Energy Auditing of Sugar Industry
Energy Auditing of Sugar Industry
Energy Auditing of Sugar Industry
Energy audit is designed to determine where, when, why and how energy is being used. This information can then be used to identify opportunities to improve efficiency, decrease energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Energy audits can also verify the effectiveness of energy management opportunities (EMOs) after they have been implemented. Energy audit is an important tool in transforming the fortunes of any organisation. This is highly relevant to the sugar industry as it deals with a renewable energy source and looked upon as rural power house. The scope for conservation is immense and if properly harnessed can take the organization to the path of prosperity. Energy audit becomes all the more important in view of the energy conservation Act 2001 enacted by Government of India and the proposed New provisions 18A(1), (2) & (3) to the Boiler Amendment Bill 2000 (Indian Boilers Act 1923). Energy in the form of Electricity has been the prime mover for the overall progress of any country. Due to rising cost of new generating plants and severe financial constraints, it is not possible for Electricity Utilities to outlay more funds in this priority sector. Hence, either the generated energy has to be used efficiently or reduce the losses by the end users. Taking the specific case of sugar industry there are wide variations in energy consumption among different units using comparable technology. The energy saving potential in sugar sector is estimated to be at least 30% of its present utilisation, making the sector with the maximum potential in the countrys economy. The sector can easily be termed as rural power houses and any conservation here will not only serve the cause of national economy but also enhance the profitability and stability of the sector. This
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
is where the energy audit and energy norms become vital for the sugar sector as a whole. It has become the paramount need of the sugar sector at present to become energy efficient for maximizing their profits as well as to support the government, in their quest for additional energy resources. Any augmentation from sugar sector will be a boon to any national economy as it will not be at the expense of their fossil reserves. Therefore for every unit in the sugar sector, a self introspection in the form of a detailed energy audit will do a world of good at this juncture, without waiting for the intervention of statutes. In this context, sharing of experience based on the energy audits carried out and the improvement made in some of the sugar factories in our country will be very useful. The Energy Audit study was carried out at Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya, Karnataka. The energy audit was mainly targeted at identifying practical, sustainable and economically viable energy saving opportunities in some of main sections of plant, resulting from a detailed study and analyses of technical parameters. The plant meets entire power requirement through purchase from KPTCL, Co-generation, DG sets are used as stand-by. The cost of energy used during April 2010 to March 2011 works out to . 1692.00 lacs. During the study, there was continuous interaction with the plant personnel; all the recommendations have been thoroughly discussed with the concerned officials. This Energy Audit has helped to compile the possible actions to conserve and efficiently utilize our scarce resources and identify the savings potential.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Mysore Sugar Company officials have also ensured that they would utilize, execute and try implementing the recommendations suggested. The full impact of conducting a energy audit to achieve large savings in energy cost therefore remains unrealized or prolonged.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Layout plan of Mysore Sugar Company The present power distribution of My Sugar (Sugar production area) Baggasse based cogeneration power balance
Appendix-4/1 Details of Power Purchased and Generated for thee period April 2010 to March 2011 Appendix-5/1 Boiler Specification and Details Appendix-5/2 Co-Generation Scheme Appendix-5/3 Combustion Efficiency Calculations Appendix-5/4 Rated and Operating Parameters of Turbo- Generators, 'A'
Appendix-5/5 Power Transmission by Different Driving Appendix-6/1 Power Measurement of Centrifugal Pumps Appendix-6/2 Design Injection Water Requirements for Pan Appendix-6/3 Pressure Drop Calculation for Centrifugal pumps Appendix-6/4 Raw Water Balance (Existing) Appendix-6/5 Revised Water Balance Appendix-6/6 Revised Water Balance Appendix-7/1 Lighting Fixture Details Appendix-7/2 Lighting Lux Measurement Details Appendix-7/3 Replacement of Conventional Electro-magnet Choke with
Appendix-7/4 Replacement of Conventional Electromagnetic Choke with LED 48 2000 lumen tube lights Appendix-7/5 Use of Lighting Transformer to Reduce the
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Variable Frequency Drive Fluorescent Tube Lights Compact Fluorescent Lamps TATA energy research institute Energy Management opportunities Kilo liter Metric Tons Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating Voltage Current Power Factor kilo Watt Power kilo Volt Ampere (Active Power) Reactive kilo Volt Ampere (Reactive Power) Frequency Hertz Rotations per minute kilo grams kilo Watt hour Maximum Demand Financial Year Horse Power Pressure Reducing and Distribution System Petroleum Conservation research association
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Table 6.3.2 Table 6.3.3 Table 6.3.4 Table 6.3.5 Table 6.3.6 Table 6.5 Table A
Proposed Water injection pump details Proposed Raw juice pump details Proposed Sulphited juice pump details Proposed Clear juice pump details Proposed Light molasses pump details Details of the temperature measurements
Summary of recommendation
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Table of Contents
Chapter Description
Pag e No.
4 6 5 9
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Introduction Objective Scope Methodology and Approach Co-generation at Glance 11 13 13 14 14
2.1 Energy Savings Toolbox an Energy audit Manual and Tool 2.2 The Energy Conservation Act 2001 2.3 Guide Books for the National Certificate Examination for Energy managers and Energy Auditors, Second Edition (2005). 2.4 PCRA literature (Petroleum Conservation research association) 2.5 Concepts and methodology adapted to Audit Energy 19 19 20 20 22
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
5.2 5.3
Observations and Analysis Energy Conservation Proposals 5.3.1 Proposal-1 :Flash steam recovery from condensate 5.3.2 Proposal-2: Replacing the steam drives with DC drives 5.3.3 Proposal -3: insulating exposed areas of flanges, valves and pipelines 5.3.4 Proposal -4 : insulating exposed areas in steam line 5.4 General 5.5 Energy Conservation in Existing Power Plant 5.6 Guide line for quantifying energy conservation
6.1 6.2 6.3 Facility Description Observations and Analysis Energy Conservation Proposals and Recommendation 6.3.1 Proposal-1 ; Optimization of pan injection cooling water system
6.3.2 Proposal-2 ; Right sizing of evaporator injection water pump 6.3.3 Proposal-3 ; Right sizing of raw juice pump 6.3.4 Proposal-4 ; Right sizing of Sulphited juice pump 6.3.5 Proposal-5 ; Right sizing of Clear juice pump 6.3.6 Proposal-6 ; Right sizing of light molasses pump
38 40 40 42 43 44 45 46 48
6.4 6.5
7.1 7.2 7.3 Facility Description Observations and Analysis Energy Conservation proposals and Recommendations 7.3.1 Proposal-1 ; Use of 36W Fluorescent tube lights and electronic chokes. 7.3.2 Use of LED 48 2000 lumen tube lights -40 Fluorescent tube lights Replacement 7.3.3 Proposal-2 ; Replacement of 200W incandescent lamps with twin fluorescent tube fixtures with electronic choke. 7.3.4 Proposal-3 ;Use of lighting voltage controller. General 65 65 65 65 67 68
69 70 72 106
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
The Mysore Sugar Company Limited (Mysugar) is one of the oldest sugar factories in India. The factory was established in the early thirties. Initially Mysugar had a capacity of 600 TCD. 0ver the years the plant has expanded and, presently the plant has a capacity to crush around 5000 TCD. Mysugar is a Government of Karnataka Enterprise and the Board of Directors comprise of nominees from Karnataka State Government and from financial institutions. Mysugar has its own 35 kL Distillery unit in addition to its own IMFL bottling plant and arrack unit. Mysugar is located in the heart of Mandya City and commands a good cane potential. The agro climatic factors not only favour intensive cane cultivation but also maintain high sugar content in the cane over a longer period during the season. Mysugar has handled about 9 lakhs tonnes of cane during the year. Cane crushing season usually extends up to nine months and sometimes beyond that period also. The subsequent sections of the report highlight the comprehensive energy audit to identify the energy saving opportunities to minimise the power and steam requirement of plant. The Layout plan of Mysore Sugar Company is as shown in Appendix-A. The present power distribution of My Sugar (Sugar production area)is as shown in Appendix-B. The Baggasse based cogeneration power balance is as shown in Appendix-C.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 1
