Ncert Book - Social and Political Life - Class VI
Ncert Book - Social and Political Life - Class VI
Ncert Book - Social and Political Life - Class VI
Foreword iii
On Using this Book vii
Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity 3
Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination 13
Chapter 3 What is Government? 27
Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government 35
Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods 67
Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods 76
References 86
Chapter 1
Look around you in the classroom: do you see
Understanding anyone who looks exactly like you do? In this
chapter you will learn that people are different from
Diversity each other in many ways. Not only do they look
different but they might also belong to different
regional, cultural or religious backgrounds. These
differences enrich our lives in many ways and also
make them more fun!
All these different people, who come from all kinds of
backgrounds, and belong to all kinds of religions and
cultures help to make India so interesting and so
diverse. What does diversity add to our lives? How
did India become like this? Are all kinds of difference
a part of diversity? Can diversity also be a part of
unity? Read this chapter to find some answers.
Making friends
Do you think it would be easy for you and write Hindi. Hindi is one of the
to make friends with someone who subjects I study in school."
was very different from you? Read the
following story and think about this. "Subjects?" he asked. How could I
explain what a subject was to someone
I had meant it as a joke. A joke who had never been to school? "Well, it
made up for a small ragged boy who is something…" I began, but the lights
sold newspapers at the Janpat changed, and the honking behind me
crossing at the busy intersection. grew a hundredfold and I let myself be
Every time I cycled past he would run pushed along with the rest of the
after me, holding out the English paper traffic.
Understanding Diversity /5
The next day he was there again, The next day, he did not have his
smiling at me and holding out a Hindi usual smile for me. "There is trouble in
paper. "Bhaiyya," he said, "aap ka Meerut," he said. "Many people are
akhbaar. Ab Bathaaiye yeh subject being killed there in the riots." I looked
kya cheez hai?" the English word at the headlines. Communal Riots, it
sounded strange on his tongue. blazed. "But Samir…" I began. "I'm a
It sounded like its other meaning Muslim Samir," he said in answer.
in English – to be ruled by someone "And all my people are in Meerut." His
else. eyes filled with tears and when I
"Oh, it's just something to study," I touched his shoulder, he would not
said. And then because the red light look up.
had come on, I asked him, "Have you He was not at the crossing the day
ever been to school?" "Never," he after. Neither the day after nor ever
answered. And he added proudly, "I again. And no newspaper, in English or
began working when I was so high." Hindi, can tell me where my Samir do
He measured himself against my has gone.
cycle-seat. "First my mother used to
(The Lights Changed by Poile Sengupta)
come with me but I can do it all alone."
"Where is your mother now?" I Name three ways in which Samir
asked, but then the lights changed and Ek and Samir Do were different?
I was off. I heard him yell from
Did these differences prevent
somewhere behind me, "She's in
them from becoming friends?
Meerut with…" The rest was drowned
"My name is Samir," he said the While Samir Ek is more familiar
next day. And very shyly he asked, with English, Samir Do speaks Hindi.
"What's yours?" It was incredible. My Although they both are more at home
bicycle wobbled. "My name is Samir in different languages they still
too," I said. "What?" His eyes lit up. communicated with each other. They
"Yes," I grinned at him. "It's another made the effort to do so because this
name for Hanuman's father, you was what was important to them.
know." "So now you are Samir Ek and Samir Ek and Samir Do also come
I'm Samir Do," he said triumphantly. from different religious and cultural
"Something like that," I answered and backgrounds. While Samir Ek is a
then I held out my hand. "Haath milao, Hindu, Samir Do is a Muslim.
Samir Do!" His hand nestled in mine Different religious and cultural
like a little bird. I could still feel its backgrounds such as these are an
warmth as I cycled away. aspect of diversity.
6 / Social and Political Life
earlier. Here, we're talking not of
Make a list of the festivals that difference but of inequality. Inequality
might have been celebrated by comes about when a person does not
the two boys. have the resources and opportunitites
Samir Ek: that are available to other persons.
