212 - Problem Set #12
212 - Problem Set #12
212 - Problem Set #12
Fall 2008
Problem Set #12
Read: 24.1, 24.3, 25.4 and do 1 – 5. Read 27.4 and do 6 – 9. Due Monday, November 17th.
1) A double slit is placed 4.5 m away from a screen. The
distance between the third order dark fringe and the central 6) An electron, in the first excited state of a hydrogen atom,
bright fringe is 0.037 m. The light that is incident on the acquires an additional 2.86 eV of energy. What is the
slits has a wavelength of 490 nm. Calculate the slit quantum number “n” of the state into which the electron
separation. moves?
2) Light of wavelength 475 nm that is incident on a double slit 7) In the line spectrum of a hydrogen atom there is another
gives a first order bright fringe that is 0.024 m off the group of lines called the Pfund series. These spectral lines
central. If light of wavelength 611 nm is incident on the are created when electrons make transition to the n = 5
same double slit, how far off the central is the first order level. (a) Calculate the longest wavelength of light in this
bright fringe? series. (b) Calculate the shortest wavelength of light in this
series. (c) In what part of the EM spectrum do these lines
3)660 nm light illuminates a single slit. The angle locating
the first order dark fringe is 0.10°. Calculate the width of
the slit. 8)Calculate the energy (in Joules) of the photon that is
emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom makes a
transition from n = 7 to produce a spectral line in the
4)A single slit of width 4.3 x 10 -5
m is placed 1.32 m from a Paschen series.
wall. Light of wavelength 635 nm illuminates the slit and
creates a diffraction pattern on the wall. What is the width
of the central maximum? 9)Calculate the ionization energy (in electron volts) that is
required to remove the remaining electron from a singly
ionized helium atom He+ (Z = 2).
5)A diffraction grating has light of wavelength 621 nm
incident upon it. A third order maximum is formed at an
angle of 18°. Calculate how many lines per centimeter the
grating contains.
1) 1.49 x 10-4 m 6) 5
2)0.0309 m 7) a) 7458 nm
3) 3.8 x 10-4 m b) 2279 nm
4) 0.0390 m 8) 1.98 x 10-19 J
5) 1660 lines/cm 9) 54.4 eV