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
1.1 Introduction
Power is the most essential input for the industrialization and in the Indian context, it is indeed the fulcrum on which, the future pace of growth of development of this country rests. It is estimated that, in India the demand for electricity is presently growing at a compound rate of over nine (9) percent which is among the highest in the world. Since independence, India has multiplied achieving electricity generation by more
than 60 times, which as of now stands at about 89,476 MW. The approximate share of the installed capacity between Hydro, Thermal and Nuclear are 22:006 MW, 64,276 MW and 2225 MW respectively. Over and above that about 970 MW of installed capacity is attributable to nonconventional energy sources (mostly wind).Though the per capita electricity consumption in India is at about 338 kWh, the demand for electricity consumption continues to grow at a rapid rate outstripping the availability of the same. There is a huge difference between the projected power demand and the planned generating capacities. The present shortfall in energy is 11 %, and the shortage in the peaking capacity is 22 %. In the eighth plan period, as against the targeted capacity addition of 48,000 MW, only 17,373 MW was added. The projected capacity addition for the ninth plan period is 57,700 MW, calling for a total investment of over 2500 Billion. In addition to the problems of installed capacity shortage, there are quite a lot of problems with the Transmission and Distribution system networks. The transmission and distribution losses is estimated to be an average of 21 %, owing to poor reactive power management, too many transformation stages resulting in high transformer losses, unplanned expansion of distribution system, improper load distribution, pilferage etc..
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Indias involvement in renewable energy movement is being reported to be the second most extensive in the developing countries, next to China. In order to meet the growing demand for power, India has added nearly 18000 MW generating capacity through conventional sources besides 1175 MW through renewable energy sources including cogeneration during the 8th five year plan. India is currently the largest producer of cane sugar in the world, accounting for 10% of the world production. Sugar is a growing industry with the cane area, yield and recovery of sugar increasing over the decades, though there are cyclic variations from year to year. The industrial sector in India is a major energy user, accounting for about 48 percent of the commercial energy consumption. The sector has become increasingly energy intensive overtime, which is partly due to the investments made in basic and energy intensive industries to achieve selfreliance. There are wide variations in energy consumption among different units within the same industry using comparable technology. The energy saving potential in this Sugar sector is estimated to be 25%, making it the sector with the maximum potential in the economy. Energy today has become a key factor in deciding the product cost at micro level as well as in dictating the inflation and the debt burden at the macro level. Energy cost is a significant factor in economic activity. On per with factors of production like capital, land and labor. The imperatives of an energy shortage situation calls for energy conservation measure, which essentially mean using less energy for the same level of activity. Energy Audit attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use and serves to identify all the energy streams in the systems and quantifies energy usages according to its discrete function. Energy Audit helps in energy cost optimization, pollution control, safety aspects and suggests
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
the methods to improve the operating & maintenance practices of the system. It is instrumental in coping with the situation of variation in energy cost availability, reliability of energy supply, decision on appropriate energy mix, decision on using improved energy conservation equipments. instrumentations and technology.
1.2 Objectives
This energy audit assumes that the cost of energy used during April 2010 to March 2011 by M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited works out to 1692.00 lacs, and it has aimed at obtaining a detailed idea about the various end use energy consumption activities and identifying, enumerating and evaluating the possible energy savings opportunities. The target is to achieve savings in the Steam and electrical energy consumption . The objective of the work in M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited is the interest in retrofitting the electrical utilities like pump and pumping system, lighting system and thermal Utilities like boiler, mills , thereby increasing the overall plant efficiency, increasing output, reducing energy/ steam consumption.
Every 1unit saved is equal to 2units generated
Detailed Energy Audit aims at identifying priority ordered economically viable projects that will fulfill the above objectives. It will also arrive at recommendations regarding maintenance procedures, replacing less efficient equipment with energy efficient equipments etc. for fulfilling the energy efficiency objectives.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
thrust given by the Government of India to this national endeavor and realizing the contribution they can make to the power deficit Karnataka State, the management decided to implement Co generation, in the Mysugar complex at Mandya in the State of Karnataka, along with the performance and efficiency improvement program, planned for the sugar mill. The Co-generation details are as shown below Cane crushing capacity (24 Hrs) Hourly Crushing Capacity : : 5000 TCD 208.3 TPH& : 48% 32%
No. of days of cogeneration plant Operation Cane crushing season Off-Season : : : : : Nil Two (2) 80 TPH 66 Kg/ 250
485 +/-5Deg.C
: :
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Power supplied to Sugar Plant (kW) Cane Crushing Season Off-season : : 6030 Nil
Co-generation Plant Power Consumption (kW) Cane Crushing Season Off-season : : 2750 0.00
Net exportable power at 66kV to KEBs Sub-station (kW) Cane Crushing Season Off-season : : 19220 0.00
Net salable energy to grid (Million kwh) Cane Crushing Season Off-season : : : 101.71 0.00 341820
Bagasse supplied from sugar mill During season in (Metric Tonnes / year)
Steam supply to sugar plant (MT/Year) Electrical Energy supply to Sugar plant (Million kWh)
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Plant load factor from 2nd year Total works cost ( In Lakhs)
: :
90% 6563.22
Note :- Though the Co-generation Plant been erected and commissioned successfully,due to shortage of fuel the generation of power been not yet started (i.e the generator synchronization to grid is not yet started). The bagasse thus comes from the sugar plant and wood chips are used as fuel to Co-generation boilers and the steam thus generated is pressure reduced using PRDS system to run the two turbo-generators (each of capacity 2.5MW) of sugar plant. Most of the power requirement of the plant is met by the power generated by these turbo-generators rest being met by the power purchase from KPTCL. Thus the detailed study of energy auditing is confined to the sugar plant.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 2
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 2
2.1 Energy Savings Toolbox an Energy audit Manual and Tool [1]
This manual has been developed under the auspices of the Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC), a joint initiative of Canadian industry and the Office of Energy Efficiency of Natural Resources Canada. Further, the manual was developed in conjunction with the provinces and territories. This Guide promotes the proven Energy Efficient Techniques which are designed to be utilized as a source of reference by Sugar plant. The guide provides information on factors affecting energy consumption, particularly electricity and steam consumption and attention is given to all thermal and electrical utilities. This Guide also provides the practical steps to saving energy, saving money through closer control of mill processes, lighting, heating.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Guide Books for the National Certificate Examination for Energy managers and Energy Auditors, Second Edition (2005). [2]
Book I General aspects of energy management and energy audit, (Chapter 3 Energy Management and Audit, Chapter 5 Energy Action Planning, Chapter 6 Financial Management, Chapter 8 Energy Monitoring and targeting). Book II Energy Efficiency in Thermal, (Chapter 1 Fuel and Combustion , Chapter 2 Boiler, Chapter 3 Steam |System, Chapter 8 Waste heat recovery). Book III Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities, (Chapter 1 Electrical System, Chapter 6 Pumps and Pumping System, Chapter 8 Lighting Systems, Chapter 10 Energy Efficient technologies in Electrical Systems) Book IV Energy performance assessment for equipment & Utility Systems, (Chapter 1 Boilers, Chapter 7 Water Pumps, Chapter 10 Financial analysis, Chapter 12 Application of non-conventional and renewable energy sources).
