, increasing Growth Hormone levels
and increasing cell-volume. Thus glutamine creates an anabolic environment in
muscle cells and partially determines the rate of protein turnover in the muscle. It
may also enhance glycogen synthesis through an unknown mechanism.
The amino acid glutamine strengthens the cell lining of both the small and large
intestines, provides metabolic fuel for gut cells, brain cells, immune macrophages
and lymphocytes. Glutamine has been reported to be helpful in reducing leaky
gut and brain fog. Glutamine is important as an energy source for our bodies,
and is the primary fuel for the upper intestinal tract. It aids the immune system
by increasing the integrity of the intestinal lining preventing toxins and pathogens
from entering the bloodstream. Glutamine is also a component of folic acid.
There is an association between folic acid defciency and seizure. Disruptions of the
intestinal lining may cause folate defciency, and consequently lead to seizures.
The small intestine uses 40% of the glutamine in the body, it being the primary
amino acid for nourishing and repair of the cells that line the small intestine.
Insuffcient glutamine increases the permeability of the gut leading to leaky
gut syndrome. This lets in toxins, pathogens and partially digested molecules
into the blood increasing the load on the liver. The large molecules entering the
bloodstream stimulate antibody production, and then the liver subsequently has
to cope with the waste products of antibodies. Which again increases the demands
made on glutathione and other antioxidants.
During kundalini the bodys demand for glutathione goes up to cope with the
free radicals and detoxifcation process, which robs more glutamine from the small
intestine making the leaky gut syndrome worse. The extra demand for antioxidants
cells from growing; those with highest melatonin levels had the lowest risk of
cancer. Research shows that meditation increases levels of melatonin.
PHenYlalaninePhenylalanine is an essential amino acid, which is a
precursor to tyrosine, another amino acid. Phenylalanine, after its hydroxylation to
tyrosine, is also the precursor of dopamine, and of norepinephrine and epinephrine,
hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla. Melanin, the black pigment of skin and
hair, is also derived from tyrosine.
Phenylalanine prevents the breakdown of the brains morphine like painkillers
enkephalins which infate mood and depress appetite. Increases alertness and
assertiveness, suppresses appetite, and is an effective antidepressant. Helpful as a
daytime GH releaser.
The neurotransmitter Dopamine increases feelings of well-being, alertness,
sexual excitement and aggression; and reduces compulsive behavior. Tyrosine is a
natural amphetamine and precursor to adrenaline. Tyrosine might create headaches
so DL-Phenylalanine is better. L-tyrosine is the frst breakdown product of and
similar in many effects to L-phenylalanine, but less likely to affect blood pressure. As
a precursor to dopamine, norepinephrine, and thyroid hormone, it may help some
types of depression, increases well-being and reduces compulsivity. Phenylalanine
can be found in the following foods: soybean protein, frozen tofu, dried and salted
cod, shellfsh, lean meat, organ meat, skin-free chicken, cheese, milk, eggs, many
seeds (watermelon, fenugreek, roasted soybean nuts), and chocolate.
PHosPHatiDYlserineThe lecithin extract phosphatidyserine (PS)
supports acetylcholine and improves motivation, initiative and socialization. PS
is a phospholipid that occurs naturally in all cells of the body, with particularly
high concentrations in the brain. Brain cell survival is highly dependent on the
availability of DHA to facilitate the incorporation of phosphatidyserine into its
membranes. PS has cognitive-enhancing properties probably due to its ability to
sensitize acetylcholine receptors. It is an essential cell membrane component for
nerve cells; playing a key role in communication across synapses between nerve
cells, and reverses loss of membrane fuidity associated with age-related mental
decline. PS also ameliorates elevations of stress hormones (ACTH and cortisol)
and helps prevent memory loss and other cognitive decline. PS is a cortisol receptor
sensitizer, resulting in improved levels and effcient use of cortisol. It is also a
very effective antidepressant due to its ability to normalize the adaptive homeostat
(HPA-axis). The normalizing of prolactin receptors may contribute to the many
positive benefts of phosphatidylserine.
PiracetUmWakes up your brain, boosts intelligence and stimulates the
central nervous system. It promotes the fow of information between the left and
right hemispheres of the brain, leading to increased creativity. Best taken with
hydergine and choline. It appears to have a regenerative effect one nerves, and
might increase the cholinergic receptors in the brain. Enhances cognition under
hypoxia and has been used as an anticonvulsant in epilepsy. ANIRACETAM, 1-
anisoyl-2-pyrrolidinone, is a more potent, longer-lasting, fat soluble analogue of
Piracetam. It has proven to be one of the best nootropics currently available.
huge demand for glutathione during kundalini could lead to a selenium defciency,
exaggerating the exhaustion phase and leaving the body open to pathogenic attack.
Selenium detoxifes mercury especially in conjunction with vitamin E; it also
works synergistically with Vitamin E to increase Glutathione activity. Selenium
enhances lymphocyte proliferation; as selenium and Vitamin E are needed to make
glutathione peroxidase. Selenium binds with and protects against cadmium, lead,
mercury, and arsenic. Selenium is essential for the production of testosterone.
Supplement around 200mcg per day. Selenium is best absorbed in its chelated
forms selenomethionine, selenoglutathione, selenocsyteine; or SelenoExcel made
from Bakers Yeast is the preferred form. Selenium is found in largest concentrations
in Brazil nuts, whole grains, onions, garlic, brewers yeast, broccoli, seafood and
taUrineThe amino acid Taurine comprises of more than 50% of the free
amino acids in the heart. Taurine differs from other amino acids in that it doesnt
become incorporated into proteins. It exists as a free amino acid and is one of the
most abundant amino acids in muscle, blood platelets, and the developing nervous
system. Taurine promotes the pumping action of the heart. Evidently taurine
serves as a neurotransmitter, a regulator of salt and water balance and a stabilizer
of cell membranes, a detoxifer, and regulates cell membrane excitability. Taurine
is involved in calcium metabolism in the heart and may affect the entry of calcium
into the heart muscle cells where it is essential to the generation and transmission
of nerve impulses. It can also prevent heart beat irregularities caused by adrenalin.
