Statistical Models in S

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Statistical Models in S
The template is a multiple linear regression model:

In matrix terms this would be written


y is the response vector,

is the vector of regression coefficients,

X is the model matrix or design matrix and e is the error vector.
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CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

Model formulae
General form: yvar ~ term1 + term2 + Examples: y ~ x Simple regression y ~ 1 + x Explicit intercept y ~ -1 + x Through the origin y ~ x +x^2 Quadratic regression y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 Multiple regression y ~ G + x1 + x2 Parallel regressions y ~ G/(x1 + x2) Separate regressions sqrt(Hard) ~ Dens+Dens^2 Transformed
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More examples of formulae

y ~ G y ~ A + B y ~ B + N*P Single classification Randomized block Factorial in blocks

y ~ x + B + N*P
y ~ . - X1 . ~ . + A:B

with covariate
All variables except X1 Add interaction (update)

Nitrogen ~ Times*(River/Site) - more complex design

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CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

Generic functions for inference

The following apply to most modelling objects
coef(obj) resid(obj) fitted(obj) regression coefficients residuals fitted values


analysis summary

predict(obj,newdata = ndat) predict for new data deviance(obj) residual sum of squares

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CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

Example: The Janka data

Hardness and density data for 36 samples of Australian hardwoods. Source: E. J. Williams, Regression Analysis, Wiley, 1959. [ex-CSIRO, Forestry.] Problem: build a prediction model for Hardness using Density.

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The Janka data. Hardness and density of 36 species of Australian hardwood samples









40 Density




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Janka data - initial model building

We might start with a linear or quadratic model (suggested by Williams) and start checking the fit. > jank.1 <- lm(Hard ~ Dens, janka) > jank.2 <- update(jank.1, . ~ . + Dens^2) > summary(jank.2)$coef
Value Std. Error t value (Intercept) -118.00738 334.96690 -0.35230 Dens 9.43402 14.93562 0.63165 I(Dens2) 0.50908 0.15672 3.24830 Pr(>|t|) 0.726857 0.531970 0.002669

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Janka data: a cubic model?

To check for the need for a cubic term we simply add one more term to the model > jank.3 <- update(jank.2, . . + Dens3) > summary(jank.3)$coef Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -6.4144e+02 1.2357e+03 -0.51911 0.60726 Dens 4.6864e+01 8.6302e+01 0.54302 0.59088 I(Dens2) -3.3117e-01 1.9140e+00 -0.17303 0.86372 I(Dens3) 5.9587e-03 1.3526e-02 0.44052 0.66252 A quadratic term is necessary, but a cubic is not supported.

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Janka data - stability of coefficients

The regression coefficients should remain more stable under extensions to the model if we standardize, or even just mean-correct, the predictors:

> > > >

janka$d <- scale(janka$Dens, scale=F) jank.1 <- lm(Hard ~ d, janka) jank.2 <- update(jank.1, .~.+d^2) jank.3 <- update(jank.2, .~.+d^3)

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summary(jank.1)$coef Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1469.472 30.5099 48.164 0 d 57.507 2.2785 25.238 0 > summary(jank.2)$coef Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1378.19661 38.93951 35.3933 0.000000 d 55.99764 2.06614 27.1026 0.000000 I(d^2) 0.50908 0.15672 3.2483 0.002669 > round(summary(jank.3)$coef, 4) Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1379.1028 39.4775 34.9339 0.0000 d 53.9610 5.0746 10.6336 0.0000 I(d^2) 0.4864 0.1668 2.9151 0.0064 I(d^3) 0.0060 0.0135 0.4405 0.6625 Why is this so? Does it matter very much?
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Checks and balances

> xyplot(studres(janka.lm2) ~ fitted(janka.lm2), panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, col = 5, ...) panel.abline(h = 0, lty = 4, col = 6) }, xlab = "Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") > qqmath(~ studres(janka.lm2), panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.qqmath(x, y, col = 5, ...) panel.qqmathline(y, qnorm, col = 4) }, xlab = "Normal scores", ylab = "Sorted studentized residuals")

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Janka data: Studentized residuals against fitted values for the quadratic model


-2 500 1000 1500 Fitted values 2000 2500 3000

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Sorted studentized residuals

Janka data: Sorted studentized residuals against normal scores for the quadratic model

-2 -2 -1 0 Normal scores 1 2

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Janka data - trying a transformation

The Box-Cox family of transformations includes square-root and log transformations as special cases. The boxcox function in the MASS library allows the marginal likelihood function for the transformation parameter to be calculated and displayed. Its use is easy. (Note: it only applies to positive response variables.)

> library(MASS, first = T) > graphsheet()

# necessary if no graphics device open.

> boxcox(jank.2,
lambda = seq(-0.25, 1, len=20))
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-239 -240



0.2 lambda



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Janka data - transformed data

The marginal likelihood plot suggests a log transformation.
> ljank.2 <- update(jank.2, log(.) .) > round(summary(ljank.2)$coef, 4) Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 7.2299 0.0243 298.0154 0 d 0.0437 0.0013 33.9468 0 I(d^2) -0.0005 0.0001 -5.3542 0 > lrs <- studres(ljank.2) > lfv <- fitted(ljank.2) > xyplot(lrs ~ lfv, panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.abline(h=0, lty=4) }, xlab = "Fitted (log trans.)", ylab = "Residuals (log trans.)", col = 5)
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Residuals (log trans.)