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Use of CFL lamp in place of GLS lamp can save energy upto 70%. Clean the lamps & fixtures regularly. Illumination levels fall by 20-30% due to collection of dust. Use of 36W tubelight instead of 40 W tubelight saves electricity by 8 to 10%. Use of sodium vapour lamps for area lighting in place of Mercury vapour lamps saves electricity upto 40%. PUMPS Improper selection of pumps can lead to large wastage of energy. A pump with 85% efficiency at rated flow may have only 65% efficiency at half the flow. Use of throttling valves instead of variable speed drives to change flow of fluids is a wasteful practice. Throttling can cause wastage of power to the tune of 50 to 60%. It is advisable to use a number of pumps in series and parallel to cope with variations in operating conditions by switching on or off pumps rather than running one large pump with partial load. Drive transmission between pumps & motors is very important. Loose belts can cause energy loss upto 1-20%. Modern synthetic flat belts in place of conventional V-belts can save 5% to 10% of energy. Properly organized maintenance is very important. Efficiency of worn out pumps can drop by 10-15% unless maintained properly.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 3
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Process Flow of My Sugar 3.1 General
Sugarcane processing is focussed on the production of cane sugar (sucrose) from sugarcane. Other products of the processing include bagasse, molasses, and filtercake. Bagasse, the residual woody fiber of the cane, is used for several purposes: fuel for the boilers and lime kilns, production of numerous paper and paperboard products and reconstituted panelboard, agricultural mulch, and as a raw material for production of chemicals. Bagasse and bagasse residue are primarily used as a fuel source for the boilers in the generation of process steam. Thus, bagasse is a renewable resource. Dried filtercake is used as an animal feed supplement, fertilizer, and source of sugarcane wax. Molasses is produced in two forms: inedible for humans (blackstrap) or as an edible syrup. Blackstrap molasses is used primarily as an animal feed additive but also is used to produce ethanol, compressed yeast, citric acid, and rum. Edible molasses syrups are often blends with maple syrup, invert sugars, or corn syrup.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
multiple sets. Conveyors transport the crushed cane from one mill to the next. Imbibition is the process in which water or juice is applied to the crushed cane to enhance the extraction of the juice at the next mill. In imbibition, water or juice from other processing areas is introduced into the last mill and transferred from mill to mill towards the first two mills while the crushed cane travels from the first to the last mill. The crushed cane exiting the last mill is called bagasse. The juice from the mills is strained to remove large particles and then clarified. In raw sugar production, clarification is done almost exclusively with heat and lime (as milk of lime or lime saccharate); small quantities of soluble phosphate also may be added. The lime is added to neutralize the organic acids, and the temperature of the juice raised to about 95 degree C (200 degreeF). A heavy precipitate forms which is separated from the juice in the clarifier. The insoluble particulate mass, called mud, is separated from the limed juice by gravity or centrifuge. Clarified juice goes to the evaporators without additional treatment. The mud is filtered and the filter cake is washed with water. Evaporation is performed in two stages: initially in an evaporator station to concentrate the juice and then in vacuum pans to crystallize the sugar. The clarified juice is passed through heat exchangers to preheat the juice and then to the evaporator stations. Evaporator stations consist of a series of evaporators, termed multiple-effect evaporators; typically a series of five evaporators. Steam from large boilers is used to heat the first evaporator, and the steam from the water evaporated in the first evaporator is used to heat the second evaporator. This heat transfer process continues through the five evaporators and as the temperature decreases (due to heat loss) from evaporator to evaporator, the pressure inside each evaporator also decreases which allows the juice to boil at the lower temperatures in the subsequent evaporator. Some steam is released
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
from the first three evaporators, and this steam is used in various process heaters in the plant. The evaporator station in cane sugar manufacture typically produces a syrup with about 65 percent solids and 35 percent water. Following evaporation, the syrup is clarified by adding lime, phosphoric acid, and a polymer flocculent, aerated, and filtered in the clarifier. From the clarifier, the syrup goes to the vacuum pans for crystallization. Crystallization of the sugar starts in the vacuum pans, whose function is to produce sugar crystals from the syrup. In the pan boiling process, the syrup is evaporated until it reaches the supersaturation stage. At this point, the crystallization process is initiated by seeding or shocking the solution. When the volume of the mixture of liquor and crystals, known as massecuite, reaches the capacity of the pan, the evaporation is allowed to proceed until the final massecuite is formed. At this point, the contents of the vacuum pans (called strike) are discharged to the crystallizer, whose function is to maximize the sugar crystal removal from the massecuite. Some mills seed the vacuum pans with isopropyl alcohol and ground sugar (or other similar seeding agent) rather than with crystals from the process. From the crystallizer, the massecuite (A massecuite) is transferred to high-speed centrifugal machines (centrifugals), in which the mother liquor (termed molasses) is centrifuged to the outer shell and the crystals remain in the inner centrifugal basket. The crystals are washed with water and the wash water centrifuged from the crystals. The liquor (A molasses) from the first centrifugal is returned to a vacuum pan and reboiled to yield a second massecuite (B massecuite), that in turn yields a second batch of crystals. The B massecuite is transferred to the crystallizer and then to the centrifugal, and the raw sugar is separated from the molasses. This raw sugar is combined with the first crop of
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
crystals. The molasses from the second boiling (B molasses) is of much lower purity than the first molasses. It is reboiled to form a low grade massecuite (C massecuite), which goes to a crystallizer and then to a centrifugal. This low-grade cane sugar is mingled with syrup and is sometimes used in the vacuum pans as a seeding solution. The final molasses from the third stage (blackstrap molasses) is a heavy, viscous material used primarily as a supplement in cattle feed. The cane sugar from the combined A and B massecuites is dried in fluidized bed or spouted bed driers and cooled. After cooling, the cane sugar is transferred to packing bins and then sent to bulk storage. Cane sugar is then generally bulk loaded to trucks.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya B
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya C
C.SEED MIXER Figure 3.2- M/s My Sugar Company ltd., Sugar processing flow diagram
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 4
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 4
Energy Consumption profile 4.1 Introduction
In this chapter the cane crushing, raw juice, sugar production, the specific energy consumption, sources of fuel and total cost incurred during a fiscal year been tabulated. With these details further energy conservation proposal and recommendation been discussed.
Production Details
The cane crushing, raw juice and sugar production against each period is shown below,
Table 4.2 : Details of the Sugar production Year Cane Crushing M|T 2009-2010 2010-2011 122563 500729 Raw Juice Production MT 118825 496325 Sugar Production MT 9067.5 42339
Sources of Energy
Electricity Bagasse Fuel Wood Chip.