Taurine in combination with other cardio-protective nutrients maybe good to take
during the heart expansion period of the peak: coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine and
It protects and stabilizes the brains fragile tissues and is the second most plentiful
amino acid in the brain after glutamic acid. Taurine facilitates Na, P, Ca and Mg in
and out of cells, and electrically stabilizes cell membranes. Taurine is a component
of bile and fat digestion, it plays a role in cellular defense against light damage to
the eye and may prevent epileptic seizures in some cases. Under the stressful and
hyper-activation conditions of kundalini taurine supplementation will help with
the seizure-like hypertension and heart infation. Taurine supplementation during
kundalini maybe an advisable precaution especially for vegetarians. Cysteine
(NAC) and B6 increases taurine levels, whereas taking taurine directly may irritate
the gut. Zinc enhances taurines effect. Since stress can deplete the body of zinc
and B6 it may also lower taurine levels. Through its role in calcium metabolism
in the brain, it plays a major part in the release of neurotransmitters. Taurine
may inhibit the release of excitatory neurotransmitter such as norepinephrine
and acetylcholine and suppress adrenaline release. Thus is a safe tranquilizer. As
inhibitory neurotransmitters taurine appears metabolically and structurally similar
to GABA and glycine.
trYPtoPHan (5-HtP)The neurotransmitter serotonin is made from
the amino acid Tryptophan. Serotonin neural circuits help counterbalance the
tendency of brain dopamine and noradrenaline circuits to encourage over-arousal.
It calms, elevates pain threshold, promotes relaxation, sleep and feeling of well
being, reduces aggression and compulsive behavior and increases confdence and
concentration. It is better to take tryptophan as 5-HTP, because it is a natural
extract from the seeds of the Griffonia simplicifolia tree from the West African
countries of Ghana.
Taking tryptophan while under elevated cortisol-stress conditions might supply
little extra serotonin to the brain, because of cortisols activation of an enzyme in the
liver that breaks down tryptophan (tryptophan pyrrolase). Vitamin B3 inhibits liver
tryptophan pyrrolase and B3 also activates the enzyme that converts tryptophan
to 5HTP. Thus taking 100mg B3 several times daily with meals will also serve
to enhance the effectiveness of low-moderate tryptophan doses. Taking 50mg
vitamin B6 once or twice daily with meals will also augment tryptophan-serotonin
conversion, since B6 activates the decarboxylase enzyme that converts 5HTP to
serotonin. Melatonin actually promotes increased brain serotonin through its
ability to reduce cortisol levels, and reduced cortisol levels will lessen the activity of
liver pyrrolase, the enzyme that degrades tryptophan. Magnesium also helps lower
cortisol. And St Johns Wort is a mild MAO inhibitor which reduces the reuptake
of serotonin in the brain increasing synaptic levels and it is also a cortisol inhibitor.
James South MA has a fabulous article on L-Tryptophan at http://smart-drugs.
VinPocetineVinpocetine might be especially useful during a kundalini
awakening, because it inhibits glutamate receptors and therefore might prevent
excitotoxin damage. Vinpocetine is a supplement made from the periwinkle plant
that improves blood circulation, oxygen uptake and glucose utilization by the
brain. It increases ATP levels in the brain and stops the blood from thickening.
Headaches, heart tension, panic, depression, ringing in the ears and impairment
of thinking should be improved by the use of Vinpocetine during awakening,
especially in conjunction with fat-soluble antioxidants and anti-infammatory
Researchers found that vinpocetine signifcantly reduced oxidative stress
and inhibited free radical (ROS) formation up to 83%. It was found that the
antioxidant effects of vinpocetine contributed to reducing neuronal damage in
pathological situations. In addition it protects the bodys energy supply for it
inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase (PDE)-1, which breaks down adenosine
monophosphate. adenosine monophosphate (AMP) is an intermediary
substance formed while creating the energy molecule ATP. Research investigated
vinpocetine as a potential anticonvulsant treatment for epilepsy and found it to
inhibit undesirable electroencephalogram (EEG) changes. Vinpocetine is capable
of blocking sodium channel activity, leading to a decrease in the amplitude of the
action potential and suggests a potential use in various sensory abnormalities arising
from abnormal peripheral nerve activity and for heart arrhythmia. Vinpocetine also
is an effective analgesic in neuropathic pain and possibly chronic infammatory
pain. Powder
body naturally produces Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) from Linoleic Acid (LA)
through by the enzyme Delta-6-Desaturase (D6D), which biochemically converts
Linoleic Acid into GLA. GLA is further converted via a sequence of biochemical
steps into a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin 1 (PG1), which is a key
molecule for maintaining healthy skin. PG1 exhibits a potent anti-infammatory
effect on the skin and also is very effective in regulating water loss and protecting
the skin from injury and damage. Disease, aging, menopause, saturated and
hydrogenated fats, lack of vitamins B and C and minerals like magnesium and zinc
can interfere with the conversion to prostaglandin E1 (PG1). The D6D enzyme
is impaired in people with skin disorders such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis
and they show increased levels of Linoleic Acid with lower levels of GLA. Used as
a supplement or even applied topically borage oil can circumvent slow or impaired
D6D enzyme activity by supplying the body directly with GLA, thus allowing
the production of normal levels of PG1. GLA has shown to decrease allergic and
infammatory conditions by competing with arachidonic acid, which when left
unchecked may perpetuate a hyperimmune response. Borage oil has been shown
to be very effective in treating the redness, infammation, moisture loss and aging
of the skin.
BUcKWHeatBuckwheat is another of those seeds commonly considered to
be a grain, but it is a fruit not a true cereal. It that is in the same plant family as
rhubarb and is a close relative to the docks and sorrels. Buckwheat is gluten free,
so it can be used in food products developed for people that are allergic to gluten.
Buckwheat bran is 4% to 6% rutin, a favonoid known to reduce cholesterol, lower
blood pressure, and strengthen diseased weakened capillaries. The human body
can assimilate 74% of the available protein in buckwheat. It is the best known
source of high quality, easily digestible protein in the entire plant kingdom. It
even has more protein than soybeans and is high in the essential amino acids lysine
and arginine, in which major cereal crops are defcient. Buckwheat is higher in
iron than cereal grains. It contains substantial amounts of lysine, an amino acid
commonly lacking in the true cereal grains; calcium, vitamin E, the entire B vitamin
complex, and is especially noted for its high laetrile (vitamin B17) content. As
well, it provides a good source of dietary fber and the buckwheat greens contain
plentiful mucopolysaccharides. The goop from buckwheat sprouting makes great
skin and hair emollient.
BUrDocKBurdock seed is good source of nutrients such as iron, to help build
the body. It is also good for skin sores and is antibacterial and antifungal. Hormonal
balancing. a strong liver purifer with particular value for skin, arthritic, and
glandular problems. It is a specifc in all blood cleansing and detoxifcation problems
as an aid in neutralizing and eliminating toxins from the body; in the support
treatment of liver problems, gallstones, fu, and to support the kidneys in fltering
acids from the blood stream; to purify the blood, to treat gout and ulcers, arthritis,
rheumatism, and help with skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis. The root
is said to be an effective aphrodisiac, useful in treating impotence and sterility.