7.0 Fitted (log trans.)



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Plot of transformed data

> attach(janka) > plot(Dens, Hard, log = "y")
3000 Hard 500 1000 1500 2000


40 Dens




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Selecting terms in a multiple regression

Example: The Iowa wheat data. > names(iowheat)
[1] "Year" "Rain0" "Temp1" "Rain1" "Temp2" [6] "Rain2" "Temp3" "Rain3" "Temp4" "Yield"

> bigm <- lm(Yield ~ ., data = iowheat)

fits a regression model using all other variables in the data frame as predictors. From the big model, now check the effect of dropping each term individually:

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> dropterm(bigm, test = "F") Single term deletions Model: Yield ~ Year + Rain0 + Temp1 + Rain1 + Temp2 + Rain2 + Temp3 + Rain3 + Temp4 Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC F Value Pr(F) <none> 1404.8 143.79 Year 1 1326.4 2731.2 163.73 21.715 0.00011 Rain0 1 203.6 1608.4 146.25 3.333 0.08092 Temp1 1 70.2 1475.0 143.40 1.149 0.29495 Rain1 1 33.2 1438.0 142.56 0.543 0.46869 Temp2 1 43.2 1448.0 142.79 0.707 0.40905 Rain2 1 209.2 1614.0 146.37 3.425 0.07710 Temp3 1 0.3 1405.1 141.80 0.005 0.94652 Rain3 1 9.5 1414.4 142.01 0.156 0.69655 Temp4 1 58.6 1463.5 143.14 0.960 0.33738
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> smallm <- update(bigm, . ~ Year) > addterm(smallm, bigm, test = "F") Single term additions
Model: Yield ~ Year Df Sum of Sq <none> Rain0 1 138.65 Temp1 1 30.52 Rain1 1 47.88 Temp2 1 16.45 Rain2 1 518.88 Temp3 1 229.14 Rain3 1 149.78 Temp4 1 445.11
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RSS 2429.8 2291.1 2399.3 2381.9 2413.3 1910.9 2200.6 2280.0 1984.7

AIC F Value 145.87 145.93 1.8155 147.45 0.3816 147.21 0.6031 147.64 0.2045 139.94 8.1461 144.60 3.1238 145.77 1.9708 141.19 6.7282

Pr(F) 0.18793 0.54141 0.44349 0.65437 0.00775 0.08733 0.17063 0.01454


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Automated selection of variables

> stepm <- stepAIC(bigm, scope = list(lower = ~ Year)) Start: AIC= 143.79 .... Step: AIC= 137.13 Yield ~ Year + Rain0 + Rain2 + Temp4 Df Sum of Sq NA NA 1 187.95 1 196.01 1 240.20 RSS 1554.6 1742.6 1750.6 1794.8 AIC 137.13 138.90 139.05 139.87

<none> - Temp4 - Rain0 - Rain2 >

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CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

A Random Effects model

The petroleum data of Nilon L Prater, (c. 1954). 10 crude oil sources, with measurements on the crude oil itself. Subsamples of crude (3-5) refined to a certain end point (measured). The response is the yield of refined petroleum (as a percentage). How can petroleum yield be predicted from properties of crude and end point?
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A first look: Trellis display

For this kind of grouped data a Trellis display, by group, with a simple model fitted within each group is often very revealing.
> names(petrol) [1] "No" "SG" "VP" "V10" "EP" "Y" > xyplot(Y ~ EP | No, petrol, as.table = T, panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.lmline(x, y, ...) }, xlab = "End point", ylab = "Yield (%)", main = "Petroleum data of N L Prater") >
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Petroleum data of N L Prater

200 A 40 30 250 300 B 350 400 450 C 200 250 300 D 350 400 450

20 10

H 40

Yield (%)

30 20


I 40


20 10







End point

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Fixed effect Models

Clearly a straight line model is reasonable. There is some variation between groups, but parallel lines is also a reasonable simplification. There appears to be considerable variation between intercepts, though.
> pet.2 <- aov(Y ~ No*EP, petrol) > pet.1 <- update(pet.2, .~.-No:EP) > pet.0 <- update(pet.1, .~.-No) > anova(pet.0, pet.1, pet.2) Analysis of Variance Table Response: Y Terms Resid. Df RSS Test Df Sum of Sq F Value Pr(F) 1 EP 30 1759.7 2 No + EP 21 74.1 +No 9 1685.6 74.101 0.0000 3 No * EP 12 30.3 +No:EP 9 43.8 1.926 0.1439
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Random effects
> pet.re1 <- lme(Y ~ EP, petrol, random = ~1+EP|No) > summary(pet.re1) ..... AIC BIC logLik 184.77 193.18 -86.387 Random effects: Formula: ~ 1 + EP | No Structure: General positive-definite StdDev Corr (Intercept) 4.823890 (Inter EP 0.010143 1 Residual 1.778504 Fixed effects: Y ~ EP Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) -31.990 2.3617 21 -13.545 <.0001 EP 0.155 0.0062 21 24.848 <.0001 Correlation: .....

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The shrinkage effect

> B <- coef(pet.re1) > B (Intercept) EP A -24.146 0.17103 B -29.101 0.16062 C -26.847 0.16536 D -30.945 0.15674 E -30.636 0.15739 F -31.323 0.15595 G -34.601 0.14905 H -35.348 0.14748 I -37.023 0.14396 J -39.930 0.13785 > xyplot(Y ~ EP | No, petrol, as.table = T, subscripts = T, panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.lmline(x, y, ...) wh <- as(petrol$No[subscripts][1], "character") panel.abline(B[wh, 1], B[wh, 2], lty = 4, col = 8) }, xlab = "End point", ylab = "Yield (%)")

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200 A 40


300 B



450 C



300 D







H 40

Yield (%)




I 40




Note how the random effect (red, broken) lines are less variable than the separate least squares lines.
200 250 300 350 400 450

End point

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CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

General notes on modelling

1. Analysis of variance models are linear models but usually fitted using aov rather than lm. The computation is the same but the resulting object behaves differently in response to some generics, especially summary. 2. Generalized linear modelling (logistic regression, log-linear models, quasi-likelihood, &c) also use linear modelling formulae in that they specify the model matrix, not the parameters. Generalized additive modelling (smoothing splines, loess models, &c) formulae are quite similar. 3. Non-linear regression uses a formula, but a completely different paradigm: the formula gives the full model as an expression, including parameters.
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GLMs and GAMs: An introduction

One generalization of multiple linear regression. Response, y, stimulus variables The distribution of Y depends on the x's through a single linear function, the 'linear predictor'

There may be an unknown 'scale' (or 'variance') parameter to estimate as well

The deviance is a generalization of the residual sum of squares.

