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A Short Note on the Different Methods of Seismic Analysis

Article · April 2020


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1 author:

Maria Cristina Porcu

Università degli studi di Cagliari


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Concepts in Civil Engineering
and Architecture
Open access

Mini Review
Submission: February 03, 2020 | Published: February 25, 2020

A Short Note on the Different Methods of Seismic Analysis

Porcu MC*
Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy

*Corresponding author: Maria Cristina Porcu, Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of
Cagliari, Italy

According to modern seismic codes, different methods of analysis can be adopted to assess the seismic behavior of civil
structures, starting from a very approximate linear static method up to a rather comprehensive non-linear dynamic analysis.
Since the choice of the designer is usually driven both by simplicity of modelling and speed of calculation, the more simplified
methods are usually preferred to the more complex in the design practice. The less rigorous the method, however, the rougher
the results. To avoid underestimating the actual seismic demand and to design safe buildings regardless of the type of analysis
adopted, results from approximate methods should be more conservative than those obtained from the more rigorous methods.
This is not always guaranteed by seismic codes. On the other hand, adopting more rigorous methods of analysis, like the non-
linear ones, at least when irregular and complex structures are involved, should be encouraged by seismic codes, also avoiding
lacks or inadequacies in code provisions.

Keywords: Seismic analysis; Safe design; Seismic behavior; Code-based seismic design
Abbreviations: NLSA: Non-Linear Static Analysis; MRSA: Modal Response Spectrum Analysis; LFM: Lateral Force Method;
NLTHA: Non-Linear Time History Analysis

Assessing the seismic behavior of existing and new Because static analyses are simpler to be carried out than
constructions is a main concern for civil engineers. Seismic codes dynamic and the motion equations of linear systems are faster to
typically allow different kinds of analyses for this purpose, ranging be solved than those of non-linear systems, usually the designer
from the simplest (based on conventional static forces applied to prefers to consider static rather than dynamic approaches and
elastic-linear systems) for the more rigorous (accounting for the linear rather than non-linear behavior. Therefore, among the code-
ductile behavior of structural members and applying real ground based seismic methods of analysis, the static approaches are usually
motions at the base of the building) [1]. Basically, four types of preferred and, in particular, the static-linear approach (LFM) is
code-compliant analyses can be performed according to codes of quite commonly adopted. Being more approximate and thus less
practice [2,3], that differ from each other in the behavior of the precise, the static methods are expected to be more conservative
structure (linear or non-linear) and in the balance of forces (static than (or, at least, as conservative as) the dynamic methods, which
o dynamic). A linear-elastic behavior of the structure is assumed are more rigorous in considering the dynamic balance of forces. For
by both the Lateral Force Method (LFM) and the Modal Response the same reasons, linear methods cannot be less conservative than
Spectrum Analysis (MRSA), while a non-linear (dissipative) non-linear methods, since the latter more closely capture the real
structural behavior is assumed by the Non-Linear Static Analysis behavior of the structure. Sometimes, design codes are not able to
(NLSA), also called Pushover Analysis, and by the Non-Linear Time- guarantee that the more approximate analyses lead to a safe design,
History Analysis (NLTHA). On the other hand, a static balance of as shown in [4,5].
forces is assumed in LFM and NLSA, while a dynamic equilibrium
On the other hand, the non-linear dynamic approach (NLTHM),
is accounted for in MRSA and NLTHA. Apart from some limitations
which is the most rigorous way to study the seismic behavior of
to the use of the LFM, the designer can freely choose among these
structures, is still the less used in practice, due the considerable

Copyright@ Porcu MC | Concep Civil Eng Archit | CCEA.MS.ID.000101. 1

Volume 1- Issue 1 Copyrights @ Porcu MC.

difficulties in modelling and the significant computational burden. and an elastic-perfectly-plastic behavior (Figure 1c). The equations
Its use should be encouraged and supported much more by codes relevant to a linear-static, a linear-dynamic, a non-linear static and a
of practice [6-11]. non-linear dynamic analysis of the system in Figure 1a are provided
in Table 1. The single-degree-of-freedom oscillator is assumed to
Complexity and Conservativeness of Seismic
have a linear elastic behavior (Figure 1b) when considering the
Analysis Methods
linear static and the linear dynamic analyses, while an elastic-
Let’s consider the shear-type single-story frame of mass m, perfectly-plastic behavior (Figure 1c) is assumed for the non-linear
lateral stiffness k and damping ratio ξ, depicted in Figure 1a, and static and non-linear dynamic analyses.
let’s assume both an indefinitely linear elastic behavior (Figure 1b)

Figure 1: (a) Shear-type frame with purely elastic (b) or elastic-perfectly-plastic (c) behavior.