Burdock is also considered a diuretic, mild laxative and aids in the elimination
of uric acid. By improving the function of many organs of elimination (i.e. liver,
kidneys, bowels), many health conditions maybe improved.
cats claWThe vine bark of Cats claw is an immune stimulant, anti-
infammatory, cellular protector, anticancerous. Bowel cleanser and anti-
infammatory for bowel problems, reduces pain, tonic, anti-depressant, antioxidant,
anticoagulant, might thin blood.
caYenneCayenne is perhaps the most useful and valuable herb, not only for
the entire digestive system, but also for the heart and circulatory system. Cayenne
is the greatest blood circulation stimulant known. It reduces blood cholesterol,
triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation - making them less sticky. A combo
of cayenne and hawthorn berries is used to strengthen the heart and prevent heart
attacks. Cayenne may help weight loss by boosting metabolism while suppressing
appetite; it boosts energy as well as lower stress-related fatigue and depression. It
aids elimination and assimilation, and helps the body to create hydrochloric acid,
alleviates dyspepsia, stomachaches, cramping pains, gas, chronic pain, sore throats,
headaches and toothache.
It is a very high source of Vitamins A and C, has the complete B complex, and
is very rich in organic calcium and potassium. Other constituents of cayenne are
vitamins E and carotenoids. You can add cayenne to most of your herb formulas
prior to capsulating, use it as an ingredient in cooking, or add a pinch to your fresh
juices. People sometimes fast using the The Master Cleanser (lemon juice, maple
syrup, cayenne and water), but I dont handle the sugar in this very well.
Capsaicin cream is a potent topical nerve and muscle pain-relieving treatment,
used for psoriasis, skin ulcers, insect bites, itchy skin, rheumatic pains and arthritis,
pimples and infammatory skin conditions. The capsaicin in chili peppers accelerates
healing by promoting the growth of the fbroblast cells of the connective tissue. You
can make your own cayenne cream by mixing 12 teaspoon of cayenne pepper into
1 oz of lotion or balm. This heat rub is useful for jaw and neck pain, strained ankles
and such. It will help energy move through any area that seems blocked, congested
or cramped. It stings and reddens the skin for half an hour so keep well away from
the eyes. Whether taking internally or applying externally do an initial little test
to check your tolerance level and the potency and dose of the cayenne.
cinnamonCinnamon Extract is known for restoring insulin sensitivity.
It normalizes levels of blood glucose, insulin, and lipids; and helps to reduce
the formation of AGEs. Loss of insulin receptor sensitivity and impaired glucose
metabolism results in high levels of blood sugar and accelerates oxidation and
cross-linking of the tissues.
corDYcePsCordyceps sinensis is a mushroom shown to improve cellular
energy production, enhance oxygen utilization in the body. It increases blood
circulation, making oxygen and nutrients more rapidly available to all parts of
the body. It stimulates the immune system and enhances the natural antioxidant
systems of the body.
cholesterol levels in the blood by more than 20% and is important for regulating
blood sugar. Eating ten dried fgs gives you 33% of the calcium RDA. Unlike other
fruits with inedible seeds, fgs contain the valuable omega-3 and omega-6 essential
fatty acids. They also contain from 4 to 50 times more biofavonoid antioxidants
than do other fruits. Figs have the highest overall mineral content of all common
fruitstheyre high in iron and ounce for ounce theyre higher in calcium than
cows milk. Dried fgs have a much higher level of the phenol makeup, which
is rich in antioxidants and is antiseptic to micro-organisms; though their sugar
content is apt to feed yeast infection.
Fo ti(Polygonum multifori) He shou wu is a Chinese antiaging tonic, energizer
and vitalizer shown to increase SOD levels and contains an antioxidant similar
to resveratrol. It nourishes the blood, tonifes the liver and kidneys, strengthens
sinew, cartilage and bone. It restores hair color and strengths the entire lumbar
region. Fo Ti shouldnt be used by those susceptible to kidney stones because it
contains oxalic acid.
FranKincense(Boswellia) Apparently the ancients mixed monatomic
white powder of gold with frankincense...the logic of doing this combo is that the
frankincense would help to protect the body from the free radicals, oxidation and
toxicity that ingesting the manna-bread the transformative process
of the breakdown of the old body and the reformation of the new. Frankincense
is especially suitable for conditions where the joints and muscles are very stiff,
swollen, and painful. Frankincense can also relax tendons. Boswellic acids are
reputed to have potent anti-infammatory activity. Move energy and quicken
the blood, dispel stagnation, cleanse the intestines, disperse swelling, stop pain,
speed wound healing, prevent scars, and reduces skin and joint infammation
and is anabolic. It has been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for the
management of rheumatism, respiratory diseases, and liver disorders. The major
use of Boswellia serrata in contemporary medicine is as an anti-arthritic and anti-
infammatory. The infammatory process in colitis is associated with increased
formation of leukotrienes causing chemotaxis, chemokinesis, the generation of free
radicals and release of lysosomal enzymes by phagocytes. A gum resin preparation
from Boswellia serrata could be effective in the treatment of chronic colitis with
minimal side effects. In kundalini it protects against cellular oxidation and digestive
GarlicGarlic maybe the best antioxidant. Garlic is rich in selenium is cofactor
of glutathione peroxidase and also in another trace mineral, manganese, which also
functions as a cofactor in superoxide dismutase. Studies have found that in adults
defcient in manganese, the level of HDL (the good form of cholesterol) is
decreased. Garlic also increases antioxidant enzyme, glutathione-S-transferase in the
stomach and small intestine. Garlic contains allicin and sulfur compounds, which
constitute garlics antibiotic and anti-viral activity against infectious diseases,
lowers blood cholesterol and thins the blood, warding off blood clots. Garlic has
anti-cancer activity.
acid Arachidonic acid, is one of the lipids that forms cell membranes. If this
fatty acid is attacked by free radicals, new chemical compounds result, including
leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and thromboxanes, which promote infammation
that can damage and age healthy cells. Ginkgo stops the cascade of arachidonic
acid derivatives without causing harmful side effects.
Goats rUe(Galega offcinalis) French Lilac is used in insulin-sensitizing,
capable primarily of lowering blood sugar and insulin and aiding diabetes, restores
cortisol receptor sensitivity, optimizes lipid profle, lowers body fat, maintains
levels of growth hormone, stimulates immunity, extends lifespan, retards AGEs
and crosslinking. Goats rue is one of the most potent herbs known to increase
breast milk and stimulate the development of mammary tissue
GolDensealGoldenseal too has a long traditional use in North America
as an immune system stimulant, and antibiotic for people suffering from seasonal
illness, chronic and life-threatening infections. Science suggests that this herb also
stimulates macrophage production, and one of its constituents berberine is directly
antibiotic to protozoans and pathogenic anaerobes.