The protocols are very similar to linear regression. The inferential logic is virtually identical.

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Example: budworms (MASS, Ch. 7)

Classical toxicology study of budworms, by sex. > Budworms <- data.frame(Logdose = rep(0:5, 2), Sex = factor(rep(c("M", "F"), each = 6)), Dead = c(1, 4, 9, 13, 18, 20, 0, 2, 6, 10, 12, 16)) > Budworms$Alive <- 20 - Budworms$Dead > xyplot(Dead/20 ~ I(2^Logdose), Budworms, groups = Sex, panel = panel.superpose, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Fraction dead", key = list(......), type="b")

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Females: 1.0



Fraction dead




0.0 0 5 10 15 Dose 20 25 30

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Fitting a model and plotting the results

Fitting the model is similar to a linear model
> bud.1 <- glm(cbind(Dead, Alive) ~ Sex*Logdose, binomial, Budworms, trace=T, eps=1.0e-9) GLM linear loop 1: deviance = 5.0137 GLM linear loop 2: deviance = 4.9937 GLM linear loop 3: deviance = 4.9937 GLM linear loop 4: deviance = 4.9937 > summary(bud.1, cor = F) Value Std. Error t value (Intercept) -2.99354 0.55270 -5.41622 Sex 0.17499 0.77831 0.22483 Logdose 0.90604 0.16710 5.42207 Sex:Logdose 0.35291 0.26999 1.30713 (Residual Deviance: 4.9937 on 8 degrees of freedom
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> bud.0 <- update(bud.1, .~.-Sex:Logdose) GLM linear loop 1: deviance = 6.8074 GLM linear loop 2: deviance = 6.7571 GLM linear loop 3: deviance = 6.7571 GLM linear loop 4: deviance = 6.7571 > anova(bud.0, bud.1, test="Chisq") Analysis of Deviance Table Response: cbind(Dead, Alive) Terms Resid. Df Resid. Dev Test Df 1 Sex + Logdose 9 6.7571 2 Sex * Logdose 8 4.9937 +Sex:Logdose 1

Deviance Pr(Chi)
1 2 1.7633 0.18421
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Plotting the results

attach(Budworms) plot(2^Logdose, Dead/20, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Fraction dead", type = "n") text(2^Logdose, Dead/20, c("+","o")[Sex], col = 5, cex = 1.25) newdat <- expand.grid(Logdose = seq(-0.1, 5.1, 0.1), Sex = levels(Sex)) newdat$Pr1 <- predict(bud.1, newdat, type = "response") newdat$Pr0 <- predict(bud.0, newdat, type = "response") ditch <- newdat$Logdose == 5.1 | newdat$Logdose < 0 newdat[ditch, ] <- NA attach(newdat) lines(2^Logdose, Pr1, col=4, lty = 4) lines(2^Logdose, Pr0, col=3)

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Females Males

+ o

o o


bud1 bud0

+ o + + o +

Fraction dead




o + o +
0 5 10 15 Dose 20 25 30


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CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

Janka data, first re-visit

From transformations it becomes clear that A square-root makes the regression straight-line, A log is needed to make the variance constant. One way to accommodate both is to use a GLM with

Square-root link, and

Variance proportional to the square of the mean. This is done using the quasi family which allows link and variance

functions to be separately specified.

family = quasi(link = sqrt, variance = "mu^2")
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> jank.g1 <- glm(Hard ~ Dens, quasi(link = sqrt, variance = "mu^2"), janka, trace=T) GLM linear loop 1: deviance = 0.3335 GLM linear loop 2: deviance = 0.3288 GLM linear loop 3: deviance = 0.3288 > range(janka$Dens) [1] 24.7 69.1 > newdat <- data.frame(Dens = 24:70) > p1 <- predict(jank.g1, newdat, type = "response", se = T) > names(p1) [1] "fit" "" "residual.scale" [4] "df" > ul <- p1$fit + 2*p1$ > ll <- p1$fit - 2*p1$ > mn <- p1$fit > matplot(newdat$Dens, cbind(ll, mn, ul), xlab = "Density", ylab = "Hardness", col = c(2,3,2), lty = c(4,1,4), type = "l") > points(janka$Dens, janka$Hard, pch=16, col = 6)
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40 Density




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Negative Binomial Models

Useful class of models for count data cases where the variance is much greater than the mean A Poisson model to such data will give a deviance much greater than the residual degrees of freedom.

Has two interpretations

As a conditional Poisson model but with an unobserved random effect attached to each observation As a "contagious distribution": the observations are sums of a Poisson number of "clumps" with each clump logarithmically distributed.
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The quine data

Numbers of days absent from school per pupil in a year in a rural NSW town. Classified by four factors:
> lapply(quine, levels) $Eth: [1] "A" "N" $Sex: [1] "F" "M" $Age: [1] "F0" "F1" "F2" "F3" $Lrn: [1] "AL" "SL" $Days: NULL
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First consider a Poisson "full" model" > quine.1 <- glm(Days ~ Eth*Sex*Age*Lrn, poisson, quine, trace = T) GLM linear loop 4: deviance = 1173.9 > quine.1$df [1] 118 Overdispersion. Now a NB model with the same mean structure (and default log link): > quine.n1 <- glm.nb(Days ~ Eth*Sex*Age*Lrn, quine, trace=T) Theta( 1 ) = 1.92836 , 2(Ls - Lm) = 167.453 > dropterm(quine.n1, test = "Chisq") Single term deletions Model: Days ~ Eth * Sex * Age * Lrn Df AIC LRT Pr(Chi) <none> 1095.3 Eth:Sex:Age:Lrn 2 1092.7 1.4038 0.49563

