Formulir Siup3a
Formulir Siup3a
Formulir Siup3a
I. Information concerning the foreign company which will open a Representative Office in Indonesia 1. Name of Company 2. Form of Legal Entity 3. Date of Establishment 4. Headquarter Address -Phone Number -Fax number -E-mail : 5. Line of Business 7. Investment in Indonesia II. Offices executive 1. Full Name 2. Citizenship 3. Address a. in the country of origin b. in Indonesia 4. Place/date of birth - Number - Date : - Valid until 6. Current Activities 7. Personnel/Manpower a. Assistant for chief representatives b. Expert(s) c. Staff(s) Total 8. Living in Indonesia (Foreign) : : : : : : : : : : : : : Foreign .....(L)/.....(P) .....(L)/.....(P) .....(L)/.....(P) .....(L)/.....(P) Indonesian .....(L)/.....(P) .....(L)/.....(P) .....(L)/.....(P) .....(L)/.....(P) : : : : : : : :
6. Designated agent in Indonesia : Information about the individual who will become the Representative
a. Since the date of b. Has visited Indonesia from date until date
: :
9. Passport Number (for foreign) or : Identification Card Number (for Indonesia) Valid until : 10.Foreign Worker Permit (IMTA) a. Number : b. Date : c. Valid until : 11.Curriculum Vitae (CV) 12.Certificate of graduation a. Number b. Date : : :
III. Requirements of Representative Office for trading 1. Letter of Appointment from the foreign company represented : a. Number (if any) : b. Date : c. Valid until : (This letter are consist of person who will be in charged as chief representative, position, headquarter address, line of business for headquarter company, validation for appointment) 2. Letter of Intent a. Number (if any) b. Date 3. Letter of Reference a. Number (if any) b. Date 4. Letter of Statement a. Number (if any) b. Date 5. Working Programme a. Number (if any) b. Date a. Number (if any) b. Date 7. Registration Company (TDP) a. Number (if any) b. Date : : : : : : : : : : : :
IV. Address of the Representative Office in Indonesia 1. Regency/City 2. Province 3. Full Address a. Phone Number b. Fax Number c. E-mail V. Declaration It is declared that this application has been properly and duly executed and that the applicant is responsible for its accuracy, correctness, and completeness, including all data and documents attached hereto. ,,20 Signature of The management of The foreign company represented Stamp duty Rp. 6.000,.. Name, Signature and Occupation : : : : : :
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Letter of Reference Rencana Kerja Perwakilan (working program) Surat Model TA.00 dari Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Curiculum Vitae/ Riwayat Hidup & Ijazah Copy Passport (WNA)/ copy KTP (WNI) Surat Kuasa Kepengurusan
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01. 02. Daftar Isian Permohonan Letter of Intent (Asli + Copy) Dilegalisasi oleh Notaris Publik dan Atase Perdagangan/Perwakilan KBRI di negara asal Dilegalisasi oleh Notaris Publik dan Atase Perdagangan/Perwakilan KBRI di negara asal Dilegalisasi oleh Notaris Publik dan Atase Perdagangan/Perwakilan KBRI di negara asal
Letter of Reference Curiculum Vitae/ Riwayat Hidup & Ijazah Copy Passport (WNA)/ copy KTP (WNI) Surat Permohonan Kepala Kantor P3A (pusat/cabang) Surat Domisili dari Kelurahan setempat/ Surat keterangan ruang kantor dari pengelola gedung Asli Surat Persetujuan Penunjukan P3A Copy IMTA Pas foto berwarna 2 lembar ukuran 4 x 6 Surat Kuasa Kepengurusan
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6 Publik dan Atase Perdagangan/Perwakilan KBRI di negara asal Dilegalisasi oleh Notaris Publik dan Atase Perdagangan/Perwakilan KBRI di negara asal
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Letter of Reference Surat Domisili dari Kelurahan setempat/ Surat keterangan ruang kantor dari pengelola gedung Curiculum Vitae/ Riwayat Hidup & Ijazah Copy Passport (WNA)/ copy KTP (WNI) Surat Permohonan Kepala Kantor P3A (pusat/cabang) Asli Izin Usaha P3A Copy IMTA Pas foto berwarna 2 lembar ukuran 4 x 6 Pernyataan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Pendamping TKA : TKI = 1 : 3 (& photo copy KTP dan slip gaji) Copy TDP Laporan Kegiatan Kantor Perwakilan Surat Kuasa Kepengurusan
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7 KBRI di negara asal 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Letter of Reference Surat Permohonan Kepala Kantor P3A (pusat/cabang) Surat Model TA.00 dari Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Copy IMTA Kepala Perwakilan yang lama Asli Surat Persetujuan/Izin Usaha P3A Curiculum Vitae/ Riwayat Hidup & Ijazah Pernyataan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Pendamping TKA : TKI = 1 : 3 (& photo copy KTP dan slip gaji) Surat Domisili dari Kelurahan setempat/ Surat keterangan ruang kantor dari pengelola gedung Copy Passport (WNA)/ copy KTP (WNI) Copy TDP Laporan Kegiatan Kantor Perwakilan Pas foto berwarna 2 lembar ukuran 4 x 6 Surat Kuasa Kepengurusan
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8 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Copy Passport (WNA)/ copy KTP (WNI) Pernyataan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Pendamping TKA : TKI = 1 : 3 (& photo copy KTP dan slip gaji) Surat Domisili dari Kelurahan setempat/ Surat keterangan ruang kantor dari pengelola gedung Copy TDP Laporan Kegiatan Kantor Perwakilan Pas foto berwarna 2 lembar ukuran 4 x 6 Surat Kuasa Kepengurusan
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06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
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