Rates of Hire

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Rates of Hire This is a summary of the hire costs for facilities offered at the centre.

If you want a more detailed idea of what is available, please contact: [email protected] 0151 336 7805

Outside these hours additional charges apply Monday to Friday Saturday 9am to 9-30pm 9am to 12pm Saturday pm / eve and Sunday Additional charges apply

Please note that we may ask for a deposit for some types of events. Rooms 1, 2, 3 Youth Zone I.T. Suite 40sqm 75sqm 40sqm 11.00 17.00 11.00 17.00 If IT equipment is used Prices quoted are hourly rates.

5% for periods between 10 wks and 6mths. * Discount Rates for Community Groups Cancellation Charges 10% for periods over 6mths. NB: Only available for prompt payment 10 days from invoice date. A cancellation fee of 10 will be incurred unless 5 days notice is given. A deposit of 25 will be required for private and childrens parties. There will be an additional 25 charge for use out of normal hours. 1. 2. 5 additional charge for use. Coffee and Tea facilities available.

Additional Charges

Kitchen Cleaning / Large Group charge Use of extra equipment

There is an additional charge of 30 for cleaning should your event involve more than 40 people. Projector, Flipchart can be made available. ( flipchart pads can be purchased)

A cancellation fee will be incurred unless 5 days notice is given. The charges set out above are for the financial year 2013-2014. NCYC reserves the right to change these charges without prior written notice

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