GotU KolaIn India it is known as the most spiritual of all herbs and is said
to develop the crown chakra. Anti-spasmodic, nervine, for fatigue and depression,
calms and clarifes the mind, tonic, improves circulation and nerve health, balances
brain hemispheres, improves memory and intelligence. Daniel Mowrey in Herbal
Tonic Therapies, says that this improvement in learning and memory correlated
with a decrease in the brain neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and
dopamine. Stimulates repair of skin, hair nails and connective tissue, promotes
collagen and bone density. Aids liver function and purifes blood. Calamus is often
used with Gotu kola to improve metal focus.
GraPeseeD eXtractA nontoxic antiseptic and antibacterial immune
system aid will help clear up pathogens so the immune system can concentrate on
transmutation. It is ten times more effective than Chlorine Bleach, Silver Oxide
and Iodine. Internally it can be used for digestive upset, gastrointestinal disorders,
diarrhea, food poisoning, parasites candida yeast infections, oral infections, colds
and fu, sore throats, strep throat, mouthwash, sinusitis and more! Externally
grapefruit seed extract works well for acne, nail fungus, athletes foot, cold sores,
warts, cuts, scrapes, wounds and infections, rashes, head lice, dandruff, chickenpox
etc Powdered extract can be bought from and in
liquid form from
GraViolaOne of the best herbs to take during kundalini activation might be
the leaves of graviola or soursop. Its antimutagenic, anticancerous properties guard
against free radical damage. The increased free radical load of metamorphosis can
increase the danger of getting cancer, especially of the digestive system, because
it gets so disrupted. Graviola also has strong antipathogenic properties which
support the immune system by reducing parasites and fungi. It is a nervine,
antispasmodic, anticonvulsant and antidepressant as well. Use with probiotics and
digestive enzymes if taking graviola in therapeutic dose for more that 30 days, as its
KelPSeaweeds such as kelp and dulse are a rich source of vitamins A, B, C and
contains 50 minerals including a large amount of iodine. It improves digestion by
stimulating the digestive secretions in the stomach and pancreas. Kelp nourishes
the glandular system including the pituitary thus affecting the entire body. Thyroid
function is improved by the iodine supplied in kelp and this increases metabolism.
Kelp increases oxygen consumption in the heart muscle, lower blood pressure
and increase stamina and fat burning during workouts. Kelp reduces cholesterol
by increasing the elimination of bile acids and bile salts. Brown kelp binds with
radioactive elements and heavy metals in the digestive tract rendering them
harmless or unabsorbable. Seaweeds help reduce the impact on the body from
environmental poisons thereby lowering our potential risk for cancer. Kelp helps
remove plaque from the arteries, gall bladder and kidneys by removing the heavy
metals which bind the plaque together. It cleanses and strengthens the entire body
improving energy levels, overcomes fatigue, suppresses appetite and is antibiotic.
Take 1 tablespoon or 6 tablets daily. 1 teaspoon of kelp contains approximately
one thousand times more calcium than a glass of milk.
licoriceThe licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza glabra) aids adrenals, digestion,
detoxifcation, normalizes hormones, anti-infammatory, protects liver, regulates
immunity, anti-viral. Licorice may reduce immune hyper-activation caused by the
shock to the nervous system during kundalini awakening. Recent studies have
found licorice has remarkable rejuvenating effects on the cells of the digestive
system, liver and to treat the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts with its soothing
and coating action. Licorice root is anticancer, antiarthritic, antitoxic, anti-
infammatory, antibiotic, and of coarse antioxidant.
macaMacas traditional use in Andean culture is to energize, revitalize and
regulate: to increase physical strength, regulate menstruation, lessen menopause
symptoms and help with insomnia. Recommended for malnutrition, convalescence,
memory loss, fatigue, and mental weakness and as an aphrodisiac and aid to fertility.
Maca is nutritious, believed to provide precursors that regulate the hypothalamus
and pituitary glands controlling the release of sex hormones, pancreatic enzymes
and adrenal gland hormones.
morinGa(Moringa Oleifera) The Miracle Tree has over 90 naturally occurring
nutritional compounds and is the most nutritious plant so far discovered. Except
for the bark, which can be toxic, all parts of the tree are edible. The dried-powdered
leaves of Moringa Oleifera provide 7x the vitamin C of oranges, 4x the calcium
of milk, 4x the vitamin A of carrots, 3x the iron of spinach, 3x the potassium of
bananas, and 2x the protein of yogurt. Moringa is considered to have the highest
protein ratio of any plant so far identifed; the cake left after oil extraction contains
58.9% crude protein. When Moringa seeds are crushed and added to dirty, bacteria
laden water, they purify the water. Moringa seed oil wont spoil or turn rancid
and is used in cooking and cosmetics; it is also used as a preservative. Moringa
oliefera Seed Oil Seeds yield 3840% of a non-drying oil, known as Ben Oil,
contains 65.7% oleic acids among the fatty acids. Due to its high quantities of
Oleic Acids (Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acid) is good for sauting and deep frying.
Moringa Oil has a natural antioxidant that many consider to be the source of its
remarkable oxidative stability. Oil is clear, sweet and odorless to mild nutty favor,
never becoming rancid; consequently it is edible and useful in the manufacture of
perfumes and hairdressings. Omega-3, along with Omega-6 and Omega-9, are
among the many nutrients abundantly found in Moringa.
Purchase Moringa:
Moringa, Natures Medicine Cabinet, Sanford Holst, Sierra Sunrise Books
mUira PUamaMuira Puama is a Small Amazonian tree or bush, also known
as Potency Wood. The root is used by Indigenous Amazonian population as an
aphrodisiac and performance enhancement. The root and bark of Muira puama is
a CNS tonic, antidepressant, anti-fatigue, aphrodisiac, nervine, adaptogen, blood
pressure regulator, cardiotonic, gastrotonic, tonic for kidneys and adrenal.
neemNeem might be an all round panacea for kundalini/stress induced
conditions. The leaves, fruits, fowers and stem bark extracts from the Siamese
neem tree all have free radical scavenging, antioxidant properties. Neem is anti-
infammatory, antiviral, anti-worm, antifungal and used as an insecticide. It
is useful in tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, for cleaning the blood and
arthritis. It speeds wound healing and is used for vomiting, skin diseases, excessive
thirst, dental hygiene, eye disorders, heat-rash, boils, jaundice, leprosy, stomach
ulcers, stomach problems and chicken pox. Neems antidepression/antianxiety
effect is attributed to its ability to increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. It
has been most helpful in treating a variety of skin problems and diseases including
acne, psoriasis, eczema and other persistent conditions.
