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Durst Laborator 138 S

Operating instruciions

-1 2 3

5 6 7
8 9

1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5
16 1 7

D U R S T L A B O R AT O R 1 3 8 S
Professional Precision Enlarger for all negative formats from 35 mm (24x36 mm) to 5x7 in. (13x18 cm), with manual focusing.

Only when the following instructions for assembly are strictly i adhered to can the highest efciency be obtained from this appa-' ratus and claims be entertained under the guarantee. It is particu larly important to refrain from any rash operations.

The enlarger is packed for transit dismantled into the following


1. Enlarger head mounted on column, incorporating deecting mir

ror, lter compartment, heat lter with mounting, red lter, lead and plug. 2. NEGA 138 negative carrier with two 5x7 in. (13x18 cm) pres

sure glasses of the correct dimensions (piano-parallel and cali

brated) .

3. Lower column with carrying arm and pedal for baseboard adjust
ment mechanism.

4. Baseboard with plug, lead, switch and articulated joint. ^

5. Enlarger base. The pair of LATICO 240 condensers are packed in two separate j packets.

First ensure that all parts are cleaned free of any dust left over i from packing materials. Then set up the base (16) on the oor, i securing It with screws (15) so that it does not slip. Make quite sure that the stand is really secure and completely shockproof; if not, the performance of the enlarger will suffer. Insert the lower column, together with carrying arm mounted on It (11), into the stand (16), and secure rmly with the tube clamps (14).
Next x the enlarger head column (7) into the lower column, turn

ing head and column gently until the projection on the milled
screw (8) engages in the slot of the column; then tighten and

make fast the clamp (21). Set the baseboard (9) (switch and i
opening for lead on right), with its ball-joint, in position on the ' carrying arm (11), and secure it by means of the clamp (19). The adjusting screw (36) and centering notch (37) comprise, to gether with the two support pins (10), the three-point carriage which maintains the table parallel to the lens and the negative pl,ane. The two support pins (10), precision-adjusted in the factory, ensure that the base-plate is absolutely horizontal. Next, the two LATICO 240 condensers should be positioned inside the head, with the curved surfaces facing each other. Then t the NEGA 138 negative carrier (4) into the enlarger head (1); to do this, press the two leaf springs (a) slightly upwards, until the two studs slide into the guide-grooves, nally coming to rest in position in the two retaining holes in the guide-plate. If the enlarger is to have a permanent ' site, it can be further secured by means of the two screws (52)
in the column head and a hook on the wall.

Height adjustment of the enlarger head (1) is made by turning the

to rest automatically and may be secured In the desired position

l<nob (30). When the l<nob is released, the enlarger head comes

at the same time placing the left hand on or under the head and

by means of the clamps (29). To make a rapid height-adjustment, rotate the knob (.30) in the direction towards the enlarger iiead

of slipping during such operations as, for example, sets or series of

exerting pressure. Adjustment of focus Is carried out by turning the second knob (33) after rst releasing the clamp situated behind it (32); this clamp secures the lens mounting sleeve against the risk

enlargements. The bellows extends according to focal length of the tube should be pushed up, for long focal lengths, pulled down. To swing the enlarger head round to the horizontal position for
wall projection, turn the handle (24) in an anti-clockwise direction

lens; to effect this, the tube (31) supporting the lens is adjusted by releasing or tightening the knob (28). For short focal lengths the

from position F to position L . After the enlarger head has

been tilted slightly, set knob (24) to 90 so that it snaps in pre

knob to position F .

cisely at this angle. To lock it again in this position return the The six scales provided on the apparatus facilitate orientation with regard to the various settings and adjustments; notes should be

taken of the various settings (perhaps in form of a table) so that the data are available for quick positioning when various types
of work have to be repeated.
The scales denote:

Scale (18) indicates vertical adjustment of the baseboard.

Scale (23) indicates the degree of inclination of the enlarger head

for distortion correction.

Scale (40) indicates degree of lens Inclination for distortion


Scale (43) indicates horizontal adjustment of optical axis (needed

for so-called total corrections).

Scale (22) indicates vertical adjustment of the enlarger head. Scale (20) permits, in conjunction with the ne focusing device
(cross hairs)

a) the correct centering of the baseboard beneath the

optical axis (see under negative carrier NEGA 138); b) the correct positioning and re-setting of any required
inclination of the baseboard.

