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Journal of Food Engineering 60 (2003) 2129 www.elsevier.


Comparative shelf life study and vitamin C loss kinetics in pasteurised and high pressure processed reconstituted orange juice
A.C. Polydera a, N.G. Stoforos b, P.S. Taoukis
a b


Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Iroon Polytechniou 5, Zografou 15780, Athens, Greece Faculty of Engineering, Laboratory of Food and Process Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Division of Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Campus, P.O. 433, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece Received 25 July 2002; accepted 18 December 2002

Abstract Shelf life of reconstituted orange juice after conventional thermal (80 C, 30 s) or high hydrostatic pressure (500 MPa, 35 C, 5 min) pasteurisation was comparatively studied. Polypropylene bottles and laminated exible pouches were used. Ascorbic acid loss, colour, viscosity and sensory characteristics were measured during storage at 015 C. Ascorbic acid degradation rates were lower for high pressurised juice, leading to an extension of its shelf life compared to conventionally pasteurised juice. Kinetic modelling established a higher temperature dependence of ascorbic acid loss for high pressurised juice as expressed by activation energy values (61.1 and 43.8 kJ/mol respectively for high pressurised and thermally treated bottled juice). Based on ascorbic acid retention, the increase of shelf life of high pressurised juice stored in bottles compared to thermally pasteurised one ranged from 11% (storage at 15 C) to 65% (storage at 0 C). Respective values of shelf life increase for juices in pouches were 24% and 57%. Colour was not substantially aected by type of processing. Higher viscosity values were determined for high pressurised juice, while its sensory characteristics were judged superior. 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Shelf life; Vitamin C loss kinetics; High pressure; Pasteurised reconstituted orange juice

1. Introduction Orange juice is a highly valued product representing a signicant source of vitamin C. During storage, orange juice undergoes a number of deteriorative reactions (ascorbic acid degradation, cloud loss, microbial spoilage, development of o-avour, changes in colour, texture, appearance), resulting in quality degradation of the product (Ayhan, Yeom, Zhang, & Min, 2001; Bezman, Rouse, & Naim, 2001; Ewaidah, 1992; Goyle & Ojha, 1998; Roig, Bello, Rivera, & Kennedy, 1999). Commercial chilled orange juice is usually produced from frozen concentrates reconstituted and thermally pasteurised to achieve microbial stability and extend the shelf life of the product. Pasteurisation processes are designed to achieve a target shelf life of a few weeks for
Corresponding author. Tel.: +30-210-772-3171; fax: +30-210-7723163. E-mail address: [email protected] (P.S. Taoukis).

the refrigerated product. Although conventional thermal treatment of fruit juices has been widely and eciently used, the thermal process has a negative eect on the sensory and the nutritional characteristics of the juices (Arena, Fallico, & Maccarone, 2001; Manso, Oliveira, Oliveira, & Frias, 2001; Yeom, Streaker, Zhang, & Min, 2000). An important problem associated with orange juice quality is L -ascorbic acid loss during heat treatment (Lima, Heskitt, Burianek, Nokes, & Sastry, 1999; Manso et al., 2001; Rojas & Gerschenson, 1997) or storage (Lee & Chen, 1998; Lee & Coates, 1999). During storage of the juice ascorbic acid is degraded, following two consecutive or parallel pathways, aerobically and anaerobically, at rates depending on storage conditions, packaging and the processing method employed during production (Gregory, 1996; Kenawi, Shekib, & Elshimi, 1994; Kennedy, Rivera, Lloyd, Warner, & Jumel, 1992; Sadler, Parish, Van Clief, & Davis, 1997; Tawk & Huyghebaert, 1998).