Neems antifungial properties help athletes foot, ringworm, candida and thrush.
Since it is antibacterial it may also reduce ammonia production by intestinal
bacteria; (but may need to be used in conjunction with probiotics if used long
term?) Polysaccharides and limonoids found in neem bark, leaves, and cold pressed
seed oil increased immune responses, reduced tumors and cancers without side
effects. Studies show that neem leaf and cold pressed neem oil could be of beneft
in diabetes mellitus as it lowers blood sugar and reduces insulin requirements and
may also be helpful in preventing or delaying the onset of the disease. Not only can
neem be used as an insecticide against mosquitoes, but it can also be taken internally
against malaria. It has potential in the fght against AIDs and can be used both in
antiviral and contraceptive gels, as well as boosting the immune system on all
levels without destroying benefcial intestinal bacteria, unlike synthetic antibiotics.
The neem tree also can help reverse desertifcation, erosion and deforestation and
provide economic returns.
Neem: Indias Miraculous Healing Plant by Ellen Norten.
Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems by Noel Vietmeyer.
oliVe leaFReduces feeling of raw and fried nerves, reduces pain, anti-free
radical, protects fats in the body, strengthens cell membranes, immunity, anti-
fungal. From my experience with olive leaf I suspect it fortifes and protects the
myelin sheathes of the nerves for it certainly reduces nerve pain and shattered
nerves. Olive Leaf alleviates Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (chronic)
Sinusitis. Olive leaf extracts have been used effectively in several ways: as an
antiseptic, astringent and tranquilizer, fever, antiviral, anti-infammatory, anti-
microbial, immune tonic, an antioxidant for heart health, and a safe antibiotic.
Olive contains polyphenols, or phenolic antioxidants which are structurally
distinct from the vitamins, carotenoids, biofavonoids, proanthocyanidins, and
antioxidants found in other fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that that
olive polyphenols exhibit anti-infammatory activity, improve immune function,
prevent oxidative damage to DNA, reduce oxidation, and protect the cardiovascular
system by reducing platelet aggregation, increases levels of HDL while inhibits
the oxidation of LDL Cholesterol. Olive Leaf lowers blood pressure, increases
blood fow to the heart by dilating coronary blood vessels, and it also lowers blood
pressure. The olive leaf also contains biofavonoids (natural Vitamin C helpers) for
maintenance of capillary walls.
PassionFloWer leaFNervine, tranquilizer, cardiotonic, disinfectant.
Antidepressant, antispasmodic, sedative, CNS-depressant. For insomnia,
headaches, migraines and general pain. Stomach problems, cramps and mood
disorders. chrysin extracted from Passifora coerulea a member of the passion
fower family, prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and is an
PicrorHiZaKutkins are group of bitter compounds present in the Ayurvedic
herb Picrorhiza kurroa, which are a reputed remedy for the treatment of liver
diseases. Studies have shown that kutkins are more hepatoprotective than silymarin
from Milk Thistle. Picrorhiza kurroa is a small perennial herb that grows in hilly
parts of India, particularly in the Himalayas between 3000 and 5000 meters. The
roots and rhizomes are an established herbal remedy for variety of diseases ranging
from indigestion to hepatitis.
Pine BarK anD GraPe seeDAntioxidant-free radical protection,
immune support. 50 x stronger than vitamin E and vitamin C. Passes the blood
brain barrier to protect brain cells. Cardiodepressant, hypotensive, anticonvulsant,
antidepressant, anti-spasmodic, nervine, stomachic, vasodilator, antibacterial.
Extracts of these can be bought from, they are very
strong tasting so would be best put in the herb mix for capsulating, or can be
chugged if put in with a large amount of other herbs.
Pine neeDle sUn teaThis is one of my favorite drinks, ideal for kundalini
awakenings because of the water-soluble proanthocyanidins biofavonoids. Pine
Needle Sun Tea is the most incredible subtle ambrosial drink, which is even taster
than champagne. Harvest some fresh green pine needles by cutting off a few branch
tips and them pull them apart. Put this in a jar of good water, cover with plastic
wrap, place in the sun in the morning and leave all day. You can dilute your sun
tea to taste, and put this in the fridge/freezer to chill. The same pine needles can
be used for moon tea overnight and then again put more water in for sun tea the
following day. But dont keep them in the same water more than 12 hours and if
it is very hot you may have to solarize it for a shorter time or steep it in semishade.
If your pine needle tea gets too hot and ferments the carbonic acid will tend to
deprive the brain of oxygen.
Pine needle tea is high in vitamins A and C. In fact the fresh green needles have
fve times the amount of vitamin C found in one lemon. The remedy is effective
for working with the smooth muscles that line the arteries and other muscular
related diseases such as sclerosis (condition in which soft tissues inside the body
become unusually hard). Pine needle tea has good success rates with cancer in the
frst stage. With pine needle tea you get all the pycnogenol-type nutrients without
raising high blood pressure from ingesting pine bark and tree resins. Resin or sap is
part of the turgidity and levity force of trees, so when taken into the body it tends
to promote these qualities in us. Bark, while have less power for pressurizing fuids
than resin, should also be avoided if the kidneys are particularly weak.
PUrPleBloW maPle oilnervonic acid can enhance neuron fring
thereby increasing mental focus and is involved in the biosynthesis of myelin and
is one of the major fatty acids in brain sphingolipids.* Most supplemental nervonic
acid comes from Borage oil (3%) and deepsea fsh (0.35%), but the fatty acids
of Purpleblow Maple seed oil contain to 5-6 % nervonic acid. Nervonic Acid
is a 9 superlong-chain monoenic fatty acid, that is a white solid under ambient
temperature. The content of NA in nerve and brain tissue is relatively high and is
important in the composition and special physiological functions of cell membranes.
NA is essential for the development of the brain and signifcantly contributes to
enhancing the activity of brain nerves and protecting brain nerves from aging.
Also due to a high Vitamin E content the oil from purpleblow maple seeds has a
higher antioxidant activity than other vegetable oils. *(Sphingolipids are found in
neural tissue and play a role in signal transmission and cell recognition, provide
mechanical and chemical strength to the semipermeable phospholipid bilayer that
constitutes the membranes of all cells and are important mediators in the signaling
cascades involved in apoptosis, proliferation, and stress responses.)
raW ProPolisRaw propolis is reputed to be natures number one antiseptic.
