Overcoming Resistance With Omega Strategies

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Overcoming Resistance with Omega Strategies


dollar spenta terrible gamble for you and a moneymaker for everyone else involved.) Now, why do people want to keep their lottery ticket once they possess it? Why dont they want to part with this terrible investment? The reason is that people anticipate regret regarding of what would happen if the ticket happened to win! Theyd feel terrible, and they dont want to live with that feeling. Thus they keep the ticket! The person thinks,If I sell this ticket back for $1 and it wins, I will feel like an idiot! In this case, the lottery ticket is perceived as a positive and the regret is about how the person would feel on missing out on the positive experience of winning. The next section discusses just how to turn no into yes before they say no! Exercise: Draw these distinctions and ask these questions in your mind: What is the difference between reactance and anticipated regret? How do these two critical concepts relate to your business or life situation?

Overcoming Resistance with Omega Strategies

From what we already know about influence, people make knee-jerk reactions to peoples requests for compliance on issues.We often say no without knowing whyit simply feels right. From the point of view of persuasion its important to not allow that no reaction to take place, and if it does to disarm it as rapidly as possible. Once people have taken a public stand on an issue it is increasingly more difficult to get them to change their minds.

Once people have taken a public stand on an issue it is increasingly more difficult to get them to change their minds.

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