0260-8774/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0260-8774(03)00006-2


A.C. Polydera et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 60 (2003) 2129

High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing has been introduced as an alternative non-thermal technology that causes inactivation of microorganisms (Linton, McClements, & Patterson, 1999; Parish, 1998a; Reyns et al., 2000; Teo, Ravishankar, & Sizer, 2001; Zook, Parish, Braddock, & Balaban, 1999) and denaturation of several enzymes (Basak, Ramaswamy, & Simpson, 2001; Cano, Hernandez, & De Ancos, 1997; Goodner, Braddock, Parish, & Sims, 1999; Nienaber & Shellhammer, 2001a; Parish, 1998a) while minimally aecting quality and organoleptic characteristics (Fern andezGarc a, Butz, Bognar, & Tauscher, 2001; Nienaber & Shellhammer, 2001b). Published data on the eect of high-pressure on ascorbic acid content is available for dierent food systems (Eshtiaghi & Knorr, 1993; Quaglia, Gravina, Paperi, & Paoletti, 1996; Sancho et al., 1999; Yen & Lin, 1996). Kinetic studies of vitamin C degradation during HHP treatment have also been reported (Taoukis et al., 1998; Van den Broeck, Ludikhuyze, Weemaes, Van Loey, & Hendrickx, 1998). Pressure alone was not found to signicantly change vitamin C concentration of orange juice. Only when temperature was above 60 C ascorbic acid degradation was observed, during HHP processes. The eect of HHP on post processing quality loss of fruit juices is an important issue for study. The shelf life of a variety of fruit juices can be extended through the application of HHP compared to that of untreated ones (Donsi, Ferrari, & Di Matteo, 1996; Tonello, Kesenne, Muterel, & Jolibert, 1997) with minimal product quality loss and a good retention of fresh-like avour. Less than 20% ascorbic acid loss occurred during storage of orange juice at 4 C for three months and at 15 C for two months after processing at 800 MPa and 25 C for 1 min starting with fresh juice (Nienaber & Shellhammer, 2001b). Although several studies reported retention of the overall quality of high pressure processed orange juice and increase of its shelf life compared to that of fresh juice, few works compare the eect of an alternative HHP process with that of a conventional heat pasteurisation on orange juice quality parameters during storage, studying only specic quality indicators, e.g. sensory characteristics or microbial growth (Parish, 1998b). The objective of the present work was to comparatively evaluate the eect of conventional thermal pasteurisation and alternative HHP processing on the shelf life of reconstituted orange juice within the temperature range used for orange juice storage in two dierent oxygen barrier packaging types. The determination of shelf life was mainly based on post processing ascorbic acid loss kinetics, although a variety of other quality parameters such as sensory characteristics, colour and viscosity were also taken into consideration.

2. Materials and methods 2.1. Juice samples Commercial non-pasteurised orange juice (11.8 Brix) reconstituted from frozen middle season Valencia orange juice concentrate from Florida was used. Orange juice concentrate was stored at )30 C until use. 2.2. High pressure processing High pressure treatments were achieved using a laboratory pilot scale HHP equipment with a maximum operating pressure of 1000 MPa (Food Pressure Unit FFU LO1, Resato International BV, Roden, Holland) consisting of an operation high pressure unit with a pressure intensier, a high pressure vessel of 1.5 l in volume and a multivessel system consisting of six vessels of 45 ml capacity each. All high pressure vessels were surrounded by a liquid circulating jacket connected to a heatingcooling system. The pressure transmitting uid used was polyglycol ISO viscosity class VG 15 (Resato International BV, Roden, Holland). For the HHP experiments, two types of packaging were used: polypropylene bottles (intermediate oxygen barrier) of 150 ml capacity with screw-cup closures and heat sealed high oxygen barrier laminated (polyethylene, aluminium and cellophane) exible pouches of 40 ml capacity. Forty bottles and 40 pouches were lled with orange juice and placed into the large high pressure vessel for processing. The desired value of pressure (500 MPa) was set and after pressure build-up (about 1 min), the pressure vessel was isolated. This point dened the time zero of the process. Pressure was released after a preset time interval (5 min) by opening the pressure valve. The initial temperature increase during pressure build-up (about 3 C/100 MPa) was taken into consideration in order to achieve an operating temperature of about 35 C during pressurisation. Pressure and temperature were constantly monitored and recorded (in 1 s intervals) during the process. 2.3. Thermal pasteurisation Orange juice was pasteurised in a pilot scale pasteuriser with a tubular heat exchanger (Armeld FT74, HTST/UHT Processing Unit, Hampshire, England) at 80 C for 30 s. The pasteurised juice was aseptically transferred into packages identical to the ones used for high pressure pasteurisation. 2.4. Shelf life study Samples of thermally and high pressure pasteurised orange juice were stored immediately after processing (time 0) at four dierent isothermal conditions (0, 5, 10