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Manual model building

Is always risky! Is nearly always revealing.
> quine.up <- glm.nb(Days ~ Eth*Sex*Age*Lrn, quine) > quine.m <- glm.nb(Days ~ Eth + Sex + Age + Lrn, quine) > dropterm(quine.m, test="Chisq") Single term deletions Model: Days ~ Eth + Sex + Age + Lrn Df AIC LRT Pr(Chi) <none> 1107.2 Eth 1 1117.7 12.524 0.00040 Sex 1 1105.4 0.250 0.61728 Age 3 1112.7 11.524 0.00921 Lrn 1 1107.7 2.502 0.11372
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> addterm(quine.m, quine.up, test = "Chisq") Single term additions Model: Days ~ Eth Df <none> Eth:Sex 1 Eth:Age 3 Sex:Age 3 Eth:Lrn 1 Sex:Lrn 1 Age:Lrn 2

+ Sex + Age + AIC LRT 1107.2 1108.3 0.881 1102.7 10.463 1100.4 12.801 1106.1 3.029 1109.0 0.115 1110.0 1.161

Lrn Pr(Chi) 0.34784 0.01501 0.00509 0.08180 0.73499 0.55972

> quine.m <- update(quine.m, .~.+Sex:Age) > addterm(quine.m, quine.up, test = "Chisq")

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Single term additions Model: Days ~ Eth + Sex + Age + Lrn + Sex:Age Df AIC LRT Pr(Chi) <none> 1100.4 Eth:Sex 1 1101.1 1.216 0.27010 Eth:Age 3 1094.7 11.664 0.00863 Eth:Lrn 1 1099.7 2.686 0.10123 Sex:Lrn 1 1100.9 1.431 0.23167 Age:Lrn 2 1100.3 4.074 0.13043 > quine.m <- update(quine.m, .~.+Eth:Age) > addterm(quine.m, quine.up, test = "Chisq") Single term additions Model: Days ~ Eth Df <none> Eth:Sex 1 Eth:Lrn 1 Sex:Lrn 1 Age:Lrn 2

+ Sex + Age + AIC LRT 1094.7 1095.4 1.2393 1096.7 0.0004 1094.7 1.9656 1094.1 4.6230

Lrn + Sex:Age + Eth:Age Pr(Chi)

0.26560 0.98479 0.16092 0.09911

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> dropterm(quine.m, test = "Chisq") Single term deletions Model: Days ~ Eth + Sex + Age + Lrn + Sex:Age + Eth:Age Df <none> Lrn Sex:Age AIC 1094.7 1 1097.9 5.166 0.023028 3 1102.7 14.002 0.002902 LRT Pr(Chi)


3 1100.4 11.664 0.008628

The final model (from this approach) can be written in the form Days ~ Lrn + Age/(Eth + Sex) suggesting that Eth and Sex have proportional effects nested within Age, and Lrn has the same proportional effect on all means independent of Age, Sex and Eth.

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Generalized Additive Models: Introduction

Strongly assumes that predictors have been chosen that are unlikely to have interactions between them. Weakly assumes a form for the main effect for each term! Estimation is done using penalized maximum likelihood where the penalty term uses a measure of roughness of the main effect forms. The tuning constant is chosen automatically by crossvalidation. Any glm form is possible, but two additional functions, s(x, ) and lo(x,) may be included, but only additively. For many models, spline models can do nearly as well!
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Example: The Iowa wheat data revisited

Clear that Year is the dominant predictor. If any others are useful, Rain0, Rain2 and Temp4, at most, could be.
> iowa.gm1 <- gam(Yield ~ s(Year) + s(Rain0) + s(Rain2) + s(Temp4), data = iowheat)

The best way to appreciate the fitted model is to graph the components.
> par(mfrow=c(2,2)) > plot(iowa.gm1, se=T, ylim = c(-25, 25))

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s( Ra in 0 )

s( Ye a r )






1945 Ye a r









20 R a in 0




s( Te mp 4 )

s( Ra in 2 )



4 R a in 2








74 Te mp 4




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Comparison with simpler models

> Iowa.fakeGAM + ns(Rain2, > Iowa.fakePol poly(Rain0, iowheat) <3) <3) lm(Yield ~ ns(Year, 3) + ns(Rain0, 3) + ns(Temp4, 3), iowheat) lm(Yield ~ poly(Year, 3) + + poly(Rain2, 3) + poly(Temp4, 3),

> par(oma = c(0,0,4,0)) > plot.gam(Iowa.fakeGAM, se=T, ylim = c(-25, 25)) > mtext("Additive components of a simple spline model", outer = T, cex = 2) > plot.gam(Iowa.fakePol, se=T, ylim = c(-25, 25)) > mtext("Additive components of a cubic polynomial model", outer = T, cex = 2)
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Additive components of a simple spline model

10 20 30 20

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n s( Ra in 0 , 3 )

n s( Ye a r , 3 )

-10 0





1945 Ye a r




-20 -10



20 R a in 0



n s( Te mp 4 , 3 )

n s( Ra in 2 , 3 )


-20 -10

4 R a in 2








74 Te mp 4




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Additive components of a cubic polynomial model

20 p o ly( Ra in 0 , 3 ) 20

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p o ly( Ye a r , 3 )




1945 Ye a r




-20 -10




20 R a in 0



p o ly( Te mp 4 , 3 )

p o ly( Ra in 2 , 3 )


-20 -10

4 R a in 2


-10 0






74 Te mp 4




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GLMs with Random Effects

This is still a controversial area (Nelder, Goldstein, Diggle, ) Practice is not waiting for theory! Breslow & Clayton two procedures: "penalized quasi-likelihood" and "marginal quasi-likelihood (PQL & MQL) MQL is rather like estimating equations; PQL is much closer to the spirit of random effects. glmmPQL is part of the MASS library and implements PQL

using the B&C algorithm. Should be used carefully, though for

most realistic data sets the method is probably safe enough.