The table (2) on the front of the lamp housing sets out the enlarging
After releasing the milled screw (25), open the lamp housing door
and screw the lamp into its mounting. Although the overall electrical

factors for various lenses, together with condenser combinations and lamps for the different focal lengths.

layout is quite safe, it is recommended that, failing a Schuko-type connection, the enlarger should be earthed as a precautionary measure to the screw (53). The plug from the lamp cover should
be Inserted into the socket on the baseboard. The lead from the can be introduced between enlarger head and baseboard. To ensure good overall illumination of negative formats of 5 x 7 in. or with a lens of focal length greater than 150 mm, it Is essential that the opal lamp should have a bulb of at least 110 mm diameter. We are able to supply large bulbs (code-word OPAL) of 200,300 and 500 watts - also the PROLA 500 projector lamp, which has an Edison

board is intended for connecting to the mains. An exposure timer

(13 X 18 cm) or under conditions involving high enlarging factors,

mounting and an extra-large compound lament giving good lightwith the largest aperture, unless a LAPAL ground-glass diffusing Philips 375 E 500-watt or the General Electric DMS PH/500 TS.
screen has been inserted into the lter-holder (26), Other suitable projector lamps are available from dealers; we recommend the It Is possible, by undoing the two milled screws, to reverse the

spread and high Intensity. When using this lamp one should work

L-shaped lamp holder of the LABORATOR 138 S so that the lamp may be used In the horizontal position (for example, NItrophot or

(such as the Philips HP or HPL, or lamps of a similar type from OSRAM with Impedance coil). Since, however, this type of lamp takes a few minutes to reach Its full light-output, exposures with It cannot be made by means of the enlarger switch, but only by keeping the lamp burning throughout and resorting to either the When maximum focus, reproduction of detail and the shortest pos
red lter or a shutter xed in front of the lens.

Photoood lamps). It is also possible to use mercury vapour lamps

sible time of exposure are required, it is advisable to use the low

voltage point-light source PULAM/PUTRA which is available as

an accessory. This consists of a low voltage point-light lamp

(12 V/100 W) with Edison socket which is connected to the mains

supply via the PUTRA transformer. The L-shaped lamp holder should
be replaced by the special PUPLA holder which offers better cen

tring facilities for the lamp. Replace also (a) the standard deecting

mirror by the specially treated mirror LASPE P, and (b) the standard

GLAS T. The condenser combinations used in conjunction with opal lamps are not always suitable for point-light lamps. In these cases
condensers LATICO 240 P and LATICO 110 will be needed for

glasses in the negative carrier by the specially treated glasses

certain enlarging factors and focal lenghts. We supply, therefore,

with the point-light kit a table of suitable condenser combinations.

When centring the lamp take care to align the lament helix exactly in parallel with the deecting mirror. When the enlarging factor
has to be altered, move the point-light source forwards or backwards

using handle (45) to ensure uniformity of Illumination. Use a large

aperture when working with the point-light installation as otherwise

Newton rings will be produced. It will be found that in spite of the

large aperture, the denition so obtained will be better than that

obtainable with a low aperture and an opal light. Furthermore, the time of exposure needed will be considerably shorter.

For lamps of more than 300 watts it Is essen tial to use the LAFAN cooling fan, which is avail able separately. The tube of the cooler should be connected to the lamp hood, after removing the small cover (27). In addition there Is on the top of the lamp housing a recess, tted with a metal cover, to which a suction cooler may be attached.



Before using an opal lamp It should be examined thoroughly. When held against a very strong lamp, blemishes in the glass or spots of soot Inside the opal lamp can easily be seen. Frequent voltage uc
tuations and long use may cause such residues from combustion

resulting In uneven Illumination. For this reason the lamp should

be checked from time to time.

The lamp Is centered by adjusting the handles (45) and (46) on

the left side under the enlarger head. Slightly loosen locking ring
(47), adjust height of the lamp and tighten locking ring. With handle (45) lamp can be pushed forward or backward, whereas handle (46) Is for lateral centering. To assist In determining the best lament position, the actual lamp mounting is designed to be turned In either direction. When centering the lamp, focus should be adjusted In advance, using a lens of medium or long focal length; do not allow the lamp to come Into contact with the
heat-lter (48).