A.C. Polydera et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 60 (2003) 2129


and 15 C) in temperature programmable control cabinets (Sanyo MIR 153, Sanyo Electric Co, Ova-Gun, Gunma, Japan). Ten samples per process and storage condition were used. The temperature was constantly recorded by type T thermocouples and a multichannel datalogger (CR10X, Campbell Scientic, Leicestershire, UK). Samples were evaluated at time 0 and at regular time intervals according to the experimental design for a period of at least 1 or 2 months, depending on the type of packaging used. Dierent quality parameters (L -ascorbic acid, colour, sensory characteristics, viscosity) were measured. 2.5. Determination of L -ascorbic acid
L -ascorbic acid concentration was determined using an HPLC method. Samples of 1 ml of orange juice were extracted with equal volumes of 4.5% (w/v) metaphosphoric acid solution and ltered through a 0.45 lm GHP Acrodisc lter. An aliquot then was injected into the chromatographic column. The chromatographic system (HP 1100 Series, Waldbronn, Germany) consisted of a quaternary pump, a vacuum degasser, a Rheodyne 20 ll injection loop, a Diode-Array Detector, and it was controlled through a HP ChemStation software. A Hypersil ODS column (250 4:6 mm, particle size 5 lm) tted with a Hypersil ODS guard column was utilised with a mobile phase of HPLC grade water with metaphosphoric acid to pH 2.2 at a ow rate of 0.5 ml/ ~a-Concha, min. The detection was at 245 nm (Orun Gonzalez-Castro, Lopez-Hernandez, & Simal-Lozano, 1998). Results were calculated as mg of L -ascorbic acid per 100 ml of orange juice. Each sample was prepared and analysed in duplicate.

LEclairage) illuminant C conditions. Samples of orange juice were lled into 25 mm glass petri dishes and CIELab values were determined. All samples were analysed in duplicate. 2.8. Viscosity Viscosity of orange juice was measured using a computer controlled rotary viscometer RHEOTEST RC1 (Medingen GmbH, Radeburg, Germany) consisting of an electronic unit with standard DIN coaxial cylinder measuring systems of dierent viscosity ranges, a temperature measuring sensor Pt100, a thermostat device FTK-CC ()10 to 90 C) and a RHEO 2000 software. The measuring system used was a double gap cylinder DG DIN with a viscosity range from 0.001 to 1.30 Pa s. Shear stress and viscosity were measured and recorded at dierent shear rates in the range from 4 to 500 s1 . All measurements were conducted at room temperature (25 C).

3. Results and discussion 3.1. Selection of processing conditions Due to the low pH of orange juice (pH 3.4), growth of pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed. Yeasts, moulds and lactic acid bacteria are the microorganisms responsible for the spoilage of orange juice (Ogawa, Fukuhisa, Kubo, & Fukumoto, 1990; Parish, 1998a; Zook et al., 1999). The eectiveness of the high pressure treatment used for the pasteurisation of orange juice as far as reduction of microbial load is concerned, was based on previous experiments on microorganisms previously isolated and identied from spoiled reconstituted orange juice (Taoukis, 2001). Based on the results of these experiments and literature reported values, Lactobacillus plantarum, showing greater resistance to pressure than the other microorganisms present in the juice, was chosen as the target microorganism for process design (to achieve a microbiologically stable product). A D-value equal to 30 s was estimated for L. plantarum at reference conditions of 500 MPa and 35 C. The zp -value, that is the pressure dierence needed for a tenfold change in the D value, was determined at 35 C as 191 MPa (Taoukis, 2001). The thermal pasteurisation conditions used (80 C, 30 s) were selected to be the same as in a conventional pasteurisation of industrially produced orange juice. In order to decide on the most appropriate high pressure processing conditions, a number of alternative processing conditions were tested taking into account both microbiological stability and sensory quality. Residual pectinmethylesterase activity was not a matter of concern, since no measurable activity was determined in the