Samir Do: The caste system is another
Can you think of a situation in example of inequality. According to
which you made friends with this, society was divided into different
someone who was very different groups depending upon the work that
from you? Write a story that people did and they were supposed to
describes this. remain in those groups. So if your
parents were potters you could only
In addition to their become a potter, nothing else. This
diverse religious and system was considered irreversible.
cultural backgrounds, And because you were not supposed
there are other ways to change your profession, it was not
in which Samir Ek considered necessary for you to know
and Samir Do are anything more than what you needed
different from each in your profession. This created a
other. For example, situation of inequality. You will read
while Samir Ek goes to more about this and other inequalities
school, Samir Do sells in the following chapters.
What does diversity add to our
Discuss lives?
Why do you think Samir Do did Just like Samir Ek and Samir Do
not attend school? Do you think became friends, you might have
it would have been easy for him friends who are very different from
to attend school if he wanted to? you. You have probably eaten
In your opinion is it a fair
different kinds of food in their homes,
situation that some children get
celebrated different festivals with
to go to school and others don't?
them, tried out the clothes they wear,
and learnt some of their languages
Samir Do did not have the as well.
opportunity to attend school. Perhaps
Make a list of the food that you
you've noticed that there are several
have eaten from different parts of
people in the area where you live who
are poor and who don't have enough
to eat or wear and sometimes not even Make a list of the languages besides
a place to live. This difference is not your mother tongue that you can
speak at least one or two words of.
the same as the one we have seen
Understanding Diversity /7
far were forced to live in a
place where all people wore
the same two colours red and
white, ate the same food
(maybe potatoes!), took care
of the same two animals,
for example, the deer and
the cat, and to entertain
themselves played snakes
and ladders. What kind of
stories do you think they
would write?
You probably like reading and
hearing stories and adventures about Imagine that you are a writer or
different animals, people and even an artist who lives in the place
ghosts. Perhaps you even enjoy described above. Either write a
making up stories yourself ! Many story or draw a picture of your
life here.
young people feel happy when they
read a good story because it gives Do you think you would enjoy
them lots of ideas to make up more living in a place like this? List five
stories. People who write stories get different things that you would
their ideas from all sorts of different miss the most if you lived here.
places – from books, and real life and
from their imagination. DIVERSITY IN INDIA
Some may have lived in forests India is a country of many diversities.
close to animals and chosen to write We speak different lang-uages, have
of their fights and friendships. Others various types of food, celebrate
read real accounts of kings and different festivals, practise different
queens and wrote stories about love religions. But actually, if you think
and honour. Some dipped into their about it, we do many things that are
own childhood memories of school similar except that we do them in
and friends and wrote stories of different ways.
How do we explain Diversity?
if all the A little more than two hundred years
storytellers ago or long before the train,
and writers aeroplane, bus or car became a part of
that you our lives, people travelled from one
have heard part of the world to another, in ships,
and read so on horses or camels or on foot.
8 / Social and Political Life
List at least three different ways in which people in India do the following.
One of the possible answers has been provided for you already.
Different ways in
Through signing a
which people get
register in the court
Often, they went in search of new music, religions became a mix of the
lands, or new places to settle in, or for old and the new, and out of this inter-
people to trade with. And because it mixing of cultures, came something
took so long to travel, once they got to new and different.
a place, people stayed there, often for The history of many places shows
a long time. Many others left their us how many different cultural
homes because there were famines influences have helped to shape life
and drought and they could not get and culture there. Thus regions
enough to eat. Some went in search of became very diverse because of their
work while others left because there unique histories.
was a war. Similarly diversity also comes
Sometimes, as they began to make about when people adapt their lives to
their homes in new places, people the geographical area in which they
began to change a little and at other live. For example living near the sea is
times they managed to do things in quite different from living in a
the old ways. So their languages, food, mountainous area.
