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09 - Types of Analysis

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Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno
[email protected] www.civil.uminho.pt/masonry

Safety Assessment of Existing Buildings

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

Structural Analysis Methods (Static)

Non-linear static analysis Linear static analysis Simplification

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

Early Structural Analysis

Ut tensio sic vis or / E = is the elasticity law established by R. Hooke in 1676.The theory is so extensively used that its limitations and deficiencies are often forgotten. This is in opposition with early forms of limit analysis.

Cantilever beam according to Galileo (1638) and evolution of the hypothesis for the stress distribution at AB

Retaining wall according to Coulomb (1773)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

Modern Structural Analysis

As structural collapse does not generally coincide with the appearance of the first crack or localized early crushing, it seems that the elasticity theory is a step back with respect to limit analysis
Full nonlinear analysis (the most advanced form of structural analysis) covers the complete loading process, from the initial stress-free state, through the weakly nonlinear behavior under service loading, up to the strongly nonlinear behavior leading to collapse Interest has been growing since 1970s but it remains a field for selected (few) specialists due to complexity (knowledge) and costs (time) involved

The possibilities are immense and several commercial software packages include some form of nonlinear behavior, but an incorrect use can be very dangerous

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

Modern Structural Analysis

The modern use of nonlinear analysis focuses mostly on these three fields:
Complex / stringent safety requirement structures (e.g. nuclear plants, dams, bridges) Virtual laboratory for parametric studies

Existing structures (evaluation, repair, rehabilitation)

Three types of non-linearities may arise:

Concrete (code model)

Steel (code model)

Material (or physical) nonlinearity

Geometrical nonlinearity

Contact nonlinearity

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

Existing Buildings


Vertical dead + live load

Settlements Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

Modern Earthquake Design

Elastic analysis leads to excessively conservative solutions for unreinforced, confined, and possibly, reinforced masonry

Storey model (Por) Tomazevic

Finite element model (Many authors)

Macro-models (Braga, Liberatore, DAsdia, Magenes, Lagomarsino, etc.)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

Example of Analysis of an Arch

Robert Hooke (1635-1703)- Principle of the inverted catenary In 1675 Hooke provided the solution for he equilibrium of an arch by means of an anagram included in the book "A description of Helioscopes and some other Instruments", which was only deciphered after his death in 1703.

The solution: Ut pendet continuum flexile, sic stabit contiguum rigidum inversum as hangs the flexible line, so but inverted will stand the rigid arch.

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 10

Graphic Statics
The arch is first decomposed in a series of real or fictitious voussoirs separated by a series of planes (the planes do not need to be parallel) The thrust line is defined as the geometrical locus of the points of application of the sectional forces (the resulting forces over each plane between voussoirs) across the arch An arch is stable if it is possible to find a thrust line contained between its boundaries

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 11

Kinematic Analysis
Charles-Agustin COULOMB (1736-1806) proposed in 1773 the first general and accurate theory on the stability of masonry arches

The basic assumptions are: (1) Sliding between voussoirs is unlikely due to the existing frictional forces (2) Collapse will be caused by the rotation between parts due to the appearance of a number of hinges. The location of the hinges is a priori unknown but can be determined by the method of maxima and minima

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 12

Kinematics of 4-hinge collapse

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 13

Correspondence with THRUST LINE theory: a hinge will develop each time the equilibrium line becomes tangent to an alternate boundary. In this condition (failure), the thrust line is determined and unique.

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 14

Collapse of an arch brought experimentally to failure

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 15

Static Analysis Methods (I)

Linear Elastic Analysis elastic properties + maximum admissible stress

10 kN

Kinematic Collapse Mechanism Analysis inelastic properties = friction angle + tensile and compressive strengths

Static Thrust Line Analysis


Non-linear Analysis (Physical and Combined) FULL inelastic properties (ft = 0 and ft 0) + elastic properties

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering


Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 16

Static Analysis Methods (II)

Max. 0.64 N/mm2 Linear Elastic

Kin. load factor : 1.8 Failure Mechanism

Min. -1.0 N/mm2 Linear Elastic

Geo. load factor : 1.2 Thrust Line

Min. -5.4 N/mm2 Phys. Non-Linear

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Min. -5.4 N/mm2 Comb. Non-Linear

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 17

Static Analysis Methods (III)