2.6. Sensory analysis A panel of seven trained panellists was used for sensory evaluation during storage of orange juice. Each day of analysis, randomly selected samples of both HHP and thermal treatments were removed from the storage cabinets, tempered to ambient temperature and then sensory evaluated. Scores were assigned for the dierent avour characteristics of the orange juice as well for total impression of the juice using a nine grade hedonic scale. A mean value equal to 5 was determined as the acceptance limit signalling the end of the shelf life of juice. 2.7. Colour measurement Colour was measured using a CR-200 Minolta Chroma meter (Minolta Co., Chuo-Ku, Osaka, Japan) with an 8 mm measuring area. A Minolta standardwhite reector plate was used to standardise the instrument under CIE (Commission International de


A.C. Polydera et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 60 (2003) 2129 Table 1 Ascorbic acid loss rates, k (days1 ), of high pressurised and thermally pasteurised orange juice during storage at 0, 5, 10 and 15 C in polypropylene bottles Storage temperature (C) High pressurised juice k (days1 ) 0 5 10 15 0.0097 0.0121 0.0193 0.0396 R2 0.98 0.95 0.83 0.94 Thermally pasteurised juice k (days1 ) 0.0159 0.0187 0.0231 0.0455 R2 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.88

reconstituted orange juice before processing. The different conditions of HHP processing tested included combinations of pressures in the range of 300600 MPa and times ranging from 4 to 30 min that can lead to inactivation of at least 5D of L. plantarum. A treatment of 500 MPa at 35 C for 5 min was selected. Such a treatment led to a 10D inactivation of the most resistant microorganism, L. plantarum, and to a 28D75D inactivation of yeast ascospores (based on the D values reported by Parish (1998a) and Zook et al. (1999)). Furthermore, the product of this process retained a superior avour compared to the other processing conditions tested. The sensory characteristics were judged to be similar to the ones of unpasteurised reconstituted orange juice. 3.2. Kinetic study of ascorbic acid loss The decrease of vitamin C concentration to levels unacceptable by legislation or industrial practice often denes orange juice shelf life, rendering ascorbic acid an important indicator of orange juice quality. During storage, the vitamin C content of orange juice gradually decreased at a rate depending on processing, storage temperature and packaging. When polypropylene bottles were used, ascorbic acid loss (at constant storage temperature) was found to follow apparent rst-order kinetics (Eq. (1)) for both high pressure and conventionally pasteurised orange juice as depicted in Fig. 1(a) and (b) respectively. C C0 expkt; 1

