Chapters & Conventions Mentioned in Mr. Vikum Abrew's LLM Dissertation

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Maritime Law: Assignment Question Discuss the impact of an oil spill to the Marine environment & effort by the

international community to minimize oil pollution by ships and to compensate affected persons. You should also discuss the Sri Lankan position in your answer.

Chapters & Conventions mentioned in Mr. Vikum Abrews LLM dissertation

Chapter 03: International Conventions on Marine Pollution & Civil Liability

OILPOL International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High seas in cases of oil pollution causalities. International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response & Co-operation 1990 International Compensation Regime Civil Liability Convention Ship Owners Liability Compulsory Insurance International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 1992 (=Fund Convention) Obligations of the fund Bunker Oil Convention - Convention about engine oil (Oil to propel ship engine)

Chapter 04: National Laws & Practices in Sri Lanka

Marine Pollution Prevention Act Sri Lanka Oil Spill Contingency Plan Sri Lanka Disaster Management Act Merchant Shipping Act Ports Authority Act

Chapter 05: Recommendations to Legal Environment

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