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The key takeaways are that the book discusses logic programming in Scheme, covers topics like unification, logic operators, and recursion, and describes implementing a logic programming system called AMK.

The book covers logic programming basics using the AMK system, applying those techniques to a logic puzzle, and the implementation of the AMK system with complete code.

Before reading the book, the reader should be familiar with Scheme programming concepts like lists, functions, closures, and recursion.

Logic Programming in Scheme

Nils M Holm

Copyright c 2007 Nils M Holm Print and distribution: Lulu Press, Inc http://lulu.com/nmh/

This text discusses Logic Programming in terms of purely functional and symbolic Scheme. It is the Scheme version of Logic Programming in Symbolic LISP . It covers exactly the same topics, but uses Scheme as its host language. Chapter 1 introduces logic programming basics by means of the AMK logic programming system. Chapter 2 outlines the application of the techniques from Chapter 1 to a well-known logic puzzle. Chapter 3 describes the implementation of the AMK logic programming system. Complete code included! The AMK source code can be found in the SketchyLISP section at http://t3x.org. Before reading this text, you should be familiar with the basics of the Scheme programming language, including concepts like lists, functions, closures, and recursion. This work has been greatly inuenced by the book The Reasoned Schemer by Daniel P. Friedman, et al. The AMK (Another Micro Kanren) logic programming system is losely based upon Oleg Kiselyovs Sokuza Mini Kanren. Welcome to the world of Logic Programming. Go ahead, explore, and enjoy! Nils M Holm, 2007

1 Introduction 1.1 Functions vs Goals . . . . . . . 1.2 Unication . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Logic Operators . . . . . . . . 1.4 Parameterized Goals . . . . . . 1.5 Reication . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Converting Predicates to Goals 1.8 Converting Functions to Goals 1.9 COND vs ANY . . . . . . . . 1.10 First Class Variables . . . . . . 1.11 First Class Goals . . . . . . . . 1.12 Negation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.13 Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Application 3 Implementation 3.1 Basics . . . . . . . . 3.2 Goals . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Interface . . . . . . . 3.4 Anonymous Variables 3 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 20 21 24 30 30 32 35 38

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1.1 Functions vs Goals

In Functional Programming, functions are combined to form programs. For example, the append function of Scheme concatenates some lists: (append (orange) (juice)) => (orange juice) The basic building stones of Logic Programming are called goals. A goal is a function that maps knowledge to knowledge: (run* () (appendo (orange) (juice) (orange juice))) => (()) An application of run* is called a query. Run* is the interface between Scheme and the logic programming subsystem. The result of run* is called the answer to the corresponding query. The goal used in the above query is append0 [page 17]. An answer of the form (()) means yes. In the above example, this means that (orange juice) is indeed equal to the concatenation of (orange) and (juice). A goal returning a positive answer is said to succeed. The goal (run* () (appendo (orange) (juice) (fruit salad))) => () does not succeed, because (fruit salad) cannot be constructed by appending (orange) and (juice). 3


A goal that does not succeed is said to fail. Failure is represented by (). When one or more arguments of a goal are replaced with variables, the goal attempts to infer the values of these variables. Logic variables are created by the var function: (define vq (var q)) Any argument of a goal can be a variable: (run* (vq) (appendo (orange) (juice) vq)) => ((orange juice)) (run* (vq) (appendo (orange) vq (orange juice))) => ((juice)) (run* (vq) (appendo vq (juice) (orange juice))) => ((orange)) In this example, run* is told that we are interested in the value of vq. It runs the given goal and then returns the value or values of vq rather than just success or failure. Goals are non-deterministic, so a query may return more than a single outcome: (run* (vq) (fresh (dont-care) (appendo dont-care vq (a b c d)))) => ((a b c d) (b c d) (c d) (d) ()) This query returns all values which give (a b c d) when appended to something that is not interesting. In other words, it returns all suxes of (a b c d). The part we do not care about is bound to the fresh variable dont-care. The fresh form (fresh (x1 x2 ...) goal) is just syntactic sugar for (let ((x1 (var x1 )) (x2 (var x2 )) ...) goal) When querying the second position of append0 , the query returns all prexes of the given list: (run* (vq) (fresh (dont-care) (appendo vq dont-care (a b c d)))) => (() (a) (a b) (a b c) (a b c d))


What do you think is the answer to the following query? (run* (vq) (fresh (x y) (appendo x y vq))) Does it have an answer at all? Answer: The query has no answer, because there is an indenite number of combinations that can be used to form a concatenation with an unspecied prex and sux. So append0 never stops generating combinations of values for x and y.