Understanding Diversity /9
Not only do people have different
Ladakh is a desert in the
clothing and eating habits, but even the
mountains in the eastern part of
kinds of work they do is different. In Jammu and Kashmir. Very little
cities it is often easy to forget how closely agriculture is possible here since
people's lives are tied to their physical this region does not receive any
surroundings. This is because in the city rain and is covered in snow for a
people seldom grow their own vegetables large part of the year. There are
and grain. Instead they depend on the very few trees that can grow in the
market to buy all the food and other region. For drinking water, people
goods that they need. depend on the melting snow
during the summer months.
Let us try to understand what we
People here keep sheep and
mean when we say that historical and
the sheep in this region are
geographical factors influence the special because they produce
diversity of a region. We can do this by pashmina wool. This wool is
reading about life in two different parts of prized and pashmina shawls cost
the country, Kerala and Ladakh. a lot of money. The people in
Ladakh carefully collect the wool
Look at the map of India in an Atlas and of the sheep and sell this to
locate Kerala and Ladakh. Can you list traders from Kashmir. Pashmina
three ways in which the different shawls are chiefly woven in
geographical location of these two Kashmir.
regions would influence the following?
1. The food people eat: The people eat meat and milk
2. The clothes they wear: products like cheese and butter.
3. The work they do: Each family owns some goats,
cows and dzos (yak-cows).
Being a desert did
not mean that
Ladakh did not
attract its share of
traders. It was
considered a good
trade route as it
had many passes
through which
caravans travelled
to what is today
called Tibet. These
caravans carried
textiles and spices,
raw silk and
The dry barren landscape of the mountanious
desert of Ladakh.
10 / Social and Political Life
Kerala is a state in the south- 2000 years ago and he is credited with
west corner of India. It is bringing Christianity to India.
surrounded by the sea on one Many Arab traders also came and
side and hills on the other. A settled down here. Ibn Battuta, who
number of spices like pepper, travelled here a little less than seven
cloves and cardamoms are grown on the hundred years ago, wrote a travelogue in
hills. It is spices that made this region which he describes the lives of Muslims
and says that they were a
highly respected community. The
Portuguese discovered the sea
route to India from Europe when
Vasco da Gama landed with his
ship here.
Because of all these various
historical influences, people in
Kerala practise different religions
such as Judaism, Islam, Chris-
tianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.
The fishing nets used here look
exactly like the Chinese fishing
Chinese Fishing Nets
nets and are called cheena-vala.
an attractive place for traders. Jewish Even the utensil used for frying is called
and Arab traders were the first to come the cheenachatti, and it is believed that
here. The Apostle of Christ, St. Thomas the word cheen could have come from
is believed to have come here nearly China. The fertile land and climate are
suited to growing rice and a majority of
people here eat rice, fish and
2. What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity
adds to your life?
4. Underline the line in the poem sung after the Jallianwalla massacre,
which according to you, reflects India's essential unity.
Now check, with your teacher's help, who has put which statement
where. Find out and discuss people's reasons for doing this. Are the
qualities you put in for boys something that boys are born with?
If we take the statement '' They are brave, they don't cry." As children
don't cry", you'll see that this is a grow up they start believing that boys
quality that is generally associated do not cry so that even if a boy feels
with boys and men. As babies or like crying he stops himself from
children when boys fall and hurt doing so. He also believes that crying
themselves, their parents and other is a sign of weakness. So, even though
family members often console them by both boys and girls sometimes want to
saying "Don't cry. You are a boy. Boys cry, especially if they are angry or in
16 / Social and Political Life
b. The boy who won the drawing 2. to become an astronaut which she
competition went to the dias did.
c. One of the fastest athletes in the 3. to speak with her daughter who had
world just returned from school.
d. She was not that well-off but had a 4. on a wheelchair to collect his prize.
24 / Social and Political Life
2. How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affect
the life of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least five
different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters
get treated in the house.