It is gathered from the resins of plants by bees to disinfect their hives. Raw propolis
can contain over 500 biofavonoids. Freeze it then grind it in a coffee grinder
while frozen, mix it in with your herbs or put separately into capsules. Propolis
offers antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-candida and even antiviral properties,
helping to reduce the burden on the immune system. Unlike pharmaceutical
antibiotics, propolis kills only bad bacteria, and maintains good bacteria. Propolis
has been shown to reduce blood pressure, produce a sedative effect, and maintain
serum glucose and strengthens blood vessels. It is an antihistamine, anaesthetic,
helps eliminate pain, detoxifes, is a powerful anti-infammatory and promotes
healing. It helps to strengthen the skin and prevents free radical damage to cells. It
can be bought raw from
*Beware that we now have to make sure we do not use honey, bee pollen or propolis
that is collected within 8 miles of genetically modifed crops.
acids, is full of essential fatty acids. Wheatgrass retains 92 of the 102 minerals
found in the soil, including calcium, phosphorus, iron magnesium and potassium.
Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and twice the vitamin A as carrots.
It is exceptionally rich in vitamins E, K, and B-complex; is high vitamin K. Many
of the benefts of wheatgrass juice stem from the fact that it is a living food, about
30 live enzymes that help to dissolve tumors. Wheatgrass alkalinizes the blood,
cures anemia and blood sugar problems, protects RNA and DNA from mutation
and combats free radicals. Wheatgrass helps depression, purifes the liver, disinfects,
cleanses and improves digestion, immunizes against many dietary carcinogens,
counteracts acids and removes toxic metals from the cells, nourishes the liver
and kidneys and restores vitality. It also contains Laetrile (B17), the oxygenating
properties of which fghts cancer. To be effective wheatgrass juice has to be drunk
immediately after juicing. Since it provides maximum nutrition for detoxifcation
and rebuilding you might consider growing wheatgrass. 4 oz per day is around 1
tray, so you need to have 7 trays circulating. Nothing heals faster with less expense
than wheatgrass.
WolFBerrYLycium fruit, otherwise known as Goji berry are a chi tonic,
anti-aging, 48% increase in SOD, 12% increase in hemoglobin, 500 times more
Vitamin C than oranges, highest antioxidant status, 21 trace minerals and 8 essential
amino acids, increases white blood cell count, strengthens bones, stimulates tissue
development, improves vision, nourishes liver, lowers blood pressure, reduces blood
sugar, inhibits gene mutation, anti-infammatory, anti-depressant. Inexpensive
purchase at:
YerBa mateFor use during an extended down-cycle as a stimulant and nervine
to increase mental performance. Good for nerve pain, fatigue and depression as an
overall tonic and digestive aid. Because of its caffeine content its best not to use
it much during the infux, shock or Die-off stages however. That is when going
down fall well, dont try and prop yourself up artifcially even with healthy
stimulants like Yerba mate.
YoHimBeYohimbine is the active ingredient of the South African Yohimbe
plant. It is a selective blocker of alpha 2 adrenergic receptors, and inhibits breakdown
of dopamine and norepinephrine. Yohimbines actions include increasing the level
of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine by up to 68%, (which has been described
as the brains sex chemical). Norepinephrine (NE), the bodys primary endogenous
thermogenic (fat burning) hormone. Yohimbine has also been shown to increase
the availability of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Reduces fatigue, appetite
suppressant, vasodilator - increases blood fow to fat-tissue and extremities,
increases sex drive, antioxidant, decrease fat synthesis in the body by increasing fatty
acid mobilization. Would be useful to prevent weight gain, lethargy, depression
etc during the down cycles, but might be too stimulating for use during up
cycles. *When buying looking for the % of active ingredient Yohimbine; if it
doesnt mention this dont by it, for the product probably doesnt have any active
ingredient in it.
Ear pain from an ear infection: Use a herbal ear drop, including St. Johns wort,
garlic, calendula, and mullein fower.
HiGH BlooD PressUre
Drink the full water requirement (2 times body weight (lbs) in ounces per day) and
take a few hypertension herbs like Ashwagandha, Basil, Black cohosh, Calamus,
Cayenne, Celery seeds, Garlic, Ginger, Gotu kola, Hawthorne berry, Kelp, Maitake
Mushroom, Mistletoe, Neem, PassionFlower, Papaya enzymes, Skullcap and
Valerian. L-Theanine in green tea is also used for regulating blood pressure and
may reduce glutamate induced excitotoxic damage in the brain. For high blood
pressure consider taking the anticortisol measures in the Exhaustion Protocol and
relaxation practices in the Kundalini Skills List. Regular exercise will lower blood
pressure, resting heart rate and increase lung capacity. Magnesium citrate.
anXietY anD HYPertension
Alfalfa leaf, Ashwagandha, Catnip, Cardamom seeds, Chamomile fowers,
Cinnamon, Dong quai, Ginger root, Gotu Kola, Hawthorn, Hop fowers, Ginkgo
leaf, Licorice Root, Magnolia bark, Meadowsweet, Nettle leaf, Olive leaf, Passion
fower, Raspberry leaf, Skullcap, Tulsi-holy basil, Valerian leaf, Violet leaves, Wild
Oat leaf, White Willow. You put these into capsules or make a tea formula that
you can take throughout the day to calm the nervous system, open the blood
vessels and reduce hypertension. Use any or all of the following to make up a tea...
you can brew it at home and take to work in a thermos...
Wheatgrass juice gives the most immediate pick-me-up. Spirulina (bluegreen
algae) gives substantial energy and is a complete food. Kelp provides the iodine to
fre up the thyroid and metabolism. Green tea or yerba mate is good for energy
also and it is not over stimulating like coffee.
Nori rolls are perhaps the most energizing high enzyme food there is: to make
a hummus grind up slightly sprouted hulled Sunfower or Buckwheat seeds, add
Tahini, Garlic, miso, Tom Yum Thai paste, Lemon juice and mix this into a paste.
Then put several tablespoons of this onto a Nori sheet and cover with Tomatoes,
Avocado, Cilantro and Cucumber, then roll up.
raw soup: Blend beets, Oranges and spinach in blender till smooth, add
buckwheat groat-sprouts, parsley or cilantro, nonsweetened dried coconut and
garnish with avocado mashed with lemon juicesprinkle with fresh ground black
Chronic infammation and infection exhausts the adrenal glands. To build up
your adrenals to recover from fatigue take 6-8 g per day of buffered Vitamin C/
Vitamin C Ester with plenty of water between meals. This high dosage will reduce
symptoms when withdrawing from any addictive substance whether it be food and
food allergens, drugs, coffee or nicotine. The adrenals are the site of the highest
I meet a woman who said she got rid of her cancer using Hulda Clarks zapper.
If we are generally depolarized due to removal from nature and generations of
cooked-depleted food, then blood zapping might make some sense, especially if we
are suffering from parasites, infectious diseases or cancer. I recently read that low
voltage exposure of blood gets rid of AIDs and Hepatitis. Hulda Clarks Zapper
nail FUnGiFor antifungal use iodine tincture. It pays to try and clean up
all types of infections in the body to reduce the work of the immune system. Nail
fungi growth corresponds to the level of sugar and carbohydrate in the diet.