Unication is an algorithm that forms the heart of every logic programming system. The unify goal is written ==. The query (run* () (== x y)) means unify x with y . The answer of this query depends on the values of x and y : (run* (run* (run* (run* (vq) (vq) (vq) (vq) (== (== (== (== pizza pizza)) cheese pizza)) vq vq)) cheese vq)) => => => => (()) () (()) (cheese)

When two atoms are passed to ==, it succeeds if the atoms are equal. When a variable is passed to ==, the variable is bound to the other argument: (run* (vq) (== vq cheese)) => (cheese) (run* (vq) (== cheese vq)) => (cheese) The order of arguments does not matter. When two variables are unied, these two variables are guaranteed to always bind to the same value: (run* (vq) (fresh (x) (== vq x)))


makes vq and x bind to the same value. Binding a value to one of them at a later time automatically binds that value to both of them. Non-atomic arguments are unied recursively by rst unifying the car parts of the arguments and then unifying their cdr parts: (run* (vq) (== (x (y) z) (x (y) z))) => (()) (run* (vq) (== (x (y) z) (x (X) z))) => () (run* (vq) (== vq (x (y) z))) => ((x (y) z)) Inference works even if variables are buried inside of lists: (run* (vq) (== (list x vq z) (x (y) z))) => ((y))

Because (y) is the only value for vq that makes the goal succeed, that value is bound to vq. How does this work? x is unied with x; vq is unied with (y) (binding vq to (y)); z is unied with z. Each unication may expand the knowledge of the system by binding a variable to a value or unifying two variables. When unifying lists, the cdr parts of the lists are unied in the context of the knowledge gained during the unication of their car parts: (run* (vq) (== (pizza fruit-salad) (list vq vq))) => () The unication cannot succeed, because rst vq is bound to pizza and then the same variable is bound to fruit-salad. When vq is unied with pizza, vq is fresh. A variable is fresh if it is not (yet) bound to any value. Only fresh variables can be bound to values. When a form is unied with a bound variable, it is unied with the value of that variable. Hence (run* (vq) (== (pizza fruit-salad) (list vq vq))) => ()


is equivalent to (run* (vq) (== (pizza fruit-salad) (list vq pizza))) => () The following query succeeds because no contradiction is introduced: (run* (vq) (== (pizza pizza) (list vq vq))) => (pizza) First vq is unied with pizza and then the value of vq (which is pizza at this point) is unied with pizza. Bound variables can still be unied with fresh variables: (run* (vq) (fresh (vx) (== (list pizza vq) (list vx vx)))) => (pizza) Here vx is unied with pizza and then the fresh variable vq is unied with vx, binding vq and vx to the same value. Again, the order of unication does not matter: (run* (vq) (fresh (vx) (== (list vq pizza) (list vx vx)))) => (pizza)


Logic Operators

The any goal succeeds, if at least one of its subgoals succeeds: (run* (vq) (any (== vq pizza) (== orange juice) (== yes no))) => (pizza) In this example, one of the three subgoals succeeds and contributes to the anwer. Because any succeeds only if at least one of its subgoals succeeds, it fails if no subgoals are given: (run* () (any)) => ()


Multiple subgoals of any may unify the same variable with dierent forms, giving a non-determistic answer: (run* (vq) (any (== vq apple) (== vq orange) (== vq banana))) => (apple orange banana) No contradiction is introduced. Vq is bound to each of the three values. The any goal implements the union of the knowledge gained by running its subgoals: (run* (vq) (any fail (== vq fruit-salad) fail)) => (fruit-salad) It succeeds even if some of its subgoals fail. Therefore it is equivalent to the logical or. Fail is a goal that always fails. The all goal is a cousin of any that implements the logical and : (run* (vq) (all (== vq apple) (== orange orange) succeed)) => (apple) Succeed is a goal that always succeeds. All succeeds only if all of its subgoals succeed, but it does more than this. All forms the intersection of the knowledge gathered by running its subgoals by removing any contradictions from their answers: (run* (vq) (all (== vq apple) (== vq orange) (== vq banana))) => () This goal fails because vq cannot be bound to apple, orange, and banana at the same time. This eect of all is best illustrated in combination with any:


9 vq vq vq vq orange) pizza)) apple) orange))))

(run* (vq) (all (any (== (== (any (== (== => (orange)

The rst any binds vq to orange or pizza and the second one binds it to apple or orange. All forms the intersection of this knowledge by removing the contradictions vq =pizza and vq =apple. Vq =orange is no contradiction because it occurs in both subgoals of all. All fails if at least one of its subgoals fails. Therefore, it succeeds, if no goals are passed to it: (run* () (all)) => (())


Parameterized Goals

A parameterized goal is a function returning a goal: (define (conso a d p) (== (cons a d) p)) Applications of conso evaluate to a goal, so cons0 can be used to form goals in queries: (run* (vq) (conso heads tails vq)) => ((heads . tails)) In the prose, conso is written cons0 . The trailing 0 of goal names is pronounced separately (e.g. cons-oh). Obviously, cons0 implements something that is similar to the cons function. However, cons0 can do more: (run* (vq) (conso heads vq (heads . tails))) => (tails) (run* (vq) (conso vq tails (heads . tails))) => (heads) So conso0 can be used to dene two other useful goals: (define (caro p a) (fresh (_) (conso a _ p)))



Car0 is similar to the car function of Scheme and cdr0 is similar to its cdr function: (define (cdro p d) (fresh (_) (conso _ d p))) Like in PROLOG, the name variable is of no interest. indicates that the value bound to that

Unlike in PROLOG, however, is an ordinary variable without any special properties. When the second argument of car0 and cdr0 is a variable, they resemble car and cdr: (run* (vq) (caro (x . y) vq)) => (x) (run* (vq) (cdro (x . y) vq)) => (y) Like cons0 , car0 and cdr0 can do more than their Scheme counterparts, though: (run* (vq) (caro vq x)) => ((x . _.0)) (run* (vq) (cdro vq y)) => ((_.0 . y)) The query (run* (vq) (caro vq x)) asks: what has a car part of x? and the answer is any pair that has a car part of x and a cdr part that does not matter. Clever, isnt it?



