Lexande I: Lexander Anguage Chools

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A lexander L anguage S chools

Some years ago someone's attempt to become the
proprietor/owner of his own business looked particularly hard even
to think of and the risk quite high ; however this attitude has
changed in the recent years for the better.

The entry of Franchising in the entrepreneurship in the world

has offered new opportunities and opened up avenues which had
been tightly blocked in the past.

Nowadays, however, perhaps the dream of running your own

business is more approachable and your business acumen prob-
ably finds its own natural area of activity.

Franchising has been experiencing a big growth in recent

years and it constitutes a significant alternative proposal to those
who wish to be involved in the adventure of market and have not
the required organising and the financial comfort of big publicity

A small amount of money according to the financial position

of the interested party opens the door to those who want to try
their luck in the business arena.

The problems that the interested party will be called to en-

counter as an independent new entrepreneur, such as of setting
up his business, architectural design, and its decoration, personnel
training and advertising promotion, most possibly will be solved in
the easiest way with the assistance of franchising, which addition-
ally offers security and return/profit in his investment.

The bigger the brand name of the parent company is the

bigger the prospects are for profit and success for the entre-
preneur who will decide on a well known brand name.

By paying down an initial amount of money (initial fran-

chise fee), the entrepreneur becomes a member of a chain of
units/shops etc, bearing the same trade name/mark and service
name . Afterwards, of course, the expenditure for the set - up of
the business follow and its promotion/publicity. This expenditure,
however, is lower than what would be required for an establish-
ment of his own as a totally autonomous enterprise on the market.

Besides, there are other important reasons which render the

method of franchising most attractive. The name of the company
is known in advance, thus there will not be needed any possible
long term and very costly endeavour until the new shop etc is
well established on the market.

In addition, the ease of organisation, growth and monitoring of

the enterprise/business are very much bigger as the strategic
planning, the marketing and the selection of suppliers are effected
in a uniform and profitable fashion.

Furthermore, one must not disregard the advantage of continu-

ous support, improvement and modernization offered within
the frame of operation of the business as a member of a big net-
work of units bearing the same trade name and enjoying the priv-
ileges of a great customer portion.

The investment has been already tested and valued both

by the customers and the tradesmen alike and consequently the
rate of risk has been minimized , while the "package" of benefits
incorporates also support in cases of book-keeping/accountancy,
growth/development, market approach and promotion.

On the other hand, of course, there exist certain parameters

which must be well taken into account. The agreements executed
between the Franchisor and the Franchisee are often considerably
binding and hard and fast/strict. All actions, as a matter of fact,
are to be incorporated in a main and unified frame of activity and
as a result the feeling of dependence is sometimes remarkably

Nevertheless, as it has been proved through practice of Fran-

chising on an international basis it appears as particularly suc-
cessful, and spreads at a very quick pace, which leads to the es-
timate by experts in Franchising that in the coming three years or
so 80% of the international retail trade will do business on the
basis of this system and small businesses with no brand name will
be wiped gradually off the business map.


ALEXANDER International

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