3.0 2.5

Load factor


1.5 1.0 0.5

0.0 0

Limit analysis
ft = 0, Physically non-linear

ft = 0, Physically / Geometrically non-linear

ft = 0.2 N/mm2, Physically non-linear ft = 0.2 N/mm2, Physically / Geometrically non-linear



Vertical displacement at quarter span (mm)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 18

Static Analysis Methods (III)

Approach/Analysis type
Allowable stresses (fta=0.2 N/mm2) Kinematic limit analysis Geometric safety factor ft = 0, Physically non-linear ft = 0, Physically and geometrically non-linear Semi-circular arch 0.31 1.8 1.2 1.8 1.7

ft = 0.2 N/mm2, Physically non-linear ft = 0.2 N/mm2, Phys. and geom. non-linear

2.5 2.5

The safety factors of a linear elastic analysis and a static limit analysis cannot be compared with the remaining safety factors. Physically non-linear analysis and kinematic limit analysis yield the same failure mechanisms and safety factors? The consideration of a non-zero, yet low and degrading, tensile strength increased the safety factors considerably. The post-peak is a key issue. Different methods of analysis lead to different safety factors and different completeness of results.

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 19

More on Static Analysis Methods

Safety factor: 124%

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 20

Structural Analysis Methods: Dynamic

Non-linear time history analysis Non-linear static analysis Simplification

Linear elastic time history analysis Modal superposition Linear static analysis

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 21

Push-Over Analysis (I)

In the recent years new methods of seismic assessment and design have been developed, particularly with respect to push-over analysis

Two methods of analysis can be distinguished:

- Traditional force method, combined with control of performance requirements based on deformation - Displacement based method, in which the analysis starts by defining a target displacement (measuring the structural response).

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 22

Push-Over Analysis (II)

Traditional Force Method

The dimensions of the structural members are considered

The stiffness of the members is also considered (the codes might consider elastic stiffness or 30 to 50% of the elastic stiffness)

Periods are based on stiffness (Note: The design forces can be reduced about 30 to 50% if the stiffness is reduced to the half)
Forces are distributed in the elements according to the stiffness

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 23

Push-Over Analysis (III)

Moment (kNm)

Curvature (1/m) Percentage of reinforcement = 1%

Moment (kNm)

Curvature (1/m) Percentage of reinforcement = 3%

Moment-curvature curves for circular columns (D=2 m, fc=35 MPa, fy=450 MPa) Stiffness and strength are correlated!!
Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 24

Push-Over Analysis (IV)

` F Hc HA






Force Based Design

Stiffness: proportional to 1/H3

Displacement Based Design

proportional to 1/H

Moment: Reinforcement: Ductility:

proportional to 1/H3
proportional to 1/H2 proportional to 1/H2 equal (!)

proportional to 1/H
equal equal proportional to 1/H2

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Masonry Structures With Box Behavior

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 26

Recent test results: Rigid diaphragm

Worst case scenario: Embedded ring beam + Unfilled vertical joints Moderate damage up to 100% of the design earthquake in Lisbon Ductile failure for 250% of the design earthquake in Lisbon

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 27

Experimental results show that URM possesses considerable capacity for inelastic deformations, and then the application of nonlinear analysis is obvious Seismic pushover analysis simulates the evolution of the condition of structures during earthquakes, through application of incremental horizontal forces until collapse
Assumptions of box behaviour and in-plane response are considered

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 28

POR Storey Mechanism

Developed in former Yugoslavia and Italy as a reaction of the Skopje earthquake in 1963, and implemented in the region Friuli-Venezia Giulia after the Friuli earthquake in 1976 (DT2, 1977) The following hypothesis are considered:
Thickness of the wall is constant in each level
Slabs are rigid in-plane diaphragms Ends of the piers do not rotate, but only suffer translation Behavior of the piers is elastic-perfectly plastic, with a predefined ductility Elastic stiffness of each panel remains constant Panels collapse by diagonal shear according the Turnsek-Cacovic expression

Tomaevi, Braga & Dolce

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static
Dimensionless normal stress (/fm)

Paulo B. Loureno

| 29

Additional Macro-Mechanisms
Since the 1980s, observation of damage in masonry buildings subjected to significant vertical load due to use of slabs, and constituted by slender piers, introduces a new trend of research on the combined flexural mechanism


Combined flexural

0.5 Diagonal shear 0.25 Sliding 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Slenderness (H/L)

Comb. flexural

Diagonal shear

Sliding shear


Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 30

Early Improvements in Italy

Initially these methods only had an impact in the scientific community and the POR persisted as the method most used by Italian designers

RAN (Raithel & Augenti)

PEFV (DAsdia & Viskovic)

MAS3D (Braga et al.)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 31

A Generation of Design Methods in Italy

As a consequence of the 2002 Molise Earthquake the new Italian code OPCM 3274/2003(3431/2005) was introduced, and macro-elements methods emerge as modern and practical tools




SAM (Magenes et al.)