Atoms of the form .n, where n is a unique number, occur whenever an answer would otherwise contain fresh variables: (run* (vq) (fresh (x y z) (== vq (list x y z)))) => ((_.0 _.1 _.2))



In the remainder of this text, .n may be spelled n .

0 , 1 , etc are called reied variables.

The replacement of fresh variables with reied names is called reication. It replaces each fresh variable with a unique item (res being the latin word for item).



Here is a recursive Scheme predicate: (define (mem? x l) (cond ((null? l) #f) ((eq? x (car l)) #t) (else (mem? x (cdr l))))) Mem? tests whether l contains x : (mem? c (a b c d e f)) => #t (mem? x (a b c d e f)) => #f In logic programming, there is no function composition. So you cannot write code like (eq? x (car l)). Each argument of a goal must be either a datum or a variable. Only any and all have subgoals: (define (memo x l) (fresh (a d) (any (all (caro l a) (eqo x a)) (all (cdro l d) (memo x d))))) Here are some observations: One any containing one or multiple all goals is the logic programming equivalent of cond. Each time mem0 is entered, a fresh a and d is created. Mem0 does not seem to check whether l is ().

1. INTRODUCTION Does mem0 work? Yes: (run* () (memo c (a b c d e f))) => (()) (run* () (memo x (a b c d e f))) => () How does it work? The rst all unies the car part of l with a. In case l =(), all fails. Eq0 is a synonym for ==.


If a (which is now an alias of (car l)) can be unied with x, this branch of any succeeds. If l is (), both of these goals fail: (caro l a) => () (cdro l d) => () and so the entire mem0 fails. There is no need to test for l =() explicitly. The second all of mem0 unies d with the cdr part of l and then recurses.


Converting Predicates to Goals

A predicate is a function returning a truth value. Each goal is a predicate in the sense that it either fails or succeeds. There are four steps involved in the conversion of a predicate to a goal: c1. Decompose function compositions. c2. Replace functions by parameterized goals. c3. Replace cond with any and its clauses with all. c4. Remove subgoals that make the predicate fail. Mem [page 11] is converted this way: ((eq? x (car l)) #t) becomes (by c1, c2, c3)



(fresh (a) (all (caro l a) (eqo x a))) and (else (mem? x (cdr l))) becomes (again by c1, c2, c3) (fresh (d) (all (cdro l d) (memo x d))) Finally ((null? l) #f) is removed (by c4) and cond is replaced with any (by c3). In the original denition of mem0 [page 11], (fresh (a) ...) and (fresh (d) ...) are combined and placed before any.


Converting Functions to Goals

Member is similar to mem? (and identical to the Scheme standard procedure with the same name): (define (member x l) (cond ((null? l) #f) ((eq? x (car l)) l) (else (member x (cdr l))))) Instead of returning just #t in case of success, it returns the rst sublist of l whose car part is x : (member orange (apple orange banana)) => (orange banana) Functions are converted to goals in the same way as predicates, but there is one additional rule: c5. Add an additional argument to unify with the result.



Member0 is similar to mem0 , but it has an additonal argument r for the result, and an additional goal which unies the answer with r : (define (membero x l r) (fresh (a d) (any (all (caro l a) (eqo x a) (== r l)) (all (cdro l d) (membero x d r))))) Like member, member0 can be queried to deliver the rst sublist of l whose head is x : (run* (vq) (membero orange (apple orange banana) vq)) => ((orange banana)) Member0 even delivers all the sublists of l beginning with x : (run* (vq) (membero b (a b a b a b c) vq)) => ((b a b a b c) (b a b c) (b c)) If you are only interested in the rst one, take the car part of the anwer. Member0 can also be used to implement the identity function: (run* (vq) (fresh (_) (membero vq (orange juice) _))) => (orange juice) How does this work? The question asked here is what should vq be unied with to make (membero vq (orange juice) _) succeed? The eq0 in member0 unies vq with orange and because vq is fresh, it succeeds. The second case also succeeds. It binds l to (juice) and re-tries the goal. In this branch, vq is still fresh. The eq0 in member0 unies vq with juice and because vq is fresh, it succeeds.



The second case also succeeds. It binds l to () and re-tries the goal. In this branch, vq is still fresh. (Membero vq () _) fails, because neither car0 nor cdr0 can succeed with l =(). Any forms the union of vq =orange and vq =juice, which is the answer to the query.