Electricity is from KPTCL, Self generation and DG set. Bagasse is used as fuel in boiler for generation of steam for process utilisation and electricity generation. The month wise energy consumption from April 2010 to march 2011 is as shown in Appendix 4/1.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Table 4.3: Details of Sources of energy Sl. No. 1 Source of Energy Electricity KPTCL Self Generation DG Set Total Av.Unit Rate Cost of Electricity 2 Bagasse Cost of Fuel 3 HSD Cost of HSD 4 Wood Chip Cost of Wood Chip kWh Lakh kWh Lakh kWh Lakh kWh 20.79 51.24 17 89.03 Units 2010-2011
Lakh MT Lakh KL Lakh MT Lakh 409.54 153300 1533 410 0.17 2849.27 35.01
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Electrical Charges in kWh (I) April 2010 to December 2010 a) from 01 unit to 1,00,000 units - 4.3 b) from 1,00,001 units to consumed units 4.6 (II) January 2011 onwards a) from 01 unit to 1,00,000 units - 4.6 b) from 1,00,001 units to consumed units 4.9
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 5
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 5
Facility Description
The sugar unit of the plant is equipped with four boilers of which two is of Texmaco make (40 t/h each) and two is of KCP make (20 t/h each) .all the boilers are of dumping grate type with pneumatic distribution .Maximum steam generating pressure of these boilers is 21 kg/cm2 .fuel used is bagasse. The main auxiliaries of the boilers are ID,FD,SA fan and feed water pump .the detailed specifications are provided in Appendix5/1. Out of 4 boiler only one boiler is in use i.e. KPC boiler of capacity 20 t/h to drive the turbines of Mills, rest of the steam requirement is met from boilers of co-generation, each of the boiler having a capacity of 80 t/h. Distribution of steam from the boilers is as shown in Appendix- 5/2.
Bagasse is used a fuel which has a calorific value of 1960 kcal/kg Bagasse is fed into the boilers automatically through conveyors Balanced draft in boilers is maintained by operating the ID and FD fan openings CO2% percentage in the flue gas varies from 10.8 to 11.75 It was observed that air infiltration is occurring in KPC Boiler At present excess air levels in KPC boiler ranges from 75 to 96%. This can be brought efficiency by 0.5 to 1% . down to 60% there by increasing the
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
FD fan opening should be adjusted to about 55 to 65% so that excess air levels can be brought down to 60% All the boilers have secondary satisfactorily The boilers blow down TDS was 1800 TDS and the blow down operations was carried twice in a shift
The boiler surface temperature was found to be 50to 60C. The boiler efficiency calculations are provided in Appendix-5/3
The high pressure steam generated in boilers are used in TG#1, TG#2 to generate power and in A and B mills to drive the steam turbines. The detailed rated and operating parameters of TG, A & B mill turbines are provided in Appendix -5/4.
The exhaust steam from TG,A& B mill turbines are fed to chatrapati vapour cell, raw juice heating sections, 1 st body of Binny and isjeck evaporators
The vapour coming out of low pressure steam, high pressure steam is passed through PRDS (approx.2 to 3 t/h) and utilized in evaporator and chatrapathi cell.
The vapour coming out of final effect evaporator is at 55C and it is condensed in vaccum condenser(2 nos)
The vapours coming out A,B,C pans are condensed in jet condenser(11 nos)
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
The plant has installed new SS condenser (spray type), which reduces the cooling water requirement in pan section In distillery unit mainly steam is utilized in fermentor, analyzer,columns,rectifier column, exhaust column and air benzene recoverable column etc. Most places steam pressure gauges are not in working condition. Steam leakages at many places in the plant is occurring . The management is the process of replacing the chatrapati cell with kentser vapour cell. This measure will enhance the steam economy. In A and B mill steam turbines should be replaced with DC drive . this aspect is discussed in proposal section. The return condensate is collected in condensate collection tank (2 open ) and hot water tanks. Heavy loss of flash steam is occurring from the open tanks.
The condensate is tank surface temperature is high (in the range of 90 to 97C) . these tanks should be reinsulated.
The detailed trap survey has been done and it was found that traps are working well.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
The average condensate collected at hot water tank is around 180m3/h at temperature of about 95 to 100 C. the tank being open at the top, the flash steam generated is let out. This steam is utilized and causing damage to the insulation of pipes, above the tank. If the flash steam is recovered and utilized in heating of the juice, it will not only reduce the steam consumption in the first stages heaters and also condensate can be recovered.
As the return condensate is at considerable pressure and temperature , flash steam can be recovered by installing a flash steam recovery unit . the flash steam recovered from the system can be used in the raw juice heaters. Energy savings Expected output of flash steam from condensate : Expected pressure of flash Net savings in bagasse per year Cost saving per year Cost of flash steam recovery system Simple payback period : : : : : 1500kg/h 1.5kg/cm ab 4250 MT 42.5lakhs 2.0 lakhs 17 days
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
efficiency of 58%. But these drives require clean environment for smooth operations and the cost is high.
Replace the existing steam turbine drives with DC motors drives (600 and 1000 HP), which result in 15% higher efficiency of transmission. The result in considerable energy savings
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy savings Steam consumption in A mill steam drives at 16.5 kg/cm : 6.5 t/h x 4 Pressure : 26 t/h
Steam consumption in B mill steam drives at 16.5 kg/cm2 : 10 t/h x 3 : 30 t/h Total steam consumption Energy savings envisaged due to higher Efficiency of DC drives (15%) Cost of implementation Simple payback period : 220 lakhs : 18 months : 56 t/h : 152 lakhs
5.3.3 Proposal -3: insulating exposed areas of flanges, valves and pipelines Background
High pressure lines: many portions of high pressure lines such as valves, flanges, pipelines near A & B turbines mills, steam headers are exposed to atmosphere (insulation broken). This result in considerable heat loss Low pressure lines: in processing sugar juice low pressure steam form turbine exhaust and vapour from chatrapati cell is used . at many places connecting pipelines, flanges,valves are uninsulated (or) insulation is broken . this result in considerable heat loss.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
The total surface heat loss from uninsulated flanges, valves and pipe lines and equipment are tabulated in Appendix-5/6.
By insulating the exposed areas of the flanges, valves and pipelines Energy savings Total exposed area : 504+268 : 772mt Net energy savings in kcal/h : 578011+59114 : 637125 kcal x 109kcal Net energy savings per year Net savings in bagasse Cost of implementation Simple payback period : 2786 tons/Year : 27.86 lakhs : 7lakhs : 3 months
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
To reduce heat loss, it is recommended to insulate the surface with glass wool so as to reduce the surface temperature to 50C Energy savings Total exposed area of steam line Average surface temperature Expected surface temperature after insulation Fuel savings per hour(bagasse) Net energy savings in kcal/h Cost saving per year Cost of implementation Simple payback period : 13.72mt2 : 127C : 50C : 11kg : 15,180 : 0.5 lakh : 5000 :1 month
At the outset the steam and power production areas will be highlighted before going into the details of energy consumption areas. For steam production bagasse being the only fuel, it is very important to ensure that uniform feed of the fuel of not exceeding 50% moisture content is assured always to the boilers. More than 60% of the factories in India work with Boiler systems of less than 20 kg/ pressure rating. Whatever may be theoperating parameters of the boilers, the need for maintaining the boilers in excellent health to work at the rated efficiencies does not require over emphasis. Typically in a well maintained boiler there is a variation of 0.8% in the efficiency of boiler for every percentage of moisture variation in bagasse. A moisture level
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
of 50% in bagasse is generally taken as the benchmark as all the sugar mills as well as boiler manufacturers adopt this for their designs. Though bagasse drying can improve boiler efficiency further, it has to be carefully planned in the heat balance of the plant, while optimizing the power cycle. It is important to take note of the following thumb rules for quantifying the energy conservation in boiler operations. Every 20C reduction in back end temperature: 1.0% increase in boiler efficiency. 10% reduction in excess air: 0.4% increase in boiler efficiency. 1% reduction in bagasse moisture: 0.8% increase in boiler efficiency. For 1TPH steam generation with 0.5% increase in boiler efficiency, there is saving in 3 kg/hr of bagasse. For 1 TPH steam generation, by installing flash steam recovery system for continuous blowdown in boilers, there is a saving of 1.5 kg/hr of bagasse.