3. What does the Constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you
think it is important for all people to be equal?
Some examples of
institutions that are
part of the government:
The Supreme Court,
The Indian Railways
and Bharat Petroleum.
What is Government? / 29
many different things, can you think Haryana or Assam and the national
of how it manages to do all this? The level relates to the entire country.
government works at different levels: Later in this book, you will read about
at the local level, at the level of the how local level government functions,
state and at the national level. The and when you go into the next few
local level means in your village, town classes you will learn about how
or locality, the state level would mean governments function at the state and
that which covers an entire state like central levels.
National level
State level
30 / Social and Political Life
District level
Nowhere in the
1. Do you think it is important for people world have gover-
to be involved in decisions that affect nments willingly
them? Give two reasons for your answer. shared power.
2. Which type of government would All over Europe
you prefer to have in the place you live and USA,
in? Why? women and
3. Which of the statements below is the poor have
correct? Correct those sentences that had to fight for
you think need correction. participation
in government.
a. In a monarchy the country's
citizens are allowed to elect whomever struggle to vote
they want. got strengthened
b. In a democracy a king has during the First World
absolute powers to rule the country. War. This movement is called the
c. In a monarchy, people can raise women's suffrage movement as
questions about the decisions the the term suffrage usually means
monarch takes. right to vote.
2. Why do you think the government needs to make rules for everyone
in the form of laws?
South Africa
'Government must
give compensation
to flood victims'
Not bad! One of the taps in the nearby
village must be getting water!
38 / Social and Political Life
There are many ways in which If a country's people are alert and
people express their views and make interested in how the country is run,
governments understand what the democratic character of the
actions they should take. These government of that country will be
include dharnas, rallies, strikes, stronger.
signature campaigns etc. Things that
So the next time we see a rally
are unfair and unjust are also
winding through the streets of our
brought forward. Newspapers,
cities and towns or villages we should
magazines and TV also play a role in
pause to find out what the rally is
discussing government issues and
about, who is participating in it, and
what they are protesting about. This
will help to give us a sense of how our
government works.
In Maya's story you read about how
conflicts can often lead to violence
and death because one group decides
that it is all right to use force to
prevent the other group from
2. What are the various ways in which people participate in the process
of government?
4. What actions does the government take to ensure that all people are
treated equally?
5. Read through the chapter and discuss some of the key ideas of a
democratic government. Make a list. For example, all people are
Chapter 5
What happens after people elect their
representatives? How are decisions made? Let's
look at how this takes place in rural areas. Here,
Panchayati Raj we look at the Gram Sabha, which is a meeting
where people directly participate and seek
answers from their elected representatives.
t's a special day today! Everyone's The people of Hardas village are keen
I rushing to get to the Gram Sabha!
Do you know why? Because the Gram
to find out what their new Panchayat
leaders have planned for the village.
Sabha is holding its first meeting after
Gram Sabha
the election of the new Gram Panchayat.
The Gram Sabha meeting begins with
The Gram Sabha is a meeting of all the Panchayat President (who is also
adults who live in the area covered called the Sarpanch) and the members
by a Panchayat. This could be only of the Panchayat (the Panchs)
one village or a few villages. In some
states, as in the example above, a presenting a plan on repairing the road
village meeting is held for each that connects the village to the main
village. Anyone who is 18 years old highway. After this, the discussion
or more and who has the right to vote moves to the subject of water and
is a member of the Gram Sabha. water shortages.
44 / Social and Political Life
We need to do something more
Every village Panchayat is permanent as groundwater levels seem
divided into wards, i.e. smaller to be going down every year. We're
areas. Each ward elects a using more water than is seeping into
representative who is known as the ground."
the Ward Member (Panch). All
the members of the Gram Sabha Another member, Anwar then tells
also elect a Sarpanch who is the everyone that he has seen ways of
Panchayat President. The Ward conserving water and recharging
Panchs and the Sarpanch form (refilling) it in a village in Maharashtra
the Gram Panchayat. The Gram where he'd once gone to visit his
Panchayat is elected for five brother. It was called watershed
years. development and he had heard that the
The Gram Panchayat has a government gave money for this work.