Schemes cond syntax tests the predicates of its clauses sequentially and returns the normal form of the expression associated with the rst true predicate: (cond (#t bread) (#f with) (#t butter)) => bread Even though the clause (#t butter) also has a true predicate, the above cond will never return butter. A combination of any and all can be used to form a logic programming equivalent of cond: (run* (vq) (any (all succeed (== vq bread)) (all fail (== vq with)) (all succeed (== vq butter)))) => (bread butter) Any replaces cond and all introduces each individual case. Unlike cond, though, this construct returns the values of all cases that succeed. While cond ignores the remaining clauses in case of success, any keeps trying until it runs out of subgoals. This is the reason why member0 [page 14] returns all sublists starting with a given form: (run* (vq) (membero b (a b a b a b c) vq)) => ((b a b a b c) (b a b c) (b c))



It works this way: When the head of l is not equal to b, the rst subgoal of any in member0 fails, so nothing is added to the answer. When the head of l is equal to b, the rst subgoal of any succeeds, so l is added to the answer. In either case, the second goal is tried. It succeeds as long as l can be decomposed. It fails when the end of the list l has been reached. When the second goal succeeds, the whole any is tried on the cdr part of l, which may add more sublists to the answer. What happens when the order of cases is reversed in member0 ? (define (r-membero x l r) (fresh (a d) (any (all (cdro l d) (r-membero x d r)) (all (caro l a) (eqo x a) (== r l))))) Because any keeps trying until it runs out of goals, r-member0 does indeed return all matching sublists, just like member0 . However . . . (run* (vq) (membero b (a b a b c) vq)) => ((b a b c) (b c)) (run* (vq) (r-membero b (a b a b c) vq)) => ((b c) (b a b c)) Because r-member0 rst recurses and then checks for a matching sublist, its answer lists the last matching sublist rst. Reversing the goals of member0 makes it return its results in reverse order. While member0 implements the identity function, r-member0 implements a function that reverses a list: (run* (vq) (fresh (_) (r-membero vq (ice water) _))) => (water ice)




First Class Variables

Logic variables are rst class values. When a bound logic variable is used as an argument to a goal, the value of that variable is passed to the goal: (run* (vq) (fresh (x) (all (== x piece-of-cake) (== vq x)))) => (piece-of-cake) When a fresh variable is used as an argument to a goal, the variable itself is passed to that goal: (run* (vq) (fresh (x) (== vq x))) => (_.0) (Because the variable x is fresh, it is reied by the interpreter after running the query, giving 0 .) Variables can even be part of compound data structures: (run* (vq) (fresh (x) (conso heads x vq))) => ((heads . _.0)) Unifying a variable that is part of a data structure at a later time causes the variable part of the data structure to be lled in belatedly: (run* (vq) (fresh (x) (all (conso heads x vq) (== x tails)))) => ((heads . tails)) The append0 goal makes use of this fact: (define (appendo x y r) (any (all (== x ()) (== y r)) (fresh (h t tr) (all (conso h t x) (conso h tr r) (appendo t y tr)))))



Given this denition, how is the following query processed? (run* (vq) (appendo (a b) (c d) vq)) => ((a b c d)) In its recursive case, append0 rst decomposes x =(a b) into its head h =a and tail t =(b): (conso h t x) The next subgoal states that the head h consed to tr (the tail of the result) gives the result of append0 : (conso h tr r) Because tr is fresh at this point, r is bound to a structure containing a variable: r0 = (cons a tr0 ) Tr and r are called tr0 and r0 here, because they are the rst instances of these variables. When the goal recurses, tr0 is passed to append0 in the place of r : (appendo (b) (c d) tr0 ) Append0 creates fresh instances of tr and r (called tr1 and r1 ). At this point r1 and tr0 may be considered the same variable, so (conso h tr1 r1 ) results in r1 = tr0 = (cons b tr1 ) and r0 = (cons a tr0 ) = (cons a (cons b tr1 )) When append0 recurses one nal time, tr1 is passed in the place of r and the instance r2 is created: (appendo () (c d) tr1 )



Because x =(), the subgoal handling the trivial case is run, resulting in: (== y r2 ) and because r2 and tr1 are the same, r2 = tr1 = (c d) r1 = tr0 = (cons b tr1 ) = (cons b (c d)) r0 = (cons a tr0 ) = (cons a (cons b tr1 )) = (cons a (cons b (c d)))


First Class Goals

Like Scheme functions, goals are rst class values. The lter0 goal makes use of this fact: (define (filtero p l r) (fresh (a d) (any (all (caro l a) (p a) (== a r)) (all (cdro l d) (filtero p d r))))) Filter0 extracts all members with a given property from a list. The property is described by the goal p which is passed as an argument to lter0 : (run* (vq) (filtero pairo (a b (c . d) e (f . g)) vq)) => ((c . d) (f . g)) where pair0 is dened this way: (define (pairo x) (fresh (_1 _2) (conso _1 _2 x))) Because all goals are in fact parameterized goals, there is no real need to invent a new function name, though. Lambda works ne: (run* (vq) (fresh (_1 _2) (filtero (lambda (x) (conso _1 _2 x)) (a b (c . d) e (f . g)) vq))) => ((c . d) (f . g))



Because each application of var is guaranteed to yield a fresh variable and 1 and 2 are never referred to anyway, the anonymous goal can be simplied further: (lambda (x) (conso (var _) (var _) x)) This property of var is so handy that (_) is introduced as a synonym for (var _), allowing to write (lambda (x) (conso (_) (_) x))