These figures may vary according to boiler parameters. The above details will emphasize the need for maintaining optimum operational conditions required for efficient performance of mills and boilers.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Arresting of air / flue gas bypass especially through boiler bank baffles, economizer flue gas bypass ducting. Proper maintenance of insulation in boiler, furnace, ducting and piping including fittings. Boiler thermal expansion movement check with respect to supports. Modifications in air / flue gas flow pattern and elimination of ash accumulation in ducting. Minimizing the losses due to boiler drum blow down.
Arresting water and steam leakage in boiler and piping. Improvement / restriction of furnace outlet temperature of flue gas to
by dividing the superheater into two sections in single stage superheater design.
Review of the grate design and maintainability. Operating the boiler at its rated parameters i.e capacity, pressure and
Review of the performance of the existing steam drum internals and
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya Review of the existing heating surface area provided in the boiler.
Review of the boiler design and space availability with respect to increase in boiler capacity
Review of the existing main steam pipe sizing and pipe routing
Review of the capacity and head of equipment selected such as, ID, FD & SA fans, boiler feed pumps, etc Reduction of unburnt carbon loss in bottom ash and fly ash. Review of the dust collector equipment performance. Review of boiler operating practices such as furnace cleaning time etc Review of boiler water quality and feed water quality. Inspection of deaerator and review of its performance. Review of HP and LP dozing system capacity and selection.
10C reduction in back end temperature - 0.6% increase in boiler efficiency 10 % reduction in excess air - 0.4% increase in boiler efficiency 1 % reduction in bagasse moisture - 0.8 % increase in boiler efficiency For 1.0 TPH steam generation with 0.5 % increase in boiler efficiency, there is saving of 3 kg/hr of bagasse.
For 1.0 TPH steam generation, by installing flash steam recovery
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 6
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 6
Facility Description
The plant has 43 no. of centrifugal pumps as per the area wise pump details as shown in Appendix-6/1 and the total power consumption of all the running pumps is 986 kW, which is about 23% of total power consumption of sugar plant.
From the Appendix- 6/1 , following pumps are loaded less than 45% due to either lower rate/head requirement or both as per the process requirement.
1. Screened Juice pump. 2. Imbibition juice pump-2 (mill-B). 3. Sulphited syrup pump. 4. Syrup extraction pump. 5. Sweet Water pump.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
In this proposal, we are considering only the condensers of pan evaporators. The amount of cooling water needed to be sent as injection water is only 5033 cum/hr. In the existing set up, there are six pumps of rated flow rate of 1000cum/hr and head of 25 M (6 x 1000 cum/hr) and one pump of rated flow rate of 1400 cum/hr and head of 21M (1x 1400 cum/hr) is being operated. The quantity of injection water being pumped to the condensers as per pump rating ( 7 pumps were inline) with the valve full open condition is 7400 cum/hr. Operating pumps of two different rated head, connected to common manifold will result in throttling effect and lead to increase power consumption and non uniform loading of the pumps. This is not a good engineering practices. The details on design of cooling water requirement, existing flow rates, the power consumption and percentage loading of all pan injection water pumps is shown in Appendix 6/2.
Total design of condenser water required for pans No. of pumps need to be operated is Six : 5033 cum/hr. : 6 x 1000 cum/hr = 6000 cum/hr. 3 pumps on each side of 1000 cum/hr of head 25 M to be operated Hence one pump of 1400 cum/hr pump can be stopped. Energy saving by switching off one no. of 1400 cum/hr pump : 76.5 kW : 76.5 x 24 x 250days
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
The required flow rate of the pump is 900cum/hr with the head of 18M. For the flow rate and head, the power required would be 89.18 kW only. Where the measured power is 118.5 kW. Hence pump have to down sized to the nearest specification. The details of power requirement for all the pumps are shown in Appendix 6/1.
Replacement of existing pump with the specification matching to the requirement. The energy saved by replacing the right sized pump is 28.75kW.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy savings Energy saved Power Cost Energy saved per year : : : = Cost of energy saving : = Cost of implementation Simple pay back period : : 28.75 kW 4.6 / Unit. 28.75 x 24 x 250 days 1,72,500 units 28.75 x 4.6 x 24 x 250 days 7,93,500. 4.5 lakhs 0.6 years
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Hence the pump be down sized to nearest specification for energy conservation.
Replacement of present pumps with matching specification. Table 6.3.3: Proposed Raw Juice pump details
Pump name Motor Measured kW Raw Juice pump 75 53.7 72 Present Q (cum/hr) 230 H (M) 57 Proposed Pump Power kW 22.6 Motor kW 30
The energy saved by replacing the right sized pump is 31.1kW. Energy savings Energy saved Power Cost Energy saved per year : : : = Cost of energy saving : = Cost of implementation simple pay back period : : 31.10 kW 4.6 / Unit. 31.1 x 24 x 250 days 1,86,600 units 31.10 x 4.6 x 24 x 250 days . 8,58,360 1.5 lakhs 2.1 months.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Replacement of present pumps with matching specification. Table 6.3.4: Proposed Sulphited juice pump details
Pump name Motor Measured kW Sulphited juice 75 pump 46.5 62.3 Present Q (cum/hr) 300 H (M) 12 Proposed Pump Power kW 17.84 22.5 Motor kW
The energy saved by replacing the right sized pump is 28.66kW. Energy savings Energy saved Power Cost Energy saved per year : : : = 28.66 kW 4.6 / Unit. 28.66 x 24 x 250days 1,71,960 units
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
: =
: :
Replacement of present pumps with matching specification. Table 6.3.5: Proposed Clear juice pump details
Pump name Motor Measured kW Clear juice pump 37 22 59.6 Present Q (cum/hr) 100 H (M) 13 Proposed Pump Power kW 6.44 15.6 Motor kW
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
The energy saved by replacing the right sized pump (2 No.) is 31.22 kW. Energy savings Energy saved Power Cost Energy saved per year : : : = Cost of energy saving : = Cost of implementation simple pay back period : : 31.22 kW 4.6 / Unit. 31.22 x 24 x 250days 1,87,320 units 31.22 x 4.6 x 24 x 250days 8,05,476 1.0 lakhs 1.5month
Replacement of present pumps with matching specification.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
The energy saved by replacing the right sized pump is 7.70kW. Energy savings Energy saved Power Cost Energy saved per year : : : = Cost of energy saving : = Cost of implementation simple pay back period : : 7.70 kW 4.6 / Unit. 7.70 x 24 x 250days 46,200 units 7.7 x 4.6 x 24 x 250days 2,12,520 0.5 lakhs 2.8months
Note: the basis for head calculation for all the above proposals are given in Appendix 6/3.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Water System
As the sugar plant was operating adequate arrangements were been made for meeting the raw water requirements of the plant. Previously raw water was being drawn from the nearby Kodanahalli tank, which is getting charged by the Vishweswarayya Canal. However now required water is taken from the nearby Holul Tank, through the jack wells sunk in the 'Hebbe Halla' Nalla, which gets fed from the overflow and seepage from the Holul Tank. Within the Sugar Plant there are Four(-4) Raw water storage tanks of capacity 3000 Cu.M each, and the water requirements for the plant is drawn from these tanks. The raw water requirements for the cooling tower and the other auxiliaries of the Cogeneration plant is supplied from these existing facilities in the sugar plant. . Major portion of the water requirement for the condensers of the pan and evaporator are directly pumped to the sugar plant. The present water balance of the sugar, co-generation and distillery unit is given in Appendix -6/4. from the water balance it could be inferred that the plant consumes more water than the requirement due to uncontrolled water flow to cooling purpose (bearings and sulphur burning) and short circuit of hot water in the spray pond. Moreover, the water utility pattern in service area, like quarters and factory's sanitary requirements seem to higher than the standards. In this regard, the water required for the plant is revised based on the measurements and observation, the details on the revised water balance is given in Appendix 6/5.