with the predictions through Eq. (1) in Fig. 1. The eect of storage temperature on ascorbic acid degradation rate was described adequately by Arrhenius kinetics (Eq. (2)).    EA 1 1 ; 2 kT kref exp R T Tref where kT is the ascorbic acid loss rate at a storage temperature T , kref is the ascorbic acid loss rate at a reference temperature Tref , EA is the activation energy (J/ mol), R is the gas constant (8.314 J/(mol K)) and temperatures in absolute scale (K). The activation energy was determined to be 61.1 kJ/ mol (R2 0:94) and 43.8 kJ/mol (R2 0:89) for high pressurised and conventionally thermally pasteurised orange juice respectively. In the case of laminated exible pouches, ascorbic acid degradation again followed rst-order kinetics (Eq. (1)) until a reduction of about 20% of the initial ascorbic acid concentration. Further ascorbic acid loss was found to have lower rates. For this later portion of the degradation curve, zero-order kinetics (Eq. (3)) were found more appropriate to describe the experimental data compared to rst-order kinetics as is shown in Fig. 2 for HHP processed juice. C C0 kt: 3 Ascorbic acid loss rates during storage of high pressure and thermally pasteurised juice in exible pouches were determined through Eq. (1) and Eq. (3) for the two dierent stages of ascorbic acid degradation through a least square tting procedure and shown in Table 2. Again all duplicate experimental data were used for the determination of ascorbic acid degradation rates. Low correlation R2 values for some rates at the second stage of ascorbic acid degradation are due to the low number and scatter of experimental data points. The more rapid decrease of ascorbic acid concentration at the beginning of storage can be attributed to the immediate reaction of an amount of ascorbic acid with the dissolved oxygen. The lower rates of further ascorbic acid degradation are controlled by the slow diusion of oxygen through the high oxygen barrier laminated exible pouches and/or the dierent mechanism of anaerobic decomposition of

where C is the ascorbic acid (AA) concentration (mg AA/100 ml of juice) at time t, C0 is the ascorbic acid concentration at time 0, k is the ascorbic acid loss rate (days1 ), t is the storage time (days). Ascorbic acid loss rates as determined by Eq. (1) and the experimental data through a least square tting procedure (together with the R2 of the correlation) are shown in Table 1. For the determination of ascorbic acid degradation rates all duplicate experimental data were used. For the clarity of presentation, the average of each pair of data was estimated and depicted together

Fig. 1. Ascorbic acid loss during storage at 0, 5, 10 and 15 C in polypropylene bottles of (a) high pressurised and (b) conventionally pasteurised orange juice.

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when dierent types of packaging were used for storage of orange juice. At 15 C the ascorbic acid loss rate was almost double in case of polypropylene bottles compared to exible pouches, for both high pressurised (0.0396 days1 vs. 0.0190 days1 ) and thermally treated (0.0455 days1 vs. 0.0240 days1 ) orange juice (Tables 1 and 2). In both types of packaging, vitamin C loss was slower in the case of high pressurised orange juice (Tables 1 and 2). The retention of ascorbic acid after storage of high pressurised orange juice for 1 month at 5 C in bottles or pouches was 70% or 79% respectively. In contrast, thermal treatment led to a retention of ascorbic acid equal to 57% or 77% when plastic bottles or exible pouches were used.

3.3. Shelf life determination

Fig. 2. Ascorbic acid loss of high pressurised orange juice during storage at (a) 0, (b) 5, (c) 10 and (d) 15 C in laminated exible pouches.

ascorbic acid (Gregory, 1996; Nienaber & Shellhammer, 2001b). In the case of polypropylene bottles, the diusion through this intermediate oxygen barrier is faster, so that the oxidative degradation of ascorbic acid is controlling the mechanism of ascorbic acid loss rates. In most cases, rate constants for anaerobic degradation of ascorbic acid are two to three orders of magnitude less than those for the oxidative reaction (Gregory, 1996). The eect of storage temperature on ascorbic acid loss rates was described adequately by Arrhenius kinetics (Eq. (2)) for storage in exible pouches. The activation energies were determined as 30.9 kJ/mol (R2 0:94) and 23.2 kJ/mol (R2 0:99) for the rst and second stage of ascorbic acid degradation for the high pressurised orange juice. The respective EA values for the conventionally thermal pasteurised orange juice were 18.3 kJ/mol (R2 0:94) and 13.1 kJ/mol (R2 0:97). Lower activation energies were found for the second stages which would be expected for diusion controlled phenomena. A notable dierence in rst-order ascorbic acid degradation rates at higher temperatures was observed