3Muri (Lagomarsino et al.)

3DMacro (Cali et al.)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 32

Validation Example

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 33

Or even use SAP 2000

One-dimensional macro-element

Bi-dimensional macro-element

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 34

Commercial Software (I)

There is commercial software available for structural UR masonry, particularly in Italy. Benchmarking was made in two publications: Azores 1998, Eds. C. Sousa Oliveira et al., (2008) and Marques, R., Loureno, P.B., Possibilities and comparison of structural component models for the seismic assessment of masonry buildings, Computers and Structures, 89 (21-22), p. 2079-2091 (2011)
Program AEDES CMT+L FEDRA WIN-Statik MurDim+ Por 2000 TQS CAD/Alvest Tricalc.13 Tricalc.17 WinMason 3DMacro 3Muri ANDILWall MURATS Sismur TRAVILOG Tecnobit CDMaWin Country Italy Spain Norway Sweden Italy Brazil Spain Spain USA Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Code Italian Eurocode Eurocode ? Italian Brazilian Eurocode Spanish USA Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Approach Web adress FEM and SCM www.aedes.it FEM www.arktec.com/cmtl.htm FEM www.runet-software.com/FEDRA.htm ? www.strusoft.com SCM www.newsoft-eng.it/Por2000.htm ? www.tqs.com.br/v13/alvest.htm FEM www.arktec.com/new_t13.htm FEM www.arktec.com/new_t17.htm Storey Mech. www.archonengineering.com/winmason.html SCM http://www.3dmacro.it/ SCM www.stadata.com SCM www.crsoft.it/andilwall Storey Mech. www.softwareparadiso.it/murats.htm Storey Mech. www.franiac.it/sismur.html Storey Mech. www.logical.it/software_travilog.aspx Storey Mech. www.tecnobit.info/products/murature.php FEM and SCM www.stsweb.net/STSWeb/ITA/homepage.htm

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 35

Commercial Software (II)

Efficient and high level modeling

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 36

Displacement Based Design

Recent methods implement capacity/displacement-based seismic design, by evaluating the evolution of damage and displacement If the damage evolution can be used as a measure of seismic performance, the confrontation between displacement capacity and displacement demand is the rule for safety verification


Geometric definition

Structural objects

Structural characteristics

Automatic mesh definition

Equivalent mesh/frame definition


Base shear (kN)

Non-linear analysis

A Displacement capacity B Displacement demand


Seismic parameters


Final analysis

0 0 10 20 30 40

Displacement (mm)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 37

Energy Dissipation Capacity (I)

In a force based method, the non-linear reserve capacity must be considered

For unreinforced masonry buildings with 2 or more storeys:

EC8: q = 1.5-2.5 (recommended 1.5)

OPCM 3431:

u /1 (OSR) = 1.8
q = q0 x OSR = 3.6

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 38

Energy Dissipation Capacity (II)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 39

Energy Dissipation Capacity (III)

necessrio ter em conta a reserva de capacidade no linear das estruturas em ductilidade

Para edifcios em alvenaria simples com 2 ou mais pisos:

EC8: q(0) = 2.0

OPCM 3431:

u /1 (OSR) = 1.8
q = q0 x OSR = 3.6

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering


Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 41


Specific weight , Compressive characteristic strength , fk 17.0 kN/m3 2.56 MPa

Sliding pure shear characteristic strength, fvk0

Normal elasticity module, E Tangential elasticity module, G Dl = 6.0 kN/m2; Ll = 1.0 kN/m2

