E - Banking
E - Banking
E - Banking
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2. Introduction
Figure 1. Mobile Banking
The advancement of electronic banking or commonly
known as e-banking, began with the use of automatic teller 3. Electronic Banking in the Philippines
machines (ATMs) and has included telephone banking,
direct bill payment, electronic fund transfer, online banking Electronic banking is sometimes defined as the provision of
and other electronic transactions. For many people, they retail and small value banking products and services
believe that the e-banking will go to the direction of mobile through electronic channels either through mobile devices,
banking. Also, some people believe that online banking Automated Teller Machines, or even the internet. It is also
will be the most popular method in the future. often used to describe processes in which customers can
perform banking transactions without visiting a physical
In order for users/customers to use their banks online institution. In the Philippines, e-banking made an
services, they need to have a personal computer and an auspicious debut when automated teller machines (ATMs)
Internet connection. Also, their personal computers will be were introduced in the 1980s revolutionizing how we
their assistant who will assist them in their transactions and viewed the usual, brick-and-mortar bank structure. Today,
services. Examples of those transactions are paying bills, ATMs have become a common customer delivery channel
attaining information about accounts and loans, and etc. In that is mainly in urban centers and sometimes even in the
addition, those transactions offered by different banks are countryside. Aside from ATMs, other innovations have
continuously changing and are being improved because of taken place such as phone and internet banking which again
some banks wants to attain competitive advantage with provide customers the ability to access banking services
other banks. The banking industry should always adapt to from various locations and at a 24-hour by 7- days basis.
the new technology today and basically make the necessary With these developments, customers are able to enjoy the
adjustments to gain competitive advantage with other many conveniences and lower costs that are offered by the
competing banks. said innovations. However, it can be seen that the poor and
low-income segment is still underserved or do not fully
enjoy the benefits of such innovations. For example, ATMs
have a nationwide presence but there is a concentration in
urban areas, which are not easily accessible to those
residing in the countryside. In addition, ATMs would
require that you have a bank issued ATM card. The banks
that typically issue ATM cards are the larger banks with
which poor and low income individuals do not transact.
The smaller banks like rural banks do not yet have the vast
ATM networks as the bigger banks. Another example is
internet banking services, which has significantly increased
convenience for clients, as they are able to perform certain
transactions without leaving their home or workplace.
However, this service is available only to those who have
internet connection or are, at the very least, computer One of the issues currently being addressed is the
literate. In the same manner as ATM services, the poor and impact of e-banking on traditional banking players. If there
low-income clients will not be able to fully enjoy the are advantages in venturing to E-banking, there are also
benefits of this service. disadvantages. Even the pioneers of E-banking are not sure
of what this technology can bring in the future.
3.1. Issues in E-banking in Rural Areas
Here are some of the issues/arguments:
The e-banking system in rural areas also brings - E-banking is much cheaper than the
new issues and challenges, such as the imbalance between traditional way.
the capacity and workload. For instance, rural bank of
Biñan currently has about 750 customers who signed up for This could be a great competitive advantage
the E-banking services with about 1200 total accounts. especially in our country. It does require physical
While the online services save customers time and effort,
the bank discovered that offering E-banking services is branches for their transactions.
very labor concentrated on the administrative end. That is,
though the inputs from traditional teller services are cut in a - E-banks are easy to set up so lots of new
big way, the transactions must still be processed right along entrants will arrive.
from the teller stations. Another challenge is about how to
keep its traditional high quality services into its new E- So with this issue, companies especially the Telecom
banking system. Being in the service industry forces the Networks have the greater advantage because it’s
bank to compete using higher quality and greater levels of much closer to the people. Having a cellular phone is
customer service. The quality of bank services is highly
very essential nowadays, and it is currently the trend.
dependent on the training and actions of each employee,
due to the fact that most banking services offered from Companies use this as a way to attract consumers.
bank to bank are very similar, with only the customer According to Rogelio Encinas, 43% of Filipinos (36
service and employees differentiating them. As million) use mobile Phones. He also said that he
knowledgeable employees with accurate transaction skills estimates that 90% of rural bank clients have access to
are the key to the success of the bank, Rural Bank of Biñan mobile phones.
has worked closely with its outsourced online service
provider to provide high quality E-banking services.
Currently, providing E-banking services has not
been viewed as a really high priority to the management of
- Traditional banks will find it difficult to
Rural Bank of Biñan, as the bank believes that its e-
banking now is costing more than savings, so far has not evolve.
significantly contributed to the banks success in the
marketplace. On another hand, while the bank has been With this issue, it’s very simple, even though the
satisfied with its current e-banking services, suggestions concept of E-banking is about doing transactions with
and recommendations have been made to improve and ease, trying to evolve into one is difficult. It really
streamline the system: requires study, and analyzing competitors and using
advertising as a main weapon to attract consumers.
other issues that are within E-banking in rural areas were,
the bank has asked for its main page to be updated more
timely and formatted in a manner of more user friendly; A
more persuasive promotion of the E-banking should be
- E-banking is just banking offered via a new
conducted more regularly; A company-wide training and
customer service for E-banking initiatives should be delivery channel. It simply gives consumers
implemented; The bank should integrate more services into another service.