It is also possible to use electronic lighting unit or xenon lamps of various brands as light-sources for the DURST LABORATOR 138 S. For certain processes we recommend the DURST LACOLl 138/LACOTRA 138 cold-ljght, which has been developed specially to suit
t h e L A B O R AT O R a n d t s t h e c o n d e n s e r d r a w e r s .

Used without condenser, the LACOLl 138 provides a very soft con trast Illumination for all types of monochrome work, especially ef fective for printing hard negatives of all sizes from 35 mm to 5x7 in. (24x36 mm - 13x18 cm). Its highly actinic light output permits brief exposures even with the slower types of paper (approx. 7-10 times shorter than with a 200 W opal lamp). The unique quality of this illumination subdues scratches and blemishes on the negative, virtually eliminating the need for retouching. The HT uorescent tube of the LACOLl 138, set in a plastic holder, is fed by 110-240 volts AC (45-60 cycles), through the LACOTRA 138 special transformer.

Condensers The condenser combinations vary according to the focal length of the lens, and in some cases even with the same focal length, de pending on enlarging factors. (See table showing condenser com binations for both horizontal and vertical projection). Lenses Insertion or removal of lens is carried out after undoing the milled screw (42). Lenses of from 10 to 24 cm focal length should be mounted on bed plates LAPLA. Our SCHNEIDER DURST COMPONON lenses, supplied In focal lengths 240, 210, 180 and 150 mm, and ready equipped with the necessary tting mountings, may be in
serted direct Into the lens turret (41). COMPONON lenses of focal
and COMPONAR and COMPONON lenses of 75-80 mm on the

lengths 135 and 105 mm should be mounted on a LAPLA bed plate; SEIPLA 75 semi-sunk lens board. (Bed plates are available separa tely) . Lenses of 50-60 mm focal length are catered for by the LATUB II tube (also available separately), with LEICA M 39 thread. Lenses used with the M 25 thread require an IXODAP adaptor ring
f o r t h e L AT U B I I t u b e . B o t h L AT U B I I a n d S E I P L A m u s t b e r e m o v e d

before turning the lens turret (41). The tube LATUB II is provided with an easily read dial which facilitates adjustment of the aperture. Insert the lens into the LATUB II as follows: separate the two sprung clamping arms (a) until they reach the stop, press the two buttons (b) thus arresting the arms in this position, unscrew the at bed plate (c) from the tube and mount the lens on it. Set the lens aperture to the maximum aperture notch and screw the at bed plate (c) with lens on to the LATUB il. Turn the aperture adjusting ring (d) on the LATUB II until the black dot faces the gure on the ring dial (e) which corresponds to the maximum lens aperture. Without moving the adjusting ring (d), press the two clamping arms (a) briey outwards until the locking device is released, then guide the arms (a) inwards until they touch the milled aperture adjusting ring (d) of the lens. The required aper ture may now be selected by turning the adjusting ring (d) on the LATUB II and may be read off the graduated dial (e) of the
L AT U B I I .


T a b e lo lA lB O R A T O R1 3 8Sc o n d e n s e r( o m b n lo t o in sf o rv e r c a . lp r o e jd o in

Neg. format cm/inch

magn. factor
nax. min.

Condenser combination




240 mm i 13x18 cm 4.4x - 1.7x

5 x 7 " 1.7 X - 0.90 X

210 mm 13 X 18 cm 81/2" 5 X T






7 Vs"

41/4 X 6"








4 x 5 "

135 mm 8.5x10 cm 9.5x - 1:1

31/4 X 41/4"





4 Vs"









6 X 6 cm 18 X - 0.4 X

21/4 X 21/4'



4 X 4 cm 23.5 X - 2.9 X

2 3/8"


50 2"

mm 35

24x36 mm

28.5 X - 3.8 X

Toble of lABORATOR 138 S condenser combinations for horizontal projection

L e n s

Neg. format cm/inch

magn. factor

Condenser combination



Opal lamp


















150 6"















21/2 X 3'/2"





21/2 X 3 y2"











65x - 18x







92 X - 23.5 X







102 X - 28.5 X

To avoid reections from stray light it is absolutely necessary,

masking down to the area actually needed for enlarging, using the
built-in masks (knob [5]). When making enlargements from section of negatives, the best optical performance of the lens is obtained

by bringing the desired section as precisely as possible under the

centre (optical axis) of the lens, either by moving the negative carrier NEGA 138 (4) or by adjusting the masks (5). To facilitate

this adjustment, the pairs of masks are coupled thus forcing the use
of the middle section of the lens (if the marginal zones of the lens

were used for enlarging sections, the print quality would be con
siderably diminished). An even distribution of light can be attained only when the lens

focal length is greater than the diagonal measurement of the neg ative to be enlarged. The height of the red lter (6) below the lens is adjustable, making possible its use with all lenses.
a) NEGA 138