According to the Association of the Industry of Juices and Nectars from Fruits and Vegetables of the European Union, ascorbic acid content has to be more than 20 mg/100 ml orange juice at expiration date. This vitamin C content was used to estimate the end of the shelf life of orange juice. The shelf life of orange juice was estimated, in accordance with this limitation, as the time period in which there is a 50% ascorbic acid loss, since initial ascorbic acid concentration of the orange juice studied was about 40 mg/100 ml. The shelf life (t) of high pressure and heat pasteurised juices at dierent storage temperatures when polypropylene bottles were used were calculated through Eq. (1) for C 0:5C0 and the k value predicted from Arrhenius equation (Eq. (2)) for each storage temperature (Table 1). The above mentioned results are presented in Table 3. The respective shelf life values when exible pouches were used are also shown in Table 3. The shelf life determination was made in a similar way through Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) for the rst period of storage (until approximately 20% ascorbic acid loss was reached) and through Eq. (3) and Eq. (2) for the second period of storage. A total 30% ascorbic acid loss was chosen to dene the end of shelf life of orange juice in this case. Due to the low ascorbic acid degradation during the second stage, reaching a

Table 2 Ascorbic acid loss rates, k , of high pressurised and thermally pasteurised orange juice during storage at 0, 5, 10 and 15 C in laminated exible pouches Storage temperature (C) High pressurised juice 1st stage (rst-order) k (days ) 0 5 10 15 0.0090 0.0137 0.0153 0.0190

Thermally pasteurised juice 2nd stage (zero-order) k (mg/100 ml day) 0.0582 0.0659 0.0823 0.0976 R

1st stage (rst-order) k (days ) 0.0153 0.0182 0.0191 0.0240


2nd stage (zero-order) k (mg/100 ml day) 0.0736 0.0790 0.0917 0.0978 R2 0.74 0.62 0.85 0.84

0.98 0.87 0.85 0.89

0.97 0.65 0.83 0.62

0.94 0.92 0.92 0.81


A.C. Polydera et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 60 (2003) 2129

Table 3 Shelf life (days) of high pressurised and thermally pasteurised orange juice when stored at 0, 5, 10 and 15 C in polypropylene bottles and laminated exible pouches (based on vitamin C loss) Storage temperature (C) Shelf life (days) Polypropylene bottles High pressurised juice 0 5 10 15 81 50 31 20 Thermally pasteurised juice 49 34 25 18 Flexible pouches High pressurised juice 109 90 74 62 Thermally pasteurised juice 69 62 56 50

50% loss would lead to an organoleptically unacceptable product. The slower vitamin C loss rates during storage of high pressurised orange juice led to a signicant extension of its shelf life compared to that of the conventionally pasteurised juice (Table 3). The shelf life increase of high pressure processed compared to pasteurised juices in polypropylene bottles ranged from 2 days (11% increase) for storage at 15 C to 32 days (65% increase) for storage at 0 C. When laminated exible pouches were used, the respective shelf life increase values were 12 days (24% increase) for 15 C and 40 days (57% increase) for 0 C. The shelf life of orange juice based on sensory evaluation was also determined. A mean value equal to 5 was chosen as the acceptance limit to determine the end of the shelf life of juice. The results for both high pressure and heat processed orange juice when stored in polypropylene bottles at dierent temperatures are illustrated in Table 4. For the same storage period, high pressure treated juice was judged of superior organoleptic quality than the conventionally thermally processed one, retaining more the avour of the untreated reconstituted orange juice. In both cases, the shelf life based on vitamin C degradation was lower compared to the shelf life based on sensory evaluation. No microbial growth was observed during storage of either high pressure or heat treated orange juice until the end of its shelf life, as determined by vitamin C loss kinetics, at all dierent isothermal conditions. Spoilage from microorganisms was not

