European IQ Test Results0 PDF
European IQ Test Results0 PDF
European IQ Test Results0 PDF
Answers: 1:m/m 2:15/15 3:8/8 4:6/6 5:5/5 6:4/4 7:1/1 8:2/2 9:b/b 10:d/d 11:c/c 12:c/a 13:c/c 14:d/d 15:c/c 16:c/c 17:b/b 18:c/d 19:d/d 20:c/d 21:c/c 22:c/c 23:d/d 24:b/b 25:a/a 26:bd/ad 27:bc/bc 28:ce/ad 29:bd/bd 30:d/d 31:c/c 32:c/b 33:c/c
Your scored 27 correct (out of a possible 33). This implies an IQ of approximately 156 on the European/Cattel scale (stdev 24), or about 137 on the Stanford-Binet/USA scale (stdev 16). Given your fairly high score, you might be interested in HikeTheGeek or Project Sifter. Also, note this test is pretty useless for Cattel scores over 160 or so, so if you're in that range, ignore this score and find a test designed for higher IQs. This page is theoretically maintained by Simon Funk. Email feedback here.