Outreach Unit Faculty of Dentistry The University of Hong Kong

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Outreach Unit Faculty of Dentistry The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Jonathan k.c. Lui BDS (HK) DGDP (UK) MDS (HK)

Outreach Oral Health Services for Caritas Rehabilitation Service 2008 - 2010

Topics to be covered:
Causes and prevention of common dental disease Special tips for Special Need Subject

Common Dental Diseases

Dental Caries Periodontal Diseases

Causes of Caries and Gum disease

Dental Plaque Diet / sugar

Prevention of caries and gingivitis

Good Oral hygiene habit Fluoride toothpaste

Good diet habit

Regular dental check-up


Toothbrush Design
No evidence shown that any particular toothbrush design is superior to others in terms of brushing efficacy General consensus: compact head, soft bristles

Toothbrush Frequency
~ Twice a day

Power toothbrush

Power toothbrush
Evidence : systematic review shown that oscillation rotation power toothbrush improve oral hygiene by ~ 10%, it may be beneficial to special need patient

Interdental Cleansing
Dental Floss / Floss Threader


Prevention of caries and gingivitis

1. Good Oral hygiene habit 2. Fluoride toothpaste clinical evidence shown that it can reduce caries by ~24% 3. Good diet habit 4. Regular dental check-up

Fluoride Toothpaste
FDI World Dental Federation - Fluoride toothpaste should be used twice a day

Fluoride mouthrinse Antiseptic mouthrinse

~ they are only supplementary ~

Prevention of caries and gingivitis

1. 2. 3. 4. Good Oral hygiene habit Fluoride toothpaste Good diet habit Regular dental check-up

Poor diet habit / Frequent snacking may lead to more caries

Prevention of caries and gingivitis

1. 2. 3. 4. Good Oral hygiene habit Fluoride toothpaste Good diet habit Regular dental check-up detect and treat early disease, usually recommend at least once a year.

Teaching the Special Need Subjects

Simple to difficult Staging: front / back, upper / lower, inside / outside Chaining: linking the steps Generalization Shaping: shaping means rewarding a child for a
behavior that is a step toward the desired behavior

Peer Modeling: watching others doing the same


Tell-show-do: e.g. brushing on the thumb

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