Quicksort Quicksort Algorithm
Quicksort Quicksort Algorithm
Quicksort Quicksort Algorithm
Quicksort algorithm
Designed by C. A. R. Hoare in 1962. Recursive algorithm: choose an element in the array ( pivot element ) partition the array in two parts:
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split the problem into parts (divide). Merge sort just divides the array in halves. Quick sort partitions the array using a pivot. solve the subproblems (call sort again on them). combine them to produce the solution. Merge sort uses merge procedure to do this. Quick sort does all the work in the partition and does not have to do anything special to combine results.
public void recQuickSort(int[]arr,int l,int r){ if (r - l <= 0) return; // base case
Partition algorithm
The algorithm is a bit fiddly, especially if you want to make it efficient All we want at the moment is to make it correct and working in linear time. Some times it is referred to as Dutch flag algorithm. The idea is that the array contains red items, blue items and white items and they need to be efficiently collected in separate parts of the array.
else { int border = partition(arr, l, r); recQuickSort(arr, l, border-1); recQuickSort(arr, border+1, r); } }
Partition algorithm
Pick a pivot put the pivot out of the way (e.g. swap it to the end of the array) do the Dutch flag routine on the rest of the array:
Red - all numbers less than the pivot. Blue - all numbers greater or equal to the pivot. just split in two parts (could have separated numbers which are equal to the pivot - would correspond to white). Loop invariant: everything to the left of the red counter is Red, everything starting from the blue counter is Blue. Loop invariant is a property which holds before the loop is executed and after each iteration through the loop.
Partition algorithm
red = l; // set at the left border of the // range blue = r; //set at the right border where the // pivot sits while(red < blue) { if (arr[red] < pivot) red++; else { blue--; swap(arr, red, blue); } } swap(arr, blue, r); // put the pivot on the // border return blue; 101 47
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Red = Blue
If we happen to pick the pivot which is always the largest or the smallest element, quicksort works just like selection sort If we always pick the element with the median value, it splits the array in half at every recursion level Hence: best case is O(N log N), worst case quadratic.
Complexity of quicksort
Pick first, last, or middle element: works fine with random arrays Generate a random index Pick a median of three values
Worst case: O(N2) the pivot is always the greatest (the least) element at each recursive call the array is split into a part where all elements smaller than the pivot are, the pivot, and an empty part.
red - numbers smaller than the pivot, white - the pivot, blue - numbers greater than the pivot
Complexity of quicksort
Complexity of quicksort
Best case: O(N log N) the pivot is always the median element at each recursive call the array is split into two equal parts, elements smaller than the pivot and elements larger than the pivot.
Average case: ?
Complexity of quicksort
Average case:
Complicated proof using recurrences: Shaffer Chapter 14 Hand-waving proof: if the pivot is chosen at random, what is its average expected value? about the median of all values in that part of the array hence on average the array is split in about equal parts hence quicksort in the average case behaves as in the best case: O(N log N).
Quick sort does not use extra space unlike merge sort Quick sort is not guaranteed to have O(n log n) performance in the worst case, unlike merge sort Question: can we do better than O(n log n)? Well see later in the course a proof that comparison sorting cannot be done with fewer than O(n log n) comparisons.