Secretary who is also the
Secretary of the Gram Sabha. In his brother's village people had
This person is not an elected planted trees, constructed check-dams
person but is appointed by the and tanks. Everyone thought this was
government. The Secretary is an interesting idea and the Gram
responsible for calling the Panchayat was asked to find out about
meeting of the Gram Sabha and it in detail.
Gram Panchayat and keeping a
record of the proceedings.
1. What is a Gram Sabha?
2. In the meeting of the Gram
Sabha so far what are the
problems that are being
A villager called Tijia begins the discussed? What sort of solutions
meeting by saying, "The water problem are being suggested?
in Hardas has become very acute. The
hand pump water has gone well below The next item on the agenda for the
the point up to which the ground has Gram Sabha is the finalisation of the
been drilled. We hardly get any water list of people below the poverty line
in the taps. Women have to go to the (BPL) which had to be approved by the
Suru river which is 3 k.m. away to get Gram Sabha. As soon as the list is read
water." One of the members suggests out people begin to whisper. "Natwar
piping water from the Suru and making has just bought a colour T.V. and his
an overhead tank in the village to son has sent him a new motorcycle.
increase the supply. But the others How can he be below the poverty line?"
think that this will be expensive. It's Soorajmal mutters to the person sitting
better, they feel, to deepen the next to him. Saroj says to Sukhi bai
handpumps and clean the wells for this "How did Birju's name get on to the list?
season. Tijia says, "This is not enough. He has so much land. This list should
Panchayati Raj / 45
The Gram Sabha is a
key factor in making
the Gram Panchayat
play its role and be
responsible. It is the
place where all plans for
the work of the Gram
Panchayat are placed
before the people.
The Gram Sabha
prevents the Panchayat
from doing wrong things
like misusing money
or favouring certain
people. It plays an
important role in keeping
an eye on the elected
representatives and in
making them responsible
have only poor people. And Om to the persons who
Prakash is a landless labourer who can elected them.
barely make ends meet, yet his name is
not on the list." "You know that both families says, "Om Prakash's house
Natwar and Birju are friends of was locked when I went there. He may
Amirchand's. Who can counter have gone somewhere to look for work."
Amirchand's power?' Sukhi Bai says, The Sarpanch gives instructions that
"Amirchand was the earlier Zamindar Om Prakash's family income be looked
(landowner) of the village and still has at and if it is less than what has been
control over a lot of land. But we should decided by the government, his name
get Om Prakash's name put in." should be included in the list.
The Sarpanch (Panchayat Presi- 1. Was there a problem with the BPL
dent) notices people whispering and list that the Gram Sabha was
asks if anyone has anything to say. finalising? What was this problem?
Saroj tries to provoke Soorajmal to ask 2. Why do you think Soorajmal kept
about Natwar and Birju. But he keeps quiet even though Saroj asked him to
quiet. Amirchand is sitting in the Gram speak?
Sabha keeping an eye on everyone. 3. Have you seen any similar
incidents when people are unable to
Then Saroj gets up and says that Om speak for themselves? Why do you
Prakash's name should be in the BPL think that happened and what
list. Others agree that he and his family prevented the person from speaking?
are very poor. The Sarpanch asks how 4. How can the Gram Sabha prevent
his name had been missed out. The the Panchayat from doing what it
teacher who did the survey of BPL likes?
46 / Social and Political Life
The Gram Panchayat
The work of a Gram Panchayat
The Gram Panchayat meets regularly includes
and one of its main tasks is to
1. The construction and maintenance
implement development programmes
of water sources, roads, drainage,
for all villages that come under it. As school buildings and other
you have seen, the work of the Gram common property resources.
Panchayat has to be approved by the 2. Levying and collecting local taxes.
