Irony Slideshow
Irony Slideshow
Irony Slideshow
Use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning 3 Common Uses
Dramatic Situational Verbal
Dramatic Irony
Reader has more knowledge that the character Character is unaware Reader is aware
Situational Irony
What happens is different from what is expected Often defies logic Character does not expect the outcome Reader does not expect the outcome
Verbal Irony
Say one thing, but mean another What is said is opposite of what is meant Both Character and Reader are aware of the irony
A sharp cutting statement like a taut Meant to drive a point Most of the time:
Praise that is in insult Involve malice Desire to put someone down
I never forget a face, but in your case Ill make an exception- Groucho Marx
A literary genre or style Uses irony Exposes the vices or follies of an individual, group, institution, idea, a society, etc. Used to effect political or social change or prevent it
Imitates an original idea Makes fun or mocks someone or something in a funny way "Satire is a lesson, parody is a game." (Vladimir Nabokov, Strong Opinions, 1973)