The LABORATOR 138 S is equipped with the standard NEGA 138 Negative carriers negative carrier (4), by means of which sheet lms and plates of up to 5x7 in. (13x18 cm) may be enlarged. The NEGA 138
consists of a frame with a swivel-mounted top part on sprung

bearings. Each top and bottom pressure glass is fastened by four spring clips. To obviate the possibility of the appearance of Newton rings, the upper of the two NEGA glass plates (GLAS) is available
to order with an anti-Newton coating (GLAS AN). For glassless

enlarging LAPFE format masks (mask and mask backing) are

available in the commonest metric or inch formats; these may be Inserted into the negative carrier in place of the twin glass plates. To Insert the NEGA 138 negative carrier into the eniarger head. towards the centre of the eniarger, downwards: In this way the studs will slide along the guide-grooves in the eniarger head and

press the springs (a) gently upwards and then, pushing inwards

engage in their respective holes. In order to bring the negative carrier into precise line with the optical axis, it must be pushed home far enough to allow the studs to come to rest in the
rearmost pair of retaining holes.

NEGA 138

The test mark (with crossed threads) incorporated in the

negative carrier (d) is brought Into the optical axis by pushing the negative carrier only so far that the studs engage the front
pair of retaining holes. The test mark serves the following purposes:

1. It enables sharp focusing adjustment to be carried out, parti

cularly when the negative itself is unsharp or over-dense. This is done by rst using' the milled knob (e) to adjust to the focusing level of the lower glass plate (or frame, as the case may be): the adjustment is then xed by the other milled knob from glass plates to LAPFE mask, or vice versa, the focusing
level must be adjusted again. 2. It facilitates calculation of enlarging factor.

(f). Next, the negative carrier Is pulled into the front retaining holes, thereby projecting the test mark. When changing over

3. It enables one to redetermine the correct stage inclination when

carrying out distortion correction, using the test mark in

when repeating a previous operation. As an accurate starting

gruence with the crossed threads. To this end, the base-plate should be adjusted after undoing the supporting arm clamp (19), nut on the side of the baseboard (35) for lateral adjustment. To obtain frontal distortion correction of the projected Image,
turn handle (c) of the NEGA 138 negative carrier clockwise
has been corrected.

conjunction with the scale in the centre of the base-plate. By projecting the negative, the actual Inclination of the base-plate may be read off on the scale (20); this is extremely useful

point, the centre of the scale must be brought Into exact con

using the handle (13) for forward or backward, and the milled

This will lift the front edge of the test mark. Read the angle of
Inclination off the dial, reset handle (c) to 0 after the distortion

The negative carrier NEGA 138 will also enlarge 21/4x3/2 In

(6x9 cm) roll lm (including 70 mm lms). To avoid having to remove the negative carrier from the apparatus every time the as F . The top part of the negative carrier Is thereby lifted and the lm can now be wound on without being scratched. The top part of the negative carrier may be completely removed after the two latches (b) have been turned through 180''.
b) LADANE 138

lm has to be wound on, turn handle (c) anti-clockwise as far

To enlarge roll lms up to 2/2X3/2 In. (6.5x9 cm) - including 70 mm lms - a pair of masks LADANE 138 Is available separately,
equipped regularly with two AUDA 70 glass plates as well as with the masks DIFMA and DIFOB 138. A glass AUDA 70 AN with antiNewton coating Is available separately, which is inserted in the mask (b) In place of AUDA 70.

LADANE 138 can be used in connection^ with the negative carrier

NEGA 138 only: insert mask (a) in place of the lower and mask (b)
In place of the upper cover glass (GLAS).