therefore a major factor for the determination of shelf life of orange juice. 3.4. Change of colour during storage of orange juice Colour measurements of orange juice stored in laminated exible pouches indicated that, although colour slightly changed with storage time (Fig. 3), change did not correlate with type of processing and storage temperature. The colour of orange juice was estimated using Eq. (4): p C a 2 b2 ; 4 where C is chroma, a is redness and b is yellowness. 3.5. Rheological behaviour of orange juice The reconstituted from frozen concentrate orange juice used was found to have a pseudoplastic rheological behaviour being described by a power law relationship (Eq. (5)) in agreement with previous ndings (TelisRomero, Telis, & Yamashita, 1999): s K cn ;

where s is the shear stress (Pa), c is the shear rate (s ), K is the consistency index (Pa sn ) and n is the ow behaviour index. The apparent viscosity, lu (Pa s), was described by Eq. (6): lu K cn1 : 6

Table 4 Shelf life (days) of high pressurised and thermally pasteurised orange juice when stored at 0, 5, 10 and 15 C in polypropylene bottles (based on sensory evaluation) Storage temperature (C) Shelf life (days) High pressurised juice 0 5 10 15 >90 >90 47 32 Thermally pasteurised juice 60 47 25 16

Fig. 3. Eect of storage time at dierent temperatures on colour of (a) high pressurised and (b) thermally pasteurised orange juice in laminated exible pouches.

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The consistency index, K , and the ow behaviour index, n, were determined using the experimental data and Eq. (6) for both high pressurised and thermally treated orange juice at dierent days of storage at 0, 5, 10 and 15 C in laminated exible pouches. A ow behaviour index of about 0.277 and 0.380 was found for high pressurised and thermally treated orange juice, respectively. Values of the consistency index, K , at dierent
Table 5 Consistency index, K (Pa sn ), of high pressurised and thermally pasteurised orange juice when stored at 15 C in laminated exible pouches Storage time (days) High pressurised juice K (Pa sn ) 0 8 16 57 111 0.335 0.230 0.726 0.792 0.998 R2 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.94 0.90 Thermally pasteurised juice K (Pa sn ) 0.126 0.152 0.257 0.186 0.180 R2 0.99 0.94 0.94 0.72 0.94

days of storage at 15 C are presented in Table 5 for both treatments. The consistency index was not found to signicantly change during storage of thermally treated orange juice, leading to an almost constant apparent viscosity. In the case of high pressurised orange juice, the consistency index increased with storage time (Table 5), as illustrated in the corresponding apparent viscosity curves (Fig. 4). Higher apparent viscosity values were determined for high pressurised orange juice compared to thermally treated one immediately after processing (Fig. 5) and at each storage day (Table 5). Similar results were obtained for all storage temperatures studied.

4. Conclusions HHP processing constitutes an alternative method to conventional thermal pasteurisation for the preservation of refrigerated reconstituted orange juice. In order to select the most suitable processing conditions, not only microbiological stability, but also sensory characteristics must be taken into account, since overpressurisation can lead to an organoleptically unaccepted product. A high pressure treatment of 500 MPa at 35 C for 5 min led to a better retention of ascorbic acid during post processing storage of orange juice at 015 C compared to conventional thermal pasteurisation (80 C, 30 s). Ascorbic acid loss of high pressurised juice was found to have higher temperature dependence than thermally treated one. Regardless the type of packaging used (intermediate or high oxygen barrier packages), an extension of shelf life was achieved for high pressure treated orange juice compared to thermally pasteurised one. Immediately after processing, high pressurised orange juice retained better the avour of untreated reconstituted juice, while its sensory characteristics were also judged superior during storage, compared to thermally pasteurised juice.

Fig. 4. Eect of storage time on apparent viscosity of high pressurised orange juice when stored at 15 C in laminated exible pouches.

Acknowledgements This research was supported in part by funds of Directory General of Research of Greece and the European Union, project EPET II- DIATRO 8 and the Greek State Scholarship Foundation.

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Fig. 5. Eect of processing on apparent viscosity of orange juice (at zero storage time).


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