Gram Sabha. 3. Executing government schemes
related to generating employment
In some states, Gram Sabhas form
in the village.
committees like construction and
development committees. These Sources of funds for the
committees include some members of Panchayat
Collection of taxes on houses,
the Gram Sabha and some from the
market places etc.
Gram Panchayat who work together to
Government scheme funds received
carry out specific tasks. through various departments of the
government – through the Janpad
and Zila Panchayats.
Donations for community works etc.
1. What problem did the villagers in Hardas village face? What did they do to
solve this problem?
2. What, in your opinion, is the importance of the Gram Sabha? Do you think
all members should attend Gram Sabha meetings? Why?
7. Find out more about watershed development and how it benefits an area?
Chapter 6 There are more than six lakh villages in India.
Taking care of their needs for water, electricity,
road connections, is not a small task. In addition
Rural to this, land records have to be maintained and
conflicts too need to be dealt with. A large
Administration machinery is in place to deal with all this. In this
chapter we will look at the work of two rural
administrative officers in some detail.
take over some of Mohan's land, and
increased the size of his own field.
Mohan was angry but also a little
frightened. Raghu's family owned
many fields and besides, his uncle
was also the Sarpanch of the village.
But even so, he plucked up courage
and went to Raghu's house.
A heated argument followed.
Raghu refused to accept that he had
moved the bund. He called one of his
helpers and they began shouting at
Mohan and beating him up. The
neighbours heard the commotion
and rushed to the spot where Mohan
was being beaten up. They took him
He was badly hurt on his head
and hand. He was given first aid by
one of his neighbours. His friend,
who also ran the village post-office,
suggested that they go to the local
police station and file a report.
A Quarrel in the Village
Others were doubtful if this was a good
Khasra 5
Area cultivatedArea
If it is rented Facilities
No. Area in this year not
Name of owner, to some other
hectare Father or culti-
farmer, Crop Area Sec- vated
husband's name, their name ond
address grown fallow
and rent crop
Mohan's field?
| 7
Legend 3
Boundary 8
Grassland |
SCALE - 1 INCH = ---- FEET
| Kachcha Road
Pakka road
Rural Administration / 53
and keeping track of all this is the Farmers often require a copy of their land's
work of the revenue department of record together with a map, as shown in
the government. Senior people in the previous illustration. They have a right
this department supervise the to this information. They may have to pay
Patwari's work. a small fee for this.
All states in India are divided However, this information is not easily
made available and farmers sometimes
into districts. For managing matters
have to face many problems to get it. In
relating to land these districts are some states, records are now being
further sub-divided. These sub- computerised and also kept at the
divisions of a district are known by Panchayat office so that they are more
different names such as tehsil, easily available and regularly updated.
taluka, etc. At the head is the When do you think farmers may require a
District Collector and under her are copy of this record? Study the following
the revenue officers, also known as situations and identify the cases in which
tehsildars. They have to hear these records would be necessary and why.
disputes. They also supervise the * A farmer wants to buy a plot of land from
work of the Patwaris and ensure another.
that records are properly kept and * A farmer wants to sell her produce to
land revenue is collected. They another.
make sure that the farmers can * A farmer wants a loan from the bank to
easily obtain a copy of their record, dig a well in her land.
students can obtain their caste * A farmer wants to purchase fertilizers for
his field.
certificates etc. The Tehsildar's
* A farmer wants to divide his property
office is where land disputes are among his children.
also heard.
A daughter's wish
Father inherited our house
from his father
And everyone says he'll
leave it to brother
But what about me and my
To expect a share in my
father's home,
Is not very womanly, I am
But I really want a place of
my own,
Not dowry of silk and gold.