Table 1: Different types of analysis and related equations (with reference to the system in Figure 1).
Type of Analysis Equations

Linear static ku = FSTA (1)

Linear dynamic u + 2ξωu + ω 2u =

−ag (t ) (2)

Elastic range
if | u − u p | < k (u − u p ) =
FSTA (3a)
Non-linear static
Plastic range
| u − up |
if= sgn(u=
− u p ) Fy FSTA (3b)

Elastic range
if | u − u p | <
= | u − up | and sgn(u ) ≠ sgn(u − u p )

u + 2ξω (u − u p ) + ω 2 (u − u p ) =
− ag (t )
 (4a )
Non-linear dynamic 
 u p = 0
Plastic range
if | u − u p =| and sgn(u )= sgn(u − u p )
 Fy
u + sgn(u − u p ) − ag (t )
 m (4b)
 u p = u

It is to note that the code-compliant linear-dynamic method combines the contribution of the more significant modes, as
MRSA [2] does not require the integration of the motion equations, obtained by a preliminary modal analysis, and the use of the design
that is eq. (2) for a SDOF, since it is based on a procedure that response spectrum. In fact, a linear-dynamic analysis, based on the

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Volume 1 - Issue 1 Copyrights @ Porcu MC.

integration of the motion equations under spectrum-consistent due to the need of considering ductile and dissipative constitutive
ground motions, is also allowed by codes [3]. curves for each structural member. On the other hand, when a
dynamic analysis of non-linear multi-degree-of-freedom systems is
It should also be noted that when a non-linear static analysis
performed the computational burden may increase enormously. In
is performed on a SDOF system like this in Fig.1, a static force
this case, in fact, the need to find suitable sets of spectrum-consistent
equal to the force at yield Fy would lead the system to the ultimate
earthquakes and to solve systems of non-linear differential motion
displacement uc (capacity), as can be inferred by equations (3a-
equations adds to the effort of modelling the non-linear behavior of
3b) in Table 1. On the contrary, when a ground acceleration ag(t)
the structure [7-11].
is applied to the base of the oscillator and a non-linear dynamic
analysis is carried out, the system can withstand forces even much What is the advantage of using more comprehensive and
higher than Fy, thanks to the alternating trend of the external force complex methods of analyses for the designer? The advantage is in
and to the role of the inertia load in the force balance, see equations terms of accuracy of results (Table 2) which should entail, finally,
(4a-4b) in Table 1. cost saving. Obviously, all the methods of seismic analysis should
lead to a safe design. To achieve this goal, rougher methods need
The simple example considered in Figure 1 and Table 1 shows
to give more cautionary results than more stringent methods, to
that as we go from linear to non-linear and from static to dynamic
compensate for uncertainty of results. If this is not the case, safety
methods, the difficulties in modelling and the computational
would be put at risk. In Table 2, an up-to-top arrow indicates that
complexity typically increase (Table 2). Of course, when three-
the conservativeness extent is expected to increase as the precision
dimensional multi-story buildings are involved, modelling the
of the analysis decreases.
non-linear behavior of the structure may become very challenging

Table 2: Complexity and conservativeness of different kinds of analysis.

Analysis type Method (EC8) Difficulty in Modelling Accuracy of results Conservativeness extent
Linear Static LFM

Linear Dynamic MRSA

Non-Linear Static NLSA

Non-Linear Dynamic NLTHA

Based on the assumption that the contribution of the first mode analysis may even contribute to ward off the designer from this
is predominant, the simplest method LFM applies to the building a kind of seismic analysis, as showed in [6].
pattern of conventional static forces that generates the shape of the
first mode. Comparing the results obtained from this method with
those given by the more precise MRSA, in [5] it was shown that the Some aspects related to complexity of modelling, accuracy of
LFM may lead to underestimating seismic effects, especially when results and conservativeness extent of the methods of seismic design
applied to non-regular-in-plan buildings. This is due to a loophole allowed by seismic codes have been briefly discussed. Basically,
in the EC8 seismic code, that may dangerously affect the safety of four main approaches are provided by codes of practice, ranging
buildings under seismic loads. from a very approximate linear static method to a comprehensive
non-linear dynamic analysis. In general, the designer can choose
On the other hand, the top-to-up arrows in Table 2 show that,
the method of analysis to adopt without any constraint, apart
despite the difficulty in modelling and the computational effort,
from some not extremely restrictive conditions the codes impose
the more rigorous non-linear analyses lead to more accurate
to apply the linear static method. To ensure a safe design, rougher
results which can generally imply also cost saving. Based as it is on
methods are expected to be more conservative than -or at least as
a non-linear model of the structure and on the integration of the
conservative as- more stringent methods. In the face of the greatest
motion equations under suitable real earthquakes [12], the NLTHA
simplicity of calculus, in fact, the price to be paid may be a gross
is the most comprehensive method of seismic analysis. Due to the
estimate of the seismic effects. This should occur, however, on
difficulties involved and to the high skills required to the designer,
the safe side, which means that rougher methods are expected to
however, this powerful method of analysis is still the least used
overestimate -and never underestimate- seismic effects. Seismic
in practice. Some inadequacies of the seismic codes in defining
codes should guarantee a safe design whatever the method adopted
the spectrum-consistent earthquakes to be used in the numerical
by the designer, particularly when less accurate methods are used.

Copyright@ Porcu MC | Concep Civil Eng Archit | CCEA.MS.ID.000101. 3

Volume 1- Issue 1 Copyrights @ Porcu MC.

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