The water required for various cooling purposes, condenser of the pans, evaporator s should be optimised for the use of lesser water. The optimum
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
flow required for condensers are shown in proposal -1. the cooling water flow to be controlled by trail and error method for pickup more heat to reaction a differential temperature of 9C. Also the water required for quarters and other services should be regulated. Even though the water is available in plenty. Plant shall take all steps to minimize the consumption of water in order to mitigate environmental impact due to discharge of effluent from the factory.
Water Savings
The amount of water that could be saved on implementation of regulating measures will be around 2184600 cum/yr. Which accounts of 25% of total water consumption. The detailed of calculation is shown in 6/5. Appendix-
Spray Pond
Mysore Sugar has a spray pond of following specification to cool the water from barometric condenser, distillation column condenser, coolers of bearing and sulfur burner. Length Width Depth Volume No. of Sprayers No. of Spray pump Capacity of one pump : : : : : : : 75 m. 45 m. 2.7 m. 9121 cum. 350. 2 + 1. 1732 cum/hr.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Spray Capacity
3464 cum/hr.
The amount of cooling water required to be cooled is in the spray pond as per the existing operating condition is given in Appendix 6/6. As per measurement carried out during the energy audit, the cooling performance of the spray pond is not satisfactory as the range is only 11C(in general spray pond have a range of 12- 25C and approach of 3 4C). The spraying capacity of the pond (as per the pump capacity) is only 3464 cum/hr. The results in decreased efficiency of the spray pond. The details of the temperature measurements are given below. Table 6.5: Details of the temperature measurements
Sl No. Description i ii iii iv v vi Hot well temperature Pond / cold well temperature Dry bulb temperature Wet bulb temperature Relative humidity (%) Water temp. at the outlet of spray nozzle RANGE(i-ii) APPROACH (ii-iv) Temp C 39 34 27.8 23.04 67.8 28.5 5 C 11C
The following suggestion may be implemented to optimise the performance of spray pond.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
1. Reducing the burnt barometric condenser cooling water quantity to design value. 2. Segregating the cooling water from distillery unit, bearing cooling and sulfur burner and using them as cane imbibition water in the mills.
3. Improving performance of the spray nozzles by maintenance /
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter 7
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Chapter -7
Facility Description
The total Sugar plant has lighting load of around 75 kW |(excluding Cogeneration lighting load of 15 kW) and measured operating load of 54 kW. The main type of lighting sources is 4' fluorescent tube light, 200W and 100W incandescent lamps, HPSV and halogen lamps. At present there is no separate lighting transformer. The lighting load is given from feeder F-40 which can be either fed from Co-generation/TG-1/ KPTCL supply. The data for operating load is given in Appendix 7/1.
electronic chokes.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Plant has used 40W fluorescent tube lights and copper chokes for all the tube lights. Use of electronic chokes with 36W fluorescent results in at least 20-25% energy savings over copper chokes with 40W fluorescent tube lights for the same level of illumination. The conventional copper chokes consumes about 15W per lamp as ballast losses, whereas the electronic choke consumes only 2W per lamp owing to its high frequency operation. The electronic choke should be as per IS:13021 with over load/ short circuit protection and indicator for over load. The other advantages of echokes are, Uniform lighting output at variable voltage conditions including non flickering start. Reduction of heat output. Minimum fire hazard. Enhanced life of lamps due to higher frequency operation. The elimination of supply current harmonics and the provision of a factor of 1.0 without the need for a correction capacitor.
It is proposed to install electronic chokes and 36W fluorescent tubes after replacing the conventional chokes and 40 W fluorescent tubes. Retrofitting electronic chokes for those lamps would yield energy savings as given in Appendix 7/3.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Savings Annual energy savings Cost of energy Cost of implementation Simple payback period : : : : 7,650 kWh. 32,895/ 11,250/4 Months
Or 7.3.2 Use of LED 48 2000 lumen tube lights -40W Fluorescent tube lights Replacement
Use of LED tube lights 22W results in at least 75-80% energy savings over copper chokes with 40W fluorescent tube lights for the same level of illumination. The main feature of the LED's is No dark areasno glare, the light is soft and homogeneous . Other features of LED as follows.
Power supply of efficiency, low consumption ,steady, unique design of anti-lighting ,over-currents , over-voltages ,short-circuits and overloads protection.
No lead mercury and other harmful substances no noise,no radiation,no ultraviolet ray, environmental protection and energy saving.
Lifespan is more than 40000 hours,30 times than incandescent lamp's, 6 times than fluorescent lamp's.
Less maintenance.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
It is proposed to LED tube lights 22W after replacing the 40W fluorescent tube lights. Retrofitting these LEDs would yield energy savings as given in Appendix 7/4. Energy Savings Annual energy savings Cost of energy Cost of implementation Simple payback period : : : : 14, 850 kWh. 68,310/ 2,36,250/3years 6 Months.
7.3.3 Proposal-2 ; Replacement of 200W incandescent lamps with twin fluorescent tube fixtures with electronic choke. Background
During the study it was observed that around 30 Nos. of 200W incandescent lamps are being used at various places in plant. Incandescent lamps have low efficacy and life as compared with fluorescent tube light.
It is proposed to replace all 200W incandescent lamps by twin fluorescent tube fixtures with e-chokes. Each 200W incandescent lamp gives a lumen output of 3040, as such they can be replaced by 2 nos of cool day light 36W fluorescent tubes(each having a lumen output of 2450), to get the same illumination level. The twin fluorescent fixtures with e-chokes would consumes 76W of power as against 200W by incandescent lamps. Also the life of fluorescent tubes is 7000 hours as against 1000 hours of (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 68
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
that of 200W incandescent lamps. The proposed retrofitting would yield energy savings as given below. Energy Savings Annual energy savings Cost of energy savings Cost of implementation Simple payback period : : : : 20,088 kWh. 86,378/ 51,000/0.59 years.