(Source: Reflections on MY FAMILY,
Anjali Monteiro,TISS)
54 / Social and Political Life
A New Law This law will benefit a large number
(Hindu Succession Amendment Act, of women. For example Sudha is the
2005) eldest daughter of an agricultural
Often when we think of farmers who family. She is married and lives in a
own land, we think of men. Women are neighbouring village. After her father's
seen as people who work on the fields, death Sudha often comes to help her
but not as people who own mother with the farming work.
agricultural land. Till recently in some
Her mother has asked the Patwari
states Hindu women did not get a
to transfer the land and enter her
share in the family's agricultural land.
name along with the names of all the
After the death of the father his
children in his record.
property was divided equally only
among his sons. Sudha's mother confidently
Recently, the law was changed. In organises the farming with the help of
the new law sons, daughters and their the younger brother and sister.
mothers can get an equal share in the Similarly Sudha also lives with the
land. The same law will apply to all assurance that if she ever has a
states and union territories of the problem she can always depend upon
country. her share of the land.
Rural Administration
/ 55
56 / Social and Political Life
5. In what ways are the work of the Panchayat, that you read about in
the previous chapter, and the work of the Patwari related to each
6. Visit a police station and find out the work that the police have to do
to prevent crime and maintain law and order in their area especially
during festivals, public meetings etc.
9. In your neighbourhood are there women who own property? How did
they acquire it?
Chapter 7
A city is much bigger than a village and more spread
out. A city has crowded markets, many buses and
The city of Surat had a plague scare in 1994. Surat was one of
the dirtiest cities in India. Houses hotels and restaurants would
dump their garbage into the nearest drain or street which made
it very difficult for sweepers to collect and transfer the garbage
into selected dumps. In addition to this the Municipal Council
did not collect the garbage as often as it should have and this
led to the situation getting worse. Plague spreads through the
air and people who have the disease have to be isolated. In
Surat, several people lost their lives, and over 300,000 deserted
the town. The scare of the plague ensured that the municipal
council completely cleaned up the city. To this date Surat
continues to remain the second cleanest city in India after
Do you know when and how often garbage gets collected in your
neighbourhood? Do you think it is the same for all
neighbourhoods of the city? Why not? Discuss.
Urban Administration / 63
Photo 1
64 / Social and Political Life
Photo 2
6. Discuss:
In the two photographs you see different ways of collecting and
disposing garbage.
i) Which way do you think provides safety to the person disposing
ii) What are the dangers of collecting garbage in the manner shown in
the first photograph?
iii) Why do you think that proper ways of disposing garbage are not
available to those who work in municipalities?
1. Describe the work that you see people doing in the above
2. Identify the different types of work that are related to farming
and those that are not. List these in a table.
3. In your notebook draw some pictures of work that you have
seen people do in rural areas and write a few sentences that
describe the work.
68 / Social and Political Life
Kalpattu village morning and snacks like vadai, bonda
and mysorepak in the evening. Near
K alpattu is a village that's close to
the sea coast in Tamil Nadu.
People here do many kinds of work.
the teashops in a corner lives a
blacksmith family whose home serves
as their workshop. Next to their home
As in other villages, here too there is
is a cycle hire and repair shop. Two
non-farm work such as making
families earn a living by washing
baskets, utensils, pots, bricks,
clothes. There are some people who go
bullock-carts etc.
to the nearby town to work as
There are people who provide construction workers and lorry
services such as blacksmiths, nurses, drivers.
teachers, washermen, weavers,
The village is surrounded by low
barbers, cycle repair mechanics and
hills. Paddy is the main crop that is
so on. There are also some
grown in irrigated lands. Most of the
shopkeepers and traders. In the main
families earn a living through
street, which looks like a bazaar, you
There are some
coconut groves around.
Cotton, sugar cane and
plantain are also
grown, and there are
mango orchards. Let
us now meet some
people who work in the
fields in Kalpattu and
see what we can learn
about farming from
All of us here work on
Transplanting paddy is back-breaking work.
Ramalingam's land.