0.15 MPa
2560 MPa 1024 MPa

Dead load = 6.0 kN/m2 Live load = 1.0 kN/m2

Dl = 7.0 kN/m2; Ll = 2.0 kN/m2



Dead load = 6.0 kN/m2 Live load = 1.5 kN/m2


Dl = 7.0 kN/m2; Ll = 2.0 kN/m2

Dl = 7.0 kN/m2; Dl = 2.0 kN/m2































Plastic by shear

Failure by shear

Plastic by flexural

Failure by flexural

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 42


Pushover Analysis

agR Zone Soil (m/s2) 1.1 A 2.50 B 1.2 A 2.00 B 1.3 1.4 1.5 A B A B A B

S 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20

agR Zone Soil (m/s2) 2.3 2.4 2.5 A B A B A B

1.50 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.30 0.50 1.00 1.30

1.70 1.00 1.35 1.10 1.00 1.33 0.80 1.00 1.35

Elastic Analysis ac. PT NA to EC8 (q=1.5) Elastic Analysis ac. IT OPCM 3431

q q0

Fy Fel

q 0 OSR


Safe in soil type A

Safe in soil types A and B

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Masonry Structures Without Box Behavior

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 44

Recent Tests: Flexible Diaphragm

Gaioleiro-type structure (late 19th century / early 20th century) Moderate damage for 100% of the design earthquake in Lisbon Light strengthening and collapse for 150% of the design earthquake in Lisbon

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 45

Qutb Minar



Location: New Delhi (India) Material: Masonry Total Height: 72.5 m Crosss section: shell (3 leaves) + core (2 leaves)


Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering






Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 46

Numerical Modeling
7.0 6.0

FEM UMinho

FEM UPadova



Rigid Blocks

Experimental Frequencies [Hz]

5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0

Experimental FEM - UMinho FEM - UPadova FEM - CBRI BEAM REM Bending







Calculated Frequencies [Hz]

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 47

Push-Over Analysis

D$formada Dinamica minar$t$accct$

Load Factor

0.15 0.10
0.05 0.00
Beam model Rigid model Solid model
0.25 Mass Proportional
Load factor [base shear / self-weight]

Linear Proportional 0.20 1 Mode proportional

Fac. $scala: 5.00000 Paso 1810

Rigid - Plot V3.2.1









Top Displacement [m]

Uniform Mass Distribution

Collapse at the base



0.00 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Lateral displacement [m]

Other Mass Distributions

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 48

Time History Analysis

Acceleration [m/s 2]
0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 0 5 10 15 20

Seismic coefficient Ah

10th mode 0.16

First mode 1.26 Second mode 0.50

DBE Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 Record 4 Record 5 Srie7 Srie8 Srie9



Period [s]

Time [s]
0.4 0.3 0.2

Five articificial accelerograms


Deslocamento horizontal [m]

0.1 0

Collapse: 4th balcony

H [m]



-0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 0 5 10 15 20 25



Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 Record 4 Record 5 Srie6 Srie7


5 balco 4 balco 3 balco 2 balco 1 balco


0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Maximum excentricity (Bending Moment / Axial Load )


Tempo [s]

FEM Collapse for 0.20g

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 49

Gaioleiro Building
Location: Lisboa Material: Masonry walls and timber pavements No. of storeys: 4 to 6

Numerical model

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 50

Gaioleiro Building

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 51

Pushover Analysis
Transversal Direction
0.3 0.25

Longitudinal Direction

[ h] coefficient de carga () Seismic Factor

Pushover_1st Mode Pushover_Mass Dynamic

[ h] coefficient Seismic de carga [] Factor


Pushover_1st Mode Pushover_Mass Dynamic








0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02

Deslocamento Displacement [m]

Displacement Deslocamento [m] [m]

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 52

Time History Analysis

Numerical model

Experimental model

1 [m/m]

Principal strains (external surface)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 53

Design and Assessment = Macro-block analysis?

Limit equilibrium analysis using the principle of virtual work is currently understood as the best analysis technique


Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering


Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno

| 55

Design and assessment methods based on non-linear analysis should be used for masonry structures. Linear elastic analysis methods (application of equivalent static forces and modal superposition) are questionable

Adequate models and commercial software, based on pushover analysis, are available for masonry with box behavior It was shown that pushover analyses do not simulate correctly the failure mode of masonry structures without box behavior, meaning that higher vibration modes have a significant contribution Pushover analysis proportional to the mass are probably the best solution is global structural analysis models are used For design purposes, particularly for strengthening design, macro-block limit analysis is probably the best analysis tool for practitioners More research needs to be done in the field of masonry structures without box behavior and earthquakes

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

Types of analysis: Linear static, linear dynamic and non linear static

Paulo B. Loureno
[email protected] www.civil.uminho.pt/masonry

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