Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
1. For each of the following decimal virtual addresses, compute the virtual page number and offset for a 4-KB page and for an 8-KB page: 20000, 32768, 60000 2. Using the following table, give the physical address corresponding to each of the following virtual addresses. (a) 20 (b) 4100 (c) 8300
3. If FIFO page replacement is used with four page frames and eight pages, how many page faluls will occur with the reference string 0172327103 if the four frames are initially empty? Repeat this problem for LRU. 4. Consider the page sequence of the following figure. Suppose that R bits for the pages B through A are 11011011, respectively. Which page will second chance remove?
5. A machine has 48-bit virtual addresses and 32-bit physical addresses. Pages are 8 KB. How many entries are needed for the page table? 6. A computer has 32-bit virtual addresses and 4-KB pages. The program and data together fit in the lowest page (0-4095). The stack fits in the highest page. How many entries are needed in the page table if traditional (one-level) paging is used? How many page table entries are needed for two-level paging, with 10 bits in each part?