For enlarging without glasses, negatives of the size 24x36 mm, AUDA 70 and metal mask DIFOB 138 in place of mask (b). Further metal masks without glasses for the sizes 6x6 cm (AUMET 70)

the metal mask DIFIVIA is Inserted in place of the lower glass

26x26 mm (AUMET 126), 24x24 mm (AUMET 244) 18x24 mm' (AUMET 124) and 12x17 mm (AUMET 117) are available separately.
These metal masks are inserted in place of AUDA 70 in the masks The mask (a) is tted with four adjustable guiding pins (c) for the
(a + b), for that purpose the strips (f) are removed.

most usual sizes. To secure and centre single negatives the spring
the lm to be advanced the knurled knob [(c) of the negative carLADANE 138

(e), adjustable by setting the knurled knob (d) Is used. To allow

rier NEGA 138] is turned to the left; by this the upper part of the

negative carrier is raised, so that scratches in the lm can be


Make quite sure that the lower column has been cleaned completely free of any pacl<[ng material. . , < r .

supporting arm (11); take hold of the table somewhat behind the

Then release the large locking handle (12) on the right front of the

middle of the two side edges, and depress the pedal (17). The baseboard may now be raised or lowered with no great effort. The

base plate should not be forced up or down, or the carrying arm may become jammed on the
column. u -1 I When the table has reached the desired position, release the pedal,

let go off the base plate and make it fast by tightening the locking
handle (12) (this is especially to be recommended when working
on sets of an enlargement).
and the carrying arm.

The scale (18) shows the distance between the highest position Never allow the enlarger to be moved or sha justment mechanism.

ken by taking hold of the base plate, as this

may cause damage to the automatic servo ad

In order to ensure perfect functioning of the servo-table adjustment mechanism it should be regularly and thoroughly oiled (about once

a fortnight) by the red ring on the top of the carrying arm cover (44].

various lenses. The largest workable format can be arrived at by multiplying the appropriate negative format by the enlargement factor. Moving the enlarger head by means of the knob (30) gives the required format; turning the handle (33) will ensure that the format
IS lled and the picture sharp.

out the minimal and maximal enlargement factors obtainable with

The condenser combination table at the end of the instructions sets

Enlarging and focusing

Exposure can be made by means of either the baseboard switch

in. (60x80 cm) (the size of the baseboard), use wall-projection

(first turning the enlarger head through 90).

151J or a time-clock. To achieve enlargements of more than 24x32

ed to take colour lters of format 43/4 in., sq. (12 x 12 cm); a retain

The drawer (26) on the left-hand side of the lamp housing Is intend

Colour enlargements

hiters, pull out the dra^wer as far as it wil go, using the handle (26)

ing spring keeps them in position in the enlarger head. To insert

By gently tilting the drawer upwards, it may be withdrawn It may also be inserted on the other side; to do this, remove the metal cover (54) and x the retaining screw for the drawer on the upper side and assemble the metal cover on the other side of the enlaraing head. ^

the LAVAKO attachment is necessary when the Agfa colour head is For reducing work a lens should be chosen the length of which corresponds to the image-diagonal of the reduction required. If, for
, Au ^ t h e reductions r e q u i r eit dis necessary f o c a l l eon n gaccount t h i s of 1illumination 05 mm. When making to move the lamp close to the heat lter; care should however be bilmes for reduction are calculated by reference to the table multiplying the negative format and the factor. In order to make

5"" enlargements by theseparately) additive process, the LATIRAD lter turntable (available is required: while

being used with continuous colour lters. (See Accessories section).


instance a 7x91/2 in. (18x24 cm) original is to be reduced to

taken that they do not actually come into contact. Relevant possipopible reductions with a 5 cm focal length, the lens (which for enlargements was screwed to the LATUB II tube in the sunken position) must be mounted on the at LAPLA bed plate- if this IS not done, it will not be possible to bring the lens close enouqh
to the base plate.

A 7.5 cm lens can only be brought close enough to the base plate
to permit reductions down to 0.55 x that is to say, a 9x12 cm
negative may be reduced to 9x0.55 by 12x0.55 = 4.95x6.60 cm.

that the three optical planes (negative, lens and projection planes)'
are so inclined that their lines, if continued, would intersect in a

(Generally speaking, the principle holds good for distortion correction

Distortion control

single point; this means that the projected Image will be sharp with the LABORATOR 138 S may be carried out by any one of four
over Its entire surface, with no need to stop down. Distortion control different methods, each of which gives equally good results.

a) After turning the handle (24), swing the enlarger head round
to L as required, and by turning the same handle (24) secure
off from the large scale (23).

