Acapulco Plant
Acapulco Plant
Acapulco Plant
Akapulko Scientific Name : Cassia alata Also known as: bayabas-bayabasan,kapurko, katanda, katandang aso, pakagonkon, sonting (Tag.); andadasi, andadasi-a-dakdakel, andadasi-bugbugtong (Ilk.); adadisi (Ting.); ancharasi (Ig.); andalan (Sul.); bayabasin, bikas-bikas (Bik., Tag., Bis.,); kasitas (Bik., Bis.); sunting, palo china (Bis.); pakayomkom kastila (Pamp.); ringworm bush or shrub (Engl.), Acapulco (Engl) Akapulko is used as herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows wild in the tropical climate of Philippines.It is a shrub found throughout the Philippines. Akapulko is widely used in the Philippines as herbal medicine. The akapulko leaves contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide that is used totreat fungal infections, like ringworms, scabies and eczema.. Akapulko leaves are also known to be sudorific, diuretic and purgative, usedto treat intestinal problems including intestinal parasites. Akapulko is also used as herbal medicine to treat bronchitis and asthma. Because of Akapulkos anti-fungal properties, it is a common ingredient in soaps, shampoos, and lotions in the Philippines. The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) has helped develop the technology for a akapulko herbal medicine lotion. Akapulko is an erect, shrubby legume with dark green compound leaves. Akapulko leaves have orange rachis that has 16-28 leaflets. Akapulko produces an axis of golden yellow flowers that has 4-winged pods containing 50-60 flattened, triangular seeds. Akapulko flowers are enclosed by yellow-orange bracts that are later shed in time.
Benefits & Treatment of Akapulko: External Use: Treatment of skin diseases: Tinea infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and itchiness. Mouthwash in stomatitis
Internal use: Expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea Alleviation of asthma symptoms Used as diuretic and purgative For cough & fever As a laxative to expel intestinal parasites and other stomach problems. Note: A strong decoction of Akapulko leaves is an abortifacient. Pregnant women should not take decoction of the leaves or any part of this plant. Preparation & Use: For external use, pound the leaves of the Akapulko plant, squeeze the juice and apply on affected areas As the expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea, drink decoction (soak and boil for 10 to 15 minutes) of Akapulko leaves. The same preparation may be used as a mouthwash, stringent, and wash for eczema. As laxative, cut the plant parts (roots, flowers, and the leaves) into a manageable size then prepare a decoction Note: The decoction loses its potency if not used for a long time. Dispose leftovers after one day. The pounded leaves of Akapulko has purgative functions, specifically against ringworms.
It should be noted that the pounded leaves of this plant may be applied thinly on the affected part twice a day. Marked improvement may be expected after two to three weeks of continuous application to the affected area(s) where the prepared Akapulko leaves were applied. III. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIP
Animals, plants, and other organisms interact with each other in the natural world and form various types of ecological relationships. In fact, the study of ecology centers around these relationships between living things (biota) as well as how they interact with the abiotic (nonliving) features of a particular habitat. Producers (mostly plants) convert sunlight to energy in the form of sugar,decomposers are equally important in any ecosystem. They are especially important in the tropical forest ecosystem, where soil is relatively poor in nutrients, and sunlight often does not reach far into the forest because of all the trees. Thus, it is important that nutrients are recycled and returned to the soil as usable elements and compounds as quickly as possible. This is where the decomposers come in. Fungi and bacteria are the main decomposers in most ecosystems. They break down decaying plant and animal matter, such as leaves, waste, and dead organisms. It has been estimated that only 5% of fungi have been classified and named. New species of fungi are often found, studied, and named. In 2010, a sponge-like mushroom was found in Sarawek, and named after the cartoon character - Spongiforma squarepantsii. Not much is known about these fungi, yet. It is known, however, that they have one relative in the Genus Spongiforma, found in Thailand. Also, although they are bright orange, they turn purple when sprayed with an alkaline solution. Their smell is described as fruity and/or musty.
This medicinal plant is been included and known to be one of the medical plants here in the Philippines. Acapalco is used may way this can be used in different part of our bodies. This plant is useful it can be ingredients in making lotion, soap and any type of personal used. It has also side effect, according to my research that this is that efficient use by a pregnant women because of a strong decoration.
GOVERNMENT PROGRAM Traditional and Alternative Health Care Practice The tropical climate of the Philippines has made it possible for thousands of plants and vegetation to thrive more in lush forests. Many herbal plants have been tapped because of its efficacy against common ailments and the practice of the use of herbal plants as medicines have stretched as far as during pre-Spanish era, and are still being practiced until these modern times. The Department of Health (DOH) advocated the use of herbal plants as what is considered as form of primary health care and as an answer to the increasing cost of synthetic drugs in the market. These 10 DOH-approved herbal plants are found within the country and have been proven to treat common ailments, according to the thorough research done by National Science Development Board, and other government and private agencies and persons.
Its importance in providing better health care was not overlooked. In 1992, The DOH, through former Health Secretary and Senator Juan M. Flavier made a health program by virtue of Administrative Order No. 12. This program was known as the Traditional Medicine Program, with its main function of promoting and advocating the use of traditional medicine across the country. In 1994, the drafting of a traditional medicine law was initiated in order to institutionalize the program. Then by 1997, President Fidel V. Ramos saw the promising potential of traditional medicines both in the health of Filipinos and the economy and timely approved the Republic Act 8423, also known as the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997. This law then, gave rise to the government owned and controlled corporation known as the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC). It is attached to the DOH in delivering safe, effective and affordable proper traditional and alternative (TAHC) health care products and services to the people.
One of the 10 DOH- approved herbal medicine is the acapulko plant. Known as bayabas-bayabasan and ringworm bush in English. This herbal medicine is used to treat ringworms and skin fungal infections.