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A test: the quine data with Poisson PQL

The negative binomial model has an interpretation as a poisson model with a single random effect for each observation. If the random effect has a 'log of gamma' distribution the exact likelihood can be computed and maximized (glm.nb). If the random effect has a normal distribution the integration is not feasable and approximate methods of estimation are needed. The two models, in principle, should be very similar. Are they in practice?
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First, re-fit the preferred NB model: > quine.nb <- glm.nb(Days ~ Lrn + Age/(Eth + Sex), quine) Now make a local copy of quine, add the additional component and fit the (large) random effects model: > > > > quine <- quine quine$Child <- factor(1:nrow(quine)) library(MASS, first = T) <- glmmPQL(Days ~ Lrn + Age/(Eth + Sex), family = poisson(link = log), data = quine, random = ~1 | Child, maxit = 20)

iteration 1 iteration 2 ... iteration 10

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How similar are the coefficients (and SE)?

> b.nb <- coef(quine.nb) > <- fixed.effects( > rbind(NB = b.nb, RE = (Intercept) Lrn AgeF1 AgeF2 AgeF3 NB 2.8651 0.43464 -0.26946 -0.035837 -0.20542 RE 2.6889 0.36301 -0.24835 -0.058735 -0.30111

AgeF0Eth AgeF1Eth AgeF2Eth AgeF3Eth AgeF0Sex AgeF1Sex NB 0.012582 -0.74511 -1.2082 -0.040114 -0.54904 -0.52050 RE -0.030215 -0.76261 -1.1759 -0.079303 -0.61111 -0.44163
AgeF2Sex AgeF3Sex NB 0.66164 0.66438 RE 0.66571 0.77235

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> <- sqrt(diag($varFix)) > se.nb <- sqrt(diag(vcov(quine.nb))) > rbind(, se.nb) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] 0.28100 0.16063 0.33832 0.36867 0.35762 0.29025 se.nb 0.31464 0.18377 0.37982 0.41264 0.40101 0.32811
[,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] 0.22531 0.23852 0.26244 0.30130 0.24281 0.25532 se.nb 0.25926 0.26941 0.29324 0.33882 0.28577 0.28857 [,13] 0.26538 se.nb 0.29553 > plot(b.nb/se.nb, > abline(0, 1, col = 3, lty = 4)

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GLMM coefficients vs Negative Binomial (both standardized).





2 b.nb/se.nb

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Comparing predictions
The negative binomial fitted values should be comparable with the "level 0" predictions from the GLMM, i.e. fixed effects only. The predict generic function predicts on the link scale. For the GLMM we need a correction to go from the log scale to the direct scale (cf. lognormal distribution). An approximate correction (on the log scale) is /2 where is the variance of the random effects (or BLUPs).
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> fv.nb <- fitted(quine.nb) > <- exp(predict(, level = 0) + var(random.effects( > plot(, fv.nb) > plot(fv.nb, > abline(0, 1, col = 5, lty = 4)
GLMM vs NB predictions on the original scale.
50 10 20 30 40


20 fv.nb




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Non-linear regression
Generalization of linear regression. Normality and equal variance retained, linearity of parameters relaxed. Generally comes from a fairly secure theory; not often appropriate for empirical work Estimation is still by least squares (= maximum likelihood), but the sum of squares surface is not necessarily quadratic. Theory is approximate and relies on SSQ surface being nearly quadratic in a region around the minimum.

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The Stormer Viscometer Data

The stormer viscometer measures the viscosity of a fluid by measuring the time taken for an inner cylinder in the mechanism to perform a fixed number of revolutions in response to an actuating weight. The viscometer is calibrated by measuring the time taken with varying weights while the mechanism is suspended in fluids of accurately known viscosity. The data comes from such a calibration, and theoretical considerations suggest a non-linear relationship between time, weight and viscosity, of the form


1V W 2

where 1 and 2 are unknown parameters to be estimated, and E is error. The data frame contains the following components: ARGUMENTS: Viscosity Viscosity of fluid Wt Actuating weight Time Time taken SOURCE: E. J. Williams (1959) Regression Analysis. Wiley.
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A simple example
Stormer viscometer data (data frame stormer in MASS).
> names(stormer) [1] "Viscosity" "Wt" "Time"

Model: T = V/(W ) + error Ignoring error and re-arranging gives: WT V + T Fit this relationship with ordinary least squares to get initial values for and .
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Fitting the model

Is very easy for this example > b <- coef(lm(Wt*Time ~ Viscosity + Time - 1, stormer)) > names(b) <- c("beta", "theta") > b beta theta 28.876 2.8437 > storm.1 <nls(Time ~ beta*Viscosity/(Wt - theta), stormer, start=b, trace=T) 885.365 : 28.8755 2.84373 825.110 : 29.3935 2.23328 825.051 : 29.4013 2.21823
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Looking at the results

> summary(storm.1) Formula: Time ~ (beta * Viscosity)/(Wt - theta) Parameters: Value Std. Error t value beta 29.4013 0.91553 32.1138 theta 2.2182 0.66552 3.3331 Residual standard error: 6.26803 on 21 degrees of freedom

Correlation of Parameter Estimates: beta theta -0.92

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Self-starting models
Allows the starting procedure to be encoded into the model function. (Somewhat arcane but very powerful) > library(nls) # R only > library(MASS) > data(stormer) # R only
> storm.init <- function(mCall, data, LHS) { v <- eval(mCall[["V"]], data) w <- eval(mCall[["W"]], data) t <- eval(LHS, data) b <- lsfit(cbind(v, t), t * w, int = F)$coef names(b) <- mCall[c("b", "t")] b } > NLSstormer <- selfStart( ~ b*V/(W-t), storm.init, c("b","t")) > args(NLSstormer) function(V, W, b, t) NULL

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> tst <- nls(Time ~ NLSstormer(Viscosity, Wt, beta, theta), stormer, trace = T) 885.365 : 28.8755 2.84373 825.110 : 29.3935 2.23328 825.051 : 29.4013 2.21823

Bootstrapping is NBD:
> > > > > tst$call$trace <- NULL B <- matrix(NA, 500, 2) r <- scale(resid(tst), scale = F) # mean correct f <- fitted(tst) for(i in 1:500) { v <- f + sample(r, rep = T) B[i, ] <- try(coef(update(tst, v ~ .))) # guard! } > cbind(Coef = colMeans(B), SD = colStdevs(B)) Coef SD [1,] 29.4215 0.64390 [2,] 2.2204 0.46051
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NLS example: the muscle data

Old data from an experiment on muscle contraction in experimental animals.