The neg goal succeeds if its subgoal fails, and fails if its subgoal succeeds: (run* () (neg fail)) => (()) (run* () (neg succeed)) => () Neg never contributes any knowledge: When its subgoal succeeds, neg itself fails, thereby deleting all knowledge gathered so far. When its subgoal fails, there is no knowledge to add. However, neg is not as straight-forward as it seems: (define (nullo x) (eqo () x)) The null0 goal tests whether its argument is (). What should be the answer to the question what is not equal to ()? (run* (vq) (neg (nullo vq))) Neg0 answers this question using a principle called the closed world assumption, which says what cannot be proven true must be false. So the answer to above question is nothing. Because the value of vq is not known, neg0 cannot prove that it is not equal to () and fails: (run* (vq) (neg (nullo vq))) => ()



Technically, it works like this: Vq is fresh, so null0 unies it with () and succeeds. Because null0 succeeds, neg must fail. This approach has its consequences: (run* (vq) (run* (vq) (all (any (== vq orange) (all (neg (== vq pizza) (any (== vq ice-cream)) (neg (== vq pizza)))) => (orange ice-cream)

(== vq (== vq (== vq (== vq => ()

pizza)) orange) pizza) ice-cream))))

Depending on its context, neg has dierent functions. In the righthand example, it makes the entire query fail, because the fresh variable vq can be unied with pizza. In the lefthand example, where vq already has some values, it removes the association of vq and pizza. Therefore Negation should be used with great care.



The member0 goal [page 14] returned all sublists whose heads matched a given form: (run* (vq) (membero b (a b a b c) vq)) => ((b a b c) (b c)) For the case that you are really, really only interested in the rst match, there is a technique called cutting. It is implemented by the one goal: (run* (vq) (one fail (== vq apple) (== vq pie))) => (apple)



As soon as one subgoal of one succeeds, one itself succeeds immediately and cuts o the remaining subgoals. The name one indicates that at most one of its subgoals can succeed. Using one, a variant of member0 can be implemented which succeeds with the rst match: (define (firsto x l r) (fresh (a d) (one (all (caro l a) (eqo x a) (== r l)) (all (cdro l d) (firsto x d r))))) The only dierence between member0 and rst0 is that rst0 uses one in the place of any. First0 cuts o the recursive case as soon as the rst case succeeds: (run* (vq) (firsto b (a b a b c) vq)) => ((b a b c)) One is much more like cond than any. However one suppresses backtracking, which is one of the most interesting properties of logic programming systems. Here is another predicate: (define (juiceo x) (fresh (tail next) (all (cdro x tail) (caro tail next) (eqo next juice)))) Juice0 succeeds, if its argument is a list whose second element is equal to juice, e.g.: (run* () (juiceo (orange juice))) => (()) (run* () (juiceo (cherry juice))) => (()) (run* () (juiceo (apply pie ))) => () Given the juice0 predicate, member0 can be used to locate your favorite juice on a menu:



(define menu (apple pie orange pie cherry pie apple juice orange juice cherry juice)) (run* (vq) (all (membero orange menu vq) (juiceo vq))) => ((orange juice cherry juice)) When member0 nds the sublist starting with the orange right before pie, juice0 fails and backtracking is initiated. Member0 then locates the next occurence of orange and this time juice0 succeeds. Using rst0 suppresses backtracking and so your favorite juice is never found: (run* (vq) (all (firsto orange menu vq) (juiceo vq))) => () Therefore Cutting should be used with great care.

The Zebra Puzzle is a well-known logic puzzle. It is dened as follows: 1. Five persons of dierent nationality live in ve houses in a row. The houses are painted in dierent colors. The persons enjoy dierent drinks and brands of cigarettes. All persons own dierent pets. 2. The Englishman lives in the red house. 3. The Spaniard owns a dog. 4. Coee is drunk in the green house. 5. The Ukrainian drinks tea. 6. The green house is directly to the right of the ivory house. 7. The Old Gold smoker owns snails. 8. Kools are being smoked in the yellow house. 9. Milk is drunk in the middle house. 10. The Norwegian lives in the rst house on the left. 11. The Chestereld smoker lives next to the fox owner. 12. Kools are smoked in the house next to the house where the horse is kept. 13. The Lucky Strike smoker drinks orange juice. 14. The Japanese smokes Parliaments. 15. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house. Who owns the zebra?




To solve the puzzle, two questions must be answered: 1. how to represent the data; 2. how to add facts. There are ve houses and ve attributes are linked to each house, so the row of houses can be represented by a ve-element list of records. Each record is a 5-tuple holding the given attributes: (nation cigarette drink pet color ) Known facts are represented by symbols and unknown ones by variables. The fact the Spaniard owns the dog would look like this: (list spaniard (var cigarette) (var drink) dog (var color)) Of course, inventing new variable names for each unknown attribute is awkward, so we make use of the anonymous variable (_): (list spaniard (_) (_) dog (_)) The application of additional facts is explained by means of a simpler variant of the puzzle with only two attributes and two houses: (list (list (var person1) (var drink1)) (list (var person2) (var drink2))) 1. 2. 3. 4. In one house lives a Swede. In one house lives a beer drinker. In one house lives a Japanese who drinks wine. The beer drinker lives in the left house.