He has twenty acres
of paddy fields in
will find a variety of small shops such Kalpattu. Even before I was married I
as tea shops, grocery shops, barber used to work on paddy fields in my
shops, a cloth shop, a tailor and two parental village. I work from 8.30 in
fertiliser and seed shops. There are the morning till 4.30 in the evening and
four teashops, which sell tiffin – such Karuthamma, Ramalingam's wife,
as idli, dosai and upama in the supervises us.
/ 69
Rural Livelihoods
This is one of the few times in the the farm he finds work outside, either
year that I find regular work. Now I loading sand from the river or stone
am transplanting the paddy, when the from the quarry nearby. This is sent by
plants have grown a bit Ramalingam truck to be used in nearby towns to
will call us again for weeding and then make houses.
finally once again for the harvesting.
Apart from working on the land, I do
When I was young I could do this all the tasks at home. I cook food for my
work with no difficulty. But now as I family, clean the house and wash
grow older I find bending for long clothes. I go with other women to the
hours with my feet in water very nearby forest to collect firewood. About
painful. Ramalingam pays Rs 40 per one kilometre away we have a village
day. This is a little less than what borewell from where I fetch water. My
labourers get in my home village, but I husband helps in getting materials
come here because I can depend on such as groceries for the house.
him to call me whenever there is work.
Our school-going daughters are the
Unlike others, he does not go looking
joy of our lives. Last year, one of them
for cheaper labour from other villages.
fell ill and had to be taken to the
My husband, Raman is also a hospital in town. We had to sell our
labourer. We don't own any land. cow to pay back the money we
During this time of the year he sprays borrowed from Ramalingam for her
pesticides. When there is no work on treatment.
On being in Debt
2. List the different types of people you read about in Kalpattu who
depend on farming. Who is the poorest among them and why?
3. Imagine you are a member of a fishing family and you are discussing
whether to take a loan from the bank for an engine. What would you
4. Poor rural labourers like Thulasi often do not have access to good
medical facilities, good schools, and other resources. You have read
about inequality in the first unit of this text. The difference between
her and Ramalingam is one of inequality. Do you think this is a fair
situation? What do you think can be done? Discuss in class.
5. What do you think the government can do to help farmers like Sekar
when they get into debt? Discuss.
Selling of
Other work
done by them
Chapter 9
1. Read and discuss the following description of the living conditions of
workers who come to the labour chowk.
Most workers that we find at the labour chowk cannot afford permanent
accommodation and so sleep on pavements near the chowk, or they pay
Rs 6 a night for a bed at a nearby night shelter run by the Municipal
Corporation. To compensate for the lack of security, local tea and
cigarette shops function as banks, moneylenders and safety lockers, all
rolled into one. Most workers leave their tools at these shops for the night
for safekeeping, and pass on any extra money to them. The shopkeepers
keep the money safely and also offer loans to labourers in need.
Source: Aman Sethi, Hindu On-line
Urban Livelihoods / 85
2. Complete the following table and discuss how their work is different:
Work on
Place of Security of Benefits
Name Earnings their own or
work work received
Rs 100 a day
Nirmala No security
List of Sources:
Chapter 1
Poile Sengupta, "The Light Changed: in G. Hariharan and S. Futehally (eds.) Sorry, Best
Friend, Chennai: Tulika Books, 1997, Reprint 2001, 2004.
Chapter 2
Sheila Dhir, Why Are You Afraid to Hold My Hand, Chennai: Tulika Books, 2004-05
Vasant Moon (ed.), Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches, Vol. 12, Bombay:
Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, 1993.
Chapter 3
R. K. Laxman, 'The Common Man goes to the village' in The Best of Laxman, Penguin,
Delhi 2002.
R. K. Laxman, 'The Common Man: Casts his vote', in The Best of Laxman, Penguin,
Delhi 2005.
Chapter 6
Anjali Monterio, Reflections on My Family, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
Chapter 9
Jan Breman and Parthiv Shah, Working in the mill no more, Oxford University Press,
Delhi, 2005.