Faces Form Effect of Wearing

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Faces Form Effect of wearing 1. Supreme Truth Attainment of Eternity 2. Ardhanarisvara Grace of Ardhanarisvara 3. Tretagni Grace of Agni 4.

Brahma Grace of Brahma 5. Pancha-Brahmas Destruction of homicide sin 6. Karttikeya or Ganesa Attainment of Chitta-Suddhi and Jnana 7. Saptamala Attainment of good health and wealth 8. Ashtamatras (Ashta Vasus) or Ganga Graceof these Devatas and becoming truthful 9. Nava-Saktis Grace of Nava-Saktis or nine Powers 10. Yama Attainment of Peace. 11. Ekadasa Rudras Increase of all kinds of wealth 12. Mahavishnu or 12 Adityas Attainment of Moksha 13. Cupid Attainment of fulfilling desires and grace of Cupid 14. Rudra Destruction of all diseases

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