E-banking operations and search the areas where E-banking
operations could further cut its daily operating cost; The E-banking is still the same banking, the only thing
bank should provide more useful links on its e-banking that changed is the process that’s why is much faster
website to its business partners; The large ‘dead space’ of and more responsive than the old way.
its current website should be used to add more eye-catching
pictures to make it more appealing to consumers surfing the
net; Finally, the bank should consider to take over its
website from its current online service provider and
- The start-up costs of an e-bank are high.
running it ‘in-house’, so that the bank could have total
control of its website and be able to make necessary
changes more quickly and effectively. Starting this kind of technology requires a large
amount; this covers the advertising expenditure, and
the purchasing of the said technology.
4. Impact of e-banking on traditional services
As the group's final conclusion, e-banking has its
own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of
- E-banks have already found that retail implementing e-banking is an increase in customer
banking only becomes profitable once a large satisfaction. This is because customers do not have to go to
the branches in order to access their accounts, make
critical mass is achieved.
withdrawals and deposits. They can also check it anytime
of the day, a feature that physical branches do not offer thus
So with this issue, every company that has E-banking
creating a good relationship with the bank and the customer.
really focuses on what the consumers’ need, so they E-banking is also advantageous not only for customer but
spend a lot of money on advertising, just to attract also for the bank because it reduces costs in setting up a
consumers to use their technology. branch and the resources to process transactions. They can
also service more people than ever before. All these
5. Security Issues benefits are the reasons why many banks are already
investing in e-banking.
Security is one of the most talked about issue in
e-banking because basically e-banking increases security The main disadvantage of e-banking is the
risks, risky environments and also because of the fact that security problems that surround it. It's a fact that making
security issues are the biggest concern in e-banking. transactions online poses a much bigger risk compared to
Security breaches fall into three categories, first is the making transactions in a physical branch. This is due to the
breaches with serious criminal intent, which are frauds, hacking problems and identity theft. Addition to these risks,
theft of commercially sensitive or financial information. technical difficulties could also arise. Sometimes the bank's
The second category is the breaches by casual hackers website goes down, and if this happens it will be a hassle
which are defacement of web sites or denial of service. The for the customer because he/she has to go to a branch or
third one is the flaws in systems design and/or set up make phone calls- which is usually busy due to other
leading to security breaches which are genuine users seeing customers also making a call. Another case that has
and being able to transact on the other users' account. All of happened was an unpredicted rise in customer that the
these threats mentioned above have severe implications servers of the bank were not able to cope with. A customer
whether it is financial, legal or by reputation. A lot of banks may also run into a bad service. Sometimes you might wait
nowadays are searching for errors in their systems a a while for your checks to clear and you certainly can't do
hundred times a day to lessen the breaches mentioned anything about it if it is online.
7. References
The most sensitive and highly built computer
systems such as those computer systems that are used for 1. Regulating Mobile Banking: The Philippines
storing tons of confidential information tend to be the most Perspective Retrieved March 10, 2009 from
comprehensively secured and it is also highly designed to http://portal.asobancaria.com/portal/page/po
prevent breaches in the system. Some banks have a rtal/Portal_Eventos_Asobancaria/Memorias
tendency to have reasonable perimeter security, there is not %20Seminario%20Internacional%20acceso
enough segregation between internal systems and poor
internal security. And with this, some people can easily
breach the lighter or the poor internal security.
2. Electronic Banking: Delivering
It is very easy to point out the security risks in e- Microfinance Services to the Poor in the
banking, also it must be put into consideration that the Philippines. Retrieved March 10,2009 from
Internet could remove some errors launched by manual http://www.bwtp.org/pdfs/arcm/Jimenez.pdf
processing. This lessens the risks to the integrity of
transaction data. 3. Consumer protection in electronic banking
(e-banking), e-commerce. Retrieved March
As the e-banking advances there could be large
security gains if the banks would focus their attention on
10,2009 from http://jlp-
security risks. Some banks needs to have or needs to apply law.com/blog/consumer-protection-in-
strategic tactics to information security, promoting best electronic-e-banking-commerce/
practice security controls into systems and network as they
are developed, rigorous testing of security system controls, 4. E-Banking - Impact, Risks, Security.
awareness on new threats that would harm the system, Retrieved March 10,2009 from
placing sufficient staffs with expertise on security and http://steconomice.uoradea.ro/anale/volume/
lastly to actively use system based security management 2008/v4-management-marketing/280.pdf
and monitoring tools to lessen security breaches.
5. Banking / Loans. Retrieved March 10,2009
6. Conclusion
http://banking.about.com/od/savings/a/?once http://www.mobiletor.com/2008/04/23/mobi
=true& le-banking-avidly-used-by-youth/