Cps Replacement 02 v6

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2. Engine\Trionic T7, V6 Adjustment/Replacement - Cran...

Crankshaft position sensor


Be very careful as the exhaust pipe from the turbo

can become extremely hot.

To remove

1. Remove the engine cover.


Undo and separate the connector.

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2. Engine\Trionic T7, V6 Adjustment/Replacement - Cran...

3. Loosen the securing points on the cable.

4. Raise the car.

5. Loosen the upper bolt on the turbo bracket and the position sensor heat shield,
remove the shield.

6. Remove the sensor and O-ring.

To fit


Fit the sensor with a new O-ring and apply engine oil.

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2. Engine\Trionic T7, V6 Adjustment/Replacement - Cran...

2. Fit the sensor heat shield and bracket.

3. Insert and secure the cable. Be careful not to let the cable jam or become damaged.

4. Lower the car to the floor.

5. Secure the cable, spray the connector with Kontakt 61 (part no. 30 04 520), plug in
the connectors and fit the holder.


Start the engine and check for any leaks. Fit the engine cover.

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2. Engine\Trionic T7, V6 Adjustment/Replacement - Cran...

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