It is proposed to install a lighting voltage controller of 90kVA, 3phase , 50Hz, 415VAC with maximum load / phase capacity of 120amps in feeder F-40. Based on measured load, the energy saving details are provided Appendix 7/6.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Savings Annual energy savings Cost of energy savings Cost of implementation Simple payback period : : : : 42,570 kWh. 1,95,822/ 2,30,000/1 year 2 months.
Regular cleaning of lighting fixtures, specially in boiler and mill areas will help in improvement of illuminance levels. By power positioning of lighting fixtures mill section, dark patches observed in some areas could be reduced. Translucent corrugated sheets provided at the roofs of mill area should be cleaned for better utilization of daylight.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy audit is a very important tool in transforming the fortunes of any organisation. Norms should be set and continuously reviewed during the course of operations, just as any other financial or production or commercial parameters. As seen in below Summary table A, there is a huge potential for savings, if properly harnessed can take any organization to the path of prosperity. Every unit of power saved and every ton of bagasse saved adds to the additional revenue of the organisation. Potential for energy conservation in sugar industry is immense because of the fast developments that are taking place in the industry as well as the traditionally conservative outlook of the Industry in India and their present status. This only a few important areas that has come to light during the audit of M/s Mysugar. There may be many more areas uncovered by this report typical to individual units. That the potential for saving is more than
282.34 lakhs per annum in one factory has been identified does not
reflect that the same state of affairs will exist in all. It will be different in different places and there are bound to be concern areas in all places if honestly looked into, since no one could claim to have reached the state of perfection. Therefore it will be prudent for all organisations to set up energy committees within the organisation, identify lacuna dispassionately and rectify them immediately. Total commitment, involvement and guidance of top managements is essential for this and if implemented effectively, it will usher in prosperity not only to the organisation but also to the Industry and the Nation at large.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Summary of Recommendation
Table A: Summary of recommendation Sl no. Proposal Annual Saving Potential Cost of Simple immplemn payback Period value .Lakh Years/ Month
Water cum I 1
Bagasse Elec MT
L.kWh .Lakh
18 Months 3 Months
1 Month
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Optimization of pan injection cooling water system Right sizing of evaporator injection water pump Right sizing of raw juice pump Right sizing Sulphited juice pump
7 Months
II 1
Lighting System
Use of 36W Fluorescent tube lights and electronic chokes. 0.77 0.33 0.11 4 Months
Use of LED 48 2000 lumen tube lights -40W Fluorescent tube lights Replacement
3years 6 Months
7 Months
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
tube fixtures with electronic choke. 4 Use of lighting voltage controller. Total Grand Total 2184600 7036 63.58 75.82 3.77 282.34 5.28 242.83 42.57 1.9 2.3 1 year 2 month
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Details of Power Purchased and Generated for thee period April 2010 to March 2011 Month
Power purchased Power Charges Power Generated in Units KPTCL (Units) Paid TG#1 (2.5MW) TG#2 (2.5MW) 44316 60012 65160 76896 400899 473427 281537 548482 789205 1146404 1308350 1452457 1530039 1402731 1524234 1511717 1,23,784,82 Nil Nil Nil 123800 550500 732700 627200 614500 377600 770800 55500 396400 47,49,000 Nil Nil Nil 222800 73200 12300 67100 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 3,75,400
August 2010 124296 September October November December 193756 224508 263940 281724
January 2011 230544 February March 2011 Total 257052 257556 20,78,760
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
0 01/05/10 01/07/10 September November 01/01/11 01/03/11 01/04/10 01/06/10 01/08/10 October December February
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Boiler Specification (used to run mill turbine) 1. Make 2. No. 3. Capacity 4. Working Pressure 5. Fuel Used 6. Type of control 7. Fuel cost per ton 8. Draft KCP. 2. 20 t/h 21 Kg/sq cm. Bagasse. 3 element. Rs.1000. Balanced Draft
Co-generation Boiler Specification 1. Make 2. No. of boilers installed 3. Capacity of each Boiler (MCR) 4. Boiler outlet steam parameters BHEL Two (2) 80 TPH 66 Kg/
485 +/-5Deg.C
6. Draft
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Appendix-5/3 Combustion Efficiency Calculation of KPC Boilers Data Type of Fuel Composition of Fuel % Carbon Bagasse. 22.73.
% Hydrogen 3.03. % Sulphur % Oxygen % Moisture %Ash 0.00. 23.24 49.5 1.5 100 Flue gas Temperature CO2 in flue gas Ambient Air temperature Wet Bulb Temperature Moisture content in air Fuel Calorific Value Temperature of combustion air Excess air in flue gas Heat Balance Particulars Heat Inputs Kcal/kg Percentage 200 deg C. 10.5%. 32 deg C. 26 deg C. 0.018 kg/kg of air. 1960 Kcal/kg. 295 deg C. 96%.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Through heat value of fuel Sensible heat in combustion air Total Heat Output Dry Flue gas losses Heat losses due to Hydrogen in fuel Heat losses due moisture in fuel Heat losses due moisture in air Surface Heat losses Efficiency Total
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Mill No.
Rated HP
Rated Rated Rated steam pr steam temp Turbine (Kg/sqcm) (deg C) rpm
#1 #2 #3 #4
21 21 21 21
8 8 8 8
#1 #2 #3 #4
15 to 18 15 to 18 15 to 18 15 to 18
5 5 5 5
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Mill No.
