(PHT100) Phy A, Dec 2021

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B 00PHT100121905 A

Reg No.:


First Semester B.Tech Degree Examination December 2021 (2019

Course Code: PHTfOO

Max. Marks: 100 Duration:3 Hours
(. Answer all questions, each carries 3 marks'
I What is Q-factor? How is it related to angular frequency? (3)
2 Calculate the frequency of the fundamental note produced by a string lm (3)

long and weighing 2gm kept stretched by a load of 400kg.

Why does the central fringe of Newton's ring appear dark? (3)

What is meant by dispersive power of grating? Give the expression with (3)

relevant terms.

5 Estimate the uncertainty in the frequency of light emitted by an atom. (3)

6 Describe the significance of large surface area to volume ratio of nano (3)


7 State Gauss' law in magnetism. Write the mathematical statement. (3)

8 Define divergence of a vector field. Establish its physical significance. (3)

9' What are Cooper pairs? What is their role in superconductivity? (3)

10 What is a photo detector? Give two examples. (3)

Answer onefutl questionfrom each modale, each question carries 14 marks
11 a) Derive the differential equation of a forced harmonic oscillator and find its (10)

solution. Define amplitude resonance.

b) A damped oscillator of mass I gram has force constant 10 N/M and damping (4)

factor 1 s-1. Calculate the angular frequency without damping and with
12 a) Derive an expression for fundamental frequency of transverse vibrations of a (10)

stretched string.

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00PrrT100t2t90s A

b) A wave is represented by y:3x10-3 cos (8.4x1013t+2.8r10s2) where y and z (4)

are in m and t in second. Compute the following
(i)amplitude (ii) freqrlency (ii) wavelength (iv)wave velocity
13 a) Explain the formation of interference fringes in air wedge. How is it used to (10)
determine the diameter of a thin wire?
b) The diameter of the 10th and 20th Newton's rings formed with a plano - (4)
convex lens and an optically plane glass plate are 0.415x10-2m and
0.616x10-2m respectively. If the wavelength of the interfering light is 5893
Ao, calculate the radius of curvature of the lens.
*' 14
Discuss the theory of plane transmission grating and also derive the grating (10)
equation. State and explain Rayleigh's criterion for the limit of resolution in
the case of grating.
b) Light of wavelength 656nm falls normally on a grating 20mm wide. The first (4)
order is 18o from the normal. What is the total number of lines in the grating?

15 a) Derive the Schrodinger's time dependent equation for a moving particle and (10)
hence derive the Schrodinger's time independent equation.

b) If an electron's position can be measured to an accuracy of 2.0 x 10{ m, how (4)

accurately can its velocity be known?
16 a) Give a brief note on mechanical, optical and electrical properties of (10)
r nanomaterials. Mention any four applications of nanotechnology
b) Explain Quantum confinement. (4)
17 a) Define the terms magnetisation, magnetic flux density, magnetic (10)
permeability, relative permeability and susceptibility. Obtain the relation
between relative permeability and susceptibility.
b) flux density and the'magnetic moment per unit
Calculate the magnetic (4)
volume when a magnetising field of 6x10s A/m applied. Magnetic
susceptibility is -8.2x10{.
18 a) Derive Maxwell's equations from the fundamental laws of electricity and (10)
b) Plane electromagnetic wave (sinusoidal) has maximum intensity of electric (4)
field 200 x 10{ V/m. Calculate H-",.

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mPtrrc012l905 A

19 a) D ib€ &e phenomoa if nrperconductivity. Define critical tprnp6afi5re (S)
md critical magnetie 'ficld.Meution any four applications of suprcon&srn.
b) Distinguish between Type I and rlpe II strperconductors. (6)
20 a) BHrerfup&ose s€ls and nurnericat aperture of optic fibre. Derive an (10)
,,,, e1?ry for nurnerieal ryerttre of a sGep idex fibre.
b) The numerical aprture of an opic fibre is 0.5075 and the refractive index of (4)
'. ' th€ dadding is 1.4?5. Calculate the reftactirrc ind€il( of the core, rceqrtre


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