Applying the rst fact yields the following options (variables are in lower case, known facts in upper case): ( ((Swede drink1) (person1 drink2)) ((person1 drink1) (Swede drink2) ) ) which means that the Swede (whose drink is unknown) can live in the rst or in the second house. Adding the second fact multiplies the options:


26 (person1 drink1)) (person1 Beer) ) (Swede drink1) ) (Swede Beer) ) )

( ((Swede Beer) ((Swede drink1) ((person1 Beer) ((person1 drink1)

The key to the application of facts is unication. The fact (list Swede (_)) can be unied with any fresh variable like h1 or h2. The variables h1 and h2 represent the two houses. (fresh (h1) (run* (h1) (== (list Swede (_)) h1))) => ((swede _.0)) To create all possible outcomes, each fact must be applied to each house: (fresh (h) (run* (h) (fresh (h1 h2) (all (== h (list h1 h2)) (any (== h1 (list Swede (_))) (== h2 (list Swede (_)))))))) => (((swede _.0) _.1) (_.0 (swede _.1))) Remember: reied variables like 0 and 1 denote something that is not known and/or of no interest. In the above result, 0 represents an unknown drink in the rst outcome and an unknown house in the second one. 1 represents an unknown house in the rst outcome and an unknown drink in the second. Each fact has be unied with all outcomes produced by the applications of the previous facts. A goal which automatically unies a fact with all outcomes found so far would be helpful. In fact such a goal has been dened earlier in this text. Mem0 [page 11] tries to unify a given form with each member of a list. Replace form with fact and list with outcomes, and here we go:



(fresh (h) (run* (h) (all (== h (list (_) (_))) (memo (list Swede (_)) h) (memo (list (_) Beer) h)))) => (((swede beer) _.0) ((swede _.0) (_.1 beer)) ((_.0 beer) (swede _.1)) (_.0 (swede beer))) At this point the query is still underspecied ; the known facts are not sucient to tell where the Swede lives or whether he drinks beer or not. By adding the third fact, some outcomes are eliminated: (fresh (h) (run* (h) (all (== h (list (_) (_))) (memo (list Swede (_)) h) (memo (list (_) Beer) h) (memo (list Japanese Wine) h)))) => (((swede beer) (japanese wine)) ((japanese wine) (swede beer))) The query is still underspecied, but because the third fact contradicts the assumption that the other person drinks beer, we now know that the Swede drinks beer. To add the nal fact, another goal is needed. Left0 checks whether x is directly on the left of y in the list l : (define (lefto x y l) (fresh (h t ht) (any (all (caro l h) (cdro l t) (caro t ht) ; ht = head of tail (== h x) (== ht y)) (all (cdro l t) (lefto x y t))))) Using left0 , we can add the fact that the beer drinker lives in the lefthand house. The puzzle is thereby solved:



(fresh (h) (run* (h) (all (== h (list (_) (_))) (memo (list Swede (_)) h) (memo (list (_) Beer) h) (memo (list Japanese Wine) h) (lefto (list (_) Beer) (_) h)))) => (((swede beer) (japanese wine))) To solve the Zebra Puzzle, only one additional predicate is needed. It has to express that x is next to y. X is next to y, if x is on the left of y or y is on the left of x, so: (define (nexto x y l) (any (lefto x y l) (lefto y x l))) Predicates which state that a house is at a specic position in the row are not required, because houses can be placed directly in the initial record: (list (list norwegian (_) (_) (_) (_)) (_) (list (_) (_) milk (_) (_)) (_) (_)) The solution to the Zebra Puzzle follows on the next page. Note that the Zebra puzzle is in fact underspecied. The drink of the Norwegian is not known. In case you prefer a fully specied query, you may comment out the following goal in the zebra program: (memo (list (_) (_) water (_) (_)) h) It adds the additional information that one of the persons drinks water. This information is not revealed in the original puzzle, though.



(define (zebra) (fresh (h) (run* (h) (all (== h (list (list norwegian (_) (_) (_) (_)) (_) (list (_) (_) milk (_) (_)) (_) (_))) (memo (list englishman (_) (_) (_) red) h) (lefto (list (_) (_) (_) (_) green) (list (_) (_) (_) (_) ivory) h) (nexto (list norwegian (_) (_) (_) (_)) (list (_) (_) (_) (_) blue) h) (memo (list (_) kools (_) (_) yellow) h) (memo (list spaniard (_) (_) dog (_)) h) (memo (list (_) (_) coffee (_) green) h) (memo (list ukrainian (_) tea (_) (_)) h) (memo (list (_) luckystrikes orangejuice (_) (_)) h) (memo (list japanese parliaments (_) (_) (_)) h) (memo (list (_) oldgolds (_) snails (_)) h) (nexto (list (_) (_) (_) horse (_)) (list (_) kools (_) (_) (_)) h) (nexto (list (_) (_) (_) fox (_)) (list (_) chesterfields (_) (_) (_)) h) ; (memo (list (_) (_) water (_) (_)) h) (memo (list (_) (_) (_) zebra (_)) h))))) Here is the result of the program: (zebra) => (((norwegian kools _.0 fox yellow) (ukrainian chesterfields tea horse blue) (englishman oldgolds milk snails red) (japanese parliaments coffee zebra green) (spaniard luckystrikes orangejuice dog ivory)))

The complete implementation is written in purely functional Scheme.