It at F The extent of tilt of the enlarger head may be read

After loosening and exerting slight pressure on the handle [39), bring the lens holder back to the horizontal position. In order to effect complete distortion control, the base plate also must be inclined, after releasing the retaining lever (34) and undoing the two support pins (10). (For possible previous centering of the base plate - see under NEGA 138 negative

b) Allow the enlarger head to remain in the vertical position, inclin ing towards each other the lens holder and base plate only. c) Allow the base plate to remain in the horizontal position, inclin ing only the enlarger head and lens holder. d) Incline towards each other the base plate, and enlarger head
w i t h l e n s h o l d e r.

Care should be taken to ensure that the whole of the lens is

always fully utilised, and every falling-off in brightness or sharp ness is eliminated. In order to achieve this, bring the lens back into the optical axis by turning the lens mounting (41). The mov
ement involved can be read off on the scale (43).

C o p y i n g I n o r d e r t o u s e t h e L A B O R AT O R 1 3 8 S a s a c o p y i n g a p p a r a t u s , the following special accessories are required:

1. LARKA copying cassette. It consists of a closed frame and a

ground-glass focusing screen. Plateholders, reducing adaptors for PAxaVe" (4.5x6 cm), 21/2X31/2" (6.5x9 cm), 3V2X43/4" (9x12 cm) and 4x6" (10x15 cm) plates, sheet-lm adaptors 14 for the lm sizes 12/4 X2V8" (4.5x6 cm), 2/2 X3y2" (6.5x9 cm),

3'Ax43/4" (9X12 cm), 4x6" (10x15 cm) and 5x7" (13x18 cm) plate), 4y4X6'/2" (12x16.5 cm) (half-plate), 4x5" (10x13 cm) and 5x7 (13x18 cm) lms, are supplied to special order.

as well as sheet-lm holders for 3%x4'/," (8x11 cm) (quarter2. DURST RILL) Copy Light Unit featuring two hard-chromium plated
steel arms which support the lamps and are attached to the rear

edge of the baseboard by means of sturdy clamps. The height of the arms can be regulated, and they can be locked in position by means of a screw. Each arm has two individually circuited lamps, which can be moved backwards and forwards along the
arm and swung up and down. Opal lamps of up to 150 W are

used in each one. Each lamp is also equipped with a light

diffusing screen to ensure even Illumination of the baseboard.

Special effects can be achieved by using colour or polarization lters instead of the diffusing screen. The lamp arms can be

swung back when the lamps are not in use, so that they are
The RILU copy light unit can also be used in conjunction with
other enlargers or copy cameras. If it is not possible to attach pieces supplied with the unit should be screwed onto the base
than 12x16 in, (30x40 cm) In size. not in the way.

it directly to the baseboard with the clamps, the connecting

board rst. Special extension arms RILAR can be supplied sep arately for providing uniform illumination of originals larger

Mode of operation when copying

The LARKA copying cassette is pushed right home Into the enlarger head in place of the normal negative carrier. To insert the cassette, grasp it by the two hinged retaining clips (a) so that they can be slid past the right-hand control knob for operating the format There is a clamping screw (b) on each of the two clips, and on
masks without fouling it.

the right-hand clip there is also a locking screw (c) for eliminating

lateral play In the cassette. After the LARKA has been inserted into the enlarger head, the two retaining clips (a) are folded down
the two clamping screws (b).

wards so that their jaws engage beneath the ribs on the enlarger head. Then tighten rst the locking screw (c) and subsequently

The size and denition of the image may be adjusted by either of the two following methods: a) By viewing it in the mirror: Undo the knurled screw (49) holding the lamphouse cover and swing the cover upwards, take out the mirror (50) by means of its handgrip and replace It in its grooves with the silvered surface facing downwards. Then switch on the copy-board Illumination, whereupon the original and the negativeformat grid lines on the groundglass screen (f) will appear reec ted in the mirror (50). The size of the image can then be adjusted to t within the required area by moving the enlarger head up or down the column, whilst the focus is controlled by turning the appropriate handwheel. When viewed from above, the original must appear free from specular reections. When undertaking all forms of copying work the lens should be well

stopped-down (preferably to f/11) in order to obtain the best

possible denition.

b) By projection: Switch on the enlarger lamp and project the

negative-format grid lines on the ground-glass screen (f) on to the original to be copied. By adjusting the elevation of the enlarger head it will be possible to make the area covered

by the projected format grid-lines coincide with that of the original. Finally focus the Image of the grid sharply by turning
the appropriate handwheel.

