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Qualcomm Log Analysis Tool

QCAT is an integrated software package that allows decoding the contents of binary log files 3 generated by
the Qualcomm Mobile Diagnostic Monitor (MDM) - Not used in SV CDMA Air Interface Tester ( CAIT ) Qualcomm Extensible Diagnostic Monitor ( QXDM )

Can decode packets for the following technologies


Limited period licensed software

Not dongle required. License period present in license.txt ( same directory as QCAT exe )

QCAT uses a splitter-view user interface with the following views:

Log packet list (left) Parsed text (right) Message (bottom)

Log Viewer: displays a list of all log packets in the currently open log file, as shown in the previous slide , it would contain Sequence number Time Type (log code) Description (log title) Subtitle (log subdescription) Direction (for signaling messages) Size (in bytes) Additional information
Log packets are initially listed in the same order in which they are read from the log file. Clicking in the column titles, e.g., Type or Size, reorders the packets by the values in those columns. Clicking a second time in the same column title reverses the order

Parsed text (right):Displays the parsed text for the contents of the log packet selected in the left view.
Use Ctrl+Shift to select more than one packet for display in the parsed view. By default, no more than 10 packets from the multiselection are displayed; however, this can be changed via the Control tab. The hex dump can be toggled on/off by selecting/unselecting the Hex Dump checkbox

Message (bottom)

The message view displays the information, warning, and error messages generated by the QCAT application window, as well as the processing engine. An icon displayed 3 along with the message indicates the type of message Double-click the message text. This brings up a help dialog that explains the context and the source of the message

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