Strip: identifier of muscle (animal) Conc: CaCl concentrations used to soak the section

Length: resulting length of muscle section for each concentration


L = + exp(-C/ ) + error

where and may vary with the animal but is constant.

Note that and are (very many) linear parameters. We use this

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First model: fixed parameters

Since there are 21 animals with separate alpha's and beta's for each the number of parameters is 21+21+1=43, from 61 observations! Use the plinear algorithm since all parameters are linear bar one.
> X <- model.matrix(~ Strip 1, muscle) > musc.1 <- nls(Length ~ cbind(X, X*exp(-Conc/th)), muscle, start = list(th = 1), algorithm = "plinear", trace = T) .... > b <- coef(musc.1) > b th .lin1 .lin2 .lin3 .lin4 .lin5 .lin6 .lin7 0.79689 23.454 28.302 30.801 25.921 23.2 20.12 33.595 ...... .lin39 .lin40 .lin41 .lin42 -15.897 -28.97 -36.918 -26.508
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Conventional fitting algorithm

Parameters in non-linear regression may be indexed:
> > > > th <- b[1] a <- b[2:22] b <- b[23:43] musc.2 <- nls(Length ~ a[Strip] + b[Strip)*exp(-Conc/th), muscle, start = list(a = a, b = b, th = th), trace = T) ......

Converges in one step, now. Note that with indexed parameters, the starting values must be given in a list (with names).

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Plotting the result

> range(muscle$Conc) [1] 0.25 4.00 > newdat <- expand.grid( Strip = levels(muscle$Strip), Conc = seq(0.25, 4, 0.05)) > dim(newdat) [1] 1596 2 > names(newdat) [1] "Strip" "Conc" > newdat$Length <- predict(musc.2, newdat)

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The actual plot

Trellis comes to the rescue:
> xyplot(Length ~ Conc | Strip, muscle, subscripts = T,
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) ws <- as(muscle$Strip[subscripts[1]], "character") wf <- which(newdat$Strip == ws) xx <- newdat$Conc[wf] yy <- newdat$Length[wf] lines(xx, yy, col = 3) }, ylim = range(newdat$Length, muscle$Length), as.table = T)

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0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


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A Random Effects version

Random effects models allow the parametric dimension to be more easily controlled. We assume and are now random over animals > <- nlme(Length ~ a + b*exp(-Conc/th), fixed = a+b+th~1, random = a+b~1|Strip, data = muscle, start = c(a=mean(a), b=mean(b), th=th))

The vectors a, b and th come from the previous fit; no need to supply initial values for the random effects, (though you may).

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A composite plot
> newdat$L2 <- predict(, newdat) > xyplot(Length ~ Conc | Strip, muscle, subscripts = T, panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) ws <- as(muscle$Strip[subscripts[1]], "character") wf <- which(newdat$Strip == ws) xx <- newdat$Conc[wf] yy <- newdat$Length[wf] lines(xx, yy, col = 3) yy <- newdat$L2[wf] lines(xx, yy, lty=4, col=4) }, ylim = range(newdat$Length, muscle$Length), as.table = T)
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4 40

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0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

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Tree based methods - an introduction

V&R, Ch. 9 (formerly 10).
A decision tree is a sequence of binary rules leading to one of a number of terminal nodes, each associated with some decision. A classification tree is a decision tree that attempts to reproduce a given classification as economically as possible. A variable is selected and the population is divided into two at a selected breakpoint of that variable. Each half is then independently subdivided further on the same principle, thus recursively forming a binary tree structure. Each node is associated with a probability forecast for membership in each class (hopefully as specific as possible).
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A generic classification tree with 7 terminal nodes.

B<2 Male B<1 Female Female Male A<1 C < 10 D = fg Female Male


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Trees, more preliminaries

The faithfulness of any classification tree is measured by a deviance measure, D(T), which takes its miminum value at zero if every member of the training sample is uniquely and correctly classified. The size of a tree is the number of terminal nodes. A cost-complexity measure of a tree is the deviance penalized by a multiple of the size: D(T) = D(T) + size(T) where is a tuning constant. This is eventually minimized. Low values of for this measure imply that accuracy of prediction (in the training sample) is more important than simplicity. High values of rate simplicity relatively more highly than predictive accuracy.
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Regression trees
Suppose Y has a distribution with mean depending on several determining variables, not necessarily continuous.

A regression tree is a decision tree that partitions the determining variable space into non-overlapping prediction regions.
Within each prediction region the response variable Y is predictied by a constant.