Slide the guide bar (d) right up to its left-hand stop by means of the milled grip (e), and position the plate-holder, loaded with a suitable plate or sheet lm, beneath the ground-glass screen with the darkslide facing downwards. Then hook the clip (g) of the guide bar (d) on to the plate-holder and pull the bar as far as it will travel towards the right, which action
will slide the plate-holder completely underneath the focusing

screen (f). In order to ensure that the darkslide only is with drawn when exposing the lm or plate, the holder should be

locked in position by turning the knurled knob (i) to the right.

In order to open plate-holder, push the guide bar (d) as far as

It will go to the left. By turning the milled grip (e) on the guide
by pulling the guide bar (d) towards the right. Rotate the knurled knob (i) in a counter-clockwise direction and

lm or plate may then be exposed by switching the copyboard lighting unit on and off. Finally, close the darkslide once again then push the guide bar (d) towards the left. The closed plateholder may then be withdrawn from the frame and can be detached by pressing the clip (g) together.

bar (dj, the opening travel of the darkslide can be adjusted. The


intensive use yet demanding a minimum of maintenance. It never fails to give the highest performance even in the most unfavourable

The DURST LABORATOR 138 S has been designed to stand up to


working conditions. In order to maintain the automatic lubrication

ot the rollers on the column, oil should be applied to the red-marked

points (44) from time to time, after the dust-impregnated greasy

lm has been removed from both column and guides For this pur

pose we recommend the use of the rothenized special oil (code-

word OIL) best suited for phototechnical precision equipment, avail


able In plastic tubes of approx. 60 cubic cm contents on special acids. If after long use the enlarger head should tend to slip when the ball handle (30) is operated, remove black cover plate (38)
the head is recommended when the enlarger Is not in use For dusting and cleaning the cover glasses of the carriers condens ers and mirror, a chamois leather of soft brush should be used
baseboard for exposures.

On no account use heavy oils or greases and lubricants containing (after undoing the 3 screws) and retension the spiral spring by

tightening the now accessible square nut. The highest position of Antistatic agents are also recommended. Do not allow the opal
lamp to burn unnecessarily and use only the switch on the



Adapter for use of

Colour Filter Head

If it Is desired to use the AGFA Colour-Head with continuous colour lters with the DURST LABORATOR 138 S. the LAVAKO attachment

will be required. First remove the metal ring of the lter head by
lter head. All controls to face the front.

LAVAKO, employing the screw holes provided on the AGFA colour

screws. Use these screws to attach the

The lid of the LABORATOR housing should be taken off by rst

removing the hinge pin, then the mirror. Now, place the LAVAKO u LABORATOR T a a t t a housing ched) n t o It t h ethe g r olateral o v e knurled s of the and isecure with two screws. The plug of the colour head is plugged Into the socket on the base board. (Note the voltage of the lamp!) The correct
operation of the colour head is described In the AGFA Instructions When using the AGFA colour head with the LABORATOR, the con

denser combinations should be employed as indicated in the table (LAVAKO + AGFA Colour-Head) at the end of this booklet. The turning the LAVAKO knob, A graduated dial makes it easy to reset
any previously used setting.

most suitable illumination is obtained by adjusting, that is to say,

L AT I R A D T h e L AT I R A D l t e r t u r r e t c a n b e u s e d f o r Turntable lter-disc

1. Making colour enlargements by the additive method, using three

standard tri-colour lters;

2. producing colour separations for process work;

3. enlarging on variable-contrast papers.

thickness) can be tted. The lter turret is tted in place of the

red lter, on the same spindle. The opening In the upper cover disc has a rubber rim which

The LATIRAD consists of a revolving plastic disc with four circular apertures in which lters of 70 mm diameter (and up to 4 2 mm

surrounds the lens in use. To obtain an absolutely light-tight seal


between the lens and the lter turret, three plastic rings are pro vided, which can be cut out to suit the lenses employed in the

A supplementary turret (LAZURAD] is available for using more than

three colour lters; one or even two of these turrets can be tted

on the spindle. Very thin gelatine or celluloid lters, if used, should be held in place with LARING retaining rings.