Exfoliantground rolled oats; chemical exfoliantpapaya juice. For a facelift and
cleansing face pack and lymphatic gland pack use wheat grass juice mixed with
bentonite clay and/or spirulina. Crude lanolin is the most effective skin emollient
treatment out there; great for chapped feet and also makes the most effective
lip balm, but it has to be the sticky yellowish crude version. Horsetail infusion
sprays and Buckwheat goop are also fantastic to preserve the skin from collagen
breakdown during kundalini. Other outstanding skin topical agents are Olive Leaf
extract, liquid lecithin, jojoba oil, Moringa oil, organic rosehip (rosa rubiginosa)
seed oil, and Aloe Vera has the ability to accelerate cell growth in the skin. Plus
extracts of hops, chamomile, nettle, ginkgo and gotu kola.
There is a danger of loss dental health during metamorphosis, because the
overworked immune system fails to look after the mouth. If it is your frst
awakening your immune system might be compromised by excessive sympathetic
(HPA axis) activation. In which case you will have to take some extra measures to
protect the integrity of your teeth and tooth enamel.
You can use colloidal silica gel to rub around the teeth with your tongue several
times throughout the day. This cleans off the bacteria, because the positive bacteria
are clumped together and removed by the negative charged silicon. Bentonite clay
works in a similar fashion. Magnolia bark is a powerful oral antibiotic and cures
bad breath. Edgar Cayces Glyco-Thymoline mouthwash is fantastic, you can use it
to brush your teeth also.
tootHPaste reciPe: Bentonite clay, Colloidal Silica gel, Himalayan Salt,
Teatree Oil and water to form a paste. This is the most effective toothpasteit
will remove the positively charged bacteria from your whole mouth as well as more
perfectly cleaning the teeth.
Irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut syndrome is most often caused by or
associated with candida and is part of the degenerative disease complex. Long
breathing-walks with deep abdominal breathing and meditative focus on the
brainstem throughout ones awakening should help prevent gut problems further
down the line. Cleansing the intestinal tract and improving assimilation and
elimination, is the foundations of all healing.
DeeP cleansinG anD enZYmesHere is the crux of the issue for
regenerationwe ARE what we absorb and we cannot assimilate or eliminate if
the plumbing is clogged. The capacity to make enzymes and hydrochloric acid
diminishes with age, resulting in inferior digestion, absorption and elimination
and producing a variety of chronic disorders. In these cleansing formulas, the
mucopolysaccharide rich fbers stick the enzymes onto the sides of the GI tract in
order to dissolve and remove old mucus layer on the walls, and then there is a bulk
brushing effect allowing everything to exit. With no harsh laxative or irritating
infammatory herbs. Two formulas, one for regular use and one for intermittent
cleansing of mucoid plaque.
1. Formula onefor everyday use to cleanse Intestinal Plaque: Mix the following
powders and capsulate: Glucomannan, Yucca root, Green papaya powder and
Bromelain. Take one capsule with a large glass of water an hour prior to each
2. Formula twofor periodic use during deep cleansing, fasting and acute illness.
Mix Freeze dried okra, Pepsin and Aloe gel powders and take one capsule with a
large glass of water an hour prior to each meal.
PePsinPepsin is a digestive protease enzyme released by the chief cells in the
stomach that work to degrade food proteins into peptides. The enzyme Pepsin
needs a strong acidic environment such as stomach acid (pH of 3) in order to
breakdown protein. Pepsin can be broken down by fruit acids, so you shouldnt
mix fruit and proteins together, for that reason. It will not cleave at amino bonds
containing valine, alanine or glycine. Peptides may be further digested by other
proteases (in the duodenum) and eventually absorbed by the body. Pepsin is stored
as pepsinogen and is only released when needed; it does not digest the bodys
own proteins in the stomachs lining. (NB: Aloe gel inhibits the activity of pepsin
until in the presence of protein, apparently this is helpful to avoid ulcers.) Super
Enzyme from
Okra powder can be purchased from Asian or Indian markets. There is freeze
dried okra powder on the market if you can fnd it. Use this formula in combo
with plenty of water drinking and the following intestinal broom formula
niGHttime cleanserBentonite, Zeolite and/or Montmorillite clay
powder, along with Psyllium husk powder, plus food grade Diatomaceous earth,
Magnesium citrate and Apple pectin powder (about equal parts of each)mix
together and take one heap teaspoon in juice, per evening. Or put into 000 capsules
and take 3 with a pint of water 2 hours after your last meal. The clays will ionically
remove the byproducts of free radical decay. It is said that regular internal use
of clay should be avoided in leaky gut conditions to avoid the assimilation of
excess aluminum. However one is more likely to get brain damage from the toxins
produced during maldigestion than contracting Alzheimers from aluminum.
One of the most effective colon cleansing system is Arise and Shine,
Rich Andersons book Cleanse and Purify Yourself, is the best place to start for
ultimate cleansing.
Toxic Relief: Restore Health and Energy Through Fasting and Detoxifcation, by Don
Colbert M.D. is also great.
repair and rebuild: To rebuild the function and tone of the digestive tract after
a kundalini awakening: White Oak Bark, Cranesbill root, Black cohosh, Licorice
root, Peppermint.
Two parts each of kelp powder, spirulina and one part slippery elm put into
capsules will help ease digestive problems that arise with kundalini.
soothers: The mucopolysaccharides from Aloe gel act as an anti-infammatory,
it stops damage and leakage of the intestinal wall, thereby taking the stress of the
immune system. Aloe guards against bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and parasites.
Aloe mucopolysaccharides increase the number and intensity of all immune
cells in the body. Herbs that have mucilage properties that soothe the digestive
tract areAloe gel, Apple Pectin, Mullen, Chickweed, Comfrey, Borage, Bouch
grass, Chamomile, Marshmallow, Rosehips, Slippery elm, Taro root, Japanese
mountain yam (Yamaimo), natto (fermented soy beans) and Ground fax seed.
The chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice will also reduce infammation of the GI tract,
as will ginger root tea.
things to avoid: Coffee, Salt, Sugar, Alcohol. Avoid cooked food in general,
especially breads, pastries, four products, meats, processed, preserved, pickled
and frozen foodsie: avoid all foods that are not raw as much as possible. Foods
dehydrated or warmed to less than 115F are better, for this preserves the living
things to adopt: GREEN! GREEN! GREEN! Green leafy vegetables and
cabbage. Cabbage is so affective I would recommend daily carrot/cabbage/celery
juices with wheat grass. Dandelion greens are as potent as cabbage and can be
incorporated in carrot juice.