The deviance in this case is exactly the same as for regression: the residual sum of squares.
With enough regions (nodes) the training sample can clearly be reproduced exactly, but predictions will be inaccurate. With too few nodes predictions may be seriously biased. How many nodes should we use? This is the key question for all of tree modelling (equivalent to setting the tuning constant).
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Some S tree model facilities

ftr <- tree(formula, data = dataFrame, ...) rtr <- rpart(formula, data = dataFrame, ...)

implements an algorithm to produce a binary tree (regression or classification) and returns a tree object. The formula is of the simple form R ~ X1 +X2 + where R is the target variable and X1, X2,... are the determining variables. if R is a factor the result is a classification tree, if R is numeric the result is a regression tree.
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tree or rpart?
In S-PLUS there is a native tree library that V&R have some reservations about. It is useful, though. rpart is a library written by Beth Atkinson and Terry Therneau of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, NY. It is much closer to the spirit of the original CART algorithm of Breiman, et al. It is now supplied with both S-PLUS and R. In R, there is a tree library that is an S-PLUS look-alike, but we think better in some respects. rpart is the more flexible and allows various splitting criteria and different model bases (survival trees, for example). rpart is probably the better package, but tree is acceptable and some things such as cross-validation are easier with tree. In this discussion we (nevertheless) largely use tree!
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Some other arguments to tree

There are a number of other optional important arguments, for example: na.action = na.omit indicates that cases with missing observations on some requried variable are to be omitted. By default the algorithm terminates the splitting when the group is either homogeneous or of size 5 or less. Occasionally it is useful to remove or tighten this restriction, and so

minsize = k
specifics that the groups may be as small as k.
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Displaying and interrogating a tree

> plot(ftr) > text(ftr) will give a graphical representation of the tree, as well as text to indicate how the tree has been constructed. The assignment > nodes <- identify(ftr) allows interactive identification of the cases in each node. Clicking on any node produces a list of row labels in the working window. Clicking on the right button terminates the interactive action. The result is an S list giving the contents (as character string vector components) of the nodes selected.
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An simplistic example: The Janka data

Consider predicting trees by, well, trees!
> jank.t1 <- tree(Hard ~ Dens, janka) > jank.t1 node), split, n, deviance, yval * denotes terminal node 1) root 36 22000000 1500 2) Dens<47.55 21 1900000 890 4) Dens<34.15 8 73000 540 * 5) Dens>34.15 13 220000 1100 * 3) Dens>47.55 15 3900000 2300 6) Dens<62.9 10 250000 1900 12) Dens<56.25 5 69000 1900 * 13) Dens>56.25 5 130000 2000 * 7) Dens>62.9 5 240000 2900 *

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The tree has 5 terminal nodes. We can take two views of the model that complement each other.
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> plot(jank.t1, lwd = 2, col = 6) > text(jank.t1, cex = 1.25, col = 5)

Dens<47.55 |

Dens<34.15 540 1100 1900

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Dens<56.25 2000


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> > > >

partition.tree(jank.t1, xlim = c(24, 70)) attach(janka) points(Dens, Hard, col = 5, cex = 1.25) segments(Dens, Hard, Dens, predict(jank.t1), col = 6, lty = 4)
3000 Hard 500 1000 1500 2000 2500


40 Dens




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A classification tree: Bagging

Survey data (data frame survey from the MASS library).
> ?survey > names(survey) [1] "Sex" [7] "Clap" "Wr.Hnd" "NW.Hnd" "W.Hnd" "Exer" "Smoke" "Fold" "Pulse" "Age"

"Height" "M.I"

We consider predicting Sex from the other variables. Remove cases with missing values Split data set into "Training" and "Test" sets Build model in training set, test in test. Look at simple "bagging" to improve stability and predictions

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Preliminary manipulations
We start with a bit of data cleaning.
> dim(survey) [1] 237 12 > count.nas <- function(x) sum( > sapply(survey, count.nas) Sex Wr.Hnd NW.Hnd W.Hnd Fold Pulse Clap Exer Smoke Height 1 1 1 1 0 45 1 0 1 28 M.I Age 28 0 > Srvy <- na.omit(survey) > dim(Srvy) [1] 168 12

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Initial fitting to all data and display of the result

> surv.t1 <- tree(Sex ~ ., Srvy) > plot(surv.t1) > text(surv.t1, col = 5)

Height<175.13 |


Height<178.25 NW.Hnd<19.55 Male Male Male

NW.Hnd<18.45 Pulse<68.5 Wr.Hnd<17.55 Wr.Hnd<18.95 Age<20.4585 Pulse<72 Male Male Age<18.25 Female Male Female Female Height<159.99 NW.Hnd<17.2 Female Female Male Female Female
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A technique for using internal evidence to guage the size of tree warranted by the data. Random sections are omitted and the remainder used to construct a tree. The ommitted section is then predicted from the remainder and various criteria (deviance, error rate) used to assess the efficacy. > obj <- cv.tree(tree.obj, FUN=functn, ...) > plot(obj) Currently functn must be either prune.tree or shrink.tree (the default). It determines the protocol by which the sequence of trees tested is generated. The MASS library also has prune.misclass for classification trees, only.
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Cross-validation as a guide to pruning:



> surv.t1cv <- cv.tree(surv.t1, FUN = prune.misclass) > plot(surv.t1cv)



6 size




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Height<175.13 |

> surv.t2 <- prune.tree(surv.t1, best = 6) > plot(surv.t2) > text(surv.t2, col = 5)


Height<178.25 Male Male


NW.Hnd<18.45 Wr.Hnd<18.95 Female Female


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rpart counterpart
> rp1 <- rpart(Sex ~ ., Srvy, minsplit = 10) > plot(rp1) > text(rp1) > plotcp(rp1) See next slide. This suggests a very small tree two nodes. (Some repeat tests might be necessary.) > rp2 <- prune(rp1, cp = 0.29) > plot(rp2) > text(rp2)
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Internal cross-validation and the 'one se' rule rpart tree with minsplit = 10

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Confusion matrices
Now to check the effectiveness of the pruned tree on the training sample. Should be pretty good!
> table(predict(surv.t2, type = "class"), Srvy$Sex) Female Male Female 79 11 Male 5 73

Next step: build on a training set, test on a test.