With the lens already in position, detach the normal red lter by removing the screw at the end of the lter spindle, taking care not to lose the ball-catch. Now t the turret cover (a) by sliding the bush (b) over the swing-lter spindle, so that the inscription
is uppermost and the aperture (c) faces the front. The actual turret (d) - with the lters in position - is then slid over the bush tightening the knurled screw (f). The cover (a) and the turret screw (f) must not of course project into the aperture (c). If a ticular types of work, then a plastic washer (g) should be laid over the opening in the cover (a). Cut the washer so that its diameter is slightly greater than of the front lens. Finally push the whole

and both components are secured by tting locking ring (e) and disc (d) should t closely although not too tightly together; knurled perfect light-seal between the lter and lens is required for par

LATIRAD unit up the swing-lter spindle until the washer (g) is

in contact with the lens; it should however still be possible to adjust the lens diaphragm.

Adjustable extension tube for reductions and macro-photographs. The lens is screwed on DUTUB II and so far from the negative plane.



Extension tube




1 To ensure precision in all photographic operations requiring extreme GRANE 138, GRAHAL
available, for use in the punch register system: the GRAHAL po- (registration equipment) sitioning frame, the GRANE 138 negative carrier for lms up to
a c c u r a c y o f r e g i s t e r, t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e a c c e s s o r i e s a r e a n d G R A L O 5x7 in. (13x18 cm), and the GRALO precision perforator. The GRAHAL positioning frame is inserted in place of the normal NEGA negative carrier and fastened in place so that it will not 19

move; it incorporates a guide device for the automatic centering of the GRANE negative carrier. This makes use of centering pins on to which the lm (already perforated by the punch) is tted. The lm lies between two glass plates, the upper of which Is also available in a special nish with anti-Newton coating. For punching even the thinnest lm, the GRALO precision punch is used, which has adjustable distances between punch-holes (80 and 120 mm) as well as from the margin (1 to 5 mm). Smallformat lms should be perforated by means of the micro-perforator (MIGRALO), and centered by means of the MlGRAFl metal adaptors in the formats 35 mm (24x36 mm), sq. (4x4 cm), 21/2" sq. (6x6 cm) and 2'/2X3y2" (6.5x9 cm). The GRAVACU suction plate, which Is part of the standard equip ment of the LABORATOR G 139 enlarger, can also In certain circum stances be mounted on the carrying arm (11) of the LABORATOR 138 S, by making use of the VADAP adaptor piece.





LACUF Protection cover

Practical plastic dust cover providing protection against dust and humidity of the darkroom.

Further accessories

DURST ME 500, The voltage stabilizers DURST ME 500/1000/2000 designed for use ME 1000 with enlargers up to a total load of 500, 1000 and 2000 W respectla n d M E 2 0 0 0 v e l y, a r e a b s o l u t e l y e s s e n t i a l t o a v o i d f a u l t y e x p o s u r e , p a r t i c u l a r l y

Voltage regulators with colour lm. If the mains voltage is Inclined to uctuate. These

stabilizers are fully automatic and will maintain any adjusted voltage between 110 and 220 V within a variation of 1%. Naturally, lamps can be choked or overrun. It is also possible to connect several
and the same stabilizer.





A useful addition to your darkroom is the safelight lamp PENTA- PENTACOLOR

orange, ruby red, olive green and pan green. The lters are tted

COLOR. It is equipped with ve interchangeable colour lters - white. Darkroom safelight




can be Instantly adjusted. A heat-absorbing lter prevents blistering

or placed on the table.

in a turntable, so that the type of light required for the darkroom

or warping of the lters. Direct or Indirect lighting can be obtained by swivelling the lamp, which can be either attached to the wall This masking frame relieves the operator of much manual and men- DURST 243 vious to chemical action, with independently adjustable mask bands
stop, which Is adjusted by means of a milled knob.

tal labour when enlarging on different paper sizes. It consists of Masking frame a cast frame, which is coated with annealing lacquer and imper-

Any required width of edge from V32 in. to 1Ve in, (4 to 35 mm) can be obtained with the aid of these mask bands and a paper
All paper formats up to 10x12 in. (24x30 cm) can be used. The frame can be easily adapted to formats in inches, and can be
supplied at extra charge with a baseboard covered with formica.

Check the performance of your lens with the aid of this test nega- Test negative tive, available separately; It can also be used as a focusing aid.
This test negative is available in the formats 35 mm (24x36 mm),
2V2X3V2" (6.5x9 cm) and 5x7" (13x18 cm).

Descriptions and illustrations without warranty


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