Objectives of A Industrial Visit
Objectives of A Industrial Visit
Objectives of A Industrial Visit
We the students of ___ ____ visited the ___ plant at ___ on the __ of ___ _yr__. We were accompnied by out teacher and guide ____. All in all we were __ students. The main objective of this visit was to observe and understand the overall Operations and Production Process and also get an overall idea as to how things work in a prestigious factory and unit as ____ . From this visit, we understood the following things :1) The important factors which influence the location as well as the layout of the plant. 2) The different stages involved in the production process ie. right from the basic inputs of raw materials to conversion subsystems to the final finished output. 3) The functioning of the different departments in the Plant. 4) The different types of Machinery used in the Bisleri Plant. 5) How to manage the overall Operations of a Packaged Drinking Water Factory.