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First build the model. > w <- sample(nrow(Srvy), nrow(Srvy)/2) > Surv0 <- Srvy[w, ] > Surv1 <- Srvy[-w, ] > surv.t3 <- tree(Sex ~ ., Surv0) Check on training set: > table(predict(surv.t3, type="class"), Surv0$Sex) Female Male Female 42 2 Male 3 37 Test on test set: > table(predict(surv.t3, Surv1, type="class"), Surv1$Sex) Female Male Female 34 6 Male 5 39
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Now build an over-fitted model on the training set and check its performance: > surv.t3 <- tree(Sex ~ ., Surv0, minsize = 4) > table(predict(surv.t3, type="class"), Surv0$Sex) Female Male Female 44 1 Male 1 38
Far too good! How does it look on the test set? > table(predict(surv.t3, Surv1, type="class"), Surv1$Sex) Female Male Female 31 9 Male 8 36
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Bagging requires fitting the same model a sequence of 'bootstrapped data frames'. It is convenient to have a function to do it.
> jig <- function(dataFrame) dataFrame[sample(nrow(dataFrame), rep = T), ]

Now for the bagging itself

> bag <- list() > for(i in 1:100) bag[[i]] <- update(surv.t3, data = jig(Surv0))

Next find the sequence of predictions for each model using the test set. It is convenient to have the result as characters.
> bag.pred <- lapply(bag, predict, newdata = Surv1, type = "class") > bag.pred <- lapply(bag.pred, as.character)
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Finding the winner

Using a single call to table(), find the frequency of each prediction for each row of Surv1:
> tab <- table(rep(1:nrow(Surv1), 100), unlist(bag.pred))

Now find the maxima, avoiding any "one at a time" method.

> maxv <- tab[,1] > maxp <- rep(1, nrow(tab)) > for(j in 2:ncol(tab)) { v <- maxv < tab[,j] if(any(v)) { maxv[v] <- tab[v, j] maxp[v] <- j } } > table(levels(Surv1$Sex)[maxp], Surv1$Sex) Female Male Female 36 7 Male 3 38

Now 10 rather than 17 misclassifications.

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Tree models: some pros and cons

Tree based models are easy to appreciate and discuss. The important variables stand out. Non-additive and non-linear behaviour is automatically captured. Mixed factor and numeric variables are simply accommodated. The scale problem for the response is no worse than it is in the regression case. Linear dependence in the predictors is irrelevant, as are monotone transformations of predictors. Experience with the technique is still in its infancy. The theoretical basis is still very incomplete. Strongly coordinate dependent in the predictors. Unstable in general. Non-uniqueness. Two practitioners will often end up with different trees. This is not important if inference is not envisaged.
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An Overview of some Multivariate Analysis Facilities

Multivariate Linear Models and other classical techniques manova, summary.manova lda, qda (in MASS) princomp, cancor, biplot, factanal, (in mva on R) Ordination and classification (clustering) dist, hclust, cmdscale, plclust, kmeans (in mva on R), isoMDS, sammon, corresp, biplot.corresp (in MASS) agnes, clara, daisy, diana, fanny, mona, pam (in cluster on R) cca, rda, decorana, decostand, vegdist (in vegan, only in R)
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Distances, Ordination and Clustering

Distances: dist only euclidean or manhattan daisy only euclidean or manhattan for continuous, handles some discrete cases as well vegdist (in vegan, only on R) handles Bray-Curtis and some others Ordination based on distances: cmdscale classical metric (in mva) isoMDS, sammon non-metric scaling (in MASS) Clustering from distances: hclust (in mva) pam, fanny, agnes, diana (in cluster)
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Distances, Ordination and Clustering, cont'd

Ordination not based on distances: princomp (in mva) rather simplistic cca, rda, decorana (in vegan); corresp (in MASS) variants on correspondence analysis Clustering not based on distances: kmeans (in mva) effectively euclidean distances clara (in cluster) either euclidean or manhattan; handles very large data sets mona (in cluster) binary data only. Splits on one variable at a time (like tree models).
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Silhouette plots and coefficients (cluster)

For each object, plots a relative membership measure (with range: -1 < m < 1) of the group to which it has been assigned to the best supported alternative group the plot presents all objects as vertical 'bands' of 'width' m The 'average width' the cluster coefficient:
0.70 < m < 0.50 < m < 0.25 < m < -1 < m < 1.00: 0.70: 0.50: 0.25: Good structure has been found Reasonable structure found Weak structure, requiring confirmation Forget it!

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Example: Epibenthic Sled data from GoC

> dim(DredgeWT) [1] 146 1389 > range(DredgeWT) [1] 0.00 1937.68 > ddredge <- dist.brayCurtis(log(1 + DredgeWT)) > ?agnes > agdredge <- agnes(ddredge, method = "ward") > plot(agdredge) Hit <Return> to see next plot: Hit <Return> to see next plot: >

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Geographical Identification
> dgroups <- cutree(agdredge, k = 4) > table(dgroups) dgroups 1 2 3 4 60 46 33 7 > attach(DredgeX) > library(MASS) > eqscplot(Longitude, Latitude, type="n", axes=F, xlab="", ylab="") > points(Longitude, Latitude, pch = dgroups, col = c("red", "yellow", "green", "blue")[dgroups]) > library(Aus) # Nick Ellis > Aus(add = T, col = "brown")
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CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

Partitioning around medoids

> pdredge <- pam(ddredge, 4) > plot(pdredge) Hit <Return> to see next plot: Hit <Return> to see next plot: > library(MASS) # if need be > attach(DredgeX) # if need be > eqscplot(Longitude, Latitude, pch=pdredge$cluster, col = c("red", "yellow", "green", "blue")[pdredge$cluster], axes=F, xlab="", ylab="") > library(Aus) # if need be > Aus(add=T)
W. Venables, 2003 Data Analysis & Graphics 112

CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

W. Venables, 2003

Data Analysis & Graphics


CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

W. Venables, 2003

Data Analysis & Graphics


CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

W. Venables, 2003

Data Analysis & Graphics


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