These are the fail and succeed goals: (define (fail x) ()) (define (succeed x) (list x)) Var creates a logic variable and var? checks whether an object is a logic variable. Logic variables are represented by forms like (? . x) where x is the name of the variable. (define (var x) (cons ? x)) (define (var? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) ?))) Empty-s represents ignorance: (define empty-s ())




Knowledge is represented by substitutions. Substitutions are implemented using association lists. Empty-s is an empty substitution. Ext-s adds the association of the variable x with the value v to the substitution s. (define (ext-s x v s) (cons (cons x v) s)) Walk looks up the value of x in the substitution s : (walk vx ((vx . bread))) => bread (Vx denotes the logic variable x, i.e. the form (? . x).) Walk may look like assoc or assq, but it does more: (define (walk x s) (cond ((not (var? x)) x) (else (let ((v (assq x s))) (if v (walk (cdr v) s) x))))) When the value associated with a variable is another variable, walk looks up the other variable, thereby tracking chains of variables: (walk vx ((vx . vy ) (vz . sushi) (vy . vz ))) => sushi This is how the unication of variables is implemented. When the variable passed to walk is fresh or a fresh variable is found while tracking a chain of variables, the fresh variable is returned: (walk vx empty-s) => vx This is why fresh variables are rst-class objects. Everything that is not a pair is an atom: (define (atom? x) (not (pair? x))) Unify is the heart of AMK. It unies x with y, looking up values of variables in s.



(define (unify x y s) (let ((x (walk x s)) (y (walk y s))) (cond ((eqv? x y) s) ((var? x) (ext-s x y s)) ((var? y) (ext-s y x s)) ((or (atom? x) (atom? y)) #f) (else (let ((s (unify (car x) (car y) s))) (and s (unify (cdr x) (cdr y) s))))))) Upon success unify returns s or an extension of s with new substitutions added. In case of failure unify returns #f.



This is the == goal. == is like unify, but it succeeds or fails rather than returning a substitution or error ag. (define (== x y) (lambda (s) (let ((s2 (unify x y s))) (if s2 (succeed s2) (fail s))))) Note that == returns a procedure that must be applied to a substitution to let the unication take place: (== vq orange-juice) => #<procedure (s)> ((== vq orange-juice) empty-s) => (((vq . orange-juice))) Also note that when == succeeds, it adds another list around the resulting substitution. Here is a helper function of the any goal: (define (any* . g*) (lambda (s) (letrec



((try (lambda g* (cond ((null? g*) (fail s)) (else (append ((car g*) s) (apply try (cdr g*)))))))) (apply try g*)))) It forms a list of substitutions by applying each member of the list of goals g* to the given knowledge s and appending the results: ((any* (== vq ice) (== vq cream)) empty-s) => (((vq . ice)) ((vq . cream))) Any* creates a list of substitutions. Each individual substitution is free of conicting associations. Any is the only goal that may produce multiple substitutions. Any itself has to be implemented as syntax: (define-syntax any (syntax-rules () ((_) fail) ((_ g ...) (any* (lambda (s) (g s)) ...)))) The reason is that Scheme evaluates expressions eagerly. When a recursive goal (like mem0 on page 11) is evaluated, recursion could occur too early, resulting in indenite evaluation. If any was a function, recursion would occur before any was applied. To postpone the application of its subgoals any, eta expands them, so that (any (g1) (g2) ...) becomes (any* (lambda (s) ((g1) s)) (lambda (s) ((g2) s)) ...) Here is all:



(define (all . g*) (lambda (s) (letrec ((try (lambda (g* s*) (cond ((null? g*) s*) (else (try (cdr g*) (apply append (map (car g*) s*)))))))) (try g* (succeed s))))) All applies all its subgoals to the knowledge s*. Because some of its subgoals may be applications of any, all uses map to map over multiple substitutions. Each application of a subgoal eliminates all contradictions with that goal and the remaining substitutions are appended to form a new one. The application of the rst subgoal to s* results in a new substitution s*1 . The next subgoal of all is mapped over s*1 , giving s*2 , etc. Each subgoal is applied to the conjunction of the subgoals applied to far. The subgoals of all need no protection by eta expansion, because all of them have to be evaluated anyway. One is similar to any, but instead of appending substitutions, it returns s as soon as one of its subgoals succeeds: (define failed? null?) (define (one* . g*) (lambda (s) (letrec ((try (lambda g* (cond ((null? g*) (fail s)) (else (let ((out ((car g*) s))) (cond ((failed? out) (apply try (cdr g*))) (else out)))))))) (apply try g*))))



For the same reasons as any, one has to protect its goals using eta expansion: (define-syntax one (syntax-rules () ((_) fail) ((_ g ...) (one* (lambda (s) (g s)) ...)))) Here is the neg goal. Its implementation is more straight-forward than its application: (define (neg g) (lambda (s) (let ((out (g s))) (cond ((failed? out) (succeed s)) (else (fail s)))))) Fresh is used to create fresh logic variables: (fresh (a b c) (list a b c)) => ((? . a) (? . b) (? . c)) It is merely some syntactic sugar for let: (define-syntax fresh (syntax-rules () ((_ () g) (let () g)) ((_ (v ...) g) (let ((v (var v)) ...) g))))



Occurs? and circular? are helper functions that will be used by walk*, which is explained right after them. Occurs? checks whether the symbol or variable x occurs in the form y. Like walk, occurs? tracks variables. Values of variables are looked up in s.