Rated HP
Rated Rated Rated steam pr steam temp Turbine (Kg/sqcm) (deg C) rpm
#1 #2 #3
18 18 18
8 8 8
#1 #2 #3
15 to 18 15 to 18 15 to 18
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Appendix-5/5 Sheet 2 of 2
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Appendix: 6/1
Power Measurement of Centrifugal Pumps Sl No. Load Description A. Mill Juice Pump Motors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I Mill Juice Pump Motor 1 I Mill Juice Pump Motor 2 II Mill Juice Pump Motor Screened Juice Pump motor 1 Screened Juice Pump motor 2 III Mill Juice Pump Motor IV Mill Juice Pump Motor Mill water pump B. Mill Juice Pump Motors 9 10 11 12 13 14 BRJP2 RJP2 RJP 3 IJP 1 IJP 2 IJP 3 Spray Pond Pump Motors 15 16 Spray Pond Pump 2 Spray Pond Pump 4 167 167 144 154.5 86 92.5 30 11 11 11 11 11 15.9 6.6 12.6 10.5 4.26 8.61 53 59 112 93.8 38 77 11.19 11.19 11.19 22.38 37.3 7.46 7.46 15 6.3 6.75 7.32 16.5 13.2 4.8 6.24 10.05 56.3 60.32 65.4 73.72 35.4 64.34 83.65 67 Rated kW Measured kW % Loading
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Pump house 17 18 19 20 21 Package boiler pump 1 Package boiler pump 4 Pan raw water pump Factory raw water pump Sugar town drinking water pump Sulphited syrup pump (2 no. Standby) Syrup extraction extraction (1 standby) Raw Juice pump (1 standby) Sulphited Juice pump (1 Standby) Clear Juice pump 1 Clear Juice pump 2 (Pump 3 Standby) Vacuum Pump 1 Vacuum Pump 2 Vacuum Pump 3 Evaporator water injection pump Sweet water pump Scum pump 1 22 18.5 30 37 18.5 11.1 8.88 21.6 38 17.1 49.6 47.6 72 102 92.4
24 25
75 75
53.7 46.5
72 62.3
26 27
37 37
21.6 22.5
58.4 60.8
28 29 30 31
30 30 22 150
71 70 45 79.4
32 33
30 11
13.38 8.7
44.6 77.7
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
34 35 36 37 38
Scum Pump 2 Boiler hot water tank pump 3 Boiler hot water tank pump 1 Remelt pump 1 Remelt pump 2 "A" Molasses Pumps
11 30 37 11 11
39 40 41
Pump 1 (first tank) Pump 1 (Second tank) Pump 2 (Second tank) "B" Molasses Pumps
15 45 29.84
38 28.67 65.35
Pump 1 TOTAL
4.8 986.39
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Appendix: 6/2
Design Injection Water Requirement for Pan Sl No. Condenser details No. of SED Condenser 5 2 2 2 11 2 No. of Old type Total Condenser 0 1 1 5 3 3 2 13
1 2 3 4
Cooling Water Required * PAN-A (SED) PAN-B (SED) PAN-C (SED) = 5 x 432 cum/hr = 2 x 396 cum/hr = 2 x 360 cum/hr = 1 x 713 cum/hr = 1 x 648 cum/hr = = = = = = 2160 cum/hr. 792 cum/hr. 260 cum/hr. 713 cum/hr. 648 cum/hr 5033 cum/hr.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Pressure Drop Calculation for centrifugal pump Sl No. Description Height Pipe Pipe (Vertical) Length. Dia, meter ,m meter 12 0.4 No. No. Actual P, of Of flow rate m valve bends (cum/hr) 1 3 1000 18
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
RAW WATER BALANCE (EXISTING) Sl no. Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Inbibition Water Mill and Mill turbine cooling water Sugar Unit wash water Process water for sugar unit TG turbine bearing cooling water Distillery unit condenser water Spent wash from distillery Quarter Factory, sanitary serrvices Wind loss and blow down from spray pond Sulphur burner cooling water Air compressor and cooling water Process water for distillery Water for cogeneration Miscellaneous Total Tonnes/Day 1680 1590 1500 907 1008 2400 600 650 100 7350 242 240 500 1093 250 30000
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Description Inbibition Water Make up water for Spray pond Process water to Sugar Unit Process water for distillery Quarters Service water to the factory Bearing and cooling water Factory wash Spent Wash Total
cum/day 1680 3984 907 500 200 100 3264 500 600 11735
Note:Condenser Cooling Water Bearing cooling water Total 4% make up water required Make up condensation water from pan and evaporators (i)-(ii) : : 75 cum/hr .......................... (ii) 166 cum/hr : : : : 5897 cum/hr 136 cum/hr 6033 cum/hr 241.32 cum/hr ........................... (i)
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
a. The raw Water received by sugar plant b. Raw Water received by distillery unit
: :
19017 cum/day
(This excluding the water required by co-generation) Usage Saving : : = : Total savings : = 11735 cum/day 19017 11735 7282 cum/day 7282 / 19017 = 38%
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
REVISED WATER BALANCE 1. Water from the barometric condenser (Pan and evaporator) : 7400 cum/hr. 2. Cooling Water distillation column condenser (Distillery unit) : 100 cum/hr. 3. Sulphur burner cooling water 4. Air Compressors 5. TG turbine bearing cooling water : 104 cum/hr. : 10 cum/hr. : 42 cum/hr. ....................... 7656 cum/hr ........................
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Appendix -7/1
Sl No. 1 2
LIGHTING PRACTICES OBDERVATION: During daytime only necessary lighting were found to be 'ON' in process areas while street lights were switched 'OFF'. However, the marginal difference in day and night lighting loads is due to switching 'ON' of the office lighting during daytime.
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Particulars Fluorescent tube light 100W incandescent lamps 200W incandescent lamps HPSV lamps 400W HPSV lamps 250 W Metal Halide lamps 250W HPSV lamps 70W
Numbers 150 50 30 31 58 12 10 (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 100
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Replacement of Conventional Electromagnetic Choke with Electronic Chokes and 40W Fluorescent Tubes with 36W Fluorescent Tubes There are around 150 nos of fluorescent tube lights with conventional electromagnetic chokes. All the 150 are considered for replacement with 36W fluorescent tubes and electronic chokes.
Power Consumed by Conventional chokes Power Consumed by 40W fluorescent tubes TOTAL POWER I/P Power Consumed by electronic choke Power Consumed by 40 W fluorescent tubes TOTAL POWER I/P Savings in Power Annual Energy Savings 300)/1000 (@ 10hrs/day and 300 days per year) Annual Cost Savings @ 4.6/kWh Cost of implementation
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
11, 250
4 Months (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 101
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Appendix-7/4 Replacement of Conventional Electromagnetic Choke with LED 48 2000 lumen tube lights There are around 150 nos of fluorescent tube lights with conventional electromagnetic chokes. All the 150 are considered for replacement with 36W fluorescent tubes and electronic chokes.
Power Consumed by Conventional chokes Power Consumed by 40W fluorescent tubes TOTAL POWER I/P Power Consumed by LED 48 Savings in Power Annual Energy Savings (@ 10hrs/day and 300 days per year) Annual Cost Savings @ 4.6/kWh
= = = = = = = = =
15 W 40 W 55 W 22 W 55 W 22W = 33 W (33 x 150 x 10 x 300)/1000 14, 850 kWh 14,850 x 4.6 68,310
Cost of implementation
= =
1575 x 150
2, 36, 250
3 years 6 Months (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 102
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
Use of Lighting Voltage Transformer to Reduce the Voltage for Lighting Circuit The total lighting load is fed by feeder F-40. The measurement was carried out both during day as well as during night time. The measured 3 kVA and kW were as follows,
It is recommended to use a 3, 50Hz, 415VAC, 90 kVA voltage transformer with maximum load capacity / phase of 120A. Energy Savings Average measured power at F-40 Power saving due to proposal # 1 to 3 Effective daily consumption of power = = = = 53.25 kW. 10.27 kW. 53.25 10.27 42.98 kW
Estimated power saving / day (@15% of effective daily consumption) Annual Cost Savings (@ 20hrs/day and 330 days/year)
= = = = (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 103
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
1 year 2 months (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 104
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
References (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 105
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya
managers and Energy Auditors (set of four books are available out of which three books are utilized) 3. Official Website of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Govt. of INDIA, 4. Detailed information and case studies on energy audits, 5. 6. Website of Ministry of Power, India.
9. Petroleum conseravation research association (PCRA)
10. Energy Efficiency in Sugar Plant steam and power generation by M/s.
P.S.Sankaranarayanan, etal.. Seminar on Energy Efficiency & Conservation in Sugar Industry sponsored by TEDA, IREDA, TASCO & SISSTA on 19.10.2002 at Chennai. (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 106
Energy Auditing of Co-generation based Sugar plant at M/s Mysore Sugar Company Limited, Mandya 11. Boiler availability improvement programme, Life Extension
programme and Energy audit in Boilers Act Amendment Bill by Mr. K. Thambithurai, M.E., C.I.B of Tamil Nadu.
12. 13.
14. 15.
16. Energy audit in sugar industry . a passport to prosperity by C.
20. (Energy Systems Management), Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore 107