You might have to grind nuts and seeds in a coffee grinder depending on your
digestive power. Soak all nuts and seeds up to 8 hours before consumption to
make digestion easier. Almonds are the safest nuts, the rest are questionable
due to their tendency to go rancid (free radicals). Nuts brought from Jaffe
Brothers are fresher than those one fnds in the store. Soaked/sprouted
sunfower seeds are one the best protein and iron sources. But fnd a source
of fresh seeds, those in the shops are usually pretty oldJaffe Brothers is a
water and drink through a straw to save your tooth enamel. Use for detoxifcation
and fasting periods. Rawfoodists will probably fnd apple cider vinegar too harsh
on the body and may prefer raw apple juice with a dash of lemon juice instead.
BarK teasBecause the barks of trees contain antifungal agents to protect the
tree from attack, barks are useful anti-candida remedies. Slow simmered tea from
barks are anti-infammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-septic, anti-
cough, anti-asthmatic, expectorant, cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, hypotensive, laxative,
stomachic (benefcial to digestion), lymphatic and Spleen tonic. Barks contain
natural fungicides to protect the plants from infection. You can make your own
bark tea infusion or capsules using the inner bark from a variety of local and foreign
edible plants such as Pau dArco, Anamu, Bellaco-caspi tree, Black walnut, Babul
bark (Acacia nilotica), Birch, Beech, Brazilian peppertree, Buckthorn, Graviola
(sour sop), Wild cherry, Peach, Pine, Slippery elm, Cinnamon sticks, Eucommia
bark (Du Zhong), Jatoba, Matico, Fedegoso, TGuaco, Mangosteen and Apple tree
bark, Piri-piri, Ubos. Bark infusions are used topically for bacterial and fungal
infections. Pau darco is a very common bark used as a potent anti fungal agent.
Antifungal capsules from the Amazon
PreBioticsPrebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that selectively
stimulate the growth of intestinal bacteria. The most prevalent forms of prebiotics
are nutritionally classed as soluble fber. Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) increases
benefcial bacteria in the gut including those like lactobacillus acidophilus and
species of bifdus. Cabbage is a prebiotic. Unrefned oats, wheat and barely, jicama
and chicory root (inulin).
ProBioticsFriendly intestinal bacteria are one of the bodys frst lines of
immune defense. The type of bacteria that inhabit the colon depends not only on
the kind of food digested but also on the over all health and emotional state. Our
health is dependent on the quantity and quality of the bacterial activity in both
our soil and our intestines and these microbes are fed by vital organic material
not from chemical fertilizers and inorganic vitamins and minerals. Arise and
Shine sells a product called Flora Grow which contains Bacillus subtiluswhich
produces a large amount of catalase, an important enzyme for the neutralization
of harmful free radicals of hydrogen peroxide produced from inadequate fat
metabolism. After the shock phase of the initial awakening, when the digestive
system has fnished purging, then probiotics will help the GI tract return faster to
normal function. I would suggest several forms of probiotic including Kefr. This
needs to be researched so that you do not take supplements such as Acidophilus
which will produce excessive amounts of lactic acid therefore producing an acid
environment in the bowel. And acid bowel will inhibit enzyme function, decrease
alkaline reserves, deplete electrolytes etcLactobacillus acidophilus combination
supplement, 1 to 3 capsules or 1 teaspoon. Barley or wheat grass powders or fresh
one teaspoon, 2 to 3 times a day
enD raP
In awakening spiritually we are essentially elevating ourselves to our noble
Human condition. A condition we naturally would have been in, had we been
born into an enlightened society! Enlightened society is made up of spiritually
awakened and empowered individuals, and within this self-reforcing feedback
loop of human decency, the quality of human existence is maintained and
evolves. By perfecting the means of extracting ourselves from the density of the
old unenlightened culture...we help to create a morphogenic feld in which all
humanity can awaken.
To the extent that our systems and religions are coercive, mythic and
fundamentalist, they are brain damaging and retard social coevolution and
communication. But even atheism can be a form of conceptual dogma used in a
destructive way, through rigid adherence to repetitive beliefs and thoughts. This
repetition occurs through constantly efforting to defne and identify the self in order
to feel like somebody and to fandangle a worthy self from bits and pieces of
external information. Rather than promote self development and spiritual maturity,
there are certain tendencies in religious sects which play on our wounds and sense
of unworthiness in order to fll the coffers of the church. This perpetuates the
triggering of our original wounds, and as long as we play into this game of spiritual
extortion, there is little possibility of any signifcant healing or growth. Caught
in spiritual materialism we remain tied to the religious organization through the
pain of our wounds and the subsequent attempt at assuagement through tilth and
service. And if Big Daddy Priest gives us a pat on the back and our bolsters our
ego, then we feel OK for a while. This is how ones symbolic belief structure or
Archetypal Matrix remains entrenched even into the spiritual domains, as we spin
web of our self perpetuating, self reinforcing, self fulflling stories. Proving this,
explaining that, self justifying thistorturing ourselves and others with our mind,
emotions and sense of inadequacy.
Discrimination is possible only in a state of complete freedom where one can
perceive all the alternatives and so can choose from them. Any identifcation by the
mind puts an end to the process of discrimination. Thus a mind that is committed to
beliefs, ideals and principles is not a free mind, and is, therefore not a discriminating
mind. It is a dull mind in the sense that it cannot see beyond the patterns it has placed
before itself. The Negative Approach, Rohit Mehta
Fundamentally, spiritual maturity is dropping the need for parenting and to
become self-parented or Self-realized. That is connected to the causal aspects of our
being. The degree that a society is engaged in subrational religion is the degree that
it is distracted from the ultimate goal of spirit itself. If we lived in an enlightened
society...we would all natural abide in unity consciousness 24X7, without the
need for a special spiritual focus, our entire lives would naturally be enchanted.
Spirituality would simply pervade all aspects of human life. The irony being that
we do need to focus on spirituality in order to bring about an enlightened society
through the awakening of rational individuals. Only conduits of the living spirit
consicoUsness anD KUnDalini
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alternatiVe enerGY anD science
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Stone, Robert B., The Secret Life of Your Cells; Whitford Press, 1994. (On Backsters primary
perception research.)
Tesla, Nicola, My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla; bnpublishing, 2007
KUnDalini One of the most useful sites Bonnie Greenwell Kundalini Research Network Institute for Consciousness Research Yoga Research and Education Ipsalu Tantra Personal experiences Larry Arnold - spontaneous human combustion. Int. Spiritual Emergence Center for Psychological and Spiritual Health SEN Australia Spiritual experiences of scientists. TASTE Stuart Sovatsky John Ryan Haule
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