(define (occurs? x y s) (let ((v (walk y s))) (cond ((var? y) (eq? x y)) ((var? v) (eq? x v)) ((atom? v) #f) (else (or (occurs? x (car v) s) (occurs? x (cdr v) s)))))) A value of a variable that contains references to that variable is called circular : ((== vq (list vq)) empty-s) => (((vq . (vq )))) A circular answer is not valid, because it is self-referential. Circular? checks whether the value of a variable is circular: (define (circular? x s) (let ((v (walk x s))) (cond ((eq? x v) #f) (else (occurs? x (walk x s) s))))) Walk* is like walk: it turns a variable x into a value v. In addition it replaces all variables found in v with their values. Walk* brings the answers generated by the logic extensions into a comprehensible form: ((all (== vq (list vx )) (== vx foo)) empty-s ) => (((vx . foo) (vq . (vx )))) (walk* vq ((vx . foo) (vq . (vx ))) => (foo) When walk* encounters a fresh variable, it leaves it in the result. When the variable to be walk*ed is bound to a circular value, walk* returns _bottom_. (define _BOTTOM_ (var bottom)) (define (walk* x s) (letrec



((w* (lambda (x s) (let ((x (walk x s))) (cond ((var? x) x) ((atom? x) x) (else (cons (w* (car x) s) (w* (cdr x) s)))))))) (cond ((circular? x s) _BOTTOM_) ((eq? x (walk x s)) empty-s) (else (w* x s))))) Reify-name generates a reied name. (define (reify-name n) (string->symbol (string-append "_." (number->string n)))) Reify creates a substitution in which each fresh variable contained in the form v is associated with a unique reied name: (reify (list vx vy vz )) => ((vz . _.2) (vy . _.1) (vx . _.0)) The value v that is passed to reify must have been walk*ed before. (define (reify v) (letrec ((reify-s (lambda (v s) (let ((v (walk v s))) (cond ((var? v) (ext-s v (reify-name (length s)) s)) ((atom? v) s) (else (reify-s (cdr v) (reify-s (car v) s)))))))) (reify-s v empty-s))) Preserve-bottom implements bottom preservation. No surprise here. Explanation: The term bottom is used in mathematics to denote an undened result, like a diverging function. Bottom preservation is a principle that says that any form that contains a bottom element is itself equal to bottom.



When an answer contains the symbol _bottom_, the answer has a circular structure and the query that resulted in that answer should fail. (define (preserve-bottom s) (if (occurs? _BOTTOM_ s s) () s)) Run is a helper function of run*, which forms the primary interface for submitting queries to AMK. (define (run x g) (preserve-bottom (map (lambda (s) (walk* x (append s (reify (walk* x s))))) (g empty-s)))) X may be a logic variable or (). When x is a variable, run returns the value or values of that variable. When x =(), run returns (()) or (). When a query fails, run returns (). Run runs the goal g and then walk*s each substitution of the answer. It also reies the fresh variables contained in each substitution. Run* is just some syntactic sugar on top of run: (define-syntax run* (syntax-rules () ((_ () goal) (run #f goal)) ((_ (v) goal) (run v goal))))


Anonymous Variables

Here is the

(define (_) (var _)) It exploits the fact that logic variables are created by cons and compared using eq?: (eq? (var _) (var _)) => #f Because cons always creates a fresh pair, two logic variables cannot be identical, even if they share the same name.

==, 5, 32 , 20 fresh, 4, 35 function, 13 function composition, 11 goal, 3 parameterized, 9, 19 innite loop, 5 juice0 , 22 left0 , 27 logical and, 8 logical or, 8 mem?, 11 member, 13, 14 member0 , 11 neg, 20, 35 negation, 20 next0 , 28 non-deterministic, 4 null0 , 20 one, 21, 34 pair0 , 19 predicate, 11 query, 3 r-member0 , 16 recursion, 11, 14, 18, 33 reication, 10 39

n , 10, 26
all, 8, 11, 33 answer, 3 any, 7, 11, 15, 32 append0 , 3, 17 backtracking, 22 bind, 5 bottom, 37 bottom preservation, 37 bound, 5 car0 , 9 cdr0 , 10 circular value, 36 closed world assumption, 20 cond, 11, 15, 22 cons0 , 9 conversion of functions, 13 of predicates, 11 cutting, 21 eq0 , 12 eta expansion, 33 fail, 4, 8, 30 lter0 , 19 rst0 , 22



reify, 37 run*, 3, 38 subgoal, 7 substitution, 30 succeed, 3, 30 underspecied, 27 unication, 5 unify, 31 union, 8 var, 4, 20, 30 variable, 4, 17 anonymous, 38 fresh, 4, 6, 31 reied, 11 walk, 31 walk*, 36 zebra puzzle, 24

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